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Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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Clinical challenge of hyponatremia in heart failure

Hyponatremia, defined as a serum [Na+] 135 mEq/L, occurs in 2030% of patients with acute decompensated heart failure (HF)13 and has been independently associated with a poor prognosis. In clinical trials of acute decompensated HF, the reported mean serum sodium is often normal or near normal, but a significant proportion of study subjects can have serum sodium values that approach 130 mEq/L or lower.3 However, despite the association between hyponatremia and clinical outcomes like hospitalization and mortality, data from studies are sparse about the impact of drug or device interventions in the hyponatremic cohort, since patients are generally not stratified at the time of randomization by the value of baseline serum sodium.


Hyponatremia has long been recognized as a potential prognostic marker in heart failure, highlighted by Packer and Lee in 1986.4 Subsequently, a wealth of data derived from clinical trials, registries, and observational databases support the concept that hyponatremia is an independent predictor of both short‐ and long‐term outcomes.13, 511 As reviewed by Jao and Chiong,3 this relationship holds in patients on optimal evidence‐based medical therapy, including treatment with antagonists of the renin‐angiotensin system and beta blockers. In the Organized Program To Initiate Lifesaving Treatment In Hospitalized Patients With Heart Failure (OPTIMIZE)2 HF Registry of nearly 50,000 patients, in‐hospital and 60‐day mortality rates were higher in patients with lower serum sodium levels on admission (cut‐off point of 135 mEq/L). In‐hospital death and the combined endpoint of death or re‐hospitalization increased significantly for each 3 mEq/L decrease in serum [Na+] below 140 mEq/L. Patients with hyponatremia were more likely to have lower systolic blood pressures and receive intravenous inotropic agents; lengths of stay were also longer.

Similar findings were reported in the Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Acute and Chronic Therapeutic Impact of a Vasopressin 2 Antagonist (Tolvaptan) in Congestive Heart Failure (ACTIV in CHF)10 trial.11 For example, in the former, Gheorghiade and colleagues tracked serum sodium levels in 433 hospitalized patients who had acute decompensated HF and examined the proportion free from a major event (defined as death and/or HF hospitalization).1 There was a clear association between the event rate and serum sodium level. Patients whose hyponatremia persisted from hospital admission to discharge were at higher risk relative to those whose hyponatremia was corrected during the hospital stay.

However, whether the way in which the serum sodium improvement is achieved has a bearing on outcomes is not known. In the studies comparing outcomes in patients with heart failure and hyponatremia versus normonatremia, no mention is made about how the patient arrived at either state. Despite this limitation, the findings are incontrovertibly consistent. Hyponatremia on discharge (prior to or after the adoption of renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone system (RAAS) antagonists or beta blockers) is a marker for poorer outcomes, as is another laboratory abnormality frequently observed in patients hospitalized with heart failure: an elevated creatinine.

Additionally, serum sodium obtained shortly after hospitalization is a potent predictor of re‐hospitalization12 and persistently poor health‐related quality‐of‐life.13 The impact on longer‐term outcomes can also be demonstrated in multiple prognostic models6, 8, 9 in which serum sodium is a risk factor for adverse outcomes. For example, using the Seattle Heart Failure Model, overall prognosis worsens for each 1 mEq decline in serum sodium when all other variables are kept constant.8 This observation suggests that, in terms of prognosis, the value of serum sodium functions as a continuous not a binary variable.


The reasons underlying hyponatremia in heart failure are complex, but a key component is the non‐osmotic release of arginine vasopressin (AVP) in response to stimulation of carotid baroreceptors. This phenomenon occurs as a result of arterial underfilling (both lower blood pressure and lower cardiac output). AVP is one member of a family of neurohormones and cytokines that are upregulated in heart failure (eg, norepinephrine, renin, angiotensin, aldosterone, endothelin, and tumor necrosis factor‐alpha). Levels of AVP are increased most markedly in patients with advanced symptoms (ie, New York Heart Association Class III and IV),14 and this leads to impaired free water handling in the renal tubules and a hypervolemic form of hyponatremia. The reasons underlying the upregulation are debated, but likely reflect a short‐term hemodynamic adaptation that is designed to augment cardiac output by increasing circulating volume. In addition, multiple neurohormones have been shown to promote progressive ventricular dilation, referred to as remodeling. For example, chronic elevations of norepinephrine contribute to a multitude of genotypic and phenotypic changes at the level of the myocyte. The short‐term benefits of neurohormonal upregulation are offset by maladaptive responses in the long term, and this observation likely explains a major part of the clinical benefits seen with drugs such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, aldosterone antagonists, and beta blockers.

It is also clear that the development and management of patients with hyponatremia and heart failure are frequently complicated by the presence of other factors that impact sodium and water handling. Heart failure often occurs in older patients with renal dysfunction who are on medications that can exacerbate hyponatremia, such as diuretics, non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory agents, antidepressants, and opiate derivatives. In addition, other conditions like hypothyroidism may coexist and contribute to the hyponatremic state. It is therefore crucial for the clinician to consider these possibilities when a patient with heart failure presents with or develops hyponatremia, and in particular to critically evaluate the potential role of concomitant medications that can cause a syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)‐like picture.


As with other markers of poor outcome in heart failure, such as worsening renal insufficiency, chronic obstructive lung disease, and other comorbidities, hyponatremia is associated with longer lengths of stay (LOS) and cost. In an analysis of approximately 116,000 patients hospitalized with HF and grouped at admission by serum [Na+], risk‐adjusted mortality, LOS, and attributable cost were highest for patients with severe hyponatremia compared to patients with normonatremia.15 In addition, Amin and colleagues recently demonstrated that length of stay in the intensive care unit and associated costs were greater (21% and 23%, respectively) in patients who had an International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification (ICD‐9‐CM) code for hyponatremia compared to those that did not.16


A number of significant management challenges exist during the hospitalization phase of acute decompensated heart failure. Among other tasks, the clinician should evaluate the potential cause of the decompensation (eg, medication noncompliance, dietary noncompliance, increased metabolic demand from pneumonia or other infection, worsening renal failure, diuretic resistance, iatrogenic fluid overload) and decide whether the patient is fluid overloaded, in a low cardiac output state contributing to end‐organ perfusion, or both. Manifestations of worsening heart failure other than dyspnea may be present. For example, mental status changes in an elderly patient may reflect fluid overload with or without low cardiac output, but the differential diagnosis also includes impaired clearance of drugs due to liver congestion or worsening renal function (eg, digoxin toxicity), hyponatremia (potentially mediated through cerebral edema), low cardiac output, occult infection, cerebrovascular accident, and other complications of coronary heart disease.

Key components of the physical exam include the presence of jugular venous distention,17 a more sensitive and specific finding than pulmonary rales in chronic or acute‐on‐chronic heart failure. While the mainstay of therapy for fluid overload remains diuretic therapy, we have only recently learned in a definitive way from the Diuretic Optimization Strategies Evaluation (DOSE)18 study that the method of administration (bolus vs continuous intravenous infusion and high dose vs low dose) matters, albeit slightly. Patients who receive high doses of loop diuretic have greater dyspnea relief and weight loss but are at greater risk for developing worsening renal function.

Certain key clinical markers, when present on admission, place the patient in an at‐risk group for a longer length of stay (Table 1). In addition to new or established hyponatremia, these include a creatinine value above baseline, marked antecedent weight gain, and hypotension. During the hospitalization, development of new hyponatremia or worsening of established hyponatremia, worsening renal function (often simply defined by an increase in baseline creatinine by 0.3 mg/dL or more), lack of dyspnea relief, and lack of weight loss, increase the complexity of decision‐making. A proportion of these higher‐risk patients may benefit from the initiation of intravenous vasoactive therapy, mechanical fluid removal (eg, with ultrafiltration), or the use of a vaptan (or aquaretic), depending on the particular presentation and profile. Occasionally, mechanical support will be needed but this option only applies to a limited subgroup.19 However, aside from ventricular assist devices, none of these options have been associated with improved survival.

Complicating Factors Associated With Prolonged Length of Stay in Heart Failure
Worsening renal failure
Advanced age
Marked antecedent weight gain
Lack of (early) resolution of weight gain
Organ hypoperfusion

Despite this limitation, the immediate goal of care in the acute setting is symptom relief. Thus, although neither intravenous dobutamine nor milrinone have been shown to decrease mortality, both are recognized as palliative options in patients with advanced or end‐stage symptoms20, 21; for example, milrinone, due to its inodilator characteristics, may improve symptoms and end‐organ perfusion while mitigating against an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance. However routine use in the management of acute decompensated heart failure is discouraged, based on the Outcome of a Prospective Trial of Intravenous Milrinone for Exacerbations of Chronic Heart Failure (OPTIME‐CHF)2 Trial.22 Similarly, the routine use of nesiritide cannot be recommended, based on the neutral findings of the recently published Acute Study of Clinical Effectiveness of Nesiritide in Decompensated Heart Failure (ASCEND‐HF)23 study, though subsets of patients may still be candidates for this therapy.

Ultrafiltration appears to function well as an adjunct to fluid and salt removal as demonstrated in the Ultrafiltration versus Intravenous Diuretics for Patients Hospitalized for Acute Decompensated Congestive Heart Failure (UNLOAD)24 study, though a number of limitations have been cited.25 It should be strongly considered for patients who have developed refractory fluid overload and anasarca, especially if responsiveness to loop diuretics is blunted.

For hypervolemic hyponatremia, the standard approach has been fluid restriction, but this can require a prolonged and at times uncomfortable prescription for patients to follow. Hypertonic saline is contraindicated in most cases, given the salt load and risk of exacerbating fluid overload. Data for demeclocycline are sparse.26 The vaptan class is an interesting option, in large part because of the significant free water loss that can be achieved through the competitive antagonism of V2 receptors in renal tubules. Competitive binding to this receptor leads to a reduction in the deposition of new water channels (or aquaporins) on the luminal side of the tubule, resulting in a marked reduction in water reuptake from the urine.27 Indeed, data for tolvaptan, an orally available vaptan, suggest that short‐term treatment can increase urine output, weight loss, and serum sodium level.28 In both the Acute and Chronic Therapeutic Impact of a Vasopressin 2 Antagonist (Tolvaptan) in Congestive Heart Failure (ACTIV) and Efficacy of Vasopressin Antagonism in Heart Failure: Outcome Study With Tolvaptan (EVEREST)29 studies,28 a number of favorable short‐term effects were seen such as dyspnea relief and weight loss, but in the latter study, the trial did not meet 1 of its 2 prespecified co‐primary endpoints (change on a visual analog scale) in an embedded analysis of acute treatment effects. Further, EVEREST failed to show any meaningful impact on posthospitalization morbidity and mortality when tolvaptan was administered chronically.30 It is also noteworthy that in both trials, inclusion criteria required the presence of symptomatic heart failure rather than hyponatremia; in fact, in EVEREST only 11.5% of patients had a serum sodium level less than 135 mEq/L. To date, there are no long‐term prospectively collected data on the impact of the vaptan class in heart failure accompanied by hyponatremia.

Despite these caveats, the judicious use of vaptans may have a role in heart failure; at the very least, serum sodium increases by, on average, 5.2 mEq/L.31 Fluid restriction should be liberalized and serum sodium should be monitored frequently in the first few days of therapy to avoid rapid correction of serum sodium, which can lead to an unusual neurological complication (osmotic demyelination syndrome).32


Patients who have chronic hyponatremia or who are at risk for worsening of preexisting hyponatremia should be closely monitored during the early postdischarge period, in part to detect further decreases in the serum sodium level and deterioration in overall clinical status. Worsening of hyponatremia may occur in the outpatient setting due to intentional or unintentional increased free water intake, initiation of new medications, exacerbation of the underlying condition, infection, or related conditions. Similar to the inpatient setting, the outpatient management of patients with fluid overload and hyponatremia can be difficult. Further study is required and clinical trials are needed to assess whether the chronic administration of a vaptan in this particular patient population will impact prognosis relative to fluid restriction alone.

Regardless of serum sodium, a frequently advocated intervention in long‐term management is daily weight monitoring which has become a gold standard, especially for patients with advanced symptoms. As shown in EVEREST, lean body weight increases prior to re‐hospitalization for HF were 1.96, 2.07, and 1.97 kg, compared with 0.74, 0.90, and 1.04 kg, respectively, in patients who were not re‐hospitalized (P < 0.001 for all groups).33 Recently, use of invasive hemodynamic monitoring, largely on the basis of the CardioMEMS Heart Sensor Allows Monitoring of Pressure to Improve Outcomes in NYHA Class III Heart Failure Patients (CHAMPION)34 trial, has been advocated as a potential breakthrough in outpatient management because increased right‐sided pressures, rather than weight gain, may precede a heart failure exacerbation.35, 36 It is, however, worthwhile to emphasize that routine hemodynamic monitoring with pulmonary artery catheterization has not been shown to be effective in the inpatient setting,37 despite the attractiveness of knowing the numbers. Additionally, the data supporting the use of serial measurements of biomarkers (in particular, brain natriuretic peptide or its precursor) as a surrogate for filling pressures are conflicting, and therefore this approach is not at present considered standard of care.38

Studies also suggest that postdischarge adherence and the intensity of follow‐up for patients recently admitted for HF may be critical to ensure optimal outcomes. From a practical standpoint, the presence of defined risk factors should lead clinicians to adopt a selective approach to postdischarge monitoring. For those patients deemed to be at risk, reasonable options include outpatient medication titration, more frequent nurse contact, and focused efforts at increasing patient self‐efficacy, all of which can be targeted in the context of a HF disease management program or HF clinic.39, 40 A recent consensus paper outlines the components that should be considered in the establishment of a clinic devoted to the care of patients with heart failure.40 Given increasing reimbursement pressures, these clinics may provide a mechanism to increase quality of care in the outpatient setting while decreasing risk of readmission for preventable heart failure exacerbations. However, other nonphysiological factors influence readmission rates, and not all of these factors can be easily addressed in a traditional medical model.41


Hyponatremia, in addition to declining renal function, persistent dyspnea, and weight gain, is a major clinical concern during and following hospitalizations for acute decompensated heart failure. Low serum sodium (especially below 130 mEq/L) can contribute to symptoms, complicate diagnostic and therapeutic decision‐making, and significantly prolong length of stay and associated costs. Early recognition of the underlying etiologies, aggressive fluid restriction, and removal of medications that might exacerbate hyponatremia are key steps. The vaptan class is now a useful adjunct in select patients with hyponatremia and fluid overload who do not respond to standard approaches such as fluid restriction.

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  2. Gheorghiade M,Abraham WT,Albert NM, et al,on behalf of the OPTIMIZE‐HF Investigators and Coordinators.Relationship between admission serum sodium concentration and clinical outcomes in patients hospitalized for heart failure: an analysis from the OPTIMIZE‐HF registry.Eur Heart J.2007;28:980988.
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  12. Dunlay SM,Gheorghiade M,Reid KJ, et al.Critical elements of clinical follow‐up after hospital discharge for heart failure: insights from the EVEREST trial.Eur J Heart Fail.2010;12:367374.
  13. Allen LA,Gheorghiade M,Reid KJ, et al.Identifying patients hospitalized with heart failure at risk for unfavorable future quality of life.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.2011;4:389398.
  14. Nakamura T,Funayama H,Yoshimura A, et al.Possible vascular role of increased plasma arginine vasopressin in congestive heart failure.Int J Cardiol.2006;106:191195.
  15. Shorr AF,Tabak YP,Johannes RS,Gupta V,Saltzberg MT,Costanzo MR.Burden of sodium abnormalities in patients hospitalized for heart failure.Congest Heart Fail.2011;17:17.
  16. Amin A,Deitelzweig S,Lin J, et al.Consequences of hyponatremia on cost and length of stay in heart failure patients.J Card Fail.2011;8:S72.
  17. Drazner MH,Rame JE,Stevenson LW,Dries DL.Prognostic importance of elevated jugular venous pressure and a third heart sound in patients with heart failure.N Engl J Med.2001;345:574581.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(4)
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Hyponatremia, defined as a serum [Na+] 135 mEq/L, occurs in 2030% of patients with acute decompensated heart failure (HF)13 and has been independently associated with a poor prognosis. In clinical trials of acute decompensated HF, the reported mean serum sodium is often normal or near normal, but a significant proportion of study subjects can have serum sodium values that approach 130 mEq/L or lower.3 However, despite the association between hyponatremia and clinical outcomes like hospitalization and mortality, data from studies are sparse about the impact of drug or device interventions in the hyponatremic cohort, since patients are generally not stratified at the time of randomization by the value of baseline serum sodium.


Hyponatremia has long been recognized as a potential prognostic marker in heart failure, highlighted by Packer and Lee in 1986.4 Subsequently, a wealth of data derived from clinical trials, registries, and observational databases support the concept that hyponatremia is an independent predictor of both short‐ and long‐term outcomes.13, 511 As reviewed by Jao and Chiong,3 this relationship holds in patients on optimal evidence‐based medical therapy, including treatment with antagonists of the renin‐angiotensin system and beta blockers. In the Organized Program To Initiate Lifesaving Treatment In Hospitalized Patients With Heart Failure (OPTIMIZE)2 HF Registry of nearly 50,000 patients, in‐hospital and 60‐day mortality rates were higher in patients with lower serum sodium levels on admission (cut‐off point of 135 mEq/L). In‐hospital death and the combined endpoint of death or re‐hospitalization increased significantly for each 3 mEq/L decrease in serum [Na+] below 140 mEq/L. Patients with hyponatremia were more likely to have lower systolic blood pressures and receive intravenous inotropic agents; lengths of stay were also longer.

Similar findings were reported in the Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Acute and Chronic Therapeutic Impact of a Vasopressin 2 Antagonist (Tolvaptan) in Congestive Heart Failure (ACTIV in CHF)10 trial.11 For example, in the former, Gheorghiade and colleagues tracked serum sodium levels in 433 hospitalized patients who had acute decompensated HF and examined the proportion free from a major event (defined as death and/or HF hospitalization).1 There was a clear association between the event rate and serum sodium level. Patients whose hyponatremia persisted from hospital admission to discharge were at higher risk relative to those whose hyponatremia was corrected during the hospital stay.

However, whether the way in which the serum sodium improvement is achieved has a bearing on outcomes is not known. In the studies comparing outcomes in patients with heart failure and hyponatremia versus normonatremia, no mention is made about how the patient arrived at either state. Despite this limitation, the findings are incontrovertibly consistent. Hyponatremia on discharge (prior to or after the adoption of renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone system (RAAS) antagonists or beta blockers) is a marker for poorer outcomes, as is another laboratory abnormality frequently observed in patients hospitalized with heart failure: an elevated creatinine.

Additionally, serum sodium obtained shortly after hospitalization is a potent predictor of re‐hospitalization12 and persistently poor health‐related quality‐of‐life.13 The impact on longer‐term outcomes can also be demonstrated in multiple prognostic models6, 8, 9 in which serum sodium is a risk factor for adverse outcomes. For example, using the Seattle Heart Failure Model, overall prognosis worsens for each 1 mEq decline in serum sodium when all other variables are kept constant.8 This observation suggests that, in terms of prognosis, the value of serum sodium functions as a continuous not a binary variable.


The reasons underlying hyponatremia in heart failure are complex, but a key component is the non‐osmotic release of arginine vasopressin (AVP) in response to stimulation of carotid baroreceptors. This phenomenon occurs as a result of arterial underfilling (both lower blood pressure and lower cardiac output). AVP is one member of a family of neurohormones and cytokines that are upregulated in heart failure (eg, norepinephrine, renin, angiotensin, aldosterone, endothelin, and tumor necrosis factor‐alpha). Levels of AVP are increased most markedly in patients with advanced symptoms (ie, New York Heart Association Class III and IV),14 and this leads to impaired free water handling in the renal tubules and a hypervolemic form of hyponatremia. The reasons underlying the upregulation are debated, but likely reflect a short‐term hemodynamic adaptation that is designed to augment cardiac output by increasing circulating volume. In addition, multiple neurohormones have been shown to promote progressive ventricular dilation, referred to as remodeling. For example, chronic elevations of norepinephrine contribute to a multitude of genotypic and phenotypic changes at the level of the myocyte. The short‐term benefits of neurohormonal upregulation are offset by maladaptive responses in the long term, and this observation likely explains a major part of the clinical benefits seen with drugs such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, aldosterone antagonists, and beta blockers.

It is also clear that the development and management of patients with hyponatremia and heart failure are frequently complicated by the presence of other factors that impact sodium and water handling. Heart failure often occurs in older patients with renal dysfunction who are on medications that can exacerbate hyponatremia, such as diuretics, non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory agents, antidepressants, and opiate derivatives. In addition, other conditions like hypothyroidism may coexist and contribute to the hyponatremic state. It is therefore crucial for the clinician to consider these possibilities when a patient with heart failure presents with or develops hyponatremia, and in particular to critically evaluate the potential role of concomitant medications that can cause a syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)‐like picture.


As with other markers of poor outcome in heart failure, such as worsening renal insufficiency, chronic obstructive lung disease, and other comorbidities, hyponatremia is associated with longer lengths of stay (LOS) and cost. In an analysis of approximately 116,000 patients hospitalized with HF and grouped at admission by serum [Na+], risk‐adjusted mortality, LOS, and attributable cost were highest for patients with severe hyponatremia compared to patients with normonatremia.15 In addition, Amin and colleagues recently demonstrated that length of stay in the intensive care unit and associated costs were greater (21% and 23%, respectively) in patients who had an International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification (ICD‐9‐CM) code for hyponatremia compared to those that did not.16


A number of significant management challenges exist during the hospitalization phase of acute decompensated heart failure. Among other tasks, the clinician should evaluate the potential cause of the decompensation (eg, medication noncompliance, dietary noncompliance, increased metabolic demand from pneumonia or other infection, worsening renal failure, diuretic resistance, iatrogenic fluid overload) and decide whether the patient is fluid overloaded, in a low cardiac output state contributing to end‐organ perfusion, or both. Manifestations of worsening heart failure other than dyspnea may be present. For example, mental status changes in an elderly patient may reflect fluid overload with or without low cardiac output, but the differential diagnosis also includes impaired clearance of drugs due to liver congestion or worsening renal function (eg, digoxin toxicity), hyponatremia (potentially mediated through cerebral edema), low cardiac output, occult infection, cerebrovascular accident, and other complications of coronary heart disease.

Key components of the physical exam include the presence of jugular venous distention,17 a more sensitive and specific finding than pulmonary rales in chronic or acute‐on‐chronic heart failure. While the mainstay of therapy for fluid overload remains diuretic therapy, we have only recently learned in a definitive way from the Diuretic Optimization Strategies Evaluation (DOSE)18 study that the method of administration (bolus vs continuous intravenous infusion and high dose vs low dose) matters, albeit slightly. Patients who receive high doses of loop diuretic have greater dyspnea relief and weight loss but are at greater risk for developing worsening renal function.

Certain key clinical markers, when present on admission, place the patient in an at‐risk group for a longer length of stay (Table 1). In addition to new or established hyponatremia, these include a creatinine value above baseline, marked antecedent weight gain, and hypotension. During the hospitalization, development of new hyponatremia or worsening of established hyponatremia, worsening renal function (often simply defined by an increase in baseline creatinine by 0.3 mg/dL or more), lack of dyspnea relief, and lack of weight loss, increase the complexity of decision‐making. A proportion of these higher‐risk patients may benefit from the initiation of intravenous vasoactive therapy, mechanical fluid removal (eg, with ultrafiltration), or the use of a vaptan (or aquaretic), depending on the particular presentation and profile. Occasionally, mechanical support will be needed but this option only applies to a limited subgroup.19 However, aside from ventricular assist devices, none of these options have been associated with improved survival.

Complicating Factors Associated With Prolonged Length of Stay in Heart Failure
Worsening renal failure
Advanced age
Marked antecedent weight gain
Lack of (early) resolution of weight gain
Organ hypoperfusion

Despite this limitation, the immediate goal of care in the acute setting is symptom relief. Thus, although neither intravenous dobutamine nor milrinone have been shown to decrease mortality, both are recognized as palliative options in patients with advanced or end‐stage symptoms20, 21; for example, milrinone, due to its inodilator characteristics, may improve symptoms and end‐organ perfusion while mitigating against an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance. However routine use in the management of acute decompensated heart failure is discouraged, based on the Outcome of a Prospective Trial of Intravenous Milrinone for Exacerbations of Chronic Heart Failure (OPTIME‐CHF)2 Trial.22 Similarly, the routine use of nesiritide cannot be recommended, based on the neutral findings of the recently published Acute Study of Clinical Effectiveness of Nesiritide in Decompensated Heart Failure (ASCEND‐HF)23 study, though subsets of patients may still be candidates for this therapy.

Ultrafiltration appears to function well as an adjunct to fluid and salt removal as demonstrated in the Ultrafiltration versus Intravenous Diuretics for Patients Hospitalized for Acute Decompensated Congestive Heart Failure (UNLOAD)24 study, though a number of limitations have been cited.25 It should be strongly considered for patients who have developed refractory fluid overload and anasarca, especially if responsiveness to loop diuretics is blunted.

For hypervolemic hyponatremia, the standard approach has been fluid restriction, but this can require a prolonged and at times uncomfortable prescription for patients to follow. Hypertonic saline is contraindicated in most cases, given the salt load and risk of exacerbating fluid overload. Data for demeclocycline are sparse.26 The vaptan class is an interesting option, in large part because of the significant free water loss that can be achieved through the competitive antagonism of V2 receptors in renal tubules. Competitive binding to this receptor leads to a reduction in the deposition of new water channels (or aquaporins) on the luminal side of the tubule, resulting in a marked reduction in water reuptake from the urine.27 Indeed, data for tolvaptan, an orally available vaptan, suggest that short‐term treatment can increase urine output, weight loss, and serum sodium level.28 In both the Acute and Chronic Therapeutic Impact of a Vasopressin 2 Antagonist (Tolvaptan) in Congestive Heart Failure (ACTIV) and Efficacy of Vasopressin Antagonism in Heart Failure: Outcome Study With Tolvaptan (EVEREST)29 studies,28 a number of favorable short‐term effects were seen such as dyspnea relief and weight loss, but in the latter study, the trial did not meet 1 of its 2 prespecified co‐primary endpoints (change on a visual analog scale) in an embedded analysis of acute treatment effects. Further, EVEREST failed to show any meaningful impact on posthospitalization morbidity and mortality when tolvaptan was administered chronically.30 It is also noteworthy that in both trials, inclusion criteria required the presence of symptomatic heart failure rather than hyponatremia; in fact, in EVEREST only 11.5% of patients had a serum sodium level less than 135 mEq/L. To date, there are no long‐term prospectively collected data on the impact of the vaptan class in heart failure accompanied by hyponatremia.

Despite these caveats, the judicious use of vaptans may have a role in heart failure; at the very least, serum sodium increases by, on average, 5.2 mEq/L.31 Fluid restriction should be liberalized and serum sodium should be monitored frequently in the first few days of therapy to avoid rapid correction of serum sodium, which can lead to an unusual neurological complication (osmotic demyelination syndrome).32


Patients who have chronic hyponatremia or who are at risk for worsening of preexisting hyponatremia should be closely monitored during the early postdischarge period, in part to detect further decreases in the serum sodium level and deterioration in overall clinical status. Worsening of hyponatremia may occur in the outpatient setting due to intentional or unintentional increased free water intake, initiation of new medications, exacerbation of the underlying condition, infection, or related conditions. Similar to the inpatient setting, the outpatient management of patients with fluid overload and hyponatremia can be difficult. Further study is required and clinical trials are needed to assess whether the chronic administration of a vaptan in this particular patient population will impact prognosis relative to fluid restriction alone.

Regardless of serum sodium, a frequently advocated intervention in long‐term management is daily weight monitoring which has become a gold standard, especially for patients with advanced symptoms. As shown in EVEREST, lean body weight increases prior to re‐hospitalization for HF were 1.96, 2.07, and 1.97 kg, compared with 0.74, 0.90, and 1.04 kg, respectively, in patients who were not re‐hospitalized (P < 0.001 for all groups).33 Recently, use of invasive hemodynamic monitoring, largely on the basis of the CardioMEMS Heart Sensor Allows Monitoring of Pressure to Improve Outcomes in NYHA Class III Heart Failure Patients (CHAMPION)34 trial, has been advocated as a potential breakthrough in outpatient management because increased right‐sided pressures, rather than weight gain, may precede a heart failure exacerbation.35, 36 It is, however, worthwhile to emphasize that routine hemodynamic monitoring with pulmonary artery catheterization has not been shown to be effective in the inpatient setting,37 despite the attractiveness of knowing the numbers. Additionally, the data supporting the use of serial measurements of biomarkers (in particular, brain natriuretic peptide or its precursor) as a surrogate for filling pressures are conflicting, and therefore this approach is not at present considered standard of care.38

Studies also suggest that postdischarge adherence and the intensity of follow‐up for patients recently admitted for HF may be critical to ensure optimal outcomes. From a practical standpoint, the presence of defined risk factors should lead clinicians to adopt a selective approach to postdischarge monitoring. For those patients deemed to be at risk, reasonable options include outpatient medication titration, more frequent nurse contact, and focused efforts at increasing patient self‐efficacy, all of which can be targeted in the context of a HF disease management program or HF clinic.39, 40 A recent consensus paper outlines the components that should be considered in the establishment of a clinic devoted to the care of patients with heart failure.40 Given increasing reimbursement pressures, these clinics may provide a mechanism to increase quality of care in the outpatient setting while decreasing risk of readmission for preventable heart failure exacerbations. However, other nonphysiological factors influence readmission rates, and not all of these factors can be easily addressed in a traditional medical model.41


Hyponatremia, in addition to declining renal function, persistent dyspnea, and weight gain, is a major clinical concern during and following hospitalizations for acute decompensated heart failure. Low serum sodium (especially below 130 mEq/L) can contribute to symptoms, complicate diagnostic and therapeutic decision‐making, and significantly prolong length of stay and associated costs. Early recognition of the underlying etiologies, aggressive fluid restriction, and removal of medications that might exacerbate hyponatremia are key steps. The vaptan class is now a useful adjunct in select patients with hyponatremia and fluid overload who do not respond to standard approaches such as fluid restriction.

Hyponatremia, defined as a serum [Na+] 135 mEq/L, occurs in 2030% of patients with acute decompensated heart failure (HF)13 and has been independently associated with a poor prognosis. In clinical trials of acute decompensated HF, the reported mean serum sodium is often normal or near normal, but a significant proportion of study subjects can have serum sodium values that approach 130 mEq/L or lower.3 However, despite the association between hyponatremia and clinical outcomes like hospitalization and mortality, data from studies are sparse about the impact of drug or device interventions in the hyponatremic cohort, since patients are generally not stratified at the time of randomization by the value of baseline serum sodium.


Hyponatremia has long been recognized as a potential prognostic marker in heart failure, highlighted by Packer and Lee in 1986.4 Subsequently, a wealth of data derived from clinical trials, registries, and observational databases support the concept that hyponatremia is an independent predictor of both short‐ and long‐term outcomes.13, 511 As reviewed by Jao and Chiong,3 this relationship holds in patients on optimal evidence‐based medical therapy, including treatment with antagonists of the renin‐angiotensin system and beta blockers. In the Organized Program To Initiate Lifesaving Treatment In Hospitalized Patients With Heart Failure (OPTIMIZE)2 HF Registry of nearly 50,000 patients, in‐hospital and 60‐day mortality rates were higher in patients with lower serum sodium levels on admission (cut‐off point of 135 mEq/L). In‐hospital death and the combined endpoint of death or re‐hospitalization increased significantly for each 3 mEq/L decrease in serum [Na+] below 140 mEq/L. Patients with hyponatremia were more likely to have lower systolic blood pressures and receive intravenous inotropic agents; lengths of stay were also longer.

Similar findings were reported in the Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Acute and Chronic Therapeutic Impact of a Vasopressin 2 Antagonist (Tolvaptan) in Congestive Heart Failure (ACTIV in CHF)10 trial.11 For example, in the former, Gheorghiade and colleagues tracked serum sodium levels in 433 hospitalized patients who had acute decompensated HF and examined the proportion free from a major event (defined as death and/or HF hospitalization).1 There was a clear association between the event rate and serum sodium level. Patients whose hyponatremia persisted from hospital admission to discharge were at higher risk relative to those whose hyponatremia was corrected during the hospital stay.

However, whether the way in which the serum sodium improvement is achieved has a bearing on outcomes is not known. In the studies comparing outcomes in patients with heart failure and hyponatremia versus normonatremia, no mention is made about how the patient arrived at either state. Despite this limitation, the findings are incontrovertibly consistent. Hyponatremia on discharge (prior to or after the adoption of renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone system (RAAS) antagonists or beta blockers) is a marker for poorer outcomes, as is another laboratory abnormality frequently observed in patients hospitalized with heart failure: an elevated creatinine.

Additionally, serum sodium obtained shortly after hospitalization is a potent predictor of re‐hospitalization12 and persistently poor health‐related quality‐of‐life.13 The impact on longer‐term outcomes can also be demonstrated in multiple prognostic models6, 8, 9 in which serum sodium is a risk factor for adverse outcomes. For example, using the Seattle Heart Failure Model, overall prognosis worsens for each 1 mEq decline in serum sodium when all other variables are kept constant.8 This observation suggests that, in terms of prognosis, the value of serum sodium functions as a continuous not a binary variable.


The reasons underlying hyponatremia in heart failure are complex, but a key component is the non‐osmotic release of arginine vasopressin (AVP) in response to stimulation of carotid baroreceptors. This phenomenon occurs as a result of arterial underfilling (both lower blood pressure and lower cardiac output). AVP is one member of a family of neurohormones and cytokines that are upregulated in heart failure (eg, norepinephrine, renin, angiotensin, aldosterone, endothelin, and tumor necrosis factor‐alpha). Levels of AVP are increased most markedly in patients with advanced symptoms (ie, New York Heart Association Class III and IV),14 and this leads to impaired free water handling in the renal tubules and a hypervolemic form of hyponatremia. The reasons underlying the upregulation are debated, but likely reflect a short‐term hemodynamic adaptation that is designed to augment cardiac output by increasing circulating volume. In addition, multiple neurohormones have been shown to promote progressive ventricular dilation, referred to as remodeling. For example, chronic elevations of norepinephrine contribute to a multitude of genotypic and phenotypic changes at the level of the myocyte. The short‐term benefits of neurohormonal upregulation are offset by maladaptive responses in the long term, and this observation likely explains a major part of the clinical benefits seen with drugs such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, aldosterone antagonists, and beta blockers.

It is also clear that the development and management of patients with hyponatremia and heart failure are frequently complicated by the presence of other factors that impact sodium and water handling. Heart failure often occurs in older patients with renal dysfunction who are on medications that can exacerbate hyponatremia, such as diuretics, non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory agents, antidepressants, and opiate derivatives. In addition, other conditions like hypothyroidism may coexist and contribute to the hyponatremic state. It is therefore crucial for the clinician to consider these possibilities when a patient with heart failure presents with or develops hyponatremia, and in particular to critically evaluate the potential role of concomitant medications that can cause a syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)‐like picture.


As with other markers of poor outcome in heart failure, such as worsening renal insufficiency, chronic obstructive lung disease, and other comorbidities, hyponatremia is associated with longer lengths of stay (LOS) and cost. In an analysis of approximately 116,000 patients hospitalized with HF and grouped at admission by serum [Na+], risk‐adjusted mortality, LOS, and attributable cost were highest for patients with severe hyponatremia compared to patients with normonatremia.15 In addition, Amin and colleagues recently demonstrated that length of stay in the intensive care unit and associated costs were greater (21% and 23%, respectively) in patients who had an International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification (ICD‐9‐CM) code for hyponatremia compared to those that did not.16


A number of significant management challenges exist during the hospitalization phase of acute decompensated heart failure. Among other tasks, the clinician should evaluate the potential cause of the decompensation (eg, medication noncompliance, dietary noncompliance, increased metabolic demand from pneumonia or other infection, worsening renal failure, diuretic resistance, iatrogenic fluid overload) and decide whether the patient is fluid overloaded, in a low cardiac output state contributing to end‐organ perfusion, or both. Manifestations of worsening heart failure other than dyspnea may be present. For example, mental status changes in an elderly patient may reflect fluid overload with or without low cardiac output, but the differential diagnosis also includes impaired clearance of drugs due to liver congestion or worsening renal function (eg, digoxin toxicity), hyponatremia (potentially mediated through cerebral edema), low cardiac output, occult infection, cerebrovascular accident, and other complications of coronary heart disease.

Key components of the physical exam include the presence of jugular venous distention,17 a more sensitive and specific finding than pulmonary rales in chronic or acute‐on‐chronic heart failure. While the mainstay of therapy for fluid overload remains diuretic therapy, we have only recently learned in a definitive way from the Diuretic Optimization Strategies Evaluation (DOSE)18 study that the method of administration (bolus vs continuous intravenous infusion and high dose vs low dose) matters, albeit slightly. Patients who receive high doses of loop diuretic have greater dyspnea relief and weight loss but are at greater risk for developing worsening renal function.

Certain key clinical markers, when present on admission, place the patient in an at‐risk group for a longer length of stay (Table 1). In addition to new or established hyponatremia, these include a creatinine value above baseline, marked antecedent weight gain, and hypotension. During the hospitalization, development of new hyponatremia or worsening of established hyponatremia, worsening renal function (often simply defined by an increase in baseline creatinine by 0.3 mg/dL or more), lack of dyspnea relief, and lack of weight loss, increase the complexity of decision‐making. A proportion of these higher‐risk patients may benefit from the initiation of intravenous vasoactive therapy, mechanical fluid removal (eg, with ultrafiltration), or the use of a vaptan (or aquaretic), depending on the particular presentation and profile. Occasionally, mechanical support will be needed but this option only applies to a limited subgroup.19 However, aside from ventricular assist devices, none of these options have been associated with improved survival.

Complicating Factors Associated With Prolonged Length of Stay in Heart Failure
Worsening renal failure
Advanced age
Marked antecedent weight gain
Lack of (early) resolution of weight gain
Organ hypoperfusion

Despite this limitation, the immediate goal of care in the acute setting is symptom relief. Thus, although neither intravenous dobutamine nor milrinone have been shown to decrease mortality, both are recognized as palliative options in patients with advanced or end‐stage symptoms20, 21; for example, milrinone, due to its inodilator characteristics, may improve symptoms and end‐organ perfusion while mitigating against an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance. However routine use in the management of acute decompensated heart failure is discouraged, based on the Outcome of a Prospective Trial of Intravenous Milrinone for Exacerbations of Chronic Heart Failure (OPTIME‐CHF)2 Trial.22 Similarly, the routine use of nesiritide cannot be recommended, based on the neutral findings of the recently published Acute Study of Clinical Effectiveness of Nesiritide in Decompensated Heart Failure (ASCEND‐HF)23 study, though subsets of patients may still be candidates for this therapy.

Ultrafiltration appears to function well as an adjunct to fluid and salt removal as demonstrated in the Ultrafiltration versus Intravenous Diuretics for Patients Hospitalized for Acute Decompensated Congestive Heart Failure (UNLOAD)24 study, though a number of limitations have been cited.25 It should be strongly considered for patients who have developed refractory fluid overload and anasarca, especially if responsiveness to loop diuretics is blunted.

For hypervolemic hyponatremia, the standard approach has been fluid restriction, but this can require a prolonged and at times uncomfortable prescription for patients to follow. Hypertonic saline is contraindicated in most cases, given the salt load and risk of exacerbating fluid overload. Data for demeclocycline are sparse.26 The vaptan class is an interesting option, in large part because of the significant free water loss that can be achieved through the competitive antagonism of V2 receptors in renal tubules. Competitive binding to this receptor leads to a reduction in the deposition of new water channels (or aquaporins) on the luminal side of the tubule, resulting in a marked reduction in water reuptake from the urine.27 Indeed, data for tolvaptan, an orally available vaptan, suggest that short‐term treatment can increase urine output, weight loss, and serum sodium level.28 In both the Acute and Chronic Therapeutic Impact of a Vasopressin 2 Antagonist (Tolvaptan) in Congestive Heart Failure (ACTIV) and Efficacy of Vasopressin Antagonism in Heart Failure: Outcome Study With Tolvaptan (EVEREST)29 studies,28 a number of favorable short‐term effects were seen such as dyspnea relief and weight loss, but in the latter study, the trial did not meet 1 of its 2 prespecified co‐primary endpoints (change on a visual analog scale) in an embedded analysis of acute treatment effects. Further, EVEREST failed to show any meaningful impact on posthospitalization morbidity and mortality when tolvaptan was administered chronically.30 It is also noteworthy that in both trials, inclusion criteria required the presence of symptomatic heart failure rather than hyponatremia; in fact, in EVEREST only 11.5% of patients had a serum sodium level less than 135 mEq/L. To date, there are no long‐term prospectively collected data on the impact of the vaptan class in heart failure accompanied by hyponatremia.

Despite these caveats, the judicious use of vaptans may have a role in heart failure; at the very least, serum sodium increases by, on average, 5.2 mEq/L.31 Fluid restriction should be liberalized and serum sodium should be monitored frequently in the first few days of therapy to avoid rapid correction of serum sodium, which can lead to an unusual neurological complication (osmotic demyelination syndrome).32


Patients who have chronic hyponatremia or who are at risk for worsening of preexisting hyponatremia should be closely monitored during the early postdischarge period, in part to detect further decreases in the serum sodium level and deterioration in overall clinical status. Worsening of hyponatremia may occur in the outpatient setting due to intentional or unintentional increased free water intake, initiation of new medications, exacerbation of the underlying condition, infection, or related conditions. Similar to the inpatient setting, the outpatient management of patients with fluid overload and hyponatremia can be difficult. Further study is required and clinical trials are needed to assess whether the chronic administration of a vaptan in this particular patient population will impact prognosis relative to fluid restriction alone.

Regardless of serum sodium, a frequently advocated intervention in long‐term management is daily weight monitoring which has become a gold standard, especially for patients with advanced symptoms. As shown in EVEREST, lean body weight increases prior to re‐hospitalization for HF were 1.96, 2.07, and 1.97 kg, compared with 0.74, 0.90, and 1.04 kg, respectively, in patients who were not re‐hospitalized (P < 0.001 for all groups).33 Recently, use of invasive hemodynamic monitoring, largely on the basis of the CardioMEMS Heart Sensor Allows Monitoring of Pressure to Improve Outcomes in NYHA Class III Heart Failure Patients (CHAMPION)34 trial, has been advocated as a potential breakthrough in outpatient management because increased right‐sided pressures, rather than weight gain, may precede a heart failure exacerbation.35, 36 It is, however, worthwhile to emphasize that routine hemodynamic monitoring with pulmonary artery catheterization has not been shown to be effective in the inpatient setting,37 despite the attractiveness of knowing the numbers. Additionally, the data supporting the use of serial measurements of biomarkers (in particular, brain natriuretic peptide or its precursor) as a surrogate for filling pressures are conflicting, and therefore this approach is not at present considered standard of care.38

Studies also suggest that postdischarge adherence and the intensity of follow‐up for patients recently admitted for HF may be critical to ensure optimal outcomes. From a practical standpoint, the presence of defined risk factors should lead clinicians to adopt a selective approach to postdischarge monitoring. For those patients deemed to be at risk, reasonable options include outpatient medication titration, more frequent nurse contact, and focused efforts at increasing patient self‐efficacy, all of which can be targeted in the context of a HF disease management program or HF clinic.39, 40 A recent consensus paper outlines the components that should be considered in the establishment of a clinic devoted to the care of patients with heart failure.40 Given increasing reimbursement pressures, these clinics may provide a mechanism to increase quality of care in the outpatient setting while decreasing risk of readmission for preventable heart failure exacerbations. However, other nonphysiological factors influence readmission rates, and not all of these factors can be easily addressed in a traditional medical model.41


Hyponatremia, in addition to declining renal function, persistent dyspnea, and weight gain, is a major clinical concern during and following hospitalizations for acute decompensated heart failure. Low serum sodium (especially below 130 mEq/L) can contribute to symptoms, complicate diagnostic and therapeutic decision‐making, and significantly prolong length of stay and associated costs. Early recognition of the underlying etiologies, aggressive fluid restriction, and removal of medications that might exacerbate hyponatremia are key steps. The vaptan class is now a useful adjunct in select patients with hyponatremia and fluid overload who do not respond to standard approaches such as fluid restriction.

  1. Gheorghiade M,Rossi JS,Cotts W, et al.Characterization and prognostic value of persistent hyponatremia in patients with severe heart failure in the ESCAPE trial.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:19982005.
  2. Gheorghiade M,Abraham WT,Albert NM, et al,on behalf of the OPTIMIZE‐HF Investigators and Coordinators.Relationship between admission serum sodium concentration and clinical outcomes in patients hospitalized for heart failure: an analysis from the OPTIMIZE‐HF registry.Eur Heart J.2007;28:980988.
  3. Jao GT,Chiong JR.Hyponatremia in acute decompensated heart failure: mechanisms, prognosis, and treatment options.Clin Cardiol.2010;33:666671.
  4. Lee WH,Packer M.Prognostic importance of serum sodium concentration and its modification by converting enzyme inhibition in patients with severe chronic heart failure.Circulation.1986;73:257267.
  5. Chen MC,Chang HW,Cheng CI,Chen YH,Chai HT.Risk stratification of in‐hospital mortality in patients hospitalized for chronic congestive heart failure secondary to nonischemic cardiomyopathy.Cardiology.2003;100:136142.
  6. Lee DS,Austin PC,Rouleau JL,Liu PP,Naimark D,Tu JV.Predicting mortality among patients hospitalized for heart failure. Derivation and validation of a clinical model.JAMA.2003;290:25812587.
  7. Leier CV,Dei Cas L,Metra M.Clinical relevance and management of the major electrolyte abnormalities in congestive heart failure: hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypomagnesemia.Am Heart J.1994;128:564574.
  8. Levy WC,Mozaffarian D,Linker DT, et al.The Seattle Heart Failure Model: prediction of survival in heart failure.Circulation.2006;113:14241433.
  9. Aaronson KD,Schwartz JS,Chen T‐Z,Wong K‐L,Goin JE,Mancini DM.Development and prospective validation of a clinical index to predict survival in ambulatory patients referred for cardiac transplant evaluation.Circulation.1997;95:26602667.
  10. Gheorghiade M,Gattis WA,O'Connor CM, et alfor the Acute and Chronic Therapeutic Impact of a Vasopressin Antagonist in Congestive Heart Failure (ACTIV in CHF) Investigators.Effects of tolvaptan, a vasopressin antagonist, in patients hospitalized with worsening heart failure.JAMA.2004;291:19631971.
  11. Rossi J,Bayram M,Udelson JE, et al.Improvement in hyponatremia during hospitalization for worsening heart failure is associated with improved outcomes: insights from the Acute and Chronic Therapeutic Impact of a Vasopressin Antagonist in Chronic Heart Failure (ACTIV in CHF) trial.Acute Card Care.2007;9:8286.
  12. Dunlay SM,Gheorghiade M,Reid KJ, et al.Critical elements of clinical follow‐up after hospital discharge for heart failure: insights from the EVEREST trial.Eur J Heart Fail.2010;12:367374.
  13. Allen LA,Gheorghiade M,Reid KJ, et al.Identifying patients hospitalized with heart failure at risk for unfavorable future quality of life.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.2011;4:389398.
  14. Nakamura T,Funayama H,Yoshimura A, et al.Possible vascular role of increased plasma arginine vasopressin in congestive heart failure.Int J Cardiol.2006;106:191195.
  15. Shorr AF,Tabak YP,Johannes RS,Gupta V,Saltzberg MT,Costanzo MR.Burden of sodium abnormalities in patients hospitalized for heart failure.Congest Heart Fail.2011;17:17.
  16. Amin A,Deitelzweig S,Lin J, et al.Consequences of hyponatremia on cost and length of stay in heart failure patients.J Card Fail.2011;8:S72.
  17. Drazner MH,Rame JE,Stevenson LW,Dries DL.Prognostic importance of elevated jugular venous pressure and a third heart sound in patients with heart failure.N Engl J Med.2001;345:574581.
  18. Felker GM,Lee KL,Bull DA, et alfor the NHLBI Heart Failure Clinical Research Network.Diuretic strategies in patients with acute decompensated heart failure.N Engl J Med.2011;364:797805.
  19. Krishnamani R,DeNofrio D,Konstam MA.Emerging ventricular assist devices for long‐term cardiac support.Nat Rev Cardiol.2010;7:7176.
  20. Hauptman PJ,Mikolajczak P,Mohr CJ, et al.Chronic continuous home inotropic therapy in end‐stage heart failure.Am Heart J.2006;152:1096.e11096.e8.
  21. Rich MW,Shore BL.Dobutamine for patients with end‐stage heart failure in a hospice program?J Palliat Med.2003;6:9397.
  22. Cuffe MS,Califf RM,Adams KF, et al.Short‐term intravenous milrinone for acute exacerbation of chronic heart failure.JAMA.2002;287:15411547.
  23. O'Connor CM,Starling RC,Hernandez AF, et al.Effect of nesiritide in patients with acute decompensated heart failure.N Engl J Med.2011;365:3243.
  24. Costanzo MR,Guglin ME,Saltzberg MT, et alfor the UNLOAD Trial Investigators.Ultrafiltration versus intravenous diuretics for patients hospitalized for acute decompensated heart failure.J Am Coll Cardiol.2007;49:675683.
  25. Elkayam U,Hatamizadeh P,Janmohamed M.The challenge of correcting volume overload in hospitalized patients with decompensated heart failure.J Am Coll Cardiol.2007;49:684686.
  26. Zegers de Beyl D,Naeije R,de Troyer A.Demeclocycline treatment of water retention in congestive heart failure.Br Med J.1978;1:760.
  27. Lemmens‐Gruber R,Kamyar M.Vasopressin antagonists.J Card Fail.2011;17:973981.
  28. Udelson JE,Bilsker M,Hauptman PJ, et al.A multicenter, randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled study of tolvaptan monotherapy compared to furosemide and the combination of tolvaptan and furosemide in patients with heart failure and systolic dysfunction.JAMA.2004;291:19631971.
  29. Gheorghiade M,Konstam MA,Burnett JC, et alfor the Efficacy of Vasopressin Antagonism in Heart Failure Outcome Study With Tolvaptan (EVEREST) Investigators.Short‐term clinical effects of tolvaptan, an oral vasopressin antagonist, in patients hospitalized for heart failure: the EVEREST Clinical Status Trials.JAMA.2007;297:13321343.
  30. Konstam MA,Gheorghiade M,Burnett JC, et alfor the Efficacy of Vasopressin Antagonism in Heart Failure Outcome Study With Tolvaptan (EVEREST) Investigators.Effects of oral tolvaptan in patients hospitalized for worsening heart failure: the EVEREST Outcome Trial.JAMA.2007;297:13191331.
  31. Rozen‐Zvi B,Yahav D,Gheorghiade M,Korzets A,Leibovici L,Gafter U.Vasopressin receptor antagonists for the treatment of hyponatremia: systematic review and meta‐analysis.Am J Kidney Dis.2010;56:325337.
  32. Brunner JE,Redmond JM,Haggar AM,Kruger DF,Elias SB.Central pontine myelinolysis and pontine lesions after rapid correction of hyponatremia: a prospective magnetic resonance imaging study.Ann Neurol.1990;27:6166.
  33. Blair JE,Khan S,Konstam MA, et alfor the EVEREST Investigators.Weight changes after hospitalization for worsening heart failure and subsequent re‐hospitalization and mortality in the EVEREST trial.Eur Heart J.2009;30:16661673.
  34. Abraham WT,Adamson PB,Bourge RC, et alfor the CHAMPION Trial Study Group.Wireless pulmonary artery haemodynamic monitoring in chronic heart failure: a randomised controlled trial.Lancet.2011;377:658666.
  35. Fallick C,Sobotka PA,Dunlap ME.Sympathetically mediated changes in capacitance: redistribution of the venous reservoir as a cause of decompensation.Circ Heart Fail.2011;4:669675.
  36. Zile MR,Adamson PB,Cho YK, et al.Hemodynamic factors associated with acute decompensated heart failure: part 1—insights into pathophysiology.J Card Fail.2001;17:282291.
  37. The ESCAPE Investigators.Evaluation study of congestive heart failure and pulmonary artery catheterization effectiveness.JAMA.2005;294:16251633.
  38. Porapakkham P,Porapakkham P,Zimmet H, et al.B‐type natriuretic peptide‐guided heart failure therapy: a meta‐analysis.Arch Intern Med.2010;170:507514.
  39. Rich MW,Beckham V,Wittenberg C,Leven CL,Freedland KE,Carney RM.A multidisciplinary intervention to prevent the readmission of elderly patients with congestive heart failure.N Engl J Med.1995;333:11901195.
  40. Hauptman PJ,Rich MW,Heidenreich PA, et al.The heart failure clinic: a consensus statement of the Heart Failure Society of America.J Card Fail.2008;14:801815.
  41. Amarasingham R,Moore BJ,Tabak YP, et al.An automated model to identify heart failure patients at risk for 30‐day readmission or death using electronic medical record data.Med Care.2010;48:981988.
  1. Gheorghiade M,Rossi JS,Cotts W, et al.Characterization and prognostic value of persistent hyponatremia in patients with severe heart failure in the ESCAPE trial.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:19982005.
  2. Gheorghiade M,Abraham WT,Albert NM, et al,on behalf of the OPTIMIZE‐HF Investigators and Coordinators.Relationship between admission serum sodium concentration and clinical outcomes in patients hospitalized for heart failure: an analysis from the OPTIMIZE‐HF registry.Eur Heart J.2007;28:980988.
  3. Jao GT,Chiong JR.Hyponatremia in acute decompensated heart failure: mechanisms, prognosis, and treatment options.Clin Cardiol.2010;33:666671.
  4. Lee WH,Packer M.Prognostic importance of serum sodium concentration and its modification by converting enzyme inhibition in patients with severe chronic heart failure.Circulation.1986;73:257267.
  5. Chen MC,Chang HW,Cheng CI,Chen YH,Chai HT.Risk stratification of in‐hospital mortality in patients hospitalized for chronic congestive heart failure secondary to nonischemic cardiomyopathy.Cardiology.2003;100:136142.
  6. Lee DS,Austin PC,Rouleau JL,Liu PP,Naimark D,Tu JV.Predicting mortality among patients hospitalized for heart failure. Derivation and validation of a clinical model.JAMA.2003;290:25812587.
  7. Leier CV,Dei Cas L,Metra M.Clinical relevance and management of the major electrolyte abnormalities in congestive heart failure: hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypomagnesemia.Am Heart J.1994;128:564574.
  8. Levy WC,Mozaffarian D,Linker DT, et al.The Seattle Heart Failure Model: prediction of survival in heart failure.Circulation.2006;113:14241433.
  9. Aaronson KD,Schwartz JS,Chen T‐Z,Wong K‐L,Goin JE,Mancini DM.Development and prospective validation of a clinical index to predict survival in ambulatory patients referred for cardiac transplant evaluation.Circulation.1997;95:26602667.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(4)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(4)
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Clinical challenge of hyponatremia in heart failure
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Clinical challenge of hyponatremia in heart failure
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Copyright © 2012 Society of Hospital Medicine
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Professor of Medicine, Saint Louis University School of Medicine and Director of Heart Failure, Saint Louis University Hospital, 3635 Vista Ave. St Louis, MO 63110
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