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Mon, 01/14/2019 - 11:21
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Does marijuana use play a role in the recreational use of sildenafil?

Practice recommendations

  • There is a strong association between men who use cannabis and men who obtain sildenafil from sources other than a prescribing physician.


Purpose This study examined the ways by which patients obtain nonprescription sildenafil and the patient predictors associated with nonprescribed use.

Methods We conducted this descriptive study via questionnaire-guided interviews with 231 male sildenafil users (ages 18 to 80) between December 1, 2002 and April 30, 2003 at outpatient Family Medicine and Urology Clinics at The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY. Patients were divided into 2 groups: those with erectile dysfunction (reported by the patients as defined by their physician) and those without.

Results The prevalence of erectile dysfunction in our total study population of sildenafil users (n=231) was 40.3% (n=93); 59.7% (n=138) did not have erectile dysfunction. Of those without erectile dysfunction, 76.1% (n=105) admitted to cannabis use, compared with 7.5% (n=7) of the subjects with erectile dysfunction. Patients without erectile dysfunction and history of cannabis abuse reported obtaining sildenafil from friends and street vendors significantly more often than non-cannabis users with erectile dysfunction (54.3%, n=57 vs 9.3%, n=8; P<.0001).

Conclusion Illicit use of cannabis is a strong predictor of recreational sildenafil use among patients without erectile dysfunction.

Published reports of improved sexual performance have prompted men without erectile dysfunction to use sildenafil inappropriately.1-4 Sildenafil has also been used to counteract the impotence-inducing effects of “club drugs” such as ecstasy.5

Cannabis, another widely abused street drug, is a known inhibitor of the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme pathway, the same pathway in which sildenafil is metabolized.6 Cannabis can thus potentiate the effect of sildenafil. A case report from 2002 has indicated that a young man using sildenafil and cannabis concomitantly suffered a myocardial infarction.7

In this study, we sought to answer the following questions:

  • What methods did the men use to obtain sildenafil without a prescription?
  • Why were the men taking sildenafil?
  • Did these men increase the dose without physician supervision?


Setting, participants, and design

Two senior resident physicians from the Department of Family Practice at The Brooklyn Hospital Center asked male patients between the ages of 18 and 80 if they would be interested in participating in this descriptive study. Two hundred and thirty-one patients agreed to be interviewed during their outpatient clinic appointments in the Departments of Family Practice and Urology. We conducted these interviews between December 1, 2002 and April 30, 2003.

Patients with and without physician-diagnosed erectile dysfunction who were using sildenafil were included in this study. Patients were excluded if they were taking nitrates, had cognitive disabilities, were female, or if they could not read English.

The 1-page, 35-item questionnaire was read to the subjects by a resident, who provided additional explanations if needed. The researchers noted their responses to questions on demographics, medical history, social history, treatment duration of erectile dysfunction, method of procurement of sildenafil, and knowledge about the indications of sildenafil. The questionnaire was pretested on a small sample for comprehension prior to distribution.

We developed descriptive statistics and performed cross-tabulations using SPSS version 11.0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, Ill). We used a chi-square test to determine statistical significance between cannabis abuse and illicit sildenafil use. We established statistical significance at P<.05. The Institutional Review Board at the Brooklyn Hospital Center approved our research protocol, and we obtained consent from all the study participants.


Strong link between cannabis use and recreational sildenafil

TABLE 1 shows the demographic information of the entire study population (n=231). Our study found that patient predictors for recreational sildenafil use are a younger unmarried male who smokes cannabis. Of the men in the study, 138 (59.7%) reported erectile function prior to the use of sildenafil.

We decided to examine data from this subgroup of our study population. As shown in TABLE 2, patients with erectile function but with a history of cannabis abuse reported obtaining sildenafil from friends, street vendors, and the Internet significantly more often than those with erectile dysfunction who did not use cannabis.

Discussion: Is there a danger?

Our study showed a strong association between individuals who obtained sildenafil from sources other than a prescribing physician and those who used cannabis. These men purchased this prescription medication from street vendors, friends, family, or via the Internet. Illicit sildenafil users took the medication mainly to improve performance and increase desire–and they often increased the dose of the medication at will. The differences between patients with erectile dysfunction compared with those without were so great that much of our data proved to be statistically significant (TABLE 1).



Data from our subgroup of patients who smoked cannabis supported our suspicion that patients who were able to maintain an erection prior to their use of sildenafil used the medication to improve sexual performance and counteract alterations in libido caused by cannabis.8

Our study group: Who they were, why they were taking sildenafil

Age (years)
18–3017 (7.4%)2 (2.2%)15 (10.9%).03
31–4056 (24.2%)1 (1.1%)55 (39.9%)<.0001
41–5068 (29.4%)19 (20.4%)49 (35.5%).02
51–6038 (16.5%)25 (26.9%)13 (9.4%).001
61–7035 (15.2%)29 (31.2%)6 (4.3%)<.0001
71–8017 (7.4%)17 (18.3%)0 (0.0%)<.0001
Health insurance
Self-pay23 (10%)4 (4.3%)19 (13.8%).03
Medicaid73 (31.6%)30 (32.3%)43 (31.2%).97
Medicare17 (7.4%)15 (16.1%)2 (1.4%)<.0001
Private carriers118 (51.1%)44 (47.3%)74 (53.6%)<.42
Marital status
Married107 (46.3%)56 (60.2%)51 (37.0%).001
Unmarried92 (39.8%)14 (15.1%)78 (56.5%)<.0001
Divorced32 (13.9%)23 (24.7%)9 (6.5%)<.0001
Drug use
Yes121 (52.4%)9 (9.7%)112 (81.2%)<.0001
No110 (47.6%)84 (90.3%)26 (18.8%) 
Marijuana use
Yes112 (48.5%)7 (7.5%)105 (76.1%)<.0001
No119 (51.5%)86 (92.5%)33 (23.9%)<.0001
Purchased from a friend/street vendor
Yes149 (64.5%)26 (28.0%)123 (89.1%)<.0001
No82 (35.5%)67 (72.0%)15 (10.9%) 
Sold to a friend
Yes72 (31.2%)7 (7.5%)65 (47.1%)<.0001
No159 (68.8%)86 (92.5%)73 (52.9%) 
Increased dose without physician authorization?
Yes150 (64.9%)40 (43.0%)110 (79.7%)<.0001
No81 (35.1%)53 (57.0%)28 (20.3%) 
Lack of desire/interest14 (6.1%)2 (2.2%)12 (8.7%).08
Lack of erection/difficulty in achieving erection82 (35.5%)69 (74.2%)13 (9.4%)<.0001
Difficulty in performance/endurance59 (25.5%)4 (4.3%)55 (39.9%)<.0001
Difficulty in orgasm/ejaculation14 (6.1%)3 (3.2%)11 (8.0%).22
Lack of desire/lack of erection29 (12.6%)13 (14.0%)16 (11.6%).74
Lack of desire+difficulty with performance33 (14.3%)2 (2.2%)31 (22.5%)<.0001
ED, erectile dysfunction

Where did 2 subsets of subjects obtain sildenafil?

PCP/specialist12 (11.4%)75 (87.2%)<.0001
Over-the-counter*8 (7.6%)2 (2.3%).19
Friends/street vendors57 (54.3%)8 (9.3%)<.0001
Internet28 (26.7%)1 (1.2%)<.0001
* Purchased without a prescription from a privately owned business (such as a convenience store).

Limitations of this study

The main limitation of this study was that the data obtained were self-reported. A chart review could have provided objective data on the patients’ ED diagnosis and medications.


The illicit use of sildenafil raises many issues. Patients with cardiovascular disease, even without the use of nitrates, may be at risk of myocardial infarction. Be aware that younger, male patient with an admitted history of drug abuse may be taking sildenafil without your knowledge, even without a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction.


Material support was provided by the Department of Family Medicine at The Brooklyn Hospital, Brooklyn, NY.


The contents of this manuscript were presented at the New York State Academy of Family Practice and The Albany County Chapter Regional Family Medicine Conference at Lake Placid, NY on September 6, 2003.

Marie L. Eloi-Stiven, MD, Director of Research, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Department of Family Medicine, 121 Dekalb Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201;


1. Crosby R, Diclemente RJ. Use of recreational sildenafil citrate among men having sex with men. Sex Transm Infect 2004;80:466-468.

2. Chu Pl, McFarland W, Gibson S, et al. Sildenafil citrate use in a community-recruited sample of men who have sex with men, San Francisco. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2003;33:191-193.

3. Modaini N, Ponchietti R, Muir GH. Sildenafil citrate does not improve sexual function in men without erectile dysfunction but does reduce the postorgasmic refractory time. Int J Impot Res 2003;15:225-228.

4. Romanelli F, Smith KM. Recreational use of sildenafil citrate by HIV-positive and negative homosexual/bisexual males. Ann Pharmacother 2004;38:1024-1030.Epub 2004 Apr 27.

5. Breslau K. The “sextasy” craze. Clubland’s dangerous party mix: Viagra and ecstasy. Newsweek. 2002 Jun 3;139(22):30.-

6. McLeod AL, McKenna CJ, Northridge DB. Myocardial Infaraction following the combined recreational use of viagra and cannabis. Clin Cardiol 2002;25:133-134.

7. El-Galley R, Rutland H, Talic R, Keane T, Clark H. Long-term efficacy of sildenafil and tachyphylaxis effect. J Urol 2001;166:927-931.

8. Hubbard JR, Franco SE, Onaivi ES. Marijuana: medical implications. Am Fam Physician 1999;60:2583-2599.

Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Marie L. Eloi-Stiven, MD
Naganna Channaveeraiah, MD
Paul J. Christos, MPH, MS
Madelon Finkel, PhD
Rekha Reddy, MD
Department of Family Practice, Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY (MLE-S, NC, RR); Department of Medicine, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY (MLE-S); Department of Public Health, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY (PJC, MF)

The authors reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article.

The Journal of Family Practice - 56(11)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Marie L. Eloi-Stiven, MD
Naganna Channaveeraiah, MD
Paul J. Christos, MPH, MS
Madelon Finkel, PhD
Rekha Reddy, MD
Department of Family Practice, Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY (MLE-S, NC, RR); Department of Medicine, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY (MLE-S); Department of Public Health, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY (PJC, MF)

The authors reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article.

Author and Disclosure Information

Marie L. Eloi-Stiven, MD
Naganna Channaveeraiah, MD
Paul J. Christos, MPH, MS
Madelon Finkel, PhD
Rekha Reddy, MD
Department of Family Practice, Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY (MLE-S, NC, RR); Department of Medicine, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY (MLE-S); Department of Public Health, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY (PJC, MF)

The authors reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article.

Article PDF
Article PDF

Practice recommendations

  • There is a strong association between men who use cannabis and men who obtain sildenafil from sources other than a prescribing physician.


Purpose This study examined the ways by which patients obtain nonprescription sildenafil and the patient predictors associated with nonprescribed use.

Methods We conducted this descriptive study via questionnaire-guided interviews with 231 male sildenafil users (ages 18 to 80) between December 1, 2002 and April 30, 2003 at outpatient Family Medicine and Urology Clinics at The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY. Patients were divided into 2 groups: those with erectile dysfunction (reported by the patients as defined by their physician) and those without.

Results The prevalence of erectile dysfunction in our total study population of sildenafil users (n=231) was 40.3% (n=93); 59.7% (n=138) did not have erectile dysfunction. Of those without erectile dysfunction, 76.1% (n=105) admitted to cannabis use, compared with 7.5% (n=7) of the subjects with erectile dysfunction. Patients without erectile dysfunction and history of cannabis abuse reported obtaining sildenafil from friends and street vendors significantly more often than non-cannabis users with erectile dysfunction (54.3%, n=57 vs 9.3%, n=8; P<.0001).

Conclusion Illicit use of cannabis is a strong predictor of recreational sildenafil use among patients without erectile dysfunction.

Published reports of improved sexual performance have prompted men without erectile dysfunction to use sildenafil inappropriately.1-4 Sildenafil has also been used to counteract the impotence-inducing effects of “club drugs” such as ecstasy.5

Cannabis, another widely abused street drug, is a known inhibitor of the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme pathway, the same pathway in which sildenafil is metabolized.6 Cannabis can thus potentiate the effect of sildenafil. A case report from 2002 has indicated that a young man using sildenafil and cannabis concomitantly suffered a myocardial infarction.7

In this study, we sought to answer the following questions:

  • What methods did the men use to obtain sildenafil without a prescription?
  • Why were the men taking sildenafil?
  • Did these men increase the dose without physician supervision?


Setting, participants, and design

Two senior resident physicians from the Department of Family Practice at The Brooklyn Hospital Center asked male patients between the ages of 18 and 80 if they would be interested in participating in this descriptive study. Two hundred and thirty-one patients agreed to be interviewed during their outpatient clinic appointments in the Departments of Family Practice and Urology. We conducted these interviews between December 1, 2002 and April 30, 2003.

Patients with and without physician-diagnosed erectile dysfunction who were using sildenafil were included in this study. Patients were excluded if they were taking nitrates, had cognitive disabilities, were female, or if they could not read English.

The 1-page, 35-item questionnaire was read to the subjects by a resident, who provided additional explanations if needed. The researchers noted their responses to questions on demographics, medical history, social history, treatment duration of erectile dysfunction, method of procurement of sildenafil, and knowledge about the indications of sildenafil. The questionnaire was pretested on a small sample for comprehension prior to distribution.

We developed descriptive statistics and performed cross-tabulations using SPSS version 11.0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, Ill). We used a chi-square test to determine statistical significance between cannabis abuse and illicit sildenafil use. We established statistical significance at P<.05. The Institutional Review Board at the Brooklyn Hospital Center approved our research protocol, and we obtained consent from all the study participants.


Strong link between cannabis use and recreational sildenafil

TABLE 1 shows the demographic information of the entire study population (n=231). Our study found that patient predictors for recreational sildenafil use are a younger unmarried male who smokes cannabis. Of the men in the study, 138 (59.7%) reported erectile function prior to the use of sildenafil.

We decided to examine data from this subgroup of our study population. As shown in TABLE 2, patients with erectile function but with a history of cannabis abuse reported obtaining sildenafil from friends, street vendors, and the Internet significantly more often than those with erectile dysfunction who did not use cannabis.

Discussion: Is there a danger?

Our study showed a strong association between individuals who obtained sildenafil from sources other than a prescribing physician and those who used cannabis. These men purchased this prescription medication from street vendors, friends, family, or via the Internet. Illicit sildenafil users took the medication mainly to improve performance and increase desire–and they often increased the dose of the medication at will. The differences between patients with erectile dysfunction compared with those without were so great that much of our data proved to be statistically significant (TABLE 1).



Data from our subgroup of patients who smoked cannabis supported our suspicion that patients who were able to maintain an erection prior to their use of sildenafil used the medication to improve sexual performance and counteract alterations in libido caused by cannabis.8

Our study group: Who they were, why they were taking sildenafil

Age (years)
18–3017 (7.4%)2 (2.2%)15 (10.9%).03
31–4056 (24.2%)1 (1.1%)55 (39.9%)<.0001
41–5068 (29.4%)19 (20.4%)49 (35.5%).02
51–6038 (16.5%)25 (26.9%)13 (9.4%).001
61–7035 (15.2%)29 (31.2%)6 (4.3%)<.0001
71–8017 (7.4%)17 (18.3%)0 (0.0%)<.0001
Health insurance
Self-pay23 (10%)4 (4.3%)19 (13.8%).03
Medicaid73 (31.6%)30 (32.3%)43 (31.2%).97
Medicare17 (7.4%)15 (16.1%)2 (1.4%)<.0001
Private carriers118 (51.1%)44 (47.3%)74 (53.6%)<.42
Marital status
Married107 (46.3%)56 (60.2%)51 (37.0%).001
Unmarried92 (39.8%)14 (15.1%)78 (56.5%)<.0001
Divorced32 (13.9%)23 (24.7%)9 (6.5%)<.0001
Drug use
Yes121 (52.4%)9 (9.7%)112 (81.2%)<.0001
No110 (47.6%)84 (90.3%)26 (18.8%) 
Marijuana use
Yes112 (48.5%)7 (7.5%)105 (76.1%)<.0001
No119 (51.5%)86 (92.5%)33 (23.9%)<.0001
Purchased from a friend/street vendor
Yes149 (64.5%)26 (28.0%)123 (89.1%)<.0001
No82 (35.5%)67 (72.0%)15 (10.9%) 
Sold to a friend
Yes72 (31.2%)7 (7.5%)65 (47.1%)<.0001
No159 (68.8%)86 (92.5%)73 (52.9%) 
Increased dose without physician authorization?
Yes150 (64.9%)40 (43.0%)110 (79.7%)<.0001
No81 (35.1%)53 (57.0%)28 (20.3%) 
Lack of desire/interest14 (6.1%)2 (2.2%)12 (8.7%).08
Lack of erection/difficulty in achieving erection82 (35.5%)69 (74.2%)13 (9.4%)<.0001
Difficulty in performance/endurance59 (25.5%)4 (4.3%)55 (39.9%)<.0001
Difficulty in orgasm/ejaculation14 (6.1%)3 (3.2%)11 (8.0%).22
Lack of desire/lack of erection29 (12.6%)13 (14.0%)16 (11.6%).74
Lack of desire+difficulty with performance33 (14.3%)2 (2.2%)31 (22.5%)<.0001
ED, erectile dysfunction

Where did 2 subsets of subjects obtain sildenafil?

PCP/specialist12 (11.4%)75 (87.2%)<.0001
Over-the-counter*8 (7.6%)2 (2.3%).19
Friends/street vendors57 (54.3%)8 (9.3%)<.0001
Internet28 (26.7%)1 (1.2%)<.0001
* Purchased without a prescription from a privately owned business (such as a convenience store).

Limitations of this study

The main limitation of this study was that the data obtained were self-reported. A chart review could have provided objective data on the patients’ ED diagnosis and medications.


The illicit use of sildenafil raises many issues. Patients with cardiovascular disease, even without the use of nitrates, may be at risk of myocardial infarction. Be aware that younger, male patient with an admitted history of drug abuse may be taking sildenafil without your knowledge, even without a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction.


Material support was provided by the Department of Family Medicine at The Brooklyn Hospital, Brooklyn, NY.


The contents of this manuscript were presented at the New York State Academy of Family Practice and The Albany County Chapter Regional Family Medicine Conference at Lake Placid, NY on September 6, 2003.

Marie L. Eloi-Stiven, MD, Director of Research, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Department of Family Medicine, 121 Dekalb Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201;

Practice recommendations

  • There is a strong association between men who use cannabis and men who obtain sildenafil from sources other than a prescribing physician.


Purpose This study examined the ways by which patients obtain nonprescription sildenafil and the patient predictors associated with nonprescribed use.

Methods We conducted this descriptive study via questionnaire-guided interviews with 231 male sildenafil users (ages 18 to 80) between December 1, 2002 and April 30, 2003 at outpatient Family Medicine and Urology Clinics at The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY. Patients were divided into 2 groups: those with erectile dysfunction (reported by the patients as defined by their physician) and those without.

Results The prevalence of erectile dysfunction in our total study population of sildenafil users (n=231) was 40.3% (n=93); 59.7% (n=138) did not have erectile dysfunction. Of those without erectile dysfunction, 76.1% (n=105) admitted to cannabis use, compared with 7.5% (n=7) of the subjects with erectile dysfunction. Patients without erectile dysfunction and history of cannabis abuse reported obtaining sildenafil from friends and street vendors significantly more often than non-cannabis users with erectile dysfunction (54.3%, n=57 vs 9.3%, n=8; P<.0001).

Conclusion Illicit use of cannabis is a strong predictor of recreational sildenafil use among patients without erectile dysfunction.

Published reports of improved sexual performance have prompted men without erectile dysfunction to use sildenafil inappropriately.1-4 Sildenafil has also been used to counteract the impotence-inducing effects of “club drugs” such as ecstasy.5

Cannabis, another widely abused street drug, is a known inhibitor of the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme pathway, the same pathway in which sildenafil is metabolized.6 Cannabis can thus potentiate the effect of sildenafil. A case report from 2002 has indicated that a young man using sildenafil and cannabis concomitantly suffered a myocardial infarction.7

In this study, we sought to answer the following questions:

  • What methods did the men use to obtain sildenafil without a prescription?
  • Why were the men taking sildenafil?
  • Did these men increase the dose without physician supervision?


Setting, participants, and design

Two senior resident physicians from the Department of Family Practice at The Brooklyn Hospital Center asked male patients between the ages of 18 and 80 if they would be interested in participating in this descriptive study. Two hundred and thirty-one patients agreed to be interviewed during their outpatient clinic appointments in the Departments of Family Practice and Urology. We conducted these interviews between December 1, 2002 and April 30, 2003.

Patients with and without physician-diagnosed erectile dysfunction who were using sildenafil were included in this study. Patients were excluded if they were taking nitrates, had cognitive disabilities, were female, or if they could not read English.

The 1-page, 35-item questionnaire was read to the subjects by a resident, who provided additional explanations if needed. The researchers noted their responses to questions on demographics, medical history, social history, treatment duration of erectile dysfunction, method of procurement of sildenafil, and knowledge about the indications of sildenafil. The questionnaire was pretested on a small sample for comprehension prior to distribution.

We developed descriptive statistics and performed cross-tabulations using SPSS version 11.0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, Ill). We used a chi-square test to determine statistical significance between cannabis abuse and illicit sildenafil use. We established statistical significance at P<.05. The Institutional Review Board at the Brooklyn Hospital Center approved our research protocol, and we obtained consent from all the study participants.


Strong link between cannabis use and recreational sildenafil

TABLE 1 shows the demographic information of the entire study population (n=231). Our study found that patient predictors for recreational sildenafil use are a younger unmarried male who smokes cannabis. Of the men in the study, 138 (59.7%) reported erectile function prior to the use of sildenafil.

We decided to examine data from this subgroup of our study population. As shown in TABLE 2, patients with erectile function but with a history of cannabis abuse reported obtaining sildenafil from friends, street vendors, and the Internet significantly more often than those with erectile dysfunction who did not use cannabis.

Discussion: Is there a danger?

Our study showed a strong association between individuals who obtained sildenafil from sources other than a prescribing physician and those who used cannabis. These men purchased this prescription medication from street vendors, friends, family, or via the Internet. Illicit sildenafil users took the medication mainly to improve performance and increase desire–and they often increased the dose of the medication at will. The differences between patients with erectile dysfunction compared with those without were so great that much of our data proved to be statistically significant (TABLE 1).



Data from our subgroup of patients who smoked cannabis supported our suspicion that patients who were able to maintain an erection prior to their use of sildenafil used the medication to improve sexual performance and counteract alterations in libido caused by cannabis.8

Our study group: Who they were, why they were taking sildenafil

Age (years)
18–3017 (7.4%)2 (2.2%)15 (10.9%).03
31–4056 (24.2%)1 (1.1%)55 (39.9%)<.0001
41–5068 (29.4%)19 (20.4%)49 (35.5%).02
51–6038 (16.5%)25 (26.9%)13 (9.4%).001
61–7035 (15.2%)29 (31.2%)6 (4.3%)<.0001
71–8017 (7.4%)17 (18.3%)0 (0.0%)<.0001
Health insurance
Self-pay23 (10%)4 (4.3%)19 (13.8%).03
Medicaid73 (31.6%)30 (32.3%)43 (31.2%).97
Medicare17 (7.4%)15 (16.1%)2 (1.4%)<.0001
Private carriers118 (51.1%)44 (47.3%)74 (53.6%)<.42
Marital status
Married107 (46.3%)56 (60.2%)51 (37.0%).001
Unmarried92 (39.8%)14 (15.1%)78 (56.5%)<.0001
Divorced32 (13.9%)23 (24.7%)9 (6.5%)<.0001
Drug use
Yes121 (52.4%)9 (9.7%)112 (81.2%)<.0001
No110 (47.6%)84 (90.3%)26 (18.8%) 
Marijuana use
Yes112 (48.5%)7 (7.5%)105 (76.1%)<.0001
No119 (51.5%)86 (92.5%)33 (23.9%)<.0001
Purchased from a friend/street vendor
Yes149 (64.5%)26 (28.0%)123 (89.1%)<.0001
No82 (35.5%)67 (72.0%)15 (10.9%) 
Sold to a friend
Yes72 (31.2%)7 (7.5%)65 (47.1%)<.0001
No159 (68.8%)86 (92.5%)73 (52.9%) 
Increased dose without physician authorization?
Yes150 (64.9%)40 (43.0%)110 (79.7%)<.0001
No81 (35.1%)53 (57.0%)28 (20.3%) 
Lack of desire/interest14 (6.1%)2 (2.2%)12 (8.7%).08
Lack of erection/difficulty in achieving erection82 (35.5%)69 (74.2%)13 (9.4%)<.0001
Difficulty in performance/endurance59 (25.5%)4 (4.3%)55 (39.9%)<.0001
Difficulty in orgasm/ejaculation14 (6.1%)3 (3.2%)11 (8.0%).22
Lack of desire/lack of erection29 (12.6%)13 (14.0%)16 (11.6%).74
Lack of desire+difficulty with performance33 (14.3%)2 (2.2%)31 (22.5%)<.0001
ED, erectile dysfunction

Where did 2 subsets of subjects obtain sildenafil?

PCP/specialist12 (11.4%)75 (87.2%)<.0001
Over-the-counter*8 (7.6%)2 (2.3%).19
Friends/street vendors57 (54.3%)8 (9.3%)<.0001
Internet28 (26.7%)1 (1.2%)<.0001
* Purchased without a prescription from a privately owned business (such as a convenience store).

Limitations of this study

The main limitation of this study was that the data obtained were self-reported. A chart review could have provided objective data on the patients’ ED diagnosis and medications.


The illicit use of sildenafil raises many issues. Patients with cardiovascular disease, even without the use of nitrates, may be at risk of myocardial infarction. Be aware that younger, male patient with an admitted history of drug abuse may be taking sildenafil without your knowledge, even without a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction.


Material support was provided by the Department of Family Medicine at The Brooklyn Hospital, Brooklyn, NY.


The contents of this manuscript were presented at the New York State Academy of Family Practice and The Albany County Chapter Regional Family Medicine Conference at Lake Placid, NY on September 6, 2003.

Marie L. Eloi-Stiven, MD, Director of Research, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Department of Family Medicine, 121 Dekalb Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201;


1. Crosby R, Diclemente RJ. Use of recreational sildenafil citrate among men having sex with men. Sex Transm Infect 2004;80:466-468.

2. Chu Pl, McFarland W, Gibson S, et al. Sildenafil citrate use in a community-recruited sample of men who have sex with men, San Francisco. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2003;33:191-193.

3. Modaini N, Ponchietti R, Muir GH. Sildenafil citrate does not improve sexual function in men without erectile dysfunction but does reduce the postorgasmic refractory time. Int J Impot Res 2003;15:225-228.

4. Romanelli F, Smith KM. Recreational use of sildenafil citrate by HIV-positive and negative homosexual/bisexual males. Ann Pharmacother 2004;38:1024-1030.Epub 2004 Apr 27.

5. Breslau K. The “sextasy” craze. Clubland’s dangerous party mix: Viagra and ecstasy. Newsweek. 2002 Jun 3;139(22):30.-

6. McLeod AL, McKenna CJ, Northridge DB. Myocardial Infaraction following the combined recreational use of viagra and cannabis. Clin Cardiol 2002;25:133-134.

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5. Breslau K. The “sextasy” craze. Clubland’s dangerous party mix: Viagra and ecstasy. Newsweek. 2002 Jun 3;139(22):30.-

6. McLeod AL, McKenna CJ, Northridge DB. Myocardial Infaraction following the combined recreational use of viagra and cannabis. Clin Cardiol 2002;25:133-134.

7. El-Galley R, Rutland H, Talic R, Keane T, Clark H. Long-term efficacy of sildenafil and tachyphylaxis effect. J Urol 2001;166:927-931.

8. Hubbard JR, Franco SE, Onaivi ES. Marijuana: medical implications. Am Fam Physician 1999;60:2583-2599.

The Journal of Family Practice - 56(11)
The Journal of Family Practice - 56(11)
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Does marijuana use play a role in the recreational use of sildenafil?
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Does marijuana use play a role in the recreational use of sildenafil?
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