From the Journals
From the Journals
In utero exposure to asthma medication not tied to risks of neurodevelopmental disorders
Data from more than 20,000 children showed no increased risk of autism, ADHD, or Tourette syndrome in children exposed to asthma medication in...
From the Journals
Pulmonary function may predict frailty
The pulmonary function test has been proposed as a predictive tool for clinical outcomes in geriatrics.
From the Journals
Childhood nightmares a prelude to cognitive problems, Parkinson’s?
Compared with children who never had distressing dreams between ages 7 and 11 years, those who had persistent distressing dreams were 76% more...
From the Journals
Call it preclinical or subclinical, ILD in RA needs to be tracked
Despite ILD being a leading cause of death in RA patients, there are no clinical guidelines for monitoring this lung condition in this population...
From the Journals
Sputum markers may predict remission in eosinophilic asthma
Specific sputum markers were associated with remission after interleukin-5–targeted therapy.
From the Journals
Beware risk of sedatives for respiratory patients
There has not been a systematic assessment of commonly prescribed medications with potential respiratory side-effects.
From the Journals
Is cellular senescence related to post–COVID-19 syndrome?
Patients with a diagnosis of clinical aspects associated with PASC at 6 months were characterized by certain predisposing factors.
From the Journals
Irregular sleep tied to markers of atherosclerosis
‘Poor sleep is linked with several cardiovascular conditions.’
From the Journals
Advanced imaging technology could help predict lung cancer progression after surgery
“AI can predict clinical outcomes when combined with [imaging mass cytometry] with extremely high accuracy from a single 1-mm2 tumor core.”
From the Journals
Docs with one paid malpractice claim are four times more likely to have another
A new study’s findings suggest that a single malpractice claim may not be a random stroke of bad luck.