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Wed, 11/27/2019 - 10:42

Managing painful or fear-provoking procedures in children is a balance of preparation, intuition, and technical skills, Baruch S. Krauss, MD, EdM said at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Dr. Baruch S. Krauss, pediatric emergency physician, Boston Children's Hospital
Doug Brunk/MDedge News
Dr. Baruch S. Krauss

Dr. Krauss, a pediatric emergency physician at Boston Children’s Hospital, shared tips for producing a positive experience when children present for minor procedures such as an intravenous catheter insertion or a laceration repair.

Control the environment

Setting the stage for a positive experience for children and their parents involves decreasing sensory stimuli by minimizing noise and bustle, the number of people in the room, and the reminder cues. “Even if you have trust with the child, there are certain things that could trigger the child to become fearful and anxious,” said Dr. Krauss, who also holds an academic post in the department of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Boston. “You want to make sure that medical equipment or a syringe is covered – anything that would remind the child or trigger the child to be more concerned and anxious.”

He recommends careful use of lighting, particularly in children who present with a head laceration or a facial laceration. “You may need to put a light near the wound, but that may be fearful for the child,” said Dr. Krauss, who coauthored a recent article on the topic that contains links to instructional videos (Ann Emerg Med 2019;74[1]:30-5). “Read the cues of the child,” he said. One desensitization technique he uses in such cases is to tell the child a story about the sun. He then goes on to liken the warmth of the exam light to the warmth of the sun.

Limiting the number of clinicians who speak to the child during the procedure also is key. “One person should speak to the child,” he advised. “Otherwise, it creates confusion for the child and it is hard for them to focus their attention. What you really want is to be able to control the child’s attention. You want to be able to capture their attention.”

It’s also important to keep medical equipment out of view. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen consultants come in and a child needs to have a laceration repair, and they’re filling the syringe with lidocaine in front of the child,” Dr. Krauss said. “You want to avoid that. You also want to work outside of the child’s visual field if you can. Positioning is critical. I will try whatever position works for the child and the family.” This may including asking the parent to hold and swaddle an infant during the procedure, or positioning young children in the parent’s lap with their arm secured.

“Two things that upset kids during laceration repair are water dripping into their eyes during irrigation and the suture falling across their face as you’re stitching,” he added. “You want to develop your procedural skills so you can avoid that happening.”



Tailor the approach to the individual child

Some children will want to watch what you’re doing, but normally Dr. Krauss uses towels or blankets to cover the area being worked on. “If the child is part of your practice and you know his temperament and coping style, that makes it a lot easier; you know how to approach him,” he said. “They can trust you but they still can be quite fearful.” Sometimes, the child is relaxed but the parent becomes anxious. That anxiety can be transmitted to child. “If I see that the parents are anxious, I work directly with the child, and not the parent,” he said. “There’s not much I can tell a parent verbally that’s going to change their anxiety or fear level. But, as soon I start moving the child’s emotional state from fear to trust, the parent senses that and they relax, and that gets transmitted back to the child.”

Use age-appropriate language

When treating infants and children, Dr. Krauss often uses “parentese,” a simplified way that parents use to talk to young children. “It’s clearer, simpler, more attention-maintaining, and has longer pauses,” he said. “That can be very comforting to children.” Content and phrasing become important in older children. “You want to avoid the nocebo effect,” he continued. “If you tell a child, ‘This is really going to sting or hurt,’ you’re tipping the scales toward them having that experience.”

In an article about behavioral approaches to anxiety and pain management for pediatric venous access, Lindsey L. Cohen, PhD, devised a list of suggested phrasing to use. For example, instead of saying “You will be fine; there is nothing to worry about,” ask, “What did you do in school today?” as a form of distraction. Instead of saying, “It will feel like a bee sting,” ask, “Tell me how it feels.” And instead of saying, “Don’t cry,” say, “That was hard; I am proud of you” (Pediatrics 2008;122[suppl 3]:S134-9).

In a more recent article, Dr. Krauss and colleagues discussed current concepts of managing pain in children who present to the emergency department (Lancet 2016;387:83-92). Among distracting activities to try with infants and preschoolers are blowing bubbles, the use of a lighted wand, sound, music, or books, they noted. Distracting activities to try with preschoolers and in older children include art activities such as drawing, coloring, and the use of play dough, and computer games.

Clinicians also can ask the child to engage in a developmental task as a form of distraction. Dr. Krauss recalled a 22-month-old boy who presented to the emergency department with a forehead laceration. Mindful that the boy was developing eye-hand coordination and fine motor activity, Dr. Krauss offered him a coloring book that contained a picture of a clown, and instructed him to color the clown’s eyes red while Dr. Krauss tended to the wound. “His attention was completely fixed on that learning task,” he said.

Dr. Krauss reported having no financial disclosures.


Managing painful or fear-provoking procedures in children is a balance of preparation, intuition, and technical skills, Baruch S. Krauss, MD, EdM said at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Dr. Baruch S. Krauss, pediatric emergency physician, Boston Children's Hospital
Doug Brunk/MDedge News
Dr. Baruch S. Krauss

Dr. Krauss, a pediatric emergency physician at Boston Children’s Hospital, shared tips for producing a positive experience when children present for minor procedures such as an intravenous catheter insertion or a laceration repair.

Control the environment

Setting the stage for a positive experience for children and their parents involves decreasing sensory stimuli by minimizing noise and bustle, the number of people in the room, and the reminder cues. “Even if you have trust with the child, there are certain things that could trigger the child to become fearful and anxious,” said Dr. Krauss, who also holds an academic post in the department of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Boston. “You want to make sure that medical equipment or a syringe is covered – anything that would remind the child or trigger the child to be more concerned and anxious.”

He recommends careful use of lighting, particularly in children who present with a head laceration or a facial laceration. “You may need to put a light near the wound, but that may be fearful for the child,” said Dr. Krauss, who coauthored a recent article on the topic that contains links to instructional videos (Ann Emerg Med 2019;74[1]:30-5). “Read the cues of the child,” he said. One desensitization technique he uses in such cases is to tell the child a story about the sun. He then goes on to liken the warmth of the exam light to the warmth of the sun.

Limiting the number of clinicians who speak to the child during the procedure also is key. “One person should speak to the child,” he advised. “Otherwise, it creates confusion for the child and it is hard for them to focus their attention. What you really want is to be able to control the child’s attention. You want to be able to capture their attention.”

It’s also important to keep medical equipment out of view. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen consultants come in and a child needs to have a laceration repair, and they’re filling the syringe with lidocaine in front of the child,” Dr. Krauss said. “You want to avoid that. You also want to work outside of the child’s visual field if you can. Positioning is critical. I will try whatever position works for the child and the family.” This may including asking the parent to hold and swaddle an infant during the procedure, or positioning young children in the parent’s lap with their arm secured.

“Two things that upset kids during laceration repair are water dripping into their eyes during irrigation and the suture falling across their face as you’re stitching,” he added. “You want to develop your procedural skills so you can avoid that happening.”



Tailor the approach to the individual child

Some children will want to watch what you’re doing, but normally Dr. Krauss uses towels or blankets to cover the area being worked on. “If the child is part of your practice and you know his temperament and coping style, that makes it a lot easier; you know how to approach him,” he said. “They can trust you but they still can be quite fearful.” Sometimes, the child is relaxed but the parent becomes anxious. That anxiety can be transmitted to child. “If I see that the parents are anxious, I work directly with the child, and not the parent,” he said. “There’s not much I can tell a parent verbally that’s going to change their anxiety or fear level. But, as soon I start moving the child’s emotional state from fear to trust, the parent senses that and they relax, and that gets transmitted back to the child.”

Use age-appropriate language

When treating infants and children, Dr. Krauss often uses “parentese,” a simplified way that parents use to talk to young children. “It’s clearer, simpler, more attention-maintaining, and has longer pauses,” he said. “That can be very comforting to children.” Content and phrasing become important in older children. “You want to avoid the nocebo effect,” he continued. “If you tell a child, ‘This is really going to sting or hurt,’ you’re tipping the scales toward them having that experience.”

In an article about behavioral approaches to anxiety and pain management for pediatric venous access, Lindsey L. Cohen, PhD, devised a list of suggested phrasing to use. For example, instead of saying “You will be fine; there is nothing to worry about,” ask, “What did you do in school today?” as a form of distraction. Instead of saying, “It will feel like a bee sting,” ask, “Tell me how it feels.” And instead of saying, “Don’t cry,” say, “That was hard; I am proud of you” (Pediatrics 2008;122[suppl 3]:S134-9).

In a more recent article, Dr. Krauss and colleagues discussed current concepts of managing pain in children who present to the emergency department (Lancet 2016;387:83-92). Among distracting activities to try with infants and preschoolers are blowing bubbles, the use of a lighted wand, sound, music, or books, they noted. Distracting activities to try with preschoolers and in older children include art activities such as drawing, coloring, and the use of play dough, and computer games.

Clinicians also can ask the child to engage in a developmental task as a form of distraction. Dr. Krauss recalled a 22-month-old boy who presented to the emergency department with a forehead laceration. Mindful that the boy was developing eye-hand coordination and fine motor activity, Dr. Krauss offered him a coloring book that contained a picture of a clown, and instructed him to color the clown’s eyes red while Dr. Krauss tended to the wound. “His attention was completely fixed on that learning task,” he said.

Dr. Krauss reported having no financial disclosures.

Managing painful or fear-provoking procedures in children is a balance of preparation, intuition, and technical skills, Baruch S. Krauss, MD, EdM said at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Dr. Baruch S. Krauss, pediatric emergency physician, Boston Children's Hospital
Doug Brunk/MDedge News
Dr. Baruch S. Krauss

Dr. Krauss, a pediatric emergency physician at Boston Children’s Hospital, shared tips for producing a positive experience when children present for minor procedures such as an intravenous catheter insertion or a laceration repair.

Control the environment

Setting the stage for a positive experience for children and their parents involves decreasing sensory stimuli by minimizing noise and bustle, the number of people in the room, and the reminder cues. “Even if you have trust with the child, there are certain things that could trigger the child to become fearful and anxious,” said Dr. Krauss, who also holds an academic post in the department of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Boston. “You want to make sure that medical equipment or a syringe is covered – anything that would remind the child or trigger the child to be more concerned and anxious.”

He recommends careful use of lighting, particularly in children who present with a head laceration or a facial laceration. “You may need to put a light near the wound, but that may be fearful for the child,” said Dr. Krauss, who coauthored a recent article on the topic that contains links to instructional videos (Ann Emerg Med 2019;74[1]:30-5). “Read the cues of the child,” he said. One desensitization technique he uses in such cases is to tell the child a story about the sun. He then goes on to liken the warmth of the exam light to the warmth of the sun.

Limiting the number of clinicians who speak to the child during the procedure also is key. “One person should speak to the child,” he advised. “Otherwise, it creates confusion for the child and it is hard for them to focus their attention. What you really want is to be able to control the child’s attention. You want to be able to capture their attention.”

It’s also important to keep medical equipment out of view. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen consultants come in and a child needs to have a laceration repair, and they’re filling the syringe with lidocaine in front of the child,” Dr. Krauss said. “You want to avoid that. You also want to work outside of the child’s visual field if you can. Positioning is critical. I will try whatever position works for the child and the family.” This may including asking the parent to hold and swaddle an infant during the procedure, or positioning young children in the parent’s lap with their arm secured.

“Two things that upset kids during laceration repair are water dripping into their eyes during irrigation and the suture falling across their face as you’re stitching,” he added. “You want to develop your procedural skills so you can avoid that happening.”



Tailor the approach to the individual child

Some children will want to watch what you’re doing, but normally Dr. Krauss uses towels or blankets to cover the area being worked on. “If the child is part of your practice and you know his temperament and coping style, that makes it a lot easier; you know how to approach him,” he said. “They can trust you but they still can be quite fearful.” Sometimes, the child is relaxed but the parent becomes anxious. That anxiety can be transmitted to child. “If I see that the parents are anxious, I work directly with the child, and not the parent,” he said. “There’s not much I can tell a parent verbally that’s going to change their anxiety or fear level. But, as soon I start moving the child’s emotional state from fear to trust, the parent senses that and they relax, and that gets transmitted back to the child.”

Use age-appropriate language

When treating infants and children, Dr. Krauss often uses “parentese,” a simplified way that parents use to talk to young children. “It’s clearer, simpler, more attention-maintaining, and has longer pauses,” he said. “That can be very comforting to children.” Content and phrasing become important in older children. “You want to avoid the nocebo effect,” he continued. “If you tell a child, ‘This is really going to sting or hurt,’ you’re tipping the scales toward them having that experience.”

In an article about behavioral approaches to anxiety and pain management for pediatric venous access, Lindsey L. Cohen, PhD, devised a list of suggested phrasing to use. For example, instead of saying “You will be fine; there is nothing to worry about,” ask, “What did you do in school today?” as a form of distraction. Instead of saying, “It will feel like a bee sting,” ask, “Tell me how it feels.” And instead of saying, “Don’t cry,” say, “That was hard; I am proud of you” (Pediatrics 2008;122[suppl 3]:S134-9).

In a more recent article, Dr. Krauss and colleagues discussed current concepts of managing pain in children who present to the emergency department (Lancet 2016;387:83-92). Among distracting activities to try with infants and preschoolers are blowing bubbles, the use of a lighted wand, sound, music, or books, they noted. Distracting activities to try with preschoolers and in older children include art activities such as drawing, coloring, and the use of play dough, and computer games.

Clinicians also can ask the child to engage in a developmental task as a form of distraction. Dr. Krauss recalled a 22-month-old boy who presented to the emergency department with a forehead laceration. Mindful that the boy was developing eye-hand coordination and fine motor activity, Dr. Krauss offered him a coloring book that contained a picture of a clown, and instructed him to color the clown’s eyes red while Dr. Krauss tended to the wound. “His attention was completely fixed on that learning task,” he said.

Dr. Krauss reported having no financial disclosures.

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