Government and Regulations

HIV Patients Promote Getting Treated

“These compelling and emotionally engaging stories will serve as an important tool in helping to counter the misconceptions, stigma, and discrimination that continue to create significant barriers to HIV testing and treatment,” said HHS Secretary Burwell.


In the face of a life-altering event, it can help to hear how someone else made it through. That’s the premise behind Positive Spin, a digital educational tool in which HIV-positive men share their personal stories to promote the importance of treatment. The project was developed by with input from federal agencies, health care professionals, community-based HIV organizations, and people living with HIV.

Related: Initiatives Aim at Improving HIV and Mental Health Services

Homosexual and bisexual African American men account for almost one-third of all new HIV infections in the U.S., so the website highlights 5 homosexual black men who have successfully navigated the HIV care continuum from diagnosis, through treatment, to viral suppression. The video stories are accompanied by user-friendly information, easy-to-understand infographics, and links to federal resources.

Related: Care Conversations

“These compelling and emotionally engaging stories will serve as an important tool in helping to counter the misconceptions, stigma, and discrimination that continue to create significant barriers to HIV testing and treatment,” said HHS Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell.

To learn more about Positive Spin, visit

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