If there is one thing that the VA and DoD have in common—it’s access to high-quality data. With 8.9 million veterans accessing VA care and another 9.4 million utilizing TRICARE, both the Veterans Health Administration and the TRICARE/Military Health System know a tremendous amount about their population. As a result, the VA, DoD, and independent researchers have amassed a great amount of data about health care diagnoses and outcomes. The goal of this supplement to Federal Practitioner is to help federal health care providers synthesize the data by identifying the most significant research and highlighting key findings. We have pulled together the data from a broad cross-section of researchers and developed infographics to clarify and emphasize some of the most important trends in an easy to understand format.
Government and Regulations
Federal Health Care Data Trends: Veteran Demographics
Fed Pract. 2018 July;35(5):S10-S11