Repeal and replace? How about retain, review, and refine?

Article Type
Thu, 03/28/2019 - 14:52

A suggestion for Congress: keep what’s working in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), adjust what isn’t working – just make the whole thing better and call it what you will.

Dr David Henry
As we go to press with issue, I am very disappointed to see what has transpired in Washington around the health care law. Once again, the Democrats and Republicans have pitched their camps against each other, with one side saying the PPACA, which was signed in to law by President Obama in March 2010, is a huge failure and has to go, and the other saying access to and delivery of health care under the PPACA is a success and although it needs refinement, we should leave it alone. It’s not evident that either side really knows how to fix health care. Perhaps the best summation of the process came from the new president, who had promised to repeal and replace the law on the first day of his presidency, when he told a gathering of the nation’s governors back in February: “I have to tell you, it’s [health care is] an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”1 Well anyone practicing in health care today has known that since graduation, as do our patients – and the insurers for that matter.

A good thing, but needing work

The PPACA, which is also referred to as Obama care, had a lot in it that any reasonable person would consider good. Let’s take a look. As Dr Valerie Arkoosh wrote in our journal in 2012,2 the law attempted to expand access to health care to the embarrassingly large 30 million or more Americans who were not insured. How would it do this? By expanding Medicaid, enhancing consumer protections in the private health insurance market, requiring large employers to offer insurance or pay a fine, giving tax credits to increase affordability of insurance for small businesses, creating state-based competitive market places, and requiring individuals to purchase health insurance plans (the so-called insurance mandate), thereby creating a pool of large numbers of healthy people who would help defray the costs of those not so fortunate.The law also guaranteed insurability despite any preexisting condition, surely a step in the right direction. Likewise, the need for employers to provide health insurance, the state-based health insurance exchanges, and especially the individual mandate to buy insurance or pay a fine, were all steps in the right direction.

And the law went further – it also addressed preventive care. Medicare and all new insurance plans would have to cover, without copay, co-insurance, or deductible, high-certainty preventive services such as screening for breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, and skin cancers, the annual well-woman visit, breast cancer preventative medications, and many others.3 Medicare recipients would be eligible for one non-copay annual wellness visit to their caregiver. Beyond providing increased access to health care, the PPACA added incentives to caregivers who were coming out of training programs to serve in underserved areas and benefit from a decrease in their med school loans or in their loan repayments.

Finally, and especially important, under the PPACA, our age-old insurance system of fee for service, which tends to incentivize more care, would change to incentivizing high-quality, outcomes-based care , thus replacing “quantity of care” with quality of care. So what’s wrong with the features of the law outlined in the preceding paragraphs? Well, of course, for every 100 ideas, only a few will be implemented and actually pay off. Certainly some of the PPACA could have been better implemented, and perhaps the task now facing Congress, if it could ever abandon its current pitched-camp approach, should be to take the ideas that health care policy scientists have established as being valid and find a way to make them work. Surely that would be best for all players, rather than carping about the repeal-replace approach versus staying with the PPACA.

So my response to the repeal-replace assertion? Retain, review, and refine.

Practitioner-friendly content

Health care calamities notwithstanding, we have a line-up of articles in this issue that uniformly address some of the pressing needs many of us face in our daily practice. Barry and colleagues examined the patterns of care with regard to whole brain radiotherapy technique and delivery at US-based academic centers. Their results show some interesting differences in the way younger and older practitioners deliver that care, with older practitioners placing more importance on tumor histopathology when considering brain irradiation. Speaking of access to care in the context of health reform, how often do our cancer patients use the emergency department? Lash and colleagues looked at the ED-use numbers from two databases in California and found that patients go to the ED at higher rates than previously reported and with notable variability by cancer type. Now we need to examine the reasons for those visits and establish ways to identify predictors of ED use to improve patient quality of care and rein in the higher costs of ED use.



In regard to symptom management, we can never have enough about nausea and vomiting prevention. Schwartzberg and colleagues report on a trial in which they evaluated the clinical benefits of APF530, a subcutaneous formulation of granisetron, compared with ondansetron in patients who had received cisplatin therapy. This longer-acting formulation of granisetron performed very well against a standard of care and might give our patients another option in the clinic for highly emetogenic chemotherapy.

Still on the topic of symptom management, preventing and treating mTOR-inhibitor–associated stomatitis (mIAS) is the subject of a review by Ramchandran and colleagues. The inhibitors have been approved for treatment in renal cell, neuroendocrine, and breast cancers, but of course, many of our newer molecules have some associated toxicity. Based on their literature scan, the authors report that management of mIAS should focus on three major approaches: prevention, early aggressive treatment, and, when needed, more aggressive pain management. Early recognition and diagnosis of mIAS facilitate early intervention to limit potential sequelae of mIAS and minimize the need for mTOR inhibitor dose reduction and interruption.

In a way, stress management could also fall under the symptom management category. I often remember being told during my training that we should always discuss with your patients their level of anxiety and depression. But I think sometimes we are so busy addressing the cancer, its treatment, and treatment side effects, we overlook the fact that the patient is suffering psychologically and might need additional intervention in the form of talk therapy and/or medication. Ramírez-Solá and colleagues describe in our How We Do It section the process of developing and implementing a psychosocial distress management program at their institution in Puerto Rico. The authors also summarize the results of a pilot study to validate the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) as a measure to improve the process of emotional distress management in particular.

In recent years, the number of approvals and new indications for therapies for different cancer types has increased significantly. We highlight two such approvals in this issue. One is the PARP inhibitor, rucaparib, which was approved in both the platinum-sensitive and -resistant settings for BRCA1- and BRCA2-mutant patients with ovarian cancer. The other is the new CD38 antibody daratumumab, which was originally approved as a single-agent therapy for relapsed myeloma and which has now received a second approval with demonstrated improvement of progression-free survival when given with the lenalidomide-dexamethasone or bortezomib-dexamethasone combinations.

When it comes to new therapies, immunotherapies are at the cutting edge. Who hasn’t heard of the new checkpoint inhibitor drugs for a range of cancers that have either been approved or are in trial? Until now, we have used these immunotherapies as single agents, but Jane de Lartigue writes of the potential of combining more than one immunotherapy drug and/or combining an immune checkpoint inhibitor with a chemotherapy drug. The key behind this concept is that the more antigenic differentiation and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in the system, the better the immunotherapy might work.

In the previous issue of the journal, one of our Editors, Thomas Strouse, discussed the issue of physician aid in dying (PAD)4 and asserted he had come to view “active non-participation” in legal PAD as a “toxic form of patient abandonment.” This is, of course, a very challenging and complex topic, and one that we likely have to address on a weekly basis with some of our cancer patients: if palliative care and end-of-life is the goal, how can we most humanely achieve that ethically and legally in concert with our patients’ wishes? Is it right or wrong to aid in some way in the dying process? Dr Alva Weir responds to Dr Strouse’s editorial, taking the view point that physician-assisted suicide is toxic abandonment. Dr Strauss responds, and I encourage you to read this very interesting exchange that highlights the point-counterpoint views of physician involvement in the dying process.

We round off the issue with a bumper crop of Case Reports. They include two that document diagnostic challenges: one in a patient with pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma presenting as a necrotizing cavitary lung lesion and another in which atraumatic splenic rupture is the initial presentation of CML. Also included is a report on a case of primary cardiac prosthetic valve-associated lymphoma and another on how a collaborative effort between oncologists and dermatologists contributed to the resolution of palmoplantar exacerbation of psoriasis in a patient who had been treated with nivolumab.



Going digital

I will close by remarking that the Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology, or JCSO, will be going digital only after this print issue. We will continue publishing the same content as a bimonthly digital issue, posting articles directly to our website, and mailing out our regular electronic newsletters. So visit the website,, where you can read the articles as soon as they are posted and also find instructions for downloading the app for the digital edition – it’s quick, easy, and free, in case you were wondering. For a shortcut to the download the app, you can also use

Finally, if you would like to submit a paper to us for consideration for publication, you can do so by going to We will consider submissions in original research, reviews, How We Do It, case reports, and tumor board summaries – you’ll find all the information you need to submit a paper at the EditorialManager platform. And let’s not forget social media – we’re on Twitter where our handle is @jcs_onc, my personal Twitter handle is @davidhenrymd, so connect with us – follow us, like us, and retweet us.


1. Pear R, Kelly K. Trump concedes health law overhaul is ‘unbelievably complex.’ New York Times. February 27, 2017. Accessed April 4, 2017.

2. Arkoosh VA. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: no rhetoric, just the facts. Commun Oncol. 2012;9(6):206-209.

3. USPSTF A and B Recommendations. US Preventive Services Task Force. January 2017. Accessed April 4, 2017.

4. Strouse T. End-of-life options and the legal pathways to physician aid in dying. J Community Support Oncol. 2017;15(1):1-3.

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Author and Disclosure Information

David H Henry, MD, FACP

The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 15(2)
Author and Disclosure Information

David H Henry, MD, FACP

Author and Disclosure Information

David H Henry, MD, FACP

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Article PDF

A suggestion for Congress: keep what’s working in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), adjust what isn’t working – just make the whole thing better and call it what you will.

Dr David Henry
As we go to press with issue, I am very disappointed to see what has transpired in Washington around the health care law. Once again, the Democrats and Republicans have pitched their camps against each other, with one side saying the PPACA, which was signed in to law by President Obama in March 2010, is a huge failure and has to go, and the other saying access to and delivery of health care under the PPACA is a success and although it needs refinement, we should leave it alone. It’s not evident that either side really knows how to fix health care. Perhaps the best summation of the process came from the new president, who had promised to repeal and replace the law on the first day of his presidency, when he told a gathering of the nation’s governors back in February: “I have to tell you, it’s [health care is] an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”1 Well anyone practicing in health care today has known that since graduation, as do our patients – and the insurers for that matter.

A good thing, but needing work

The PPACA, which is also referred to as Obama care, had a lot in it that any reasonable person would consider good. Let’s take a look. As Dr Valerie Arkoosh wrote in our journal in 2012,2 the law attempted to expand access to health care to the embarrassingly large 30 million or more Americans who were not insured. How would it do this? By expanding Medicaid, enhancing consumer protections in the private health insurance market, requiring large employers to offer insurance or pay a fine, giving tax credits to increase affordability of insurance for small businesses, creating state-based competitive market places, and requiring individuals to purchase health insurance plans (the so-called insurance mandate), thereby creating a pool of large numbers of healthy people who would help defray the costs of those not so fortunate.The law also guaranteed insurability despite any preexisting condition, surely a step in the right direction. Likewise, the need for employers to provide health insurance, the state-based health insurance exchanges, and especially the individual mandate to buy insurance or pay a fine, were all steps in the right direction.

And the law went further – it also addressed preventive care. Medicare and all new insurance plans would have to cover, without copay, co-insurance, or deductible, high-certainty preventive services such as screening for breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, and skin cancers, the annual well-woman visit, breast cancer preventative medications, and many others.3 Medicare recipients would be eligible for one non-copay annual wellness visit to their caregiver. Beyond providing increased access to health care, the PPACA added incentives to caregivers who were coming out of training programs to serve in underserved areas and benefit from a decrease in their med school loans or in their loan repayments.

Finally, and especially important, under the PPACA, our age-old insurance system of fee for service, which tends to incentivize more care, would change to incentivizing high-quality, outcomes-based care , thus replacing “quantity of care” with quality of care. So what’s wrong with the features of the law outlined in the preceding paragraphs? Well, of course, for every 100 ideas, only a few will be implemented and actually pay off. Certainly some of the PPACA could have been better implemented, and perhaps the task now facing Congress, if it could ever abandon its current pitched-camp approach, should be to take the ideas that health care policy scientists have established as being valid and find a way to make them work. Surely that would be best for all players, rather than carping about the repeal-replace approach versus staying with the PPACA.

So my response to the repeal-replace assertion? Retain, review, and refine.

Practitioner-friendly content

Health care calamities notwithstanding, we have a line-up of articles in this issue that uniformly address some of the pressing needs many of us face in our daily practice. Barry and colleagues examined the patterns of care with regard to whole brain radiotherapy technique and delivery at US-based academic centers. Their results show some interesting differences in the way younger and older practitioners deliver that care, with older practitioners placing more importance on tumor histopathology when considering brain irradiation. Speaking of access to care in the context of health reform, how often do our cancer patients use the emergency department? Lash and colleagues looked at the ED-use numbers from two databases in California and found that patients go to the ED at higher rates than previously reported and with notable variability by cancer type. Now we need to examine the reasons for those visits and establish ways to identify predictors of ED use to improve patient quality of care and rein in the higher costs of ED use.



In regard to symptom management, we can never have enough about nausea and vomiting prevention. Schwartzberg and colleagues report on a trial in which they evaluated the clinical benefits of APF530, a subcutaneous formulation of granisetron, compared with ondansetron in patients who had received cisplatin therapy. This longer-acting formulation of granisetron performed very well against a standard of care and might give our patients another option in the clinic for highly emetogenic chemotherapy.

Still on the topic of symptom management, preventing and treating mTOR-inhibitor–associated stomatitis (mIAS) is the subject of a review by Ramchandran and colleagues. The inhibitors have been approved for treatment in renal cell, neuroendocrine, and breast cancers, but of course, many of our newer molecules have some associated toxicity. Based on their literature scan, the authors report that management of mIAS should focus on three major approaches: prevention, early aggressive treatment, and, when needed, more aggressive pain management. Early recognition and diagnosis of mIAS facilitate early intervention to limit potential sequelae of mIAS and minimize the need for mTOR inhibitor dose reduction and interruption.

In a way, stress management could also fall under the symptom management category. I often remember being told during my training that we should always discuss with your patients their level of anxiety and depression. But I think sometimes we are so busy addressing the cancer, its treatment, and treatment side effects, we overlook the fact that the patient is suffering psychologically and might need additional intervention in the form of talk therapy and/or medication. Ramírez-Solá and colleagues describe in our How We Do It section the process of developing and implementing a psychosocial distress management program at their institution in Puerto Rico. The authors also summarize the results of a pilot study to validate the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) as a measure to improve the process of emotional distress management in particular.

In recent years, the number of approvals and new indications for therapies for different cancer types has increased significantly. We highlight two such approvals in this issue. One is the PARP inhibitor, rucaparib, which was approved in both the platinum-sensitive and -resistant settings for BRCA1- and BRCA2-mutant patients with ovarian cancer. The other is the new CD38 antibody daratumumab, which was originally approved as a single-agent therapy for relapsed myeloma and which has now received a second approval with demonstrated improvement of progression-free survival when given with the lenalidomide-dexamethasone or bortezomib-dexamethasone combinations.

When it comes to new therapies, immunotherapies are at the cutting edge. Who hasn’t heard of the new checkpoint inhibitor drugs for a range of cancers that have either been approved or are in trial? Until now, we have used these immunotherapies as single agents, but Jane de Lartigue writes of the potential of combining more than one immunotherapy drug and/or combining an immune checkpoint inhibitor with a chemotherapy drug. The key behind this concept is that the more antigenic differentiation and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in the system, the better the immunotherapy might work.

In the previous issue of the journal, one of our Editors, Thomas Strouse, discussed the issue of physician aid in dying (PAD)4 and asserted he had come to view “active non-participation” in legal PAD as a “toxic form of patient abandonment.” This is, of course, a very challenging and complex topic, and one that we likely have to address on a weekly basis with some of our cancer patients: if palliative care and end-of-life is the goal, how can we most humanely achieve that ethically and legally in concert with our patients’ wishes? Is it right or wrong to aid in some way in the dying process? Dr Alva Weir responds to Dr Strouse’s editorial, taking the view point that physician-assisted suicide is toxic abandonment. Dr Strauss responds, and I encourage you to read this very interesting exchange that highlights the point-counterpoint views of physician involvement in the dying process.

We round off the issue with a bumper crop of Case Reports. They include two that document diagnostic challenges: one in a patient with pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma presenting as a necrotizing cavitary lung lesion and another in which atraumatic splenic rupture is the initial presentation of CML. Also included is a report on a case of primary cardiac prosthetic valve-associated lymphoma and another on how a collaborative effort between oncologists and dermatologists contributed to the resolution of palmoplantar exacerbation of psoriasis in a patient who had been treated with nivolumab.



Going digital

I will close by remarking that the Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology, or JCSO, will be going digital only after this print issue. We will continue publishing the same content as a bimonthly digital issue, posting articles directly to our website, and mailing out our regular electronic newsletters. So visit the website,, where you can read the articles as soon as they are posted and also find instructions for downloading the app for the digital edition – it’s quick, easy, and free, in case you were wondering. For a shortcut to the download the app, you can also use

Finally, if you would like to submit a paper to us for consideration for publication, you can do so by going to We will consider submissions in original research, reviews, How We Do It, case reports, and tumor board summaries – you’ll find all the information you need to submit a paper at the EditorialManager platform. And let’s not forget social media – we’re on Twitter where our handle is @jcs_onc, my personal Twitter handle is @davidhenrymd, so connect with us – follow us, like us, and retweet us.

A suggestion for Congress: keep what’s working in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), adjust what isn’t working – just make the whole thing better and call it what you will.

Dr David Henry
As we go to press with issue, I am very disappointed to see what has transpired in Washington around the health care law. Once again, the Democrats and Republicans have pitched their camps against each other, with one side saying the PPACA, which was signed in to law by President Obama in March 2010, is a huge failure and has to go, and the other saying access to and delivery of health care under the PPACA is a success and although it needs refinement, we should leave it alone. It’s not evident that either side really knows how to fix health care. Perhaps the best summation of the process came from the new president, who had promised to repeal and replace the law on the first day of his presidency, when he told a gathering of the nation’s governors back in February: “I have to tell you, it’s [health care is] an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”1 Well anyone practicing in health care today has known that since graduation, as do our patients – and the insurers for that matter.

A good thing, but needing work

The PPACA, which is also referred to as Obama care, had a lot in it that any reasonable person would consider good. Let’s take a look. As Dr Valerie Arkoosh wrote in our journal in 2012,2 the law attempted to expand access to health care to the embarrassingly large 30 million or more Americans who were not insured. How would it do this? By expanding Medicaid, enhancing consumer protections in the private health insurance market, requiring large employers to offer insurance or pay a fine, giving tax credits to increase affordability of insurance for small businesses, creating state-based competitive market places, and requiring individuals to purchase health insurance plans (the so-called insurance mandate), thereby creating a pool of large numbers of healthy people who would help defray the costs of those not so fortunate.The law also guaranteed insurability despite any preexisting condition, surely a step in the right direction. Likewise, the need for employers to provide health insurance, the state-based health insurance exchanges, and especially the individual mandate to buy insurance or pay a fine, were all steps in the right direction.

And the law went further – it also addressed preventive care. Medicare and all new insurance plans would have to cover, without copay, co-insurance, or deductible, high-certainty preventive services such as screening for breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, and skin cancers, the annual well-woman visit, breast cancer preventative medications, and many others.3 Medicare recipients would be eligible for one non-copay annual wellness visit to their caregiver. Beyond providing increased access to health care, the PPACA added incentives to caregivers who were coming out of training programs to serve in underserved areas and benefit from a decrease in their med school loans or in their loan repayments.

Finally, and especially important, under the PPACA, our age-old insurance system of fee for service, which tends to incentivize more care, would change to incentivizing high-quality, outcomes-based care , thus replacing “quantity of care” with quality of care. So what’s wrong with the features of the law outlined in the preceding paragraphs? Well, of course, for every 100 ideas, only a few will be implemented and actually pay off. Certainly some of the PPACA could have been better implemented, and perhaps the task now facing Congress, if it could ever abandon its current pitched-camp approach, should be to take the ideas that health care policy scientists have established as being valid and find a way to make them work. Surely that would be best for all players, rather than carping about the repeal-replace approach versus staying with the PPACA.

So my response to the repeal-replace assertion? Retain, review, and refine.

Practitioner-friendly content

Health care calamities notwithstanding, we have a line-up of articles in this issue that uniformly address some of the pressing needs many of us face in our daily practice. Barry and colleagues examined the patterns of care with regard to whole brain radiotherapy technique and delivery at US-based academic centers. Their results show some interesting differences in the way younger and older practitioners deliver that care, with older practitioners placing more importance on tumor histopathology when considering brain irradiation. Speaking of access to care in the context of health reform, how often do our cancer patients use the emergency department? Lash and colleagues looked at the ED-use numbers from two databases in California and found that patients go to the ED at higher rates than previously reported and with notable variability by cancer type. Now we need to examine the reasons for those visits and establish ways to identify predictors of ED use to improve patient quality of care and rein in the higher costs of ED use.



In regard to symptom management, we can never have enough about nausea and vomiting prevention. Schwartzberg and colleagues report on a trial in which they evaluated the clinical benefits of APF530, a subcutaneous formulation of granisetron, compared with ondansetron in patients who had received cisplatin therapy. This longer-acting formulation of granisetron performed very well against a standard of care and might give our patients another option in the clinic for highly emetogenic chemotherapy.

Still on the topic of symptom management, preventing and treating mTOR-inhibitor–associated stomatitis (mIAS) is the subject of a review by Ramchandran and colleagues. The inhibitors have been approved for treatment in renal cell, neuroendocrine, and breast cancers, but of course, many of our newer molecules have some associated toxicity. Based on their literature scan, the authors report that management of mIAS should focus on three major approaches: prevention, early aggressive treatment, and, when needed, more aggressive pain management. Early recognition and diagnosis of mIAS facilitate early intervention to limit potential sequelae of mIAS and minimize the need for mTOR inhibitor dose reduction and interruption.

In a way, stress management could also fall under the symptom management category. I often remember being told during my training that we should always discuss with your patients their level of anxiety and depression. But I think sometimes we are so busy addressing the cancer, its treatment, and treatment side effects, we overlook the fact that the patient is suffering psychologically and might need additional intervention in the form of talk therapy and/or medication. Ramírez-Solá and colleagues describe in our How We Do It section the process of developing and implementing a psychosocial distress management program at their institution in Puerto Rico. The authors also summarize the results of a pilot study to validate the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) as a measure to improve the process of emotional distress management in particular.

In recent years, the number of approvals and new indications for therapies for different cancer types has increased significantly. We highlight two such approvals in this issue. One is the PARP inhibitor, rucaparib, which was approved in both the platinum-sensitive and -resistant settings for BRCA1- and BRCA2-mutant patients with ovarian cancer. The other is the new CD38 antibody daratumumab, which was originally approved as a single-agent therapy for relapsed myeloma and which has now received a second approval with demonstrated improvement of progression-free survival when given with the lenalidomide-dexamethasone or bortezomib-dexamethasone combinations.

When it comes to new therapies, immunotherapies are at the cutting edge. Who hasn’t heard of the new checkpoint inhibitor drugs for a range of cancers that have either been approved or are in trial? Until now, we have used these immunotherapies as single agents, but Jane de Lartigue writes of the potential of combining more than one immunotherapy drug and/or combining an immune checkpoint inhibitor with a chemotherapy drug. The key behind this concept is that the more antigenic differentiation and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in the system, the better the immunotherapy might work.

In the previous issue of the journal, one of our Editors, Thomas Strouse, discussed the issue of physician aid in dying (PAD)4 and asserted he had come to view “active non-participation” in legal PAD as a “toxic form of patient abandonment.” This is, of course, a very challenging and complex topic, and one that we likely have to address on a weekly basis with some of our cancer patients: if palliative care and end-of-life is the goal, how can we most humanely achieve that ethically and legally in concert with our patients’ wishes? Is it right or wrong to aid in some way in the dying process? Dr Alva Weir responds to Dr Strouse’s editorial, taking the view point that physician-assisted suicide is toxic abandonment. Dr Strauss responds, and I encourage you to read this very interesting exchange that highlights the point-counterpoint views of physician involvement in the dying process.

We round off the issue with a bumper crop of Case Reports. They include two that document diagnostic challenges: one in a patient with pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma presenting as a necrotizing cavitary lung lesion and another in which atraumatic splenic rupture is the initial presentation of CML. Also included is a report on a case of primary cardiac prosthetic valve-associated lymphoma and another on how a collaborative effort between oncologists and dermatologists contributed to the resolution of palmoplantar exacerbation of psoriasis in a patient who had been treated with nivolumab.



Going digital

I will close by remarking that the Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology, or JCSO, will be going digital only after this print issue. We will continue publishing the same content as a bimonthly digital issue, posting articles directly to our website, and mailing out our regular electronic newsletters. So visit the website,, where you can read the articles as soon as they are posted and also find instructions for downloading the app for the digital edition – it’s quick, easy, and free, in case you were wondering. For a shortcut to the download the app, you can also use

Finally, if you would like to submit a paper to us for consideration for publication, you can do so by going to We will consider submissions in original research, reviews, How We Do It, case reports, and tumor board summaries – you’ll find all the information you need to submit a paper at the EditorialManager platform. And let’s not forget social media – we’re on Twitter where our handle is @jcs_onc, my personal Twitter handle is @davidhenrymd, so connect with us – follow us, like us, and retweet us.


1. Pear R, Kelly K. Trump concedes health law overhaul is ‘unbelievably complex.’ New York Times. February 27, 2017. Accessed April 4, 2017.

2. Arkoosh VA. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: no rhetoric, just the facts. Commun Oncol. 2012;9(6):206-209.

3. USPSTF A and B Recommendations. US Preventive Services Task Force. January 2017. Accessed April 4, 2017.

4. Strouse T. End-of-life options and the legal pathways to physician aid in dying. J Community Support Oncol. 2017;15(1):1-3.


1. Pear R, Kelly K. Trump concedes health law overhaul is ‘unbelievably complex.’ New York Times. February 27, 2017. Accessed April 4, 2017.

2. Arkoosh VA. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: no rhetoric, just the facts. Commun Oncol. 2012;9(6):206-209.

3. USPSTF A and B Recommendations. US Preventive Services Task Force. January 2017. Accessed April 4, 2017.

4. Strouse T. End-of-life options and the legal pathways to physician aid in dying. J Community Support Oncol. 2017;15(1):1-3.

The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 15(2)
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 15(2)
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JCSO 2017;15(2):59-61
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Delayed or on schedule, MACRA is on its way

Article Type
Thu, 03/28/2019 - 15:02
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Delayed or on schedule, MACRA is on its way

As 2016 winds down, we are already gearing up for the 2019 implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, or MACRA. The bipartisan 2015 legislation will replace the current sustainable growth rate as well as streamline the existing quality reporting programs and redirect us from the current volume-based Medicare payments to value- and performance-based payments. On page 394 of this issue, two community- based colleagues, JCSO Editor Dr Linda Bosserman and Dr Robin Zon, a community oncologist and chair of the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Task Force on Clinical Pathways, discuss the ins and outs of MACRA – what it is, what it replaces, how it will work, and what we need to be doing to prepare for its implementation in 2019.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


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The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 14(9)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
MACRA, Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act
Article PDF
Article PDF

As 2016 winds down, we are already gearing up for the 2019 implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, or MACRA. The bipartisan 2015 legislation will replace the current sustainable growth rate as well as streamline the existing quality reporting programs and redirect us from the current volume-based Medicare payments to value- and performance-based payments. On page 394 of this issue, two community- based colleagues, JCSO Editor Dr Linda Bosserman and Dr Robin Zon, a community oncologist and chair of the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Task Force on Clinical Pathways, discuss the ins and outs of MACRA – what it is, what it replaces, how it will work, and what we need to be doing to prepare for its implementation in 2019.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


As 2016 winds down, we are already gearing up for the 2019 implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, or MACRA. The bipartisan 2015 legislation will replace the current sustainable growth rate as well as streamline the existing quality reporting programs and redirect us from the current volume-based Medicare payments to value- and performance-based payments. On page 394 of this issue, two community- based colleagues, JCSO Editor Dr Linda Bosserman and Dr Robin Zon, a community oncologist and chair of the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Task Force on Clinical Pathways, discuss the ins and outs of MACRA – what it is, what it replaces, how it will work, and what we need to be doing to prepare for its implementation in 2019.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 14(9)
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 14(9)
Page Number
Page Number
Article Type
Display Headline
Delayed or on schedule, MACRA is on its way
Display Headline
Delayed or on schedule, MACRA is on its way
Legacy Keywords
MACRA, Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act
Legacy Keywords
MACRA, Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act
Citation Override
JCSO 2016;14(9):373
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Mining for information, participation in clinical trials

Article Type
Thu, 12/15/2022 - 17:57
Display Headline
Mining for information, participation in clinical trials
As you read this month’s May issue of the Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology, the world will be making plans to attend the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago. Two things will happen there: investigators will present the latest, most important clinical and supportive care research findings in oncology, and leaders in the field will deliver educational session updates from the general to the most highly specialized areas of oncology. So how do we stay up to date in clinical practice these days?


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article. 


Article PDF
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 14(5)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
clinical trials, barriers, trabectedin, survivorship care plan, exercise interventions, breast cancer, nausea, vomiting, dexamethasone
Article PDF
Article PDF
As you read this month’s May issue of the Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology, the world will be making plans to attend the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago. Two things will happen there: investigators will present the latest, most important clinical and supportive care research findings in oncology, and leaders in the field will deliver educational session updates from the general to the most highly specialized areas of oncology. So how do we stay up to date in clinical practice these days?


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article. 


As you read this month’s May issue of the Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology, the world will be making plans to attend the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago. Two things will happen there: investigators will present the latest, most important clinical and supportive care research findings in oncology, and leaders in the field will deliver educational session updates from the general to the most highly specialized areas of oncology. So how do we stay up to date in clinical practice these days?


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article. 


The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 14(5)
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 14(5)
Page Number
Page Number
Article Type
Display Headline
Mining for information, participation in clinical trials
Display Headline
Mining for information, participation in clinical trials
Legacy Keywords
clinical trials, barriers, trabectedin, survivorship care plan, exercise interventions, breast cancer, nausea, vomiting, dexamethasone
Legacy Keywords
clinical trials, barriers, trabectedin, survivorship care plan, exercise interventions, breast cancer, nausea, vomiting, dexamethasone
Citation Override
JCSO 2016;14:187-188
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Approvals and presentations flag notable advances in the hem-onc space

Article Type
Fri, 01/04/2019 - 11:12
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Approvals and presentations flag notable advances in the hem-onc space

Scientific advances and their translation from bench to bedside were front and foremost in the hematology-oncology sphere during 2015 and were bolstered by a record number of therapy approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).1 The most recent of those approvals included elotuzumab and ixazomib (both with lenalidomide plus dexamethasone) for previously treated patients with multiple myeloma; and daratumumab as a single agent, also for previously treated multiple myeloma.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


Article PDF
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 14(3)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
myelodysplastic syndrome, MDS, eltrombopag, direct-acting oral anticoagulants, DOACs, dabigatran, ixazomib, multiple myeloma, elotuzumab, daratumumab, autologous stem-cell transplant
Article PDF
Article PDF

Scientific advances and their translation from bench to bedside were front and foremost in the hematology-oncology sphere during 2015 and were bolstered by a record number of therapy approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).1 The most recent of those approvals included elotuzumab and ixazomib (both with lenalidomide plus dexamethasone) for previously treated patients with multiple myeloma; and daratumumab as a single agent, also for previously treated multiple myeloma.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


Scientific advances and their translation from bench to bedside were front and foremost in the hematology-oncology sphere during 2015 and were bolstered by a record number of therapy approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).1 The most recent of those approvals included elotuzumab and ixazomib (both with lenalidomide plus dexamethasone) for previously treated patients with multiple myeloma; and daratumumab as a single agent, also for previously treated multiple myeloma.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 14(3)
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 14(3)
Page Number
Page Number
Article Type
Display Headline
Approvals and presentations flag notable advances in the hem-onc space
Display Headline
Approvals and presentations flag notable advances in the hem-onc space
Legacy Keywords
myelodysplastic syndrome, MDS, eltrombopag, direct-acting oral anticoagulants, DOACs, dabigatran, ixazomib, multiple myeloma, elotuzumab, daratumumab, autologous stem-cell transplant
Legacy Keywords
myelodysplastic syndrome, MDS, eltrombopag, direct-acting oral anticoagulants, DOACs, dabigatran, ixazomib, multiple myeloma, elotuzumab, daratumumab, autologous stem-cell transplant
Citation Override
JCSO 2016:14(3):89-90
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Balancing clinical and supportive care at every step of the disease continuum

Article Type
Thu, 12/15/2022 - 18:01
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Balancing clinical and supportive care at every step of the disease continuum

It seems it was  just yesterday that we did our first “mutation analysis” to help guide us in our treatment of patients with a drug that was more likely to work than not. Of course, I am referring to estrogen-receptor/progesterone receptor (ER/PR) blocking therapy, and “yesterday” actually goes all the way back to the 1970s! When tamoxifen was first given to unselected metastatic breast cancer patients, the response rate was low, but when the study population was “enriched” with breast cancer patients who were ER/ PR-positive, the response rates improved and the outcomes were more favorable. So began the era of tumor markers and enriching patient populations, and the process now referred to as mutation analysis, which is becoming more broadly applicable to other tumors as well.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


Article PDF
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(11)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
estrogen-receptor, progesterone receptor, ER/PR, tamoxifen, HER2/neu, BRAF, EGFR, CINV, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, dexamethasone, lung cancer, length of stay, LoS, myelodysplastic syndrome, MDS, non-small-cell lung cancer, NSCLC

Article PDF
Article PDF

It seems it was  just yesterday that we did our first “mutation analysis” to help guide us in our treatment of patients with a drug that was more likely to work than not. Of course, I am referring to estrogen-receptor/progesterone receptor (ER/PR) blocking therapy, and “yesterday” actually goes all the way back to the 1970s! When tamoxifen was first given to unselected metastatic breast cancer patients, the response rate was low, but when the study population was “enriched” with breast cancer patients who were ER/ PR-positive, the response rates improved and the outcomes were more favorable. So began the era of tumor markers and enriching patient populations, and the process now referred to as mutation analysis, which is becoming more broadly applicable to other tumors as well.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


It seems it was  just yesterday that we did our first “mutation analysis” to help guide us in our treatment of patients with a drug that was more likely to work than not. Of course, I am referring to estrogen-receptor/progesterone receptor (ER/PR) blocking therapy, and “yesterday” actually goes all the way back to the 1970s! When tamoxifen was first given to unselected metastatic breast cancer patients, the response rate was low, but when the study population was “enriched” with breast cancer patients who were ER/ PR-positive, the response rates improved and the outcomes were more favorable. So began the era of tumor markers and enriching patient populations, and the process now referred to as mutation analysis, which is becoming more broadly applicable to other tumors as well.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(11)
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(11)
Page Number
Page Number
Article Type
Display Headline
Balancing clinical and supportive care at every step of the disease continuum
Display Headline
Balancing clinical and supportive care at every step of the disease continuum
Legacy Keywords
estrogen-receptor, progesterone receptor, ER/PR, tamoxifen, HER2/neu, BRAF, EGFR, CINV, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, dexamethasone, lung cancer, length of stay, LoS, myelodysplastic syndrome, MDS, non-small-cell lung cancer, NSCLC

Legacy Keywords
estrogen-receptor, progesterone receptor, ER/PR, tamoxifen, HER2/neu, BRAF, EGFR, CINV, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, dexamethasone, lung cancer, length of stay, LoS, myelodysplastic syndrome, MDS, non-small-cell lung cancer, NSCLC

Citation Override
JCSO 2015;13:381-382
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It is not your mother/father’s ASCO anymore…

Article Type
Wed, 05/26/2021 - 13:56
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It is not your mother/father’s ASCO anymore…
Well, what just happened in Chicago? Nearly 30,000 of our closest friends and colleagues descended on the windy city to meet in the McCormick Center to catch up on the latest data and updates in oncology at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's annual conference. What a marathon meeting it was. Who remembers when the meeting was held in one hotel (can you believe it), then two hotels, and then eventually shifted to convention centers to accommodate the burgeoning numbers of attendees? The program format is also quite different now than it was at the outset.
Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.
Article PDF
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(6)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
ASCO 2015, Suzanne L Topalian, PD-1 inhibitor
Article PDF
Article PDF
Well, what just happened in Chicago? Nearly 30,000 of our closest friends and colleagues descended on the windy city to meet in the McCormick Center to catch up on the latest data and updates in oncology at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's annual conference. What a marathon meeting it was. Who remembers when the meeting was held in one hotel (can you believe it), then two hotels, and then eventually shifted to convention centers to accommodate the burgeoning numbers of attendees? The program format is also quite different now than it was at the outset.
Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.
Well, what just happened in Chicago? Nearly 30,000 of our closest friends and colleagues descended on the windy city to meet in the McCormick Center to catch up on the latest data and updates in oncology at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's annual conference. What a marathon meeting it was. Who remembers when the meeting was held in one hotel (can you believe it), then two hotels, and then eventually shifted to convention centers to accommodate the burgeoning numbers of attendees? The program format is also quite different now than it was at the outset.
Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(6)
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(6)
Page Number
Page Number
Article Type
Display Headline
It is not your mother/father’s ASCO anymore…
Display Headline
It is not your mother/father’s ASCO anymore…
Legacy Keywords
ASCO 2015, Suzanne L Topalian, PD-1 inhibitor
Legacy Keywords
ASCO 2015, Suzanne L Topalian, PD-1 inhibitor
Citation Override
JCSO 2015;13:205
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The generalist’s dilemma: training and staying current in the face of increasing specialization

Article Type
Fri, 01/04/2019 - 11:10
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The generalist’s dilemma: training and staying current in the face of increasing specialization
So, let me ask you a question: How do you stay up-to-date in oncology and hematology? In particular, are you at an academic institution or in community practice? Do you do only oncology, or is your focus oncology and hematology? If you are in an academic institution, you probably are highly specialized in one tumor type. If your practice is in a community setting, you probably treat a range of cancer types as well as hematology. Throw into this mix the fact that new therapies and new indications for existing drugs are being approved, and that guidelines are routinely updated, and you realize the tremendous pressure you’re under to stay current, whether you’re a specialist or a generalist.  


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


Article PDF
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(5)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
generalist, ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology, ASH, American Society of Hematology
Article PDF
Article PDF
So, let me ask you a question: How do you stay up-to-date in oncology and hematology? In particular, are you at an academic institution or in community practice? Do you do only oncology, or is your focus oncology and hematology? If you are in an academic institution, you probably are highly specialized in one tumor type. If your practice is in a community setting, you probably treat a range of cancer types as well as hematology. Throw into this mix the fact that new therapies and new indications for existing drugs are being approved, and that guidelines are routinely updated, and you realize the tremendous pressure you’re under to stay current, whether you’re a specialist or a generalist.  


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


So, let me ask you a question: How do you stay up-to-date in oncology and hematology? In particular, are you at an academic institution or in community practice? Do you do only oncology, or is your focus oncology and hematology? If you are in an academic institution, you probably are highly specialized in one tumor type. If your practice is in a community setting, you probably treat a range of cancer types as well as hematology. Throw into this mix the fact that new therapies and new indications for existing drugs are being approved, and that guidelines are routinely updated, and you realize the tremendous pressure you’re under to stay current, whether you’re a specialist or a generalist.  


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(5)
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(5)
Page Number
Page Number
Article Type
Display Headline
The generalist’s dilemma: training and staying current in the face of increasing specialization
Display Headline
The generalist’s dilemma: training and staying current in the face of increasing specialization
Legacy Keywords
generalist, ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology, ASH, American Society of Hematology
Legacy Keywords
generalist, ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology, ASH, American Society of Hematology
Citation Override
JCSO 2015;13:169
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Precision medicine in the making

Article Type
Thu, 12/15/2022 - 18:05
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Precision medicine in the making
President Obama’s State of the Union address in January included an interesting announcement of relevance to all practicing oncologists, their patients, and cancer researchers: the establishment of the Precision Medicine Initiative, which has been underwritten by a US $215 million allocation in the 2016 Budget. The president noted at a subsequent event at which he unveiled the details of the initiative that most medical treatments use the “one-size-fits-all approach,” which as we know, in the reality of our day-to-day practice often translates into a handful of patients enjoying many benefits from a particular therapy, while many patients might see no or very few benefits from the same therapy.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


Article PDF
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(3)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
Precision Medicine Initiative, precision medicine, electronic health records, targeted therapy, direct-to-consumer, bench-to-bedside, quality of life, quality of care, ArginMax

Article PDF
Article PDF
President Obama’s State of the Union address in January included an interesting announcement of relevance to all practicing oncologists, their patients, and cancer researchers: the establishment of the Precision Medicine Initiative, which has been underwritten by a US $215 million allocation in the 2016 Budget. The president noted at a subsequent event at which he unveiled the details of the initiative that most medical treatments use the “one-size-fits-all approach,” which as we know, in the reality of our day-to-day practice often translates into a handful of patients enjoying many benefits from a particular therapy, while many patients might see no or very few benefits from the same therapy.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


President Obama’s State of the Union address in January included an interesting announcement of relevance to all practicing oncologists, their patients, and cancer researchers: the establishment of the Precision Medicine Initiative, which has been underwritten by a US $215 million allocation in the 2016 Budget. The president noted at a subsequent event at which he unveiled the details of the initiative that most medical treatments use the “one-size-fits-all approach,” which as we know, in the reality of our day-to-day practice often translates into a handful of patients enjoying many benefits from a particular therapy, while many patients might see no or very few benefits from the same therapy.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(3)
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 13(3)
Page Number
Page Number
Article Type
Display Headline
Precision medicine in the making
Display Headline
Precision medicine in the making
Legacy Keywords
Precision Medicine Initiative, precision medicine, electronic health records, targeted therapy, direct-to-consumer, bench-to-bedside, quality of life, quality of care, ArginMax

Legacy Keywords
Precision Medicine Initiative, precision medicine, electronic health records, targeted therapy, direct-to-consumer, bench-to-bedside, quality of life, quality of care, ArginMax

Citation Override
JCSO 2015;13:81-82
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The art and science of cancer care

Article Type
Fri, 01/04/2019 - 11:09
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The art and science of cancer care

Summer is winding down as we go to press with this month’s issue, and while we might well reflect a little sadly on its departure, we can also look forward to the fall season with its promise of renewal and adventure. As I settled back in to my familiar work routine after the Labor Day weekend, I was reminded of how, despite the remarkable clinical advances in oncology, we are still caregivers, involved in our patients’ everyday lives and that we can never forget our humanity. The advent of high-tech personalized medicine or precision oncology, as I prefer to call it, has given oncologists a remarkable cache of treatment options for their patients and the hope that more – and better – therapies are to come. Next-generation diagnostics are helping us identify the cellular targets we need to take aim at to kill the tumor and globally, research is yielding more and more therapeutics to subdue those targets and hence the tumor.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


Article PDF
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 12(9)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
personalized medicine, non-small-cell lung cancer, NSCLC, MET mutation, bacteremia, febrile neutropenia, castrate-resistant prostate cancer
Article PDF
Article PDF

Summer is winding down as we go to press with this month’s issue, and while we might well reflect a little sadly on its departure, we can also look forward to the fall season with its promise of renewal and adventure. As I settled back in to my familiar work routine after the Labor Day weekend, I was reminded of how, despite the remarkable clinical advances in oncology, we are still caregivers, involved in our patients’ everyday lives and that we can never forget our humanity. The advent of high-tech personalized medicine or precision oncology, as I prefer to call it, has given oncologists a remarkable cache of treatment options for their patients and the hope that more – and better – therapies are to come. Next-generation diagnostics are helping us identify the cellular targets we need to take aim at to kill the tumor and globally, research is yielding more and more therapeutics to subdue those targets and hence the tumor.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


Summer is winding down as we go to press with this month’s issue, and while we might well reflect a little sadly on its departure, we can also look forward to the fall season with its promise of renewal and adventure. As I settled back in to my familiar work routine after the Labor Day weekend, I was reminded of how, despite the remarkable clinical advances in oncology, we are still caregivers, involved in our patients’ everyday lives and that we can never forget our humanity. The advent of high-tech personalized medicine or precision oncology, as I prefer to call it, has given oncologists a remarkable cache of treatment options for their patients and the hope that more – and better – therapies are to come. Next-generation diagnostics are helping us identify the cellular targets we need to take aim at to kill the tumor and globally, research is yielding more and more therapeutics to subdue those targets and hence the tumor.


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 12(9)
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 12(9)
Page Number
Page Number
Article Type
Display Headline
The art and science of cancer care
Display Headline
The art and science of cancer care
Legacy Keywords
personalized medicine, non-small-cell lung cancer, NSCLC, MET mutation, bacteremia, febrile neutropenia, castrate-resistant prostate cancer
Legacy Keywords
personalized medicine, non-small-cell lung cancer, NSCLC, MET mutation, bacteremia, febrile neutropenia, castrate-resistant prostate cancer
Citation Override
JCSO 2014;12:311
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On being up to date and linked in

Article Type
Fri, 01/04/2019 - 11:09
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On being up to date and linked in

We are mindful of our role in providing our readers with quality research- and literature-based articles about emerging therapies and diagnostic and palliative approaches that will have a positive impact on how they practice. So far this year, we have brought you articles on current therapies for metastatic melanoma and hairy cell leukemia as well as updates on managing chronic myelogenous leukemia, the late effects of cancer therapies, and most recently, small renal tumors...


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


Article PDF
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 12(7)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
myelodysplastic syndromes, MDS, acute myeloid leukemia, AML, lenalidomide, 5-azacitidine, decitabine, allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation, all-HCT
Article PDF
Article PDF
Related Articles

We are mindful of our role in providing our readers with quality research- and literature-based articles about emerging therapies and diagnostic and palliative approaches that will have a positive impact on how they practice. So far this year, we have brought you articles on current therapies for metastatic melanoma and hairy cell leukemia as well as updates on managing chronic myelogenous leukemia, the late effects of cancer therapies, and most recently, small renal tumors...


Click on the PDF icon at the top of this introduction to read the full article.


We are mindful of our role in providing our readers with quality research- and literature-based articles about emerging therapies and diagnostic and palliative approaches that will have a positive impact on how they practice. So far this year, we have brought you articles on current therapies for metastatic melanoma and hairy cell leukemia as well as updates on managing chronic myelogenous leukemia, the late effects of cancer therapies, and most recently, small renal tumors...


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The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 12(7)
The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology - 12(7)
Page Number
Page Number
Article Type
Display Headline
On being up to date and linked in
Display Headline
On being up to date and linked in
Legacy Keywords
myelodysplastic syndromes, MDS, acute myeloid leukemia, AML, lenalidomide, 5-azacitidine, decitabine, allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation, all-HCT
Legacy Keywords
myelodysplastic syndromes, MDS, acute myeloid leukemia, AML, lenalidomide, 5-azacitidine, decitabine, allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation, all-HCT
Citation Override
JCSO 2014;12(7):231
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