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Wed, 07/22/2020 - 14:23


The benefits of continuous positive airway pressure therapy for patients with obstructive sleep apnea are well documented, but it only works if patients can adhere to the therapy.

A large national study of older Medicare patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has identified lower socioeconomic status and comorbidities as independent risk factors for nonadherence to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.

“[The] present results represent the largest study to date of rates and predictors of CPAP adherence among older adults in the United States. In our national sample of Medicare beneficiaries, adherence rates were generally lower than previously reported in smaller, clinic-based studies,” Emerson M. Wickwire, PhD, of the Sleep Disorders Center and division of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and colleagues wrote in Sleep.

Dr. Wickwire and colleagues estimated CPAP machine adherence using a 5% sample of Medicare claims data, identifying 3,229 Medicare beneficiaries with OSA who began CPAP therapy between 2009 and 2011. Individuals in the sample were aged at least 65 years with a new diagnosis of OSA, 88.1% of beneficiaries were white, and 52.3% were male.

The researchers applied objective adherence criteria set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which defines CPAP adherence as a patient using CPAP for at least 4 hours on 70% of nights, or CPAP use for 21 of 30 consecutive days within 90 days after beginning therapy.

Using CPAP machine charges as a measure of who adhered to therapy, they found 1,420 of 3,229 individuals (44%) achieved adherence under these criteria, which included making 13 monthly payments during their CPAP machine’s “rent-to-own” period. Partial adherence was found in 997 individuals (30.9%) who made between 4-12 payments on their CPAP machine, while 812 individuals (25.2%) made 4 payments or fewer on their CPAP machines, which the researchers classified as nonadherence. Nonadherers tended to be slightly younger (mean, 72.5 years vs. 79.2 years; P < .001) and had a higher number of comorbidities (35.2% vs. 30.4%; P = .002), compared with individuals with high adherence. Anxiety (odds ratio, 1.34; 95% confidence interval, 1.12-1.61), anemia (OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.02-1.32), fibromyalgia (OR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.03-1.38), traumatic brain injury (OR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.21-2.07), and Medicaid eligibility (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.24-1.75) were all independently associated with lower CPAP adherence. Medicaid eligibility was considered an indicator of lower socioeconomic status.

Dr. Krishna Sundar

Krishna M. Sundar, MD, FCCP, director at the Sleep-Wake Center in the University of Utah pulmonary division in Salt Lake City and CHEST Physician editorial board member, said in an interview that studies have shown early signs of adherence within the first few weeks are an important indicator of overall adherence to CPAP therapy. However, the use of CPAP machine payments in the study by Dr. Wickwire and colleagues was a novel way to track adherence.

Some of the issues with nonadherence may be related to challenges in using the technology, but it is the clinician’s role to communicate with patients about the effectiveness of CPAP and identifying reasons for nonadherence while also attempting to tease out the subtle socioeconomic factors related to nonadherence, Dr. Sundar noted. “We need to alter our practice to make sure that we communicate with these patients and better understand what are the social factors in getting the CPAP or utilizing CPAP, and also following these patients more closely, especially in the first month of starting CPAP therapy.

“Just because somebody has severe sleep apnea and other comorbid conditions does not mean that they’re going to wear the CPAP,” he said. “So, the fact that socioeconomic factors play an equal if not more important role in terms of predicting CPAP adherence. That is an important takeaway.”

Dr. Octavian C. Ioachimescu
Dr. Octavian C. Ioachimescu

Octavian C. Ioachimescu, MD, FCCP, of Emory University, Atlanta, and the Atlanta Veteran Affairs Administration and CHEST Physician editorial board member, said in an interview that the study raises a major question of what is next. “What can we offer to these patients, and what is the real-world compliance to that ‘next-best’ modality?” Dr. Ioachimescu said. “What are the outcomes of these individuals in the point-of-care environment, or ‘real world?’ ”

The analysis by the authors adds the perspective of a “real-world depiction of clinical care for patients with OSA,” Dr. Ioachimescu said. “One major lesson of such an analysis is that the health care goal setting that is referential to initial, randomized, well-controlled studies on highly selected patient populations need to be reassessed periodically from the point of view of actual results in the clinics.”

Clinicians may need to borrow ideas from other therapeutic fields to help improve patient adherence, he said. “[W]e may be able to develop and implement in the future peer involvement, behavioral and cognitive approaches, motivational enhancement interventions, as well as elements of acceptance and commitment techniques, all in the larger context of more integrated and in the same time individualized approaches to therapy.”

The investigators concluded that, “relative to Medicare-only beneficiaries, those eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid were significantly less likely to adhere to CPAP. Future research should seek to develop a deeper understanding of the mechanisms through which [socioeconomic status] and other social determinants impact patient experience throughout the OSA diagnostic and treatment process, including receiving, acclimating, and adhering to CPAP therapy.”

Dr. Sundar concurred with this assessment and said more research is needed on factors impacting adherence such as poverty, homelessness, and home support systems. “It’s not just coordinating with the patient. Clearly, more work is needed in understanding the social aspects of CPAP adherence.”

This study was funded in part by an investigator-initiated grant provided by ResMed to Dr. Wickmire’s institution, the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Dr. Wickmire reported being a scientific consultant to DayZz, Eisai, Merck, and Purdue and holds shares in WellTap. Dr. Oldstone is a ResMed employee and shareholder. Dr. Sundar reported being a cofounder of Hypnoscure, which creates software for population management of sleep apnea, and an investigator in trials where ResMed and Respironics devices were used. Dr. Ioachimescu reported no relevant financial disclosures.

SOURCE: Wickwire EM et al. Sleep. 2020 Jun 23. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa122.



The benefits of continuous positive airway pressure therapy for patients with obstructive sleep apnea are well documented, but it only works if patients can adhere to the therapy.

A large national study of older Medicare patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has identified lower socioeconomic status and comorbidities as independent risk factors for nonadherence to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.

“[The] present results represent the largest study to date of rates and predictors of CPAP adherence among older adults in the United States. In our national sample of Medicare beneficiaries, adherence rates were generally lower than previously reported in smaller, clinic-based studies,” Emerson M. Wickwire, PhD, of the Sleep Disorders Center and division of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and colleagues wrote in Sleep.

Dr. Wickwire and colleagues estimated CPAP machine adherence using a 5% sample of Medicare claims data, identifying 3,229 Medicare beneficiaries with OSA who began CPAP therapy between 2009 and 2011. Individuals in the sample were aged at least 65 years with a new diagnosis of OSA, 88.1% of beneficiaries were white, and 52.3% were male.

The researchers applied objective adherence criteria set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which defines CPAP adherence as a patient using CPAP for at least 4 hours on 70% of nights, or CPAP use for 21 of 30 consecutive days within 90 days after beginning therapy.

Using CPAP machine charges as a measure of who adhered to therapy, they found 1,420 of 3,229 individuals (44%) achieved adherence under these criteria, which included making 13 monthly payments during their CPAP machine’s “rent-to-own” period. Partial adherence was found in 997 individuals (30.9%) who made between 4-12 payments on their CPAP machine, while 812 individuals (25.2%) made 4 payments or fewer on their CPAP machines, which the researchers classified as nonadherence. Nonadherers tended to be slightly younger (mean, 72.5 years vs. 79.2 years; P < .001) and had a higher number of comorbidities (35.2% vs. 30.4%; P = .002), compared with individuals with high adherence. Anxiety (odds ratio, 1.34; 95% confidence interval, 1.12-1.61), anemia (OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.02-1.32), fibromyalgia (OR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.03-1.38), traumatic brain injury (OR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.21-2.07), and Medicaid eligibility (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.24-1.75) were all independently associated with lower CPAP adherence. Medicaid eligibility was considered an indicator of lower socioeconomic status.

Dr. Krishna Sundar

Krishna M. Sundar, MD, FCCP, director at the Sleep-Wake Center in the University of Utah pulmonary division in Salt Lake City and CHEST Physician editorial board member, said in an interview that studies have shown early signs of adherence within the first few weeks are an important indicator of overall adherence to CPAP therapy. However, the use of CPAP machine payments in the study by Dr. Wickwire and colleagues was a novel way to track adherence.

Some of the issues with nonadherence may be related to challenges in using the technology, but it is the clinician’s role to communicate with patients about the effectiveness of CPAP and identifying reasons for nonadherence while also attempting to tease out the subtle socioeconomic factors related to nonadherence, Dr. Sundar noted. “We need to alter our practice to make sure that we communicate with these patients and better understand what are the social factors in getting the CPAP or utilizing CPAP, and also following these patients more closely, especially in the first month of starting CPAP therapy.

“Just because somebody has severe sleep apnea and other comorbid conditions does not mean that they’re going to wear the CPAP,” he said. “So, the fact that socioeconomic factors play an equal if not more important role in terms of predicting CPAP adherence. That is an important takeaway.”

Dr. Octavian C. Ioachimescu
Dr. Octavian C. Ioachimescu

Octavian C. Ioachimescu, MD, FCCP, of Emory University, Atlanta, and the Atlanta Veteran Affairs Administration and CHEST Physician editorial board member, said in an interview that the study raises a major question of what is next. “What can we offer to these patients, and what is the real-world compliance to that ‘next-best’ modality?” Dr. Ioachimescu said. “What are the outcomes of these individuals in the point-of-care environment, or ‘real world?’ ”

The analysis by the authors adds the perspective of a “real-world depiction of clinical care for patients with OSA,” Dr. Ioachimescu said. “One major lesson of such an analysis is that the health care goal setting that is referential to initial, randomized, well-controlled studies on highly selected patient populations need to be reassessed periodically from the point of view of actual results in the clinics.”

Clinicians may need to borrow ideas from other therapeutic fields to help improve patient adherence, he said. “[W]e may be able to develop and implement in the future peer involvement, behavioral and cognitive approaches, motivational enhancement interventions, as well as elements of acceptance and commitment techniques, all in the larger context of more integrated and in the same time individualized approaches to therapy.”

The investigators concluded that, “relative to Medicare-only beneficiaries, those eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid were significantly less likely to adhere to CPAP. Future research should seek to develop a deeper understanding of the mechanisms through which [socioeconomic status] and other social determinants impact patient experience throughout the OSA diagnostic and treatment process, including receiving, acclimating, and adhering to CPAP therapy.”

Dr. Sundar concurred with this assessment and said more research is needed on factors impacting adherence such as poverty, homelessness, and home support systems. “It’s not just coordinating with the patient. Clearly, more work is needed in understanding the social aspects of CPAP adherence.”

This study was funded in part by an investigator-initiated grant provided by ResMed to Dr. Wickmire’s institution, the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Dr. Wickmire reported being a scientific consultant to DayZz, Eisai, Merck, and Purdue and holds shares in WellTap. Dr. Oldstone is a ResMed employee and shareholder. Dr. Sundar reported being a cofounder of Hypnoscure, which creates software for population management of sleep apnea, and an investigator in trials where ResMed and Respironics devices were used. Dr. Ioachimescu reported no relevant financial disclosures.

SOURCE: Wickwire EM et al. Sleep. 2020 Jun 23. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa122.


The benefits of continuous positive airway pressure therapy for patients with obstructive sleep apnea are well documented, but it only works if patients can adhere to the therapy.

A large national study of older Medicare patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has identified lower socioeconomic status and comorbidities as independent risk factors for nonadherence to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.

“[The] present results represent the largest study to date of rates and predictors of CPAP adherence among older adults in the United States. In our national sample of Medicare beneficiaries, adherence rates were generally lower than previously reported in smaller, clinic-based studies,” Emerson M. Wickwire, PhD, of the Sleep Disorders Center and division of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and colleagues wrote in Sleep.

Dr. Wickwire and colleagues estimated CPAP machine adherence using a 5% sample of Medicare claims data, identifying 3,229 Medicare beneficiaries with OSA who began CPAP therapy between 2009 and 2011. Individuals in the sample were aged at least 65 years with a new diagnosis of OSA, 88.1% of beneficiaries were white, and 52.3% were male.

The researchers applied objective adherence criteria set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which defines CPAP adherence as a patient using CPAP for at least 4 hours on 70% of nights, or CPAP use for 21 of 30 consecutive days within 90 days after beginning therapy.

Using CPAP machine charges as a measure of who adhered to therapy, they found 1,420 of 3,229 individuals (44%) achieved adherence under these criteria, which included making 13 monthly payments during their CPAP machine’s “rent-to-own” period. Partial adherence was found in 997 individuals (30.9%) who made between 4-12 payments on their CPAP machine, while 812 individuals (25.2%) made 4 payments or fewer on their CPAP machines, which the researchers classified as nonadherence. Nonadherers tended to be slightly younger (mean, 72.5 years vs. 79.2 years; P < .001) and had a higher number of comorbidities (35.2% vs. 30.4%; P = .002), compared with individuals with high adherence. Anxiety (odds ratio, 1.34; 95% confidence interval, 1.12-1.61), anemia (OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.02-1.32), fibromyalgia (OR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.03-1.38), traumatic brain injury (OR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.21-2.07), and Medicaid eligibility (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.24-1.75) were all independently associated with lower CPAP adherence. Medicaid eligibility was considered an indicator of lower socioeconomic status.

Dr. Krishna Sundar

Krishna M. Sundar, MD, FCCP, director at the Sleep-Wake Center in the University of Utah pulmonary division in Salt Lake City and CHEST Physician editorial board member, said in an interview that studies have shown early signs of adherence within the first few weeks are an important indicator of overall adherence to CPAP therapy. However, the use of CPAP machine payments in the study by Dr. Wickwire and colleagues was a novel way to track adherence.

Some of the issues with nonadherence may be related to challenges in using the technology, but it is the clinician’s role to communicate with patients about the effectiveness of CPAP and identifying reasons for nonadherence while also attempting to tease out the subtle socioeconomic factors related to nonadherence, Dr. Sundar noted. “We need to alter our practice to make sure that we communicate with these patients and better understand what are the social factors in getting the CPAP or utilizing CPAP, and also following these patients more closely, especially in the first month of starting CPAP therapy.

“Just because somebody has severe sleep apnea and other comorbid conditions does not mean that they’re going to wear the CPAP,” he said. “So, the fact that socioeconomic factors play an equal if not more important role in terms of predicting CPAP adherence. That is an important takeaway.”

Dr. Octavian C. Ioachimescu
Dr. Octavian C. Ioachimescu

Octavian C. Ioachimescu, MD, FCCP, of Emory University, Atlanta, and the Atlanta Veteran Affairs Administration and CHEST Physician editorial board member, said in an interview that the study raises a major question of what is next. “What can we offer to these patients, and what is the real-world compliance to that ‘next-best’ modality?” Dr. Ioachimescu said. “What are the outcomes of these individuals in the point-of-care environment, or ‘real world?’ ”

The analysis by the authors adds the perspective of a “real-world depiction of clinical care for patients with OSA,” Dr. Ioachimescu said. “One major lesson of such an analysis is that the health care goal setting that is referential to initial, randomized, well-controlled studies on highly selected patient populations need to be reassessed periodically from the point of view of actual results in the clinics.”

Clinicians may need to borrow ideas from other therapeutic fields to help improve patient adherence, he said. “[W]e may be able to develop and implement in the future peer involvement, behavioral and cognitive approaches, motivational enhancement interventions, as well as elements of acceptance and commitment techniques, all in the larger context of more integrated and in the same time individualized approaches to therapy.”

The investigators concluded that, “relative to Medicare-only beneficiaries, those eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid were significantly less likely to adhere to CPAP. Future research should seek to develop a deeper understanding of the mechanisms through which [socioeconomic status] and other social determinants impact patient experience throughout the OSA diagnostic and treatment process, including receiving, acclimating, and adhering to CPAP therapy.”

Dr. Sundar concurred with this assessment and said more research is needed on factors impacting adherence such as poverty, homelessness, and home support systems. “It’s not just coordinating with the patient. Clearly, more work is needed in understanding the social aspects of CPAP adherence.”

This study was funded in part by an investigator-initiated grant provided by ResMed to Dr. Wickmire’s institution, the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Dr. Wickmire reported being a scientific consultant to DayZz, Eisai, Merck, and Purdue and holds shares in WellTap. Dr. Oldstone is a ResMed employee and shareholder. Dr. Sundar reported being a cofounder of Hypnoscure, which creates software for population management of sleep apnea, and an investigator in trials where ResMed and Respironics devices were used. Dr. Ioachimescu reported no relevant financial disclosures.

SOURCE: Wickwire EM et al. Sleep. 2020 Jun 23. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa122.

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