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Thu, 03/08/2018 - 12:51
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Access to a Behavioral Weight Loss Website With or Without Group Sessions Increased Weight Loss in Statewide Campaign

Study Overview

Objective. To determine the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of adding an evidence-based internet behavioral weight loss intervention alone or combined with optional group sessions to ShapeUp Rhode Island 2011 (SURI), a 3-month statewide wellness campaign.

Design. 3-arm randomized clinical trial.

Setting and participants. Study participants were recruited from the Rhode Island community via employers, media, and mass mailings at the time of SURI 2011 registration. Of the 3806 participants that joined the weight loss division, 1139 were willing to be contacted for research, and the first 431 were screened for study eligibility. Exclusion criteria were minimal: age < 18 years or > 70 years, body mass index (BMI) < 25 kg/m2, pregnant, nursing, or plans to become pregnant, a serious medical condition (eg, cancer), unreliable internet access, non-English speaking, current or previous participation in our weight loss studies, and planned relocation. Those who reported a medical condition that could interfere with safe participation (eg, diabetes) obtained doctor’s consent to participate. Of those screened, 230 met inclusion criteria, completed orientation procedures, and were randomized using a 1:2:2 randomization scheme to the standard SURI program (S; n = 46); SURI plus internet behavioral weight loss intervention (SI; n = 90); or SURI plus internet behavioral weight loss intervention plus optional group sessions (SIG; n = 94). To avoid contamination, individuals on the same SURI team (see below) were randomized to the same intervention.

Intervention. Participants in the standard SURI program did not receive any behavioral weight loss treatment. SURI is a self-sustaining, annual community campaign designed to help Rhode Islanders lose weight and increase their physical activity through an online, team-based competition. Participants join in teams, enter the weight loss or physical activity division or both, and compete with other teams. Throughout the 3-month program, participants have access to a reporting SURI website where they submit their weekly weight and activity data and view their personal and team progress. They also receive paper logs to record weight and activity, a pedometer, access to newsletters and community workshops, and recognition for meeting goals.

Participants in the SI arm received the 3-month SURI program plus a 3-month internet behavioral weight loss intervention. Before SURI began, SI participants attended a 1-hour group meeting during which they received their weight loss goal (lose 1 to 2 pounds per week), calorie and fat gram goal (starting weight < 250 lbs: 1200–1500 kcal/day, 40–50 g of fat; starting weight ≥ 250 lbs: 1500–1800 kcal/day, 50–60 g of fat), and activity goal (gradually increase to 200 minutes of aerobic activity per week). During this session, participants were also taught self-monitoring skills and oriented to an internet behavioral weight loss intervention website developed by the authors. The intervention website included 12 weekly, 10- to 15-minute multimedia lessons based on the Diabetes Prevention Program and a self-monitoring platform where participants tracked their daily weight, calorie, and activity information. Participants received weekly automated feedback on their progress. The intervention website also included information on meal plans, prepackaged meals, and meal replacements.

Participants in the SIG arm received everything in SI and were additionally given the option to attend weekly group meetings at Miriam Hospital’s Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center during the 3 months. The 12 weekly, optional group sessions were led by masters-level staff with extensive training in behavioral weight loss. Sessions involved private weigh-ins and covered topics that supplemented the internet intervention (eg, recipe modification, portion control).

Main outcomes measures. The main outcome was weight loss at the end of the 3-month program. Participants completed measures (ie, weight, BMI) in person at baseline and 3 months (post-treatment), and at 6- and 12-month follow-up visits. Adherence measures included reported weight and physical activity on the SURI website (S, SI, and SIG), log ins, viewed lessons, and self-monitoring entries on the intervention website (SI, SIG), and number of groups meetings attended (SIG). To measure weight loss behaviors, the authors used the Weight Control Practices questionnaire to assess engagement in core weight loss strategies targeted in treatment, and the Paffenbarger questionnaire to assess weekly kcal expended in moderate to vigorous activity. The authors also assessed costs from the payer (labor, rent, intervention materials), participant (SURI registration fee, transportation, time spent on intervention), and societal perspective (sum of payer and participant costs) in order to calculate the cost per kg of weight lost in each study arm.

Results. Participants were predominantly female, non-Hispanic white, and had a mean BMI of 34.4 kg/m2 (SE = 0.05). Groups differed only on education (P = 0.02), and attendance at post-treatment and 6- and 12-month follow-up were high (93%, 91%, and 86% respectively). The authors found that weight loss did not differ by educational attainment (P s > 0.57).

Overall, there was a significant group-by-time interaction for weight loss (P < 0.001). Percentage weight loss at 3 months differed among the 3 groups—S: 1.1% ± 0.9%; SI: 4.2% ± 0.6%; SIG: 6.1% ± 0.6% (P s ≤ 0.04). There was also an overall group effect for percentage of individuals achieving 5% weight loss (P < 0.001). SI and SIG had higher percentages of participants who achieved a 5% weight loss than the control (SI: 42%; SIG: 54%; S: 7%; P s < 0.001) but did not differ from one another (P = 0.01). Initial weight losses and percentage of participants who achieved a 5% weight loss were largely maintained through the no-treatment follow-up phase at 6-months, but the 3 groups no longer differed from one another at 12 months (S: 1.2% [SE =0.9]; SI: 2.2% [SE = 0.6]; SIG: 3.3% [SE = 0.6]; P s > 0.05).

All groups reported significant increases in physical activity over time (p < 0.001). More reporting of weight and physical activity data on the SURI website was associated with greater percentage weight loss (r = 0.25; P < 0.001). Number of log ins and lessons viewed on the intervention website were positively associated with percentage weight loss (r = 0.45; P ≤ 0.001; and r = 0.34; P ≤ 0.001 respectively). Greater attendance to group sessions was associated with better weight outcomes (r = 0.61; P ≤ 0.001). Younger age was associated with poorer adherence, including less reporting on the SURI website, viewing of lessons, and logging in to the weight loss website.

There was a significant group-by-time effect interaction for the use of behavioral weight loss strategies (P < 0.001), and increased use of these strategies was associated with greater percentage weight loss in all 3 groups post-treatment. At 12 months, however, there were no differences between groups in the use of these strategies (P s ≤ 0.07).

Cost per kg of weight loss was similar for S ($39) and SI ($35), but both were lower than SIG ($114).

Conclusion. Both intervention arms (SI and SIG) achieved more weight loss at 6 months than SURI alone. Although mean weight loss was greatest with optional group sessions (SIG), the addition of the behavioral intervention website alone (SI) was the most cost-effective method to enhance weight loss. Thus, adding a novel internet behavioral weight loss intervention to a statewide community health initiative may be a cost-effective approach to improving obesity treatment outcomes.


Weight loss treatment is recommended for adults with a BMI of > 30 kg/m2, as well as those with BMI < 25 kg/m2 with weight-related comorbidities [1]. Intensive behavioral treatment should be the first line of intervention for overweight and obese individuals and can lead to 8% to 10% weight loss [2], particularly in initial months of treatment [3]. However, behavioral treatment is inherently challenging and time-consuming, and readily available to only a fraction of the intended population. Although weight losses achieved from intensive lifestyle interventions such as the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) [4] may be higher, innovative community weight loss programs that use a variety of weight loss strategies can provide opportunities to a wider population of overweight and obese individuals and at a lower cost [3].

This study built upon the authors’ previous work [5], which showed that SURI participants with behavioral weight loss strategies via email significantly improved 3-month weight losses. In this current study, they compared SURI alone to SURI with additional access to an internet behavioral weight loss website with or without optional group sessions. Since significant weight loss was not maintained at 12 months, this suggests that perhaps access to the behavioral weight loss website should have continued for longer and/or included a maintenance phase after the 3-month intervention. Weight loss often reaches its peak around 6 months, and weight regain occurs without effective maintenance therapy [6].

General strengths of the study included the use of a randomized, intention-to-treat design, dissemination of evidence-based weight loss strategies, objective outcomes measurement, adherence metrics, and strong retention of participants with clear accounting of all enrolled patients from recruitment through analysis. This study demonstrated significant weight loss in an intervention with minimal/optional health professional interaction. This intervention also placed responsibility on participants to self-monitor their diet and physical activity, participate in online lessons, and attend optional group sessions. The success of this community-based intervention suggests feasibility and scalability within a real-world setting. The authors also conducted cost-effectiveness analyses demonstrating that the SI program was more cost-effective than SIG.

However, there are weaknesses as well. In setting the sample size for each arm of this study, no justification was described for choosing a 1:2:2 randomization scheme. In randomized control trials, the allocation of participants into the different study arms is often balanced to equal numbers which maximizes statistical power [7]. However, the use of unequal randomization ratios among study arms can be beneficial and even necessary for various reasons including cost, availability of the intervention, overcoming intervention/treatment learning curves, and if a higher drop-out rate is anticipated. Providing a justification for unbalanced sample sizes would be helpful to future researchers looking to replicate the study. Additionally, participants were mostly non-Hispanic white and female, thus limiting generalizability. While representative of the broader Rhode Island population, findings based on this population this may not be applicable to vulnerable (ie, low literacy, resource-poor) or underrepresented populations (ie, minorities) [8].

Applications for Clinical Practice

An internet-based behavioral weight loss intervention, when added to a community weight management initiative, is cost-effective and can lead to short-term weight loss. Given that clinicians often lack time, training, and resources to adequately address obesity in the office [9,10], encouraging patients to enroll in similar programs may be an effective strategy to address such barriers. The study also highlights the need for maintenance interventions to help keep weight off. Findings should be replicated in more diverse communities.

—Katrina F. Mateo, MPH, and Melanie Jay, MD, MS


1. Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; 1998.

2. Wadden TA, Butryn ML, Wilson C. Lifestyle modification for the management of obesity. Gastroenterology 2007;132:2226–38.

3. Butryn ML, Webb V, Wadden TA. Behavioral treatment of obesity. Psych Clin North Am 2011;34:841–59.

4. The Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): Description of lifestyle intervention. Diabetes Care 2002;25:2165–71.

5. Wing RR, Crane MM, Thomas JG, et al. Improving weight loss outcomes of community interventions by incorporating behavioral strategies. Am J Public Health 2010;100:2513–9.

6. Wing RR, Tate DF, Gorin A, et al. A self-regulation program for maintenance of weight loss. N Engl J Med 2006;355:1563–71.

7. Dumville JC, Hahn S, Miles JN V, Torgerson DJ. The use of unequal randomisation ratios in clinical trials: a review. Contemp Clin Trials 2006;27:1–12.

8. Marshall PL. Ethical challenges in study design and informed consent for health research in resource-poor settings. World Health Organization; 2007.

9. Jay M, Gillespie C, Ark T, et al. Do internists, pediatricians, and psychiatrists feel competent in obesity care? Using a needs assessment to drive curriculum design. J Gen Intern Med 2008;23:1066–70.

10. Loureiro ML, Nayga RM. Obesity, weight loss, and physician’s advice. Soc Sci Med 2006;62:2458–68.

Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management - AUGUST 2014, VOL. 21, NO. 8

Study Overview

Objective. To determine the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of adding an evidence-based internet behavioral weight loss intervention alone or combined with optional group sessions to ShapeUp Rhode Island 2011 (SURI), a 3-month statewide wellness campaign.

Design. 3-arm randomized clinical trial.

Setting and participants. Study participants were recruited from the Rhode Island community via employers, media, and mass mailings at the time of SURI 2011 registration. Of the 3806 participants that joined the weight loss division, 1139 were willing to be contacted for research, and the first 431 were screened for study eligibility. Exclusion criteria were minimal: age < 18 years or > 70 years, body mass index (BMI) < 25 kg/m2, pregnant, nursing, or plans to become pregnant, a serious medical condition (eg, cancer), unreliable internet access, non-English speaking, current or previous participation in our weight loss studies, and planned relocation. Those who reported a medical condition that could interfere with safe participation (eg, diabetes) obtained doctor’s consent to participate. Of those screened, 230 met inclusion criteria, completed orientation procedures, and were randomized using a 1:2:2 randomization scheme to the standard SURI program (S; n = 46); SURI plus internet behavioral weight loss intervention (SI; n = 90); or SURI plus internet behavioral weight loss intervention plus optional group sessions (SIG; n = 94). To avoid contamination, individuals on the same SURI team (see below) were randomized to the same intervention.

Intervention. Participants in the standard SURI program did not receive any behavioral weight loss treatment. SURI is a self-sustaining, annual community campaign designed to help Rhode Islanders lose weight and increase their physical activity through an online, team-based competition. Participants join in teams, enter the weight loss or physical activity division or both, and compete with other teams. Throughout the 3-month program, participants have access to a reporting SURI website where they submit their weekly weight and activity data and view their personal and team progress. They also receive paper logs to record weight and activity, a pedometer, access to newsletters and community workshops, and recognition for meeting goals.

Participants in the SI arm received the 3-month SURI program plus a 3-month internet behavioral weight loss intervention. Before SURI began, SI participants attended a 1-hour group meeting during which they received their weight loss goal (lose 1 to 2 pounds per week), calorie and fat gram goal (starting weight < 250 lbs: 1200–1500 kcal/day, 40–50 g of fat; starting weight ≥ 250 lbs: 1500–1800 kcal/day, 50–60 g of fat), and activity goal (gradually increase to 200 minutes of aerobic activity per week). During this session, participants were also taught self-monitoring skills and oriented to an internet behavioral weight loss intervention website developed by the authors. The intervention website included 12 weekly, 10- to 15-minute multimedia lessons based on the Diabetes Prevention Program and a self-monitoring platform where participants tracked their daily weight, calorie, and activity information. Participants received weekly automated feedback on their progress. The intervention website also included information on meal plans, prepackaged meals, and meal replacements.

Participants in the SIG arm received everything in SI and were additionally given the option to attend weekly group meetings at Miriam Hospital’s Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center during the 3 months. The 12 weekly, optional group sessions were led by masters-level staff with extensive training in behavioral weight loss. Sessions involved private weigh-ins and covered topics that supplemented the internet intervention (eg, recipe modification, portion control).

Main outcomes measures. The main outcome was weight loss at the end of the 3-month program. Participants completed measures (ie, weight, BMI) in person at baseline and 3 months (post-treatment), and at 6- and 12-month follow-up visits. Adherence measures included reported weight and physical activity on the SURI website (S, SI, and SIG), log ins, viewed lessons, and self-monitoring entries on the intervention website (SI, SIG), and number of groups meetings attended (SIG). To measure weight loss behaviors, the authors used the Weight Control Practices questionnaire to assess engagement in core weight loss strategies targeted in treatment, and the Paffenbarger questionnaire to assess weekly kcal expended in moderate to vigorous activity. The authors also assessed costs from the payer (labor, rent, intervention materials), participant (SURI registration fee, transportation, time spent on intervention), and societal perspective (sum of payer and participant costs) in order to calculate the cost per kg of weight lost in each study arm.

Results. Participants were predominantly female, non-Hispanic white, and had a mean BMI of 34.4 kg/m2 (SE = 0.05). Groups differed only on education (P = 0.02), and attendance at post-treatment and 6- and 12-month follow-up were high (93%, 91%, and 86% respectively). The authors found that weight loss did not differ by educational attainment (P s > 0.57).

Overall, there was a significant group-by-time interaction for weight loss (P < 0.001). Percentage weight loss at 3 months differed among the 3 groups—S: 1.1% ± 0.9%; SI: 4.2% ± 0.6%; SIG: 6.1% ± 0.6% (P s ≤ 0.04). There was also an overall group effect for percentage of individuals achieving 5% weight loss (P < 0.001). SI and SIG had higher percentages of participants who achieved a 5% weight loss than the control (SI: 42%; SIG: 54%; S: 7%; P s < 0.001) but did not differ from one another (P = 0.01). Initial weight losses and percentage of participants who achieved a 5% weight loss were largely maintained through the no-treatment follow-up phase at 6-months, but the 3 groups no longer differed from one another at 12 months (S: 1.2% [SE =0.9]; SI: 2.2% [SE = 0.6]; SIG: 3.3% [SE = 0.6]; P s > 0.05).

All groups reported significant increases in physical activity over time (p < 0.001). More reporting of weight and physical activity data on the SURI website was associated with greater percentage weight loss (r = 0.25; P < 0.001). Number of log ins and lessons viewed on the intervention website were positively associated with percentage weight loss (r = 0.45; P ≤ 0.001; and r = 0.34; P ≤ 0.001 respectively). Greater attendance to group sessions was associated with better weight outcomes (r = 0.61; P ≤ 0.001). Younger age was associated with poorer adherence, including less reporting on the SURI website, viewing of lessons, and logging in to the weight loss website.

There was a significant group-by-time effect interaction for the use of behavioral weight loss strategies (P < 0.001), and increased use of these strategies was associated with greater percentage weight loss in all 3 groups post-treatment. At 12 months, however, there were no differences between groups in the use of these strategies (P s ≤ 0.07).

Cost per kg of weight loss was similar for S ($39) and SI ($35), but both were lower than SIG ($114).

Conclusion. Both intervention arms (SI and SIG) achieved more weight loss at 6 months than SURI alone. Although mean weight loss was greatest with optional group sessions (SIG), the addition of the behavioral intervention website alone (SI) was the most cost-effective method to enhance weight loss. Thus, adding a novel internet behavioral weight loss intervention to a statewide community health initiative may be a cost-effective approach to improving obesity treatment outcomes.


Weight loss treatment is recommended for adults with a BMI of > 30 kg/m2, as well as those with BMI < 25 kg/m2 with weight-related comorbidities [1]. Intensive behavioral treatment should be the first line of intervention for overweight and obese individuals and can lead to 8% to 10% weight loss [2], particularly in initial months of treatment [3]. However, behavioral treatment is inherently challenging and time-consuming, and readily available to only a fraction of the intended population. Although weight losses achieved from intensive lifestyle interventions such as the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) [4] may be higher, innovative community weight loss programs that use a variety of weight loss strategies can provide opportunities to a wider population of overweight and obese individuals and at a lower cost [3].

This study built upon the authors’ previous work [5], which showed that SURI participants with behavioral weight loss strategies via email significantly improved 3-month weight losses. In this current study, they compared SURI alone to SURI with additional access to an internet behavioral weight loss website with or without optional group sessions. Since significant weight loss was not maintained at 12 months, this suggests that perhaps access to the behavioral weight loss website should have continued for longer and/or included a maintenance phase after the 3-month intervention. Weight loss often reaches its peak around 6 months, and weight regain occurs without effective maintenance therapy [6].

General strengths of the study included the use of a randomized, intention-to-treat design, dissemination of evidence-based weight loss strategies, objective outcomes measurement, adherence metrics, and strong retention of participants with clear accounting of all enrolled patients from recruitment through analysis. This study demonstrated significant weight loss in an intervention with minimal/optional health professional interaction. This intervention also placed responsibility on participants to self-monitor their diet and physical activity, participate in online lessons, and attend optional group sessions. The success of this community-based intervention suggests feasibility and scalability within a real-world setting. The authors also conducted cost-effectiveness analyses demonstrating that the SI program was more cost-effective than SIG.

However, there are weaknesses as well. In setting the sample size for each arm of this study, no justification was described for choosing a 1:2:2 randomization scheme. In randomized control trials, the allocation of participants into the different study arms is often balanced to equal numbers which maximizes statistical power [7]. However, the use of unequal randomization ratios among study arms can be beneficial and even necessary for various reasons including cost, availability of the intervention, overcoming intervention/treatment learning curves, and if a higher drop-out rate is anticipated. Providing a justification for unbalanced sample sizes would be helpful to future researchers looking to replicate the study. Additionally, participants were mostly non-Hispanic white and female, thus limiting generalizability. While representative of the broader Rhode Island population, findings based on this population this may not be applicable to vulnerable (ie, low literacy, resource-poor) or underrepresented populations (ie, minorities) [8].

Applications for Clinical Practice

An internet-based behavioral weight loss intervention, when added to a community weight management initiative, is cost-effective and can lead to short-term weight loss. Given that clinicians often lack time, training, and resources to adequately address obesity in the office [9,10], encouraging patients to enroll in similar programs may be an effective strategy to address such barriers. The study also highlights the need for maintenance interventions to help keep weight off. Findings should be replicated in more diverse communities.

—Katrina F. Mateo, MPH, and Melanie Jay, MD, MS

Study Overview

Objective. To determine the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of adding an evidence-based internet behavioral weight loss intervention alone or combined with optional group sessions to ShapeUp Rhode Island 2011 (SURI), a 3-month statewide wellness campaign.

Design. 3-arm randomized clinical trial.

Setting and participants. Study participants were recruited from the Rhode Island community via employers, media, and mass mailings at the time of SURI 2011 registration. Of the 3806 participants that joined the weight loss division, 1139 were willing to be contacted for research, and the first 431 were screened for study eligibility. Exclusion criteria were minimal: age < 18 years or > 70 years, body mass index (BMI) < 25 kg/m2, pregnant, nursing, or plans to become pregnant, a serious medical condition (eg, cancer), unreliable internet access, non-English speaking, current or previous participation in our weight loss studies, and planned relocation. Those who reported a medical condition that could interfere with safe participation (eg, diabetes) obtained doctor’s consent to participate. Of those screened, 230 met inclusion criteria, completed orientation procedures, and were randomized using a 1:2:2 randomization scheme to the standard SURI program (S; n = 46); SURI plus internet behavioral weight loss intervention (SI; n = 90); or SURI plus internet behavioral weight loss intervention plus optional group sessions (SIG; n = 94). To avoid contamination, individuals on the same SURI team (see below) were randomized to the same intervention.

Intervention. Participants in the standard SURI program did not receive any behavioral weight loss treatment. SURI is a self-sustaining, annual community campaign designed to help Rhode Islanders lose weight and increase their physical activity through an online, team-based competition. Participants join in teams, enter the weight loss or physical activity division or both, and compete with other teams. Throughout the 3-month program, participants have access to a reporting SURI website where they submit their weekly weight and activity data and view their personal and team progress. They also receive paper logs to record weight and activity, a pedometer, access to newsletters and community workshops, and recognition for meeting goals.

Participants in the SI arm received the 3-month SURI program plus a 3-month internet behavioral weight loss intervention. Before SURI began, SI participants attended a 1-hour group meeting during which they received their weight loss goal (lose 1 to 2 pounds per week), calorie and fat gram goal (starting weight < 250 lbs: 1200–1500 kcal/day, 40–50 g of fat; starting weight ≥ 250 lbs: 1500–1800 kcal/day, 50–60 g of fat), and activity goal (gradually increase to 200 minutes of aerobic activity per week). During this session, participants were also taught self-monitoring skills and oriented to an internet behavioral weight loss intervention website developed by the authors. The intervention website included 12 weekly, 10- to 15-minute multimedia lessons based on the Diabetes Prevention Program and a self-monitoring platform where participants tracked their daily weight, calorie, and activity information. Participants received weekly automated feedback on their progress. The intervention website also included information on meal plans, prepackaged meals, and meal replacements.

Participants in the SIG arm received everything in SI and were additionally given the option to attend weekly group meetings at Miriam Hospital’s Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center during the 3 months. The 12 weekly, optional group sessions were led by masters-level staff with extensive training in behavioral weight loss. Sessions involved private weigh-ins and covered topics that supplemented the internet intervention (eg, recipe modification, portion control).

Main outcomes measures. The main outcome was weight loss at the end of the 3-month program. Participants completed measures (ie, weight, BMI) in person at baseline and 3 months (post-treatment), and at 6- and 12-month follow-up visits. Adherence measures included reported weight and physical activity on the SURI website (S, SI, and SIG), log ins, viewed lessons, and self-monitoring entries on the intervention website (SI, SIG), and number of groups meetings attended (SIG). To measure weight loss behaviors, the authors used the Weight Control Practices questionnaire to assess engagement in core weight loss strategies targeted in treatment, and the Paffenbarger questionnaire to assess weekly kcal expended in moderate to vigorous activity. The authors also assessed costs from the payer (labor, rent, intervention materials), participant (SURI registration fee, transportation, time spent on intervention), and societal perspective (sum of payer and participant costs) in order to calculate the cost per kg of weight lost in each study arm.

Results. Participants were predominantly female, non-Hispanic white, and had a mean BMI of 34.4 kg/m2 (SE = 0.05). Groups differed only on education (P = 0.02), and attendance at post-treatment and 6- and 12-month follow-up were high (93%, 91%, and 86% respectively). The authors found that weight loss did not differ by educational attainment (P s > 0.57).

Overall, there was a significant group-by-time interaction for weight loss (P < 0.001). Percentage weight loss at 3 months differed among the 3 groups—S: 1.1% ± 0.9%; SI: 4.2% ± 0.6%; SIG: 6.1% ± 0.6% (P s ≤ 0.04). There was also an overall group effect for percentage of individuals achieving 5% weight loss (P < 0.001). SI and SIG had higher percentages of participants who achieved a 5% weight loss than the control (SI: 42%; SIG: 54%; S: 7%; P s < 0.001) but did not differ from one another (P = 0.01). Initial weight losses and percentage of participants who achieved a 5% weight loss were largely maintained through the no-treatment follow-up phase at 6-months, but the 3 groups no longer differed from one another at 12 months (S: 1.2% [SE =0.9]; SI: 2.2% [SE = 0.6]; SIG: 3.3% [SE = 0.6]; P s > 0.05).

All groups reported significant increases in physical activity over time (p < 0.001). More reporting of weight and physical activity data on the SURI website was associated with greater percentage weight loss (r = 0.25; P < 0.001). Number of log ins and lessons viewed on the intervention website were positively associated with percentage weight loss (r = 0.45; P ≤ 0.001; and r = 0.34; P ≤ 0.001 respectively). Greater attendance to group sessions was associated with better weight outcomes (r = 0.61; P ≤ 0.001). Younger age was associated with poorer adherence, including less reporting on the SURI website, viewing of lessons, and logging in to the weight loss website.

There was a significant group-by-time effect interaction for the use of behavioral weight loss strategies (P < 0.001), and increased use of these strategies was associated with greater percentage weight loss in all 3 groups post-treatment. At 12 months, however, there were no differences between groups in the use of these strategies (P s ≤ 0.07).

Cost per kg of weight loss was similar for S ($39) and SI ($35), but both were lower than SIG ($114).

Conclusion. Both intervention arms (SI and SIG) achieved more weight loss at 6 months than SURI alone. Although mean weight loss was greatest with optional group sessions (SIG), the addition of the behavioral intervention website alone (SI) was the most cost-effective method to enhance weight loss. Thus, adding a novel internet behavioral weight loss intervention to a statewide community health initiative may be a cost-effective approach to improving obesity treatment outcomes.


Weight loss treatment is recommended for adults with a BMI of > 30 kg/m2, as well as those with BMI < 25 kg/m2 with weight-related comorbidities [1]. Intensive behavioral treatment should be the first line of intervention for overweight and obese individuals and can lead to 8% to 10% weight loss [2], particularly in initial months of treatment [3]. However, behavioral treatment is inherently challenging and time-consuming, and readily available to only a fraction of the intended population. Although weight losses achieved from intensive lifestyle interventions such as the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) [4] may be higher, innovative community weight loss programs that use a variety of weight loss strategies can provide opportunities to a wider population of overweight and obese individuals and at a lower cost [3].

This study built upon the authors’ previous work [5], which showed that SURI participants with behavioral weight loss strategies via email significantly improved 3-month weight losses. In this current study, they compared SURI alone to SURI with additional access to an internet behavioral weight loss website with or without optional group sessions. Since significant weight loss was not maintained at 12 months, this suggests that perhaps access to the behavioral weight loss website should have continued for longer and/or included a maintenance phase after the 3-month intervention. Weight loss often reaches its peak around 6 months, and weight regain occurs without effective maintenance therapy [6].

General strengths of the study included the use of a randomized, intention-to-treat design, dissemination of evidence-based weight loss strategies, objective outcomes measurement, adherence metrics, and strong retention of participants with clear accounting of all enrolled patients from recruitment through analysis. This study demonstrated significant weight loss in an intervention with minimal/optional health professional interaction. This intervention also placed responsibility on participants to self-monitor their diet and physical activity, participate in online lessons, and attend optional group sessions. The success of this community-based intervention suggests feasibility and scalability within a real-world setting. The authors also conducted cost-effectiveness analyses demonstrating that the SI program was more cost-effective than SIG.

However, there are weaknesses as well. In setting the sample size for each arm of this study, no justification was described for choosing a 1:2:2 randomization scheme. In randomized control trials, the allocation of participants into the different study arms is often balanced to equal numbers which maximizes statistical power [7]. However, the use of unequal randomization ratios among study arms can be beneficial and even necessary for various reasons including cost, availability of the intervention, overcoming intervention/treatment learning curves, and if a higher drop-out rate is anticipated. Providing a justification for unbalanced sample sizes would be helpful to future researchers looking to replicate the study. Additionally, participants were mostly non-Hispanic white and female, thus limiting generalizability. While representative of the broader Rhode Island population, findings based on this population this may not be applicable to vulnerable (ie, low literacy, resource-poor) or underrepresented populations (ie, minorities) [8].

Applications for Clinical Practice

An internet-based behavioral weight loss intervention, when added to a community weight management initiative, is cost-effective and can lead to short-term weight loss. Given that clinicians often lack time, training, and resources to adequately address obesity in the office [9,10], encouraging patients to enroll in similar programs may be an effective strategy to address such barriers. The study also highlights the need for maintenance interventions to help keep weight off. Findings should be replicated in more diverse communities.

—Katrina F. Mateo, MPH, and Melanie Jay, MD, MS


1. Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; 1998.

2. Wadden TA, Butryn ML, Wilson C. Lifestyle modification for the management of obesity. Gastroenterology 2007;132:2226–38.

3. Butryn ML, Webb V, Wadden TA. Behavioral treatment of obesity. Psych Clin North Am 2011;34:841–59.

4. The Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): Description of lifestyle intervention. Diabetes Care 2002;25:2165–71.

5. Wing RR, Crane MM, Thomas JG, et al. Improving weight loss outcomes of community interventions by incorporating behavioral strategies. Am J Public Health 2010;100:2513–9.

6. Wing RR, Tate DF, Gorin A, et al. A self-regulation program for maintenance of weight loss. N Engl J Med 2006;355:1563–71.

7. Dumville JC, Hahn S, Miles JN V, Torgerson DJ. The use of unequal randomisation ratios in clinical trials: a review. Contemp Clin Trials 2006;27:1–12.

8. Marshall PL. Ethical challenges in study design and informed consent for health research in resource-poor settings. World Health Organization; 2007.

9. Jay M, Gillespie C, Ark T, et al. Do internists, pediatricians, and psychiatrists feel competent in obesity care? Using a needs assessment to drive curriculum design. J Gen Intern Med 2008;23:1066–70.

10. Loureiro ML, Nayga RM. Obesity, weight loss, and physician’s advice. Soc Sci Med 2006;62:2458–68.


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Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management - AUGUST 2014, VOL. 21, NO. 8
Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management - AUGUST 2014, VOL. 21, NO. 8
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Access to a Behavioral Weight Loss Website With or Without Group Sessions Increased Weight Loss in Statewide Campaign
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Access to a Behavioral Weight Loss Website With or Without Group Sessions Increased Weight Loss in Statewide Campaign
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