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Fri, 10/01/2021 - 15:34

On April 1, Houston Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, announced a new policy that all of its staff would need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by June 7 in order to hold onto their jobs. Most responded positively but an estimated 150 staff members who did not comply either resigned or were terminated. A lawsuit by employees opposed to the vaccine mandate was dismissed by Federal District Court Judge Lynn Hughes in June, although a subsequent lawsuit was filed Aug. 16.

Vaccines have been shown to dramatically reduce both the incidence and the severity of COVID infections. Vaccinations of health care workers, especially those who have direct contact with patients, are demonstrated to be effective strategies to significantly reduce, although not eliminate, the possibility of viral transmissions to patients – or to health care workers themselves – thus saving lives.

Hospitalists, in their central role in the care of hospitalized patients, and often with primary responsibility for managing their hospital’s COVID-19 caseloads, may find themselves encountering conversations about the vaccine, its safety, effectiveness, and mandates with their peers, other hospital staff, patients, and families, and their communities. They can play key roles in advocating for the vaccine, answering questions, clarifying the science, and dispelling misinformation – for those who are willing to listen.

Becker’s Hospital Review, which has kept an ongoing tally of announced vaccine mandate policies in hospitals, health systems, and health departments nationwide, reported on Aug. 13 that 1,850 or 30% of U.S. hospitals, had announced vaccine mandates.1 Often exceptions can be made, such as for medical or religious reasons, or with other declarations or opt-out provisions. But in many settings, mandating COVID vaccinations won’t be easy.

Dr. Amith Skandhan
Dr. Amith Skandhan

Amith Skandhan, MD, SFHM, FACP, a hospitalist at Southeast Health Medical Center in Dothan, Ala., and a core faculty member in the internal medicine residency program at Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine, said that implementing vaccine mandates will be more difficult in smaller health systems, in rural communities, and in states with lower vaccination rates and greater vaccine controversy.

Alabama has the lowest vaccination rates in the country, reflected in the recent rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations, even higher than during the surge of late 2020, Dr. Skandhan said. “In June we had one COVID patient in this hospital.” By late August the number was 119 COVID patients and climbing.

But where he works, in a health system where staffing is already spread thin, a vaccine mandate would be challenging. “What if our staff started leaving? It’s only 10 minutes from here to the Florida or Georgia border,” Dr. Skandhan said. Health care workers opposed to vaccinations would have the option of easily seeking work elsewhere.

When contacted for this article, he had been off work for several days but was mentally preparing himself to go back. “I’m not even following the [COVID-19] numbers but I am prepared for the worst. I know it will be mostly COVID. People just don’t realize what goes into this work.”

Dr. Skandhan, who said he was the third or fourth person in Alabama to receive the COVID vaccine, often finds himself feeling frustrated and angry – in the midst of a surge in cases that could have been prevented – that such a beneficial medical advance for bringing the pandemic under control became so politicized. “It is imperative that we find out why this mistrust exists and work to address it. It has to be done.”



Protecting health care professionals

On July 26, the Society of Hospital Medicine joined 50 other health care organizations including the American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, and American Academy of Pediatrics in advocating for all health care employers to require their employees to be vaccinated against COVID, in order to protect the safety of all patients and residents of health care facilities.2

“As an organization, we support vaccinating health care workers, including hospitalists, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and the increasingly dominant Delta variant,” said SHM’s chief executive officer Eric E. Howell, MD, MHM, in a prepared statement. “We aim to uphold the highest standards among hospitalists and other health care providers to help protect our fellow health care professionals, our patients, and our communities.”

To that end, Dr. Skandhan has started conversations with hospital staff who he knows are not vaccinated. “For some, we’re not able to have a civil conversation, but in most cases I can help to persuade people.” The reasons people give for not getting vaccinated are not based in science, he said. “I am worried about the safety of our hospitalists and staff nurses.” But unvaccinated frontline workers are also putting their patients at risk. “Can we say why they’re hesitating? Can we have an honest discourse? If we can’t do that with our colleagues, how can we blame the patients?”

Dr. Skandhan encourages hospitalists to start simply in their own hospitals, trying to influence their own departments and colleagues. “If you can convince one or two more every week, you can start a chain reaction. Have that conversation. Use your trust.” For some hospitalized patients, the vaccination conversation comes too late, after their infection, but even some of them might consider obtaining it down the road or trying to persuade family members to get vaccinated.

Adult hospitalists, however, may not have received training in how to effectively address vaccine fears and misconceptions among their patients, he said. Because the patients they see in the hospital are already very sick, they don’t get a lot of practice talking about vaccines except, perhaps, for the influenza vaccine.

Pediatric hospitalists have more experience with such conversations involving their patients’ parents, Dr. Skandhan said. “It comes more naturally to them. We need to learn quickly from them about how to talk about vaccines with our patients.”

Pediatric training and experience

Anika Kumar, MD, FHM, FAAP, a pediatric hospitalist at the Cleveland Clinic and the pediatric editor of The Hospitalist, agrees that pediatricians and pediatric hospitalists often have received more training in how to lead vaccination conversations. She often talks about vaccines with the parents of hospitalized children relative to chicken pox, measles, and other diseases of childhood.

Dr. Anika Kumar, Cleveland Clinic Children's
Dr. Anika Kumar

Pediatric hospitalists may also ask to administer the hepatitis B vaccine to newborn babies, along with other preventive treatments such as eye drops and vitamin K shots. “I often encourage the influenza vaccine prior to the patient’s hospital discharge, especially for kids with chronic conditions, asthma, diabetes, or premature birth. We talk about how the influenza vaccine isn’t perfect, but it helps to prevent more serious disease,” she said.

“A lot of vaccine hesitancy comes from misunderstandings about the role of vaccines,” she said. People forget that for years children have been getting vaccines before starting school. “Misinformation and opinions about vaccines have existed for decades. What’s new today is the abundance of sources for obtaining these opinions. My job is to inform families of scientific facts and to address their concerns.”

It has become more common recently for parents to say they don’t want their kids to get vaccinated, Dr. Kumar said. Another group is better described as vaccine hesitant and just needs more information. “I may not, by the time they leave the hospital, convince them to allow me to administer the vaccine. But in the discharge summary, I document that I had this conversation. I’ve done my due diligence and tried to start a larger dialogue. I say: ‘I encourage you to continue this discussion with the pediatrician you trust.’ I also communicate with the outpatient team,” she said.

“But it’s our responsibility, because we’re the ones seeing these patients, to do whatever we can to keep our patients from getting sick. A lot of challenging conversations we have with families are just trying to find out where they’re at with the issue – which can lead to productive dialogue.”

University of Louisville
Dr. Ariel Carpenter

Ariel Carpenter, MD, a 4th-year resident in internal medicine and pediatrics at the University of Louisville (Ky.), and a future pediatric hospitalist, agreed that her combined training in med-peds has been helpful preparation for the vaccine conversation. That training has included techniques of motivational interviewing. In pediatrics, she explained, the communication is a little softer. “I try to approach my patients in a family-centered way.”

Dr. Carpenter recently wrote a personal essay for Louisville Medicine magazine from the perspective of growing up homeschooled by a mother who didn’t believe in vaccines.3 As a teenager, she independently obtained the complete childhood vaccine series so that she could do medical shadowing and volunteering. In medical school she became a passionate vaccine advocate, eventually persuading her mother to change her mind on the subject in time for the COVID vaccine.

“There’s not one answer to the vaccination dilemma,” she said. “Different approaches are required because there are so many different reasons for it. Based on my own life experience, I try to approach patients where they are – not from a place of data and science. What worked in my own family, and works with my patients, is first to establish trust. If they trust you, they’re more likely to listen. Simply ask their worries and concerns,” Dr. Carpenter said.

“A lot of them haven’t had the opportunity before to sit down with a physician they trust and have their worries listened to. They don’t feel heard in our medical system. So I remind myself that I need to understand my patients first – before inserting myself into the conversation.”

Many patients she sees are in an information bubble, with a very different understanding of the issue than their doctors. “A lot of well-meaning people feel they are making the safer choice. Very few truly don’t care about protecting others. But they don’t feel the urgency about that and see the vaccine as the scarier option right now.”



Frontline vaccine advocates

Hospitalists are the frontline advocates within their hospital system, in a position to lead, so they need to make vaccines a priority, Dr. Carpenter said. They should also make sure that their hospitals have ready access to the vaccine, so patients who agree to receive it are able to get it quickly. “In our hospital they can get the shot within a few hours if the opportunity arises. We stocked the Johnson & Johnson vaccine so that they wouldn’t have to connect with another health care provider in order to get a second dose.”

Hospitals should also invest in access to vaccine counseling training and personnel. “Fund a nurse clinician who can screen and counsel hospitalized patients for vaccination. If they meet resistance, they can then refer to the dedicated physician of the day to have the conversation,” she said. “But if we don’t mention it, patients will assume we don’t feel strongly about it.”

Dr. Shyam Odeti

Because hospitalists are front and center in treating COVID, they need to be the experts and the people offering guidance, said Shyam Odeti, MD, SFHM, FAAFP, section chief for hospital medicine at the Carilion Clinic in Roanoke, Va. “What we’re trying to do is spread awareness. We educated physician groups, learners, and clinical teams during the initial phase, and now mostly patients and their families.” COVID vaccine reluctance is hard to overcome, Dr. Odeti said. People feel the vaccine was developed very quickly. But there are different ways to present it.

“Like most doctors, I thought people would jump on a vaccine to get past the pandemic. I was surprised and then disappointed. Right now, the pandemic is among the unvaccinated. So we face these encounters, and we’re doing our best to overcome the misinformation. My organization is 100% supportive. We talk about these issues every day.”

Carilion, effective Oct. 1, has required unvaccinated employees to get weekly COVID tests and wear an N95 mask while working, and has developed Facebook pages, other social media, and an Internet presence to address these issues. “We’ve gone to the local African-American community with physician leaders active in that community. We had a Spanish language roundtable,” Dr. Odeti said.

Dr. Skandhan reported that the Wiregrass regional chapter of SHM recently organized a successful statewide community educational event aimed at empowering community leaders to address vaccine misinformation and mistrust. “We surveyed religious leaders and pastors regarding the causes of vaccine hesitancy and reached out to physicians active in community awareness.” Based on that input, a presentation by the faith leaders was developed. Legislators from the Alabama State Senate’s Healthcare Policy Committee were also invited to the presentation and discussion.

Trying to stay positive

It’s important to try to stay positive, Dr. Odeti said. “We have to be empathetic with every patient. We have to keep working at this, since there’s no way out of the pandemic except through vaccinations. But it all creates stress for hospitalists. Our job is made significantly more difficult by the vaccine controversy.”

Jennifer Cowart, MD, a hospitalist in Jacksonville, Fla
Dr. Jennifer Cowart

Jennifer Cowart, MD, a hospitalist at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., has been outspoken in her community about vaccination and masking issues, talking to reporters, attending rallies and press conferences, posting on social media, and speaking in favor of mask policies at a local school board meeting. She is part of an informal local group called Doctors Fighting COVID, which meets online to strategize how to share its expertise, including writing a recent letter about masks to Jacksonville’s mayor.

“In July, when we saw the Delta variant surging locally, we held a webinar via local media, taking calls about the vaccine from the community. I’m trying not to make this a political issue, but we are health officials.” Dr. Cowart said she also tries not to raise her voice when speaking with vaccine opponents and tries to remain empathetic. “Even though inwardly I’m screaming, I try to stay calm. The misinformation is real. People are afraid and feeling pressure. I do my best, but I’m human, too.”

Hospitalists need to pull whatever levers they can to help advance understanding of vaccines, Dr. Cowart said. “In the hospital, our biggest issue is time. We often don’t have it, with a long list of patients to see. But every patient encounter is an opportunity to talk to patients, whether they have COVID or something else.” Sometimes, she might go back to a patient’s room after rounds to resume the conversation.

Hospital nurses have been trained and entrusted to do tobacco abatement counseling, she said, so why not mobilize them for vaccine education? “Or respiratory therapists, who do inhaler training, could talk about what it’s like to care for COVID patients. There’s a whole bunch of staff in the hospital who could be mobilized,” she said.

Dr. Eileen Barrett, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Dr. Eileen Barrett

“I feel passionate about vaccines, as a hospitalist, as a medical educator, as a daughter, as a responsible member of society,” said Eileen Barrett, MD, MPH, SFHM, MACP, director of continuing medical education at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. “I see this as a personal and societal responsibility. When I speak about the vaccine among groups of doctors, I say we need to stay in our lane regarding our skills at interpreting the science and not undermining it.”

Some health care worker hesitancy is from distrust of pharmaceutical companies, or of federal agencies, she said. “Our research has highlighted to me the widespread inequity issues in our health care system. We should also take a long, hard look at how we teach the scientific method to health professionals. That will be part of a pandemic retrospective.”

Sometimes with people who are vaccine deliberative, whether health care workers or patients, there is a small window of opportunity. “We need to hear people and respond to them as people. Then, if they are willing to get vaccinated, we need to accomplish that as quickly and easily as possible,” Dr. Barrett said. “I see them make a face and say, ‘Well, okay, I’ll do it.’ We need to get the vaccine to them that same day. We should be able to accomplish that.”


1. Gamble M. 30% of US hospitals mandate vaccination for employment. Becker’s Hospital Review. 2021 Aug 13. .

2. Society of Hospital Medicine signs on to joint statement in support of health worker COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Press release. 2021 Jul 26.

3. Carpenter A. A physician’s lessons from an unvaccinated childhood. Louisville Medicine. 2021 July;69(2):26-7.

Lessons for hospitalists from the vaccination controversy

1. Remain up-to-date on information about the COVID infection, its treatment, and vaccination efficacy data.

2. Hospitalists should take advantage of their positions to lead conversations in their facilities about the importance of COVID vaccinations.

3. Other professionals in the hospital, with some additional training and support, could take on the role of providing vaccine education and support – with a physician to back them up on difficult cases.

4. It’s important to listen to people’s concerns, try to build trust, and establish dialogue before starting to convey a lot of information. People need to feel heard.

5. If you are successful in persuading someone to take the vaccine, a shot should be promptly and easily accessible to them.

6. Pediatric hospitalists may have more experience and skill with vaccine discussions, which they should share with their peers who treat adults.


On April 1, Houston Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, announced a new policy that all of its staff would need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by June 7 in order to hold onto their jobs. Most responded positively but an estimated 150 staff members who did not comply either resigned or were terminated. A lawsuit by employees opposed to the vaccine mandate was dismissed by Federal District Court Judge Lynn Hughes in June, although a subsequent lawsuit was filed Aug. 16.

Vaccines have been shown to dramatically reduce both the incidence and the severity of COVID infections. Vaccinations of health care workers, especially those who have direct contact with patients, are demonstrated to be effective strategies to significantly reduce, although not eliminate, the possibility of viral transmissions to patients – or to health care workers themselves – thus saving lives.

Hospitalists, in their central role in the care of hospitalized patients, and often with primary responsibility for managing their hospital’s COVID-19 caseloads, may find themselves encountering conversations about the vaccine, its safety, effectiveness, and mandates with their peers, other hospital staff, patients, and families, and their communities. They can play key roles in advocating for the vaccine, answering questions, clarifying the science, and dispelling misinformation – for those who are willing to listen.

Becker’s Hospital Review, which has kept an ongoing tally of announced vaccine mandate policies in hospitals, health systems, and health departments nationwide, reported on Aug. 13 that 1,850 or 30% of U.S. hospitals, had announced vaccine mandates.1 Often exceptions can be made, such as for medical or religious reasons, or with other declarations or opt-out provisions. But in many settings, mandating COVID vaccinations won’t be easy.

Dr. Amith Skandhan
Dr. Amith Skandhan

Amith Skandhan, MD, SFHM, FACP, a hospitalist at Southeast Health Medical Center in Dothan, Ala., and a core faculty member in the internal medicine residency program at Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine, said that implementing vaccine mandates will be more difficult in smaller health systems, in rural communities, and in states with lower vaccination rates and greater vaccine controversy.

Alabama has the lowest vaccination rates in the country, reflected in the recent rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations, even higher than during the surge of late 2020, Dr. Skandhan said. “In June we had one COVID patient in this hospital.” By late August the number was 119 COVID patients and climbing.

But where he works, in a health system where staffing is already spread thin, a vaccine mandate would be challenging. “What if our staff started leaving? It’s only 10 minutes from here to the Florida or Georgia border,” Dr. Skandhan said. Health care workers opposed to vaccinations would have the option of easily seeking work elsewhere.

When contacted for this article, he had been off work for several days but was mentally preparing himself to go back. “I’m not even following the [COVID-19] numbers but I am prepared for the worst. I know it will be mostly COVID. People just don’t realize what goes into this work.”

Dr. Skandhan, who said he was the third or fourth person in Alabama to receive the COVID vaccine, often finds himself feeling frustrated and angry – in the midst of a surge in cases that could have been prevented – that such a beneficial medical advance for bringing the pandemic under control became so politicized. “It is imperative that we find out why this mistrust exists and work to address it. It has to be done.”



Protecting health care professionals

On July 26, the Society of Hospital Medicine joined 50 other health care organizations including the American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, and American Academy of Pediatrics in advocating for all health care employers to require their employees to be vaccinated against COVID, in order to protect the safety of all patients and residents of health care facilities.2

“As an organization, we support vaccinating health care workers, including hospitalists, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and the increasingly dominant Delta variant,” said SHM’s chief executive officer Eric E. Howell, MD, MHM, in a prepared statement. “We aim to uphold the highest standards among hospitalists and other health care providers to help protect our fellow health care professionals, our patients, and our communities.”

To that end, Dr. Skandhan has started conversations with hospital staff who he knows are not vaccinated. “For some, we’re not able to have a civil conversation, but in most cases I can help to persuade people.” The reasons people give for not getting vaccinated are not based in science, he said. “I am worried about the safety of our hospitalists and staff nurses.” But unvaccinated frontline workers are also putting their patients at risk. “Can we say why they’re hesitating? Can we have an honest discourse? If we can’t do that with our colleagues, how can we blame the patients?”

Dr. Skandhan encourages hospitalists to start simply in their own hospitals, trying to influence their own departments and colleagues. “If you can convince one or two more every week, you can start a chain reaction. Have that conversation. Use your trust.” For some hospitalized patients, the vaccination conversation comes too late, after their infection, but even some of them might consider obtaining it down the road or trying to persuade family members to get vaccinated.

Adult hospitalists, however, may not have received training in how to effectively address vaccine fears and misconceptions among their patients, he said. Because the patients they see in the hospital are already very sick, they don’t get a lot of practice talking about vaccines except, perhaps, for the influenza vaccine.

Pediatric hospitalists have more experience with such conversations involving their patients’ parents, Dr. Skandhan said. “It comes more naturally to them. We need to learn quickly from them about how to talk about vaccines with our patients.”

Pediatric training and experience

Anika Kumar, MD, FHM, FAAP, a pediatric hospitalist at the Cleveland Clinic and the pediatric editor of The Hospitalist, agrees that pediatricians and pediatric hospitalists often have received more training in how to lead vaccination conversations. She often talks about vaccines with the parents of hospitalized children relative to chicken pox, measles, and other diseases of childhood.

Dr. Anika Kumar, Cleveland Clinic Children's
Dr. Anika Kumar

Pediatric hospitalists may also ask to administer the hepatitis B vaccine to newborn babies, along with other preventive treatments such as eye drops and vitamin K shots. “I often encourage the influenza vaccine prior to the patient’s hospital discharge, especially for kids with chronic conditions, asthma, diabetes, or premature birth. We talk about how the influenza vaccine isn’t perfect, but it helps to prevent more serious disease,” she said.

“A lot of vaccine hesitancy comes from misunderstandings about the role of vaccines,” she said. People forget that for years children have been getting vaccines before starting school. “Misinformation and opinions about vaccines have existed for decades. What’s new today is the abundance of sources for obtaining these opinions. My job is to inform families of scientific facts and to address their concerns.”

It has become more common recently for parents to say they don’t want their kids to get vaccinated, Dr. Kumar said. Another group is better described as vaccine hesitant and just needs more information. “I may not, by the time they leave the hospital, convince them to allow me to administer the vaccine. But in the discharge summary, I document that I had this conversation. I’ve done my due diligence and tried to start a larger dialogue. I say: ‘I encourage you to continue this discussion with the pediatrician you trust.’ I also communicate with the outpatient team,” she said.

“But it’s our responsibility, because we’re the ones seeing these patients, to do whatever we can to keep our patients from getting sick. A lot of challenging conversations we have with families are just trying to find out where they’re at with the issue – which can lead to productive dialogue.”

University of Louisville
Dr. Ariel Carpenter

Ariel Carpenter, MD, a 4th-year resident in internal medicine and pediatrics at the University of Louisville (Ky.), and a future pediatric hospitalist, agreed that her combined training in med-peds has been helpful preparation for the vaccine conversation. That training has included techniques of motivational interviewing. In pediatrics, she explained, the communication is a little softer. “I try to approach my patients in a family-centered way.”

Dr. Carpenter recently wrote a personal essay for Louisville Medicine magazine from the perspective of growing up homeschooled by a mother who didn’t believe in vaccines.3 As a teenager, she independently obtained the complete childhood vaccine series so that she could do medical shadowing and volunteering. In medical school she became a passionate vaccine advocate, eventually persuading her mother to change her mind on the subject in time for the COVID vaccine.

“There’s not one answer to the vaccination dilemma,” she said. “Different approaches are required because there are so many different reasons for it. Based on my own life experience, I try to approach patients where they are – not from a place of data and science. What worked in my own family, and works with my patients, is first to establish trust. If they trust you, they’re more likely to listen. Simply ask their worries and concerns,” Dr. Carpenter said.

“A lot of them haven’t had the opportunity before to sit down with a physician they trust and have their worries listened to. They don’t feel heard in our medical system. So I remind myself that I need to understand my patients first – before inserting myself into the conversation.”

Many patients she sees are in an information bubble, with a very different understanding of the issue than their doctors. “A lot of well-meaning people feel they are making the safer choice. Very few truly don’t care about protecting others. But they don’t feel the urgency about that and see the vaccine as the scarier option right now.”



Frontline vaccine advocates

Hospitalists are the frontline advocates within their hospital system, in a position to lead, so they need to make vaccines a priority, Dr. Carpenter said. They should also make sure that their hospitals have ready access to the vaccine, so patients who agree to receive it are able to get it quickly. “In our hospital they can get the shot within a few hours if the opportunity arises. We stocked the Johnson & Johnson vaccine so that they wouldn’t have to connect with another health care provider in order to get a second dose.”

Hospitals should also invest in access to vaccine counseling training and personnel. “Fund a nurse clinician who can screen and counsel hospitalized patients for vaccination. If they meet resistance, they can then refer to the dedicated physician of the day to have the conversation,” she said. “But if we don’t mention it, patients will assume we don’t feel strongly about it.”

Dr. Shyam Odeti

Because hospitalists are front and center in treating COVID, they need to be the experts and the people offering guidance, said Shyam Odeti, MD, SFHM, FAAFP, section chief for hospital medicine at the Carilion Clinic in Roanoke, Va. “What we’re trying to do is spread awareness. We educated physician groups, learners, and clinical teams during the initial phase, and now mostly patients and their families.” COVID vaccine reluctance is hard to overcome, Dr. Odeti said. People feel the vaccine was developed very quickly. But there are different ways to present it.

“Like most doctors, I thought people would jump on a vaccine to get past the pandemic. I was surprised and then disappointed. Right now, the pandemic is among the unvaccinated. So we face these encounters, and we’re doing our best to overcome the misinformation. My organization is 100% supportive. We talk about these issues every day.”

Carilion, effective Oct. 1, has required unvaccinated employees to get weekly COVID tests and wear an N95 mask while working, and has developed Facebook pages, other social media, and an Internet presence to address these issues. “We’ve gone to the local African-American community with physician leaders active in that community. We had a Spanish language roundtable,” Dr. Odeti said.

Dr. Skandhan reported that the Wiregrass regional chapter of SHM recently organized a successful statewide community educational event aimed at empowering community leaders to address vaccine misinformation and mistrust. “We surveyed religious leaders and pastors regarding the causes of vaccine hesitancy and reached out to physicians active in community awareness.” Based on that input, a presentation by the faith leaders was developed. Legislators from the Alabama State Senate’s Healthcare Policy Committee were also invited to the presentation and discussion.

Trying to stay positive

It’s important to try to stay positive, Dr. Odeti said. “We have to be empathetic with every patient. We have to keep working at this, since there’s no way out of the pandemic except through vaccinations. But it all creates stress for hospitalists. Our job is made significantly more difficult by the vaccine controversy.”

Jennifer Cowart, MD, a hospitalist in Jacksonville, Fla
Dr. Jennifer Cowart

Jennifer Cowart, MD, a hospitalist at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., has been outspoken in her community about vaccination and masking issues, talking to reporters, attending rallies and press conferences, posting on social media, and speaking in favor of mask policies at a local school board meeting. She is part of an informal local group called Doctors Fighting COVID, which meets online to strategize how to share its expertise, including writing a recent letter about masks to Jacksonville’s mayor.

“In July, when we saw the Delta variant surging locally, we held a webinar via local media, taking calls about the vaccine from the community. I’m trying not to make this a political issue, but we are health officials.” Dr. Cowart said she also tries not to raise her voice when speaking with vaccine opponents and tries to remain empathetic. “Even though inwardly I’m screaming, I try to stay calm. The misinformation is real. People are afraid and feeling pressure. I do my best, but I’m human, too.”

Hospitalists need to pull whatever levers they can to help advance understanding of vaccines, Dr. Cowart said. “In the hospital, our biggest issue is time. We often don’t have it, with a long list of patients to see. But every patient encounter is an opportunity to talk to patients, whether they have COVID or something else.” Sometimes, she might go back to a patient’s room after rounds to resume the conversation.

Hospital nurses have been trained and entrusted to do tobacco abatement counseling, she said, so why not mobilize them for vaccine education? “Or respiratory therapists, who do inhaler training, could talk about what it’s like to care for COVID patients. There’s a whole bunch of staff in the hospital who could be mobilized,” she said.

Dr. Eileen Barrett, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Dr. Eileen Barrett

“I feel passionate about vaccines, as a hospitalist, as a medical educator, as a daughter, as a responsible member of society,” said Eileen Barrett, MD, MPH, SFHM, MACP, director of continuing medical education at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. “I see this as a personal and societal responsibility. When I speak about the vaccine among groups of doctors, I say we need to stay in our lane regarding our skills at interpreting the science and not undermining it.”

Some health care worker hesitancy is from distrust of pharmaceutical companies, or of federal agencies, she said. “Our research has highlighted to me the widespread inequity issues in our health care system. We should also take a long, hard look at how we teach the scientific method to health professionals. That will be part of a pandemic retrospective.”

Sometimes with people who are vaccine deliberative, whether health care workers or patients, there is a small window of opportunity. “We need to hear people and respond to them as people. Then, if they are willing to get vaccinated, we need to accomplish that as quickly and easily as possible,” Dr. Barrett said. “I see them make a face and say, ‘Well, okay, I’ll do it.’ We need to get the vaccine to them that same day. We should be able to accomplish that.”


1. Gamble M. 30% of US hospitals mandate vaccination for employment. Becker’s Hospital Review. 2021 Aug 13. .

2. Society of Hospital Medicine signs on to joint statement in support of health worker COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Press release. 2021 Jul 26.

3. Carpenter A. A physician’s lessons from an unvaccinated childhood. Louisville Medicine. 2021 July;69(2):26-7.

Lessons for hospitalists from the vaccination controversy

1. Remain up-to-date on information about the COVID infection, its treatment, and vaccination efficacy data.

2. Hospitalists should take advantage of their positions to lead conversations in their facilities about the importance of COVID vaccinations.

3. Other professionals in the hospital, with some additional training and support, could take on the role of providing vaccine education and support – with a physician to back them up on difficult cases.

4. It’s important to listen to people’s concerns, try to build trust, and establish dialogue before starting to convey a lot of information. People need to feel heard.

5. If you are successful in persuading someone to take the vaccine, a shot should be promptly and easily accessible to them.

6. Pediatric hospitalists may have more experience and skill with vaccine discussions, which they should share with their peers who treat adults.

On April 1, Houston Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, announced a new policy that all of its staff would need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by June 7 in order to hold onto their jobs. Most responded positively but an estimated 150 staff members who did not comply either resigned or were terminated. A lawsuit by employees opposed to the vaccine mandate was dismissed by Federal District Court Judge Lynn Hughes in June, although a subsequent lawsuit was filed Aug. 16.

Vaccines have been shown to dramatically reduce both the incidence and the severity of COVID infections. Vaccinations of health care workers, especially those who have direct contact with patients, are demonstrated to be effective strategies to significantly reduce, although not eliminate, the possibility of viral transmissions to patients – or to health care workers themselves – thus saving lives.

Hospitalists, in their central role in the care of hospitalized patients, and often with primary responsibility for managing their hospital’s COVID-19 caseloads, may find themselves encountering conversations about the vaccine, its safety, effectiveness, and mandates with their peers, other hospital staff, patients, and families, and their communities. They can play key roles in advocating for the vaccine, answering questions, clarifying the science, and dispelling misinformation – for those who are willing to listen.

Becker’s Hospital Review, which has kept an ongoing tally of announced vaccine mandate policies in hospitals, health systems, and health departments nationwide, reported on Aug. 13 that 1,850 or 30% of U.S. hospitals, had announced vaccine mandates.1 Often exceptions can be made, such as for medical or religious reasons, or with other declarations or opt-out provisions. But in many settings, mandating COVID vaccinations won’t be easy.

Dr. Amith Skandhan
Dr. Amith Skandhan

Amith Skandhan, MD, SFHM, FACP, a hospitalist at Southeast Health Medical Center in Dothan, Ala., and a core faculty member in the internal medicine residency program at Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine, said that implementing vaccine mandates will be more difficult in smaller health systems, in rural communities, and in states with lower vaccination rates and greater vaccine controversy.

Alabama has the lowest vaccination rates in the country, reflected in the recent rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations, even higher than during the surge of late 2020, Dr. Skandhan said. “In June we had one COVID patient in this hospital.” By late August the number was 119 COVID patients and climbing.

But where he works, in a health system where staffing is already spread thin, a vaccine mandate would be challenging. “What if our staff started leaving? It’s only 10 minutes from here to the Florida or Georgia border,” Dr. Skandhan said. Health care workers opposed to vaccinations would have the option of easily seeking work elsewhere.

When contacted for this article, he had been off work for several days but was mentally preparing himself to go back. “I’m not even following the [COVID-19] numbers but I am prepared for the worst. I know it will be mostly COVID. People just don’t realize what goes into this work.”

Dr. Skandhan, who said he was the third or fourth person in Alabama to receive the COVID vaccine, often finds himself feeling frustrated and angry – in the midst of a surge in cases that could have been prevented – that such a beneficial medical advance for bringing the pandemic under control became so politicized. “It is imperative that we find out why this mistrust exists and work to address it. It has to be done.”



Protecting health care professionals

On July 26, the Society of Hospital Medicine joined 50 other health care organizations including the American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, and American Academy of Pediatrics in advocating for all health care employers to require their employees to be vaccinated against COVID, in order to protect the safety of all patients and residents of health care facilities.2

“As an organization, we support vaccinating health care workers, including hospitalists, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and the increasingly dominant Delta variant,” said SHM’s chief executive officer Eric E. Howell, MD, MHM, in a prepared statement. “We aim to uphold the highest standards among hospitalists and other health care providers to help protect our fellow health care professionals, our patients, and our communities.”

To that end, Dr. Skandhan has started conversations with hospital staff who he knows are not vaccinated. “For some, we’re not able to have a civil conversation, but in most cases I can help to persuade people.” The reasons people give for not getting vaccinated are not based in science, he said. “I am worried about the safety of our hospitalists and staff nurses.” But unvaccinated frontline workers are also putting their patients at risk. “Can we say why they’re hesitating? Can we have an honest discourse? If we can’t do that with our colleagues, how can we blame the patients?”

Dr. Skandhan encourages hospitalists to start simply in their own hospitals, trying to influence their own departments and colleagues. “If you can convince one or two more every week, you can start a chain reaction. Have that conversation. Use your trust.” For some hospitalized patients, the vaccination conversation comes too late, after their infection, but even some of them might consider obtaining it down the road or trying to persuade family members to get vaccinated.

Adult hospitalists, however, may not have received training in how to effectively address vaccine fears and misconceptions among their patients, he said. Because the patients they see in the hospital are already very sick, they don’t get a lot of practice talking about vaccines except, perhaps, for the influenza vaccine.

Pediatric hospitalists have more experience with such conversations involving their patients’ parents, Dr. Skandhan said. “It comes more naturally to them. We need to learn quickly from them about how to talk about vaccines with our patients.”

Pediatric training and experience

Anika Kumar, MD, FHM, FAAP, a pediatric hospitalist at the Cleveland Clinic and the pediatric editor of The Hospitalist, agrees that pediatricians and pediatric hospitalists often have received more training in how to lead vaccination conversations. She often talks about vaccines with the parents of hospitalized children relative to chicken pox, measles, and other diseases of childhood.

Dr. Anika Kumar, Cleveland Clinic Children's
Dr. Anika Kumar

Pediatric hospitalists may also ask to administer the hepatitis B vaccine to newborn babies, along with other preventive treatments such as eye drops and vitamin K shots. “I often encourage the influenza vaccine prior to the patient’s hospital discharge, especially for kids with chronic conditions, asthma, diabetes, or premature birth. We talk about how the influenza vaccine isn’t perfect, but it helps to prevent more serious disease,” she said.

“A lot of vaccine hesitancy comes from misunderstandings about the role of vaccines,” she said. People forget that for years children have been getting vaccines before starting school. “Misinformation and opinions about vaccines have existed for decades. What’s new today is the abundance of sources for obtaining these opinions. My job is to inform families of scientific facts and to address their concerns.”

It has become more common recently for parents to say they don’t want their kids to get vaccinated, Dr. Kumar said. Another group is better described as vaccine hesitant and just needs more information. “I may not, by the time they leave the hospital, convince them to allow me to administer the vaccine. But in the discharge summary, I document that I had this conversation. I’ve done my due diligence and tried to start a larger dialogue. I say: ‘I encourage you to continue this discussion with the pediatrician you trust.’ I also communicate with the outpatient team,” she said.

“But it’s our responsibility, because we’re the ones seeing these patients, to do whatever we can to keep our patients from getting sick. A lot of challenging conversations we have with families are just trying to find out where they’re at with the issue – which can lead to productive dialogue.”

University of Louisville
Dr. Ariel Carpenter

Ariel Carpenter, MD, a 4th-year resident in internal medicine and pediatrics at the University of Louisville (Ky.), and a future pediatric hospitalist, agreed that her combined training in med-peds has been helpful preparation for the vaccine conversation. That training has included techniques of motivational interviewing. In pediatrics, she explained, the communication is a little softer. “I try to approach my patients in a family-centered way.”

Dr. Carpenter recently wrote a personal essay for Louisville Medicine magazine from the perspective of growing up homeschooled by a mother who didn’t believe in vaccines.3 As a teenager, she independently obtained the complete childhood vaccine series so that she could do medical shadowing and volunteering. In medical school she became a passionate vaccine advocate, eventually persuading her mother to change her mind on the subject in time for the COVID vaccine.

“There’s not one answer to the vaccination dilemma,” she said. “Different approaches are required because there are so many different reasons for it. Based on my own life experience, I try to approach patients where they are – not from a place of data and science. What worked in my own family, and works with my patients, is first to establish trust. If they trust you, they’re more likely to listen. Simply ask their worries and concerns,” Dr. Carpenter said.

“A lot of them haven’t had the opportunity before to sit down with a physician they trust and have their worries listened to. They don’t feel heard in our medical system. So I remind myself that I need to understand my patients first – before inserting myself into the conversation.”

Many patients she sees are in an information bubble, with a very different understanding of the issue than their doctors. “A lot of well-meaning people feel they are making the safer choice. Very few truly don’t care about protecting others. But they don’t feel the urgency about that and see the vaccine as the scarier option right now.”



Frontline vaccine advocates

Hospitalists are the frontline advocates within their hospital system, in a position to lead, so they need to make vaccines a priority, Dr. Carpenter said. They should also make sure that their hospitals have ready access to the vaccine, so patients who agree to receive it are able to get it quickly. “In our hospital they can get the shot within a few hours if the opportunity arises. We stocked the Johnson & Johnson vaccine so that they wouldn’t have to connect with another health care provider in order to get a second dose.”

Hospitals should also invest in access to vaccine counseling training and personnel. “Fund a nurse clinician who can screen and counsel hospitalized patients for vaccination. If they meet resistance, they can then refer to the dedicated physician of the day to have the conversation,” she said. “But if we don’t mention it, patients will assume we don’t feel strongly about it.”

Dr. Shyam Odeti

Because hospitalists are front and center in treating COVID, they need to be the experts and the people offering guidance, said Shyam Odeti, MD, SFHM, FAAFP, section chief for hospital medicine at the Carilion Clinic in Roanoke, Va. “What we’re trying to do is spread awareness. We educated physician groups, learners, and clinical teams during the initial phase, and now mostly patients and their families.” COVID vaccine reluctance is hard to overcome, Dr. Odeti said. People feel the vaccine was developed very quickly. But there are different ways to present it.

“Like most doctors, I thought people would jump on a vaccine to get past the pandemic. I was surprised and then disappointed. Right now, the pandemic is among the unvaccinated. So we face these encounters, and we’re doing our best to overcome the misinformation. My organization is 100% supportive. We talk about these issues every day.”

Carilion, effective Oct. 1, has required unvaccinated employees to get weekly COVID tests and wear an N95 mask while working, and has developed Facebook pages, other social media, and an Internet presence to address these issues. “We’ve gone to the local African-American community with physician leaders active in that community. We had a Spanish language roundtable,” Dr. Odeti said.

Dr. Skandhan reported that the Wiregrass regional chapter of SHM recently organized a successful statewide community educational event aimed at empowering community leaders to address vaccine misinformation and mistrust. “We surveyed religious leaders and pastors regarding the causes of vaccine hesitancy and reached out to physicians active in community awareness.” Based on that input, a presentation by the faith leaders was developed. Legislators from the Alabama State Senate’s Healthcare Policy Committee were also invited to the presentation and discussion.

Trying to stay positive

It’s important to try to stay positive, Dr. Odeti said. “We have to be empathetic with every patient. We have to keep working at this, since there’s no way out of the pandemic except through vaccinations. But it all creates stress for hospitalists. Our job is made significantly more difficult by the vaccine controversy.”

Jennifer Cowart, MD, a hospitalist in Jacksonville, Fla
Dr. Jennifer Cowart

Jennifer Cowart, MD, a hospitalist at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., has been outspoken in her community about vaccination and masking issues, talking to reporters, attending rallies and press conferences, posting on social media, and speaking in favor of mask policies at a local school board meeting. She is part of an informal local group called Doctors Fighting COVID, which meets online to strategize how to share its expertise, including writing a recent letter about masks to Jacksonville’s mayor.

“In July, when we saw the Delta variant surging locally, we held a webinar via local media, taking calls about the vaccine from the community. I’m trying not to make this a political issue, but we are health officials.” Dr. Cowart said she also tries not to raise her voice when speaking with vaccine opponents and tries to remain empathetic. “Even though inwardly I’m screaming, I try to stay calm. The misinformation is real. People are afraid and feeling pressure. I do my best, but I’m human, too.”

Hospitalists need to pull whatever levers they can to help advance understanding of vaccines, Dr. Cowart said. “In the hospital, our biggest issue is time. We often don’t have it, with a long list of patients to see. But every patient encounter is an opportunity to talk to patients, whether they have COVID or something else.” Sometimes, she might go back to a patient’s room after rounds to resume the conversation.

Hospital nurses have been trained and entrusted to do tobacco abatement counseling, she said, so why not mobilize them for vaccine education? “Or respiratory therapists, who do inhaler training, could talk about what it’s like to care for COVID patients. There’s a whole bunch of staff in the hospital who could be mobilized,” she said.

Dr. Eileen Barrett, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Dr. Eileen Barrett

“I feel passionate about vaccines, as a hospitalist, as a medical educator, as a daughter, as a responsible member of society,” said Eileen Barrett, MD, MPH, SFHM, MACP, director of continuing medical education at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. “I see this as a personal and societal responsibility. When I speak about the vaccine among groups of doctors, I say we need to stay in our lane regarding our skills at interpreting the science and not undermining it.”

Some health care worker hesitancy is from distrust of pharmaceutical companies, or of federal agencies, she said. “Our research has highlighted to me the widespread inequity issues in our health care system. We should also take a long, hard look at how we teach the scientific method to health professionals. That will be part of a pandemic retrospective.”

Sometimes with people who are vaccine deliberative, whether health care workers or patients, there is a small window of opportunity. “We need to hear people and respond to them as people. Then, if they are willing to get vaccinated, we need to accomplish that as quickly and easily as possible,” Dr. Barrett said. “I see them make a face and say, ‘Well, okay, I’ll do it.’ We need to get the vaccine to them that same day. We should be able to accomplish that.”


1. Gamble M. 30% of US hospitals mandate vaccination for employment. Becker’s Hospital Review. 2021 Aug 13. .

2. Society of Hospital Medicine signs on to joint statement in support of health worker COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Press release. 2021 Jul 26.

3. Carpenter A. A physician’s lessons from an unvaccinated childhood. Louisville Medicine. 2021 July;69(2):26-7.

Lessons for hospitalists from the vaccination controversy

1. Remain up-to-date on information about the COVID infection, its treatment, and vaccination efficacy data.

2. Hospitalists should take advantage of their positions to lead conversations in their facilities about the importance of COVID vaccinations.

3. Other professionals in the hospital, with some additional training and support, could take on the role of providing vaccine education and support – with a physician to back them up on difficult cases.

4. It’s important to listen to people’s concerns, try to build trust, and establish dialogue before starting to convey a lot of information. People need to feel heard.

5. If you are successful in persuading someone to take the vaccine, a shot should be promptly and easily accessible to them.

6. Pediatric hospitalists may have more experience and skill with vaccine discussions, which they should share with their peers who treat adults.

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