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Thu, 12/15/2022 - 15:45

Among children and adults with benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus, fosphenytoin, valproate, and levetiracetam each stop seizures by 60 minutes in approximately half of patients, according to a study published Nov. 27 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The effectiveness and safety of the intravenous medications do not differ significantly, the researchers wrote.

“Having three equally effective second-line intravenous medications means that the clinician may choose a drug that takes into account individual situations,” wrote Phil E.M. Smith, MD, in an accompanying editorial (doi: 10.1056/NEJMe1913775). Clinicians may consider “factors such as the presumed underlying cause of status epilepticus; coexisting conditions, including allergy, liver and renal disease, hypotension, propensity to cardiac arrhythmia, and alcohol and drug dependence; the currently prescribed antiepileptic treatment; the cost of the medication; and governmental agency drug approval,” said Dr. Smith, who is affiliated with University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.

A gap in guidance

Evidence supports benzodiazepines as the initial treatment for status epilepticus, but these drugs do not work in up to a third of patients, said first study author Jaideep Kapur, MBBS, PhD, and colleagues. “Clinical guidelines emphasize the need for rapid control of benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus but do not provide guidance regarding the choice of medication on the basis of either efficacy or safety,” they wrote. Dr. Kapur is a professor of neurology and the director of UVA Brain Institute at University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

Levetiracetam, fosphenytoin, and valproate are the three most commonly used medications for benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus. The Food and Drug Administration has labeled fosphenytoin for this indication in adults, and none of the drugs is approved for children. To determine the superiority or inferiority of these medications, the researchers conducted the Established Status Epilepticus Treatment Trial (ESETT). The blinded, comparative-effectiveness trial enrolled 384 patients at 57 hospital EDs in the United States. Patients were aged 2 years or older, had received a generally accepted cumulative dose of benzodiazepines for generalized convulsive seizures lasting more than 5 minutes and continued to have persistent or recurrent convulsions between 5-30 minutes after the last dose of benzodiazepine.

Patients randomly received one of the three trial drugs, which “were identical in appearance, formulation, packaging, and administration,” the authors said. The primary outcome was absence of clinically apparent seizures and improving responsiveness at 60 minutes after the start of the infusion without administration of additional anticonvulsant medication. ED physicians determined the presence of seizure and improvement in responsiveness.

Trial was stopped for futility

The trial included 400 enrollments of 384 unique patients during 2015-2017. Sixteen patients were enrolled twice, and their second enrollments were not included in the intention-to-treat analysis. A planned interim analysis after 400 enrollments to assess the likelihood of success or futility found that the trial had met the futility criterion. “There was a 1% chance of showing a most effective or least effective treatment if the trial were to continue to the maximum sample size” of 795 patients, Dr. Kapur and coauthors wrote. The researchers continued enrollment in a pediatric subcohort for a planned subgroup analysis by age.



In all, 55% of the patients were male, 43% were black, and 16% were Hispanic. The population was 39% children and adolescents, 48% adults aged 18-65 years, and 13% older than 65 years. Most patients had a final diagnosis of status epilepticus (87%). Other final diagnoses included psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (10%).

At 60 minutes after treatment administration, absence of seizures and improved responsiveness occurred in 47% of patients who received levetiracetam, 45% who received fosphenytoin, and 46% who received valproate.

In 39 patients for whom the researchers had reliable information about time to seizure cessation, median time to seizure cessation numerically favored valproate (7 minutes for valproate vs. 10.5 minutes for levetiracetam vs. 11.7 minutes for fosphenytoin), but the number of patients was limited, the authors noted.

“Hypotension and endotracheal intubation were more frequent with fosphenytoin than with the other two drugs, and deaths were more frequent with levetiracetam, but these differences were not significant,” wrote Dr. Kapur and colleagues. Seven patients who received levetiracetam died, compared with three who received fosphenytoin and two who received valproate. Life-threatening hypotension occurred in 3.2% of patients who received fosphenytoin, compared with 1.6% who received valproate and 0.7% who received levetiracetam. Endotracheal intubation occurred in 26.4% or patients who received fosphenytoin, compared with 20% of patients in the levetiracetam group and 16.8% in the valproate group.

The trial’s limitations include the enrollment of patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures and the use of clinical instead of electroencephalographic criteria for the primary outcome measure, the investigators wrote.

Dr. Smith noted that third- and fourth-line management of status epilepticus is not supported by high-quality evidence, and further studies are needed. Given the evidence from ESETT, “the practical challenge for the management of status epilepticus remains the same as in the past: ensuring that clinicians are familiar with, and follow, a treatment protocol,” he said.

The trial was funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Dr. Kapur had no financial disclosures. A coauthor holds a patent on intravenous carbamazepine and intellectual property on intravenous topiramate. Other coauthors have ties to pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

Dr. Smith is coeditor of Practical Neurology and a member of the U.K. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines committee for epilepsy.

SOURCE: Kapur J et al. N Engl J Med. 2019 Nov 27. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1905795.

Neurology Reviews- 28(1)

Among children and adults with benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus, fosphenytoin, valproate, and levetiracetam each stop seizures by 60 minutes in approximately half of patients, according to a study published Nov. 27 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The effectiveness and safety of the intravenous medications do not differ significantly, the researchers wrote.

“Having three equally effective second-line intravenous medications means that the clinician may choose a drug that takes into account individual situations,” wrote Phil E.M. Smith, MD, in an accompanying editorial (doi: 10.1056/NEJMe1913775). Clinicians may consider “factors such as the presumed underlying cause of status epilepticus; coexisting conditions, including allergy, liver and renal disease, hypotension, propensity to cardiac arrhythmia, and alcohol and drug dependence; the currently prescribed antiepileptic treatment; the cost of the medication; and governmental agency drug approval,” said Dr. Smith, who is affiliated with University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.

A gap in guidance

Evidence supports benzodiazepines as the initial treatment for status epilepticus, but these drugs do not work in up to a third of patients, said first study author Jaideep Kapur, MBBS, PhD, and colleagues. “Clinical guidelines emphasize the need for rapid control of benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus but do not provide guidance regarding the choice of medication on the basis of either efficacy or safety,” they wrote. Dr. Kapur is a professor of neurology and the director of UVA Brain Institute at University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

Levetiracetam, fosphenytoin, and valproate are the three most commonly used medications for benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus. The Food and Drug Administration has labeled fosphenytoin for this indication in adults, and none of the drugs is approved for children. To determine the superiority or inferiority of these medications, the researchers conducted the Established Status Epilepticus Treatment Trial (ESETT). The blinded, comparative-effectiveness trial enrolled 384 patients at 57 hospital EDs in the United States. Patients were aged 2 years or older, had received a generally accepted cumulative dose of benzodiazepines for generalized convulsive seizures lasting more than 5 minutes and continued to have persistent or recurrent convulsions between 5-30 minutes after the last dose of benzodiazepine.

Patients randomly received one of the three trial drugs, which “were identical in appearance, formulation, packaging, and administration,” the authors said. The primary outcome was absence of clinically apparent seizures and improving responsiveness at 60 minutes after the start of the infusion without administration of additional anticonvulsant medication. ED physicians determined the presence of seizure and improvement in responsiveness.

Trial was stopped for futility

The trial included 400 enrollments of 384 unique patients during 2015-2017. Sixteen patients were enrolled twice, and their second enrollments were not included in the intention-to-treat analysis. A planned interim analysis after 400 enrollments to assess the likelihood of success or futility found that the trial had met the futility criterion. “There was a 1% chance of showing a most effective or least effective treatment if the trial were to continue to the maximum sample size” of 795 patients, Dr. Kapur and coauthors wrote. The researchers continued enrollment in a pediatric subcohort for a planned subgroup analysis by age.



In all, 55% of the patients were male, 43% were black, and 16% were Hispanic. The population was 39% children and adolescents, 48% adults aged 18-65 years, and 13% older than 65 years. Most patients had a final diagnosis of status epilepticus (87%). Other final diagnoses included psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (10%).

At 60 minutes after treatment administration, absence of seizures and improved responsiveness occurred in 47% of patients who received levetiracetam, 45% who received fosphenytoin, and 46% who received valproate.

In 39 patients for whom the researchers had reliable information about time to seizure cessation, median time to seizure cessation numerically favored valproate (7 minutes for valproate vs. 10.5 minutes for levetiracetam vs. 11.7 minutes for fosphenytoin), but the number of patients was limited, the authors noted.

“Hypotension and endotracheal intubation were more frequent with fosphenytoin than with the other two drugs, and deaths were more frequent with levetiracetam, but these differences were not significant,” wrote Dr. Kapur and colleagues. Seven patients who received levetiracetam died, compared with three who received fosphenytoin and two who received valproate. Life-threatening hypotension occurred in 3.2% of patients who received fosphenytoin, compared with 1.6% who received valproate and 0.7% who received levetiracetam. Endotracheal intubation occurred in 26.4% or patients who received fosphenytoin, compared with 20% of patients in the levetiracetam group and 16.8% in the valproate group.

The trial’s limitations include the enrollment of patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures and the use of clinical instead of electroencephalographic criteria for the primary outcome measure, the investigators wrote.

Dr. Smith noted that third- and fourth-line management of status epilepticus is not supported by high-quality evidence, and further studies are needed. Given the evidence from ESETT, “the practical challenge for the management of status epilepticus remains the same as in the past: ensuring that clinicians are familiar with, and follow, a treatment protocol,” he said.

The trial was funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Dr. Kapur had no financial disclosures. A coauthor holds a patent on intravenous carbamazepine and intellectual property on intravenous topiramate. Other coauthors have ties to pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

Dr. Smith is coeditor of Practical Neurology and a member of the U.K. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines committee for epilepsy.

SOURCE: Kapur J et al. N Engl J Med. 2019 Nov 27. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1905795.

Among children and adults with benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus, fosphenytoin, valproate, and levetiracetam each stop seizures by 60 minutes in approximately half of patients, according to a study published Nov. 27 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The effectiveness and safety of the intravenous medications do not differ significantly, the researchers wrote.

“Having three equally effective second-line intravenous medications means that the clinician may choose a drug that takes into account individual situations,” wrote Phil E.M. Smith, MD, in an accompanying editorial (doi: 10.1056/NEJMe1913775). Clinicians may consider “factors such as the presumed underlying cause of status epilepticus; coexisting conditions, including allergy, liver and renal disease, hypotension, propensity to cardiac arrhythmia, and alcohol and drug dependence; the currently prescribed antiepileptic treatment; the cost of the medication; and governmental agency drug approval,” said Dr. Smith, who is affiliated with University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.

A gap in guidance

Evidence supports benzodiazepines as the initial treatment for status epilepticus, but these drugs do not work in up to a third of patients, said first study author Jaideep Kapur, MBBS, PhD, and colleagues. “Clinical guidelines emphasize the need for rapid control of benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus but do not provide guidance regarding the choice of medication on the basis of either efficacy or safety,” they wrote. Dr. Kapur is a professor of neurology and the director of UVA Brain Institute at University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

Levetiracetam, fosphenytoin, and valproate are the three most commonly used medications for benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus. The Food and Drug Administration has labeled fosphenytoin for this indication in adults, and none of the drugs is approved for children. To determine the superiority or inferiority of these medications, the researchers conducted the Established Status Epilepticus Treatment Trial (ESETT). The blinded, comparative-effectiveness trial enrolled 384 patients at 57 hospital EDs in the United States. Patients were aged 2 years or older, had received a generally accepted cumulative dose of benzodiazepines for generalized convulsive seizures lasting more than 5 minutes and continued to have persistent or recurrent convulsions between 5-30 minutes after the last dose of benzodiazepine.

Patients randomly received one of the three trial drugs, which “were identical in appearance, formulation, packaging, and administration,” the authors said. The primary outcome was absence of clinically apparent seizures and improving responsiveness at 60 minutes after the start of the infusion without administration of additional anticonvulsant medication. ED physicians determined the presence of seizure and improvement in responsiveness.

Trial was stopped for futility

The trial included 400 enrollments of 384 unique patients during 2015-2017. Sixteen patients were enrolled twice, and their second enrollments were not included in the intention-to-treat analysis. A planned interim analysis after 400 enrollments to assess the likelihood of success or futility found that the trial had met the futility criterion. “There was a 1% chance of showing a most effective or least effective treatment if the trial were to continue to the maximum sample size” of 795 patients, Dr. Kapur and coauthors wrote. The researchers continued enrollment in a pediatric subcohort for a planned subgroup analysis by age.



In all, 55% of the patients were male, 43% were black, and 16% were Hispanic. The population was 39% children and adolescents, 48% adults aged 18-65 years, and 13% older than 65 years. Most patients had a final diagnosis of status epilepticus (87%). Other final diagnoses included psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (10%).

At 60 minutes after treatment administration, absence of seizures and improved responsiveness occurred in 47% of patients who received levetiracetam, 45% who received fosphenytoin, and 46% who received valproate.

In 39 patients for whom the researchers had reliable information about time to seizure cessation, median time to seizure cessation numerically favored valproate (7 minutes for valproate vs. 10.5 minutes for levetiracetam vs. 11.7 minutes for fosphenytoin), but the number of patients was limited, the authors noted.

“Hypotension and endotracheal intubation were more frequent with fosphenytoin than with the other two drugs, and deaths were more frequent with levetiracetam, but these differences were not significant,” wrote Dr. Kapur and colleagues. Seven patients who received levetiracetam died, compared with three who received fosphenytoin and two who received valproate. Life-threatening hypotension occurred in 3.2% of patients who received fosphenytoin, compared with 1.6% who received valproate and 0.7% who received levetiracetam. Endotracheal intubation occurred in 26.4% or patients who received fosphenytoin, compared with 20% of patients in the levetiracetam group and 16.8% in the valproate group.

The trial’s limitations include the enrollment of patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures and the use of clinical instead of electroencephalographic criteria for the primary outcome measure, the investigators wrote.

Dr. Smith noted that third- and fourth-line management of status epilepticus is not supported by high-quality evidence, and further studies are needed. Given the evidence from ESETT, “the practical challenge for the management of status epilepticus remains the same as in the past: ensuring that clinicians are familiar with, and follow, a treatment protocol,” he said.

The trial was funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Dr. Kapur had no financial disclosures. A coauthor holds a patent on intravenous carbamazepine and intellectual property on intravenous topiramate. Other coauthors have ties to pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

Dr. Smith is coeditor of Practical Neurology and a member of the U.K. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines committee for epilepsy.

SOURCE: Kapur J et al. N Engl J Med. 2019 Nov 27. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1905795.

Neurology Reviews- 28(1)
Neurology Reviews- 28(1)
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Publish date: November 27, 2019
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Key clinical point: Among children and adults with benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus, fosphenytoin, valproate, and levetiracetam each stop seizures by 60 minutes in approximately half of patients.

Major finding: Absence of seizures and improved responsiveness occurred in 47% of patients who received levetiracetam, 45% who received fosphenytoin, and 46% who received valproate.

Study details: The Established Status Epilepticus Treatment Trial (ESETT) was a blinded, comparative-effectiveness trial that enrolled 384 patients at 57 hospital EDs in the United States.

Disclosures: The trial was funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Dr. Kapur had no financial disclosures. A coauthor holds a patent on intravenous carbamazepine and intellectual property on intravenous topiramate. Other coauthors have ties to pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

Source: Kapur J et al. N Engl J Med. 2019 Nov 27. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1905795.

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