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Wed, 10/09/2019 - 14:33
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Monitoring Acne Patients on Oral Therapy: Survey of the Editorial Board

To improve patient care and outcomes, leading dermatologists from the Cutis and Dermatology News Editorial Boards answered 5 questions on monitoring acne patients on oral therapy. Here’s what we found.

Do you check potassium levels for patients taking spironolactone for acne?

Half of dermatologists surveyed never check potassium levels for patients taking spironolactone for acne. For those who do check levels, 8% do it at baseline only, 8% at baseline and every 6 months, 23% at baseline and yearly, and 13% at baseline and for dosing changes.

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

Although some dermatologists are still checking for potassium levels in patients taking spironolactone for acne, there is a clear trend toward foregoing laboratory monitoring. This change was likely spurred by a retrospective study of healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne that found a hyperkalemia rate of 0.72%, which is practically equivalent to the 0.76% baseline rate of hyperkalemia in this age group. Furthermore, since repeat testing in 6 of 13 patients showed normal values, the original potassium measurements may have been erroneous. Based on this study, routine potassium monitoring is likely unnecessary for healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne (Plovanich et al). In another retrospective study of women aged 18 to 65 years taking spironolactone for acne, women aged 46 to 65 years had a significantly higher rate of hyperkalemia with spironolactone compared with women aged 18 to 45 years (2/12 women [16.7%] vs 1/112 women [<1%]; P=.0245). Based on this study, potassium monitoring may be indicated for women older than 45 years taking spironolactone for acne (Thiede et al). 

Next page: Cholesterol levels



Do you monitor cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin?

Almost two-thirds of dermatologists indicated that they monitor all cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin, including low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, very low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides, but almost one-third monitor triglycerides only. Five percent do not monitor cholesterol levels.

Do you routinely monitor cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin?

More than 80% of dermatologists surveyed routinely monitor cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin, with almost half (45%) at baseline and every 2 to 3 months. Eight percent check levels at baseline only, 28% at baseline and monthly, and 3% at baseline and end of therapy. Eighteen percent indicated they do not routinely monitor cholesterol levels. 

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

In this survey, dermatologists most often check cholesterol levels at baseline and then every 2 to 3 months, with most monitoring all cholesterol types. Elevations in cholesterol are by far the most common laboratory abnormality seen with isotretinoin therapy. In a retrospective study of 515 patients undergoing isotretinoin treatment of acne, mild to moderate triglyceride elevations were seen in 23.5% of patients (Hansen et al). At least in part, these elevations are likely due to the fact the levels were not drawn during fasting. Keep in mind that triglyceride-induced pancreatitis due to isotretinoin is remarkably rare, so monthly screening for triglycerides is likely not warranted. It is reasonable to monitor triglyceride levels during isotretinoin dose adjustments and for patients whose values are trending upward. 

Next page: Monitoring CBC



Do you routinely monitor complete blood cell count (CBC) in patients taking isotretinoin?

More than half (55%) of dermatologists surveyed routinely monitor complete blood cell (CBC) counts in patients taking isotretinoin, while 45% do not. Of those who do monitor CBC, 13% do so at baseline only, 26% at baseline and monthly, 13% at baseline only and every 2 to 3 months, and only 3% at baseline and end of therapy.

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

Slightly more than half of dermatologists in this survey are obtaining CBC for their patients taking isotretinoin for acne and many of those are performing the test at baseline and monthly. Multiple studies as well as American Academy of Dermatology guidelines have substantiated that routine CBC monitoring is unwarranted in healthy patients, as abnormal values usually resolve or remain stable with therapy (American Academy of Dermatology, Isotretinoin: Recommendations). Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider foregoing CBC testing or obtaining just a baseline CBC in healthy patients being treated with isotretinoin.

Next page: Pregnancy testing



Which pregnancy test do you perform on female patients taking isotretinoin?

More than 40% of dermatologists surveyed use the urine β-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) pregnancy test for female patients taking isotretinoin, while 30% use the serum B-hCG test; 28% indicated that they use both tests.

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

The iPLEDGE program was implemented in 2006 to avoid fetal exposure to isotretinoin and requires pregnancy testing (urine or serum) for females of childbearing potential taking isotretinoin. In a study of pregnancy-related adverse events associated with isotretinoin reported to the US Food and Drug Administration, 6740 total pregnancies were reported from 1997 to 2017. The rate peaked with 768 pregnancies in 2006 and then decreased. Because several hundred pregnancies in women taking isotretinoin have been reported yearly in the last 10 years, there is a clear need to have better systems in place and patient education to prevent fetal exposure to isotretinoin. 

Next page: More tips from derms



More Tips From Dermatologists

The dermatologists we polled had the following advice for their peers:

I see lab monitoring as an opportunity to engage patients and families in co-directing their care (ie, practice patient- and family-centered care). Some families and patients like frequent monitoring and some want as few blood draws as possible. I do my best to make sure the decision includes components of the patients’ preferences, medical evidence and my best clinical judgement.—Craig Burkhart, MD, MS, MPH (Chapel Hill, North Caroline)

Being familiar with and following the standard of care guidelines for the individual oral therapies used in the treatment of acne is very important. However, it is equally as important to assure the individual patient (medical history, physical examination, social history, etc) is taken into consideration to determine if additional monitoring is required.—Fran E. Cook-Bolden, MD (New York, New York)

The trend seems to be towards less routine monitoring other than pregnancy. Baseline tests may pick out the occasional patient with comorbidities that would preclude or delay treatment, but the majority of patients may not need the repetitive and costly testing that we have done in the past.—Richard Glogau, MD (San Francisco, California)
I have loosened my lab monitoring with isotretinoin over the past few years. If a patient has normal lipid values, comprehensive panel and complete blood cell count for the first 3 months of tests, I skip labs until the end of therapy.—Lawrence J. Green, MD (Washington, DC)

Interestingly, we focus quite a bit of attention on the risk of pregnancy with isotretinoin, and often don't focus enough on the risk with spironolactone. In our practice, we are careful to warn the patients on spironolactone about pregnancy prevention.—Stephen Stone, MD (Springfield, Illinois)

About This Survey

The survey was fielded electronically to Cutis and Dermatology News Editorial Board Members within the United States from May 5, 2019, to June 23, 2019. A total of 40 usable responses were received.



American Academy of Dermatology. Isotretinoin: recommendations. Accessed August 20, 2019.

Hansen TJ, Lucking S, Miller JJ, et al. Standardized laboratory monitoring with use of isotretinoin in acne. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:323-328.

Plovanich M, Weng QY, Mostaghimi A. Low usefulness of potassium monitoring among healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne. JAMA Dermatol. 2015;151:941-944.

Thiede RM, Rastogi S, Nardone B, et al. Hyperkalemia in women with acne exposed to oral spironolactone: a retrospective study from the RADAR (Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports) program. Int J Womens Dermatol. 2019;5:155-157.

Tkachenko E, Singer S, Sharma P, et al. US Food and Drug Administration reports of pregnancy and pregnancy-related adverse events associated with isotretinoin [published online July 17, 2019]. JAMA Dermatol. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2019.1388.


To improve patient care and outcomes, leading dermatologists from the Cutis and Dermatology News Editorial Boards answered 5 questions on monitoring acne patients on oral therapy. Here’s what we found.

Do you check potassium levels for patients taking spironolactone for acne?

Half of dermatologists surveyed never check potassium levels for patients taking spironolactone for acne. For those who do check levels, 8% do it at baseline only, 8% at baseline and every 6 months, 23% at baseline and yearly, and 13% at baseline and for dosing changes.

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

Although some dermatologists are still checking for potassium levels in patients taking spironolactone for acne, there is a clear trend toward foregoing laboratory monitoring. This change was likely spurred by a retrospective study of healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne that found a hyperkalemia rate of 0.72%, which is practically equivalent to the 0.76% baseline rate of hyperkalemia in this age group. Furthermore, since repeat testing in 6 of 13 patients showed normal values, the original potassium measurements may have been erroneous. Based on this study, routine potassium monitoring is likely unnecessary for healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne (Plovanich et al). In another retrospective study of women aged 18 to 65 years taking spironolactone for acne, women aged 46 to 65 years had a significantly higher rate of hyperkalemia with spironolactone compared with women aged 18 to 45 years (2/12 women [16.7%] vs 1/112 women [<1%]; P=.0245). Based on this study, potassium monitoring may be indicated for women older than 45 years taking spironolactone for acne (Thiede et al). 

Next page: Cholesterol levels



Do you monitor cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin?

Almost two-thirds of dermatologists indicated that they monitor all cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin, including low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, very low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides, but almost one-third monitor triglycerides only. Five percent do not monitor cholesterol levels.

Do you routinely monitor cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin?

More than 80% of dermatologists surveyed routinely monitor cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin, with almost half (45%) at baseline and every 2 to 3 months. Eight percent check levels at baseline only, 28% at baseline and monthly, and 3% at baseline and end of therapy. Eighteen percent indicated they do not routinely monitor cholesterol levels. 

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

In this survey, dermatologists most often check cholesterol levels at baseline and then every 2 to 3 months, with most monitoring all cholesterol types. Elevations in cholesterol are by far the most common laboratory abnormality seen with isotretinoin therapy. In a retrospective study of 515 patients undergoing isotretinoin treatment of acne, mild to moderate triglyceride elevations were seen in 23.5% of patients (Hansen et al). At least in part, these elevations are likely due to the fact the levels were not drawn during fasting. Keep in mind that triglyceride-induced pancreatitis due to isotretinoin is remarkably rare, so monthly screening for triglycerides is likely not warranted. It is reasonable to monitor triglyceride levels during isotretinoin dose adjustments and for patients whose values are trending upward. 

Next page: Monitoring CBC



Do you routinely monitor complete blood cell count (CBC) in patients taking isotretinoin?

More than half (55%) of dermatologists surveyed routinely monitor complete blood cell (CBC) counts in patients taking isotretinoin, while 45% do not. Of those who do monitor CBC, 13% do so at baseline only, 26% at baseline and monthly, 13% at baseline only and every 2 to 3 months, and only 3% at baseline and end of therapy.

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

Slightly more than half of dermatologists in this survey are obtaining CBC for their patients taking isotretinoin for acne and many of those are performing the test at baseline and monthly. Multiple studies as well as American Academy of Dermatology guidelines have substantiated that routine CBC monitoring is unwarranted in healthy patients, as abnormal values usually resolve or remain stable with therapy (American Academy of Dermatology, Isotretinoin: Recommendations). Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider foregoing CBC testing or obtaining just a baseline CBC in healthy patients being treated with isotretinoin.

Next page: Pregnancy testing



Which pregnancy test do you perform on female patients taking isotretinoin?

More than 40% of dermatologists surveyed use the urine β-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) pregnancy test for female patients taking isotretinoin, while 30% use the serum B-hCG test; 28% indicated that they use both tests.

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

The iPLEDGE program was implemented in 2006 to avoid fetal exposure to isotretinoin and requires pregnancy testing (urine or serum) for females of childbearing potential taking isotretinoin. In a study of pregnancy-related adverse events associated with isotretinoin reported to the US Food and Drug Administration, 6740 total pregnancies were reported from 1997 to 2017. The rate peaked with 768 pregnancies in 2006 and then decreased. Because several hundred pregnancies in women taking isotretinoin have been reported yearly in the last 10 years, there is a clear need to have better systems in place and patient education to prevent fetal exposure to isotretinoin. 

Next page: More tips from derms



More Tips From Dermatologists

The dermatologists we polled had the following advice for their peers:

I see lab monitoring as an opportunity to engage patients and families in co-directing their care (ie, practice patient- and family-centered care). Some families and patients like frequent monitoring and some want as few blood draws as possible. I do my best to make sure the decision includes components of the patients’ preferences, medical evidence and my best clinical judgement.—Craig Burkhart, MD, MS, MPH (Chapel Hill, North Caroline)

Being familiar with and following the standard of care guidelines for the individual oral therapies used in the treatment of acne is very important. However, it is equally as important to assure the individual patient (medical history, physical examination, social history, etc) is taken into consideration to determine if additional monitoring is required.—Fran E. Cook-Bolden, MD (New York, New York)

The trend seems to be towards less routine monitoring other than pregnancy. Baseline tests may pick out the occasional patient with comorbidities that would preclude or delay treatment, but the majority of patients may not need the repetitive and costly testing that we have done in the past.—Richard Glogau, MD (San Francisco, California)
I have loosened my lab monitoring with isotretinoin over the past few years. If a patient has normal lipid values, comprehensive panel and complete blood cell count for the first 3 months of tests, I skip labs until the end of therapy.—Lawrence J. Green, MD (Washington, DC)

Interestingly, we focus quite a bit of attention on the risk of pregnancy with isotretinoin, and often don't focus enough on the risk with spironolactone. In our practice, we are careful to warn the patients on spironolactone about pregnancy prevention.—Stephen Stone, MD (Springfield, Illinois)

About This Survey

The survey was fielded electronically to Cutis and Dermatology News Editorial Board Members within the United States from May 5, 2019, to June 23, 2019. A total of 40 usable responses were received.


To improve patient care and outcomes, leading dermatologists from the Cutis and Dermatology News Editorial Boards answered 5 questions on monitoring acne patients on oral therapy. Here’s what we found.

Do you check potassium levels for patients taking spironolactone for acne?

Half of dermatologists surveyed never check potassium levels for patients taking spironolactone for acne. For those who do check levels, 8% do it at baseline only, 8% at baseline and every 6 months, 23% at baseline and yearly, and 13% at baseline and for dosing changes.

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

Although some dermatologists are still checking for potassium levels in patients taking spironolactone for acne, there is a clear trend toward foregoing laboratory monitoring. This change was likely spurred by a retrospective study of healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne that found a hyperkalemia rate of 0.72%, which is practically equivalent to the 0.76% baseline rate of hyperkalemia in this age group. Furthermore, since repeat testing in 6 of 13 patients showed normal values, the original potassium measurements may have been erroneous. Based on this study, routine potassium monitoring is likely unnecessary for healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne (Plovanich et al). In another retrospective study of women aged 18 to 65 years taking spironolactone for acne, women aged 46 to 65 years had a significantly higher rate of hyperkalemia with spironolactone compared with women aged 18 to 45 years (2/12 women [16.7%] vs 1/112 women [<1%]; P=.0245). Based on this study, potassium monitoring may be indicated for women older than 45 years taking spironolactone for acne (Thiede et al). 

Next page: Cholesterol levels



Do you monitor cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin?

Almost two-thirds of dermatologists indicated that they monitor all cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin, including low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, very low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides, but almost one-third monitor triglycerides only. Five percent do not monitor cholesterol levels.

Do you routinely monitor cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin?

More than 80% of dermatologists surveyed routinely monitor cholesterol levels in patients taking isotretinoin, with almost half (45%) at baseline and every 2 to 3 months. Eight percent check levels at baseline only, 28% at baseline and monthly, and 3% at baseline and end of therapy. Eighteen percent indicated they do not routinely monitor cholesterol levels. 

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

In this survey, dermatologists most often check cholesterol levels at baseline and then every 2 to 3 months, with most monitoring all cholesterol types. Elevations in cholesterol are by far the most common laboratory abnormality seen with isotretinoin therapy. In a retrospective study of 515 patients undergoing isotretinoin treatment of acne, mild to moderate triglyceride elevations were seen in 23.5% of patients (Hansen et al). At least in part, these elevations are likely due to the fact the levels were not drawn during fasting. Keep in mind that triglyceride-induced pancreatitis due to isotretinoin is remarkably rare, so monthly screening for triglycerides is likely not warranted. It is reasonable to monitor triglyceride levels during isotretinoin dose adjustments and for patients whose values are trending upward. 

Next page: Monitoring CBC



Do you routinely monitor complete blood cell count (CBC) in patients taking isotretinoin?

More than half (55%) of dermatologists surveyed routinely monitor complete blood cell (CBC) counts in patients taking isotretinoin, while 45% do not. Of those who do monitor CBC, 13% do so at baseline only, 26% at baseline and monthly, 13% at baseline only and every 2 to 3 months, and only 3% at baseline and end of therapy.

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

Slightly more than half of dermatologists in this survey are obtaining CBC for their patients taking isotretinoin for acne and many of those are performing the test at baseline and monthly. Multiple studies as well as American Academy of Dermatology guidelines have substantiated that routine CBC monitoring is unwarranted in healthy patients, as abnormal values usually resolve or remain stable with therapy (American Academy of Dermatology, Isotretinoin: Recommendations). Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider foregoing CBC testing or obtaining just a baseline CBC in healthy patients being treated with isotretinoin.

Next page: Pregnancy testing



Which pregnancy test do you perform on female patients taking isotretinoin?

More than 40% of dermatologists surveyed use the urine β-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) pregnancy test for female patients taking isotretinoin, while 30% use the serum B-hCG test; 28% indicated that they use both tests.

Expert Commentary
Provided by Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD (New York, New York)

The iPLEDGE program was implemented in 2006 to avoid fetal exposure to isotretinoin and requires pregnancy testing (urine or serum) for females of childbearing potential taking isotretinoin. In a study of pregnancy-related adverse events associated with isotretinoin reported to the US Food and Drug Administration, 6740 total pregnancies were reported from 1997 to 2017. The rate peaked with 768 pregnancies in 2006 and then decreased. Because several hundred pregnancies in women taking isotretinoin have been reported yearly in the last 10 years, there is a clear need to have better systems in place and patient education to prevent fetal exposure to isotretinoin. 

Next page: More tips from derms



More Tips From Dermatologists

The dermatologists we polled had the following advice for their peers:

I see lab monitoring as an opportunity to engage patients and families in co-directing their care (ie, practice patient- and family-centered care). Some families and patients like frequent monitoring and some want as few blood draws as possible. I do my best to make sure the decision includes components of the patients’ preferences, medical evidence and my best clinical judgement.—Craig Burkhart, MD, MS, MPH (Chapel Hill, North Caroline)

Being familiar with and following the standard of care guidelines for the individual oral therapies used in the treatment of acne is very important. However, it is equally as important to assure the individual patient (medical history, physical examination, social history, etc) is taken into consideration to determine if additional monitoring is required.—Fran E. Cook-Bolden, MD (New York, New York)

The trend seems to be towards less routine monitoring other than pregnancy. Baseline tests may pick out the occasional patient with comorbidities that would preclude or delay treatment, but the majority of patients may not need the repetitive and costly testing that we have done in the past.—Richard Glogau, MD (San Francisco, California)
I have loosened my lab monitoring with isotretinoin over the past few years. If a patient has normal lipid values, comprehensive panel and complete blood cell count for the first 3 months of tests, I skip labs until the end of therapy.—Lawrence J. Green, MD (Washington, DC)

Interestingly, we focus quite a bit of attention on the risk of pregnancy with isotretinoin, and often don't focus enough on the risk with spironolactone. In our practice, we are careful to warn the patients on spironolactone about pregnancy prevention.—Stephen Stone, MD (Springfield, Illinois)

About This Survey

The survey was fielded electronically to Cutis and Dermatology News Editorial Board Members within the United States from May 5, 2019, to June 23, 2019. A total of 40 usable responses were received.



American Academy of Dermatology. Isotretinoin: recommendations. Accessed August 20, 2019.

Hansen TJ, Lucking S, Miller JJ, et al. Standardized laboratory monitoring with use of isotretinoin in acne. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:323-328.

Plovanich M, Weng QY, Mostaghimi A. Low usefulness of potassium monitoring among healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne. JAMA Dermatol. 2015;151:941-944.

Thiede RM, Rastogi S, Nardone B, et al. Hyperkalemia in women with acne exposed to oral spironolactone: a retrospective study from the RADAR (Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports) program. Int J Womens Dermatol. 2019;5:155-157.

Tkachenko E, Singer S, Sharma P, et al. US Food and Drug Administration reports of pregnancy and pregnancy-related adverse events associated with isotretinoin [published online July 17, 2019]. JAMA Dermatol. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2019.1388.


American Academy of Dermatology. Isotretinoin: recommendations. Accessed August 20, 2019.

Hansen TJ, Lucking S, Miller JJ, et al. Standardized laboratory monitoring with use of isotretinoin in acne. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:323-328.

Plovanich M, Weng QY, Mostaghimi A. Low usefulness of potassium monitoring among healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne. JAMA Dermatol. 2015;151:941-944.

Thiede RM, Rastogi S, Nardone B, et al. Hyperkalemia in women with acne exposed to oral spironolactone: a retrospective study from the RADAR (Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports) program. Int J Womens Dermatol. 2019;5:155-157.

Tkachenko E, Singer S, Sharma P, et al. US Food and Drug Administration reports of pregnancy and pregnancy-related adverse events associated with isotretinoin [published online July 17, 2019]. JAMA Dermatol. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2019.1388.

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Monitoring Acne Patients on Oral Therapy: Survey of the Editorial Board
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Monitoring Acne Patients on Oral Therapy: Survey of the Editorial Board
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