Sleep Medicine
Narcolepsy med shows early promise for adult ADHD
Solriamfetol is a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor that shares some of the properties of current ADHD medications.
Conference Coverage
Confirmed: Intermittent use of benzodiazepines is the safest option
“We’ve always known that there was a problem, but there haven’t been high-quality epidemiological studies like this that allowed us to say what...
Sleep irregularity
Until we as health care professionals take sleep deprivation seriously, we will be undertreating and mistreating our patients who would benefit...
Mepolizumab improves asthma after 1 year despite comorbidities
Patients with asthma and comorbid chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps showed especially significant benefits.
Poor sleep and chronic pain prove pesky bedfellows
Two methods used by torturers – pain infliction and sleep deprivation – harm people in ways that also are experienced by many patients with pain...
Study questions if blue light–blocking glasses really work
“Our findings do not support the prescription of blue light–filtering lenses to the general population.”
Inhaling pleasant scents during sleep tied to a dramatic boost in cognition
“To my knowledge, that level of [memory] improvement is far greater than anything that has been reported for healthy older adults ...”
Father’s influence impacts whether their infant is breastfed, follows safe sleeping practices
The results suggest that including fathers in conversations about breastfeeding and infant sleep practices could help improve adherence.
Latest News
Poor sleep tied to increased injury from falls, motor vehicle accidents
Adults who get 4 hours or less nightly and those who have trouble staying asleep are significantly more likely to be injured.
Conference Coverage
Smart-bed technology reveals insomnia, flu risk link
Sleep disorders, including insomnia, can dampen immune function and an individual’s ability to fight off illness.