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Sun, 12/20/2020 - 13:22

The cognitive and emotional status of children with sickle cell disease (SCD) appears to have a significant effect on how they cope with pain and use health care resources, investigators have found.

Results of a retrospective study of 112 children and adolescents with SCD, the majority of whom had sickle cell anemia, showed that ED visits and hospitalizations were significantly lower among children with SCD who performed better on an attention task, as well as those who were better able to cope emotionally with having SCD and pain, reported Zaria Williams, a second-year medical student at Howard University, Washington, and colleagues.

“Since I started learning more about sickle cell disease, I’ve been very concerned about the great disease burden that this condition can place on pediatric patients, particularly those who suffer from pain,” Ms. Williams said in an oral abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology.

Although many children and adolescents with SCD can have their pain effectively managed at home with opioids and other medications, some require ED visits and potentially hospitalizations for pain management.

“There is great variability in health care utilization among patients with sickle cell disease, with some having to come to the ED and be admit to the hospital more than others. In searching for reasons why this might be the case, we thought about cognitive function and emotional differences between children with sickle cell disease as potentially affecting disease management,” she said.

Anxiety and catastrophizing

Children with SCD are known to be susceptible to affective comorbidities such as anxiety and catastrophizing, and to conditions that have the potential for deleterious effects on executive function, attention, and working memory. To determine whether cognitive and emotional factors affect the disease self-management in children and adolescents with SCD, Ms. Williams and coinvestigators looked at a cohort of 112 SCD patients aged 7-16 years treated at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C.

The patients had participated in a previous pilot study of computerized working memory training. The authors reviewed charts for data on health care utilization, focusing on ED visits and hospitalization for pain 1 and 3 years after enrollment in the study.

They collected data on SCD genotype, disease-related variables, psychosocial information, and measures of cognition and emotion from the dataset. The information included socioeconomic status, parent education level, household income, and number of adults in the household.

Cognitive measures included the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children full scale IQ, and the Cogstate computerized cognitive assessment system, which measures attention, executive function, and working memory.

Emotional measures were captured from the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Sickle Cell Disease module, including questions about worrying and emotions such as anger regarding SCD and pain.

The mean age of participants was 10.61 years. Of the 112 children/adolescents in the study, 65 (58%) were female, and 83 (74%) had sickle cell anemia (either HbSS or HbSβ0 thalassemia).

The participants had a median number of ED visits for pain of one within a year of enrollment, and a median of three within 3 years of enrollment,

The median number of hospital admissions for pain was zero and one, respectively.



Attention, emotions linked to higher use

Factors significantly associated with ED visits for pain within the first year were higher (worse) scores for attention (P = .001) and self-reported emotion (P = .049). ED visits within 3 years of enrollment were associated with attention (P = .003) and working memory (P = .039).

Similarly, hospitalizations for pain within the first year were significantly associated with worse attention scores (P = .009) and child-reported emotion (P = .013). Hospitalizations for pain within 3 years of enrollment were also significantly associated with attention deficits (P = .006) and with worse emotional function as reported by a parent (P = .020).

There was no significant effect of SCD genotype or socioeconomic status on either pain-related ED visits or hospitalizations, however.

The investigators theorized that poor attention may make it difficult to distract children from focusing on their pain, and could also hamper disease self-management strategies such as medication adherence and avoiding pain triggers.

Age-related differences?

In the question-and-answer session following her presentation, comoderator Susanna A Curtis, MD, from Yale New Haven (Conn.) Hospital, commented that “some previous work has shown that adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease have higher utilization as compared to their younger counterparts,” and asked whether the investigators found differences between cognition and utilization among different age groups within the cohort.

“We didn’t find a significant association with age, but I’m also very interested in that as well, especially considering that maybe there is more or less parent involvement, considering how old the child is,” Ms. Williams said.

Dr. Curtis noted that many of the comorbidities of sickle cell disease such as stroke or degree of anemia can affect cognitive function, but can also have an effect on health care utilization as well, asked whether the investigators were able to look at the potential confounding effects of comorbidities.

Ms. Williams said that, although they have not looked at potential confounders as yet, they hope to do so in future research.

Asked by another audience member whether the authors had considered using the Pain Catastrophizing Scale for children and/or their parents, in addition to other markers, Ms. Williams replied that “I definitely have considered it. Under recommendations from my mentors, we just focused on the quality-of-life scale first, but catastrophizing is something I’m very interested in. Especially, I would love to have the parent factors as well, so along the journey I hope to include that.”

The study was sponsored in part by a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Ms Williams is the recipient of an ASH Minority Medical Student Award. Dr. Curtis and Ms. Williams both reported no relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.

SOURCE: Williams Z et al. ASH 2020, Abstract 366


The cognitive and emotional status of children with sickle cell disease (SCD) appears to have a significant effect on how they cope with pain and use health care resources, investigators have found.

Results of a retrospective study of 112 children and adolescents with SCD, the majority of whom had sickle cell anemia, showed that ED visits and hospitalizations were significantly lower among children with SCD who performed better on an attention task, as well as those who were better able to cope emotionally with having SCD and pain, reported Zaria Williams, a second-year medical student at Howard University, Washington, and colleagues.

“Since I started learning more about sickle cell disease, I’ve been very concerned about the great disease burden that this condition can place on pediatric patients, particularly those who suffer from pain,” Ms. Williams said in an oral abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology.

Although many children and adolescents with SCD can have their pain effectively managed at home with opioids and other medications, some require ED visits and potentially hospitalizations for pain management.

“There is great variability in health care utilization among patients with sickle cell disease, with some having to come to the ED and be admit to the hospital more than others. In searching for reasons why this might be the case, we thought about cognitive function and emotional differences between children with sickle cell disease as potentially affecting disease management,” she said.

Anxiety and catastrophizing

Children with SCD are known to be susceptible to affective comorbidities such as anxiety and catastrophizing, and to conditions that have the potential for deleterious effects on executive function, attention, and working memory. To determine whether cognitive and emotional factors affect the disease self-management in children and adolescents with SCD, Ms. Williams and coinvestigators looked at a cohort of 112 SCD patients aged 7-16 years treated at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C.

The patients had participated in a previous pilot study of computerized working memory training. The authors reviewed charts for data on health care utilization, focusing on ED visits and hospitalization for pain 1 and 3 years after enrollment in the study.

They collected data on SCD genotype, disease-related variables, psychosocial information, and measures of cognition and emotion from the dataset. The information included socioeconomic status, parent education level, household income, and number of adults in the household.

Cognitive measures included the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children full scale IQ, and the Cogstate computerized cognitive assessment system, which measures attention, executive function, and working memory.

Emotional measures were captured from the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Sickle Cell Disease module, including questions about worrying and emotions such as anger regarding SCD and pain.

The mean age of participants was 10.61 years. Of the 112 children/adolescents in the study, 65 (58%) were female, and 83 (74%) had sickle cell anemia (either HbSS or HbSβ0 thalassemia).

The participants had a median number of ED visits for pain of one within a year of enrollment, and a median of three within 3 years of enrollment,

The median number of hospital admissions for pain was zero and one, respectively.



Attention, emotions linked to higher use

Factors significantly associated with ED visits for pain within the first year were higher (worse) scores for attention (P = .001) and self-reported emotion (P = .049). ED visits within 3 years of enrollment were associated with attention (P = .003) and working memory (P = .039).

Similarly, hospitalizations for pain within the first year were significantly associated with worse attention scores (P = .009) and child-reported emotion (P = .013). Hospitalizations for pain within 3 years of enrollment were also significantly associated with attention deficits (P = .006) and with worse emotional function as reported by a parent (P = .020).

There was no significant effect of SCD genotype or socioeconomic status on either pain-related ED visits or hospitalizations, however.

The investigators theorized that poor attention may make it difficult to distract children from focusing on their pain, and could also hamper disease self-management strategies such as medication adherence and avoiding pain triggers.

Age-related differences?

In the question-and-answer session following her presentation, comoderator Susanna A Curtis, MD, from Yale New Haven (Conn.) Hospital, commented that “some previous work has shown that adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease have higher utilization as compared to their younger counterparts,” and asked whether the investigators found differences between cognition and utilization among different age groups within the cohort.

“We didn’t find a significant association with age, but I’m also very interested in that as well, especially considering that maybe there is more or less parent involvement, considering how old the child is,” Ms. Williams said.

Dr. Curtis noted that many of the comorbidities of sickle cell disease such as stroke or degree of anemia can affect cognitive function, but can also have an effect on health care utilization as well, asked whether the investigators were able to look at the potential confounding effects of comorbidities.

Ms. Williams said that, although they have not looked at potential confounders as yet, they hope to do so in future research.

Asked by another audience member whether the authors had considered using the Pain Catastrophizing Scale for children and/or their parents, in addition to other markers, Ms. Williams replied that “I definitely have considered it. Under recommendations from my mentors, we just focused on the quality-of-life scale first, but catastrophizing is something I’m very interested in. Especially, I would love to have the parent factors as well, so along the journey I hope to include that.”

The study was sponsored in part by a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Ms Williams is the recipient of an ASH Minority Medical Student Award. Dr. Curtis and Ms. Williams both reported no relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.

SOURCE: Williams Z et al. ASH 2020, Abstract 366

The cognitive and emotional status of children with sickle cell disease (SCD) appears to have a significant effect on how they cope with pain and use health care resources, investigators have found.

Results of a retrospective study of 112 children and adolescents with SCD, the majority of whom had sickle cell anemia, showed that ED visits and hospitalizations were significantly lower among children with SCD who performed better on an attention task, as well as those who were better able to cope emotionally with having SCD and pain, reported Zaria Williams, a second-year medical student at Howard University, Washington, and colleagues.

“Since I started learning more about sickle cell disease, I’ve been very concerned about the great disease burden that this condition can place on pediatric patients, particularly those who suffer from pain,” Ms. Williams said in an oral abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology.

Although many children and adolescents with SCD can have their pain effectively managed at home with opioids and other medications, some require ED visits and potentially hospitalizations for pain management.

“There is great variability in health care utilization among patients with sickle cell disease, with some having to come to the ED and be admit to the hospital more than others. In searching for reasons why this might be the case, we thought about cognitive function and emotional differences between children with sickle cell disease as potentially affecting disease management,” she said.

Anxiety and catastrophizing

Children with SCD are known to be susceptible to affective comorbidities such as anxiety and catastrophizing, and to conditions that have the potential for deleterious effects on executive function, attention, and working memory. To determine whether cognitive and emotional factors affect the disease self-management in children and adolescents with SCD, Ms. Williams and coinvestigators looked at a cohort of 112 SCD patients aged 7-16 years treated at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C.

The patients had participated in a previous pilot study of computerized working memory training. The authors reviewed charts for data on health care utilization, focusing on ED visits and hospitalization for pain 1 and 3 years after enrollment in the study.

They collected data on SCD genotype, disease-related variables, psychosocial information, and measures of cognition and emotion from the dataset. The information included socioeconomic status, parent education level, household income, and number of adults in the household.

Cognitive measures included the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children full scale IQ, and the Cogstate computerized cognitive assessment system, which measures attention, executive function, and working memory.

Emotional measures were captured from the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Sickle Cell Disease module, including questions about worrying and emotions such as anger regarding SCD and pain.

The mean age of participants was 10.61 years. Of the 112 children/adolescents in the study, 65 (58%) were female, and 83 (74%) had sickle cell anemia (either HbSS or HbSβ0 thalassemia).

The participants had a median number of ED visits for pain of one within a year of enrollment, and a median of three within 3 years of enrollment,

The median number of hospital admissions for pain was zero and one, respectively.



Attention, emotions linked to higher use

Factors significantly associated with ED visits for pain within the first year were higher (worse) scores for attention (P = .001) and self-reported emotion (P = .049). ED visits within 3 years of enrollment were associated with attention (P = .003) and working memory (P = .039).

Similarly, hospitalizations for pain within the first year were significantly associated with worse attention scores (P = .009) and child-reported emotion (P = .013). Hospitalizations for pain within 3 years of enrollment were also significantly associated with attention deficits (P = .006) and with worse emotional function as reported by a parent (P = .020).

There was no significant effect of SCD genotype or socioeconomic status on either pain-related ED visits or hospitalizations, however.

The investigators theorized that poor attention may make it difficult to distract children from focusing on their pain, and could also hamper disease self-management strategies such as medication adherence and avoiding pain triggers.

Age-related differences?

In the question-and-answer session following her presentation, comoderator Susanna A Curtis, MD, from Yale New Haven (Conn.) Hospital, commented that “some previous work has shown that adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease have higher utilization as compared to their younger counterparts,” and asked whether the investigators found differences between cognition and utilization among different age groups within the cohort.

“We didn’t find a significant association with age, but I’m also very interested in that as well, especially considering that maybe there is more or less parent involvement, considering how old the child is,” Ms. Williams said.

Dr. Curtis noted that many of the comorbidities of sickle cell disease such as stroke or degree of anemia can affect cognitive function, but can also have an effect on health care utilization as well, asked whether the investigators were able to look at the potential confounding effects of comorbidities.

Ms. Williams said that, although they have not looked at potential confounders as yet, they hope to do so in future research.

Asked by another audience member whether the authors had considered using the Pain Catastrophizing Scale for children and/or their parents, in addition to other markers, Ms. Williams replied that “I definitely have considered it. Under recommendations from my mentors, we just focused on the quality-of-life scale first, but catastrophizing is something I’m very interested in. Especially, I would love to have the parent factors as well, so along the journey I hope to include that.”

The study was sponsored in part by a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Ms Williams is the recipient of an ASH Minority Medical Student Award. Dr. Curtis and Ms. Williams both reported no relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.

SOURCE: Williams Z et al. ASH 2020, Abstract 366

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