Article Type
Wed, 05/13/2020 - 11:35


Quick Links

Guidelines for Submitting:

Original Research Reports

Review and State-of-the-Art Papers

Case Reports

Research Letters


Letters to the Editor

Submission Checklist


Manuscript Submission

We require electronic submission of manuscripts. Please submit your manuscript and tables as a Microsoft Word file attached to an e-mail to We will confirm successful receipt of your manuscript by e-mail.


Cover Letter: The cover letter should include the name, address, telephone numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. The letter should make it clear that the manuscript has not been published in another journal and is not under consideration by another journal, and that the final manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors.


Conflict of Interest: The authors should disclose in the cover letter any affiliations or financial arrangements with any company whose product appears prominently in the manuscript or with any company making a competing product. Such information will be kept in confidence while the paper is under review. If the article is accepted for publication, full disclosure will be required.


Third-party Support/Assistance: TSJ does not accept articles that have been developed by or written with financial support from a commercial entity (eg, pharmaceutical company or medical device manufacturer) or whose authors have received writing assistance from a commercially sponsored third party, such as a medical education company or a publication planner. Authors who have received such support or funding (and entities that have supported such articles) should contact to explore opportunities to publish sponsored supplements to TSJ.


Original Research Exception. TSJ does accept original research articles in which the study was funded by a pharmaceutical company or in which the author(s) are employed by one, provided that all funding and affiliations are fully disclosed. Authors may not, however, receive any form of writing assistance. (See above).


The Peer Review Process: All TSJ articles undergo peer review to determine whether the submission meets the needs of TSJ readers and thus is suitable for publication.


Questions about this policy should be directed to




Manuscript Style and Format

Manuscripts should conform to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations, which are available at For questions about style, consult the American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. 10th ed. New York, NY.: Oxford University Press, 2007. Keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum and spell out on first reference, eg, Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA). Regarding medications, generic drug names should generally be used. When proprietary brands are used in research, include the brand name in parentheses in the Methods section.

The title page should include from top to bottom: article title; name, degree, and institutional affiliation of each author; previous presentation of the work, if any; name and address/fax/e-mail of the corresponding author; and manuscript word count, excluding tables, figures, and abstract. Pages should be numbered consecutively in the upper right corner beginning with the title page.

Please see the links, above, for detailed information on specific article types and departments.

Acknowledgements: This section is optional and may be used to acknowledge substantial contributions to the research or preparation of the manuscript made by individuals other than the authors.

Conflict of Interest: Each article should have a statement acknowledging any potential conflict of interest. If there is none, please state "No conflict of interest."

Permissions: Contributors to TSJ may be asked to obtain permission from the author and publisher for the use of quotes, illustrations, tables, and other materials taken from previously published works not in the public domain. The original source should be mentioned in the table footnote.

Please note the following:

  • Papers that exceed the stipulated word counts will be returned to the author(s) for editing before the paper is sent out for review.
  • Papers in which the references do not follow style will also be returned to the author for revision.



Original Research Reports

These are reports on randomized trials, interventional studies, cohort studies, case-control studies, epidemiologic assessments, other observational studies, surveys, cost-effectiveness analyses, and studies of screening and diagnostic tests as they pertain to sarcoma.

 Original research reports will:

  • Be no more than 4,500 words (including a structured abstract, references, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have a structured abstract of no more than 250 words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.1).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Have no more than 5 tables and/or figures (AMA Manual chapter 4).
  • Include figures (if any) that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Limit figures, clinical images, and tables to those necessary to highlight key data.
  • Be arranged as follows: title page; structured abstract and key words; abbreviations list; text; acknowledgments (if applicable); references; figure titles and legends; and tables.
  • Have 50 or fewer references, which will be in AMA style (AMA Manual chapter 3).
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.
  • Either provide sex-specific data (when appropriate) in describing outcomes of epidemiologic analyses or clinical trials, or specifically state that no gender-based differences were present.

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Review and State-of-the-Art Papers

The editors will consider invited and uninvited review papers. These manuscripts gather and summarize information from current literature and data sources on clinical topics. They should do the following:

  • Focus on novel approaches and cutting-edge therapies, as well as diagnoses, prognoses, and management.
  • Include critical assessments thereof.
  • Explore their potential for changing treatment.

Review articles are often used as guides in the practice setting, and therefore they must be systematic, must include relevant data, and must not be influenced by the authors’ opinions or biases (AMA Manual chapter 1.2).

The search and selection processes for research sources, such as databases, should be described in the manuscript. The research sources should be as current as possible, preferably with the search having been conducted within a few months of submission. Authors should detail in their cover letters how their review differs from existing reviews on the subject.



Review and state-of-the-art manuscripts will:

  • Be no more than 5,000 words (including an unstructured abstract, reference list, tables, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have an unstructured abstract of 250 or fewer words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.2-2.5.3).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Have no more than 4 tables and/or figures, which should be submitted as separate files.
  • Include figures (if any) that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Limit figures, clinical images, and tables to those necessary to highlight key data.
  • Be arranged as follows: title page; unstructured abstract and key words; abbreviations list; text; acknowledgments (if applicable); references; figure titles and legends; and tables.
  • Have 30 or fewer references.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

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Case Reports

These reports usually describe a step-by-step approach to clinical decision making in the diagnosis and treatment of a patient who has an unusual or complicated presentation or diagnosis. They can be accompanied by a brief review of pertinent, current literature.

A case report will:

  • Be limited to 2,000 words (including references, tables, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have an unstructured abstract of 50 or fewer words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.2-2.5.3).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Begin with a brief summary before the case details are presented.
  • Have no more than 4 tables and/or figures.
  • Include figures that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Have no more than 10 references.
  • Adequately de-identify all patient information. If identifying information or figures are included, express written permission from the patient(s) must be provided at the time of manuscript submission.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

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Research Letters

New or preliminary research findings may be considered for publication as research letters.

A research letter will:

  • Be limited to 2,000 words (including references, tables, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have an unstructured abstract of 50 or fewer words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.2-2.5.3).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Begin with a brief summary before the details are presented.
  • Have no more than 2 tables and/or figures.
  • Include figures (if any) that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Have no more than 10 references.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page. 


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Succinct opinion pieces will also be considered. These can address any current topic that has a bearing on clinical practice: research findings, health policy and/or law, ethics, or practice economics. The arguments should be focused and succinctly presented.

A commentary will:

  • Have up to 3 authors, and will provide the full name, academic degrees, and a single institutional affiliation for each author.
  • Provide disclosures for each letter author.
  • Provide the e-mail address for the corresponding letter author.
  • Be no more than 1,200 words long.
  • Have no more than 8 references (AMA Manual chapter 3).
  • Have a title of 7 or fewer words.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor should focus on a specific article that has been published in The Sarcoma Journal.

A letter to the editor will:

  • Have no more than 3 authors, and will provide the full name, academic degrees, and a single institutional affiliation for each author.
  • Provide disclosures, if relevant to the topic of the letter, for each letter author.
  • Provide the e-mail address for the corresponding letter author.
  • Be no more than 400 words long.
  • Have no more than 5 references.
  • Have a title of 5-7 words.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

Letters will be sent for response to the authors of the original article. This response may be published or sent directly to the commentator at the discretion of the editor. Letters will be published at the discretion of the editors and are subject to abridgement and editing for style and content. Questions or comments that could be addressed directly to authors of the original article (including complaints about missed citations) should be sent directly to those authors.



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Submission Checklist

Before you send in your manuscript for review, please check the following:

  1. Cover letter: Is a cover letter included with your manuscript submission?
  2. Title page: Is the title page presented as outlined?
  3. Corresponding author: Have you designated a corresponding author and provided current, correct contact information in the format described in AMA Manual chapter 2.10.4?
  4. Article authors: Have you provided first and last names and highest degrees for each author, according to the formats shown in AMA Manual chapter 2.2.1–2.2.4?
  5. Author affiliations: Have you included affiliations for each author according to AMA Manual chapter 2.3.3., as well as their current e-mail addresses?
  6. Word count: Does the word count include abstract, main running text, references, and tables, and does it appear on the title page of the manuscript?
  7. Formatting: Is your manuscript double spaced, and have you ensured that it is minimally formatted?
  8. Abstract: Have you included a structured or unstructured abstract (as stipulated by your article type) that has been formatted according to AMA Manual chapter 2.5 and the specific requirements of The Sarcoma Journal?
  9. Reference citations (“callouts”) in running text/tables: Per AMA Manual chapter 3, are the callouts in superscripts and in numerical order, and does each one match the corresponding reference in the reference list?
  10. Reference list: Are all references in the reference list complete, accurate, numerically ordered to match the callouts, and formatted according to AMA Manual chapter 3?
  11. Tables: Have all tables been prepared according to AMA Manual chapter 4.1?
  12. Figures: Do all figures meet the stated quality requirements to ensure best possible print reproduction? Are their titles and legends formatted according to AMA Manual chapter 4.2? Have they been prepared and uploaded as separate files that are labeled with the correct naming convention?
  13. Permissions: Have you obtained permission for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web), and have all appropriate forms been completed and included with the submission, according to AMA Manual chapter 5.6?
  14. Final read-through: Have you checked the spelling and grammar within your manuscript? Does its outline match its content?

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Quick Links

Guidelines for Submitting:

Original Research Reports

Review and State-of-the-Art Papers

Case Reports

Research Letters


Letters to the Editor

Submission Checklist


Manuscript Submission

We require electronic submission of manuscripts. Please submit your manuscript and tables as a Microsoft Word file attached to an e-mail to We will confirm successful receipt of your manuscript by e-mail.


Cover Letter: The cover letter should include the name, address, telephone numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. The letter should make it clear that the manuscript has not been published in another journal and is not under consideration by another journal, and that the final manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors.


Conflict of Interest: The authors should disclose in the cover letter any affiliations or financial arrangements with any company whose product appears prominently in the manuscript or with any company making a competing product. Such information will be kept in confidence while the paper is under review. If the article is accepted for publication, full disclosure will be required.


Third-party Support/Assistance: TSJ does not accept articles that have been developed by or written with financial support from a commercial entity (eg, pharmaceutical company or medical device manufacturer) or whose authors have received writing assistance from a commercially sponsored third party, such as a medical education company or a publication planner. Authors who have received such support or funding (and entities that have supported such articles) should contact to explore opportunities to publish sponsored supplements to TSJ.


Original Research Exception. TSJ does accept original research articles in which the study was funded by a pharmaceutical company or in which the author(s) are employed by one, provided that all funding and affiliations are fully disclosed. Authors may not, however, receive any form of writing assistance. (See above).


The Peer Review Process: All TSJ articles undergo peer review to determine whether the submission meets the needs of TSJ readers and thus is suitable for publication.


Questions about this policy should be directed to




Manuscript Style and Format

Manuscripts should conform to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations, which are available at For questions about style, consult the American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. 10th ed. New York, NY.: Oxford University Press, 2007. Keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum and spell out on first reference, eg, Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA). Regarding medications, generic drug names should generally be used. When proprietary brands are used in research, include the brand name in parentheses in the Methods section.

The title page should include from top to bottom: article title; name, degree, and institutional affiliation of each author; previous presentation of the work, if any; name and address/fax/e-mail of the corresponding author; and manuscript word count, excluding tables, figures, and abstract. Pages should be numbered consecutively in the upper right corner beginning with the title page.

Please see the links, above, for detailed information on specific article types and departments.

Acknowledgements: This section is optional and may be used to acknowledge substantial contributions to the research or preparation of the manuscript made by individuals other than the authors.

Conflict of Interest: Each article should have a statement acknowledging any potential conflict of interest. If there is none, please state "No conflict of interest."

Permissions: Contributors to TSJ may be asked to obtain permission from the author and publisher for the use of quotes, illustrations, tables, and other materials taken from previously published works not in the public domain. The original source should be mentioned in the table footnote.

Please note the following:

  • Papers that exceed the stipulated word counts will be returned to the author(s) for editing before the paper is sent out for review.
  • Papers in which the references do not follow style will also be returned to the author for revision.



Original Research Reports

These are reports on randomized trials, interventional studies, cohort studies, case-control studies, epidemiologic assessments, other observational studies, surveys, cost-effectiveness analyses, and studies of screening and diagnostic tests as they pertain to sarcoma.

 Original research reports will:

  • Be no more than 4,500 words (including a structured abstract, references, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have a structured abstract of no more than 250 words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.1).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Have no more than 5 tables and/or figures (AMA Manual chapter 4).
  • Include figures (if any) that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Limit figures, clinical images, and tables to those necessary to highlight key data.
  • Be arranged as follows: title page; structured abstract and key words; abbreviations list; text; acknowledgments (if applicable); references; figure titles and legends; and tables.
  • Have 50 or fewer references, which will be in AMA style (AMA Manual chapter 3).
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.
  • Either provide sex-specific data (when appropriate) in describing outcomes of epidemiologic analyses or clinical trials, or specifically state that no gender-based differences were present.

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Review and State-of-the-Art Papers

The editors will consider invited and uninvited review papers. These manuscripts gather and summarize information from current literature and data sources on clinical topics. They should do the following:

  • Focus on novel approaches and cutting-edge therapies, as well as diagnoses, prognoses, and management.
  • Include critical assessments thereof.
  • Explore their potential for changing treatment.

Review articles are often used as guides in the practice setting, and therefore they must be systematic, must include relevant data, and must not be influenced by the authors’ opinions or biases (AMA Manual chapter 1.2).

The search and selection processes for research sources, such as databases, should be described in the manuscript. The research sources should be as current as possible, preferably with the search having been conducted within a few months of submission. Authors should detail in their cover letters how their review differs from existing reviews on the subject.



Review and state-of-the-art manuscripts will:

  • Be no more than 5,000 words (including an unstructured abstract, reference list, tables, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have an unstructured abstract of 250 or fewer words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.2-2.5.3).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Have no more than 4 tables and/or figures, which should be submitted as separate files.
  • Include figures (if any) that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Limit figures, clinical images, and tables to those necessary to highlight key data.
  • Be arranged as follows: title page; unstructured abstract and key words; abbreviations list; text; acknowledgments (if applicable); references; figure titles and legends; and tables.
  • Have 30 or fewer references.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

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Case Reports

These reports usually describe a step-by-step approach to clinical decision making in the diagnosis and treatment of a patient who has an unusual or complicated presentation or diagnosis. They can be accompanied by a brief review of pertinent, current literature.

A case report will:

  • Be limited to 2,000 words (including references, tables, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have an unstructured abstract of 50 or fewer words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.2-2.5.3).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Begin with a brief summary before the case details are presented.
  • Have no more than 4 tables and/or figures.
  • Include figures that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Have no more than 10 references.
  • Adequately de-identify all patient information. If identifying information or figures are included, express written permission from the patient(s) must be provided at the time of manuscript submission.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

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Research Letters

New or preliminary research findings may be considered for publication as research letters.

A research letter will:

  • Be limited to 2,000 words (including references, tables, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have an unstructured abstract of 50 or fewer words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.2-2.5.3).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Begin with a brief summary before the details are presented.
  • Have no more than 2 tables and/or figures.
  • Include figures (if any) that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Have no more than 10 references.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page. 


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Succinct opinion pieces will also be considered. These can address any current topic that has a bearing on clinical practice: research findings, health policy and/or law, ethics, or practice economics. The arguments should be focused and succinctly presented.

A commentary will:

  • Have up to 3 authors, and will provide the full name, academic degrees, and a single institutional affiliation for each author.
  • Provide disclosures for each letter author.
  • Provide the e-mail address for the corresponding letter author.
  • Be no more than 1,200 words long.
  • Have no more than 8 references (AMA Manual chapter 3).
  • Have a title of 7 or fewer words.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor should focus on a specific article that has been published in The Sarcoma Journal.

A letter to the editor will:

  • Have no more than 3 authors, and will provide the full name, academic degrees, and a single institutional affiliation for each author.
  • Provide disclosures, if relevant to the topic of the letter, for each letter author.
  • Provide the e-mail address for the corresponding letter author.
  • Be no more than 400 words long.
  • Have no more than 5 references.
  • Have a title of 5-7 words.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

Letters will be sent for response to the authors of the original article. This response may be published or sent directly to the commentator at the discretion of the editor. Letters will be published at the discretion of the editors and are subject to abridgement and editing for style and content. Questions or comments that could be addressed directly to authors of the original article (including complaints about missed citations) should be sent directly to those authors.



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Submission Checklist

Before you send in your manuscript for review, please check the following:

  1. Cover letter: Is a cover letter included with your manuscript submission?
  2. Title page: Is the title page presented as outlined?
  3. Corresponding author: Have you designated a corresponding author and provided current, correct contact information in the format described in AMA Manual chapter 2.10.4?
  4. Article authors: Have you provided first and last names and highest degrees for each author, according to the formats shown in AMA Manual chapter 2.2.1–2.2.4?
  5. Author affiliations: Have you included affiliations for each author according to AMA Manual chapter 2.3.3., as well as their current e-mail addresses?
  6. Word count: Does the word count include abstract, main running text, references, and tables, and does it appear on the title page of the manuscript?
  7. Formatting: Is your manuscript double spaced, and have you ensured that it is minimally formatted?
  8. Abstract: Have you included a structured or unstructured abstract (as stipulated by your article type) that has been formatted according to AMA Manual chapter 2.5 and the specific requirements of The Sarcoma Journal?
  9. Reference citations (“callouts”) in running text/tables: Per AMA Manual chapter 3, are the callouts in superscripts and in numerical order, and does each one match the corresponding reference in the reference list?
  10. Reference list: Are all references in the reference list complete, accurate, numerically ordered to match the callouts, and formatted according to AMA Manual chapter 3?
  11. Tables: Have all tables been prepared according to AMA Manual chapter 4.1?
  12. Figures: Do all figures meet the stated quality requirements to ensure best possible print reproduction? Are their titles and legends formatted according to AMA Manual chapter 4.2? Have they been prepared and uploaded as separate files that are labeled with the correct naming convention?
  13. Permissions: Have you obtained permission for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web), and have all appropriate forms been completed and included with the submission, according to AMA Manual chapter 5.6?
  14. Final read-through: Have you checked the spelling and grammar within your manuscript? Does its outline match its content?

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Quick Links

Guidelines for Submitting:

Original Research Reports

Review and State-of-the-Art Papers

Case Reports

Research Letters


Letters to the Editor

Submission Checklist


Manuscript Submission

We require electronic submission of manuscripts. Please submit your manuscript and tables as a Microsoft Word file attached to an e-mail to We will confirm successful receipt of your manuscript by e-mail.


Cover Letter: The cover letter should include the name, address, telephone numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. The letter should make it clear that the manuscript has not been published in another journal and is not under consideration by another journal, and that the final manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors.


Conflict of Interest: The authors should disclose in the cover letter any affiliations or financial arrangements with any company whose product appears prominently in the manuscript or with any company making a competing product. Such information will be kept in confidence while the paper is under review. If the article is accepted for publication, full disclosure will be required.


Third-party Support/Assistance: TSJ does not accept articles that have been developed by or written with financial support from a commercial entity (eg, pharmaceutical company or medical device manufacturer) or whose authors have received writing assistance from a commercially sponsored third party, such as a medical education company or a publication planner. Authors who have received such support or funding (and entities that have supported such articles) should contact to explore opportunities to publish sponsored supplements to TSJ.


Original Research Exception. TSJ does accept original research articles in which the study was funded by a pharmaceutical company or in which the author(s) are employed by one, provided that all funding and affiliations are fully disclosed. Authors may not, however, receive any form of writing assistance. (See above).


The Peer Review Process: All TSJ articles undergo peer review to determine whether the submission meets the needs of TSJ readers and thus is suitable for publication.


Questions about this policy should be directed to




Manuscript Style and Format

Manuscripts should conform to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations, which are available at For questions about style, consult the American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. 10th ed. New York, NY.: Oxford University Press, 2007. Keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum and spell out on first reference, eg, Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA). Regarding medications, generic drug names should generally be used. When proprietary brands are used in research, include the brand name in parentheses in the Methods section.

The title page should include from top to bottom: article title; name, degree, and institutional affiliation of each author; previous presentation of the work, if any; name and address/fax/e-mail of the corresponding author; and manuscript word count, excluding tables, figures, and abstract. Pages should be numbered consecutively in the upper right corner beginning with the title page.

Please see the links, above, for detailed information on specific article types and departments.

Acknowledgements: This section is optional and may be used to acknowledge substantial contributions to the research or preparation of the manuscript made by individuals other than the authors.

Conflict of Interest: Each article should have a statement acknowledging any potential conflict of interest. If there is none, please state "No conflict of interest."

Permissions: Contributors to TSJ may be asked to obtain permission from the author and publisher for the use of quotes, illustrations, tables, and other materials taken from previously published works not in the public domain. The original source should be mentioned in the table footnote.

Please note the following:

  • Papers that exceed the stipulated word counts will be returned to the author(s) for editing before the paper is sent out for review.
  • Papers in which the references do not follow style will also be returned to the author for revision.



Original Research Reports

These are reports on randomized trials, interventional studies, cohort studies, case-control studies, epidemiologic assessments, other observational studies, surveys, cost-effectiveness analyses, and studies of screening and diagnostic tests as they pertain to sarcoma.

 Original research reports will:

  • Be no more than 4,500 words (including a structured abstract, references, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have a structured abstract of no more than 250 words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.1).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Have no more than 5 tables and/or figures (AMA Manual chapter 4).
  • Include figures (if any) that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Limit figures, clinical images, and tables to those necessary to highlight key data.
  • Be arranged as follows: title page; structured abstract and key words; abbreviations list; text; acknowledgments (if applicable); references; figure titles and legends; and tables.
  • Have 50 or fewer references, which will be in AMA style (AMA Manual chapter 3).
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.
  • Either provide sex-specific data (when appropriate) in describing outcomes of epidemiologic analyses or clinical trials, or specifically state that no gender-based differences were present.

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Review and State-of-the-Art Papers

The editors will consider invited and uninvited review papers. These manuscripts gather and summarize information from current literature and data sources on clinical topics. They should do the following:

  • Focus on novel approaches and cutting-edge therapies, as well as diagnoses, prognoses, and management.
  • Include critical assessments thereof.
  • Explore their potential for changing treatment.

Review articles are often used as guides in the practice setting, and therefore they must be systematic, must include relevant data, and must not be influenced by the authors’ opinions or biases (AMA Manual chapter 1.2).

The search and selection processes for research sources, such as databases, should be described in the manuscript. The research sources should be as current as possible, preferably with the search having been conducted within a few months of submission. Authors should detail in their cover letters how their review differs from existing reviews on the subject.



Review and state-of-the-art manuscripts will:

  • Be no more than 5,000 words (including an unstructured abstract, reference list, tables, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have an unstructured abstract of 250 or fewer words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.2-2.5.3).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Have no more than 4 tables and/or figures, which should be submitted as separate files.
  • Include figures (if any) that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Limit figures, clinical images, and tables to those necessary to highlight key data.
  • Be arranged as follows: title page; unstructured abstract and key words; abbreviations list; text; acknowledgments (if applicable); references; figure titles and legends; and tables.
  • Have 30 or fewer references.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

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Case Reports

These reports usually describe a step-by-step approach to clinical decision making in the diagnosis and treatment of a patient who has an unusual or complicated presentation or diagnosis. They can be accompanied by a brief review of pertinent, current literature.

A case report will:

  • Be limited to 2,000 words (including references, tables, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have an unstructured abstract of 50 or fewer words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.2-2.5.3).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Begin with a brief summary before the case details are presented.
  • Have no more than 4 tables and/or figures.
  • Include figures that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Have no more than 10 references.
  • Adequately de-identify all patient information. If identifying information or figures are included, express written permission from the patient(s) must be provided at the time of manuscript submission.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

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Research Letters

New or preliminary research findings may be considered for publication as research letters.

A research letter will:

  • Be limited to 2,000 words (including references, tables, and figure titles and legends).
  • Have an unstructured abstract of 50 or fewer words (AMA Manual chapter 2.5.2-2.5.3).
  • Have a title (headline) of no more than 100 characters.
  • Begin with a brief summary before the details are presented.
  • Have no more than 2 tables and/or figures.
  • Include figures (if any) that are submitted as separate, high-resolution files.
  • Have no more than 10 references.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page. 


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Succinct opinion pieces will also be considered. These can address any current topic that has a bearing on clinical practice: research findings, health policy and/or law, ethics, or practice economics. The arguments should be focused and succinctly presented.

A commentary will:

  • Have up to 3 authors, and will provide the full name, academic degrees, and a single institutional affiliation for each author.
  • Provide disclosures for each letter author.
  • Provide the e-mail address for the corresponding letter author.
  • Be no more than 1,200 words long.
  • Have no more than 8 references (AMA Manual chapter 3).
  • Have a title of 7 or fewer words.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor should focus on a specific article that has been published in The Sarcoma Journal.

A letter to the editor will:

  • Have no more than 3 authors, and will provide the full name, academic degrees, and a single institutional affiliation for each author.
  • Provide disclosures, if relevant to the topic of the letter, for each letter author.
  • Provide the e-mail address for the corresponding letter author.
  • Be no more than 400 words long.
  • Have no more than 5 references.
  • Have a title of 5-7 words.
  • Begin page numbering with the title page.

Letters will be sent for response to the authors of the original article. This response may be published or sent directly to the commentator at the discretion of the editor. Letters will be published at the discretion of the editors and are subject to abridgement and editing for style and content. Questions or comments that could be addressed directly to authors of the original article (including complaints about missed citations) should be sent directly to those authors.



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Submission Checklist

Before you send in your manuscript for review, please check the following:

  1. Cover letter: Is a cover letter included with your manuscript submission?
  2. Title page: Is the title page presented as outlined?
  3. Corresponding author: Have you designated a corresponding author and provided current, correct contact information in the format described in AMA Manual chapter 2.10.4?
  4. Article authors: Have you provided first and last names and highest degrees for each author, according to the formats shown in AMA Manual chapter 2.2.1–2.2.4?
  5. Author affiliations: Have you included affiliations for each author according to AMA Manual chapter 2.3.3., as well as their current e-mail addresses?
  6. Word count: Does the word count include abstract, main running text, references, and tables, and does it appear on the title page of the manuscript?
  7. Formatting: Is your manuscript double spaced, and have you ensured that it is minimally formatted?
  8. Abstract: Have you included a structured or unstructured abstract (as stipulated by your article type) that has been formatted according to AMA Manual chapter 2.5 and the specific requirements of The Sarcoma Journal?
  9. Reference citations (“callouts”) in running text/tables: Per AMA Manual chapter 3, are the callouts in superscripts and in numerical order, and does each one match the corresponding reference in the reference list?
  10. Reference list: Are all references in the reference list complete, accurate, numerically ordered to match the callouts, and formatted according to AMA Manual chapter 3?
  11. Tables: Have all tables been prepared according to AMA Manual chapter 4.1?
  12. Figures: Do all figures meet the stated quality requirements to ensure best possible print reproduction? Are their titles and legends formatted according to AMA Manual chapter 4.2? Have they been prepared and uploaded as separate files that are labeled with the correct naming convention?
  13. Permissions: Have you obtained permission for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web), and have all appropriate forms been completed and included with the submission, according to AMA Manual chapter 5.6?
  14. Final read-through: Have you checked the spelling and grammar within your manuscript? Does its outline match its content?

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