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Data Trends 2024: Substance Use Disorder
Reviewed by:
Jason C. DeViva, PhD
Associate Professor. Department of Psychiatry
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, CT
PTSD Clinical Team
VA Connecticut Health Care System
West Haven, CT
Jason C. DeViva, PhD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships
In a 2022 national survey, about 1 in 5 Americans who reported alcohol use in the past 30 days were classified as binge drinkers, while about 1 in 4 reported illicit drug use within the past year. About 1 in 6 had an SUD, with most (55.0%) having mild cases, 22.6% having moderate cases, and 22.3% having severe cases.
Veterans are impacted by substance use and SUD at a similar rate compared with civilians. National survey findings indicate no significant difference between veterans and the general population in terms of past-month binge drinking (29.9% vs 23.6%) or illicit drug use (15.5% vs 17.6%).
1.4 million veterans aged ≥ 18 years have co-occurring SUD and mental illnesses. Veterans with mental illness are more likely to have used illicit drugs within the past year than those without mental illness (37.4% vs 17.2%), and veterans diagnosed with serious mental illness are significantly more likely to misuse opioids (10.8%) than those with any mental illness (5.5%) or no mental illness (1.7%).
Although population-wide substance use prevalence does not vary between veterans and civilians, recent studies have identified populations of older veterans that have a history of substance use, as well as current substance use, are significantly higher compared with civilians. Potential explanations for these differences include prevalence of pain, depression, and potentially traumatic events.