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Tue, 12/08/2020 - 11:14

More than 2 decades on, adult survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma report significantly more neurocognitive impairment than their siblings, but the differences may be related to risk factors in adulthood rather than to treatment in childhood, investigators say.

Among adults with a history of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma and their siblings as controls, the survivors reported significantly worse functioning than their brothers or sisters in four domains of neurocognitive functioning.

In multivariate analysis, however, while sex, race, activity level and smoking status were all significant predictors for worse neurocognitive impairment, there were no significant associations between chemotherapy drugs or chest radiation and neurocognitive impairment, said Annalynn M. Williams, PhD, from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis.

“Hodgkin lymphoma is the most common cancer diagnosed in adolescents, and for many years we’ve had high cure rates, resulting in a growing population of survivors who are now, unfortunately, at an increased risk for cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and neurologic late morbidity. The neurocognitive morbidity in this population, however, is unknown,” she said in oral abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology.

Survivors and sibs

To better characterize the potential late neurocognitive effects of intensive Hodgkin lymphoma therapy in childhood, Dr. Williams and colleagues polled survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma and randomly selected sibling controls who were participants in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS).

Participants were asked to complete questionnaires regarding four domains of neurocognitive impairment: task efficiency, emotional regulation, organization, and memory. The investigators defined impairment in each domain as a score lower than that of the 90th percentile of community controls from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort.

A total of 1,564 survivors and 725 controls completed the questionnaires and were included in the study.

The median age at follow-up was slightly higher among survivors, at 37 versus 32 years. The median age at diagnosis was 14, and the median time since diagnosis was 23 years.

In all, 10.8% of survivors reported impaired task efficiency, compared with 7.7% of controls. Problems with emotional regulation were reported by 16.6% of survivors versus 11.5% of siblings, and difficulties with organization and memory were reported by 12.1% versus10.3%, and 8.1% versus 5.7%, respectively.

In a model adjusted for age, sex, and race, the relative risks for neurocognitive impairment among survivors versus siblings, were as follows: task efficiency (RR,1.37); emotional regulation (RR, 1.56); organization (RR, 1.32); memory (RR, 1.72) (all significant by confidence interval).

In a model adjusted for sex, race, smoking status, exercise, age, time since diagnosis, and treatment exposures, risk factors for neurocognitive impairment among survivors included female versus male sex (significant for emotional regulation and memory deficits); non-White versus White (significant for task efficiency); former smoker versus never (significant for all domains except organization); current smoker versus never (significant for task efficiency and emotional regulation); and meeting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exercise criteria versus not (negatively significant for task efficiency and organization); (P < .05 for all above comparisons).

However, in a model adjusted for relapse, second malignancy, treatment exposures, age, sex, race, time since diagnosis, smoking status and physical activity, only relapse or second malignancy – surrogates for additional treatment exposures – were significantly associated with neurocognitive impairment, and then only in the domain of task efficiency.

Chronic conditions significantly associated with risk for impairment included cardiovascular disease (significant across all domains), respiratory comorbidities (significant for task efficiency), endocrine disorders (significant for task efficiency), and neurologic disorders (significant in all domains except organization).

“While these analyses give us a sense of the presence of neurocognitive impairment in a large sample of Hodgkin lymphoma survivors from across the U.S., these analyses are limited by the self-reported nature of the data,” Dr. Williams acknowledged.

“Because survivors self-report impairments, these likely represent overt, symptomatic neurocognitive impairments. Many more survivors may experience more subtle neurocognitive impairments, and additional research with objective measures of both chronic health conditions and neurocognitive functioning are warranted,” she added.



Smoking gun?

In the question-and-answer session following the presentation, session comoderator Pallawi Torka, MD, from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, N.Y., who was not involved in the research, commented that the finding regarding a link between current and former smoking as risk factors for neurocognitive impairment was “intriguing.”

“Do you think that smoking is a cause or an effect of having that impairment in childhood survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma?” she asked.

“That’s a great question, and actually one we have spent a great deal of time discussing, and we’re still trying to tease that apart. We’re still not really sure where that association is coming from,” Dr. Williams replied.

She noted that, in a different sample of CCSS participants from whom biospecimens were collected, the investigators plan to see whether smoking drives inflammation and oxidative stress mechanisms that may be contributing to neurocognitive impairment, or whether smoking is a coping mechanism related to anxiety and depression, which have also been seen in survivors.

Kara Kelly, MD, a pediatric oncologist at Roswell Park, commented that some survivors report symptoms of cognitive dysfunction shortly after treatment, and asked whether there might be a relationship to Hodgkin-specific factors such as B symptoms, in which cytokine-mediated inflammation may play a role.

Dr. Williams said that, “unfortunately, in CCSS these survivors had to be at least 5 years from diagnosis, but in many cases were recruited years after their diagnosis and treatment, so we don’t have data on B symptoms.”

The CCSS is funded by the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Williams, Dr. Palawi, and Dr. Kelly all reported no relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.

SOURCE: Williams AM et al. ASH 2020, Abstract 370.


More than 2 decades on, adult survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma report significantly more neurocognitive impairment than their siblings, but the differences may be related to risk factors in adulthood rather than to treatment in childhood, investigators say.

Among adults with a history of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma and their siblings as controls, the survivors reported significantly worse functioning than their brothers or sisters in four domains of neurocognitive functioning.

In multivariate analysis, however, while sex, race, activity level and smoking status were all significant predictors for worse neurocognitive impairment, there were no significant associations between chemotherapy drugs or chest radiation and neurocognitive impairment, said Annalynn M. Williams, PhD, from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis.

“Hodgkin lymphoma is the most common cancer diagnosed in adolescents, and for many years we’ve had high cure rates, resulting in a growing population of survivors who are now, unfortunately, at an increased risk for cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and neurologic late morbidity. The neurocognitive morbidity in this population, however, is unknown,” she said in oral abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology.

Survivors and sibs

To better characterize the potential late neurocognitive effects of intensive Hodgkin lymphoma therapy in childhood, Dr. Williams and colleagues polled survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma and randomly selected sibling controls who were participants in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS).

Participants were asked to complete questionnaires regarding four domains of neurocognitive impairment: task efficiency, emotional regulation, organization, and memory. The investigators defined impairment in each domain as a score lower than that of the 90th percentile of community controls from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort.

A total of 1,564 survivors and 725 controls completed the questionnaires and were included in the study.

The median age at follow-up was slightly higher among survivors, at 37 versus 32 years. The median age at diagnosis was 14, and the median time since diagnosis was 23 years.

In all, 10.8% of survivors reported impaired task efficiency, compared with 7.7% of controls. Problems with emotional regulation were reported by 16.6% of survivors versus 11.5% of siblings, and difficulties with organization and memory were reported by 12.1% versus10.3%, and 8.1% versus 5.7%, respectively.

In a model adjusted for age, sex, and race, the relative risks for neurocognitive impairment among survivors versus siblings, were as follows: task efficiency (RR,1.37); emotional regulation (RR, 1.56); organization (RR, 1.32); memory (RR, 1.72) (all significant by confidence interval).

In a model adjusted for sex, race, smoking status, exercise, age, time since diagnosis, and treatment exposures, risk factors for neurocognitive impairment among survivors included female versus male sex (significant for emotional regulation and memory deficits); non-White versus White (significant for task efficiency); former smoker versus never (significant for all domains except organization); current smoker versus never (significant for task efficiency and emotional regulation); and meeting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exercise criteria versus not (negatively significant for task efficiency and organization); (P < .05 for all above comparisons).

However, in a model adjusted for relapse, second malignancy, treatment exposures, age, sex, race, time since diagnosis, smoking status and physical activity, only relapse or second malignancy – surrogates for additional treatment exposures – were significantly associated with neurocognitive impairment, and then only in the domain of task efficiency.

Chronic conditions significantly associated with risk for impairment included cardiovascular disease (significant across all domains), respiratory comorbidities (significant for task efficiency), endocrine disorders (significant for task efficiency), and neurologic disorders (significant in all domains except organization).

“While these analyses give us a sense of the presence of neurocognitive impairment in a large sample of Hodgkin lymphoma survivors from across the U.S., these analyses are limited by the self-reported nature of the data,” Dr. Williams acknowledged.

“Because survivors self-report impairments, these likely represent overt, symptomatic neurocognitive impairments. Many more survivors may experience more subtle neurocognitive impairments, and additional research with objective measures of both chronic health conditions and neurocognitive functioning are warranted,” she added.



Smoking gun?

In the question-and-answer session following the presentation, session comoderator Pallawi Torka, MD, from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, N.Y., who was not involved in the research, commented that the finding regarding a link between current and former smoking as risk factors for neurocognitive impairment was “intriguing.”

“Do you think that smoking is a cause or an effect of having that impairment in childhood survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma?” she asked.

“That’s a great question, and actually one we have spent a great deal of time discussing, and we’re still trying to tease that apart. We’re still not really sure where that association is coming from,” Dr. Williams replied.

She noted that, in a different sample of CCSS participants from whom biospecimens were collected, the investigators plan to see whether smoking drives inflammation and oxidative stress mechanisms that may be contributing to neurocognitive impairment, or whether smoking is a coping mechanism related to anxiety and depression, which have also been seen in survivors.

Kara Kelly, MD, a pediatric oncologist at Roswell Park, commented that some survivors report symptoms of cognitive dysfunction shortly after treatment, and asked whether there might be a relationship to Hodgkin-specific factors such as B symptoms, in which cytokine-mediated inflammation may play a role.

Dr. Williams said that, “unfortunately, in CCSS these survivors had to be at least 5 years from diagnosis, but in many cases were recruited years after their diagnosis and treatment, so we don’t have data on B symptoms.”

The CCSS is funded by the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Williams, Dr. Palawi, and Dr. Kelly all reported no relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.

SOURCE: Williams AM et al. ASH 2020, Abstract 370.

More than 2 decades on, adult survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma report significantly more neurocognitive impairment than their siblings, but the differences may be related to risk factors in adulthood rather than to treatment in childhood, investigators say.

Among adults with a history of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma and their siblings as controls, the survivors reported significantly worse functioning than their brothers or sisters in four domains of neurocognitive functioning.

In multivariate analysis, however, while sex, race, activity level and smoking status were all significant predictors for worse neurocognitive impairment, there were no significant associations between chemotherapy drugs or chest radiation and neurocognitive impairment, said Annalynn M. Williams, PhD, from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis.

“Hodgkin lymphoma is the most common cancer diagnosed in adolescents, and for many years we’ve had high cure rates, resulting in a growing population of survivors who are now, unfortunately, at an increased risk for cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and neurologic late morbidity. The neurocognitive morbidity in this population, however, is unknown,” she said in oral abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology.

Survivors and sibs

To better characterize the potential late neurocognitive effects of intensive Hodgkin lymphoma therapy in childhood, Dr. Williams and colleagues polled survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma and randomly selected sibling controls who were participants in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS).

Participants were asked to complete questionnaires regarding four domains of neurocognitive impairment: task efficiency, emotional regulation, organization, and memory. The investigators defined impairment in each domain as a score lower than that of the 90th percentile of community controls from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort.

A total of 1,564 survivors and 725 controls completed the questionnaires and were included in the study.

The median age at follow-up was slightly higher among survivors, at 37 versus 32 years. The median age at diagnosis was 14, and the median time since diagnosis was 23 years.

In all, 10.8% of survivors reported impaired task efficiency, compared with 7.7% of controls. Problems with emotional regulation were reported by 16.6% of survivors versus 11.5% of siblings, and difficulties with organization and memory were reported by 12.1% versus10.3%, and 8.1% versus 5.7%, respectively.

In a model adjusted for age, sex, and race, the relative risks for neurocognitive impairment among survivors versus siblings, were as follows: task efficiency (RR,1.37); emotional regulation (RR, 1.56); organization (RR, 1.32); memory (RR, 1.72) (all significant by confidence interval).

In a model adjusted for sex, race, smoking status, exercise, age, time since diagnosis, and treatment exposures, risk factors for neurocognitive impairment among survivors included female versus male sex (significant for emotional regulation and memory deficits); non-White versus White (significant for task efficiency); former smoker versus never (significant for all domains except organization); current smoker versus never (significant for task efficiency and emotional regulation); and meeting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exercise criteria versus not (negatively significant for task efficiency and organization); (P < .05 for all above comparisons).

However, in a model adjusted for relapse, second malignancy, treatment exposures, age, sex, race, time since diagnosis, smoking status and physical activity, only relapse or second malignancy – surrogates for additional treatment exposures – were significantly associated with neurocognitive impairment, and then only in the domain of task efficiency.

Chronic conditions significantly associated with risk for impairment included cardiovascular disease (significant across all domains), respiratory comorbidities (significant for task efficiency), endocrine disorders (significant for task efficiency), and neurologic disorders (significant in all domains except organization).

“While these analyses give us a sense of the presence of neurocognitive impairment in a large sample of Hodgkin lymphoma survivors from across the U.S., these analyses are limited by the self-reported nature of the data,” Dr. Williams acknowledged.

“Because survivors self-report impairments, these likely represent overt, symptomatic neurocognitive impairments. Many more survivors may experience more subtle neurocognitive impairments, and additional research with objective measures of both chronic health conditions and neurocognitive functioning are warranted,” she added.



Smoking gun?

In the question-and-answer session following the presentation, session comoderator Pallawi Torka, MD, from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, N.Y., who was not involved in the research, commented that the finding regarding a link between current and former smoking as risk factors for neurocognitive impairment was “intriguing.”

“Do you think that smoking is a cause or an effect of having that impairment in childhood survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma?” she asked.

“That’s a great question, and actually one we have spent a great deal of time discussing, and we’re still trying to tease that apart. We’re still not really sure where that association is coming from,” Dr. Williams replied.

She noted that, in a different sample of CCSS participants from whom biospecimens were collected, the investigators plan to see whether smoking drives inflammation and oxidative stress mechanisms that may be contributing to neurocognitive impairment, or whether smoking is a coping mechanism related to anxiety and depression, which have also been seen in survivors.

Kara Kelly, MD, a pediatric oncologist at Roswell Park, commented that some survivors report symptoms of cognitive dysfunction shortly after treatment, and asked whether there might be a relationship to Hodgkin-specific factors such as B symptoms, in which cytokine-mediated inflammation may play a role.

Dr. Williams said that, “unfortunately, in CCSS these survivors had to be at least 5 years from diagnosis, but in many cases were recruited years after their diagnosis and treatment, so we don’t have data on B symptoms.”

The CCSS is funded by the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Williams, Dr. Palawi, and Dr. Kelly all reported no relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.

SOURCE: Williams AM et al. ASH 2020, Abstract 370.

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