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Fri, 09/14/2018 - 12:05
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A Closer Look at Characteristics of High-Performing HM Groups

Early in 2015, SHM published the updated edition of the “Key Principles and Characteristics of an Effective Hospital Medicine Group,” which is a free download via the SHM website. Every hospitalist group should use this comprehensive list of attributes as one important frame of reference to guide ongoing improvement efforts and long-range planning.

In this column and the next two, I’ll split the difference between the very brief list of top success factors for hospitalist groups I wrote about in my March 2011 column and the very comprehensive “Key Characteristics” document. I think these attributes are among the most important to support a high-performing group, yet they are sometimes overlooked or implemented poorly. They are of roughly equal importance and are listed in no particular order.

Deliberately Cultivating a Culture (or Mindset) of Practice Ownership

It’s easy for hospitalists to think of themselves as employees who just work shifts but have no need or opportunity to attend to the bigger picture of the practice or the hospital in which they operate. After all, being a good doctor for your patients is an awfully big job itself, and lots of recruitment ads tell you doctoring is all that will be expected of you. Someone else will handle everything necessary to ensure your practice is successful.

This line of thinking will limit the success of your group.

Your group will perform much better and you’re likely to find your career much more rewarding if you and your hospitalist colleagues think of yourselves as owning your practice and take an active role in managing it. You’ll still need others to manage day-to-day business affairs, but at least a portion of the hospitalists in the group should be actively involved in planning and making decisions about the group’s operations and future evolution.

I encounter hospitalist groups that have become convinced they don’t even have the opportunity to shape or influence their practice. “No one ever listens,” they say. “The hospital executives just do what they want regardless of what we say.” But in nearly every case, that is an exaggeration. Most administrative leaders desperately want hospitalist engagement and thoughtful participation in planning and decision making.

I wrote additional thoughts about the importance of a culture, or mindset, of practice ownership in August 2008. The print version of that column included a short list of questions you could ask yourself to assess whether your own group has such a culture, but it is missing from the web version and can be found at

A Formal System of Group ‘Governance’

So many hospitalist groups rely almost entirely on consensus to make decisions. This might work well enough for a very small group (e.g., four or five doctors), but for large groups, it means just one or two dissenters can block a decision and nothing much gets done.

Disagreements about practice operations and future direction are common, so every group should commit to writing some method of how votes will be taken in the absence of consensus. For example, the group might be divided about whether to adopt unit-based assignments or change the hours of an evening (“swing”) shift, and a formal vote might be the only way to make a decision. It’s best if you have decided in advance issues such as what constitutes a quorum, who is eligible to vote, and whether the winning vote requires a simple or super-majority. And a formalized system of voting helps support a culture ownership.

I wrote about this originally in December 2007 and provided sample bylaws your group could modify as needed. Of course, you should keep in mind that if you are indeed employed by a larger entity such as a hospital or staffing company, you don’t have the ability to make all decisions by a vote of the group. Pay raises, staff additions, and similar decisions require support of the employer, and while a vote in support of them might influence what actually happens, it still requires the support of the employer. But there are lots of things, like the work schedule, system of allocating patients across providers, etc., that are usually best made by the group itself, and sometimes they might come down to a vote of the group.



Never Stop Recruiting and Ensure Hospitalists Themselves Are Actively Engaged in Recruiting

I wrote about recruiting originally in July 2008 when there was a shortage of hospitalists everywhere. Since then, the supply of doctors seeking work as a hospitalist has caught up with demand in many major metropolitan areas like Minneapolis and Washington, D.C.

But outside of large markets—that is, in most of the country—demand for hospitalists still far exceeds supply, and groups face ongoing staffing deficits that come with the need for existing doctors to work extra shifts and use locum tenens or other forms of temporary staffing. The potential excess supply of hospitalists in major markets may eventually trickle out and ease the shortages elsewhere, but that hasn’t happened in a big way yet. So for these places, it is crucial to devote a lot of energy and resources to recruiting.

A vital component of successful recruiting is participation in the effort by the hospitalists themselves. I think the best mindset for the hospitalists is to think of themselves as leading recruitment efforts assisted by recruiters rather than the other way around. For example, the lead hospitalist or some other designated doctor should try to respond by phone (if that’s impractical, then respond by email) to every reasonable inquiry from a new candidate within 24 hours and serve as the candidate’s principle point of communication throughout the recruitment process. The recruiter can handle details of things like arranging travel for an interview, but a hospitalist in the group should be the main source of information regarding things like the work schedule, patient volume, compensation, etc. And a hospitalist should serve as the main host during a candidate’s on-site interview.

More to Come …

Next month, I’ll address things like a written policy and procedure manual, clear reporting relationships for the hospitalist group, and roles for advanced practice clinicians (NPs and PAs). TH

Dr. Nelson has been a practicing hospitalist since 1988. He is co-founder and past president of SHM, and principal in Nelson Flores Hospital Medicine Consultants. He is co-director for SHM’s “Best Practices in Managing a Hospital Medicine Program” course. Write to him at

The Hospitalist - 2016(03)

Early in 2015, SHM published the updated edition of the “Key Principles and Characteristics of an Effective Hospital Medicine Group,” which is a free download via the SHM website. Every hospitalist group should use this comprehensive list of attributes as one important frame of reference to guide ongoing improvement efforts and long-range planning.

In this column and the next two, I’ll split the difference between the very brief list of top success factors for hospitalist groups I wrote about in my March 2011 column and the very comprehensive “Key Characteristics” document. I think these attributes are among the most important to support a high-performing group, yet they are sometimes overlooked or implemented poorly. They are of roughly equal importance and are listed in no particular order.

Deliberately Cultivating a Culture (or Mindset) of Practice Ownership

It’s easy for hospitalists to think of themselves as employees who just work shifts but have no need or opportunity to attend to the bigger picture of the practice or the hospital in which they operate. After all, being a good doctor for your patients is an awfully big job itself, and lots of recruitment ads tell you doctoring is all that will be expected of you. Someone else will handle everything necessary to ensure your practice is successful.

This line of thinking will limit the success of your group.

Your group will perform much better and you’re likely to find your career much more rewarding if you and your hospitalist colleagues think of yourselves as owning your practice and take an active role in managing it. You’ll still need others to manage day-to-day business affairs, but at least a portion of the hospitalists in the group should be actively involved in planning and making decisions about the group’s operations and future evolution.

I encounter hospitalist groups that have become convinced they don’t even have the opportunity to shape or influence their practice. “No one ever listens,” they say. “The hospital executives just do what they want regardless of what we say.” But in nearly every case, that is an exaggeration. Most administrative leaders desperately want hospitalist engagement and thoughtful participation in planning and decision making.

I wrote additional thoughts about the importance of a culture, or mindset, of practice ownership in August 2008. The print version of that column included a short list of questions you could ask yourself to assess whether your own group has such a culture, but it is missing from the web version and can be found at

A Formal System of Group ‘Governance’

So many hospitalist groups rely almost entirely on consensus to make decisions. This might work well enough for a very small group (e.g., four or five doctors), but for large groups, it means just one or two dissenters can block a decision and nothing much gets done.

Disagreements about practice operations and future direction are common, so every group should commit to writing some method of how votes will be taken in the absence of consensus. For example, the group might be divided about whether to adopt unit-based assignments or change the hours of an evening (“swing”) shift, and a formal vote might be the only way to make a decision. It’s best if you have decided in advance issues such as what constitutes a quorum, who is eligible to vote, and whether the winning vote requires a simple or super-majority. And a formalized system of voting helps support a culture ownership.

I wrote about this originally in December 2007 and provided sample bylaws your group could modify as needed. Of course, you should keep in mind that if you are indeed employed by a larger entity such as a hospital or staffing company, you don’t have the ability to make all decisions by a vote of the group. Pay raises, staff additions, and similar decisions require support of the employer, and while a vote in support of them might influence what actually happens, it still requires the support of the employer. But there are lots of things, like the work schedule, system of allocating patients across providers, etc., that are usually best made by the group itself, and sometimes they might come down to a vote of the group.



Never Stop Recruiting and Ensure Hospitalists Themselves Are Actively Engaged in Recruiting

I wrote about recruiting originally in July 2008 when there was a shortage of hospitalists everywhere. Since then, the supply of doctors seeking work as a hospitalist has caught up with demand in many major metropolitan areas like Minneapolis and Washington, D.C.

But outside of large markets—that is, in most of the country—demand for hospitalists still far exceeds supply, and groups face ongoing staffing deficits that come with the need for existing doctors to work extra shifts and use locum tenens or other forms of temporary staffing. The potential excess supply of hospitalists in major markets may eventually trickle out and ease the shortages elsewhere, but that hasn’t happened in a big way yet. So for these places, it is crucial to devote a lot of energy and resources to recruiting.

A vital component of successful recruiting is participation in the effort by the hospitalists themselves. I think the best mindset for the hospitalists is to think of themselves as leading recruitment efforts assisted by recruiters rather than the other way around. For example, the lead hospitalist or some other designated doctor should try to respond by phone (if that’s impractical, then respond by email) to every reasonable inquiry from a new candidate within 24 hours and serve as the candidate’s principle point of communication throughout the recruitment process. The recruiter can handle details of things like arranging travel for an interview, but a hospitalist in the group should be the main source of information regarding things like the work schedule, patient volume, compensation, etc. And a hospitalist should serve as the main host during a candidate’s on-site interview.

More to Come …

Next month, I’ll address things like a written policy and procedure manual, clear reporting relationships for the hospitalist group, and roles for advanced practice clinicians (NPs and PAs). TH

Dr. Nelson has been a practicing hospitalist since 1988. He is co-founder and past president of SHM, and principal in Nelson Flores Hospital Medicine Consultants. He is co-director for SHM’s “Best Practices in Managing a Hospital Medicine Program” course. Write to him at

Early in 2015, SHM published the updated edition of the “Key Principles and Characteristics of an Effective Hospital Medicine Group,” which is a free download via the SHM website. Every hospitalist group should use this comprehensive list of attributes as one important frame of reference to guide ongoing improvement efforts and long-range planning.

In this column and the next two, I’ll split the difference between the very brief list of top success factors for hospitalist groups I wrote about in my March 2011 column and the very comprehensive “Key Characteristics” document. I think these attributes are among the most important to support a high-performing group, yet they are sometimes overlooked or implemented poorly. They are of roughly equal importance and are listed in no particular order.

Deliberately Cultivating a Culture (or Mindset) of Practice Ownership

It’s easy for hospitalists to think of themselves as employees who just work shifts but have no need or opportunity to attend to the bigger picture of the practice or the hospital in which they operate. After all, being a good doctor for your patients is an awfully big job itself, and lots of recruitment ads tell you doctoring is all that will be expected of you. Someone else will handle everything necessary to ensure your practice is successful.

This line of thinking will limit the success of your group.

Your group will perform much better and you’re likely to find your career much more rewarding if you and your hospitalist colleagues think of yourselves as owning your practice and take an active role in managing it. You’ll still need others to manage day-to-day business affairs, but at least a portion of the hospitalists in the group should be actively involved in planning and making decisions about the group’s operations and future evolution.

I encounter hospitalist groups that have become convinced they don’t even have the opportunity to shape or influence their practice. “No one ever listens,” they say. “The hospital executives just do what they want regardless of what we say.” But in nearly every case, that is an exaggeration. Most administrative leaders desperately want hospitalist engagement and thoughtful participation in planning and decision making.

I wrote additional thoughts about the importance of a culture, or mindset, of practice ownership in August 2008. The print version of that column included a short list of questions you could ask yourself to assess whether your own group has such a culture, but it is missing from the web version and can be found at

A Formal System of Group ‘Governance’

So many hospitalist groups rely almost entirely on consensus to make decisions. This might work well enough for a very small group (e.g., four or five doctors), but for large groups, it means just one or two dissenters can block a decision and nothing much gets done.

Disagreements about practice operations and future direction are common, so every group should commit to writing some method of how votes will be taken in the absence of consensus. For example, the group might be divided about whether to adopt unit-based assignments or change the hours of an evening (“swing”) shift, and a formal vote might be the only way to make a decision. It’s best if you have decided in advance issues such as what constitutes a quorum, who is eligible to vote, and whether the winning vote requires a simple or super-majority. And a formalized system of voting helps support a culture ownership.

I wrote about this originally in December 2007 and provided sample bylaws your group could modify as needed. Of course, you should keep in mind that if you are indeed employed by a larger entity such as a hospital or staffing company, you don’t have the ability to make all decisions by a vote of the group. Pay raises, staff additions, and similar decisions require support of the employer, and while a vote in support of them might influence what actually happens, it still requires the support of the employer. But there are lots of things, like the work schedule, system of allocating patients across providers, etc., that are usually best made by the group itself, and sometimes they might come down to a vote of the group.



Never Stop Recruiting and Ensure Hospitalists Themselves Are Actively Engaged in Recruiting

I wrote about recruiting originally in July 2008 when there was a shortage of hospitalists everywhere. Since then, the supply of doctors seeking work as a hospitalist has caught up with demand in many major metropolitan areas like Minneapolis and Washington, D.C.

But outside of large markets—that is, in most of the country—demand for hospitalists still far exceeds supply, and groups face ongoing staffing deficits that come with the need for existing doctors to work extra shifts and use locum tenens or other forms of temporary staffing. The potential excess supply of hospitalists in major markets may eventually trickle out and ease the shortages elsewhere, but that hasn’t happened in a big way yet. So for these places, it is crucial to devote a lot of energy and resources to recruiting.

A vital component of successful recruiting is participation in the effort by the hospitalists themselves. I think the best mindset for the hospitalists is to think of themselves as leading recruitment efforts assisted by recruiters rather than the other way around. For example, the lead hospitalist or some other designated doctor should try to respond by phone (if that’s impractical, then respond by email) to every reasonable inquiry from a new candidate within 24 hours and serve as the candidate’s principle point of communication throughout the recruitment process. The recruiter can handle details of things like arranging travel for an interview, but a hospitalist in the group should be the main source of information regarding things like the work schedule, patient volume, compensation, etc. And a hospitalist should serve as the main host during a candidate’s on-site interview.

More to Come …

Next month, I’ll address things like a written policy and procedure manual, clear reporting relationships for the hospitalist group, and roles for advanced practice clinicians (NPs and PAs). TH

Dr. Nelson has been a practicing hospitalist since 1988. He is co-founder and past president of SHM, and principal in Nelson Flores Hospital Medicine Consultants. He is co-director for SHM’s “Best Practices in Managing a Hospital Medicine Program” course. Write to him at

The Hospitalist - 2016(03)
The Hospitalist - 2016(03)
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A Closer Look at Characteristics of High-Performing HM Groups
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A Closer Look at Characteristics of High-Performing HM Groups
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