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Tue, 11/08/2022 - 09:09


This is an odd column for me to write. First, because of the nature of print publication, this writing for the November issue is being crafted just before the annual meeting is to be held in Nashville. Therefore, while I have a pretty good sense of what is in store for CHEST 2022, I have yet to see the final product, or the audience’s reaction to it. However, I will make some bold predictions as to what occurred therein:

  • Even in the context of 3 years of separation, thousands CHEST members gathered in droves to rekindle friendships and to experience the best education in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine that the world has to offer, leading to our second-biggest meeting ever.
  • Neil Pasricha’s presentation helped attendees rekindle the “Art of Happiness.”
  • Hundreds of attendees participated in, and successfully solved, our newest escape room, “Starship Relics.”
  • Our valued CHEST members were able to successfully thwart Dr. Didactic and save the future of educational innovation.
  • “CHEST After Hours” trended on social media and will become a normal and highly-anticipated part of the CHEST meeting moving forward.
  • The most uncomfortable moment of the meeting centered on mayonnaise; for those of you who know what I am referencing, I am a little sorry…but only a little.
  • Despite my best efforts, we were not able to recruit Neil Patrick Harris to participate.

Dr. David Schulman
Dr. David Schulman

Predicting the future of medical meetings is something we’ve spent a lot of time trying to do over the last year as we developed plans for CHEST 2022. But given the talented individuals involved in that planning, foreseeing the meeting’s success did not require any time travel; it was hardly a difficult task at all. Program Chair Subani Chandra and Vice-Chair Aneesa Das were exactly the people we needed at the helm for this all-important return to in-person meetings, and I cannot thank them enough for their creativity, effort, and leadership in bringing CHEST 2022 to fruition. And while I expect to have been seven-for-seven in my predictions above, I do hope I got that NPH one wrong.

The other reason that this column was a challenge to craft is because it represents my final formal presidential missive in these esteemed pages. And as I planned this final walk of the path, I gave careful consideration to the message with which I wanted to conclude my year. And as I put together my predictions for the future, my mind also turned to the past, considering things I wish I had known (or spent more time considering) as I started this journey. Some of this information may prove useful to the next generation of CHEST leaders, and some may be already well engrained for those of you with leadership experience. Here, in no particular order, are some thoughts for those of you in the audience who are considering future leadership opportunities at CHEST (or elsewhere in life; I suspect some of this advice is applicable to other venues). That said, the recommendations also come from yours truly, so take them with an appropriately large grain of salt, as your mileage may vary, and reasonable people could take issue here or there.

  • The most important conversations should happen in person. The past 3 years have shown us the amazing things that modern technology can accomplish, but when it comes to providing important information, asking for input on a crucial issue, or providing feedback on a sensitive matter, there is no adequate substitute for a discussion in which all parties are in the same room.
  • You are going to get things wrong sometimes; sometimes, this is because there wasn’t a way to get a right answer, and sometimes it will be because you tried something that didn’t work. You will learn far more from one of these experiences than from a dozen things that went as well as (or better than) expected.
  • It is profoundly difficult to change someone’s mind if you aren’t interacting with them. I believe there is no gap so large that warrants breakdown of communication. Going that extra mile to talk to people who have a drastically different opinion than your own is the only way that you might be able to change someone’s mind and is a great way to ensure that your own opinion withstands pushback. With the growth of social media over the last decade, we’ve gotten very good at blocking people on social media; while this can sometimes be good (or even necessary) for emotional well-being, there can be value to interacting with such folks in a real-world environment.
  • You do not have to bring everything to the table. The best leaders surround themselves with other really smart folks who, in aggregate, will provide support in areas in which you are deficient. That said, you need to know where these gaps in your knowledge and experience are, and when it is the right time to listen to those trusted advisors.
  • When it comes time to identify folks for your “cabinet,” make sure to choose people who think differently than you and who may disagree with you on some fundamental things. Surrounding yourself with friends and close colleagues can lead to groupthink and poor decision making. The best results often stem from challenging and difficult decision-making processes.
  • As a corollary to the above, every leader will bring their own sensibility and personality to the role. Make sure to bring yours, even if it involves silly jokes about holding a medical meeting in a former President’s basement or getting another former President to eat a big spoonful of the aforementioned condiment.
  • Fun is important. Fun builds relationships, and teams, and trust. Make sure you are having it, as much as you possibly can, throughout your leadership tenure.

On that note, I will sign off for good, at least in these pages. I’ll still be bumbling around, proposing new educational experiences, hosting Pardon the Interruption, and serving as a sounding board for anyone who wants to chat. But I cannot wait to see what the next 3 years bring for our organization, under the leadership of Drs. Addrizzo-Harris, Buckley, and Howington. And for those of you who are just taking your first steps in leadership, and who will be following in their footsteps years down the road, I hope that you get just as much enjoyment from and fulfilment in the role of President as I have. #SchulmanOut



This is an odd column for me to write. First, because of the nature of print publication, this writing for the November issue is being crafted just before the annual meeting is to be held in Nashville. Therefore, while I have a pretty good sense of what is in store for CHEST 2022, I have yet to see the final product, or the audience’s reaction to it. However, I will make some bold predictions as to what occurred therein:

  • Even in the context of 3 years of separation, thousands CHEST members gathered in droves to rekindle friendships and to experience the best education in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine that the world has to offer, leading to our second-biggest meeting ever.
  • Neil Pasricha’s presentation helped attendees rekindle the “Art of Happiness.”
  • Hundreds of attendees participated in, and successfully solved, our newest escape room, “Starship Relics.”
  • Our valued CHEST members were able to successfully thwart Dr. Didactic and save the future of educational innovation.
  • “CHEST After Hours” trended on social media and will become a normal and highly-anticipated part of the CHEST meeting moving forward.
  • The most uncomfortable moment of the meeting centered on mayonnaise; for those of you who know what I am referencing, I am a little sorry…but only a little.
  • Despite my best efforts, we were not able to recruit Neil Patrick Harris to participate.

Dr. David Schulman
Dr. David Schulman

Predicting the future of medical meetings is something we’ve spent a lot of time trying to do over the last year as we developed plans for CHEST 2022. But given the talented individuals involved in that planning, foreseeing the meeting’s success did not require any time travel; it was hardly a difficult task at all. Program Chair Subani Chandra and Vice-Chair Aneesa Das were exactly the people we needed at the helm for this all-important return to in-person meetings, and I cannot thank them enough for their creativity, effort, and leadership in bringing CHEST 2022 to fruition. And while I expect to have been seven-for-seven in my predictions above, I do hope I got that NPH one wrong.

The other reason that this column was a challenge to craft is because it represents my final formal presidential missive in these esteemed pages. And as I planned this final walk of the path, I gave careful consideration to the message with which I wanted to conclude my year. And as I put together my predictions for the future, my mind also turned to the past, considering things I wish I had known (or spent more time considering) as I started this journey. Some of this information may prove useful to the next generation of CHEST leaders, and some may be already well engrained for those of you with leadership experience. Here, in no particular order, are some thoughts for those of you in the audience who are considering future leadership opportunities at CHEST (or elsewhere in life; I suspect some of this advice is applicable to other venues). That said, the recommendations also come from yours truly, so take them with an appropriately large grain of salt, as your mileage may vary, and reasonable people could take issue here or there.

  • The most important conversations should happen in person. The past 3 years have shown us the amazing things that modern technology can accomplish, but when it comes to providing important information, asking for input on a crucial issue, or providing feedback on a sensitive matter, there is no adequate substitute for a discussion in which all parties are in the same room.
  • You are going to get things wrong sometimes; sometimes, this is because there wasn’t a way to get a right answer, and sometimes it will be because you tried something that didn’t work. You will learn far more from one of these experiences than from a dozen things that went as well as (or better than) expected.
  • It is profoundly difficult to change someone’s mind if you aren’t interacting with them. I believe there is no gap so large that warrants breakdown of communication. Going that extra mile to talk to people who have a drastically different opinion than your own is the only way that you might be able to change someone’s mind and is a great way to ensure that your own opinion withstands pushback. With the growth of social media over the last decade, we’ve gotten very good at blocking people on social media; while this can sometimes be good (or even necessary) for emotional well-being, there can be value to interacting with such folks in a real-world environment.
  • You do not have to bring everything to the table. The best leaders surround themselves with other really smart folks who, in aggregate, will provide support in areas in which you are deficient. That said, you need to know where these gaps in your knowledge and experience are, and when it is the right time to listen to those trusted advisors.
  • When it comes time to identify folks for your “cabinet,” make sure to choose people who think differently than you and who may disagree with you on some fundamental things. Surrounding yourself with friends and close colleagues can lead to groupthink and poor decision making. The best results often stem from challenging and difficult decision-making processes.
  • As a corollary to the above, every leader will bring their own sensibility and personality to the role. Make sure to bring yours, even if it involves silly jokes about holding a medical meeting in a former President’s basement or getting another former President to eat a big spoonful of the aforementioned condiment.
  • Fun is important. Fun builds relationships, and teams, and trust. Make sure you are having it, as much as you possibly can, throughout your leadership tenure.

On that note, I will sign off for good, at least in these pages. I’ll still be bumbling around, proposing new educational experiences, hosting Pardon the Interruption, and serving as a sounding board for anyone who wants to chat. But I cannot wait to see what the next 3 years bring for our organization, under the leadership of Drs. Addrizzo-Harris, Buckley, and Howington. And for those of you who are just taking your first steps in leadership, and who will be following in their footsteps years down the road, I hope that you get just as much enjoyment from and fulfilment in the role of President as I have. #SchulmanOut


This is an odd column for me to write. First, because of the nature of print publication, this writing for the November issue is being crafted just before the annual meeting is to be held in Nashville. Therefore, while I have a pretty good sense of what is in store for CHEST 2022, I have yet to see the final product, or the audience’s reaction to it. However, I will make some bold predictions as to what occurred therein:

  • Even in the context of 3 years of separation, thousands CHEST members gathered in droves to rekindle friendships and to experience the best education in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine that the world has to offer, leading to our second-biggest meeting ever.
  • Neil Pasricha’s presentation helped attendees rekindle the “Art of Happiness.”
  • Hundreds of attendees participated in, and successfully solved, our newest escape room, “Starship Relics.”
  • Our valued CHEST members were able to successfully thwart Dr. Didactic and save the future of educational innovation.
  • “CHEST After Hours” trended on social media and will become a normal and highly-anticipated part of the CHEST meeting moving forward.
  • The most uncomfortable moment of the meeting centered on mayonnaise; for those of you who know what I am referencing, I am a little sorry…but only a little.
  • Despite my best efforts, we were not able to recruit Neil Patrick Harris to participate.

Dr. David Schulman
Dr. David Schulman

Predicting the future of medical meetings is something we’ve spent a lot of time trying to do over the last year as we developed plans for CHEST 2022. But given the talented individuals involved in that planning, foreseeing the meeting’s success did not require any time travel; it was hardly a difficult task at all. Program Chair Subani Chandra and Vice-Chair Aneesa Das were exactly the people we needed at the helm for this all-important return to in-person meetings, and I cannot thank them enough for their creativity, effort, and leadership in bringing CHEST 2022 to fruition. And while I expect to have been seven-for-seven in my predictions above, I do hope I got that NPH one wrong.

The other reason that this column was a challenge to craft is because it represents my final formal presidential missive in these esteemed pages. And as I planned this final walk of the path, I gave careful consideration to the message with which I wanted to conclude my year. And as I put together my predictions for the future, my mind also turned to the past, considering things I wish I had known (or spent more time considering) as I started this journey. Some of this information may prove useful to the next generation of CHEST leaders, and some may be already well engrained for those of you with leadership experience. Here, in no particular order, are some thoughts for those of you in the audience who are considering future leadership opportunities at CHEST (or elsewhere in life; I suspect some of this advice is applicable to other venues). That said, the recommendations also come from yours truly, so take them with an appropriately large grain of salt, as your mileage may vary, and reasonable people could take issue here or there.

  • The most important conversations should happen in person. The past 3 years have shown us the amazing things that modern technology can accomplish, but when it comes to providing important information, asking for input on a crucial issue, or providing feedback on a sensitive matter, there is no adequate substitute for a discussion in which all parties are in the same room.
  • You are going to get things wrong sometimes; sometimes, this is because there wasn’t a way to get a right answer, and sometimes it will be because you tried something that didn’t work. You will learn far more from one of these experiences than from a dozen things that went as well as (or better than) expected.
  • It is profoundly difficult to change someone’s mind if you aren’t interacting with them. I believe there is no gap so large that warrants breakdown of communication. Going that extra mile to talk to people who have a drastically different opinion than your own is the only way that you might be able to change someone’s mind and is a great way to ensure that your own opinion withstands pushback. With the growth of social media over the last decade, we’ve gotten very good at blocking people on social media; while this can sometimes be good (or even necessary) for emotional well-being, there can be value to interacting with such folks in a real-world environment.
  • You do not have to bring everything to the table. The best leaders surround themselves with other really smart folks who, in aggregate, will provide support in areas in which you are deficient. That said, you need to know where these gaps in your knowledge and experience are, and when it is the right time to listen to those trusted advisors.
  • When it comes time to identify folks for your “cabinet,” make sure to choose people who think differently than you and who may disagree with you on some fundamental things. Surrounding yourself with friends and close colleagues can lead to groupthink and poor decision making. The best results often stem from challenging and difficult decision-making processes.
  • As a corollary to the above, every leader will bring their own sensibility and personality to the role. Make sure to bring yours, even if it involves silly jokes about holding a medical meeting in a former President’s basement or getting another former President to eat a big spoonful of the aforementioned condiment.
  • Fun is important. Fun builds relationships, and teams, and trust. Make sure you are having it, as much as you possibly can, throughout your leadership tenure.

On that note, I will sign off for good, at least in these pages. I’ll still be bumbling around, proposing new educational experiences, hosting Pardon the Interruption, and serving as a sounding board for anyone who wants to chat. But I cannot wait to see what the next 3 years bring for our organization, under the leadership of Drs. Addrizzo-Harris, Buckley, and Howington. And for those of you who are just taking your first steps in leadership, and who will be following in their footsteps years down the road, I hope that you get just as much enjoyment from and fulfilment in the role of President as I have. #SchulmanOut

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