Hospital and Performance Management, Yale‐New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut
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Patient Dissatisfaction

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Sun, 05/28/2017 - 20:06
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What can we learn from patient dissatisfaction? An analysis of dissatisfying events at an academic medical center

The United States spends more money per capita on healthcare than any other industrialized nation,1 yet patients are the least satisfied with their care.2 Patient satisfaction is associated in both cross‐sectional3 and longitudinal studies4 with improved physical and mental health outcomes. Conversely, dissatisfaction with care hampers future medical interactions, prevents sharing of information, and impairs the building of trust.5 The increasing recognition that a patient's experience of care affects patient outcomes has furthered efforts to evaluate satisfaction with care.6, 7

However, patient satisfaction is challenging to define and understand. Even the definition of satisfaction is ambiguous, for to satisfy can mean both to make happy and the lesser, to be adequate. To dissatisfy is to displease or disappoint, but dissatisfaction is not the opposite of satisfaction: qualitative studies give little if any indication that patients evaluate satisfaction on a continuum ranging from dissatisfied at one end to very satisfied at the other.8 Instead, it appears that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are different constructs, such that patients may simultaneously be both satisfied and dissatisfied.9, 10 Patients often express overall satisfaction with a service or encounter while also reporting specific criticisms about its shortcomings.11, 12 Alternatively, consumers may be generally satisfied unless something unpleasant or improper happens.13 Thus, dissatisfaction and satisfaction may require different methods of measurement.

The most common model for measuring patient satisfaction is a quantitative survey of patients' experiences in specific predetermined domains. Of 54 hospital satisfaction surveys in common use, only 11 included patient input in their development,14 casting doubt on the relevance of these attributes to patients' priorities of care. Since it is well recognized that patient expectations influence satisfaction,8, 13, 15 it is important to identify patient expectations and priorities up front. However, these have not been clearly established. Furthermore, focusing purely on satisfaction with particular domains of care may miss the separate but illuminating construct of patient dissatisfaction.

In this study we therefore aim to understand patient dissatisfaction with hospitalization more fully as a means of elucidating implicit expectations for hospital care. Using qualitative techniques, we analyzed a large volume of patient responses to a single open‐ended study question to identify determinants and patterns of patient dissatisfaction.


Study Design

We conducted a qualitative analysis of telephone survey data obtained from adults recently discharged after an acute care hospitalization. Survey participants were asked five questions, including: If there was one thing we could have done to improve your experience in the hospital, what would it have been? Answers to this open‐ended question were included in this study.

Setting and Participants

The hospital is a 944‐bed, urban academic medical center. Patients or patient representatives were routinely surveyed in a telephone interview conducted by trained hospital staff 1‐5 days after hospital discharge. Calls were attempted to 90% of adult discharged patients, and approximately 50% of them were reached. For this study, we included patients who were age 18 or older, spoke English, and were discharged to home from a medical, surgical, gynecology‐oncology, neurology, neurosurgery, or intensive care unit. Of those patients, we randomly selected 10% of those surveyed between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008 for inclusion.

Primary Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis was used to classify patient suggestions. The study team included internal medicine physicians (J.P.M., L.I.H.), a medical student (A.V.L.), and a recent college graduate (C.P.B.). Codes were generated using a mixed inductive and deductive approach by reading and rereading the primary data.16 A set of 100 interview responses were first read individually by three investigators (J.P.M., A.V.L., C.P.B.), after which investigators met to discuss themes and ideas. A preliminary list of coding categories was then generated. Each investigator then assigned these coding categories to additional survey responses in sets of 100. Subsequent meetings were held to refine codes using the constant comparative method.16 Disagreements were resolved by negotiated consensus. The full study group met periodically to review the code structure for logic and breadth. Once thematic saturation was achieved, the entire dataset was recoded by two investigators using the final coding structure. The final coding structure contained 42 unique codes organized into six broader themes. We used descriptive statistics to characterize the coding category results. The score for intercoder reliability was 0.91.

This study was approved by the Yale Human Investigation Committee, which granted a waiver of informed consent.


A total of 976 surveys was randomly selected from 9,764 postdischarge phone interviews completed between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. A total of 56.3% of patients was female. Nearly half the patients were discharged from medical units (Table 1). Of the 976 patients, 439 (45.0%) gave at least one suggestion for improvement, yielding a total of 579 suggestions. Patients also offered numerous positive comments about their care, but these comments were not included in the analysis.

Demographic Information (n = 976)
 No.% of Total Surveyed
Total surveys976 
Discharge Unit  
No suggestions for improvement53755.0
At least one suggestion for improvement43945.0

Through qualitative analysis, we assigned suggestions for improvement to six major categories of dissatisfaction: 1) ineptitude, 2) disrespect, 3) prolonged waits, 4) ineffective communication, 5) lack of environmental control, and 6) substandard amenities. We considered the inverse of these problems to represent six implicit expectations of good hospital care: 1) safety, 2) treatment with respect and dignity, 3) prompt and efficient care, 4) successful exchange of information, 5) environmental autonomy and control, and 6) high‐quality amenities (Table 2). The number of patient suggestions related to each domain is detailed in Table 3.

Domains of Dissatisfaction and Corresponding Implicit Expectations
Domain of DissatisfactionImplicit ExpectationsExample
IneptitudeSafetyThe only thing was that when I was getting ready to get discharged, one of Dr. H*'s associates came in and said, We have to readmit you for a further procedure. I said, Well, that's strange because Dr. H* put in a stent yesterday, and I'm supposed to leave today. Well, he checked, and he had the wrong guy. I'm glad I said something or else they probably would have hauled me off.
DisrespectTreatment with respect and dignityTransport was rude due to me being a heavy person. They were saying they didn't want to move me and snickering.
Prolonged waitsPrompt and efficient careI called for someone because I had to use the bathroom really bad, but I had those things stuck to my legs and needed help walking to the bathroom but no one came. Well, I had to go so bad that I had a panic attack. Then all these people came rushing in to help. I felt so embarrassed.
Ineffective communicationSuccessful exchange of informationThere were a few days that [were] a little confusing to me. I didn't know if I was going to have surgery or go home. The communication wasn't that great.
Lack of environmental controlEnvironmental autonomy and controlI was put in a room with a man who had many issues. He was loud and yelling all night. It was a very disturbing experience.
Substandard amenitiesHigh‐quality amenitiesIn that ICU they should put a TV on the ceiling for when you're lying flat on your back looking at the ceiling tiles for 4 days.
Descriptive Statistics of Dissatisfaction Domains
Domain of DissatisfactionNo. (N = 579 suggestionsa)% of Total Surveyed% Within Domain
  • Some respondents gave more than one suggestion, resulting in a greater number of total suggestions than the number of respondents with at least one suggestion for improvement.

Perceived ineptitude757.7100
Adverse events181.824.0
Perceived lack of knowledge/skill121.216.0
Rushed out90.912.0
Unprofessional staff behavior555.693.2
Lack of privacy/confidentiality40.46.8
Prolonged waits15415.8100
Response to call bell   
Wait for physician121.27.8
Wait for admission bed293.018.8
Wait for transport161.610.4
Wait for food70.74.6
Wait for medication111.17.1
Wait for diagnostic test/procedures60.63.9
Wait for discharge80.85.2
Ineffective communication727.4100
Communication with patients333.445.8
Communication with family30.34.2
Communication between providers131.318.1
Coordination of care (inpatient)111.115.3
Medication reconciliation50.56.9
Continuity inpatient to outpatient50.56.9
Lack of environmental control15215.6100
Physical environment   
Interruption by staff151.59.9
Shorter Stay80.85.3
Pain control101.06.6
Painful procedures171.711.2
Maintenance response50.53.3
Substandard amenities676.9100
Food quality262.738.8
Food variety50.57.5
Food service161.623.9


A total of 7.7% of interviewed patients reported experiencing a situation that made them feel unsafe. Dissatisfaction with safety included adverse events or near misses, uncleanliness, and a perceived lack of knowledge or skill. The implicit expectation that emerged from this domain was that the hospital would be safe, and that medical staff would be knowledgeable and skillful.

Adverse events or near misses were experienced in several areas, including diet, medication administration, patient identification, and equipment. Patients were particularly troubled when they or a family member caught the error:

There was one male nurse in training, C*, who was about to give my mother an injection. I asked what he was doing because she was about to go into surgery. He said he thought she was going home. He looked at the chart again and it turns out he was holding her roommate's chart. I don't know what would have happened if I wasn't there.


Dissatisfaction with the cleanliness of the hospital environment was also frequently expressed as a safety concern:

The rooms are dirtyThe floors are dirty. They don't sweep unless you ask them to. It took three different people to come and clean the bathroom right. I have to come back for surgery and I'm scared to death with all that bacteria and uncleanliness.


In this category, patients also described care by not too knowledgeable trainees or other staff as a safety hazard.


A total of 6.0% of surveyed patients suggested improvements that reflected disrespectful treatment, including poor work ethic, lack of warmth, rudeness, and a lack of attention to privacy and confidentiality. This type of dissatisfaction suggested an implicit expectation for treatment with respect and dignity that was clearly distinct from the expectation of technical quality:

[Hospital name] has always been like [this] since I started going there in 1982. They're very good technically but their bedside manner kind of sucks. You survive but you don't walk away with a warm fuzzy feeling.


Underprivileged patients were particularly sensitive to the need for respect:

I feel like the doctor that saw me that last night there was trying to get me out of there as fast as possible, saying not in so many words that it was because I don't have any insurance. I just feel like they treated me like an animal.


Violations of privacy and confidentiality were not only perceived as disrespectful, but also as a direct impediment to high‐quality care:

In the ER, I didn't like that I had no privacy especially talking with the doctor because I was in the hallway. I didn't have any privacy therefore I wasn't completely truthful with the doctor because everyone could hear.


Prolonged Waits

A total of 15.8% of patients noted dissatisfaction with wait times in the hospital. Waits for admission, transport, or discharge were frequently cited as anxiety‐provoking or frustrating:

The ER wait is too long. I was there from 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM the next day. I was there the whole day and night. When someone is in pain, they just want to be taken care of, not waiting around.


Waits related to receiving patient care, for example the inability to access nurses or physicians, more often caused feelings of fear and abandonment:

Every patient is different, I understand, but when you're there at night it can be a little scary. I was not only scared but in pain. The nurse tried to get a hold of the doctor that was on call, but the doctor took hours to respond. That was very scary.


It was also distressing to patients to watch roommates experience a delay in help for urgent needs:

The lady next to me was an elderly woman with a brace on her neck, and she couldn't speak very well. She had diarrhea at night and she would ask for a bedpan. The nurses would take forever bringing it to her. I just think when there are elderly people they should be more attentive to them because they tend to not be as vocal, you know?


Together, these comments represented an implicit expectation for prompt and efficient care.

Ineffective Communication

Communication during hospitalization was a source of dissatisfaction in 7.4% of surveyed patients. Communication failures occurred in several areas. Most common was the ineffective transfer of medical information to patients:

For days I thought I was having surgery on Friday. So all that day I ate and drank nothing and got prepped for surgery. Finally later that night I was told I was going to have it on Saturday. Saturday comes and still nothing. I never saw a surgeon or talked to anyone. Then later after that I was told I'm not having the surgery. That was the most frustrating thing.


Patients were also dissatisfied with their ability to communicate with their doctors:

I was sent home on a Friday and was sent right back on Friday night because my blood count was low and I ended up needing a blood transfusion. I tried to tell them this but they didn't listen. They need to listen to the patients.


Failed communication between care providers in the hospital was a third inadequacy noted by patients:

The only problem I had was all the different doctors coming in and out. There's so many that it confuses the patient, and a lot of them would contradict each other. One doctor said I could go home and another doctor said, No, you need to stay.


Finally, patients were dissatisfied when there was ineffective communication between inpatient and outpatient providers.

They said the VNA [Visiting Nurse Association] is supposed to come. The nurse hasn't come to see me and she hasn't called. My daughter and I have been waiting.


Thus, patients had an implicit expectation for effective communication between all parties in the hospital and were dissatisfied when any type of communication was inadequate.

Lack of Environmental Control

A total of 15.4% of surveyed patients reported dissatisfaction with the inability to control the physical environment. The inability to control noise levels, roommate behavior, temperature, smells, pain, lighting, staff interruptions, food service, smoking, and even humidity were all anxiety‐producing for different patients. The feeling of being imposed upon by an uncomfortable physical environment also extended to hospital facilities such as inaccessible bathrooms, traffic, and parking. Dissatisfaction with rooming arrangements was common:

I was in a triple room and one of my roommates had at least six visitors in the room at a time every day including two infant twins. Someone really should have said something about that. It became very disturbing, and I even left a day early because of that.


An expectation for quiet, especially during the night, was also repeatedly expressed:

The night shift could have been more considerate of people trying to rest. There was a lot of noise and bangs. I know people have to laugh and have fun but it could have been a little more quiet.


Related was the inability to control interruptions by staff members:

It's hard enough to get sleep, but then those blood suckers come in the middle of the night.


This category of dissatisfaction reflected an implicit expectation for autonomy and control over the environment so that it was conducive to rest and healing.

Substandard Amenities

A total of 6.9% of surveyed patients suggested improvements to amenities such as food, bedding, gowns, and television. Moving beyond the expectation of having peaceful surroundings, these comments reflected an expectation of a well‐appointed hospital environment with high‐quality amenities. A typical example was this comment about the food and service:

You never get what you order from the kitchen. Your tray either has something missing from it or it's the wrong tray or not the right diet. It's very frustrating and hard to get the orders the way you want.



We analyzed 439 patient suggestions for improving hospital care and found that dissatisfaction resulted from six categories of negative experiences: 1) ineptitude, 2) disrespect, 3) prolonged wait times, 4) ineffective communication, 5) lack of environmental control, and 6) substandard amenities. These domains represented a corresponding set of implicit patient expectations for: 1) safety, 2) treatment with respect and dignity, 3) prompt and efficient care, 4) successful exchange of information, 5) environmental autonomy and control, and 6) high‐quality amenities. Each of these categories suggests avenues by which both the assessment and provision of hospital care can be made more patient‐centered.

The most widely used patient satisfaction survey in use in the United States today is the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems (HCAHPS), which includes eight domains: communication with doctors, communication with nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff, pain management, communication about medicines, discharge information, cleanliness of the hospital environment, and quietness of the hospital environment.17 The dissatisfaction domains found in this study closely overlap the HCAHPS satisfaction domains, but with a few key differences.

First, dissatisfaction with ineptitude in our study encompassed concerns over adverse events and near misses, in addition to the cleanliness of the environment. Other research has shown that dissatisfaction with hospitalization can be predicted by the number of reported problems18 and the perception of receiving incorrect treatment.19 While elaborate methods have been devised to assess and compare the hospital quality and safety, patient satisfaction surveys including the HCAHPS survey often fail to ask patients directly about their perceptions of safety. In fact, this study and others20, 21 show that patients are able to recognize adverse events during hospitalization. Patient report may be a useful adjunct to other methods of adverse event case finding and outcomes reporting.

Second, while HCAHPS and others identify warmth, courtesy, concern, and respect as dimensions of patient‐centered care,14, 17, 22, 23 the ability of quantitative satisfaction surveys to capture the experience of disrespectful treatment may be limited, especially during hospitalization. Most respondents who commented on feeling disrespected identified only a single encounter, which can be masked by otherwise satisfying interactions with numerous care providers. Directly asking patients whether any experience during hospitalization caused them to feel disrespected, and allowing room for explanation, might more efficiently identify problem areas. This is particularly important because even one episode of disrespectful treatment, particularly when perceived to be racially motivated, increases the likelihood of not following a doctor's advice or putting off care.24

Third, HCAHPS emphasizes two aspects of communication: that between patients and doctors, and that between patients and nurses. Our patients confirmed that these are important, but they also noted a third dimension of communication contributing to dissatisfaction: provider‐provider communication. Communication and coordination failures among providers are key contributors to adverse events or near misses,2528 but their influence on patient satisfaction has not been widely assessed. Furthermore, patient input is rarely utilized to identify poor interprovider communication. Our study suggests that, just as patients can identify adverse events, they are also able to recognize poor provider‐provider communication.

Patients' reports of dissatisfying events also highlight areas in which small changes in hospital practice might greatly improve the patient experience. For instance, concerns over environment, food, sleep, hygiene, and pain appeared to be representative of a broader dissatisfaction with loss of autonomy and control. Hospitalized patients are often obliged to room with strangers, are subject to noise and interruptions, and cede control of their medication management at a time when they are feeling particularly vulnerable. The importance of this lack of autonomy to patients suggests a variety of small interventions that could improve satisfaction, such as individual control of noise and temperature, a visible commitment to a quiet hospital environment, and minimized interruptions and sleep disturbance.2932 Single‐occupancy hospital rooms have been associated with lower rates of nosocomial infection, medication errors, and patient stress, as well as increased privacy, rest, visitor involvement, and doctor‐patient communication.33, 34 The most sophisticated intervention, acuity‐adaptable private hospital rooms, allows hospitals to maintain patients in the same private hospital room during an entire admission, regardless of changes to level of acuity.35

In‐depth analysis of suggestions for improvement, as gathered by telephone surveys of recently discharged patients, was a particularly well‐suited approach to identifying explicit expectations for care that were violated by dissatisfying incidents. When allowed to express dissatisfaction in terms of suggestions for improvement, patients talked freely about specific dissatisfying experiences. Using telephone interviews allowed a large volume of patient responses to be included, unlike smaller focus groups. Our study was oral and did not rely on the literacy level of patients. Additionally, the open‐ended nature of questioning avoided some of the usual pitfalls of satisfaction surveys. We did not rely on predetermined satisfaction categories or presume the inherent value of particular attributes of care. Nonetheless, our study does have important limitations.

Patient perceptions were not compared with chart data or clinician report. Caregivers were allowed to participate in lieu of patients, which may have reduced identification of some dissatisfying events. Likewise, patients discharged to nursing homes or who were not English or Spanish speaking were excluded and may have had different dissatisfying experiences. Interviews were brief and dissatisfying events were not explored in detail. Although nearly half of respondents reported dissatisfying events, some patients may have been reluctant to criticize their care directly to a hospital representative. Finally, patients generally confined their comments to one or two dissatisfying events, even though there may have been others. We therefore cannot draw any conclusions about the relative frequency of dissatisfying events by domain.


All hospitalized patients bring expectations for their hospital experience. While specific expectations vary between patients, expectations for: 1) safety, 2) treatment with respect and dignity, 3) prompt and efficient care, 4) successful exchange of information, 5) environmental autonomy and control, and 6) high‐quality amenities were found in this study to encompass core expectations for hospitalization. It may be useful to ensure that postdischarge surveys explicitly address these expectations. Efforts to address and manage these core expectations of hospital care may help to reduce patient dissatisfaction with hospitalization and improve the delivery and quality of hospital care.

  1. Cylus J,Anderson GF.Multinational Comparisons of Health Systems Data, 2006.Washington, DC:The Commonwealth Fund;2007.
  2. Schoen C,Osborn R,Doty MM,Bishop M,Peugh J,Murukutla N.Toward higher‐performance health systems: Adults' health care experiences in seven countries, 2007.Health Aff.2007;26:w717734.
  3. Glickman SW,Boulding W,Manary M, et al.Patient satisfaction and its relationship with clinical quality and inpatient mortality in acute myocardial infarction.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.2010;3:188195.
  4. Wong WS,Fielding R.A longitudinal analysis of patient satisfaction and subsequent quality of life in Hong Kong Chinese breast and nasopharyngeal cancer patients.Med Care.2009;47:875881.
  5. Coyle J.Understanding dissatisfied users: developing a framework for comprehending criticisms of health care work.J Adv Nurs.1999;30:723731.
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  7. Institute of Medicine.Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2001.
  8. Williams B.Patient satisfaction: a valid concept?Soc Sci Med.1994;38:509516.
  9. Coyle J.Exploring the meaning of ‘dissatisfaction’ with health care: the importance of ‘personal identity threat’.Sociol Health Illn.1999;21:95123.
  10. Mulcahy L,Titter JQ.Pathways, pyramids and icebergs? Mapping the links between dissatisfaction and complaints.Sociol Health Illn.1998;20:825847.
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  31. Martin DP,Hunt JR,Conrad DA,Hughes‐Stone M.The Planetree Model Hospital Project: an example of the patient as partner. (Pacific Presbyterian Medical Center, San Francisco).Hosp Health Serv Admin.1990;35:591601.
  32. van de Glind I,van Dulmen S,Goossensen A.Physician‐patient communication in single‐bedded versus four‐bedded hospital rooms.Patient Educ Couns.2008;73:215219.
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Article PDF
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 5(9)
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Legacy Keywords
communication, patient satisfaction, professionalism, quality improvement, teamwork
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The United States spends more money per capita on healthcare than any other industrialized nation,1 yet patients are the least satisfied with their care.2 Patient satisfaction is associated in both cross‐sectional3 and longitudinal studies4 with improved physical and mental health outcomes. Conversely, dissatisfaction with care hampers future medical interactions, prevents sharing of information, and impairs the building of trust.5 The increasing recognition that a patient's experience of care affects patient outcomes has furthered efforts to evaluate satisfaction with care.6, 7

However, patient satisfaction is challenging to define and understand. Even the definition of satisfaction is ambiguous, for to satisfy can mean both to make happy and the lesser, to be adequate. To dissatisfy is to displease or disappoint, but dissatisfaction is not the opposite of satisfaction: qualitative studies give little if any indication that patients evaluate satisfaction on a continuum ranging from dissatisfied at one end to very satisfied at the other.8 Instead, it appears that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are different constructs, such that patients may simultaneously be both satisfied and dissatisfied.9, 10 Patients often express overall satisfaction with a service or encounter while also reporting specific criticisms about its shortcomings.11, 12 Alternatively, consumers may be generally satisfied unless something unpleasant or improper happens.13 Thus, dissatisfaction and satisfaction may require different methods of measurement.

The most common model for measuring patient satisfaction is a quantitative survey of patients' experiences in specific predetermined domains. Of 54 hospital satisfaction surveys in common use, only 11 included patient input in their development,14 casting doubt on the relevance of these attributes to patients' priorities of care. Since it is well recognized that patient expectations influence satisfaction,8, 13, 15 it is important to identify patient expectations and priorities up front. However, these have not been clearly established. Furthermore, focusing purely on satisfaction with particular domains of care may miss the separate but illuminating construct of patient dissatisfaction.

In this study we therefore aim to understand patient dissatisfaction with hospitalization more fully as a means of elucidating implicit expectations for hospital care. Using qualitative techniques, we analyzed a large volume of patient responses to a single open‐ended study question to identify determinants and patterns of patient dissatisfaction.


Study Design

We conducted a qualitative analysis of telephone survey data obtained from adults recently discharged after an acute care hospitalization. Survey participants were asked five questions, including: If there was one thing we could have done to improve your experience in the hospital, what would it have been? Answers to this open‐ended question were included in this study.

Setting and Participants

The hospital is a 944‐bed, urban academic medical center. Patients or patient representatives were routinely surveyed in a telephone interview conducted by trained hospital staff 1‐5 days after hospital discharge. Calls were attempted to 90% of adult discharged patients, and approximately 50% of them were reached. For this study, we included patients who were age 18 or older, spoke English, and were discharged to home from a medical, surgical, gynecology‐oncology, neurology, neurosurgery, or intensive care unit. Of those patients, we randomly selected 10% of those surveyed between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008 for inclusion.

Primary Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis was used to classify patient suggestions. The study team included internal medicine physicians (J.P.M., L.I.H.), a medical student (A.V.L.), and a recent college graduate (C.P.B.). Codes were generated using a mixed inductive and deductive approach by reading and rereading the primary data.16 A set of 100 interview responses were first read individually by three investigators (J.P.M., A.V.L., C.P.B.), after which investigators met to discuss themes and ideas. A preliminary list of coding categories was then generated. Each investigator then assigned these coding categories to additional survey responses in sets of 100. Subsequent meetings were held to refine codes using the constant comparative method.16 Disagreements were resolved by negotiated consensus. The full study group met periodically to review the code structure for logic and breadth. Once thematic saturation was achieved, the entire dataset was recoded by two investigators using the final coding structure. The final coding structure contained 42 unique codes organized into six broader themes. We used descriptive statistics to characterize the coding category results. The score for intercoder reliability was 0.91.

This study was approved by the Yale Human Investigation Committee, which granted a waiver of informed consent.


A total of 976 surveys was randomly selected from 9,764 postdischarge phone interviews completed between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. A total of 56.3% of patients was female. Nearly half the patients were discharged from medical units (Table 1). Of the 976 patients, 439 (45.0%) gave at least one suggestion for improvement, yielding a total of 579 suggestions. Patients also offered numerous positive comments about their care, but these comments were not included in the analysis.

Demographic Information (n = 976)
 No.% of Total Surveyed
Total surveys976 
Discharge Unit  
No suggestions for improvement53755.0
At least one suggestion for improvement43945.0

Through qualitative analysis, we assigned suggestions for improvement to six major categories of dissatisfaction: 1) ineptitude, 2) disrespect, 3) prolonged waits, 4) ineffective communication, 5) lack of environmental control, and 6) substandard amenities. We considered the inverse of these problems to represent six implicit expectations of good hospital care: 1) safety, 2) treatment with respect and dignity, 3) prompt and efficient care, 4) successful exchange of information, 5) environmental autonomy and control, and 6) high‐quality amenities (Table 2). The number of patient suggestions related to each domain is detailed in Table 3.

Domains of Dissatisfaction and Corresponding Implicit Expectations
Domain of DissatisfactionImplicit ExpectationsExample
IneptitudeSafetyThe only thing was that when I was getting ready to get discharged, one of Dr. H*'s associates came in and said, We have to readmit you for a further procedure. I said, Well, that's strange because Dr. H* put in a stent yesterday, and I'm supposed to leave today. Well, he checked, and he had the wrong guy. I'm glad I said something or else they probably would have hauled me off.
DisrespectTreatment with respect and dignityTransport was rude due to me being a heavy person. They were saying they didn't want to move me and snickering.
Prolonged waitsPrompt and efficient careI called for someone because I had to use the bathroom really bad, but I had those things stuck to my legs and needed help walking to the bathroom but no one came. Well, I had to go so bad that I had a panic attack. Then all these people came rushing in to help. I felt so embarrassed.
Ineffective communicationSuccessful exchange of informationThere were a few days that [were] a little confusing to me. I didn't know if I was going to have surgery or go home. The communication wasn't that great.
Lack of environmental controlEnvironmental autonomy and controlI was put in a room with a man who had many issues. He was loud and yelling all night. It was a very disturbing experience.
Substandard amenitiesHigh‐quality amenitiesIn that ICU they should put a TV on the ceiling for when you're lying flat on your back looking at the ceiling tiles for 4 days.
Descriptive Statistics of Dissatisfaction Domains
Domain of DissatisfactionNo. (N = 579 suggestionsa)% of Total Surveyed% Within Domain
  • Some respondents gave more than one suggestion, resulting in a greater number of total suggestions than the number of respondents with at least one suggestion for improvement.

Perceived ineptitude757.7100
Adverse events181.824.0
Perceived lack of knowledge/skill121.216.0
Rushed out90.912.0
Unprofessional staff behavior555.693.2
Lack of privacy/confidentiality40.46.8
Prolonged waits15415.8100
Response to call bell   
Wait for physician121.27.8
Wait for admission bed293.018.8
Wait for transport161.610.4
Wait for food70.74.6
Wait for medication111.17.1
Wait for diagnostic test/procedures60.63.9
Wait for discharge80.85.2
Ineffective communication727.4100
Communication with patients333.445.8
Communication with family30.34.2
Communication between providers131.318.1
Coordination of care (inpatient)111.115.3
Medication reconciliation50.56.9
Continuity inpatient to outpatient50.56.9
Lack of environmental control15215.6100
Physical environment   
Interruption by staff151.59.9
Shorter Stay80.85.3
Pain control101.06.6
Painful procedures171.711.2
Maintenance response50.53.3
Substandard amenities676.9100
Food quality262.738.8
Food variety50.57.5
Food service161.623.9


A total of 7.7% of interviewed patients reported experiencing a situation that made them feel unsafe. Dissatisfaction with safety included adverse events or near misses, uncleanliness, and a perceived lack of knowledge or skill. The implicit expectation that emerged from this domain was that the hospital would be safe, and that medical staff would be knowledgeable and skillful.

Adverse events or near misses were experienced in several areas, including diet, medication administration, patient identification, and equipment. Patients were particularly troubled when they or a family member caught the error:

There was one male nurse in training, C*, who was about to give my mother an injection. I asked what he was doing because she was about to go into surgery. He said he thought she was going home. He looked at the chart again and it turns out he was holding her roommate's chart. I don't know what would have happened if I wasn't there.


Dissatisfaction with the cleanliness of the hospital environment was also frequently expressed as a safety concern:

The rooms are dirtyThe floors are dirty. They don't sweep unless you ask them to. It took three different people to come and clean the bathroom right. I have to come back for surgery and I'm scared to death with all that bacteria and uncleanliness.


In this category, patients also described care by not too knowledgeable trainees or other staff as a safety hazard.


A total of 6.0% of surveyed patients suggested improvements that reflected disrespectful treatment, including poor work ethic, lack of warmth, rudeness, and a lack of attention to privacy and confidentiality. This type of dissatisfaction suggested an implicit expectation for treatment with respect and dignity that was clearly distinct from the expectation of technical quality:

[Hospital name] has always been like [this] since I started going there in 1982. They're very good technically but their bedside manner kind of sucks. You survive but you don't walk away with a warm fuzzy feeling.


Underprivileged patients were particularly sensitive to the need for respect:

I feel like the doctor that saw me that last night there was trying to get me out of there as fast as possible, saying not in so many words that it was because I don't have any insurance. I just feel like they treated me like an animal.


Violations of privacy and confidentiality were not only perceived as disrespectful, but also as a direct impediment to high‐quality care:

In the ER, I didn't like that I had no privacy especially talking with the doctor because I was in the hallway. I didn't have any privacy therefore I wasn't completely truthful with the doctor because everyone could hear.


Prolonged Waits

A total of 15.8% of patients noted dissatisfaction with wait times in the hospital. Waits for admission, transport, or discharge were frequently cited as anxiety‐provoking or frustrating:

The ER wait is too long. I was there from 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM the next day. I was there the whole day and night. When someone is in pain, they just want to be taken care of, not waiting around.


Waits related to receiving patient care, for example the inability to access nurses or physicians, more often caused feelings of fear and abandonment:

Every patient is different, I understand, but when you're there at night it can be a little scary. I was not only scared but in pain. The nurse tried to get a hold of the doctor that was on call, but the doctor took hours to respond. That was very scary.


It was also distressing to patients to watch roommates experience a delay in help for urgent needs:

The lady next to me was an elderly woman with a brace on her neck, and she couldn't speak very well. She had diarrhea at night and she would ask for a bedpan. The nurses would take forever bringing it to her. I just think when there are elderly people they should be more attentive to them because they tend to not be as vocal, you know?


Together, these comments represented an implicit expectation for prompt and efficient care.

Ineffective Communication

Communication during hospitalization was a source of dissatisfaction in 7.4% of surveyed patients. Communication failures occurred in several areas. Most common was the ineffective transfer of medical information to patients:

For days I thought I was having surgery on Friday. So all that day I ate and drank nothing and got prepped for surgery. Finally later that night I was told I was going to have it on Saturday. Saturday comes and still nothing. I never saw a surgeon or talked to anyone. Then later after that I was told I'm not having the surgery. That was the most frustrating thing.


Patients were also dissatisfied with their ability to communicate with their doctors:

I was sent home on a Friday and was sent right back on Friday night because my blood count was low and I ended up needing a blood transfusion. I tried to tell them this but they didn't listen. They need to listen to the patients.


Failed communication between care providers in the hospital was a third inadequacy noted by patients:

The only problem I had was all the different doctors coming in and out. There's so many that it confuses the patient, and a lot of them would contradict each other. One doctor said I could go home and another doctor said, No, you need to stay.


Finally, patients were dissatisfied when there was ineffective communication between inpatient and outpatient providers.

They said the VNA [Visiting Nurse Association] is supposed to come. The nurse hasn't come to see me and she hasn't called. My daughter and I have been waiting.


Thus, patients had an implicit expectation for effective communication between all parties in the hospital and were dissatisfied when any type of communication was inadequate.

Lack of Environmental Control

A total of 15.4% of surveyed patients reported dissatisfaction with the inability to control the physical environment. The inability to control noise levels, roommate behavior, temperature, smells, pain, lighting, staff interruptions, food service, smoking, and even humidity were all anxiety‐producing for different patients. The feeling of being imposed upon by an uncomfortable physical environment also extended to hospital facilities such as inaccessible bathrooms, traffic, and parking. Dissatisfaction with rooming arrangements was common:

I was in a triple room and one of my roommates had at least six visitors in the room at a time every day including two infant twins. Someone really should have said something about that. It became very disturbing, and I even left a day early because of that.


An expectation for quiet, especially during the night, was also repeatedly expressed:

The night shift could have been more considerate of people trying to rest. There was a lot of noise and bangs. I know people have to laugh and have fun but it could have been a little more quiet.


Related was the inability to control interruptions by staff members:

It's hard enough to get sleep, but then those blood suckers come in the middle of the night.


This category of dissatisfaction reflected an implicit expectation for autonomy and control over the environment so that it was conducive to rest and healing.

Substandard Amenities

A total of 6.9% of surveyed patients suggested improvements to amenities such as food, bedding, gowns, and television. Moving beyond the expectation of having peaceful surroundings, these comments reflected an expectation of a well‐appointed hospital environment with high‐quality amenities. A typical example was this comment about the food and service:

You never get what you order from the kitchen. Your tray either has something missing from it or it's the wrong tray or not the right diet. It's very frustrating and hard to get the orders the way you want.



We analyzed 439 patient suggestions for improving hospital care and found that dissatisfaction resulted from six categories of negative experiences: 1) ineptitude, 2) disrespect, 3) prolonged wait times, 4) ineffective communication, 5) lack of environmental control, and 6) substandard amenities. These domains represented a corresponding set of implicit patient expectations for: 1) safety, 2) treatment with respect and dignity, 3) prompt and efficient care, 4) successful exchange of information, 5) environmental autonomy and control, and 6) high‐quality amenities. Each of these categories suggests avenues by which both the assessment and provision of hospital care can be made more patient‐centered.

The most widely used patient satisfaction survey in use in the United States today is the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems (HCAHPS), which includes eight domains: communication with doctors, communication with nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff, pain management, communication about medicines, discharge information, cleanliness of the hospital environment, and quietness of the hospital environment.17 The dissatisfaction domains found in this study closely overlap the HCAHPS satisfaction domains, but with a few key differences.

First, dissatisfaction with ineptitude in our study encompassed concerns over adverse events and near misses, in addition to the cleanliness of the environment. Other research has shown that dissatisfaction with hospitalization can be predicted by the number of reported problems18 and the perception of receiving incorrect treatment.19 While elaborate methods have been devised to assess and compare the hospital quality and safety, patient satisfaction surveys including the HCAHPS survey often fail to ask patients directly about their perceptions of safety. In fact, this study and others20, 21 show that patients are able to recognize adverse events during hospitalization. Patient report may be a useful adjunct to other methods of adverse event case finding and outcomes reporting.

Second, while HCAHPS and others identify warmth, courtesy, concern, and respect as dimensions of patient‐centered care,14, 17, 22, 23 the ability of quantitative satisfaction surveys to capture the experience of disrespectful treatment may be limited, especially during hospitalization. Most respondents who commented on feeling disrespected identified only a single encounter, which can be masked by otherwise satisfying interactions with numerous care providers. Directly asking patients whether any experience during hospitalization caused them to feel disrespected, and allowing room for explanation, might more efficiently identify problem areas. This is particularly important because even one episode of disrespectful treatment, particularly when perceived to be racially motivated, increases the likelihood of not following a doctor's advice or putting off care.24

Third, HCAHPS emphasizes two aspects of communication: that between patients and doctors, and that between patients and nurses. Our patients confirmed that these are important, but they also noted a third dimension of communication contributing to dissatisfaction: provider‐provider communication. Communication and coordination failures among providers are key contributors to adverse events or near misses,2528 but their influence on patient satisfaction has not been widely assessed. Furthermore, patient input is rarely utilized to identify poor interprovider communication. Our study suggests that, just as patients can identify adverse events, they are also able to recognize poor provider‐provider communication.

Patients' reports of dissatisfying events also highlight areas in which small changes in hospital practice might greatly improve the patient experience. For instance, concerns over environment, food, sleep, hygiene, and pain appeared to be representative of a broader dissatisfaction with loss of autonomy and control. Hospitalized patients are often obliged to room with strangers, are subject to noise and interruptions, and cede control of their medication management at a time when they are feeling particularly vulnerable. The importance of this lack of autonomy to patients suggests a variety of small interventions that could improve satisfaction, such as individual control of noise and temperature, a visible commitment to a quiet hospital environment, and minimized interruptions and sleep disturbance.2932 Single‐occupancy hospital rooms have been associated with lower rates of nosocomial infection, medication errors, and patient stress, as well as increased privacy, rest, visitor involvement, and doctor‐patient communication.33, 34 The most sophisticated intervention, acuity‐adaptable private hospital rooms, allows hospitals to maintain patients in the same private hospital room during an entire admission, regardless of changes to level of acuity.35

In‐depth analysis of suggestions for improvement, as gathered by telephone surveys of recently discharged patients, was a particularly well‐suited approach to identifying explicit expectations for care that were violated by dissatisfying incidents. When allowed to express dissatisfaction in terms of suggestions for improvement, patients talked freely about specific dissatisfying experiences. Using telephone interviews allowed a large volume of patient responses to be included, unlike smaller focus groups. Our study was oral and did not rely on the literacy level of patients. Additionally, the open‐ended nature of questioning avoided some of the usual pitfalls of satisfaction surveys. We did not rely on predetermined satisfaction categories or presume the inherent value of particular attributes of care. Nonetheless, our study does have important limitations.

Patient perceptions were not compared with chart data or clinician report. Caregivers were allowed to participate in lieu of patients, which may have reduced identification of some dissatisfying events. Likewise, patients discharged to nursing homes or who were not English or Spanish speaking were excluded and may have had different dissatisfying experiences. Interviews were brief and dissatisfying events were not explored in detail. Although nearly half of respondents reported dissatisfying events, some patients may have been reluctant to criticize their care directly to a hospital representative. Finally, patients generally confined their comments to one or two dissatisfying events, even though there may have been others. We therefore cannot draw any conclusions about the relative frequency of dissatisfying events by domain.


All hospitalized patients bring expectations for their hospital experience. While specific expectations vary between patients, expectations for: 1) safety, 2) treatment with respect and dignity, 3) prompt and efficient care, 4) successful exchange of information, 5) environmental autonomy and control, and 6) high‐quality amenities were found in this study to encompass core expectations for hospitalization. It may be useful to ensure that postdischarge surveys explicitly address these expectations. Efforts to address and manage these core expectations of hospital care may help to reduce patient dissatisfaction with hospitalization and improve the delivery and quality of hospital care.

The United States spends more money per capita on healthcare than any other industrialized nation,1 yet patients are the least satisfied with their care.2 Patient satisfaction is associated in both cross‐sectional3 and longitudinal studies4 with improved physical and mental health outcomes. Conversely, dissatisfaction with care hampers future medical interactions, prevents sharing of information, and impairs the building of trust.5 The increasing recognition that a patient's experience of care affects patient outcomes has furthered efforts to evaluate satisfaction with care.6, 7

However, patient satisfaction is challenging to define and understand. Even the definition of satisfaction is ambiguous, for to satisfy can mean both to make happy and the lesser, to be adequate. To dissatisfy is to displease or disappoint, but dissatisfaction is not the opposite of satisfaction: qualitative studies give little if any indication that patients evaluate satisfaction on a continuum ranging from dissatisfied at one end to very satisfied at the other.8 Instead, it appears that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are different constructs, such that patients may simultaneously be both satisfied and dissatisfied.9, 10 Patients often express overall satisfaction with a service or encounter while also reporting specific criticisms about its shortcomings.11, 12 Alternatively, consumers may be generally satisfied unless something unpleasant or improper happens.13 Thus, dissatisfaction and satisfaction may require different methods of measurement.

The most common model for measuring patient satisfaction is a quantitative survey of patients' experiences in specific predetermined domains. Of 54 hospital satisfaction surveys in common use, only 11 included patient input in their development,14 casting doubt on the relevance of these attributes to patients' priorities of care. Since it is well recognized that patient expectations influence satisfaction,8, 13, 15 it is important to identify patient expectations and priorities up front. However, these have not been clearly established. Furthermore, focusing purely on satisfaction with particular domains of care may miss the separate but illuminating construct of patient dissatisfaction.

In this study we therefore aim to understand patient dissatisfaction with hospitalization more fully as a means of elucidating implicit expectations for hospital care. Using qualitative techniques, we analyzed a large volume of patient responses to a single open‐ended study question to identify determinants and patterns of patient dissatisfaction.


Study Design

We conducted a qualitative analysis of telephone survey data obtained from adults recently discharged after an acute care hospitalization. Survey participants were asked five questions, including: If there was one thing we could have done to improve your experience in the hospital, what would it have been? Answers to this open‐ended question were included in this study.

Setting and Participants

The hospital is a 944‐bed, urban academic medical center. Patients or patient representatives were routinely surveyed in a telephone interview conducted by trained hospital staff 1‐5 days after hospital discharge. Calls were attempted to 90% of adult discharged patients, and approximately 50% of them were reached. For this study, we included patients who were age 18 or older, spoke English, and were discharged to home from a medical, surgical, gynecology‐oncology, neurology, neurosurgery, or intensive care unit. Of those patients, we randomly selected 10% of those surveyed between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008 for inclusion.

Primary Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis was used to classify patient suggestions. The study team included internal medicine physicians (J.P.M., L.I.H.), a medical student (A.V.L.), and a recent college graduate (C.P.B.). Codes were generated using a mixed inductive and deductive approach by reading and rereading the primary data.16 A set of 100 interview responses were first read individually by three investigators (J.P.M., A.V.L., C.P.B.), after which investigators met to discuss themes and ideas. A preliminary list of coding categories was then generated. Each investigator then assigned these coding categories to additional survey responses in sets of 100. Subsequent meetings were held to refine codes using the constant comparative method.16 Disagreements were resolved by negotiated consensus. The full study group met periodically to review the code structure for logic and breadth. Once thematic saturation was achieved, the entire dataset was recoded by two investigators using the final coding structure. The final coding structure contained 42 unique codes organized into six broader themes. We used descriptive statistics to characterize the coding category results. The score for intercoder reliability was 0.91.

This study was approved by the Yale Human Investigation Committee, which granted a waiver of informed consent.


A total of 976 surveys was randomly selected from 9,764 postdischarge phone interviews completed between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. A total of 56.3% of patients was female. Nearly half the patients were discharged from medical units (Table 1). Of the 976 patients, 439 (45.0%) gave at least one suggestion for improvement, yielding a total of 579 suggestions. Patients also offered numerous positive comments about their care, but these comments were not included in the analysis.

Demographic Information (n = 976)
 No.% of Total Surveyed
Total surveys976 
Discharge Unit  
No suggestions for improvement53755.0
At least one suggestion for improvement43945.0

Through qualitative analysis, we assigned suggestions for improvement to six major categories of dissatisfaction: 1) ineptitude, 2) disrespect, 3) prolonged waits, 4) ineffective communication, 5) lack of environmental control, and 6) substandard amenities. We considered the inverse of these problems to represent six implicit expectations of good hospital care: 1) safety, 2) treatment with respect and dignity, 3) prompt and efficient care, 4) successful exchange of information, 5) environmental autonomy and control, and 6) high‐quality amenities (Table 2). The number of patient suggestions related to each domain is detailed in Table 3.

Domains of Dissatisfaction and Corresponding Implicit Expectations
Domain of DissatisfactionImplicit ExpectationsExample
IneptitudeSafetyThe only thing was that when I was getting ready to get discharged, one of Dr. H*'s associates came in and said, We have to readmit you for a further procedure. I said, Well, that's strange because Dr. H* put in a stent yesterday, and I'm supposed to leave today. Well, he checked, and he had the wrong guy. I'm glad I said something or else they probably would have hauled me off.
DisrespectTreatment with respect and dignityTransport was rude due to me being a heavy person. They were saying they didn't want to move me and snickering.
Prolonged waitsPrompt and efficient careI called for someone because I had to use the bathroom really bad, but I had those things stuck to my legs and needed help walking to the bathroom but no one came. Well, I had to go so bad that I had a panic attack. Then all these people came rushing in to help. I felt so embarrassed.
Ineffective communicationSuccessful exchange of informationThere were a few days that [were] a little confusing to me. I didn't know if I was going to have surgery or go home. The communication wasn't that great.
Lack of environmental controlEnvironmental autonomy and controlI was put in a room with a man who had many issues. He was loud and yelling all night. It was a very disturbing experience.
Substandard amenitiesHigh‐quality amenitiesIn that ICU they should put a TV on the ceiling for when you're lying flat on your back looking at the ceiling tiles for 4 days.
Descriptive Statistics of Dissatisfaction Domains
Domain of DissatisfactionNo. (N = 579 suggestionsa)% of Total Surveyed% Within Domain
  • Some respondents gave more than one suggestion, resulting in a greater number of total suggestions than the number of respondents with at least one suggestion for improvement.

Perceived ineptitude757.7100
Adverse events181.824.0
Perceived lack of knowledge/skill121.216.0
Rushed out90.912.0
Unprofessional staff behavior555.693.2
Lack of privacy/confidentiality40.46.8
Prolonged waits15415.8100
Response to call bell   
Wait for physician121.27.8
Wait for admission bed293.018.8
Wait for transport161.610.4
Wait for food70.74.6
Wait for medication111.17.1
Wait for diagnostic test/procedures60.63.9
Wait for discharge80.85.2
Ineffective communication727.4100
Communication with patients333.445.8
Communication with family30.34.2
Communication between providers131.318.1
Coordination of care (inpatient)111.115.3
Medication reconciliation50.56.9
Continuity inpatient to outpatient50.56.9
Lack of environmental control15215.6100
Physical environment   
Interruption by staff151.59.9
Shorter Stay80.85.3
Pain control101.06.6
Painful procedures171.711.2
Maintenance response50.53.3
Substandard amenities676.9100
Food quality262.738.8
Food variety50.57.5
Food service161.623.9


A total of 7.7% of interviewed patients reported experiencing a situation that made them feel unsafe. Dissatisfaction with safety included adverse events or near misses, uncleanliness, and a perceived lack of knowledge or skill. The implicit expectation that emerged from this domain was that the hospital would be safe, and that medical staff would be knowledgeable and skillful.

Adverse events or near misses were experienced in several areas, including diet, medication administration, patient identification, and equipment. Patients were particularly troubled when they or a family member caught the error:

There was one male nurse in training, C*, who was about to give my mother an injection. I asked what he was doing because she was about to go into surgery. He said he thought she was going home. He looked at the chart again and it turns out he was holding her roommate's chart. I don't know what would have happened if I wasn't there.


Dissatisfaction with the cleanliness of the hospital environment was also frequently expressed as a safety concern:

The rooms are dirtyThe floors are dirty. They don't sweep unless you ask them to. It took three different people to come and clean the bathroom right. I have to come back for surgery and I'm scared to death with all that bacteria and uncleanliness.


In this category, patients also described care by not too knowledgeable trainees or other staff as a safety hazard.


A total of 6.0% of surveyed patients suggested improvements that reflected disrespectful treatment, including poor work ethic, lack of warmth, rudeness, and a lack of attention to privacy and confidentiality. This type of dissatisfaction suggested an implicit expectation for treatment with respect and dignity that was clearly distinct from the expectation of technical quality:

[Hospital name] has always been like [this] since I started going there in 1982. They're very good technically but their bedside manner kind of sucks. You survive but you don't walk away with a warm fuzzy feeling.


Underprivileged patients were particularly sensitive to the need for respect:

I feel like the doctor that saw me that last night there was trying to get me out of there as fast as possible, saying not in so many words that it was because I don't have any insurance. I just feel like they treated me like an animal.


Violations of privacy and confidentiality were not only perceived as disrespectful, but also as a direct impediment to high‐quality care:

In the ER, I didn't like that I had no privacy especially talking with the doctor because I was in the hallway. I didn't have any privacy therefore I wasn't completely truthful with the doctor because everyone could hear.


Prolonged Waits

A total of 15.8% of patients noted dissatisfaction with wait times in the hospital. Waits for admission, transport, or discharge were frequently cited as anxiety‐provoking or frustrating:

The ER wait is too long. I was there from 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM the next day. I was there the whole day and night. When someone is in pain, they just want to be taken care of, not waiting around.


Waits related to receiving patient care, for example the inability to access nurses or physicians, more often caused feelings of fear and abandonment:

Every patient is different, I understand, but when you're there at night it can be a little scary. I was not only scared but in pain. The nurse tried to get a hold of the doctor that was on call, but the doctor took hours to respond. That was very scary.


It was also distressing to patients to watch roommates experience a delay in help for urgent needs:

The lady next to me was an elderly woman with a brace on her neck, and she couldn't speak very well. She had diarrhea at night and she would ask for a bedpan. The nurses would take forever bringing it to her. I just think when there are elderly people they should be more attentive to them because they tend to not be as vocal, you know?


Together, these comments represented an implicit expectation for prompt and efficient care.

Ineffective Communication

Communication during hospitalization was a source of dissatisfaction in 7.4% of surveyed patients. Communication failures occurred in several areas. Most common was the ineffective transfer of medical information to patients:

For days I thought I was having surgery on Friday. So all that day I ate and drank nothing and got prepped for surgery. Finally later that night I was told I was going to have it on Saturday. Saturday comes and still nothing. I never saw a surgeon or talked to anyone. Then later after that I was told I'm not having the surgery. That was the most frustrating thing.


Patients were also dissatisfied with their ability to communicate with their doctors:

I was sent home on a Friday and was sent right back on Friday night because my blood count was low and I ended up needing a blood transfusion. I tried to tell them this but they didn't listen. They need to listen to the patients.


Failed communication between care providers in the hospital was a third inadequacy noted by patients:

The only problem I had was all the different doctors coming in and out. There's so many that it confuses the patient, and a lot of them would contradict each other. One doctor said I could go home and another doctor said, No, you need to stay.


Finally, patients were dissatisfied when there was ineffective communication between inpatient and outpatient providers.

They said the VNA [Visiting Nurse Association] is supposed to come. The nurse hasn't come to see me and she hasn't called. My daughter and I have been waiting.


Thus, patients had an implicit expectation for effective communication between all parties in the hospital and were dissatisfied when any type of communication was inadequate.

Lack of Environmental Control

A total of 15.4% of surveyed patients reported dissatisfaction with the inability to control the physical environment. The inability to control noise levels, roommate behavior, temperature, smells, pain, lighting, staff interruptions, food service, smoking, and even humidity were all anxiety‐producing for different patients. The feeling of being imposed upon by an uncomfortable physical environment also extended to hospital facilities such as inaccessible bathrooms, traffic, and parking. Dissatisfaction with rooming arrangements was common:

I was in a triple room and one of my roommates had at least six visitors in the room at a time every day including two infant twins. Someone really should have said something about that. It became very disturbing, and I even left a day early because of that.


An expectation for quiet, especially during the night, was also repeatedly expressed:

The night shift could have been more considerate of people trying to rest. There was a lot of noise and bangs. I know people have to laugh and have fun but it could have been a little more quiet.


Related was the inability to control interruptions by staff members:

It's hard enough to get sleep, but then those blood suckers come in the middle of the night.


This category of dissatisfaction reflected an implicit expectation for autonomy and control over the environment so that it was conducive to rest and healing.

Substandard Amenities

A total of 6.9% of surveyed patients suggested improvements to amenities such as food, bedding, gowns, and television. Moving beyond the expectation of having peaceful surroundings, these comments reflected an expectation of a well‐appointed hospital environment with high‐quality amenities. A typical example was this comment about the food and service:

You never get what you order from the kitchen. Your tray either has something missing from it or it's the wrong tray or not the right diet. It's very frustrating and hard to get the orders the way you want.



We analyzed 439 patient suggestions for improving hospital care and found that dissatisfaction resulted from six categories of negative experiences: 1) ineptitude, 2) disrespect, 3) prolonged wait times, 4) ineffective communication, 5) lack of environmental control, and 6) substandard amenities. These domains represented a corresponding set of implicit patient expectations for: 1) safety, 2) treatment with respect and dignity, 3) prompt and efficient care, 4) successful exchange of information, 5) environmental autonomy and control, and 6) high‐quality amenities. Each of these categories suggests avenues by which both the assessment and provision of hospital care can be made more patient‐centered.

The most widely used patient satisfaction survey in use in the United States today is the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems (HCAHPS), which includes eight domains: communication with doctors, communication with nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff, pain management, communication about medicines, discharge information, cleanliness of the hospital environment, and quietness of the hospital environment.17 The dissatisfaction domains found in this study closely overlap the HCAHPS satisfaction domains, but with a few key differences.

First, dissatisfaction with ineptitude in our study encompassed concerns over adverse events and near misses, in addition to the cleanliness of the environment. Other research has shown that dissatisfaction with hospitalization can be predicted by the number of reported problems18 and the perception of receiving incorrect treatment.19 While elaborate methods have been devised to assess and compare the hospital quality and safety, patient satisfaction surveys including the HCAHPS survey often fail to ask patients directly about their perceptions of safety. In fact, this study and others20, 21 show that patients are able to recognize adverse events during hospitalization. Patient report may be a useful adjunct to other methods of adverse event case finding and outcomes reporting.

Second, while HCAHPS and others identify warmth, courtesy, concern, and respect as dimensions of patient‐centered care,14, 17, 22, 23 the ability of quantitative satisfaction surveys to capture the experience of disrespectful treatment may be limited, especially during hospitalization. Most respondents who commented on feeling disrespected identified only a single encounter, which can be masked by otherwise satisfying interactions with numerous care providers. Directly asking patients whether any experience during hospitalization caused them to feel disrespected, and allowing room for explanation, might more efficiently identify problem areas. This is particularly important because even one episode of disrespectful treatment, particularly when perceived to be racially motivated, increases the likelihood of not following a doctor's advice or putting off care.24

Third, HCAHPS emphasizes two aspects of communication: that between patients and doctors, and that between patients and nurses. Our patients confirmed that these are important, but they also noted a third dimension of communication contributing to dissatisfaction: provider‐provider communication. Communication and coordination failures among providers are key contributors to adverse events or near misses,2528 but their influence on patient satisfaction has not been widely assessed. Furthermore, patient input is rarely utilized to identify poor interprovider communication. Our study suggests that, just as patients can identify adverse events, they are also able to recognize poor provider‐provider communication.

Patients' reports of dissatisfying events also highlight areas in which small changes in hospital practice might greatly improve the patient experience. For instance, concerns over environment, food, sleep, hygiene, and pain appeared to be representative of a broader dissatisfaction with loss of autonomy and control. Hospitalized patients are often obliged to room with strangers, are subject to noise and interruptions, and cede control of their medication management at a time when they are feeling particularly vulnerable. The importance of this lack of autonomy to patients suggests a variety of small interventions that could improve satisfaction, such as individual control of noise and temperature, a visible commitment to a quiet hospital environment, and minimized interruptions and sleep disturbance.2932 Single‐occupancy hospital rooms have been associated with lower rates of nosocomial infection, medication errors, and patient stress, as well as increased privacy, rest, visitor involvement, and doctor‐patient communication.33, 34 The most sophisticated intervention, acuity‐adaptable private hospital rooms, allows hospitals to maintain patients in the same private hospital room during an entire admission, regardless of changes to level of acuity.35

In‐depth analysis of suggestions for improvement, as gathered by telephone surveys of recently discharged patients, was a particularly well‐suited approach to identifying explicit expectations for care that were violated by dissatisfying incidents. When allowed to express dissatisfaction in terms of suggestions for improvement, patients talked freely about specific dissatisfying experiences. Using telephone interviews allowed a large volume of patient responses to be included, unlike smaller focus groups. Our study was oral and did not rely on the literacy level of patients. Additionally, the open‐ended nature of questioning avoided some of the usual pitfalls of satisfaction surveys. We did not rely on predetermined satisfaction categories or presume the inherent value of particular attributes of care. Nonetheless, our study does have important limitations.

Patient perceptions were not compared with chart data or clinician report. Caregivers were allowed to participate in lieu of patients, which may have reduced identification of some dissatisfying events. Likewise, patients discharged to nursing homes or who were not English or Spanish speaking were excluded and may have had different dissatisfying experiences. Interviews were brief and dissatisfying events were not explored in detail. Although nearly half of respondents reported dissatisfying events, some patients may have been reluctant to criticize their care directly to a hospital representative. Finally, patients generally confined their comments to one or two dissatisfying events, even though there may have been others. We therefore cannot draw any conclusions about the relative frequency of dissatisfying events by domain.


All hospitalized patients bring expectations for their hospital experience. While specific expectations vary between patients, expectations for: 1) safety, 2) treatment with respect and dignity, 3) prompt and efficient care, 4) successful exchange of information, 5) environmental autonomy and control, and 6) high‐quality amenities were found in this study to encompass core expectations for hospitalization. It may be useful to ensure that postdischarge surveys explicitly address these expectations. Efforts to address and manage these core expectations of hospital care may help to reduce patient dissatisfaction with hospitalization and improve the delivery and quality of hospital care.

  1. Cylus J,Anderson GF.Multinational Comparisons of Health Systems Data, 2006.Washington, DC:The Commonwealth Fund;2007.
  2. Schoen C,Osborn R,Doty MM,Bishop M,Peugh J,Murukutla N.Toward higher‐performance health systems: Adults' health care experiences in seven countries, 2007.Health Aff.2007;26:w717734.
  3. Glickman SW,Boulding W,Manary M, et al.Patient satisfaction and its relationship with clinical quality and inpatient mortality in acute myocardial infarction.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.2010;3:188195.
  4. Wong WS,Fielding R.A longitudinal analysis of patient satisfaction and subsequent quality of life in Hong Kong Chinese breast and nasopharyngeal cancer patients.Med Care.2009;47:875881.
  5. Coyle J.Understanding dissatisfied users: developing a framework for comprehending criticisms of health care work.J Adv Nurs.1999;30:723731.
  6. Sitzia J,Wood N.Patient satisfaction: a review of issues and concepts.Soc Sci Med.1997;45:18291843.
  7. Institute of Medicine.Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2001.
  8. Williams B.Patient satisfaction: a valid concept?Soc Sci Med.1994;38:509516.
  9. Coyle J.Exploring the meaning of ‘dissatisfaction’ with health care: the importance of ‘personal identity threat’.Sociol Health Illn.1999;21:95123.
  10. Mulcahy L,Titter JQ.Pathways, pyramids and icebergs? Mapping the links between dissatisfaction and complaints.Sociol Health Illn.1998;20:825847.
  11. Williams SJ,Calnan M.Convergence and divergence: assessing criteria of consumer satisfaction across general practice, dental and hospital care settings.Soc Sci Med.1991;33:707716.
  12. Bruster S,Jarman B,Bosanquet N,Weston D,Erens R,Delbanco TL.National survey of hospital patients [see comment].BMJ.1994;309:15421546.
  13. Crow R,Gage H,Hampson S, et al.The measurement of satisfaction with healthcare: implications for practice from a systematic review of the literature.Health Technol Assess.2002;6:1244.
  14. Castle NG,Brown J,Hepner KA,Hays RD.Review of the literature on survey instruments used to collect data on hospital patients' perceptions of care.Health Serv Res.2005;40:19962017.
  15. Avis M,Bond M,Arthur A.Satisfying solutions? A review of some unresolved issues in the measurement of patient satisfaction.J Adv Nurs.1995;22:316322.
  16. Glaser BG,Strauss AL.The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research.Chicago, IL:Aldine;1967.
  17. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers 25:2536.
  18. Danielsen K,Garratt AM,Bjertnaes OA,Pettersen KI.Patient experiences in relation to respondent and health service delivery characteristics: a survey of 26,938 patients attending 62 hospitals throughout Norway.Scand J Public Health.2007;35:7077.
  19. Weingart SN,Pagovich O,Sands DZ, et al.What can hospitalized patients tell us about adverse events? Learning from patient‐reported incidents.J Gen Intern Med.2005;20:830836.
  20. Cleary PD.A hospitalization from hell: a patient's perspective on quality.Ann Intern Med.2003;138:3339.
  21. Gerteis M,Edgman‐Levitan S,Daley J,Delbanco TL.Through the Patient's Eyes: Understanding and Promoting Patient‐Centered Care.San Francisco, CA:Jossey‐Bass;1993.
  22. Sofaer S,Crofton C,Goldstein E,Hoy E,Crabb J.What do consumers want to know about the quality of care in hospitals?Health Serv Res.2005;40:20182036.
  23. Blanchard J,Lurie N.R‐e‐s‐p‐e‐c‐t: patient reports of disrespect in the health care setting and its impact on care.J Fam Pract.2004;53:721730.
  24. McKnight LK,Stetson PD,Bakken S,Curran C,Cimino JJ.Perceived information needs and communication difficulties of inpatient physicians and nurses.J Am Med Inform Assoc.2002;9(6 suppl 1):S64S69.
  25. Leonard M,Graham S,Bonacum D.The human factor: the critical importance of effective teamwork and communication in providing safe care.Qual Saf Health Care.2004;13:i85i90.
  26. Horwitz LI,Moin T,Krumholz HM,Wang L,Bradley EH.Consequences of inadequate sign‐out for patient care.Arch Intern Med.2008;168:17551760.
  27. Horwitz LI,Meredith T,Schuur JD,Shah NR,Kulkarni RG,Jenq GY.Dropping the baton: a qualitative analysis of failures during the transition from emergency department to inpatient care.Ann Emerg Med.2009;53:701710 e704.
  28. Topf M,Thompson S.Interactive relationships between hospital patients' noise‐induced stress and other stress with sleep.Heart Lung.2001;30:237243.
  29. Job RFS.The influence of subjective reactions to noise on health effects of the noise.Environ Int.1996;22:93104.
  30. Smykowski L.A novel PACU design for noise reduction.J Perianesth Nurs.2008;23:226229.
  31. Martin DP,Hunt JR,Conrad DA,Hughes‐Stone M.The Planetree Model Hospital Project: an example of the patient as partner. (Pacific Presbyterian Medical Center, San Francisco).Hosp Health Serv Admin.1990;35:591601.
  32. van de Glind I,van Dulmen S,Goossensen A.Physician‐patient communication in single‐bedded versus four‐bedded hospital rooms.Patient Educ Couns.2008;73:215219.
  33. Chaudhury H,Mahmood A,Valente M.Advantages and disadvantages of single‐versus multiple‐occupancy rooms in acute care environments: a review and analysis of the literature.Environ Behav.2005;37:760786.
  34. Brown KK,Gallant DB.Impacting patient outcomes through design: acuity adaptable care/universal room design.Crit Care Nurs Q.2006;29:326341.
  1. Cylus J,Anderson GF.Multinational Comparisons of Health Systems Data, 2006.Washington, DC:The Commonwealth Fund;2007.
  2. Schoen C,Osborn R,Doty MM,Bishop M,Peugh J,Murukutla N.Toward higher‐performance health systems: Adults' health care experiences in seven countries, 2007.Health Aff.2007;26:w717734.
  3. Glickman SW,Boulding W,Manary M, et al.Patient satisfaction and its relationship with clinical quality and inpatient mortality in acute myocardial infarction.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.2010;3:188195.
  4. Wong WS,Fielding R.A longitudinal analysis of patient satisfaction and subsequent quality of life in Hong Kong Chinese breast and nasopharyngeal cancer patients.Med Care.2009;47:875881.
  5. Coyle J.Understanding dissatisfied users: developing a framework for comprehending criticisms of health care work.J Adv Nurs.1999;30:723731.
  6. Sitzia J,Wood N.Patient satisfaction: a review of issues and concepts.Soc Sci Med.1997;45:18291843.
  7. Institute of Medicine.Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2001.
  8. Williams B.Patient satisfaction: a valid concept?Soc Sci Med.1994;38:509516.
  9. Coyle J.Exploring the meaning of ‘dissatisfaction’ with health care: the importance of ‘personal identity threat’.Sociol Health Illn.1999;21:95123.
  10. Mulcahy L,Titter JQ.Pathways, pyramids and icebergs? Mapping the links between dissatisfaction and complaints.Sociol Health Illn.1998;20:825847.
  11. Williams SJ,Calnan M.Convergence and divergence: assessing criteria of consumer satisfaction across general practice, dental and hospital care settings.Soc Sci Med.1991;33:707716.
  12. Bruster S,Jarman B,Bosanquet N,Weston D,Erens R,Delbanco TL.National survey of hospital patients [see comment].BMJ.1994;309:15421546.
  13. Crow R,Gage H,Hampson S, et al.The measurement of satisfaction with healthcare: implications for practice from a systematic review of the literature.Health Technol Assess.2002;6:1244.
  14. Castle NG,Brown J,Hepner KA,Hays RD.Review of the literature on survey instruments used to collect data on hospital patients' perceptions of care.Health Serv Res.2005;40:19962017.
  15. Avis M,Bond M,Arthur A.Satisfying solutions? A review of some unresolved issues in the measurement of patient satisfaction.J Adv Nurs.1995;22:316322.
  16. Glaser BG,Strauss AL.The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research.Chicago, IL:Aldine;1967.
  17. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers 25:2536.
  18. Danielsen K,Garratt AM,Bjertnaes OA,Pettersen KI.Patient experiences in relation to respondent and health service delivery characteristics: a survey of 26,938 patients attending 62 hospitals throughout Norway.Scand J Public Health.2007;35:7077.
  19. Weingart SN,Pagovich O,Sands DZ, et al.What can hospitalized patients tell us about adverse events? Learning from patient‐reported incidents.J Gen Intern Med.2005;20:830836.
  20. Cleary PD.A hospitalization from hell: a patient's perspective on quality.Ann Intern Med.2003;138:3339.
  21. Gerteis M,Edgman‐Levitan S,Daley J,Delbanco TL.Through the Patient's Eyes: Understanding and Promoting Patient‐Centered Care.San Francisco, CA:Jossey‐Bass;1993.
  22. Sofaer S,Crofton C,Goldstein E,Hoy E,Crabb J.What do consumers want to know about the quality of care in hospitals?Health Serv Res.2005;40:20182036.
  23. Blanchard J,Lurie N.R‐e‐s‐p‐e‐c‐t: patient reports of disrespect in the health care setting and its impact on care.J Fam Pract.2004;53:721730.
  24. McKnight LK,Stetson PD,Bakken S,Curran C,Cimino JJ.Perceived information needs and communication difficulties of inpatient physicians and nurses.J Am Med Inform Assoc.2002;9(6 suppl 1):S64S69.
  25. Leonard M,Graham S,Bonacum D.The human factor: the critical importance of effective teamwork and communication in providing safe care.Qual Saf Health Care.2004;13:i85i90.
  26. Horwitz LI,Moin T,Krumholz HM,Wang L,Bradley EH.Consequences of inadequate sign‐out for patient care.Arch Intern Med.2008;168:17551760.
  27. Horwitz LI,Meredith T,Schuur JD,Shah NR,Kulkarni RG,Jenq GY.Dropping the baton: a qualitative analysis of failures during the transition from emergency department to inpatient care.Ann Emerg Med.2009;53:701710 e704.
  28. Topf M,Thompson S.Interactive relationships between hospital patients' noise‐induced stress and other stress with sleep.Heart Lung.2001;30:237243.
  29. Job RFS.The influence of subjective reactions to noise on health effects of the noise.Environ Int.1996;22:93104.
  30. Smykowski L.A novel PACU design for noise reduction.J Perianesth Nurs.2008;23:226229.
  31. Martin DP,Hunt JR,Conrad DA,Hughes‐Stone M.The Planetree Model Hospital Project: an example of the patient as partner. (Pacific Presbyterian Medical Center, San Francisco).Hosp Health Serv Admin.1990;35:591601.
  32. van de Glind I,van Dulmen S,Goossensen A.Physician‐patient communication in single‐bedded versus four‐bedded hospital rooms.Patient Educ Couns.2008;73:215219.
  33. Chaudhury H,Mahmood A,Valente M.Advantages and disadvantages of single‐versus multiple‐occupancy rooms in acute care environments: a review and analysis of the literature.Environ Behav.2005;37:760786.
  34. Brown KK,Gallant DB.Impacting patient outcomes through design: acuity adaptable care/universal room design.Crit Care Nurs Q.2006;29:326341.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 5(9)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 5(9)
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What can we learn from patient dissatisfaction? An analysis of dissatisfying events at an academic medical center
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What can we learn from patient dissatisfaction? An analysis of dissatisfying events at an academic medical center
Legacy Keywords
communication, patient satisfaction, professionalism, quality improvement, teamwork
Legacy Keywords
communication, patient satisfaction, professionalism, quality improvement, teamwork
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Copyright © 2010 Society of Hospital Medicine

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