Correct Answer: B
The patient has a favorable anatomy for a surgical drainage procedure such as a lateral pancreaticojejunostomy (Peustow procedure). Surgery has been noted to provide superior pain relief over 5 years compared with endoscopy. Hospital costs and length of stay were similar between the groups. Continued medical therapy is unlikely to add further benefit on top of what she has already achieved. EUS-guided celiac plexus block will only provide temporary pain relief. There are limited long-term data on the effectiveness of total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation in alleviating pain.
1. Cahen D.L., Gouma D.J., Laramée P., et al. Gastroenterology. 2011;141(5):1690-5.
2. Conwell D.L., Lee L.S., Yadav D., et al. American pancreatic association practice guidelines in chronic pancreatitis. Pancreas. 2014;43:1143-62.