Persons with migraine show individual attack patterns and weekend migraine can be determined for a subgroup of participants, while others show accumulations of their attacks on other days of the week. This according to a recent analysis of migraine attacks collected online within the project Migraine Radar in respect to the distribution of migraine attacks throughout the week on a single‐participant level. Researchers recorded data using a web app as well as smartphone apps in order to collect data of 44,639 migraine attacks of 1085 participants who reported 7 or more attacks during a period of at least 90 days. They found:
- For 15.9% of the participants, the attacks were not distributed equally throughout the days of the week.
- Instead, participants show different individual patterns for the distribution of their migraine attacks.
- Furthermore, the modes of the individual distributions are not distributed equally throughout the week.
- Saturday seems to be the predominant day for migraine attacks for a greater proportion of participants (195 of 1085).
Drescher J, Wogenstein F, Gaul C, et al. Distribution of migraine attacks over the days of the week: Preliminary results from a web‐based questionnaire. [Published online ahead of print January 12, 2019]. Acta Neurol Scand . doi:10.1111/ane.13065.