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Mon, 07/09/2018 - 10:47
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75-Year-Old Woman With Elevated Liver Enzymes
The patient was in a manic state when her sister brought her to the clinic for evaluation. What significance do her lab values hold?

A 75-year-old woman, Gladys, was brought to the psychiatric clinic in a manic state by her concerned sister. The patient was disheveled, dehydrated, and having difficulty expressing her thoughts. Vital signs included a blood pressure of 200/94 mm Hg; pulse, 88 beats/min; temperature, 98.4°F; and respiratory rate, 20 breaths/min. Psychiatric history included a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder with inconsistent adherence to treatment regimens, particularly mood stabilizers; and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, for which she took methylphenidate regularly. Medical history was significant for asthma, osteoporosis, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and hypothyroidism.

Gladys tended to become involved in personal relationships that adversely affected her mental health. This, in fact, had just happened: A “friend” had taken advantage of her kindness and then abruptly moved away, triggering the patient’s current decompensation. She was referred for admission for psychiatric evaluation and treatment.

During the three-week hospitalization, Gladys was diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. She agreed to take mood-stabilizing medication primarily to alleviate her insomnia during manic episodes. She was discharged on a multidrug regimen for her coexisting conditions (see Table 1). Of note, her blood pressure at discharge was 148/66 mm Hg.

At outpatient follow-up five days later, the patient reported feeling better and stronger. However, five weeks after discharge, Gladys returned with complaints of tiredness during the day (though sleeping well at night), severe dry mouth, aching joints, and poor appetite. Her blood pressure was 100/50 mm Hg. She denied abdominal pain or change in the color of her urine or stool. She also denied use of alcohol, illicit drugs, or OTC medications. Laboratory results revealed elevated levels of several liver enzymes (see Table 2), all of which had been normal when she was admitted to the hospital two months earlier.

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Elevations in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels may result from a variety of factors. Mild elevations are commonly caused by alcohol consumption, hemochromatosis, medications, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and viral hepatitis (with which elevations may range from mild to marked).1 Moderate to marked elevations of ALT and AST are commonly seen with acute biliary obstruction, alcoholic hepatitis, toxic injury, and ischemic injury.2

Abnormal liver enzyme levels are common with use of psychotropic drugs, such as antipsychotics and mood stabilizers.3 In a systematic review that examined the effects of antipsychotics on liver function tests, a median 4% of patients experienced elevated ALT, AST, or gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels (defined as more than triple the normal level) or alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level (defined as more than twice the normal level).3 Of the studies reviewed, five noted an interval of one to six weeks between initiation of antipsychotic drugs and detection of liver function test abnormalities. None of the included studies reported severe or fatal hepatic injury.

For the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine, elevations in ALT and AST occurred in about 5% and 3% of patients, respectively, in clinical trials of the drug as monotherapy for schizophrenia or bipolar mania.4 These elevations were usually transient, occurring within the first three weeks of treatment initiation and subsiding with continued treatment.

There are rare published reports, however, of serious and even fatal hepatotoxicity induced by quetiapine. One 59-year-old woman developed fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) six weeks after she began taking quetiapine in addition to carbidopa/levodopa for Parkinson disease. She reported nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, and abdominal pain and required a six-week hospitalization, with multidrug treatment that continued after discharge. Liver biopsy identified acute hepatitis with confluent bridging necrosis, a sign that the liver injury was drug-induced. The authors concluded that, because drug-induced hepatotoxicity is the most common cause of FHF in many parts of the world, clinicians should evaluate a patient’s medications for a potential cause.5

In another case report, elevated liver enzymes were identified one month after a 58-year-old woman taking several other medications began treatment with quetiapine (100 mg/d). She developed liver failure and died after a three-week hospitalization. The authors concluded that liver failure was caused by an idiosyncratic reaction to a relatively low dose of quetiapine. This case supports the advisability of close monitoring of liver enzyme levels during quetiapine treatment.6

Naharci et al reported a case of a 77-year-old woman treated with quetiapine (12.5 mg bid for nine days). She developed acute hepatic failure leading to multi-organ system failure and died eight days later. Liver failure was attributed to an idiosyncratic reaction to low-dose quetiapine. The authors concluded that liver function monitoring is essential with quetiapine administration, especially in elderly or fragile patients.7

The initial recommended dosage of quetiapine for elderly patients (defined as age 65 or older) is 50 mg/d, with the dose increased in increments of 50 mg/d, based on clinical response and tolerability. In clinical trials, the mean plasma clearance of quetiapine was reduced by 30% to 50% in the elderly, so dosing adjustments may be necessary in this age-group.4 Gareri et al recommended that atypical antipsychotics be prescribed for elderly patients for the shortest necessary duration and at the lowest effective dose.8

For hepatically impaired patients, recommended initial dosing is 25 mg/d, with increases of 25 to 50 mg/d until an effective and tolerable dose is reached.4 Further, because quetiapine is primarily metabolized via the cytochrome P450 liver enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2D6,9 when the clinician prescribes a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor (eg, ketoconazole) to a patient taking quetiapine, the quetiapine dosage needs to be reduced. Conversely, when prescribing a ­CYP3A4 inducer (eg, phenytoin), the quetiapine dosage should be adjusted upward.4

Even when an apparently well-tolerated, effective quetiapine dosage has been reached, clinicians and patients should remain alert to the warning signs of potentially serious events. Adverse effects of atypical antipsychotics, including quetiapine, were summarized by Gareri et al and rated on a scale ranging from no effect to severe effect.8 The most severe adverse effects for quetiapine were hypotension and prolonged QTc interval. Weight gain was identified as a moderate effect, and sedation, gastrointestinal problems (nausea, vomiting, and constipation), and anticholinergic effects as mild. Some effects—tardive dyskinesia, seizures, and hepatic—were deemed “uncertain”; this rating suggests the need for careful monitoring of patients (who should be informed of signs and symptoms that should be reported to the clinician).8

Atasoy et al reviewed the records of 110 patients to assess the effect of atypical antipsychotics on liver function tests. The patients’ records included both baseline liver function tests and repeat testing at six months. Forty-eight patients received quetiapine; 33 patients, olanzapine; and 29 patients, risperidone. Liver enzymes were elevated in 27.1% of the quetiapine group, 30.3% of the olanzapine group, and 27.6% of the risperidone group. In two patients taking olanzapine, liver enzyme levels reached three to four times normal but returned to normal when treatment was stopped. The authors concluded that baseline liver enzyme studies should be done prior to initiation of treatment with atypical antipsychotics, as well as periodically thereafter, especially for patients with preexisting hepatic disorders, those being treated with other potentially hepatotoxic drugs, or those who exhibit signs or symptoms of hepatic impairment.10

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Gladys’s ALT and AST levels were mildly elevated. One of the more common causes for this pattern is medication. In addition, her ALP level of more than twice the upper limit of normal further pointed to a viral, alcohol-related, or drug toxicity cause. Since her hepatitis panel was negative and she did not use alcohol, it was determined that elevated liver enzymes were related to the recent addition of quetiapine, which was discontinued. In addition, in light of Gladys’s hypotension (which is also a potential adverse effect of quetiapine8), her dose of lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide was decreased by half.

One week later, liver enzyme levels were returning to normal. Gladys, however, began having more difficulty sleeping and more trouble remaining focused and getting things done, despite taking methylphenidate. In place of quetiapine, risperidone (0.5 mg at bedtime) was initiated. At first, Gladys was concerned with her continuing dry mouth symptoms, but when she skipped doses of risperidone, she noticed that she functioned less well. Further, her liver enzyme levels were being closely monitored and were normal. With this reassurance, Gladys remained adherent to risperidone for mood stabilization.

Atypical antipsychotic drugs such as quetiapine can cause elevated liver enzyme levels, especially in the elderly, patients with hepatic impairment, or patients on polypharmacotherapy. Rarely, quetiapine has been reported to cause serious hepatotoxicity and even death. Patients taking these drugs should be informed of possible symptoms of liver toxicity, including fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and change in color of urine or stools. Particularly in more vulnerable patients, liver enzyme levels should be monitored carefully to confirm the continued safety of antipsychotic treatment.

1. Oh RC, Hustead TR. Causes and evaluation of mildly elevated liver transaminase levels. Am Fam Physician. 2011;84(9):1003-1008.
2. Giannini EG, Testa R, Savarino V. Liver enzyme elevation: a guide for clinicians. CMAJ. 2005;172(3):367-379.
3. Marwick KFM, Taylor M, Walker SW. Antipsychotics and abnormal liver function tests: Systematic review. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2012;35(5):244-253.
4. Seroquel [package insert]. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP; 2013.
5. Al Mutairi F, Dwivedi G, Al Ameel T. Fulminant hepatic failure in association with quetiapine: A case report. J Med Case Rep. 2012;6:418.
6. El Hajj L, Sharara A, Rockey, DC. Subfulminant liver failure associated with quetiapine. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004;16(12):1415-1418.
7. Naharci MI, Karadurmus N, Demir O, et al. Fatal hepatotoxicity in an elderly patient receiving low-dose quetiapine. Am J Psychiatry. 2011;168(2):212-213.
8. Gareri P, Segura-Garcia C, Manfredi VG, et al. Use of atypical antipsychotics in the elderly: a clinical review. Clin Interv Aging. 2014;16(9):1363-1373.
9. Lin S, Chang Y, Moody DE, Foltz RL. A liquid chromatographic-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometric method for quanititation of quetiapine in human plasma and liver microsomes: application to a study of in vitro metabolism. J Anal Toxicol. 2004;28(6):443-446.
10. Atasoy N, Erdogan A, Yalug I, et al. A review of liver function tests during treatment with atypical antipsychotic drugs: a chart review study. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2007;31(6):1255-1260.

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Author and Disclosure Information


Marilyn J. Miller, PhD, CRNP, CS-P

Marilyn J. Miller is an adult nurse practitioner/psychiatric clinical specialist practicing in the Maryland VA Health Care System.

Clinician Reviews - 25(2)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
liver enzymes, psychiatry, mental health, manic state, blood pressure, bipolar disorder, antipsychotics, mood stabilizer, pharmacology
Author and Disclosure Information


Marilyn J. Miller, PhD, CRNP, CS-P

Marilyn J. Miller is an adult nurse practitioner/psychiatric clinical specialist practicing in the Maryland VA Health Care System.

Author and Disclosure Information


Marilyn J. Miller, PhD, CRNP, CS-P

Marilyn J. Miller is an adult nurse practitioner/psychiatric clinical specialist practicing in the Maryland VA Health Care System.

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The patient was in a manic state when her sister brought her to the clinic for evaluation. What significance do her lab values hold?
The patient was in a manic state when her sister brought her to the clinic for evaluation. What significance do her lab values hold?

A 75-year-old woman, Gladys, was brought to the psychiatric clinic in a manic state by her concerned sister. The patient was disheveled, dehydrated, and having difficulty expressing her thoughts. Vital signs included a blood pressure of 200/94 mm Hg; pulse, 88 beats/min; temperature, 98.4°F; and respiratory rate, 20 breaths/min. Psychiatric history included a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder with inconsistent adherence to treatment regimens, particularly mood stabilizers; and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, for which she took methylphenidate regularly. Medical history was significant for asthma, osteoporosis, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and hypothyroidism.

Gladys tended to become involved in personal relationships that adversely affected her mental health. This, in fact, had just happened: A “friend” had taken advantage of her kindness and then abruptly moved away, triggering the patient’s current decompensation. She was referred for admission for psychiatric evaluation and treatment.

During the three-week hospitalization, Gladys was diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. She agreed to take mood-stabilizing medication primarily to alleviate her insomnia during manic episodes. She was discharged on a multidrug regimen for her coexisting conditions (see Table 1). Of note, her blood pressure at discharge was 148/66 mm Hg.

At outpatient follow-up five days later, the patient reported feeling better and stronger. However, five weeks after discharge, Gladys returned with complaints of tiredness during the day (though sleeping well at night), severe dry mouth, aching joints, and poor appetite. Her blood pressure was 100/50 mm Hg. She denied abdominal pain or change in the color of her urine or stool. She also denied use of alcohol, illicit drugs, or OTC medications. Laboratory results revealed elevated levels of several liver enzymes (see Table 2), all of which had been normal when she was admitted to the hospital two months earlier.

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Elevations in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels may result from a variety of factors. Mild elevations are commonly caused by alcohol consumption, hemochromatosis, medications, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and viral hepatitis (with which elevations may range from mild to marked).1 Moderate to marked elevations of ALT and AST are commonly seen with acute biliary obstruction, alcoholic hepatitis, toxic injury, and ischemic injury.2

Abnormal liver enzyme levels are common with use of psychotropic drugs, such as antipsychotics and mood stabilizers.3 In a systematic review that examined the effects of antipsychotics on liver function tests, a median 4% of patients experienced elevated ALT, AST, or gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels (defined as more than triple the normal level) or alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level (defined as more than twice the normal level).3 Of the studies reviewed, five noted an interval of one to six weeks between initiation of antipsychotic drugs and detection of liver function test abnormalities. None of the included studies reported severe or fatal hepatic injury.

For the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine, elevations in ALT and AST occurred in about 5% and 3% of patients, respectively, in clinical trials of the drug as monotherapy for schizophrenia or bipolar mania.4 These elevations were usually transient, occurring within the first three weeks of treatment initiation and subsiding with continued treatment.

There are rare published reports, however, of serious and even fatal hepatotoxicity induced by quetiapine. One 59-year-old woman developed fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) six weeks after she began taking quetiapine in addition to carbidopa/levodopa for Parkinson disease. She reported nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, and abdominal pain and required a six-week hospitalization, with multidrug treatment that continued after discharge. Liver biopsy identified acute hepatitis with confluent bridging necrosis, a sign that the liver injury was drug-induced. The authors concluded that, because drug-induced hepatotoxicity is the most common cause of FHF in many parts of the world, clinicians should evaluate a patient’s medications for a potential cause.5

In another case report, elevated liver enzymes were identified one month after a 58-year-old woman taking several other medications began treatment with quetiapine (100 mg/d). She developed liver failure and died after a three-week hospitalization. The authors concluded that liver failure was caused by an idiosyncratic reaction to a relatively low dose of quetiapine. This case supports the advisability of close monitoring of liver enzyme levels during quetiapine treatment.6

Naharci et al reported a case of a 77-year-old woman treated with quetiapine (12.5 mg bid for nine days). She developed acute hepatic failure leading to multi-organ system failure and died eight days later. Liver failure was attributed to an idiosyncratic reaction to low-dose quetiapine. The authors concluded that liver function monitoring is essential with quetiapine administration, especially in elderly or fragile patients.7

The initial recommended dosage of quetiapine for elderly patients (defined as age 65 or older) is 50 mg/d, with the dose increased in increments of 50 mg/d, based on clinical response and tolerability. In clinical trials, the mean plasma clearance of quetiapine was reduced by 30% to 50% in the elderly, so dosing adjustments may be necessary in this age-group.4 Gareri et al recommended that atypical antipsychotics be prescribed for elderly patients for the shortest necessary duration and at the lowest effective dose.8

For hepatically impaired patients, recommended initial dosing is 25 mg/d, with increases of 25 to 50 mg/d until an effective and tolerable dose is reached.4 Further, because quetiapine is primarily metabolized via the cytochrome P450 liver enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2D6,9 when the clinician prescribes a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor (eg, ketoconazole) to a patient taking quetiapine, the quetiapine dosage needs to be reduced. Conversely, when prescribing a ­CYP3A4 inducer (eg, phenytoin), the quetiapine dosage should be adjusted upward.4

Even when an apparently well-tolerated, effective quetiapine dosage has been reached, clinicians and patients should remain alert to the warning signs of potentially serious events. Adverse effects of atypical antipsychotics, including quetiapine, were summarized by Gareri et al and rated on a scale ranging from no effect to severe effect.8 The most severe adverse effects for quetiapine were hypotension and prolonged QTc interval. Weight gain was identified as a moderate effect, and sedation, gastrointestinal problems (nausea, vomiting, and constipation), and anticholinergic effects as mild. Some effects—tardive dyskinesia, seizures, and hepatic—were deemed “uncertain”; this rating suggests the need for careful monitoring of patients (who should be informed of signs and symptoms that should be reported to the clinician).8

Atasoy et al reviewed the records of 110 patients to assess the effect of atypical antipsychotics on liver function tests. The patients’ records included both baseline liver function tests and repeat testing at six months. Forty-eight patients received quetiapine; 33 patients, olanzapine; and 29 patients, risperidone. Liver enzymes were elevated in 27.1% of the quetiapine group, 30.3% of the olanzapine group, and 27.6% of the risperidone group. In two patients taking olanzapine, liver enzyme levels reached three to four times normal but returned to normal when treatment was stopped. The authors concluded that baseline liver enzyme studies should be done prior to initiation of treatment with atypical antipsychotics, as well as periodically thereafter, especially for patients with preexisting hepatic disorders, those being treated with other potentially hepatotoxic drugs, or those who exhibit signs or symptoms of hepatic impairment.10

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Gladys’s ALT and AST levels were mildly elevated. One of the more common causes for this pattern is medication. In addition, her ALP level of more than twice the upper limit of normal further pointed to a viral, alcohol-related, or drug toxicity cause. Since her hepatitis panel was negative and she did not use alcohol, it was determined that elevated liver enzymes were related to the recent addition of quetiapine, which was discontinued. In addition, in light of Gladys’s hypotension (which is also a potential adverse effect of quetiapine8), her dose of lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide was decreased by half.

One week later, liver enzyme levels were returning to normal. Gladys, however, began having more difficulty sleeping and more trouble remaining focused and getting things done, despite taking methylphenidate. In place of quetiapine, risperidone (0.5 mg at bedtime) was initiated. At first, Gladys was concerned with her continuing dry mouth symptoms, but when she skipped doses of risperidone, she noticed that she functioned less well. Further, her liver enzyme levels were being closely monitored and were normal. With this reassurance, Gladys remained adherent to risperidone for mood stabilization.

Atypical antipsychotic drugs such as quetiapine can cause elevated liver enzyme levels, especially in the elderly, patients with hepatic impairment, or patients on polypharmacotherapy. Rarely, quetiapine has been reported to cause serious hepatotoxicity and even death. Patients taking these drugs should be informed of possible symptoms of liver toxicity, including fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and change in color of urine or stools. Particularly in more vulnerable patients, liver enzyme levels should be monitored carefully to confirm the continued safety of antipsychotic treatment.

1. Oh RC, Hustead TR. Causes and evaluation of mildly elevated liver transaminase levels. Am Fam Physician. 2011;84(9):1003-1008.
2. Giannini EG, Testa R, Savarino V. Liver enzyme elevation: a guide for clinicians. CMAJ. 2005;172(3):367-379.
3. Marwick KFM, Taylor M, Walker SW. Antipsychotics and abnormal liver function tests: Systematic review. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2012;35(5):244-253.
4. Seroquel [package insert]. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP; 2013.
5. Al Mutairi F, Dwivedi G, Al Ameel T. Fulminant hepatic failure in association with quetiapine: A case report. J Med Case Rep. 2012;6:418.
6. El Hajj L, Sharara A, Rockey, DC. Subfulminant liver failure associated with quetiapine. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004;16(12):1415-1418.
7. Naharci MI, Karadurmus N, Demir O, et al. Fatal hepatotoxicity in an elderly patient receiving low-dose quetiapine. Am J Psychiatry. 2011;168(2):212-213.
8. Gareri P, Segura-Garcia C, Manfredi VG, et al. Use of atypical antipsychotics in the elderly: a clinical review. Clin Interv Aging. 2014;16(9):1363-1373.
9. Lin S, Chang Y, Moody DE, Foltz RL. A liquid chromatographic-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometric method for quanititation of quetiapine in human plasma and liver microsomes: application to a study of in vitro metabolism. J Anal Toxicol. 2004;28(6):443-446.
10. Atasoy N, Erdogan A, Yalug I, et al. A review of liver function tests during treatment with atypical antipsychotic drugs: a chart review study. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2007;31(6):1255-1260.

A 75-year-old woman, Gladys, was brought to the psychiatric clinic in a manic state by her concerned sister. The patient was disheveled, dehydrated, and having difficulty expressing her thoughts. Vital signs included a blood pressure of 200/94 mm Hg; pulse, 88 beats/min; temperature, 98.4°F; and respiratory rate, 20 breaths/min. Psychiatric history included a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder with inconsistent adherence to treatment regimens, particularly mood stabilizers; and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, for which she took methylphenidate regularly. Medical history was significant for asthma, osteoporosis, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and hypothyroidism.

Gladys tended to become involved in personal relationships that adversely affected her mental health. This, in fact, had just happened: A “friend” had taken advantage of her kindness and then abruptly moved away, triggering the patient’s current decompensation. She was referred for admission for psychiatric evaluation and treatment.

During the three-week hospitalization, Gladys was diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. She agreed to take mood-stabilizing medication primarily to alleviate her insomnia during manic episodes. She was discharged on a multidrug regimen for her coexisting conditions (see Table 1). Of note, her blood pressure at discharge was 148/66 mm Hg.

At outpatient follow-up five days later, the patient reported feeling better and stronger. However, five weeks after discharge, Gladys returned with complaints of tiredness during the day (though sleeping well at night), severe dry mouth, aching joints, and poor appetite. Her blood pressure was 100/50 mm Hg. She denied abdominal pain or change in the color of her urine or stool. She also denied use of alcohol, illicit drugs, or OTC medications. Laboratory results revealed elevated levels of several liver enzymes (see Table 2), all of which had been normal when she was admitted to the hospital two months earlier.

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Elevations in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels may result from a variety of factors. Mild elevations are commonly caused by alcohol consumption, hemochromatosis, medications, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and viral hepatitis (with which elevations may range from mild to marked).1 Moderate to marked elevations of ALT and AST are commonly seen with acute biliary obstruction, alcoholic hepatitis, toxic injury, and ischemic injury.2

Abnormal liver enzyme levels are common with use of psychotropic drugs, such as antipsychotics and mood stabilizers.3 In a systematic review that examined the effects of antipsychotics on liver function tests, a median 4% of patients experienced elevated ALT, AST, or gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels (defined as more than triple the normal level) or alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level (defined as more than twice the normal level).3 Of the studies reviewed, five noted an interval of one to six weeks between initiation of antipsychotic drugs and detection of liver function test abnormalities. None of the included studies reported severe or fatal hepatic injury.

For the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine, elevations in ALT and AST occurred in about 5% and 3% of patients, respectively, in clinical trials of the drug as monotherapy for schizophrenia or bipolar mania.4 These elevations were usually transient, occurring within the first three weeks of treatment initiation and subsiding with continued treatment.

There are rare published reports, however, of serious and even fatal hepatotoxicity induced by quetiapine. One 59-year-old woman developed fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) six weeks after she began taking quetiapine in addition to carbidopa/levodopa for Parkinson disease. She reported nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, and abdominal pain and required a six-week hospitalization, with multidrug treatment that continued after discharge. Liver biopsy identified acute hepatitis with confluent bridging necrosis, a sign that the liver injury was drug-induced. The authors concluded that, because drug-induced hepatotoxicity is the most common cause of FHF in many parts of the world, clinicians should evaluate a patient’s medications for a potential cause.5

In another case report, elevated liver enzymes were identified one month after a 58-year-old woman taking several other medications began treatment with quetiapine (100 mg/d). She developed liver failure and died after a three-week hospitalization. The authors concluded that liver failure was caused by an idiosyncratic reaction to a relatively low dose of quetiapine. This case supports the advisability of close monitoring of liver enzyme levels during quetiapine treatment.6

Naharci et al reported a case of a 77-year-old woman treated with quetiapine (12.5 mg bid for nine days). She developed acute hepatic failure leading to multi-organ system failure and died eight days later. Liver failure was attributed to an idiosyncratic reaction to low-dose quetiapine. The authors concluded that liver function monitoring is essential with quetiapine administration, especially in elderly or fragile patients.7

The initial recommended dosage of quetiapine for elderly patients (defined as age 65 or older) is 50 mg/d, with the dose increased in increments of 50 mg/d, based on clinical response and tolerability. In clinical trials, the mean plasma clearance of quetiapine was reduced by 30% to 50% in the elderly, so dosing adjustments may be necessary in this age-group.4 Gareri et al recommended that atypical antipsychotics be prescribed for elderly patients for the shortest necessary duration and at the lowest effective dose.8

For hepatically impaired patients, recommended initial dosing is 25 mg/d, with increases of 25 to 50 mg/d until an effective and tolerable dose is reached.4 Further, because quetiapine is primarily metabolized via the cytochrome P450 liver enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2D6,9 when the clinician prescribes a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor (eg, ketoconazole) to a patient taking quetiapine, the quetiapine dosage needs to be reduced. Conversely, when prescribing a ­CYP3A4 inducer (eg, phenytoin), the quetiapine dosage should be adjusted upward.4

Even when an apparently well-tolerated, effective quetiapine dosage has been reached, clinicians and patients should remain alert to the warning signs of potentially serious events. Adverse effects of atypical antipsychotics, including quetiapine, were summarized by Gareri et al and rated on a scale ranging from no effect to severe effect.8 The most severe adverse effects for quetiapine were hypotension and prolonged QTc interval. Weight gain was identified as a moderate effect, and sedation, gastrointestinal problems (nausea, vomiting, and constipation), and anticholinergic effects as mild. Some effects—tardive dyskinesia, seizures, and hepatic—were deemed “uncertain”; this rating suggests the need for careful monitoring of patients (who should be informed of signs and symptoms that should be reported to the clinician).8

Atasoy et al reviewed the records of 110 patients to assess the effect of atypical antipsychotics on liver function tests. The patients’ records included both baseline liver function tests and repeat testing at six months. Forty-eight patients received quetiapine; 33 patients, olanzapine; and 29 patients, risperidone. Liver enzymes were elevated in 27.1% of the quetiapine group, 30.3% of the olanzapine group, and 27.6% of the risperidone group. In two patients taking olanzapine, liver enzyme levels reached three to four times normal but returned to normal when treatment was stopped. The authors concluded that baseline liver enzyme studies should be done prior to initiation of treatment with atypical antipsychotics, as well as periodically thereafter, especially for patients with preexisting hepatic disorders, those being treated with other potentially hepatotoxic drugs, or those who exhibit signs or symptoms of hepatic impairment.10

Continue for patient outcome >>



Gladys’s ALT and AST levels were mildly elevated. One of the more common causes for this pattern is medication. In addition, her ALP level of more than twice the upper limit of normal further pointed to a viral, alcohol-related, or drug toxicity cause. Since her hepatitis panel was negative and she did not use alcohol, it was determined that elevated liver enzymes were related to the recent addition of quetiapine, which was discontinued. In addition, in light of Gladys’s hypotension (which is also a potential adverse effect of quetiapine8), her dose of lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide was decreased by half.

One week later, liver enzyme levels were returning to normal. Gladys, however, began having more difficulty sleeping and more trouble remaining focused and getting things done, despite taking methylphenidate. In place of quetiapine, risperidone (0.5 mg at bedtime) was initiated. At first, Gladys was concerned with her continuing dry mouth symptoms, but when she skipped doses of risperidone, she noticed that she functioned less well. Further, her liver enzyme levels were being closely monitored and were normal. With this reassurance, Gladys remained adherent to risperidone for mood stabilization.

Atypical antipsychotic drugs such as quetiapine can cause elevated liver enzyme levels, especially in the elderly, patients with hepatic impairment, or patients on polypharmacotherapy. Rarely, quetiapine has been reported to cause serious hepatotoxicity and even death. Patients taking these drugs should be informed of possible symptoms of liver toxicity, including fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and change in color of urine or stools. Particularly in more vulnerable patients, liver enzyme levels should be monitored carefully to confirm the continued safety of antipsychotic treatment.

1. Oh RC, Hustead TR. Causes and evaluation of mildly elevated liver transaminase levels. Am Fam Physician. 2011;84(9):1003-1008.
2. Giannini EG, Testa R, Savarino V. Liver enzyme elevation: a guide for clinicians. CMAJ. 2005;172(3):367-379.
3. Marwick KFM, Taylor M, Walker SW. Antipsychotics and abnormal liver function tests: Systematic review. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2012;35(5):244-253.
4. Seroquel [package insert]. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP; 2013.
5. Al Mutairi F, Dwivedi G, Al Ameel T. Fulminant hepatic failure in association with quetiapine: A case report. J Med Case Rep. 2012;6:418.
6. El Hajj L, Sharara A, Rockey, DC. Subfulminant liver failure associated with quetiapine. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004;16(12):1415-1418.
7. Naharci MI, Karadurmus N, Demir O, et al. Fatal hepatotoxicity in an elderly patient receiving low-dose quetiapine. Am J Psychiatry. 2011;168(2):212-213.
8. Gareri P, Segura-Garcia C, Manfredi VG, et al. Use of atypical antipsychotics in the elderly: a clinical review. Clin Interv Aging. 2014;16(9):1363-1373.
9. Lin S, Chang Y, Moody DE, Foltz RL. A liquid chromatographic-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometric method for quanititation of quetiapine in human plasma and liver microsomes: application to a study of in vitro metabolism. J Anal Toxicol. 2004;28(6):443-446.
10. Atasoy N, Erdogan A, Yalug I, et al. A review of liver function tests during treatment with atypical antipsychotic drugs: a chart review study. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2007;31(6):1255-1260.

Clinician Reviews - 25(2)
Clinician Reviews - 25(2)
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Article Type
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75-Year-Old Woman With Elevated Liver Enzymes
Display Headline
75-Year-Old Woman With Elevated Liver Enzymes
Legacy Keywords
liver enzymes, psychiatry, mental health, manic state, blood pressure, bipolar disorder, antipsychotics, mood stabilizer, pharmacology
Legacy Keywords
liver enzymes, psychiatry, mental health, manic state, blood pressure, bipolar disorder, antipsychotics, mood stabilizer, pharmacology
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