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Wed, 06/12/2024 - 09:41

Exercise has a long history in multiple sclerosis (MS). In 1838, the Scottish physician John Abercrombie reported that a patient with “a diminution of muscular power,” who could walk but only unsteadily, decided after various failed treatments like “evacuations and spare diet” to try “violent exercise.” He walked 5-6 miles on a warm evening, as quickly as he was able, and returned home “much fatigued, and considerably heated. Next morning he had severe pains in the calves of his legs, but his other complaints were much diminished, and in a few days disappeared. He has ever since enjoyed good health,” Dr. Abercrombie was quoted in Multiple Sclerosis: The History of a Disease by T. Jock Murray.

The first randomized, controlled trial of an exercise intervention for MS didn’t appear in the literature until 1988, but more than 200 have been published in the years since, according to Robert Motl, PhD, who spoke about exercise interventions for MS at the annual meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.


In fact, the evidence shows that exercise can improve walking performance and quality of life. “When we look at what we might call the unseen symptoms, we can see the exercise training is very effective at reducing fatigue in people with MS. It’s very effective at reducing depressive mood in individuals living with MS. There is moderate evidence that it can improve mobility, particularly lower extremity mobility and walking performance in individuals living with multiple sclerosis, as well as balance. And lastly, we see consistent evidence that exercise training can improve quality of life,” said Dr. Motl, who is a professor of kinesiology and nutrition at University of Illinois, Chicago.

There is less evidence that exercise training helps mobility, anxiety, pain, and participation, he said.

Dr. Motl showed the results of various meta-analyses that he co-authored of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) of exercise training. One meta-analysis of 20 trials that examined the effect on fitness found an effect size of 0.47, which was about one-half of a standard deviation, and is considered to be a clinically meaningful effect. There was also about a 20% improvement in aerobic capacity, and this improves the capacity for maintaining independence, according to Dr. Motl. “That’s huge as individuals who are living with MS over a long-term period of time are aging with this chronic disease and independence does become an issue later in life. We maybe can forestall some of that,” he said.

Another meta-analysis of 17 RCTs examining exercise training and fatigue found a similar effect size of 0.452. When the authors limited the analysis to studies that used the Fatigue Severity Score and its benchmark of clinically significant fatigue of 4.0, “they were able to reduce the mean fatigue severity score below 4.0, meaning you’re taking individuals who have severe fatigue and reducing their fatigue below a threshold of severity that impacts everyday life. So this is something that is clinically meaningful and relevant to the lives of individuals with MS,” he said.

With respect to depression, a meta-analysis of 14 randomized, controlled trials found an effect size of 0.55 standard deviations. The researchers found that the effect size was associated with the number of days per week: The effect was size was doubled among individuals who exercised 3 or more times per week. Another meta-analysis of walking found an average 2-second improvement in walking speed and about a 40-meter improvement in walking endurance. “I believe that’s pretty comparable to what you see with Ampyra (dalfampridine) and its effects on walking speeds, so we’re seeing something that’s as good as a pharmacological agent for managing walking in MS,” said Dr. Motl.

Another meta-analysis of health-related quality of life found that the effect on the physical domain was about twice as large as the effect on mental health–related quality of life. “I think that makes sense because when you are engaging in exercise, it’s a physically invoking stimulus. As you see adaptations, your perceptions of your physical health improve,” said Dr. Motl.

Dr. Motl also addressed safety. There have been some concerns that exercise could lead to temporary worsening of symptoms, “but it was blown up into a major, major problem when it is only 5% of individuals who have these sorts of severe problems,” said Dr. Motl. A systematic review in 2023 found an adverse event rate of 1.2% in the control groups and 2.0% in the exercise groups. This was about the same rates that are seen in the general population, according to Dr. Motl. A consistent adverse event was lower back pain, but further analysis showed it was only reported with resistance training. “The beauty of that is that we have incredible people in the field of MS, who know how to deliver resistance training more safely. And if we do that more effectively, we can avoid this very common injury with exercise training,” said Dr. Motl.

The review also found a 25% reduction in relapses. “It was very interesting. I don’t know if we want to say exercise is a disease-modifying behavior yet, but that effect at the time that these studies were done was about the same as some of the early disease-modifying therapies, showing the same degree of reduction of relapse rate,” said Dr. Motl.

Dr. Motl also discussed updated guidelines for exercise in patients with mild to moderate MS, as well as Parkinson’s disease and stroke survivors. The general advice is for 2-3 days of moderate aerobic exercise per week, beginning at 10 minutes and gradually increasing to 30 minutes per session. The newer guidelines added an option for advanced aerobic exercise, which can be up to 5 times per week and up to 40 minutes per session. Activities include ergometry, walking, aquatics, and elliptical machines for general aerobic exercise, while advanced exercise can also include running or road cycling. Resistance exercise can be done 2-3 times per week with 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions, with a total of 5-10 exercises. The authors recommend weight machines, free weights, or resistance bands.

Dr. Motl has received funding from the Department of Defense, National Institutes of Health, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation.


Exercise has a long history in multiple sclerosis (MS). In 1838, the Scottish physician John Abercrombie reported that a patient with “a diminution of muscular power,” who could walk but only unsteadily, decided after various failed treatments like “evacuations and spare diet” to try “violent exercise.” He walked 5-6 miles on a warm evening, as quickly as he was able, and returned home “much fatigued, and considerably heated. Next morning he had severe pains in the calves of his legs, but his other complaints were much diminished, and in a few days disappeared. He has ever since enjoyed good health,” Dr. Abercrombie was quoted in Multiple Sclerosis: The History of a Disease by T. Jock Murray.

The first randomized, controlled trial of an exercise intervention for MS didn’t appear in the literature until 1988, but more than 200 have been published in the years since, according to Robert Motl, PhD, who spoke about exercise interventions for MS at the annual meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.


In fact, the evidence shows that exercise can improve walking performance and quality of life. “When we look at what we might call the unseen symptoms, we can see the exercise training is very effective at reducing fatigue in people with MS. It’s very effective at reducing depressive mood in individuals living with MS. There is moderate evidence that it can improve mobility, particularly lower extremity mobility and walking performance in individuals living with multiple sclerosis, as well as balance. And lastly, we see consistent evidence that exercise training can improve quality of life,” said Dr. Motl, who is a professor of kinesiology and nutrition at University of Illinois, Chicago.

There is less evidence that exercise training helps mobility, anxiety, pain, and participation, he said.

Dr. Motl showed the results of various meta-analyses that he co-authored of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) of exercise training. One meta-analysis of 20 trials that examined the effect on fitness found an effect size of 0.47, which was about one-half of a standard deviation, and is considered to be a clinically meaningful effect. There was also about a 20% improvement in aerobic capacity, and this improves the capacity for maintaining independence, according to Dr. Motl. “That’s huge as individuals who are living with MS over a long-term period of time are aging with this chronic disease and independence does become an issue later in life. We maybe can forestall some of that,” he said.

Another meta-analysis of 17 RCTs examining exercise training and fatigue found a similar effect size of 0.452. When the authors limited the analysis to studies that used the Fatigue Severity Score and its benchmark of clinically significant fatigue of 4.0, “they were able to reduce the mean fatigue severity score below 4.0, meaning you’re taking individuals who have severe fatigue and reducing their fatigue below a threshold of severity that impacts everyday life. So this is something that is clinically meaningful and relevant to the lives of individuals with MS,” he said.

With respect to depression, a meta-analysis of 14 randomized, controlled trials found an effect size of 0.55 standard deviations. The researchers found that the effect size was associated with the number of days per week: The effect was size was doubled among individuals who exercised 3 or more times per week. Another meta-analysis of walking found an average 2-second improvement in walking speed and about a 40-meter improvement in walking endurance. “I believe that’s pretty comparable to what you see with Ampyra (dalfampridine) and its effects on walking speeds, so we’re seeing something that’s as good as a pharmacological agent for managing walking in MS,” said Dr. Motl.

Another meta-analysis of health-related quality of life found that the effect on the physical domain was about twice as large as the effect on mental health–related quality of life. “I think that makes sense because when you are engaging in exercise, it’s a physically invoking stimulus. As you see adaptations, your perceptions of your physical health improve,” said Dr. Motl.

Dr. Motl also addressed safety. There have been some concerns that exercise could lead to temporary worsening of symptoms, “but it was blown up into a major, major problem when it is only 5% of individuals who have these sorts of severe problems,” said Dr. Motl. A systematic review in 2023 found an adverse event rate of 1.2% in the control groups and 2.0% in the exercise groups. This was about the same rates that are seen in the general population, according to Dr. Motl. A consistent adverse event was lower back pain, but further analysis showed it was only reported with resistance training. “The beauty of that is that we have incredible people in the field of MS, who know how to deliver resistance training more safely. And if we do that more effectively, we can avoid this very common injury with exercise training,” said Dr. Motl.

The review also found a 25% reduction in relapses. “It was very interesting. I don’t know if we want to say exercise is a disease-modifying behavior yet, but that effect at the time that these studies were done was about the same as some of the early disease-modifying therapies, showing the same degree of reduction of relapse rate,” said Dr. Motl.

Dr. Motl also discussed updated guidelines for exercise in patients with mild to moderate MS, as well as Parkinson’s disease and stroke survivors. The general advice is for 2-3 days of moderate aerobic exercise per week, beginning at 10 minutes and gradually increasing to 30 minutes per session. The newer guidelines added an option for advanced aerobic exercise, which can be up to 5 times per week and up to 40 minutes per session. Activities include ergometry, walking, aquatics, and elliptical machines for general aerobic exercise, while advanced exercise can also include running or road cycling. Resistance exercise can be done 2-3 times per week with 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions, with a total of 5-10 exercises. The authors recommend weight machines, free weights, or resistance bands.

Dr. Motl has received funding from the Department of Defense, National Institutes of Health, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation.

Exercise has a long history in multiple sclerosis (MS). In 1838, the Scottish physician John Abercrombie reported that a patient with “a diminution of muscular power,” who could walk but only unsteadily, decided after various failed treatments like “evacuations and spare diet” to try “violent exercise.” He walked 5-6 miles on a warm evening, as quickly as he was able, and returned home “much fatigued, and considerably heated. Next morning he had severe pains in the calves of his legs, but his other complaints were much diminished, and in a few days disappeared. He has ever since enjoyed good health,” Dr. Abercrombie was quoted in Multiple Sclerosis: The History of a Disease by T. Jock Murray.

The first randomized, controlled trial of an exercise intervention for MS didn’t appear in the literature until 1988, but more than 200 have been published in the years since, according to Robert Motl, PhD, who spoke about exercise interventions for MS at the annual meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.


In fact, the evidence shows that exercise can improve walking performance and quality of life. “When we look at what we might call the unseen symptoms, we can see the exercise training is very effective at reducing fatigue in people with MS. It’s very effective at reducing depressive mood in individuals living with MS. There is moderate evidence that it can improve mobility, particularly lower extremity mobility and walking performance in individuals living with multiple sclerosis, as well as balance. And lastly, we see consistent evidence that exercise training can improve quality of life,” said Dr. Motl, who is a professor of kinesiology and nutrition at University of Illinois, Chicago.

There is less evidence that exercise training helps mobility, anxiety, pain, and participation, he said.

Dr. Motl showed the results of various meta-analyses that he co-authored of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) of exercise training. One meta-analysis of 20 trials that examined the effect on fitness found an effect size of 0.47, which was about one-half of a standard deviation, and is considered to be a clinically meaningful effect. There was also about a 20% improvement in aerobic capacity, and this improves the capacity for maintaining independence, according to Dr. Motl. “That’s huge as individuals who are living with MS over a long-term period of time are aging with this chronic disease and independence does become an issue later in life. We maybe can forestall some of that,” he said.

Another meta-analysis of 17 RCTs examining exercise training and fatigue found a similar effect size of 0.452. When the authors limited the analysis to studies that used the Fatigue Severity Score and its benchmark of clinically significant fatigue of 4.0, “they were able to reduce the mean fatigue severity score below 4.0, meaning you’re taking individuals who have severe fatigue and reducing their fatigue below a threshold of severity that impacts everyday life. So this is something that is clinically meaningful and relevant to the lives of individuals with MS,” he said.

With respect to depression, a meta-analysis of 14 randomized, controlled trials found an effect size of 0.55 standard deviations. The researchers found that the effect size was associated with the number of days per week: The effect was size was doubled among individuals who exercised 3 or more times per week. Another meta-analysis of walking found an average 2-second improvement in walking speed and about a 40-meter improvement in walking endurance. “I believe that’s pretty comparable to what you see with Ampyra (dalfampridine) and its effects on walking speeds, so we’re seeing something that’s as good as a pharmacological agent for managing walking in MS,” said Dr. Motl.

Another meta-analysis of health-related quality of life found that the effect on the physical domain was about twice as large as the effect on mental health–related quality of life. “I think that makes sense because when you are engaging in exercise, it’s a physically invoking stimulus. As you see adaptations, your perceptions of your physical health improve,” said Dr. Motl.

Dr. Motl also addressed safety. There have been some concerns that exercise could lead to temporary worsening of symptoms, “but it was blown up into a major, major problem when it is only 5% of individuals who have these sorts of severe problems,” said Dr. Motl. A systematic review in 2023 found an adverse event rate of 1.2% in the control groups and 2.0% in the exercise groups. This was about the same rates that are seen in the general population, according to Dr. Motl. A consistent adverse event was lower back pain, but further analysis showed it was only reported with resistance training. “The beauty of that is that we have incredible people in the field of MS, who know how to deliver resistance training more safely. And if we do that more effectively, we can avoid this very common injury with exercise training,” said Dr. Motl.

The review also found a 25% reduction in relapses. “It was very interesting. I don’t know if we want to say exercise is a disease-modifying behavior yet, but that effect at the time that these studies were done was about the same as some of the early disease-modifying therapies, showing the same degree of reduction of relapse rate,” said Dr. Motl.

Dr. Motl also discussed updated guidelines for exercise in patients with mild to moderate MS, as well as Parkinson’s disease and stroke survivors. The general advice is for 2-3 days of moderate aerobic exercise per week, beginning at 10 minutes and gradually increasing to 30 minutes per session. The newer guidelines added an option for advanced aerobic exercise, which can be up to 5 times per week and up to 40 minutes per session. Activities include ergometry, walking, aquatics, and elliptical machines for general aerobic exercise, while advanced exercise can also include running or road cycling. Resistance exercise can be done 2-3 times per week with 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions, with a total of 5-10 exercises. The authors recommend weight machines, free weights, or resistance bands.

Dr. Motl has received funding from the Department of Defense, National Institutes of Health, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation.

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All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>Exercise has a long history in MS, and benefits include improvements in fitness, fatigue, depression, and quality of life.</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage>301891</teaserImage> <teaser> <span class="tag metaDescription">Exercise has a long history in MS, and benefits include improvements in fitness, fatigue, depression, and quality of life.</span> </teaser> <title>The Positive Effects of Exercise in MS</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear>2024</pubPubdateYear> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>nr</publicationCode> <pubIssueName>January 2021</pubIssueName> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> <journalTitle>Neurology Reviews</journalTitle> <journalFullTitle>Neurology Reviews</journalFullTitle> <copyrightStatement>2018 Frontline Medical Communications Inc.,</copyrightStatement> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>msrc</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> <journalTitle/> <journalFullTitle/> <copyrightStatement/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">22</term> <term>59347</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">53</term> <term>39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">251</term> </topics> <links> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/240129e6.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption">Dr. Robert Motl</description> <description role="drol:credit"/> </link> </links> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>The Positive Effects of Exercise in MS</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p><span class="dateline">NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE —</span> Exercise has a long history in multiple sclerosis (MS). In 1838, the Scottish physician John Abercrombie reported that a patient with “a diminution of muscular power,” who could walk but only unsteadily, decided after various failed treatments like “evacuations and spare diet” to try “violent exercise.” He walked 5-6 miles on a warm evening, as quickly as he was able, and returned home “much fatigued, and considerably heated. Next morning he had severe pains in the calves of his legs, but his other complaints were much diminished, and in a few days disappeared. He has ever since enjoyed good health,” Dr. Abercrombie was quoted in <em><a href="">Multiple Sclerosis: The History of a Disease</a> </em>by T. Jock Murray. </p> <p>The first randomized, controlled trial of an exercise intervention for MS didn’t <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">appear in the literature</a></span> until 1988, but more than 200 have been published in the years since, according to Robert Motl, PhD, who spoke about exercise interventions for MS at the annual meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.<br/><br/>[[{"fid":"301891","view_mode":"medstat_image_flush_right","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_flush_right","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Robert Motl, PhD, is Director of Research and Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy in the School of Health Professions at the University of Birmingham.&#13;","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":"Dr. Robert Motl"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_flush_right"}}]]In fact, the evidence shows that exercise can improve walking performance and quality of life. “When we look at what we might call the unseen symptoms, we can see the exercise training is very effective at reducing fatigue in people with MS. It’s very effective at reducing depressive mood in individuals living with MS. There is moderate evidence that it can improve mobility, particularly lower extremity mobility and walking performance in individuals living with multiple sclerosis, as well as balance. And lastly, we see consistent evidence that exercise training can improve quality of life,” said Dr. Motl, who is a professor of kinesiology and nutrition at University of Illinois, Chicago.<br/><br/>There is less evidence that exercise training helps mobility, anxiety, pain, and participation, he said.<br/><br/>Dr. Motl showed the results of various meta-analyses that he co-authored of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) of exercise training. One <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">meta-analysis</a></span> of 20 trials that examined the effect on fitness found an effect size of 0.47, which was about one-half of a standard deviation, and is considered to be a clinically meaningful effect. There was also about a 20% improvement in aerobic capacity, and this improves the capacity for maintaining independence, according to Dr. Motl. “That’s huge as individuals who are living with MS over a long-term period of time are aging with this chronic disease and independence does become an issue later in life. We maybe can forestall some of that,” he said.<br/><br/>Another <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">meta-analysis</a></span> of 17 RCTs examining exercise training and fatigue found a similar effect size of 0.452. When the authors limited the analysis to studies that used the Fatigue Severity Score and its benchmark of clinically significant fatigue of 4.0, “they were able to reduce the mean fatigue severity score below 4.0, meaning you’re taking individuals who have severe fatigue and reducing their fatigue below a threshold of severity that impacts everyday life. So this is something that is clinically meaningful and relevant to the lives of individuals with MS,” he said.<br/><br/>With respect to depression, a <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">meta-analysis</a></span> of 14 randomized, controlled trials found an effect size of 0.55 standard deviations. The researchers found that the effect size was associated with the number of days per week: The effect was size was doubled among individuals who exercised 3 or more times per week. Another <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">meta-analysis</a></span> of walking found an average 2-second improvement in walking speed and about a 40-meter improvement in walking endurance. “I believe that’s pretty comparable to what you see with Ampyra (dalfampridine) and its effects on walking speeds, so we’re seeing something that’s as good as a pharmacological agent for managing walking in MS,” said Dr. Motl.<br/><br/>Another <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">meta-analysis</a></span> of health-related quality of life found that the effect on the physical domain was about twice as large as the effect on mental health–related quality of life. “I think that makes sense because when you are engaging in exercise, it’s a physically invoking stimulus. As you see adaptations, your perceptions of your physical health improve,” said Dr. Motl. <br/><br/>Dr. Motl also addressed safety. There have been some concerns that exercise could lead to temporary worsening of symptoms, “but it was blown up into a major, major problem when it is only 5% of individuals who have these sorts of severe problems,” said Dr. Motl. A <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">systematic review</a></span> in 2023 found an adverse event rate of 1.2% in the control groups and 2.0% in the exercise groups. This was about the same rates that are seen in the general population, according to Dr. Motl. A consistent adverse event was lower back pain, but further analysis showed it was only reported with resistance training. “The beauty of that is that we have incredible people in the field of MS, who know how to deliver resistance training more safely. And if we do that more effectively, we can avoid this very common injury with exercise training,” said Dr. Motl.<br/><br/>The review also found a 25% reduction in relapses. “It was very interesting. I don’t know if we want to say exercise is a disease-modifying behavior yet, but that effect at the time that these studies were done was about the same as some of the early disease-modifying therapies, showing the same degree of reduction of relapse rate,” said Dr. Motl. <br/><br/>Dr. Motl also discussed <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">updated guidelines</a></span> for exercise in patients with mild to moderate MS, as well as Parkinson’s disease and stroke survivors. The general advice is for 2-3 days of moderate aerobic exercise per week, beginning at 10 minutes and gradually increasing to 30 minutes per session. The newer guidelines added an option for advanced aerobic exercise, which can be up to 5 times per week and up to 40 minutes per session. Activities include ergometry, walking, aquatics, and elliptical machines for general aerobic exercise, while advanced exercise can also include running or road cycling. Resistance exercise can be done 2-3 times per week with 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions, with a total of 5-10 exercises. The authors recommend weight machines, free weights, or resistance bands.<br/><br/>Dr. Motl has received funding from the Department of Defense, National Institutes of Health, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation.<span class="end"/> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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