Ask about alcohol use, opioid misuse, risky behavior
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Tue, 01/14/2020 - 14:15

Binge drinking and misuse of opioids led to risky behavior during adolescence, two studies from the journal Pediatrics highlighted. And the binge drinking in high school may predict risky driving behaviors up to 4 years after high school.

wh1600/Getty Images

Federico E. Vaca, MD, of the developmental neurocognitive driving simulation research center at Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and colleagues examined the associations between risky driving behaviors and binge drinking of 2,785 adolescents in the nationally representative, longitudinal NEXT Generation Health Study. The researchers studied the effects of binge drinking on driving while impaired (DWI), riding with an impaired driver (RWI), blackouts, extreme binge drinking, and risky driving.

The adolescents were studied across seven waves, with Wave 1 beginning in the 2009-2010 school year (10th grade; mean age, 16 years), and data extended up to 4 years after high school. Of all adolescents enrolled, 91% completed Wave 1, 88% completed Wave 2, 86% completed Wave 3 (12th grade), 78% completed Wave 4, 79% completed Wave 5, 84% completed Wave 6, and 83% completed Wave 7 (4 years after leaving high school) of the study.

High school binge drinking predicts later risky behavior

About one-quarter of adolescents reported binge drinking in Waves 1-3, with an incidence of 27% in Wave 1, 24% in Wave 2, and 27% in Wave 3. Adolescents who reported binge drinking in Wave 3 had a higher likelihood of DWI in subsequent waves, with nearly six times higher odds in Wave 5 and more than twice as likely in Wave 7, researchers said. Binge drinking in Wave 3 also was associated with greater than four times higher odds of RWI in Wave 4, and more than two and a half times higher odds of RWI in Wave 7. Among adolescents who reported binge drinking across 3 years in high school, there was a higher likelihood of extreme binge drinking in Wave 7, and higher likelihood of risky driving after graduating.

Impact of parental knowledge of drinking

Parental knowledge of drinking and support for not drinking alcohol was associated with lower likelihood of DWI and RWI in some waves. Father monitoring knowledge of drinking in Waves 1-3 lowered the odds of DWI by 30% in Wave 5 and 20% in Wave 6, while also lowering the odds of RWI in Wave 4 and Wave 7 by 20%.

Mother knowledge of drinking in Waves 1-3 was associated with 60% lower odds of DWI in Wave 4, but did not lower odds in any wave for RWI.

Overall, parental support for not drinking lowered odds for DWI by 40% in Waves 4 and 5, and by 30% in Wave 7 while also lowering odds of RWI in Wave 4 by 20%.

The results are consistent with other studies examining risky driving behavior and binge drinking in adolescent populations, but researchers noted that “to an important but limited extent, parental practices while the teenager is in high school may protect against DWI, RWI, and blackouts as adolescents move into early adulthood.”

“Our findings are relevant to prevention programs that seek to incorporate alcohol screening with intentional inquiry about binge drinking. Moreover, our results may be instructive to programs that seek to leverage facets of parental practices to reduce health-risk contexts for youth,” Dr. Vaca and colleagues concluded. “Such prevention activities coupled with strengthening of policies and practices reducing adolescents’ access to alcohol could reduce later major alcohol-related health-risk behaviors and their consequences.”



Opioid misuse and risky behavior

In a second study, Devika Bhatia, MD, of the University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora, and colleagues examined opioid misuse in a nationally-representative sample of 14,765 adolescents from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey. The researchers measured opioid misuse by categorizing adolescents into groups based on whether they had ever misused prescription opioids and whether they had engaged in risky driving behavior, violent behavior, risky sexual behavior, had a history of substance abuse, or attempted suicide.

Dr. Bhatia and colleagues found 14% of adolescents in the study reported misusing opioids, with an overrepresentation of 17-year-old and 18-year-old participants reporting opioid misuse (P less than .0001). there were no statistically significant difference between those who misused opioids and those who did not in terms of race, ethnicity, or sex.

Those adolescents who reported misusing opioids were 2.8 times more likely to not use a seatbelt; were 2.8 times more likely to have RWI; were 5.8 times more likely to have DWI; or 2.3 times more likely to have texted or emailed while driving. In each of these cases, P was less than .0001.

Adolescents who misused opioids also had significantly increased odds of engaging in risky sexual behaviors such as having sex before 13 years (3.9 times); having sex with four or more partners (4.8 times); using substances before sex (3.6 times); and not using a condom before sex (2.0 times). In each of these cases, P was less than .0001.

Additionally, adolescents in this category were between 5.4 times and 22.3 times more likely to use other substances (P less than .0001 for 10 variables); 4.9 times more likely to have attempted suicide (P less than .0001); or more likely to have engaged in violent behavior such as getting into physical fights (4.0 times), carrying a weapon (3.4 times) or a gun (5.1 times) within the last 30 days. In the four latter cases, P was less than .0001.

“With the ongoing opioid epidemic, pediatricians and child psychiatrists are likely to be more attuned to opioid misuse in their patients,” Dr. Bhatia and colleagues concluded. “If youth are screening positive for opioid misuse, pediatricians, nurses, social workers, child psychiatrists, and other providers assessing adolescents may have a new, broad range of other risky behaviors for which to screen regardless of the direction of the association.”

Substance use screening for treating substance use disorder traditionally has been is provided by a specialist, Jessica A. Kulak, PhD, MPH, said in an interview. “However, integration of care services may help to change societal norms around problematic substance use – both by decreasing stigma associated with substance use, as well as increasing clinicians’ preparedness, knowledge, and confidence in preventing and intervening on adolescents’ substance experimentation and use.” She recommended that clinicians in primary care improve their training by using the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment program, which is available as a free online course.

Confidentiality is important in adolescent health, said Dr. Kulak, who is an assistant professor in the department of health, nutrition, and dietetics at State University of New York at Buffalo. “When discussing sensitive topics, such as binge drinking and opioid misuse, adolescents may fear that these or other risky activities may be disclosed to parents or law enforcement officials. Therefore, adolescent health providers should be aware of local, state, and federal laws pertaining to the confidentiality of minors.”

She added, “adolescents are often susceptible to others’ influences, so having open communication and support from a trusted adult – be it a parent or clinician – may also be protective against risky behaviors.”

The study by Vaca et al. was funded by the National Institutes of Health with support from the Intramural Research Program of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; the National Institute on Drug Abuse; and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration. The study by Bhatia et al. had no external funding. The authors from both studies reported no relevant financial disclosures. Dr. Kulak said she had no financial disclosures or other conflicts of interest.

SOURCE: Vaca FE et al. Pediatrics. 2020; doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-4095. Bhatia D et al. Pediatrics. 2020; doi: 10.1542/peds.2019-2470.



These newly published reports indicate the high prevalence of risky behaviors and their associations – cross-sectionally and longitudinally – with major threats to adolescent health – so asking about alcohol use, opioid misuse, and associated health risks is truly “in the lane” of clinicians, school professionals, and parents who see and care about adolescents.

At this point, I think it’s incontrovertible that clinicians should screen adolescents to learn about their physical, emotional, and behavioral health. And they should seek opportunities for professional training, skills development, and expansion of their professional networks so they are able to address – individually or collaboratively via referrals – the behavioral and psychosocial health risks of their patients.

The good news is that there is growing awareness of the importance of using validated screening tools to identify patient behavioral health risks – including those pertaining to adolescent and young adult alcohol use and opioid misuse. “Best practice” dictates that screening approaches rely on asking questions using structured tools; intuition and “just winging it” are not effective or reliable for identifying patient behavior. Forward-looking clinics and practices could be asking patients to report about health behaviors in the waiting room (on a computer tablet, for example), or even remotely (using a secure app or data collection tool) in advance of a visit. Asking should be periodic – since behaviors can change fairly rapidly among young people. The benefit is that patient-reported information can be processed in advance to cue clinician follow-up and intervention. And youth tend to share more about their behaviors when they are asked electronically, rather than face to face. Intelligent screens can provide near real-time estimation of risk – to support in-office brief intervention tailored to the risk level of a young person or to trigger follow-up.

These studies indicate that binge alcohol use and misuse of prescription opioids among adolescents are real, pervasive, and deserving of our considered attention. There is no magic bullet. However busy clinicians may have a significant role to play in identifying and addressing these problems.

Elissa Weitzman, ScD, MSc, is an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Boston, and an associate scientist based in adolescent/young adult medicine and the computational health informatics program at Boston Children’s Hospital. She was asked to comment on the articles by Vaca et al. and Bhatia et al. Dr. Weitzman said she had no relevant financial disclosures.



These newly published reports indicate the high prevalence of risky behaviors and their associations – cross-sectionally and longitudinally – with major threats to adolescent health – so asking about alcohol use, opioid misuse, and associated health risks is truly “in the lane” of clinicians, school professionals, and parents who see and care about adolescents.

At this point, I think it’s incontrovertible that clinicians should screen adolescents to learn about their physical, emotional, and behavioral health. And they should seek opportunities for professional training, skills development, and expansion of their professional networks so they are able to address – individually or collaboratively via referrals – the behavioral and psychosocial health risks of their patients.

The good news is that there is growing awareness of the importance of using validated screening tools to identify patient behavioral health risks – including those pertaining to adolescent and young adult alcohol use and opioid misuse. “Best practice” dictates that screening approaches rely on asking questions using structured tools; intuition and “just winging it” are not effective or reliable for identifying patient behavior. Forward-looking clinics and practices could be asking patients to report about health behaviors in the waiting room (on a computer tablet, for example), or even remotely (using a secure app or data collection tool) in advance of a visit. Asking should be periodic – since behaviors can change fairly rapidly among young people. The benefit is that patient-reported information can be processed in advance to cue clinician follow-up and intervention. And youth tend to share more about their behaviors when they are asked electronically, rather than face to face. Intelligent screens can provide near real-time estimation of risk – to support in-office brief intervention tailored to the risk level of a young person or to trigger follow-up.

These studies indicate that binge alcohol use and misuse of prescription opioids among adolescents are real, pervasive, and deserving of our considered attention. There is no magic bullet. However busy clinicians may have a significant role to play in identifying and addressing these problems.

Elissa Weitzman, ScD, MSc, is an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Boston, and an associate scientist based in adolescent/young adult medicine and the computational health informatics program at Boston Children’s Hospital. She was asked to comment on the articles by Vaca et al. and Bhatia et al. Dr. Weitzman said she had no relevant financial disclosures.



These newly published reports indicate the high prevalence of risky behaviors and their associations – cross-sectionally and longitudinally – with major threats to adolescent health – so asking about alcohol use, opioid misuse, and associated health risks is truly “in the lane” of clinicians, school professionals, and parents who see and care about adolescents.

At this point, I think it’s incontrovertible that clinicians should screen adolescents to learn about their physical, emotional, and behavioral health. And they should seek opportunities for professional training, skills development, and expansion of their professional networks so they are able to address – individually or collaboratively via referrals – the behavioral and psychosocial health risks of their patients.

The good news is that there is growing awareness of the importance of using validated screening tools to identify patient behavioral health risks – including those pertaining to adolescent and young adult alcohol use and opioid misuse. “Best practice” dictates that screening approaches rely on asking questions using structured tools; intuition and “just winging it” are not effective or reliable for identifying patient behavior. Forward-looking clinics and practices could be asking patients to report about health behaviors in the waiting room (on a computer tablet, for example), or even remotely (using a secure app or data collection tool) in advance of a visit. Asking should be periodic – since behaviors can change fairly rapidly among young people. The benefit is that patient-reported information can be processed in advance to cue clinician follow-up and intervention. And youth tend to share more about their behaviors when they are asked electronically, rather than face to face. Intelligent screens can provide near real-time estimation of risk – to support in-office brief intervention tailored to the risk level of a young person or to trigger follow-up.

These studies indicate that binge alcohol use and misuse of prescription opioids among adolescents are real, pervasive, and deserving of our considered attention. There is no magic bullet. However busy clinicians may have a significant role to play in identifying and addressing these problems.

Elissa Weitzman, ScD, MSc, is an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Boston, and an associate scientist based in adolescent/young adult medicine and the computational health informatics program at Boston Children’s Hospital. She was asked to comment on the articles by Vaca et al. and Bhatia et al. Dr. Weitzman said she had no relevant financial disclosures.

Ask about alcohol use, opioid misuse, risky behavior
Ask about alcohol use, opioid misuse, risky behavior

Binge drinking and misuse of opioids led to risky behavior during adolescence, two studies from the journal Pediatrics highlighted. And the binge drinking in high school may predict risky driving behaviors up to 4 years after high school.

wh1600/Getty Images

Federico E. Vaca, MD, of the developmental neurocognitive driving simulation research center at Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and colleagues examined the associations between risky driving behaviors and binge drinking of 2,785 adolescents in the nationally representative, longitudinal NEXT Generation Health Study. The researchers studied the effects of binge drinking on driving while impaired (DWI), riding with an impaired driver (RWI), blackouts, extreme binge drinking, and risky driving.

The adolescents were studied across seven waves, with Wave 1 beginning in the 2009-2010 school year (10th grade; mean age, 16 years), and data extended up to 4 years after high school. Of all adolescents enrolled, 91% completed Wave 1, 88% completed Wave 2, 86% completed Wave 3 (12th grade), 78% completed Wave 4, 79% completed Wave 5, 84% completed Wave 6, and 83% completed Wave 7 (4 years after leaving high school) of the study.

High school binge drinking predicts later risky behavior

About one-quarter of adolescents reported binge drinking in Waves 1-3, with an incidence of 27% in Wave 1, 24% in Wave 2, and 27% in Wave 3. Adolescents who reported binge drinking in Wave 3 had a higher likelihood of DWI in subsequent waves, with nearly six times higher odds in Wave 5 and more than twice as likely in Wave 7, researchers said. Binge drinking in Wave 3 also was associated with greater than four times higher odds of RWI in Wave 4, and more than two and a half times higher odds of RWI in Wave 7. Among adolescents who reported binge drinking across 3 years in high school, there was a higher likelihood of extreme binge drinking in Wave 7, and higher likelihood of risky driving after graduating.

Impact of parental knowledge of drinking

Parental knowledge of drinking and support for not drinking alcohol was associated with lower likelihood of DWI and RWI in some waves. Father monitoring knowledge of drinking in Waves 1-3 lowered the odds of DWI by 30% in Wave 5 and 20% in Wave 6, while also lowering the odds of RWI in Wave 4 and Wave 7 by 20%.

Mother knowledge of drinking in Waves 1-3 was associated with 60% lower odds of DWI in Wave 4, but did not lower odds in any wave for RWI.

Overall, parental support for not drinking lowered odds for DWI by 40% in Waves 4 and 5, and by 30% in Wave 7 while also lowering odds of RWI in Wave 4 by 20%.

The results are consistent with other studies examining risky driving behavior and binge drinking in adolescent populations, but researchers noted that “to an important but limited extent, parental practices while the teenager is in high school may protect against DWI, RWI, and blackouts as adolescents move into early adulthood.”

“Our findings are relevant to prevention programs that seek to incorporate alcohol screening with intentional inquiry about binge drinking. Moreover, our results may be instructive to programs that seek to leverage facets of parental practices to reduce health-risk contexts for youth,” Dr. Vaca and colleagues concluded. “Such prevention activities coupled with strengthening of policies and practices reducing adolescents’ access to alcohol could reduce later major alcohol-related health-risk behaviors and their consequences.”



Opioid misuse and risky behavior

In a second study, Devika Bhatia, MD, of the University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora, and colleagues examined opioid misuse in a nationally-representative sample of 14,765 adolescents from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey. The researchers measured opioid misuse by categorizing adolescents into groups based on whether they had ever misused prescription opioids and whether they had engaged in risky driving behavior, violent behavior, risky sexual behavior, had a history of substance abuse, or attempted suicide.

Dr. Bhatia and colleagues found 14% of adolescents in the study reported misusing opioids, with an overrepresentation of 17-year-old and 18-year-old participants reporting opioid misuse (P less than .0001). there were no statistically significant difference between those who misused opioids and those who did not in terms of race, ethnicity, or sex.

Those adolescents who reported misusing opioids were 2.8 times more likely to not use a seatbelt; were 2.8 times more likely to have RWI; were 5.8 times more likely to have DWI; or 2.3 times more likely to have texted or emailed while driving. In each of these cases, P was less than .0001.

Adolescents who misused opioids also had significantly increased odds of engaging in risky sexual behaviors such as having sex before 13 years (3.9 times); having sex with four or more partners (4.8 times); using substances before sex (3.6 times); and not using a condom before sex (2.0 times). In each of these cases, P was less than .0001.

Additionally, adolescents in this category were between 5.4 times and 22.3 times more likely to use other substances (P less than .0001 for 10 variables); 4.9 times more likely to have attempted suicide (P less than .0001); or more likely to have engaged in violent behavior such as getting into physical fights (4.0 times), carrying a weapon (3.4 times) or a gun (5.1 times) within the last 30 days. In the four latter cases, P was less than .0001.

“With the ongoing opioid epidemic, pediatricians and child psychiatrists are likely to be more attuned to opioid misuse in their patients,” Dr. Bhatia and colleagues concluded. “If youth are screening positive for opioid misuse, pediatricians, nurses, social workers, child psychiatrists, and other providers assessing adolescents may have a new, broad range of other risky behaviors for which to screen regardless of the direction of the association.”

Substance use screening for treating substance use disorder traditionally has been is provided by a specialist, Jessica A. Kulak, PhD, MPH, said in an interview. “However, integration of care services may help to change societal norms around problematic substance use – both by decreasing stigma associated with substance use, as well as increasing clinicians’ preparedness, knowledge, and confidence in preventing and intervening on adolescents’ substance experimentation and use.” She recommended that clinicians in primary care improve their training by using the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment program, which is available as a free online course.

Confidentiality is important in adolescent health, said Dr. Kulak, who is an assistant professor in the department of health, nutrition, and dietetics at State University of New York at Buffalo. “When discussing sensitive topics, such as binge drinking and opioid misuse, adolescents may fear that these or other risky activities may be disclosed to parents or law enforcement officials. Therefore, adolescent health providers should be aware of local, state, and federal laws pertaining to the confidentiality of minors.”

She added, “adolescents are often susceptible to others’ influences, so having open communication and support from a trusted adult – be it a parent or clinician – may also be protective against risky behaviors.”

The study by Vaca et al. was funded by the National Institutes of Health with support from the Intramural Research Program of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; the National Institute on Drug Abuse; and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration. The study by Bhatia et al. had no external funding. The authors from both studies reported no relevant financial disclosures. Dr. Kulak said she had no financial disclosures or other conflicts of interest.

SOURCE: Vaca FE et al. Pediatrics. 2020; doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-4095. Bhatia D et al. Pediatrics. 2020; doi: 10.1542/peds.2019-2470.

Binge drinking and misuse of opioids led to risky behavior during adolescence, two studies from the journal Pediatrics highlighted. And the binge drinking in high school may predict risky driving behaviors up to 4 years after high school.

wh1600/Getty Images

Federico E. Vaca, MD, of the developmental neurocognitive driving simulation research center at Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and colleagues examined the associations between risky driving behaviors and binge drinking of 2,785 adolescents in the nationally representative, longitudinal NEXT Generation Health Study. The researchers studied the effects of binge drinking on driving while impaired (DWI), riding with an impaired driver (RWI), blackouts, extreme binge drinking, and risky driving.

The adolescents were studied across seven waves, with Wave 1 beginning in the 2009-2010 school year (10th grade; mean age, 16 years), and data extended up to 4 years after high school. Of all adolescents enrolled, 91% completed Wave 1, 88% completed Wave 2, 86% completed Wave 3 (12th grade), 78% completed Wave 4, 79% completed Wave 5, 84% completed Wave 6, and 83% completed Wave 7 (4 years after leaving high school) of the study.

High school binge drinking predicts later risky behavior

About one-quarter of adolescents reported binge drinking in Waves 1-3, with an incidence of 27% in Wave 1, 24% in Wave 2, and 27% in Wave 3. Adolescents who reported binge drinking in Wave 3 had a higher likelihood of DWI in subsequent waves, with nearly six times higher odds in Wave 5 and more than twice as likely in Wave 7, researchers said. Binge drinking in Wave 3 also was associated with greater than four times higher odds of RWI in Wave 4, and more than two and a half times higher odds of RWI in Wave 7. Among adolescents who reported binge drinking across 3 years in high school, there was a higher likelihood of extreme binge drinking in Wave 7, and higher likelihood of risky driving after graduating.

Impact of parental knowledge of drinking

Parental knowledge of drinking and support for not drinking alcohol was associated with lower likelihood of DWI and RWI in some waves. Father monitoring knowledge of drinking in Waves 1-3 lowered the odds of DWI by 30% in Wave 5 and 20% in Wave 6, while also lowering the odds of RWI in Wave 4 and Wave 7 by 20%.

Mother knowledge of drinking in Waves 1-3 was associated with 60% lower odds of DWI in Wave 4, but did not lower odds in any wave for RWI.

Overall, parental support for not drinking lowered odds for DWI by 40% in Waves 4 and 5, and by 30% in Wave 7 while also lowering odds of RWI in Wave 4 by 20%.

The results are consistent with other studies examining risky driving behavior and binge drinking in adolescent populations, but researchers noted that “to an important but limited extent, parental practices while the teenager is in high school may protect against DWI, RWI, and blackouts as adolescents move into early adulthood.”

“Our findings are relevant to prevention programs that seek to incorporate alcohol screening with intentional inquiry about binge drinking. Moreover, our results may be instructive to programs that seek to leverage facets of parental practices to reduce health-risk contexts for youth,” Dr. Vaca and colleagues concluded. “Such prevention activities coupled with strengthening of policies and practices reducing adolescents’ access to alcohol could reduce later major alcohol-related health-risk behaviors and their consequences.”



Opioid misuse and risky behavior

In a second study, Devika Bhatia, MD, of the University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora, and colleagues examined opioid misuse in a nationally-representative sample of 14,765 adolescents from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey. The researchers measured opioid misuse by categorizing adolescents into groups based on whether they had ever misused prescription opioids and whether they had engaged in risky driving behavior, violent behavior, risky sexual behavior, had a history of substance abuse, or attempted suicide.

Dr. Bhatia and colleagues found 14% of adolescents in the study reported misusing opioids, with an overrepresentation of 17-year-old and 18-year-old participants reporting opioid misuse (P less than .0001). there were no statistically significant difference between those who misused opioids and those who did not in terms of race, ethnicity, or sex.

Those adolescents who reported misusing opioids were 2.8 times more likely to not use a seatbelt; were 2.8 times more likely to have RWI; were 5.8 times more likely to have DWI; or 2.3 times more likely to have texted or emailed while driving. In each of these cases, P was less than .0001.

Adolescents who misused opioids also had significantly increased odds of engaging in risky sexual behaviors such as having sex before 13 years (3.9 times); having sex with four or more partners (4.8 times); using substances before sex (3.6 times); and not using a condom before sex (2.0 times). In each of these cases, P was less than .0001.

Additionally, adolescents in this category were between 5.4 times and 22.3 times more likely to use other substances (P less than .0001 for 10 variables); 4.9 times more likely to have attempted suicide (P less than .0001); or more likely to have engaged in violent behavior such as getting into physical fights (4.0 times), carrying a weapon (3.4 times) or a gun (5.1 times) within the last 30 days. In the four latter cases, P was less than .0001.

“With the ongoing opioid epidemic, pediatricians and child psychiatrists are likely to be more attuned to opioid misuse in their patients,” Dr. Bhatia and colleagues concluded. “If youth are screening positive for opioid misuse, pediatricians, nurses, social workers, child psychiatrists, and other providers assessing adolescents may have a new, broad range of other risky behaviors for which to screen regardless of the direction of the association.”

Substance use screening for treating substance use disorder traditionally has been is provided by a specialist, Jessica A. Kulak, PhD, MPH, said in an interview. “However, integration of care services may help to change societal norms around problematic substance use – both by decreasing stigma associated with substance use, as well as increasing clinicians’ preparedness, knowledge, and confidence in preventing and intervening on adolescents’ substance experimentation and use.” She recommended that clinicians in primary care improve their training by using the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment program, which is available as a free online course.

Confidentiality is important in adolescent health, said Dr. Kulak, who is an assistant professor in the department of health, nutrition, and dietetics at State University of New York at Buffalo. “When discussing sensitive topics, such as binge drinking and opioid misuse, adolescents may fear that these or other risky activities may be disclosed to parents or law enforcement officials. Therefore, adolescent health providers should be aware of local, state, and federal laws pertaining to the confidentiality of minors.”

She added, “adolescents are often susceptible to others’ influences, so having open communication and support from a trusted adult – be it a parent or clinician – may also be protective against risky behaviors.”

The study by Vaca et al. was funded by the National Institutes of Health with support from the Intramural Research Program of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; the National Institute on Drug Abuse; and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration. The study by Bhatia et al. had no external funding. The authors from both studies reported no relevant financial disclosures. Dr. Kulak said she had no financial disclosures or other conflicts of interest.

SOURCE: Vaca FE et al. Pediatrics. 2020; doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-4095. Bhatia D et al. Pediatrics. 2020; doi: 10.1542/peds.2019-2470.

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