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Fri, 04/05/2024 - 13:55

Dhaval Desai, MD, was teaching his 4-year-old to ride a bike after another exhausting shift at the hospital during the summer after the first COVID-19 surge. He was putting on a happy face and forcing out a “Yay!” he did not feel. The pandemic had taken its toll, and he just wanted to lie down and be alone. Realizing that he was “scraping to find joy” was when he knew something was wrong.

“I was giving, giving, giving at work a lot, and I had little left to give at home,” said Dr. Desai, director of hospital medicine at Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital and an assistant professor of medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

At work, he worried about his wife managing two kids — including a newborn — during the pandemic. At home, he stressed about work and the crush of patients with COVID the hospital was grappling to handle. He was exhausted, resentful, and angry, and it was jeopardizing what mattered most to him: His home life.

“It was all colliding…I realized, OK, I’m struggling,” he said.

Dr. Desai is one of thousands of physicians across the United States who have experienced burnout and depression, exacerbated by the pandemic. After 4 years, the impact is still being felt. Medscape’s 2024 annual report on this issue found that burnout and depression among doctors — while encouragingly better than the prior year — remain higher than before COVID. For doctors caring for patients with long COVID, those suffering from the debilitating aftereffects of an infection, the sense of helplessness when recovery is elusive can also weigh heavily.

Overall, more female physicians reported feeling burned out and depressed. Experts attributed this gap to issues including fewer women in supportive leadership and mentoring roles, compensation disparities, fewer career advancement opportunities, and more responsibilities caring for children and elders.

Multiple international studies and reports have highlighted the surge in burnout experienced by physicians and healthcare workers globally during the pandemic. Even before COVID, studies found the suicide rate among male and female US physicians was higher than the general population and higher than any other profession, including the military. The risk among female physicians, in particular, was 250%-400% higher.

“That’s really, on average, one a day, and that’s really unacceptable. No one should die by suicide, but a physician who knows the risks and knows that, should never do that,” said Dr. Desai about suicides overall among doctors.

The story of Lorna Breen had rattled Dr. Desai. Dr. Breen was a Manhattan physician who died by suicide in April 2020 after grappling with the city’s devastating first wave and then contracting COVID-19 herself. While Dr. Desai did not have thoughts of suicide, he was facing his own battles. Those experiences and the stigma around mental health prompted him to write his book, Burning Out on the Covid Front Lines: A Doctor’s Memoir of Fatherhood, Race and Perseverance in the Pandemic, with the hope that it can help others like him.

Mental Health Stigma

But despite the body of research and growing awareness toward addressing mental health among physicians, almost four in 10 doctors are wary of revealing their personal struggles.

More than half of those surveyed in the Medscape Medical News report said they had not consulted a mental health professional before and would not do so going forward either. The fear of tarnishing their reputation or even losing their license keeps doctors silent. Advocates and groups like the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation are pushing for hospitals and healthcare systems to remove and rephrase invasive and stigmatizing language around mental health in licensure, credentialing, or insurance applications.

Burnout Triggers: Systemic Problems, Social Tensions

Burnout can make a person feel “depleted and used up” and is characterized by extreme tiredness, low energy, frustration about work, emotional distance or numbness, and difficulty with concentration, responsibilities, or creativity. It can make an individual feel helpless, alone, defeated, cynical, and without purpose and can also cause physical symptoms such as headaches, loss of appetite, insomnia, and body aches. Unaddressed, it can lead to depression, anxiety, and a variety of physical health issues.

“We can still be highly functional and not okay,” said Dr. Desai.

For doctors, burnout often builds over time from large and small systemic problems and inefficiencies, multiplied by a dozen or more patients each day: Not enough time for documentation, complicated paperwork, navigating byzantine health and insurance systems, and hitting roadblocks. The administrative work, combined with an enormous patient load, and staffing and resource shortages create barriers to care and cuts into the amount of time they can spend providing actual care.

These existing problems worsened as patients with COVID overwhelmed hospitals and clinics. At the same time, healthcare workers worried about caring for the sick, getting infected themselves, or having multiple staff falling ill at once. As each surge came and went, backlash, hostility, abuse, and even violence toward healthcare workers also increased. The discrimination some medical staff were subjected to compounded the burnout.

“When we’re not getting the support we need as physicians and healthcare workers, that adds to burnout, and I saw that in my colleagues,” said Dr. Desai.

Impact of Burnout

At the Mount Sinai Center for Post-COVID Care in New York City, doctors grapple with feelings of helplessness in caring for patients with long COVID who show little sign of recovery. That emotional toll can also be difficult, said director Zijian Chen, MD, who helped launch the clinic in May 2020.

“Sometimes you’re faced with patients who you’re trying to do everything for, but they’re not just not getting better,” said Dr. Chen. “It’s really frustrating because we want everybody to get better. So, there’s that lack of fulfillment there that can cause a sense of burnout.”

While the worst outcomes and death rates initially brought on by acute infections have lessened, long COVID clinics exemplify some of the ongoing challenges within healthcare. Many operate with insufficient financial and staffing resources despite wait-lists and a steady flow of new and returning patients. Even with the demand, a number of these clinics have shuttered, leaving patients without access to much-needed medical help.

“There are clinicians who are burning out. That is definitely something that I’ve seen,” said Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, MD, a professor and chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas.

“[It] takes a lot of resources for a successful long COVID clinic. A lot of special funding may be drying up and couple that with clinicians burning out, then they’re going to shut their doors.”

And it’s not just long COVID clinics. Data have shown an overall exodus in healthcare, especially during the pandemic. One study found burnout was one of the “most impactful” predictors of a physician’s intention to leave the profession during the pandemic. The loss of talent and skills during a major health crisis can put the entire system under stress, with patients ultimately suffering from poorer care.

“Healthcare system fragility and the chaos is far worse than it was before. We are continuing to be forced to do more with less,” said Dr. Desai.



Alleviating Burnout

While it is difficult to assess whether burnout from the pandemic is transient, experts say this is an opportunity for health institutions to learn from these experiences and implement policies and actions that can help reduce the mental health strain on staff. One study found that changes made by organizations had a bigger positive impact on reducing burnout than individual changes.

Advocates say more support staff, more work flexibility, and higher compensation would significantly ease the burden that drives burnout and depression.

In addition, half the physicians surveyed in the Medscape Medical News report felt their employers were not acknowledging how pervasive burnout is at their workplace. Having a trusted peer or leader set an example by sharing his or her own challenging experiences and saying it›s time to address these struggles can be an enormously validating step forward, said Dr. Desai. Acknowledging his own difficulties was not only a huge weight off his shoulders but also helped surpris colleagues who sought him out for counsel.

“I’m not suggesting everybody get on medication,” he said. “But talking to a therapist, acknowledging there’s issues, restructuring your life to realize something’s off, and just knowing that you’re not alone? That’s huge.”

Dr. Desai said he still faces personal challenges but is in a much better place, doing well at work and at home. He talks to a therapist, is taking medication, and has developed better coping mechanisms. He is spending more time with his family, detaching for a few hours from work-related emails, learning to draw boundaries and say no, and trying to be more present and “intentional” in connecting with colleagues and patients.

“It’s okay to not be okay,” said Dr. Desai. “It’s okay to be vulnerable and acknowledge when we can’t do more.”

Are you in a crisis? Call or text 988 or text TALK to 741741. For immediate support for healthcare professionals, as well as resources for institutions and organizations, visit:

A version of this article appeared on


Dhaval Desai, MD, was teaching his 4-year-old to ride a bike after another exhausting shift at the hospital during the summer after the first COVID-19 surge. He was putting on a happy face and forcing out a “Yay!” he did not feel. The pandemic had taken its toll, and he just wanted to lie down and be alone. Realizing that he was “scraping to find joy” was when he knew something was wrong.

“I was giving, giving, giving at work a lot, and I had little left to give at home,” said Dr. Desai, director of hospital medicine at Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital and an assistant professor of medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

At work, he worried about his wife managing two kids — including a newborn — during the pandemic. At home, he stressed about work and the crush of patients with COVID the hospital was grappling to handle. He was exhausted, resentful, and angry, and it was jeopardizing what mattered most to him: His home life.

“It was all colliding…I realized, OK, I’m struggling,” he said.

Dr. Desai is one of thousands of physicians across the United States who have experienced burnout and depression, exacerbated by the pandemic. After 4 years, the impact is still being felt. Medscape’s 2024 annual report on this issue found that burnout and depression among doctors — while encouragingly better than the prior year — remain higher than before COVID. For doctors caring for patients with long COVID, those suffering from the debilitating aftereffects of an infection, the sense of helplessness when recovery is elusive can also weigh heavily.

Overall, more female physicians reported feeling burned out and depressed. Experts attributed this gap to issues including fewer women in supportive leadership and mentoring roles, compensation disparities, fewer career advancement opportunities, and more responsibilities caring for children and elders.

Multiple international studies and reports have highlighted the surge in burnout experienced by physicians and healthcare workers globally during the pandemic. Even before COVID, studies found the suicide rate among male and female US physicians was higher than the general population and higher than any other profession, including the military. The risk among female physicians, in particular, was 250%-400% higher.

“That’s really, on average, one a day, and that’s really unacceptable. No one should die by suicide, but a physician who knows the risks and knows that, should never do that,” said Dr. Desai about suicides overall among doctors.

The story of Lorna Breen had rattled Dr. Desai. Dr. Breen was a Manhattan physician who died by suicide in April 2020 after grappling with the city’s devastating first wave and then contracting COVID-19 herself. While Dr. Desai did not have thoughts of suicide, he was facing his own battles. Those experiences and the stigma around mental health prompted him to write his book, Burning Out on the Covid Front Lines: A Doctor’s Memoir of Fatherhood, Race and Perseverance in the Pandemic, with the hope that it can help others like him.

Mental Health Stigma

But despite the body of research and growing awareness toward addressing mental health among physicians, almost four in 10 doctors are wary of revealing their personal struggles.

More than half of those surveyed in the Medscape Medical News report said they had not consulted a mental health professional before and would not do so going forward either. The fear of tarnishing their reputation or even losing their license keeps doctors silent. Advocates and groups like the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation are pushing for hospitals and healthcare systems to remove and rephrase invasive and stigmatizing language around mental health in licensure, credentialing, or insurance applications.

Burnout Triggers: Systemic Problems, Social Tensions

Burnout can make a person feel “depleted and used up” and is characterized by extreme tiredness, low energy, frustration about work, emotional distance or numbness, and difficulty with concentration, responsibilities, or creativity. It can make an individual feel helpless, alone, defeated, cynical, and without purpose and can also cause physical symptoms such as headaches, loss of appetite, insomnia, and body aches. Unaddressed, it can lead to depression, anxiety, and a variety of physical health issues.

“We can still be highly functional and not okay,” said Dr. Desai.

For doctors, burnout often builds over time from large and small systemic problems and inefficiencies, multiplied by a dozen or more patients each day: Not enough time for documentation, complicated paperwork, navigating byzantine health and insurance systems, and hitting roadblocks. The administrative work, combined with an enormous patient load, and staffing and resource shortages create barriers to care and cuts into the amount of time they can spend providing actual care.

These existing problems worsened as patients with COVID overwhelmed hospitals and clinics. At the same time, healthcare workers worried about caring for the sick, getting infected themselves, or having multiple staff falling ill at once. As each surge came and went, backlash, hostility, abuse, and even violence toward healthcare workers also increased. The discrimination some medical staff were subjected to compounded the burnout.

“When we’re not getting the support we need as physicians and healthcare workers, that adds to burnout, and I saw that in my colleagues,” said Dr. Desai.

Impact of Burnout

At the Mount Sinai Center for Post-COVID Care in New York City, doctors grapple with feelings of helplessness in caring for patients with long COVID who show little sign of recovery. That emotional toll can also be difficult, said director Zijian Chen, MD, who helped launch the clinic in May 2020.

“Sometimes you’re faced with patients who you’re trying to do everything for, but they’re not just not getting better,” said Dr. Chen. “It’s really frustrating because we want everybody to get better. So, there’s that lack of fulfillment there that can cause a sense of burnout.”

While the worst outcomes and death rates initially brought on by acute infections have lessened, long COVID clinics exemplify some of the ongoing challenges within healthcare. Many operate with insufficient financial and staffing resources despite wait-lists and a steady flow of new and returning patients. Even with the demand, a number of these clinics have shuttered, leaving patients without access to much-needed medical help.

“There are clinicians who are burning out. That is definitely something that I’ve seen,” said Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, MD, a professor and chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas.

“[It] takes a lot of resources for a successful long COVID clinic. A lot of special funding may be drying up and couple that with clinicians burning out, then they’re going to shut their doors.”

And it’s not just long COVID clinics. Data have shown an overall exodus in healthcare, especially during the pandemic. One study found burnout was one of the “most impactful” predictors of a physician’s intention to leave the profession during the pandemic. The loss of talent and skills during a major health crisis can put the entire system under stress, with patients ultimately suffering from poorer care.

“Healthcare system fragility and the chaos is far worse than it was before. We are continuing to be forced to do more with less,” said Dr. Desai.



Alleviating Burnout

While it is difficult to assess whether burnout from the pandemic is transient, experts say this is an opportunity for health institutions to learn from these experiences and implement policies and actions that can help reduce the mental health strain on staff. One study found that changes made by organizations had a bigger positive impact on reducing burnout than individual changes.

Advocates say more support staff, more work flexibility, and higher compensation would significantly ease the burden that drives burnout and depression.

In addition, half the physicians surveyed in the Medscape Medical News report felt their employers were not acknowledging how pervasive burnout is at their workplace. Having a trusted peer or leader set an example by sharing his or her own challenging experiences and saying it›s time to address these struggles can be an enormously validating step forward, said Dr. Desai. Acknowledging his own difficulties was not only a huge weight off his shoulders but also helped surpris colleagues who sought him out for counsel.

“I’m not suggesting everybody get on medication,” he said. “But talking to a therapist, acknowledging there’s issues, restructuring your life to realize something’s off, and just knowing that you’re not alone? That’s huge.”

Dr. Desai said he still faces personal challenges but is in a much better place, doing well at work and at home. He talks to a therapist, is taking medication, and has developed better coping mechanisms. He is spending more time with his family, detaching for a few hours from work-related emails, learning to draw boundaries and say no, and trying to be more present and “intentional” in connecting with colleagues and patients.

“It’s okay to not be okay,” said Dr. Desai. “It’s okay to be vulnerable and acknowledge when we can’t do more.”

Are you in a crisis? Call or text 988 or text TALK to 741741. For immediate support for healthcare professionals, as well as resources for institutions and organizations, visit:

A version of this article appeared on

Dhaval Desai, MD, was teaching his 4-year-old to ride a bike after another exhausting shift at the hospital during the summer after the first COVID-19 surge. He was putting on a happy face and forcing out a “Yay!” he did not feel. The pandemic had taken its toll, and he just wanted to lie down and be alone. Realizing that he was “scraping to find joy” was when he knew something was wrong.

“I was giving, giving, giving at work a lot, and I had little left to give at home,” said Dr. Desai, director of hospital medicine at Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital and an assistant professor of medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

At work, he worried about his wife managing two kids — including a newborn — during the pandemic. At home, he stressed about work and the crush of patients with COVID the hospital was grappling to handle. He was exhausted, resentful, and angry, and it was jeopardizing what mattered most to him: His home life.

“It was all colliding…I realized, OK, I’m struggling,” he said.

Dr. Desai is one of thousands of physicians across the United States who have experienced burnout and depression, exacerbated by the pandemic. After 4 years, the impact is still being felt. Medscape’s 2024 annual report on this issue found that burnout and depression among doctors — while encouragingly better than the prior year — remain higher than before COVID. For doctors caring for patients with long COVID, those suffering from the debilitating aftereffects of an infection, the sense of helplessness when recovery is elusive can also weigh heavily.

Overall, more female physicians reported feeling burned out and depressed. Experts attributed this gap to issues including fewer women in supportive leadership and mentoring roles, compensation disparities, fewer career advancement opportunities, and more responsibilities caring for children and elders.

Multiple international studies and reports have highlighted the surge in burnout experienced by physicians and healthcare workers globally during the pandemic. Even before COVID, studies found the suicide rate among male and female US physicians was higher than the general population and higher than any other profession, including the military. The risk among female physicians, in particular, was 250%-400% higher.

“That’s really, on average, one a day, and that’s really unacceptable. No one should die by suicide, but a physician who knows the risks and knows that, should never do that,” said Dr. Desai about suicides overall among doctors.

The story of Lorna Breen had rattled Dr. Desai. Dr. Breen was a Manhattan physician who died by suicide in April 2020 after grappling with the city’s devastating first wave and then contracting COVID-19 herself. While Dr. Desai did not have thoughts of suicide, he was facing his own battles. Those experiences and the stigma around mental health prompted him to write his book, Burning Out on the Covid Front Lines: A Doctor’s Memoir of Fatherhood, Race and Perseverance in the Pandemic, with the hope that it can help others like him.

Mental Health Stigma

But despite the body of research and growing awareness toward addressing mental health among physicians, almost four in 10 doctors are wary of revealing their personal struggles.

More than half of those surveyed in the Medscape Medical News report said they had not consulted a mental health professional before and would not do so going forward either. The fear of tarnishing their reputation or even losing their license keeps doctors silent. Advocates and groups like the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation are pushing for hospitals and healthcare systems to remove and rephrase invasive and stigmatizing language around mental health in licensure, credentialing, or insurance applications.

Burnout Triggers: Systemic Problems, Social Tensions

Burnout can make a person feel “depleted and used up” and is characterized by extreme tiredness, low energy, frustration about work, emotional distance or numbness, and difficulty with concentration, responsibilities, or creativity. It can make an individual feel helpless, alone, defeated, cynical, and without purpose and can also cause physical symptoms such as headaches, loss of appetite, insomnia, and body aches. Unaddressed, it can lead to depression, anxiety, and a variety of physical health issues.

“We can still be highly functional and not okay,” said Dr. Desai.

For doctors, burnout often builds over time from large and small systemic problems and inefficiencies, multiplied by a dozen or more patients each day: Not enough time for documentation, complicated paperwork, navigating byzantine health and insurance systems, and hitting roadblocks. The administrative work, combined with an enormous patient load, and staffing and resource shortages create barriers to care and cuts into the amount of time they can spend providing actual care.

These existing problems worsened as patients with COVID overwhelmed hospitals and clinics. At the same time, healthcare workers worried about caring for the sick, getting infected themselves, or having multiple staff falling ill at once. As each surge came and went, backlash, hostility, abuse, and even violence toward healthcare workers also increased. The discrimination some medical staff were subjected to compounded the burnout.

“When we’re not getting the support we need as physicians and healthcare workers, that adds to burnout, and I saw that in my colleagues,” said Dr. Desai.

Impact of Burnout

At the Mount Sinai Center for Post-COVID Care in New York City, doctors grapple with feelings of helplessness in caring for patients with long COVID who show little sign of recovery. That emotional toll can also be difficult, said director Zijian Chen, MD, who helped launch the clinic in May 2020.

“Sometimes you’re faced with patients who you’re trying to do everything for, but they’re not just not getting better,” said Dr. Chen. “It’s really frustrating because we want everybody to get better. So, there’s that lack of fulfillment there that can cause a sense of burnout.”

While the worst outcomes and death rates initially brought on by acute infections have lessened, long COVID clinics exemplify some of the ongoing challenges within healthcare. Many operate with insufficient financial and staffing resources despite wait-lists and a steady flow of new and returning patients. Even with the demand, a number of these clinics have shuttered, leaving patients without access to much-needed medical help.

“There are clinicians who are burning out. That is definitely something that I’ve seen,” said Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, MD, a professor and chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas.

“[It] takes a lot of resources for a successful long COVID clinic. A lot of special funding may be drying up and couple that with clinicians burning out, then they’re going to shut their doors.”

And it’s not just long COVID clinics. Data have shown an overall exodus in healthcare, especially during the pandemic. One study found burnout was one of the “most impactful” predictors of a physician’s intention to leave the profession during the pandemic. The loss of talent and skills during a major health crisis can put the entire system under stress, with patients ultimately suffering from poorer care.

“Healthcare system fragility and the chaos is far worse than it was before. We are continuing to be forced to do more with less,” said Dr. Desai.



Alleviating Burnout

While it is difficult to assess whether burnout from the pandemic is transient, experts say this is an opportunity for health institutions to learn from these experiences and implement policies and actions that can help reduce the mental health strain on staff. One study found that changes made by organizations had a bigger positive impact on reducing burnout than individual changes.

Advocates say more support staff, more work flexibility, and higher compensation would significantly ease the burden that drives burnout and depression.

In addition, half the physicians surveyed in the Medscape Medical News report felt their employers were not acknowledging how pervasive burnout is at their workplace. Having a trusted peer or leader set an example by sharing his or her own challenging experiences and saying it›s time to address these struggles can be an enormously validating step forward, said Dr. Desai. Acknowledging his own difficulties was not only a huge weight off his shoulders but also helped surpris colleagues who sought him out for counsel.

“I’m not suggesting everybody get on medication,” he said. “But talking to a therapist, acknowledging there’s issues, restructuring your life to realize something’s off, and just knowing that you’re not alone? That’s huge.”

Dr. Desai said he still faces personal challenges but is in a much better place, doing well at work and at home. He talks to a therapist, is taking medication, and has developed better coping mechanisms. He is spending more time with his family, detaching for a few hours from work-related emails, learning to draw boundaries and say no, and trying to be more present and “intentional” in connecting with colleagues and patients.

“It’s okay to not be okay,” said Dr. Desai. “It’s okay to be vulnerable and acknowledge when we can’t do more.”

Are you in a crisis? Call or text 988 or text TALK to 741741. For immediate support for healthcare professionals, as well as resources for institutions and organizations, visit:

A version of this article appeared on

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He</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>Despite depression and burnout, few physicians seek help, fearing tarnishing their reputation or even losing their license.</teaser> <title>For Some MDs, Long COVID Burnout Is a New Reality</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>icymicov</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>idprac</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term>6</term> <term>69586</term> <term>15</term> <term>20</term> <term canonical="true">21</term> </publications> <sections> <term>27980</term> <term canonical="true">39313</term> <term>26933</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">72046</term> <term>278</term> <term>248</term> <term>38029</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>For Some MDs, Long COVID Burnout Is a New Reality</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p>Dhaval Desai, MD, was teaching his 4-year-old to ride a bike after another exhausting shift at the hospital during the summer after the first COVID-19 surge. He was putting on a happy face and forcing out a “Yay!” he did not feel. The pandemic had taken its toll, and he just wanted to lie down and be alone. Realizing that he was “scraping to find joy” was when he knew something was wrong.</p> <p>“I was giving, giving, giving at work a lot, and I had little left to give at home,” said Dr. Desai, director of hospital medicine at Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital and an assistant professor of medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.<br/><br/>At work, he worried about his wife managing two kids — including a newborn — during the pandemic. At home, he stressed about work and the crush of patients with COVID the hospital was grappling to handle. He was exhausted, resentful, and angry, and it was jeopardizing what mattered most to him: His home life.<br/><br/>“It was all colliding…I realized, OK, I’m struggling,” he said.<br/><br/>Dr. Desai is one of thousands of physicians across the United States who have experienced burnout and <a href="">depression</a>, exacerbated by the pandemic. After 4 years, the impact is still being felt. Medscape’s 2024 annual report on this issue found that burnout and depression among doctors — while encouragingly better than the prior year — remain higher than before COVID. For doctors caring for patients with long COVID, those suffering from the debilitating aftereffects of an infection, the sense of helplessness when recovery is elusive can also weigh heavily.<br/><br/>Overall, more female physicians reported feeling burned out and depressed. Experts attributed this gap to issues including fewer women in supportive leadership and mentoring roles, compensation disparities, fewer career advancement opportunities, and more responsibilities caring for children and elders.<br/><br/>Multiple international <a href="">studies</a> and <a href="">reports</a> have highlighted the surge in burnout experienced by physicians and healthcare workers globally during the pandemic. Even before COVID, studies found the <a href="">suicide</a> rate among male and female US physicians was higher than the general population and <a href="">higher than any other profession</a>, including the military. The risk among female physicians, in particular, was <a href="">250%-400% higher</a>.<br/><br/>“That’s really, on average, one a day, and that’s really unacceptable. No one should die by suicide, but a physician who knows the risks and knows that, should never do that,” said Dr. Desai about suicides overall among doctors.<br/><br/>The story of Lorna Breen had rattled Dr. Desai. Dr. Breen was a Manhattan physician who died by suicide in April 2020 after grappling with the city’s devastating first wave and then contracting COVID-19 herself. While Dr. Desai did not have thoughts of suicide, he was facing his own battles. Those experiences and the stigma around mental health prompted him to write his book, <em>Burning Out on the Covid Front Lines: A Doctor’s Memoir of Fatherhood, Race and Perseverance in the Pandemic</em>, with the hope that it can help others like him.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Mental Health Stigma</h2> <p>But despite the body of research and growing awareness toward <a href="">addressing mental health</a> among physicians, almost four in 10 doctors are wary of revealing their personal struggles.</p> <p>More than half of those surveyed in the Medscape Medical News report said they had not consulted a mental health professional before and would not do so going forward either. The fear of tarnishing their reputation or even losing their license keeps doctors silent. Advocates and groups like the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation are pushing for hospitals and healthcare systems to remove and rephrase invasive and stigmatizing language around mental health in licensure, credentialing, or insurance applications.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Burnout Triggers: Systemic Problems, Social Tensions</h2> <p>Burnout can make a person feel “<a href="">depleted and used up</a>” and is characterized by extreme tiredness, low energy, frustration about work, emotional distance or numbness, and difficulty with concentration, responsibilities, or creativity. It can make an individual feel helpless, alone, defeated, cynical, and without purpose and can also cause physical symptoms such as headaches, loss of appetite, <a href="">insomnia</a>, and body aches. Unaddressed, it can lead to depression, anxiety, and a variety of physical health issues.</p> <p>“We can still be highly functional and not okay,” said Dr. Desai.<br/><br/>For doctors, burnout often builds over time from large and small systemic problems and inefficiencies, multiplied by a dozen or more patients each day: Not enough time for documentation, complicated paperwork, navigating byzantine health and insurance systems, and hitting roadblocks. The administrative work, combined with an enormous patient load, and staffing and resource shortages create barriers to care and cuts into the amount of time they can spend providing actual care.<br/><br/>These existing problems worsened as patients with COVID overwhelmed hospitals and clinics. At the same time, healthcare workers worried about caring for the sick, getting infected themselves, or having multiple staff falling ill at once. As each surge came and went, backlash, hostility, abuse, and even violence toward healthcare workers also increased. The discrimination some medical staff were subjected to compounded the burnout.<br/><br/>“When we’re not getting the support we need as physicians and healthcare workers, that adds to burnout, and I saw that in my colleagues,” said Dr. Desai.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Impact of Burnout</h2> <p>At the Mount Sinai Center for Post-COVID Care in New York City, doctors grapple with feelings of helplessness in caring for patients with long COVID who show little sign of recovery. That emotional toll can also be difficult, said director Zijian Chen, MD, who helped launch the clinic in May 2020.</p> <p>“Sometimes you’re faced with patients who you’re trying to do everything for, but they’re not just not getting better,” said Dr. Chen. “It’s really frustrating because we want everybody to get better. So, there’s that lack of fulfillment there that can cause a sense of burnout.”<br/><br/>While the worst outcomes and death rates initially brought on by acute infections have lessened, long COVID clinics exemplify some of the ongoing challenges within healthcare. Many operate with insufficient financial and staffing resources despite wait-lists and a steady flow of new and returning patients. Even with the demand, a number of these clinics have shuttered, leaving patients without access to much-needed medical help.<br/><br/>“There are clinicians who are burning out. That is definitely something that I’ve seen,” said Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, MD, a professor and chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas.<br/><br/>“[It] takes a lot of resources for a successful long COVID clinic. A lot of special funding may be drying up and couple that with clinicians burning out, then they’re going to shut their doors.”<br/><br/>And it’s not just long COVID clinics. Data have shown an overall exodus in healthcare, especially during the pandemic. One study found burnout was one of the “most impactful” predictors of a physician’s intention to leave the profession during the pandemic. The loss of talent and skills during a major health crisis can put the entire system under stress, with patients ultimately suffering from poorer care.<br/><br/>“Healthcare system fragility and the chaos is far worse than it was before. We are continuing to be forced to do more with less,” said Dr. Desai.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Alleviating Burnout</h2> <p>While it is difficult to assess whether burnout from the pandemic is transient, experts say this is an opportunity for health institutions to learn from these experiences and implement policies and actions that can help reduce the mental health strain on staff. <a href="">One study</a> found that changes made by organizations had a bigger positive impact on reducing burnout than individual changes.</p> <p>Advocates say more support staff, more work flexibility, and higher compensation would significantly ease the burden that drives burnout and depression.<br/><br/>In addition, half the physicians surveyed in the Medscape Medical News report felt their employers were not acknowledging how pervasive burnout is at their workplace. Having a trusted peer or leader set an example by sharing his or her own challenging experiences and saying it›s time to address these struggles can be an enormously validating step forward, said Dr. Desai. Acknowledging his own difficulties was not only a huge weight off his shoulders but also helped surpris colleagues who sought him out for counsel.<br/><br/>“I’m not suggesting everybody get on medication,” he said. “But talking to a therapist, acknowledging there’s issues, restructuring your life to realize something’s off, and just knowing that you’re not alone? That’s huge.”<br/><br/>Dr. Desai said he still faces personal challenges but is in a much better place, doing well at work and at home. He talks to a therapist, is taking medication, and has developed better coping mechanisms. He is spending more time with his family, detaching for a few hours from work-related emails, learning to draw boundaries and say no, and trying to be more present and “intentional” in connecting with colleagues and patients.<br/><br/>“It’s okay to not be okay,” said Dr. Desai. “It’s okay to be vulnerable and acknowledge when we can’t do more.”<br/><br/>Are you in a crisis? Call or text 988 or text TALK to 741741. For immediate support for healthcare professionals, as well as resources for institutions and organizations, visit: <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.<span class="end"/></p> <p> <em>A version of this article appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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