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Testosterone Therapy to Prevent T2D in Men

Diabetes Care; ePub 2019 Mar 18; Yassin, et al

Long-term testosterone therapy completely prevents prediabetes progression to type 2 diabetes (T2D) in men with hypogonadism while improving glycemia, lipids, and Aging Males’ Symptoms (AMS) score, a new study found. 316 men with prediabetes and total testosterone levels ≤12.1 nmol/L combined with symptoms of hypogonadism were analyzed. 297 men received parenteral testosterone undecanoate (T-group), and 87 men with hypogonadism served as the untreated control group. Metabolic and anthropometric parameters were measured twice yearly for 8 years. Researchers found:

  • HbA1c decreased by 0.39 ±0.03% in the T-group and increased by 0.63 ±0.1% in the untreated group.
  • In the T-group, 90% achieved normal glucose regulation.
  • In the untreated group, 40.2% progressed to T2D.
  • Testosterone therapy was also associated with significant improvements in fasting glucose, triglyceride:HDL ratio, triglyceride-glucose index, lipid accumulation product, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides, and AMS scale.


Yassin A, Haider A, Haider KS, et al. Testosterone therapy in men with hypogonadism prevents progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes: Eight-year data from a registry study. [Published online ahead of print March 18, 2019]. Diabetes Care. doi:10.2337/dc18-2388.