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Thu, 07/18/2019 - 09:28

Intuitively, we have come to believe that adding more to each family members’ schedule – a lesson, an activity, more homework time – is more enriching or meaningful than is a family dinner, which appears to have less direct impact. However, there is a growing body of evidence that, when an entire family eats dinner together 5 or more nights weekly, the emotional health and well-being of all family members is improved. Not only is their health improved, as there is a greater likelihood of eating nutritious food, but so are a child’s school performance and emotional well-being. As the frequency of eating dinner with parents goes up, the rates of mood and anxiety disorders and high-risk behaviors in teenagers go down.

Family gathered around the table with autistic child

But less than 60% of children eat five or more meals with their parents each week (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse [CASA], 2012). Few people would suggest that encouraging families to eat dinner together is a bad idea, but time is the ultimate scarce resource. Preparing food and eating together takes time, and parents and children have many demands on that time that feel nonnegotiable, such as homework, exercise, team practice, or work obligations. When you meet with your patients and explain the tremendous health benefits of eating dinner together, you help your patients and their parents make informed decisions about how to rebalance time to prioritize family dinners that have real but fewer obvious impacts then do a piano lesson or dance class.

Of course, children who eat regular family dinners eat more fruits and vegetables and fewer fried foods and soft drinks than do their peers who eat dinner with their families less often. They are less likely to become obese in youth and more likely to eat healthily and maintain a healthy weight once they live on their own as adults.



Scientific evidence of the mental health benefits to children of eating meals with their families first emerged in the 1990s when the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, New York, began surveying various family behaviors and correlating them with the risk of adolescent substance use and misuse. They found strong evidence that when families ate dinner together five or more times weekly (we’ll call this “frequent family dinners”), their adolescents were far less likely to initiate alcohol and cigarette use and less likely to regularly abuse alcohol and drugs. Subsequent studies have demonstrated that the protective effect may be greater for girls than boys and may be greater for alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana than for other drugs. But earlier age of first use of substances substantially raises the risk of later addiction, so the health benefits of any delay in first use are significant.

Since CASA’s first studies in the 1990s, researchers began paying closer attention to family meals and a variety of psychiatric problems in youth. They demonstrated that frequent family dinners lowered the risk of other externalizing behaviors in youth, including risky sexual behaviors, threats of physical harm, aggression, fights leading to injury, and carrying or using a weapon.1,2 Frequent family dinners are associated with lower rates of disordered eating behaviors and disordered body image in adolescent girls.3,4 Multiple studies have found a powerful association between frequent family dinners and lower rates of depressive symptoms and suicide attempts in both male and female adolescents.1 Frequent family dinners even have been shown to mitigate against the risks of multiple poor health and academic outcomes in children with high adverse childhood experience (ACE) scores.5

Beyond protecting against problems, frequent family meals are associated with improved well-being and performance. Studies have demonstrated positive associations between frequent family meals and higher levels of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and well-being in adolescents, both male and female. They have consistently found significant associations between frequent family meals and higher grade point averages, commitment to learning, and rich vocabularies in children and adolescents, even after adjustment for demographic and other familial factors.6 And children are not the only ones who benefit. Frequent family meals even have been shown to be associated with higher self-reported levels of well-being and self-esteem, and lower levels of stress among parents.7,8 While investing the time in preparing meals and eating them together may sound stressful, it’s clear the benefits outweigh the risks for parents as well as for their children.

Dr. Susan D. Swick, physician in chief at Ohana,Center for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health, Community Hospital of the Monterey (Calif.) Peninsula.
Dr. Susan D. Swick

It is important to set the framework for what really matters in a family dinner so that your patients can enjoy all of these benefits. Parents may assume that the meal must be prepared from scratch with only fresh, local, or organic ingredients. But what matters most is that the food is delicious and nutritious, and that the time spent eating (and preparing it) is fun, and promotes conversation and connection. Homemade food usually is more nutritious and will bring more of the physical health benefits, but many store-bought ingredients or even take-out options can be healthy and can promote time for the family to sit together and connect. If parents enjoy preparing food, then it’s worthwhile! And they should not worry about having every member of the family together at every meal. Even if only one parent and child are present for a dinner, they each will enjoy the benefits.



Parents can use this time to help promote good habits in their children. Talking about why manners matter while practicing them at the table is powerful for young children. Let them know manners are how we show people that we care about them, whether by taking turns talking or chewing with our mouths closed! Older children and adolescents can learn about how effort is an essential ingredient in every important area in life, from school to meals. Tell them that sometimes the work or effort will be uncomfortable, and pitching in to share the effort lightens everyone’s load. When parents ask for help, they show their children how to do the same and that they have confidence in their child’s ability to be helpful.

Parents should share the joy of the effort, too! They can invite their young children to help with the meal preparation in age-appropriate ways: pulling herbs off of their stems, rinsing vegetables, sprinkling spices, or emptying a box of spaghetti into a pot of water. Older children feel honored to be given bigger responsibilities, such as carrying plates to the table or cutting vegetables (with supervision, when appropriate). And adolescents, exploring their interests and enjoying their independence, may enjoy building their own menus for the family, doing the shopping or leading the preparation of a dish or full meal themselves.

While there is a role for supporting good manners and helpful habits, help parents avoid getting into power struggles with their children over what they will eat or how they conduct themselves at the table. There should be reasonable rules and expectations around mealtime, and predictable, reasonable consequences. If children try a food and don’t like it, they can have a bowl of (nutritious) cereal and stay at the table with the family. Phones should not be allowed at the table, and televisions should be off during the meal (although music may enhance the sense of pleasure or celebration). Mealtime should be time for relaxing, listening, and connecting.

Dr. Michael S. Jellinek, professor emeritus of psychiatry and pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston
Dr. Michael S. Jellinek

Offer some ideas about how to facilitate conversations. Asking about how a child’s day went may spark conversations sometimes, but usually people benefit from specific questions. What made you really laugh today? What did you have for lunch? Whom did you sit next to on the bus? If a parent starts by telling a story about his or her day, even better! This is especially potent if a parent talks about something embarrassing or challenging, or mentions a failure. Young children will have plenty of these stories, and adolescents build resilience by internalizing the idea that setbacks and difficulties are a normal, healthy part of every day. This is a great time to talk about current events, whether in the news, entertainment, or sports. And telling stories about when children were younger, when the parents were children, or even about grandparents or more distant ancestors is a wonderful way to engage children in the greater story of their family narrative, and is always engaging and memorable.

At a deeper level, the family dinner is a time that recognizes each person’s contribution to a discussion, and facilitates a calm discussion of the families’ history and values. There is connection, communication, and building of trust. Families that cannot schedule a minimum number of dinners or that have dinners filled with tension and conflict, are very likely to have children at risk. For those conflicted and often unhappy families, a pediatrician’s early recognition and intervention could make a meaningful difference.

Dr. Swick is physician in chief at Ohana, Center for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health, Community Hospital of the Monterey (Calif.) Peninsula. Dr. Jellinek is professor emeritus of psychiatry and pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston. Email them at


1. J Adolesc Health. 2006;39(3):337-45.

2. J Adolesc. 2010;33(1):187-96.

3. J Adolesc Health. 2009;44(5):431-6.

4. Health Psychol. 2008;27(Suppl 2):s109-17.

5. J Adolesc Health. 2009;45(4):389-95.

6. Pediatrics. 2019 Jul 8. doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-945.

7. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004;158(8):792-6.

8. Prev Med. 2018;113:7-12.


Intuitively, we have come to believe that adding more to each family members’ schedule – a lesson, an activity, more homework time – is more enriching or meaningful than is a family dinner, which appears to have less direct impact. However, there is a growing body of evidence that, when an entire family eats dinner together 5 or more nights weekly, the emotional health and well-being of all family members is improved. Not only is their health improved, as there is a greater likelihood of eating nutritious food, but so are a child’s school performance and emotional well-being. As the frequency of eating dinner with parents goes up, the rates of mood and anxiety disorders and high-risk behaviors in teenagers go down.

Family gathered around the table with autistic child

But less than 60% of children eat five or more meals with their parents each week (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse [CASA], 2012). Few people would suggest that encouraging families to eat dinner together is a bad idea, but time is the ultimate scarce resource. Preparing food and eating together takes time, and parents and children have many demands on that time that feel nonnegotiable, such as homework, exercise, team practice, or work obligations. When you meet with your patients and explain the tremendous health benefits of eating dinner together, you help your patients and their parents make informed decisions about how to rebalance time to prioritize family dinners that have real but fewer obvious impacts then do a piano lesson or dance class.

Of course, children who eat regular family dinners eat more fruits and vegetables and fewer fried foods and soft drinks than do their peers who eat dinner with their families less often. They are less likely to become obese in youth and more likely to eat healthily and maintain a healthy weight once they live on their own as adults.



Scientific evidence of the mental health benefits to children of eating meals with their families first emerged in the 1990s when the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, New York, began surveying various family behaviors and correlating them with the risk of adolescent substance use and misuse. They found strong evidence that when families ate dinner together five or more times weekly (we’ll call this “frequent family dinners”), their adolescents were far less likely to initiate alcohol and cigarette use and less likely to regularly abuse alcohol and drugs. Subsequent studies have demonstrated that the protective effect may be greater for girls than boys and may be greater for alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana than for other drugs. But earlier age of first use of substances substantially raises the risk of later addiction, so the health benefits of any delay in first use are significant.

Since CASA’s first studies in the 1990s, researchers began paying closer attention to family meals and a variety of psychiatric problems in youth. They demonstrated that frequent family dinners lowered the risk of other externalizing behaviors in youth, including risky sexual behaviors, threats of physical harm, aggression, fights leading to injury, and carrying or using a weapon.1,2 Frequent family dinners are associated with lower rates of disordered eating behaviors and disordered body image in adolescent girls.3,4 Multiple studies have found a powerful association between frequent family dinners and lower rates of depressive symptoms and suicide attempts in both male and female adolescents.1 Frequent family dinners even have been shown to mitigate against the risks of multiple poor health and academic outcomes in children with high adverse childhood experience (ACE) scores.5

Beyond protecting against problems, frequent family meals are associated with improved well-being and performance. Studies have demonstrated positive associations between frequent family meals and higher levels of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and well-being in adolescents, both male and female. They have consistently found significant associations between frequent family meals and higher grade point averages, commitment to learning, and rich vocabularies in children and adolescents, even after adjustment for demographic and other familial factors.6 And children are not the only ones who benefit. Frequent family meals even have been shown to be associated with higher self-reported levels of well-being and self-esteem, and lower levels of stress among parents.7,8 While investing the time in preparing meals and eating them together may sound stressful, it’s clear the benefits outweigh the risks for parents as well as for their children.

Dr. Susan D. Swick, physician in chief at Ohana,Center for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health, Community Hospital of the Monterey (Calif.) Peninsula.
Dr. Susan D. Swick

It is important to set the framework for what really matters in a family dinner so that your patients can enjoy all of these benefits. Parents may assume that the meal must be prepared from scratch with only fresh, local, or organic ingredients. But what matters most is that the food is delicious and nutritious, and that the time spent eating (and preparing it) is fun, and promotes conversation and connection. Homemade food usually is more nutritious and will bring more of the physical health benefits, but many store-bought ingredients or even take-out options can be healthy and can promote time for the family to sit together and connect. If parents enjoy preparing food, then it’s worthwhile! And they should not worry about having every member of the family together at every meal. Even if only one parent and child are present for a dinner, they each will enjoy the benefits.



Parents can use this time to help promote good habits in their children. Talking about why manners matter while practicing them at the table is powerful for young children. Let them know manners are how we show people that we care about them, whether by taking turns talking or chewing with our mouths closed! Older children and adolescents can learn about how effort is an essential ingredient in every important area in life, from school to meals. Tell them that sometimes the work or effort will be uncomfortable, and pitching in to share the effort lightens everyone’s load. When parents ask for help, they show their children how to do the same and that they have confidence in their child’s ability to be helpful.

Parents should share the joy of the effort, too! They can invite their young children to help with the meal preparation in age-appropriate ways: pulling herbs off of their stems, rinsing vegetables, sprinkling spices, or emptying a box of spaghetti into a pot of water. Older children feel honored to be given bigger responsibilities, such as carrying plates to the table or cutting vegetables (with supervision, when appropriate). And adolescents, exploring their interests and enjoying their independence, may enjoy building their own menus for the family, doing the shopping or leading the preparation of a dish or full meal themselves.

While there is a role for supporting good manners and helpful habits, help parents avoid getting into power struggles with their children over what they will eat or how they conduct themselves at the table. There should be reasonable rules and expectations around mealtime, and predictable, reasonable consequences. If children try a food and don’t like it, they can have a bowl of (nutritious) cereal and stay at the table with the family. Phones should not be allowed at the table, and televisions should be off during the meal (although music may enhance the sense of pleasure or celebration). Mealtime should be time for relaxing, listening, and connecting.

Dr. Michael S. Jellinek, professor emeritus of psychiatry and pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston
Dr. Michael S. Jellinek

Offer some ideas about how to facilitate conversations. Asking about how a child’s day went may spark conversations sometimes, but usually people benefit from specific questions. What made you really laugh today? What did you have for lunch? Whom did you sit next to on the bus? If a parent starts by telling a story about his or her day, even better! This is especially potent if a parent talks about something embarrassing or challenging, or mentions a failure. Young children will have plenty of these stories, and adolescents build resilience by internalizing the idea that setbacks and difficulties are a normal, healthy part of every day. This is a great time to talk about current events, whether in the news, entertainment, or sports. And telling stories about when children were younger, when the parents were children, or even about grandparents or more distant ancestors is a wonderful way to engage children in the greater story of their family narrative, and is always engaging and memorable.

At a deeper level, the family dinner is a time that recognizes each person’s contribution to a discussion, and facilitates a calm discussion of the families’ history and values. There is connection, communication, and building of trust. Families that cannot schedule a minimum number of dinners or that have dinners filled with tension and conflict, are very likely to have children at risk. For those conflicted and often unhappy families, a pediatrician’s early recognition and intervention could make a meaningful difference.

Dr. Swick is physician in chief at Ohana, Center for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health, Community Hospital of the Monterey (Calif.) Peninsula. Dr. Jellinek is professor emeritus of psychiatry and pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston. Email them at


1. J Adolesc Health. 2006;39(3):337-45.

2. J Adolesc. 2010;33(1):187-96.

3. J Adolesc Health. 2009;44(5):431-6.

4. Health Psychol. 2008;27(Suppl 2):s109-17.

5. J Adolesc Health. 2009;45(4):389-95.

6. Pediatrics. 2019 Jul 8. doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-945.

7. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004;158(8):792-6.

8. Prev Med. 2018;113:7-12.

Intuitively, we have come to believe that adding more to each family members’ schedule – a lesson, an activity, more homework time – is more enriching or meaningful than is a family dinner, which appears to have less direct impact. However, there is a growing body of evidence that, when an entire family eats dinner together 5 or more nights weekly, the emotional health and well-being of all family members is improved. Not only is their health improved, as there is a greater likelihood of eating nutritious food, but so are a child’s school performance and emotional well-being. As the frequency of eating dinner with parents goes up, the rates of mood and anxiety disorders and high-risk behaviors in teenagers go down.

Family gathered around the table with autistic child

But less than 60% of children eat five or more meals with their parents each week (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse [CASA], 2012). Few people would suggest that encouraging families to eat dinner together is a bad idea, but time is the ultimate scarce resource. Preparing food and eating together takes time, and parents and children have many demands on that time that feel nonnegotiable, such as homework, exercise, team practice, or work obligations. When you meet with your patients and explain the tremendous health benefits of eating dinner together, you help your patients and their parents make informed decisions about how to rebalance time to prioritize family dinners that have real but fewer obvious impacts then do a piano lesson or dance class.

Of course, children who eat regular family dinners eat more fruits and vegetables and fewer fried foods and soft drinks than do their peers who eat dinner with their families less often. They are less likely to become obese in youth and more likely to eat healthily and maintain a healthy weight once they live on their own as adults.



Scientific evidence of the mental health benefits to children of eating meals with their families first emerged in the 1990s when the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, New York, began surveying various family behaviors and correlating them with the risk of adolescent substance use and misuse. They found strong evidence that when families ate dinner together five or more times weekly (we’ll call this “frequent family dinners”), their adolescents were far less likely to initiate alcohol and cigarette use and less likely to regularly abuse alcohol and drugs. Subsequent studies have demonstrated that the protective effect may be greater for girls than boys and may be greater for alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana than for other drugs. But earlier age of first use of substances substantially raises the risk of later addiction, so the health benefits of any delay in first use are significant.

Since CASA’s first studies in the 1990s, researchers began paying closer attention to family meals and a variety of psychiatric problems in youth. They demonstrated that frequent family dinners lowered the risk of other externalizing behaviors in youth, including risky sexual behaviors, threats of physical harm, aggression, fights leading to injury, and carrying or using a weapon.1,2 Frequent family dinners are associated with lower rates of disordered eating behaviors and disordered body image in adolescent girls.3,4 Multiple studies have found a powerful association between frequent family dinners and lower rates of depressive symptoms and suicide attempts in both male and female adolescents.1 Frequent family dinners even have been shown to mitigate against the risks of multiple poor health and academic outcomes in children with high adverse childhood experience (ACE) scores.5

Beyond protecting against problems, frequent family meals are associated with improved well-being and performance. Studies have demonstrated positive associations between frequent family meals and higher levels of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and well-being in adolescents, both male and female. They have consistently found significant associations between frequent family meals and higher grade point averages, commitment to learning, and rich vocabularies in children and adolescents, even after adjustment for demographic and other familial factors.6 And children are not the only ones who benefit. Frequent family meals even have been shown to be associated with higher self-reported levels of well-being and self-esteem, and lower levels of stress among parents.7,8 While investing the time in preparing meals and eating them together may sound stressful, it’s clear the benefits outweigh the risks for parents as well as for their children.

Dr. Susan D. Swick, physician in chief at Ohana,Center for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health, Community Hospital of the Monterey (Calif.) Peninsula.
Dr. Susan D. Swick

It is important to set the framework for what really matters in a family dinner so that your patients can enjoy all of these benefits. Parents may assume that the meal must be prepared from scratch with only fresh, local, or organic ingredients. But what matters most is that the food is delicious and nutritious, and that the time spent eating (and preparing it) is fun, and promotes conversation and connection. Homemade food usually is more nutritious and will bring more of the physical health benefits, but many store-bought ingredients or even take-out options can be healthy and can promote time for the family to sit together and connect. If parents enjoy preparing food, then it’s worthwhile! And they should not worry about having every member of the family together at every meal. Even if only one parent and child are present for a dinner, they each will enjoy the benefits.



Parents can use this time to help promote good habits in their children. Talking about why manners matter while practicing them at the table is powerful for young children. Let them know manners are how we show people that we care about them, whether by taking turns talking or chewing with our mouths closed! Older children and adolescents can learn about how effort is an essential ingredient in every important area in life, from school to meals. Tell them that sometimes the work or effort will be uncomfortable, and pitching in to share the effort lightens everyone’s load. When parents ask for help, they show their children how to do the same and that they have confidence in their child’s ability to be helpful.

Parents should share the joy of the effort, too! They can invite their young children to help with the meal preparation in age-appropriate ways: pulling herbs off of their stems, rinsing vegetables, sprinkling spices, or emptying a box of spaghetti into a pot of water. Older children feel honored to be given bigger responsibilities, such as carrying plates to the table or cutting vegetables (with supervision, when appropriate). And adolescents, exploring their interests and enjoying their independence, may enjoy building their own menus for the family, doing the shopping or leading the preparation of a dish or full meal themselves.

While there is a role for supporting good manners and helpful habits, help parents avoid getting into power struggles with their children over what they will eat or how they conduct themselves at the table. There should be reasonable rules and expectations around mealtime, and predictable, reasonable consequences. If children try a food and don’t like it, they can have a bowl of (nutritious) cereal and stay at the table with the family. Phones should not be allowed at the table, and televisions should be off during the meal (although music may enhance the sense of pleasure or celebration). Mealtime should be time for relaxing, listening, and connecting.

Dr. Michael S. Jellinek, professor emeritus of psychiatry and pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston
Dr. Michael S. Jellinek

Offer some ideas about how to facilitate conversations. Asking about how a child’s day went may spark conversations sometimes, but usually people benefit from specific questions. What made you really laugh today? What did you have for lunch? Whom did you sit next to on the bus? If a parent starts by telling a story about his or her day, even better! This is especially potent if a parent talks about something embarrassing or challenging, or mentions a failure. Young children will have plenty of these stories, and adolescents build resilience by internalizing the idea that setbacks and difficulties are a normal, healthy part of every day. This is a great time to talk about current events, whether in the news, entertainment, or sports. And telling stories about when children were younger, when the parents were children, or even about grandparents or more distant ancestors is a wonderful way to engage children in the greater story of their family narrative, and is always engaging and memorable.

At a deeper level, the family dinner is a time that recognizes each person’s contribution to a discussion, and facilitates a calm discussion of the families’ history and values. There is connection, communication, and building of trust. Families that cannot schedule a minimum number of dinners or that have dinners filled with tension and conflict, are very likely to have children at risk. For those conflicted and often unhappy families, a pediatrician’s early recognition and intervention could make a meaningful difference.

Dr. Swick is physician in chief at Ohana, Center for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health, Community Hospital of the Monterey (Calif.) Peninsula. Dr. Jellinek is professor emeritus of psychiatry and pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston. Email them at


1. J Adolesc Health. 2006;39(3):337-45.

2. J Adolesc. 2010;33(1):187-96.

3. J Adolesc Health. 2009;44(5):431-6.

4. Health Psychol. 2008;27(Suppl 2):s109-17.

5. J Adolesc Health. 2009;45(4):389-95.

6. Pediatrics. 2019 Jul 8. doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-945.

7. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004;158(8):792-6.

8. Prev Med. 2018;113:7-12.

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