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Fri, 01/18/2019 - 15:21
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NCCN unveils 'Evidence Blocks' to facilitate treatment discussions

SAN FRANCISCO – The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) has introduced an easy-to-use visual tool called Evidence Blocks to help physicians and patients compare various treatment options and individualize the selection among them.

“This information can serve as a starting point for shared decision making between the patient and health care team based on individual patients’ value systems,” chief executive officer Dr. Robert W. Carlson said at the NCCN Annual Congress: Hematologic Malignancies, where the tool was unveiled in a session and related press conference.

Dr. Robert W. Carlson
Dr. Robert W. Carlson

The first two NCCN guidelines to incorporate the Evidence Blocks – those for multiple myeloma and chronic myelogenous leukemia – were released at the same time. The organization hopes to incorporate them into all of its guidelines by early 2017, he said.

Development of the Evidence Blocks

The NCCN developed the Evidence Blocks to address requests from various stakeholders, according to Dr. Carlson. Guideline users wanted to know more about the rationale behind recommended therapies, asked for inclusion of information on costs, and sought an aid that would allow patients to make decisions based on their individual values.

“The patient perception of value is what should be most important to us,” he commented. “But even among patients, the concept of value differs greatly from patient to patient,” based on factors such as age, comorbidities, treatment goals, and health insurance coverage.

Each Evidence Block graphically displays five measures of information on a recommended therapy: efficacy, safety, quality of the evidence supporting the recommendation, consistency of the evidence supporting the recommendation, and affordability. Each column in the block represents one measure.

Blue shading indicates panelists’ average numeric score for the therapy on that measure rounded to the nearest integer, ranging from 1 (least favorable) to 5 (most favorable). Therefore, the more shading a therapy has, the more favorable its score.

The Evidence Blocks are added to the guidelines and aligned vertically on pages. “This display of the information graphically allows for very efficient scanning of multiple options for therapy. Comparisons across several regimens can be done very quickly and intuitively,” Dr. Carlson noted.

“We believe that the presentation of this type of information allows the health care provider and patient to make their own judgments of the value of specific interventions,” he added.

The affordability measure has generated the most discussion among panelists and stakeholders, according to Dr. Carlson. For this measure, panelists estimated the total cost of care for a therapy, including the costs of drugs, administration, required supportive care, toxicity monitoring, and care associated with management of toxicity. Scores range from very expensive to very inexpensive.

“We don’t use a dollar amount. Rather, it’s sort of what’s the total cost to society, if you will, of the medical intervention part of this,” he explained. “It’s important to understand that these estimates are not necessarily what a patient would pay because many patients have insurance programs that cover all of this cost.… However, we felt it was important to give patients as well as providers an estimate of what the overall magnitude of expense is because there are patients who have huge deductibles, there’s the doughnut hole within Medicare, and there are patients who have no insurance.”

The Evidence Blocks may help address a “conspiracy of silence” between physicians and patients when it comes to discussing treatment costs, whereby neither party wants to bring up this thorny issue, according to Dr. Carlson. “The Evidence Blocks demystify the discussion of cost because the affordability issue is there in front of you. So it gives people permission to talk about cost and affordability.”

It should be relatively easy to teach patients to use the Evidence Blocks. “I think you’ll find your patients will actually be interested in this and that they will not have as much difficulty interpreting this as you think they will, because the patient advocacy groups and the patient advocates that we have spoken with about this, they get this almost instantly,” he said.

Oncologist perspective

There is a critical need for tools such as the Evidence Blocks in making treatment decisions today, according to Dr. George Somlo, professor in the department of medical oncology and therapeutics research at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center in Duarte, Calif., and also a member of the NCCN multiple myeloma and breast cancer guideline panels.

Dr. George Somlo
Dr. George Somlo

Treatment options for multiple myeloma, as for many cancers, have exploded in the past few decades, he noted. “How do you go from making sense of having two drugs with a very poor outcome predicted to having literally dozens of agents approved and used in combination, and in essence being at the verge of curing patients with multiple myeloma?”



Dr. Somlo agreed that inclusion of costs in the Evidence Blocks would likely be beneficial as a conversation starter, recalling, “I’ve had patients who did not fill their prescription for a potentially curative medication because they were worried about the $2,500 or $3,500 copay.”

Patient-physician discussion will be important when it comes to using information from the new tool, he said. For example, in the NCCN guideline for multiple myeloma, some of the first-line regimens have identical Evidence Blocks; thus, consideration of factors such as comorbidities will become important.

“This kind of evidence-based scoring system can guide that kind of discussion with the patient and can tailor the individual therapeutic regimens,” he concluded.

Patient perspective

Breast cancer survivor Marta Nichols, who is vice president of investor relations at GoDaddy and a member of the California Breast Cancer Research Council based in San Francisco, welcomed the Evidence Blocks as a tool that will allow patients to make more informed decisions according to what matters most to them.

Marta Nichols
Marta Nichols

Only 33 years old at diagnosis, she and her husband had just begun to think about starting a family. “So my primary concern coming into my physician’s office was my fertility and what impact the treatment would have on my fertility. Certainly most physicians are concerned with efficacy – they want to see you survive. My concern was not just surviving, but also thriving and being able to give birth to children down the line,” she explained.

Patients today are overwhelmed not only by their cancer diagnosis, but also by the many treatment options and the new emphasis on shared decision making, Ms. Nichols noted. And that’s where the Evidence Blocks can make a difference.

“When I was diagnosed, it would have been hugely helpful for me to have information laid out in this very clear and systematic way… It would have given us the ability to make a much more informed decision,” she commented.

Donald B. Orosco
Donald B. Orosco

Multiple myeloma survivor Donald B. Orosco, who is president and chief financial officer of Orosco & Associates and owner of Monterey (Calif.) Speed and Sport, agreed, noting that his priorities when given the diagnosis more than two decades ago at age 47 differed somewhat.

“I adopted the feeling early on that I probably wasn’t going to see a cure for the disease in my lifetime, but I could accept that,” he elaborated. “I just said ‘Really, I’m interested in quality-of-life issues. I’d like to see my kids go into high school or possibly college.’ So I adopted [an approach of] trying to find something for me that would keep me alive and give me a relatively comfortable quality of life, that would allow me to continue to race cars or do whatever I had to do.”

Dr. Carlson, Dr. Somlo, Ms. Nichols, and Mr. Orosco disclosed no relevant conflicts of interest.


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SAN FRANCISCO – The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) has introduced an easy-to-use visual tool called Evidence Blocks to help physicians and patients compare various treatment options and individualize the selection among them.

“This information can serve as a starting point for shared decision making between the patient and health care team based on individual patients’ value systems,” chief executive officer Dr. Robert W. Carlson said at the NCCN Annual Congress: Hematologic Malignancies, where the tool was unveiled in a session and related press conference.

Dr. Robert W. Carlson
Dr. Robert W. Carlson

The first two NCCN guidelines to incorporate the Evidence Blocks – those for multiple myeloma and chronic myelogenous leukemia – were released at the same time. The organization hopes to incorporate them into all of its guidelines by early 2017, he said.

Development of the Evidence Blocks

The NCCN developed the Evidence Blocks to address requests from various stakeholders, according to Dr. Carlson. Guideline users wanted to know more about the rationale behind recommended therapies, asked for inclusion of information on costs, and sought an aid that would allow patients to make decisions based on their individual values.

“The patient perception of value is what should be most important to us,” he commented. “But even among patients, the concept of value differs greatly from patient to patient,” based on factors such as age, comorbidities, treatment goals, and health insurance coverage.

Each Evidence Block graphically displays five measures of information on a recommended therapy: efficacy, safety, quality of the evidence supporting the recommendation, consistency of the evidence supporting the recommendation, and affordability. Each column in the block represents one measure.

Blue shading indicates panelists’ average numeric score for the therapy on that measure rounded to the nearest integer, ranging from 1 (least favorable) to 5 (most favorable). Therefore, the more shading a therapy has, the more favorable its score.

The Evidence Blocks are added to the guidelines and aligned vertically on pages. “This display of the information graphically allows for very efficient scanning of multiple options for therapy. Comparisons across several regimens can be done very quickly and intuitively,” Dr. Carlson noted.

“We believe that the presentation of this type of information allows the health care provider and patient to make their own judgments of the value of specific interventions,” he added.

The affordability measure has generated the most discussion among panelists and stakeholders, according to Dr. Carlson. For this measure, panelists estimated the total cost of care for a therapy, including the costs of drugs, administration, required supportive care, toxicity monitoring, and care associated with management of toxicity. Scores range from very expensive to very inexpensive.

“We don’t use a dollar amount. Rather, it’s sort of what’s the total cost to society, if you will, of the medical intervention part of this,” he explained. “It’s important to understand that these estimates are not necessarily what a patient would pay because many patients have insurance programs that cover all of this cost.… However, we felt it was important to give patients as well as providers an estimate of what the overall magnitude of expense is because there are patients who have huge deductibles, there’s the doughnut hole within Medicare, and there are patients who have no insurance.”

The Evidence Blocks may help address a “conspiracy of silence” between physicians and patients when it comes to discussing treatment costs, whereby neither party wants to bring up this thorny issue, according to Dr. Carlson. “The Evidence Blocks demystify the discussion of cost because the affordability issue is there in front of you. So it gives people permission to talk about cost and affordability.”

It should be relatively easy to teach patients to use the Evidence Blocks. “I think you’ll find your patients will actually be interested in this and that they will not have as much difficulty interpreting this as you think they will, because the patient advocacy groups and the patient advocates that we have spoken with about this, they get this almost instantly,” he said.

Oncologist perspective

There is a critical need for tools such as the Evidence Blocks in making treatment decisions today, according to Dr. George Somlo, professor in the department of medical oncology and therapeutics research at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center in Duarte, Calif., and also a member of the NCCN multiple myeloma and breast cancer guideline panels.

Dr. George Somlo
Dr. George Somlo

Treatment options for multiple myeloma, as for many cancers, have exploded in the past few decades, he noted. “How do you go from making sense of having two drugs with a very poor outcome predicted to having literally dozens of agents approved and used in combination, and in essence being at the verge of curing patients with multiple myeloma?”



Dr. Somlo agreed that inclusion of costs in the Evidence Blocks would likely be beneficial as a conversation starter, recalling, “I’ve had patients who did not fill their prescription for a potentially curative medication because they were worried about the $2,500 or $3,500 copay.”

Patient-physician discussion will be important when it comes to using information from the new tool, he said. For example, in the NCCN guideline for multiple myeloma, some of the first-line regimens have identical Evidence Blocks; thus, consideration of factors such as comorbidities will become important.

“This kind of evidence-based scoring system can guide that kind of discussion with the patient and can tailor the individual therapeutic regimens,” he concluded.

Patient perspective

Breast cancer survivor Marta Nichols, who is vice president of investor relations at GoDaddy and a member of the California Breast Cancer Research Council based in San Francisco, welcomed the Evidence Blocks as a tool that will allow patients to make more informed decisions according to what matters most to them.

Marta Nichols
Marta Nichols

Only 33 years old at diagnosis, she and her husband had just begun to think about starting a family. “So my primary concern coming into my physician’s office was my fertility and what impact the treatment would have on my fertility. Certainly most physicians are concerned with efficacy – they want to see you survive. My concern was not just surviving, but also thriving and being able to give birth to children down the line,” she explained.

Patients today are overwhelmed not only by their cancer diagnosis, but also by the many treatment options and the new emphasis on shared decision making, Ms. Nichols noted. And that’s where the Evidence Blocks can make a difference.

“When I was diagnosed, it would have been hugely helpful for me to have information laid out in this very clear and systematic way… It would have given us the ability to make a much more informed decision,” she commented.

Donald B. Orosco
Donald B. Orosco

Multiple myeloma survivor Donald B. Orosco, who is president and chief financial officer of Orosco & Associates and owner of Monterey (Calif.) Speed and Sport, agreed, noting that his priorities when given the diagnosis more than two decades ago at age 47 differed somewhat.

“I adopted the feeling early on that I probably wasn’t going to see a cure for the disease in my lifetime, but I could accept that,” he elaborated. “I just said ‘Really, I’m interested in quality-of-life issues. I’d like to see my kids go into high school or possibly college.’ So I adopted [an approach of] trying to find something for me that would keep me alive and give me a relatively comfortable quality of life, that would allow me to continue to race cars or do whatever I had to do.”

Dr. Carlson, Dr. Somlo, Ms. Nichols, and Mr. Orosco disclosed no relevant conflicts of interest.

SAN FRANCISCO – The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) has introduced an easy-to-use visual tool called Evidence Blocks to help physicians and patients compare various treatment options and individualize the selection among them.

“This information can serve as a starting point for shared decision making between the patient and health care team based on individual patients’ value systems,” chief executive officer Dr. Robert W. Carlson said at the NCCN Annual Congress: Hematologic Malignancies, where the tool was unveiled in a session and related press conference.

Dr. Robert W. Carlson
Dr. Robert W. Carlson

The first two NCCN guidelines to incorporate the Evidence Blocks – those for multiple myeloma and chronic myelogenous leukemia – were released at the same time. The organization hopes to incorporate them into all of its guidelines by early 2017, he said.

Development of the Evidence Blocks

The NCCN developed the Evidence Blocks to address requests from various stakeholders, according to Dr. Carlson. Guideline users wanted to know more about the rationale behind recommended therapies, asked for inclusion of information on costs, and sought an aid that would allow patients to make decisions based on their individual values.

“The patient perception of value is what should be most important to us,” he commented. “But even among patients, the concept of value differs greatly from patient to patient,” based on factors such as age, comorbidities, treatment goals, and health insurance coverage.

Each Evidence Block graphically displays five measures of information on a recommended therapy: efficacy, safety, quality of the evidence supporting the recommendation, consistency of the evidence supporting the recommendation, and affordability. Each column in the block represents one measure.

Blue shading indicates panelists’ average numeric score for the therapy on that measure rounded to the nearest integer, ranging from 1 (least favorable) to 5 (most favorable). Therefore, the more shading a therapy has, the more favorable its score.

The Evidence Blocks are added to the guidelines and aligned vertically on pages. “This display of the information graphically allows for very efficient scanning of multiple options for therapy. Comparisons across several regimens can be done very quickly and intuitively,” Dr. Carlson noted.

“We believe that the presentation of this type of information allows the health care provider and patient to make their own judgments of the value of specific interventions,” he added.

The affordability measure has generated the most discussion among panelists and stakeholders, according to Dr. Carlson. For this measure, panelists estimated the total cost of care for a therapy, including the costs of drugs, administration, required supportive care, toxicity monitoring, and care associated with management of toxicity. Scores range from very expensive to very inexpensive.

“We don’t use a dollar amount. Rather, it’s sort of what’s the total cost to society, if you will, of the medical intervention part of this,” he explained. “It’s important to understand that these estimates are not necessarily what a patient would pay because many patients have insurance programs that cover all of this cost.… However, we felt it was important to give patients as well as providers an estimate of what the overall magnitude of expense is because there are patients who have huge deductibles, there’s the doughnut hole within Medicare, and there are patients who have no insurance.”

The Evidence Blocks may help address a “conspiracy of silence” between physicians and patients when it comes to discussing treatment costs, whereby neither party wants to bring up this thorny issue, according to Dr. Carlson. “The Evidence Blocks demystify the discussion of cost because the affordability issue is there in front of you. So it gives people permission to talk about cost and affordability.”

It should be relatively easy to teach patients to use the Evidence Blocks. “I think you’ll find your patients will actually be interested in this and that they will not have as much difficulty interpreting this as you think they will, because the patient advocacy groups and the patient advocates that we have spoken with about this, they get this almost instantly,” he said.

Oncologist perspective

There is a critical need for tools such as the Evidence Blocks in making treatment decisions today, according to Dr. George Somlo, professor in the department of medical oncology and therapeutics research at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center in Duarte, Calif., and also a member of the NCCN multiple myeloma and breast cancer guideline panels.

Dr. George Somlo
Dr. George Somlo

Treatment options for multiple myeloma, as for many cancers, have exploded in the past few decades, he noted. “How do you go from making sense of having two drugs with a very poor outcome predicted to having literally dozens of agents approved and used in combination, and in essence being at the verge of curing patients with multiple myeloma?”



Dr. Somlo agreed that inclusion of costs in the Evidence Blocks would likely be beneficial as a conversation starter, recalling, “I’ve had patients who did not fill their prescription for a potentially curative medication because they were worried about the $2,500 or $3,500 copay.”

Patient-physician discussion will be important when it comes to using information from the new tool, he said. For example, in the NCCN guideline for multiple myeloma, some of the first-line regimens have identical Evidence Blocks; thus, consideration of factors such as comorbidities will become important.

“This kind of evidence-based scoring system can guide that kind of discussion with the patient and can tailor the individual therapeutic regimens,” he concluded.

Patient perspective

Breast cancer survivor Marta Nichols, who is vice president of investor relations at GoDaddy and a member of the California Breast Cancer Research Council based in San Francisco, welcomed the Evidence Blocks as a tool that will allow patients to make more informed decisions according to what matters most to them.

Marta Nichols
Marta Nichols

Only 33 years old at diagnosis, she and her husband had just begun to think about starting a family. “So my primary concern coming into my physician’s office was my fertility and what impact the treatment would have on my fertility. Certainly most physicians are concerned with efficacy – they want to see you survive. My concern was not just surviving, but also thriving and being able to give birth to children down the line,” she explained.

Patients today are overwhelmed not only by their cancer diagnosis, but also by the many treatment options and the new emphasis on shared decision making, Ms. Nichols noted. And that’s where the Evidence Blocks can make a difference.

“When I was diagnosed, it would have been hugely helpful for me to have information laid out in this very clear and systematic way… It would have given us the ability to make a much more informed decision,” she commented.

Donald B. Orosco
Donald B. Orosco

Multiple myeloma survivor Donald B. Orosco, who is president and chief financial officer of Orosco & Associates and owner of Monterey (Calif.) Speed and Sport, agreed, noting that his priorities when given the diagnosis more than two decades ago at age 47 differed somewhat.

“I adopted the feeling early on that I probably wasn’t going to see a cure for the disease in my lifetime, but I could accept that,” he elaborated. “I just said ‘Really, I’m interested in quality-of-life issues. I’d like to see my kids go into high school or possibly college.’ So I adopted [an approach of] trying to find something for me that would keep me alive and give me a relatively comfortable quality of life, that would allow me to continue to race cars or do whatever I had to do.”

Dr. Carlson, Dr. Somlo, Ms. Nichols, and Mr. Orosco disclosed no relevant conflicts of interest.



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NCCN unveils 'Evidence Blocks' to facilitate treatment discussions
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NCCN unveils 'Evidence Blocks' to facilitate treatment discussions
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