Conference Coverage

Misdiagnosis, mismatch still common in pancreatic cystic neoplasms


AT DDW 2023

Preoperative clinical diagnoses of pancreatic cystic neoplasms (PCNs) are frequently found to be in error when patients go to surgery as recommended under international guidelines, data from a retrospective study show.

An analysis of all pancreatic resections performed for presumed PCN at the Verona Pancreas Institute, Italy, from 2011 through 2020 showed a high degree of discrepancy between the preoperative clinical diagnosis and the final postoperative pathology, with some lesions being misdiagnosed in nearly two-thirds of cases, reported Anna Burelli, MD, of the department of general and pancreatic surgery at the University of Verona.

“Diagnostic errors are still common for resected PCNs. Morphological and clinical information alone still poorly frame actual targets for surgery, and hopefully the development of new reliable biomarkers will represent the next evolution in pancreatic cystic neoplasm management,” she said in an oral abstract session at the annual Digestive Disease Week® (DDW).

Diagnostic errors are significant issues in care of patients with PCN, because clinicians must balance the need for prompt, definitive treatment when necessary with the need for avoiding the significant morbidity of pancreatic resection for patients with lesions that turn out to be nonmalignant.

The investigators define “misdiagnosis” as a discrepancy between the preoperative clinical diagnosis and the postoperative pathology, and “mismatch” as a discrepancy between the preoperative suspicion of malignant or benign disease and the final pathology.

Checkered history

In previous cases series from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston (2010) and the Verona Pancreas Institute (2012) – both experienced, high-volume centers – PCN misdiagnosis rates were 30% and 21%, respectively, and results from the current study show that things haven’t changed much since then, Dr. Burelli said.

PCNs are divided into neoplastic and nonneoplastic categories, with mucin-producing subtypes considered to be precancerous lesions that require accurate diagnosis and close monitoring.

Examples of neoplastic PCNs are intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) of the main pancreatic duct or side branch and mucinous cystadenomas. In contrast, serous cystadenomas, considered nonneoplastic, are mostly benign lesions discovered incidentally during abdominal imaging for another indication. It is very difficult, however, to distinguish between the two PCN subtypes clinically.

For example, Dr. Burelli showed images from a patient who received a preoperative diagnosis of mixed IPMN that was in fact found to be chronic pancreatitis on postoperative pathology.

Dr. Burelli noted that AGA and joint European guidelines for management of PCNs have been updated over the past decade, with the latest AGA iteration in 2015.

A 2017 study evaluating the 2015 AGA guidelines for management of asymptomatic PCNs found that following the guidelines in a large multicenter cohort “would have resulted in 60 % fewer patients being referred for surgical resection, and accurately recommended surveillance in 95% of patients with asymptomatic PCNs.”


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