Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
Rapalink-1 slows tumor growth in prostate cancer
Key clinical point: The dual mTORC1-2 inhibitor Rapalink-1 reduced tumor growth in prostate cancer cells in a mouse model.
Major finding: Treating mice with Rapalink-1 every 6 days resulted in significantly reduced tumor growth and decreased expression of CD44 based on tumor size and Ki67 staining on lysates-matched tumor sections.
Study details: The data come from a molecular analysis of breast and prostate cancer bone metastasis using patient-derived xenografts (PDX) from 5 prostate cancer patients and 4 breast cancer patients and an organoid-based drug screen.
Disclosures: The study was supported by Grant # UL2015-7599 (KWF), # 169352 (SNSF), and # 179265 (SNSF) awarded to study coauthors. The researchers had no financial conflicts to disclose.
La Manna F et al. Front Oncol. 2021 Feb 3. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.01012.