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RA Outcomes Worsened by Depression and Anxiety, Signaling Need for Multidisciplinary Action

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Wed, 03/13/2024 - 16:55

Patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and co-occurring anxiety or depression are less likely to achieve low disease activity (LDA) and better symptom control after 3 months of treatment, according to new research presented at the at the annual meeting of the Canadian Rheumatology Association.

The findings emphasized the importance of taking a multidisciplinary approach to RA treatment, said presenter Susan Bartlett, PhD, a professor in the Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology, Rheumatology, and Respiratory Epidemiology at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Dr. Susan Bartlett, professor in the Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology, Rheumatology, and Respiratory Epidemiology at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
McGill University
Dr. Susan Bartlett

“In the absence of directly addressing anxiety and depression, people are not going to improve to the same extent we hope that they will,” she told this news organization.

Symptom Clusters in RA

In her research, presented on February 29, Dr. Bartlett explored how certain symptom clusters in RA predicted prognosis.

Symptom clusters are related symptoms that occur together and can be associated with worse outcomes than one symptom alone. Symptom science has been a growing interest in precision medicine, particularly for cancer, Dr. Bartlett noted, and this same approach could help pinpoint RA subtypes, disease trajectories, and personalized treatment.

In the study, Dr. Bartlett and colleagues used data from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort (CATCH), a multisite prospective research study following individuals with new-onset RA. They identified patients starting methotrexate (MTX) therapy who also had clinical and patient-reported outcome measures available. Individuals included in the analysis may have also been taking additional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs beyond MTX.

Across the 310 selected individuals, researchers identified four key symptoms: Pain, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Pain and fatigue were defined as physical symptoms, while anxiety and depression were classified as emotional symptoms. Results showed that the patients could be sorted into four distinct symptom clusters: Minimal symptoms (12%), mild physical and emotional symptoms (11%), moderate to severe pain and fatigue (40%), and moderate to severe physical and emotional symptoms (37%).

Researchers then followed patients during the first 6 months of treatment to evaluate if patients’ symptoms improved.

Symptom improvement mostly occurred during the first 3 months of treatment and remained consistent at 6 months. Overall, patients with moderate to severe emotional symptoms had a worse prognosis and were less likely to achieve milder symptoms than those who had only pain and fatigue or mild emotional symptoms. While 64% of patients in the moderate to severe physical symptoms group achieved minimal symptoms after 3 months of treatment, only 13% of patients with moderate to severe physical and emotional systems reported minimal symptoms during this same time frame.

The study builds on previous work that “suggests that there are different factors that we can identify around the time of diagnosis that point to how well a person is likely to respond,” Dr. Bartlett added. “What our work is showing pretty clearly [is that] the presence of anxiety and depression is one of those important markers.”

Patients With Depression Report Worse Disease Activity

In a related study, researchers from the University of Ottawa explored how depression in RA affected subjective and objective disease measures.

The study included patients from the Ottawa Rheumatology Comprehensive Treatment and Assessment (ORCHESTRA) clinic at The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, which sees patients with inflammatory arthritis who are starting biologic therapy or switching to another biologic. The clinic is designed to take a more comprehensive approach to managing inflammatory arthritis, including addressing comorbidities such as cardiac disease, depression, and cancer. Patients seen at the clinic can opt to be included in the ORCHESTRA cohort to be a part of ongoing research.

From this cohort, researchers identified 98 patients with RA. At enrollment, patients were screened for depression using patient health questionnaire scores and asked about duration of morning stiffness and tender joint counts. Swollen joint counts, ultrasound, and clinical scores were used to evaluate disease activity.

In the study group, 47 patients had no depression, 21 patients had mild depression, and 30 patients had moderate to severe depression. Researchers found that subjective disease measures, including visual analog pain scale, health assessment questionnaire, and disease activity score in 28 joints were all higher in patients with depression; however, depression did not appear to affect objective disease measures, such as the Global OMERACT-EULAR Synovitis Score or Doppler scores.

While there is a known link between inflammation and depression, these findings suggest that depression is “a concomitant comorbidity just like cardiovascular disease, just like fibromyalgia, just like some other comorbidity that also needs to be addressed in its own right to improve the outcomes,” noted Elliot Hepworth, MD, a rheumatologist and ORCHESTRA clinic lead at The Ottawa Hospital, in an interview.

Dr. Hepworth presented the findings on March 1.

Dr. Elliot Hepworth, a rheumatologist and ORCHESTRA clinic lead at The Ottawa Hospital
Dr. Elliot Hepworth
Dr. Elliot Hepworth

The data also suggested that patients with depression had poorer outcomes. For the 79 patients who had 3-month follow-up visit data, 43.9% of patients with no or mild depression achieved LDA and remission compared with 21.7% of patients with moderate to severe depression, though this difference was not statistically significant (P = .064). There was a similar trend for the 39 patients with 6-month follow-up data: Only 20% of patients with moderate to severe depression had reached LDA and remission compared with 37.9% of patients with no or mild depression (P = .445). The researchers noted this could be an issue with a smaller sample size.

“Every time more patients get added we approach closer to significance,” Dr. Hepworth added.

Some Disagreement, Same Takeaway

Commenting on the Ottawa study, Dr. Bartlett was skeptical of the conclusion that depression may not directly influence disease activity. “There’s just too much good evidence these days that [depression] very much coexists with worse disease activity,” she said. “It is not in the person’s head.”

Dr. Hepworth added that patient-reported outcomes are important for clinicians to address during treatment.

“There’s the tender joints, there’s the pain, there’s the fatigue, there’s the patient global assessment, which are subjective,” he said, “but that does not mean that they are not important. Those are important to the patient: That is how they’re living their life, and that is how they’re experiencing their disease.”

This is why efforts to treat depression in patients with RA such as cognitive behavioral therapy are so important, he said, to which Dr. Bartlett agreed.

“A comprehensive approach is required, which includes addressing depression,” she said. Otherwise, data show “that people just never make it to remission.”

The studies looked at different patient populations but ultimately complement each other, added Sibel Aydin, MD, a professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and senior author of the Ottawa study.

Dr. Sibel Aydin, professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Sibel Aydin
Dr. Sibel Aydin

“Two different cohorts with different patient populations still reached the same result,” she said. “If you don’t address the emotional aspect, you are not going to achieve the good outcomes.”

“It’s remarkable when you have two independent researchers coming to the same conclusion without ever talking to each other,” added Dr. Hepworth. “That really shows that this is something that’s pervasive, and it’s not just within our patient population.”

CATCH is funded by unrestricted research grants from programs with Pfizer, AbbVie, Roche, Sandoz, Fresenius Kabi, Organon, Viatris, JAMP, and Celltrion. Dr. Bartlett is president of the PROMIS Health Organization. She is a member of speakers bureaus or has consulted for Pfizer, Sandoz, Merck, Janssen, and Organon. Dr. Hepworth and Dr. Aydin declared no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on .


Patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and co-occurring anxiety or depression are less likely to achieve low disease activity (LDA) and better symptom control after 3 months of treatment, according to new research presented at the at the annual meeting of the Canadian Rheumatology Association.

The findings emphasized the importance of taking a multidisciplinary approach to RA treatment, said presenter Susan Bartlett, PhD, a professor in the Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology, Rheumatology, and Respiratory Epidemiology at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Dr. Susan Bartlett, professor in the Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology, Rheumatology, and Respiratory Epidemiology at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
McGill University
Dr. Susan Bartlett

“In the absence of directly addressing anxiety and depression, people are not going to improve to the same extent we hope that they will,” she told this news organization.

Symptom Clusters in RA

In her research, presented on February 29, Dr. Bartlett explored how certain symptom clusters in RA predicted prognosis.

Symptom clusters are related symptoms that occur together and can be associated with worse outcomes than one symptom alone. Symptom science has been a growing interest in precision medicine, particularly for cancer, Dr. Bartlett noted, and this same approach could help pinpoint RA subtypes, disease trajectories, and personalized treatment.

In the study, Dr. Bartlett and colleagues used data from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort (CATCH), a multisite prospective research study following individuals with new-onset RA. They identified patients starting methotrexate (MTX) therapy who also had clinical and patient-reported outcome measures available. Individuals included in the analysis may have also been taking additional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs beyond MTX.

Across the 310 selected individuals, researchers identified four key symptoms: Pain, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Pain and fatigue were defined as physical symptoms, while anxiety and depression were classified as emotional symptoms. Results showed that the patients could be sorted into four distinct symptom clusters: Minimal symptoms (12%), mild physical and emotional symptoms (11%), moderate to severe pain and fatigue (40%), and moderate to severe physical and emotional symptoms (37%).

Researchers then followed patients during the first 6 months of treatment to evaluate if patients’ symptoms improved.

Symptom improvement mostly occurred during the first 3 months of treatment and remained consistent at 6 months. Overall, patients with moderate to severe emotional symptoms had a worse prognosis and were less likely to achieve milder symptoms than those who had only pain and fatigue or mild emotional symptoms. While 64% of patients in the moderate to severe physical symptoms group achieved minimal symptoms after 3 months of treatment, only 13% of patients with moderate to severe physical and emotional systems reported minimal symptoms during this same time frame.

The study builds on previous work that “suggests that there are different factors that we can identify around the time of diagnosis that point to how well a person is likely to respond,” Dr. Bartlett added. “What our work is showing pretty clearly [is that] the presence of anxiety and depression is one of those important markers.”

Patients With Depression Report Worse Disease Activity

In a related study, researchers from the University of Ottawa explored how depression in RA affected subjective and objective disease measures.

The study included patients from the Ottawa Rheumatology Comprehensive Treatment and Assessment (ORCHESTRA) clinic at The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, which sees patients with inflammatory arthritis who are starting biologic therapy or switching to another biologic. The clinic is designed to take a more comprehensive approach to managing inflammatory arthritis, including addressing comorbidities such as cardiac disease, depression, and cancer. Patients seen at the clinic can opt to be included in the ORCHESTRA cohort to be a part of ongoing research.

From this cohort, researchers identified 98 patients with RA. At enrollment, patients were screened for depression using patient health questionnaire scores and asked about duration of morning stiffness and tender joint counts. Swollen joint counts, ultrasound, and clinical scores were used to evaluate disease activity.

In the study group, 47 patients had no depression, 21 patients had mild depression, and 30 patients had moderate to severe depression. Researchers found that subjective disease measures, including visual analog pain scale, health assessment questionnaire, and disease activity score in 28 joints were all higher in patients with depression; however, depression did not appear to affect objective disease measures, such as the Global OMERACT-EULAR Synovitis Score or Doppler scores.

While there is a known link between inflammation and depression, these findings suggest that depression is “a concomitant comorbidity just like cardiovascular disease, just like fibromyalgia, just like some other comorbidity that also needs to be addressed in its own right to improve the outcomes,” noted Elliot Hepworth, MD, a rheumatologist and ORCHESTRA clinic lead at The Ottawa Hospital, in an interview.

Dr. Hepworth presented the findings on March 1.

Dr. Elliot Hepworth, a rheumatologist and ORCHESTRA clinic lead at The Ottawa Hospital
Dr. Elliot Hepworth
Dr. Elliot Hepworth

The data also suggested that patients with depression had poorer outcomes. For the 79 patients who had 3-month follow-up visit data, 43.9% of patients with no or mild depression achieved LDA and remission compared with 21.7% of patients with moderate to severe depression, though this difference was not statistically significant (P = .064). There was a similar trend for the 39 patients with 6-month follow-up data: Only 20% of patients with moderate to severe depression had reached LDA and remission compared with 37.9% of patients with no or mild depression (P = .445). The researchers noted this could be an issue with a smaller sample size.

“Every time more patients get added we approach closer to significance,” Dr. Hepworth added.

Some Disagreement, Same Takeaway

Commenting on the Ottawa study, Dr. Bartlett was skeptical of the conclusion that depression may not directly influence disease activity. “There’s just too much good evidence these days that [depression] very much coexists with worse disease activity,” she said. “It is not in the person’s head.”

Dr. Hepworth added that patient-reported outcomes are important for clinicians to address during treatment.

“There’s the tender joints, there’s the pain, there’s the fatigue, there’s the patient global assessment, which are subjective,” he said, “but that does not mean that they are not important. Those are important to the patient: That is how they’re living their life, and that is how they’re experiencing their disease.”

This is why efforts to treat depression in patients with RA such as cognitive behavioral therapy are so important, he said, to which Dr. Bartlett agreed.

“A comprehensive approach is required, which includes addressing depression,” she said. Otherwise, data show “that people just never make it to remission.”

The studies looked at different patient populations but ultimately complement each other, added Sibel Aydin, MD, a professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and senior author of the Ottawa study.

Dr. Sibel Aydin, professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Sibel Aydin
Dr. Sibel Aydin

“Two different cohorts with different patient populations still reached the same result,” she said. “If you don’t address the emotional aspect, you are not going to achieve the good outcomes.”

“It’s remarkable when you have two independent researchers coming to the same conclusion without ever talking to each other,” added Dr. Hepworth. “That really shows that this is something that’s pervasive, and it’s not just within our patient population.”

CATCH is funded by unrestricted research grants from programs with Pfizer, AbbVie, Roche, Sandoz, Fresenius Kabi, Organon, Viatris, JAMP, and Celltrion. Dr. Bartlett is president of the PROMIS Health Organization. She is a member of speakers bureaus or has consulted for Pfizer, Sandoz, Merck, Janssen, and Organon. Dr. Hepworth and Dr. Aydin declared no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on .

Patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and co-occurring anxiety or depression are less likely to achieve low disease activity (LDA) and better symptom control after 3 months of treatment, according to new research presented at the at the annual meeting of the Canadian Rheumatology Association.

The findings emphasized the importance of taking a multidisciplinary approach to RA treatment, said presenter Susan Bartlett, PhD, a professor in the Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology, Rheumatology, and Respiratory Epidemiology at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Dr. Susan Bartlett, professor in the Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology, Rheumatology, and Respiratory Epidemiology at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
McGill University
Dr. Susan Bartlett

“In the absence of directly addressing anxiety and depression, people are not going to improve to the same extent we hope that they will,” she told this news organization.

Symptom Clusters in RA

In her research, presented on February 29, Dr. Bartlett explored how certain symptom clusters in RA predicted prognosis.

Symptom clusters are related symptoms that occur together and can be associated with worse outcomes than one symptom alone. Symptom science has been a growing interest in precision medicine, particularly for cancer, Dr. Bartlett noted, and this same approach could help pinpoint RA subtypes, disease trajectories, and personalized treatment.

In the study, Dr. Bartlett and colleagues used data from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort (CATCH), a multisite prospective research study following individuals with new-onset RA. They identified patients starting methotrexate (MTX) therapy who also had clinical and patient-reported outcome measures available. Individuals included in the analysis may have also been taking additional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs beyond MTX.

Across the 310 selected individuals, researchers identified four key symptoms: Pain, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Pain and fatigue were defined as physical symptoms, while anxiety and depression were classified as emotional symptoms. Results showed that the patients could be sorted into four distinct symptom clusters: Minimal symptoms (12%), mild physical and emotional symptoms (11%), moderate to severe pain and fatigue (40%), and moderate to severe physical and emotional symptoms (37%).

Researchers then followed patients during the first 6 months of treatment to evaluate if patients’ symptoms improved.

Symptom improvement mostly occurred during the first 3 months of treatment and remained consistent at 6 months. Overall, patients with moderate to severe emotional symptoms had a worse prognosis and were less likely to achieve milder symptoms than those who had only pain and fatigue or mild emotional symptoms. While 64% of patients in the moderate to severe physical symptoms group achieved minimal symptoms after 3 months of treatment, only 13% of patients with moderate to severe physical and emotional systems reported minimal symptoms during this same time frame.

The study builds on previous work that “suggests that there are different factors that we can identify around the time of diagnosis that point to how well a person is likely to respond,” Dr. Bartlett added. “What our work is showing pretty clearly [is that] the presence of anxiety and depression is one of those important markers.”

Patients With Depression Report Worse Disease Activity

In a related study, researchers from the University of Ottawa explored how depression in RA affected subjective and objective disease measures.

The study included patients from the Ottawa Rheumatology Comprehensive Treatment and Assessment (ORCHESTRA) clinic at The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, which sees patients with inflammatory arthritis who are starting biologic therapy or switching to another biologic. The clinic is designed to take a more comprehensive approach to managing inflammatory arthritis, including addressing comorbidities such as cardiac disease, depression, and cancer. Patients seen at the clinic can opt to be included in the ORCHESTRA cohort to be a part of ongoing research.

From this cohort, researchers identified 98 patients with RA. At enrollment, patients were screened for depression using patient health questionnaire scores and asked about duration of morning stiffness and tender joint counts. Swollen joint counts, ultrasound, and clinical scores were used to evaluate disease activity.

In the study group, 47 patients had no depression, 21 patients had mild depression, and 30 patients had moderate to severe depression. Researchers found that subjective disease measures, including visual analog pain scale, health assessment questionnaire, and disease activity score in 28 joints were all higher in patients with depression; however, depression did not appear to affect objective disease measures, such as the Global OMERACT-EULAR Synovitis Score or Doppler scores.

While there is a known link between inflammation and depression, these findings suggest that depression is “a concomitant comorbidity just like cardiovascular disease, just like fibromyalgia, just like some other comorbidity that also needs to be addressed in its own right to improve the outcomes,” noted Elliot Hepworth, MD, a rheumatologist and ORCHESTRA clinic lead at The Ottawa Hospital, in an interview.

Dr. Hepworth presented the findings on March 1.

Dr. Elliot Hepworth, a rheumatologist and ORCHESTRA clinic lead at The Ottawa Hospital
Dr. Elliot Hepworth
Dr. Elliot Hepworth

The data also suggested that patients with depression had poorer outcomes. For the 79 patients who had 3-month follow-up visit data, 43.9% of patients with no or mild depression achieved LDA and remission compared with 21.7% of patients with moderate to severe depression, though this difference was not statistically significant (P = .064). There was a similar trend for the 39 patients with 6-month follow-up data: Only 20% of patients with moderate to severe depression had reached LDA and remission compared with 37.9% of patients with no or mild depression (P = .445). The researchers noted this could be an issue with a smaller sample size.

“Every time more patients get added we approach closer to significance,” Dr. Hepworth added.

Some Disagreement, Same Takeaway

Commenting on the Ottawa study, Dr. Bartlett was skeptical of the conclusion that depression may not directly influence disease activity. “There’s just too much good evidence these days that [depression] very much coexists with worse disease activity,” she said. “It is not in the person’s head.”

Dr. Hepworth added that patient-reported outcomes are important for clinicians to address during treatment.

“There’s the tender joints, there’s the pain, there’s the fatigue, there’s the patient global assessment, which are subjective,” he said, “but that does not mean that they are not important. Those are important to the patient: That is how they’re living their life, and that is how they’re experiencing their disease.”

This is why efforts to treat depression in patients with RA such as cognitive behavioral therapy are so important, he said, to which Dr. Bartlett agreed.

“A comprehensive approach is required, which includes addressing depression,” she said. Otherwise, data show “that people just never make it to remission.”

The studies looked at different patient populations but ultimately complement each other, added Sibel Aydin, MD, a professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and senior author of the Ottawa study.

Dr. Sibel Aydin, professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Sibel Aydin
Dr. Sibel Aydin

“Two different cohorts with different patient populations still reached the same result,” she said. “If you don’t address the emotional aspect, you are not going to achieve the good outcomes.”

“It’s remarkable when you have two independent researchers coming to the same conclusion without ever talking to each other,” added Dr. Hepworth. “That really shows that this is something that’s pervasive, and it’s not just within our patient population.”

CATCH is funded by unrestricted research grants from programs with Pfizer, AbbVie, Roche, Sandoz, Fresenius Kabi, Organon, Viatris, JAMP, and Celltrion. Dr. Bartlett is president of the PROMIS Health Organization. She is a member of speakers bureaus or has consulted for Pfizer, Sandoz, Merck, Janssen, and Organon. Dr. Hepworth and Dr. Aydin declared no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on .

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Screening Tests for Depression

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Is Adrenal Fatigue a Real Condition?

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Wed, 03/06/2024 - 12:09

While TikTok overflows with images of influencers making “adrenal cocktails” to combat what they call adrenal fatigue, the Endocrine Society says “no scientific proof exists to support adrenal fatigue as a true medical condition.”

Even before influencers began touting it on social media, a 2016 systematic review concluded that there is “no substantiation that adrenal fatigue” is an actual medical condition. Therefore, adrenal fatigue is still a myth.

Lynette Nieman, MD, Senior Investigator and Chief of the Endocrinology Consultation Service at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, concurs.

“There is no scientific evidence that adrenal fatigue exists or causes [general] fatigue, depression, or the many common symptoms that are said to result from this condition,” she told this news organization via email.

Still, the term has gained currency among not only social media influencers who blame it for everything from cortisol surges to estrogen imbalances but also functional and integrative medical practitioners as an explanation for chronic dysfunction related to stress. 

Adrenal Fatigue, Burnout, or Adrenal Insufficiency?

Rather than “adrenal fatigue,” Marcelo Campos, MD, a primary care doctor at Atrius Health, said he prefers the medical term “burnout.”

Use of “burnout” shifts attention to the brain’s role in stress-related chronic dysfunction rather than the adrenal glands, said Dr. Campos, who also teaches at Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

More specifically still, the focuses might shift to the stress-response via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis and its role in reducing levels of these cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.

He points out that part of the reason for the misuse of the term adrenal fatigue arises from the fact that burnout is often only associated with work stress.

“Recently, the ICD-11 [International Classification of Diseases-11] recognized burnout as a disease but focused only on work stress as a cause. The truth is that people can be burned out for many other reasons,” said Dr. Campos.

The Endocrine Society notes on their webpage dedicated to the topic that “adrenal fatigue” as a term, relates to long-term mental, emotional, or physical stress.

“The problem is not the adrenals — it is the exposure to stress in the brain. The brain — only one organ — is responsible for 40% of energy consumption in the body. As you can imagine, if you are under constant stress, you run out of gas very quickly and cannot function well,” he explained.

Adrenal fatigue theory suggests that, under stress, the adrenal glands produce too many short bursts of cortisol resulting in overall reduced cortisol levels and a feeling of being drained.

“As with many other psychiatric diseases, we do not have a way to measure biomarkers in the brain. The testing for cortisol does not work because it fluctuates too much from time to time. So, it is not reliable or reproducible,” Dr. Campos said. 

This leads to the ongoing question of the best way to test and diagnose adrenal fatigue, whether it should be via blood, urine and/or saliva. And even if that is determined, there are still questions about the best time to test, how often, what the normal ranges are and how reliable the tests are.

While adrenal fatigue is not a recognized condition, adrenal insufficiency is medically recognized, resulting from an inability of the adrenal glands to make the life-essential hormones aldosterone and/or cortisol, with symptoms that include fatigue, belly pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and joint aches.

“Adrenal cocktails are not an effective treatment for adrenal insufficiency because they do not replace the missing hormones,” Dr. Nieman stated, pointing out that anyone with symptoms of adrenal insufficiency needs to see an endocrinologist.

Pratibha Rao, MD, MPH, an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, and medical director of the Adrenal Center at Cleveland Clinic, agreed, advising that if people continue to feel exhausted beyond their normal exertion, then they should get checked for signs of adrenal insufficiency.

“In primary adrenal insufficiency, you can actually start seeing darkening of the gums and of the skin on the palms of the hands or the soles of your feet. Sometimes people can feel dizzy or experience some loss of consciousness,” she said. “If it’s sudden and severe, you may crave salt or have extreme heat or cold intolerance.”

Recognizing and Managing Patient Frustration

The lack of formal diagnostic criteria and medical evidence, however, doesn’t mean that such symptoms as fatigue and depression don’t present, often causing significant distress for patients. While the symptoms might not be associated with the adrenal glands, they still need addressing — but how that is done is, in essence, a bone of contention.

Dr. Rao empathizes with the situation that many people, often young women, find themselves in.

“Patients are frustrated. They’ve gone to multiple doctors across the country, and they feel convinced they have adrenal fatigue, but no medical doctor has endorsed it. They end up coming to us with a cry that has so often gone unanswered.”

This issue also highlights that there are millions of people experiencing mental, emotional, and physical distress of unknown cause who seek help, many of whom believe it is related to their adrenal gland function.

But rather than turning to a social media cure, Dr. Rao stresses that people would benefit more from paying greater attention to following a healthy lifestyle than regularly consuming sugar-rich drinks claimed to offer a solution. Adrenal cocktails are energy-rich, frothy blends of orange juice, coconut milk, cream of tartar, and Himalayan salt.

“We truly are what we eat, and we are what we think,” she noted.

The body is a miraculous machine, but “we forget that it does need maintenance,” Dr. Rao said. “Up to age 30, the body is so forgiving with drugs, alcohol, or whatever insult we do to it, but after the third decade, slowly every cell starts to degenerate instead of growing. We start to see the ill or beneficial effects of lifestyle habits.” 

“We insult the body, and then we say, ‘oh, I have fatigue’ and seek a quick fix,” she added. “Everyone wants instant gratification.”

Dr. Rao cautioned that adrenal cocktails could be dangerous for someone who has other medical conditions.

“If someone has kidney disease, uncontrolled hypertension, or diabetes, for example, then adrenal cocktails are definitely not safe,” Dr. Rao said. “Loading up with potassium and sodium, which is found in high quantities in adrenal cocktails, will actually worsen any kidney damage, while consuming so much sugar will cause an unregulated rise in blood sugar and further damage in someone with diabetes.”

Dr. Rao also stressed that nonprofessional advice given on social media could take patient people down the wrong path with associated danger.

A version of this article appeared on


While TikTok overflows with images of influencers making “adrenal cocktails” to combat what they call adrenal fatigue, the Endocrine Society says “no scientific proof exists to support adrenal fatigue as a true medical condition.”

Even before influencers began touting it on social media, a 2016 systematic review concluded that there is “no substantiation that adrenal fatigue” is an actual medical condition. Therefore, adrenal fatigue is still a myth.

Lynette Nieman, MD, Senior Investigator and Chief of the Endocrinology Consultation Service at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, concurs.

“There is no scientific evidence that adrenal fatigue exists or causes [general] fatigue, depression, or the many common symptoms that are said to result from this condition,” she told this news organization via email.

Still, the term has gained currency among not only social media influencers who blame it for everything from cortisol surges to estrogen imbalances but also functional and integrative medical practitioners as an explanation for chronic dysfunction related to stress. 

Adrenal Fatigue, Burnout, or Adrenal Insufficiency?

Rather than “adrenal fatigue,” Marcelo Campos, MD, a primary care doctor at Atrius Health, said he prefers the medical term “burnout.”

Use of “burnout” shifts attention to the brain’s role in stress-related chronic dysfunction rather than the adrenal glands, said Dr. Campos, who also teaches at Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

More specifically still, the focuses might shift to the stress-response via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis and its role in reducing levels of these cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.

He points out that part of the reason for the misuse of the term adrenal fatigue arises from the fact that burnout is often only associated with work stress.

“Recently, the ICD-11 [International Classification of Diseases-11] recognized burnout as a disease but focused only on work stress as a cause. The truth is that people can be burned out for many other reasons,” said Dr. Campos.

The Endocrine Society notes on their webpage dedicated to the topic that “adrenal fatigue” as a term, relates to long-term mental, emotional, or physical stress.

“The problem is not the adrenals — it is the exposure to stress in the brain. The brain — only one organ — is responsible for 40% of energy consumption in the body. As you can imagine, if you are under constant stress, you run out of gas very quickly and cannot function well,” he explained.

Adrenal fatigue theory suggests that, under stress, the adrenal glands produce too many short bursts of cortisol resulting in overall reduced cortisol levels and a feeling of being drained.

“As with many other psychiatric diseases, we do not have a way to measure biomarkers in the brain. The testing for cortisol does not work because it fluctuates too much from time to time. So, it is not reliable or reproducible,” Dr. Campos said. 

This leads to the ongoing question of the best way to test and diagnose adrenal fatigue, whether it should be via blood, urine and/or saliva. And even if that is determined, there are still questions about the best time to test, how often, what the normal ranges are and how reliable the tests are.

While adrenal fatigue is not a recognized condition, adrenal insufficiency is medically recognized, resulting from an inability of the adrenal glands to make the life-essential hormones aldosterone and/or cortisol, with symptoms that include fatigue, belly pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and joint aches.

“Adrenal cocktails are not an effective treatment for adrenal insufficiency because they do not replace the missing hormones,” Dr. Nieman stated, pointing out that anyone with symptoms of adrenal insufficiency needs to see an endocrinologist.

Pratibha Rao, MD, MPH, an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, and medical director of the Adrenal Center at Cleveland Clinic, agreed, advising that if people continue to feel exhausted beyond their normal exertion, then they should get checked for signs of adrenal insufficiency.

“In primary adrenal insufficiency, you can actually start seeing darkening of the gums and of the skin on the palms of the hands or the soles of your feet. Sometimes people can feel dizzy or experience some loss of consciousness,” she said. “If it’s sudden and severe, you may crave salt or have extreme heat or cold intolerance.”

Recognizing and Managing Patient Frustration

The lack of formal diagnostic criteria and medical evidence, however, doesn’t mean that such symptoms as fatigue and depression don’t present, often causing significant distress for patients. While the symptoms might not be associated with the adrenal glands, they still need addressing — but how that is done is, in essence, a bone of contention.

Dr. Rao empathizes with the situation that many people, often young women, find themselves in.

“Patients are frustrated. They’ve gone to multiple doctors across the country, and they feel convinced they have adrenal fatigue, but no medical doctor has endorsed it. They end up coming to us with a cry that has so often gone unanswered.”

This issue also highlights that there are millions of people experiencing mental, emotional, and physical distress of unknown cause who seek help, many of whom believe it is related to their adrenal gland function.

But rather than turning to a social media cure, Dr. Rao stresses that people would benefit more from paying greater attention to following a healthy lifestyle than regularly consuming sugar-rich drinks claimed to offer a solution. Adrenal cocktails are energy-rich, frothy blends of orange juice, coconut milk, cream of tartar, and Himalayan salt.

“We truly are what we eat, and we are what we think,” she noted.

The body is a miraculous machine, but “we forget that it does need maintenance,” Dr. Rao said. “Up to age 30, the body is so forgiving with drugs, alcohol, or whatever insult we do to it, but after the third decade, slowly every cell starts to degenerate instead of growing. We start to see the ill or beneficial effects of lifestyle habits.” 

“We insult the body, and then we say, ‘oh, I have fatigue’ and seek a quick fix,” she added. “Everyone wants instant gratification.”

Dr. Rao cautioned that adrenal cocktails could be dangerous for someone who has other medical conditions.

“If someone has kidney disease, uncontrolled hypertension, or diabetes, for example, then adrenal cocktails are definitely not safe,” Dr. Rao said. “Loading up with potassium and sodium, which is found in high quantities in adrenal cocktails, will actually worsen any kidney damage, while consuming so much sugar will cause an unregulated rise in blood sugar and further damage in someone with diabetes.”

Dr. Rao also stressed that nonprofessional advice given on social media could take patient people down the wrong path with associated danger.

A version of this article appeared on

While TikTok overflows with images of influencers making “adrenal cocktails” to combat what they call adrenal fatigue, the Endocrine Society says “no scientific proof exists to support adrenal fatigue as a true medical condition.”

Even before influencers began touting it on social media, a 2016 systematic review concluded that there is “no substantiation that adrenal fatigue” is an actual medical condition. Therefore, adrenal fatigue is still a myth.

Lynette Nieman, MD, Senior Investigator and Chief of the Endocrinology Consultation Service at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, concurs.

“There is no scientific evidence that adrenal fatigue exists or causes [general] fatigue, depression, or the many common symptoms that are said to result from this condition,” she told this news organization via email.

Still, the term has gained currency among not only social media influencers who blame it for everything from cortisol surges to estrogen imbalances but also functional and integrative medical practitioners as an explanation for chronic dysfunction related to stress. 

Adrenal Fatigue, Burnout, or Adrenal Insufficiency?

Rather than “adrenal fatigue,” Marcelo Campos, MD, a primary care doctor at Atrius Health, said he prefers the medical term “burnout.”

Use of “burnout” shifts attention to the brain’s role in stress-related chronic dysfunction rather than the adrenal glands, said Dr. Campos, who also teaches at Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

More specifically still, the focuses might shift to the stress-response via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis and its role in reducing levels of these cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.

He points out that part of the reason for the misuse of the term adrenal fatigue arises from the fact that burnout is often only associated with work stress.

“Recently, the ICD-11 [International Classification of Diseases-11] recognized burnout as a disease but focused only on work stress as a cause. The truth is that people can be burned out for many other reasons,” said Dr. Campos.

The Endocrine Society notes on their webpage dedicated to the topic that “adrenal fatigue” as a term, relates to long-term mental, emotional, or physical stress.

“The problem is not the adrenals — it is the exposure to stress in the brain. The brain — only one organ — is responsible for 40% of energy consumption in the body. As you can imagine, if you are under constant stress, you run out of gas very quickly and cannot function well,” he explained.

Adrenal fatigue theory suggests that, under stress, the adrenal glands produce too many short bursts of cortisol resulting in overall reduced cortisol levels and a feeling of being drained.

“As with many other psychiatric diseases, we do not have a way to measure biomarkers in the brain. The testing for cortisol does not work because it fluctuates too much from time to time. So, it is not reliable or reproducible,” Dr. Campos said. 

This leads to the ongoing question of the best way to test and diagnose adrenal fatigue, whether it should be via blood, urine and/or saliva. And even if that is determined, there are still questions about the best time to test, how often, what the normal ranges are and how reliable the tests are.

While adrenal fatigue is not a recognized condition, adrenal insufficiency is medically recognized, resulting from an inability of the adrenal glands to make the life-essential hormones aldosterone and/or cortisol, with symptoms that include fatigue, belly pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and joint aches.

“Adrenal cocktails are not an effective treatment for adrenal insufficiency because they do not replace the missing hormones,” Dr. Nieman stated, pointing out that anyone with symptoms of adrenal insufficiency needs to see an endocrinologist.

Pratibha Rao, MD, MPH, an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, and medical director of the Adrenal Center at Cleveland Clinic, agreed, advising that if people continue to feel exhausted beyond their normal exertion, then they should get checked for signs of adrenal insufficiency.

“In primary adrenal insufficiency, you can actually start seeing darkening of the gums and of the skin on the palms of the hands or the soles of your feet. Sometimes people can feel dizzy or experience some loss of consciousness,” she said. “If it’s sudden and severe, you may crave salt or have extreme heat or cold intolerance.”

Recognizing and Managing Patient Frustration

The lack of formal diagnostic criteria and medical evidence, however, doesn’t mean that such symptoms as fatigue and depression don’t present, often causing significant distress for patients. While the symptoms might not be associated with the adrenal glands, they still need addressing — but how that is done is, in essence, a bone of contention.

Dr. Rao empathizes with the situation that many people, often young women, find themselves in.

“Patients are frustrated. They’ve gone to multiple doctors across the country, and they feel convinced they have adrenal fatigue, but no medical doctor has endorsed it. They end up coming to us with a cry that has so often gone unanswered.”

This issue also highlights that there are millions of people experiencing mental, emotional, and physical distress of unknown cause who seek help, many of whom believe it is related to their adrenal gland function.

But rather than turning to a social media cure, Dr. Rao stresses that people would benefit more from paying greater attention to following a healthy lifestyle than regularly consuming sugar-rich drinks claimed to offer a solution. Adrenal cocktails are energy-rich, frothy blends of orange juice, coconut milk, cream of tartar, and Himalayan salt.

“We truly are what we eat, and we are what we think,” she noted.

The body is a miraculous machine, but “we forget that it does need maintenance,” Dr. Rao said. “Up to age 30, the body is so forgiving with drugs, alcohol, or whatever insult we do to it, but after the third decade, slowly every cell starts to degenerate instead of growing. We start to see the ill or beneficial effects of lifestyle habits.” 

“We insult the body, and then we say, ‘oh, I have fatigue’ and seek a quick fix,” she added. “Everyone wants instant gratification.”

Dr. Rao cautioned that adrenal cocktails could be dangerous for someone who has other medical conditions.

“If someone has kidney disease, uncontrolled hypertension, or diabetes, for example, then adrenal cocktails are definitely not safe,” Dr. Rao said. “Loading up with potassium and sodium, which is found in high quantities in adrenal cocktails, will actually worsen any kidney damage, while consuming so much sugar will cause an unregulated rise in blood sugar and further damage in someone with diabetes.”

Dr. Rao also stressed that nonprofessional advice given on social media could take patient people down the wrong path with associated danger.

A version of this article appeared on

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Scents May Improve Memory in Major Depression

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Tue, 02/27/2024 - 13:11



Scents that trigger specific, vivid autobiographical memories (AMs) could improve deficits in memory recall in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), new research suggests. Investigators found that odor cues may be a stronger tool than word cues for improving memory, which could help reduce MDD symptoms.


  • Participants included 32 individuals aged 18-55 years (mean age, 30 years; 26 females) with a diagnosis of MDD recruited from the community.
  • Those with psychosis, bipolar I or II, neurological disorders, or drug or alcohol abuse were excluded.
  • Participants were presented with a series of 12 words and 12 odors, such as cough syrup, tobacco ash, and Vicks VapoRub, and asked to recall a specific memory in response to each cue.
  • AMs were rated in terms of vividness, frequency, and whether they were associated with positive or negative emotions.


  • Although participants only guessed correct stimulus odors 30% of the time, they recalled more specific memories from odor cues than from word cues (68% vs 52%; P < .001).
  • Odor-cued recall was more arousing and vivid (P < .001) than recall responses generated by word cues.
  • Compared with the population mean for responses to word cues in healthy controls, study participants recalled fewer specific memories in response to words (P < .001), but the percentage of specific memories recalled in response to odor cues did not differ from the healthy control population mean.
  • Investigators hoped to further their research by investigating the mechanisms underlying odor-cued AMs, particularly to test if the amygdala and hippocampus are activated during recall.


“This study suggests the potential for increasing autobiographical memory specificity in individuals with MDD, with the future goal of reducing depression symptoms for this population and informing a better understanding of the neural mechanisms influencing odor-based AM recall,” the authors wrote. “We hope this initial study spurs larger studies in more diverse samples that include healthy control participants to further investigate and explain these associations.”


Kymberly D. Young, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, led the study, which was published online on February 13, 2024, in JAMA Network Open


Study limitations included the lack of a healthy control group and the small sample size. 


The study was funded internally by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania. No disclosures were reported.

A version of this article appeared on




Scents that trigger specific, vivid autobiographical memories (AMs) could improve deficits in memory recall in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), new research suggests. Investigators found that odor cues may be a stronger tool than word cues for improving memory, which could help reduce MDD symptoms.


  • Participants included 32 individuals aged 18-55 years (mean age, 30 years; 26 females) with a diagnosis of MDD recruited from the community.
  • Those with psychosis, bipolar I or II, neurological disorders, or drug or alcohol abuse were excluded.
  • Participants were presented with a series of 12 words and 12 odors, such as cough syrup, tobacco ash, and Vicks VapoRub, and asked to recall a specific memory in response to each cue.
  • AMs were rated in terms of vividness, frequency, and whether they were associated with positive or negative emotions.


  • Although participants only guessed correct stimulus odors 30% of the time, they recalled more specific memories from odor cues than from word cues (68% vs 52%; P < .001).
  • Odor-cued recall was more arousing and vivid (P < .001) than recall responses generated by word cues.
  • Compared with the population mean for responses to word cues in healthy controls, study participants recalled fewer specific memories in response to words (P < .001), but the percentage of specific memories recalled in response to odor cues did not differ from the healthy control population mean.
  • Investigators hoped to further their research by investigating the mechanisms underlying odor-cued AMs, particularly to test if the amygdala and hippocampus are activated during recall.


“This study suggests the potential for increasing autobiographical memory specificity in individuals with MDD, with the future goal of reducing depression symptoms for this population and informing a better understanding of the neural mechanisms influencing odor-based AM recall,” the authors wrote. “We hope this initial study spurs larger studies in more diverse samples that include healthy control participants to further investigate and explain these associations.”


Kymberly D. Young, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, led the study, which was published online on February 13, 2024, in JAMA Network Open


Study limitations included the lack of a healthy control group and the small sample size. 


The study was funded internally by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania. No disclosures were reported.

A version of this article appeared on



Scents that trigger specific, vivid autobiographical memories (AMs) could improve deficits in memory recall in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), new research suggests. Investigators found that odor cues may be a stronger tool than word cues for improving memory, which could help reduce MDD symptoms.


  • Participants included 32 individuals aged 18-55 years (mean age, 30 years; 26 females) with a diagnosis of MDD recruited from the community.
  • Those with psychosis, bipolar I or II, neurological disorders, or drug or alcohol abuse were excluded.
  • Participants were presented with a series of 12 words and 12 odors, such as cough syrup, tobacco ash, and Vicks VapoRub, and asked to recall a specific memory in response to each cue.
  • AMs were rated in terms of vividness, frequency, and whether they were associated with positive or negative emotions.


  • Although participants only guessed correct stimulus odors 30% of the time, they recalled more specific memories from odor cues than from word cues (68% vs 52%; P < .001).
  • Odor-cued recall was more arousing and vivid (P < .001) than recall responses generated by word cues.
  • Compared with the population mean for responses to word cues in healthy controls, study participants recalled fewer specific memories in response to words (P < .001), but the percentage of specific memories recalled in response to odor cues did not differ from the healthy control population mean.
  • Investigators hoped to further their research by investigating the mechanisms underlying odor-cued AMs, particularly to test if the amygdala and hippocampus are activated during recall.


“This study suggests the potential for increasing autobiographical memory specificity in individuals with MDD, with the future goal of reducing depression symptoms for this population and informing a better understanding of the neural mechanisms influencing odor-based AM recall,” the authors wrote. “We hope this initial study spurs larger studies in more diverse samples that include healthy control participants to further investigate and explain these associations.”


Kymberly D. Young, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, led the study, which was published online on February 13, 2024, in JAMA Network Open


Study limitations included the lack of a healthy control group and the small sample size. 


The study was funded internally by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania. No disclosures were reported.

A version of this article appeared on

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Lying-in No Longer: Staying Active Key to Healthy Pregnancy

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Fri, 02/16/2024 - 13:11

A trio of studies (abstracts 1101, 1079, and 944) presented on February 14 at the meeting sponsored by the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine point to the power of staying physically active during pregnancy. The work highlights the beneficial effects of exercise on a variety of outcomes, including depression, anxiety, and reducing the rate of cesarean deliveries.

“Twenty-plus years ago, there were so many recommendations for bed rest in pregnancy,” said Danielle Panelli, MD, a maternal-fetal medicine physician and research scholar at Stanford University in Stanford, California. “We’ve really come full circle on that.” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends pregnant people get at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. 

Dr. Panelli and colleagues looked at the association of physical activity and anxiety among three groups of pregnant people: 20 outpatients from low-risk obstetric clinics, 20 outpatients from high-risk obstetric clinics, and 19 inpatients. Participants wore accelerometer watches for up to seven days to measure physical activity. The primary outcome was mean daily step count, with secondary outcomes including metabolic equivalent tasks (METs), moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and anxiety as measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. 

Low-risk outpatients had an average daily step count of 9090 compared with high-risk outpatients at 8898 and inpatients at 6493. Compared with outpatients, inpatients also had significantly lower METs (adjusted beta, -0.20; 95% CI -0.26 to -0.13; P < .001), and MVPAs (adjusted beta, -43.6; 95% CI, -61.2 to -25.9; P < .001). Over the course of a week, steps progressively decreased for inpatients but not for women in either of the outpatient groups. Among the entire cohort, lower step counts correlated with higher anxiety scores (r = 0.30; P = .02).

“These results highlight the need for physical activity interventions, particularly for hospitalized pregnant people,” Dr. Panelli said. That could be something as simple as asking patients to walk three laps around the unit per day, she suggested.

A second study investigated the effect of physical activity during pregnancy on peripartum depression. Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham reviewed data from participants in nuMoM2b, a large cohort study of pregnant women who would be delivering for the first time and had at least one medical comorbidity, such as chronic hypertensionasthma, or cardiac disease. The investigators looked at activity logs maintained by study participants and turned in at three study visits: 6-13.6 weeks, 14-21.6 weeks, and 22-29.6 weeks. 

Being physically active was associated with 15% lower odds of having an Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Score (EPDS) > 10 (adjusted odds ratio, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.72-0.99). Nine percent of people in the active group and 12% of people in the nonactive group had an EPDS > 10, which is suggestive of depression. However, a change in EPDS from visit one to three and treatment for perinatal depression did not differ by physical activity. 

“One of the interesting findings are that we didn’t see any safety signals [from exercise], so there wasn’t an increase in suspected fetal growth restriction or low fluid or preterm birth, or actual birthweight being low in the people who were active,” said Charlotte McCarley, MD, a maternal-fetal medicine fellow at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, who led the research. “A lot of studies have been done that have looked at prospective exercise in pregnancy, but they exclude the cohort that we looked at for concern that there may be a safety issue.” 

In a third study, researchers at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel, looked at the effect of physical activity on mode of delivery. The prospective observational analysis included 401 women with singleton pregnancies attempting vaginal deliveries. 

The researchers tracked the number of daily steps taken during gestation using validated phone apps. They adjusted their findings for age, parity, body mass index, and medical and obstetric history. 

The investigators observed a gradual decrease in physical activity as pregnancy progressed (mean of 3184 steps in the first trimester, 2700 steps in mid-pregnancy, and 2152 steps in the third trimester). The overall incidence of cesarean delivery was 10.5%. However, women who were more active during pregnancy had a significantly lower incidence of cesarean delivery. 

Area under the ROC curve, with a cut-off of 2093.5 daily steps, was 0.694 (95% CI, 0.615-0.773), resulting in a significant risk reduction in a 78% reduction in the rate of cesarean surgery (odds ratio, 0.22; 95% CI, 0.104-0.465).

More active patients also had a reduced composite outcome of gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, and preeclampsia; less use of epidural analgesia during labor; and less postpartum hemorrhage. Preterm birth, labor induction, neonatal weight, and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit were not significantly affected, the researchers reported. 

“Maintaining an active lifestyle during pregnancy should be strongly encouraged,” they wrote. 

The investigators disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article appeared on


A trio of studies (abstracts 1101, 1079, and 944) presented on February 14 at the meeting sponsored by the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine point to the power of staying physically active during pregnancy. The work highlights the beneficial effects of exercise on a variety of outcomes, including depression, anxiety, and reducing the rate of cesarean deliveries.

“Twenty-plus years ago, there were so many recommendations for bed rest in pregnancy,” said Danielle Panelli, MD, a maternal-fetal medicine physician and research scholar at Stanford University in Stanford, California. “We’ve really come full circle on that.” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends pregnant people get at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. 

Dr. Panelli and colleagues looked at the association of physical activity and anxiety among three groups of pregnant people: 20 outpatients from low-risk obstetric clinics, 20 outpatients from high-risk obstetric clinics, and 19 inpatients. Participants wore accelerometer watches for up to seven days to measure physical activity. The primary outcome was mean daily step count, with secondary outcomes including metabolic equivalent tasks (METs), moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and anxiety as measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. 

Low-risk outpatients had an average daily step count of 9090 compared with high-risk outpatients at 8898 and inpatients at 6493. Compared with outpatients, inpatients also had significantly lower METs (adjusted beta, -0.20; 95% CI -0.26 to -0.13; P < .001), and MVPAs (adjusted beta, -43.6; 95% CI, -61.2 to -25.9; P < .001). Over the course of a week, steps progressively decreased for inpatients but not for women in either of the outpatient groups. Among the entire cohort, lower step counts correlated with higher anxiety scores (r = 0.30; P = .02).

“These results highlight the need for physical activity interventions, particularly for hospitalized pregnant people,” Dr. Panelli said. That could be something as simple as asking patients to walk three laps around the unit per day, she suggested.

A second study investigated the effect of physical activity during pregnancy on peripartum depression. Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham reviewed data from participants in nuMoM2b, a large cohort study of pregnant women who would be delivering for the first time and had at least one medical comorbidity, such as chronic hypertensionasthma, or cardiac disease. The investigators looked at activity logs maintained by study participants and turned in at three study visits: 6-13.6 weeks, 14-21.6 weeks, and 22-29.6 weeks. 

Being physically active was associated with 15% lower odds of having an Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Score (EPDS) > 10 (adjusted odds ratio, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.72-0.99). Nine percent of people in the active group and 12% of people in the nonactive group had an EPDS > 10, which is suggestive of depression. However, a change in EPDS from visit one to three and treatment for perinatal depression did not differ by physical activity. 

“One of the interesting findings are that we didn’t see any safety signals [from exercise], so there wasn’t an increase in suspected fetal growth restriction or low fluid or preterm birth, or actual birthweight being low in the people who were active,” said Charlotte McCarley, MD, a maternal-fetal medicine fellow at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, who led the research. “A lot of studies have been done that have looked at prospective exercise in pregnancy, but they exclude the cohort that we looked at for concern that there may be a safety issue.” 

In a third study, researchers at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel, looked at the effect of physical activity on mode of delivery. The prospective observational analysis included 401 women with singleton pregnancies attempting vaginal deliveries. 

The researchers tracked the number of daily steps taken during gestation using validated phone apps. They adjusted their findings for age, parity, body mass index, and medical and obstetric history. 

The investigators observed a gradual decrease in physical activity as pregnancy progressed (mean of 3184 steps in the first trimester, 2700 steps in mid-pregnancy, and 2152 steps in the third trimester). The overall incidence of cesarean delivery was 10.5%. However, women who were more active during pregnancy had a significantly lower incidence of cesarean delivery. 

Area under the ROC curve, with a cut-off of 2093.5 daily steps, was 0.694 (95% CI, 0.615-0.773), resulting in a significant risk reduction in a 78% reduction in the rate of cesarean surgery (odds ratio, 0.22; 95% CI, 0.104-0.465).

More active patients also had a reduced composite outcome of gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, and preeclampsia; less use of epidural analgesia during labor; and less postpartum hemorrhage. Preterm birth, labor induction, neonatal weight, and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit were not significantly affected, the researchers reported. 

“Maintaining an active lifestyle during pregnancy should be strongly encouraged,” they wrote. 

The investigators disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article appeared on

A trio of studies (abstracts 1101, 1079, and 944) presented on February 14 at the meeting sponsored by the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine point to the power of staying physically active during pregnancy. The work highlights the beneficial effects of exercise on a variety of outcomes, including depression, anxiety, and reducing the rate of cesarean deliveries.

“Twenty-plus years ago, there were so many recommendations for bed rest in pregnancy,” said Danielle Panelli, MD, a maternal-fetal medicine physician and research scholar at Stanford University in Stanford, California. “We’ve really come full circle on that.” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends pregnant people get at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. 

Dr. Panelli and colleagues looked at the association of physical activity and anxiety among three groups of pregnant people: 20 outpatients from low-risk obstetric clinics, 20 outpatients from high-risk obstetric clinics, and 19 inpatients. Participants wore accelerometer watches for up to seven days to measure physical activity. The primary outcome was mean daily step count, with secondary outcomes including metabolic equivalent tasks (METs), moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and anxiety as measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. 

Low-risk outpatients had an average daily step count of 9090 compared with high-risk outpatients at 8898 and inpatients at 6493. Compared with outpatients, inpatients also had significantly lower METs (adjusted beta, -0.20; 95% CI -0.26 to -0.13; P < .001), and MVPAs (adjusted beta, -43.6; 95% CI, -61.2 to -25.9; P < .001). Over the course of a week, steps progressively decreased for inpatients but not for women in either of the outpatient groups. Among the entire cohort, lower step counts correlated with higher anxiety scores (r = 0.30; P = .02).

“These results highlight the need for physical activity interventions, particularly for hospitalized pregnant people,” Dr. Panelli said. That could be something as simple as asking patients to walk three laps around the unit per day, she suggested.

A second study investigated the effect of physical activity during pregnancy on peripartum depression. Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham reviewed data from participants in nuMoM2b, a large cohort study of pregnant women who would be delivering for the first time and had at least one medical comorbidity, such as chronic hypertensionasthma, or cardiac disease. The investigators looked at activity logs maintained by study participants and turned in at three study visits: 6-13.6 weeks, 14-21.6 weeks, and 22-29.6 weeks. 

Being physically active was associated with 15% lower odds of having an Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Score (EPDS) > 10 (adjusted odds ratio, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.72-0.99). Nine percent of people in the active group and 12% of people in the nonactive group had an EPDS > 10, which is suggestive of depression. However, a change in EPDS from visit one to three and treatment for perinatal depression did not differ by physical activity. 

“One of the interesting findings are that we didn’t see any safety signals [from exercise], so there wasn’t an increase in suspected fetal growth restriction or low fluid or preterm birth, or actual birthweight being low in the people who were active,” said Charlotte McCarley, MD, a maternal-fetal medicine fellow at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, who led the research. “A lot of studies have been done that have looked at prospective exercise in pregnancy, but they exclude the cohort that we looked at for concern that there may be a safety issue.” 

In a third study, researchers at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel, looked at the effect of physical activity on mode of delivery. The prospective observational analysis included 401 women with singleton pregnancies attempting vaginal deliveries. 

The researchers tracked the number of daily steps taken during gestation using validated phone apps. They adjusted their findings for age, parity, body mass index, and medical and obstetric history. 

The investigators observed a gradual decrease in physical activity as pregnancy progressed (mean of 3184 steps in the first trimester, 2700 steps in mid-pregnancy, and 2152 steps in the third trimester). The overall incidence of cesarean delivery was 10.5%. However, women who were more active during pregnancy had a significantly lower incidence of cesarean delivery. 

Area under the ROC curve, with a cut-off of 2093.5 daily steps, was 0.694 (95% CI, 0.615-0.773), resulting in a significant risk reduction in a 78% reduction in the rate of cesarean surgery (odds ratio, 0.22; 95% CI, 0.104-0.465).

More active patients also had a reduced composite outcome of gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, and preeclampsia; less use of epidural analgesia during labor; and less postpartum hemorrhage. Preterm birth, labor induction, neonatal weight, and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit were not significantly affected, the researchers reported. 

“Maintaining an active lifestyle during pregnancy should be strongly encouraged,” they wrote. 

The investigators disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article appeared on

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Mood Interventions May Reduce IBD Inflammation

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Tue, 02/13/2024 - 11:31

Various interventions that improve mood — such as psychological therapy, antidepressants, and exercise — reduce general inflammation and disease-specific biomarkers in people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), according to a new study.

“IBD is a distressing condition, and current medication that reduces inflammation is expensive and can have side effects,” said Natasha Seaton, first author and a PhD student at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London.

“Our study showed that interventions that treat mental health reduce levels of inflammation in the body,” she said. “This indicates that mood interventions could be a valuable tool in our approach to help those with IBD.”

The study was published online in eBioMedicine.

Analyzing Mood Interventions

Ms. Seaton and colleagues conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in adults with IBD that measured inflammatory biomarker levels and tested a mood intervention, including those aimed at reducing depression, anxiety, stress, or distress or improving emotional well-being.

Looking at data from 28 randomized controlled trials with 1789 participants, the research team evaluated whether mood interventions affected IBD inflammation, particularly IBD indicators such as C-reactive protein and fecal calprotectin, and other general inflammatory biomarkers.

The researchers found mood interventions significantly reduced levels of inflammatory biomarkers, compared with controls, corresponding to an 18% reduction in inflammatory biomarkers.

Psychological therapies had the best outcomes related to IBD inflammation, compared with antidepressants or exercise. These therapies included cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction.

Individual analyses of IBD-specific inflammatory markers found small but statistically significant reductions in C-reactive protein and fecal calprotectin after a mood intervention. This could mean mood treatments have positive effects on both inflammation and disease-specific biomarkers, the authors wrote.

In addition, interventions that had a larger positive effect on mood had a greater effect in reducing inflammatory biomarkers. This suggests that a better mood could reduce IBD inflammation, they noted.

“We know stress-related feelings can increase inflammation, and the findings suggest that by improving mood, we can reduce this type of inflammation,” said Valeria Mondelli, MD, PhD, clinical professor of psychoneuroimmunology at King’s IoPPN.

Dr. Valeria Mondelli, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London, England
Courtesy Dr. Mondelli
Dr. Valeria Mondelli

“This adds to the growing body of research demonstrating the role of inflammation in mental health and suggests that interventions working to improve mood could also have direct physical effects on levels of inflammation,” she said. “However, more research is needed to understand exact mechanisms in IBD.”

Cost Benefit

Many IBD interventions and medications can be expensive for patients, have significant negative side effects, and have a lower long-term treatment response, the authors noted. Mood interventions, whether psychological therapy or medication, could potentially reduce costs and improve both mood and inflammation.

Previous studies have indicated that psychosocial factors, as well as mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, affect IBD symptom severity and progression, the authors wrote. However, researchers still need to understand the mechanisms behind this connection, including gut-brain dynamics.

Future research should focus on interventions that have been effective at improving mood in patients with IBD, assess inflammation and disease activity at numerous timepoints, and include potential variables related to illness self-management, the authors wrote.

In addition, implementation of mood interventions for IBD management may require better continuity of care and healthcare integration.

“Integrated mental health support, alongside pharmacological treatments, may offer a more holistic approach to IBD care, potentially leading to reduced disease and healthcare costs,” said Rona Moss-Morris, PhD, senior author and professor of psychology at King’s IoPPN.

Dr. Rona Moss-Morris, professor of psychology as applied to medicine at King’s College London, England
King’s College London
Dr. Rona Moss-Morris

Medications taken to reduce inflammation can be costly compared with psychological therapies, she said. “Given this, including psychological interventions, such as cost-effective digital interventions, within IBD management might reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medication, resulting in an overall cost benefit.”

The study was funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and National Institute for Health and Care Research Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre, which is hosted by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with King’s College London. Ms. Seaton was funded by an MRC Doctoral Training Partnership. No other interests were declared.

A version of this article appeared on


Various interventions that improve mood — such as psychological therapy, antidepressants, and exercise — reduce general inflammation and disease-specific biomarkers in people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), according to a new study.

“IBD is a distressing condition, and current medication that reduces inflammation is expensive and can have side effects,” said Natasha Seaton, first author and a PhD student at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London.

“Our study showed that interventions that treat mental health reduce levels of inflammation in the body,” she said. “This indicates that mood interventions could be a valuable tool in our approach to help those with IBD.”

The study was published online in eBioMedicine.

Analyzing Mood Interventions

Ms. Seaton and colleagues conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in adults with IBD that measured inflammatory biomarker levels and tested a mood intervention, including those aimed at reducing depression, anxiety, stress, or distress or improving emotional well-being.

Looking at data from 28 randomized controlled trials with 1789 participants, the research team evaluated whether mood interventions affected IBD inflammation, particularly IBD indicators such as C-reactive protein and fecal calprotectin, and other general inflammatory biomarkers.

The researchers found mood interventions significantly reduced levels of inflammatory biomarkers, compared with controls, corresponding to an 18% reduction in inflammatory biomarkers.

Psychological therapies had the best outcomes related to IBD inflammation, compared with antidepressants or exercise. These therapies included cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction.

Individual analyses of IBD-specific inflammatory markers found small but statistically significant reductions in C-reactive protein and fecal calprotectin after a mood intervention. This could mean mood treatments have positive effects on both inflammation and disease-specific biomarkers, the authors wrote.

In addition, interventions that had a larger positive effect on mood had a greater effect in reducing inflammatory biomarkers. This suggests that a better mood could reduce IBD inflammation, they noted.

“We know stress-related feelings can increase inflammation, and the findings suggest that by improving mood, we can reduce this type of inflammation,” said Valeria Mondelli, MD, PhD, clinical professor of psychoneuroimmunology at King’s IoPPN.

Dr. Valeria Mondelli, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London, England
Courtesy Dr. Mondelli
Dr. Valeria Mondelli

“This adds to the growing body of research demonstrating the role of inflammation in mental health and suggests that interventions working to improve mood could also have direct physical effects on levels of inflammation,” she said. “However, more research is needed to understand exact mechanisms in IBD.”

Cost Benefit

Many IBD interventions and medications can be expensive for patients, have significant negative side effects, and have a lower long-term treatment response, the authors noted. Mood interventions, whether psychological therapy or medication, could potentially reduce costs and improve both mood and inflammation.

Previous studies have indicated that psychosocial factors, as well as mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, affect IBD symptom severity and progression, the authors wrote. However, researchers still need to understand the mechanisms behind this connection, including gut-brain dynamics.

Future research should focus on interventions that have been effective at improving mood in patients with IBD, assess inflammation and disease activity at numerous timepoints, and include potential variables related to illness self-management, the authors wrote.

In addition, implementation of mood interventions for IBD management may require better continuity of care and healthcare integration.

“Integrated mental health support, alongside pharmacological treatments, may offer a more holistic approach to IBD care, potentially leading to reduced disease and healthcare costs,” said Rona Moss-Morris, PhD, senior author and professor of psychology at King’s IoPPN.

Dr. Rona Moss-Morris, professor of psychology as applied to medicine at King’s College London, England
King’s College London
Dr. Rona Moss-Morris

Medications taken to reduce inflammation can be costly compared with psychological therapies, she said. “Given this, including psychological interventions, such as cost-effective digital interventions, within IBD management might reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medication, resulting in an overall cost benefit.”

The study was funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and National Institute for Health and Care Research Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre, which is hosted by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with King’s College London. Ms. Seaton was funded by an MRC Doctoral Training Partnership. No other interests were declared.

A version of this article appeared on

Various interventions that improve mood — such as psychological therapy, antidepressants, and exercise — reduce general inflammation and disease-specific biomarkers in people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), according to a new study.

“IBD is a distressing condition, and current medication that reduces inflammation is expensive and can have side effects,” said Natasha Seaton, first author and a PhD student at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London.

“Our study showed that interventions that treat mental health reduce levels of inflammation in the body,” she said. “This indicates that mood interventions could be a valuable tool in our approach to help those with IBD.”

The study was published online in eBioMedicine.

Analyzing Mood Interventions

Ms. Seaton and colleagues conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in adults with IBD that measured inflammatory biomarker levels and tested a mood intervention, including those aimed at reducing depression, anxiety, stress, or distress or improving emotional well-being.

Looking at data from 28 randomized controlled trials with 1789 participants, the research team evaluated whether mood interventions affected IBD inflammation, particularly IBD indicators such as C-reactive protein and fecal calprotectin, and other general inflammatory biomarkers.

The researchers found mood interventions significantly reduced levels of inflammatory biomarkers, compared with controls, corresponding to an 18% reduction in inflammatory biomarkers.

Psychological therapies had the best outcomes related to IBD inflammation, compared with antidepressants or exercise. These therapies included cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction.

Individual analyses of IBD-specific inflammatory markers found small but statistically significant reductions in C-reactive protein and fecal calprotectin after a mood intervention. This could mean mood treatments have positive effects on both inflammation and disease-specific biomarkers, the authors wrote.

In addition, interventions that had a larger positive effect on mood had a greater effect in reducing inflammatory biomarkers. This suggests that a better mood could reduce IBD inflammation, they noted.

“We know stress-related feelings can increase inflammation, and the findings suggest that by improving mood, we can reduce this type of inflammation,” said Valeria Mondelli, MD, PhD, clinical professor of psychoneuroimmunology at King’s IoPPN.

Dr. Valeria Mondelli, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London, England
Courtesy Dr. Mondelli
Dr. Valeria Mondelli

“This adds to the growing body of research demonstrating the role of inflammation in mental health and suggests that interventions working to improve mood could also have direct physical effects on levels of inflammation,” she said. “However, more research is needed to understand exact mechanisms in IBD.”

Cost Benefit

Many IBD interventions and medications can be expensive for patients, have significant negative side effects, and have a lower long-term treatment response, the authors noted. Mood interventions, whether psychological therapy or medication, could potentially reduce costs and improve both mood and inflammation.

Previous studies have indicated that psychosocial factors, as well as mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, affect IBD symptom severity and progression, the authors wrote. However, researchers still need to understand the mechanisms behind this connection, including gut-brain dynamics.

Future research should focus on interventions that have been effective at improving mood in patients with IBD, assess inflammation and disease activity at numerous timepoints, and include potential variables related to illness self-management, the authors wrote.

In addition, implementation of mood interventions for IBD management may require better continuity of care and healthcare integration.

“Integrated mental health support, alongside pharmacological treatments, may offer a more holistic approach to IBD care, potentially leading to reduced disease and healthcare costs,” said Rona Moss-Morris, PhD, senior author and professor of psychology at King’s IoPPN.

Dr. Rona Moss-Morris, professor of psychology as applied to medicine at King’s College London, England
King’s College London
Dr. Rona Moss-Morris

Medications taken to reduce inflammation can be costly compared with psychological therapies, she said. “Given this, including psychological interventions, such as cost-effective digital interventions, within IBD management might reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medication, resulting in an overall cost benefit.”

The study was funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and National Institute for Health and Care Research Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre, which is hosted by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with King’s College London. Ms. Seaton was funded by an MRC Doctoral Training Partnership. No other interests were declared.

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Study Suggests Mind-Body Benefits of GLP-1s

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Mon, 02/12/2024 - 13:04

People taking a popular type of drug for weight loss or to manage diabetes have a lower likelihood of being newly diagnosed with depression or anxiety, according to an analysis of millions of people’s health records.

The findings were published this week by researchers from the electronic health record company Epic. Researchers looked for new diagnoses of depression or anxiety among people who started taking drugs from a class called GLP-1 agonists that can help manage blood sugar or treat obesity by mimicking hormone levels in the body that can affect appetite and blood sugar. Many people who take the drugs experience significant weight loss.

The researchers found that people with diabetes who started taking most versions of GLP-1 agonists were between 11% and 65% less likely to be newly diagnosed with depression than people with diabetes who didn’t take one of the drugs. The greatest reduction in likelihood of a new depression diagnosis was observed among people taking tirzepatide, which is sold under the brand names Mounjaro and Zepbound. 

A reduced likelihood of being diagnosed with anxiety was also observed among people with diabetes after they started taking a GLP-1 agonist, compared to people with diabetes who didn’t take one of the drugs. Again, tirzepatide showed the greatest reduction in odds, with people taking that drug experiencing a 60% reduced likelihood of being newly diagnosed with anxiety.

Similar reductions in the likelihood of new depression or anxiety diagnoses were observed among people who didn’t have diabetes but were taking GLP-1 agonists, such as for weight loss.

The mind-body connection has been well established by research.

“Thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can affect how healthy your body is,” according to a summary from the CDC about the connection between diabetes and depression. “Untreated mental health issues can make diabetes worse, and problems with diabetes can make mental health issues worse. But fortunately if one gets better, the other tends to get better, too.”

This latest analysis included the drugs dulaglutide, exenatide, liraglutide, semaglutide, and tirzepatide. The medicines, used for weight loss or to manage diabetes, include the brand names Byetta, Ozempic, Mounjaro, Trulicity, Wegovy, and Zepbound. The researchers also looked for links between depression or anxiety diagnoses among people taking liraglutide (sold under brand names Saxenda and Victoza), but found that there was little to no change in the likelihood of being diagnosed with depression or anxiety after starting liraglutide.

The findings are timely as regulators in the U.S. and Europe are investigating reports of suicidal thoughts among people using the drugs. In January, the FDA announced that a preliminary investigation showed no increased risk of suicidal thoughts or actions, but the agency could not “definitively rule out that a small risk may exist; therefore, FDA is continuing to look into this issue.”

This latest analysis from Epic Research only looked at health records, was not published in a peer-reviewed journal, nor could it establish a definitive role the medications may have played in whether or not someone was diagnosed with depression or anxiety. It’s unknown whether people in the study had symptoms of depression or anxiety before starting the medications.

“These results show that these medications may serve a dual purpose for patients, but we do not understand them well enough yet to say these medications should be given as a treatment for anxiety or depression outside of diabetes or weight management,” Kersten Bartelt, a researcher employed by Epic, told ABC News.

A version of this article appeared on


People taking a popular type of drug for weight loss or to manage diabetes have a lower likelihood of being newly diagnosed with depression or anxiety, according to an analysis of millions of people’s health records.

The findings were published this week by researchers from the electronic health record company Epic. Researchers looked for new diagnoses of depression or anxiety among people who started taking drugs from a class called GLP-1 agonists that can help manage blood sugar or treat obesity by mimicking hormone levels in the body that can affect appetite and blood sugar. Many people who take the drugs experience significant weight loss.

The researchers found that people with diabetes who started taking most versions of GLP-1 agonists were between 11% and 65% less likely to be newly diagnosed with depression than people with diabetes who didn’t take one of the drugs. The greatest reduction in likelihood of a new depression diagnosis was observed among people taking tirzepatide, which is sold under the brand names Mounjaro and Zepbound. 

A reduced likelihood of being diagnosed with anxiety was also observed among people with diabetes after they started taking a GLP-1 agonist, compared to people with diabetes who didn’t take one of the drugs. Again, tirzepatide showed the greatest reduction in odds, with people taking that drug experiencing a 60% reduced likelihood of being newly diagnosed with anxiety.

Similar reductions in the likelihood of new depression or anxiety diagnoses were observed among people who didn’t have diabetes but were taking GLP-1 agonists, such as for weight loss.

The mind-body connection has been well established by research.

“Thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can affect how healthy your body is,” according to a summary from the CDC about the connection between diabetes and depression. “Untreated mental health issues can make diabetes worse, and problems with diabetes can make mental health issues worse. But fortunately if one gets better, the other tends to get better, too.”

This latest analysis included the drugs dulaglutide, exenatide, liraglutide, semaglutide, and tirzepatide. The medicines, used for weight loss or to manage diabetes, include the brand names Byetta, Ozempic, Mounjaro, Trulicity, Wegovy, and Zepbound. The researchers also looked for links between depression or anxiety diagnoses among people taking liraglutide (sold under brand names Saxenda and Victoza), but found that there was little to no change in the likelihood of being diagnosed with depression or anxiety after starting liraglutide.

The findings are timely as regulators in the U.S. and Europe are investigating reports of suicidal thoughts among people using the drugs. In January, the FDA announced that a preliminary investigation showed no increased risk of suicidal thoughts or actions, but the agency could not “definitively rule out that a small risk may exist; therefore, FDA is continuing to look into this issue.”

This latest analysis from Epic Research only looked at health records, was not published in a peer-reviewed journal, nor could it establish a definitive role the medications may have played in whether or not someone was diagnosed with depression or anxiety. It’s unknown whether people in the study had symptoms of depression or anxiety before starting the medications.

“These results show that these medications may serve a dual purpose for patients, but we do not understand them well enough yet to say these medications should be given as a treatment for anxiety or depression outside of diabetes or weight management,” Kersten Bartelt, a researcher employed by Epic, told ABC News.

A version of this article appeared on

People taking a popular type of drug for weight loss or to manage diabetes have a lower likelihood of being newly diagnosed with depression or anxiety, according to an analysis of millions of people’s health records.

The findings were published this week by researchers from the electronic health record company Epic. Researchers looked for new diagnoses of depression or anxiety among people who started taking drugs from a class called GLP-1 agonists that can help manage blood sugar or treat obesity by mimicking hormone levels in the body that can affect appetite and blood sugar. Many people who take the drugs experience significant weight loss.

The researchers found that people with diabetes who started taking most versions of GLP-1 agonists were between 11% and 65% less likely to be newly diagnosed with depression than people with diabetes who didn’t take one of the drugs. The greatest reduction in likelihood of a new depression diagnosis was observed among people taking tirzepatide, which is sold under the brand names Mounjaro and Zepbound. 

A reduced likelihood of being diagnosed with anxiety was also observed among people with diabetes after they started taking a GLP-1 agonist, compared to people with diabetes who didn’t take one of the drugs. Again, tirzepatide showed the greatest reduction in odds, with people taking that drug experiencing a 60% reduced likelihood of being newly diagnosed with anxiety.

Similar reductions in the likelihood of new depression or anxiety diagnoses were observed among people who didn’t have diabetes but were taking GLP-1 agonists, such as for weight loss.

The mind-body connection has been well established by research.

“Thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can affect how healthy your body is,” according to a summary from the CDC about the connection between diabetes and depression. “Untreated mental health issues can make diabetes worse, and problems with diabetes can make mental health issues worse. But fortunately if one gets better, the other tends to get better, too.”

This latest analysis included the drugs dulaglutide, exenatide, liraglutide, semaglutide, and tirzepatide. The medicines, used for weight loss or to manage diabetes, include the brand names Byetta, Ozempic, Mounjaro, Trulicity, Wegovy, and Zepbound. The researchers also looked for links between depression or anxiety diagnoses among people taking liraglutide (sold under brand names Saxenda and Victoza), but found that there was little to no change in the likelihood of being diagnosed with depression or anxiety after starting liraglutide.

The findings are timely as regulators in the U.S. and Europe are investigating reports of suicidal thoughts among people using the drugs. In January, the FDA announced that a preliminary investigation showed no increased risk of suicidal thoughts or actions, but the agency could not “definitively rule out that a small risk may exist; therefore, FDA is continuing to look into this issue.”

This latest analysis from Epic Research only looked at health records, was not published in a peer-reviewed journal, nor could it establish a definitive role the medications may have played in whether or not someone was diagnosed with depression or anxiety. It’s unknown whether people in the study had symptoms of depression or anxiety before starting the medications.

“These results show that these medications may serve a dual purpose for patients, but we do not understand them well enough yet to say these medications should be given as a treatment for anxiety or depression outside of diabetes or weight management,” Kersten Bartelt, a researcher employed by Epic, told ABC News.

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Bariatric Surgery Doesn’t Improve Mental Health in Teens

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Mon, 02/12/2024 - 19:48



Adolescents with severe obesity who undergo bariatric surgery may have a continuing need for mental health treatment and an increased risk for alcohol use disorder after the procedure.


  • Researchers evaluated the long-term effects of bariatric surgery on the mental health of 1554 adolescents (75% women) with severe obesity who underwent bariatric surgery in Sweden between 2007 and 2017.
  • At the time of surgery, the mean age was 19.0 years, and the mean body mass index was 43.7.
  • A general population reference group of 15,540 adolescents was created by matching 10 comparators each to adolescents in the surgery group by age, sex, and country of residence.
  • Information on psychiatric healthcare use and filled psychiatric drug prescriptions for 5 years before surgery and the first 10 years after surgery were obtained from national registers.
  • The number of visits for self-harm and substance use disorder and the number of filled prescriptions for any psychiatric drug, antidepressants, and anxiolytics were other outcomes of interest.


  • At 5 years before surgery, the prevalence of psychiatric healthcare visits (prevalence difference [Δ], 3.7%) and of psychiatric drug use (Δ, 6.2%) was higher in the surgery vs reference group.
  • The preoperative trajectories continued and grew post-surgery, with the differences in psychiatric healthcare visits (Δ, ~12%) and psychiatric drug use (Δ, 20.4%) between the groups peaking at 9 and 10 years post surgery, respectively.
  • A low prevalence of healthcare visits for substance use disorder in both groups grew to about 5% of adolescents in the surgery group after 10 years, driven primarily by alcohol use, compared with about 1% of adolescents in the reference group (Δ, 4.3%).
  • Surgery is an obesity treatment, leading to sustainable weight loss, cardiometabolic health, and physical quality of life, but mental health improvements cannot be expected at the group level.


“Adolescent patients should be informed of the increased risk for alcohol use disorder and that they might continue needing mental health treatment,” the authors wrote.


Gustaf Bruze, PhD, from the Department of Medicine, Clinical Epidemiology Division, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, and Kajsa Jarvholm, PhD, from the Department of Psychology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, led this study, which was published online in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.


The findings may have limited generalizability to other settings, as the study was performed in Sweden with a predominantly White population undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in a universally accessible healthcare system. Moreover, there was a shortage of nonsurgically treated adolescents with severe obesity for comparison. Patients undergoing surgery may have easier access to healthcare than the general population, which could account for an increase in healthcare visits.


This study was supported by the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare. Two authors were the current or previous director of the Scandinavian Obesity Surgery Registry. Several authors declared receiving personal fees, participating in advisory boards and educational activities, and having other ties with Ethicon Johnson & Johnson, and Novo Nordisk.

A version of this article appeared on




Adolescents with severe obesity who undergo bariatric surgery may have a continuing need for mental health treatment and an increased risk for alcohol use disorder after the procedure.


  • Researchers evaluated the long-term effects of bariatric surgery on the mental health of 1554 adolescents (75% women) with severe obesity who underwent bariatric surgery in Sweden between 2007 and 2017.
  • At the time of surgery, the mean age was 19.0 years, and the mean body mass index was 43.7.
  • A general population reference group of 15,540 adolescents was created by matching 10 comparators each to adolescents in the surgery group by age, sex, and country of residence.
  • Information on psychiatric healthcare use and filled psychiatric drug prescriptions for 5 years before surgery and the first 10 years after surgery were obtained from national registers.
  • The number of visits for self-harm and substance use disorder and the number of filled prescriptions for any psychiatric drug, antidepressants, and anxiolytics were other outcomes of interest.


  • At 5 years before surgery, the prevalence of psychiatric healthcare visits (prevalence difference [Δ], 3.7%) and of psychiatric drug use (Δ, 6.2%) was higher in the surgery vs reference group.
  • The preoperative trajectories continued and grew post-surgery, with the differences in psychiatric healthcare visits (Δ, ~12%) and psychiatric drug use (Δ, 20.4%) between the groups peaking at 9 and 10 years post surgery, respectively.
  • A low prevalence of healthcare visits for substance use disorder in both groups grew to about 5% of adolescents in the surgery group after 10 years, driven primarily by alcohol use, compared with about 1% of adolescents in the reference group (Δ, 4.3%).
  • Surgery is an obesity treatment, leading to sustainable weight loss, cardiometabolic health, and physical quality of life, but mental health improvements cannot be expected at the group level.


“Adolescent patients should be informed of the increased risk for alcohol use disorder and that they might continue needing mental health treatment,” the authors wrote.


Gustaf Bruze, PhD, from the Department of Medicine, Clinical Epidemiology Division, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, and Kajsa Jarvholm, PhD, from the Department of Psychology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, led this study, which was published online in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.


The findings may have limited generalizability to other settings, as the study was performed in Sweden with a predominantly White population undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in a universally accessible healthcare system. Moreover, there was a shortage of nonsurgically treated adolescents with severe obesity for comparison. Patients undergoing surgery may have easier access to healthcare than the general population, which could account for an increase in healthcare visits.


This study was supported by the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare. Two authors were the current or previous director of the Scandinavian Obesity Surgery Registry. Several authors declared receiving personal fees, participating in advisory boards and educational activities, and having other ties with Ethicon Johnson & Johnson, and Novo Nordisk.

A version of this article appeared on



Adolescents with severe obesity who undergo bariatric surgery may have a continuing need for mental health treatment and an increased risk for alcohol use disorder after the procedure.


  • Researchers evaluated the long-term effects of bariatric surgery on the mental health of 1554 adolescents (75% women) with severe obesity who underwent bariatric surgery in Sweden between 2007 and 2017.
  • At the time of surgery, the mean age was 19.0 years, and the mean body mass index was 43.7.
  • A general population reference group of 15,540 adolescents was created by matching 10 comparators each to adolescents in the surgery group by age, sex, and country of residence.
  • Information on psychiatric healthcare use and filled psychiatric drug prescriptions for 5 years before surgery and the first 10 years after surgery were obtained from national registers.
  • The number of visits for self-harm and substance use disorder and the number of filled prescriptions for any psychiatric drug, antidepressants, and anxiolytics were other outcomes of interest.


  • At 5 years before surgery, the prevalence of psychiatric healthcare visits (prevalence difference [Δ], 3.7%) and of psychiatric drug use (Δ, 6.2%) was higher in the surgery vs reference group.
  • The preoperative trajectories continued and grew post-surgery, with the differences in psychiatric healthcare visits (Δ, ~12%) and psychiatric drug use (Δ, 20.4%) between the groups peaking at 9 and 10 years post surgery, respectively.
  • A low prevalence of healthcare visits for substance use disorder in both groups grew to about 5% of adolescents in the surgery group after 10 years, driven primarily by alcohol use, compared with about 1% of adolescents in the reference group (Δ, 4.3%).
  • Surgery is an obesity treatment, leading to sustainable weight loss, cardiometabolic health, and physical quality of life, but mental health improvements cannot be expected at the group level.


“Adolescent patients should be informed of the increased risk for alcohol use disorder and that they might continue needing mental health treatment,” the authors wrote.


Gustaf Bruze, PhD, from the Department of Medicine, Clinical Epidemiology Division, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, and Kajsa Jarvholm, PhD, from the Department of Psychology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, led this study, which was published online in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.


The findings may have limited generalizability to other settings, as the study was performed in Sweden with a predominantly White population undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in a universally accessible healthcare system. Moreover, there was a shortage of nonsurgically treated adolescents with severe obesity for comparison. Patients undergoing surgery may have easier access to healthcare than the general population, which could account for an increase in healthcare visits.


This study was supported by the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare. Two authors were the current or previous director of the Scandinavian Obesity Surgery Registry. Several authors declared receiving personal fees, participating in advisory boards and educational activities, and having other ties with Ethicon Johnson & Johnson, and Novo Nordisk.

A version of this article appeared on

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Psychotherapy as Effective as Drugs for Depression in HF

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Wed, 01/31/2024 - 13:06



Patients with heart failure (HF) and depression who receive psychotherapy have the same (almost 50% reduction) in depressive symptoms as those treated with pharmacotherapy, show more improvement in physical-related quality of life, and are less likely to visit emergency departments (EDs), a comparative trial of these interventions found.


  • The study included 416 patients with HF and a confirmed depressive disorder from the Cedars-Sinai Health System, with a mean age of 60.71 years, including nearly 42% women and 30% Black individuals, who were randomized to receive one of two evidence-based treatments for depression in HF: Antidepressant medication management (MEDS) or behavioral activation (BA) psychotherapy. BA therapy promotes engaging in pleasurable and rewarding activities without delving into complex cognitive domains explored in cognitive behavioral therapy, another psychotherapy type.
  • All patients received 12 weekly sessions delivered via video or telephone, followed by monthly sessions for 3 months, and were then contacted as needed for an additional 6 months.
  • The primary outcome was depressive symptom severity at 6 months, measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire 9-Item (PHQ-9), and secondary outcomes included three measures of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) — caregiver burden, morbidity, and mortality — collected at 3, 6, and 12 months.
  • Physical and mental HRQOL were measured with the 12-Item Short-Form Medical Outcomes Study (SF-12), HF-specific HRQOL with the 23-item patient-reported Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire, caregiver burden with the 26-item Caregiver Burden Questionnaire for HF, morbidity by ED visits, hospital readmissions, and days hospitalized, and mortality data came from medical records and family or caregiver reports, with survival assessed using Kaplan-Meier plots at 3, 6, and 12 months.
  • Covariates included age, sex, race, ethnicity, marital status, employment, education, insurance type, recruitment site (inpatient or outpatient), ejection fraction (preserved or reduced), New York Heart Association class, medical history, and medications.


  • Depressive symptom severity was reduced at 6 months by nearly 50% for both BA (mean PHQ-9 score, 7.53; P vs baseline < .001) and MEDS (mean PHQ-9 score, 8.09; P vs baseline < .001) participants, with reductions persisting at 12 months and no significant difference between groups.
  • Compared with MEDS recipients, those who received BA had slightly higher improvement in physical HRQOL at 6 months (multivariable mean difference without imputation, 2.13; 95% CI, 0.06-4.20; P = .04), but there were no statistically significant differences between groups in mental HRQOL, HF-specific HRQOL, or caregiver burden at 3, 6, or 12 months.
  • Patients who received BA were significantly less likely than those in the MEDS group to have ED visits and spent fewer days in hospital at 3, 6, and 12 months, but there was no significant difference in number of hospital readmissions or in mortality at 3, 6, or 12 months.


“Our findings of comparable primary effects between BA and MEDS suggest both options are effective and that personal preferences, patient values, and availability of services could inform decisions,” the authors wrote. They noted BA has no pharmacological adverse effects but requires more engagement than drug therapy and might be less accessible.




The study was conducted by Waguih William IsHak, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, and others. It was published online on January 17, 2024, in JAMA Network Open.


As the study had no control group, such as a waiting list, it was impossible to draw conclusions about the natural course of depressive symptoms in HF. However, the authors noted improvements were sustained at 12 months despite substantially diminished contact with intervention teams after 6 months. Researchers were unable to collect data for ED visits, readmissions, and hospital stays outside of California and didn’t assess treatment preference at enrollment, which could have helped inform the association with outcomes and adherence.


The study was funded by the Patient-Centered Outcome Research Institute, paid to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Dr. IsHak reported receiving royalties from Springer Nature and Cambridge University Press. No other disclosures were reported.

A version of this article appeared on




Patients with heart failure (HF) and depression who receive psychotherapy have the same (almost 50% reduction) in depressive symptoms as those treated with pharmacotherapy, show more improvement in physical-related quality of life, and are less likely to visit emergency departments (EDs), a comparative trial of these interventions found.


  • The study included 416 patients with HF and a confirmed depressive disorder from the Cedars-Sinai Health System, with a mean age of 60.71 years, including nearly 42% women and 30% Black individuals, who were randomized to receive one of two evidence-based treatments for depression in HF: Antidepressant medication management (MEDS) or behavioral activation (BA) psychotherapy. BA therapy promotes engaging in pleasurable and rewarding activities without delving into complex cognitive domains explored in cognitive behavioral therapy, another psychotherapy type.
  • All patients received 12 weekly sessions delivered via video or telephone, followed by monthly sessions for 3 months, and were then contacted as needed for an additional 6 months.
  • The primary outcome was depressive symptom severity at 6 months, measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire 9-Item (PHQ-9), and secondary outcomes included three measures of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) — caregiver burden, morbidity, and mortality — collected at 3, 6, and 12 months.
  • Physical and mental HRQOL were measured with the 12-Item Short-Form Medical Outcomes Study (SF-12), HF-specific HRQOL with the 23-item patient-reported Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire, caregiver burden with the 26-item Caregiver Burden Questionnaire for HF, morbidity by ED visits, hospital readmissions, and days hospitalized, and mortality data came from medical records and family or caregiver reports, with survival assessed using Kaplan-Meier plots at 3, 6, and 12 months.
  • Covariates included age, sex, race, ethnicity, marital status, employment, education, insurance type, recruitment site (inpatient or outpatient), ejection fraction (preserved or reduced), New York Heart Association class, medical history, and medications.


  • Depressive symptom severity was reduced at 6 months by nearly 50% for both BA (mean PHQ-9 score, 7.53; P vs baseline < .001) and MEDS (mean PHQ-9 score, 8.09; P vs baseline < .001) participants, with reductions persisting at 12 months and no significant difference between groups.
  • Compared with MEDS recipients, those who received BA had slightly higher improvement in physical HRQOL at 6 months (multivariable mean difference without imputation, 2.13; 95% CI, 0.06-4.20; P = .04), but there were no statistically significant differences between groups in mental HRQOL, HF-specific HRQOL, or caregiver burden at 3, 6, or 12 months.
  • Patients who received BA were significantly less likely than those in the MEDS group to have ED visits and spent fewer days in hospital at 3, 6, and 12 months, but there was no significant difference in number of hospital readmissions or in mortality at 3, 6, or 12 months.


“Our findings of comparable primary effects between BA and MEDS suggest both options are effective and that personal preferences, patient values, and availability of services could inform decisions,” the authors wrote. They noted BA has no pharmacological adverse effects but requires more engagement than drug therapy and might be less accessible.




The study was conducted by Waguih William IsHak, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, and others. It was published online on January 17, 2024, in JAMA Network Open.


As the study had no control group, such as a waiting list, it was impossible to draw conclusions about the natural course of depressive symptoms in HF. However, the authors noted improvements were sustained at 12 months despite substantially diminished contact with intervention teams after 6 months. Researchers were unable to collect data for ED visits, readmissions, and hospital stays outside of California and didn’t assess treatment preference at enrollment, which could have helped inform the association with outcomes and adherence.


The study was funded by the Patient-Centered Outcome Research Institute, paid to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Dr. IsHak reported receiving royalties from Springer Nature and Cambridge University Press. No other disclosures were reported.

A version of this article appeared on



Patients with heart failure (HF) and depression who receive psychotherapy have the same (almost 50% reduction) in depressive symptoms as those treated with pharmacotherapy, show more improvement in physical-related quality of life, and are less likely to visit emergency departments (EDs), a comparative trial of these interventions found.


  • The study included 416 patients with HF and a confirmed depressive disorder from the Cedars-Sinai Health System, with a mean age of 60.71 years, including nearly 42% women and 30% Black individuals, who were randomized to receive one of two evidence-based treatments for depression in HF: Antidepressant medication management (MEDS) or behavioral activation (BA) psychotherapy. BA therapy promotes engaging in pleasurable and rewarding activities without delving into complex cognitive domains explored in cognitive behavioral therapy, another psychotherapy type.
  • All patients received 12 weekly sessions delivered via video or telephone, followed by monthly sessions for 3 months, and were then contacted as needed for an additional 6 months.
  • The primary outcome was depressive symptom severity at 6 months, measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire 9-Item (PHQ-9), and secondary outcomes included three measures of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) — caregiver burden, morbidity, and mortality — collected at 3, 6, and 12 months.
  • Physical and mental HRQOL were measured with the 12-Item Short-Form Medical Outcomes Study (SF-12), HF-specific HRQOL with the 23-item patient-reported Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire, caregiver burden with the 26-item Caregiver Burden Questionnaire for HF, morbidity by ED visits, hospital readmissions, and days hospitalized, and mortality data came from medical records and family or caregiver reports, with survival assessed using Kaplan-Meier plots at 3, 6, and 12 months.
  • Covariates included age, sex, race, ethnicity, marital status, employment, education, insurance type, recruitment site (inpatient or outpatient), ejection fraction (preserved or reduced), New York Heart Association class, medical history, and medications.


  • Depressive symptom severity was reduced at 6 months by nearly 50% for both BA (mean PHQ-9 score, 7.53; P vs baseline < .001) and MEDS (mean PHQ-9 score, 8.09; P vs baseline < .001) participants, with reductions persisting at 12 months and no significant difference between groups.
  • Compared with MEDS recipients, those who received BA had slightly higher improvement in physical HRQOL at 6 months (multivariable mean difference without imputation, 2.13; 95% CI, 0.06-4.20; P = .04), but there were no statistically significant differences between groups in mental HRQOL, HF-specific HRQOL, or caregiver burden at 3, 6, or 12 months.
  • Patients who received BA were significantly less likely than those in the MEDS group to have ED visits and spent fewer days in hospital at 3, 6, and 12 months, but there was no significant difference in number of hospital readmissions or in mortality at 3, 6, or 12 months.


“Our findings of comparable primary effects between BA and MEDS suggest both options are effective and that personal preferences, patient values, and availability of services could inform decisions,” the authors wrote. They noted BA has no pharmacological adverse effects but requires more engagement than drug therapy and might be less accessible.




The study was conducted by Waguih William IsHak, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, and others. It was published online on January 17, 2024, in JAMA Network Open.


As the study had no control group, such as a waiting list, it was impossible to draw conclusions about the natural course of depressive symptoms in HF. However, the authors noted improvements were sustained at 12 months despite substantially diminished contact with intervention teams after 6 months. Researchers were unable to collect data for ED visits, readmissions, and hospital stays outside of California and didn’t assess treatment preference at enrollment, which could have helped inform the association with outcomes and adherence.


The study was funded by the Patient-Centered Outcome Research Institute, paid to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Dr. IsHak reported receiving royalties from Springer Nature and Cambridge University Press. No other disclosures were reported.

A version of this article appeared on

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Mental Health Screening May Benefit Youth With Obesity

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Tue, 01/30/2024 - 15:50



Mental health comorbidities are prevalent among youth with overweight or obesity, with the strongest risk factors being male sex, older age, and extreme obesity.


  • Researchers compared clinical characteristics and outcomes among children, adolescents, and young adults with overweight or obesity with or without a comorbid mental disorder who participated in a lifestyle intervention program.
  • Overall, data from 114,248 individuals (age, 6-30 years; 53% females) from 226 centers in Germany and Austria participating in the Adiposity Patient Registry were evaluated.
  • Individuals were excluded if they had bariatric surgery or used weight-modifying drugs (metformin, orlistat, or glucagon-like peptide-1 analogues).
  • Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as a standard deviation score (SDS) from a German youth population reference and was used to define overweight (90th to < 97th percentile), obesity (97th percentile), and severe obesity (≥ 99.5th percentile), which at age 18 correspond to adult cutoffs for overweight and obesity (25 kg/m2 and 30 kg/m2, respectively).
  • Regression analysis identified the factors associated with mental disorders in those with overweight or obesity.


  • A comorbid mental disorder was reported in 3969 individuals, with attention-deficit disorder (ADHD, 42.5%), anxiety (31.3%), depression (24.3%), and eating disorders (12.9%) being the most common.
  • The factors most strongly associated with mental health comorbidity were male sex (odds ratio [OR], 1.39; 95% CI, 1.27-1.52), older age (OR, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.25-1.62), and severe obesity (OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.30-1.63).
  • Mean BMI-SDS was higher in individuals with depression and eating disorders and lower in individuals with ADHD (both P < .001) than in those without mental disorders.
  • Individuals with and without mental disorders benefited from similar BMI changes from lifestyle intervention programs.


The authors wrote, “Healthcare professionals caring for youth with overweight or obesity should be aware of comorbid mental disorders, and regular mental health screening should be considered.”


This study, led by Angela Galler from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, was published online on January 9, 2024, in the International Journal of Obesity.


The study’s findings are based on data from a group of children, adolescents, and young adults with overweight or obesity treated in specialized obesity centers and may not be generalizable to all youth with obesity. Moreover, the study could not establish any conclusions regarding the cause or effect between obesity and mental disorders. Individuals were not tested psychologically for mental disorders and might have been underreported.


The manuscript is part of the Stratification of Obesity Phenotypes to Optimize Future Obesity Therapy project, which was funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking. The authors declared no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on




Mental health comorbidities are prevalent among youth with overweight or obesity, with the strongest risk factors being male sex, older age, and extreme obesity.


  • Researchers compared clinical characteristics and outcomes among children, adolescents, and young adults with overweight or obesity with or without a comorbid mental disorder who participated in a lifestyle intervention program.
  • Overall, data from 114,248 individuals (age, 6-30 years; 53% females) from 226 centers in Germany and Austria participating in the Adiposity Patient Registry were evaluated.
  • Individuals were excluded if they had bariatric surgery or used weight-modifying drugs (metformin, orlistat, or glucagon-like peptide-1 analogues).
  • Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as a standard deviation score (SDS) from a German youth population reference and was used to define overweight (90th to < 97th percentile), obesity (97th percentile), and severe obesity (≥ 99.5th percentile), which at age 18 correspond to adult cutoffs for overweight and obesity (25 kg/m2 and 30 kg/m2, respectively).
  • Regression analysis identified the factors associated with mental disorders in those with overweight or obesity.


  • A comorbid mental disorder was reported in 3969 individuals, with attention-deficit disorder (ADHD, 42.5%), anxiety (31.3%), depression (24.3%), and eating disorders (12.9%) being the most common.
  • The factors most strongly associated with mental health comorbidity were male sex (odds ratio [OR], 1.39; 95% CI, 1.27-1.52), older age (OR, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.25-1.62), and severe obesity (OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.30-1.63).
  • Mean BMI-SDS was higher in individuals with depression and eating disorders and lower in individuals with ADHD (both P < .001) than in those without mental disorders.
  • Individuals with and without mental disorders benefited from similar BMI changes from lifestyle intervention programs.


The authors wrote, “Healthcare professionals caring for youth with overweight or obesity should be aware of comorbid mental disorders, and regular mental health screening should be considered.”


This study, led by Angela Galler from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, was published online on January 9, 2024, in the International Journal of Obesity.


The study’s findings are based on data from a group of children, adolescents, and young adults with overweight or obesity treated in specialized obesity centers and may not be generalizable to all youth with obesity. Moreover, the study could not establish any conclusions regarding the cause or effect between obesity and mental disorders. Individuals were not tested psychologically for mental disorders and might have been underreported.


The manuscript is part of the Stratification of Obesity Phenotypes to Optimize Future Obesity Therapy project, which was funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking. The authors declared no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on



Mental health comorbidities are prevalent among youth with overweight or obesity, with the strongest risk factors being male sex, older age, and extreme obesity.


  • Researchers compared clinical characteristics and outcomes among children, adolescents, and young adults with overweight or obesity with or without a comorbid mental disorder who participated in a lifestyle intervention program.
  • Overall, data from 114,248 individuals (age, 6-30 years; 53% females) from 226 centers in Germany and Austria participating in the Adiposity Patient Registry were evaluated.
  • Individuals were excluded if they had bariatric surgery or used weight-modifying drugs (metformin, orlistat, or glucagon-like peptide-1 analogues).
  • Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as a standard deviation score (SDS) from a German youth population reference and was used to define overweight (90th to < 97th percentile), obesity (97th percentile), and severe obesity (≥ 99.5th percentile), which at age 18 correspond to adult cutoffs for overweight and obesity (25 kg/m2 and 30 kg/m2, respectively).
  • Regression analysis identified the factors associated with mental disorders in those with overweight or obesity.


  • A comorbid mental disorder was reported in 3969 individuals, with attention-deficit disorder (ADHD, 42.5%), anxiety (31.3%), depression (24.3%), and eating disorders (12.9%) being the most common.
  • The factors most strongly associated with mental health comorbidity were male sex (odds ratio [OR], 1.39; 95% CI, 1.27-1.52), older age (OR, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.25-1.62), and severe obesity (OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.30-1.63).
  • Mean BMI-SDS was higher in individuals with depression and eating disorders and lower in individuals with ADHD (both P < .001) than in those without mental disorders.
  • Individuals with and without mental disorders benefited from similar BMI changes from lifestyle intervention programs.


The authors wrote, “Healthcare professionals caring for youth with overweight or obesity should be aware of comorbid mental disorders, and regular mental health screening should be considered.”


This study, led by Angela Galler from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, was published online on January 9, 2024, in the International Journal of Obesity.


The study’s findings are based on data from a group of children, adolescents, and young adults with overweight or obesity treated in specialized obesity centers and may not be generalizable to all youth with obesity. Moreover, the study could not establish any conclusions regarding the cause or effect between obesity and mental disorders. Individuals were not tested psychologically for mental disorders and might have been underreported.


The manuscript is part of the Stratification of Obesity Phenotypes to Optimize Future Obesity Therapy project, which was funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking. The authors declared no conflicts of interest.

A version of this article appeared on

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