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Wed, 04/14/2021 - 11:22

Hospitalists engaging in advocacy efforts

Hospitalists around the country are devoting large portions of their spare time to a wide range of advocacy efforts. From health policy to caring for the unhoused population to diversity and equity to advocating for fellow hospitalists, these physicians are passionate about their causes and determined to make a difference.

Championing the unhoused

Sarah Stella, MD, FHM, a hospitalist at Denver Health, was initially drawn there because of the population the hospital serves, which includes a high concentration of people experiencing homelessness. As she cared for her patients, Dr. Stella, who is also associate professor of hospital medicine at the University of Colorado, increasingly felt the desire to help prevent the negative downstream outcomes the hospital sees.

To understand the experiences of the unhoused outside the hospital, Dr. Stella started talking to her patients and people in community-based organizations that serve this population. “I learned a ton,” she said. “Homelessness feels like such an intractable, hopeless thing, but the more I talked to people, the more opportunities I saw to work toward something better.”

This led to a pilot grant to work with the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless to set up a community advisory panel. “My goal was to better understand their experiences and to develop a shared vision for how we collectively can do better,” said Dr. Stella. Eventually, she also received a grant from the University of Colorado, and multiple opportunities have sprung up ever since.

For the past several years, Dr. Stella has worked with Denver Health leadership to improve care for the homeless. “Right now, I’m working with a community team on developing an idea to provide peer support from people with a shared lived experience for people who are experiencing homelessness when they’re hospitalized. That’s really where my passion has been in working on the partnership,” she said.

Her advocacy role has been beneficial in her work as a hospitalist, particularly when COVID began. Dr. Stella again partnered with the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless to start a joint task force. “Everyone on our task force is motivated by this powerful desire to improve the health and lives of this community and that’s one of the silver linings in this pandemic for me,” said Dr. Stella.

Advocacy work has also increased Dr. Stella’s knowledge of what community support options are available for the unhoused. This allows her to educate her patients about their options and how to access them.

While she has colleagues who are able to compartmentalize their work, “I absolutely could not be a hospitalist without being an advocate,” Dr. Stella said. “For me, it has been a protective strategy in terms of burnout because I have to feel like I’m working to advocate for better policies and more appropriate resources to address the gaps that I’m seeing.”

Dr. Stella believes that physicians have a special credibility to advocate, tell stories, and use data to back their stories up. “We have to realize that we have this power, and we have it so we can empower others,” she said. “The people I’ve seen in my community who are working so hard to help people who are experiencing homelessness are the heroes. Understanding that and giving power to those people through our voice and our well-respected place in society drives me.”



Strengthening diversity, equity, and inclusion

In September 2020, Michael Bryant, MD, became the inaugural vice chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the department of pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where he is also the division head of pediatric hospital medicine. “I was motivated to apply for this position because I wanted to be an agent for change to eliminate the institutional racism, social injustice, and marginalization that continues to threaten the lives and well-beings of so many Americans,” Dr. Bryant said.

Dr. Michael Bryant, pediatric hospitalist, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles
Dr. Michael Bryant

Between the pandemic, the economic decline it has created, and the divisive political landscape, people of color have been especially affected. “These are poignant examples of the ever-widening divide and disenfranchisement many Americans feel,” said Dr. Bryant. “Gandhi said, ‘Be the change that you want to see,’ and that is what I want to model.”

At work, advocacy for diversity, equality, and inclusion is an innate part of everything he does. From the new physicians he recruits to the candidates he considers for leadership positions, Dr. Bryant strives “to have a workforce that mirrors the diversity of the patients we humbly care for and serve.”

Advocacy is intrinsic to Dr. Bryant’s worldview, in his quest to understand and accept each individual’s uniqueness, his desire “to embrace cultural humility,” his recognition that “our differences enhance us instead of diminishing us,” and his willingness to engage in difficult conversations.

“Advocacy means that I acknowledge that intent does not equal impact and that I must accept that what I do and what I say may have unintended consequences,” he said. “When that happens, I must resist becoming defensive and instead be willing to listen and learn.”

Dr. Bryant is proud of his accomplishments and enjoys his advocacy work. In his workplace, there are few African Americans in leadership roles. This means that he is in high demand when it comes to making sure there’s representation during various processes such as hiring and vetting, a disparity known as the “minority tax.”

“I am thankful for the opportunities, but it does take a toll at times,” Dr. Bryant said, which is yet another reason why he is a proponent of increasing diversity and inclusion. “This allows us to build the resource pool as these needs arise and minimizes the toll of the ‘minority tax’ on any single person or small group of individuals.”

This summer, physicians from Dr. Bryant’s hospital participated in the national “White Coats for Black Lives” effort. He found it to be “an incredibly moving event” that hundreds of his colleagues participated in.

Dr. Bryant’s advice for hospitalists who want to get involved in advocacy efforts is to check out the movie “John Lewis: Good Trouble.” “He was a champion of human rights and fought for these rights until his death,” Dr. Bryant said. “He is a true American hero and a wonderful example.”

Bolstering health care change

Since his residency, Joshua Lenchus, DO, FACP, SFHM, has developed an ever-increasing interest in legislative advocacy, particularly health policy. Getting involved in this arena requires an understanding of civics and government that goes beyond just the basics. “My desire to affect change in my own profession really served as the catalyst to get involved,” said Dr. Lenchus, the regional chief medical officer at Broward Health Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “What better way to do that than by combining what we do on a daily basis in the practice of medicine with this new understanding of how laws are passed and promulgated?”

Dr. Lenchus has been involved with both state and national medical organizations and has served on public policy committees as a member and as a chair. “The charge of these committees is to monitor and navigate position statements and policies that will drive the entire organization,” he said. This means becoming knowledgeable enough about a topic to be able to talk about it eloquently and adding supporting personal or professional illustrations that reinforce the position to lawmakers.

He finds his advocacy efforts “incredibly rewarding” because they contribute to his endeavors “to help my colleagues practice medicine in a safe, efficient, and productive manner.” For instance, some of the organizations Dr. Lenchus was involved with helped make changes to the Affordable Care Act that ended up in its final version, as well as changes after it passed. “There are tangible things that advocacy enables us to do in our daily practice,” he said.

When something his organizations have advocated for does not pass, they know they need to try a different outlet. “You can’t win every fight,” he said. “Every time you go and comment on an issue, you have to understand that you’re there to do your best, and to the extent that the people you’re talking to are willing to listen to what you have to say, that’s where I think you can make the most impact.” When changes he has helped fight for do pass, “it really is amazing that you can tell your colleagues about your role in achieving meaningful change in the profession.”

Dr. Lenchus acknowledges that advocacy “can be all-consuming at times. We have to understand our limits.” That said, he thinks not engaging in advocacy could increase stress and potential burnout. “I think being involved in advocacy efforts really helps people conduct meaningful work and educates them about what it means not just to them, but to the rest of the medical profession and the patients that we serve,” he said.

For hospitalists who are interested in health policy advocacy, there are many ways to get involved, Dr. Lenchus said. You could join an organization (many organized medical societies have public policy committees), participate in advocacy activities, work on a political campaign, or even run for office yourself. “Ultimately, education and some level of involvement really will make the difference in who navigates our future as hospitalists,” he said.

Questioning co-management practices

Though he says he’s in the minority, Hardik Vora, MD, SFHM, medical director for hospital medicine at Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport News, Va., believes that co-management is going to “make or break hospital medicine. It’s going to have a huge impact on our specialty.”

In the roughly 25-year history of hospital medicine, it has evolved from admitting and caring for patients of primary care physicians to patients of specialists and, more recently, surgical patients. “Now there are (hospital medicine) programs across the country that are pretty much admitting everything,” said Dr. Vora.

As a recruiter for the Riverside Health System for the past eight years, “I have not met a single resident who is trained to do what we’re doing in hospital medicine, because you’re admitting surgical patients all the time and you have primary attending responsibility,” Dr. Vora said. “I see that as a cause of a significant amount of stress because now you’re responsible for something that you don’t have adequate training for.”

In the co-management discussion, Dr. Vora notes that people often bring up the research that shows that the practice has improved surgeon satisfaction. “What bothers me is that…you need to add one more question – how does it affect your hospitalists? And I bet the answer to that question is ‘it has a terrible effect.’”

The expectations surrounding hospitalists these days is a big concern in terms of burnout, Dr. Vora said. “We talk a lot about the drivers of burnout, whether it’s schedule or COVID,” he said. The biggest issue when it comes to burnout, as he sees it, is not COVID; it’s when hospitalists are performing tasks that make them feel they aren’t adding value. “I think that’s a huge topic in hospital medicine right now.”

Dr. Vora believes there should be more discussion and awareness of the potential pitfalls. “Hospitalists should get involved in co-management where they are adding value and certainly not take up the attending responsibility where they’re not adding value and it’s out of the scope of their training and expertise,” he said. “Preventing scope creep and burnout from co-management are some of the key issues I’m really passionate about.”

Dr. Vora said it is important to set realistic goals and remember that it takes time to make change when it comes to advocacy. “You still have to operate within whatever environment is given to you and then you can make change from within,” he said.

His enthusiasm for co-management awareness has led to creating a co-management forum through SHM in his local Hampton Roads chapter. He was also a panelist for an SHM webinar in February 2021 in which the panelists debated co-management.

“I think we really need to look at this as a specialty. Are we going in the right direction?” Dr. Vora asked. “We need to come together as a specialty and make a decision, which is going to be hard because there are competing financial interests and various practice models.”



Improving patient care

Working as a hospitalist at University Medical Center, a safety net hospital in New Orleans, Celeste Newby, MD, PhD, sees plenty of patients who are underinsured or not insured at all. “A lot of my interest in health policy stems from that,” she said.

During her residency, which she finished in 2015, Louisiana became a Medicaid expansion state. This impressed upon Dr. Newby how much Medicaid improved the lives of patients who had previously been uninsured. “We saw procedures getting done that had been put on hold because of financial concerns or medicines that were now affordable that weren’t before,” she said. “It really did make a difference.”

When repeated attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act began, “it was a call to do health policy work for me personally that just hadn’t come up in the past,” said Dr. Newby, who is also assistant professor of medicine at Tulane University in New Orleans. “I personally found that the best way to do (advocacy work) was to go through medical societies because there is a much stronger voice when you have more people saying the same thing,” she said.

Dr. Newby sits on the Council of Legislation for the Louisiana State Medical Society and participates in the Leadership and Health Policy (LEAHP) Program through the Society of General Internal Medicine.

The LEAHP Program has been instrumental in expanding Dr. Newby’s knowledge of how health policy is made and the mechanisms behind it. It has also taught her “how we can either advise, guide, leverage, or advocate for things that we think would be important for change and moving the country in the right direction in terms of health care.”

Another reason involvement in medical societies is helpful is because, as a busy clinician, it is impossible to keep up with everything. “Working with medical societies, you have people who are more directly involved in the legislature and can give you quicker notice about things that are coming up that are going to be important to you or your co-workers or your patients,” Dr. Newby said.

Dr. Newby feels her advocacy work is an outlet for stress and “a way to work at more of a macro level on problems that I see with my individual patients. It’s a nice compliment.” At the hospital, she can only help one person at a time, but with her advocacy efforts, there’s potential to make changes for many.

“Advocacy now is such a large umbrella that encompasses so many different projects at all kinds of levels,” Dr. Newby said. She suggests looking around your community to see where the needs lie. If you’re passionate about a certain topic or population, see what you can do to help advocate for change there.



Hospitalists engaging in advocacy efforts

Hospitalists engaging in advocacy efforts

Hospitalists around the country are devoting large portions of their spare time to a wide range of advocacy efforts. From health policy to caring for the unhoused population to diversity and equity to advocating for fellow hospitalists, these physicians are passionate about their causes and determined to make a difference.

Championing the unhoused

Sarah Stella, MD, FHM, a hospitalist at Denver Health, was initially drawn there because of the population the hospital serves, which includes a high concentration of people experiencing homelessness. As she cared for her patients, Dr. Stella, who is also associate professor of hospital medicine at the University of Colorado, increasingly felt the desire to help prevent the negative downstream outcomes the hospital sees.

To understand the experiences of the unhoused outside the hospital, Dr. Stella started talking to her patients and people in community-based organizations that serve this population. “I learned a ton,” she said. “Homelessness feels like such an intractable, hopeless thing, but the more I talked to people, the more opportunities I saw to work toward something better.”

This led to a pilot grant to work with the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless to set up a community advisory panel. “My goal was to better understand their experiences and to develop a shared vision for how we collectively can do better,” said Dr. Stella. Eventually, she also received a grant from the University of Colorado, and multiple opportunities have sprung up ever since.

For the past several years, Dr. Stella has worked with Denver Health leadership to improve care for the homeless. “Right now, I’m working with a community team on developing an idea to provide peer support from people with a shared lived experience for people who are experiencing homelessness when they’re hospitalized. That’s really where my passion has been in working on the partnership,” she said.

Her advocacy role has been beneficial in her work as a hospitalist, particularly when COVID began. Dr. Stella again partnered with the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless to start a joint task force. “Everyone on our task force is motivated by this powerful desire to improve the health and lives of this community and that’s one of the silver linings in this pandemic for me,” said Dr. Stella.

Advocacy work has also increased Dr. Stella’s knowledge of what community support options are available for the unhoused. This allows her to educate her patients about their options and how to access them.

While she has colleagues who are able to compartmentalize their work, “I absolutely could not be a hospitalist without being an advocate,” Dr. Stella said. “For me, it has been a protective strategy in terms of burnout because I have to feel like I’m working to advocate for better policies and more appropriate resources to address the gaps that I’m seeing.”

Dr. Stella believes that physicians have a special credibility to advocate, tell stories, and use data to back their stories up. “We have to realize that we have this power, and we have it so we can empower others,” she said. “The people I’ve seen in my community who are working so hard to help people who are experiencing homelessness are the heroes. Understanding that and giving power to those people through our voice and our well-respected place in society drives me.”



Strengthening diversity, equity, and inclusion

In September 2020, Michael Bryant, MD, became the inaugural vice chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the department of pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where he is also the division head of pediatric hospital medicine. “I was motivated to apply for this position because I wanted to be an agent for change to eliminate the institutional racism, social injustice, and marginalization that continues to threaten the lives and well-beings of so many Americans,” Dr. Bryant said.

Dr. Michael Bryant, pediatric hospitalist, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles
Dr. Michael Bryant

Between the pandemic, the economic decline it has created, and the divisive political landscape, people of color have been especially affected. “These are poignant examples of the ever-widening divide and disenfranchisement many Americans feel,” said Dr. Bryant. “Gandhi said, ‘Be the change that you want to see,’ and that is what I want to model.”

At work, advocacy for diversity, equality, and inclusion is an innate part of everything he does. From the new physicians he recruits to the candidates he considers for leadership positions, Dr. Bryant strives “to have a workforce that mirrors the diversity of the patients we humbly care for and serve.”

Advocacy is intrinsic to Dr. Bryant’s worldview, in his quest to understand and accept each individual’s uniqueness, his desire “to embrace cultural humility,” his recognition that “our differences enhance us instead of diminishing us,” and his willingness to engage in difficult conversations.

“Advocacy means that I acknowledge that intent does not equal impact and that I must accept that what I do and what I say may have unintended consequences,” he said. “When that happens, I must resist becoming defensive and instead be willing to listen and learn.”

Dr. Bryant is proud of his accomplishments and enjoys his advocacy work. In his workplace, there are few African Americans in leadership roles. This means that he is in high demand when it comes to making sure there’s representation during various processes such as hiring and vetting, a disparity known as the “minority tax.”

“I am thankful for the opportunities, but it does take a toll at times,” Dr. Bryant said, which is yet another reason why he is a proponent of increasing diversity and inclusion. “This allows us to build the resource pool as these needs arise and minimizes the toll of the ‘minority tax’ on any single person or small group of individuals.”

This summer, physicians from Dr. Bryant’s hospital participated in the national “White Coats for Black Lives” effort. He found it to be “an incredibly moving event” that hundreds of his colleagues participated in.

Dr. Bryant’s advice for hospitalists who want to get involved in advocacy efforts is to check out the movie “John Lewis: Good Trouble.” “He was a champion of human rights and fought for these rights until his death,” Dr. Bryant said. “He is a true American hero and a wonderful example.”

Bolstering health care change

Since his residency, Joshua Lenchus, DO, FACP, SFHM, has developed an ever-increasing interest in legislative advocacy, particularly health policy. Getting involved in this arena requires an understanding of civics and government that goes beyond just the basics. “My desire to affect change in my own profession really served as the catalyst to get involved,” said Dr. Lenchus, the regional chief medical officer at Broward Health Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “What better way to do that than by combining what we do on a daily basis in the practice of medicine with this new understanding of how laws are passed and promulgated?”

Dr. Lenchus has been involved with both state and national medical organizations and has served on public policy committees as a member and as a chair. “The charge of these committees is to monitor and navigate position statements and policies that will drive the entire organization,” he said. This means becoming knowledgeable enough about a topic to be able to talk about it eloquently and adding supporting personal or professional illustrations that reinforce the position to lawmakers.

He finds his advocacy efforts “incredibly rewarding” because they contribute to his endeavors “to help my colleagues practice medicine in a safe, efficient, and productive manner.” For instance, some of the organizations Dr. Lenchus was involved with helped make changes to the Affordable Care Act that ended up in its final version, as well as changes after it passed. “There are tangible things that advocacy enables us to do in our daily practice,” he said.

When something his organizations have advocated for does not pass, they know they need to try a different outlet. “You can’t win every fight,” he said. “Every time you go and comment on an issue, you have to understand that you’re there to do your best, and to the extent that the people you’re talking to are willing to listen to what you have to say, that’s where I think you can make the most impact.” When changes he has helped fight for do pass, “it really is amazing that you can tell your colleagues about your role in achieving meaningful change in the profession.”

Dr. Lenchus acknowledges that advocacy “can be all-consuming at times. We have to understand our limits.” That said, he thinks not engaging in advocacy could increase stress and potential burnout. “I think being involved in advocacy efforts really helps people conduct meaningful work and educates them about what it means not just to them, but to the rest of the medical profession and the patients that we serve,” he said.

For hospitalists who are interested in health policy advocacy, there are many ways to get involved, Dr. Lenchus said. You could join an organization (many organized medical societies have public policy committees), participate in advocacy activities, work on a political campaign, or even run for office yourself. “Ultimately, education and some level of involvement really will make the difference in who navigates our future as hospitalists,” he said.

Questioning co-management practices

Though he says he’s in the minority, Hardik Vora, MD, SFHM, medical director for hospital medicine at Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport News, Va., believes that co-management is going to “make or break hospital medicine. It’s going to have a huge impact on our specialty.”

In the roughly 25-year history of hospital medicine, it has evolved from admitting and caring for patients of primary care physicians to patients of specialists and, more recently, surgical patients. “Now there are (hospital medicine) programs across the country that are pretty much admitting everything,” said Dr. Vora.

As a recruiter for the Riverside Health System for the past eight years, “I have not met a single resident who is trained to do what we’re doing in hospital medicine, because you’re admitting surgical patients all the time and you have primary attending responsibility,” Dr. Vora said. “I see that as a cause of a significant amount of stress because now you’re responsible for something that you don’t have adequate training for.”

In the co-management discussion, Dr. Vora notes that people often bring up the research that shows that the practice has improved surgeon satisfaction. “What bothers me is that…you need to add one more question – how does it affect your hospitalists? And I bet the answer to that question is ‘it has a terrible effect.’”

The expectations surrounding hospitalists these days is a big concern in terms of burnout, Dr. Vora said. “We talk a lot about the drivers of burnout, whether it’s schedule or COVID,” he said. The biggest issue when it comes to burnout, as he sees it, is not COVID; it’s when hospitalists are performing tasks that make them feel they aren’t adding value. “I think that’s a huge topic in hospital medicine right now.”

Dr. Vora believes there should be more discussion and awareness of the potential pitfalls. “Hospitalists should get involved in co-management where they are adding value and certainly not take up the attending responsibility where they’re not adding value and it’s out of the scope of their training and expertise,” he said. “Preventing scope creep and burnout from co-management are some of the key issues I’m really passionate about.”

Dr. Vora said it is important to set realistic goals and remember that it takes time to make change when it comes to advocacy. “You still have to operate within whatever environment is given to you and then you can make change from within,” he said.

His enthusiasm for co-management awareness has led to creating a co-management forum through SHM in his local Hampton Roads chapter. He was also a panelist for an SHM webinar in February 2021 in which the panelists debated co-management.

“I think we really need to look at this as a specialty. Are we going in the right direction?” Dr. Vora asked. “We need to come together as a specialty and make a decision, which is going to be hard because there are competing financial interests and various practice models.”



Improving patient care

Working as a hospitalist at University Medical Center, a safety net hospital in New Orleans, Celeste Newby, MD, PhD, sees plenty of patients who are underinsured or not insured at all. “A lot of my interest in health policy stems from that,” she said.

During her residency, which she finished in 2015, Louisiana became a Medicaid expansion state. This impressed upon Dr. Newby how much Medicaid improved the lives of patients who had previously been uninsured. “We saw procedures getting done that had been put on hold because of financial concerns or medicines that were now affordable that weren’t before,” she said. “It really did make a difference.”

When repeated attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act began, “it was a call to do health policy work for me personally that just hadn’t come up in the past,” said Dr. Newby, who is also assistant professor of medicine at Tulane University in New Orleans. “I personally found that the best way to do (advocacy work) was to go through medical societies because there is a much stronger voice when you have more people saying the same thing,” she said.

Dr. Newby sits on the Council of Legislation for the Louisiana State Medical Society and participates in the Leadership and Health Policy (LEAHP) Program through the Society of General Internal Medicine.

The LEAHP Program has been instrumental in expanding Dr. Newby’s knowledge of how health policy is made and the mechanisms behind it. It has also taught her “how we can either advise, guide, leverage, or advocate for things that we think would be important for change and moving the country in the right direction in terms of health care.”

Another reason involvement in medical societies is helpful is because, as a busy clinician, it is impossible to keep up with everything. “Working with medical societies, you have people who are more directly involved in the legislature and can give you quicker notice about things that are coming up that are going to be important to you or your co-workers or your patients,” Dr. Newby said.

Dr. Newby feels her advocacy work is an outlet for stress and “a way to work at more of a macro level on problems that I see with my individual patients. It’s a nice compliment.” At the hospital, she can only help one person at a time, but with her advocacy efforts, there’s potential to make changes for many.

“Advocacy now is such a large umbrella that encompasses so many different projects at all kinds of levels,” Dr. Newby said. She suggests looking around your community to see where the needs lie. If you’re passionate about a certain topic or population, see what you can do to help advocate for change there.


Hospitalists around the country are devoting large portions of their spare time to a wide range of advocacy efforts. From health policy to caring for the unhoused population to diversity and equity to advocating for fellow hospitalists, these physicians are passionate about their causes and determined to make a difference.

Championing the unhoused

Sarah Stella, MD, FHM, a hospitalist at Denver Health, was initially drawn there because of the population the hospital serves, which includes a high concentration of people experiencing homelessness. As she cared for her patients, Dr. Stella, who is also associate professor of hospital medicine at the University of Colorado, increasingly felt the desire to help prevent the negative downstream outcomes the hospital sees.

To understand the experiences of the unhoused outside the hospital, Dr. Stella started talking to her patients and people in community-based organizations that serve this population. “I learned a ton,” she said. “Homelessness feels like such an intractable, hopeless thing, but the more I talked to people, the more opportunities I saw to work toward something better.”

This led to a pilot grant to work with the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless to set up a community advisory panel. “My goal was to better understand their experiences and to develop a shared vision for how we collectively can do better,” said Dr. Stella. Eventually, she also received a grant from the University of Colorado, and multiple opportunities have sprung up ever since.

For the past several years, Dr. Stella has worked with Denver Health leadership to improve care for the homeless. “Right now, I’m working with a community team on developing an idea to provide peer support from people with a shared lived experience for people who are experiencing homelessness when they’re hospitalized. That’s really where my passion has been in working on the partnership,” she said.

Her advocacy role has been beneficial in her work as a hospitalist, particularly when COVID began. Dr. Stella again partnered with the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless to start a joint task force. “Everyone on our task force is motivated by this powerful desire to improve the health and lives of this community and that’s one of the silver linings in this pandemic for me,” said Dr. Stella.

Advocacy work has also increased Dr. Stella’s knowledge of what community support options are available for the unhoused. This allows her to educate her patients about their options and how to access them.

While she has colleagues who are able to compartmentalize their work, “I absolutely could not be a hospitalist without being an advocate,” Dr. Stella said. “For me, it has been a protective strategy in terms of burnout because I have to feel like I’m working to advocate for better policies and more appropriate resources to address the gaps that I’m seeing.”

Dr. Stella believes that physicians have a special credibility to advocate, tell stories, and use data to back their stories up. “We have to realize that we have this power, and we have it so we can empower others,” she said. “The people I’ve seen in my community who are working so hard to help people who are experiencing homelessness are the heroes. Understanding that and giving power to those people through our voice and our well-respected place in society drives me.”



Strengthening diversity, equity, and inclusion

In September 2020, Michael Bryant, MD, became the inaugural vice chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the department of pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where he is also the division head of pediatric hospital medicine. “I was motivated to apply for this position because I wanted to be an agent for change to eliminate the institutional racism, social injustice, and marginalization that continues to threaten the lives and well-beings of so many Americans,” Dr. Bryant said.

Dr. Michael Bryant, pediatric hospitalist, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles
Dr. Michael Bryant

Between the pandemic, the economic decline it has created, and the divisive political landscape, people of color have been especially affected. “These are poignant examples of the ever-widening divide and disenfranchisement many Americans feel,” said Dr. Bryant. “Gandhi said, ‘Be the change that you want to see,’ and that is what I want to model.”

At work, advocacy for diversity, equality, and inclusion is an innate part of everything he does. From the new physicians he recruits to the candidates he considers for leadership positions, Dr. Bryant strives “to have a workforce that mirrors the diversity of the patients we humbly care for and serve.”

Advocacy is intrinsic to Dr. Bryant’s worldview, in his quest to understand and accept each individual’s uniqueness, his desire “to embrace cultural humility,” his recognition that “our differences enhance us instead of diminishing us,” and his willingness to engage in difficult conversations.

“Advocacy means that I acknowledge that intent does not equal impact and that I must accept that what I do and what I say may have unintended consequences,” he said. “When that happens, I must resist becoming defensive and instead be willing to listen and learn.”

Dr. Bryant is proud of his accomplishments and enjoys his advocacy work. In his workplace, there are few African Americans in leadership roles. This means that he is in high demand when it comes to making sure there’s representation during various processes such as hiring and vetting, a disparity known as the “minority tax.”

“I am thankful for the opportunities, but it does take a toll at times,” Dr. Bryant said, which is yet another reason why he is a proponent of increasing diversity and inclusion. “This allows us to build the resource pool as these needs arise and minimizes the toll of the ‘minority tax’ on any single person or small group of individuals.”

This summer, physicians from Dr. Bryant’s hospital participated in the national “White Coats for Black Lives” effort. He found it to be “an incredibly moving event” that hundreds of his colleagues participated in.

Dr. Bryant’s advice for hospitalists who want to get involved in advocacy efforts is to check out the movie “John Lewis: Good Trouble.” “He was a champion of human rights and fought for these rights until his death,” Dr. Bryant said. “He is a true American hero and a wonderful example.”

Bolstering health care change

Since his residency, Joshua Lenchus, DO, FACP, SFHM, has developed an ever-increasing interest in legislative advocacy, particularly health policy. Getting involved in this arena requires an understanding of civics and government that goes beyond just the basics. “My desire to affect change in my own profession really served as the catalyst to get involved,” said Dr. Lenchus, the regional chief medical officer at Broward Health Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “What better way to do that than by combining what we do on a daily basis in the practice of medicine with this new understanding of how laws are passed and promulgated?”

Dr. Lenchus has been involved with both state and national medical organizations and has served on public policy committees as a member and as a chair. “The charge of these committees is to monitor and navigate position statements and policies that will drive the entire organization,” he said. This means becoming knowledgeable enough about a topic to be able to talk about it eloquently and adding supporting personal or professional illustrations that reinforce the position to lawmakers.

He finds his advocacy efforts “incredibly rewarding” because they contribute to his endeavors “to help my colleagues practice medicine in a safe, efficient, and productive manner.” For instance, some of the organizations Dr. Lenchus was involved with helped make changes to the Affordable Care Act that ended up in its final version, as well as changes after it passed. “There are tangible things that advocacy enables us to do in our daily practice,” he said.

When something his organizations have advocated for does not pass, they know they need to try a different outlet. “You can’t win every fight,” he said. “Every time you go and comment on an issue, you have to understand that you’re there to do your best, and to the extent that the people you’re talking to are willing to listen to what you have to say, that’s where I think you can make the most impact.” When changes he has helped fight for do pass, “it really is amazing that you can tell your colleagues about your role in achieving meaningful change in the profession.”

Dr. Lenchus acknowledges that advocacy “can be all-consuming at times. We have to understand our limits.” That said, he thinks not engaging in advocacy could increase stress and potential burnout. “I think being involved in advocacy efforts really helps people conduct meaningful work and educates them about what it means not just to them, but to the rest of the medical profession and the patients that we serve,” he said.

For hospitalists who are interested in health policy advocacy, there are many ways to get involved, Dr. Lenchus said. You could join an organization (many organized medical societies have public policy committees), participate in advocacy activities, work on a political campaign, or even run for office yourself. “Ultimately, education and some level of involvement really will make the difference in who navigates our future as hospitalists,” he said.

Questioning co-management practices

Though he says he’s in the minority, Hardik Vora, MD, SFHM, medical director for hospital medicine at Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport News, Va., believes that co-management is going to “make or break hospital medicine. It’s going to have a huge impact on our specialty.”

In the roughly 25-year history of hospital medicine, it has evolved from admitting and caring for patients of primary care physicians to patients of specialists and, more recently, surgical patients. “Now there are (hospital medicine) programs across the country that are pretty much admitting everything,” said Dr. Vora.

As a recruiter for the Riverside Health System for the past eight years, “I have not met a single resident who is trained to do what we’re doing in hospital medicine, because you’re admitting surgical patients all the time and you have primary attending responsibility,” Dr. Vora said. “I see that as a cause of a significant amount of stress because now you’re responsible for something that you don’t have adequate training for.”

In the co-management discussion, Dr. Vora notes that people often bring up the research that shows that the practice has improved surgeon satisfaction. “What bothers me is that…you need to add one more question – how does it affect your hospitalists? And I bet the answer to that question is ‘it has a terrible effect.’”

The expectations surrounding hospitalists these days is a big concern in terms of burnout, Dr. Vora said. “We talk a lot about the drivers of burnout, whether it’s schedule or COVID,” he said. The biggest issue when it comes to burnout, as he sees it, is not COVID; it’s when hospitalists are performing tasks that make them feel they aren’t adding value. “I think that’s a huge topic in hospital medicine right now.”

Dr. Vora believes there should be more discussion and awareness of the potential pitfalls. “Hospitalists should get involved in co-management where they are adding value and certainly not take up the attending responsibility where they’re not adding value and it’s out of the scope of their training and expertise,” he said. “Preventing scope creep and burnout from co-management are some of the key issues I’m really passionate about.”

Dr. Vora said it is important to set realistic goals and remember that it takes time to make change when it comes to advocacy. “You still have to operate within whatever environment is given to you and then you can make change from within,” he said.

His enthusiasm for co-management awareness has led to creating a co-management forum through SHM in his local Hampton Roads chapter. He was also a panelist for an SHM webinar in February 2021 in which the panelists debated co-management.

“I think we really need to look at this as a specialty. Are we going in the right direction?” Dr. Vora asked. “We need to come together as a specialty and make a decision, which is going to be hard because there are competing financial interests and various practice models.”



Improving patient care

Working as a hospitalist at University Medical Center, a safety net hospital in New Orleans, Celeste Newby, MD, PhD, sees plenty of patients who are underinsured or not insured at all. “A lot of my interest in health policy stems from that,” she said.

During her residency, which she finished in 2015, Louisiana became a Medicaid expansion state. This impressed upon Dr. Newby how much Medicaid improved the lives of patients who had previously been uninsured. “We saw procedures getting done that had been put on hold because of financial concerns or medicines that were now affordable that weren’t before,” she said. “It really did make a difference.”

When repeated attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act began, “it was a call to do health policy work for me personally that just hadn’t come up in the past,” said Dr. Newby, who is also assistant professor of medicine at Tulane University in New Orleans. “I personally found that the best way to do (advocacy work) was to go through medical societies because there is a much stronger voice when you have more people saying the same thing,” she said.

Dr. Newby sits on the Council of Legislation for the Louisiana State Medical Society and participates in the Leadership and Health Policy (LEAHP) Program through the Society of General Internal Medicine.

The LEAHP Program has been instrumental in expanding Dr. Newby’s knowledge of how health policy is made and the mechanisms behind it. It has also taught her “how we can either advise, guide, leverage, or advocate for things that we think would be important for change and moving the country in the right direction in terms of health care.”

Another reason involvement in medical societies is helpful is because, as a busy clinician, it is impossible to keep up with everything. “Working with medical societies, you have people who are more directly involved in the legislature and can give you quicker notice about things that are coming up that are going to be important to you or your co-workers or your patients,” Dr. Newby said.

Dr. Newby feels her advocacy work is an outlet for stress and “a way to work at more of a macro level on problems that I see with my individual patients. It’s a nice compliment.” At the hospital, she can only help one person at a time, but with her advocacy efforts, there’s potential to make changes for many.

“Advocacy now is such a large umbrella that encompasses so many different projects at all kinds of levels,” Dr. Newby said. She suggests looking around your community to see where the needs lie. If you’re passionate about a certain topic or population, see what you can do to help advocate for change there.


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