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Firearms Mortality Among US Schoolchildren

Am J Med; ePub 2019 Mar 25; Rubenstein, et al

Firearm-related mortality among US schoolchildren has reached epidemic proportions, especially among blacks and those aged 15-18 years, a new study found. Researchers explored temporal trends in mortality from firearms among US schoolchildren from 1999 to 2017 by age and race. They found:

  • During the study period, the 38,942 deaths due to firearms in school-aged children ranged from 340 per year at age 5-14 to 2,050 at age15-18 years.
  • Firearm-related mortality among school-age children reached epidemic proportions among those aged 5-14 years in 2009 and among those aged 15-18 years in 2014.
  • Blacks accounted for 41% of overall deaths, but only 17% of the school-age deaths and 86% of all deaths were in boys.
  • The top intents were assault (61%) and suicide (32%).


Rubenstein A, Wood SK, Levine RS, Hennekens CH. Alarming trends in mortality from firearms among United States schoolchildren. [Published online ahead of print March 25, 2019]. Am J Med. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2019.02.012.