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Tue, 05/28/2024 - 11:35

Avoiding the use of antianaerobic antibiotics for empiric treatment of patients with sepsis can prevent depletion of beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome and reduce both organ dysfunction and in-hospital mortality, a critical care specialists contends.

“You may not be personally moved by a 2- to 5-percent absolute difference in mortality, but sepsis is so common and so lethal that even small differences in outcomes can actually translate into enormous public health implications,” said Robert P. Dickson, MD a pulmonary and critical care specialist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Dr. Robert P. Dickson

If instead of prescribing piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn; pip-tazo) for sepsis critical care specialists were to switch to cefepime “even if you make very conservative assumptions like a modest effect size, you’re still talking about [saving] thousands of lives a year,” he said in a scientific symposium at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

“This is why I say this isn’t really over the horizon; this is microbiome modulation that’s happening all the time,” he said.

Most patients with sepsis in a medical ICU with respiratory, urinary or bloodstream sources of infection do not have indications for antianaerobic antibiotics, and there are no head-to-head clinical trials demonstrating a benefit for one anti-sepsis antibiotic strategy over another he said.

“In contrast, every observational study between antianaerobic and non-antianaerobic shows benefits to the anaerobe-sparing [drugs], and it’s been shown with animal models too. So to my mind, it’s already practice changing. I need to be talked into giving antianaerobic antibiotics for septic patients” he said.

Targeting gut microbiota

There are three basic approaches to focusing on the gut microbiome as a therapeutic target. The hardest is attempting to engineer an ecosystem — a fiendishly complex task with unpredictable results that has never been shown to work in either the gut or in the ICU, Dr. Dickson said.

A second approach, the use of probiotics to repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria, is largely futile in the ICU, as the large majority of patients are on antibiotics and can’t be safely weaned off of them while in critical care. In this situation, giving probiotics would be akin to try to repopulate a forest while a forest fire is raging, he said.

The third and easiest approach is to minimize dysbiosis — imbalance of organisms in the gut — in the first place.

Anaerobic bacteria in the gut have been shown in several different disease states and animals models to be protective against pneumonia, organ failure, and death.

To see whether antianaerobic antibiotics could increase risk for adverse outcomes in the ICU, Dr. Dickson and colleagues previously conducted a retrospective study of 3032 mechanically ventilated patients in their center who received antibiotics either with or without anaerobic coverage in the first 72 hours.

They found that patients treated with early antianaerobic antibiotics had decreased ventilator-associated pneumonia-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] 1.24), infection-free survival (HR 1.22), and overall survival (HR 1.14) compared with patients who received antibiotics without anaerobic cover (all comparisons statistically significant by confidence intervals).

In a subcohort of 116 patients for whom gut microbiota data compositions were available, those who received antianaerobic antibiotics had decreased initial gut bacterial density (P = .00038), increased microbiome expansion during hospitalization (P = .011), and domination of the microbiome by Enterobacteriaceae species (P = .045). They also found that Enterobacteriaceae were enriched among respiratory pathogens in antianaerobic treated patients, and that in murine models, treatment with antianaerobic antibiotics increased susceptibility to Enterobacteriaceae pneumonia and increased the risk of death from non-infectious injuries.



Pip-tazo vs. cefepime

In the ACORN (Antibiotic Choice on Renal Outcomes) trial, results of which were reported by this news organization in November 2023, there were no differences in the highest stage of acute kidney injury or death in the first 14 days between piperacillin-tazobactam and cefepime. Remarking on the results, lead investigator Edward T. Qian, MD, MSc from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, said “I think the big takeaway is that you should feel comfortable starting or using pip-tazo for your patients who are coming into the hospital and receiving empiric antibiotics for acute infection.”

But as Dr. Dickson’s group reported more recently in JAMA Internal Medicine, a 15-month pip-tazo shortage allowed the investigators to conduct a natural experiment comparing 90-day outcomes among 7569 patients with sepsis who received vancomycin plus either pip-tazo or cefepime.

They found in an instrumental variable analysis that piperacillin-tazobactam was associated with an absolute increase in mortality at 90 days of 5.0%, and that patients who received this antianaerobic antibiotic had 2.1 fewer organ failure–free days, 1.1 fewer ventilator-free days, and 1.5 fewer vasopressor-free days.

“Our study reveals the potential risks associated with empirical piperacillin-tazobactam in patients with sepsis without a specific indication for antianaerobic therapy. These findings should prompt reconsideration and further study of the widespread use of empirical antianaerobic antibiotics in sepsis,” the investigators concluded.

Who gets what?

In the question-and-answer at the end of the session, comoderator Christina Sarah Thornton, MD, PhD, FRCPC from the University of Calgary, Alberta, asked Dr. Dickson whether the question of antianaerobic overuse in the ICU “is a function that we aren’t able yet from a diagnostic perspective to identify the group that may need antianaerobes? Because we often don’t get culture data back in time for a critically ill patient. Do you think there could maybe be a more rapid diagnostic for these patients?”

He replied that “a lot of our problems would be solved if we had really good, reliable rapid diagnostics for infection,” but noted that most of the patients in the study mentioned above did not have indications for antianaerobics.

Asked by this reporter whether Dr. Dickson’s presentation changed her mind about the use of piperacillin-tazobactam in her patients, Dr. Thornton replied “Yes! It did for me.”

She noted that although in Canada respirologists don’t work in intensive care units, “it makes me wonder about just giving pip-tazo to patients that are really sick. It definitely changed my mind.”

The work of Dr. Dickson and colleagues is supported by National Institute of Health and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality grants. He reported no other relevant disclosures. Dr. Thornton had no relevant disclosures.


Avoiding the use of antianaerobic antibiotics for empiric treatment of patients with sepsis can prevent depletion of beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome and reduce both organ dysfunction and in-hospital mortality, a critical care specialists contends.

“You may not be personally moved by a 2- to 5-percent absolute difference in mortality, but sepsis is so common and so lethal that even small differences in outcomes can actually translate into enormous public health implications,” said Robert P. Dickson, MD a pulmonary and critical care specialist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Dr. Robert P. Dickson

If instead of prescribing piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn; pip-tazo) for sepsis critical care specialists were to switch to cefepime “even if you make very conservative assumptions like a modest effect size, you’re still talking about [saving] thousands of lives a year,” he said in a scientific symposium at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

“This is why I say this isn’t really over the horizon; this is microbiome modulation that’s happening all the time,” he said.

Most patients with sepsis in a medical ICU with respiratory, urinary or bloodstream sources of infection do not have indications for antianaerobic antibiotics, and there are no head-to-head clinical trials demonstrating a benefit for one anti-sepsis antibiotic strategy over another he said.

“In contrast, every observational study between antianaerobic and non-antianaerobic shows benefits to the anaerobe-sparing [drugs], and it’s been shown with animal models too. So to my mind, it’s already practice changing. I need to be talked into giving antianaerobic antibiotics for septic patients” he said.

Targeting gut microbiota

There are three basic approaches to focusing on the gut microbiome as a therapeutic target. The hardest is attempting to engineer an ecosystem — a fiendishly complex task with unpredictable results that has never been shown to work in either the gut or in the ICU, Dr. Dickson said.

A second approach, the use of probiotics to repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria, is largely futile in the ICU, as the large majority of patients are on antibiotics and can’t be safely weaned off of them while in critical care. In this situation, giving probiotics would be akin to try to repopulate a forest while a forest fire is raging, he said.

The third and easiest approach is to minimize dysbiosis — imbalance of organisms in the gut — in the first place.

Anaerobic bacteria in the gut have been shown in several different disease states and animals models to be protective against pneumonia, organ failure, and death.

To see whether antianaerobic antibiotics could increase risk for adverse outcomes in the ICU, Dr. Dickson and colleagues previously conducted a retrospective study of 3032 mechanically ventilated patients in their center who received antibiotics either with or without anaerobic coverage in the first 72 hours.

They found that patients treated with early antianaerobic antibiotics had decreased ventilator-associated pneumonia-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] 1.24), infection-free survival (HR 1.22), and overall survival (HR 1.14) compared with patients who received antibiotics without anaerobic cover (all comparisons statistically significant by confidence intervals).

In a subcohort of 116 patients for whom gut microbiota data compositions were available, those who received antianaerobic antibiotics had decreased initial gut bacterial density (P = .00038), increased microbiome expansion during hospitalization (P = .011), and domination of the microbiome by Enterobacteriaceae species (P = .045). They also found that Enterobacteriaceae were enriched among respiratory pathogens in antianaerobic treated patients, and that in murine models, treatment with antianaerobic antibiotics increased susceptibility to Enterobacteriaceae pneumonia and increased the risk of death from non-infectious injuries.



Pip-tazo vs. cefepime

In the ACORN (Antibiotic Choice on Renal Outcomes) trial, results of which were reported by this news organization in November 2023, there were no differences in the highest stage of acute kidney injury or death in the first 14 days between piperacillin-tazobactam and cefepime. Remarking on the results, lead investigator Edward T. Qian, MD, MSc from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, said “I think the big takeaway is that you should feel comfortable starting or using pip-tazo for your patients who are coming into the hospital and receiving empiric antibiotics for acute infection.”

But as Dr. Dickson’s group reported more recently in JAMA Internal Medicine, a 15-month pip-tazo shortage allowed the investigators to conduct a natural experiment comparing 90-day outcomes among 7569 patients with sepsis who received vancomycin plus either pip-tazo or cefepime.

They found in an instrumental variable analysis that piperacillin-tazobactam was associated with an absolute increase in mortality at 90 days of 5.0%, and that patients who received this antianaerobic antibiotic had 2.1 fewer organ failure–free days, 1.1 fewer ventilator-free days, and 1.5 fewer vasopressor-free days.

“Our study reveals the potential risks associated with empirical piperacillin-tazobactam in patients with sepsis without a specific indication for antianaerobic therapy. These findings should prompt reconsideration and further study of the widespread use of empirical antianaerobic antibiotics in sepsis,” the investigators concluded.

Who gets what?

In the question-and-answer at the end of the session, comoderator Christina Sarah Thornton, MD, PhD, FRCPC from the University of Calgary, Alberta, asked Dr. Dickson whether the question of antianaerobic overuse in the ICU “is a function that we aren’t able yet from a diagnostic perspective to identify the group that may need antianaerobes? Because we often don’t get culture data back in time for a critically ill patient. Do you think there could maybe be a more rapid diagnostic for these patients?”

He replied that “a lot of our problems would be solved if we had really good, reliable rapid diagnostics for infection,” but noted that most of the patients in the study mentioned above did not have indications for antianaerobics.

Asked by this reporter whether Dr. Dickson’s presentation changed her mind about the use of piperacillin-tazobactam in her patients, Dr. Thornton replied “Yes! It did for me.”

She noted that although in Canada respirologists don’t work in intensive care units, “it makes me wonder about just giving pip-tazo to patients that are really sick. It definitely changed my mind.”

The work of Dr. Dickson and colleagues is supported by National Institute of Health and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality grants. He reported no other relevant disclosures. Dr. Thornton had no relevant disclosures.

Avoiding the use of antianaerobic antibiotics for empiric treatment of patients with sepsis can prevent depletion of beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome and reduce both organ dysfunction and in-hospital mortality, a critical care specialists contends.

“You may not be personally moved by a 2- to 5-percent absolute difference in mortality, but sepsis is so common and so lethal that even small differences in outcomes can actually translate into enormous public health implications,” said Robert P. Dickson, MD a pulmonary and critical care specialist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Dr. Robert P. Dickson

If instead of prescribing piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn; pip-tazo) for sepsis critical care specialists were to switch to cefepime “even if you make very conservative assumptions like a modest effect size, you’re still talking about [saving] thousands of lives a year,” he said in a scientific symposium at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

“This is why I say this isn’t really over the horizon; this is microbiome modulation that’s happening all the time,” he said.

Most patients with sepsis in a medical ICU with respiratory, urinary or bloodstream sources of infection do not have indications for antianaerobic antibiotics, and there are no head-to-head clinical trials demonstrating a benefit for one anti-sepsis antibiotic strategy over another he said.

“In contrast, every observational study between antianaerobic and non-antianaerobic shows benefits to the anaerobe-sparing [drugs], and it’s been shown with animal models too. So to my mind, it’s already practice changing. I need to be talked into giving antianaerobic antibiotics for septic patients” he said.

Targeting gut microbiota

There are three basic approaches to focusing on the gut microbiome as a therapeutic target. The hardest is attempting to engineer an ecosystem — a fiendishly complex task with unpredictable results that has never been shown to work in either the gut or in the ICU, Dr. Dickson said.

A second approach, the use of probiotics to repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria, is largely futile in the ICU, as the large majority of patients are on antibiotics and can’t be safely weaned off of them while in critical care. In this situation, giving probiotics would be akin to try to repopulate a forest while a forest fire is raging, he said.

The third and easiest approach is to minimize dysbiosis — imbalance of organisms in the gut — in the first place.

Anaerobic bacteria in the gut have been shown in several different disease states and animals models to be protective against pneumonia, organ failure, and death.

To see whether antianaerobic antibiotics could increase risk for adverse outcomes in the ICU, Dr. Dickson and colleagues previously conducted a retrospective study of 3032 mechanically ventilated patients in their center who received antibiotics either with or without anaerobic coverage in the first 72 hours.

They found that patients treated with early antianaerobic antibiotics had decreased ventilator-associated pneumonia-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] 1.24), infection-free survival (HR 1.22), and overall survival (HR 1.14) compared with patients who received antibiotics without anaerobic cover (all comparisons statistically significant by confidence intervals).

In a subcohort of 116 patients for whom gut microbiota data compositions were available, those who received antianaerobic antibiotics had decreased initial gut bacterial density (P = .00038), increased microbiome expansion during hospitalization (P = .011), and domination of the microbiome by Enterobacteriaceae species (P = .045). They also found that Enterobacteriaceae were enriched among respiratory pathogens in antianaerobic treated patients, and that in murine models, treatment with antianaerobic antibiotics increased susceptibility to Enterobacteriaceae pneumonia and increased the risk of death from non-infectious injuries.



Pip-tazo vs. cefepime

In the ACORN (Antibiotic Choice on Renal Outcomes) trial, results of which were reported by this news organization in November 2023, there were no differences in the highest stage of acute kidney injury or death in the first 14 days between piperacillin-tazobactam and cefepime. Remarking on the results, lead investigator Edward T. Qian, MD, MSc from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, said “I think the big takeaway is that you should feel comfortable starting or using pip-tazo for your patients who are coming into the hospital and receiving empiric antibiotics for acute infection.”

But as Dr. Dickson’s group reported more recently in JAMA Internal Medicine, a 15-month pip-tazo shortage allowed the investigators to conduct a natural experiment comparing 90-day outcomes among 7569 patients with sepsis who received vancomycin plus either pip-tazo or cefepime.

They found in an instrumental variable analysis that piperacillin-tazobactam was associated with an absolute increase in mortality at 90 days of 5.0%, and that patients who received this antianaerobic antibiotic had 2.1 fewer organ failure–free days, 1.1 fewer ventilator-free days, and 1.5 fewer vasopressor-free days.

“Our study reveals the potential risks associated with empirical piperacillin-tazobactam in patients with sepsis without a specific indication for antianaerobic therapy. These findings should prompt reconsideration and further study of the widespread use of empirical antianaerobic antibiotics in sepsis,” the investigators concluded.

Who gets what?

In the question-and-answer at the end of the session, comoderator Christina Sarah Thornton, MD, PhD, FRCPC from the University of Calgary, Alberta, asked Dr. Dickson whether the question of antianaerobic overuse in the ICU “is a function that we aren’t able yet from a diagnostic perspective to identify the group that may need antianaerobes? Because we often don’t get culture data back in time for a critically ill patient. Do you think there could maybe be a more rapid diagnostic for these patients?”

He replied that “a lot of our problems would be solved if we had really good, reliable rapid diagnostics for infection,” but noted that most of the patients in the study mentioned above did not have indications for antianaerobics.

Asked by this reporter whether Dr. Dickson’s presentation changed her mind about the use of piperacillin-tazobactam in her patients, Dr. Thornton replied “Yes! It did for me.”

She noted that although in Canada respirologists don’t work in intensive care units, “it makes me wonder about just giving pip-tazo to patients that are really sick. It definitely changed my mind.”

The work of Dr. Dickson and colleagues is supported by National Institute of Health and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality grants. He reported no other relevant disclosures. Dr. Thornton had no relevant disclosures.

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All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>Avoiding the use of antianaerobic antibiotics for empiric treatment of patients with sepsis can prevent depletion of beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome a</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage>301559</teaserImage> <teaser>Empiric use of anti-anaerobic antibiotics haw been consistently associated with worse outcomes in patients with sepsis.</teaser> <title>Hold the antianaerobics in the ICU whenever possible</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">6</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">53</term> <term>39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term>234</term> <term canonical="true">201</term> </topics> <links> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/24012995.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption">Dr. Robert P. Dickson</description> <description role="drol:credit">Neil Osterweil/MDedge News</description> </link> </links> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Hold the antianaerobics in the ICU whenever possible</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p><span class="dateline">SAN DIEGO </span>— <span class="tag metaDescription">Avoiding the use of antianaerobic antibiotics for empiric treatment of patients with sepsis can prevent depletion of beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome and reduce both organ dysfunction and in-hospital mortality, a critical care specialists contends.</span> </p> <p>“You may not be personally moved by a 2- to 5-percent absolute difference in mortality, but sepsis is so common and so lethal that even small differences in outcomes can actually translate into enormous public health implications,” said Robert P. Dickson, MD a pulmonary and critical care specialist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.<br/><br/>[[{"fid":"301559","view_mode":"medstat_image_flush_left","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_flush_left","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Robert P. Dickson, MD a pulmonary and critical care specialist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"Neil Osterweil/MDedge News","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":"Dr. Robert P. Dickson"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_flush_left"}}]]If instead of prescribing piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn; pip-tazo) for sepsis critical care specialists were to switch to cefepime “even if you make very conservative assumptions like a modest effect size, you’re still talking about [saving] thousands of lives a year,” he said in a scientific symposium at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.<br/><br/>“This is why I say this isn’t really over the horizon; this is microbiome modulation that’s happening all the time,” he said.<br/><br/>Most patients with sepsis in a medical ICU with respiratory, urinary or bloodstream sources of infection do not have indications for antianaerobic antibiotics, and there are no head-to-head clinical trials demonstrating a benefit for one anti-sepsis antibiotic strategy over another he said.<br/><br/>“In contrast, every observational study between antianaerobic and non-antianaerobic shows benefits to the anaerobe-sparing [drugs], and it’s been shown with animal models too. So to my mind, it’s already practice changing. I need to be talked into giving antianaerobic antibiotics for septic patients” he said.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Targeting gut microbiota</h2> <p>There are three basic approaches to focusing on the gut microbiome as a therapeutic target. The hardest is attempting to engineer an ecosystem — a fiendishly complex task with unpredictable results that has never been shown to work in either the gut or in the ICU, Dr. Dickson said.</p> <p>A second approach, the use of probiotics to repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria, is largely futile in the ICU, as the large majority of patients are on antibiotics and can’t be safely weaned off of them while in critical care. In this situation, giving probiotics would be akin to try to repopulate a forest while a forest fire is raging, he said.<br/><br/>The third and easiest approach is to minimize dysbiosis — imbalance of organisms in the gut — in the first place.<br/><br/>Anaerobic bacteria in the gut have been shown in several different disease states and animals models to be protective against pneumonia, organ failure, and death. <br/><br/>To see whether antianaerobic antibiotics could increase risk for adverse outcomes in the ICU, Dr. Dickson and colleagues previously conducted a <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">retrospective study</a></span> of 3032 mechanically ventilated patients in their center who received antibiotics either with or without anaerobic coverage in the first 72 hours. <br/><br/>They found that patients treated with early antianaerobic antibiotics had decreased ventilator-associated pneumonia-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] 1.24), infection-free survival (HR 1.22), and overall survival (HR 1.14) compared with patients who received antibiotics without anaerobic cover (all comparisons statistically significant by confidence intervals).<br/><br/>In a subcohort of 116 patients for whom gut microbiota data compositions were available, those who received antianaerobic antibiotics had decreased initial gut bacterial density (<em>P</em> = .00038), increased microbiome expansion during hospitalization (<em>P</em> = .011), and domination of the microbiome by Enterobacteriaceae species (<em>P</em> = .045). They also found that Enterobacteriaceae were enriched among respiratory pathogens in antianaerobic treated patients, and that in murine models, treatment with antianaerobic antibiotics increased susceptibility to Enterobacteriaceae pneumonia and increased the risk of death from non-infectious injuries.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Pip-tazo vs. cefepime</h2> <p>In the ACORN (Antibiotic Choice on Renal Outcomes) trial, results of which were <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">reported by this news organization</a></span> in November 2023, there were no differences in the highest stage of acute kidney injury or death in the first 14 days between piperacillin-tazobactam and cefepime. Remarking on the results, lead investigator Edward T. Qian, MD, MSc from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, said “I think the big takeaway is that you should feel comfortable starting or using pip-tazo for your patients who are coming into the hospital and receiving empiric antibiotics for acute infection.”<br/><br/>But as Dr. Dickson’s group <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">reported</a></span> more recently in <em>JAMA Internal Medicine</em>, a 15-month pip-tazo shortage allowed the investigators to conduct a natural experiment comparing 90-day outcomes among 7569 patients with sepsis who received vancomycin plus either pip-tazo or cefepime.<br/><br/>They found in an instrumental variable analysis that piperacillin-tazobactam was associated with an absolute increase in mortality at 90 days of 5.0%, and that patients who received this antianaerobic antibiotic had 2.1 fewer organ failure–free days, 1.1 fewer ventilator-free days, and 1.5 fewer vasopressor-free days.<br/><br/>“Our study reveals the potential risks associated with empirical piperacillin-tazobactam in patients with sepsis without a specific indication for antianaerobic therapy. These findings should prompt reconsideration and further study of the widespread use of empirical antianaerobic antibiotics in sepsis,” the investigators concluded.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Who gets what?</h2> <p>In the question-and-answer at the end of the session, comoderator Christina Sarah Thornton, MD, PhD, FRCPC from the University of Calgary, Alberta, asked Dr. Dickson whether the question of antianaerobic overuse in the ICU “is a function that we aren’t able yet from a diagnostic perspective to identify the group that may need antianaerobes? Because we often don’t get culture data back in time for a critically ill patient. Do you think there could maybe be a more rapid diagnostic for these patients?”</p> <p>He replied that “a lot of our problems would be solved if we had really good, reliable rapid diagnostics for infection,” but noted that most of the patients in the study mentioned above did not have indications for antianaerobics.<br/><br/>Asked by this reporter whether Dr. Dickson’s presentation changed her mind about the use of piperacillin-tazobactam in her patients, Dr. Thornton replied “Yes! It did for me.”<br/><br/>She noted that although in Canada respirologists don’t work in intensive care units, “it makes me wonder about just giving pip-tazo to patients that are really sick. It definitely changed my mind.”<br/><br/>The work of Dr. Dickson and colleagues is supported by National Institute of Health and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality grants. He reported no other relevant disclosures. Dr. Thornton had no relevant disclosures.</p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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