Displaying data
The documentation, analysis, and interpretation of data generated by multiple PDSA cycles must be displayed accurately and succinctly. The run chart has been developed as a simple technique for identifying nonrandom patterns (that is, signals), which allows QI researchers to determine the impact of each cycle of change and the stability of that change over a given time period.9 This often is contrasted with conventional statistical approaches that aggregate data and perform summary statistical comparisons at static time points. Instead, the run chart allows for an appreciation of the dynamic nature of PDSA-driven process manipulation and resulting outcome changes.
Correct interpretation of the presented data requires an understanding of common cause variation (CCV) and special cause variation (SCV). CCV occurs randomly and is present in all health care processes. It can never be eliminated completely. SCV, in contrast, is the result of external factors that are imposed on normal processes. For example, the introduction of audible timers within endoscopy rooms to ensure adequate withdrawal time may result in an increase in the ADR. The relatively stable ADR measured in both the pre-intervention and postintervention periods are subject to CCV. However, the postintervention increase in ADR is the result of SCV.10
As shown in Figure 2, the horizontal axis shows the time scale and spans the entire duration of the intervention period. The y-axis shows the outcome measure of interest. A horizontal line representing the median is shown.9 A goal line also may be depicted. Annotations to indicate the implementation of change or other important events (such as unintended consequences or unexpected events) also may be added to facilitate data interpretation.
Specific rules based on standard statistics govern the objective interpretation of a run chart and allow the differentiation between random and cause-specific patterns of change.Shift: at least six consecutive data points above or below the median line are needed (points on the median line are skipped).9 To assess a shift appropriately, at least 10 data points are required.
Trend: at least five consecutive data points all increasing in value or all decreasing in value are needed (numerically equivalent points are skipped).9
Runs: a run refers to a series of data points on one side of the median.9 If a random pattern of data points exists on the run chart, there should be an appropriate number of runs on either side of the median. Values outside of this indicate a higher probability of a nonrandom pattern.9,11
Astronomic point: this refers to a data point that subjectively is found to be obviously different from the rest and prompts consideration of the events that led to this.9
Although straightforward to construct and interpret for clinicians without statistical training, the run chart has specific limitations. It is ideal for the display of early data but cannot be used to determine its durability.9 In addition, a run chart does not reflect discrete data with no clear median.
The example run chart in Figure 2 shows that there is a shift in data points from below the median to above the median, ultimately achieving 100% group adherence to the ADR target of greater than 25%. There are only two runs for a total of 12 data points within the 12-month study period, indicating that there is a 5% or less probability that this is a random pattern.11 It appears that our interventions have resulted in incremental improvements in the ADR to exceed the target level in a nonrandom fashion. Although the cumulative effect of these interventions has been successful, it is difficult to predict the durability of this change moving forward. In addition, it would be difficult to select only a single intervention, of the many trialed, that would result in a sustained ADR of 25% or greater.
Summary and next steps
This article selectively reviews the process of change framed by the PDSA cycle. We also discuss the role of data display and interpretation using a run chart. The final article in this series will cover how to sustain change and support a culture of continuous improvement.
1. Corley, D.A., Jensen, C.D., Marks, A.R., et al. Adenoma detection rate and risk of colorectal cancer and death. N Engl J Med. 2014;370:1298-306.
2. Cohen, J., Schoenfeld, P., Park, W., et al. Quality indicators for colonoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2015;81:31-53.
3. Module 5: Improvement Cycle. (2013). Available at: http://implementation.fpg.unc.edu/book/export/html/326. Accessed Feb. 1, 2016.
4. Taylor, M.J., McNicholas, C., Nicolay, C., et al. Systematic review of the application of the plan-do-study-act method to improve quality in healthcare. BMJ Qual Saf. 2014;23(4):290-8.
5. Davidoff, F., Batalden, P., Stevens, D. et al. Publication guidelines for quality improvement in health care: evolution of the SQUIRE project. Qual Saf Health Care. 2008;17:i3-9.
6. Ogrinc, G., Mooney, S., Estrada, C., et al. The SQUIRE (standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence) guidelines for quality improvement reporting: explanation and elaboration. Qual Saf Health Care. 2008;17:i13-32.
7. Nelson, E.C., Batalden, B.P., Godfrey, M.M. Quality by design: a clinical microsystems approach. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco; 2007.
8. Coe, S.G.C.J., Diehl, N.N., Wallace, M.B. An endoscopic quality improvement program improves detection of colorectal adenomas. Am J Gastroenterol. 2013;108(2):219-26.
9. Perla, R.J., Provost, L.P., Murray, S.K. The run chart: a simple analytical tool for learning from variation in healthcare processes. BMJ Qual Saf. 2011;20:46-51.
10. Neuhauser, D., Provost, L., Bergman, B. The meaning of variation to healthcare managers, clinical and health-services researchers, and individual patients. BMJ Qual Saf. 2011;20:i36-40.
11. Swed, F.S. Eisenhart, C. Tables for testing randomness of grouping in a sequence of alternatives. Ann Math Statist. 1943;14:66-87
Dr. Bollegala is in the division of gastroenterology, department of medicine, Women’s College Hospital; Dr. Mosko is in the division of gastroenterology, department of medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital, and the Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation; Dr. Bernstein is in the division of gastroenterology, department of medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Dr. Brahmania is in the Toronto Center for Liver Diseases, division of gastroenterology, department of medicine, University Health Network; Dr. Liu is in the division of gastroenterology, department of medicine, University Health Network; Dr. Steinhart is at Mount Sinai Hospital Centre for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, department of medicine and Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation; Dr. Silver is in the division of nephrology, St. Michael’s Hospital; Dr. Bell is in the division of internal medicine, department of medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital; Dr. Nguyen is at Mount Sinai Hospital Centre for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, department of medicine; Dr. Weizman is at the Mount Sinai Hospital Centre for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, department of medicine, and Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. All are at the University of Toronto. Dr. Patel is in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology, department of medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. The authors disclose no conflicts.