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Fri, 03/06/2020 - 13:30
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Hospitalist profile: Charu Puri, MD, FHM

Charu Puri, MD, FHM, is a hospitalist and medical informaticist at Sutter East Bay Medical Group in Oakland, Calif. She also serves as medical director for onboarding, mentoring, and physician development.

Dr. Charu Puri, Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland, Calif.
Dr. Charu Puri

Dr. Puri has been a member of the Society of Hospital Medicine since 2009, and attended the Society’s Leadership Academy, where she was inspired to create a mentorship program at her own institution. She is a member of the San Francisco Bay chapter of SHM and serves on the Performance Measurement and Reporting Committee.

At what point in your education/training did you decide to practice hospital medicine? What about hospital medicine appealed to you?

It was early on in my residency that it became clear to me that I wanted to pursue the hospitalist track. It was a natural fit, and I gravitated toward the hospitalist side of medicine. What appealed to me most was that we had the opportunity and privilege to provide care to patients in their most vulnerable state and experience the effects of that care in real time. I found that very gratifying.

There is also a sense of community and camaraderie that comes with working in a hospital setting. Everyone is working together, trying to help patients. The collegiality and the relationships that develop are very rewarding. I have been fortunate enough to have built strong friendships with the hospitalists in my group as well as colleagues from other disciplines in medicine that work in the hospital.

What is your current role at Sutter Health?

Alta Bates Summit Medical Center is part of the larger Sutter Health system. I have an administrative role with my medical group in addition to the clinical work I do at the medical center, although first and foremost I identify myself as a hospitalist. About 5 years ago I took on a role in clinical informatics, when our hospital implemented an EHR. Since then I have been working as an inpatient physician informaticist. Most recently I took on a new role as medical director for onboarding, mentoring, and physician development in my medical group.

How do you balance the different duties of your various roles?

I am full time in my administration role, between my informatics role and my onboarding role. I technically don’t have to do clinical shifts if I don’t want to, but it’s important to me to continue clinical practice and maintain my skills and connection to the hospital and colleagues. I do about four clinical shifts a month, and plan to continue doing that. In our group you must do 14 shifts a month to be considered full time, so what I do could be considered about one-third of that.

What are your favorite areas of clinical practice and/or research?

I haven’t had a lot of research experience. My residency program was a community-based program, and my current setting is a community hospital. I haven’t been involved much in the academic side of hospital medicine. As far as clinical practices goes, I think it’s the diversity of hospital medicine that appeals to me. You really get to be a jack of all trades, and experience all the different disciplines of medicine. I like the variety.

Both my informatics and onboarding roles came out of a need that I identified, and just began doing the work before there was an official role. When we implemented our EHR, it was essential to get our doctors organized to make sure they were ready to take care of patients that first day of go live. By the time our hospital went live on the EHR, I had a good understanding of how it worked, and so I was able to create a miniature curriculum for our physicians – templates, order sets, workflows, etc. – to help ensure everything went smoothly. A few months after we implemented the EHR, I was officially offered a physician informaticist role.

Dr. Nancy D. Spector, executive director, Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine; associate dean of faculty development, Drexel University, Philadelphia
Dr. Nancy D. Spector

The onboarding role came about in an interesting way. I was participating in the leadership course offered by SHM and was lucky enough to be in the pilot for the Capstone course. That leadership course is focused around mentoring and sponsorship, and one of the faculty members was Nancy Spector, MD, the associate dean of faculty development at Drexel University, Philadelphia. She talked a lot about mentoring, and I was inspired to set up a mentoring program for our hospitalists. Dr. Spector graciously agreed to mentor me as I worked on my Capstone project, which was to create a mentoring program in a community-based hospitalist group. As I continued to work on the project, coincidentally our medical group decided to redesign our new physician onboarding process. Because I was already involved in the onboarding and training related to our EHR, I became very involved with our medical group's onboarding redesign.

My group's CEO decided to create a new directorship role for onboarding and mentoring, which I recently interviewed for and was offered about two months ago.

I think setting up systems to support our doctors is the common threat between the informatics and the onboarding roles. I want to implement systems that support our doctors, help them succeed, and hopefully make their jobs a little easier.

What are the most challenging aspects of practicing hospital medicine? What are the most rewarding?

We practice in a very urban environment, with many low-income patients who have limited resources and access to health care. That can be very challenging. You always wonder if these patients have all the support they need after leaving the hospital. Sometimes I feel that I am just putting a band-aid on the medical problem, so to speak, but not solving the underlying issue. But it can be very rewarding during those times when the hospital and the broader community can bring our resources together to create interventions to help at-risk patients. It doesn’t happen as frequently as we would like, but when it does happen it feels good.

Another challenging aspect is related to perception. There are a lot of consultants in the hospital who view hospitalists as "house staff." That can be very frustrating, and it’s important to steer the conversations away from that perspective, and really try to establish ourselves as colleagues and peers.



How will hospital medicine change in the next decade or 2?

It’s a relatively young field, and we’re still figuring it out. I really don’t know how hospital medicine is going to change, but I do know that the field will continue to evolve, given the way U.S. health care is rapidly changing.

Do you have any advice for students and residents interested in hospital medicine?

It’s a fun way to practice medicine and I would encourage students to go into hospital medicine. It’s great for work/life balance. The advice I would give is that it is very important to get involved early in your career. Get involved in medical group or hospital committees. Stay away from the “shift mentality” – that I’m going to work my shifts and leave. That can lead to early burnout, which is a real concern in our field now. Early engagement is essential, so you can help lead these conversations at your hospital.


Charu Puri, MD, FHM, is a hospitalist and medical informaticist at Sutter East Bay Medical Group in Oakland, Calif. She also serves as medical director for onboarding, mentoring, and physician development.

Dr. Charu Puri, Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland, Calif.
Dr. Charu Puri

Dr. Puri has been a member of the Society of Hospital Medicine since 2009, and attended the Society’s Leadership Academy, where she was inspired to create a mentorship program at her own institution. She is a member of the San Francisco Bay chapter of SHM and serves on the Performance Measurement and Reporting Committee.

At what point in your education/training did you decide to practice hospital medicine? What about hospital medicine appealed to you?

It was early on in my residency that it became clear to me that I wanted to pursue the hospitalist track. It was a natural fit, and I gravitated toward the hospitalist side of medicine. What appealed to me most was that we had the opportunity and privilege to provide care to patients in their most vulnerable state and experience the effects of that care in real time. I found that very gratifying.

There is also a sense of community and camaraderie that comes with working in a hospital setting. Everyone is working together, trying to help patients. The collegiality and the relationships that develop are very rewarding. I have been fortunate enough to have built strong friendships with the hospitalists in my group as well as colleagues from other disciplines in medicine that work in the hospital.

What is your current role at Sutter Health?

Alta Bates Summit Medical Center is part of the larger Sutter Health system. I have an administrative role with my medical group in addition to the clinical work I do at the medical center, although first and foremost I identify myself as a hospitalist. About 5 years ago I took on a role in clinical informatics, when our hospital implemented an EHR. Since then I have been working as an inpatient physician informaticist. Most recently I took on a new role as medical director for onboarding, mentoring, and physician development in my medical group.

How do you balance the different duties of your various roles?

I am full time in my administration role, between my informatics role and my onboarding role. I technically don’t have to do clinical shifts if I don’t want to, but it’s important to me to continue clinical practice and maintain my skills and connection to the hospital and colleagues. I do about four clinical shifts a month, and plan to continue doing that. In our group you must do 14 shifts a month to be considered full time, so what I do could be considered about one-third of that.

What are your favorite areas of clinical practice and/or research?

I haven’t had a lot of research experience. My residency program was a community-based program, and my current setting is a community hospital. I haven’t been involved much in the academic side of hospital medicine. As far as clinical practices goes, I think it’s the diversity of hospital medicine that appeals to me. You really get to be a jack of all trades, and experience all the different disciplines of medicine. I like the variety.

Both my informatics and onboarding roles came out of a need that I identified, and just began doing the work before there was an official role. When we implemented our EHR, it was essential to get our doctors organized to make sure they were ready to take care of patients that first day of go live. By the time our hospital went live on the EHR, I had a good understanding of how it worked, and so I was able to create a miniature curriculum for our physicians – templates, order sets, workflows, etc. – to help ensure everything went smoothly. A few months after we implemented the EHR, I was officially offered a physician informaticist role.

Dr. Nancy D. Spector, executive director, Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine; associate dean of faculty development, Drexel University, Philadelphia
Dr. Nancy D. Spector

The onboarding role came about in an interesting way. I was participating in the leadership course offered by SHM and was lucky enough to be in the pilot for the Capstone course. That leadership course is focused around mentoring and sponsorship, and one of the faculty members was Nancy Spector, MD, the associate dean of faculty development at Drexel University, Philadelphia. She talked a lot about mentoring, and I was inspired to set up a mentoring program for our hospitalists. Dr. Spector graciously agreed to mentor me as I worked on my Capstone project, which was to create a mentoring program in a community-based hospitalist group. As I continued to work on the project, coincidentally our medical group decided to redesign our new physician onboarding process. Because I was already involved in the onboarding and training related to our EHR, I became very involved with our medical group's onboarding redesign.

My group's CEO decided to create a new directorship role for onboarding and mentoring, which I recently interviewed for and was offered about two months ago.

I think setting up systems to support our doctors is the common threat between the informatics and the onboarding roles. I want to implement systems that support our doctors, help them succeed, and hopefully make their jobs a little easier.

What are the most challenging aspects of practicing hospital medicine? What are the most rewarding?

We practice in a very urban environment, with many low-income patients who have limited resources and access to health care. That can be very challenging. You always wonder if these patients have all the support they need after leaving the hospital. Sometimes I feel that I am just putting a band-aid on the medical problem, so to speak, but not solving the underlying issue. But it can be very rewarding during those times when the hospital and the broader community can bring our resources together to create interventions to help at-risk patients. It doesn’t happen as frequently as we would like, but when it does happen it feels good.

Another challenging aspect is related to perception. There are a lot of consultants in the hospital who view hospitalists as "house staff." That can be very frustrating, and it’s important to steer the conversations away from that perspective, and really try to establish ourselves as colleagues and peers.



How will hospital medicine change in the next decade or 2?

It’s a relatively young field, and we’re still figuring it out. I really don’t know how hospital medicine is going to change, but I do know that the field will continue to evolve, given the way U.S. health care is rapidly changing.

Do you have any advice for students and residents interested in hospital medicine?

It’s a fun way to practice medicine and I would encourage students to go into hospital medicine. It’s great for work/life balance. The advice I would give is that it is very important to get involved early in your career. Get involved in medical group or hospital committees. Stay away from the “shift mentality” – that I’m going to work my shifts and leave. That can lead to early burnout, which is a real concern in our field now. Early engagement is essential, so you can help lead these conversations at your hospital.

Charu Puri, MD, FHM, is a hospitalist and medical informaticist at Sutter East Bay Medical Group in Oakland, Calif. She also serves as medical director for onboarding, mentoring, and physician development.

Dr. Charu Puri, Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland, Calif.
Dr. Charu Puri

Dr. Puri has been a member of the Society of Hospital Medicine since 2009, and attended the Society’s Leadership Academy, where she was inspired to create a mentorship program at her own institution. She is a member of the San Francisco Bay chapter of SHM and serves on the Performance Measurement and Reporting Committee.

At what point in your education/training did you decide to practice hospital medicine? What about hospital medicine appealed to you?

It was early on in my residency that it became clear to me that I wanted to pursue the hospitalist track. It was a natural fit, and I gravitated toward the hospitalist side of medicine. What appealed to me most was that we had the opportunity and privilege to provide care to patients in their most vulnerable state and experience the effects of that care in real time. I found that very gratifying.

There is also a sense of community and camaraderie that comes with working in a hospital setting. Everyone is working together, trying to help patients. The collegiality and the relationships that develop are very rewarding. I have been fortunate enough to have built strong friendships with the hospitalists in my group as well as colleagues from other disciplines in medicine that work in the hospital.

What is your current role at Sutter Health?

Alta Bates Summit Medical Center is part of the larger Sutter Health system. I have an administrative role with my medical group in addition to the clinical work I do at the medical center, although first and foremost I identify myself as a hospitalist. About 5 years ago I took on a role in clinical informatics, when our hospital implemented an EHR. Since then I have been working as an inpatient physician informaticist. Most recently I took on a new role as medical director for onboarding, mentoring, and physician development in my medical group.

How do you balance the different duties of your various roles?

I am full time in my administration role, between my informatics role and my onboarding role. I technically don’t have to do clinical shifts if I don’t want to, but it’s important to me to continue clinical practice and maintain my skills and connection to the hospital and colleagues. I do about four clinical shifts a month, and plan to continue doing that. In our group you must do 14 shifts a month to be considered full time, so what I do could be considered about one-third of that.

What are your favorite areas of clinical practice and/or research?

I haven’t had a lot of research experience. My residency program was a community-based program, and my current setting is a community hospital. I haven’t been involved much in the academic side of hospital medicine. As far as clinical practices goes, I think it’s the diversity of hospital medicine that appeals to me. You really get to be a jack of all trades, and experience all the different disciplines of medicine. I like the variety.

Both my informatics and onboarding roles came out of a need that I identified, and just began doing the work before there was an official role. When we implemented our EHR, it was essential to get our doctors organized to make sure they were ready to take care of patients that first day of go live. By the time our hospital went live on the EHR, I had a good understanding of how it worked, and so I was able to create a miniature curriculum for our physicians – templates, order sets, workflows, etc. – to help ensure everything went smoothly. A few months after we implemented the EHR, I was officially offered a physician informaticist role.

Dr. Nancy D. Spector, executive director, Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine; associate dean of faculty development, Drexel University, Philadelphia
Dr. Nancy D. Spector

The onboarding role came about in an interesting way. I was participating in the leadership course offered by SHM and was lucky enough to be in the pilot for the Capstone course. That leadership course is focused around mentoring and sponsorship, and one of the faculty members was Nancy Spector, MD, the associate dean of faculty development at Drexel University, Philadelphia. She talked a lot about mentoring, and I was inspired to set up a mentoring program for our hospitalists. Dr. Spector graciously agreed to mentor me as I worked on my Capstone project, which was to create a mentoring program in a community-based hospitalist group. As I continued to work on the project, coincidentally our medical group decided to redesign our new physician onboarding process. Because I was already involved in the onboarding and training related to our EHR, I became very involved with our medical group's onboarding redesign.

My group's CEO decided to create a new directorship role for onboarding and mentoring, which I recently interviewed for and was offered about two months ago.

I think setting up systems to support our doctors is the common threat between the informatics and the onboarding roles. I want to implement systems that support our doctors, help them succeed, and hopefully make their jobs a little easier.

What are the most challenging aspects of practicing hospital medicine? What are the most rewarding?

We practice in a very urban environment, with many low-income patients who have limited resources and access to health care. That can be very challenging. You always wonder if these patients have all the support they need after leaving the hospital. Sometimes I feel that I am just putting a band-aid on the medical problem, so to speak, but not solving the underlying issue. But it can be very rewarding during those times when the hospital and the broader community can bring our resources together to create interventions to help at-risk patients. It doesn’t happen as frequently as we would like, but when it does happen it feels good.

Another challenging aspect is related to perception. There are a lot of consultants in the hospital who view hospitalists as "house staff." That can be very frustrating, and it’s important to steer the conversations away from that perspective, and really try to establish ourselves as colleagues and peers.



How will hospital medicine change in the next decade or 2?

It’s a relatively young field, and we’re still figuring it out. I really don’t know how hospital medicine is going to change, but I do know that the field will continue to evolve, given the way U.S. health care is rapidly changing.

Do you have any advice for students and residents interested in hospital medicine?

It’s a fun way to practice medicine and I would encourage students to go into hospital medicine. It’s great for work/life balance. The advice I would give is that it is very important to get involved early in your career. Get involved in medical group or hospital committees. Stay away from the “shift mentality” – that I’m going to work my shifts and leave. That can lead to early burnout, which is a real concern in our field now. Early engagement is essential, so you can help lead these conversations at your hospital.

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Hospitalist profile: Charu Puri, MD, FHM
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Hospitalist profile: Charu Puri, MD, FHM
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