Survivor’s story foreshadows one of oncology’s greatest successes

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Fri, 12/16/2022 - 11:25

At 32 years old, the world was at Larry Unger’s feet. He was vice president at one of Wall Street’s most successful investment management firms, selling mutual funds to more than 1,000 brokers across New York. His clients relied on him for good advice, great jokes, and superlative Yankees tickets. His recent memories included fraternity days at Cornell University and a Harvard law degree. His childhood on the Lower East Side was behind him. He had his own apartment and a beautiful girlfriend.

Then his back started hurting, and he was drenched in sweat at night. His physician suggested it was a basketball injury. Weeks of tests followed, and he changed doctors. Mr. Unger met with an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center who wouldn’t let him go home after the appointment. The next day brought exploratory surgery and an answer to all the questions.

Larry Unger

Mr. Unger was diagnosed with stage IIIB Hodgkin lymphoma.

Thirty years later, Mr. Unger credited his survival to the late Subhash Gulati, MD, PhD, then MSKCC’s director of stem cell transplantation. He still recalls Dr. Gulati’s words to him: “Radical situations call for radical solutions.” In 1992, that “radical solution” was an autologous bone-marrow transplant.

“Mr. Unger was a patient pioneer,” said Kenneth Offit, MD, another MSKCC oncologist who also cared for him at that time.

To mark the 30th anniversary of Larry’s pioneering transplant, this news organization compared treatments for Hodgkin disease then and now – a revolutionary change that some hematologist/oncologists consider among the great successes in their field.

Transplantation for Hodgkin: The early 90s

Hodgkin lymphoma is fairly rare, accounting for just 0.5% of all cancers and 15% of lymphomas. It tends to target young, male adults like Mr. Unger. Today 88% of patients with Hodgkin survive at least 5 years.

When Dr. Gulati offered Mr. Unger his “radical solution” 3 decades ago, the idea of autologous bone marrow transplantation in Hodgkin lymphoma was not new. The first attempt appeared in the literature in the 1950s, but it was still unclear how patients could survive the procedure. It involved destroying the patient’s own immune system prior to the transplant, a huge risk in itself. Worse, the patient was pummeled with chemotherapy and/or radiation to clear out the cancerous bone marrow – a process called “conditioning.”

However, throughout the 1980s, MSKCC had been running clinical trials to perfect the conditioning mix, so by 1992 Dr. Gulati was well-placed to help Mr. Unger.

It is unclear what conditioning Mr. Unger received because his records were not made available. However, around the time that Mr. Unger underwent his transplant, Dr. Gulati and colleagues published the conditioning regimens in use at MSKCC. Patients with refractory or relapsed Hodgkin disease received a conditioning mix of total nodal irradiation (TNI), etoposide (Vepesid) and cyclophosphamide. Patients who had already been through radiotherapy were given carmustine instead of TNI.

In that early publication, Dr. Gulati and the MSKCC team reported 0 “toxic deaths” with the TNI mix, and at the 2-year point 75% of the patients were still alive (n = 28). Patients who had already received radiation treatment did less well, with 55% survival at 2 years, at a cost of 14% toxic deaths (n = 22).



Mr. Unger’s experience, 30 years ago

According to Mr. Unger, the initial treatment for his stage IIIB Hodgkin lymphoma was MOPP (mechlorethamine hydrochloride, vincristine sulfate, procarbazine hydrochloride, and prednisone) plus ABVD (doxorubicin hydrochloride, bleomycin sulfate, vinblastine sulfate, and dacarbazine).

“They wanted to give me two chemo programs at once because they said I was very sick,” Mr. Unger recalled. “I wound up staying in the hospital quite a bit because every time I got these [treatments] I’d get a fever. This went on for month after month after month. Finally, they said: ‘The tumors are starting to shrink. ... I want you to meet Dr. Gulati.’ ”

Mr. Unger said that Dr. Gulati told him: “There is another procedure called the bone marrow transplant which we’ve been doing. This would be like hitting it with a nuclear weapon. We would really wipe it out and make sure that you never come back.”

The alternative was high-dose radiotherapy. However, Dr. Gulati shared MSKCC’s hard-won knowledge that an autologous transplant was less successful after radiation. Dr. Gulati also told Mr. Unger that surgery was needed before the transplant: a laparotomy to restage his tumors.

After discussing the situation with his father, Mr. Unger decided to undergo the transplant.

The night before treatment started, he was laughing and joking with a friend in his room at MSKCC. The next day, the laughing stopped. The conditioning, he said, “was harrowing beyond belief ... 100 times worse than the chemo.”

Chemotherapy came first, followed 2 days later by radiation, presumably TNI. Mr. Unger experienced constant vomiting, intraocular bleeding and high fevers; the soft tissue of his throat “fell apart,” he said.

“I couldn’t move. It was like being dead,” he said. “Finally, maybe after a month or so, I could finally have a little water.” Mr. Unger said his immune system took 6-8 weeks to recover. He concluded, with heroic understatement, “it was rough.”

The battle against Hodgkin was over, but fallout from the chemotherapy lingered. Although Mr. Unger was able to return to his family and the job he loved, in the following years he was never entirely well. He contracted shingles soon after his transplant, then diabetes within 15 years. A heart attack followed in 2008 then, in 2015, an autoimmune disease that still affects his mobility.

However, Mr. Unger remains grateful: “The fact that we did these cutting-edge techniques with me got me to the point where – although I had some problems afterward, and I have problems now – it gave me well over 30 years of a really great life.”

“There are a lot of good doctors out there,” he added. “Some of them go to extraordinary lengths to help people. I try to do the same with the extra 30 years I’ve been given, try to be nice to people and make people feel good. I don’t really see any other reason to be on earth.”

Treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma: 2022

For a comparison of Mr. Unger’s experience with the current approach to Hodgkin lymphoma, this news organization spoke to Miguel-Angel Perales, MD, current chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service at MSKCC. Although Dr. Perales could not comment specifically on Mr. Unger’s case without his records, Dr. Perales was able to review the revolutions in treatment for all patients over the past 30 years.

Dr. Miguel-Angel Perales

Certainly, physicians no longer need to inflict a laparotomy on patients just to stage the disease, Dr. Perales said. “This sounds barbaric today. Nowadays we have PET scans.”

Another key change, Dr. Perales said, is in the up-front management of the disease.

For example, MOPP “is going back to the prehistory of chemotherapy,” Dr. Perales said. He was not surprised to learn that Mr. Unger later developed complications such as diabetes and heart disease.

“We’ve completely revolutionized the treatment,” Dr. Perales said. “We [now] use combinations that are much less toxic than MOPP, [and] we’re curing more patients up front.” Treatment is tailored by stage and the likelihood of response to therapy. Aggressive approaches are reserved for patients more likely to fail treatment.

Pretransplant conditioning has also changed for the better, with less toxicity and fewer long-term complications. Total body irradiation has “fallen by the wayside,” said Dr. Perales. Instead, patients get BEAM, a combination of carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine (Cytosar-U, Ara-C), and melphalan (Alkeran), 1 week before the transplant.

Perhaps the most profound change, which began in the 1990s shortly after Larry’s transplant, was that peripheral-blood stem cells gradually replaced bone marrow for both autologous and allogeneic transplant. In 2022, nearly all autologous transplants use peripheral-blood stem cells.

Instead of onerous bone-marrow aspiration in the operating room, the stem cells are collected from the patient’s blood. First, the patient’s bone marrow is hyperstimulated with high doses of filgrastim (G-CSF, Neupogen, Granix) for several days. Stem cells spill into the patient’s blood. Once blood is collected from the patient, the stem cells are separated and stored ready for the transplant. (In theory, stem cell products are “cancer free”; in practice there may be some contaminating cells, said Dr. Perales.)

Nowadays “transplanting” the stem cells back into the body bears no relation to what happened in 1992. The stem-cell infusion is typically an outpatient procedure, and one-third of patients may never be admitted to the hospital at all.

In contrast to Mr. Unger’s excruciating 8-week hospital stay, immune recovery currently takes 12-14 days, often entirely in the patient’s own home, with the option of extra filgrastim to speed things up.

Despite these profound changes, said Dr. Perales, the real quantum leap has occurred post transplant.

In 2015, a multinational team led by MSKCC’s Dr. Craig Moskowitz published a trial in the Lancet showing that brentuximab vedotin halved the risk of relapse after autologous transplantation in high-risk Hodgkin lymphoma patients versus placebo (hazard ratio, 0.57; P = .0013; n = 329). The CD30-directed antibody-drug conjugate was so successful that the placebo patients were encouraged to cross over into the treatment group; many of them were salvaged.

As a result, Dr. Perales said, brentuximab vedotin has now become the standard in high-risk Hodgkin patients following a transplant.

The checkpoint inhibitors nivolumab (Opdivo) and pembrolizumab (Keytruda) have also been “transformational” in Hodgkin lymphoma, Dr. Perales said. He explained that Hodgkin lymphoma is “exquisitely sensitive” to these therapies because the disease expresses high levels of the binding proteins for these drugs. This allows the immunotherapies to hit both the immune system and the disease.

Most cancers have response rates for checkpoint inhibitors below 40%, according to a recent analysis by Anas Younes, former chief of lymphoma at MSKCC, and his colleague Eri Matsuki, then a visiting fellow. By contrast, in Hodgkin lymphoma response to these drugs is 66%-87%.

Dr. Perales said: “It tells you how effective these drugs are, that we could move from somebody getting MOPP, which is like throwing a nuclear bomb at somebody, to a combination of two drugs that can easily be given out-patient and that have very little, if any, side effects.”

The future: No chemo, no transplants?

“One of the holy grails in Hodgkin would be if we could treat patients with the combination of a checkpoint inhibitor and brentuximab and what is being termed the ‘chemotherapy-free’ approach to Hodgkin disease,” said Dr. Perales.

What else remains to be done in the world of transplants for Hodgkin lymphoma?

Dr. Perales didn’t hesitate: “To eliminate the need for them. If we can have better targeted therapy up front that cures more patients, then we never even have to consider transplant. Basically, to put me out of work. I’m sure I’ll find other things to do.”

The current treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma “is really what we all consider one of the successes in oncology,” said Dr. Perales. “It’s a beautiful story.”

Dr. Perales reported receiving honoraria from numerous pharmaceutical companies; serves on data and safety monitoring boards for Cidara Therapeutics, Medigene, Sellas Life Sciences, and Servier; and serves on the scientific advisory board of NexImmune. He has ownership interests in NexImmune and Omeros, and has received institutional research support for clinical trials from Incyte, Kite/Gilead, Miltenyi Biotec, Nektar Therapeutics, and Novartis.


At 32 years old, the world was at Larry Unger’s feet. He was vice president at one of Wall Street’s most successful investment management firms, selling mutual funds to more than 1,000 brokers across New York. His clients relied on him for good advice, great jokes, and superlative Yankees tickets. His recent memories included fraternity days at Cornell University and a Harvard law degree. His childhood on the Lower East Side was behind him. He had his own apartment and a beautiful girlfriend.

Then his back started hurting, and he was drenched in sweat at night. His physician suggested it was a basketball injury. Weeks of tests followed, and he changed doctors. Mr. Unger met with an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center who wouldn’t let him go home after the appointment. The next day brought exploratory surgery and an answer to all the questions.

Larry Unger

Mr. Unger was diagnosed with stage IIIB Hodgkin lymphoma.

Thirty years later, Mr. Unger credited his survival to the late Subhash Gulati, MD, PhD, then MSKCC’s director of stem cell transplantation. He still recalls Dr. Gulati’s words to him: “Radical situations call for radical solutions.” In 1992, that “radical solution” was an autologous bone-marrow transplant.

“Mr. Unger was a patient pioneer,” said Kenneth Offit, MD, another MSKCC oncologist who also cared for him at that time.

To mark the 30th anniversary of Larry’s pioneering transplant, this news organization compared treatments for Hodgkin disease then and now – a revolutionary change that some hematologist/oncologists consider among the great successes in their field.

Transplantation for Hodgkin: The early 90s

Hodgkin lymphoma is fairly rare, accounting for just 0.5% of all cancers and 15% of lymphomas. It tends to target young, male adults like Mr. Unger. Today 88% of patients with Hodgkin survive at least 5 years.

When Dr. Gulati offered Mr. Unger his “radical solution” 3 decades ago, the idea of autologous bone marrow transplantation in Hodgkin lymphoma was not new. The first attempt appeared in the literature in the 1950s, but it was still unclear how patients could survive the procedure. It involved destroying the patient’s own immune system prior to the transplant, a huge risk in itself. Worse, the patient was pummeled with chemotherapy and/or radiation to clear out the cancerous bone marrow – a process called “conditioning.”

However, throughout the 1980s, MSKCC had been running clinical trials to perfect the conditioning mix, so by 1992 Dr. Gulati was well-placed to help Mr. Unger.

It is unclear what conditioning Mr. Unger received because his records were not made available. However, around the time that Mr. Unger underwent his transplant, Dr. Gulati and colleagues published the conditioning regimens in use at MSKCC. Patients with refractory or relapsed Hodgkin disease received a conditioning mix of total nodal irradiation (TNI), etoposide (Vepesid) and cyclophosphamide. Patients who had already been through radiotherapy were given carmustine instead of TNI.

In that early publication, Dr. Gulati and the MSKCC team reported 0 “toxic deaths” with the TNI mix, and at the 2-year point 75% of the patients were still alive (n = 28). Patients who had already received radiation treatment did less well, with 55% survival at 2 years, at a cost of 14% toxic deaths (n = 22).



Mr. Unger’s experience, 30 years ago

According to Mr. Unger, the initial treatment for his stage IIIB Hodgkin lymphoma was MOPP (mechlorethamine hydrochloride, vincristine sulfate, procarbazine hydrochloride, and prednisone) plus ABVD (doxorubicin hydrochloride, bleomycin sulfate, vinblastine sulfate, and dacarbazine).

“They wanted to give me two chemo programs at once because they said I was very sick,” Mr. Unger recalled. “I wound up staying in the hospital quite a bit because every time I got these [treatments] I’d get a fever. This went on for month after month after month. Finally, they said: ‘The tumors are starting to shrink. ... I want you to meet Dr. Gulati.’ ”

Mr. Unger said that Dr. Gulati told him: “There is another procedure called the bone marrow transplant which we’ve been doing. This would be like hitting it with a nuclear weapon. We would really wipe it out and make sure that you never come back.”

The alternative was high-dose radiotherapy. However, Dr. Gulati shared MSKCC’s hard-won knowledge that an autologous transplant was less successful after radiation. Dr. Gulati also told Mr. Unger that surgery was needed before the transplant: a laparotomy to restage his tumors.

After discussing the situation with his father, Mr. Unger decided to undergo the transplant.

The night before treatment started, he was laughing and joking with a friend in his room at MSKCC. The next day, the laughing stopped. The conditioning, he said, “was harrowing beyond belief ... 100 times worse than the chemo.”

Chemotherapy came first, followed 2 days later by radiation, presumably TNI. Mr. Unger experienced constant vomiting, intraocular bleeding and high fevers; the soft tissue of his throat “fell apart,” he said.

“I couldn’t move. It was like being dead,” he said. “Finally, maybe after a month or so, I could finally have a little water.” Mr. Unger said his immune system took 6-8 weeks to recover. He concluded, with heroic understatement, “it was rough.”

The battle against Hodgkin was over, but fallout from the chemotherapy lingered. Although Mr. Unger was able to return to his family and the job he loved, in the following years he was never entirely well. He contracted shingles soon after his transplant, then diabetes within 15 years. A heart attack followed in 2008 then, in 2015, an autoimmune disease that still affects his mobility.

However, Mr. Unger remains grateful: “The fact that we did these cutting-edge techniques with me got me to the point where – although I had some problems afterward, and I have problems now – it gave me well over 30 years of a really great life.”

“There are a lot of good doctors out there,” he added. “Some of them go to extraordinary lengths to help people. I try to do the same with the extra 30 years I’ve been given, try to be nice to people and make people feel good. I don’t really see any other reason to be on earth.”

Treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma: 2022

For a comparison of Mr. Unger’s experience with the current approach to Hodgkin lymphoma, this news organization spoke to Miguel-Angel Perales, MD, current chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service at MSKCC. Although Dr. Perales could not comment specifically on Mr. Unger’s case without his records, Dr. Perales was able to review the revolutions in treatment for all patients over the past 30 years.

Dr. Miguel-Angel Perales

Certainly, physicians no longer need to inflict a laparotomy on patients just to stage the disease, Dr. Perales said. “This sounds barbaric today. Nowadays we have PET scans.”

Another key change, Dr. Perales said, is in the up-front management of the disease.

For example, MOPP “is going back to the prehistory of chemotherapy,” Dr. Perales said. He was not surprised to learn that Mr. Unger later developed complications such as diabetes and heart disease.

“We’ve completely revolutionized the treatment,” Dr. Perales said. “We [now] use combinations that are much less toxic than MOPP, [and] we’re curing more patients up front.” Treatment is tailored by stage and the likelihood of response to therapy. Aggressive approaches are reserved for patients more likely to fail treatment.

Pretransplant conditioning has also changed for the better, with less toxicity and fewer long-term complications. Total body irradiation has “fallen by the wayside,” said Dr. Perales. Instead, patients get BEAM, a combination of carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine (Cytosar-U, Ara-C), and melphalan (Alkeran), 1 week before the transplant.

Perhaps the most profound change, which began in the 1990s shortly after Larry’s transplant, was that peripheral-blood stem cells gradually replaced bone marrow for both autologous and allogeneic transplant. In 2022, nearly all autologous transplants use peripheral-blood stem cells.

Instead of onerous bone-marrow aspiration in the operating room, the stem cells are collected from the patient’s blood. First, the patient’s bone marrow is hyperstimulated with high doses of filgrastim (G-CSF, Neupogen, Granix) for several days. Stem cells spill into the patient’s blood. Once blood is collected from the patient, the stem cells are separated and stored ready for the transplant. (In theory, stem cell products are “cancer free”; in practice there may be some contaminating cells, said Dr. Perales.)

Nowadays “transplanting” the stem cells back into the body bears no relation to what happened in 1992. The stem-cell infusion is typically an outpatient procedure, and one-third of patients may never be admitted to the hospital at all.

In contrast to Mr. Unger’s excruciating 8-week hospital stay, immune recovery currently takes 12-14 days, often entirely in the patient’s own home, with the option of extra filgrastim to speed things up.

Despite these profound changes, said Dr. Perales, the real quantum leap has occurred post transplant.

In 2015, a multinational team led by MSKCC’s Dr. Craig Moskowitz published a trial in the Lancet showing that brentuximab vedotin halved the risk of relapse after autologous transplantation in high-risk Hodgkin lymphoma patients versus placebo (hazard ratio, 0.57; P = .0013; n = 329). The CD30-directed antibody-drug conjugate was so successful that the placebo patients were encouraged to cross over into the treatment group; many of them were salvaged.

As a result, Dr. Perales said, brentuximab vedotin has now become the standard in high-risk Hodgkin patients following a transplant.

The checkpoint inhibitors nivolumab (Opdivo) and pembrolizumab (Keytruda) have also been “transformational” in Hodgkin lymphoma, Dr. Perales said. He explained that Hodgkin lymphoma is “exquisitely sensitive” to these therapies because the disease expresses high levels of the binding proteins for these drugs. This allows the immunotherapies to hit both the immune system and the disease.

Most cancers have response rates for checkpoint inhibitors below 40%, according to a recent analysis by Anas Younes, former chief of lymphoma at MSKCC, and his colleague Eri Matsuki, then a visiting fellow. By contrast, in Hodgkin lymphoma response to these drugs is 66%-87%.

Dr. Perales said: “It tells you how effective these drugs are, that we could move from somebody getting MOPP, which is like throwing a nuclear bomb at somebody, to a combination of two drugs that can easily be given out-patient and that have very little, if any, side effects.”

The future: No chemo, no transplants?

“One of the holy grails in Hodgkin would be if we could treat patients with the combination of a checkpoint inhibitor and brentuximab and what is being termed the ‘chemotherapy-free’ approach to Hodgkin disease,” said Dr. Perales.

What else remains to be done in the world of transplants for Hodgkin lymphoma?

Dr. Perales didn’t hesitate: “To eliminate the need for them. If we can have better targeted therapy up front that cures more patients, then we never even have to consider transplant. Basically, to put me out of work. I’m sure I’ll find other things to do.”

The current treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma “is really what we all consider one of the successes in oncology,” said Dr. Perales. “It’s a beautiful story.”

Dr. Perales reported receiving honoraria from numerous pharmaceutical companies; serves on data and safety monitoring boards for Cidara Therapeutics, Medigene, Sellas Life Sciences, and Servier; and serves on the scientific advisory board of NexImmune. He has ownership interests in NexImmune and Omeros, and has received institutional research support for clinical trials from Incyte, Kite/Gilead, Miltenyi Biotec, Nektar Therapeutics, and Novartis.

At 32 years old, the world was at Larry Unger’s feet. He was vice president at one of Wall Street’s most successful investment management firms, selling mutual funds to more than 1,000 brokers across New York. His clients relied on him for good advice, great jokes, and superlative Yankees tickets. His recent memories included fraternity days at Cornell University and a Harvard law degree. His childhood on the Lower East Side was behind him. He had his own apartment and a beautiful girlfriend.

Then his back started hurting, and he was drenched in sweat at night. His physician suggested it was a basketball injury. Weeks of tests followed, and he changed doctors. Mr. Unger met with an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center who wouldn’t let him go home after the appointment. The next day brought exploratory surgery and an answer to all the questions.

Larry Unger

Mr. Unger was diagnosed with stage IIIB Hodgkin lymphoma.

Thirty years later, Mr. Unger credited his survival to the late Subhash Gulati, MD, PhD, then MSKCC’s director of stem cell transplantation. He still recalls Dr. Gulati’s words to him: “Radical situations call for radical solutions.” In 1992, that “radical solution” was an autologous bone-marrow transplant.

“Mr. Unger was a patient pioneer,” said Kenneth Offit, MD, another MSKCC oncologist who also cared for him at that time.

To mark the 30th anniversary of Larry’s pioneering transplant, this news organization compared treatments for Hodgkin disease then and now – a revolutionary change that some hematologist/oncologists consider among the great successes in their field.

Transplantation for Hodgkin: The early 90s

Hodgkin lymphoma is fairly rare, accounting for just 0.5% of all cancers and 15% of lymphomas. It tends to target young, male adults like Mr. Unger. Today 88% of patients with Hodgkin survive at least 5 years.

When Dr. Gulati offered Mr. Unger his “radical solution” 3 decades ago, the idea of autologous bone marrow transplantation in Hodgkin lymphoma was not new. The first attempt appeared in the literature in the 1950s, but it was still unclear how patients could survive the procedure. It involved destroying the patient’s own immune system prior to the transplant, a huge risk in itself. Worse, the patient was pummeled with chemotherapy and/or radiation to clear out the cancerous bone marrow – a process called “conditioning.”

However, throughout the 1980s, MSKCC had been running clinical trials to perfect the conditioning mix, so by 1992 Dr. Gulati was well-placed to help Mr. Unger.

It is unclear what conditioning Mr. Unger received because his records were not made available. However, around the time that Mr. Unger underwent his transplant, Dr. Gulati and colleagues published the conditioning regimens in use at MSKCC. Patients with refractory or relapsed Hodgkin disease received a conditioning mix of total nodal irradiation (TNI), etoposide (Vepesid) and cyclophosphamide. Patients who had already been through radiotherapy were given carmustine instead of TNI.

In that early publication, Dr. Gulati and the MSKCC team reported 0 “toxic deaths” with the TNI mix, and at the 2-year point 75% of the patients were still alive (n = 28). Patients who had already received radiation treatment did less well, with 55% survival at 2 years, at a cost of 14% toxic deaths (n = 22).



Mr. Unger’s experience, 30 years ago

According to Mr. Unger, the initial treatment for his stage IIIB Hodgkin lymphoma was MOPP (mechlorethamine hydrochloride, vincristine sulfate, procarbazine hydrochloride, and prednisone) plus ABVD (doxorubicin hydrochloride, bleomycin sulfate, vinblastine sulfate, and dacarbazine).

“They wanted to give me two chemo programs at once because they said I was very sick,” Mr. Unger recalled. “I wound up staying in the hospital quite a bit because every time I got these [treatments] I’d get a fever. This went on for month after month after month. Finally, they said: ‘The tumors are starting to shrink. ... I want you to meet Dr. Gulati.’ ”

Mr. Unger said that Dr. Gulati told him: “There is another procedure called the bone marrow transplant which we’ve been doing. This would be like hitting it with a nuclear weapon. We would really wipe it out and make sure that you never come back.”

The alternative was high-dose radiotherapy. However, Dr. Gulati shared MSKCC’s hard-won knowledge that an autologous transplant was less successful after radiation. Dr. Gulati also told Mr. Unger that surgery was needed before the transplant: a laparotomy to restage his tumors.

After discussing the situation with his father, Mr. Unger decided to undergo the transplant.

The night before treatment started, he was laughing and joking with a friend in his room at MSKCC. The next day, the laughing stopped. The conditioning, he said, “was harrowing beyond belief ... 100 times worse than the chemo.”

Chemotherapy came first, followed 2 days later by radiation, presumably TNI. Mr. Unger experienced constant vomiting, intraocular bleeding and high fevers; the soft tissue of his throat “fell apart,” he said.

“I couldn’t move. It was like being dead,” he said. “Finally, maybe after a month or so, I could finally have a little water.” Mr. Unger said his immune system took 6-8 weeks to recover. He concluded, with heroic understatement, “it was rough.”

The battle against Hodgkin was over, but fallout from the chemotherapy lingered. Although Mr. Unger was able to return to his family and the job he loved, in the following years he was never entirely well. He contracted shingles soon after his transplant, then diabetes within 15 years. A heart attack followed in 2008 then, in 2015, an autoimmune disease that still affects his mobility.

However, Mr. Unger remains grateful: “The fact that we did these cutting-edge techniques with me got me to the point where – although I had some problems afterward, and I have problems now – it gave me well over 30 years of a really great life.”

“There are a lot of good doctors out there,” he added. “Some of them go to extraordinary lengths to help people. I try to do the same with the extra 30 years I’ve been given, try to be nice to people and make people feel good. I don’t really see any other reason to be on earth.”

Treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma: 2022

For a comparison of Mr. Unger’s experience with the current approach to Hodgkin lymphoma, this news organization spoke to Miguel-Angel Perales, MD, current chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service at MSKCC. Although Dr. Perales could not comment specifically on Mr. Unger’s case without his records, Dr. Perales was able to review the revolutions in treatment for all patients over the past 30 years.

Dr. Miguel-Angel Perales

Certainly, physicians no longer need to inflict a laparotomy on patients just to stage the disease, Dr. Perales said. “This sounds barbaric today. Nowadays we have PET scans.”

Another key change, Dr. Perales said, is in the up-front management of the disease.

For example, MOPP “is going back to the prehistory of chemotherapy,” Dr. Perales said. He was not surprised to learn that Mr. Unger later developed complications such as diabetes and heart disease.

“We’ve completely revolutionized the treatment,” Dr. Perales said. “We [now] use combinations that are much less toxic than MOPP, [and] we’re curing more patients up front.” Treatment is tailored by stage and the likelihood of response to therapy. Aggressive approaches are reserved for patients more likely to fail treatment.

Pretransplant conditioning has also changed for the better, with less toxicity and fewer long-term complications. Total body irradiation has “fallen by the wayside,” said Dr. Perales. Instead, patients get BEAM, a combination of carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine (Cytosar-U, Ara-C), and melphalan (Alkeran), 1 week before the transplant.

Perhaps the most profound change, which began in the 1990s shortly after Larry’s transplant, was that peripheral-blood stem cells gradually replaced bone marrow for both autologous and allogeneic transplant. In 2022, nearly all autologous transplants use peripheral-blood stem cells.

Instead of onerous bone-marrow aspiration in the operating room, the stem cells are collected from the patient’s blood. First, the patient’s bone marrow is hyperstimulated with high doses of filgrastim (G-CSF, Neupogen, Granix) for several days. Stem cells spill into the patient’s blood. Once blood is collected from the patient, the stem cells are separated and stored ready for the transplant. (In theory, stem cell products are “cancer free”; in practice there may be some contaminating cells, said Dr. Perales.)

Nowadays “transplanting” the stem cells back into the body bears no relation to what happened in 1992. The stem-cell infusion is typically an outpatient procedure, and one-third of patients may never be admitted to the hospital at all.

In contrast to Mr. Unger’s excruciating 8-week hospital stay, immune recovery currently takes 12-14 days, often entirely in the patient’s own home, with the option of extra filgrastim to speed things up.

Despite these profound changes, said Dr. Perales, the real quantum leap has occurred post transplant.

In 2015, a multinational team led by MSKCC’s Dr. Craig Moskowitz published a trial in the Lancet showing that brentuximab vedotin halved the risk of relapse after autologous transplantation in high-risk Hodgkin lymphoma patients versus placebo (hazard ratio, 0.57; P = .0013; n = 329). The CD30-directed antibody-drug conjugate was so successful that the placebo patients were encouraged to cross over into the treatment group; many of them were salvaged.

As a result, Dr. Perales said, brentuximab vedotin has now become the standard in high-risk Hodgkin patients following a transplant.

The checkpoint inhibitors nivolumab (Opdivo) and pembrolizumab (Keytruda) have also been “transformational” in Hodgkin lymphoma, Dr. Perales said. He explained that Hodgkin lymphoma is “exquisitely sensitive” to these therapies because the disease expresses high levels of the binding proteins for these drugs. This allows the immunotherapies to hit both the immune system and the disease.

Most cancers have response rates for checkpoint inhibitors below 40%, according to a recent analysis by Anas Younes, former chief of lymphoma at MSKCC, and his colleague Eri Matsuki, then a visiting fellow. By contrast, in Hodgkin lymphoma response to these drugs is 66%-87%.

Dr. Perales said: “It tells you how effective these drugs are, that we could move from somebody getting MOPP, which is like throwing a nuclear bomb at somebody, to a combination of two drugs that can easily be given out-patient and that have very little, if any, side effects.”

The future: No chemo, no transplants?

“One of the holy grails in Hodgkin would be if we could treat patients with the combination of a checkpoint inhibitor and brentuximab and what is being termed the ‘chemotherapy-free’ approach to Hodgkin disease,” said Dr. Perales.

What else remains to be done in the world of transplants for Hodgkin lymphoma?

Dr. Perales didn’t hesitate: “To eliminate the need for them. If we can have better targeted therapy up front that cures more patients, then we never even have to consider transplant. Basically, to put me out of work. I’m sure I’ll find other things to do.”

The current treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma “is really what we all consider one of the successes in oncology,” said Dr. Perales. “It’s a beautiful story.”

Dr. Perales reported receiving honoraria from numerous pharmaceutical companies; serves on data and safety monitoring boards for Cidara Therapeutics, Medigene, Sellas Life Sciences, and Servier; and serves on the scientific advisory board of NexImmune. He has ownership interests in NexImmune and Omeros, and has received institutional research support for clinical trials from Incyte, Kite/Gilead, Miltenyi Biotec, Nektar Therapeutics, and Novartis.

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All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>To mark the 30th anniversary of Larry’s pioneering transplant, this news organization compared treatments for Hodgkin disease then and now – a revolutionary cha</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage>285642</teaserImage> <teaser>In 1992, a young New Yorker was among the first Hodgkin lymphoma patients to undergo a successful bone marrow transplant. Three decades later, treatment of this cancer is a great oncology success story.</teaser> <title>Survivor’s story foreshadows one of oncology’s greatest successes</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>hemn</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">18</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">27980</term> <term>39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">37637</term> <term>341</term> </topics> <links> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/24010a4b.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption">Larry Unger</description> <description role="drol:credit">courtesy of Larry Unger</description> </link> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/24010a4c.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption">Dr. Miguel-Angel Perales</description> <description role="drol:credit">Courtesy MSKCC</description> </link> </links> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Survivor’s story foreshadows one of oncology’s greatest successes</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p>At 32 years old, the world was at Larry Unger’s feet. He was vice president at one of Wall Street’s most successful investment management firms, selling mutual funds to more than 1,000 brokers across New York. His clients relied on him for good advice, great jokes, and superlative Yankees tickets. His recent memories included fraternity days at Cornell University and a Harvard law degree. His childhood on the Lower East Side was behind him. He had his own apartment and a beautiful girlfriend. </p> <p>Then his back started hurting, and he was drenched in sweat at night. His physician suggested it was a basketball injury. Weeks of tests followed, and he changed doctors. Mr. Unger met with an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center who wouldn’t let him go home after the appointment. The next day brought exploratory surgery and an answer to all the questions. <br/><br/>[[{"fid":"285642","view_mode":"medstat_image_flush_right","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_flush_right","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"courtesy of Larry Unger","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":"Larry Unger"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_flush_right"}}]]Mr. Unger was diagnosed with stage IIIB Hodgkin lymphoma. <br/><br/>Thirty years later, Mr. Unger credited his survival to the late Subhash Gulati, MD, PhD, then MSKCC’s director of stem cell transplantation. He still recalls Dr. Gulati’s words to him: “Radical situations call for radical solutions.” In 1992, that “radical solution” was an autologous bone-marrow transplant. <br/><br/>“Mr. Unger was a patient pioneer,” said Kenneth Offit, MD, another MSKCC oncologist who also cared for him at that time.<br/><br/><span class="tag metaDescription">To mark the 30th anniversary of Larry’s pioneering transplant, this news organization compared treatments for Hodgkin disease then and now – a revolutionary change that some hematologist/oncologists consider among the great successes in their field.</span> <br/><br/></p> <h2>Transplantation for Hodgkin: The early 90s</h2> <p>Hodgkin lymphoma is fairly rare, accounting for just 0.5% of all cancers and 15% of lymphomas. It tends to target young, male adults like Mr. Unger. Today 88% of patients with Hodgkin survive at least 5 years.</p> <p>When Dr. Gulati offered Mr. Unger his “radical solution” 3 decades ago, the idea of autologous bone marrow transplantation in Hodgkin lymphoma was not new. The first attempt appeared in the literature in the <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">1950s</a></span>, but it was still unclear how patients could survive the procedure. It involved destroying the patient’s own immune system prior to the transplant, a huge risk in itself. Worse, the patient was pummeled with chemotherapy and/or radiation to clear out the cancerous bone marrow – a process called “conditioning.”<br/><br/>However, throughout the 1980s, MSKCC had been running clinical trials to perfect the conditioning mix, so by 1992 Dr. Gulati was well-placed to help Mr. Unger.<br/><br/>It is unclear what conditioning Mr. Unger received because his records were not made available. However, around the time that Mr. Unger underwent his transplant, Dr. Gulati and colleagues <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">published</a></span> the conditioning regimens in use at MSKCC. Patients with refractory or relapsed Hodgkin disease received a conditioning mix of total nodal irradiation (TNI), etoposide (Vepesid) and cyclophosphamide. Patients who had already been through radiotherapy were given carmustine instead of TNI.<br/><br/>In that early publication, Dr. Gulati and the MSKCC team reported 0 “toxic deaths” with the TNI mix, and at the 2-year point 75% of the patients were still alive (n = 28). Patients who had already received radiation treatment did less well, with 55% survival at 2 years, at a cost of 14% toxic deaths (n = 22).<br/><br/></p> <h2>Mr. Unger’s experience, 30 years ago</h2> <p>According to Mr. Unger, the initial treatment for his stage IIIB Hodgkin lymphoma was MOPP (mechlorethamine hydrochloride, vincristine sulfate, procarbazine hydrochloride, and prednisone) plus ABVD (doxorubicin hydrochloride, bleomycin sulfate, vinblastine sulfate, and dacarbazine). </p> <p>“They wanted to give me two chemo programs at once because they said I was very sick,” Mr. Unger recalled. “I wound up staying in the hospital quite a bit because every time I got these [treatments] I’d get a fever. This went on for month after month after month. Finally, they said: ‘The tumors are starting to shrink. ... I want you to meet Dr. Gulati.’ ”<br/><br/>Mr. Unger said that Dr. Gulati told him: “There is another procedure called the bone marrow transplant which we’ve been doing. This would be like hitting it with a nuclear weapon. We would really wipe it out and make sure that you never come back.”<br/><br/>The alternative was high-dose radiotherapy. However, Dr. Gulati shared MSKCC’s hard-won knowledge that an autologous transplant was less successful after radiation. Dr. Gulati also told Mr. Unger that surgery was needed before the transplant: a laparotomy to restage his tumors.<br/><br/>After discussing the situation with his father, Mr. Unger decided to undergo the transplant.<br/><br/>The night before treatment started, he was laughing and joking with a friend in his room at MSKCC. The next day, the laughing stopped. The conditioning, he said, “was harrowing beyond belief ... 100 times worse than the chemo.”<br/><br/>Chemotherapy came first, followed 2 days later by radiation, presumably TNI. Mr. Unger experienced constant vomiting, intraocular bleeding and high fevers; the soft tissue of his throat “fell apart,” he said. <br/><br/>“I couldn’t move. It was like being dead,” he said. “Finally, maybe after a month or so, I could finally have a little water.” Mr. Unger said his immune system took 6-8 weeks to recover. He concluded, with heroic understatement, “it was rough.”<br/><br/>The battle against Hodgkin was over, but fallout from the chemotherapy lingered. Although Mr. Unger was able to return to his family and the job he loved, in the following years he was never entirely well. He contracted shingles soon after his transplant, then diabetes within 15 years. A heart attack followed in 2008 then, in 2015, an autoimmune disease that still affects his mobility. <br/><br/>However, Mr. Unger remains grateful: “The fact that we did these cutting-edge techniques with me got me to the point where – although I had some problems afterward, and I have problems now – it gave me well over 30 years of a really great life.”<br/><br/>“There are a lot of good doctors out there,” he added. “Some of them go to extraordinary lengths to help people. I try to do the same with the extra 30 years I’ve been given, try to be nice to people and make people feel good. I don’t really see any other reason to be on earth.”<br/><br/></p> <h2>Treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma: 2022</h2> <p>For a comparison of Mr. Unger’s experience with the current approach to Hodgkin lymphoma, this news organization spoke to Miguel-Angel Perales, MD, current chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service at MSKCC. Although Dr. Perales could not comment specifically on Mr. Unger’s case without his records, Dr. Perales was able to review the revolutions in treatment for all patients over the past 30 years.<br/><br/>[[{"fid":"285643","view_mode":"medstat_image_flush_left","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_flush_left","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"Courtesy MSKCC","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":"Dr. Miguel-Angel Perales"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_flush_left"}}]]Certainly, physicians no longer need to inflict a laparotomy on patients just to stage the disease, Dr. Perales said. “This sounds barbaric today. Nowadays we have PET scans.”<br/><br/>Another key change, Dr. Perales said, is in the up-front management of the disease. <br/><br/>For example, MOPP “is going back to the prehistory of chemotherapy,” Dr. Perales said. He was not surprised to learn that Mr. Unger later developed complications such as diabetes and heart disease. <br/><br/>“We’ve completely revolutionized the treatment,” Dr. Perales said. “We [now] use combinations that are much less toxic than MOPP, [and] we’re curing more patients up front.” Treatment is tailored by stage and the likelihood of response to therapy. Aggressive approaches are reserved for patients more likely to fail treatment. <br/><br/>Pretransplant conditioning has also changed for the better, with less toxicity and fewer long-term complications. Total body irradiation has “fallen by the wayside,” said Dr. Perales. Instead, patients get BEAM, a combination of carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine (Cytosar-U, Ara-C), and melphalan (Alkeran), 1 week before the transplant. <br/><br/>Perhaps the most profound change, which began in the 1990s shortly after Larry’s transplant, was that peripheral-blood stem cells gradually replaced bone marrow for both autologous and allogeneic transplant. In 2022, nearly all autologous transplants use peripheral-blood stem cells. <br/><br/>Instead of onerous bone-marrow aspiration in the operating room, the stem cells are collected from the patient’s blood. First, the patient’s bone marrow is hyperstimulated with high doses of filgrastim (G-CSF, Neupogen, Granix) for several days. Stem cells spill into the patient’s blood. Once blood is collected from the patient, the stem cells are separated and stored ready for the transplant. (In theory, stem cell products are “cancer free”; in practice there may be some contaminating cells, said Dr. Perales.)<br/><br/>Nowadays “transplanting” the stem cells back into the body bears no relation to what happened in 1992. The stem-cell infusion is typically an outpatient procedure, and one-third of patients may never be admitted to the hospital at all.<br/><br/>In contrast to Mr. Unger’s excruciating 8-week hospital stay, immune recovery currently takes 12-14 days, often entirely in the patient’s own home, with the option of extra filgrastim to speed things up.<br/><br/>Despite these profound changes, said Dr. Perales, the real quantum leap has occurred post transplant. <br/><br/>In 2015, a multinational team led by MSKCC’s Dr. Craig Moskowitz <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">published a trial</a></span> in the Lancet showing that brentuximab vedotin halved the risk of relapse after autologous transplantation in high-risk Hodgkin lymphoma patients versus placebo (hazard ratio, 0.57; <em>P</em> = .0013; n = 329). The CD30-directed antibody-drug conjugate was so successful that the placebo patients were encouraged to cross over into the treatment group; many of them were salvaged.<br/><br/>As a result, Dr. Perales said, brentuximab vedotin has now become the standard in high-risk Hodgkin patients following a transplant.<br/><br/>The checkpoint inhibitors nivolumab (Opdivo) and pembrolizumab (Keytruda) have also been “transformational” in Hodgkin lymphoma, Dr. Perales said. He explained that Hodgkin lymphoma is “exquisitely sensitive” to these therapies because the disease expresses high levels of the binding proteins for these drugs. This allows the immunotherapies to hit both the immune system and the disease. <br/><br/>Most cancers have response rates for checkpoint inhibitors below 40%, according to a <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">recent analysis</a></span> by Anas Younes, former chief of lymphoma at MSKCC, and his colleague Eri Matsuki, then a visiting fellow. By contrast, in Hodgkin lymphoma response to these drugs is 66%-87%. <br/><br/>Dr. Perales said: “It tells you how effective these drugs are, that we could move from somebody getting MOPP, which is like throwing a nuclear bomb at somebody, to a combination of two drugs that can easily be given out-patient and that have very little, if any, side effects.” <br/><br/></p> <h2>The future: No chemo, no transplants?</h2> <p>“One of the holy grails in Hodgkin would be if we could treat patients with the combination of a checkpoint inhibitor and brentuximab and what is being termed the ‘chemotherapy-free’ approach to Hodgkin disease,” said Dr. Perales.</p> <p>What else remains to be done in the world of transplants for Hodgkin lymphoma? <br/><br/>Dr. Perales didn’t hesitate: “To eliminate the need for them. If we can have better targeted therapy up front that cures more patients, then we never even have to consider transplant. Basically, to put me out of work. I’m sure I’ll find other things to do.”<br/><br/>The current treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma “is really what we all consider one of the successes in oncology,” said Dr. Perales. “It’s a beautiful story.” <br/><br/>Dr. Perales reported receiving honoraria from numerous pharmaceutical companies; serves on data and safety monitoring boards for Cidara Therapeutics, Medigene, Sellas Life Sciences, and Servier; and serves on the scientific advisory board of NexImmune. He has ownership interests in NexImmune and Omeros, and has received institutional research support for clinical trials from Incyte, Kite/Gilead, Miltenyi Biotec, Nektar Therapeutics, and Novartis.</p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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100 coauthored papers, 10 years: Cancer transplant pioneers model 'team science'

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Thu, 01/12/2023 - 10:40

Two close colleagues at New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, world leaders in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) who were both promoted days after COVID-19 locked down the city in 2020, were too busy battling the pandemic’s impact on patients in the summer of 2021 to notice their latest shared career milestone.

On July 29, 2021, Sergio Giralt, MD, deputy division head of the division of hematologic malignancies and Miguel-Angel Perales, MD, chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service at MSKCC, published their 100th peer-reviewed paper as coauthors. Listing hundreds of such articles on a CV is standard for top-tier physicians, but the pair had gone one better: 100 publications written together in 10 years.

Their centenary article hit scientific newsstands almost exactly a decade after their first joint paper, which appeared in September 2011, not long after they met.

Born in Cuba, Dr. Giralt grew up in Venezuela. From the age of 14, he knew that medicine was his path, and in 1984 he earned a medical degree from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas. Next came a research position at Harvard Medical School, a residency at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, and a fellowship at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston. Dr. Giralt arrived at MSKCC in 2010 as the new chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service. There he was introduced to a new colleague, Dr. Perales. They soon learned that in addition to expertise in hematology, they had second language in common: Spanish.

Dr. Giralt said: “We both have a Spanish background and in a certain sense, there was an affinity there. ... We both have shared experiences.”

Dr. Perales was brought up in Belgium, a European nation with three official languages: French, Dutch, and German. He speaks five tongues in all and learned Spanish from his father, who came from Spain.


Fluency in Spanish enables both physicians to take care of the many New Yorkers who are more comfortable in that language – especially when navigating cancer treatment. However, both Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales said that a second language is more than a professional tool. They described the enjoyable change of persona that happens when they switch to Spanish.

“People who are multilingual have different roles [as much as] different languages,” said Dr. Perales. “When I’m in Spanish, part of my brain is [thinking back to] summer vacations and hanging out with my cousins.”

When it comes to clinical science, however, English is the language of choice.

Global leaders in HSCT

Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales are known worldwide in the field of allogeneic HSCT, a potentially curative treatment for an elongating list of both malignant and nonmalignant diseases.

In 1973, MSKCC conducted the first bone-marrow transplant from an unrelated donor. Fifty years on, medical oncologists in the United States conduct approximately 8,500 allogeneic transplants each year, 72% to treat acute leukemias or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).

However, stripping the immune system with intensive chemotherapy ‘conditioning,’ then rebuilding it with non-diseased donor hematopoietic cells is a hazardous undertaking. Older patients are less likely to survive the intensive conditioning, so historically have missed out. Also, even with a good human leukocyte antigen (HLA) match, the recipient needs often brutal immunosuppression.

Since Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales began their partnership in 2010, the goals of their work have not changed: to develop safer, lower-intensity transplantation suitable for older, more vulnerable patients and reduce fearsome posttransplant sequelae such as graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).

Dr. Giralt’s publication list spans more than 600 peer-reviewed papers, articles and book chapters, almost exclusively on HSCT. Dr. Perales has more than 300 publication credits on the topic.

The two paired up on their first paper just months after Dr. Giralt arrived at MSKCC. That article, published in Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, compared umbilical cord blood for HSCT with donor blood in 367 people with a variety of hematologic malignancies, including acute and chronic leukemias, MDS, and lymphoma.


The MSKCC team found that transplant-related mortality in the first 180 days was higher for the cord blood (21%), but thereafter mortality and relapse were much lower than for donated blood, with the result that 2-year progression-free survival of 55% was similar. Dr. Perales, Dr. Giralt and their coauthors concluded that the data provided “strong support” for further work on cord blood as an alternative stem-cell source.

During their first decade of collaboration, Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales worked on any promising avenue that could improve outcomes and the experience of HSCT recipients, including reduced-intensity conditioning regimens to allow older adults to benefit from curative HSCT and donor T-cell depletion by CD34 selection, to reduce graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).

The CD34 protein is typically found on the surface of early stage and highly active stem cell types. Selecting these cell types using a range of techniques can eliminate many other potentially interfering or inactive cells. This enriches the transplant population with the most effective cells and can lower the risk of GVHD.

The 100th paper on which Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales were coauthors was published in Blood Advances on July 27, 2021. The retrospective study examined the fate of 58 MSKCC patients with a rare form of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, CLL with Richter’s transformation (CLL-RT). It was the largest such study to date of this rare disease.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center had shown in 2006 that, despite chemotherapy, overall survival in patients with CLL-RT was approximately 8 months. HSCT improved survival dramatically (75% at 3 years; n = 7). However, with the advent of novel targeted drugs for CLL such as ibrutinib (Imbruvica), venetoclax (Venclexta), or idelalisib (Zydelig), the MSKCC team asked themselves: What was the role of reduced-intensive conditioning HSCT? Was it even safe? Among other findings, Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales’ 100th paper showed that reduced-intensity HSCT remained a viable alternative after a CLL-RT patient progressed on a novel agent.



Impact of the pandemic

When COVID-19 hit, the team lost many research staff and developed a huge backlog, said Dr. Giralt. He and Dr. Perales realized that they needed to be “thoughtful and careful” about which studies to continue. “For example, the CD-34 selection trials we did not close because these are our workhorse trials,” Dr. Giralt said. “We have people we need to treat, and some of the patients that we need to treat can only be treated on trial.”

The team was also able to pivot some of their work into COVID 19 itself, and they collected crucial information on HSCT in recovered COVID-19 patients, as an example.

“We were living through a critical time, but that doesn’t mean we [aren’t] obligated to continue our mission, our research mission,” said Dr. Giralt. “It really is team science. The way we look at it ... there’s a common thread: We both like to do allogeneic transplant, and we both believe in trying to make CD-34 selection better. So we’re both very much [working on] how can we improve what we call ‘the Memorial way’ of doing transplants. Where we separate is, Miguel does primarily lymphoma. He doesn’t do myeloma [like me]. So in those two areas, we’re helping develop the junior faculty in a different way.”

Something more in common

Right from the start, Dr. Perales and Dr. Giralt also shared a commitment to mentoring. Since 2010, Dr. Perales has mentored 22 up-and-coming junior faculty, including 10 from Europe (8 from Spain) and 2 from Latin America.

“[It makes] the research enterprise much more productive but [these young scientists] really increase the visibility of the program,” said Dr. Giralt.

He cited Dr. Perales’ track record of mentoring as one of the reasons for his promotion to chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service. In March 2020, Dr. Perales seamlessly stepped into Dr. Giralt’s shoes, while Dr. Giralt moved on to his present role as deputy division head of the division of hematologic malignancies.

Dr. Perales said: “The key aspect [of these promotions] is the fantastic working relationship that we’ve had over the years. ... I consider Sergio my mentor, but also a good friend and colleague. And so I think it’s this ability that we’ve had to work together and that relationship of trust, which has been key.”

“Sergio is somebody who lifts people up,” Dr. Perales added. “Many people will tell you that Sergio has helped them in their career. ... And I think that’s a lesson I’ve learned from him: training the next generation. And [that’s] not just in the U.S., but outside. I think that’s a key role that we have. And our responsibility.”

Asked to comment on their 100th-paper milestone, Dr. Perales firmly turned the spotlight from himself and Dr. Giralt to the junior investigators who have passed through the doors of the bone-marrow transplant program: “This body of work represents not just our collaboration but also the many contributions of our team at MSK ... and beyond MSK.”

This article was updated 1/26/22.


Two close colleagues at New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, world leaders in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) who were both promoted days after COVID-19 locked down the city in 2020, were too busy battling the pandemic’s impact on patients in the summer of 2021 to notice their latest shared career milestone.

On July 29, 2021, Sergio Giralt, MD, deputy division head of the division of hematologic malignancies and Miguel-Angel Perales, MD, chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service at MSKCC, published their 100th peer-reviewed paper as coauthors. Listing hundreds of such articles on a CV is standard for top-tier physicians, but the pair had gone one better: 100 publications written together in 10 years.

Their centenary article hit scientific newsstands almost exactly a decade after their first joint paper, which appeared in September 2011, not long after they met.

Born in Cuba, Dr. Giralt grew up in Venezuela. From the age of 14, he knew that medicine was his path, and in 1984 he earned a medical degree from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas. Next came a research position at Harvard Medical School, a residency at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, and a fellowship at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston. Dr. Giralt arrived at MSKCC in 2010 as the new chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service. There he was introduced to a new colleague, Dr. Perales. They soon learned that in addition to expertise in hematology, they had second language in common: Spanish.

Dr. Giralt said: “We both have a Spanish background and in a certain sense, there was an affinity there. ... We both have shared experiences.”

Dr. Perales was brought up in Belgium, a European nation with three official languages: French, Dutch, and German. He speaks five tongues in all and learned Spanish from his father, who came from Spain.


Fluency in Spanish enables both physicians to take care of the many New Yorkers who are more comfortable in that language – especially when navigating cancer treatment. However, both Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales said that a second language is more than a professional tool. They described the enjoyable change of persona that happens when they switch to Spanish.

“People who are multilingual have different roles [as much as] different languages,” said Dr. Perales. “When I’m in Spanish, part of my brain is [thinking back to] summer vacations and hanging out with my cousins.”

When it comes to clinical science, however, English is the language of choice.

Global leaders in HSCT

Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales are known worldwide in the field of allogeneic HSCT, a potentially curative treatment for an elongating list of both malignant and nonmalignant diseases.

In 1973, MSKCC conducted the first bone-marrow transplant from an unrelated donor. Fifty years on, medical oncologists in the United States conduct approximately 8,500 allogeneic transplants each year, 72% to treat acute leukemias or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).

However, stripping the immune system with intensive chemotherapy ‘conditioning,’ then rebuilding it with non-diseased donor hematopoietic cells is a hazardous undertaking. Older patients are less likely to survive the intensive conditioning, so historically have missed out. Also, even with a good human leukocyte antigen (HLA) match, the recipient needs often brutal immunosuppression.

Since Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales began their partnership in 2010, the goals of their work have not changed: to develop safer, lower-intensity transplantation suitable for older, more vulnerable patients and reduce fearsome posttransplant sequelae such as graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).

Dr. Giralt’s publication list spans more than 600 peer-reviewed papers, articles and book chapters, almost exclusively on HSCT. Dr. Perales has more than 300 publication credits on the topic.

The two paired up on their first paper just months after Dr. Giralt arrived at MSKCC. That article, published in Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, compared umbilical cord blood for HSCT with donor blood in 367 people with a variety of hematologic malignancies, including acute and chronic leukemias, MDS, and lymphoma.


The MSKCC team found that transplant-related mortality in the first 180 days was higher for the cord blood (21%), but thereafter mortality and relapse were much lower than for donated blood, with the result that 2-year progression-free survival of 55% was similar. Dr. Perales, Dr. Giralt and their coauthors concluded that the data provided “strong support” for further work on cord blood as an alternative stem-cell source.

During their first decade of collaboration, Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales worked on any promising avenue that could improve outcomes and the experience of HSCT recipients, including reduced-intensity conditioning regimens to allow older adults to benefit from curative HSCT and donor T-cell depletion by CD34 selection, to reduce graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).

The CD34 protein is typically found on the surface of early stage and highly active stem cell types. Selecting these cell types using a range of techniques can eliminate many other potentially interfering or inactive cells. This enriches the transplant population with the most effective cells and can lower the risk of GVHD.

The 100th paper on which Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales were coauthors was published in Blood Advances on July 27, 2021. The retrospective study examined the fate of 58 MSKCC patients with a rare form of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, CLL with Richter’s transformation (CLL-RT). It was the largest such study to date of this rare disease.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center had shown in 2006 that, despite chemotherapy, overall survival in patients with CLL-RT was approximately 8 months. HSCT improved survival dramatically (75% at 3 years; n = 7). However, with the advent of novel targeted drugs for CLL such as ibrutinib (Imbruvica), venetoclax (Venclexta), or idelalisib (Zydelig), the MSKCC team asked themselves: What was the role of reduced-intensive conditioning HSCT? Was it even safe? Among other findings, Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales’ 100th paper showed that reduced-intensity HSCT remained a viable alternative after a CLL-RT patient progressed on a novel agent.



Impact of the pandemic

When COVID-19 hit, the team lost many research staff and developed a huge backlog, said Dr. Giralt. He and Dr. Perales realized that they needed to be “thoughtful and careful” about which studies to continue. “For example, the CD-34 selection trials we did not close because these are our workhorse trials,” Dr. Giralt said. “We have people we need to treat, and some of the patients that we need to treat can only be treated on trial.”

The team was also able to pivot some of their work into COVID 19 itself, and they collected crucial information on HSCT in recovered COVID-19 patients, as an example.

“We were living through a critical time, but that doesn’t mean we [aren’t] obligated to continue our mission, our research mission,” said Dr. Giralt. “It really is team science. The way we look at it ... there’s a common thread: We both like to do allogeneic transplant, and we both believe in trying to make CD-34 selection better. So we’re both very much [working on] how can we improve what we call ‘the Memorial way’ of doing transplants. Where we separate is, Miguel does primarily lymphoma. He doesn’t do myeloma [like me]. So in those two areas, we’re helping develop the junior faculty in a different way.”

Something more in common

Right from the start, Dr. Perales and Dr. Giralt also shared a commitment to mentoring. Since 2010, Dr. Perales has mentored 22 up-and-coming junior faculty, including 10 from Europe (8 from Spain) and 2 from Latin America.

“[It makes] the research enterprise much more productive but [these young scientists] really increase the visibility of the program,” said Dr. Giralt.

He cited Dr. Perales’ track record of mentoring as one of the reasons for his promotion to chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service. In March 2020, Dr. Perales seamlessly stepped into Dr. Giralt’s shoes, while Dr. Giralt moved on to his present role as deputy division head of the division of hematologic malignancies.

Dr. Perales said: “The key aspect [of these promotions] is the fantastic working relationship that we’ve had over the years. ... I consider Sergio my mentor, but also a good friend and colleague. And so I think it’s this ability that we’ve had to work together and that relationship of trust, which has been key.”

“Sergio is somebody who lifts people up,” Dr. Perales added. “Many people will tell you that Sergio has helped them in their career. ... And I think that’s a lesson I’ve learned from him: training the next generation. And [that’s] not just in the U.S., but outside. I think that’s a key role that we have. And our responsibility.”

Asked to comment on their 100th-paper milestone, Dr. Perales firmly turned the spotlight from himself and Dr. Giralt to the junior investigators who have passed through the doors of the bone-marrow transplant program: “This body of work represents not just our collaboration but also the many contributions of our team at MSK ... and beyond MSK.”

This article was updated 1/26/22.

Two close colleagues at New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, world leaders in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) who were both promoted days after COVID-19 locked down the city in 2020, were too busy battling the pandemic’s impact on patients in the summer of 2021 to notice their latest shared career milestone.

On July 29, 2021, Sergio Giralt, MD, deputy division head of the division of hematologic malignancies and Miguel-Angel Perales, MD, chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service at MSKCC, published their 100th peer-reviewed paper as coauthors. Listing hundreds of such articles on a CV is standard for top-tier physicians, but the pair had gone one better: 100 publications written together in 10 years.

Their centenary article hit scientific newsstands almost exactly a decade after their first joint paper, which appeared in September 2011, not long after they met.

Born in Cuba, Dr. Giralt grew up in Venezuela. From the age of 14, he knew that medicine was his path, and in 1984 he earned a medical degree from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas. Next came a research position at Harvard Medical School, a residency at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, and a fellowship at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston. Dr. Giralt arrived at MSKCC in 2010 as the new chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service. There he was introduced to a new colleague, Dr. Perales. They soon learned that in addition to expertise in hematology, they had second language in common: Spanish.

Dr. Giralt said: “We both have a Spanish background and in a certain sense, there was an affinity there. ... We both have shared experiences.”

Dr. Perales was brought up in Belgium, a European nation with three official languages: French, Dutch, and German. He speaks five tongues in all and learned Spanish from his father, who came from Spain.


Fluency in Spanish enables both physicians to take care of the many New Yorkers who are more comfortable in that language – especially when navigating cancer treatment. However, both Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales said that a second language is more than a professional tool. They described the enjoyable change of persona that happens when they switch to Spanish.

“People who are multilingual have different roles [as much as] different languages,” said Dr. Perales. “When I’m in Spanish, part of my brain is [thinking back to] summer vacations and hanging out with my cousins.”

When it comes to clinical science, however, English is the language of choice.

Global leaders in HSCT

Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales are known worldwide in the field of allogeneic HSCT, a potentially curative treatment for an elongating list of both malignant and nonmalignant diseases.

In 1973, MSKCC conducted the first bone-marrow transplant from an unrelated donor. Fifty years on, medical oncologists in the United States conduct approximately 8,500 allogeneic transplants each year, 72% to treat acute leukemias or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).

However, stripping the immune system with intensive chemotherapy ‘conditioning,’ then rebuilding it with non-diseased donor hematopoietic cells is a hazardous undertaking. Older patients are less likely to survive the intensive conditioning, so historically have missed out. Also, even with a good human leukocyte antigen (HLA) match, the recipient needs often brutal immunosuppression.

Since Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales began their partnership in 2010, the goals of their work have not changed: to develop safer, lower-intensity transplantation suitable for older, more vulnerable patients and reduce fearsome posttransplant sequelae such as graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).

Dr. Giralt’s publication list spans more than 600 peer-reviewed papers, articles and book chapters, almost exclusively on HSCT. Dr. Perales has more than 300 publication credits on the topic.

The two paired up on their first paper just months after Dr. Giralt arrived at MSKCC. That article, published in Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, compared umbilical cord blood for HSCT with donor blood in 367 people with a variety of hematologic malignancies, including acute and chronic leukemias, MDS, and lymphoma.


The MSKCC team found that transplant-related mortality in the first 180 days was higher for the cord blood (21%), but thereafter mortality and relapse were much lower than for donated blood, with the result that 2-year progression-free survival of 55% was similar. Dr. Perales, Dr. Giralt and their coauthors concluded that the data provided “strong support” for further work on cord blood as an alternative stem-cell source.

During their first decade of collaboration, Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales worked on any promising avenue that could improve outcomes and the experience of HSCT recipients, including reduced-intensity conditioning regimens to allow older adults to benefit from curative HSCT and donor T-cell depletion by CD34 selection, to reduce graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).

The CD34 protein is typically found on the surface of early stage and highly active stem cell types. Selecting these cell types using a range of techniques can eliminate many other potentially interfering or inactive cells. This enriches the transplant population with the most effective cells and can lower the risk of GVHD.

The 100th paper on which Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales were coauthors was published in Blood Advances on July 27, 2021. The retrospective study examined the fate of 58 MSKCC patients with a rare form of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, CLL with Richter’s transformation (CLL-RT). It was the largest such study to date of this rare disease.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center had shown in 2006 that, despite chemotherapy, overall survival in patients with CLL-RT was approximately 8 months. HSCT improved survival dramatically (75% at 3 years; n = 7). However, with the advent of novel targeted drugs for CLL such as ibrutinib (Imbruvica), venetoclax (Venclexta), or idelalisib (Zydelig), the MSKCC team asked themselves: What was the role of reduced-intensive conditioning HSCT? Was it even safe? Among other findings, Dr. Giralt and Dr. Perales’ 100th paper showed that reduced-intensity HSCT remained a viable alternative after a CLL-RT patient progressed on a novel agent.



Impact of the pandemic

When COVID-19 hit, the team lost many research staff and developed a huge backlog, said Dr. Giralt. He and Dr. Perales realized that they needed to be “thoughtful and careful” about which studies to continue. “For example, the CD-34 selection trials we did not close because these are our workhorse trials,” Dr. Giralt said. “We have people we need to treat, and some of the patients that we need to treat can only be treated on trial.”

The team was also able to pivot some of their work into COVID 19 itself, and they collected crucial information on HSCT in recovered COVID-19 patients, as an example.

“We were living through a critical time, but that doesn’t mean we [aren’t] obligated to continue our mission, our research mission,” said Dr. Giralt. “It really is team science. The way we look at it ... there’s a common thread: We both like to do allogeneic transplant, and we both believe in trying to make CD-34 selection better. So we’re both very much [working on] how can we improve what we call ‘the Memorial way’ of doing transplants. Where we separate is, Miguel does primarily lymphoma. He doesn’t do myeloma [like me]. So in those two areas, we’re helping develop the junior faculty in a different way.”

Something more in common

Right from the start, Dr. Perales and Dr. Giralt also shared a commitment to mentoring. Since 2010, Dr. Perales has mentored 22 up-and-coming junior faculty, including 10 from Europe (8 from Spain) and 2 from Latin America.

“[It makes] the research enterprise much more productive but [these young scientists] really increase the visibility of the program,” said Dr. Giralt.

He cited Dr. Perales’ track record of mentoring as one of the reasons for his promotion to chief of the adult bone marrow transplant service. In March 2020, Dr. Perales seamlessly stepped into Dr. Giralt’s shoes, while Dr. Giralt moved on to his present role as deputy division head of the division of hematologic malignancies.

Dr. Perales said: “The key aspect [of these promotions] is the fantastic working relationship that we’ve had over the years. ... I consider Sergio my mentor, but also a good friend and colleague. And so I think it’s this ability that we’ve had to work together and that relationship of trust, which has been key.”

“Sergio is somebody who lifts people up,” Dr. Perales added. “Many people will tell you that Sergio has helped them in their career. ... And I think that’s a lesson I’ve learned from him: training the next generation. And [that’s] not just in the U.S., but outside. I think that’s a key role that we have. And our responsibility.”

Asked to comment on their 100th-paper milestone, Dr. Perales firmly turned the spotlight from himself and Dr. Giralt to the junior investigators who have passed through the doors of the bone-marrow transplant program: “This body of work represents not just our collaboration but also the many contributions of our team at MSK ... and beyond MSK.”

This article was updated 1/26/22.

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