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Fri, 10/16/2020 - 14:33

As a provider whose passion is helping women after stillbirth or neonatal loss, I get many transfers of women from their previous practice after a loss. Sometimes they transfer because they need a “fresh start,” but often, it is because they were let down by the practice – not by the medical care they received but by the emotional care and support and what was said or not said after the loss of the baby. A 2014 meta-analysis in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found that “Parents regarded contacts with health professionals as their central source of reassurance; but experiences often fell short of expectations.”1 I decided to conduct a survey via local and national support groups about what “loss parents” felt helpful or not helpful after the loss of a child. I purposely made these quotes the dominant part of this article, as I believe our patients are often our best teachers.

Inappropriate comments providers make

A very common theme among loss parents was how providers had made comments about how rare stillbirth is after it had just happened to them. Parents expressed that they felt this statistic kept them from getting the care that they needed prior to their loss and then they were told to not worry. Some example quotes include:

“ ‘This only happens to 1% of babies. Very rare.’ (It happened to our baby, and we have to live with this grief our whole lives. She is more than a statistic. She was our hopes, dreams, and future.)”

“I wish doctors didn’t wait to act based on statistics. There’s a lot of us in the 1% of unlikely occurrences.”

“For me, when my practice brushed off my feelings, I knew in my gut something was wrong. They said, ‘We need to wean you from worrying.’”

Another very common theme from parents included examples of helpful and not helpful care they received in the hospital.

Help parents make good memories

Dr. Heather Florescue, an ob.gyn. in private practice at Women Gynecology and Childbirth Associates in Rochester, N.Y.
Dr. Heather Florescue

Many parents mentioned the importance of providing resources for after they go home. Most labor and delivery units have pregnancy loss services and have improved on the care they provide for loss families. One very common positive comment responded to the memories that nurses and providers helped them make after delivery. One parent said the following:

“While with baby and after loss, I think it’s really important to give ideas of what to do/experiences because the moments are so fleeting, and I needed someone to say, ‘You can dress him.’ ‘Let’s take pictures of his toes.’ ‘Save breast milk, etc.’”

“I appreciated the doctors and nurses who acknowledged my child, who looked at him and humanized him. One nurse even held him, which I still love her to this day for.”

“Explain things over, over, and over again, like you are explaining it to a child. I didn’t know what a cuddle cot was, and I didn’t use it because I didn’t understand.”

“Give suggestions and stress the importance of making memories. There are things I wish I did and now regret not doing. Taking pictures, handprints, lock of hair, giving the baby a bath.”

“For unknown losses give a full explanation of the autopsy and what it entails. Parents are making SO many decisions, and they need guidance.”

“Don’t shy away from it. It happened, and it is important to be human and compassionate. If you cannot do it, find someone else who can.”

“Ask to hold the baby and comment how beautiful the baby is. Treat the baby as if it were living.”



Don’t use the ‘silver lining’ theme

A common “don’t” in the hospital and postpartum is the “at least” and “silver lining” theme that is commonly expressed by providers. When I do my teaching sessions with a bereaved parents panel, we always stress that comforting words never begin with “at least.” We say a lot that there is no “silver lining” to a stillbirth. Dr. Brene Brown, in her TED talk on empathy, discussed that an empathic statement never starts with “at least.” However, this response is an all too common experience for women after stillbirth. Here are some examples from the Internet responses:

“‘The silver lining is you and your daughter have taught us so much.’ There is no silver lining, and her life was not for anyone’s easy path to learning lessons. She was wanted and loved.”

“What not to say: From a doctor, ‘You’re going to have lots more children.’ Anything along the lines of ‘at least you can get pregnant/have children’ is not OK.”

“As a teacher, ‘At least you are already a mother to your students.’ (I cannot even tell you how many times I’ve been told this. They already have mothers, and teaching a child 40 minutes once a week is not even close to being a mother to your own child.)”

“I felt it unhelpful for people to tell me how I should feel. I felt comments like ‘oh, you are young you can have another baby’ unhelpful.”

“Do not say, ‘you can have another, it wasn’t God’s plan, God wanted another angel, there is a reason for everything,’ etc.”

“The doctor who told me my baby was dead referred to him as a fetus. I was 38 weeks pregnant and did not refer to my baby as a fetus.”

Handling patient care after the loss

A huge portion of the response I received was regarding care from the practice where they delivered after the loss. These parents provided very important advice for any practice after a patient experiences a loss. Emotional support is vital for these patients. They also made it clear that topics such a medications and counseling should be frequently revisited.

“The care a patient receives after can really change their life – not physical care but emotional care. I truly believe I recovered well, and I am the person I am today because of my provider’s phone calls, suggestions for medications, support groups, and counseling. Don’t underestimate what simple phone calls can do. You don’t have to provide a solution or give advice, just listen.”

“Revisit conversations about medications. I have never taken anything in my entire life. In fact, I was very against it. Don’t be afraid to suggest medications time and time again if you think that it is the right plan. After 6 months, I said ‘yes’ to the medication, and it helped immensely.”

“My OB checking in with me constantly. Doctors offering compassionate and informative advice and encouragement. SUPPORT GROUPS. Star Legacy Foundation mentor!!! Klonopin! Psychologist!!”

“Also, I think it’s important for providers to continue to follow-up with patients even if they don’t seem receptive. Keep checking in. After losing your child you are in a fog. You don’t know quite what you need. But those calls, I promise you they mean something.”



When the patient returns to the office

The care received by a loss parent after returning to the office is challenging but so important. Some very careful steps can and must be made to help avoid emotionally harmful situations for the staff and patients. Offices need to make special accommodations and mark what happened clearly in the chart regarding the loss. When I have a mother coming in for a postpartum visit after a loss, I make sure she is the last patient of the day and try to bring her to our satellite offices where she can be the only patient there. Many parents made comments about carefully labeling what happened to the baby in the chart.

“Make sure it’s noted in the chart, and don’t AVOID talking about it. We like to have our baby brought up. Make sure staff knows the situation before entering the office so they don’t say something stupid (for example, ‘How is breast feeding going?’)”

“#1 don’t in my book: Not reading the patient’s chart and labels on it before seeing them if you’re not familiar with the patient. ... Nurses, techs and providers alike have assumed or asked “this is your first,” when clearly my chart lists “fetal death in utero.’”

“Many others have stated this, but having a BIG HUGE MASSIVE flag on our accounts and making sure ALL parts of the office are trained on this would be so incredibly helpful.”

“The nurse at my doctor’s office yesterday said, ‘Well, you’ve lost some weight since you were here last, so that’s good!’ My response was, ‘Well, losing a baby will do that.’”

“The follow-up appointment is awful. I went in heartbroken and angry and anxious. A phone call the day before acknowledging those feelings and reassuring me it was okay would have been nice.”

“At my first follow-up after my son died, I walked in, the receptionist pulled up my chart, saw I was there for my post-delivery appointment, and in the loudest, most cheery voice said, ‘Oooooooooh how’s he doing, how’s the baby?!’ It was awful telling her that he died, and I also felt terrible for all the pregnant woman in the waiting room who may have heard it.”

“When I was in emergency for a complication after birth, the only condolence a doctor from our previous practice gave was, ‘Well, that sucks’ (in regard to our daughter).”

Continuing care in the office

The care of women in the office immediately after loss and in years to come is a very important piece of the care they receive. In the same BJOG meta-analysis they found, “Parents frequently encountered professionals who were unaware of their history, through lack of access to/or reading of notes before a consultation. Dismissive attitudes to fears and concerns and insensitive and inappropriate comments sometimes resulted. These often remained with parents long after the event. In contrast, emotional wellbeing was enhanced when care providers demonstrated empathy, listened to concerns and committed to a collaborative and supportive relationship. Parents valued direct acknowledgment of the baby who had died, including using his or her name. Flexible antenatal care including extra appointments, routinely or on request, was also welcomed.”1 These findings were very similar to those reflected in the comments that I received.

“To the mother, there is no difference between a living baby and a stillborn baby. This stillborn baby is JUST AS MUCH a life to us. I’ve had four kids, and I can’t differentiate between how I feel about them.”

“Also, if staying with the same provider, ‘do’ ask what accommodations can be made moving forward. (For me I needed a different ultrasound tech and a different office for my ultrasounds in my subsequent pregnancies as I couldn’t go back there but wanted to stay with my same OB).”

“Don’t be afraid to ask about the child. I want people to know I like talking about my son, that he existed and how much love there was in his short but meaningful life.”

“Saying nothing is worse than saying you don’t know what to say and you are sorry.”

“Some moms love the rainbow baby term, and if they use it first, it’s fine to use it and encourage it and promote it. However, some moms do not like it because 1) they don’t like referring to their loss baby as a ‘storm.’ My baby was a BABY, and he was perfect and loved and I don’t like people referring to him as a storm. A storm is derogatory, [and] 2) the notion the subsequent baby makes everything okay is ridiculous. 3) Not everyone has another baby after a loss, so the ‘after every storm comes a rainbow’ phrase is stupid. It makes it seem like you can never be happy again unless you get a rainbow, and that is not true. 4) It’s a signal to the outside world that ‘everything’ is great and ok when in reality you can have grief, joy, sadness, happiness, pain, and hope all at the [same] time forever.”

Patients and their families who have lost their babies deserve our very best. No one grieves the same, and the differences in how our patients grieve must be respected. However, members of the loss community do have some common themes on responses that they appreciated or did not appreciate regarding their care. Most patients who deliver a stillborn baby or experience a neonatal death or pre-viable baby have had no time to prepare, and they are looking for our guidance and support. The more time we spend with them after diagnosis, during delivery, and after will be so appreciated. I hope some of these quotes ring true to many providers and that they either lead to attempts to change care or reinforce the amazing care providers are already providing. Being at our best when our patients are experiencing potentially the worst moments of their lives is our job as obstetrical providers. Our patients deserve the best care we can possibly provide. Hopefully, these suggestions from patients will help the care of future loss families.

Dr. Florescue is an ob.gyn. in private practice at Women Gynecology and Childbirth Associates in Rochester, N.Y. She delivers babies at Highland Hospital in Rochester. She has no relevant financial disclosures. Email her at


1. BJOG. 2014 Jul; 121(8):943-50. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.12656.


As a provider whose passion is helping women after stillbirth or neonatal loss, I get many transfers of women from their previous practice after a loss. Sometimes they transfer because they need a “fresh start,” but often, it is because they were let down by the practice – not by the medical care they received but by the emotional care and support and what was said or not said after the loss of the baby. A 2014 meta-analysis in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found that “Parents regarded contacts with health professionals as their central source of reassurance; but experiences often fell short of expectations.”1 I decided to conduct a survey via local and national support groups about what “loss parents” felt helpful or not helpful after the loss of a child. I purposely made these quotes the dominant part of this article, as I believe our patients are often our best teachers.

Inappropriate comments providers make

A very common theme among loss parents was how providers had made comments about how rare stillbirth is after it had just happened to them. Parents expressed that they felt this statistic kept them from getting the care that they needed prior to their loss and then they were told to not worry. Some example quotes include:

“ ‘This only happens to 1% of babies. Very rare.’ (It happened to our baby, and we have to live with this grief our whole lives. She is more than a statistic. She was our hopes, dreams, and future.)”

“I wish doctors didn’t wait to act based on statistics. There’s a lot of us in the 1% of unlikely occurrences.”

“For me, when my practice brushed off my feelings, I knew in my gut something was wrong. They said, ‘We need to wean you from worrying.’”

Another very common theme from parents included examples of helpful and not helpful care they received in the hospital.

Help parents make good memories

Dr. Heather Florescue, an ob.gyn. in private practice at Women Gynecology and Childbirth Associates in Rochester, N.Y.
Dr. Heather Florescue

Many parents mentioned the importance of providing resources for after they go home. Most labor and delivery units have pregnancy loss services and have improved on the care they provide for loss families. One very common positive comment responded to the memories that nurses and providers helped them make after delivery. One parent said the following:

“While with baby and after loss, I think it’s really important to give ideas of what to do/experiences because the moments are so fleeting, and I needed someone to say, ‘You can dress him.’ ‘Let’s take pictures of his toes.’ ‘Save breast milk, etc.’”

“I appreciated the doctors and nurses who acknowledged my child, who looked at him and humanized him. One nurse even held him, which I still love her to this day for.”

“Explain things over, over, and over again, like you are explaining it to a child. I didn’t know what a cuddle cot was, and I didn’t use it because I didn’t understand.”

“Give suggestions and stress the importance of making memories. There are things I wish I did and now regret not doing. Taking pictures, handprints, lock of hair, giving the baby a bath.”

“For unknown losses give a full explanation of the autopsy and what it entails. Parents are making SO many decisions, and they need guidance.”

“Don’t shy away from it. It happened, and it is important to be human and compassionate. If you cannot do it, find someone else who can.”

“Ask to hold the baby and comment how beautiful the baby is. Treat the baby as if it were living.”



Don’t use the ‘silver lining’ theme

A common “don’t” in the hospital and postpartum is the “at least” and “silver lining” theme that is commonly expressed by providers. When I do my teaching sessions with a bereaved parents panel, we always stress that comforting words never begin with “at least.” We say a lot that there is no “silver lining” to a stillbirth. Dr. Brene Brown, in her TED talk on empathy, discussed that an empathic statement never starts with “at least.” However, this response is an all too common experience for women after stillbirth. Here are some examples from the Internet responses:

“‘The silver lining is you and your daughter have taught us so much.’ There is no silver lining, and her life was not for anyone’s easy path to learning lessons. She was wanted and loved.”

“What not to say: From a doctor, ‘You’re going to have lots more children.’ Anything along the lines of ‘at least you can get pregnant/have children’ is not OK.”

“As a teacher, ‘At least you are already a mother to your students.’ (I cannot even tell you how many times I’ve been told this. They already have mothers, and teaching a child 40 minutes once a week is not even close to being a mother to your own child.)”

“I felt it unhelpful for people to tell me how I should feel. I felt comments like ‘oh, you are young you can have another baby’ unhelpful.”

“Do not say, ‘you can have another, it wasn’t God’s plan, God wanted another angel, there is a reason for everything,’ etc.”

“The doctor who told me my baby was dead referred to him as a fetus. I was 38 weeks pregnant and did not refer to my baby as a fetus.”

Handling patient care after the loss

A huge portion of the response I received was regarding care from the practice where they delivered after the loss. These parents provided very important advice for any practice after a patient experiences a loss. Emotional support is vital for these patients. They also made it clear that topics such a medications and counseling should be frequently revisited.

“The care a patient receives after can really change their life – not physical care but emotional care. I truly believe I recovered well, and I am the person I am today because of my provider’s phone calls, suggestions for medications, support groups, and counseling. Don’t underestimate what simple phone calls can do. You don’t have to provide a solution or give advice, just listen.”

“Revisit conversations about medications. I have never taken anything in my entire life. In fact, I was very against it. Don’t be afraid to suggest medications time and time again if you think that it is the right plan. After 6 months, I said ‘yes’ to the medication, and it helped immensely.”

“My OB checking in with me constantly. Doctors offering compassionate and informative advice and encouragement. SUPPORT GROUPS. Star Legacy Foundation mentor!!! Klonopin! Psychologist!!”

“Also, I think it’s important for providers to continue to follow-up with patients even if they don’t seem receptive. Keep checking in. After losing your child you are in a fog. You don’t know quite what you need. But those calls, I promise you they mean something.”



When the patient returns to the office

The care received by a loss parent after returning to the office is challenging but so important. Some very careful steps can and must be made to help avoid emotionally harmful situations for the staff and patients. Offices need to make special accommodations and mark what happened clearly in the chart regarding the loss. When I have a mother coming in for a postpartum visit after a loss, I make sure she is the last patient of the day and try to bring her to our satellite offices where she can be the only patient there. Many parents made comments about carefully labeling what happened to the baby in the chart.

“Make sure it’s noted in the chart, and don’t AVOID talking about it. We like to have our baby brought up. Make sure staff knows the situation before entering the office so they don’t say something stupid (for example, ‘How is breast feeding going?’)”

“#1 don’t in my book: Not reading the patient’s chart and labels on it before seeing them if you’re not familiar with the patient. ... Nurses, techs and providers alike have assumed or asked “this is your first,” when clearly my chart lists “fetal death in utero.’”

“Many others have stated this, but having a BIG HUGE MASSIVE flag on our accounts and making sure ALL parts of the office are trained on this would be so incredibly helpful.”

“The nurse at my doctor’s office yesterday said, ‘Well, you’ve lost some weight since you were here last, so that’s good!’ My response was, ‘Well, losing a baby will do that.’”

“The follow-up appointment is awful. I went in heartbroken and angry and anxious. A phone call the day before acknowledging those feelings and reassuring me it was okay would have been nice.”

“At my first follow-up after my son died, I walked in, the receptionist pulled up my chart, saw I was there for my post-delivery appointment, and in the loudest, most cheery voice said, ‘Oooooooooh how’s he doing, how’s the baby?!’ It was awful telling her that he died, and I also felt terrible for all the pregnant woman in the waiting room who may have heard it.”

“When I was in emergency for a complication after birth, the only condolence a doctor from our previous practice gave was, ‘Well, that sucks’ (in regard to our daughter).”

Continuing care in the office

The care of women in the office immediately after loss and in years to come is a very important piece of the care they receive. In the same BJOG meta-analysis they found, “Parents frequently encountered professionals who were unaware of their history, through lack of access to/or reading of notes before a consultation. Dismissive attitudes to fears and concerns and insensitive and inappropriate comments sometimes resulted. These often remained with parents long after the event. In contrast, emotional wellbeing was enhanced when care providers demonstrated empathy, listened to concerns and committed to a collaborative and supportive relationship. Parents valued direct acknowledgment of the baby who had died, including using his or her name. Flexible antenatal care including extra appointments, routinely or on request, was also welcomed.”1 These findings were very similar to those reflected in the comments that I received.

“To the mother, there is no difference between a living baby and a stillborn baby. This stillborn baby is JUST AS MUCH a life to us. I’ve had four kids, and I can’t differentiate between how I feel about them.”

“Also, if staying with the same provider, ‘do’ ask what accommodations can be made moving forward. (For me I needed a different ultrasound tech and a different office for my ultrasounds in my subsequent pregnancies as I couldn’t go back there but wanted to stay with my same OB).”

“Don’t be afraid to ask about the child. I want people to know I like talking about my son, that he existed and how much love there was in his short but meaningful life.”

“Saying nothing is worse than saying you don’t know what to say and you are sorry.”

“Some moms love the rainbow baby term, and if they use it first, it’s fine to use it and encourage it and promote it. However, some moms do not like it because 1) they don’t like referring to their loss baby as a ‘storm.’ My baby was a BABY, and he was perfect and loved and I don’t like people referring to him as a storm. A storm is derogatory, [and] 2) the notion the subsequent baby makes everything okay is ridiculous. 3) Not everyone has another baby after a loss, so the ‘after every storm comes a rainbow’ phrase is stupid. It makes it seem like you can never be happy again unless you get a rainbow, and that is not true. 4) It’s a signal to the outside world that ‘everything’ is great and ok when in reality you can have grief, joy, sadness, happiness, pain, and hope all at the [same] time forever.”

Patients and their families who have lost their babies deserve our very best. No one grieves the same, and the differences in how our patients grieve must be respected. However, members of the loss community do have some common themes on responses that they appreciated or did not appreciate regarding their care. Most patients who deliver a stillborn baby or experience a neonatal death or pre-viable baby have had no time to prepare, and they are looking for our guidance and support. The more time we spend with them after diagnosis, during delivery, and after will be so appreciated. I hope some of these quotes ring true to many providers and that they either lead to attempts to change care or reinforce the amazing care providers are already providing. Being at our best when our patients are experiencing potentially the worst moments of their lives is our job as obstetrical providers. Our patients deserve the best care we can possibly provide. Hopefully, these suggestions from patients will help the care of future loss families.

Dr. Florescue is an ob.gyn. in private practice at Women Gynecology and Childbirth Associates in Rochester, N.Y. She delivers babies at Highland Hospital in Rochester. She has no relevant financial disclosures. Email her at


1. BJOG. 2014 Jul; 121(8):943-50. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.12656.

As a provider whose passion is helping women after stillbirth or neonatal loss, I get many transfers of women from their previous practice after a loss. Sometimes they transfer because they need a “fresh start,” but often, it is because they were let down by the practice – not by the medical care they received but by the emotional care and support and what was said or not said after the loss of the baby. A 2014 meta-analysis in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found that “Parents regarded contacts with health professionals as their central source of reassurance; but experiences often fell short of expectations.”1 I decided to conduct a survey via local and national support groups about what “loss parents” felt helpful or not helpful after the loss of a child. I purposely made these quotes the dominant part of this article, as I believe our patients are often our best teachers.

Inappropriate comments providers make

A very common theme among loss parents was how providers had made comments about how rare stillbirth is after it had just happened to them. Parents expressed that they felt this statistic kept them from getting the care that they needed prior to their loss and then they were told to not worry. Some example quotes include:

“ ‘This only happens to 1% of babies. Very rare.’ (It happened to our baby, and we have to live with this grief our whole lives. She is more than a statistic. She was our hopes, dreams, and future.)”

“I wish doctors didn’t wait to act based on statistics. There’s a lot of us in the 1% of unlikely occurrences.”

“For me, when my practice brushed off my feelings, I knew in my gut something was wrong. They said, ‘We need to wean you from worrying.’”

Another very common theme from parents included examples of helpful and not helpful care they received in the hospital.

Help parents make good memories

Dr. Heather Florescue, an ob.gyn. in private practice at Women Gynecology and Childbirth Associates in Rochester, N.Y.
Dr. Heather Florescue

Many parents mentioned the importance of providing resources for after they go home. Most labor and delivery units have pregnancy loss services and have improved on the care they provide for loss families. One very common positive comment responded to the memories that nurses and providers helped them make after delivery. One parent said the following:

“While with baby and after loss, I think it’s really important to give ideas of what to do/experiences because the moments are so fleeting, and I needed someone to say, ‘You can dress him.’ ‘Let’s take pictures of his toes.’ ‘Save breast milk, etc.’”

“I appreciated the doctors and nurses who acknowledged my child, who looked at him and humanized him. One nurse even held him, which I still love her to this day for.”

“Explain things over, over, and over again, like you are explaining it to a child. I didn’t know what a cuddle cot was, and I didn’t use it because I didn’t understand.”

“Give suggestions and stress the importance of making memories. There are things I wish I did and now regret not doing. Taking pictures, handprints, lock of hair, giving the baby a bath.”

“For unknown losses give a full explanation of the autopsy and what it entails. Parents are making SO many decisions, and they need guidance.”

“Don’t shy away from it. It happened, and it is important to be human and compassionate. If you cannot do it, find someone else who can.”

“Ask to hold the baby and comment how beautiful the baby is. Treat the baby as if it were living.”



Don’t use the ‘silver lining’ theme

A common “don’t” in the hospital and postpartum is the “at least” and “silver lining” theme that is commonly expressed by providers. When I do my teaching sessions with a bereaved parents panel, we always stress that comforting words never begin with “at least.” We say a lot that there is no “silver lining” to a stillbirth. Dr. Brene Brown, in her TED talk on empathy, discussed that an empathic statement never starts with “at least.” However, this response is an all too common experience for women after stillbirth. Here are some examples from the Internet responses:

“‘The silver lining is you and your daughter have taught us so much.’ There is no silver lining, and her life was not for anyone’s easy path to learning lessons. She was wanted and loved.”

“What not to say: From a doctor, ‘You’re going to have lots more children.’ Anything along the lines of ‘at least you can get pregnant/have children’ is not OK.”

“As a teacher, ‘At least you are already a mother to your students.’ (I cannot even tell you how many times I’ve been told this. They already have mothers, and teaching a child 40 minutes once a week is not even close to being a mother to your own child.)”

“I felt it unhelpful for people to tell me how I should feel. I felt comments like ‘oh, you are young you can have another baby’ unhelpful.”

“Do not say, ‘you can have another, it wasn’t God’s plan, God wanted another angel, there is a reason for everything,’ etc.”

“The doctor who told me my baby was dead referred to him as a fetus. I was 38 weeks pregnant and did not refer to my baby as a fetus.”

Handling patient care after the loss

A huge portion of the response I received was regarding care from the practice where they delivered after the loss. These parents provided very important advice for any practice after a patient experiences a loss. Emotional support is vital for these patients. They also made it clear that topics such a medications and counseling should be frequently revisited.

“The care a patient receives after can really change their life – not physical care but emotional care. I truly believe I recovered well, and I am the person I am today because of my provider’s phone calls, suggestions for medications, support groups, and counseling. Don’t underestimate what simple phone calls can do. You don’t have to provide a solution or give advice, just listen.”

“Revisit conversations about medications. I have never taken anything in my entire life. In fact, I was very against it. Don’t be afraid to suggest medications time and time again if you think that it is the right plan. After 6 months, I said ‘yes’ to the medication, and it helped immensely.”

“My OB checking in with me constantly. Doctors offering compassionate and informative advice and encouragement. SUPPORT GROUPS. Star Legacy Foundation mentor!!! Klonopin! Psychologist!!”

“Also, I think it’s important for providers to continue to follow-up with patients even if they don’t seem receptive. Keep checking in. After losing your child you are in a fog. You don’t know quite what you need. But those calls, I promise you they mean something.”



When the patient returns to the office

The care received by a loss parent after returning to the office is challenging but so important. Some very careful steps can and must be made to help avoid emotionally harmful situations for the staff and patients. Offices need to make special accommodations and mark what happened clearly in the chart regarding the loss. When I have a mother coming in for a postpartum visit after a loss, I make sure she is the last patient of the day and try to bring her to our satellite offices where she can be the only patient there. Many parents made comments about carefully labeling what happened to the baby in the chart.

“Make sure it’s noted in the chart, and don’t AVOID talking about it. We like to have our baby brought up. Make sure staff knows the situation before entering the office so they don’t say something stupid (for example, ‘How is breast feeding going?’)”

“#1 don’t in my book: Not reading the patient’s chart and labels on it before seeing them if you’re not familiar with the patient. ... Nurses, techs and providers alike have assumed or asked “this is your first,” when clearly my chart lists “fetal death in utero.’”

“Many others have stated this, but having a BIG HUGE MASSIVE flag on our accounts and making sure ALL parts of the office are trained on this would be so incredibly helpful.”

“The nurse at my doctor’s office yesterday said, ‘Well, you’ve lost some weight since you were here last, so that’s good!’ My response was, ‘Well, losing a baby will do that.’”

“The follow-up appointment is awful. I went in heartbroken and angry and anxious. A phone call the day before acknowledging those feelings and reassuring me it was okay would have been nice.”

“At my first follow-up after my son died, I walked in, the receptionist pulled up my chart, saw I was there for my post-delivery appointment, and in the loudest, most cheery voice said, ‘Oooooooooh how’s he doing, how’s the baby?!’ It was awful telling her that he died, and I also felt terrible for all the pregnant woman in the waiting room who may have heard it.”

“When I was in emergency for a complication after birth, the only condolence a doctor from our previous practice gave was, ‘Well, that sucks’ (in regard to our daughter).”

Continuing care in the office

The care of women in the office immediately after loss and in years to come is a very important piece of the care they receive. In the same BJOG meta-analysis they found, “Parents frequently encountered professionals who were unaware of their history, through lack of access to/or reading of notes before a consultation. Dismissive attitudes to fears and concerns and insensitive and inappropriate comments sometimes resulted. These often remained with parents long after the event. In contrast, emotional wellbeing was enhanced when care providers demonstrated empathy, listened to concerns and committed to a collaborative and supportive relationship. Parents valued direct acknowledgment of the baby who had died, including using his or her name. Flexible antenatal care including extra appointments, routinely or on request, was also welcomed.”1 These findings were very similar to those reflected in the comments that I received.

“To the mother, there is no difference between a living baby and a stillborn baby. This stillborn baby is JUST AS MUCH a life to us. I’ve had four kids, and I can’t differentiate between how I feel about them.”

“Also, if staying with the same provider, ‘do’ ask what accommodations can be made moving forward. (For me I needed a different ultrasound tech and a different office for my ultrasounds in my subsequent pregnancies as I couldn’t go back there but wanted to stay with my same OB).”

“Don’t be afraid to ask about the child. I want people to know I like talking about my son, that he existed and how much love there was in his short but meaningful life.”

“Saying nothing is worse than saying you don’t know what to say and you are sorry.”

“Some moms love the rainbow baby term, and if they use it first, it’s fine to use it and encourage it and promote it. However, some moms do not like it because 1) they don’t like referring to their loss baby as a ‘storm.’ My baby was a BABY, and he was perfect and loved and I don’t like people referring to him as a storm. A storm is derogatory, [and] 2) the notion the subsequent baby makes everything okay is ridiculous. 3) Not everyone has another baby after a loss, so the ‘after every storm comes a rainbow’ phrase is stupid. It makes it seem like you can never be happy again unless you get a rainbow, and that is not true. 4) It’s a signal to the outside world that ‘everything’ is great and ok when in reality you can have grief, joy, sadness, happiness, pain, and hope all at the [same] time forever.”

Patients and their families who have lost their babies deserve our very best. No one grieves the same, and the differences in how our patients grieve must be respected. However, members of the loss community do have some common themes on responses that they appreciated or did not appreciate regarding their care. Most patients who deliver a stillborn baby or experience a neonatal death or pre-viable baby have had no time to prepare, and they are looking for our guidance and support. The more time we spend with them after diagnosis, during delivery, and after will be so appreciated. I hope some of these quotes ring true to many providers and that they either lead to attempts to change care or reinforce the amazing care providers are already providing. Being at our best when our patients are experiencing potentially the worst moments of their lives is our job as obstetrical providers. Our patients deserve the best care we can possibly provide. Hopefully, these suggestions from patients will help the care of future loss families.

Dr. Florescue is an ob.gyn. in private practice at Women Gynecology and Childbirth Associates in Rochester, N.Y. She delivers babies at Highland Hospital in Rochester. She has no relevant financial disclosures. Email her at


1. BJOG. 2014 Jul; 121(8):943-50. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.12656.

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