Advanced procedures in family medicine: The cutting edge or the lunatic fringe?

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Mon, 01/14/2019 - 10:59
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Advanced procedures in family medicine: The cutting edge or the lunatic fringe?

About: “Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a rural family practice”

On the surface, the previous article by Haynes et al1 appears to be a simple descriptive study of a well-established technology. So why publish something that is not new? Simply because the study is an incredible technical and political achievement in a JCAHO-accredited hospital by a family physician educator. All family physicians—whether they view themselves as “procedural” or not—should recognize it for its symbolic and political value.

High-touch and high-tech

If family physicians wish to provide more than “generic primary care,” they must provide clinical skills at the bedside, in addition to diagnostic and psychosocial expertise. No amount of the latter will compensate for the former at critical moments. For credibility in the community and in the life cycle of families, the provision of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures trumps prescription-writing every time.

By providing surgical or diagnostic procedures that improve access to health care in their communities, physicians such as Haynes are not regressing to a surgical mentality at the expense of psychosocial sensitivity and therapeutic listening. Our closest relations with patients and their families are established at the bedside while performing or assisting with a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. Procedures frequently provide the ultimate “teachable moment.” As said at Keystone III: “You can pretend to know; you can pretend to care; but you can’t pretend to be there.”2

Also, procedures distinguish family physicians from the other “primary care providers” who are hired with the assumption that they will provide referrals. Patients will seek out those physicians who can simultaneously provide high-touch and high-tech.

1960s–1970s: The growth of high-tech

During the 1960s and 1970s, advances in technology were predominantly located in hospitals. The traditional office-based diagnostic and surgical skills of the general physician were gradually transferred to a more central place, namely the hospital. Many of these skills were then categorically assigned to more specialized physicians resulting in the withdrawal of the generalist physician in the participation of these skills.

Originally, family medicine educators thought the 3-year curriculum would be sufficient for procedural training, but they underestimated the political passion for control by opposing specialties with a need to maintain their training monopolies. Among 20 voting specialties, family medicine has only 1 vote. This is the democratic reality, which frames any potential turf struggle in a highly subspecialized environment. These environments include, but are not limited to, academic medical centers, most urban hospitals, and some rural hospitals.

The institutionalization of these interventions depersonalized the patient-doctor relationship, limited access, and escalated cost. Family practice as an emerging specialty willingly joined in this movement, resulting in the abandonment of many generalist-appropriate skills. During that time, studies of how tertiary-care technologies might transfer into the community were undertaken.3,4

It became increasingly evident that many diagnostic and interventional procedures (eg, diagnostic ultrasound, gastrointestinal endoscopy, and colposcopy) had multiple-specialty applications and were clearly linked with important preventive activities. 5,6 Some leaders suggested that technical skills combined with the unique biopsychosocial model of practice of family physicians was the right way to provide competent, personal care to patients. In other words, high-tech was most effective when blended with high-touch and vice-versa. 7-9

1980s–1990s: The FP curriculum expands

In 1981, the first in a series of fourth-year fellowships emphasizing this expanded curriculum for family physicians was initiated.10-12 Thereupon followed the development of CAQ experiences in Geriatric Medicine and Sports Medicine, which, while instructive, failed to create added market value to most rural and under-served communities. The American Academy of Family Physicians—through the Task Force on Obstetrics (1989–1993)13 and then the Task Force on Procedures (1993–1995)—ratified and distributed performance-based learning and competency-based testing programs. Moreover, the Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) program had a major impact nationally and internationally.14

By 1991, our discipline was focused on credentialing for lightning rod issues such as colonoscopy,15 esophagogastroduodenoscopy,16 colposcopy,17 obstetric ultrasound,18 and cesarean section.19 In Memphis, because of the political conflict associated with the teaching of diagnostic ultrasound, gastrointestinal endoscopy, and cesarean section, we chose not to “fan the flames” with development of office-based laparoscopy. But we were ready. We included laparoscopic tubal ligation in our FP/OB fellowship, but the resistance from specialties who felt family medicine was invading “their turf” was difficult and remains so.20-24

By 1995, the Residency Review Committee for Family Medicine had codified the rural training tracks25 and reaffirmed OB-capable faculty as part of the accreditation process. These advanced family practice curriculum needs were acknowledged, and various educational innovations with an emphasis on skills needed for success in rural or urban underserved communities began to emerge.26,27



Nebraska,28 Marshall University,29 and the University of Tennessee–Memphis 30 have summarized their experiences with the accelerated residency program and rural training tracks have done the same. These programs have recognized the need to train our future teachers and role models broadly, combating the “learned helplessness” that too often characterizes our training environments when we leave this teaching to subspecialists.

Meeting the needs of a rural practice

Some physicians with a more limited scope of practice appear threatened by proceduralists. While there is room for everyone in the big tent of family medicine, if our specialty is to survive and be credible, we must seek to meet the needs of our patients and our students. In most urban areas, family medicine has abandoned large parts of our patients’ care to the specialties of emergency medicine and obstetrics/gynecology.

From the rural perspective, it is impractical or fiscally impossible to recruit and maintain platoons of obstetricians and board-certified emergency medicine specialists to counties not located near a metropolitan area.31,32 Family physicians, if properly trained, are the ideal physicians for nonmetropolitan practice.

Moreover, the current practice management curriculum in most family practice residencies is a do-it-yourself suicide kit where few physicians understand accountability measures for billing, collections, equipment, and human resources. They may have memorized the entire amino acid sequence for the human genome, but they don’t have the time to understand billing for Medicaid or the impact of providing a full range of services to their patients. What’s wrong with this picture?

FPs must adapt to serve their patients

The net result of the production of our graduates lacking technical skills is an overstocked urban job pool and a shortage of rural physicians. There are few 9-to-5 family practice jobs available in urban areas like Nashville and Memphis for limited generalists. On the other hand, there are jobs for every family physician willing to work after 5 P.M. This includes continuing care, urgent care, and middle-of-the-night hospital care. Procedural skills and hospital service predictably require “extra effort” and extra risk. Reimbursement policies continue to favor those physicians who assume these risks and provide these services.33.34

Another result of following the path of least resistance (as reflected in nonprocedural family medicine is the decreasing student interest in family medicine.35

Responsibility also rests with unskilled faculty who will not perform a broader scope of practice within the medical specialty of family medicine. There is personal risk for “being there” at the critical moment of procedural decisions. Students do not automatically shun this risk, but family medicine may be self-selecting for those who do.

Family physicians practicing in diverse geographic, social, and political environments will naturally adopt various diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in the service of their patients. It is not up to us to judge the appropriateness of those modalities except by the ultimate yardstick of the quality of the end result.

We are not advocating the addition of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to the “required” family medicine curriculum. However, we support the right of John Haynes to practice this skill and to teach it to others to the benefit of patients. The specialty that cannot provide training and credentials for its own members has been reproductively sterilized.36,37 This is a unique market niche ideally suited for family medicine.38,39

Procedurally trained family physicians represent the cutting edge of an emerging paradigm of care that includes ambulatory surgery, maternity care, cesarean section, and laparoscopy, particularly for patients in smaller communities and developing nations. We salute John Haynes and his co-authors for taking “the road less traveled.”

Corresponding author
Wm. MacMillan Rodney, MD, 6575 Black Thorne Cove, Memphis, TN 38119. E-mail:


1. Haynes JH, Guha SC, Taylor SG. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy by a rural family practice: the Vivian, Louisiana, experience. J Fam Pract 2004;53:3:tk-tk.

2. Green LA, Graham R, Frey JJ, Stephens GG. Keystone III. The Role of Family Medicine in a Changing Health Care Environment: A Dialogue Washington, DC: Robert Graham Center; 2001.

3. Johnson RA, Quan MA, Rodney WM. Flexible sigmoidoscopy. J Fam Pract 1982;14:757-770.

4. Morgan WC, Rodney WM, Hahn RG, Garr DA. Ultrasound for the primary care physician. Applications in family-centered obstetrics. Postgrad Med 1988;83:103-107.

5. Rodney WM, Quan MA, Johnson RA, Beaber R. Impact of flexible sigmoidoscopy in a family practice residency. J Fam Pract 1982;15:885-889.

6. Rodney WM. Doing better: Health maintenance research in family medicine. Cont Ed Fam Phys 1985;20:688-689.

7. Rodney WM. High technology is most effective when blended with high touch and vice versa: office technology in the 21st Century. Fam Pract Res J 1991;11:235-239.

8. Deutchman ME, Connor PC, Hahn RG, Rodney WM, et al. Diagnostic and therapeutic tools for the family physician’s office of the 21st century. Fam Pract Res J 1992;12:147-155.

9. Harper MB, Mayeaux EJ, Jr, Pope JB, Goel R. Procedural training in family practice residencies: current status and impact on resident recruitment. J Am Board Fam Pract 1995;8:189-194.

10. Rodney WM, Quan MA. AAFP-ACOG guidelines revisited. Female Patient 1982;97(PC):1-40.

11. Rodney WM, Felmar E. Flexible sigmoidoscopy: a “how to” guide. Your Patient and Cancer 1984;4:57-66.

12. Davies TC, Hahn RG, Rodney WM, Curry HB. The use of OB/GYN ultrasound by family physicians. Cont Ed Fam Phys 1986;21:335-338.

13. Rodney WM. A personal reflection from the AAFP Task Force on Obstetrics. Tenn Fam Physician 1990;1:4-5.

14. Dresang L, Rodney WM, Leeman L, Dees J, Koch P, Palencio M. ALSO in Ecuador: teaching the teachers. J Am Board Fam Pract[in press].

15. Carr K, Worthington JM, Rodney WM, Gentry S, Sellers A, Sizemore J. Advancing from flexible sigmoidoscopy to colonoscopy in rural family practice: a case report. Tenn Med Assoc J 1998;91:21-26.

16. Rodney WM, Weber JR, Swedberg JA, et al. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy by family physicians phase II. a national multisite study of 2,500 procedures. Fam Pract Res J 1993;13:121-131.

17. Felmar E, Cottam C, Payton CE, Rodney WM. Colposcopy: it can be part of your practice. Primary Care and Cancer 1987;7:13-20.

18. Hahn RG, Davies TC, Rodney WM. Het gebruik van echografie in de huisartsenpraktijk [The potential of ultrasound for general practitioners]. Huissart Nu 1987;16:227-230 [in Dutch].

19. Deutchman M, Connor P, Gobbo R, FitzSimmons R. Outcomes of cesarean sections performed by family physicians and the training they received: A 15-year retrospective study. J Am Board Fam Pract 1995;8:81-90.

20. Rodney WM. Flexible sigmoidoscopy and the despecialization of endoscopy: an environmental impact report. Cancer 1992;70(5 suppl):1266-1271.

21. Rodney WM. Obstetrics enhanced family practice: an endangered species worth saving! Florida Fam Phys 1993;43:8-9.

22. Susman J, Rodney WM. Numbers, procedural skills and science: do the three mix? Am Fam Physician 1994;49:1591-1592.

23. Rodney WM. Will virtual reality simulators end the credentialing arms race in gastrointestinal endoscopy or the need for family physician faculty with endoscopic skills? J Am Board Fam Pract 1998;11:492-496.

24. Rodney WM. Historical observations from the RRC 1994-2000: Maternity care [OB] training in FP. J Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:255-256.

25. Damos JR, Christman C, Gjerde CL, Beasley J, Schutz, Plane MB. A case for the development of family practice rural training tracks. J Am Board Fam Pract 1998;11:399-405.

26. Acosta D. Impact of rural training on physician workforce: the role of postresidency education. J Rural Health 2000;16:254-261.

27. Norris TE, Acosta DA. A fellowship in rural family medicine: program development and outcomes. Fam Med 1997;29:414-420.

28. Stageman JH, Bowman RC, Harrison JD. An accelerated rural training program. J Am Board Fam Pract 2003;16:124-130.

29. Petrany SM, Crespo R. The accelerated residency program: The Marshall University family practice 9-year experience. Fam Med 2002;34:669-672.

30. Delzell JE, Midtling JE, Rodney WM. The university of Tennessee’s accelerated family medicine residency program 1992-2003: An eleven year progress report. J Am Board Fam Practice [submitted].

31. Bullock K, Rodney WM, Gerard T, Hahn R. “Advanced Practice” family physicians as the foundation for rural emergency medicine services (Part I). Texas J Rur Health 2000;17:19-29.

32. Bullock K, Rodney WM, Gerard T, Hahn R. “Advanced Practice” family physicians as the foundation for rural emergency medicine services (Part II). Texas J Rur Health 2000;18:34-44.

33. Hahn RG, Rodney WM, et al. Technology transferred to family medicine: implications for clinical practice. Fourth International Meeting of Family Medicine, sponsored by the International Center of Family Medicine, May 25, 1990, Estoril, Portugal (abstract).

34. Rodney WM, Hahn RG. The impact of the limited generalist (no procedures, no hospital) on the viability of family practice training. J Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:191-200.

35. Campos-Outcalt D. Family practice specialty selection: a research agenda. Fam Med. 1991;23:609-619.

36. Rodney WM. Foreword. Pfenninger JL, Fowler GC, eds. Procedures for Primary Care 1st ed. St Louis, Mo: Mosby; 2003;xviii.

37. Rodney WM. The dilemma of emerging technologies as required curriculum in primary care. Fam Med 1997;29:584-585.

38. Rodney WM, Crown LA, Hahn RG, Martin J. Enhancing the family medicine curriculum in deliveries and emergency medicine as a way of developing a rural teaching site. Fam Med 1998;30:712-719.

39. Deutchman ME, Hahn RG, Rodney WM. Diagnostic ultrasound imaging by physicians of first contact: extending family medicine into emergency medicine. Ann Emerg Med 1993;22:594-596.

Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Wm. MacMillan Rodney, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine, Meharry Medical College/Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn

Ricardo G. Hahn, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine, University of Southern California Los Angeles

Mark Deutchman, MD
Director of Advanced OB Training, Clinical Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Colorado

The Journal of Family Practice - 53(3)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Wm. MacMillan Rodney, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine, Meharry Medical College/Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn

Ricardo G. Hahn, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine, University of Southern California Los Angeles

Mark Deutchman, MD
Director of Advanced OB Training, Clinical Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Colorado

Author and Disclosure Information

Wm. MacMillan Rodney, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine, Meharry Medical College/Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn

Ricardo G. Hahn, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine, University of Southern California Los Angeles

Mark Deutchman, MD
Director of Advanced OB Training, Clinical Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Colorado

Article PDF
Article PDF

About: “Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a rural family practice”

On the surface, the previous article by Haynes et al1 appears to be a simple descriptive study of a well-established technology. So why publish something that is not new? Simply because the study is an incredible technical and political achievement in a JCAHO-accredited hospital by a family physician educator. All family physicians—whether they view themselves as “procedural” or not—should recognize it for its symbolic and political value.

High-touch and high-tech

If family physicians wish to provide more than “generic primary care,” they must provide clinical skills at the bedside, in addition to diagnostic and psychosocial expertise. No amount of the latter will compensate for the former at critical moments. For credibility in the community and in the life cycle of families, the provision of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures trumps prescription-writing every time.

By providing surgical or diagnostic procedures that improve access to health care in their communities, physicians such as Haynes are not regressing to a surgical mentality at the expense of psychosocial sensitivity and therapeutic listening. Our closest relations with patients and their families are established at the bedside while performing or assisting with a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. Procedures frequently provide the ultimate “teachable moment.” As said at Keystone III: “You can pretend to know; you can pretend to care; but you can’t pretend to be there.”2

Also, procedures distinguish family physicians from the other “primary care providers” who are hired with the assumption that they will provide referrals. Patients will seek out those physicians who can simultaneously provide high-touch and high-tech.

1960s–1970s: The growth of high-tech

During the 1960s and 1970s, advances in technology were predominantly located in hospitals. The traditional office-based diagnostic and surgical skills of the general physician were gradually transferred to a more central place, namely the hospital. Many of these skills were then categorically assigned to more specialized physicians resulting in the withdrawal of the generalist physician in the participation of these skills.

Originally, family medicine educators thought the 3-year curriculum would be sufficient for procedural training, but they underestimated the political passion for control by opposing specialties with a need to maintain their training monopolies. Among 20 voting specialties, family medicine has only 1 vote. This is the democratic reality, which frames any potential turf struggle in a highly subspecialized environment. These environments include, but are not limited to, academic medical centers, most urban hospitals, and some rural hospitals.

The institutionalization of these interventions depersonalized the patient-doctor relationship, limited access, and escalated cost. Family practice as an emerging specialty willingly joined in this movement, resulting in the abandonment of many generalist-appropriate skills. During that time, studies of how tertiary-care technologies might transfer into the community were undertaken.3,4

It became increasingly evident that many diagnostic and interventional procedures (eg, diagnostic ultrasound, gastrointestinal endoscopy, and colposcopy) had multiple-specialty applications and were clearly linked with important preventive activities. 5,6 Some leaders suggested that technical skills combined with the unique biopsychosocial model of practice of family physicians was the right way to provide competent, personal care to patients. In other words, high-tech was most effective when blended with high-touch and vice-versa. 7-9

1980s–1990s: The FP curriculum expands

In 1981, the first in a series of fourth-year fellowships emphasizing this expanded curriculum for family physicians was initiated.10-12 Thereupon followed the development of CAQ experiences in Geriatric Medicine and Sports Medicine, which, while instructive, failed to create added market value to most rural and under-served communities. The American Academy of Family Physicians—through the Task Force on Obstetrics (1989–1993)13 and then the Task Force on Procedures (1993–1995)—ratified and distributed performance-based learning and competency-based testing programs. Moreover, the Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) program had a major impact nationally and internationally.14

By 1991, our discipline was focused on credentialing for lightning rod issues such as colonoscopy,15 esophagogastroduodenoscopy,16 colposcopy,17 obstetric ultrasound,18 and cesarean section.19 In Memphis, because of the political conflict associated with the teaching of diagnostic ultrasound, gastrointestinal endoscopy, and cesarean section, we chose not to “fan the flames” with development of office-based laparoscopy. But we were ready. We included laparoscopic tubal ligation in our FP/OB fellowship, but the resistance from specialties who felt family medicine was invading “their turf” was difficult and remains so.20-24

By 1995, the Residency Review Committee for Family Medicine had codified the rural training tracks25 and reaffirmed OB-capable faculty as part of the accreditation process. These advanced family practice curriculum needs were acknowledged, and various educational innovations with an emphasis on skills needed for success in rural or urban underserved communities began to emerge.26,27



Nebraska,28 Marshall University,29 and the University of Tennessee–Memphis 30 have summarized their experiences with the accelerated residency program and rural training tracks have done the same. These programs have recognized the need to train our future teachers and role models broadly, combating the “learned helplessness” that too often characterizes our training environments when we leave this teaching to subspecialists.

Meeting the needs of a rural practice

Some physicians with a more limited scope of practice appear threatened by proceduralists. While there is room for everyone in the big tent of family medicine, if our specialty is to survive and be credible, we must seek to meet the needs of our patients and our students. In most urban areas, family medicine has abandoned large parts of our patients’ care to the specialties of emergency medicine and obstetrics/gynecology.

From the rural perspective, it is impractical or fiscally impossible to recruit and maintain platoons of obstetricians and board-certified emergency medicine specialists to counties not located near a metropolitan area.31,32 Family physicians, if properly trained, are the ideal physicians for nonmetropolitan practice.

Moreover, the current practice management curriculum in most family practice residencies is a do-it-yourself suicide kit where few physicians understand accountability measures for billing, collections, equipment, and human resources. They may have memorized the entire amino acid sequence for the human genome, but they don’t have the time to understand billing for Medicaid or the impact of providing a full range of services to their patients. What’s wrong with this picture?

FPs must adapt to serve their patients

The net result of the production of our graduates lacking technical skills is an overstocked urban job pool and a shortage of rural physicians. There are few 9-to-5 family practice jobs available in urban areas like Nashville and Memphis for limited generalists. On the other hand, there are jobs for every family physician willing to work after 5 P.M. This includes continuing care, urgent care, and middle-of-the-night hospital care. Procedural skills and hospital service predictably require “extra effort” and extra risk. Reimbursement policies continue to favor those physicians who assume these risks and provide these services.33.34

Another result of following the path of least resistance (as reflected in nonprocedural family medicine is the decreasing student interest in family medicine.35

Responsibility also rests with unskilled faculty who will not perform a broader scope of practice within the medical specialty of family medicine. There is personal risk for “being there” at the critical moment of procedural decisions. Students do not automatically shun this risk, but family medicine may be self-selecting for those who do.

Family physicians practicing in diverse geographic, social, and political environments will naturally adopt various diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in the service of their patients. It is not up to us to judge the appropriateness of those modalities except by the ultimate yardstick of the quality of the end result.

We are not advocating the addition of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to the “required” family medicine curriculum. However, we support the right of John Haynes to practice this skill and to teach it to others to the benefit of patients. The specialty that cannot provide training and credentials for its own members has been reproductively sterilized.36,37 This is a unique market niche ideally suited for family medicine.38,39

Procedurally trained family physicians represent the cutting edge of an emerging paradigm of care that includes ambulatory surgery, maternity care, cesarean section, and laparoscopy, particularly for patients in smaller communities and developing nations. We salute John Haynes and his co-authors for taking “the road less traveled.”

Corresponding author
Wm. MacMillan Rodney, MD, 6575 Black Thorne Cove, Memphis, TN 38119. E-mail:

About: “Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a rural family practice”

On the surface, the previous article by Haynes et al1 appears to be a simple descriptive study of a well-established technology. So why publish something that is not new? Simply because the study is an incredible technical and political achievement in a JCAHO-accredited hospital by a family physician educator. All family physicians—whether they view themselves as “procedural” or not—should recognize it for its symbolic and political value.

High-touch and high-tech

If family physicians wish to provide more than “generic primary care,” they must provide clinical skills at the bedside, in addition to diagnostic and psychosocial expertise. No amount of the latter will compensate for the former at critical moments. For credibility in the community and in the life cycle of families, the provision of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures trumps prescription-writing every time.

By providing surgical or diagnostic procedures that improve access to health care in their communities, physicians such as Haynes are not regressing to a surgical mentality at the expense of psychosocial sensitivity and therapeutic listening. Our closest relations with patients and their families are established at the bedside while performing or assisting with a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. Procedures frequently provide the ultimate “teachable moment.” As said at Keystone III: “You can pretend to know; you can pretend to care; but you can’t pretend to be there.”2

Also, procedures distinguish family physicians from the other “primary care providers” who are hired with the assumption that they will provide referrals. Patients will seek out those physicians who can simultaneously provide high-touch and high-tech.

1960s–1970s: The growth of high-tech

During the 1960s and 1970s, advances in technology were predominantly located in hospitals. The traditional office-based diagnostic and surgical skills of the general physician were gradually transferred to a more central place, namely the hospital. Many of these skills were then categorically assigned to more specialized physicians resulting in the withdrawal of the generalist physician in the participation of these skills.

Originally, family medicine educators thought the 3-year curriculum would be sufficient for procedural training, but they underestimated the political passion for control by opposing specialties with a need to maintain their training monopolies. Among 20 voting specialties, family medicine has only 1 vote. This is the democratic reality, which frames any potential turf struggle in a highly subspecialized environment. These environments include, but are not limited to, academic medical centers, most urban hospitals, and some rural hospitals.

The institutionalization of these interventions depersonalized the patient-doctor relationship, limited access, and escalated cost. Family practice as an emerging specialty willingly joined in this movement, resulting in the abandonment of many generalist-appropriate skills. During that time, studies of how tertiary-care technologies might transfer into the community were undertaken.3,4

It became increasingly evident that many diagnostic and interventional procedures (eg, diagnostic ultrasound, gastrointestinal endoscopy, and colposcopy) had multiple-specialty applications and were clearly linked with important preventive activities. 5,6 Some leaders suggested that technical skills combined with the unique biopsychosocial model of practice of family physicians was the right way to provide competent, personal care to patients. In other words, high-tech was most effective when blended with high-touch and vice-versa. 7-9

1980s–1990s: The FP curriculum expands

In 1981, the first in a series of fourth-year fellowships emphasizing this expanded curriculum for family physicians was initiated.10-12 Thereupon followed the development of CAQ experiences in Geriatric Medicine and Sports Medicine, which, while instructive, failed to create added market value to most rural and under-served communities. The American Academy of Family Physicians—through the Task Force on Obstetrics (1989–1993)13 and then the Task Force on Procedures (1993–1995)—ratified and distributed performance-based learning and competency-based testing programs. Moreover, the Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) program had a major impact nationally and internationally.14

By 1991, our discipline was focused on credentialing for lightning rod issues such as colonoscopy,15 esophagogastroduodenoscopy,16 colposcopy,17 obstetric ultrasound,18 and cesarean section.19 In Memphis, because of the political conflict associated with the teaching of diagnostic ultrasound, gastrointestinal endoscopy, and cesarean section, we chose not to “fan the flames” with development of office-based laparoscopy. But we were ready. We included laparoscopic tubal ligation in our FP/OB fellowship, but the resistance from specialties who felt family medicine was invading “their turf” was difficult and remains so.20-24

By 1995, the Residency Review Committee for Family Medicine had codified the rural training tracks25 and reaffirmed OB-capable faculty as part of the accreditation process. These advanced family practice curriculum needs were acknowledged, and various educational innovations with an emphasis on skills needed for success in rural or urban underserved communities began to emerge.26,27



Nebraska,28 Marshall University,29 and the University of Tennessee–Memphis 30 have summarized their experiences with the accelerated residency program and rural training tracks have done the same. These programs have recognized the need to train our future teachers and role models broadly, combating the “learned helplessness” that too often characterizes our training environments when we leave this teaching to subspecialists.

Meeting the needs of a rural practice

Some physicians with a more limited scope of practice appear threatened by proceduralists. While there is room for everyone in the big tent of family medicine, if our specialty is to survive and be credible, we must seek to meet the needs of our patients and our students. In most urban areas, family medicine has abandoned large parts of our patients’ care to the specialties of emergency medicine and obstetrics/gynecology.

From the rural perspective, it is impractical or fiscally impossible to recruit and maintain platoons of obstetricians and board-certified emergency medicine specialists to counties not located near a metropolitan area.31,32 Family physicians, if properly trained, are the ideal physicians for nonmetropolitan practice.

Moreover, the current practice management curriculum in most family practice residencies is a do-it-yourself suicide kit where few physicians understand accountability measures for billing, collections, equipment, and human resources. They may have memorized the entire amino acid sequence for the human genome, but they don’t have the time to understand billing for Medicaid or the impact of providing a full range of services to their patients. What’s wrong with this picture?

FPs must adapt to serve their patients

The net result of the production of our graduates lacking technical skills is an overstocked urban job pool and a shortage of rural physicians. There are few 9-to-5 family practice jobs available in urban areas like Nashville and Memphis for limited generalists. On the other hand, there are jobs for every family physician willing to work after 5 P.M. This includes continuing care, urgent care, and middle-of-the-night hospital care. Procedural skills and hospital service predictably require “extra effort” and extra risk. Reimbursement policies continue to favor those physicians who assume these risks and provide these services.33.34

Another result of following the path of least resistance (as reflected in nonprocedural family medicine is the decreasing student interest in family medicine.35

Responsibility also rests with unskilled faculty who will not perform a broader scope of practice within the medical specialty of family medicine. There is personal risk for “being there” at the critical moment of procedural decisions. Students do not automatically shun this risk, but family medicine may be self-selecting for those who do.

Family physicians practicing in diverse geographic, social, and political environments will naturally adopt various diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in the service of their patients. It is not up to us to judge the appropriateness of those modalities except by the ultimate yardstick of the quality of the end result.

We are not advocating the addition of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to the “required” family medicine curriculum. However, we support the right of John Haynes to practice this skill and to teach it to others to the benefit of patients. The specialty that cannot provide training and credentials for its own members has been reproductively sterilized.36,37 This is a unique market niche ideally suited for family medicine.38,39

Procedurally trained family physicians represent the cutting edge of an emerging paradigm of care that includes ambulatory surgery, maternity care, cesarean section, and laparoscopy, particularly for patients in smaller communities and developing nations. We salute John Haynes and his co-authors for taking “the road less traveled.”

Corresponding author
Wm. MacMillan Rodney, MD, 6575 Black Thorne Cove, Memphis, TN 38119. E-mail:


1. Haynes JH, Guha SC, Taylor SG. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy by a rural family practice: the Vivian, Louisiana, experience. J Fam Pract 2004;53:3:tk-tk.

2. Green LA, Graham R, Frey JJ, Stephens GG. Keystone III. The Role of Family Medicine in a Changing Health Care Environment: A Dialogue Washington, DC: Robert Graham Center; 2001.

3. Johnson RA, Quan MA, Rodney WM. Flexible sigmoidoscopy. J Fam Pract 1982;14:757-770.

4. Morgan WC, Rodney WM, Hahn RG, Garr DA. Ultrasound for the primary care physician. Applications in family-centered obstetrics. Postgrad Med 1988;83:103-107.

5. Rodney WM, Quan MA, Johnson RA, Beaber R. Impact of flexible sigmoidoscopy in a family practice residency. J Fam Pract 1982;15:885-889.

6. Rodney WM. Doing better: Health maintenance research in family medicine. Cont Ed Fam Phys 1985;20:688-689.

7. Rodney WM. High technology is most effective when blended with high touch and vice versa: office technology in the 21st Century. Fam Pract Res J 1991;11:235-239.

8. Deutchman ME, Connor PC, Hahn RG, Rodney WM, et al. Diagnostic and therapeutic tools for the family physician’s office of the 21st century. Fam Pract Res J 1992;12:147-155.

9. Harper MB, Mayeaux EJ, Jr, Pope JB, Goel R. Procedural training in family practice residencies: current status and impact on resident recruitment. J Am Board Fam Pract 1995;8:189-194.

10. Rodney WM, Quan MA. AAFP-ACOG guidelines revisited. Female Patient 1982;97(PC):1-40.

11. Rodney WM, Felmar E. Flexible sigmoidoscopy: a “how to” guide. Your Patient and Cancer 1984;4:57-66.

12. Davies TC, Hahn RG, Rodney WM, Curry HB. The use of OB/GYN ultrasound by family physicians. Cont Ed Fam Phys 1986;21:335-338.

13. Rodney WM. A personal reflection from the AAFP Task Force on Obstetrics. Tenn Fam Physician 1990;1:4-5.

14. Dresang L, Rodney WM, Leeman L, Dees J, Koch P, Palencio M. ALSO in Ecuador: teaching the teachers. J Am Board Fam Pract[in press].

15. Carr K, Worthington JM, Rodney WM, Gentry S, Sellers A, Sizemore J. Advancing from flexible sigmoidoscopy to colonoscopy in rural family practice: a case report. Tenn Med Assoc J 1998;91:21-26.

16. Rodney WM, Weber JR, Swedberg JA, et al. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy by family physicians phase II. a national multisite study of 2,500 procedures. Fam Pract Res J 1993;13:121-131.

17. Felmar E, Cottam C, Payton CE, Rodney WM. Colposcopy: it can be part of your practice. Primary Care and Cancer 1987;7:13-20.

18. Hahn RG, Davies TC, Rodney WM. Het gebruik van echografie in de huisartsenpraktijk [The potential of ultrasound for general practitioners]. Huissart Nu 1987;16:227-230 [in Dutch].

19. Deutchman M, Connor P, Gobbo R, FitzSimmons R. Outcomes of cesarean sections performed by family physicians and the training they received: A 15-year retrospective study. J Am Board Fam Pract 1995;8:81-90.

20. Rodney WM. Flexible sigmoidoscopy and the despecialization of endoscopy: an environmental impact report. Cancer 1992;70(5 suppl):1266-1271.

21. Rodney WM. Obstetrics enhanced family practice: an endangered species worth saving! Florida Fam Phys 1993;43:8-9.

22. Susman J, Rodney WM. Numbers, procedural skills and science: do the three mix? Am Fam Physician 1994;49:1591-1592.

23. Rodney WM. Will virtual reality simulators end the credentialing arms race in gastrointestinal endoscopy or the need for family physician faculty with endoscopic skills? J Am Board Fam Pract 1998;11:492-496.

24. Rodney WM. Historical observations from the RRC 1994-2000: Maternity care [OB] training in FP. J Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:255-256.

25. Damos JR, Christman C, Gjerde CL, Beasley J, Schutz, Plane MB. A case for the development of family practice rural training tracks. J Am Board Fam Pract 1998;11:399-405.

26. Acosta D. Impact of rural training on physician workforce: the role of postresidency education. J Rural Health 2000;16:254-261.

27. Norris TE, Acosta DA. A fellowship in rural family medicine: program development and outcomes. Fam Med 1997;29:414-420.

28. Stageman JH, Bowman RC, Harrison JD. An accelerated rural training program. J Am Board Fam Pract 2003;16:124-130.

29. Petrany SM, Crespo R. The accelerated residency program: The Marshall University family practice 9-year experience. Fam Med 2002;34:669-672.

30. Delzell JE, Midtling JE, Rodney WM. The university of Tennessee’s accelerated family medicine residency program 1992-2003: An eleven year progress report. J Am Board Fam Practice [submitted].

31. Bullock K, Rodney WM, Gerard T, Hahn R. “Advanced Practice” family physicians as the foundation for rural emergency medicine services (Part I). Texas J Rur Health 2000;17:19-29.

32. Bullock K, Rodney WM, Gerard T, Hahn R. “Advanced Practice” family physicians as the foundation for rural emergency medicine services (Part II). Texas J Rur Health 2000;18:34-44.

33. Hahn RG, Rodney WM, et al. Technology transferred to family medicine: implications for clinical practice. Fourth International Meeting of Family Medicine, sponsored by the International Center of Family Medicine, May 25, 1990, Estoril, Portugal (abstract).

34. Rodney WM, Hahn RG. The impact of the limited generalist (no procedures, no hospital) on the viability of family practice training. J Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:191-200.

35. Campos-Outcalt D. Family practice specialty selection: a research agenda. Fam Med. 1991;23:609-619.

36. Rodney WM. Foreword. Pfenninger JL, Fowler GC, eds. Procedures for Primary Care 1st ed. St Louis, Mo: Mosby; 2003;xviii.

37. Rodney WM. The dilemma of emerging technologies as required curriculum in primary care. Fam Med 1997;29:584-585.

38. Rodney WM, Crown LA, Hahn RG, Martin J. Enhancing the family medicine curriculum in deliveries and emergency medicine as a way of developing a rural teaching site. Fam Med 1998;30:712-719.

39. Deutchman ME, Hahn RG, Rodney WM. Diagnostic ultrasound imaging by physicians of first contact: extending family medicine into emergency medicine. Ann Emerg Med 1993;22:594-596.


1. Haynes JH, Guha SC, Taylor SG. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy by a rural family practice: the Vivian, Louisiana, experience. J Fam Pract 2004;53:3:tk-tk.

2. Green LA, Graham R, Frey JJ, Stephens GG. Keystone III. The Role of Family Medicine in a Changing Health Care Environment: A Dialogue Washington, DC: Robert Graham Center; 2001.

3. Johnson RA, Quan MA, Rodney WM. Flexible sigmoidoscopy. J Fam Pract 1982;14:757-770.

4. Morgan WC, Rodney WM, Hahn RG, Garr DA. Ultrasound for the primary care physician. Applications in family-centered obstetrics. Postgrad Med 1988;83:103-107.

5. Rodney WM, Quan MA, Johnson RA, Beaber R. Impact of flexible sigmoidoscopy in a family practice residency. J Fam Pract 1982;15:885-889.

6. Rodney WM. Doing better: Health maintenance research in family medicine. Cont Ed Fam Phys 1985;20:688-689.

7. Rodney WM. High technology is most effective when blended with high touch and vice versa: office technology in the 21st Century. Fam Pract Res J 1991;11:235-239.

8. Deutchman ME, Connor PC, Hahn RG, Rodney WM, et al. Diagnostic and therapeutic tools for the family physician’s office of the 21st century. Fam Pract Res J 1992;12:147-155.

9. Harper MB, Mayeaux EJ, Jr, Pope JB, Goel R. Procedural training in family practice residencies: current status and impact on resident recruitment. J Am Board Fam Pract 1995;8:189-194.

10. Rodney WM, Quan MA. AAFP-ACOG guidelines revisited. Female Patient 1982;97(PC):1-40.

11. Rodney WM, Felmar E. Flexible sigmoidoscopy: a “how to” guide. Your Patient and Cancer 1984;4:57-66.

12. Davies TC, Hahn RG, Rodney WM, Curry HB. The use of OB/GYN ultrasound by family physicians. Cont Ed Fam Phys 1986;21:335-338.

13. Rodney WM. A personal reflection from the AAFP Task Force on Obstetrics. Tenn Fam Physician 1990;1:4-5.

14. Dresang L, Rodney WM, Leeman L, Dees J, Koch P, Palencio M. ALSO in Ecuador: teaching the teachers. J Am Board Fam Pract[in press].

15. Carr K, Worthington JM, Rodney WM, Gentry S, Sellers A, Sizemore J. Advancing from flexible sigmoidoscopy to colonoscopy in rural family practice: a case report. Tenn Med Assoc J 1998;91:21-26.

16. Rodney WM, Weber JR, Swedberg JA, et al. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy by family physicians phase II. a national multisite study of 2,500 procedures. Fam Pract Res J 1993;13:121-131.

17. Felmar E, Cottam C, Payton CE, Rodney WM. Colposcopy: it can be part of your practice. Primary Care and Cancer 1987;7:13-20.

18. Hahn RG, Davies TC, Rodney WM. Het gebruik van echografie in de huisartsenpraktijk [The potential of ultrasound for general practitioners]. Huissart Nu 1987;16:227-230 [in Dutch].

19. Deutchman M, Connor P, Gobbo R, FitzSimmons R. Outcomes of cesarean sections performed by family physicians and the training they received: A 15-year retrospective study. J Am Board Fam Pract 1995;8:81-90.

20. Rodney WM. Flexible sigmoidoscopy and the despecialization of endoscopy: an environmental impact report. Cancer 1992;70(5 suppl):1266-1271.

21. Rodney WM. Obstetrics enhanced family practice: an endangered species worth saving! Florida Fam Phys 1993;43:8-9.

22. Susman J, Rodney WM. Numbers, procedural skills and science: do the three mix? Am Fam Physician 1994;49:1591-1592.

23. Rodney WM. Will virtual reality simulators end the credentialing arms race in gastrointestinal endoscopy or the need for family physician faculty with endoscopic skills? J Am Board Fam Pract 1998;11:492-496.

24. Rodney WM. Historical observations from the RRC 1994-2000: Maternity care [OB] training in FP. J Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:255-256.

25. Damos JR, Christman C, Gjerde CL, Beasley J, Schutz, Plane MB. A case for the development of family practice rural training tracks. J Am Board Fam Pract 1998;11:399-405.

26. Acosta D. Impact of rural training on physician workforce: the role of postresidency education. J Rural Health 2000;16:254-261.

27. Norris TE, Acosta DA. A fellowship in rural family medicine: program development and outcomes. Fam Med 1997;29:414-420.

28. Stageman JH, Bowman RC, Harrison JD. An accelerated rural training program. J Am Board Fam Pract 2003;16:124-130.

29. Petrany SM, Crespo R. The accelerated residency program: The Marshall University family practice 9-year experience. Fam Med 2002;34:669-672.

30. Delzell JE, Midtling JE, Rodney WM. The university of Tennessee’s accelerated family medicine residency program 1992-2003: An eleven year progress report. J Am Board Fam Practice [submitted].

31. Bullock K, Rodney WM, Gerard T, Hahn R. “Advanced Practice” family physicians as the foundation for rural emergency medicine services (Part I). Texas J Rur Health 2000;17:19-29.

32. Bullock K, Rodney WM, Gerard T, Hahn R. “Advanced Practice” family physicians as the foundation for rural emergency medicine services (Part II). Texas J Rur Health 2000;18:34-44.

33. Hahn RG, Rodney WM, et al. Technology transferred to family medicine: implications for clinical practice. Fourth International Meeting of Family Medicine, sponsored by the International Center of Family Medicine, May 25, 1990, Estoril, Portugal (abstract).

34. Rodney WM, Hahn RG. The impact of the limited generalist (no procedures, no hospital) on the viability of family practice training. J Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:191-200.

35. Campos-Outcalt D. Family practice specialty selection: a research agenda. Fam Med. 1991;23:609-619.

36. Rodney WM. Foreword. Pfenninger JL, Fowler GC, eds. Procedures for Primary Care 1st ed. St Louis, Mo: Mosby; 2003;xviii.

37. Rodney WM. The dilemma of emerging technologies as required curriculum in primary care. Fam Med 1997;29:584-585.

38. Rodney WM, Crown LA, Hahn RG, Martin J. Enhancing the family medicine curriculum in deliveries and emergency medicine as a way of developing a rural teaching site. Fam Med 1998;30:712-719.

39. Deutchman ME, Hahn RG, Rodney WM. Diagnostic ultrasound imaging by physicians of first contact: extending family medicine into emergency medicine. Ann Emerg Med 1993;22:594-596.

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Advanced procedures in family medicine: The cutting edge or the lunatic fringe?
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