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Wed, 08/21/2019 - 11:39
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Surgical Dermatoethics for the Trainee

It is an uncomfortable and unavoidable reality as physicians that for every procedure we learn, there must be a first time we perform it. As with any type of skill, it takes practice to become proficient. The unique challenge in medicine is that the practice involves performing procedures on real patients. We cannot avoid the hands-on nature of the training process; we can, however, approach its ethical challenges mindfully. Herein, I will discuss some of the ethical considerations in providing care as a trainee and identify potential barriers to best practices, particularly as they relate to procedural dermatology.

Tell Patients You Are in Training

In every patient encounter, we must introduce ourselves as a trainee. The principle of right to the truth dictates that we are transparent about our level of training and do not misrepresent ourselves to our patients. A statement released by the American Medical Association (AMA) Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs asserts that “[p]atients should be informed of the identity and training status of individuals involved in their care.”1

Although straightforward in theory, this mandate is not always simple in practice. With patients unfamiliar with the health care system, it could be more onerous to clearly communicate training status than simply introducing oneself as a resident. A study conducted in the emergency department at Vanderbilt University Hospital (Nashville, Tennessee) found that many patients and their family members (N=430) did not understand the various roles and responsibilities of physicians in the teaching hospital setting. For example, 30% believed an attending physician requires supervision by a resident, and an additional 17% of those surveyed were not sure.2 The AMA requests we “refrain from using terms that may be confusing when describing the training status of the students,”1 which evidently is audience specific. Thus, as with any type of patient education, a thorough introduction may require assessment of understanding.

Disclosure of Experience Level With a Particular Procedure

There is a clear professional expectation that we disclose to patients that we are in training; however, a universal standard does not exist for disclosure of our exact level of experience in a particular procedure. Do we need to tell patients if it is our first time performing a given procedure? What if it is our tenth? Multiple studies have found that patients want specifics. In one study of bariatric surgery patients (N=108), 93% felt that they should always be informed if it was the first time a trainee was performing a particular procedure.3 A study conducted in the emergency department setting (N=202) also found that the majority of patients thought they should be informed if a resident was performing a procedure for the first time, but the distribution differed by procedure (66% for suturing vs 82% for lumbar puncture).4

Despite these findings, this degree of specificity is not always discussed with patients and perhaps does not need to be. LaRosa and Grant-Kels5 analyzed a hypothetical scenario in which a dermatology resident is to perform his first excision under attending supervision and concluded that broad disclosure of training status would suffice in the given scenario, as it would not be necessary to state that it was his first time performing an excision. It is unclear if the same conclusion could be drawn for all procedures and levels of experience. Outcome data would help inform the analysis, but the available data are from other specialties including general surgery, gynecology, and urology. Some studies demonstrate an increased risk of adverse outcomes with trainee involvement in procedures such as bariatric surgery and emergency general surgery, but the data are mixed and may not be generalizable to dermatologic procedures.6-8



The appropriate level of detail to disclose regarding a physician’s experience may need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and the principles of informed consent can help. Informed consent requires understanding of the diagnosis, the treatment options including nonintervention, and the risks and benefits of each alternative. In obtaining informed consent, we must disclose “any facts which are necessary to form the basis of an intelligent consent by the patient to the proposed treatment.”9 Providers must determine what aspects of a trainee’s experience level are relevant to the risk-benefit analysis in a given set of circumstances. Surely, there is a large degree of subjectivity in this determination as data are limited, but information deemed relevant must be shared. Information that is inconsequential, on the other hand, may be omitted. It could even be argued that more detailed information, especially if it may cause anxiety, would be detrimental to share. For example, we would not list the chemical name of every preservative in every vaccine we recommend for children if there is no evidence of inflicting harm. If the information has not been shown to have clinical impact or affect safety concerns, the anxiety may be undue.

Withholding Information Can Violate Ethical Principles

We must be careful not to withhold details of our experience level with a particular procedure for the wrong reasons. It would be wrong, for example, to withhold information simply to avoid causing anxiety, which could be seen as an invocation of therapeutic privilege, a controversial practice of withholding important information that poses a psychological threat to the patient. A classic example is the physician who defers disclosure of a terminal diagnosis to preserve hope. Although therapeutic privilege theoretically promotes the principle of beneficence, it violates the principles of autonomy and right to truth and therefore generally is regarded as unethically paternalistic in modern medical ethics.9

Patients Can Refuse Trainee Participation

It also is unethical to withhold information to obtain consent and avoid refusal of our care. Refusal of trainee participation is not uncommon. In the aforementioned study of bariatric surgery patients, 92.4% supported their procedure being performed at a teaching hospital, but only 56% would consent to a resident assisting staff during the procedure. A mere 33% of those patients would consent to a resident primarily performing with staff assisting.3 Although the proportion of patients who refuse certainly depends on the type of procedure among other factors, it is a reality in any teaching environment. The training paradigm in medicine depends on being able to practice procedures with supervision before we are independent providers. If patients refuse our care, our training suffers. However, the AMA maintains that “[p]atients are free to choose from whom they receive treatment,”1 and we must respect this aspect of patient autonomy.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to the performance of procedures, there are a few basic principles to keep in mind to provide ethical care to our patients while we are in training. Although we must accept that a crucial part of learning dermatologic procedures is hands on with real patients, we also need to come prepared having learned what we can through reading and practice with cadavers or skin substitutes. Procedures we execute as residents should be performed with adequate supervision, and as we progress through residency, we should be given increased autonomy and graded responsibility to prepare us for independent practice at graduation. Although it is the responsibility of the attending physician to provide appropriate oversight for the resident’s level of training, we should feel empowered to ask for help and have the humility to know when we need it.

  1. Medical student involvement in patient care: report of the council on ethical and judicial affairs. Virtual Mentor. 2001;3. doi:10.1001/virtualmentor.2001.3.3.code1-0103.
  2. Santen S, Hemphill RR, Prough E, et al. Do patients understand their physician’s level of training? a survey of emergency department patients. Acad Med. 2004;79:139-143.
  3. McClellan JM, Nelson D, Porta CR, et al. Bariatric surgery patient perceptions and willingness to consent to resident participation. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2016;12:1065-1071.
  4. Santen SA, Hemphill RR, McDonald MF, et al. Patients’ willingness to allow residents to learn to practice medical procedures. Acad Med. 2004;79:144-147.
  5. LaRosa C, Grant-Kels JM. See one, do one, teach one: the ethical dilemma of residents performing their first procedure on patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:845-848.
  6. Can MF. The trainee effect on early postoperative surgical outcomes: reflects the effect of resident involvement or hospital capacity to overcome complications? J Invest Surg. 2017;31:67-68.
  7. Goldberg I, Yang J, Park J, et al. Surgical trainee impact on bariatric surgery safety [published online November 13, 2018]. Surg Endosc. doi:10.1007/s00464-018-6587-0.
  8. Kasotakis G, Lakha A, Sarkar B, et al. Trainee participation is associated with adverse outcomes in emergency general surgery: an analysis of the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database. Ann Surg. 2014;3:483-490.
  9. Richard C, Lajeunesse Y, Lussier MT. Therapeutic privilege: between the ethics of lying and the practice of truth. J Med Ethics. 2010;36:353-357.
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Author and Disclosure Information

From the Department of Dermatology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio.

The author reports no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Elisabeth H. Tracey, MD, Department of Dermatology, 9500 Euclid Ave, A60, Cleveland, OH 44195 (

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Author and Disclosure Information

From the Department of Dermatology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio.

The author reports no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Elisabeth H. Tracey, MD, Department of Dermatology, 9500 Euclid Ave, A60, Cleveland, OH 44195 (

Author and Disclosure Information

From the Department of Dermatology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio.

The author reports no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Elisabeth H. Tracey, MD, Department of Dermatology, 9500 Euclid Ave, A60, Cleveland, OH 44195 (

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It is an uncomfortable and unavoidable reality as physicians that for every procedure we learn, there must be a first time we perform it. As with any type of skill, it takes practice to become proficient. The unique challenge in medicine is that the practice involves performing procedures on real patients. We cannot avoid the hands-on nature of the training process; we can, however, approach its ethical challenges mindfully. Herein, I will discuss some of the ethical considerations in providing care as a trainee and identify potential barriers to best practices, particularly as they relate to procedural dermatology.

Tell Patients You Are in Training

In every patient encounter, we must introduce ourselves as a trainee. The principle of right to the truth dictates that we are transparent about our level of training and do not misrepresent ourselves to our patients. A statement released by the American Medical Association (AMA) Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs asserts that “[p]atients should be informed of the identity and training status of individuals involved in their care.”1

Although straightforward in theory, this mandate is not always simple in practice. With patients unfamiliar with the health care system, it could be more onerous to clearly communicate training status than simply introducing oneself as a resident. A study conducted in the emergency department at Vanderbilt University Hospital (Nashville, Tennessee) found that many patients and their family members (N=430) did not understand the various roles and responsibilities of physicians in the teaching hospital setting. For example, 30% believed an attending physician requires supervision by a resident, and an additional 17% of those surveyed were not sure.2 The AMA requests we “refrain from using terms that may be confusing when describing the training status of the students,”1 which evidently is audience specific. Thus, as with any type of patient education, a thorough introduction may require assessment of understanding.

Disclosure of Experience Level With a Particular Procedure

There is a clear professional expectation that we disclose to patients that we are in training; however, a universal standard does not exist for disclosure of our exact level of experience in a particular procedure. Do we need to tell patients if it is our first time performing a given procedure? What if it is our tenth? Multiple studies have found that patients want specifics. In one study of bariatric surgery patients (N=108), 93% felt that they should always be informed if it was the first time a trainee was performing a particular procedure.3 A study conducted in the emergency department setting (N=202) also found that the majority of patients thought they should be informed if a resident was performing a procedure for the first time, but the distribution differed by procedure (66% for suturing vs 82% for lumbar puncture).4

Despite these findings, this degree of specificity is not always discussed with patients and perhaps does not need to be. LaRosa and Grant-Kels5 analyzed a hypothetical scenario in which a dermatology resident is to perform his first excision under attending supervision and concluded that broad disclosure of training status would suffice in the given scenario, as it would not be necessary to state that it was his first time performing an excision. It is unclear if the same conclusion could be drawn for all procedures and levels of experience. Outcome data would help inform the analysis, but the available data are from other specialties including general surgery, gynecology, and urology. Some studies demonstrate an increased risk of adverse outcomes with trainee involvement in procedures such as bariatric surgery and emergency general surgery, but the data are mixed and may not be generalizable to dermatologic procedures.6-8



The appropriate level of detail to disclose regarding a physician’s experience may need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and the principles of informed consent can help. Informed consent requires understanding of the diagnosis, the treatment options including nonintervention, and the risks and benefits of each alternative. In obtaining informed consent, we must disclose “any facts which are necessary to form the basis of an intelligent consent by the patient to the proposed treatment.”9 Providers must determine what aspects of a trainee’s experience level are relevant to the risk-benefit analysis in a given set of circumstances. Surely, there is a large degree of subjectivity in this determination as data are limited, but information deemed relevant must be shared. Information that is inconsequential, on the other hand, may be omitted. It could even be argued that more detailed information, especially if it may cause anxiety, would be detrimental to share. For example, we would not list the chemical name of every preservative in every vaccine we recommend for children if there is no evidence of inflicting harm. If the information has not been shown to have clinical impact or affect safety concerns, the anxiety may be undue.

Withholding Information Can Violate Ethical Principles

We must be careful not to withhold details of our experience level with a particular procedure for the wrong reasons. It would be wrong, for example, to withhold information simply to avoid causing anxiety, which could be seen as an invocation of therapeutic privilege, a controversial practice of withholding important information that poses a psychological threat to the patient. A classic example is the physician who defers disclosure of a terminal diagnosis to preserve hope. Although therapeutic privilege theoretically promotes the principle of beneficence, it violates the principles of autonomy and right to truth and therefore generally is regarded as unethically paternalistic in modern medical ethics.9

Patients Can Refuse Trainee Participation

It also is unethical to withhold information to obtain consent and avoid refusal of our care. Refusal of trainee participation is not uncommon. In the aforementioned study of bariatric surgery patients, 92.4% supported their procedure being performed at a teaching hospital, but only 56% would consent to a resident assisting staff during the procedure. A mere 33% of those patients would consent to a resident primarily performing with staff assisting.3 Although the proportion of patients who refuse certainly depends on the type of procedure among other factors, it is a reality in any teaching environment. The training paradigm in medicine depends on being able to practice procedures with supervision before we are independent providers. If patients refuse our care, our training suffers. However, the AMA maintains that “[p]atients are free to choose from whom they receive treatment,”1 and we must respect this aspect of patient autonomy.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to the performance of procedures, there are a few basic principles to keep in mind to provide ethical care to our patients while we are in training. Although we must accept that a crucial part of learning dermatologic procedures is hands on with real patients, we also need to come prepared having learned what we can through reading and practice with cadavers or skin substitutes. Procedures we execute as residents should be performed with adequate supervision, and as we progress through residency, we should be given increased autonomy and graded responsibility to prepare us for independent practice at graduation. Although it is the responsibility of the attending physician to provide appropriate oversight for the resident’s level of training, we should feel empowered to ask for help and have the humility to know when we need it.

It is an uncomfortable and unavoidable reality as physicians that for every procedure we learn, there must be a first time we perform it. As with any type of skill, it takes practice to become proficient. The unique challenge in medicine is that the practice involves performing procedures on real patients. We cannot avoid the hands-on nature of the training process; we can, however, approach its ethical challenges mindfully. Herein, I will discuss some of the ethical considerations in providing care as a trainee and identify potential barriers to best practices, particularly as they relate to procedural dermatology.

Tell Patients You Are in Training

In every patient encounter, we must introduce ourselves as a trainee. The principle of right to the truth dictates that we are transparent about our level of training and do not misrepresent ourselves to our patients. A statement released by the American Medical Association (AMA) Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs asserts that “[p]atients should be informed of the identity and training status of individuals involved in their care.”1

Although straightforward in theory, this mandate is not always simple in practice. With patients unfamiliar with the health care system, it could be more onerous to clearly communicate training status than simply introducing oneself as a resident. A study conducted in the emergency department at Vanderbilt University Hospital (Nashville, Tennessee) found that many patients and their family members (N=430) did not understand the various roles and responsibilities of physicians in the teaching hospital setting. For example, 30% believed an attending physician requires supervision by a resident, and an additional 17% of those surveyed were not sure.2 The AMA requests we “refrain from using terms that may be confusing when describing the training status of the students,”1 which evidently is audience specific. Thus, as with any type of patient education, a thorough introduction may require assessment of understanding.

Disclosure of Experience Level With a Particular Procedure

There is a clear professional expectation that we disclose to patients that we are in training; however, a universal standard does not exist for disclosure of our exact level of experience in a particular procedure. Do we need to tell patients if it is our first time performing a given procedure? What if it is our tenth? Multiple studies have found that patients want specifics. In one study of bariatric surgery patients (N=108), 93% felt that they should always be informed if it was the first time a trainee was performing a particular procedure.3 A study conducted in the emergency department setting (N=202) also found that the majority of patients thought they should be informed if a resident was performing a procedure for the first time, but the distribution differed by procedure (66% for suturing vs 82% for lumbar puncture).4

Despite these findings, this degree of specificity is not always discussed with patients and perhaps does not need to be. LaRosa and Grant-Kels5 analyzed a hypothetical scenario in which a dermatology resident is to perform his first excision under attending supervision and concluded that broad disclosure of training status would suffice in the given scenario, as it would not be necessary to state that it was his first time performing an excision. It is unclear if the same conclusion could be drawn for all procedures and levels of experience. Outcome data would help inform the analysis, but the available data are from other specialties including general surgery, gynecology, and urology. Some studies demonstrate an increased risk of adverse outcomes with trainee involvement in procedures such as bariatric surgery and emergency general surgery, but the data are mixed and may not be generalizable to dermatologic procedures.6-8



The appropriate level of detail to disclose regarding a physician’s experience may need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and the principles of informed consent can help. Informed consent requires understanding of the diagnosis, the treatment options including nonintervention, and the risks and benefits of each alternative. In obtaining informed consent, we must disclose “any facts which are necessary to form the basis of an intelligent consent by the patient to the proposed treatment.”9 Providers must determine what aspects of a trainee’s experience level are relevant to the risk-benefit analysis in a given set of circumstances. Surely, there is a large degree of subjectivity in this determination as data are limited, but information deemed relevant must be shared. Information that is inconsequential, on the other hand, may be omitted. It could even be argued that more detailed information, especially if it may cause anxiety, would be detrimental to share. For example, we would not list the chemical name of every preservative in every vaccine we recommend for children if there is no evidence of inflicting harm. If the information has not been shown to have clinical impact or affect safety concerns, the anxiety may be undue.

Withholding Information Can Violate Ethical Principles

We must be careful not to withhold details of our experience level with a particular procedure for the wrong reasons. It would be wrong, for example, to withhold information simply to avoid causing anxiety, which could be seen as an invocation of therapeutic privilege, a controversial practice of withholding important information that poses a psychological threat to the patient. A classic example is the physician who defers disclosure of a terminal diagnosis to preserve hope. Although therapeutic privilege theoretically promotes the principle of beneficence, it violates the principles of autonomy and right to truth and therefore generally is regarded as unethically paternalistic in modern medical ethics.9

Patients Can Refuse Trainee Participation

It also is unethical to withhold information to obtain consent and avoid refusal of our care. Refusal of trainee participation is not uncommon. In the aforementioned study of bariatric surgery patients, 92.4% supported their procedure being performed at a teaching hospital, but only 56% would consent to a resident assisting staff during the procedure. A mere 33% of those patients would consent to a resident primarily performing with staff assisting.3 Although the proportion of patients who refuse certainly depends on the type of procedure among other factors, it is a reality in any teaching environment. The training paradigm in medicine depends on being able to practice procedures with supervision before we are independent providers. If patients refuse our care, our training suffers. However, the AMA maintains that “[p]atients are free to choose from whom they receive treatment,”1 and we must respect this aspect of patient autonomy.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to the performance of procedures, there are a few basic principles to keep in mind to provide ethical care to our patients while we are in training. Although we must accept that a crucial part of learning dermatologic procedures is hands on with real patients, we also need to come prepared having learned what we can through reading and practice with cadavers or skin substitutes. Procedures we execute as residents should be performed with adequate supervision, and as we progress through residency, we should be given increased autonomy and graded responsibility to prepare us for independent practice at graduation. Although it is the responsibility of the attending physician to provide appropriate oversight for the resident’s level of training, we should feel empowered to ask for help and have the humility to know when we need it.

  1. Medical student involvement in patient care: report of the council on ethical and judicial affairs. Virtual Mentor. 2001;3. doi:10.1001/virtualmentor.2001.3.3.code1-0103.
  2. Santen S, Hemphill RR, Prough E, et al. Do patients understand their physician’s level of training? a survey of emergency department patients. Acad Med. 2004;79:139-143.
  3. McClellan JM, Nelson D, Porta CR, et al. Bariatric surgery patient perceptions and willingness to consent to resident participation. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2016;12:1065-1071.
  4. Santen SA, Hemphill RR, McDonald MF, et al. Patients’ willingness to allow residents to learn to practice medical procedures. Acad Med. 2004;79:144-147.
  5. LaRosa C, Grant-Kels JM. See one, do one, teach one: the ethical dilemma of residents performing their first procedure on patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:845-848.
  6. Can MF. The trainee effect on early postoperative surgical outcomes: reflects the effect of resident involvement or hospital capacity to overcome complications? J Invest Surg. 2017;31:67-68.
  7. Goldberg I, Yang J, Park J, et al. Surgical trainee impact on bariatric surgery safety [published online November 13, 2018]. Surg Endosc. doi:10.1007/s00464-018-6587-0.
  8. Kasotakis G, Lakha A, Sarkar B, et al. Trainee participation is associated with adverse outcomes in emergency general surgery: an analysis of the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database. Ann Surg. 2014;3:483-490.
  9. Richard C, Lajeunesse Y, Lussier MT. Therapeutic privilege: between the ethics of lying and the practice of truth. J Med Ethics. 2010;36:353-357.
  1. Medical student involvement in patient care: report of the council on ethical and judicial affairs. Virtual Mentor. 2001;3. doi:10.1001/virtualmentor.2001.3.3.code1-0103.
  2. Santen S, Hemphill RR, Prough E, et al. Do patients understand their physician’s level of training? a survey of emergency department patients. Acad Med. 2004;79:139-143.
  3. McClellan JM, Nelson D, Porta CR, et al. Bariatric surgery patient perceptions and willingness to consent to resident participation. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2016;12:1065-1071.
  4. Santen SA, Hemphill RR, McDonald MF, et al. Patients’ willingness to allow residents to learn to practice medical procedures. Acad Med. 2004;79:144-147.
  5. LaRosa C, Grant-Kels JM. See one, do one, teach one: the ethical dilemma of residents performing their first procedure on patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:845-848.
  6. Can MF. The trainee effect on early postoperative surgical outcomes: reflects the effect of resident involvement or hospital capacity to overcome complications? J Invest Surg. 2017;31:67-68.
  7. Goldberg I, Yang J, Park J, et al. Surgical trainee impact on bariatric surgery safety [published online November 13, 2018]. Surg Endosc. doi:10.1007/s00464-018-6587-0.
  8. Kasotakis G, Lakha A, Sarkar B, et al. Trainee participation is associated with adverse outcomes in emergency general surgery: an analysis of the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database. Ann Surg. 2014;3:483-490.
  9. Richard C, Lajeunesse Y, Lussier MT. Therapeutic privilege: between the ethics of lying and the practice of truth. J Med Ethics. 2010;36:353-357.
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Surgical Dermatoethics for the Trainee
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Surgical Dermatoethics for the Trainee
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Resident Pearl

  • As residents, we must gain experience performing procedures on real patients to enter independent practice as proficient dermatologists. It is important to be mindful of the ethical challenges inherent to the hands-on training process and to understand the ethical principles that guide best practices.
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