Section of Health Policy and Management, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut
Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program, Department of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut
Given name(s)
Elizabeth H.
Family name

Hospitals Strategies to Reduce Readmissions

Article Type
Sun, 05/21/2017 - 17:47
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Quality collaboratives and campaigns to reduce readmissions: What strategies are hospitals using?

With US hospital readmission rates within 30 days of discharge approaching 20%,[1] reducing readmissions has become a national priority. Hospitalists are frequently involved in quality improvement efforts to improve transitions from hospital to home,[2, 3] and they play critical roles in implementing recommended strategies to support effective discharge transitions.[4, 5] Initiatives such as Better Outcomes for Older Adults through Safe Transitions[6] and the adaptable Transitions Tool[7] from the Society of Hospital Medicine provide important approaches and checklists for helping hospitals improve strategies.[8]

In addition to these initiatives, multiple quality collaboratives and campaigns are underway to help hospitals reduce their readmission rates. Two of the more prominent efforts are the STAAR (STate Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization) initiative,[9] a learning collaborative launched in the fall of 2009 and led by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and funded in part by The Commonwealth Fund, and H2H (Hospital‐to‐Home), a national quality campaign led by the American College of Cardiology and IHI with support from several professional associations and partners. Together, these serve more than 1000 hospitals nationally. The STAAR initiative is a state‐based collaborative that partnered with more than 500 community groups across 4 states selected for their diverse readmissions performance and support for improvement efforts, including Massachusetts, Michigan, and Washington. After July 2011, efforts expanded to include Ohio. STAAR was designed to work with leadership at the state level including representatives from hospital associations, government payers, private payers, state governments, provider organizations, employers, and business groups. H2H, in contrast, employs a national quality campaign model and focuses on the care of patients with heart failure or acute myocardial infarction. H2H hospitals are encouraged to participate in a set of H2H Challenges, which provide hospitals with recommended strategies and tools for reducing unnecessary readmission and improve transitions of care. Each Challenge project is 6 to 8 months and consists of success metrics, 3 webinars, and 1 tool kit.

Although previous research has examined strategies used by hospitals enrolled in H2H,10 we know little about strategies used by STAAR hospitals within 1 year of enrollment. Such data across these 2 prominent initiatives at baseline can provide a snapshot of strategies used prior to the major efforts to reduce readmission rates nationally and identify gaps in practice to target for improvement. Furthermore, given the distinct designs of STAAR (a state‐based learning collaborative in selected regions) and H2H (an open, national campaign), future evaluations will likely compare the effectiveness of these alternative approaches for reducing readmissions.

Accordingly, we sought to describe and compare the reported use of recommended strategies to reduce readmission strategies among STAAR and H2H hospitals. Our findings provide a contemporary view of a large set of hospitals working to reduce readmissions. Findings from this study can provide insight into the strategies used by hospitals that enrolled in a state‐based learning collaborative versus a national campaign as well as document a baseline against which future improvements can be measured and evaluated.


Study Design and Sample

We conducted a national Web‐based survey of all hospitals that had enrolled in H2H and/or STAAR from May 2009 through June 2010 (n=658 hospitals); the survey was conducted from November 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 and completed by 599 hospitals (response rate of 91%) (see the survey tool in the Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article). To initiate contact with each hospital, we emailed the primary liaison person for the initiative at the hospital (n=594 hospitals enrolled in the H2H campaign and n=64 hospitals from Massachusetts, Michigan, and Washington enrolled in STAAR). Respondents were instructed to coordinate with other relevant staff to complete a single survey reflecting the hospital's response. Of the total 658 hospitals, 599 completed the survey, for a response rate of 91%. A total of 532 of these 599 hospitals were enrolled in H2H, 55 hospitals were enrolled in STAAR, and 12 hospitals were enrolled in both STAAR and H2H. We excluded the 12 hospitals that were enrolled in both campaigns from our analysis. All research procedures were approved by the institutional review board at the Yale School of Medicine.


We examined hospital strategies in 3 areas: quality improvement resources and performance monitoring, medication management, and discharge and follow‐up procedures. In addition, consistent with our earlier work,[10] we summarized strategies using an index of 10 specific strategies across the 3 domains. The first domain (quality improvement resources and performance monitoring) includes having a quality improvement team for reducing readmissions for heart failure, or for acute myocardial infarction, or for both; monitoring the percent of patients with follow‐up appointments within 7 days of discharge; and monitoring 30‐day readmission rates. The second domain (medication management) includes providing patient education about the purpose of each medication and any alterations to the medication list, having a pharmacist primarily responsible for conducting medication reconciliation at discharge, and having a pharmacy technician primarily responsible for obtaining medication history as part of medication reconciliation process. The third domain (discharge and follow‐up procedures) includes discharge processes in which patients or their caregivers receive an emergency plan, patients usually or always leave the hospital with an outpatient follow‐up appointment already arranged, a process is in place to ensure the outpatient physicians are alerted to the patient's discharge status within 48 hours of discharge, and patients are called after discharge to follow up on postdischarge needs or to provide additional patient education. The summary score ranged from 0 to 10, and its items are supported by a number of studies,[3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28] although definitive evidence on their effectiveness is lacking.

We also examined hospital characteristics including the number of staffed hospital beds, teaching status (hospital that is a member of Council of Teaching Hospitals [COTH], non‐COTH teaching hospital with residency approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, or nonteaching hospital), multihospital affiliation (yes or no), and ownership (for profit, nonprofit, or government) using data from the Annual Survey of the American Hospital Association from 2009. We determined census regions from the US Census Bureau and urban/suburban/rural location from the 2003 Urban Influence Codes. Hospital 30‐day risk‐standardized readmission rates (RSRRs) were derived from the most recent year of data (July 2010 to June 2011) collected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). RSRRs were calculated using the statistical model as specified by the CMS for public reporting of 30‐day RSRRs.[29, 30]

Data Analysis

We used standard frequency analysis to describe the sample of hospitals, the prevalence of each hospital strategy, and the distribution of summary variables, for both H2H and the STAAR hospitals. We examined the statistical significance of differences between the reported use of strategies to reduce readmissions in H2H versus STARR hospitals using logistic and linear regression, adjusted for hospital characteristics that differed significantly between the 2 groups in the bivariate analyses (ownership type and census region). We adjusted for hospital characteristics to isolate the independent association between the initiative (H2H or STAAR) and hospital strategies being employed. This was important given the significant differences in types of hospitals (by ownership and census region) in the H2H versus STAAR initiatives and reported variation of strategies used by hospital characteristics. Because hospitals completed the questionnaire at different times during the survey period, we adjusted for month of survey completion, but this variable was nonsignificant and therefore eliminated from the final model. We employed P<0.01 as our significance level to adjust for multiple comparisons conducted. This research was funded by the Commonwealth Fund, which had no influence on the methodology, findings, or interpretation. All analyses were conducted in SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).


Characteristics of Hospital Sample

Of the 587 hospitals in our sample, 55 hospitals (9%) were enrolled in STAAR and 532 hospitals (91%) were enrolled in H2H. The roles reported by respondents varied, and many respondents reported having more than 1 role; nearly 60% were from quality management departments, 24% were from cardiology departments, 24% had other clinical roles, 17% were from case management or care coordination, and 7% reported working in nonclinical roles. Hospital characteristics are reported in Table 1.

Descriptive Characteristics of Surveyed Hospitals
CharacteristicH2H, N=532STAAR, N=552P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals; H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; HF, heart failure; SD, standard deviation; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Percentages computed excluding missing values, ranging from 0 to 9 missing values by item.

  • P values derived from t tests.

  • Risk‐standardized readmission rates (RSRRs) are weighted by hospital volume; 14 RSRRs are missing for HF, and 25 are missing for AMI.

Teaching status, N (%)  0.185
COTH teaching70 (13.2)12 (22.2) 
Non‐COTH teaching105 (19.7)9 (16.7) 
Nonteaching357 (67.1)33 (61.1) 
Number of staffed beds, N (%)  0.598
<200 beds180 (34.2)22 (42.3) 
200399 beds199 (37.8)19 (36.5) 
400599 beds90 (17.1)6 (11.5) 
600+ beds58 (11.0)5 (9.6) 
Mean (SD)315 (218)254 (206)0.056a
Census region, N (%)  <0.001
New England21 (4.0)14 (26.4) 
Middle Atlantic58 (10.9)0 
East North Central95 (17.9)27 (50.9) 
West North Central45 (8.5)0 
South Atlantic122 (23.0)0 
East South Central52 (9.8)0 
West South Central54 (10.2)0 
Mountain33 (6.2)0 
Pacific50 (9.4)12 (22.6) 
Puerto Rico1 (0.2)0 
Geographic location, N (%)  0.184
Urban451 (85.1)40 (75.5) 
Suburban53 (10.0)9 (17.0) 
Rural26 (4.9)4 (7.6) 
Ownership type, N (%)  <0.001
For profit129 (24.3)1 (1.9) 
Nonprofit355 (66.9)44 (83.0) 
Government47 (8.9)8 (15.1) 
Multihospital affiliation, N (%)  0.032
Yes385 (72.5)31 (58.5) 
No146 (27.5)22 (41.5) 
Risk‐standardized readmission rate (per 100 patients)b   
For patients with HF, Mean (SD)24.7 (0.06)25.1 (0.06)0.088a
For patients with AMI, Mean (SD)19.5 (0.06)19.6 (0.07)0.722a

Hospital Strategies to Reduce Readmission Rates

Many hospitals were not implementing recommended strategies at the time of enrollment. Only 52.7% of STAAR hospitals and 53.4% of H2H hospitals had a quality improvement team devoted to reducing readmissions for patients with AMI (Table 2). Half or fewer hospitals in either initiative reported that they monitored the proportion of discharge summaries sent to the primary care physician or the percent of patients with follow‐up appointments within 7 days. Less than 20% of hospitals in either initiative were monitoring readmissions to another hospital (Table 2). Most hospitals in STAAR and in H2H did not have the pharmacists responsible for medication reconciliation, with most assigning nurses this task, and few employed a third‐party database regularly for checking historical fill and current refill information (Table 3). In both initiatives, a small minority of hospitals reported that patients were always discharged with a follow‐up appointment already made, and less than half of hospitals had assigned someone to follow up on test results that return after the patient was discharged (Table 4).

Quality Improvement Resources and Performance Monitoring
 H2H, N=532STAAR, N=55
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; HF, heart failure; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Numbers of missing (overall) ranged by item from 0 to 6.

  • P value <0.01 in unadjusted analysis; none of these were significant in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

Hospital has reducing preventable readmissions as a written objective  
Strongly agree/agree478 (89.9%)53 (96.4%)
Not sure/disagree/strongly disagree54 (10.2%)2 (3.6%)
Hospital has a reliable process in place to identify patients with HF at the time they are admitted438 (82.6%)50 (90.9%)
Hospital has quality improvement teams devoted to reducing preventable readmissions for patients with HF462 (86.8%)49 (89.1%)
Hospital has quality improvement teams devoted to reducing preventable readmissions for patients with AMI284 (53.4%)29 (52.7%)
Hospital has a multidisciplinary team to manage the care of patients who are at high risk of readmission299 (56.4%)42 (76.4%)a
Hospital has partnered with the following to reduce readmission rates  
Community homecare agencies and/or skilled nursing facilities358 (67.6%)48 (87.3%)a
Community physicians or physician groups262 (49.6%)42 (76.4%)a
Other local hospitals123 (23.3%)23 (41.8%)a
Hospital tracks the following for quality improvement efforts:  
Timeliness of discharge summary373 (70.6%)40 (72.7%)
Proportion of discharge summaries sent to primary physician121 (23.0%)17 (31.5%)
Percent of patients discharged with follow‐up appointment 7 days168 (31.9%)27 (50.0%)
Accuracy of medication reconciliation385 (72.9%)36 (66.7%)
30‐day readmission rate499 (94.5%)54 (98.2%)
Early (<7 day) readmission rate293 (55.5%)26 (48.2%)a
Proportion of patients readmitted to another hospital61 (11.6%)9 (16.7%)
Has a designated person or group to review unplanned readmissions that occur within 30 days of the original discharge338 (63.9%)43 (78.2%)
Estimates risk of readmission in a formal way and uses it in clinical care during patient hospitalization118 (22.3%)22 (40.0%)a
Medication Management Strategies
 H2H, N=532STAAR, N=55
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Numbers of missing ranged by item from 0 to 5; 1 item is missing 8.

  • P value <0.01 in unadjusted analysis; association not significant in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

  • P value <0.01 in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

  • Select all that apply.

Who is responsible for medication reconciliation at discharge?  
Never53 (10.0%)12 (22.2%)b
Sometimes51 (9.6%)13 (24.1%)
Usually49 (9.3%)5 (9.3%)
Always376 (71.1%)24 (44.4%)
Never309 (58.5%)30 (55.6%)
Sometimes163 (30.9%)21 (38.9%)
Usually21 (4.0%)1 (1.9%)
Always35 (6.6%)2 (3.7%)
Responsibility is not formally assigned  
Never453 (86.1%)41 (77.4%)
Sometimes23 (4.4%)6 (11.3%)
Usually21 (4.0%)4 (7.6%)
Always29 (5.5%)2 (3.8%)
Tools in place to facilitate medication reconciliationc  
Paper‐based standardization form290 (54.5%)31 (56.4%)
Electronic medical record/Web‐based form392 (73.7%)38 (69.1%)
How often does each of the following occur as part of the medication reconciliation process at your hospital?  
Emergency medicine staff obtains medication history  
Never3 (0.6%)0
Sometimes39 (7.4%)5 (9.1%)
Usually152 (28.7%)20 (36.4%)
Always336 (63.4%)30 (54.6%)
Admitting medical team obtains medication history  
Never8 (1.5%)1 (1.8%)
Sometimes33 (6.2%)6 (10.9%)
Usually97 (18.3%)15 (27.3%)
Always392 (74.0%)33 (60.0%)
Pharmacist or pharmacy technician obtains medication history  
Never244 (46.1%)19 (34.6%)
Sometimes160 (30.3%)16 (29.1%)
Usually47 (8.9%)10 (18.2%)
Always78 (14.7%)10 (18.2%)
Contact is made with outside pharmacies  
Never76 (14.4%)3 (5.5%)
Sometimes366 (69.3%)42 (76.4%)
Usually69 (13.1%)6 (10.9%)
Always17 (3.2%)4 (7.3%)
Contact is made with primary physician  
Never27 (5.1%)2 (3.6%)
Sometimes280 (52.9%)30 (54.6%)
Usually148 (28.0%)18 (32.7%)
Always74 (14.0%)5 (9.1%)
Outpatient and inpatient prescription records are linked electronically  
Never324 (61.4%)28 (50.9%)
Sometimes91 (17.2%)14 (25.5%)
Usually61 (11.6%)8 (14.6%)
Always52 (9.9%)5 (9.1%)
Third‐party prescription database that provides historical fill and refill information (eg, Health Care Systems)  
Never441 (83.5%)37 (67.3%)
Sometimes54 (10.2%)10 (18.2%)
Usually14 (2.7%)4 (7.3%)
Always19 (3.6%)4 (7.3%)
All patients (or their caregivers) receive at the time of discharge information about the purpose of each medication, which medications are new, which medications have changed in dose or frequency, and/or which medications are to be stopped407 (76.9%)35 (63.6%)
Hospital promotes use of teach‐back techniques (having the patient teach new information back to educator)371 (69.9%)48 (87.3%)a
Discharge and Follow‐up Procedures
 H2H, N=532STAAR, N=55
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Numbers of missing ranged by item from 1 to 4.

  • P value <0.01 in unadjusted analysis; neither association was significant in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

  • P value <0.01 in analysis adjusted for census region and ownership type.

  • Indicates hospitals that provide direct contact information for a specific physician in case of emergency and/or any other type of emergency plan.

For all patients  
All patients (or their caregivers) receive the following in written form at the time of discharge:  
Discharge instructions485 (91.3%)45 (81.8%)
Names, doses, and frequency of all discharge medications463 (87.4%)42 (76.4%)
Educational information about heart failure, when relevant385 (72.5%)37 (67.3%)
Symptoms that prompt an immediate call to a physician or return to hospital352 (66.4%)33 (60.0%)
Educational information about AMI348 (65.5%)36 (66.7%)
Any type of emergency plana312 (58.8%)26 (47.3%)
Action plan for heart failure patients for managing changes in condition282 (53.1%)28 (50.9%)
Personal health record139 (26.3%)23 (41.8%)
Discharge summary104 (19.6%)12 (21.8%)
Patients are discharged from the hospital with an outpatient follow‐up appointment already arranged  
Never20 (3.8%)1 (1.8%)
Sometimes222 (41.9%)26 (47.3%)
Usually233 (44.0%)26 (47.3%)
Always55 (10.4%)2 (3.6%)
Patients with home health services are provided direct contact information for a specific inpatient physician in case of questions249 (47.1%)35 (63.6%)
Process is in place to ensure outpatient physicians are alerted to the patient's discharge within 48 hours of discharge199 (37.6%)37 (67.3%)b
Proportion of patients for whom a paper or electronic discharge summary is sent directly to the patient's primary physician  
None43 (8.1%)3 (5.5%)
Some153 (28.9%)14 (25.5%)
Most200 (37.8%)18 (32.7%)
All133 (25.1%)20 (36.4%)
Patient's discharge summary typically completed and available for viewing  
Upon discharge42 (8.0%)5 (9.1%)
Within 48 hours of discharge222 (42.1%)33 (60.0%)
Within 7 days94 (17.8%)10 (18.2%)
Within 30 days157 (29.7%)7 (12.7%)
There are no explicit goals or policies defining a time‐frame for completing the discharge summary13 (2.5%)0
Someone in the hospital is assigned to follow up on test results that return after the patient is discharged191 (36.2%)27 (49.1%)
Patients are regularly called after discharge to either follow up on postdischarge needs or to provide additional education334 (63.0%)38 (69.1%)
Home visits are arranged for all or most patients after discharge114 (21.5%)9 (16.4%)
After discharge, patients:  
Receive telemonitoring  
None241 (45.5%)12 (21.8%)a
Some265 (50.0%)41 (74.6%)
Most23 (4.3%)1 (1.8%)
All1 (0.2%)1 (1.8%)
Receive referrals to cardiac rehabilitation  
None27 (5.1%)4 (7.4%)b
Some190 (36.0%)28 (51.9%)
Most203 (38.5%)17 (31.5%)
All108 (20.5%)5 (9.3%)
Are enrolled in chronic disease management programs  
None161 (30.4%)13 (23.6%)
Some321 (60.7%)34 (61.8%)
Most41 (7.8%)7 (12.7%)
All6 (1.1%)1 (1.8%)
For patients transferred to skilled nursing facilities  
Nurse‐to‐nurse report is always conducted prior to transfer326 (61.5%)22 (40.0%)a
Information always provided to the facility upon discharge  
Completed discharge summary252 (47.6%)27 (49.1%)
Reconciled medication list436 (82.3%)46 (83.6%)
Medication administration record352 (66.4%)38 (69.1%)
Direct contact number of inpatient treating physician180 (34.0%)29 (52.7%)b

Differences in the use of strategies by STAAR versus H2H hospitals were significant (P<0.01) in unadjusted analysis for several strategies that were attenuated and nonsignificant after adjustment for census region and ownership type (Tables 24). STAAR compared with H2H hospitals were more likely to have: (1) used a multidisciplinary team to care for patients at high risk of readmission, (2) partnered with community homecare agencies and/or skilled nursing facilities, (3) partnered with community physicians or physician groups, (4) partnered with other local hospitals to reduce preventable readmissions, (5) estimated risk of readmission in a formal way and used it in clinical care, (6) used teach‐back techniques, and (7) used telemonitoring. In contrast, H2H hospitals were more likely than STAAR hospitals to have monitored 7‐day readmission rates and to have conducted nurse‐to‐nurse report usually or always prior to discharge to nursing home facilities.

In multivariable analysis, STAAR and H2H hospitals differed significantly (P<0.01) for 4 additional strategies. STAAR hospitals were more likely to have (1) ensured outpatient physicians were alerted within 48 hours of patient discharge, and (2) provided skilled nursing facilities the direct contact number of the inpatient treating physician for patients transferred. H2H hospitals were more likely to have (1) assigned responsibility for medication reconciliation to nurses, and (2) referred discharged patients to cardiac rehabilitation services.


We found that many hospitals enrolled in the STAAR or the H2H initiative were not implementing strategies commonly recommended to reduce readmission in 2010 to 2011, indicating substantial opportunities for improvement. The gaps were apparent among both the STAAR and the H2H hospitals. Previous literature has shown that discharged patients often do not have timely posthospitalization follow‐up visits, and that discharge summaries are infrequently completed prior to the follow‐up visit.[4, 19, 31] Studies have also demonstrated weaknesses in the medication reconciliation process[32] and overall communication between hospital‐based and primary care physicians.[33, 34] Our survey adds to this existing literature by employing a more comprehensive survey of hospital strategies and reporting results for a larger, national sample of hospitals.

Encouraging the use of strategies recommended by quality initiatives is difficult for several reasons. First, the evidence base for their effectiveness is not yet solid, making it difficult for institutions to prioritize and select interventions and to foster enthusiasm for change. Second, the organizational challenges of these interventions are often substantial, requiring coordination across disciplines, departments, and settings (hospital, home, nursing facility). Third, some literature suggests[3] that multipronged strategies may be most effective, increasing the complexity of readmission reduction activities. Last, important financial barriers must be overcome, including the cost of interventions as well as lost revenue from reduced readmissions. Input from hospitalists who are often critical links among inpatient and outpatient care and between patients and their families is strongly needed to ensure hospitals focus on what strategies are most effective for successful transitions from hospital to home.

The prevalence of several strategies differed between STAAR and H2H hospitals; however, these differences were largely attenuated by geographic region. The finding that significant differences among hospitals in strategies was explained in large part by geographical region is consistent with previous research that has documented substantial regional differences in many kinds of practice patterns[35, 36, 37] as well as geographic differences in readmission rates.[38, 39, 40] The results suggest regionally focused initiatives may be most effective in tailoring interventions to practice needs and norms within specific areas.

Among the strategies that differed significantly between the hospitals in STAAR compared with H2H, the variation may be attributable in part to the focus of the initiatives themselves. For instance, 1 strategy that was significantly more prevalent among H2H compared with STAAR hospitals is central to the quality of care for patients with heart failure and acute myocardial infarction, the focus of H2H: referral patterns to cardiac rehabilitation services after discharge. H2H hospitals may have been particularly attuned to this practice, as H2H focused on cardiovascular‐related readmissions, whereas STAAR focused on all readmissions.

The study has several limitations. First, data were self‐reported, and we did not have the resources to verify these reports with onsite evaluations. Nevertheless, the methods for obtaining the data were the same for H2H and STAAR hospitals, and therefore measurement errors are unlikely to have varied systematically between the 2 groups of hospitals. Second, a single respondent at each hospital completed the survey; however, we did instruct respondents to attain information from a broad range of relevant staff to reflect a more comprehensive perspective in the survey. Third, the sample size of STAAR hospitals was modest and therefore may have lacked statistical power to detect important differences; however, we did include all hospitals that had enrolled in STAAR by the study date. Fourth, hospitals that enrolled in STAAR and H2H initiatives represent a selected group, and results may differ among nonenrolled hospitals. Last, we have data on strategies used during the 2010 to 2011 time frame and therefore cannot evaluate the impact of the quality initiatives from these baseline data. Studies that examine the associations between changes in the use of strategies and subsequent changes in readmission rates would be valuable. Nevertheless, this study establishes a baseline against which future progress can be evaluated.

In sum, we found that many STAAR and H2H hospitals were not implementing many of the recommended strategies for reducing readmissions as of 2010 to 2011, suggesting continued opportunities for improvement. Hospitalists will have opportunities to play leadership roles as hospitals look for meaningful ways to reduce readmissions. At the same time, although hospitalists have a key role in implementing hospital‐based programs, much of the care transitions work must also engage teams across the continuum of care. Furthermore, priority should be given to augmenting the evidence base about which strategies are most effective in reducing readmissions, as this evidence is currently underdeveloped.


This work was funded by the Commonwealth Fund and the Donaghue Foundation. Dr. Krumholz is supported by grant U01 HL105270‐03 (Center for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research at Yale University) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Horwitz is supported by the National Institute on Aging (K08 AG038336) and by the American Federation for Aging Research through the Paul B. Beeson Career Development Award Program. Dr. Horwitz is also a Pepper Scholar with support from the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at Yale University School of Medicine (#P30AG021342 NIH/NIA). Dr. Krumholz discloses that he is the recipient of a research grant from Medtronic, Inc. through Yale University and is chair of a cardiac scientific advisory board for UnitedHealth.

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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 8(11)
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With US hospital readmission rates within 30 days of discharge approaching 20%,[1] reducing readmissions has become a national priority. Hospitalists are frequently involved in quality improvement efforts to improve transitions from hospital to home,[2, 3] and they play critical roles in implementing recommended strategies to support effective discharge transitions.[4, 5] Initiatives such as Better Outcomes for Older Adults through Safe Transitions[6] and the adaptable Transitions Tool[7] from the Society of Hospital Medicine provide important approaches and checklists for helping hospitals improve strategies.[8]

In addition to these initiatives, multiple quality collaboratives and campaigns are underway to help hospitals reduce their readmission rates. Two of the more prominent efforts are the STAAR (STate Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization) initiative,[9] a learning collaborative launched in the fall of 2009 and led by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and funded in part by The Commonwealth Fund, and H2H (Hospital‐to‐Home), a national quality campaign led by the American College of Cardiology and IHI with support from several professional associations and partners. Together, these serve more than 1000 hospitals nationally. The STAAR initiative is a state‐based collaborative that partnered with more than 500 community groups across 4 states selected for their diverse readmissions performance and support for improvement efforts, including Massachusetts, Michigan, and Washington. After July 2011, efforts expanded to include Ohio. STAAR was designed to work with leadership at the state level including representatives from hospital associations, government payers, private payers, state governments, provider organizations, employers, and business groups. H2H, in contrast, employs a national quality campaign model and focuses on the care of patients with heart failure or acute myocardial infarction. H2H hospitals are encouraged to participate in a set of H2H Challenges, which provide hospitals with recommended strategies and tools for reducing unnecessary readmission and improve transitions of care. Each Challenge project is 6 to 8 months and consists of success metrics, 3 webinars, and 1 tool kit.

Although previous research has examined strategies used by hospitals enrolled in H2H,10 we know little about strategies used by STAAR hospitals within 1 year of enrollment. Such data across these 2 prominent initiatives at baseline can provide a snapshot of strategies used prior to the major efforts to reduce readmission rates nationally and identify gaps in practice to target for improvement. Furthermore, given the distinct designs of STAAR (a state‐based learning collaborative in selected regions) and H2H (an open, national campaign), future evaluations will likely compare the effectiveness of these alternative approaches for reducing readmissions.

Accordingly, we sought to describe and compare the reported use of recommended strategies to reduce readmission strategies among STAAR and H2H hospitals. Our findings provide a contemporary view of a large set of hospitals working to reduce readmissions. Findings from this study can provide insight into the strategies used by hospitals that enrolled in a state‐based learning collaborative versus a national campaign as well as document a baseline against which future improvements can be measured and evaluated.


Study Design and Sample

We conducted a national Web‐based survey of all hospitals that had enrolled in H2H and/or STAAR from May 2009 through June 2010 (n=658 hospitals); the survey was conducted from November 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 and completed by 599 hospitals (response rate of 91%) (see the survey tool in the Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article). To initiate contact with each hospital, we emailed the primary liaison person for the initiative at the hospital (n=594 hospitals enrolled in the H2H campaign and n=64 hospitals from Massachusetts, Michigan, and Washington enrolled in STAAR). Respondents were instructed to coordinate with other relevant staff to complete a single survey reflecting the hospital's response. Of the total 658 hospitals, 599 completed the survey, for a response rate of 91%. A total of 532 of these 599 hospitals were enrolled in H2H, 55 hospitals were enrolled in STAAR, and 12 hospitals were enrolled in both STAAR and H2H. We excluded the 12 hospitals that were enrolled in both campaigns from our analysis. All research procedures were approved by the institutional review board at the Yale School of Medicine.


We examined hospital strategies in 3 areas: quality improvement resources and performance monitoring, medication management, and discharge and follow‐up procedures. In addition, consistent with our earlier work,[10] we summarized strategies using an index of 10 specific strategies across the 3 domains. The first domain (quality improvement resources and performance monitoring) includes having a quality improvement team for reducing readmissions for heart failure, or for acute myocardial infarction, or for both; monitoring the percent of patients with follow‐up appointments within 7 days of discharge; and monitoring 30‐day readmission rates. The second domain (medication management) includes providing patient education about the purpose of each medication and any alterations to the medication list, having a pharmacist primarily responsible for conducting medication reconciliation at discharge, and having a pharmacy technician primarily responsible for obtaining medication history as part of medication reconciliation process. The third domain (discharge and follow‐up procedures) includes discharge processes in which patients or their caregivers receive an emergency plan, patients usually or always leave the hospital with an outpatient follow‐up appointment already arranged, a process is in place to ensure the outpatient physicians are alerted to the patient's discharge status within 48 hours of discharge, and patients are called after discharge to follow up on postdischarge needs or to provide additional patient education. The summary score ranged from 0 to 10, and its items are supported by a number of studies,[3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28] although definitive evidence on their effectiveness is lacking.

We also examined hospital characteristics including the number of staffed hospital beds, teaching status (hospital that is a member of Council of Teaching Hospitals [COTH], non‐COTH teaching hospital with residency approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, or nonteaching hospital), multihospital affiliation (yes or no), and ownership (for profit, nonprofit, or government) using data from the Annual Survey of the American Hospital Association from 2009. We determined census regions from the US Census Bureau and urban/suburban/rural location from the 2003 Urban Influence Codes. Hospital 30‐day risk‐standardized readmission rates (RSRRs) were derived from the most recent year of data (July 2010 to June 2011) collected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). RSRRs were calculated using the statistical model as specified by the CMS for public reporting of 30‐day RSRRs.[29, 30]

Data Analysis

We used standard frequency analysis to describe the sample of hospitals, the prevalence of each hospital strategy, and the distribution of summary variables, for both H2H and the STAAR hospitals. We examined the statistical significance of differences between the reported use of strategies to reduce readmissions in H2H versus STARR hospitals using logistic and linear regression, adjusted for hospital characteristics that differed significantly between the 2 groups in the bivariate analyses (ownership type and census region). We adjusted for hospital characteristics to isolate the independent association between the initiative (H2H or STAAR) and hospital strategies being employed. This was important given the significant differences in types of hospitals (by ownership and census region) in the H2H versus STAAR initiatives and reported variation of strategies used by hospital characteristics. Because hospitals completed the questionnaire at different times during the survey period, we adjusted for month of survey completion, but this variable was nonsignificant and therefore eliminated from the final model. We employed P<0.01 as our significance level to adjust for multiple comparisons conducted. This research was funded by the Commonwealth Fund, which had no influence on the methodology, findings, or interpretation. All analyses were conducted in SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).


Characteristics of Hospital Sample

Of the 587 hospitals in our sample, 55 hospitals (9%) were enrolled in STAAR and 532 hospitals (91%) were enrolled in H2H. The roles reported by respondents varied, and many respondents reported having more than 1 role; nearly 60% were from quality management departments, 24% were from cardiology departments, 24% had other clinical roles, 17% were from case management or care coordination, and 7% reported working in nonclinical roles. Hospital characteristics are reported in Table 1.

Descriptive Characteristics of Surveyed Hospitals
CharacteristicH2H, N=532STAAR, N=552P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals; H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; HF, heart failure; SD, standard deviation; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Percentages computed excluding missing values, ranging from 0 to 9 missing values by item.

  • P values derived from t tests.

  • Risk‐standardized readmission rates (RSRRs) are weighted by hospital volume; 14 RSRRs are missing for HF, and 25 are missing for AMI.

Teaching status, N (%)  0.185
COTH teaching70 (13.2)12 (22.2) 
Non‐COTH teaching105 (19.7)9 (16.7) 
Nonteaching357 (67.1)33 (61.1) 
Number of staffed beds, N (%)  0.598
<200 beds180 (34.2)22 (42.3) 
200399 beds199 (37.8)19 (36.5) 
400599 beds90 (17.1)6 (11.5) 
600+ beds58 (11.0)5 (9.6) 
Mean (SD)315 (218)254 (206)0.056a
Census region, N (%)  <0.001
New England21 (4.0)14 (26.4) 
Middle Atlantic58 (10.9)0 
East North Central95 (17.9)27 (50.9) 
West North Central45 (8.5)0 
South Atlantic122 (23.0)0 
East South Central52 (9.8)0 
West South Central54 (10.2)0 
Mountain33 (6.2)0 
Pacific50 (9.4)12 (22.6) 
Puerto Rico1 (0.2)0 
Geographic location, N (%)  0.184
Urban451 (85.1)40 (75.5) 
Suburban53 (10.0)9 (17.0) 
Rural26 (4.9)4 (7.6) 
Ownership type, N (%)  <0.001
For profit129 (24.3)1 (1.9) 
Nonprofit355 (66.9)44 (83.0) 
Government47 (8.9)8 (15.1) 
Multihospital affiliation, N (%)  0.032
Yes385 (72.5)31 (58.5) 
No146 (27.5)22 (41.5) 
Risk‐standardized readmission rate (per 100 patients)b   
For patients with HF, Mean (SD)24.7 (0.06)25.1 (0.06)0.088a
For patients with AMI, Mean (SD)19.5 (0.06)19.6 (0.07)0.722a

Hospital Strategies to Reduce Readmission Rates

Many hospitals were not implementing recommended strategies at the time of enrollment. Only 52.7% of STAAR hospitals and 53.4% of H2H hospitals had a quality improvement team devoted to reducing readmissions for patients with AMI (Table 2). Half or fewer hospitals in either initiative reported that they monitored the proportion of discharge summaries sent to the primary care physician or the percent of patients with follow‐up appointments within 7 days. Less than 20% of hospitals in either initiative were monitoring readmissions to another hospital (Table 2). Most hospitals in STAAR and in H2H did not have the pharmacists responsible for medication reconciliation, with most assigning nurses this task, and few employed a third‐party database regularly for checking historical fill and current refill information (Table 3). In both initiatives, a small minority of hospitals reported that patients were always discharged with a follow‐up appointment already made, and less than half of hospitals had assigned someone to follow up on test results that return after the patient was discharged (Table 4).

Quality Improvement Resources and Performance Monitoring
 H2H, N=532STAAR, N=55
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; HF, heart failure; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Numbers of missing (overall) ranged by item from 0 to 6.

  • P value <0.01 in unadjusted analysis; none of these were significant in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

Hospital has reducing preventable readmissions as a written objective  
Strongly agree/agree478 (89.9%)53 (96.4%)
Not sure/disagree/strongly disagree54 (10.2%)2 (3.6%)
Hospital has a reliable process in place to identify patients with HF at the time they are admitted438 (82.6%)50 (90.9%)
Hospital has quality improvement teams devoted to reducing preventable readmissions for patients with HF462 (86.8%)49 (89.1%)
Hospital has quality improvement teams devoted to reducing preventable readmissions for patients with AMI284 (53.4%)29 (52.7%)
Hospital has a multidisciplinary team to manage the care of patients who are at high risk of readmission299 (56.4%)42 (76.4%)a
Hospital has partnered with the following to reduce readmission rates  
Community homecare agencies and/or skilled nursing facilities358 (67.6%)48 (87.3%)a
Community physicians or physician groups262 (49.6%)42 (76.4%)a
Other local hospitals123 (23.3%)23 (41.8%)a
Hospital tracks the following for quality improvement efforts:  
Timeliness of discharge summary373 (70.6%)40 (72.7%)
Proportion of discharge summaries sent to primary physician121 (23.0%)17 (31.5%)
Percent of patients discharged with follow‐up appointment 7 days168 (31.9%)27 (50.0%)
Accuracy of medication reconciliation385 (72.9%)36 (66.7%)
30‐day readmission rate499 (94.5%)54 (98.2%)
Early (<7 day) readmission rate293 (55.5%)26 (48.2%)a
Proportion of patients readmitted to another hospital61 (11.6%)9 (16.7%)
Has a designated person or group to review unplanned readmissions that occur within 30 days of the original discharge338 (63.9%)43 (78.2%)
Estimates risk of readmission in a formal way and uses it in clinical care during patient hospitalization118 (22.3%)22 (40.0%)a
Medication Management Strategies
 H2H, N=532STAAR, N=55
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Numbers of missing ranged by item from 0 to 5; 1 item is missing 8.

  • P value <0.01 in unadjusted analysis; association not significant in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

  • P value <0.01 in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

  • Select all that apply.

Who is responsible for medication reconciliation at discharge?  
Never53 (10.0%)12 (22.2%)b
Sometimes51 (9.6%)13 (24.1%)
Usually49 (9.3%)5 (9.3%)
Always376 (71.1%)24 (44.4%)
Never309 (58.5%)30 (55.6%)
Sometimes163 (30.9%)21 (38.9%)
Usually21 (4.0%)1 (1.9%)
Always35 (6.6%)2 (3.7%)
Responsibility is not formally assigned  
Never453 (86.1%)41 (77.4%)
Sometimes23 (4.4%)6 (11.3%)
Usually21 (4.0%)4 (7.6%)
Always29 (5.5%)2 (3.8%)
Tools in place to facilitate medication reconciliationc  
Paper‐based standardization form290 (54.5%)31 (56.4%)
Electronic medical record/Web‐based form392 (73.7%)38 (69.1%)
How often does each of the following occur as part of the medication reconciliation process at your hospital?  
Emergency medicine staff obtains medication history  
Never3 (0.6%)0
Sometimes39 (7.4%)5 (9.1%)
Usually152 (28.7%)20 (36.4%)
Always336 (63.4%)30 (54.6%)
Admitting medical team obtains medication history  
Never8 (1.5%)1 (1.8%)
Sometimes33 (6.2%)6 (10.9%)
Usually97 (18.3%)15 (27.3%)
Always392 (74.0%)33 (60.0%)
Pharmacist or pharmacy technician obtains medication history  
Never244 (46.1%)19 (34.6%)
Sometimes160 (30.3%)16 (29.1%)
Usually47 (8.9%)10 (18.2%)
Always78 (14.7%)10 (18.2%)
Contact is made with outside pharmacies  
Never76 (14.4%)3 (5.5%)
Sometimes366 (69.3%)42 (76.4%)
Usually69 (13.1%)6 (10.9%)
Always17 (3.2%)4 (7.3%)
Contact is made with primary physician  
Never27 (5.1%)2 (3.6%)
Sometimes280 (52.9%)30 (54.6%)
Usually148 (28.0%)18 (32.7%)
Always74 (14.0%)5 (9.1%)
Outpatient and inpatient prescription records are linked electronically  
Never324 (61.4%)28 (50.9%)
Sometimes91 (17.2%)14 (25.5%)
Usually61 (11.6%)8 (14.6%)
Always52 (9.9%)5 (9.1%)
Third‐party prescription database that provides historical fill and refill information (eg, Health Care Systems)  
Never441 (83.5%)37 (67.3%)
Sometimes54 (10.2%)10 (18.2%)
Usually14 (2.7%)4 (7.3%)
Always19 (3.6%)4 (7.3%)
All patients (or their caregivers) receive at the time of discharge information about the purpose of each medication, which medications are new, which medications have changed in dose or frequency, and/or which medications are to be stopped407 (76.9%)35 (63.6%)
Hospital promotes use of teach‐back techniques (having the patient teach new information back to educator)371 (69.9%)48 (87.3%)a
Discharge and Follow‐up Procedures
 H2H, N=532STAAR, N=55
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Numbers of missing ranged by item from 1 to 4.

  • P value <0.01 in unadjusted analysis; neither association was significant in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

  • P value <0.01 in analysis adjusted for census region and ownership type.

  • Indicates hospitals that provide direct contact information for a specific physician in case of emergency and/or any other type of emergency plan.

For all patients  
All patients (or their caregivers) receive the following in written form at the time of discharge:  
Discharge instructions485 (91.3%)45 (81.8%)
Names, doses, and frequency of all discharge medications463 (87.4%)42 (76.4%)
Educational information about heart failure, when relevant385 (72.5%)37 (67.3%)
Symptoms that prompt an immediate call to a physician or return to hospital352 (66.4%)33 (60.0%)
Educational information about AMI348 (65.5%)36 (66.7%)
Any type of emergency plana312 (58.8%)26 (47.3%)
Action plan for heart failure patients for managing changes in condition282 (53.1%)28 (50.9%)
Personal health record139 (26.3%)23 (41.8%)
Discharge summary104 (19.6%)12 (21.8%)
Patients are discharged from the hospital with an outpatient follow‐up appointment already arranged  
Never20 (3.8%)1 (1.8%)
Sometimes222 (41.9%)26 (47.3%)
Usually233 (44.0%)26 (47.3%)
Always55 (10.4%)2 (3.6%)
Patients with home health services are provided direct contact information for a specific inpatient physician in case of questions249 (47.1%)35 (63.6%)
Process is in place to ensure outpatient physicians are alerted to the patient's discharge within 48 hours of discharge199 (37.6%)37 (67.3%)b
Proportion of patients for whom a paper or electronic discharge summary is sent directly to the patient's primary physician  
None43 (8.1%)3 (5.5%)
Some153 (28.9%)14 (25.5%)
Most200 (37.8%)18 (32.7%)
All133 (25.1%)20 (36.4%)
Patient's discharge summary typically completed and available for viewing  
Upon discharge42 (8.0%)5 (9.1%)
Within 48 hours of discharge222 (42.1%)33 (60.0%)
Within 7 days94 (17.8%)10 (18.2%)
Within 30 days157 (29.7%)7 (12.7%)
There are no explicit goals or policies defining a time‐frame for completing the discharge summary13 (2.5%)0
Someone in the hospital is assigned to follow up on test results that return after the patient is discharged191 (36.2%)27 (49.1%)
Patients are regularly called after discharge to either follow up on postdischarge needs or to provide additional education334 (63.0%)38 (69.1%)
Home visits are arranged for all or most patients after discharge114 (21.5%)9 (16.4%)
After discharge, patients:  
Receive telemonitoring  
None241 (45.5%)12 (21.8%)a
Some265 (50.0%)41 (74.6%)
Most23 (4.3%)1 (1.8%)
All1 (0.2%)1 (1.8%)
Receive referrals to cardiac rehabilitation  
None27 (5.1%)4 (7.4%)b
Some190 (36.0%)28 (51.9%)
Most203 (38.5%)17 (31.5%)
All108 (20.5%)5 (9.3%)
Are enrolled in chronic disease management programs  
None161 (30.4%)13 (23.6%)
Some321 (60.7%)34 (61.8%)
Most41 (7.8%)7 (12.7%)
All6 (1.1%)1 (1.8%)
For patients transferred to skilled nursing facilities  
Nurse‐to‐nurse report is always conducted prior to transfer326 (61.5%)22 (40.0%)a
Information always provided to the facility upon discharge  
Completed discharge summary252 (47.6%)27 (49.1%)
Reconciled medication list436 (82.3%)46 (83.6%)
Medication administration record352 (66.4%)38 (69.1%)
Direct contact number of inpatient treating physician180 (34.0%)29 (52.7%)b

Differences in the use of strategies by STAAR versus H2H hospitals were significant (P<0.01) in unadjusted analysis for several strategies that were attenuated and nonsignificant after adjustment for census region and ownership type (Tables 24). STAAR compared with H2H hospitals were more likely to have: (1) used a multidisciplinary team to care for patients at high risk of readmission, (2) partnered with community homecare agencies and/or skilled nursing facilities, (3) partnered with community physicians or physician groups, (4) partnered with other local hospitals to reduce preventable readmissions, (5) estimated risk of readmission in a formal way and used it in clinical care, (6) used teach‐back techniques, and (7) used telemonitoring. In contrast, H2H hospitals were more likely than STAAR hospitals to have monitored 7‐day readmission rates and to have conducted nurse‐to‐nurse report usually or always prior to discharge to nursing home facilities.

In multivariable analysis, STAAR and H2H hospitals differed significantly (P<0.01) for 4 additional strategies. STAAR hospitals were more likely to have (1) ensured outpatient physicians were alerted within 48 hours of patient discharge, and (2) provided skilled nursing facilities the direct contact number of the inpatient treating physician for patients transferred. H2H hospitals were more likely to have (1) assigned responsibility for medication reconciliation to nurses, and (2) referred discharged patients to cardiac rehabilitation services.


We found that many hospitals enrolled in the STAAR or the H2H initiative were not implementing strategies commonly recommended to reduce readmission in 2010 to 2011, indicating substantial opportunities for improvement. The gaps were apparent among both the STAAR and the H2H hospitals. Previous literature has shown that discharged patients often do not have timely posthospitalization follow‐up visits, and that discharge summaries are infrequently completed prior to the follow‐up visit.[4, 19, 31] Studies have also demonstrated weaknesses in the medication reconciliation process[32] and overall communication between hospital‐based and primary care physicians.[33, 34] Our survey adds to this existing literature by employing a more comprehensive survey of hospital strategies and reporting results for a larger, national sample of hospitals.

Encouraging the use of strategies recommended by quality initiatives is difficult for several reasons. First, the evidence base for their effectiveness is not yet solid, making it difficult for institutions to prioritize and select interventions and to foster enthusiasm for change. Second, the organizational challenges of these interventions are often substantial, requiring coordination across disciplines, departments, and settings (hospital, home, nursing facility). Third, some literature suggests[3] that multipronged strategies may be most effective, increasing the complexity of readmission reduction activities. Last, important financial barriers must be overcome, including the cost of interventions as well as lost revenue from reduced readmissions. Input from hospitalists who are often critical links among inpatient and outpatient care and between patients and their families is strongly needed to ensure hospitals focus on what strategies are most effective for successful transitions from hospital to home.

The prevalence of several strategies differed between STAAR and H2H hospitals; however, these differences were largely attenuated by geographic region. The finding that significant differences among hospitals in strategies was explained in large part by geographical region is consistent with previous research that has documented substantial regional differences in many kinds of practice patterns[35, 36, 37] as well as geographic differences in readmission rates.[38, 39, 40] The results suggest regionally focused initiatives may be most effective in tailoring interventions to practice needs and norms within specific areas.

Among the strategies that differed significantly between the hospitals in STAAR compared with H2H, the variation may be attributable in part to the focus of the initiatives themselves. For instance, 1 strategy that was significantly more prevalent among H2H compared with STAAR hospitals is central to the quality of care for patients with heart failure and acute myocardial infarction, the focus of H2H: referral patterns to cardiac rehabilitation services after discharge. H2H hospitals may have been particularly attuned to this practice, as H2H focused on cardiovascular‐related readmissions, whereas STAAR focused on all readmissions.

The study has several limitations. First, data were self‐reported, and we did not have the resources to verify these reports with onsite evaluations. Nevertheless, the methods for obtaining the data were the same for H2H and STAAR hospitals, and therefore measurement errors are unlikely to have varied systematically between the 2 groups of hospitals. Second, a single respondent at each hospital completed the survey; however, we did instruct respondents to attain information from a broad range of relevant staff to reflect a more comprehensive perspective in the survey. Third, the sample size of STAAR hospitals was modest and therefore may have lacked statistical power to detect important differences; however, we did include all hospitals that had enrolled in STAAR by the study date. Fourth, hospitals that enrolled in STAAR and H2H initiatives represent a selected group, and results may differ among nonenrolled hospitals. Last, we have data on strategies used during the 2010 to 2011 time frame and therefore cannot evaluate the impact of the quality initiatives from these baseline data. Studies that examine the associations between changes in the use of strategies and subsequent changes in readmission rates would be valuable. Nevertheless, this study establishes a baseline against which future progress can be evaluated.

In sum, we found that many STAAR and H2H hospitals were not implementing many of the recommended strategies for reducing readmissions as of 2010 to 2011, suggesting continued opportunities for improvement. Hospitalists will have opportunities to play leadership roles as hospitals look for meaningful ways to reduce readmissions. At the same time, although hospitalists have a key role in implementing hospital‐based programs, much of the care transitions work must also engage teams across the continuum of care. Furthermore, priority should be given to augmenting the evidence base about which strategies are most effective in reducing readmissions, as this evidence is currently underdeveloped.


This work was funded by the Commonwealth Fund and the Donaghue Foundation. Dr. Krumholz is supported by grant U01 HL105270‐03 (Center for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research at Yale University) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Horwitz is supported by the National Institute on Aging (K08 AG038336) and by the American Federation for Aging Research through the Paul B. Beeson Career Development Award Program. Dr. Horwitz is also a Pepper Scholar with support from the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at Yale University School of Medicine (#P30AG021342 NIH/NIA). Dr. Krumholz discloses that he is the recipient of a research grant from Medtronic, Inc. through Yale University and is chair of a cardiac scientific advisory board for UnitedHealth.

With US hospital readmission rates within 30 days of discharge approaching 20%,[1] reducing readmissions has become a national priority. Hospitalists are frequently involved in quality improvement efforts to improve transitions from hospital to home,[2, 3] and they play critical roles in implementing recommended strategies to support effective discharge transitions.[4, 5] Initiatives such as Better Outcomes for Older Adults through Safe Transitions[6] and the adaptable Transitions Tool[7] from the Society of Hospital Medicine provide important approaches and checklists for helping hospitals improve strategies.[8]

In addition to these initiatives, multiple quality collaboratives and campaigns are underway to help hospitals reduce their readmission rates. Two of the more prominent efforts are the STAAR (STate Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization) initiative,[9] a learning collaborative launched in the fall of 2009 and led by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and funded in part by The Commonwealth Fund, and H2H (Hospital‐to‐Home), a national quality campaign led by the American College of Cardiology and IHI with support from several professional associations and partners. Together, these serve more than 1000 hospitals nationally. The STAAR initiative is a state‐based collaborative that partnered with more than 500 community groups across 4 states selected for their diverse readmissions performance and support for improvement efforts, including Massachusetts, Michigan, and Washington. After July 2011, efforts expanded to include Ohio. STAAR was designed to work with leadership at the state level including representatives from hospital associations, government payers, private payers, state governments, provider organizations, employers, and business groups. H2H, in contrast, employs a national quality campaign model and focuses on the care of patients with heart failure or acute myocardial infarction. H2H hospitals are encouraged to participate in a set of H2H Challenges, which provide hospitals with recommended strategies and tools for reducing unnecessary readmission and improve transitions of care. Each Challenge project is 6 to 8 months and consists of success metrics, 3 webinars, and 1 tool kit.

Although previous research has examined strategies used by hospitals enrolled in H2H,10 we know little about strategies used by STAAR hospitals within 1 year of enrollment. Such data across these 2 prominent initiatives at baseline can provide a snapshot of strategies used prior to the major efforts to reduce readmission rates nationally and identify gaps in practice to target for improvement. Furthermore, given the distinct designs of STAAR (a state‐based learning collaborative in selected regions) and H2H (an open, national campaign), future evaluations will likely compare the effectiveness of these alternative approaches for reducing readmissions.

Accordingly, we sought to describe and compare the reported use of recommended strategies to reduce readmission strategies among STAAR and H2H hospitals. Our findings provide a contemporary view of a large set of hospitals working to reduce readmissions. Findings from this study can provide insight into the strategies used by hospitals that enrolled in a state‐based learning collaborative versus a national campaign as well as document a baseline against which future improvements can be measured and evaluated.


Study Design and Sample

We conducted a national Web‐based survey of all hospitals that had enrolled in H2H and/or STAAR from May 2009 through June 2010 (n=658 hospitals); the survey was conducted from November 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 and completed by 599 hospitals (response rate of 91%) (see the survey tool in the Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article). To initiate contact with each hospital, we emailed the primary liaison person for the initiative at the hospital (n=594 hospitals enrolled in the H2H campaign and n=64 hospitals from Massachusetts, Michigan, and Washington enrolled in STAAR). Respondents were instructed to coordinate with other relevant staff to complete a single survey reflecting the hospital's response. Of the total 658 hospitals, 599 completed the survey, for a response rate of 91%. A total of 532 of these 599 hospitals were enrolled in H2H, 55 hospitals were enrolled in STAAR, and 12 hospitals were enrolled in both STAAR and H2H. We excluded the 12 hospitals that were enrolled in both campaigns from our analysis. All research procedures were approved by the institutional review board at the Yale School of Medicine.


We examined hospital strategies in 3 areas: quality improvement resources and performance monitoring, medication management, and discharge and follow‐up procedures. In addition, consistent with our earlier work,[10] we summarized strategies using an index of 10 specific strategies across the 3 domains. The first domain (quality improvement resources and performance monitoring) includes having a quality improvement team for reducing readmissions for heart failure, or for acute myocardial infarction, or for both; monitoring the percent of patients with follow‐up appointments within 7 days of discharge; and monitoring 30‐day readmission rates. The second domain (medication management) includes providing patient education about the purpose of each medication and any alterations to the medication list, having a pharmacist primarily responsible for conducting medication reconciliation at discharge, and having a pharmacy technician primarily responsible for obtaining medication history as part of medication reconciliation process. The third domain (discharge and follow‐up procedures) includes discharge processes in which patients or their caregivers receive an emergency plan, patients usually or always leave the hospital with an outpatient follow‐up appointment already arranged, a process is in place to ensure the outpatient physicians are alerted to the patient's discharge status within 48 hours of discharge, and patients are called after discharge to follow up on postdischarge needs or to provide additional patient education. The summary score ranged from 0 to 10, and its items are supported by a number of studies,[3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28] although definitive evidence on their effectiveness is lacking.

We also examined hospital characteristics including the number of staffed hospital beds, teaching status (hospital that is a member of Council of Teaching Hospitals [COTH], non‐COTH teaching hospital with residency approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, or nonteaching hospital), multihospital affiliation (yes or no), and ownership (for profit, nonprofit, or government) using data from the Annual Survey of the American Hospital Association from 2009. We determined census regions from the US Census Bureau and urban/suburban/rural location from the 2003 Urban Influence Codes. Hospital 30‐day risk‐standardized readmission rates (RSRRs) were derived from the most recent year of data (July 2010 to June 2011) collected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). RSRRs were calculated using the statistical model as specified by the CMS for public reporting of 30‐day RSRRs.[29, 30]

Data Analysis

We used standard frequency analysis to describe the sample of hospitals, the prevalence of each hospital strategy, and the distribution of summary variables, for both H2H and the STAAR hospitals. We examined the statistical significance of differences between the reported use of strategies to reduce readmissions in H2H versus STARR hospitals using logistic and linear regression, adjusted for hospital characteristics that differed significantly between the 2 groups in the bivariate analyses (ownership type and census region). We adjusted for hospital characteristics to isolate the independent association between the initiative (H2H or STAAR) and hospital strategies being employed. This was important given the significant differences in types of hospitals (by ownership and census region) in the H2H versus STAAR initiatives and reported variation of strategies used by hospital characteristics. Because hospitals completed the questionnaire at different times during the survey period, we adjusted for month of survey completion, but this variable was nonsignificant and therefore eliminated from the final model. We employed P<0.01 as our significance level to adjust for multiple comparisons conducted. This research was funded by the Commonwealth Fund, which had no influence on the methodology, findings, or interpretation. All analyses were conducted in SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).


Characteristics of Hospital Sample

Of the 587 hospitals in our sample, 55 hospitals (9%) were enrolled in STAAR and 532 hospitals (91%) were enrolled in H2H. The roles reported by respondents varied, and many respondents reported having more than 1 role; nearly 60% were from quality management departments, 24% were from cardiology departments, 24% had other clinical roles, 17% were from case management or care coordination, and 7% reported working in nonclinical roles. Hospital characteristics are reported in Table 1.

Descriptive Characteristics of Surveyed Hospitals
CharacteristicH2H, N=532STAAR, N=552P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals; H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; HF, heart failure; SD, standard deviation; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Percentages computed excluding missing values, ranging from 0 to 9 missing values by item.

  • P values derived from t tests.

  • Risk‐standardized readmission rates (RSRRs) are weighted by hospital volume; 14 RSRRs are missing for HF, and 25 are missing for AMI.

Teaching status, N (%)  0.185
COTH teaching70 (13.2)12 (22.2) 
Non‐COTH teaching105 (19.7)9 (16.7) 
Nonteaching357 (67.1)33 (61.1) 
Number of staffed beds, N (%)  0.598
<200 beds180 (34.2)22 (42.3) 
200399 beds199 (37.8)19 (36.5) 
400599 beds90 (17.1)6 (11.5) 
600+ beds58 (11.0)5 (9.6) 
Mean (SD)315 (218)254 (206)0.056a
Census region, N (%)  <0.001
New England21 (4.0)14 (26.4) 
Middle Atlantic58 (10.9)0 
East North Central95 (17.9)27 (50.9) 
West North Central45 (8.5)0 
South Atlantic122 (23.0)0 
East South Central52 (9.8)0 
West South Central54 (10.2)0 
Mountain33 (6.2)0 
Pacific50 (9.4)12 (22.6) 
Puerto Rico1 (0.2)0 
Geographic location, N (%)  0.184
Urban451 (85.1)40 (75.5) 
Suburban53 (10.0)9 (17.0) 
Rural26 (4.9)4 (7.6) 
Ownership type, N (%)  <0.001
For profit129 (24.3)1 (1.9) 
Nonprofit355 (66.9)44 (83.0) 
Government47 (8.9)8 (15.1) 
Multihospital affiliation, N (%)  0.032
Yes385 (72.5)31 (58.5) 
No146 (27.5)22 (41.5) 
Risk‐standardized readmission rate (per 100 patients)b   
For patients with HF, Mean (SD)24.7 (0.06)25.1 (0.06)0.088a
For patients with AMI, Mean (SD)19.5 (0.06)19.6 (0.07)0.722a

Hospital Strategies to Reduce Readmission Rates

Many hospitals were not implementing recommended strategies at the time of enrollment. Only 52.7% of STAAR hospitals and 53.4% of H2H hospitals had a quality improvement team devoted to reducing readmissions for patients with AMI (Table 2). Half or fewer hospitals in either initiative reported that they monitored the proportion of discharge summaries sent to the primary care physician or the percent of patients with follow‐up appointments within 7 days. Less than 20% of hospitals in either initiative were monitoring readmissions to another hospital (Table 2). Most hospitals in STAAR and in H2H did not have the pharmacists responsible for medication reconciliation, with most assigning nurses this task, and few employed a third‐party database regularly for checking historical fill and current refill information (Table 3). In both initiatives, a small minority of hospitals reported that patients were always discharged with a follow‐up appointment already made, and less than half of hospitals had assigned someone to follow up on test results that return after the patient was discharged (Table 4).

Quality Improvement Resources and Performance Monitoring
 H2H, N=532STAAR, N=55
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; HF, heart failure; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Numbers of missing (overall) ranged by item from 0 to 6.

  • P value <0.01 in unadjusted analysis; none of these were significant in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

Hospital has reducing preventable readmissions as a written objective  
Strongly agree/agree478 (89.9%)53 (96.4%)
Not sure/disagree/strongly disagree54 (10.2%)2 (3.6%)
Hospital has a reliable process in place to identify patients with HF at the time they are admitted438 (82.6%)50 (90.9%)
Hospital has quality improvement teams devoted to reducing preventable readmissions for patients with HF462 (86.8%)49 (89.1%)
Hospital has quality improvement teams devoted to reducing preventable readmissions for patients with AMI284 (53.4%)29 (52.7%)
Hospital has a multidisciplinary team to manage the care of patients who are at high risk of readmission299 (56.4%)42 (76.4%)a
Hospital has partnered with the following to reduce readmission rates  
Community homecare agencies and/or skilled nursing facilities358 (67.6%)48 (87.3%)a
Community physicians or physician groups262 (49.6%)42 (76.4%)a
Other local hospitals123 (23.3%)23 (41.8%)a
Hospital tracks the following for quality improvement efforts:  
Timeliness of discharge summary373 (70.6%)40 (72.7%)
Proportion of discharge summaries sent to primary physician121 (23.0%)17 (31.5%)
Percent of patients discharged with follow‐up appointment 7 days168 (31.9%)27 (50.0%)
Accuracy of medication reconciliation385 (72.9%)36 (66.7%)
30‐day readmission rate499 (94.5%)54 (98.2%)
Early (<7 day) readmission rate293 (55.5%)26 (48.2%)a
Proportion of patients readmitted to another hospital61 (11.6%)9 (16.7%)
Has a designated person or group to review unplanned readmissions that occur within 30 days of the original discharge338 (63.9%)43 (78.2%)
Estimates risk of readmission in a formal way and uses it in clinical care during patient hospitalization118 (22.3%)22 (40.0%)a
Medication Management Strategies
 H2H, N=532STAAR, N=55
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Numbers of missing ranged by item from 0 to 5; 1 item is missing 8.

  • P value <0.01 in unadjusted analysis; association not significant in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

  • P value <0.01 in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

  • Select all that apply.

Who is responsible for medication reconciliation at discharge?  
Never53 (10.0%)12 (22.2%)b
Sometimes51 (9.6%)13 (24.1%)
Usually49 (9.3%)5 (9.3%)
Always376 (71.1%)24 (44.4%)
Never309 (58.5%)30 (55.6%)
Sometimes163 (30.9%)21 (38.9%)
Usually21 (4.0%)1 (1.9%)
Always35 (6.6%)2 (3.7%)
Responsibility is not formally assigned  
Never453 (86.1%)41 (77.4%)
Sometimes23 (4.4%)6 (11.3%)
Usually21 (4.0%)4 (7.6%)
Always29 (5.5%)2 (3.8%)
Tools in place to facilitate medication reconciliationc  
Paper‐based standardization form290 (54.5%)31 (56.4%)
Electronic medical record/Web‐based form392 (73.7%)38 (69.1%)
How often does each of the following occur as part of the medication reconciliation process at your hospital?  
Emergency medicine staff obtains medication history  
Never3 (0.6%)0
Sometimes39 (7.4%)5 (9.1%)
Usually152 (28.7%)20 (36.4%)
Always336 (63.4%)30 (54.6%)
Admitting medical team obtains medication history  
Never8 (1.5%)1 (1.8%)
Sometimes33 (6.2%)6 (10.9%)
Usually97 (18.3%)15 (27.3%)
Always392 (74.0%)33 (60.0%)
Pharmacist or pharmacy technician obtains medication history  
Never244 (46.1%)19 (34.6%)
Sometimes160 (30.3%)16 (29.1%)
Usually47 (8.9%)10 (18.2%)
Always78 (14.7%)10 (18.2%)
Contact is made with outside pharmacies  
Never76 (14.4%)3 (5.5%)
Sometimes366 (69.3%)42 (76.4%)
Usually69 (13.1%)6 (10.9%)
Always17 (3.2%)4 (7.3%)
Contact is made with primary physician  
Never27 (5.1%)2 (3.6%)
Sometimes280 (52.9%)30 (54.6%)
Usually148 (28.0%)18 (32.7%)
Always74 (14.0%)5 (9.1%)
Outpatient and inpatient prescription records are linked electronically  
Never324 (61.4%)28 (50.9%)
Sometimes91 (17.2%)14 (25.5%)
Usually61 (11.6%)8 (14.6%)
Always52 (9.9%)5 (9.1%)
Third‐party prescription database that provides historical fill and refill information (eg, Health Care Systems)  
Never441 (83.5%)37 (67.3%)
Sometimes54 (10.2%)10 (18.2%)
Usually14 (2.7%)4 (7.3%)
Always19 (3.6%)4 (7.3%)
All patients (or their caregivers) receive at the time of discharge information about the purpose of each medication, which medications are new, which medications have changed in dose or frequency, and/or which medications are to be stopped407 (76.9%)35 (63.6%)
Hospital promotes use of teach‐back techniques (having the patient teach new information back to educator)371 (69.9%)48 (87.3%)a
Discharge and Follow‐up Procedures
 H2H, N=532STAAR, N=55
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; H2H, Hospital‐to‐Home Campaign; STAAR, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalization. Numbers of missing ranged by item from 1 to 4.

  • P value <0.01 in unadjusted analysis; neither association was significant in analysis adjusted for census region and hospital ownership type.

  • P value <0.01 in analysis adjusted for census region and ownership type.

  • Indicates hospitals that provide direct contact information for a specific physician in case of emergency and/or any other type of emergency plan.

For all patients  
All patients (or their caregivers) receive the following in written form at the time of discharge:  
Discharge instructions485 (91.3%)45 (81.8%)
Names, doses, and frequency of all discharge medications463 (87.4%)42 (76.4%)
Educational information about heart failure, when relevant385 (72.5%)37 (67.3%)
Symptoms that prompt an immediate call to a physician or return to hospital352 (66.4%)33 (60.0%)
Educational information about AMI348 (65.5%)36 (66.7%)
Any type of emergency plana312 (58.8%)26 (47.3%)
Action plan for heart failure patients for managing changes in condition282 (53.1%)28 (50.9%)
Personal health record139 (26.3%)23 (41.8%)
Discharge summary104 (19.6%)12 (21.8%)
Patients are discharged from the hospital with an outpatient follow‐up appointment already arranged  
Never20 (3.8%)1 (1.8%)
Sometimes222 (41.9%)26 (47.3%)
Usually233 (44.0%)26 (47.3%)
Always55 (10.4%)2 (3.6%)
Patients with home health services are provided direct contact information for a specific inpatient physician in case of questions249 (47.1%)35 (63.6%)
Process is in place to ensure outpatient physicians are alerted to the patient's discharge within 48 hours of discharge199 (37.6%)37 (67.3%)b
Proportion of patients for whom a paper or electronic discharge summary is sent directly to the patient's primary physician  
None43 (8.1%)3 (5.5%)
Some153 (28.9%)14 (25.5%)
Most200 (37.8%)18 (32.7%)
All133 (25.1%)20 (36.4%)
Patient's discharge summary typically completed and available for viewing  
Upon discharge42 (8.0%)5 (9.1%)
Within 48 hours of discharge222 (42.1%)33 (60.0%)
Within 7 days94 (17.8%)10 (18.2%)
Within 30 days157 (29.7%)7 (12.7%)
There are no explicit goals or policies defining a time‐frame for completing the discharge summary13 (2.5%)0
Someone in the hospital is assigned to follow up on test results that return after the patient is discharged191 (36.2%)27 (49.1%)
Patients are regularly called after discharge to either follow up on postdischarge needs or to provide additional education334 (63.0%)38 (69.1%)
Home visits are arranged for all or most patients after discharge114 (21.5%)9 (16.4%)
After discharge, patients:  
Receive telemonitoring  
None241 (45.5%)12 (21.8%)a
Some265 (50.0%)41 (74.6%)
Most23 (4.3%)1 (1.8%)
All1 (0.2%)1 (1.8%)
Receive referrals to cardiac rehabilitation  
None27 (5.1%)4 (7.4%)b
Some190 (36.0%)28 (51.9%)
Most203 (38.5%)17 (31.5%)
All108 (20.5%)5 (9.3%)
Are enrolled in chronic disease management programs  
None161 (30.4%)13 (23.6%)
Some321 (60.7%)34 (61.8%)
Most41 (7.8%)7 (12.7%)
All6 (1.1%)1 (1.8%)
For patients transferred to skilled nursing facilities  
Nurse‐to‐nurse report is always conducted prior to transfer326 (61.5%)22 (40.0%)a
Information always provided to the facility upon discharge  
Completed discharge summary252 (47.6%)27 (49.1%)
Reconciled medication list436 (82.3%)46 (83.6%)
Medication administration record352 (66.4%)38 (69.1%)
Direct contact number of inpatient treating physician180 (34.0%)29 (52.7%)b

Differences in the use of strategies by STAAR versus H2H hospitals were significant (P<0.01) in unadjusted analysis for several strategies that were attenuated and nonsignificant after adjustment for census region and ownership type (Tables 24). STAAR compared with H2H hospitals were more likely to have: (1) used a multidisciplinary team to care for patients at high risk of readmission, (2) partnered with community homecare agencies and/or skilled nursing facilities, (3) partnered with community physicians or physician groups, (4) partnered with other local hospitals to reduce preventable readmissions, (5) estimated risk of readmission in a formal way and used it in clinical care, (6) used teach‐back techniques, and (7) used telemonitoring. In contrast, H2H hospitals were more likely than STAAR hospitals to have monitored 7‐day readmission rates and to have conducted nurse‐to‐nurse report usually or always prior to discharge to nursing home facilities.

In multivariable analysis, STAAR and H2H hospitals differed significantly (P<0.01) for 4 additional strategies. STAAR hospitals were more likely to have (1) ensured outpatient physicians were alerted within 48 hours of patient discharge, and (2) provided skilled nursing facilities the direct contact number of the inpatient treating physician for patients transferred. H2H hospitals were more likely to have (1) assigned responsibility for medication reconciliation to nurses, and (2) referred discharged patients to cardiac rehabilitation services.


We found that many hospitals enrolled in the STAAR or the H2H initiative were not implementing strategies commonly recommended to reduce readmission in 2010 to 2011, indicating substantial opportunities for improvement. The gaps were apparent among both the STAAR and the H2H hospitals. Previous literature has shown that discharged patients often do not have timely posthospitalization follow‐up visits, and that discharge summaries are infrequently completed prior to the follow‐up visit.[4, 19, 31] Studies have also demonstrated weaknesses in the medication reconciliation process[32] and overall communication between hospital‐based and primary care physicians.[33, 34] Our survey adds to this existing literature by employing a more comprehensive survey of hospital strategies and reporting results for a larger, national sample of hospitals.

Encouraging the use of strategies recommended by quality initiatives is difficult for several reasons. First, the evidence base for their effectiveness is not yet solid, making it difficult for institutions to prioritize and select interventions and to foster enthusiasm for change. Second, the organizational challenges of these interventions are often substantial, requiring coordination across disciplines, departments, and settings (hospital, home, nursing facility). Third, some literature suggests[3] that multipronged strategies may be most effective, increasing the complexity of readmission reduction activities. Last, important financial barriers must be overcome, including the cost of interventions as well as lost revenue from reduced readmissions. Input from hospitalists who are often critical links among inpatient and outpatient care and between patients and their families is strongly needed to ensure hospitals focus on what strategies are most effective for successful transitions from hospital to home.

The prevalence of several strategies differed between STAAR and H2H hospitals; however, these differences were largely attenuated by geographic region. The finding that significant differences among hospitals in strategies was explained in large part by geographical region is consistent with previous research that has documented substantial regional differences in many kinds of practice patterns[35, 36, 37] as well as geographic differences in readmission rates.[38, 39, 40] The results suggest regionally focused initiatives may be most effective in tailoring interventions to practice needs and norms within specific areas.

Among the strategies that differed significantly between the hospitals in STAAR compared with H2H, the variation may be attributable in part to the focus of the initiatives themselves. For instance, 1 strategy that was significantly more prevalent among H2H compared with STAAR hospitals is central to the quality of care for patients with heart failure and acute myocardial infarction, the focus of H2H: referral patterns to cardiac rehabilitation services after discharge. H2H hospitals may have been particularly attuned to this practice, as H2H focused on cardiovascular‐related readmissions, whereas STAAR focused on all readmissions.

The study has several limitations. First, data were self‐reported, and we did not have the resources to verify these reports with onsite evaluations. Nevertheless, the methods for obtaining the data were the same for H2H and STAAR hospitals, and therefore measurement errors are unlikely to have varied systematically between the 2 groups of hospitals. Second, a single respondent at each hospital completed the survey; however, we did instruct respondents to attain information from a broad range of relevant staff to reflect a more comprehensive perspective in the survey. Third, the sample size of STAAR hospitals was modest and therefore may have lacked statistical power to detect important differences; however, we did include all hospitals that had enrolled in STAAR by the study date. Fourth, hospitals that enrolled in STAAR and H2H initiatives represent a selected group, and results may differ among nonenrolled hospitals. Last, we have data on strategies used during the 2010 to 2011 time frame and therefore cannot evaluate the impact of the quality initiatives from these baseline data. Studies that examine the associations between changes in the use of strategies and subsequent changes in readmission rates would be valuable. Nevertheless, this study establishes a baseline against which future progress can be evaluated.

In sum, we found that many STAAR and H2H hospitals were not implementing many of the recommended strategies for reducing readmissions as of 2010 to 2011, suggesting continued opportunities for improvement. Hospitalists will have opportunities to play leadership roles as hospitals look for meaningful ways to reduce readmissions. At the same time, although hospitalists have a key role in implementing hospital‐based programs, much of the care transitions work must also engage teams across the continuum of care. Furthermore, priority should be given to augmenting the evidence base about which strategies are most effective in reducing readmissions, as this evidence is currently underdeveloped.


This work was funded by the Commonwealth Fund and the Donaghue Foundation. Dr. Krumholz is supported by grant U01 HL105270‐03 (Center for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research at Yale University) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Horwitz is supported by the National Institute on Aging (K08 AG038336) and by the American Federation for Aging Research through the Paul B. Beeson Career Development Award Program. Dr. Horwitz is also a Pepper Scholar with support from the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at Yale University School of Medicine (#P30AG021342 NIH/NIA). Dr. Krumholz discloses that he is the recipient of a research grant from Medtronic, Inc. through Yale University and is chair of a cardiac scientific advisory board for UnitedHealth.

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  22. Latino R. Using performance data to prioritize safety improvements. In: Spath PL, ed. Error Reduction in Health Care: A Systems Approach to Improving Patient Safety. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey‐Bass; 2010:119142.
  23. Mills PR, McGuffie . Medication reconciliation at an academic medical center: Implementation of a comprehensive program from admission to discharge. Emer Med J. 2010;27:911915.
  24. Murphy EM, Oxencis CJ, Klauck JA, Meyer DA, Zimmerman JM. Medication reconciliation at an academic medical center: implementation of a comprehensive program from admission to discharge. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2009;66:21262131.
  25. National Quality Forum (NQF). Safe practices for better healthcare—2010 update: A consensus report. 2010. Available at: http://www. care_%Ed%80%93_2010_Update.aspx. Accessed September 28, 2012.
  26. Schnipper JL, Kirwin JL, Cotugno MC, et al. Role of pharmacist counseling in preventing adverse drug events after hospitalization. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:565571.
  27. Steurbaut S, Leemans L, Leysen T, et al. Medication history reconciliation by clinical pharmacists in elderly inpatients admitted from home or a nursing home. Ann Pharmacother. 2010;44:15961603.
  28. Vreeland DG, Rea RE, Montgomery LL. A review of the literature on heart failure and discharge education. Crit Care Nurs Q. 2011;34:235245.
  29. Keenan PS, Normand SL, Lin Z, et al. An administrative claims measure suitable for profiling hospital performance on the basis of 30‐day all‐cause readmission rates among patients with heart failure. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2008;1:2937.
  30. Krumholz HM, Lin Z, Drye EE, et al. An administrative claims measure suitable for profiling hospital performance based on 30‐day all‐cause readmission rates among patients with acute myocardial infarction. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2011;4:243252.
  31. Horwitz LI, Jenq GY, Brewster UC, et al. Comprehensive quality of discharge summaries at an academic medical center [published online ahead of print [March 22, 2013]. J Hosp Med. doi: 10.1002/jhm.2021.
  32. Horwitz LI, Moriarty JP, Chen C, et al. Quality of discharge practices and patient understanding at an academic medical center. JAMA Intern Med. In press.
  33. Bell CM, Schnipper JL, Auerbach AD, et al. Association of communication between hospital‐based physicians and primary care providers with patient outcomes. J Gen Intern Med. 2009;24:381386.
  34. Calkins DR, Davis RB, Reiley P, et al. Patient‐physician communication at hospital discharge and patients' understanding of the postdischarge treatment plan. Arch Intern Med. 1997;157:10261030.
  35. Baldwin LM, MacLehose RF, Hart LG, Beaver SK, Every N, Chan L. Quality of care for acute myocardial infarction in rural and urban US hospitals. J Rural Health. 2004;20:99108.
  36. Krumholz HM, Chen J, Rathore SS, Wang Y, Radford MJ. Regional variation in the treatment and outcomes of myocardial infarction: investigating New England's advantage. Am Heart J. 2003;146:242249.
  37. Wennberg DE, Lucas FL, Siewers AE, Kellett MA, Malenka DJ. Outcomes of percutaneous coronary interventions performed at centers without and with onsite coronary artery bypass graft surgery. JAMA. 2004;292:19611968.
  38. Krumholz HM, Merrill AR, Schone EM, et al. Patterns of hospital performance in acute myocardial infarction and heart failure 30‐day mortality and readmission. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2009;2:407413.
  39. Ross JS, Chen J, Lin Z, et al. Recent national trends in readmission rates after heart failure hospitalization. Circ Heart Fail. 2010;3:97103.
  40. Bernheim SM, Grady JN, Lin Z, et al. National patterns of risk‐standardized mortality and readmission for acute myocardial infarction and heart failure. Update on publicly reported outcomes measures based on the 2010 release. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2010;3:459467.
  1. Jencks SF, Williams MV, Coleman EA. Rehospitalizations among patients in the Medicare fee‐for‐service program. N Engl J Med. 2009;360:14181428.
  2. Greysen SR, Schiliro D, Curry L, Bradley EH, Horwitz LI. “Learning by doing”—resident perspectives on developing competency in high‐quality discharge care. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27:11881194.
  3. Hansen LO, Young RS, Hinami K, Leung A, Williams MV. Interventions to reduce 30‐day rehospitalization: a systematic review. Ann Intern Med. 2011;155:520528.
  4. Kripalani S, Jackson AT, Schnipper JL, Coleman EA. Promoting effective transitions of care at hospital discharge: a review of key issues for hospitalists. J Hosp Med. 2007;2:314323.
  5. Whelan CT. The role of the hospitalist in quality improvement: systems for improving the care of patients with acute coronary syndrome. J Hosp Med. 2010;5(suppl 4):S1S7.
  6. Society of Hospital Medicine. Project BOOST: Better Outcomes by Optimizing Safe Transitions Available at: Accessed January 19, 2013.
  7. Society of Hospital Medicine. The BOOST Tools. Available at: Accessed January 19, 2013.
  8. Halasyamani L, Kripalani S, Coleman E, et al. Transition of care for hospitalized elderly patients—development of a discharge checklist for hospitalists. J Hosp Med. 2006;1:354360.
  9. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Overview: STate action on avoidable rehospitalizations (STAAR) initiative. Available at: Accessed February 20, 2010.
  10. Bradley EH, Curry L, Horwitz LI, et al. Contemporary evidence about hospital strategies for reducing 30‐day readmissions: a national study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60:607614.
  11. Beckett RD, Crank CW, Wehmeyer A. Effectiveness and feasibility of pharmacist‐led admission medication reconciliation for geriatric patients. J Pharm Pract. 2012;25:136141.
  12. Boockvar KS, Blum S, Kugler A, et al. Effect of admission medication reconciliation on adverse drug events from admission medication changes. Arch Intern Med. 2011;171:860861.
  13. Climente‐Marti M, Garcia‐Manon ER, Artero‐Mora A, Jimenez‐Torres NV. Potential risk of medication discrepancies and reconciliation errors at admission and discharge from an inpatient medical service. Ann Pharmacother. 2010;44:17471754.
  14. Ferraco K, Spath PL. Measuring patient safety performance. In: Spath PL, ed. Error Reduction in Health Care: A Systems Approach to Improving Patient Safety. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey‐Bass; 2010:59102.
  15. Ferraco K, Spath PL. Analyzing patient safety performance. In: Spath PL, ed. Error Reduction in Health Care: A Systems Approach to Improving Patient Safety. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey‐Bass; 2010:103118.
  16. Gardner B, Graner K. Pharmacists' medication reconciliation‐related clinical interventions in a children's hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2009;35:278282.
  17. Gleason KM, McDaniel MR, Feinglass J, et al. Results of the Medications at Transitions and Clinical Handoffs (MATCH) study: an analysis of medication reconciliation errors and risk factors at hospital admission. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25:441447.
  18. Hayes BD, Donovan JL, Smith BS, Hartman CA. Pharmacist‐conducted medication reconciliation in an emergency department. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2007;64:17201723.
  19. Hernandez AF, Greiner MA, Fonarow GC, et al. Relationship between early physician follow‐up and 30‐day readmission among Medicare beneficiaries hospitalized for heart failure. JAMA. 2010;303:17161722.
  20. Jack BW, Chetty VK, Anthony D, et al. A reengineered hospital discharge program to decrease rehospitalization: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2009;150:178187.
  21. Krumholz HM, Amatruda J, Smith GL, et al. Randomized trial of an education and support intervention to prevent readmission of patients with heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;39:8389.
  22. Latino R. Using performance data to prioritize safety improvements. In: Spath PL, ed. Error Reduction in Health Care: A Systems Approach to Improving Patient Safety. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey‐Bass; 2010:119142.
  23. Mills PR, McGuffie . Medication reconciliation at an academic medical center: Implementation of a comprehensive program from admission to discharge. Emer Med J. 2010;27:911915.
  24. Murphy EM, Oxencis CJ, Klauck JA, Meyer DA, Zimmerman JM. Medication reconciliation at an academic medical center: implementation of a comprehensive program from admission to discharge. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2009;66:21262131.
  25. National Quality Forum (NQF). Safe practices for better healthcare—2010 update: A consensus report. 2010. Available at: http://www. care_%Ed%80%93_2010_Update.aspx. Accessed September 28, 2012.
  26. Schnipper JL, Kirwin JL, Cotugno MC, et al. Role of pharmacist counseling in preventing adverse drug events after hospitalization. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:565571.
  27. Steurbaut S, Leemans L, Leysen T, et al. Medication history reconciliation by clinical pharmacists in elderly inpatients admitted from home or a nursing home. Ann Pharmacother. 2010;44:15961603.
  28. Vreeland DG, Rea RE, Montgomery LL. A review of the literature on heart failure and discharge education. Crit Care Nurs Q. 2011;34:235245.
  29. Keenan PS, Normand SL, Lin Z, et al. An administrative claims measure suitable for profiling hospital performance on the basis of 30‐day all‐cause readmission rates among patients with heart failure. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2008;1:2937.
  30. Krumholz HM, Lin Z, Drye EE, et al. An administrative claims measure suitable for profiling hospital performance based on 30‐day all‐cause readmission rates among patients with acute myocardial infarction. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2011;4:243252.
  31. Horwitz LI, Jenq GY, Brewster UC, et al. Comprehensive quality of discharge summaries at an academic medical center [published online ahead of print [March 22, 2013]. J Hosp Med. doi: 10.1002/jhm.2021.
  32. Horwitz LI, Moriarty JP, Chen C, et al. Quality of discharge practices and patient understanding at an academic medical center. JAMA Intern Med. In press.
  33. Bell CM, Schnipper JL, Auerbach AD, et al. Association of communication between hospital‐based physicians and primary care providers with patient outcomes. J Gen Intern Med. 2009;24:381386.
  34. Calkins DR, Davis RB, Reiley P, et al. Patient‐physician communication at hospital discharge and patients' understanding of the postdischarge treatment plan. Arch Intern Med. 1997;157:10261030.
  35. Baldwin LM, MacLehose RF, Hart LG, Beaver SK, Every N, Chan L. Quality of care for acute myocardial infarction in rural and urban US hospitals. J Rural Health. 2004;20:99108.
  36. Krumholz HM, Chen J, Rathore SS, Wang Y, Radford MJ. Regional variation in the treatment and outcomes of myocardial infarction: investigating New England's advantage. Am Heart J. 2003;146:242249.
  37. Wennberg DE, Lucas FL, Siewers AE, Kellett MA, Malenka DJ. Outcomes of percutaneous coronary interventions performed at centers without and with onsite coronary artery bypass graft surgery. JAMA. 2004;292:19611968.
  38. Krumholz HM, Merrill AR, Schone EM, et al. Patterns of hospital performance in acute myocardial infarction and heart failure 30‐day mortality and readmission. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2009;2:407413.
  39. Ross JS, Chen J, Lin Z, et al. Recent national trends in readmission rates after heart failure hospitalization. Circ Heart Fail. 2010;3:97103.
  40. Bernheim SM, Grady JN, Lin Z, et al. National patterns of risk‐standardized mortality and readmission for acute myocardial infarction and heart failure. Update on publicly reported outcomes measures based on the 2010 release. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2010;3:459467.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 8(11)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 8(11)
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Quality collaboratives and campaigns to reduce readmissions: What strategies are hospitals using?
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Quality collaboratives and campaigns to reduce readmissions: What strategies are hospitals using?
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Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Elizabeth H. Bradley, PhD, Professor of Public Health, Yale School of Public Health, 60 College Street, New Haven, CT 06520; Telephone: 203-499-7351; Fax: 203-785-6287; E‐mail:
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Mortality and Readmission Correlations

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Mon, 05/22/2017 - 18:28
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Correlations among risk‐standardized mortality rates and among risk‐standardized readmission rates within hospitals

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) publicly reports hospital‐specific, 30‐day risk‐standardized mortality and readmission rates for Medicare fee‐for‐service patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), heart failure (HF), and pneumonia.1 These measures are intended to reflect hospital performance on quality of care provided to patients during and after hospitalization.2, 3

Quality‐of‐care measures for a given disease are often assumed to reflect the quality of care for that particular condition. However, studies have found limited association between condition‐specific process measures and either mortality or readmission rates for those conditions.46 Mortality and readmission rates may instead reflect broader hospital‐wide or specialty‐wide structure, culture, and practice. For example, studies have previously found that hospitals differ in mortality or readmission rates according to organizational structure,7 financial structure,8 culture,9, 10 information technology,11 patient volume,1214 academic status,12 and other institution‐wide factors.12 There is now a strong policy push towards developing hospital‐wide (all‐condition) measures, beginning with readmission.15

It is not clear how much of the quality of care for a given condition is attributable to hospital‐wide influences that affect all conditions rather than disease‐specific factors. If readmission or mortality performance for a particular condition reflects, in large part, broader institutional characteristics, then improvement efforts might better be focused on hospital‐wide activities, such as team training or implementing electronic medical records. On the other hand, if the disease‐specific measures reflect quality strictly for those conditions, then improvement efforts would be better focused on disease‐specific care, such as early identification of the relevant patient population or standardizing disease‐specific care. As hospitals work to improve performance across an increasingly wide variety of conditions, it is becoming more important for hospitals to prioritize and focus their activities effectively and efficiently.

One means of determining the relative contribution of hospital versus disease factors is to explore whether outcome rates are consistent among different conditions cared for in the same hospital. If mortality (or readmission) rates across different conditions are highly correlated, it would suggest that hospital‐wide factors may play a substantive role in outcomes. Some studies have found that mortality for a particular surgical condition is a useful proxy for mortality for other surgical conditions,16, 17 while other studies have found little correlation among mortality rates for various medical conditions.18, 19 It is also possible that correlation varies according to hospital characteristics; for example, smaller or nonteaching hospitals might be more homogenous in their care than larger, less homogeneous institutions. No studies have been performed using publicly reported estimates of risk‐standardized mortality or readmission rates. In this study we use the publicly reported measures of 30‐day mortality and 30‐day readmission for AMI, HF, and pneumonia to examine whether, and to what degree, mortality rates track together within US hospitals, and separately, to what degree readmission rates track together within US hospitals.


Data Sources

CMS calculates risk‐standardized mortality and readmission rates, and patient volume, for all acute care nonfederal hospitals with one or more eligible case of AMI, HF, and pneumonia annually based on fee‐for‐service (FFS) Medicare claims. CMS publicly releases the rates for the large subset of hospitals that participate in public reporting and have 25 or more cases for the conditions over the 3‐year period between July 2006 and June 2009. We estimated the rates for all hospitals included in the measure calculations, including those with fewer than 25 cases, using the CMS methodology and data obtained from CMS. The distribution of these rates has been previously reported.20, 21 In addition, we used the 2008 American Hospital Association (AHA) Survey to obtain data about hospital characteristics, including number of beds, hospital ownership (government, not‐for‐profit, for‐profit), teaching status (member of Council of Teaching Hospitals, other teaching hospital, nonteaching), presence of specialized cardiac capabilities (coronary artery bypass graft surgery, cardiac catheterization lab without cardiac surgery, neither), US Census Bureau core‐based statistical area (division [subarea of area with urban center >2.5 million people], metropolitan [urban center of at least 50,000 people], micropolitan [urban center of between 10,000 and 50,000 people], and rural [<10,000 people]), and safety net status22 (yes/no). Safety net status was defined as either public hospitals or private hospitals with a Medicaid caseload greater than one standard deviation above their respective state's mean private hospital Medicaid caseload using the 2007 AHA Annual Survey data.

Study Sample

This study includes 2 hospital cohorts, 1 for mortality and 1 for readmission. Hospitals were eligible for the mortality cohort if the dataset included risk‐standardized mortality rates for all 3 conditions (AMI, HF, and pneumonia). Hospitals were eligible for the readmission cohort if the dataset included risk‐standardized readmission rates for all 3 of these conditions.

Risk‐Standardized Measures

The measures include all FFS Medicare patients who are 65 years old, have been enrolled in FFS Medicare for the 12 months before the index hospitalization, are admitted with 1 of the 3 qualifying diagnoses, and do not leave the hospital against medical advice. The mortality measures include all deaths within 30 days of admission, and all deaths are attributable to the initial admitting hospital, even if the patient is then transferred to another acute care facility. Therefore, for a given hospital, transfers into the hospital are excluded from its rate, but transfers out are included. The readmission measures include all readmissions within 30 days of discharge, and all readmissions are attributable to the final discharging hospital, even if the patient was originally admitted to a different acute care facility. Therefore, for a given hospital, transfers in are included in its rate, but transfers out are excluded. For mortality measures, only 1 hospitalization for a patient in a specific year is randomly selected if the patient has multiple hospitalizations in the year. For readmission measures, admissions in which the patient died prior to discharge, and admissions within 30 days of an index admission, are not counted as index admissions.

Outcomes for all measures are all‐cause; however, for the AMI readmission measure, planned admissions for cardiac procedures are not counted as readmissions. Patients in observation status or in non‐acute care facilities are not counted as readmissions. Detailed specifications for the outcomes measures are available at the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse.23

The derivation and validation of the risk‐standardized outcome measures have been previously reported.20, 21, 2327 The measures are derived from hierarchical logistic regression models that include age, sex, clinical covariates, and a hospital‐specific random effect. The rates are calculated as the ratio of the number of predicted outcomes (obtained from a model applying the hospital‐specific effect) to the number of expected outcomes (obtained from a model applying the average effect among hospitals), multiplied by the unadjusted overall 30‐day rate.

Statistical Analysis

We examined patterns and distributions of hospital volume, risk‐standardized mortality rates, and risk‐standardized readmission rates among included hospitals. To measure the degree of association among hospitals' risk‐standardized mortality rates for AMI, HF, and pneumonia, we calculated Pearson correlation coefficients, resulting in 3 correlations for the 3 pairs of conditions (AMI and HF, AMI and pneumonia, HF and pneumonia), and tested whether they were significantly different from 0. We also conducted a factor analysis using the principal component method with a minimum eigenvalue of 1 to retain factors to determine whether there was a single common factor underlying mortality performance for the 3 conditions.28 Finally, we divided hospitals into quartiles of performance for each outcome based on the point estimate of risk‐standardized rate, and compared quartile of performance between condition pairs for each outcome. For each condition pair, we assessed the percent of hospitals in the same quartile of performance in both conditions, the percent of hospitals in either the top quartile of performance or the bottom quartile of performance for both, and the percent of hospitals in the top quartile for one and the bottom quartile for the other. We calculated the weighted kappa for agreement on quartile of performance between condition pairs for each outcome and the Spearman correlation for quartiles of performance. Then, we examined Pearson correlation coefficients in different subgroups of hospitals, including by size, ownership, teaching status, cardiac procedure capability, statistical area, and safety net status. In order to determine whether these correlations differed by hospital characteristics, we tested if the Pearson correlation coefficients were different between any 2 subgroups using the method proposed by Fisher.29 We repeated all of these analyses separately for the risk‐standardized readmission rates.

To determine whether correlations between mortality rates were significantly different than correlations between readmission rates for any given condition pair, we used the method recommended by Raghunathan et al.30 For these analyses, we included only hospitals reporting both mortality and readmission rates for the condition pairs. We used the same methods to determine whether correlations between mortality rates were significantly different than correlations between readmission rates for any given condition pair among subgroups of hospital characteristics.

All analyses and graphing were performed using the SAS statistical package version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). We considered a P‐value < 0.05 to be statistically significant, and all statistical tests were 2‐tailed.


The mortality cohort included 4559 hospitals, and the readmission cohort included 4468 hospitals. The majority of hospitals was small, nonteaching, and did not have advanced cardiac capabilities such as cardiac surgery or cardiac catheterization (Table 1).

Hospital Characteristics for Each Cohort
DescriptionMortality MeasuresReadmission Measures
 Hospital N = 4559Hospital N = 4468
 N (%)*N (%)*
  • Abbreviations: CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery capability; Cath lab, cardiac catheterization lab capability; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals member; SD, standard deviation. *Unless otherwise specified.

No. of beds  
>600157 (3.4)156 (3.5)
300600628 (13.8)626 (14.0)
<3003588 (78.7)3505 (78.5)
Unknown186 (4.08)181 (4.1)
Mean (SD)173.24 (189.52)175.23 (190.00)
Not‐for‐profit2650 (58.1)2619 (58.6)
For‐profit672 (14.7)663 (14.8)
Government1051 (23.1)1005 (22.5)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Teaching status  
COTH277 (6.1)276 (6.2)
Teaching505 (11.1)503 (11.3)
Nonteaching3591 (78.8)3508 (78.5)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Cardiac facility type  
CABG1471 (32.3)1467 (32.8)
Cath lab578 (12.7)578 (12.9)
Neither2324 (51.0)2242 (50.2)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Core‐based statistical area  
Division621 (13.6)618 (13.8)
Metro1850 (40.6)1835 (41.1)
Micro801 (17.6)788 (17.6)
Rural1101 (24.2)1046 (23.4)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Safety net status  
No2995 (65.7)2967 (66.4)
Yes1377 (30.2)1319 (29.5)
Unknown187 (4.1)182 (4.1)

For mortality measures, the smallest median number of cases per hospital was for AMI (48; interquartile range [IQR], 13,171), and the greatest number was for pneumonia (178; IQR, 87, 336). The same pattern held for readmission measures (AMI median 33; IQR; 9, 150; pneumonia median 191; IQR, 95, 352.5). With respect to mortality measures, AMI had the highest rate and HF the lowest rate; however, for readmission measures, HF had the highest rate and pneumonia the lowest rate (Table 2).

Hospital Volume and Risk‐Standardized Rates for Each Condition in the Mortality and Readmission Cohorts
DescriptionMortality Measures (N = 4559)Readmission Measures (N = 4468)
  • Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; HF, heart failure; IQR, interquartile range; PN, pneumonia; SD, standard deviation. *Weighted by hospital volume.

Total discharges558,6531,094,9601,114,706546,5141,314,3941,152,708
Hospital volume      
Mean (SD)122.54 (172.52)240.18 (271.35)244.51 (220.74)122.32 (201.78)294.18 (333.2)257.99 (228.5)
Median (IQR)48 (13, 171)142 (56, 337)178 (87, 336)33 (9, 150)172.5 (68, 407)191 (95, 352.5)
Range min, max1, 13791, 28141, 22411, 16111, 34102, 2359
30‐Day risk‐standardized rate*      
Mean (SD)15.7 (1.8)10.9 (1.6)11.5 (1.9)19.9 (1.5)24.8 (2.1)18.5 (1.7)
Median (IQR)15.7 (14.5, 16.8)10.8 (9.9, 11.9)11.3 (10.2, 12.6)19.9 (18.9, 20.8)24.7 (23.4, 26.1)18.4 (17.3, 19.5)
Range min, max10.3, 24.66.6, 18.26.7, 20.915.2, 26.317.3, 32.413.6, 26.7

Every mortality measure was significantly correlated with every other mortality measure (range of correlation coefficients, 0.270.41, P < 0.0001 for all 3 correlations). For example, the correlation between risk‐standardized mortality rates (RSMR) for HF and pneumonia was 0.41. Similarly, every readmission measure was significantly correlated with every other readmission measure (range of correlation coefficients, 0.320.47; P < 0.0001 for all 3 correlations). Overall, the lowest correlation was between risk‐standardized mortality rates for AMI and pneumonia (r = 0.27), and the highest correlation was between risk‐standardized readmission rates (RSRR) for HF and pneumonia (r = 0.47) (Table 3).

Correlations Between Risk‐Standardized Mortality Rates and Between Risk‐Standardized Readmission Rates for Subgroups of Hospitals
DescriptionMortality MeasuresReadmission Measures
NAMI and HFAMI and PNHF and PN AMI and HFAMI and PNHF and PN
  • NOTE: P value is the minimum P value of pairwise comparisons within each subgroup. Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery capability; Cath lab, cardiac catheterization lab capability; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals member; HF, heart failure; N, number of hospitals; PN, pneumonia; r, Pearson correlation coefficient.

All45590.30 0.27 0.41 44680.38 0.32 0.47 
Hospitals with 25 patients28720.33 0.30 0.44 24670.44 0.38 0.51 
No. of beds  0.15 0.005 0.0009  <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
>6001570.38 0.43 0.51 1560.67 0.50 0.66 
3006006280.29 0.30 0.49 6260.54 0.45 0.58 
<30035880.27 0.23 0.37 35050.30 0.26 0.44 
Ownership  0.021 0.05 0.39  0.0004 0.0004 0.003
Not‐for‐profit26500.32 0.28 0.42 26190.43 0.36 0.50 
For‐profit6720.30 0.23 0.40 6630.29 0.22 0.40 
Government10510.24 0.22 0.39 10050.32 0.29 0.45 
Teaching status  0.11 0.08 0.0012  <0.0001 0.0002 0.0003
COTH2770.31 0.34 0.54 2760.54 0.47 0.59 
Teaching5050.22 0.28 0.43 5030.52 0.42 0.56 
Nonteaching35910.29 0.24 0.39 35080.32 0.26 0.44 
Cardiac facility type 0.022 0.006 <0.0001  <0.0001 0.0006 0.004
CABG14710.33 0.29 0.47 14670.48 0.37 0.52 
Cath lab5780.25 0.26 0.36 5780.32 0.37 0.47 
Neither23240.26 0.21 0.36 22420.28 0.27 0.44 
Core‐based statistical area 0.0001 <0.0001 0.002  <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
Division6210.38 0.34 0.41 6180.46 0.40 0.56 
Metro18500.26 0.26 0.42 18350.38 0.30 0.40 
Micro8010.23 0.22 0.34 7880.32 0.30 0.47 
Rural11010.21 0.13 0.32 10460.22 0.21 0.44 
Safety net status  0.001 0.027 0.68  0.029 0.037 0.28
No29950.33 0.28 0.41 29670.40 0.33 0.48 
Yes13770.23 0.21 0.40 13190.34 0.30 0.45 

Both the factor analysis for the mortality measures and the factor analysis for the readmission measures yielded only one factor with an eigenvalue >1. In each factor analysis, this single common factor kept more than half of the data based on the cumulative eigenvalue (55% for mortality measures and 60% for readmission measures). For the mortality measures, the pattern of RSMR for myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure (HF), and pneumonia (PN) in the factor was high (0.68 for MI, 0.78 for HF, and 0.76 for PN); the same was true of the RSRR in the readmission measures (0.72 for MI, 0.81 for HF, and 0.78 for PN).

For all condition pairs and both outcomes, a third or more of hospitals were in the same quartile of performance for both conditions of the pair (Table 4). Hospitals were more likely to be in the same quartile of performance if they were in the top or bottom quartile than if they were in the middle. Less than 10% of hospitals were in the top quartile for one condition in the mortality or readmission pair and in the bottom quartile for the other condition in the pair. Kappa scores for same quartile of performance between pairs of outcomes ranged from 0.16 to 0.27, and were highest for HF and pneumonia for both mortality and readmission rates.

Measures of Agreement for Quartiles of Performance in Mortality and Readmission Pairs
Condition PairSame Quartile (Any) (%)Same Quartile (Q1 or Q4) (%)Q1 in One and Q4 in Another (%)Weighted KappaSpearman Correlation
  • Abbreviations: HF, heart failure; MI, myocardial infarction; PN, pneumonia.

MI and HF34.820.
MI and PN32.718.
HF and PN35.921.
MI and HF36.621.
MI and PN34.
HF and PN37.

In subgroup analyses, the highest mortality correlation was between HF and pneumonia in hospitals with more than 600 beds (r = 0.51, P = 0.0009), and the highest readmission correlation was between AMI and HF in hospitals with more than 600 beds (r = 0.67, P < 0.0001). Across both measures and all 3 condition pairs, correlations between conditions increased with increasing hospital bed size, presence of cardiac surgery capability, and increasing population of the hospital's Census Bureau statistical area. Furthermore, for most measures and condition pairs, correlations between conditions were highest in not‐for‐profit hospitals, hospitals belonging to the Council of Teaching Hospitals, and non‐safety net hospitals (Table 3).

For all condition pairs, the correlation between readmission rates was significantly higher than the correlation between mortality rates (P < 0.01). In subgroup analyses, readmission correlations were also significantly higher than mortality correlations for all pairs of conditions among moderate‐sized hospitals, among nonprofit hospitals, among teaching hospitals that did not belong to the Council of Teaching Hospitals, and among non‐safety net hospitals (Table 5).

Comparison of Correlations Between Mortality Rates and Correlations Between Readmission Rates for Condition Pairs
DescriptionAMI and HFAMI and PNHF and PN
  • Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery capability; Cath lab, cardiac catheterization lab capability; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals member; HF, heart failure; MC, mortality correlation; PN, pneumonia; r, Pearson correlation coefficient; RC, readmission correlation.

Hospitals with 25 patients24720.330.44<0.00124630.310.380.0141040.420.470.001
No. of beds            
Teaching status            
Cardiac facility type            
Cath lab5770.250.320.185770.260.370.0465790.360.470.022
Core‐based statistical area            
Safety net status            


In this study, we found that risk‐standardized mortality rates for 3 common medical conditions were moderately correlated within institutions, as were risk‐standardized readmission rates. Readmission rates were more strongly correlated than mortality rates, and all rates tracked closest together in large, urban, and/or teaching hospitals. Very few hospitals were in the top quartile of performance for one condition and in the bottom quartile for a different condition.

Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that 30‐day risk‐standardized mortality and 30‐day risk‐standardized readmission rates, in part, capture broad aspects of hospital quality that transcend condition‐specific activities. In this study, readmission rates tracked better together than mortality rates for every pair of conditions, suggesting that there may be a greater contribution of hospital‐wide environment, structure, and processes to readmission rates than to mortality rates. This difference is plausible because services specific to readmission, such as discharge planning, care coordination, medication reconciliation, and discharge communication with patients and outpatient clinicians, are typically hospital‐wide processes.

Our study differs from earlier studies of medical conditions in that the correlations we found were higher.18, 19 There are several possible explanations for this difference. First, during the intervening 1525 years since those studies were performed, care for these conditions has evolved substantially, such that there are now more standardized protocols available for all 3 of these diseases. Hospitals that are sufficiently organized or acculturated to systematically implement care protocols may have the infrastructure or culture to do so for all conditions, increasing correlation of performance among conditions. In addition, there are now more technologies and systems available that span care for multiple conditions, such as electronic medical records and quality committees, than were available in previous generations. Second, one of these studies utilized less robust risk‐adjustment,18 and neither used the same methodology of risk standardization. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that Rosenthal and colleagues identified the same increase in correlation with higher volumes than we did.19 Studies investigating mortality correlations among surgical procedures, on the other hand, have generally found higher correlations than we found in these medical conditions.16, 17

Accountable care organizations will be assessed using an all‐condition readmission measure,31 several states track all‐condition readmission rates,3234 and several countries measure all‐condition mortality.35 An all‐condition measure for quality assessment first requires that there be a hospital‐wide quality signal above and beyond disease‐specific care. This study suggests that a moderate signal exists for readmission and, to a slightly lesser extent, for mortality, across 3 common conditions. There are other considerations, however, in developing all‐condition measures. There must be adequate risk adjustment for the wide variety of conditions that are included, and there must be a means of accounting for the variation in types of conditions and procedures cared for by different hospitals. Our study does not address these challenges, which have been described to be substantial for mortality measures.35

We were surprised by the finding that risk‐standardized rates correlated more strongly within larger institutions than smaller ones, because one might assume that care within smaller hospitals might be more homogenous. It may be easier, however, to detect a quality signal in hospitals with higher volumes of patients for all 3 conditions, because estimates for these hospitals are more precise. Consequently, we have greater confidence in results for larger volumes, and suspect a similar quality signal may be present but more difficult to detect statistically in smaller hospitals. Overall correlations were higher when we restricted the sample to hospitals with at least 25 cases, as is used for public reporting. It is also possible that the finding is real given that large‐volume hospitals have been demonstrated to provide better care for these conditions and are more likely to adopt systems of care that affect multiple conditions, such as electronic medical records.14, 36

The kappa scores comparing quartile of national performance for pairs of conditions were only in the fair range. There are several possible explanations for this fact: 1) outcomes for these 3 conditions are not measuring the same constructs; 2) they are all measuring the same construct, but they are unreliable in doing so; and/or 3) hospitals have similar latent quality for all 3 conditions, but the national quality of performance differs by condition, yielding variable relative performance per hospital for each condition. Based solely on our findings, we cannot distinguish which, if any, of these explanations may be true.31

Our study has several limitations. First, all 3 conditions currently publicly reported by CMS are medical diagnoses, although AMI patients may be cared for in distinct cardiology units and often undergo procedures; therefore, we cannot determine the degree to which correlations reflect hospital‐wide quality versus medicine‐wide quality. An institution may have a weak medicine department but a strong surgical department or vice versa. Second, it is possible that the correlations among conditions for readmission and among conditions for mortality are attributable to patient characteristics that are not adequately adjusted for in the risk‐adjustment model, such as socioeconomic factors, or to hospital characteristics not related to quality, such as coding practices or inter‐hospital transfer rates. For this to be true, these unmeasured characteristics would have to be consistent across different conditions within each hospital and have a consistent influence on outcomes. Third, it is possible that public reporting may have prompted disease‐specific focus on these conditions. We do not have data from non‐publicly reported conditions to test this hypothesis. Fourth, there are many small‐volume hospitals in this study; their estimates for readmission and mortality are less reliable than for large‐volume hospitals, potentially limiting our ability to detect correlations in this group of hospitals.

This study lends credence to the hypothesis that 30‐day risk‐standardized mortality and readmission rates for individual conditions may reflect aspects of hospital‐wide quality or at least medicine‐wide quality, although the correlations are not large enough to conclude that hospital‐wide factors play a dominant role, and there are other possible explanations for the correlations. Further work is warranted to better understand the causes of the correlations, and to better specify the nature of hospital factors that contribute to correlations among outcomes.


Disclosures: Dr Horwitz is supported by the National Institute on Aging (K08 AG038336) and by the American Federation of Aging Research through the Paul B. Beeson Career Development Award Program. Dr Horwitz is also a Pepper Scholar with support from the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at Yale University School of Medicine (P30 AG021342 NIH/NIA). Dr Krumholz is supported by grant U01 HL105270‐01 (Center for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research at Yale University) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Dr Krumholz chairs a cardiac scientific advisory board for UnitedHealth. Authors Drye, Krumholz, and Wang receive support from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to develop and maintain performance measures that are used for public reporting. The analyses upon which this publication is based were performed under Contract Number HHSM‐500‐2008‐0025I Task Order T0001, entitled Measure & Instrument Development and Support (MIDS)Development and Re‐evaluation of the CMS Hospital Outcomes and Efficiency Measures, funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reviewed and approved the use of its data for this work, and approved submission of the manuscript. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the US Government. The authors assume full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the ideas presented.

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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(9)
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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) publicly reports hospital‐specific, 30‐day risk‐standardized mortality and readmission rates for Medicare fee‐for‐service patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), heart failure (HF), and pneumonia.1 These measures are intended to reflect hospital performance on quality of care provided to patients during and after hospitalization.2, 3

Quality‐of‐care measures for a given disease are often assumed to reflect the quality of care for that particular condition. However, studies have found limited association between condition‐specific process measures and either mortality or readmission rates for those conditions.46 Mortality and readmission rates may instead reflect broader hospital‐wide or specialty‐wide structure, culture, and practice. For example, studies have previously found that hospitals differ in mortality or readmission rates according to organizational structure,7 financial structure,8 culture,9, 10 information technology,11 patient volume,1214 academic status,12 and other institution‐wide factors.12 There is now a strong policy push towards developing hospital‐wide (all‐condition) measures, beginning with readmission.15

It is not clear how much of the quality of care for a given condition is attributable to hospital‐wide influences that affect all conditions rather than disease‐specific factors. If readmission or mortality performance for a particular condition reflects, in large part, broader institutional characteristics, then improvement efforts might better be focused on hospital‐wide activities, such as team training or implementing electronic medical records. On the other hand, if the disease‐specific measures reflect quality strictly for those conditions, then improvement efforts would be better focused on disease‐specific care, such as early identification of the relevant patient population or standardizing disease‐specific care. As hospitals work to improve performance across an increasingly wide variety of conditions, it is becoming more important for hospitals to prioritize and focus their activities effectively and efficiently.

One means of determining the relative contribution of hospital versus disease factors is to explore whether outcome rates are consistent among different conditions cared for in the same hospital. If mortality (or readmission) rates across different conditions are highly correlated, it would suggest that hospital‐wide factors may play a substantive role in outcomes. Some studies have found that mortality for a particular surgical condition is a useful proxy for mortality for other surgical conditions,16, 17 while other studies have found little correlation among mortality rates for various medical conditions.18, 19 It is also possible that correlation varies according to hospital characteristics; for example, smaller or nonteaching hospitals might be more homogenous in their care than larger, less homogeneous institutions. No studies have been performed using publicly reported estimates of risk‐standardized mortality or readmission rates. In this study we use the publicly reported measures of 30‐day mortality and 30‐day readmission for AMI, HF, and pneumonia to examine whether, and to what degree, mortality rates track together within US hospitals, and separately, to what degree readmission rates track together within US hospitals.


Data Sources

CMS calculates risk‐standardized mortality and readmission rates, and patient volume, for all acute care nonfederal hospitals with one or more eligible case of AMI, HF, and pneumonia annually based on fee‐for‐service (FFS) Medicare claims. CMS publicly releases the rates for the large subset of hospitals that participate in public reporting and have 25 or more cases for the conditions over the 3‐year period between July 2006 and June 2009. We estimated the rates for all hospitals included in the measure calculations, including those with fewer than 25 cases, using the CMS methodology and data obtained from CMS. The distribution of these rates has been previously reported.20, 21 In addition, we used the 2008 American Hospital Association (AHA) Survey to obtain data about hospital characteristics, including number of beds, hospital ownership (government, not‐for‐profit, for‐profit), teaching status (member of Council of Teaching Hospitals, other teaching hospital, nonteaching), presence of specialized cardiac capabilities (coronary artery bypass graft surgery, cardiac catheterization lab without cardiac surgery, neither), US Census Bureau core‐based statistical area (division [subarea of area with urban center >2.5 million people], metropolitan [urban center of at least 50,000 people], micropolitan [urban center of between 10,000 and 50,000 people], and rural [<10,000 people]), and safety net status22 (yes/no). Safety net status was defined as either public hospitals or private hospitals with a Medicaid caseload greater than one standard deviation above their respective state's mean private hospital Medicaid caseload using the 2007 AHA Annual Survey data.

Study Sample

This study includes 2 hospital cohorts, 1 for mortality and 1 for readmission. Hospitals were eligible for the mortality cohort if the dataset included risk‐standardized mortality rates for all 3 conditions (AMI, HF, and pneumonia). Hospitals were eligible for the readmission cohort if the dataset included risk‐standardized readmission rates for all 3 of these conditions.

Risk‐Standardized Measures

The measures include all FFS Medicare patients who are 65 years old, have been enrolled in FFS Medicare for the 12 months before the index hospitalization, are admitted with 1 of the 3 qualifying diagnoses, and do not leave the hospital against medical advice. The mortality measures include all deaths within 30 days of admission, and all deaths are attributable to the initial admitting hospital, even if the patient is then transferred to another acute care facility. Therefore, for a given hospital, transfers into the hospital are excluded from its rate, but transfers out are included. The readmission measures include all readmissions within 30 days of discharge, and all readmissions are attributable to the final discharging hospital, even if the patient was originally admitted to a different acute care facility. Therefore, for a given hospital, transfers in are included in its rate, but transfers out are excluded. For mortality measures, only 1 hospitalization for a patient in a specific year is randomly selected if the patient has multiple hospitalizations in the year. For readmission measures, admissions in which the patient died prior to discharge, and admissions within 30 days of an index admission, are not counted as index admissions.

Outcomes for all measures are all‐cause; however, for the AMI readmission measure, planned admissions for cardiac procedures are not counted as readmissions. Patients in observation status or in non‐acute care facilities are not counted as readmissions. Detailed specifications for the outcomes measures are available at the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse.23

The derivation and validation of the risk‐standardized outcome measures have been previously reported.20, 21, 2327 The measures are derived from hierarchical logistic regression models that include age, sex, clinical covariates, and a hospital‐specific random effect. The rates are calculated as the ratio of the number of predicted outcomes (obtained from a model applying the hospital‐specific effect) to the number of expected outcomes (obtained from a model applying the average effect among hospitals), multiplied by the unadjusted overall 30‐day rate.

Statistical Analysis

We examined patterns and distributions of hospital volume, risk‐standardized mortality rates, and risk‐standardized readmission rates among included hospitals. To measure the degree of association among hospitals' risk‐standardized mortality rates for AMI, HF, and pneumonia, we calculated Pearson correlation coefficients, resulting in 3 correlations for the 3 pairs of conditions (AMI and HF, AMI and pneumonia, HF and pneumonia), and tested whether they were significantly different from 0. We also conducted a factor analysis using the principal component method with a minimum eigenvalue of 1 to retain factors to determine whether there was a single common factor underlying mortality performance for the 3 conditions.28 Finally, we divided hospitals into quartiles of performance for each outcome based on the point estimate of risk‐standardized rate, and compared quartile of performance between condition pairs for each outcome. For each condition pair, we assessed the percent of hospitals in the same quartile of performance in both conditions, the percent of hospitals in either the top quartile of performance or the bottom quartile of performance for both, and the percent of hospitals in the top quartile for one and the bottom quartile for the other. We calculated the weighted kappa for agreement on quartile of performance between condition pairs for each outcome and the Spearman correlation for quartiles of performance. Then, we examined Pearson correlation coefficients in different subgroups of hospitals, including by size, ownership, teaching status, cardiac procedure capability, statistical area, and safety net status. In order to determine whether these correlations differed by hospital characteristics, we tested if the Pearson correlation coefficients were different between any 2 subgroups using the method proposed by Fisher.29 We repeated all of these analyses separately for the risk‐standardized readmission rates.

To determine whether correlations between mortality rates were significantly different than correlations between readmission rates for any given condition pair, we used the method recommended by Raghunathan et al.30 For these analyses, we included only hospitals reporting both mortality and readmission rates for the condition pairs. We used the same methods to determine whether correlations between mortality rates were significantly different than correlations between readmission rates for any given condition pair among subgroups of hospital characteristics.

All analyses and graphing were performed using the SAS statistical package version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). We considered a P‐value < 0.05 to be statistically significant, and all statistical tests were 2‐tailed.


The mortality cohort included 4559 hospitals, and the readmission cohort included 4468 hospitals. The majority of hospitals was small, nonteaching, and did not have advanced cardiac capabilities such as cardiac surgery or cardiac catheterization (Table 1).

Hospital Characteristics for Each Cohort
DescriptionMortality MeasuresReadmission Measures
 Hospital N = 4559Hospital N = 4468
 N (%)*N (%)*
  • Abbreviations: CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery capability; Cath lab, cardiac catheterization lab capability; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals member; SD, standard deviation. *Unless otherwise specified.

No. of beds  
>600157 (3.4)156 (3.5)
300600628 (13.8)626 (14.0)
<3003588 (78.7)3505 (78.5)
Unknown186 (4.08)181 (4.1)
Mean (SD)173.24 (189.52)175.23 (190.00)
Not‐for‐profit2650 (58.1)2619 (58.6)
For‐profit672 (14.7)663 (14.8)
Government1051 (23.1)1005 (22.5)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Teaching status  
COTH277 (6.1)276 (6.2)
Teaching505 (11.1)503 (11.3)
Nonteaching3591 (78.8)3508 (78.5)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Cardiac facility type  
CABG1471 (32.3)1467 (32.8)
Cath lab578 (12.7)578 (12.9)
Neither2324 (51.0)2242 (50.2)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Core‐based statistical area  
Division621 (13.6)618 (13.8)
Metro1850 (40.6)1835 (41.1)
Micro801 (17.6)788 (17.6)
Rural1101 (24.2)1046 (23.4)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Safety net status  
No2995 (65.7)2967 (66.4)
Yes1377 (30.2)1319 (29.5)
Unknown187 (4.1)182 (4.1)

For mortality measures, the smallest median number of cases per hospital was for AMI (48; interquartile range [IQR], 13,171), and the greatest number was for pneumonia (178; IQR, 87, 336). The same pattern held for readmission measures (AMI median 33; IQR; 9, 150; pneumonia median 191; IQR, 95, 352.5). With respect to mortality measures, AMI had the highest rate and HF the lowest rate; however, for readmission measures, HF had the highest rate and pneumonia the lowest rate (Table 2).

Hospital Volume and Risk‐Standardized Rates for Each Condition in the Mortality and Readmission Cohorts
DescriptionMortality Measures (N = 4559)Readmission Measures (N = 4468)
  • Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; HF, heart failure; IQR, interquartile range; PN, pneumonia; SD, standard deviation. *Weighted by hospital volume.

Total discharges558,6531,094,9601,114,706546,5141,314,3941,152,708
Hospital volume      
Mean (SD)122.54 (172.52)240.18 (271.35)244.51 (220.74)122.32 (201.78)294.18 (333.2)257.99 (228.5)
Median (IQR)48 (13, 171)142 (56, 337)178 (87, 336)33 (9, 150)172.5 (68, 407)191 (95, 352.5)
Range min, max1, 13791, 28141, 22411, 16111, 34102, 2359
30‐Day risk‐standardized rate*      
Mean (SD)15.7 (1.8)10.9 (1.6)11.5 (1.9)19.9 (1.5)24.8 (2.1)18.5 (1.7)
Median (IQR)15.7 (14.5, 16.8)10.8 (9.9, 11.9)11.3 (10.2, 12.6)19.9 (18.9, 20.8)24.7 (23.4, 26.1)18.4 (17.3, 19.5)
Range min, max10.3, 24.66.6, 18.26.7, 20.915.2, 26.317.3, 32.413.6, 26.7

Every mortality measure was significantly correlated with every other mortality measure (range of correlation coefficients, 0.270.41, P < 0.0001 for all 3 correlations). For example, the correlation between risk‐standardized mortality rates (RSMR) for HF and pneumonia was 0.41. Similarly, every readmission measure was significantly correlated with every other readmission measure (range of correlation coefficients, 0.320.47; P < 0.0001 for all 3 correlations). Overall, the lowest correlation was between risk‐standardized mortality rates for AMI and pneumonia (r = 0.27), and the highest correlation was between risk‐standardized readmission rates (RSRR) for HF and pneumonia (r = 0.47) (Table 3).

Correlations Between Risk‐Standardized Mortality Rates and Between Risk‐Standardized Readmission Rates for Subgroups of Hospitals
DescriptionMortality MeasuresReadmission Measures
NAMI and HFAMI and PNHF and PN AMI and HFAMI and PNHF and PN
  • NOTE: P value is the minimum P value of pairwise comparisons within each subgroup. Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery capability; Cath lab, cardiac catheterization lab capability; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals member; HF, heart failure; N, number of hospitals; PN, pneumonia; r, Pearson correlation coefficient.

All45590.30 0.27 0.41 44680.38 0.32 0.47 
Hospitals with 25 patients28720.33 0.30 0.44 24670.44 0.38 0.51 
No. of beds  0.15 0.005 0.0009  <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
>6001570.38 0.43 0.51 1560.67 0.50 0.66 
3006006280.29 0.30 0.49 6260.54 0.45 0.58 
<30035880.27 0.23 0.37 35050.30 0.26 0.44 
Ownership  0.021 0.05 0.39  0.0004 0.0004 0.003
Not‐for‐profit26500.32 0.28 0.42 26190.43 0.36 0.50 
For‐profit6720.30 0.23 0.40 6630.29 0.22 0.40 
Government10510.24 0.22 0.39 10050.32 0.29 0.45 
Teaching status  0.11 0.08 0.0012  <0.0001 0.0002 0.0003
COTH2770.31 0.34 0.54 2760.54 0.47 0.59 
Teaching5050.22 0.28 0.43 5030.52 0.42 0.56 
Nonteaching35910.29 0.24 0.39 35080.32 0.26 0.44 
Cardiac facility type 0.022 0.006 <0.0001  <0.0001 0.0006 0.004
CABG14710.33 0.29 0.47 14670.48 0.37 0.52 
Cath lab5780.25 0.26 0.36 5780.32 0.37 0.47 
Neither23240.26 0.21 0.36 22420.28 0.27 0.44 
Core‐based statistical area 0.0001 <0.0001 0.002  <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
Division6210.38 0.34 0.41 6180.46 0.40 0.56 
Metro18500.26 0.26 0.42 18350.38 0.30 0.40 
Micro8010.23 0.22 0.34 7880.32 0.30 0.47 
Rural11010.21 0.13 0.32 10460.22 0.21 0.44 
Safety net status  0.001 0.027 0.68  0.029 0.037 0.28
No29950.33 0.28 0.41 29670.40 0.33 0.48 
Yes13770.23 0.21 0.40 13190.34 0.30 0.45 

Both the factor analysis for the mortality measures and the factor analysis for the readmission measures yielded only one factor with an eigenvalue >1. In each factor analysis, this single common factor kept more than half of the data based on the cumulative eigenvalue (55% for mortality measures and 60% for readmission measures). For the mortality measures, the pattern of RSMR for myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure (HF), and pneumonia (PN) in the factor was high (0.68 for MI, 0.78 for HF, and 0.76 for PN); the same was true of the RSRR in the readmission measures (0.72 for MI, 0.81 for HF, and 0.78 for PN).

For all condition pairs and both outcomes, a third or more of hospitals were in the same quartile of performance for both conditions of the pair (Table 4). Hospitals were more likely to be in the same quartile of performance if they were in the top or bottom quartile than if they were in the middle. Less than 10% of hospitals were in the top quartile for one condition in the mortality or readmission pair and in the bottom quartile for the other condition in the pair. Kappa scores for same quartile of performance between pairs of outcomes ranged from 0.16 to 0.27, and were highest for HF and pneumonia for both mortality and readmission rates.

Measures of Agreement for Quartiles of Performance in Mortality and Readmission Pairs
Condition PairSame Quartile (Any) (%)Same Quartile (Q1 or Q4) (%)Q1 in One and Q4 in Another (%)Weighted KappaSpearman Correlation
  • Abbreviations: HF, heart failure; MI, myocardial infarction; PN, pneumonia.

MI and HF34.820.
MI and PN32.718.
HF and PN35.921.
MI and HF36.621.
MI and PN34.
HF and PN37.

In subgroup analyses, the highest mortality correlation was between HF and pneumonia in hospitals with more than 600 beds (r = 0.51, P = 0.0009), and the highest readmission correlation was between AMI and HF in hospitals with more than 600 beds (r = 0.67, P < 0.0001). Across both measures and all 3 condition pairs, correlations between conditions increased with increasing hospital bed size, presence of cardiac surgery capability, and increasing population of the hospital's Census Bureau statistical area. Furthermore, for most measures and condition pairs, correlations between conditions were highest in not‐for‐profit hospitals, hospitals belonging to the Council of Teaching Hospitals, and non‐safety net hospitals (Table 3).

For all condition pairs, the correlation between readmission rates was significantly higher than the correlation between mortality rates (P < 0.01). In subgroup analyses, readmission correlations were also significantly higher than mortality correlations for all pairs of conditions among moderate‐sized hospitals, among nonprofit hospitals, among teaching hospitals that did not belong to the Council of Teaching Hospitals, and among non‐safety net hospitals (Table 5).

Comparison of Correlations Between Mortality Rates and Correlations Between Readmission Rates for Condition Pairs
DescriptionAMI and HFAMI and PNHF and PN
  • Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery capability; Cath lab, cardiac catheterization lab capability; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals member; HF, heart failure; MC, mortality correlation; PN, pneumonia; r, Pearson correlation coefficient; RC, readmission correlation.

Hospitals with 25 patients24720.330.44<0.00124630.310.380.0141040.420.470.001
No. of beds            
Teaching status            
Cardiac facility type            
Cath lab5770.250.320.185770.260.370.0465790.360.470.022
Core‐based statistical area            
Safety net status            


In this study, we found that risk‐standardized mortality rates for 3 common medical conditions were moderately correlated within institutions, as were risk‐standardized readmission rates. Readmission rates were more strongly correlated than mortality rates, and all rates tracked closest together in large, urban, and/or teaching hospitals. Very few hospitals were in the top quartile of performance for one condition and in the bottom quartile for a different condition.

Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that 30‐day risk‐standardized mortality and 30‐day risk‐standardized readmission rates, in part, capture broad aspects of hospital quality that transcend condition‐specific activities. In this study, readmission rates tracked better together than mortality rates for every pair of conditions, suggesting that there may be a greater contribution of hospital‐wide environment, structure, and processes to readmission rates than to mortality rates. This difference is plausible because services specific to readmission, such as discharge planning, care coordination, medication reconciliation, and discharge communication with patients and outpatient clinicians, are typically hospital‐wide processes.

Our study differs from earlier studies of medical conditions in that the correlations we found were higher.18, 19 There are several possible explanations for this difference. First, during the intervening 1525 years since those studies were performed, care for these conditions has evolved substantially, such that there are now more standardized protocols available for all 3 of these diseases. Hospitals that are sufficiently organized or acculturated to systematically implement care protocols may have the infrastructure or culture to do so for all conditions, increasing correlation of performance among conditions. In addition, there are now more technologies and systems available that span care for multiple conditions, such as electronic medical records and quality committees, than were available in previous generations. Second, one of these studies utilized less robust risk‐adjustment,18 and neither used the same methodology of risk standardization. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that Rosenthal and colleagues identified the same increase in correlation with higher volumes than we did.19 Studies investigating mortality correlations among surgical procedures, on the other hand, have generally found higher correlations than we found in these medical conditions.16, 17

Accountable care organizations will be assessed using an all‐condition readmission measure,31 several states track all‐condition readmission rates,3234 and several countries measure all‐condition mortality.35 An all‐condition measure for quality assessment first requires that there be a hospital‐wide quality signal above and beyond disease‐specific care. This study suggests that a moderate signal exists for readmission and, to a slightly lesser extent, for mortality, across 3 common conditions. There are other considerations, however, in developing all‐condition measures. There must be adequate risk adjustment for the wide variety of conditions that are included, and there must be a means of accounting for the variation in types of conditions and procedures cared for by different hospitals. Our study does not address these challenges, which have been described to be substantial for mortality measures.35

We were surprised by the finding that risk‐standardized rates correlated more strongly within larger institutions than smaller ones, because one might assume that care within smaller hospitals might be more homogenous. It may be easier, however, to detect a quality signal in hospitals with higher volumes of patients for all 3 conditions, because estimates for these hospitals are more precise. Consequently, we have greater confidence in results for larger volumes, and suspect a similar quality signal may be present but more difficult to detect statistically in smaller hospitals. Overall correlations were higher when we restricted the sample to hospitals with at least 25 cases, as is used for public reporting. It is also possible that the finding is real given that large‐volume hospitals have been demonstrated to provide better care for these conditions and are more likely to adopt systems of care that affect multiple conditions, such as electronic medical records.14, 36

The kappa scores comparing quartile of national performance for pairs of conditions were only in the fair range. There are several possible explanations for this fact: 1) outcomes for these 3 conditions are not measuring the same constructs; 2) they are all measuring the same construct, but they are unreliable in doing so; and/or 3) hospitals have similar latent quality for all 3 conditions, but the national quality of performance differs by condition, yielding variable relative performance per hospital for each condition. Based solely on our findings, we cannot distinguish which, if any, of these explanations may be true.31

Our study has several limitations. First, all 3 conditions currently publicly reported by CMS are medical diagnoses, although AMI patients may be cared for in distinct cardiology units and often undergo procedures; therefore, we cannot determine the degree to which correlations reflect hospital‐wide quality versus medicine‐wide quality. An institution may have a weak medicine department but a strong surgical department or vice versa. Second, it is possible that the correlations among conditions for readmission and among conditions for mortality are attributable to patient characteristics that are not adequately adjusted for in the risk‐adjustment model, such as socioeconomic factors, or to hospital characteristics not related to quality, such as coding practices or inter‐hospital transfer rates. For this to be true, these unmeasured characteristics would have to be consistent across different conditions within each hospital and have a consistent influence on outcomes. Third, it is possible that public reporting may have prompted disease‐specific focus on these conditions. We do not have data from non‐publicly reported conditions to test this hypothesis. Fourth, there are many small‐volume hospitals in this study; their estimates for readmission and mortality are less reliable than for large‐volume hospitals, potentially limiting our ability to detect correlations in this group of hospitals.

This study lends credence to the hypothesis that 30‐day risk‐standardized mortality and readmission rates for individual conditions may reflect aspects of hospital‐wide quality or at least medicine‐wide quality, although the correlations are not large enough to conclude that hospital‐wide factors play a dominant role, and there are other possible explanations for the correlations. Further work is warranted to better understand the causes of the correlations, and to better specify the nature of hospital factors that contribute to correlations among outcomes.


Disclosures: Dr Horwitz is supported by the National Institute on Aging (K08 AG038336) and by the American Federation of Aging Research through the Paul B. Beeson Career Development Award Program. Dr Horwitz is also a Pepper Scholar with support from the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at Yale University School of Medicine (P30 AG021342 NIH/NIA). Dr Krumholz is supported by grant U01 HL105270‐01 (Center for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research at Yale University) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Dr Krumholz chairs a cardiac scientific advisory board for UnitedHealth. Authors Drye, Krumholz, and Wang receive support from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to develop and maintain performance measures that are used for public reporting. The analyses upon which this publication is based were performed under Contract Number HHSM‐500‐2008‐0025I Task Order T0001, entitled Measure & Instrument Development and Support (MIDS)Development and Re‐evaluation of the CMS Hospital Outcomes and Efficiency Measures, funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reviewed and approved the use of its data for this work, and approved submission of the manuscript. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the US Government. The authors assume full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the ideas presented.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) publicly reports hospital‐specific, 30‐day risk‐standardized mortality and readmission rates for Medicare fee‐for‐service patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), heart failure (HF), and pneumonia.1 These measures are intended to reflect hospital performance on quality of care provided to patients during and after hospitalization.2, 3

Quality‐of‐care measures for a given disease are often assumed to reflect the quality of care for that particular condition. However, studies have found limited association between condition‐specific process measures and either mortality or readmission rates for those conditions.46 Mortality and readmission rates may instead reflect broader hospital‐wide or specialty‐wide structure, culture, and practice. For example, studies have previously found that hospitals differ in mortality or readmission rates according to organizational structure,7 financial structure,8 culture,9, 10 information technology,11 patient volume,1214 academic status,12 and other institution‐wide factors.12 There is now a strong policy push towards developing hospital‐wide (all‐condition) measures, beginning with readmission.15

It is not clear how much of the quality of care for a given condition is attributable to hospital‐wide influences that affect all conditions rather than disease‐specific factors. If readmission or mortality performance for a particular condition reflects, in large part, broader institutional characteristics, then improvement efforts might better be focused on hospital‐wide activities, such as team training or implementing electronic medical records. On the other hand, if the disease‐specific measures reflect quality strictly for those conditions, then improvement efforts would be better focused on disease‐specific care, such as early identification of the relevant patient population or standardizing disease‐specific care. As hospitals work to improve performance across an increasingly wide variety of conditions, it is becoming more important for hospitals to prioritize and focus their activities effectively and efficiently.

One means of determining the relative contribution of hospital versus disease factors is to explore whether outcome rates are consistent among different conditions cared for in the same hospital. If mortality (or readmission) rates across different conditions are highly correlated, it would suggest that hospital‐wide factors may play a substantive role in outcomes. Some studies have found that mortality for a particular surgical condition is a useful proxy for mortality for other surgical conditions,16, 17 while other studies have found little correlation among mortality rates for various medical conditions.18, 19 It is also possible that correlation varies according to hospital characteristics; for example, smaller or nonteaching hospitals might be more homogenous in their care than larger, less homogeneous institutions. No studies have been performed using publicly reported estimates of risk‐standardized mortality or readmission rates. In this study we use the publicly reported measures of 30‐day mortality and 30‐day readmission for AMI, HF, and pneumonia to examine whether, and to what degree, mortality rates track together within US hospitals, and separately, to what degree readmission rates track together within US hospitals.


Data Sources

CMS calculates risk‐standardized mortality and readmission rates, and patient volume, for all acute care nonfederal hospitals with one or more eligible case of AMI, HF, and pneumonia annually based on fee‐for‐service (FFS) Medicare claims. CMS publicly releases the rates for the large subset of hospitals that participate in public reporting and have 25 or more cases for the conditions over the 3‐year period between July 2006 and June 2009. We estimated the rates for all hospitals included in the measure calculations, including those with fewer than 25 cases, using the CMS methodology and data obtained from CMS. The distribution of these rates has been previously reported.20, 21 In addition, we used the 2008 American Hospital Association (AHA) Survey to obtain data about hospital characteristics, including number of beds, hospital ownership (government, not‐for‐profit, for‐profit), teaching status (member of Council of Teaching Hospitals, other teaching hospital, nonteaching), presence of specialized cardiac capabilities (coronary artery bypass graft surgery, cardiac catheterization lab without cardiac surgery, neither), US Census Bureau core‐based statistical area (division [subarea of area with urban center >2.5 million people], metropolitan [urban center of at least 50,000 people], micropolitan [urban center of between 10,000 and 50,000 people], and rural [<10,000 people]), and safety net status22 (yes/no). Safety net status was defined as either public hospitals or private hospitals with a Medicaid caseload greater than one standard deviation above their respective state's mean private hospital Medicaid caseload using the 2007 AHA Annual Survey data.

Study Sample

This study includes 2 hospital cohorts, 1 for mortality and 1 for readmission. Hospitals were eligible for the mortality cohort if the dataset included risk‐standardized mortality rates for all 3 conditions (AMI, HF, and pneumonia). Hospitals were eligible for the readmission cohort if the dataset included risk‐standardized readmission rates for all 3 of these conditions.

Risk‐Standardized Measures

The measures include all FFS Medicare patients who are 65 years old, have been enrolled in FFS Medicare for the 12 months before the index hospitalization, are admitted with 1 of the 3 qualifying diagnoses, and do not leave the hospital against medical advice. The mortality measures include all deaths within 30 days of admission, and all deaths are attributable to the initial admitting hospital, even if the patient is then transferred to another acute care facility. Therefore, for a given hospital, transfers into the hospital are excluded from its rate, but transfers out are included. The readmission measures include all readmissions within 30 days of discharge, and all readmissions are attributable to the final discharging hospital, even if the patient was originally admitted to a different acute care facility. Therefore, for a given hospital, transfers in are included in its rate, but transfers out are excluded. For mortality measures, only 1 hospitalization for a patient in a specific year is randomly selected if the patient has multiple hospitalizations in the year. For readmission measures, admissions in which the patient died prior to discharge, and admissions within 30 days of an index admission, are not counted as index admissions.

Outcomes for all measures are all‐cause; however, for the AMI readmission measure, planned admissions for cardiac procedures are not counted as readmissions. Patients in observation status or in non‐acute care facilities are not counted as readmissions. Detailed specifications for the outcomes measures are available at the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse.23

The derivation and validation of the risk‐standardized outcome measures have been previously reported.20, 21, 2327 The measures are derived from hierarchical logistic regression models that include age, sex, clinical covariates, and a hospital‐specific random effect. The rates are calculated as the ratio of the number of predicted outcomes (obtained from a model applying the hospital‐specific effect) to the number of expected outcomes (obtained from a model applying the average effect among hospitals), multiplied by the unadjusted overall 30‐day rate.

Statistical Analysis

We examined patterns and distributions of hospital volume, risk‐standardized mortality rates, and risk‐standardized readmission rates among included hospitals. To measure the degree of association among hospitals' risk‐standardized mortality rates for AMI, HF, and pneumonia, we calculated Pearson correlation coefficients, resulting in 3 correlations for the 3 pairs of conditions (AMI and HF, AMI and pneumonia, HF and pneumonia), and tested whether they were significantly different from 0. We also conducted a factor analysis using the principal component method with a minimum eigenvalue of 1 to retain factors to determine whether there was a single common factor underlying mortality performance for the 3 conditions.28 Finally, we divided hospitals into quartiles of performance for each outcome based on the point estimate of risk‐standardized rate, and compared quartile of performance between condition pairs for each outcome. For each condition pair, we assessed the percent of hospitals in the same quartile of performance in both conditions, the percent of hospitals in either the top quartile of performance or the bottom quartile of performance for both, and the percent of hospitals in the top quartile for one and the bottom quartile for the other. We calculated the weighted kappa for agreement on quartile of performance between condition pairs for each outcome and the Spearman correlation for quartiles of performance. Then, we examined Pearson correlation coefficients in different subgroups of hospitals, including by size, ownership, teaching status, cardiac procedure capability, statistical area, and safety net status. In order to determine whether these correlations differed by hospital characteristics, we tested if the Pearson correlation coefficients were different between any 2 subgroups using the method proposed by Fisher.29 We repeated all of these analyses separately for the risk‐standardized readmission rates.

To determine whether correlations between mortality rates were significantly different than correlations between readmission rates for any given condition pair, we used the method recommended by Raghunathan et al.30 For these analyses, we included only hospitals reporting both mortality and readmission rates for the condition pairs. We used the same methods to determine whether correlations between mortality rates were significantly different than correlations between readmission rates for any given condition pair among subgroups of hospital characteristics.

All analyses and graphing were performed using the SAS statistical package version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). We considered a P‐value < 0.05 to be statistically significant, and all statistical tests were 2‐tailed.


The mortality cohort included 4559 hospitals, and the readmission cohort included 4468 hospitals. The majority of hospitals was small, nonteaching, and did not have advanced cardiac capabilities such as cardiac surgery or cardiac catheterization (Table 1).

Hospital Characteristics for Each Cohort
DescriptionMortality MeasuresReadmission Measures
 Hospital N = 4559Hospital N = 4468
 N (%)*N (%)*
  • Abbreviations: CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery capability; Cath lab, cardiac catheterization lab capability; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals member; SD, standard deviation. *Unless otherwise specified.

No. of beds  
>600157 (3.4)156 (3.5)
300600628 (13.8)626 (14.0)
<3003588 (78.7)3505 (78.5)
Unknown186 (4.08)181 (4.1)
Mean (SD)173.24 (189.52)175.23 (190.00)
Not‐for‐profit2650 (58.1)2619 (58.6)
For‐profit672 (14.7)663 (14.8)
Government1051 (23.1)1005 (22.5)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Teaching status  
COTH277 (6.1)276 (6.2)
Teaching505 (11.1)503 (11.3)
Nonteaching3591 (78.8)3508 (78.5)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Cardiac facility type  
CABG1471 (32.3)1467 (32.8)
Cath lab578 (12.7)578 (12.9)
Neither2324 (51.0)2242 (50.2)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Core‐based statistical area  
Division621 (13.6)618 (13.8)
Metro1850 (40.6)1835 (41.1)
Micro801 (17.6)788 (17.6)
Rural1101 (24.2)1046 (23.4)
Unknown186 (4.1)181 (4.1)
Safety net status  
No2995 (65.7)2967 (66.4)
Yes1377 (30.2)1319 (29.5)
Unknown187 (4.1)182 (4.1)

For mortality measures, the smallest median number of cases per hospital was for AMI (48; interquartile range [IQR], 13,171), and the greatest number was for pneumonia (178; IQR, 87, 336). The same pattern held for readmission measures (AMI median 33; IQR; 9, 150; pneumonia median 191; IQR, 95, 352.5). With respect to mortality measures, AMI had the highest rate and HF the lowest rate; however, for readmission measures, HF had the highest rate and pneumonia the lowest rate (Table 2).

Hospital Volume and Risk‐Standardized Rates for Each Condition in the Mortality and Readmission Cohorts
DescriptionMortality Measures (N = 4559)Readmission Measures (N = 4468)
  • Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; HF, heart failure; IQR, interquartile range; PN, pneumonia; SD, standard deviation. *Weighted by hospital volume.

Total discharges558,6531,094,9601,114,706546,5141,314,3941,152,708
Hospital volume      
Mean (SD)122.54 (172.52)240.18 (271.35)244.51 (220.74)122.32 (201.78)294.18 (333.2)257.99 (228.5)
Median (IQR)48 (13, 171)142 (56, 337)178 (87, 336)33 (9, 150)172.5 (68, 407)191 (95, 352.5)
Range min, max1, 13791, 28141, 22411, 16111, 34102, 2359
30‐Day risk‐standardized rate*      
Mean (SD)15.7 (1.8)10.9 (1.6)11.5 (1.9)19.9 (1.5)24.8 (2.1)18.5 (1.7)
Median (IQR)15.7 (14.5, 16.8)10.8 (9.9, 11.9)11.3 (10.2, 12.6)19.9 (18.9, 20.8)24.7 (23.4, 26.1)18.4 (17.3, 19.5)
Range min, max10.3, 24.66.6, 18.26.7, 20.915.2, 26.317.3, 32.413.6, 26.7

Every mortality measure was significantly correlated with every other mortality measure (range of correlation coefficients, 0.270.41, P < 0.0001 for all 3 correlations). For example, the correlation between risk‐standardized mortality rates (RSMR) for HF and pneumonia was 0.41. Similarly, every readmission measure was significantly correlated with every other readmission measure (range of correlation coefficients, 0.320.47; P < 0.0001 for all 3 correlations). Overall, the lowest correlation was between risk‐standardized mortality rates for AMI and pneumonia (r = 0.27), and the highest correlation was between risk‐standardized readmission rates (RSRR) for HF and pneumonia (r = 0.47) (Table 3).

Correlations Between Risk‐Standardized Mortality Rates and Between Risk‐Standardized Readmission Rates for Subgroups of Hospitals
DescriptionMortality MeasuresReadmission Measures
NAMI and HFAMI and PNHF and PN AMI and HFAMI and PNHF and PN
  • NOTE: P value is the minimum P value of pairwise comparisons within each subgroup. Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery capability; Cath lab, cardiac catheterization lab capability; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals member; HF, heart failure; N, number of hospitals; PN, pneumonia; r, Pearson correlation coefficient.

All45590.30 0.27 0.41 44680.38 0.32 0.47 
Hospitals with 25 patients28720.33 0.30 0.44 24670.44 0.38 0.51 
No. of beds  0.15 0.005 0.0009  <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
>6001570.38 0.43 0.51 1560.67 0.50 0.66 
3006006280.29 0.30 0.49 6260.54 0.45 0.58 
<30035880.27 0.23 0.37 35050.30 0.26 0.44 
Ownership  0.021 0.05 0.39  0.0004 0.0004 0.003
Not‐for‐profit26500.32 0.28 0.42 26190.43 0.36 0.50 
For‐profit6720.30 0.23 0.40 6630.29 0.22 0.40 
Government10510.24 0.22 0.39 10050.32 0.29 0.45 
Teaching status  0.11 0.08 0.0012  <0.0001 0.0002 0.0003
COTH2770.31 0.34 0.54 2760.54 0.47 0.59 
Teaching5050.22 0.28 0.43 5030.52 0.42 0.56 
Nonteaching35910.29 0.24 0.39 35080.32 0.26 0.44 
Cardiac facility type 0.022 0.006 <0.0001  <0.0001 0.0006 0.004
CABG14710.33 0.29 0.47 14670.48 0.37 0.52 
Cath lab5780.25 0.26 0.36 5780.32 0.37 0.47 
Neither23240.26 0.21 0.36 22420.28 0.27 0.44 
Core‐based statistical area 0.0001 <0.0001 0.002  <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
Division6210.38 0.34 0.41 6180.46 0.40 0.56 
Metro18500.26 0.26 0.42 18350.38 0.30 0.40 
Micro8010.23 0.22 0.34 7880.32 0.30 0.47 
Rural11010.21 0.13 0.32 10460.22 0.21 0.44 
Safety net status  0.001 0.027 0.68  0.029 0.037 0.28
No29950.33 0.28 0.41 29670.40 0.33 0.48 
Yes13770.23 0.21 0.40 13190.34 0.30 0.45 

Both the factor analysis for the mortality measures and the factor analysis for the readmission measures yielded only one factor with an eigenvalue >1. In each factor analysis, this single common factor kept more than half of the data based on the cumulative eigenvalue (55% for mortality measures and 60% for readmission measures). For the mortality measures, the pattern of RSMR for myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure (HF), and pneumonia (PN) in the factor was high (0.68 for MI, 0.78 for HF, and 0.76 for PN); the same was true of the RSRR in the readmission measures (0.72 for MI, 0.81 for HF, and 0.78 for PN).

For all condition pairs and both outcomes, a third or more of hospitals were in the same quartile of performance for both conditions of the pair (Table 4). Hospitals were more likely to be in the same quartile of performance if they were in the top or bottom quartile than if they were in the middle. Less than 10% of hospitals were in the top quartile for one condition in the mortality or readmission pair and in the bottom quartile for the other condition in the pair. Kappa scores for same quartile of performance between pairs of outcomes ranged from 0.16 to 0.27, and were highest for HF and pneumonia for both mortality and readmission rates.

Measures of Agreement for Quartiles of Performance in Mortality and Readmission Pairs
Condition PairSame Quartile (Any) (%)Same Quartile (Q1 or Q4) (%)Q1 in One and Q4 in Another (%)Weighted KappaSpearman Correlation
  • Abbreviations: HF, heart failure; MI, myocardial infarction; PN, pneumonia.

MI and HF34.820.
MI and PN32.718.
HF and PN35.921.
MI and HF36.621.
MI and PN34.
HF and PN37.

In subgroup analyses, the highest mortality correlation was between HF and pneumonia in hospitals with more than 600 beds (r = 0.51, P = 0.0009), and the highest readmission correlation was between AMI and HF in hospitals with more than 600 beds (r = 0.67, P < 0.0001). Across both measures and all 3 condition pairs, correlations between conditions increased with increasing hospital bed size, presence of cardiac surgery capability, and increasing population of the hospital's Census Bureau statistical area. Furthermore, for most measures and condition pairs, correlations between conditions were highest in not‐for‐profit hospitals, hospitals belonging to the Council of Teaching Hospitals, and non‐safety net hospitals (Table 3).

For all condition pairs, the correlation between readmission rates was significantly higher than the correlation between mortality rates (P < 0.01). In subgroup analyses, readmission correlations were also significantly higher than mortality correlations for all pairs of conditions among moderate‐sized hospitals, among nonprofit hospitals, among teaching hospitals that did not belong to the Council of Teaching Hospitals, and among non‐safety net hospitals (Table 5).

Comparison of Correlations Between Mortality Rates and Correlations Between Readmission Rates for Condition Pairs
DescriptionAMI and HFAMI and PNHF and PN
  • Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery capability; Cath lab, cardiac catheterization lab capability; COTH, Council of Teaching Hospitals member; HF, heart failure; MC, mortality correlation; PN, pneumonia; r, Pearson correlation coefficient; RC, readmission correlation.

Hospitals with 25 patients24720.330.44<0.00124630.310.380.0141040.420.470.001
No. of beds            
Teaching status            
Cardiac facility type            
Cath lab5770.250.320.185770.260.370.0465790.360.470.022
Core‐based statistical area            
Safety net status            


In this study, we found that risk‐standardized mortality rates for 3 common medical conditions were moderately correlated within institutions, as were risk‐standardized readmission rates. Readmission rates were more strongly correlated than mortality rates, and all rates tracked closest together in large, urban, and/or teaching hospitals. Very few hospitals were in the top quartile of performance for one condition and in the bottom quartile for a different condition.

Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that 30‐day risk‐standardized mortality and 30‐day risk‐standardized readmission rates, in part, capture broad aspects of hospital quality that transcend condition‐specific activities. In this study, readmission rates tracked better together than mortality rates for every pair of conditions, suggesting that there may be a greater contribution of hospital‐wide environment, structure, and processes to readmission rates than to mortality rates. This difference is plausible because services specific to readmission, such as discharge planning, care coordination, medication reconciliation, and discharge communication with patients and outpatient clinicians, are typically hospital‐wide processes.

Our study differs from earlier studies of medical conditions in that the correlations we found were higher.18, 19 There are several possible explanations for this difference. First, during the intervening 1525 years since those studies were performed, care for these conditions has evolved substantially, such that there are now more standardized protocols available for all 3 of these diseases. Hospitals that are sufficiently organized or acculturated to systematically implement care protocols may have the infrastructure or culture to do so for all conditions, increasing correlation of performance among conditions. In addition, there are now more technologies and systems available that span care for multiple conditions, such as electronic medical records and quality committees, than were available in previous generations. Second, one of these studies utilized less robust risk‐adjustment,18 and neither used the same methodology of risk standardization. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that Rosenthal and colleagues identified the same increase in correlation with higher volumes than we did.19 Studies investigating mortality correlations among surgical procedures, on the other hand, have generally found higher correlations than we found in these medical conditions.16, 17

Accountable care organizations will be assessed using an all‐condition readmission measure,31 several states track all‐condition readmission rates,3234 and several countries measure all‐condition mortality.35 An all‐condition measure for quality assessment first requires that there be a hospital‐wide quality signal above and beyond disease‐specific care. This study suggests that a moderate signal exists for readmission and, to a slightly lesser extent, for mortality, across 3 common conditions. There are other considerations, however, in developing all‐condition measures. There must be adequate risk adjustment for the wide variety of conditions that are included, and there must be a means of accounting for the variation in types of conditions and procedures cared for by different hospitals. Our study does not address these challenges, which have been described to be substantial for mortality measures.35

We were surprised by the finding that risk‐standardized rates correlated more strongly within larger institutions than smaller ones, because one might assume that care within smaller hospitals might be more homogenous. It may be easier, however, to detect a quality signal in hospitals with higher volumes of patients for all 3 conditions, because estimates for these hospitals are more precise. Consequently, we have greater confidence in results for larger volumes, and suspect a similar quality signal may be present but more difficult to detect statistically in smaller hospitals. Overall correlations were higher when we restricted the sample to hospitals with at least 25 cases, as is used for public reporting. It is also possible that the finding is real given that large‐volume hospitals have been demonstrated to provide better care for these conditions and are more likely to adopt systems of care that affect multiple conditions, such as electronic medical records.14, 36

The kappa scores comparing quartile of national performance for pairs of conditions were only in the fair range. There are several possible explanations for this fact: 1) outcomes for these 3 conditions are not measuring the same constructs; 2) they are all measuring the same construct, but they are unreliable in doing so; and/or 3) hospitals have similar latent quality for all 3 conditions, but the national quality of performance differs by condition, yielding variable relative performance per hospital for each condition. Based solely on our findings, we cannot distinguish which, if any, of these explanations may be true.31

Our study has several limitations. First, all 3 conditions currently publicly reported by CMS are medical diagnoses, although AMI patients may be cared for in distinct cardiology units and often undergo procedures; therefore, we cannot determine the degree to which correlations reflect hospital‐wide quality versus medicine‐wide quality. An institution may have a weak medicine department but a strong surgical department or vice versa. Second, it is possible that the correlations among conditions for readmission and among conditions for mortality are attributable to patient characteristics that are not adequately adjusted for in the risk‐adjustment model, such as socioeconomic factors, or to hospital characteristics not related to quality, such as coding practices or inter‐hospital transfer rates. For this to be true, these unmeasured characteristics would have to be consistent across different conditions within each hospital and have a consistent influence on outcomes. Third, it is possible that public reporting may have prompted disease‐specific focus on these conditions. We do not have data from non‐publicly reported conditions to test this hypothesis. Fourth, there are many small‐volume hospitals in this study; their estimates for readmission and mortality are less reliable than for large‐volume hospitals, potentially limiting our ability to detect correlations in this group of hospitals.

This study lends credence to the hypothesis that 30‐day risk‐standardized mortality and readmission rates for individual conditions may reflect aspects of hospital‐wide quality or at least medicine‐wide quality, although the correlations are not large enough to conclude that hospital‐wide factors play a dominant role, and there are other possible explanations for the correlations. Further work is warranted to better understand the causes of the correlations, and to better specify the nature of hospital factors that contribute to correlations among outcomes.


Disclosures: Dr Horwitz is supported by the National Institute on Aging (K08 AG038336) and by the American Federation of Aging Research through the Paul B. Beeson Career Development Award Program. Dr Horwitz is also a Pepper Scholar with support from the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at Yale University School of Medicine (P30 AG021342 NIH/NIA). Dr Krumholz is supported by grant U01 HL105270‐01 (Center for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research at Yale University) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Dr Krumholz chairs a cardiac scientific advisory board for UnitedHealth. Authors Drye, Krumholz, and Wang receive support from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to develop and maintain performance measures that are used for public reporting. The analyses upon which this publication is based were performed under Contract Number HHSM‐500‐2008‐0025I Task Order T0001, entitled Measure & Instrument Development and Support (MIDS)Development and Re‐evaluation of the CMS Hospital Outcomes and Efficiency Measures, funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reviewed and approved the use of its data for this work, and approved submission of the manuscript. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the US Government. The authors assume full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the ideas presented.

  1. US Department of Health and Human Services. Hospital Compare.2011. Available at: Accessed March 5, 2011.
  2. Balla U,Malnick S,Schattner A.Early readmissions to the department of medicine as a screening tool for monitoring quality of care problems.Medicine (Baltimore).2008;87(5):294300.
  3. Dubois RW,Rogers WH,Moxley JH,Draper D,Brook RH.Hospital inpatient mortality. Is it a predictor of quality?N Engl J Med.1987;317(26):16741680.
  4. Werner RM,Bradlow ET.Relationship between Medicare's hospital compare performance measures and mortality rates.JAMA.2006;296(22):26942702.
  5. Jha AK,Orav EJ,Epstein AM.Public reporting of discharge planning and rates of readmissions.N Engl J Med.2009;361(27):26372645.
  6. Patterson ME,Hernandez AF,Hammill BG, et al.Process of care performance measures and long‐term outcomes in patients hospitalized with heart failure.Med Care.2010;48(3):210216.
  7. Chukmaitov AS,Bazzoli GJ,Harless DW,Hurley RE,Devers KJ,Zhao M.Variations in inpatient mortality among hospitals in different system types, 1995 to 2000.Med Care.2009;47(4):466473.
  8. Devereaux PJ,Choi PT,Lacchetti C, et al.A systematic review and meta‐analysis of studies comparing mortality rates of private for‐profit and private not‐for‐profit hospitals.Can Med Assoc J.2002;166(11):13991406.
  9. Curry LA,Spatz E,Cherlin E, et al.What distinguishes top‐performing hospitals in acute myocardial infarction mortality rates? A qualitative study.Ann Intern Med.2011;154(6):384390.
  10. Hansen LO,Williams MV,Singer SJ.Perceptions of hospital safety climate and incidence of readmission.Health Serv Res.2011;46(2):596616.
  11. Longhurst CA,Parast L,Sandborg CI, et al.Decrease in hospital‐wide mortality rate after implementation of a commercially sold computerized physician order entry system.Pediatrics.2010;126(1):1421.
  12. Fink A,Yano EM,Brook RH.The condition of the literature on differences in hospital mortality.Med Care.1989;27(4):315336.
  13. Gandjour A,Bannenberg A,Lauterbach KW.Threshold volumes associated with higher survival in health care: a systematic review.Med Care.2003;41(10):11291141.
  14. Ross JS,Normand SL,Wang Y, et al.Hospital volume and 30‐day mortality for three common medical conditions.N Engl J Med.2010;362(12):11101118.
  15. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pub. L. No. 111–148, 124 Stat, §3025.2010. Available at:‐111publ148/content‐detail.html. Accessed on July 26, year="2012"2012.
  16. Dimick JB,Staiger DO,Birkmeyer JD.Are mortality rates for different operations related? Implications for measuring the quality of noncardiac surgery.Med Care.2006;44(8):774778.
  17. Goodney PP,O'Connor GT,Wennberg DE,Birkmeyer JD.Do hospitals with low mortality rates in coronary artery bypass also perform well in valve replacement?Ann Thorac Surg.2003;76(4):11311137.
  18. Chassin MR,Park RE,Lohr KN,Keesey J,Brook RH.Differences among hospitals in Medicare patient mortality.Health Serv Res.1989;24(1):131.
  19. Rosenthal GE,Shah A,Way LE,Harper DL.Variations in standardized hospital mortality rates for six common medical diagnoses: implications for profiling hospital quality.Med Care.1998;36(7):955964.
  20. Lindenauer PK,Normand SL,Drye EE, et al.Development, validation, and results of a measure of 30‐day readmission following hospitalization for pneumonia.J Hosp Med.2011;6(3):142150.
  21. Keenan PS,Normand SL,Lin Z, et al.An administrative claims measure suitable for profiling hospital performance on the basis of 30‐day all‐cause readmission rates among patients with heart failure.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.2008;1:2937.
  22. Ross JS,Cha SS,Epstein AJ, et al.Quality of care for acute myocardial infarction at urban safety‐net hospitals.Health Aff (Millwood).2007;26(1):238248.
  23. National Quality Measures Clearinghouse.2011. Available at: Accessed February 21,year="2011"2011.
  24. Krumholz HM,Wang Y,Mattera JA, et al.An administrative claims model suitable for profiling hospital performance based on 30‐day mortality rates among patients with an acute myocardial infarction.Circulation.2006;113(13):16831692.
  25. Krumholz HM,Wang Y,Mattera JA, et al.An administrative claims model suitable for profiling hospital performance based on 30‐day mortality rates among patients with heart failure.Circulation.2006;113(13):16931701.
  26. Bratzler DW,Normand SL,Wang Y, et al.An administrative claims model for profiling hospital 30‐day mortality rates for pneumonia patients.PLoS One.2011;6(4):e17401.
  27. Krumholz HM,Lin Z,Drye EE, et al.An administrative claims measure suitable for profiling hospital performance based on 30‐day all‐cause readmission rates among patients with acute myocardial infarction.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.2011;4(2):243252.
  28. Kaiser HF.The application of electronic computers to factor analysis.Educ Psychol Meas.1960;20:141151.
  29. Fisher RA.On the ‘probable error’ of a coefficient of correlation deduced from a small sample.Metron.1921;1:332.
  30. Raghunathan TE,Rosenthal R,Rubin DB.Comparing correlated but nonoverlapping correlations.Psychol Methods.1996;1(2):178183.
  31. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.Medicare Shared Savings Program: Accountable Care Organizations, Final Rule.Fed Reg.2011;76:6780267990.
  32. Massachusetts Healthcare Quality and Cost Council. Potentially Preventable Readmissions.2011. Available at:‐hcqcc‐council/data‐submission‐information/potentially‐preventable‐readmissions‐ppr.html. Accessed February 29, 2012.
  33. Texas Medicaid. Potentially Preventable Readmission (PPR).2012. Available at: Accessed February 29, 2012.
  34. New York State. Potentially Preventable Readmissions.2011. Available at:–02‐23_potentially_preventable_readmissions.pdf. Accessed February 29, 2012.
  35. Shahian DM,Wolf RE,Iezzoni LI,Kirle L,Normand SL.Variability in the measurement of hospital‐wide mortality rates.N Engl J Med.2010;363(26):25302539.
  36. Jha AK,DesRoches CM,Campbell EG, et al.Use of electronic health records in U.S. hospitals.N Engl J Med.2009;360(16):16281638.
  1. US Department of Health and Human Services. Hospital Compare.2011. Available at: Accessed March 5, 2011.
  2. Balla U,Malnick S,Schattner A.Early readmissions to the department of medicine as a screening tool for monitoring quality of care problems.Medicine (Baltimore).2008;87(5):294300.
  3. Dubois RW,Rogers WH,Moxley JH,Draper D,Brook RH.Hospital inpatient mortality. Is it a predictor of quality?N Engl J Med.1987;317(26):16741680.
  4. Werner RM,Bradlow ET.Relationship between Medicare's hospital compare performance measures and mortality rates.JAMA.2006;296(22):26942702.
  5. Jha AK,Orav EJ,Epstein AM.Public reporting of discharge planning and rates of readmissions.N Engl J Med.2009;361(27):26372645.
  6. Patterson ME,Hernandez AF,Hammill BG, et al.Process of care performance measures and long‐term outcomes in patients hospitalized with heart failure.Med Care.2010;48(3):210216.
  7. Chukmaitov AS,Bazzoli GJ,Harless DW,Hurley RE,Devers KJ,Zhao M.Variations in inpatient mortality among hospitals in different system types, 1995 to 2000.Med Care.2009;47(4):466473.
  8. Devereaux PJ,Choi PT,Lacchetti C, et al.A systematic review and meta‐analysis of studies comparing mortality rates of private for‐profit and private not‐for‐profit hospitals.Can Med Assoc J.2002;166(11):13991406.
  9. Curry LA,Spatz E,Cherlin E, et al.What distinguishes top‐performing hospitals in acute myocardial infarction mortality rates? A qualitative study.Ann Intern Med.2011;154(6):384390.
  10. Hansen LO,Williams MV,Singer SJ.Perceptions of hospital safety climate and incidence of readmission.Health Serv Res.2011;46(2):596616.
  11. Longhurst CA,Parast L,Sandborg CI, et al.Decrease in hospital‐wide mortality rate after implementation of a commercially sold computerized physician order entry system.Pediatrics.2010;126(1):1421.
  12. Fink A,Yano EM,Brook RH.The condition of the literature on differences in hospital mortality.Med Care.1989;27(4):315336.
  13. Gandjour A,Bannenberg A,Lauterbach KW.Threshold volumes associated with higher survival in health care: a systematic review.Med Care.2003;41(10):11291141.
  14. Ross JS,Normand SL,Wang Y, et al.Hospital volume and 30‐day mortality for three common medical conditions.N Engl J Med.2010;362(12):11101118.
  15. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pub. L. No. 111–148, 124 Stat, §3025.2010. Available at:‐111publ148/content‐detail.html. Accessed on July 26, year="2012"2012.
  16. Dimick JB,Staiger DO,Birkmeyer JD.Are mortality rates for different operations related? Implications for measuring the quality of noncardiac surgery.Med Care.2006;44(8):774778.
  17. Goodney PP,O'Connor GT,Wennberg DE,Birkmeyer JD.Do hospitals with low mortality rates in coronary artery bypass also perform well in valve replacement?Ann Thorac Surg.2003;76(4):11311137.
  18. Chassin MR,Park RE,Lohr KN,Keesey J,Brook RH.Differences among hospitals in Medicare patient mortality.Health Serv Res.1989;24(1):131.
  19. Rosenthal GE,Shah A,Way LE,Harper DL.Variations in standardized hospital mortality rates for six common medical diagnoses: implications for profiling hospital quality.Med Care.1998;36(7):955964.
  20. Lindenauer PK,Normand SL,Drye EE, et al.Development, validation, and results of a measure of 30‐day readmission following hospitalization for pneumonia.J Hosp Med.2011;6(3):142150.
  21. Keenan PS,Normand SL,Lin Z, et al.An administrative claims measure suitable for profiling hospital performance on the basis of 30‐day all‐cause readmission rates among patients with heart failure.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.2008;1:2937.
  22. Ross JS,Cha SS,Epstein AJ, et al.Quality of care for acute myocardial infarction at urban safety‐net hospitals.Health Aff (Millwood).2007;26(1):238248.
  23. National Quality Measures Clearinghouse.2011. Available at: Accessed February 21,year="2011"2011.
  24. Krumholz HM,Wang Y,Mattera JA, et al.An administrative claims model suitable for profiling hospital performance based on 30‐day mortality rates among patients with an acute myocardial infarction.Circulation.2006;113(13):16831692.
  25. Krumholz HM,Wang Y,Mattera JA, et al.An administrative claims model suitable for profiling hospital performance based on 30‐day mortality rates among patients with heart failure.Circulation.2006;113(13):16931701.
  26. Bratzler DW,Normand SL,Wang Y, et al.An administrative claims model for profiling hospital 30‐day mortality rates for pneumonia patients.PLoS One.2011;6(4):e17401.
  27. Krumholz HM,Lin Z,Drye EE, et al.An administrative claims measure suitable for profiling hospital performance based on 30‐day all‐cause readmission rates among patients with acute myocardial infarction.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.2011;4(2):243252.
  28. Kaiser HF.The application of electronic computers to factor analysis.Educ Psychol Meas.1960;20:141151.
  29. Fisher RA.On the ‘probable error’ of a coefficient of correlation deduced from a small sample.Metron.1921;1:332.
  30. Raghunathan TE,Rosenthal R,Rubin DB.Comparing correlated but nonoverlapping correlations.Psychol Methods.1996;1(2):178183.
  31. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.Medicare Shared Savings Program: Accountable Care Organizations, Final Rule.Fed Reg.2011;76:6780267990.
  32. Massachusetts Healthcare Quality and Cost Council. Potentially Preventable Readmissions.2011. Available at:‐hcqcc‐council/data‐submission‐information/potentially‐preventable‐readmissions‐ppr.html. Accessed February 29, 2012.
  33. Texas Medicaid. Potentially Preventable Readmission (PPR).2012. Available at: Accessed February 29, 2012.
  34. New York State. Potentially Preventable Readmissions.2011. Available at:–02‐23_potentially_preventable_readmissions.pdf. Accessed February 29, 2012.
  35. Shahian DM,Wolf RE,Iezzoni LI,Kirle L,Normand SL.Variability in the measurement of hospital‐wide mortality rates.N Engl J Med.2010;363(26):25302539.
  36. Jha AK,DesRoches CM,Campbell EG, et al.Use of electronic health records in U.S. hospitals.N Engl J Med.2009;360(16):16281638.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(9)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(9)
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Correlations among risk‐standardized mortality rates and among risk‐standardized readmission rates within hospitals
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Correlations among risk‐standardized mortality rates and among risk‐standardized readmission rates within hospitals
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“Out of Sight, Out of Mind”

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Mon, 05/22/2017 - 18:46
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“Out of sight, out of mind”: Housestaff perceptions of quality‐limiting factors in discharge care at teaching hospitals

Hospital readmission is a common, costly, and often preventable occurrence in the United States. Among Medicare beneficiaries, 1 out of 5 patients is readmitted within 30 days, and the cost of unplanned readmissions exceeded $17 billion in 2007.1 As a result, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and others have called for focused efforts to reduce hospital readmission rates.24 The quality of hospital discharge care is a key determinant of readmission rates,57 and many recent interventions to reduce readmission have focused on improving various aspects of the discharge process.810 Although these approaches have shown promise, the role of physicians in improving the quality of discharge care has not been extensively studied. Existing studies have focused on communication barriers between physicians in the hospital and outpatient settings,1113 but these have not examined the hospital discharge process itself and the experience of physicians in that process. Physician perspectives on this process are critical to inform strategies to leverage their roles in improving the performance of discharge teams.

Accordingly, we sought to understand physician experiences with the hospital discharge process, focusing on factors that physicians perceived to limit the quality of the discharge process at teaching hospitals. Teaching hospitals provided an ideal setting for this study given their high readmission rates,14 despite efforts to improve discharge quality of care through multidisciplinary team approaches. We focused on housestaff physicians because of their in‐depth involvement in the discharge process at teaching hospitals, which collectively provide 20% of all hospital care in the US.15 Housestaff perspectives on quality‐limiting factors of the discharge process may help identify targets for interventions to improve the quality of inpatient discharge care and to ultimately reduce hospital readmissions.


Study Design and Sample

We conducted a qualitative study of internal medicine housestaff at 2 residency programs, with 7 different hospital settings, to ensure breadth of experience and perspectives (Table 1). Both programs train a large number of housestaff, and both are affiliated with prestigious medical schools and major universities. Qualitative methods are ideally suited to examine physician perspectives on discharge care because the inherent complexity of discharge processes, and importance of communication and multidisciplinary teamwork, are difficult to quantify.16, 17 We focused on housestaff because they are responsible for coordinating discharge care at teaching hospitals and have direct experience with the phenomenon of interest.18 We created a discussion guide (see Supporting Information, Out of Sight, Out of Mind Interview Guide in the online version of this article) informed by clinical experience and recent qualitative studies of housestaff, to guide conversation during the interviews.1921

Hospitals Affiliated With Participating Residency Programs
HospitalResidency ProgramOwnershipSettingTeaching Intensity
AAPrivate, nonprofitUrbanHigh
BBPrivate, nonprofitSemi‐urbanHigh
CAPrivate, nonprofit specialty (oncology)UrbanHigh
DBPrivate, nonprofit community hospitalRuralLow
EAPublic (Veterans Affairs)UrbanHigh
FBPublic (Veterans Affairs)Semi‐urbanHigh
GAPublic (county hospital)UrbanHigh

We obtained a list of current housestaff from directors at both residency programs and invited participation from all housestaff with an inpatient rotation in the preceding 6 months, using purposeful sampling to ensure adequate representation by postgraduate year (PGY) and gender. Given that interns are more involved in executing the details of discharge care, we purposefully over‐sampled for PGY‐1 rather than sampling each PGY equally. As an incentive, participants were entered into a lottery for one of three $100 gift cards at each site. All participants gave informed consent, and all research procedures were approved by the Institutional Review Boards of record for both residency programs.

Data Collection

We conducted in‐depth interviews until no new concepts were elicited with successive interviews; this theoretical saturation22, 23 occurred after 29 interviews. To ensure rigor in our approach, we adhered to a focused scope of inquiry, developed a cohesive theoretical sample, and held regular team meetings to assess the adequacy and comprehensiveness of all analytic results.24 All interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed by a professional transcription service, and all transcripts were reviewed for accuracy. A brief demographic survey was administered after each interview (Table 2).

Participant Characteristics
CharacteristicTotal N = 29
  • Abbreviation: PGY, postgraduate year.

AgeMean: 29.6 yr
Range: 2634 yr
Female19 (66%)
Male10 (34%)
Residency program 
A12 (41%)
B17 (59%)
Year in training 
PGY‐117 (59%)
PGY‐27 (24%)
PGY‐35 (17%)

Data Analysis

We employed the constant comparative method of qualitative data analysis.16, 18 Codes were developed iteratively and refined to identify conceptual segments of the data. The team reviewed the code structure throughout the analytic process, and revised the scope and content of codes as needed. The final code structure contained 22 codes, which we subsequently integrated into the 5 recurrent themes. Two members of the research team (S.R.G., D.S.) coded all of the transcripts; other team members (L.I.H., L.C., and E.H.B.) double‐ and triple‐coded portions of the data. All data were entered into a single database (Atlas.ti version 5.2) to ensure consistent application of codes across all transcripts. Disagreements in coding were resolved through negotiated consensus. Additional strategies to enhance the reliability of our findings included creation of an audit trail documenting the data coding and analysis processes, and seeking participant review and confirmation of the findings.24, 25 We shared summary findings with all participants via e‐mail, and sought participant confirmation through in‐person conversations with several individuals and responses to findings via e‐mail.


Based on interview transcripts from 29 internal medicine housestaff physicians (Table 3), we identified 5 recurrent and unifying themes describing factors perceived to limit the quality of inpatient discharge care: (1) competing priorities in the discharge process; (2) inadequate coordination within multidisciplinary discharge teams; (3) lack of standardization in discharge procedures; (4) poor patient and family communication; and (5) lack of postdischarge feedback and clinical responsibility.

Unifying Themes and Supporting Codes
Theme: Competing priorities of timeliness and thoroughness
Supporting codes
Professional or hospital norms about discharge
Time pressures including early discharge rules
Balancing multiple priorities or responsibilities
Duty hours and off hours including weekends and cross‐cover
Theme: Lack of coordination within multidisciplinary discharge team members
Supporting codes
Teamwork including individual roles, communication and coordination between team members
Clinical complexity or specific complexities of the healthcare system
Specific difficulties arranging for follow‐up care
Theme: Uncertainty about provider roles and patient readiness for discharge
Supporting codes
Uncertainty about provider roles or discharge timing
Readmissions and bounce‐backs
Clinical complexity or specific complexities of the healthcare system
Theme: Lack of standardization in discharge procedures
Supporting codes
Readmissions and bounce‐backs
Patient safety including the concept of safe discharge and mistakes or errors
Clinical complexity or specific complexities of the healthcare system
Checklists or other specific procedures/aids or clever systems to improve quality
Discharge documentation
Theme: Poor patient communication and postdischarge continuity of care
Supporting codes
Lack of continuity of care after discharge
Specific difficulties arranging for follow‐up care
Information technology including electronic medical records
Patient communication, education, or understanding
Discharge documentation

Competing Priorities in the Discharge Process

Housestaff uniformly asserted the importance of consistently performing high‐quality discharge; however, they identified several competing priorities that turned their attention elsewhere. Housestaff noted that the pressure to discharge early in the day was palpable, even if this compromised the thoroughness of the discharge process. Illustrating this theme, one participant said:

One thing that I found very frustrating here is the goal for 11:00 AM discharge . It's more important to get the patient out than it is to be thorough in the discharge is how it feels a lot of the time. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #3]

In addition to competing institutional priorities, housestaff also articulated tensions between their roles as learners and providers. Although educational duties, such as noon conference, contributed to general time constraints, they highlighted other patient care responsibilities as the primary competing priority to a high‐quality discharge:

The worst part in discharging is that it takes a lot of time and you're often limited by having to admit new patients . I don't think people realize how much time it takes often a lot longer than doing an admission. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #27]

Participants also described competing priorities in the context of transfers of care or sign‐out from the post‐call team to the on‐call team. Because discharges frequently occurred around the same time as these sign‐outs, housestaff described conflicting institutional priorities that created ambiguity about post‐call discharge responsibilities:

When you're post‐call, the hospital administration wants you to be out by 12:00, but then they're also saying do all the [discharge] stuff. So, which one do you want me to do? They kind of endorse both and that's confusing. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #7]

Although housestaff articulated patient safety as an essential goal of discharge care, the net effect of these competing individual and institutional priorities was an inconsistent focus on the discharge process and an unspoken or hidden message that discharge care was not of top‐level importance.

Inadequate Coordination Within Multidisciplinary Discharge Teams

Housestaff described difficulties in coordination and communication with multidisciplinary staff involved with the discharge process beyond the physician team. They felt their engagement with other team members was constrained by professional hierarchy and insufficient contact among team members, both of which directly affected hospital efficiency and patient safety:

On the hospital floor, it still feels like a hierarchy and it's very difficult to fit communication with nurses into our daily rounds . If we worked together more as a team, we could discharge patients faster and safer. [PGY‐3, Program B, Interview #1]

Housestaff also noted that discharge team experiences were diverse. Some discharge teams were described as cohesive, while others were described as fragmented and characterized by last‐minute problem solving and lack of cooperation among team members:

A low‐quality discharge is a rushed discharge for whatever reason, you don't really know that you're discharging the patient until that day. Those are the ones that are really hard. You're pushing social work to get things set up. They're pushing back at you. [PGY‐2, Program B, Interview #6]

Housestaff concerns about inadequate discharge planning were exacerbated by role confusion and uncertainty about which components of discharge care were to be performed by other team members. Even when housestaff articulated clear ownership for a particular task such as documenting plans in a discharge summary, they were uncertain how these documents would be used by other team members to communicate these plans to patients:

Half the time, I'm not sure if the patient gets the discharge summary, because I enter it but I don't actually know what the nurse does with it. I know she goes over their meds with them and gives them appointments, but if she actually gives them the discharge summary, I have no idea. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #18]

Thus, although housestaff described multidisciplinary teamwork as important, they often did not know how to lead or function effectively within the team, leading to conflict, misunderstanding, delays, and inefficiency. Moreover, uncertainty about roles for team members often led to wide variation in discharge practices observed at their institutions.

Lack of Standards for Discharge Procedures

Housestaff described an overall lack of standardization for the discharge process; a high degree of variation in practices was apparent at several levels. Housestaff noted differences in approaches to arranging follow‐up care depending on the hospital where they were rotating:

At this hospital, making follow‐up appointments is intermittent because there are some rotations that have someone help you with that, and others that don't. That is something that I feel should be standardized everywhere. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #7]

Housestaff also noted differences in approaches to discharge planning across different services within a single hospital, including examples of units that stood out for their ability to consistently provide high‐quality discharge care:

Coordinating with social work is very team‐dependent. On the Chest service and Virology services, we've got very good social workers who focus on those conditions so they know the issues in and out, and it just flows much more smoothly. [PGY‐3, Program A, Interview #20]

Lastly, variation was also noted in individual physician practices, especially with respect to attending physician involvement with the discharge team and teaching or supervision of housestaff discharge care:

The role of the attending totally varies. This month, I don't even think my attending looked at the prescriptions. She just stamped, stamped, signed whatever. But last month my attending was very involved; she double‐checked every prescription. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #21]

Overall, lack of standardization limited efforts to coordinate discharge procedures and set the stage for poor communication practices between discharge team members and patients and their families.

Poor Patient and Family Communication

Housestaff described practices for communicating with patients and families, at the time of discharge, as problematic. Although housestaff articulated this communication as critically important, they also recognized that time allocated to achieving this goal was not always commensurate:

I think, in a perfect world, I would have time to sit down with every single patient and say take these meds in the morning, these in the evening, and these are the reasons you're taking all of them, but I don't think that you have time to do all of that and I find that frustrating. [PGY‐2, Program A, Interview #27]

In addition to direct patient communication, housestaff identified problems with information in printed discharge materials. Although problems could stem from inadequate details in documentation given to patients, information overload was also a concern:

The discharge packet is like a book. I think there's too much extraneous information in it, and it's overwhelming to be discharged with this book of information. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #18]

Further, housestaff described the execution of discharge communication as perfunctory and lacking in attention to signs of adequate patient understanding:

Often, all patients get is a handshake and a stack of paperwork. Many of them don't know why they were in the hospital and what was done. [PGY‐2, Program B, Interview #2]

Overall, housestaff described patient understanding as a goal for the entire discharge team, but lacked individual accountability for patient and family communication. Housestaff also indicated that responsibilities to assess patient readiness to navigate the transition from hospital to post‐hospital care were not clearly defined.

Lack of Postdischarge Feedback and Clinical Responsibility

Housestaff described that the norms and culture of being on service focused on the hospital portion of care, and underemphasized post‐hospitalization care. With the extensive workload on inpatient services, housestaff commonly expressed their lack of involvement with a patient's care after discharge:

So often when you're on service once the patient is out of sight, they're out of mind. Once they leave our service, we are not the doctor anymore. That's the mentality. [PGY‐2, Program A, Interview #19]

Additionally, housestaff indicated that they rarely received feedback concerning postdischarge patient outcomes, and that the only mechanism for learning about outcomes of discharge care was patient readmission:

There's a lot of uncertainty at the time of discharge which is frustrating. I hope that I sent them out on the right doses, the right medication, to the right sorts of facilities with the right follow‐up providers, but I never know. The only way I'll find out if it's wrong is they come back to the hospital. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #4]

Housestaff also conceded that they could not follow patients postdischarge, given the demands of high turnover on inpatient rotations, and needed to limit their obligations to discharged patients to focus on newly admitted patients:

It's hard to keep track because sometimes we're discharging 10 patients a day, admitting 10 patients a day . So, once they leave, you did a good job and they're okay. [PGY‐3, Program A, Interview #26]

Furthermore, for patients readmitted to the hospital, housestaff described an approach to workup and management that focused on events during the prior admission, rather than events in the postdischarge period:

So if I'm admitting someone who's just been discharged, I think, Is this a new problem? Did we do this to the person? and if it's the same problem, Well, what did we do about it last time? Did we do anything? [PGY‐2, Program B, Interview #13]

Thus, although readmissions were described as problematic and undesirable, housestaff described a limited ability to follow up with patients or learn about the impact of the discharge practices on subsequent patient outcomes. More specifically, housestaff portrayed a limited ability to address the root causes for poor outcomes, such as readmission.


Housestaff physicians experienced 5 quality‐limiting factors that collectively created and reinforced a practice environment in which patients and patient outcomes after discharge remain largely out of sight, out of mind. In this environment, discharge was often viewed as a summative event that signaled the conclusion of care in one setting rather than a transition in care from one setting to another. Paradoxically, this environment was apparent despite the values and goals participants described for providing high‐quality discharge care, working within multidisciplinary discharge teams, and reducing readmissions.

The degree to which housestaff were focused on the hospital portion of patients' care, and viewed postdischarge care as beyond their scope or responsibility, was striking. The tight boundary they drew between hospital and post‐hospital care reflected the demanding workload in the hospital, the lack of data feedback about patients post‐hospitalization, and professional norms and expectations about housestaff responsibilities. Downstream effects of this tight boundary may result in confusion for patients and family about who to contact in case of postdischarge complications, and may ultimately catalyze higher emergency department use and readmissions.26 Efforts to redefine inpatient physician responsibilities, as providing patient care until management has been successfully transferred to a community‐based provider, may be necessary to ensure adequate postdischarge continuity of care.27

We also found that housestaff physicians reported marked variation in discharge practices across different hospitals and training settings, across different teams within hospitals, and across individual attending physicians. Although guidelines for discharge care currently endorsed by the National Quality Forum28 and others4, 27, 29 provide excellent templates, our findings suggest that the implementation of these standards at the hospital and physician level is limited. Furthermore, while existing single‐site interventions to standardize various discharge practices provide a foundational evidence base for high‐quality discharge care,2932 our study adds insight into the individual and institutional barriers that prevent diffusion of these practices to other hospitals.

Finally, the lack of coordination within discharge teams, described by housestaff physicians in our study, also suggests a need for improved leadership in the hospital overall and at the level of the discharge team. Studies of high‐performing hospitals have shown that top‐level institutional support is a necessary substrate for the creation and maintenance of high‐performance teamwork.33 At the level of the discharge team, creating a culture of high‐quality discharge care will require greater focus on defining team‐member roles and responsibilities. At the individual level, changes in physician training to provide discharge care are critical, especially since practice patterns learned in residency may predict quality of care over physicians' careers.34 Recent examples of curricular innovations for discharge care are encouraging,35 but more research on how physicians learn about discharge care and related systems‐based practice, learning, and improvement is needed to enable changes on a national scale.

Our findings should be interpreted in light of several limitations. First, we recruited housestaff from 1 specialty at 2 large training programs; experiences of housestaff in other specialties and other training programs may differ. Second, we cannot quantify the frequency of specific discharge procedures or outcomes described by our participants, as this was beyond the scope of our qualitative approach. Nevertheless, our aim was to explore the range of quality‐limiting factors, rather than their prevalence, and this in‐depth analysis has extended previous work by identifying factors that may influence the quality of discharge care. Third, social desirability bias36 could have led participants to exaggerate or minimize aspects of quality‐limiting factors identified in this study. To minimize this potential bias, we included specific prompts for both negative and positive aspects of providing discharge care in our interview guide. Finally, our analytic decisions to over‐sample for interns, and to not include physicians who have completed training (eg, hospitalists), may introduce bias towards inexperience; however, our objective was to study the culture of discharge care at teaching hospitals, and our sample reflects the distribution of labor for tasks of discharge care at such institutions. Future research should address important questions raised by this study about the role of attending physicians in discharge care at teaching and non‐teaching hospitals.

Improving the quality of discharge care is an important step to improving overall outcomes of hospitalization, including reduced adverse events and unnecessary admissions. Our study suggests important quality‐limiting factors embedded in the norms for discharge care at teaching hospitals. These factors are unlikely to change without interventions at multiple levels of hospitals, discharge teams, and individual providers. Targeted interventions to change these practices will be necessary to achieve higher overall quality of care for hospitalized patients at teaching hospitals.

  1. Jencks SF,Williams MV,Coleman EA.Rehospitalizations among patients in the Medicare fee‐for‐service program.N Engl J Med.2009;360:14181428.
  2. Axon, Williams.Hospital readmission as an accountability measure.JAMA.2011;305(5):504505.
  3. Hospital to Home (H2H) Initiative. Available at: Accessed May 15,2011.
  4. Better Outcomes for Older adults through Safe Transitions (Project BOOST). Available at: Accessed May 18,2011.
  5. Ashton, Kuykendall, Johnson, Wray, Wu.The association between the quality of inpatient care and early readmission.Ann Intern Med.1995;122(6):415421.
  6. Ashton, Del Junco, Souchek, Wray, Mansyur.The association between the quality of inpatient care and early readmission: a meta‐analysis of the evidence.Med Care.1997;35(10):10441059.
  7. Benbassat, Taragin.Hospital readmissions as a measure of quality of health care: advantages and limitations.Arch Intern Med.2000;160(8):10741081.
  8. Greenwald JL,Denham CR,Jack BW.The hospital discharge: a review of a high risk care transition with highlights of a reengineered discharge process.J Patient Saf.2007;3:97106.
  9. Naylor, Brooten, Campbell, et al.Transitional care of older adults hospitalized with heart failure: a randomized, controlled trial.J Am Geriatr Soc.2004;52(5):675684.
  10. Phillips CO,Wright SM,Kern DE,Singa RM,Shepperd S,Rubin HR.Comprehensive discharge planning with postdischarge support for older patients with congestive heart failure: a meta‐analysis.JAMA.2004;291:13581367.
  11. Key‐Solle, Paulk, Bradford, Skinner, Lewis, Shomaker.Improving the quality of discharge communication with an educational intervention.Pediatrics.2010;126(4):734739.
  12. Harlan, Nkoy, Srivastava, et al.Improving transitions of care at hospital discharge—implications for pediatric hospitalists and primary care providers.J Healthc Qual.2010;32(5):5160.
  13. Kripalani S,LeFevre F,Phillips CO, et al.Deficits in communication and information transfer between hospital‐based and primary care physicians: implications for patient safety and continuity of care.JAMA.2007;297:831841.
  14. Press, Silber, Rosen, et al.The impact of resident duty hour reform on hospital readmission rates among Medicare beneficiaries.J Gen Intern Med.2011;26(4):405411.
  15. American Association of Medical Colleges. What Roles Do Teaching Hospitals Fullfill? Available at: Accessed December 15,2009.
  16. Bradley, Curry, Devers.Qualitative data analysis for health services research: developing taxonomy, themes, and theory.Health Serv Res.2007;42(4):17581772.
  17. Pope, Mays.Reaching the parts other methods cannot reach: an introduction to qualitative methods in health and health services research.BMJ.1995;311(6996):4245.
  18. Patton.Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods.Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Publications;2002.
  19. Horwitz, Moin, Krumholz, Wang, Bradley.Consequences of inadequate sign‐out for patient care.Arch Intern Med.2008;168(16):17551760.
  20. Horwitz LI,Moin T,Krumholz HM, et al.What are covering doctors told about their patients? Analysis of sign‐out among internal medicine house staff.Qual Saf Health Care.2009;18:248255.
  21. Lisa. Diamond, Schenker, Curry, Bradley, Fernandez.Getting by: underuse of interpreters by resident physicians.J Gen Intern Med.2008;24(2):256262.
  22. Morse.The significance of saturation.Qual Health Res.1995;5(2):147149.
  23. Glaser, Strauss.The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research.Chicago, IL:Aldine;1967.
  24. Crabtree, Miller, eds.Doing Qualitative Research (Research Methods for Primary Care).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage;1999:3346.
  25. Miles, Huberman.Qualitative Data Analysis.2nd ed.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage;1994.
  26. Koehler, Richter, Youngblood, et al.Reduction of 30‐day post‐discharge hospital readmission or ED visit rates in high‐risk elderly medical patients through delivery of a targeted care bundle.J Hosp Med.2009;4:211218.
  27. Snow, Beck, Budnitz, et al.Transitions of Care Consensus Policy Statement American College of Physicians–Society of General Internal Medicine–Society of Hospital Medicine–American Geriatrics Society–American College of Emergency Physicians–Society of Academic Emergency Medicine.J Gen Intern Med.2009;24(8):971976.
  28. Clancy.Reengineering hospital discharge: a protocol to improve patient safety, reduce costs, and boost patient satisfaction.Am J Med Qual.2009;24(4):344346.
  29. Coleman, Mahoney, Parry.Assessing the quality of preparation for post‐hospital care from the patient's perspective: the care transitions measure.Med Care.2005;43(3):246255.
  30. Hansen, Strater, Smith, et al.Hospital discharge documentation and risk of rehospitalisation.BMJ Qual Saf.2011;20(9):773778.
  31. Showalter, Rafferty, Swallow, Dasilva, Chuang.Effect of standardized electronic discharge instructions on post‐discharge hospital utilization.J Gen Intern Med.2011;26(7):718723.
  32. Roy, Poon, Karson, et al.Patient safety concerns arising from test results that return after hospital discharge.Ann Intern Med.2005;143(2):121128.
  33. Curry, Spatz, Cherlin, et al.What distinguishes top‐performing hospitals in acute myocardial infarction mortality rates? A qualitative study.Ann Intern Med.2011;154(6):384390.
  34. Asch, Nicholson, Srinivas, Herrin, Epstein.Evaluating obstetrical residency programs using patient outcomes.JAMA.2009;302(12):12771283.
  35. O'Leary, Liebovitz, Feinglass, et al.Creating a better discharge summary: improvement in quality and timeliness using an electronic discharge summary.J Hosp Med.2009;4:219225.
  36. Sudman, Bradburn, Schwarz.Thinking About Answers: The Application of Cognitive Processes to Survey Methodology.San Francisco, CA:Jossey‐Bass;1996.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(5)
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Hospital readmission is a common, costly, and often preventable occurrence in the United States. Among Medicare beneficiaries, 1 out of 5 patients is readmitted within 30 days, and the cost of unplanned readmissions exceeded $17 billion in 2007.1 As a result, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and others have called for focused efforts to reduce hospital readmission rates.24 The quality of hospital discharge care is a key determinant of readmission rates,57 and many recent interventions to reduce readmission have focused on improving various aspects of the discharge process.810 Although these approaches have shown promise, the role of physicians in improving the quality of discharge care has not been extensively studied. Existing studies have focused on communication barriers between physicians in the hospital and outpatient settings,1113 but these have not examined the hospital discharge process itself and the experience of physicians in that process. Physician perspectives on this process are critical to inform strategies to leverage their roles in improving the performance of discharge teams.

Accordingly, we sought to understand physician experiences with the hospital discharge process, focusing on factors that physicians perceived to limit the quality of the discharge process at teaching hospitals. Teaching hospitals provided an ideal setting for this study given their high readmission rates,14 despite efforts to improve discharge quality of care through multidisciplinary team approaches. We focused on housestaff physicians because of their in‐depth involvement in the discharge process at teaching hospitals, which collectively provide 20% of all hospital care in the US.15 Housestaff perspectives on quality‐limiting factors of the discharge process may help identify targets for interventions to improve the quality of inpatient discharge care and to ultimately reduce hospital readmissions.


Study Design and Sample

We conducted a qualitative study of internal medicine housestaff at 2 residency programs, with 7 different hospital settings, to ensure breadth of experience and perspectives (Table 1). Both programs train a large number of housestaff, and both are affiliated with prestigious medical schools and major universities. Qualitative methods are ideally suited to examine physician perspectives on discharge care because the inherent complexity of discharge processes, and importance of communication and multidisciplinary teamwork, are difficult to quantify.16, 17 We focused on housestaff because they are responsible for coordinating discharge care at teaching hospitals and have direct experience with the phenomenon of interest.18 We created a discussion guide (see Supporting Information, Out of Sight, Out of Mind Interview Guide in the online version of this article) informed by clinical experience and recent qualitative studies of housestaff, to guide conversation during the interviews.1921

Hospitals Affiliated With Participating Residency Programs
HospitalResidency ProgramOwnershipSettingTeaching Intensity
AAPrivate, nonprofitUrbanHigh
BBPrivate, nonprofitSemi‐urbanHigh
CAPrivate, nonprofit specialty (oncology)UrbanHigh
DBPrivate, nonprofit community hospitalRuralLow
EAPublic (Veterans Affairs)UrbanHigh
FBPublic (Veterans Affairs)Semi‐urbanHigh
GAPublic (county hospital)UrbanHigh

We obtained a list of current housestaff from directors at both residency programs and invited participation from all housestaff with an inpatient rotation in the preceding 6 months, using purposeful sampling to ensure adequate representation by postgraduate year (PGY) and gender. Given that interns are more involved in executing the details of discharge care, we purposefully over‐sampled for PGY‐1 rather than sampling each PGY equally. As an incentive, participants were entered into a lottery for one of three $100 gift cards at each site. All participants gave informed consent, and all research procedures were approved by the Institutional Review Boards of record for both residency programs.

Data Collection

We conducted in‐depth interviews until no new concepts were elicited with successive interviews; this theoretical saturation22, 23 occurred after 29 interviews. To ensure rigor in our approach, we adhered to a focused scope of inquiry, developed a cohesive theoretical sample, and held regular team meetings to assess the adequacy and comprehensiveness of all analytic results.24 All interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed by a professional transcription service, and all transcripts were reviewed for accuracy. A brief demographic survey was administered after each interview (Table 2).

Participant Characteristics
CharacteristicTotal N = 29
  • Abbreviation: PGY, postgraduate year.

AgeMean: 29.6 yr
Range: 2634 yr
Female19 (66%)
Male10 (34%)
Residency program 
A12 (41%)
B17 (59%)
Year in training 
PGY‐117 (59%)
PGY‐27 (24%)
PGY‐35 (17%)

Data Analysis

We employed the constant comparative method of qualitative data analysis.16, 18 Codes were developed iteratively and refined to identify conceptual segments of the data. The team reviewed the code structure throughout the analytic process, and revised the scope and content of codes as needed. The final code structure contained 22 codes, which we subsequently integrated into the 5 recurrent themes. Two members of the research team (S.R.G., D.S.) coded all of the transcripts; other team members (L.I.H., L.C., and E.H.B.) double‐ and triple‐coded portions of the data. All data were entered into a single database (Atlas.ti version 5.2) to ensure consistent application of codes across all transcripts. Disagreements in coding were resolved through negotiated consensus. Additional strategies to enhance the reliability of our findings included creation of an audit trail documenting the data coding and analysis processes, and seeking participant review and confirmation of the findings.24, 25 We shared summary findings with all participants via e‐mail, and sought participant confirmation through in‐person conversations with several individuals and responses to findings via e‐mail.


Based on interview transcripts from 29 internal medicine housestaff physicians (Table 3), we identified 5 recurrent and unifying themes describing factors perceived to limit the quality of inpatient discharge care: (1) competing priorities in the discharge process; (2) inadequate coordination within multidisciplinary discharge teams; (3) lack of standardization in discharge procedures; (4) poor patient and family communication; and (5) lack of postdischarge feedback and clinical responsibility.

Unifying Themes and Supporting Codes
Theme: Competing priorities of timeliness and thoroughness
Supporting codes
Professional or hospital norms about discharge
Time pressures including early discharge rules
Balancing multiple priorities or responsibilities
Duty hours and off hours including weekends and cross‐cover
Theme: Lack of coordination within multidisciplinary discharge team members
Supporting codes
Teamwork including individual roles, communication and coordination between team members
Clinical complexity or specific complexities of the healthcare system
Specific difficulties arranging for follow‐up care
Theme: Uncertainty about provider roles and patient readiness for discharge
Supporting codes
Uncertainty about provider roles or discharge timing
Readmissions and bounce‐backs
Clinical complexity or specific complexities of the healthcare system
Theme: Lack of standardization in discharge procedures
Supporting codes
Readmissions and bounce‐backs
Patient safety including the concept of safe discharge and mistakes or errors
Clinical complexity or specific complexities of the healthcare system
Checklists or other specific procedures/aids or clever systems to improve quality
Discharge documentation
Theme: Poor patient communication and postdischarge continuity of care
Supporting codes
Lack of continuity of care after discharge
Specific difficulties arranging for follow‐up care
Information technology including electronic medical records
Patient communication, education, or understanding
Discharge documentation

Competing Priorities in the Discharge Process

Housestaff uniformly asserted the importance of consistently performing high‐quality discharge; however, they identified several competing priorities that turned their attention elsewhere. Housestaff noted that the pressure to discharge early in the day was palpable, even if this compromised the thoroughness of the discharge process. Illustrating this theme, one participant said:

One thing that I found very frustrating here is the goal for 11:00 AM discharge . It's more important to get the patient out than it is to be thorough in the discharge is how it feels a lot of the time. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #3]

In addition to competing institutional priorities, housestaff also articulated tensions between their roles as learners and providers. Although educational duties, such as noon conference, contributed to general time constraints, they highlighted other patient care responsibilities as the primary competing priority to a high‐quality discharge:

The worst part in discharging is that it takes a lot of time and you're often limited by having to admit new patients . I don't think people realize how much time it takes often a lot longer than doing an admission. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #27]

Participants also described competing priorities in the context of transfers of care or sign‐out from the post‐call team to the on‐call team. Because discharges frequently occurred around the same time as these sign‐outs, housestaff described conflicting institutional priorities that created ambiguity about post‐call discharge responsibilities:

When you're post‐call, the hospital administration wants you to be out by 12:00, but then they're also saying do all the [discharge] stuff. So, which one do you want me to do? They kind of endorse both and that's confusing. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #7]

Although housestaff articulated patient safety as an essential goal of discharge care, the net effect of these competing individual and institutional priorities was an inconsistent focus on the discharge process and an unspoken or hidden message that discharge care was not of top‐level importance.

Inadequate Coordination Within Multidisciplinary Discharge Teams

Housestaff described difficulties in coordination and communication with multidisciplinary staff involved with the discharge process beyond the physician team. They felt their engagement with other team members was constrained by professional hierarchy and insufficient contact among team members, both of which directly affected hospital efficiency and patient safety:

On the hospital floor, it still feels like a hierarchy and it's very difficult to fit communication with nurses into our daily rounds . If we worked together more as a team, we could discharge patients faster and safer. [PGY‐3, Program B, Interview #1]

Housestaff also noted that discharge team experiences were diverse. Some discharge teams were described as cohesive, while others were described as fragmented and characterized by last‐minute problem solving and lack of cooperation among team members:

A low‐quality discharge is a rushed discharge for whatever reason, you don't really know that you're discharging the patient until that day. Those are the ones that are really hard. You're pushing social work to get things set up. They're pushing back at you. [PGY‐2, Program B, Interview #6]

Housestaff concerns about inadequate discharge planning were exacerbated by role confusion and uncertainty about which components of discharge care were to be performed by other team members. Even when housestaff articulated clear ownership for a particular task such as documenting plans in a discharge summary, they were uncertain how these documents would be used by other team members to communicate these plans to patients:

Half the time, I'm not sure if the patient gets the discharge summary, because I enter it but I don't actually know what the nurse does with it. I know she goes over their meds with them and gives them appointments, but if she actually gives them the discharge summary, I have no idea. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #18]

Thus, although housestaff described multidisciplinary teamwork as important, they often did not know how to lead or function effectively within the team, leading to conflict, misunderstanding, delays, and inefficiency. Moreover, uncertainty about roles for team members often led to wide variation in discharge practices observed at their institutions.

Lack of Standards for Discharge Procedures

Housestaff described an overall lack of standardization for the discharge process; a high degree of variation in practices was apparent at several levels. Housestaff noted differences in approaches to arranging follow‐up care depending on the hospital where they were rotating:

At this hospital, making follow‐up appointments is intermittent because there are some rotations that have someone help you with that, and others that don't. That is something that I feel should be standardized everywhere. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #7]

Housestaff also noted differences in approaches to discharge planning across different services within a single hospital, including examples of units that stood out for their ability to consistently provide high‐quality discharge care:

Coordinating with social work is very team‐dependent. On the Chest service and Virology services, we've got very good social workers who focus on those conditions so they know the issues in and out, and it just flows much more smoothly. [PGY‐3, Program A, Interview #20]

Lastly, variation was also noted in individual physician practices, especially with respect to attending physician involvement with the discharge team and teaching or supervision of housestaff discharge care:

The role of the attending totally varies. This month, I don't even think my attending looked at the prescriptions. She just stamped, stamped, signed whatever. But last month my attending was very involved; she double‐checked every prescription. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #21]

Overall, lack of standardization limited efforts to coordinate discharge procedures and set the stage for poor communication practices between discharge team members and patients and their families.

Poor Patient and Family Communication

Housestaff described practices for communicating with patients and families, at the time of discharge, as problematic. Although housestaff articulated this communication as critically important, they also recognized that time allocated to achieving this goal was not always commensurate:

I think, in a perfect world, I would have time to sit down with every single patient and say take these meds in the morning, these in the evening, and these are the reasons you're taking all of them, but I don't think that you have time to do all of that and I find that frustrating. [PGY‐2, Program A, Interview #27]

In addition to direct patient communication, housestaff identified problems with information in printed discharge materials. Although problems could stem from inadequate details in documentation given to patients, information overload was also a concern:

The discharge packet is like a book. I think there's too much extraneous information in it, and it's overwhelming to be discharged with this book of information. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #18]

Further, housestaff described the execution of discharge communication as perfunctory and lacking in attention to signs of adequate patient understanding:

Often, all patients get is a handshake and a stack of paperwork. Many of them don't know why they were in the hospital and what was done. [PGY‐2, Program B, Interview #2]

Overall, housestaff described patient understanding as a goal for the entire discharge team, but lacked individual accountability for patient and family communication. Housestaff also indicated that responsibilities to assess patient readiness to navigate the transition from hospital to post‐hospital care were not clearly defined.

Lack of Postdischarge Feedback and Clinical Responsibility

Housestaff described that the norms and culture of being on service focused on the hospital portion of care, and underemphasized post‐hospitalization care. With the extensive workload on inpatient services, housestaff commonly expressed their lack of involvement with a patient's care after discharge:

So often when you're on service once the patient is out of sight, they're out of mind. Once they leave our service, we are not the doctor anymore. That's the mentality. [PGY‐2, Program A, Interview #19]

Additionally, housestaff indicated that they rarely received feedback concerning postdischarge patient outcomes, and that the only mechanism for learning about outcomes of discharge care was patient readmission:

There's a lot of uncertainty at the time of discharge which is frustrating. I hope that I sent them out on the right doses, the right medication, to the right sorts of facilities with the right follow‐up providers, but I never know. The only way I'll find out if it's wrong is they come back to the hospital. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #4]

Housestaff also conceded that they could not follow patients postdischarge, given the demands of high turnover on inpatient rotations, and needed to limit their obligations to discharged patients to focus on newly admitted patients:

It's hard to keep track because sometimes we're discharging 10 patients a day, admitting 10 patients a day . So, once they leave, you did a good job and they're okay. [PGY‐3, Program A, Interview #26]

Furthermore, for patients readmitted to the hospital, housestaff described an approach to workup and management that focused on events during the prior admission, rather than events in the postdischarge period:

So if I'm admitting someone who's just been discharged, I think, Is this a new problem? Did we do this to the person? and if it's the same problem, Well, what did we do about it last time? Did we do anything? [PGY‐2, Program B, Interview #13]

Thus, although readmissions were described as problematic and undesirable, housestaff described a limited ability to follow up with patients or learn about the impact of the discharge practices on subsequent patient outcomes. More specifically, housestaff portrayed a limited ability to address the root causes for poor outcomes, such as readmission.


Housestaff physicians experienced 5 quality‐limiting factors that collectively created and reinforced a practice environment in which patients and patient outcomes after discharge remain largely out of sight, out of mind. In this environment, discharge was often viewed as a summative event that signaled the conclusion of care in one setting rather than a transition in care from one setting to another. Paradoxically, this environment was apparent despite the values and goals participants described for providing high‐quality discharge care, working within multidisciplinary discharge teams, and reducing readmissions.

The degree to which housestaff were focused on the hospital portion of patients' care, and viewed postdischarge care as beyond their scope or responsibility, was striking. The tight boundary they drew between hospital and post‐hospital care reflected the demanding workload in the hospital, the lack of data feedback about patients post‐hospitalization, and professional norms and expectations about housestaff responsibilities. Downstream effects of this tight boundary may result in confusion for patients and family about who to contact in case of postdischarge complications, and may ultimately catalyze higher emergency department use and readmissions.26 Efforts to redefine inpatient physician responsibilities, as providing patient care until management has been successfully transferred to a community‐based provider, may be necessary to ensure adequate postdischarge continuity of care.27

We also found that housestaff physicians reported marked variation in discharge practices across different hospitals and training settings, across different teams within hospitals, and across individual attending physicians. Although guidelines for discharge care currently endorsed by the National Quality Forum28 and others4, 27, 29 provide excellent templates, our findings suggest that the implementation of these standards at the hospital and physician level is limited. Furthermore, while existing single‐site interventions to standardize various discharge practices provide a foundational evidence base for high‐quality discharge care,2932 our study adds insight into the individual and institutional barriers that prevent diffusion of these practices to other hospitals.

Finally, the lack of coordination within discharge teams, described by housestaff physicians in our study, also suggests a need for improved leadership in the hospital overall and at the level of the discharge team. Studies of high‐performing hospitals have shown that top‐level institutional support is a necessary substrate for the creation and maintenance of high‐performance teamwork.33 At the level of the discharge team, creating a culture of high‐quality discharge care will require greater focus on defining team‐member roles and responsibilities. At the individual level, changes in physician training to provide discharge care are critical, especially since practice patterns learned in residency may predict quality of care over physicians' careers.34 Recent examples of curricular innovations for discharge care are encouraging,35 but more research on how physicians learn about discharge care and related systems‐based practice, learning, and improvement is needed to enable changes on a national scale.

Our findings should be interpreted in light of several limitations. First, we recruited housestaff from 1 specialty at 2 large training programs; experiences of housestaff in other specialties and other training programs may differ. Second, we cannot quantify the frequency of specific discharge procedures or outcomes described by our participants, as this was beyond the scope of our qualitative approach. Nevertheless, our aim was to explore the range of quality‐limiting factors, rather than their prevalence, and this in‐depth analysis has extended previous work by identifying factors that may influence the quality of discharge care. Third, social desirability bias36 could have led participants to exaggerate or minimize aspects of quality‐limiting factors identified in this study. To minimize this potential bias, we included specific prompts for both negative and positive aspects of providing discharge care in our interview guide. Finally, our analytic decisions to over‐sample for interns, and to not include physicians who have completed training (eg, hospitalists), may introduce bias towards inexperience; however, our objective was to study the culture of discharge care at teaching hospitals, and our sample reflects the distribution of labor for tasks of discharge care at such institutions. Future research should address important questions raised by this study about the role of attending physicians in discharge care at teaching and non‐teaching hospitals.

Improving the quality of discharge care is an important step to improving overall outcomes of hospitalization, including reduced adverse events and unnecessary admissions. Our study suggests important quality‐limiting factors embedded in the norms for discharge care at teaching hospitals. These factors are unlikely to change without interventions at multiple levels of hospitals, discharge teams, and individual providers. Targeted interventions to change these practices will be necessary to achieve higher overall quality of care for hospitalized patients at teaching hospitals.

Hospital readmission is a common, costly, and often preventable occurrence in the United States. Among Medicare beneficiaries, 1 out of 5 patients is readmitted within 30 days, and the cost of unplanned readmissions exceeded $17 billion in 2007.1 As a result, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and others have called for focused efforts to reduce hospital readmission rates.24 The quality of hospital discharge care is a key determinant of readmission rates,57 and many recent interventions to reduce readmission have focused on improving various aspects of the discharge process.810 Although these approaches have shown promise, the role of physicians in improving the quality of discharge care has not been extensively studied. Existing studies have focused on communication barriers between physicians in the hospital and outpatient settings,1113 but these have not examined the hospital discharge process itself and the experience of physicians in that process. Physician perspectives on this process are critical to inform strategies to leverage their roles in improving the performance of discharge teams.

Accordingly, we sought to understand physician experiences with the hospital discharge process, focusing on factors that physicians perceived to limit the quality of the discharge process at teaching hospitals. Teaching hospitals provided an ideal setting for this study given their high readmission rates,14 despite efforts to improve discharge quality of care through multidisciplinary team approaches. We focused on housestaff physicians because of their in‐depth involvement in the discharge process at teaching hospitals, which collectively provide 20% of all hospital care in the US.15 Housestaff perspectives on quality‐limiting factors of the discharge process may help identify targets for interventions to improve the quality of inpatient discharge care and to ultimately reduce hospital readmissions.


Study Design and Sample

We conducted a qualitative study of internal medicine housestaff at 2 residency programs, with 7 different hospital settings, to ensure breadth of experience and perspectives (Table 1). Both programs train a large number of housestaff, and both are affiliated with prestigious medical schools and major universities. Qualitative methods are ideally suited to examine physician perspectives on discharge care because the inherent complexity of discharge processes, and importance of communication and multidisciplinary teamwork, are difficult to quantify.16, 17 We focused on housestaff because they are responsible for coordinating discharge care at teaching hospitals and have direct experience with the phenomenon of interest.18 We created a discussion guide (see Supporting Information, Out of Sight, Out of Mind Interview Guide in the online version of this article) informed by clinical experience and recent qualitative studies of housestaff, to guide conversation during the interviews.1921

Hospitals Affiliated With Participating Residency Programs
HospitalResidency ProgramOwnershipSettingTeaching Intensity
AAPrivate, nonprofitUrbanHigh
BBPrivate, nonprofitSemi‐urbanHigh
CAPrivate, nonprofit specialty (oncology)UrbanHigh
DBPrivate, nonprofit community hospitalRuralLow
EAPublic (Veterans Affairs)UrbanHigh
FBPublic (Veterans Affairs)Semi‐urbanHigh
GAPublic (county hospital)UrbanHigh

We obtained a list of current housestaff from directors at both residency programs and invited participation from all housestaff with an inpatient rotation in the preceding 6 months, using purposeful sampling to ensure adequate representation by postgraduate year (PGY) and gender. Given that interns are more involved in executing the details of discharge care, we purposefully over‐sampled for PGY‐1 rather than sampling each PGY equally. As an incentive, participants were entered into a lottery for one of three $100 gift cards at each site. All participants gave informed consent, and all research procedures were approved by the Institutional Review Boards of record for both residency programs.

Data Collection

We conducted in‐depth interviews until no new concepts were elicited with successive interviews; this theoretical saturation22, 23 occurred after 29 interviews. To ensure rigor in our approach, we adhered to a focused scope of inquiry, developed a cohesive theoretical sample, and held regular team meetings to assess the adequacy and comprehensiveness of all analytic results.24 All interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed by a professional transcription service, and all transcripts were reviewed for accuracy. A brief demographic survey was administered after each interview (Table 2).

Participant Characteristics
CharacteristicTotal N = 29
  • Abbreviation: PGY, postgraduate year.

AgeMean: 29.6 yr
Range: 2634 yr
Female19 (66%)
Male10 (34%)
Residency program 
A12 (41%)
B17 (59%)
Year in training 
PGY‐117 (59%)
PGY‐27 (24%)
PGY‐35 (17%)

Data Analysis

We employed the constant comparative method of qualitative data analysis.16, 18 Codes were developed iteratively and refined to identify conceptual segments of the data. The team reviewed the code structure throughout the analytic process, and revised the scope and content of codes as needed. The final code structure contained 22 codes, which we subsequently integrated into the 5 recurrent themes. Two members of the research team (S.R.G., D.S.) coded all of the transcripts; other team members (L.I.H., L.C., and E.H.B.) double‐ and triple‐coded portions of the data. All data were entered into a single database (Atlas.ti version 5.2) to ensure consistent application of codes across all transcripts. Disagreements in coding were resolved through negotiated consensus. Additional strategies to enhance the reliability of our findings included creation of an audit trail documenting the data coding and analysis processes, and seeking participant review and confirmation of the findings.24, 25 We shared summary findings with all participants via e‐mail, and sought participant confirmation through in‐person conversations with several individuals and responses to findings via e‐mail.


Based on interview transcripts from 29 internal medicine housestaff physicians (Table 3), we identified 5 recurrent and unifying themes describing factors perceived to limit the quality of inpatient discharge care: (1) competing priorities in the discharge process; (2) inadequate coordination within multidisciplinary discharge teams; (3) lack of standardization in discharge procedures; (4) poor patient and family communication; and (5) lack of postdischarge feedback and clinical responsibility.

Unifying Themes and Supporting Codes
Theme: Competing priorities of timeliness and thoroughness
Supporting codes
Professional or hospital norms about discharge
Time pressures including early discharge rules
Balancing multiple priorities or responsibilities
Duty hours and off hours including weekends and cross‐cover
Theme: Lack of coordination within multidisciplinary discharge team members
Supporting codes
Teamwork including individual roles, communication and coordination between team members
Clinical complexity or specific complexities of the healthcare system
Specific difficulties arranging for follow‐up care
Theme: Uncertainty about provider roles and patient readiness for discharge
Supporting codes
Uncertainty about provider roles or discharge timing
Readmissions and bounce‐backs
Clinical complexity or specific complexities of the healthcare system
Theme: Lack of standardization in discharge procedures
Supporting codes
Readmissions and bounce‐backs
Patient safety including the concept of safe discharge and mistakes or errors
Clinical complexity or specific complexities of the healthcare system
Checklists or other specific procedures/aids or clever systems to improve quality
Discharge documentation
Theme: Poor patient communication and postdischarge continuity of care
Supporting codes
Lack of continuity of care after discharge
Specific difficulties arranging for follow‐up care
Information technology including electronic medical records
Patient communication, education, or understanding
Discharge documentation

Competing Priorities in the Discharge Process

Housestaff uniformly asserted the importance of consistently performing high‐quality discharge; however, they identified several competing priorities that turned their attention elsewhere. Housestaff noted that the pressure to discharge early in the day was palpable, even if this compromised the thoroughness of the discharge process. Illustrating this theme, one participant said:

One thing that I found very frustrating here is the goal for 11:00 AM discharge . It's more important to get the patient out than it is to be thorough in the discharge is how it feels a lot of the time. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #3]

In addition to competing institutional priorities, housestaff also articulated tensions between their roles as learners and providers. Although educational duties, such as noon conference, contributed to general time constraints, they highlighted other patient care responsibilities as the primary competing priority to a high‐quality discharge:

The worst part in discharging is that it takes a lot of time and you're often limited by having to admit new patients . I don't think people realize how much time it takes often a lot longer than doing an admission. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #27]

Participants also described competing priorities in the context of transfers of care or sign‐out from the post‐call team to the on‐call team. Because discharges frequently occurred around the same time as these sign‐outs, housestaff described conflicting institutional priorities that created ambiguity about post‐call discharge responsibilities:

When you're post‐call, the hospital administration wants you to be out by 12:00, but then they're also saying do all the [discharge] stuff. So, which one do you want me to do? They kind of endorse both and that's confusing. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #7]

Although housestaff articulated patient safety as an essential goal of discharge care, the net effect of these competing individual and institutional priorities was an inconsistent focus on the discharge process and an unspoken or hidden message that discharge care was not of top‐level importance.

Inadequate Coordination Within Multidisciplinary Discharge Teams

Housestaff described difficulties in coordination and communication with multidisciplinary staff involved with the discharge process beyond the physician team. They felt their engagement with other team members was constrained by professional hierarchy and insufficient contact among team members, both of which directly affected hospital efficiency and patient safety:

On the hospital floor, it still feels like a hierarchy and it's very difficult to fit communication with nurses into our daily rounds . If we worked together more as a team, we could discharge patients faster and safer. [PGY‐3, Program B, Interview #1]

Housestaff also noted that discharge team experiences were diverse. Some discharge teams were described as cohesive, while others were described as fragmented and characterized by last‐minute problem solving and lack of cooperation among team members:

A low‐quality discharge is a rushed discharge for whatever reason, you don't really know that you're discharging the patient until that day. Those are the ones that are really hard. You're pushing social work to get things set up. They're pushing back at you. [PGY‐2, Program B, Interview #6]

Housestaff concerns about inadequate discharge planning were exacerbated by role confusion and uncertainty about which components of discharge care were to be performed by other team members. Even when housestaff articulated clear ownership for a particular task such as documenting plans in a discharge summary, they were uncertain how these documents would be used by other team members to communicate these plans to patients:

Half the time, I'm not sure if the patient gets the discharge summary, because I enter it but I don't actually know what the nurse does with it. I know she goes over their meds with them and gives them appointments, but if she actually gives them the discharge summary, I have no idea. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #18]

Thus, although housestaff described multidisciplinary teamwork as important, they often did not know how to lead or function effectively within the team, leading to conflict, misunderstanding, delays, and inefficiency. Moreover, uncertainty about roles for team members often led to wide variation in discharge practices observed at their institutions.

Lack of Standards for Discharge Procedures

Housestaff described an overall lack of standardization for the discharge process; a high degree of variation in practices was apparent at several levels. Housestaff noted differences in approaches to arranging follow‐up care depending on the hospital where they were rotating:

At this hospital, making follow‐up appointments is intermittent because there are some rotations that have someone help you with that, and others that don't. That is something that I feel should be standardized everywhere. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #7]

Housestaff also noted differences in approaches to discharge planning across different services within a single hospital, including examples of units that stood out for their ability to consistently provide high‐quality discharge care:

Coordinating with social work is very team‐dependent. On the Chest service and Virology services, we've got very good social workers who focus on those conditions so they know the issues in and out, and it just flows much more smoothly. [PGY‐3, Program A, Interview #20]

Lastly, variation was also noted in individual physician practices, especially with respect to attending physician involvement with the discharge team and teaching or supervision of housestaff discharge care:

The role of the attending totally varies. This month, I don't even think my attending looked at the prescriptions. She just stamped, stamped, signed whatever. But last month my attending was very involved; she double‐checked every prescription. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #21]

Overall, lack of standardization limited efforts to coordinate discharge procedures and set the stage for poor communication practices between discharge team members and patients and their families.

Poor Patient and Family Communication

Housestaff described practices for communicating with patients and families, at the time of discharge, as problematic. Although housestaff articulated this communication as critically important, they also recognized that time allocated to achieving this goal was not always commensurate:

I think, in a perfect world, I would have time to sit down with every single patient and say take these meds in the morning, these in the evening, and these are the reasons you're taking all of them, but I don't think that you have time to do all of that and I find that frustrating. [PGY‐2, Program A, Interview #27]

In addition to direct patient communication, housestaff identified problems with information in printed discharge materials. Although problems could stem from inadequate details in documentation given to patients, information overload was also a concern:

The discharge packet is like a book. I think there's too much extraneous information in it, and it's overwhelming to be discharged with this book of information. [PGY‐1, Program A, Interview #18]

Further, housestaff described the execution of discharge communication as perfunctory and lacking in attention to signs of adequate patient understanding:

Often, all patients get is a handshake and a stack of paperwork. Many of them don't know why they were in the hospital and what was done. [PGY‐2, Program B, Interview #2]

Overall, housestaff described patient understanding as a goal for the entire discharge team, but lacked individual accountability for patient and family communication. Housestaff also indicated that responsibilities to assess patient readiness to navigate the transition from hospital to post‐hospital care were not clearly defined.

Lack of Postdischarge Feedback and Clinical Responsibility

Housestaff described that the norms and culture of being on service focused on the hospital portion of care, and underemphasized post‐hospitalization care. With the extensive workload on inpatient services, housestaff commonly expressed their lack of involvement with a patient's care after discharge:

So often when you're on service once the patient is out of sight, they're out of mind. Once they leave our service, we are not the doctor anymore. That's the mentality. [PGY‐2, Program A, Interview #19]

Additionally, housestaff indicated that they rarely received feedback concerning postdischarge patient outcomes, and that the only mechanism for learning about outcomes of discharge care was patient readmission:

There's a lot of uncertainty at the time of discharge which is frustrating. I hope that I sent them out on the right doses, the right medication, to the right sorts of facilities with the right follow‐up providers, but I never know. The only way I'll find out if it's wrong is they come back to the hospital. [PGY‐1, Program B, Interview #4]

Housestaff also conceded that they could not follow patients postdischarge, given the demands of high turnover on inpatient rotations, and needed to limit their obligations to discharged patients to focus on newly admitted patients:

It's hard to keep track because sometimes we're discharging 10 patients a day, admitting 10 patients a day . So, once they leave, you did a good job and they're okay. [PGY‐3, Program A, Interview #26]

Furthermore, for patients readmitted to the hospital, housestaff described an approach to workup and management that focused on events during the prior admission, rather than events in the postdischarge period:

So if I'm admitting someone who's just been discharged, I think, Is this a new problem? Did we do this to the person? and if it's the same problem, Well, what did we do about it last time? Did we do anything? [PGY‐2, Program B, Interview #13]

Thus, although readmissions were described as problematic and undesirable, housestaff described a limited ability to follow up with patients or learn about the impact of the discharge practices on subsequent patient outcomes. More specifically, housestaff portrayed a limited ability to address the root causes for poor outcomes, such as readmission.


Housestaff physicians experienced 5 quality‐limiting factors that collectively created and reinforced a practice environment in which patients and patient outcomes after discharge remain largely out of sight, out of mind. In this environment, discharge was often viewed as a summative event that signaled the conclusion of care in one setting rather than a transition in care from one setting to another. Paradoxically, this environment was apparent despite the values and goals participants described for providing high‐quality discharge care, working within multidisciplinary discharge teams, and reducing readmissions.

The degree to which housestaff were focused on the hospital portion of patients' care, and viewed postdischarge care as beyond their scope or responsibility, was striking. The tight boundary they drew between hospital and post‐hospital care reflected the demanding workload in the hospital, the lack of data feedback about patients post‐hospitalization, and professional norms and expectations about housestaff responsibilities. Downstream effects of this tight boundary may result in confusion for patients and family about who to contact in case of postdischarge complications, and may ultimately catalyze higher emergency department use and readmissions.26 Efforts to redefine inpatient physician responsibilities, as providing patient care until management has been successfully transferred to a community‐based provider, may be necessary to ensure adequate postdischarge continuity of care.27

We also found that housestaff physicians reported marked variation in discharge practices across different hospitals and training settings, across different teams within hospitals, and across individual attending physicians. Although guidelines for discharge care currently endorsed by the National Quality Forum28 and others4, 27, 29 provide excellent templates, our findings suggest that the implementation of these standards at the hospital and physician level is limited. Furthermore, while existing single‐site interventions to standardize various discharge practices provide a foundational evidence base for high‐quality discharge care,2932 our study adds insight into the individual and institutional barriers that prevent diffusion of these practices to other hospitals.

Finally, the lack of coordination within discharge teams, described by housestaff physicians in our study, also suggests a need for improved leadership in the hospital overall and at the level of the discharge team. Studies of high‐performing hospitals have shown that top‐level institutional support is a necessary substrate for the creation and maintenance of high‐performance teamwork.33 At the level of the discharge team, creating a culture of high‐quality discharge care will require greater focus on defining team‐member roles and responsibilities. At the individual level, changes in physician training to provide discharge care are critical, especially since practice patterns learned in residency may predict quality of care over physicians' careers.34 Recent examples of curricular innovations for discharge care are encouraging,35 but more research on how physicians learn about discharge care and related systems‐based practice, learning, and improvement is needed to enable changes on a national scale.

Our findings should be interpreted in light of several limitations. First, we recruited housestaff from 1 specialty at 2 large training programs; experiences of housestaff in other specialties and other training programs may differ. Second, we cannot quantify the frequency of specific discharge procedures or outcomes described by our participants, as this was beyond the scope of our qualitative approach. Nevertheless, our aim was to explore the range of quality‐limiting factors, rather than their prevalence, and this in‐depth analysis has extended previous work by identifying factors that may influence the quality of discharge care. Third, social desirability bias36 could have led participants to exaggerate or minimize aspects of quality‐limiting factors identified in this study. To minimize this potential bias, we included specific prompts for both negative and positive aspects of providing discharge care in our interview guide. Finally, our analytic decisions to over‐sample for interns, and to not include physicians who have completed training (eg, hospitalists), may introduce bias towards inexperience; however, our objective was to study the culture of discharge care at teaching hospitals, and our sample reflects the distribution of labor for tasks of discharge care at such institutions. Future research should address important questions raised by this study about the role of attending physicians in discharge care at teaching and non‐teaching hospitals.

Improving the quality of discharge care is an important step to improving overall outcomes of hospitalization, including reduced adverse events and unnecessary admissions. Our study suggests important quality‐limiting factors embedded in the norms for discharge care at teaching hospitals. These factors are unlikely to change without interventions at multiple levels of hospitals, discharge teams, and individual providers. Targeted interventions to change these practices will be necessary to achieve higher overall quality of care for hospitalized patients at teaching hospitals.

  1. Jencks SF,Williams MV,Coleman EA.Rehospitalizations among patients in the Medicare fee‐for‐service program.N Engl J Med.2009;360:14181428.
  2. Axon, Williams.Hospital readmission as an accountability measure.JAMA.2011;305(5):504505.
  3. Hospital to Home (H2H) Initiative. Available at: Accessed May 15,2011.
  4. Better Outcomes for Older adults through Safe Transitions (Project BOOST). Available at: Accessed May 18,2011.
  5. Ashton, Kuykendall, Johnson, Wray, Wu.The association between the quality of inpatient care and early readmission.Ann Intern Med.1995;122(6):415421.
  6. Ashton, Del Junco, Souchek, Wray, Mansyur.The association between the quality of inpatient care and early readmission: a meta‐analysis of the evidence.Med Care.1997;35(10):10441059.
  7. Benbassat, Taragin.Hospital readmissions as a measure of quality of health care: advantages and limitations.Arch Intern Med.2000;160(8):10741081.
  8. Greenwald JL,Denham CR,Jack BW.The hospital discharge: a review of a high risk care transition with highlights of a reengineered discharge process.J Patient Saf.2007;3:97106.
  9. Naylor, Brooten, Campbell, et al.Transitional care of older adults hospitalized with heart failure: a randomized, controlled trial.J Am Geriatr Soc.2004;52(5):675684.
  10. Phillips CO,Wright SM,Kern DE,Singa RM,Shepperd S,Rubin HR.Comprehensive discharge planning with postdischarge support for older patients with congestive heart failure: a meta‐analysis.JAMA.2004;291:13581367.
  11. Key‐Solle, Paulk, Bradford, Skinner, Lewis, Shomaker.Improving the quality of discharge communication with an educational intervention.Pediatrics.2010;126(4):734739.
  12. Harlan, Nkoy, Srivastava, et al.Improving transitions of care at hospital discharge—implications for pediatric hospitalists and primary care providers.J Healthc Qual.2010;32(5):5160.
  13. Kripalani S,LeFevre F,Phillips CO, et al.Deficits in communication and information transfer between hospital‐based and primary care physicians: implications for patient safety and continuity of care.JAMA.2007;297:831841.
  14. Press, Silber, Rosen, et al.The impact of resident duty hour reform on hospital readmission rates among Medicare beneficiaries.J Gen Intern Med.2011;26(4):405411.
  15. American Association of Medical Colleges. What Roles Do Teaching Hospitals Fullfill? Available at: Accessed December 15,2009.
  16. Bradley, Curry, Devers.Qualitative data analysis for health services research: developing taxonomy, themes, and theory.Health Serv Res.2007;42(4):17581772.
  17. Pope, Mays.Reaching the parts other methods cannot reach: an introduction to qualitative methods in health and health services research.BMJ.1995;311(6996):4245.
  18. Patton.Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods.Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Publications;2002.
  19. Horwitz, Moin, Krumholz, Wang, Bradley.Consequences of inadequate sign‐out for patient care.Arch Intern Med.2008;168(16):17551760.
  20. Horwitz LI,Moin T,Krumholz HM, et al.What are covering doctors told about their patients? Analysis of sign‐out among internal medicine house staff.Qual Saf Health Care.2009;18:248255.
  21. Lisa. Diamond, Schenker, Curry, Bradley, Fernandez.Getting by: underuse of interpreters by resident physicians.J Gen Intern Med.2008;24(2):256262.
  22. Morse.The significance of saturation.Qual Health Res.1995;5(2):147149.
  23. Glaser, Strauss.The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research.Chicago, IL:Aldine;1967.
  24. Crabtree, Miller, eds.Doing Qualitative Research (Research Methods for Primary Care).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage;1999:3346.
  25. Miles, Huberman.Qualitative Data Analysis.2nd ed.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage;1994.
  26. Koehler, Richter, Youngblood, et al.Reduction of 30‐day post‐discharge hospital readmission or ED visit rates in high‐risk elderly medical patients through delivery of a targeted care bundle.J Hosp Med.2009;4:211218.
  27. Snow, Beck, Budnitz, et al.Transitions of Care Consensus Policy Statement American College of Physicians–Society of General Internal Medicine–Society of Hospital Medicine–American Geriatrics Society–American College of Emergency Physicians–Society of Academic Emergency Medicine.J Gen Intern Med.2009;24(8):971976.
  28. Clancy.Reengineering hospital discharge: a protocol to improve patient safety, reduce costs, and boost patient satisfaction.Am J Med Qual.2009;24(4):344346.
  29. Coleman, Mahoney, Parry.Assessing the quality of preparation for post‐hospital care from the patient's perspective: the care transitions measure.Med Care.2005;43(3):246255.
  30. Hansen, Strater, Smith, et al.Hospital discharge documentation and risk of rehospitalisation.BMJ Qual Saf.2011;20(9):773778.
  31. Showalter, Rafferty, Swallow, Dasilva, Chuang.Effect of standardized electronic discharge instructions on post‐discharge hospital utilization.J Gen Intern Med.2011;26(7):718723.
  32. Roy, Poon, Karson, et al.Patient safety concerns arising from test results that return after hospital discharge.Ann Intern Med.2005;143(2):121128.
  33. Curry, Spatz, Cherlin, et al.What distinguishes top‐performing hospitals in acute myocardial infarction mortality rates? A qualitative study.Ann Intern Med.2011;154(6):384390.
  34. Asch, Nicholson, Srinivas, Herrin, Epstein.Evaluating obstetrical residency programs using patient outcomes.JAMA.2009;302(12):12771283.
  35. O'Leary, Liebovitz, Feinglass, et al.Creating a better discharge summary: improvement in quality and timeliness using an electronic discharge summary.J Hosp Med.2009;4:219225.
  36. Sudman, Bradburn, Schwarz.Thinking About Answers: The Application of Cognitive Processes to Survey Methodology.San Francisco, CA:Jossey‐Bass;1996.
  1. Jencks SF,Williams MV,Coleman EA.Rehospitalizations among patients in the Medicare fee‐for‐service program.N Engl J Med.2009;360:14181428.
  2. Axon, Williams.Hospital readmission as an accountability measure.JAMA.2011;305(5):504505.
  3. Hospital to Home (H2H) Initiative. Available at: Accessed May 15,2011.
  4. Better Outcomes for Older adults through Safe Transitions (Project BOOST). Available at: Accessed May 18,2011.
  5. Ashton, Kuykendall, Johnson, Wray, Wu.The association between the quality of inpatient care and early readmission.Ann Intern Med.1995;122(6):415421.
  6. Ashton, Del Junco, Souchek, Wray, Mansyur.The association between the quality of inpatient care and early readmission: a meta‐analysis of the evidence.Med Care.1997;35(10):10441059.
  7. Benbassat, Taragin.Hospital readmissions as a measure of quality of health care: advantages and limitations.Arch Intern Med.2000;160(8):10741081.
  8. Greenwald JL,Denham CR,Jack BW.The hospital discharge: a review of a high risk care transition with highlights of a reengineered discharge process.J Patient Saf.2007;3:97106.
  9. Naylor, Brooten, Campbell, et al.Transitional care of older adults hospitalized with heart failure: a randomized, controlled trial.J Am Geriatr Soc.2004;52(5):675684.
  10. Phillips CO,Wright SM,Kern DE,Singa RM,Shepperd S,Rubin HR.Comprehensive discharge planning with postdischarge support for older patients with congestive heart failure: a meta‐analysis.JAMA.2004;291:13581367.
  11. Key‐Solle, Paulk, Bradford, Skinner, Lewis, Shomaker.Improving the quality of discharge communication with an educational intervention.Pediatrics.2010;126(4):734739.
  12. Harlan, Nkoy, Srivastava, et al.Improving transitions of care at hospital discharge—implications for pediatric hospitalists and primary care providers.J Healthc Qual.2010;32(5):5160.
  13. Kripalani S,LeFevre F,Phillips CO, et al.Deficits in communication and information transfer between hospital‐based and primary care physicians: implications for patient safety and continuity of care.JAMA.2007;297:831841.
  14. Press, Silber, Rosen, et al.The impact of resident duty hour reform on hospital readmission rates among Medicare beneficiaries.J Gen Intern Med.2011;26(4):405411.
  15. American Association of Medical Colleges. What Roles Do Teaching Hospitals Fullfill? Available at: Accessed December 15,2009.
  16. Bradley, Curry, Devers.Qualitative data analysis for health services research: developing taxonomy, themes, and theory.Health Serv Res.2007;42(4):17581772.
  17. Pope, Mays.Reaching the parts other methods cannot reach: an introduction to qualitative methods in health and health services research.BMJ.1995;311(6996):4245.
  18. Patton.Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods.Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Publications;2002.
  19. Horwitz, Moin, Krumholz, Wang, Bradley.Consequences of inadequate sign‐out for patient care.Arch Intern Med.2008;168(16):17551760.
  20. Horwitz LI,Moin T,Krumholz HM, et al.What are covering doctors told about their patients? Analysis of sign‐out among internal medicine house staff.Qual Saf Health Care.2009;18:248255.
  21. Lisa. Diamond, Schenker, Curry, Bradley, Fernandez.Getting by: underuse of interpreters by resident physicians.J Gen Intern Med.2008;24(2):256262.
  22. Morse.The significance of saturation.Qual Health Res.1995;5(2):147149.
  23. Glaser, Strauss.The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research.Chicago, IL:Aldine;1967.
  24. Crabtree, Miller, eds.Doing Qualitative Research (Research Methods for Primary Care).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage;1999:3346.
  25. Miles, Huberman.Qualitative Data Analysis.2nd ed.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage;1994.
  26. Koehler, Richter, Youngblood, et al.Reduction of 30‐day post‐discharge hospital readmission or ED visit rates in high‐risk elderly medical patients through delivery of a targeted care bundle.J Hosp Med.2009;4:211218.
  27. Snow, Beck, Budnitz, et al.Transitions of Care Consensus Policy Statement American College of Physicians–Society of General Internal Medicine–Society of Hospital Medicine–American Geriatrics Society–American College of Emergency Physicians–Society of Academic Emergency Medicine.J Gen Intern Med.2009;24(8):971976.
  28. Clancy.Reengineering hospital discharge: a protocol to improve patient safety, reduce costs, and boost patient satisfaction.Am J Med Qual.2009;24(4):344346.
  29. Coleman, Mahoney, Parry.Assessing the quality of preparation for post‐hospital care from the patient's perspective: the care transitions measure.Med Care.2005;43(3):246255.
  30. Hansen, Strater, Smith, et al.Hospital discharge documentation and risk of rehospitalisation.BMJ Qual Saf.2011;20(9):773778.
  31. Showalter, Rafferty, Swallow, Dasilva, Chuang.Effect of standardized electronic discharge instructions on post‐discharge hospital utilization.J Gen Intern Med.2011;26(7):718723.
  32. Roy, Poon, Karson, et al.Patient safety concerns arising from test results that return after hospital discharge.Ann Intern Med.2005;143(2):121128.
  33. Curry, Spatz, Cherlin, et al.What distinguishes top‐performing hospitals in acute myocardial infarction mortality rates? A qualitative study.Ann Intern Med.2011;154(6):384390.
  34. Asch, Nicholson, Srinivas, Herrin, Epstein.Evaluating obstetrical residency programs using patient outcomes.JAMA.2009;302(12):12771283.
  35. O'Leary, Liebovitz, Feinglass, et al.Creating a better discharge summary: improvement in quality and timeliness using an electronic discharge summary.J Hosp Med.2009;4:219225.
  36. Sudman, Bradburn, Schwarz.Thinking About Answers: The Application of Cognitive Processes to Survey Methodology.San Francisco, CA:Jossey‐Bass;1996.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(5)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(5)
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“Out of sight, out of mind”: Housestaff perceptions of quality‐limiting factors in discharge care at teaching hospitals
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“Out of sight, out of mind”: Housestaff perceptions of quality‐limiting factors in discharge care at teaching hospitals
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Interdisciplinary Hospital QI Teams

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Thu, 11/16/2017 - 09:24
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Behaviors of successful interdisciplinary hospital quality improvement teams

Interest in healthcare teams has surged in recent years. A majority of the interest has been devoted to teamwork in the interdisciplinary clinical teams that staff operating rooms,1 emergency departments,2 and other inpatient settings.3 Interventions that enhance elements of teamwork like communication, mutual support among team members, and leadership have demonstrated effectiveness.4

Less attention has been paid to improving the success of hospital quality improvement (QI) teams, which gather individuals from different disciplines to improve a defined aspect of care. Studies suggest that QI teams can enable transformational change in healthcare systems,57 and that interdisciplinary representation,8, 9 physician involvement,10, 11 and clear goals12, 13 are associated with successful QI efforts. However, few studies have examined the behaviors of the QI teams that planned and implemented these efforts. Understanding how QI teams work to achieve their goals will allow hospitals to encourage these behaviors, and allow researchers to design interventions to augment these behaviors.

Accordingly, we sought to characterize the behaviors of successful interdisciplinary hospital QI teams. We previously reported on the strategies used by hospitals to reduce door‐to‐balloon times for patients with ST‐elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)14, 15 to the evidence‐based guideline of 90 minutes.16 Our objective is to examine how QI teams designed and implemented these strategies. We believe that studying high‐performing QI teams is a first step to developing testable hypotheses about the effectiveness of QI team behaviors and mechanisms by which these behaviors might produce positive team outcomes.


We designed a qualitative study using in‐depth interviews. We selected a qualitative methodology, since behaviors, social norms, and interpersonal interactions can be most appropriately examined using qualitative methods.17, 18 In addition, we used a positive deviance approach,19 where we focused on hospitals with top performance and the most improvement in door‐to‐balloon times. We sampled from hospitals in the National Registry of Myocardial Infarction (NRMI) who perform percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI, n = 151). We selected hospitals whose median door‐to‐balloon times were 90 minutes (n = 35). Then, we ranked hospitals in descending order according to their improvement during the previous 3 years (19992002). We sampled hospitals in descending order until we reached theoretical saturation where, as recommended for qualitative inquiry,2022 additional site visits did not uncover new concepts or patterns regarding our study questions. All sampled hospitals agreed to participate.

The first contact at each hospital was typically the director of QI. We asked to interview anyone with substantial involvement in the effort to reduce door‐to‐balloon times, and suggested that a wide variety of disciplines and roles be represented. We also used the snowball technique,22 where we asked participants to provide the names of individuals with substantial involvement in the reducing door‐to‐balloon times. Participants had varied levels of participation in QI teams. We purposely asked for minority and dissenting views from all participants.

At least 2 members of the research team conducted in‐depth interviews during hospital site visits. Interviews were conducted individually or in small groups, and lasted 1 to 1.5 hours. All data were audiotaped after verbal consent. Our interviews began with the grand tour question: What, if anything, has this hospital done to reduce its door‐to‐balloon times for patients with STEMI? The research team used standardized probes20, 23 to guide the discussion and achieve a complete understanding of the phenomena under study, including leadership and activities of the QI teams, and recommendations to other hospitals that wished to reduce door‐to‐balloon times. As recommended by experts,23 our interview guide was purposefully open‐ended to capture the range of experiences with QI teams. We did not specifically probe for facilitating or challenging behaviors. Audiotapes were transcribed by an independent, professional transcriptionist.

For this analysis, we defined QI teams as groups of administrators, providers, and staff who designed, implemented, and monitored processes to reduce door‐to‐balloon times. Each analysis team member independently cataloged quotes about team behaviors using a list of concepts (or codes). We then analyzed the quotes to identify recurrent themes relevant to the behaviors of interdisciplinary QI teams. We used the constant comparative method of analysis,20, 24, 25 which stipulates that the initial list of codes is refined as new transcripts are analyzed, and the final list is applied to all the transcripts. The analysis team included experts in QI, medicine, qualitative and health services research, as well as organizational psychology, and one of the interviewers. The presence of diverse perspectives in the analysis team,21 and a detailed audit trail20 to document the emergence of codes and themes, helped enhance researcher neutrality, data accuracy, and validity. We used Atlas.ti version 5.2 (Scientific Software Development GMbH, Berlin, Germany) to assist in the analysis.


Our sample (n = 11) included hospitals that varied on several characteristics (eg, geographic location), and median door‐to‐balloon times ranged from 55.5 to 89.5 minutes (Table 1). Hospitals in our sample had higher mean improvements in door‐to‐balloon times compared with non‐sampled NRMI hospitals (n = 140, 24 minutes vs 3 minutes over 3 years). Our interview participants (n = 122) included physicians, nurses, QI personnel, and administrative staff (Table 2). Five behaviors emerged from the data analysis. We found that interdisciplinary QI teams in successful hospitals focused on: (1) motivating involved hospital staff towards a shared goal, (2) creating opportunities for learning and problem‐solving, (3) addressing the impact of changes in care processes on staff, (4) protecting the integrity of the newly developed care processes, and (5) representing each involved clinical discipline effectively. These behaviors were recurrent across our diverse set of hospitals.

Description of the Study Sample (Hospitals)
HospitalRegionTeaching StatusNo. of BedsSTEMI Annualized Volume*Median Door‐to‐Balloon Time (min)
  • Abbreviation: STEMI, ST‐elevation myocardial infarction.

  • Based on 1999‐2002 volume.

  • Based on most recent 50 percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) cases in 2002.

Description of Study Sample (Participants)
ParticipantsNo. in Sample (n = 122)
  • Abbreviations: EMS, emergency medical services; MD, doctor of medicine; QI, quality improvement.

Emergency Medicine 
Executive managers20
QI personnel17
Other nurses13
Other clinical/support staff10

Motivating Involved Hospital Staff Toward a Shared Goal

As with any team, the QI teams in our sample had to motivate others in order to be successful:

Making certain that we have common goals [and] figuring out the best way to get there. It has to be a team, a partnership. It can't be I'm better than you, or this discipline is better than that discipline. We're all here for one reason. Hospital #11, Administrator


To redesign the door‐to‐balloon care process, successful QI teams engaged clinical disciplines that felt disempowered previously:

[ED physicians] were receptive, but they said, Cardiology won't let us do this. It's not going to be [just] cardiology anymore; it has to be everybody, because we really need to improve this time. Hospital #7, QI personnel


Teams also promoted reduction in door‐to‐balloon times as a goal that required shared participation from clinical disciplines including cardiology and emergency medicine, but also laboratory medicine, critical care, pharmacy, and transport. Achieving this goal would positively impact institutional standing:

When people get entrenched in their little domes they have a hard time seeing the overall benefit. Stress the institutional importance of this issue and the importance of cooperation and how it translates to better patient outcomes. [This is what] we're being monitored on; a very clear way in which we can be judged. Hospital #7, Catheterization Lab Medical Director


Creating Opportunities for Learning and Problem‐Solving

The work of these QI teams resulted in interdisciplinary conflict, but when individuals voiced frustration with other disciplines, it was seen as a necessary step in the redesign of a complex, interdisciplinary care process:

The first 6 to 8 months were spent team building and dealing with the vying for control. It was a total waste of time but necessary because now it was an interdisciplinary thing. It wasn't something we were trying to change within one service. We were asking everyone to sit down and agree about what they were going to do. The first [meetings] were shouting matches. The ED was becoming a scapegoat; the problem was never in the cath lab. We were able to act on some of those issues. You need to see both sides and understand what the barriers are. Hospital #1, Cardiology Nurse


Although challenging, interdisciplinary QI teams allowed team members to gain the detailed knowledge about front‐line operations that they needed:

We cardiologists don't really deal with what is happening behind the scenesexactly what a unit clerk does, and where the bottlenecks are. I discovered that lots of ideas come from unexpected places. Hospital #11, Cardiologist


To facilitate learning, teams cultivated a nonjudgmental, mutual trust atmosphere:

Throughout the whole process, there's been a lot of dialogue. Everybody throws their assumptions on the table, assumptions are respected; there is a lot of open communication. Hospital #3, Cardiology QI personnel


In addition, reducing door‐to‐balloon times required iterative problem‐solving. QI teams in our sample welcomed opportunities to learn from less effective strategies:

I'm one that's never too upset to ditch something if something was working and you switched to something else and now it's not working. You tried it. Go back. Or maybe it needs to be fine tuned. Hospital #1, Administrator


Addressing the Impact of Changes in Care Processes on Staff

Many hospitals in our sample required staff to arrive at the catheterization lab within 2030 minutes of being paged. This resulted in more demanding call schedules and changing roles (eg, activation of the cath lab by emergency department [ED] physicians instead of cardiologists). Participants conveyed both the burden of, and the satisfaction with, new processes:

It is a tremendous commitment time‐wise. We had a first call schedule but had to go to a second call schedule. There's no way you can get around the fact that it's very disruptive to your life. You're sitting down to dinner and suddenly you've got to go, and you don't have a chance to kiss the kids goodbye. You're out the door and heading to the hospital. It's been very disruptive, but it's a good program. No one regrets it. Hospital #5, Cardiologist


Successful QI teams validated staff concerns about the impact of these changes on workflow and quality of life:

We have few people who are nay saying for the sake of nay saying. People have legitimate concerns. I value those concerns as they affect the people who are involved. Hospital #4, Cardiologist


Teams responded to these concerns by testing solutions and eliminating negative consequences where possible:

[ED said]: We're uncomfortable with being the ordering physicians for labs drawn after patients leave the ED. I said, Let's make that issue go away. If they perceive it as a risk, let's make that fear go away because that removes a barrier. Hospital #4, Cardiologist


Protecting the Integrity of the New Care Processes

Once the necessary changes to the care of patients with STEMI were in place, these teams ensured that new processes were followed consistently. Rather than allowing customization of the processes by front‐line staff, QI teams monitored cases, gathered feedback, and made necessary modifications. Small modifications to the protocols helped incorporate front‐line feedback and reinvigorate staff:

People got comfortable and slower, and I quit hassling the group. We reinvigorated the Emergency Room, met with them, and changed the process a little bit. Change always perks people's attention. Hospital #8, Cardiologist


Another strategy to protect the integrity of the redesigned process was to highlight its value by publicizing clinical successes:

[We] let them know what we found and how the patient is doing. It's a pat on the back saying you did a good job. Next time [the ED physicians] will be screening that much closer. When we're leaving the hospital at 3 a.m. they'll say How did it go? They want to know; that adds to that team feeling because everybody is important. They help us do our job and we help them do theirs. Hospital #9, Catheterization Lab Technologist


Lastly, QI teams empowered front‐line staff to comply with the new process by emphasizing benefit to patients. This allowed staff to overcome hierarchical boundaries:

ED staff told us that sometimes patients waited because the cardiologist was getting a history and physical. They've been empowered to say We're ready to go. Before nurses felt that they couldn't really do that. Now we're getting through to them that time is muscle and that guy is costing the patient. Hospital #5, QI personnel


Representing Each Involved Clinical Discipline Effectively

Participants remarked on the importance of team member selection. Successful QI teams had members who could effectively represent each involved discipline. Effective representation involved in‐depth knowledge of one's aspect of the care process and communicating that perspective to the team:

The lab director got together with the ED director, who got together with the radiology director, who asked Who's transporting the patient?; How are we going to get blood drawn, what's going to happen? That middle management team became critical. Hospital #10, Administrator


Effective representation also required the authority to endorse and implement necessary changes:

The people that head councils are not people in the position to make changes in the workflow of the hospital. For example, having the ED doctor activate the cath lab. You'd say Well, the Chairman of Medicine would probably have something to do with this. Wrong. The Chairman of Medicine has no interest in STEMI care. Go to the Chairman of Cardiology. Sounds good, but you have to talk to the interventional guys. Go to the head of the cath lab. Sounds good, but it really has to go to a cath lab committee meeting. Hospital #1, QI personnel


In addition to knowledge of processes and authority to implement changes, team members in these successful QI teams had to be proficient in disseminating information on performance and changes to processes. Teams developed regular communication channels across levels of the hospital hierarchy, from front‐line staff to executive management:

Communication, communication, communication. Make sure you have a system set up where there's opportunity for back and forth between all the different levels. Set up the infrastructure from the beginning where there's a mechanism to relay information up and down. Hospital #1, Cardiology Nurse



We identified 5 behaviors of successful interdisciplinary QI teams based on our analysis of hospitals that reduced door‐to‐balloon times for patients with STEMI. These QI teams: (1) motivated involved hospital staff to consider lowering door‐to‐balloon times, a shared goal, (2) created opportunities for learning and problem‐solving, (3) addressed the impact of changes to care processes for patients with STEMI on staff, (4) protected the integrity of new care processes, and (5) represented each clinical discipline effectively by having members with in‐depth knowledge and authority.

Experts suggest that the key elements of effective teamwork in healthcare include prioritizing team over individual goals, mutual understanding, leadership, adaptability, and anticipation of the needs of others.26 These elements are supported by mutual trust and closed‐loop communication. The behaviors of QI teams in our study represent adaptive responses to the unique demands of QI in a complex organization. These teams went beyond an improvement model of identifying and analyzing a problem, and then developing and testing solutions by: (1) motivating and gathering information from each discipline, regardless of interdisciplinary conflicts; (2) responding to the concerns of front‐line staff, while maintaining control over the improvement process; and (3) sharing information across the hospital hierarchy. Table 3 illustrates potential relationships between the team behaviors in our data, the demands on hospital QI teams, and known elements of effective teamwork.

Examples of QI Team Behaviors in Our Data and Possible Relationships to Demands on Hospital QI Teams and to Established Elements of Teamwork
Demands on Hospital QI TeamsWhat QI Teams Must Do to Improve CareElements of Teamwork*Behaviors of QI Teams in Our StudyExamples
  • Abbreviation: QI, quality improvement.

  • Elements of teamwork adapted from Salas et al.26

Gather information from and motivate each involved disciplineTeam rather than individual goalsMotivating all involved hospital staff towards a shared goalPromote parity among disciplines
Invite every involved discipline
Emphasize benefit to patients
Gather information from and motivate each involved disciplineMutual understandingCreating opportunities for learningAllow for interdisciplinary disagreements
Gather detailed operational knowledge in a mutual‐trust environment
Guide changes using objective data
Respond to the concerns of front‐line staff while maintaining control over the improvement processAnticipate the needs of othersAddressing the impact of changes on staffValidate concerns from all disciplines
Test solutions to negative consequences (eg, call schedules, laboratory forms)
Respond to the concerns of front‐line staff while maintaining control over the improvement processAdaptabilityProtecting the integrity of new protocolsMonitor data and respond to performance losses
Document and publicize successes
Empower front‐line staff to respond to lapses in protocol
Keep all levels of the hospital hierarchy informed during he improvement processLeadershipRepresenting each involved clinical discipline effectivelySelect members with in‐depth knowledge about processes
Select members with authority to implement changes within their discipline
Exchange information with executive management and front‐line staff

The behaviors in our study suggest effective teamwork strategies for QI. For example, our data suggest that successful interdisciplinary QI teams need effective representation from each involved discipline. This representation is necessary for motivation of front‐line staff, gathering of detailed information about processes, and the effective implementation of changes. Although this level of representation might challenge the cohesiveness of some teams,27 the teams in our sample managed conflict among disciplines without sacrificing the shared goal. By allocating attention and resources to the concerns of each discipline, the teams we studied prioritized team over individual goals and promoted mutual understanding.

Similarly, deciding when to modify the new protocols required leadership, adaptability, and anticipation of the needs of others. Successful QI teams in our sample modified protocols based on data and feedback, and created the mutual trust environment that is known to facilitate learning among disciplines.2830 Their willingness to learn, however, did not deter teams from protecting the integrity of new protocols. Lastly, participants stressed the importance of managing information across hierarchical boundaries. Managing reliable, timely, and accurate information across all levels is crucial to teamwork, and to the power and influence of a team.31

Our conclusions should be interpreted in light of several limitations. First, our study did not include a comparison group of low‐performing hospitals. We followed the recommendations of qualitative research experts23 who recommend sampling those with the most information on, and experience with, the phenomena under study (QI teams in high‐performing hospitals). The hypotheses we present here require further testing in quantitative studies of hospitals with diversity in QI team outcomes. Second, it is possible that sampled participants favored responses that they considered more desirable. To minimize this bias, we interviewed multiple participants per hospital, assured their confidentiality, and asked them to elaborate their responses. We sampled participants with a wide range of clinical and operational roles in each hospital, and also used the snowball sampling method to augment our sample. The range of responses collected, including frank discussions about setbacks, argues against the existence of contrasting behaviors to those captured. Third, although our sample included hospitals of various size and location, our findings might not reflect those of a larger sample of US hospitals. Last, the behaviors of QI teams may differ for other clinical processes.

Translating these findings into practice will require future studies of the impact of QI team behaviors on sustainability of quality gains. Since QI teams are not typically permanent, additional research is needed to identify behaviors associated with sustainable improvements. In addition, we must test whether the relationship between behaviors and team outcomes depends on whether the QI team strives to reach an evidence‐based goal or to improve a process as much as possible. Our sample demonstrated a combined approach, where the evidence‐based goal was followed by a desire to continue to further reduce door‐to‐balloon times. Similarly, the relationship between behaviors and team outcomes might depend on the catalyst for improvement (eg, regulatory pressure, an adverse event). The confluence of strong evidence and regulatory pressure that fueled these teams might not be true for other measures. Lastly, studies of teamwork in QI teams will require objective measures of team behaviors. A combination of surveys and direct team observation will likely be required to measure these behaviors, especially effective representation.

Our study highlights behaviors common to successful interdisciplinary QI teams in high‐performing hospitals. Previous studies have identified elements of teamwork and the importance of teams to QI, but have not examined team behaviors. In the era of an ever‐growing list of quality measures and of movement toward performance‐based reimbursement models,3234 hospitals have embraced the use of interdisciplinary teams as a key component of QI efforts. Our findings suggest that hospitals could enhance QI team effectiveness by promoting behaviors associated with successful interdisciplinary teams. When applied to QI teams, teamwork training could be supplemented with knowledge, attitudes, and skills regarding information‐gathering, problem‐solving, and communication across disciplines and levels of the hospital hierarchy.


The authors thank Harlan Krumholz for his mentorship; Tashonna Webster, Emily Cherlin, and Jeph Herrin for technical support; also the RWJ Clinical Scholars Program, Montefiore's DGIM faculty, and the participants of this study.

  1. Wolf FA,Way LW,Stewart L.The efficacy of medical team training: improved team performance and decreased operating room delays.Ann Surg.2010;252:477485.
  2. Morey JC,Simon R,Jay GD, et al.Error reduction and performance improvement in the Emergency Department through formal teamwork training: evaluation results of the MedTeams project.Health Serv Res.2002;37:15531581.
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  6. Keroack MA,Youngberg BJ,Cerese JL,Krsek C,Prellwitz LW,Trevelyan EW.Organizational factors associated with high performance in quality and safety in academic medical centers.Acad Med.2007;82:11781186.
  7. Lukas CVD,Holmes SK,Cohen AB, et al.Transformational change in health care systems: an organizational model.Health Care Manage Rev.2007;32:309320.
  8. Vinokur‐Kaplan D.Treatment teams that work (and those that don't): an application of Hackman's group effectiveness model to interdisciplinary teams in psychiatric hospitals.J Appl Behav Sci.1995;31:303327.
  9. Lemieux‐Charles L,McGuire WL.What do we know about health care team effectiveness? A review of the literature.Med Care Res Rev.2006;63:263300.
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  13. Mills PD,Weeks WB.Characteristics of successful quality improvement teams: lessons from five collaborative projects in the VHA.Jt Comm J Qual Saf.2004;30:152162.
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  33. Medicare program: hospital inpatient value‐based purchasing program, proposed rule.Fed Reg.76(9):24542491.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(9)
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Interest in healthcare teams has surged in recent years. A majority of the interest has been devoted to teamwork in the interdisciplinary clinical teams that staff operating rooms,1 emergency departments,2 and other inpatient settings.3 Interventions that enhance elements of teamwork like communication, mutual support among team members, and leadership have demonstrated effectiveness.4

Less attention has been paid to improving the success of hospital quality improvement (QI) teams, which gather individuals from different disciplines to improve a defined aspect of care. Studies suggest that QI teams can enable transformational change in healthcare systems,57 and that interdisciplinary representation,8, 9 physician involvement,10, 11 and clear goals12, 13 are associated with successful QI efforts. However, few studies have examined the behaviors of the QI teams that planned and implemented these efforts. Understanding how QI teams work to achieve their goals will allow hospitals to encourage these behaviors, and allow researchers to design interventions to augment these behaviors.

Accordingly, we sought to characterize the behaviors of successful interdisciplinary hospital QI teams. We previously reported on the strategies used by hospitals to reduce door‐to‐balloon times for patients with ST‐elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)14, 15 to the evidence‐based guideline of 90 minutes.16 Our objective is to examine how QI teams designed and implemented these strategies. We believe that studying high‐performing QI teams is a first step to developing testable hypotheses about the effectiveness of QI team behaviors and mechanisms by which these behaviors might produce positive team outcomes.


We designed a qualitative study using in‐depth interviews. We selected a qualitative methodology, since behaviors, social norms, and interpersonal interactions can be most appropriately examined using qualitative methods.17, 18 In addition, we used a positive deviance approach,19 where we focused on hospitals with top performance and the most improvement in door‐to‐balloon times. We sampled from hospitals in the National Registry of Myocardial Infarction (NRMI) who perform percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI, n = 151). We selected hospitals whose median door‐to‐balloon times were 90 minutes (n = 35). Then, we ranked hospitals in descending order according to their improvement during the previous 3 years (19992002). We sampled hospitals in descending order until we reached theoretical saturation where, as recommended for qualitative inquiry,2022 additional site visits did not uncover new concepts or patterns regarding our study questions. All sampled hospitals agreed to participate.

The first contact at each hospital was typically the director of QI. We asked to interview anyone with substantial involvement in the effort to reduce door‐to‐balloon times, and suggested that a wide variety of disciplines and roles be represented. We also used the snowball technique,22 where we asked participants to provide the names of individuals with substantial involvement in the reducing door‐to‐balloon times. Participants had varied levels of participation in QI teams. We purposely asked for minority and dissenting views from all participants.

At least 2 members of the research team conducted in‐depth interviews during hospital site visits. Interviews were conducted individually or in small groups, and lasted 1 to 1.5 hours. All data were audiotaped after verbal consent. Our interviews began with the grand tour question: What, if anything, has this hospital done to reduce its door‐to‐balloon times for patients with STEMI? The research team used standardized probes20, 23 to guide the discussion and achieve a complete understanding of the phenomena under study, including leadership and activities of the QI teams, and recommendations to other hospitals that wished to reduce door‐to‐balloon times. As recommended by experts,23 our interview guide was purposefully open‐ended to capture the range of experiences with QI teams. We did not specifically probe for facilitating or challenging behaviors. Audiotapes were transcribed by an independent, professional transcriptionist.

For this analysis, we defined QI teams as groups of administrators, providers, and staff who designed, implemented, and monitored processes to reduce door‐to‐balloon times. Each analysis team member independently cataloged quotes about team behaviors using a list of concepts (or codes). We then analyzed the quotes to identify recurrent themes relevant to the behaviors of interdisciplinary QI teams. We used the constant comparative method of analysis,20, 24, 25 which stipulates that the initial list of codes is refined as new transcripts are analyzed, and the final list is applied to all the transcripts. The analysis team included experts in QI, medicine, qualitative and health services research, as well as organizational psychology, and one of the interviewers. The presence of diverse perspectives in the analysis team,21 and a detailed audit trail20 to document the emergence of codes and themes, helped enhance researcher neutrality, data accuracy, and validity. We used Atlas.ti version 5.2 (Scientific Software Development GMbH, Berlin, Germany) to assist in the analysis.


Our sample (n = 11) included hospitals that varied on several characteristics (eg, geographic location), and median door‐to‐balloon times ranged from 55.5 to 89.5 minutes (Table 1). Hospitals in our sample had higher mean improvements in door‐to‐balloon times compared with non‐sampled NRMI hospitals (n = 140, 24 minutes vs 3 minutes over 3 years). Our interview participants (n = 122) included physicians, nurses, QI personnel, and administrative staff (Table 2). Five behaviors emerged from the data analysis. We found that interdisciplinary QI teams in successful hospitals focused on: (1) motivating involved hospital staff towards a shared goal, (2) creating opportunities for learning and problem‐solving, (3) addressing the impact of changes in care processes on staff, (4) protecting the integrity of the newly developed care processes, and (5) representing each involved clinical discipline effectively. These behaviors were recurrent across our diverse set of hospitals.

Description of the Study Sample (Hospitals)
HospitalRegionTeaching StatusNo. of BedsSTEMI Annualized Volume*Median Door‐to‐Balloon Time (min)
  • Abbreviation: STEMI, ST‐elevation myocardial infarction.

  • Based on 1999‐2002 volume.

  • Based on most recent 50 percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) cases in 2002.

Description of Study Sample (Participants)
ParticipantsNo. in Sample (n = 122)
  • Abbreviations: EMS, emergency medical services; MD, doctor of medicine; QI, quality improvement.

Emergency Medicine 
Executive managers20
QI personnel17
Other nurses13
Other clinical/support staff10

Motivating Involved Hospital Staff Toward a Shared Goal

As with any team, the QI teams in our sample had to motivate others in order to be successful:

Making certain that we have common goals [and] figuring out the best way to get there. It has to be a team, a partnership. It can't be I'm better than you, or this discipline is better than that discipline. We're all here for one reason. Hospital #11, Administrator


To redesign the door‐to‐balloon care process, successful QI teams engaged clinical disciplines that felt disempowered previously:

[ED physicians] were receptive, but they said, Cardiology won't let us do this. It's not going to be [just] cardiology anymore; it has to be everybody, because we really need to improve this time. Hospital #7, QI personnel


Teams also promoted reduction in door‐to‐balloon times as a goal that required shared participation from clinical disciplines including cardiology and emergency medicine, but also laboratory medicine, critical care, pharmacy, and transport. Achieving this goal would positively impact institutional standing:

When people get entrenched in their little domes they have a hard time seeing the overall benefit. Stress the institutional importance of this issue and the importance of cooperation and how it translates to better patient outcomes. [This is what] we're being monitored on; a very clear way in which we can be judged. Hospital #7, Catheterization Lab Medical Director


Creating Opportunities for Learning and Problem‐Solving

The work of these QI teams resulted in interdisciplinary conflict, but when individuals voiced frustration with other disciplines, it was seen as a necessary step in the redesign of a complex, interdisciplinary care process:

The first 6 to 8 months were spent team building and dealing with the vying for control. It was a total waste of time but necessary because now it was an interdisciplinary thing. It wasn't something we were trying to change within one service. We were asking everyone to sit down and agree about what they were going to do. The first [meetings] were shouting matches. The ED was becoming a scapegoat; the problem was never in the cath lab. We were able to act on some of those issues. You need to see both sides and understand what the barriers are. Hospital #1, Cardiology Nurse


Although challenging, interdisciplinary QI teams allowed team members to gain the detailed knowledge about front‐line operations that they needed:

We cardiologists don't really deal with what is happening behind the scenesexactly what a unit clerk does, and where the bottlenecks are. I discovered that lots of ideas come from unexpected places. Hospital #11, Cardiologist


To facilitate learning, teams cultivated a nonjudgmental, mutual trust atmosphere:

Throughout the whole process, there's been a lot of dialogue. Everybody throws their assumptions on the table, assumptions are respected; there is a lot of open communication. Hospital #3, Cardiology QI personnel


In addition, reducing door‐to‐balloon times required iterative problem‐solving. QI teams in our sample welcomed opportunities to learn from less effective strategies:

I'm one that's never too upset to ditch something if something was working and you switched to something else and now it's not working. You tried it. Go back. Or maybe it needs to be fine tuned. Hospital #1, Administrator


Addressing the Impact of Changes in Care Processes on Staff

Many hospitals in our sample required staff to arrive at the catheterization lab within 2030 minutes of being paged. This resulted in more demanding call schedules and changing roles (eg, activation of the cath lab by emergency department [ED] physicians instead of cardiologists). Participants conveyed both the burden of, and the satisfaction with, new processes:

It is a tremendous commitment time‐wise. We had a first call schedule but had to go to a second call schedule. There's no way you can get around the fact that it's very disruptive to your life. You're sitting down to dinner and suddenly you've got to go, and you don't have a chance to kiss the kids goodbye. You're out the door and heading to the hospital. It's been very disruptive, but it's a good program. No one regrets it. Hospital #5, Cardiologist


Successful QI teams validated staff concerns about the impact of these changes on workflow and quality of life:

We have few people who are nay saying for the sake of nay saying. People have legitimate concerns. I value those concerns as they affect the people who are involved. Hospital #4, Cardiologist


Teams responded to these concerns by testing solutions and eliminating negative consequences where possible:

[ED said]: We're uncomfortable with being the ordering physicians for labs drawn after patients leave the ED. I said, Let's make that issue go away. If they perceive it as a risk, let's make that fear go away because that removes a barrier. Hospital #4, Cardiologist


Protecting the Integrity of the New Care Processes

Once the necessary changes to the care of patients with STEMI were in place, these teams ensured that new processes were followed consistently. Rather than allowing customization of the processes by front‐line staff, QI teams monitored cases, gathered feedback, and made necessary modifications. Small modifications to the protocols helped incorporate front‐line feedback and reinvigorate staff:

People got comfortable and slower, and I quit hassling the group. We reinvigorated the Emergency Room, met with them, and changed the process a little bit. Change always perks people's attention. Hospital #8, Cardiologist


Another strategy to protect the integrity of the redesigned process was to highlight its value by publicizing clinical successes:

[We] let them know what we found and how the patient is doing. It's a pat on the back saying you did a good job. Next time [the ED physicians] will be screening that much closer. When we're leaving the hospital at 3 a.m. they'll say How did it go? They want to know; that adds to that team feeling because everybody is important. They help us do our job and we help them do theirs. Hospital #9, Catheterization Lab Technologist


Lastly, QI teams empowered front‐line staff to comply with the new process by emphasizing benefit to patients. This allowed staff to overcome hierarchical boundaries:

ED staff told us that sometimes patients waited because the cardiologist was getting a history and physical. They've been empowered to say We're ready to go. Before nurses felt that they couldn't really do that. Now we're getting through to them that time is muscle and that guy is costing the patient. Hospital #5, QI personnel


Representing Each Involved Clinical Discipline Effectively

Participants remarked on the importance of team member selection. Successful QI teams had members who could effectively represent each involved discipline. Effective representation involved in‐depth knowledge of one's aspect of the care process and communicating that perspective to the team:

The lab director got together with the ED director, who got together with the radiology director, who asked Who's transporting the patient?; How are we going to get blood drawn, what's going to happen? That middle management team became critical. Hospital #10, Administrator


Effective representation also required the authority to endorse and implement necessary changes:

The people that head councils are not people in the position to make changes in the workflow of the hospital. For example, having the ED doctor activate the cath lab. You'd say Well, the Chairman of Medicine would probably have something to do with this. Wrong. The Chairman of Medicine has no interest in STEMI care. Go to the Chairman of Cardiology. Sounds good, but you have to talk to the interventional guys. Go to the head of the cath lab. Sounds good, but it really has to go to a cath lab committee meeting. Hospital #1, QI personnel


In addition to knowledge of processes and authority to implement changes, team members in these successful QI teams had to be proficient in disseminating information on performance and changes to processes. Teams developed regular communication channels across levels of the hospital hierarchy, from front‐line staff to executive management:

Communication, communication, communication. Make sure you have a system set up where there's opportunity for back and forth between all the different levels. Set up the infrastructure from the beginning where there's a mechanism to relay information up and down. Hospital #1, Cardiology Nurse



We identified 5 behaviors of successful interdisciplinary QI teams based on our analysis of hospitals that reduced door‐to‐balloon times for patients with STEMI. These QI teams: (1) motivated involved hospital staff to consider lowering door‐to‐balloon times, a shared goal, (2) created opportunities for learning and problem‐solving, (3) addressed the impact of changes to care processes for patients with STEMI on staff, (4) protected the integrity of new care processes, and (5) represented each clinical discipline effectively by having members with in‐depth knowledge and authority.

Experts suggest that the key elements of effective teamwork in healthcare include prioritizing team over individual goals, mutual understanding, leadership, adaptability, and anticipation of the needs of others.26 These elements are supported by mutual trust and closed‐loop communication. The behaviors of QI teams in our study represent adaptive responses to the unique demands of QI in a complex organization. These teams went beyond an improvement model of identifying and analyzing a problem, and then developing and testing solutions by: (1) motivating and gathering information from each discipline, regardless of interdisciplinary conflicts; (2) responding to the concerns of front‐line staff, while maintaining control over the improvement process; and (3) sharing information across the hospital hierarchy. Table 3 illustrates potential relationships between the team behaviors in our data, the demands on hospital QI teams, and known elements of effective teamwork.

Examples of QI Team Behaviors in Our Data and Possible Relationships to Demands on Hospital QI Teams and to Established Elements of Teamwork
Demands on Hospital QI TeamsWhat QI Teams Must Do to Improve CareElements of Teamwork*Behaviors of QI Teams in Our StudyExamples
  • Abbreviation: QI, quality improvement.

  • Elements of teamwork adapted from Salas et al.26

Gather information from and motivate each involved disciplineTeam rather than individual goalsMotivating all involved hospital staff towards a shared goalPromote parity among disciplines
Invite every involved discipline
Emphasize benefit to patients
Gather information from and motivate each involved disciplineMutual understandingCreating opportunities for learningAllow for interdisciplinary disagreements
Gather detailed operational knowledge in a mutual‐trust environment
Guide changes using objective data
Respond to the concerns of front‐line staff while maintaining control over the improvement processAnticipate the needs of othersAddressing the impact of changes on staffValidate concerns from all disciplines
Test solutions to negative consequences (eg, call schedules, laboratory forms)
Respond to the concerns of front‐line staff while maintaining control over the improvement processAdaptabilityProtecting the integrity of new protocolsMonitor data and respond to performance losses
Document and publicize successes
Empower front‐line staff to respond to lapses in protocol
Keep all levels of the hospital hierarchy informed during he improvement processLeadershipRepresenting each involved clinical discipline effectivelySelect members with in‐depth knowledge about processes
Select members with authority to implement changes within their discipline
Exchange information with executive management and front‐line staff

The behaviors in our study suggest effective teamwork strategies for QI. For example, our data suggest that successful interdisciplinary QI teams need effective representation from each involved discipline. This representation is necessary for motivation of front‐line staff, gathering of detailed information about processes, and the effective implementation of changes. Although this level of representation might challenge the cohesiveness of some teams,27 the teams in our sample managed conflict among disciplines without sacrificing the shared goal. By allocating attention and resources to the concerns of each discipline, the teams we studied prioritized team over individual goals and promoted mutual understanding.

Similarly, deciding when to modify the new protocols required leadership, adaptability, and anticipation of the needs of others. Successful QI teams in our sample modified protocols based on data and feedback, and created the mutual trust environment that is known to facilitate learning among disciplines.2830 Their willingness to learn, however, did not deter teams from protecting the integrity of new protocols. Lastly, participants stressed the importance of managing information across hierarchical boundaries. Managing reliable, timely, and accurate information across all levels is crucial to teamwork, and to the power and influence of a team.31

Our conclusions should be interpreted in light of several limitations. First, our study did not include a comparison group of low‐performing hospitals. We followed the recommendations of qualitative research experts23 who recommend sampling those with the most information on, and experience with, the phenomena under study (QI teams in high‐performing hospitals). The hypotheses we present here require further testing in quantitative studies of hospitals with diversity in QI team outcomes. Second, it is possible that sampled participants favored responses that they considered more desirable. To minimize this bias, we interviewed multiple participants per hospital, assured their confidentiality, and asked them to elaborate their responses. We sampled participants with a wide range of clinical and operational roles in each hospital, and also used the snowball sampling method to augment our sample. The range of responses collected, including frank discussions about setbacks, argues against the existence of contrasting behaviors to those captured. Third, although our sample included hospitals of various size and location, our findings might not reflect those of a larger sample of US hospitals. Last, the behaviors of QI teams may differ for other clinical processes.

Translating these findings into practice will require future studies of the impact of QI team behaviors on sustainability of quality gains. Since QI teams are not typically permanent, additional research is needed to identify behaviors associated with sustainable improvements. In addition, we must test whether the relationship between behaviors and team outcomes depends on whether the QI team strives to reach an evidence‐based goal or to improve a process as much as possible. Our sample demonstrated a combined approach, where the evidence‐based goal was followed by a desire to continue to further reduce door‐to‐balloon times. Similarly, the relationship between behaviors and team outcomes might depend on the catalyst for improvement (eg, regulatory pressure, an adverse event). The confluence of strong evidence and regulatory pressure that fueled these teams might not be true for other measures. Lastly, studies of teamwork in QI teams will require objective measures of team behaviors. A combination of surveys and direct team observation will likely be required to measure these behaviors, especially effective representation.

Our study highlights behaviors common to successful interdisciplinary QI teams in high‐performing hospitals. Previous studies have identified elements of teamwork and the importance of teams to QI, but have not examined team behaviors. In the era of an ever‐growing list of quality measures and of movement toward performance‐based reimbursement models,3234 hospitals have embraced the use of interdisciplinary teams as a key component of QI efforts. Our findings suggest that hospitals could enhance QI team effectiveness by promoting behaviors associated with successful interdisciplinary teams. When applied to QI teams, teamwork training could be supplemented with knowledge, attitudes, and skills regarding information‐gathering, problem‐solving, and communication across disciplines and levels of the hospital hierarchy.


The authors thank Harlan Krumholz for his mentorship; Tashonna Webster, Emily Cherlin, and Jeph Herrin for technical support; also the RWJ Clinical Scholars Program, Montefiore's DGIM faculty, and the participants of this study.

Interest in healthcare teams has surged in recent years. A majority of the interest has been devoted to teamwork in the interdisciplinary clinical teams that staff operating rooms,1 emergency departments,2 and other inpatient settings.3 Interventions that enhance elements of teamwork like communication, mutual support among team members, and leadership have demonstrated effectiveness.4

Less attention has been paid to improving the success of hospital quality improvement (QI) teams, which gather individuals from different disciplines to improve a defined aspect of care. Studies suggest that QI teams can enable transformational change in healthcare systems,57 and that interdisciplinary representation,8, 9 physician involvement,10, 11 and clear goals12, 13 are associated with successful QI efforts. However, few studies have examined the behaviors of the QI teams that planned and implemented these efforts. Understanding how QI teams work to achieve their goals will allow hospitals to encourage these behaviors, and allow researchers to design interventions to augment these behaviors.

Accordingly, we sought to characterize the behaviors of successful interdisciplinary hospital QI teams. We previously reported on the strategies used by hospitals to reduce door‐to‐balloon times for patients with ST‐elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)14, 15 to the evidence‐based guideline of 90 minutes.16 Our objective is to examine how QI teams designed and implemented these strategies. We believe that studying high‐performing QI teams is a first step to developing testable hypotheses about the effectiveness of QI team behaviors and mechanisms by which these behaviors might produce positive team outcomes.


We designed a qualitative study using in‐depth interviews. We selected a qualitative methodology, since behaviors, social norms, and interpersonal interactions can be most appropriately examined using qualitative methods.17, 18 In addition, we used a positive deviance approach,19 where we focused on hospitals with top performance and the most improvement in door‐to‐balloon times. We sampled from hospitals in the National Registry of Myocardial Infarction (NRMI) who perform percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI, n = 151). We selected hospitals whose median door‐to‐balloon times were 90 minutes (n = 35). Then, we ranked hospitals in descending order according to their improvement during the previous 3 years (19992002). We sampled hospitals in descending order until we reached theoretical saturation where, as recommended for qualitative inquiry,2022 additional site visits did not uncover new concepts or patterns regarding our study questions. All sampled hospitals agreed to participate.

The first contact at each hospital was typically the director of QI. We asked to interview anyone with substantial involvement in the effort to reduce door‐to‐balloon times, and suggested that a wide variety of disciplines and roles be represented. We also used the snowball technique,22 where we asked participants to provide the names of individuals with substantial involvement in the reducing door‐to‐balloon times. Participants had varied levels of participation in QI teams. We purposely asked for minority and dissenting views from all participants.

At least 2 members of the research team conducted in‐depth interviews during hospital site visits. Interviews were conducted individually or in small groups, and lasted 1 to 1.5 hours. All data were audiotaped after verbal consent. Our interviews began with the grand tour question: What, if anything, has this hospital done to reduce its door‐to‐balloon times for patients with STEMI? The research team used standardized probes20, 23 to guide the discussion and achieve a complete understanding of the phenomena under study, including leadership and activities of the QI teams, and recommendations to other hospitals that wished to reduce door‐to‐balloon times. As recommended by experts,23 our interview guide was purposefully open‐ended to capture the range of experiences with QI teams. We did not specifically probe for facilitating or challenging behaviors. Audiotapes were transcribed by an independent, professional transcriptionist.

For this analysis, we defined QI teams as groups of administrators, providers, and staff who designed, implemented, and monitored processes to reduce door‐to‐balloon times. Each analysis team member independently cataloged quotes about team behaviors using a list of concepts (or codes). We then analyzed the quotes to identify recurrent themes relevant to the behaviors of interdisciplinary QI teams. We used the constant comparative method of analysis,20, 24, 25 which stipulates that the initial list of codes is refined as new transcripts are analyzed, and the final list is applied to all the transcripts. The analysis team included experts in QI, medicine, qualitative and health services research, as well as organizational psychology, and one of the interviewers. The presence of diverse perspectives in the analysis team,21 and a detailed audit trail20 to document the emergence of codes and themes, helped enhance researcher neutrality, data accuracy, and validity. We used Atlas.ti version 5.2 (Scientific Software Development GMbH, Berlin, Germany) to assist in the analysis.


Our sample (n = 11) included hospitals that varied on several characteristics (eg, geographic location), and median door‐to‐balloon times ranged from 55.5 to 89.5 minutes (Table 1). Hospitals in our sample had higher mean improvements in door‐to‐balloon times compared with non‐sampled NRMI hospitals (n = 140, 24 minutes vs 3 minutes over 3 years). Our interview participants (n = 122) included physicians, nurses, QI personnel, and administrative staff (Table 2). Five behaviors emerged from the data analysis. We found that interdisciplinary QI teams in successful hospitals focused on: (1) motivating involved hospital staff towards a shared goal, (2) creating opportunities for learning and problem‐solving, (3) addressing the impact of changes in care processes on staff, (4) protecting the integrity of the newly developed care processes, and (5) representing each involved clinical discipline effectively. These behaviors were recurrent across our diverse set of hospitals.

Description of the Study Sample (Hospitals)
HospitalRegionTeaching StatusNo. of BedsSTEMI Annualized Volume*Median Door‐to‐Balloon Time (min)
  • Abbreviation: STEMI, ST‐elevation myocardial infarction.

  • Based on 1999‐2002 volume.

  • Based on most recent 50 percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) cases in 2002.

Description of Study Sample (Participants)
ParticipantsNo. in Sample (n = 122)
  • Abbreviations: EMS, emergency medical services; MD, doctor of medicine; QI, quality improvement.

Emergency Medicine 
Executive managers20
QI personnel17
Other nurses13
Other clinical/support staff10

Motivating Involved Hospital Staff Toward a Shared Goal

As with any team, the QI teams in our sample had to motivate others in order to be successful:

Making certain that we have common goals [and] figuring out the best way to get there. It has to be a team, a partnership. It can't be I'm better than you, or this discipline is better than that discipline. We're all here for one reason. Hospital #11, Administrator


To redesign the door‐to‐balloon care process, successful QI teams engaged clinical disciplines that felt disempowered previously:

[ED physicians] were receptive, but they said, Cardiology won't let us do this. It's not going to be [just] cardiology anymore; it has to be everybody, because we really need to improve this time. Hospital #7, QI personnel


Teams also promoted reduction in door‐to‐balloon times as a goal that required shared participation from clinical disciplines including cardiology and emergency medicine, but also laboratory medicine, critical care, pharmacy, and transport. Achieving this goal would positively impact institutional standing:

When people get entrenched in their little domes they have a hard time seeing the overall benefit. Stress the institutional importance of this issue and the importance of cooperation and how it translates to better patient outcomes. [This is what] we're being monitored on; a very clear way in which we can be judged. Hospital #7, Catheterization Lab Medical Director


Creating Opportunities for Learning and Problem‐Solving

The work of these QI teams resulted in interdisciplinary conflict, but when individuals voiced frustration with other disciplines, it was seen as a necessary step in the redesign of a complex, interdisciplinary care process:

The first 6 to 8 months were spent team building and dealing with the vying for control. It was a total waste of time but necessary because now it was an interdisciplinary thing. It wasn't something we were trying to change within one service. We were asking everyone to sit down and agree about what they were going to do. The first [meetings] were shouting matches. The ED was becoming a scapegoat; the problem was never in the cath lab. We were able to act on some of those issues. You need to see both sides and understand what the barriers are. Hospital #1, Cardiology Nurse


Although challenging, interdisciplinary QI teams allowed team members to gain the detailed knowledge about front‐line operations that they needed:

We cardiologists don't really deal with what is happening behind the scenesexactly what a unit clerk does, and where the bottlenecks are. I discovered that lots of ideas come from unexpected places. Hospital #11, Cardiologist


To facilitate learning, teams cultivated a nonjudgmental, mutual trust atmosphere:

Throughout the whole process, there's been a lot of dialogue. Everybody throws their assumptions on the table, assumptions are respected; there is a lot of open communication. Hospital #3, Cardiology QI personnel


In addition, reducing door‐to‐balloon times required iterative problem‐solving. QI teams in our sample welcomed opportunities to learn from less effective strategies:

I'm one that's never too upset to ditch something if something was working and you switched to something else and now it's not working. You tried it. Go back. Or maybe it needs to be fine tuned. Hospital #1, Administrator


Addressing the Impact of Changes in Care Processes on Staff

Many hospitals in our sample required staff to arrive at the catheterization lab within 2030 minutes of being paged. This resulted in more demanding call schedules and changing roles (eg, activation of the cath lab by emergency department [ED] physicians instead of cardiologists). Participants conveyed both the burden of, and the satisfaction with, new processes:

It is a tremendous commitment time‐wise. We had a first call schedule but had to go to a second call schedule. There's no way you can get around the fact that it's very disruptive to your life. You're sitting down to dinner and suddenly you've got to go, and you don't have a chance to kiss the kids goodbye. You're out the door and heading to the hospital. It's been very disruptive, but it's a good program. No one regrets it. Hospital #5, Cardiologist


Successful QI teams validated staff concerns about the impact of these changes on workflow and quality of life:

We have few people who are nay saying for the sake of nay saying. People have legitimate concerns. I value those concerns as they affect the people who are involved. Hospital #4, Cardiologist


Teams responded to these concerns by testing solutions and eliminating negative consequences where possible:

[ED said]: We're uncomfortable with being the ordering physicians for labs drawn after patients leave the ED. I said, Let's make that issue go away. If they perceive it as a risk, let's make that fear go away because that removes a barrier. Hospital #4, Cardiologist


Protecting the Integrity of the New Care Processes

Once the necessary changes to the care of patients with STEMI were in place, these teams ensured that new processes were followed consistently. Rather than allowing customization of the processes by front‐line staff, QI teams monitored cases, gathered feedback, and made necessary modifications. Small modifications to the protocols helped incorporate front‐line feedback and reinvigorate staff:

People got comfortable and slower, and I quit hassling the group. We reinvigorated the Emergency Room, met with them, and changed the process a little bit. Change always perks people's attention. Hospital #8, Cardiologist


Another strategy to protect the integrity of the redesigned process was to highlight its value by publicizing clinical successes:

[We] let them know what we found and how the patient is doing. It's a pat on the back saying you did a good job. Next time [the ED physicians] will be screening that much closer. When we're leaving the hospital at 3 a.m. they'll say How did it go? They want to know; that adds to that team feeling because everybody is important. They help us do our job and we help them do theirs. Hospital #9, Catheterization Lab Technologist


Lastly, QI teams empowered front‐line staff to comply with the new process by emphasizing benefit to patients. This allowed staff to overcome hierarchical boundaries:

ED staff told us that sometimes patients waited because the cardiologist was getting a history and physical. They've been empowered to say We're ready to go. Before nurses felt that they couldn't really do that. Now we're getting through to them that time is muscle and that guy is costing the patient. Hospital #5, QI personnel


Representing Each Involved Clinical Discipline Effectively

Participants remarked on the importance of team member selection. Successful QI teams had members who could effectively represent each involved discipline. Effective representation involved in‐depth knowledge of one's aspect of the care process and communicating that perspective to the team:

The lab director got together with the ED director, who got together with the radiology director, who asked Who's transporting the patient?; How are we going to get blood drawn, what's going to happen? That middle management team became critical. Hospital #10, Administrator


Effective representation also required the authority to endorse and implement necessary changes:

The people that head councils are not people in the position to make changes in the workflow of the hospital. For example, having the ED doctor activate the cath lab. You'd say Well, the Chairman of Medicine would probably have something to do with this. Wrong. The Chairman of Medicine has no interest in STEMI care. Go to the Chairman of Cardiology. Sounds good, but you have to talk to the interventional guys. Go to the head of the cath lab. Sounds good, but it really has to go to a cath lab committee meeting. Hospital #1, QI personnel


In addition to knowledge of processes and authority to implement changes, team members in these successful QI teams had to be proficient in disseminating information on performance and changes to processes. Teams developed regular communication channels across levels of the hospital hierarchy, from front‐line staff to executive management:

Communication, communication, communication. Make sure you have a system set up where there's opportunity for back and forth between all the different levels. Set up the infrastructure from the beginning where there's a mechanism to relay information up and down. Hospital #1, Cardiology Nurse



We identified 5 behaviors of successful interdisciplinary QI teams based on our analysis of hospitals that reduced door‐to‐balloon times for patients with STEMI. These QI teams: (1) motivated involved hospital staff to consider lowering door‐to‐balloon times, a shared goal, (2) created opportunities for learning and problem‐solving, (3) addressed the impact of changes to care processes for patients with STEMI on staff, (4) protected the integrity of new care processes, and (5) represented each clinical discipline effectively by having members with in‐depth knowledge and authority.

Experts suggest that the key elements of effective teamwork in healthcare include prioritizing team over individual goals, mutual understanding, leadership, adaptability, and anticipation of the needs of others.26 These elements are supported by mutual trust and closed‐loop communication. The behaviors of QI teams in our study represent adaptive responses to the unique demands of QI in a complex organization. These teams went beyond an improvement model of identifying and analyzing a problem, and then developing and testing solutions by: (1) motivating and gathering information from each discipline, regardless of interdisciplinary conflicts; (2) responding to the concerns of front‐line staff, while maintaining control over the improvement process; and (3) sharing information across the hospital hierarchy. Table 3 illustrates potential relationships between the team behaviors in our data, the demands on hospital QI teams, and known elements of effective teamwork.

Examples of QI Team Behaviors in Our Data and Possible Relationships to Demands on Hospital QI Teams and to Established Elements of Teamwork
Demands on Hospital QI TeamsWhat QI Teams Must Do to Improve CareElements of Teamwork*Behaviors of QI Teams in Our StudyExamples
  • Abbreviation: QI, quality improvement.

  • Elements of teamwork adapted from Salas et al.26

Gather information from and motivate each involved disciplineTeam rather than individual goalsMotivating all involved hospital staff towards a shared goalPromote parity among disciplines
Invite every involved discipline
Emphasize benefit to patients
Gather information from and motivate each involved disciplineMutual understandingCreating opportunities for learningAllow for interdisciplinary disagreements
Gather detailed operational knowledge in a mutual‐trust environment
Guide changes using objective data
Respond to the concerns of front‐line staff while maintaining control over the improvement processAnticipate the needs of othersAddressing the impact of changes on staffValidate concerns from all disciplines
Test solutions to negative consequences (eg, call schedules, laboratory forms)
Respond to the concerns of front‐line staff while maintaining control over the improvement processAdaptabilityProtecting the integrity of new protocolsMonitor data and respond to performance losses
Document and publicize successes
Empower front‐line staff to respond to lapses in protocol
Keep all levels of the hospital hierarchy informed during he improvement processLeadershipRepresenting each involved clinical discipline effectivelySelect members with in‐depth knowledge about processes
Select members with authority to implement changes within their discipline
Exchange information with executive management and front‐line staff

The behaviors in our study suggest effective teamwork strategies for QI. For example, our data suggest that successful interdisciplinary QI teams need effective representation from each involved discipline. This representation is necessary for motivation of front‐line staff, gathering of detailed information about processes, and the effective implementation of changes. Although this level of representation might challenge the cohesiveness of some teams,27 the teams in our sample managed conflict among disciplines without sacrificing the shared goal. By allocating attention and resources to the concerns of each discipline, the teams we studied prioritized team over individual goals and promoted mutual understanding.

Similarly, deciding when to modify the new protocols required leadership, adaptability, and anticipation of the needs of others. Successful QI teams in our sample modified protocols based on data and feedback, and created the mutual trust environment that is known to facilitate learning among disciplines.2830 Their willingness to learn, however, did not deter teams from protecting the integrity of new protocols. Lastly, participants stressed the importance of managing information across hierarchical boundaries. Managing reliable, timely, and accurate information across all levels is crucial to teamwork, and to the power and influence of a team.31

Our conclusions should be interpreted in light of several limitations. First, our study did not include a comparison group of low‐performing hospitals. We followed the recommendations of qualitative research experts23 who recommend sampling those with the most information on, and experience with, the phenomena under study (QI teams in high‐performing hospitals). The hypotheses we present here require further testing in quantitative studies of hospitals with diversity in QI team outcomes. Second, it is possible that sampled participants favored responses that they considered more desirable. To minimize this bias, we interviewed multiple participants per hospital, assured their confidentiality, and asked them to elaborate their responses. We sampled participants with a wide range of clinical and operational roles in each hospital, and also used the snowball sampling method to augment our sample. The range of responses collected, including frank discussions about setbacks, argues against the existence of contrasting behaviors to those captured. Third, although our sample included hospitals of various size and location, our findings might not reflect those of a larger sample of US hospitals. Last, the behaviors of QI teams may differ for other clinical processes.

Translating these findings into practice will require future studies of the impact of QI team behaviors on sustainability of quality gains. Since QI teams are not typically permanent, additional research is needed to identify behaviors associated with sustainable improvements. In addition, we must test whether the relationship between behaviors and team outcomes depends on whether the QI team strives to reach an evidence‐based goal or to improve a process as much as possible. Our sample demonstrated a combined approach, where the evidence‐based goal was followed by a desire to continue to further reduce door‐to‐balloon times. Similarly, the relationship between behaviors and team outcomes might depend on the catalyst for improvement (eg, regulatory pressure, an adverse event). The confluence of strong evidence and regulatory pressure that fueled these teams might not be true for other measures. Lastly, studies of teamwork in QI teams will require objective measures of team behaviors. A combination of surveys and direct team observation will likely be required to measure these behaviors, especially effective representation.

Our study highlights behaviors common to successful interdisciplinary QI teams in high‐performing hospitals. Previous studies have identified elements of teamwork and the importance of teams to QI, but have not examined team behaviors. In the era of an ever‐growing list of quality measures and of movement toward performance‐based reimbursement models,3234 hospitals have embraced the use of interdisciplinary teams as a key component of QI efforts. Our findings suggest that hospitals could enhance QI team effectiveness by promoting behaviors associated with successful interdisciplinary teams. When applied to QI teams, teamwork training could be supplemented with knowledge, attitudes, and skills regarding information‐gathering, problem‐solving, and communication across disciplines and levels of the hospital hierarchy.


The authors thank Harlan Krumholz for his mentorship; Tashonna Webster, Emily Cherlin, and Jeph Herrin for technical support; also the RWJ Clinical Scholars Program, Montefiore's DGIM faculty, and the participants of this study.

  1. Wolf FA,Way LW,Stewart L.The efficacy of medical team training: improved team performance and decreased operating room delays.Ann Surg.2010;252:477485.
  2. Morey JC,Simon R,Jay GD, et al.Error reduction and performance improvement in the Emergency Department through formal teamwork training: evaluation results of the MedTeams project.Health Serv Res.2002;37:15531581.
  3. Buljac‐Samardzic M,Dekker‐van Doorn CM,van Wijngaarden JDH,van Wijk KP.Interventions to improve team effectiveness: a systematic review.Health Policy.2010;94:183195.
  4. Weaver SJ,Lyons R,DiazGranados D, et al.The anatomy of health care team training and the state of practice: a critical review.Acad Med. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181f2e907 [published Online First: Sep 21, 2010].
  5. Nelson EC,Batalden PB,Huber TP, et al.Microsystems in health care: part 1. Learning from high‐performing front‐line clinical units.Jt Comm J Qual Saf.2002;28:472493.
  6. Keroack MA,Youngberg BJ,Cerese JL,Krsek C,Prellwitz LW,Trevelyan EW.Organizational factors associated with high performance in quality and safety in academic medical centers.Acad Med.2007;82:11781186.
  7. Lukas CVD,Holmes SK,Cohen AB, et al.Transformational change in health care systems: an organizational model.Health Care Manage Rev.2007;32:309320.
  8. Vinokur‐Kaplan D.Treatment teams that work (and those that don't): an application of Hackman's group effectiveness model to interdisciplinary teams in psychiatric hospitals.J Appl Behav Sci.1995;31:303327.
  9. Lemieux‐Charles L,McGuire WL.What do we know about health care team effectiveness? A review of the literature.Med Care Res Rev.2006;63:263300.
  10. Rubenstein LV,Parker LE,Meredith LS, et al.Understanding team‐based quality improvement for depression in primary care.Health Serv Res.2002;37:10091029.
  11. Shortell SM,Marsteller JA,Lin M, et al.The role of perceived team effectiveness in improving chronic illness care.Med Care.2004;42:10401048.
  12. Poulton BC,West MA.The determinants of effectiveness in primary health care teams.J Interprof Care.1999;13:718.
  13. Mills PD,Weeks WB.Characteristics of successful quality improvement teams: lessons from five collaborative projects in the VHA.Jt Comm J Qual Saf.2004;30:152162.
  14. Bradley EH,Roumanis SA,Radford MJ, et al.Achieving door‐to‐balloon times that meet quality guidelines: how do successful hospitals do it?J Am Coll Cardiol.2005;46:12361241.
  15. Bradley EH,Curry LA,Webster TR, et al.Achieving rapid door‐to‐balloon times: how top hospitals improve complex clinical systems.Circulation.2006;113:10791085.
  16. Antman EM,Anbe DT,Armstrong PW, et al.ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with ST‐elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee to Revise the 1999 Guidelines on the Management of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction).Circulation.2004;110:e82e293.
  17. Pope C,Mays N.Reaching the parts other methods cannot reach: an introduction to qualitative methods in health and health services research.BMJ.1995;311:4245.
  18. Curry LA,Nembhard IM,Bradley EH.Qualitative and mixed methods provide unique contributions to outcomes research.Circulation.2009;119:14421452.
  19. Bradley EH,Curry LA,Ramanadhan S,Rowe L,Nembhard IM,Krumholz HM.Research in action: using positive deviance to improve quality of health care.Implement Sci.2009;4:25. doi: 10.1186/1748–5908‐4–25 [published Online First: May 8, 2009].
  20. Miles MB, Huberman AM, eds.Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook.Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage,1994.
  21. Crabtree BF, Miller WL, eds.Doing Qualitative Research.London:Sage,1999.
  22. Mays N,Pope C.Qualitative research in health care: assessing quality in qualitative research.BMJ.2000;320:5052.
  23. Patton MQ.Qualitative Research 42:17581772.
  24. Glaser B,Strauss A.Discovery of Grounded Theory.Chicago, IL:Aldine,1967.
  25. Salas E,Diaz Granados D,Weaver SJ,King H.Does team training work? Principles for health care.Acad Emerg Med.2008;15:10021009.
  26. Berg DN.Senior executive teams: not what you think.Consult Psychol J Pract Res.2005;57:107117.
  27. Edmonson A.Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams.Admin Sci Q.1999;44:350383.
  28. Nembhard IM,Edmonson AC.Making it safe: the effects of leader inclusiveness and professional status on psychological safety and improvement efforts in health care teams.J Organiz Behav.2006;27:941966.
  29. Chuang YT,Ginsburg L,Berta WB.Learning from preventable adverse events in health care organizations: development of a multilevel model of learning and propositions.Health Care Manage Rev.2007;32:330340.
  30. Pfeffer J.Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations.Boston, MA:Harvard Business School Press,1993:111125.
  31. Guterman S,Davis K,Schoenbaum S,Shih A.Using Medicare payment policy to transform the health system: a framework for improving performance.Health Aff.2009;28:w238w250.
  32. Conway PH.Value‐driven health care: implications for hospitals and hospitalists.J Hosp Med.2009;4:507511.
  33. Medicare program: hospital inpatient value‐based purchasing program, proposed rule.Fed Reg.76(9):24542491.
  1. Wolf FA,Way LW,Stewart L.The efficacy of medical team training: improved team performance and decreased operating room delays.Ann Surg.2010;252:477485.
  2. Morey JC,Simon R,Jay GD, et al.Error reduction and performance improvement in the Emergency Department through formal teamwork training: evaluation results of the MedTeams project.Health Serv Res.2002;37:15531581.
  3. Buljac‐Samardzic M,Dekker‐van Doorn CM,van Wijngaarden JDH,van Wijk KP.Interventions to improve team effectiveness: a systematic review.Health Policy.2010;94:183195.
  4. Weaver SJ,Lyons R,DiazGranados D, et al.The anatomy of health care team training and the state of practice: a critical review.Acad Med. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181f2e907 [published Online First: Sep 21, 2010].
  5. Nelson EC,Batalden PB,Huber TP, et al.Microsystems in health care: part 1. Learning from high‐performing front‐line clinical units.Jt Comm J Qual Saf.2002;28:472493.
  6. Keroack MA,Youngberg BJ,Cerese JL,Krsek C,Prellwitz LW,Trevelyan EW.Organizational factors associated with high performance in quality and safety in academic medical centers.Acad Med.2007;82:11781186.
  7. Lukas CVD,Holmes SK,Cohen AB, et al.Transformational change in health care systems: an organizational model.Health Care Manage Rev.2007;32:309320.
  8. Vinokur‐Kaplan D.Treatment teams that work (and those that don't): an application of Hackman's group effectiveness model to interdisciplinary teams in psychiatric hospitals.J Appl Behav Sci.1995;31:303327.
  9. Lemieux‐Charles L,McGuire WL.What do we know about health care team effectiveness? A review of the literature.Med Care Res Rev.2006;63:263300.
  10. Rubenstein LV,Parker LE,Meredith LS, et al.Understanding team‐based quality improvement for depression in primary care.Health Serv Res.2002;37:10091029.
  11. Shortell SM,Marsteller JA,Lin M, et al.The role of perceived team effectiveness in improving chronic illness care.Med Care.2004;42:10401048.
  12. Poulton BC,West MA.The determinants of effectiveness in primary health care teams.J Interprof Care.1999;13:718.
  13. Mills PD,Weeks WB.Characteristics of successful quality improvement teams: lessons from five collaborative projects in the VHA.Jt Comm J Qual Saf.2004;30:152162.
  14. Bradley EH,Roumanis SA,Radford MJ, et al.Achieving door‐to‐balloon times that meet quality guidelines: how do successful hospitals do it?J Am Coll Cardiol.2005;46:12361241.
  15. Bradley EH,Curry LA,Webster TR, et al.Achieving rapid door‐to‐balloon times: how top hospitals improve complex clinical systems.Circulation.2006;113:10791085.
  16. Antman EM,Anbe DT,Armstrong PW, et al.ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with ST‐elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee to Revise the 1999 Guidelines on the Management of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction).Circulation.2004;110:e82e293.
  17. Pope C,Mays N.Reaching the parts other methods cannot reach: an introduction to qualitative methods in health and health services research.BMJ.1995;311:4245.
  18. Curry LA,Nembhard IM,Bradley EH.Qualitative and mixed methods provide unique contributions to outcomes research.Circulation.2009;119:14421452.
  19. Bradley EH,Curry LA,Ramanadhan S,Rowe L,Nembhard IM,Krumholz HM.Research in action: using positive deviance to improve quality of health care.Implement Sci.2009;4:25. doi: 10.1186/1748–5908‐4–25 [published Online First: May 8, 2009].
  20. Miles MB, Huberman AM, eds.Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook.Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage,1994.
  21. Crabtree BF, Miller WL, eds.Doing Qualitative Research.London:Sage,1999.
  22. Mays N,Pope C.Qualitative research in health care: assessing quality in qualitative research.BMJ.2000;320:5052.
  23. Patton MQ.Qualitative Research 42:17581772.
  24. Glaser B,Strauss A.Discovery of Grounded Theory.Chicago, IL:Aldine,1967.
  25. Salas E,Diaz Granados D,Weaver SJ,King H.Does team training work? Principles for health care.Acad Emerg Med.2008;15:10021009.
  26. Berg DN.Senior executive teams: not what you think.Consult Psychol J Pract Res.2005;57:107117.
  27. Edmonson A.Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams.Admin Sci Q.1999;44:350383.
  28. Nembhard IM,Edmonson AC.Making it safe: the effects of leader inclusiveness and professional status on psychological safety and improvement efforts in health care teams.J Organiz Behav.2006;27:941966.
  29. Chuang YT,Ginsburg L,Berta WB.Learning from preventable adverse events in health care organizations: development of a multilevel model of learning and propositions.Health Care Manage Rev.2007;32:330340.
  30. Pfeffer J.Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations.Boston, MA:Harvard Business School Press,1993:111125.
  31. Guterman S,Davis K,Schoenbaum S,Shih A.Using Medicare payment policy to transform the health system: a framework for improving performance.Health Aff.2009;28:w238w250.
  32. Conway PH.Value‐driven health care: implications for hospitals and hospitalists.J Hosp Med.2009;4:507511.
  33. Medicare program: hospital inpatient value‐based purchasing program, proposed rule.Fed Reg.76(9):24542491.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(9)
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Behaviors of successful interdisciplinary hospital quality improvement teams
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Behaviors of successful interdisciplinary hospital quality improvement teams
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Common Myths in Caring for Patients with Terminal Illness

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Sun, 05/28/2017 - 22:27
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Common myths about caring for patients with terminal illness: Opportunities to improve care in the hospital setting

Shortcomings in the quality of care of hospitalized patients at the end of life, especially in the final days, are well documented.1, 2 Recent studies have highlighted inadequate pain and symptom control for hospitalized terminally ill patients,24 poor communication about treatment preferences,57 and limited or delayed referral for hospice care.810 Efforts to improve the quality of end‐of‐life care have been diverse, including increased educational programs,1113 development of palliative care units in hospitals,14, 15 and greater exposure to palliative care for physicians during residency training.16 Despite these efforts, studies assessing the attitudes and knowledge of physicians about hospice and palliative care continue to show deficits in knowledge about managing pain17, 18 as well as hospice policies and services.9

Among the interventions aimed at improving hospital care, the hospitalist movement has emerged as a model of care for improving the quality and cost efficiency of hospital care.1922 Because hospitalists spend substantial time on inpatient services,23 they are often involved in the care of patients with terminal illness, with potential to improve the quality of care that these patients receive while hospitalized. However, little is known about what specific knowledge and perspectives hospitalists and residents have about the care of patients with terminal illness. Although many studies have been conducted among physicians in private practice,9, 10, 2426 they have not focused on the knowledge, reported practices, and attitudes of hospitalists and residents concerning key aspects of end‐of‐life care and hospice. Such information can help to identify potential areas for improving knowledge and addressing common barriers highlighted in linking hospital and posthospital hospice care.


Study Design and Sample

During 2006 we surveyed hospitalists and medical residents who were on their oncology rotation at a large academic medical center that did not have a hospital‐based palliative care unit in order to examine their knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding terminally ill patients and hospice referrals. Hospitalists (n = 23) and medical residents (n = 29) made up a convenience sample of 52 physicians. The medical residents were completing their oncology rotation during the spring of 2006. The Institutional Review Board at Yale University School of Medicine approved the research protocol and verbal consent procedures.


The brief survey instrument (see Appendix) assessed physicians' knowledge and attitudes about and practices in caring for patients with terminal illness. The survey was adapted from previously published instruments8, 24 that have been shown24 to have good test‐retest reliability and construct validity. The survey contained 5 items pertaining to clinical knowledge about palliative care practices, including common symptoms and drug indications, doses, and side effects.27 An additional 2 items pertained to respondents' knowledge about nonclinical issues concerning eligibility rules for hospice,8 such as how a patient becomes eligible for hospice and whether Medicare benefits can be revoked or reinstated after hospice is elected. The survey also included 10 statements24 assessing physician attitudes about caring for patients with terminal illness. Responses, provided using a 5‐point Likert scale, were collapsed for reporting into a 3‐point scale of agree, neutral, and disagree. The instrument also included an open‐ended question asking physicians to specify what from their perspective was needed to ensure timely referral for hospice and palliative care.

Data Analysis

We used standard frequency analysis to describe the distribution of responses to the survey items. Based on an analysis of common erroneous answers to clinical knowledge questions, we identified several common myths prevalent among hospitalists and medicine residents. We also examined whether knowledge, reported practices, and attitudes differed significantly between the hospitalist and the resident samples using ANOVA or chi‐square statistics as appropriate. We used content analysis to summarize the open‐ended responses about potential ways to overcome what respondents perceived was underutilization of hospice.



The response rate for the survey was 85.2%. Almost half of the respondents (44.2%) were hospitalists (Table 1). The remaining respondents included first‐year (n = 9) and second‐ or third‐year (n = 16) residents or fellows (n = 4). Approximately 54% of the 52 respondents were female, and the majority (83%) had graduated from medical school between 2000 and 2005. Several common myths were apparent and pertained to essential areas of treating patients with terminal illness: pain control, symptom control, and eligibility for hospice (Table 2). Respondents generally had strong beliefs about caring for patients with terminal illness, and most agreed that many patients who would benefit from hospice either do not receive hospice or receive it only late in the course of their illness (Table 3).

Demographic Characteristics of Respondents (n = 52)
Years since graduation from medical school  
1‐2 Years2656.5%
3‐5 Years1226.1%
>5 Years817.4%
Physician type  
First‐year resident917.3%
Second‐ or third‐year resident1630.8%
Knowledge about Hospice and Palliative Care Practices and Eligibility for Hospice Care (n = 52)*
Questions about hospice and palliative care practicesResponse (%)
  • Correct answers, that is, facts, are in bold.

The incidence of psychological dependence (addiction) to opioids and analgesics when treating pain from cancer or other medical conditions is: 
Common (1 in 10 patients)17.3
Uncommon (1 in 100 patients)48.1
Very rare (fewer than 1 in 1000 patients)34.6
When a patient with cancer who is receiving opioids for pain complains of increasing pain, it most likely indicates: 
Opioid tolerance69.2
Increasing pathology of the cancer26.9
Patient noncompliance0.0
New onset of a different opioid‐resisting pain3.9
In the pain patient receiving opioids, 30 mg of oral morphine is equipotent to of IV morphine 
1 mg4.0
5 mg40.0
10 mg56.0
20 mg0.0
The 2 classes of drugs most commonly recommended for treating terminal dyspnea are: 
Beta‐blockers and Lasix7.7
Opioids and benzodiazepines82.7
Beta‐blockers and corticosteroids9.6
Beta‐blockers and Singulair (montelukast)0.0
A hospice patient whose agitation is primarily from anxiety should be treated with: 
Chlorpromazine (thorazine)0.0
Lorazepam (Ativan)76.4
Questions about eligibility for hospice careResponse (%)
Under the Medicare program, a physician must certify that the patient is expected to die within a specified time for the patients to be eligible for hospice services. To the best of your knowledge, patients become eligible for inpatient hospice care when they are expected to die in: 
2 Weeks5.8
6 Weeks9.6
2 Months9.6
6 Months69.2
Don't know3.8
To the best of your knowledge, patients become eligible for home hospice care when they are expected to die in: 
2 Weeks0.0
6 Weeks5.8
2 Months7.7
6 Months73.1
Don't know13.4
Physicians' Beliefs about Caring for Patients with Terminal Illness (n = 52)
BeliefsDisagree (%)Neutral (%)Agree (%)
Most patients want me to tell them their life‐expectancy.0.017.482.6
Generally, family caregivers want me to tell them the patient's life expectancy.4.48.786.9
Telling the patient and family members that the patient's illness is incurable is difficult for me.23.013.563.5
I think it is essential to discuss the prognosis with a patient, even if it is very poor.0.04.495.6
Most patients' physical symptoms (eg, pain, shortness of breath, and nausea) are controlled better with hospice than with the care that they would receive in the hospital.0.021.778.3
Most patients' emotional symptoms (eg, depression, anxiety) are controlled better with hospice than with the care they would receive in the hospital.0.08.791.3
Hospice meets the needs of the family better than conventional care does.0.08.791.3
Many patients who should receive hospice care do not receive hospice care.21.813.065.2
Many patients would benefit if hospice care were initiated earlier in the course of their illness.
I feel knowledgeable enough to discuss palliative and hospice care with patients and families.19.238.542.3

Common Myths in Treating Patients with Terminal Illness

Myth 1. Treating cancer pain with opioids or analgesics causes addiction in 1 in 100 patients. Most physicians thought that addiction in patients treated for cancer pain with opioids or analgesics was much more common than it is. Almost half the respondents (48.1%) thought addiction occurred in 1 in 100 patients, and an additional 17.3% of respondents thought addiction occurred in 1 in 10 patients treated for cancer pain with opioids or analgesics. In contrast, the incidence of addiction in patients treated with opioids or analgesics for cancer pain is fewer than 1 in 1000 patients.28

Myth 2. When patients with cancer already receiving opioids for pain control complain of increasing pain, it most likely indicates opioid tolerance. Nearly 70% of respondents reported that the most likely reason for complaints of increased pain was tolerance to the opioid. However, the most likely reason for increased pain is increasing pathology of the cancer.27

Myth 3. The equipotent to 30 mg of oral morphine is 5 mg intravenous. More than half of respondents were inaccurate in their conversion of oral to intravenous (IV) morphine dosing, a common task of physicians caring for terminally ill patients. Almost half the physicians (44%) erroneously reported that 30 mg of oral morphine was equipotent to 5 mg or less morphine IV. However, in fact, 30 mg of oral morphine is equipotent to 10 mg of morphine IV.27

Myth 4. The most highly recommended drug for treating terminal dyspnea is a beta‐blocker, and the most appropriate drug for agitation due to anxiety is Haldol or morphine. Most respondents were able to identify the correct drugs; however, a sizable proportion of respondents (17.3%) erroneously responded that beta‐blockers and Lasix or beta‐blockers and corticosteroids were the best drugs for treating terminal dyspnea. About one‐fifth of respondents (21.6%) responded that Haldol or morphine was the recommended medication for treating agitation. In fact, opioids and benzodiazepines are the recommended drugs for treating terminal dyspnea,27 and the proper drug for treating agitation is lorazepam (Ativan).27

Myth 5. Patient life expectancy must be 2 months or less to be eligible for hospice. One‐quarter of respondents believed this to be true for inpatient hospice, and nearly 13.5% of respondents believe this to be true for home hospice. In fact, patients are eligible for hospice benefits earlier in the course of their illness. Under Medicare and most insurance policies, patients are eligible for hospice benefits as soon as their life expectancy is 6 months or less, not 2 months or less.27

Physician Beliefs about Caring for Patients with Terminal Illness

The physicians' beliefs about hospice were generally positive; the vast majority of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that physical and emotional symptoms of patients and family needs are better addressed with hospice than with the hospital care (Table 3). Most respondents also agreed that many patients do not receive hospice as they should and that hospice should be initiated earlier in the course of the illness. In addition, more than 80% of respondents believed patients and their families want their doctors to tell them the patient's life expectancy, and 95.6% of respondents thought it was essential to discuss prognosis, even a poor one, with the patient. Nevertheless, many respondents (65.3%) reported it was difficult to tell patients and their families that an illness was incurable. Furthermore, fewer than half the respondents (42.3%) believed they were knowledgeable enough to discuss hospice and palliative care with patients and their families.

In subgroup analyses comparing responses to knowledge and attitude items reported in Tables 2 and 3, we found no significant differences between hospitalists and any subgroup of residents by year of training or fellows, or between hospitalists and the full sample of residents and fellows. Because of the sample size, the statistical power for evaluating significance was limited in these exploratory subgroup analyses.

Among physicians who provided responses to the open‐ended question (n = 42) about how to enhance hospice referral rates and improve their timeliness, the most commonly reported suggestions were: (1) involve family members, not only patients, in discussions of hospice (38.1%), (2) have discussions about hospice earlier in the course of care with patients (26.2%), and (3) be clear with patients and families about the patient's prognosis (19.0%). Table 4 has a list of all responses provided to this question.

Physicians' Suggestions for Improving the Process of Hospice Referral (n = 42)
  • Percentages add up to more than 100% because some respondents made more than 1 suggestion.

Involving family members as well as patients in discussions of hospice1638.1
Having earlier discussion with patients1126.2
Being clear with patients and families about patient prognosis819.0
Providing education about hospice to patients and families614.3
Discussions of goals of care with patients and families614.3
Involving social worker in discussions49.5
Providing literature to patients and families about hospice37.1
Having hospice representative available to provide education to patient and families24.8


This study demonstrated that, among hospitalists and residents, there are several misconceptions about fundamental aspects of caring for terminally ill patients. Given the potential importance of the role hospitalists play in improving the quality of inpatient care,1922 it is critical to identify and address these misconceptions. Additionally, physicians in this study indicated that more and earlier communication with patients and families about prognosis and about the option of hospice would be beneficial, but they themselves did not feel knowledgeable enough to discuss hospice and palliative care with patients and their families.

The nature of the misconceptions identified in this study shed light on the well‐documented phenomena of inadequate pain control24, 29 and poor symptom management2, 4 at the end of life. Having many of the erroneous beliefs apparent in this study may be consistent with providing less pain medication than needed and appropriate. For instance, many physicians believed that developing addiction to opioids used for cancer pain is more likely to occur than it really is, according to research evidence. It is extremely rare for these patients to become addicted to opioids or other analgesics (fewer than 1 in 1000 patients).28 In addition, most physicians believed that complaints of increased pain among patients receiving opioid therapy for pain control meant tolerance to the medication, a belief consistent with physician reluctance to prescribe more medication because it would lead to tolerance.28 In reality, the increased pain experienced in these situations is typically not a result of tolerance to the pain medication but to the cancer getting worse.27 Additionally, many physicians mistakenly decreased the dose of morphine in converting the route of administration from PO to IV, as is often done in hospitals. Such an error may be a contributing factor to the unintended undertreatment of pain in hospitals. Given the variability of cancer pain4 and the difference in time to peak effect depending on the route of administration,5 it is critical for physicians to understand proper dosing in order to effectively treat cancer pain. Furthermore, many physicians were incorrect about the recommended medications for dyspnea and for agitation, 2 symptoms that are prevalent among patients at the end of life.

The hospitalists and residents reported having very positive views about hospice, as is consistent with the literature.10, 30 However, many respondents indicated that patients who would have benefited from hospice did not receive it at all or only late in their illness. Physicians indicated that better communication with patients and families about hospice, prognosis, and goals of care would enhance appropriate use of hospice. While hospitalists and residents are in a position to initiate such discussions, they reported that these discussions were difficult for them. The challenge is how to promote what is necessary and valuable conversation with patients and families despite their difficulty, so that a realistic plan of care can be designed for all involved. Providing hospitalists and residents with evidence about what approaches are most effective in such discussions would be helpful to better prepare them for their roles in caring for hospitalized patients with terminal illness.

The results of this study have substantiated the need to enhance the education of hospitalists and resident physicians, who can play a vital role in improving the transition from hospital to hospice. Such education could take place as part of the residency experience or be embedded in various continuing medical education requirements that most states now have. The results of a recent national survey of hospitalists31 indicates they consider their palliative care training inadequate and feel ill prepared to care for patients with terminal illness. Our findings are consistent with those of that survey, highlighting information that is poorly understood by both residents and hospitalists. As hospitalists continue to play key roles in linking hospital to posthospital care,21 including hospice, there is greater opportunity to improve end‐of‐life care by expanding hospitalists' understanding of these issues.

Our findings should be interpreted in light of the study's limitations. First, this was an exploratory study, and the sample was modest in size. Nevertheless, the response rate was high: 85.2%. Second, we conducted the study in a single location; results may differ in other geographical areas. Last, we were unable to link reported knowledge and attitudes to patient experiences including quality of care or adequacy of pain control. Inadequate knowledge likely limits the quality of clinical practices, but the magnitude of this effect remains unknown and worthy of future study.

Despite these limitations, this study has contributed to the literature by identifying a set of misunderstandings or myths that may be common among hospitalists and residents who frequently care for hospitalized patients with terminal illness. Many of these misunderstandings were related to pain and symptom management, although some misunderstandings related to logistical issues such as hospice eligibility rules. Previous studies have described interventions to improve physicians' knowledge about palliative and end‐of‐life care practices at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels.13 Our findings identified specific gaps in physicians' knowledge. Interventions aimed at closing these gaps might emphasize both specific clinical information about pain management and medication recommendations, and more general information about eligibility for hospice and best practices for communicating early with patients and family is needed to promote more effective care for patients with terminal illness being cared for in acute care settings.

As the use of hospitalists has become a widely accepted model of hospital care,32 ensuring their increased training and education in the care of patients with terminal illness is an important step in improving end‐of‐life care. Larger comparison studies are needed to identify differences in the practices and perspectives of hospitalists and residents and to target educational interventions to meet their particular needs. Further, conducting these studies at additional sites including those with established palliative care programs would be useful for identifying needs among a more diverse set of physicians involved in delivering end‐of‐life care.


Survey on Hospice and End‐of‐Life Care

Survey ID _________________

Date ______________



    • What is your gender?


      • □ Male

      • □ Female

      • What year did you graduate from medical school? ___________

      • What is your primary specialty or area of practice?


        • □ Hospitalist

        • □ Oncology fellow

        • □ Oncology resident

        • □ Physician assistant

        • □ Other: _____________



          • The incidence of psychological dependence (addiction) to opioids and analgesics when treating pain from cancer or other medical conditions is:


            • Common (1 in 10 patients)

            • Uncommon (1 in 100 patients)

            • Very rare (fewer than 1 in 1000 patients)

            • When a patient with cancer who is receiving opioids for pain complains of increasing pain, it most likely indicates:


              • Opioid tolerance

              • Increasing pathology of the cancer

              • Patient noncompliance

              • New onset of a different opioid‐resisting pain

              • In the pain patient receiving opioids, 30 mg of oral morphine is equipotent to _______________ of IV.


                • 1mg

                • 5 mg

                • 10 mg

                • 20 mg

                • The 2 classes of drugs most commonly recommended for treating terminal dyspnea are:


                  • Beta‐blockers and Lasix

                  • Opioids and benzodiazepines

                  • Beta‐blockers and corticosteroids

                  • Beta‐blockers and Singulair (montelukast)

                  • A hospice patient whose agitation is due primarily to anxiety should be treated with:


                    • Chlorpromazine

                    • Haloperidol

                    • Lorazepam

                    • Morphine

                    • ELIGIBILITY FOR HOSPICE CARE


                      • Under the Medicare program, a physician must certify that the patient is expected to die within a specified time for the patients to be eligible for hospice services. To the best of your knowledge, patients become eligible for inpatient hospice care when they are expected to die in:


                        • □ 2 Weeks

                        • □ 6 Weeks

                        • □ 2 Months

                        • □ 6 Months

                        • □ Other: ________________________

                        • □ Don't know

                        • To the best of your knowledge, patients are eligible for home hospice care when they are expected to die in:


                          • □ 2 Weeks

                          • □ 6 Weeks

                          • □ 2 Months

                          • □ 6 Months

                          • □ Other: __________________________

                          • □ Don't know

                          • ATTITUDES ABOUT HOSPICE CARE 0


                          Following is a series of statements. Please state whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement.
                           Strongly agreeStrongly disagree
                          11) Most patients want me to tell them their life expectancy.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          12) Generally, family caregivers want me to tell them the patient's life expectancy.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          13) Telling the patient and family members that the patient's illness is incurable is difficult for me.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          14) I think it is essential to discuss the prognosis with a patient, even if it is very poor.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          15) Most patients' physical symptoms (eg, pain, shortness of breath, and nausea) are controlled better with hospice than with the care they would receive in the hospital.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          16) Most patients' emotional symptoms (eg, depression, anxiety) are controlled better with hospice than with the care they would receive in the hospital.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          17) Hospice care generally meets the needs of the family better than conventional care does.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          18) Many terminally ill patients who should receive hospice care do not receive hospice care.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          19) Many patients would benefit if hospice care were initiated earlier in the course of their illness.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          20) I feel knowledgeable enough to discuss palliative and hospice care with patients and families.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          21) What do you see as the primary ways to facilitate earlier initiation of hospice care for patients who are eligible? _____________________________________________________________________________________
  1. Institute of Medicine.Approaching Death.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;1997.
  2. SUPPORT Principle Investigators.A controlled trial to improve care for seriously ill hospitalized patients.JAMA.1995;274:15911598.
  3. Morrison RS,Meier DE,Fischberg D, et al.Improving the management of pain in hospitalized adults.Arch Intern Med.2006;166:10331039.
  4. von Gunten CF.Interventions to manage symptoms at the end of life.J Palliat Med.2005;8(suppl 1):S88S94.
  5. Bradley EH,Hallemeier AG,Fried TR, et al.Documentation of discussions about prognosis with terminally ill patients.Am J Med.2001;111:218223.
  6. Chittenden EH,Clark ST,Pantilat SZ.Discussing resuscitation preferences with patients: challenges and rewards.J Hosp Med.2006;1:231249.
  7. Schulman‐Green D,McCorkle R,Curry L,Cherlin E,Johnson‐Hurzeler R,Bradley E.At the crossroads: making the transition to hospice.Palliat Support Care.2004;2:351360.
  8. Bradley EH,Fried TR,Kasl SV,Cicchetti DV,Johnson‐Hurzeler R,Horwitz SM.Referral of terminally ill patients for hospice: frequency and correlates.J Palliat Care.2000;16(4):2026.
  9. Ogle K,Mavis B,Wang T.Hospice and primary care physicians: attitudes, knowledge, and barriers.Am J Hosp Palliat Care.2003;20(1):4151.
  10. Ogle KS,Mavis B,Wyatt GK.Physicians and hospice care: attitudes, knowledge, and referrals.J Palliat Med.2002;5(1):8592.
  11. Block SD.Medical education in end‐of‐life care: the status of reform.J Palliat Med.2002;5(2):243248.
  12. Meier DE,Morrison RS,Cassel CK.Improving palliative care.Ann Intern Med.1997;127(3):225230.
  13. Weissman DE,Mullan P,Ambuel B,von Gunten CF,Hallenbeck J,Warm E.Improving end‐of‐life care: internal medicine curriculum project—abstracts/progress reports.J Palliat Med.2001;4(1):75102.
  14. Bailey FA,Burgio KL,Woodby LL, et al.Improving processes of hospital care during the last hours of life.Arch Intern Med.2005;165:17221727.
  15. Pan CX,Morrison RS,Meier DE, et al.How prevalent are hospital‐based palliative care programs? Status report and future directions.J Palliat Med.2001;4:315324.
  16. von Gunten CF,Twaddle M,Preodor M,Neely KJ,Martinez J,Lyons J.Evidence of improved knowledge and skills after an elective rotation in a hospice and palliative care program for internal medicine residents.Am J Hosp Palliat Care.2005;22(3):195203.
  17. Clark JM,Lurie JD,Claessens MT,Reed VA,Jernstedt GC,Goodlin SG.Factors associated with palliative care knowledge among internal medicine house staff.J Palliat Care.2003;19:253257.
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  22. Wachter RM.The evolution of the hospitalist model in the United States.Med Clin North Am.2002;86:687706.
  23. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The emerging role of “hospitalists” in the American health care system.N Engl J Med.1996;335:514517.
  24. Bradley EH,Cicchetti DV,Fried TR, et al.Attitudes about care at the end of life among clinicians: a quick, reliable, and valid assessment instrument.J Palliat Care.2000;16(1):614.
  25. Bradley EH,Cramer LD,Bogardus ST,Kasl SV,Johnson‐Hurzeler R,Horwitz SM.Physicians' ratings of their knowledge, attitudes, and end‐of‐life‐care practices.Acad Med.2002;77:305311.
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  27. Doyle D,Hanks G,Cherny N,Calman K, eds.Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine.3rd ed.Oxford, UK:Oxford University Press;2004.
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  30. Iwashyna TJ,Christakis NA.Attitude and self‐reported practice regarding hospice referral in a national sample of internists.J Palliat Med.1998;1:241248.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(6)
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hospice, hospitalist, end‐of‐life
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Shortcomings in the quality of care of hospitalized patients at the end of life, especially in the final days, are well documented.1, 2 Recent studies have highlighted inadequate pain and symptom control for hospitalized terminally ill patients,24 poor communication about treatment preferences,57 and limited or delayed referral for hospice care.810 Efforts to improve the quality of end‐of‐life care have been diverse, including increased educational programs,1113 development of palliative care units in hospitals,14, 15 and greater exposure to palliative care for physicians during residency training.16 Despite these efforts, studies assessing the attitudes and knowledge of physicians about hospice and palliative care continue to show deficits in knowledge about managing pain17, 18 as well as hospice policies and services.9

Among the interventions aimed at improving hospital care, the hospitalist movement has emerged as a model of care for improving the quality and cost efficiency of hospital care.1922 Because hospitalists spend substantial time on inpatient services,23 they are often involved in the care of patients with terminal illness, with potential to improve the quality of care that these patients receive while hospitalized. However, little is known about what specific knowledge and perspectives hospitalists and residents have about the care of patients with terminal illness. Although many studies have been conducted among physicians in private practice,9, 10, 2426 they have not focused on the knowledge, reported practices, and attitudes of hospitalists and residents concerning key aspects of end‐of‐life care and hospice. Such information can help to identify potential areas for improving knowledge and addressing common barriers highlighted in linking hospital and posthospital hospice care.


Study Design and Sample

During 2006 we surveyed hospitalists and medical residents who were on their oncology rotation at a large academic medical center that did not have a hospital‐based palliative care unit in order to examine their knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding terminally ill patients and hospice referrals. Hospitalists (n = 23) and medical residents (n = 29) made up a convenience sample of 52 physicians. The medical residents were completing their oncology rotation during the spring of 2006. The Institutional Review Board at Yale University School of Medicine approved the research protocol and verbal consent procedures.


The brief survey instrument (see Appendix) assessed physicians' knowledge and attitudes about and practices in caring for patients with terminal illness. The survey was adapted from previously published instruments8, 24 that have been shown24 to have good test‐retest reliability and construct validity. The survey contained 5 items pertaining to clinical knowledge about palliative care practices, including common symptoms and drug indications, doses, and side effects.27 An additional 2 items pertained to respondents' knowledge about nonclinical issues concerning eligibility rules for hospice,8 such as how a patient becomes eligible for hospice and whether Medicare benefits can be revoked or reinstated after hospice is elected. The survey also included 10 statements24 assessing physician attitudes about caring for patients with terminal illness. Responses, provided using a 5‐point Likert scale, were collapsed for reporting into a 3‐point scale of agree, neutral, and disagree. The instrument also included an open‐ended question asking physicians to specify what from their perspective was needed to ensure timely referral for hospice and palliative care.

Data Analysis

We used standard frequency analysis to describe the distribution of responses to the survey items. Based on an analysis of common erroneous answers to clinical knowledge questions, we identified several common myths prevalent among hospitalists and medicine residents. We also examined whether knowledge, reported practices, and attitudes differed significantly between the hospitalist and the resident samples using ANOVA or chi‐square statistics as appropriate. We used content analysis to summarize the open‐ended responses about potential ways to overcome what respondents perceived was underutilization of hospice.



The response rate for the survey was 85.2%. Almost half of the respondents (44.2%) were hospitalists (Table 1). The remaining respondents included first‐year (n = 9) and second‐ or third‐year (n = 16) residents or fellows (n = 4). Approximately 54% of the 52 respondents were female, and the majority (83%) had graduated from medical school between 2000 and 2005. Several common myths were apparent and pertained to essential areas of treating patients with terminal illness: pain control, symptom control, and eligibility for hospice (Table 2). Respondents generally had strong beliefs about caring for patients with terminal illness, and most agreed that many patients who would benefit from hospice either do not receive hospice or receive it only late in the course of their illness (Table 3).

Demographic Characteristics of Respondents (n = 52)
Years since graduation from medical school  
1‐2 Years2656.5%
3‐5 Years1226.1%
>5 Years817.4%
Physician type  
First‐year resident917.3%
Second‐ or third‐year resident1630.8%
Knowledge about Hospice and Palliative Care Practices and Eligibility for Hospice Care (n = 52)*
Questions about hospice and palliative care practicesResponse (%)
  • Correct answers, that is, facts, are in bold.

The incidence of psychological dependence (addiction) to opioids and analgesics when treating pain from cancer or other medical conditions is: 
Common (1 in 10 patients)17.3
Uncommon (1 in 100 patients)48.1
Very rare (fewer than 1 in 1000 patients)34.6
When a patient with cancer who is receiving opioids for pain complains of increasing pain, it most likely indicates: 
Opioid tolerance69.2
Increasing pathology of the cancer26.9
Patient noncompliance0.0
New onset of a different opioid‐resisting pain3.9
In the pain patient receiving opioids, 30 mg of oral morphine is equipotent to of IV morphine 
1 mg4.0
5 mg40.0
10 mg56.0
20 mg0.0
The 2 classes of drugs most commonly recommended for treating terminal dyspnea are: 
Beta‐blockers and Lasix7.7
Opioids and benzodiazepines82.7
Beta‐blockers and corticosteroids9.6
Beta‐blockers and Singulair (montelukast)0.0
A hospice patient whose agitation is primarily from anxiety should be treated with: 
Chlorpromazine (thorazine)0.0
Lorazepam (Ativan)76.4
Questions about eligibility for hospice careResponse (%)
Under the Medicare program, a physician must certify that the patient is expected to die within a specified time for the patients to be eligible for hospice services. To the best of your knowledge, patients become eligible for inpatient hospice care when they are expected to die in: 
2 Weeks5.8
6 Weeks9.6
2 Months9.6
6 Months69.2
Don't know3.8
To the best of your knowledge, patients become eligible for home hospice care when they are expected to die in: 
2 Weeks0.0
6 Weeks5.8
2 Months7.7
6 Months73.1
Don't know13.4
Physicians' Beliefs about Caring for Patients with Terminal Illness (n = 52)
BeliefsDisagree (%)Neutral (%)Agree (%)
Most patients want me to tell them their life‐expectancy.0.017.482.6
Generally, family caregivers want me to tell them the patient's life expectancy.4.48.786.9
Telling the patient and family members that the patient's illness is incurable is difficult for me.23.013.563.5
I think it is essential to discuss the prognosis with a patient, even if it is very poor.0.04.495.6
Most patients' physical symptoms (eg, pain, shortness of breath, and nausea) are controlled better with hospice than with the care that they would receive in the hospital.0.021.778.3
Most patients' emotional symptoms (eg, depression, anxiety) are controlled better with hospice than with the care they would receive in the hospital.0.08.791.3
Hospice meets the needs of the family better than conventional care does.0.08.791.3
Many patients who should receive hospice care do not receive hospice care.21.813.065.2
Many patients would benefit if hospice care were initiated earlier in the course of their illness.
I feel knowledgeable enough to discuss palliative and hospice care with patients and families.19.238.542.3

Common Myths in Treating Patients with Terminal Illness

Myth 1. Treating cancer pain with opioids or analgesics causes addiction in 1 in 100 patients. Most physicians thought that addiction in patients treated for cancer pain with opioids or analgesics was much more common than it is. Almost half the respondents (48.1%) thought addiction occurred in 1 in 100 patients, and an additional 17.3% of respondents thought addiction occurred in 1 in 10 patients treated for cancer pain with opioids or analgesics. In contrast, the incidence of addiction in patients treated with opioids or analgesics for cancer pain is fewer than 1 in 1000 patients.28

Myth 2. When patients with cancer already receiving opioids for pain control complain of increasing pain, it most likely indicates opioid tolerance. Nearly 70% of respondents reported that the most likely reason for complaints of increased pain was tolerance to the opioid. However, the most likely reason for increased pain is increasing pathology of the cancer.27

Myth 3. The equipotent to 30 mg of oral morphine is 5 mg intravenous. More than half of respondents were inaccurate in their conversion of oral to intravenous (IV) morphine dosing, a common task of physicians caring for terminally ill patients. Almost half the physicians (44%) erroneously reported that 30 mg of oral morphine was equipotent to 5 mg or less morphine IV. However, in fact, 30 mg of oral morphine is equipotent to 10 mg of morphine IV.27

Myth 4. The most highly recommended drug for treating terminal dyspnea is a beta‐blocker, and the most appropriate drug for agitation due to anxiety is Haldol or morphine. Most respondents were able to identify the correct drugs; however, a sizable proportion of respondents (17.3%) erroneously responded that beta‐blockers and Lasix or beta‐blockers and corticosteroids were the best drugs for treating terminal dyspnea. About one‐fifth of respondents (21.6%) responded that Haldol or morphine was the recommended medication for treating agitation. In fact, opioids and benzodiazepines are the recommended drugs for treating terminal dyspnea,27 and the proper drug for treating agitation is lorazepam (Ativan).27

Myth 5. Patient life expectancy must be 2 months or less to be eligible for hospice. One‐quarter of respondents believed this to be true for inpatient hospice, and nearly 13.5% of respondents believe this to be true for home hospice. In fact, patients are eligible for hospice benefits earlier in the course of their illness. Under Medicare and most insurance policies, patients are eligible for hospice benefits as soon as their life expectancy is 6 months or less, not 2 months or less.27

Physician Beliefs about Caring for Patients with Terminal Illness

The physicians' beliefs about hospice were generally positive; the vast majority of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that physical and emotional symptoms of patients and family needs are better addressed with hospice than with the hospital care (Table 3). Most respondents also agreed that many patients do not receive hospice as they should and that hospice should be initiated earlier in the course of the illness. In addition, more than 80% of respondents believed patients and their families want their doctors to tell them the patient's life expectancy, and 95.6% of respondents thought it was essential to discuss prognosis, even a poor one, with the patient. Nevertheless, many respondents (65.3%) reported it was difficult to tell patients and their families that an illness was incurable. Furthermore, fewer than half the respondents (42.3%) believed they were knowledgeable enough to discuss hospice and palliative care with patients and their families.

In subgroup analyses comparing responses to knowledge and attitude items reported in Tables 2 and 3, we found no significant differences between hospitalists and any subgroup of residents by year of training or fellows, or between hospitalists and the full sample of residents and fellows. Because of the sample size, the statistical power for evaluating significance was limited in these exploratory subgroup analyses.

Among physicians who provided responses to the open‐ended question (n = 42) about how to enhance hospice referral rates and improve their timeliness, the most commonly reported suggestions were: (1) involve family members, not only patients, in discussions of hospice (38.1%), (2) have discussions about hospice earlier in the course of care with patients (26.2%), and (3) be clear with patients and families about the patient's prognosis (19.0%). Table 4 has a list of all responses provided to this question.

Physicians' Suggestions for Improving the Process of Hospice Referral (n = 42)
  • Percentages add up to more than 100% because some respondents made more than 1 suggestion.

Involving family members as well as patients in discussions of hospice1638.1
Having earlier discussion with patients1126.2
Being clear with patients and families about patient prognosis819.0
Providing education about hospice to patients and families614.3
Discussions of goals of care with patients and families614.3
Involving social worker in discussions49.5
Providing literature to patients and families about hospice37.1
Having hospice representative available to provide education to patient and families24.8


This study demonstrated that, among hospitalists and residents, there are several misconceptions about fundamental aspects of caring for terminally ill patients. Given the potential importance of the role hospitalists play in improving the quality of inpatient care,1922 it is critical to identify and address these misconceptions. Additionally, physicians in this study indicated that more and earlier communication with patients and families about prognosis and about the option of hospice would be beneficial, but they themselves did not feel knowledgeable enough to discuss hospice and palliative care with patients and their families.

The nature of the misconceptions identified in this study shed light on the well‐documented phenomena of inadequate pain control24, 29 and poor symptom management2, 4 at the end of life. Having many of the erroneous beliefs apparent in this study may be consistent with providing less pain medication than needed and appropriate. For instance, many physicians believed that developing addiction to opioids used for cancer pain is more likely to occur than it really is, according to research evidence. It is extremely rare for these patients to become addicted to opioids or other analgesics (fewer than 1 in 1000 patients).28 In addition, most physicians believed that complaints of increased pain among patients receiving opioid therapy for pain control meant tolerance to the medication, a belief consistent with physician reluctance to prescribe more medication because it would lead to tolerance.28 In reality, the increased pain experienced in these situations is typically not a result of tolerance to the pain medication but to the cancer getting worse.27 Additionally, many physicians mistakenly decreased the dose of morphine in converting the route of administration from PO to IV, as is often done in hospitals. Such an error may be a contributing factor to the unintended undertreatment of pain in hospitals. Given the variability of cancer pain4 and the difference in time to peak effect depending on the route of administration,5 it is critical for physicians to understand proper dosing in order to effectively treat cancer pain. Furthermore, many physicians were incorrect about the recommended medications for dyspnea and for agitation, 2 symptoms that are prevalent among patients at the end of life.

The hospitalists and residents reported having very positive views about hospice, as is consistent with the literature.10, 30 However, many respondents indicated that patients who would have benefited from hospice did not receive it at all or only late in their illness. Physicians indicated that better communication with patients and families about hospice, prognosis, and goals of care would enhance appropriate use of hospice. While hospitalists and residents are in a position to initiate such discussions, they reported that these discussions were difficult for them. The challenge is how to promote what is necessary and valuable conversation with patients and families despite their difficulty, so that a realistic plan of care can be designed for all involved. Providing hospitalists and residents with evidence about what approaches are most effective in such discussions would be helpful to better prepare them for their roles in caring for hospitalized patients with terminal illness.

The results of this study have substantiated the need to enhance the education of hospitalists and resident physicians, who can play a vital role in improving the transition from hospital to hospice. Such education could take place as part of the residency experience or be embedded in various continuing medical education requirements that most states now have. The results of a recent national survey of hospitalists31 indicates they consider their palliative care training inadequate and feel ill prepared to care for patients with terminal illness. Our findings are consistent with those of that survey, highlighting information that is poorly understood by both residents and hospitalists. As hospitalists continue to play key roles in linking hospital to posthospital care,21 including hospice, there is greater opportunity to improve end‐of‐life care by expanding hospitalists' understanding of these issues.

Our findings should be interpreted in light of the study's limitations. First, this was an exploratory study, and the sample was modest in size. Nevertheless, the response rate was high: 85.2%. Second, we conducted the study in a single location; results may differ in other geographical areas. Last, we were unable to link reported knowledge and attitudes to patient experiences including quality of care or adequacy of pain control. Inadequate knowledge likely limits the quality of clinical practices, but the magnitude of this effect remains unknown and worthy of future study.

Despite these limitations, this study has contributed to the literature by identifying a set of misunderstandings or myths that may be common among hospitalists and residents who frequently care for hospitalized patients with terminal illness. Many of these misunderstandings were related to pain and symptom management, although some misunderstandings related to logistical issues such as hospice eligibility rules. Previous studies have described interventions to improve physicians' knowledge about palliative and end‐of‐life care practices at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels.13 Our findings identified specific gaps in physicians' knowledge. Interventions aimed at closing these gaps might emphasize both specific clinical information about pain management and medication recommendations, and more general information about eligibility for hospice and best practices for communicating early with patients and family is needed to promote more effective care for patients with terminal illness being cared for in acute care settings.

As the use of hospitalists has become a widely accepted model of hospital care,32 ensuring their increased training and education in the care of patients with terminal illness is an important step in improving end‐of‐life care. Larger comparison studies are needed to identify differences in the practices and perspectives of hospitalists and residents and to target educational interventions to meet their particular needs. Further, conducting these studies at additional sites including those with established palliative care programs would be useful for identifying needs among a more diverse set of physicians involved in delivering end‐of‐life care.


Survey on Hospice and End‐of‐Life Care

Survey ID _________________

Date ______________



    • What is your gender?


      • □ Male

      • □ Female

      • What year did you graduate from medical school? ___________

      • What is your primary specialty or area of practice?


        • □ Hospitalist

        • □ Oncology fellow

        • □ Oncology resident

        • □ Physician assistant

        • □ Other: _____________



          • The incidence of psychological dependence (addiction) to opioids and analgesics when treating pain from cancer or other medical conditions is:


            • Common (1 in 10 patients)

            • Uncommon (1 in 100 patients)

            • Very rare (fewer than 1 in 1000 patients)

            • When a patient with cancer who is receiving opioids for pain complains of increasing pain, it most likely indicates:


              • Opioid tolerance

              • Increasing pathology of the cancer

              • Patient noncompliance

              • New onset of a different opioid‐resisting pain

              • In the pain patient receiving opioids, 30 mg of oral morphine is equipotent to _______________ of IV.


                • 1mg

                • 5 mg

                • 10 mg

                • 20 mg

                • The 2 classes of drugs most commonly recommended for treating terminal dyspnea are:


                  • Beta‐blockers and Lasix

                  • Opioids and benzodiazepines

                  • Beta‐blockers and corticosteroids

                  • Beta‐blockers and Singulair (montelukast)

                  • A hospice patient whose agitation is due primarily to anxiety should be treated with:


                    • Chlorpromazine

                    • Haloperidol

                    • Lorazepam

                    • Morphine

                    • ELIGIBILITY FOR HOSPICE CARE


                      • Under the Medicare program, a physician must certify that the patient is expected to die within a specified time for the patients to be eligible for hospice services. To the best of your knowledge, patients become eligible for inpatient hospice care when they are expected to die in:


                        • □ 2 Weeks

                        • □ 6 Weeks

                        • □ 2 Months

                        • □ 6 Months

                        • □ Other: ________________________

                        • □ Don't know

                        • To the best of your knowledge, patients are eligible for home hospice care when they are expected to die in:


                          • □ 2 Weeks

                          • □ 6 Weeks

                          • □ 2 Months

                          • □ 6 Months

                          • □ Other: __________________________

                          • □ Don't know

                          • ATTITUDES ABOUT HOSPICE CARE 0


                          Following is a series of statements. Please state whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement.
                           Strongly agreeStrongly disagree
                          11) Most patients want me to tell them their life expectancy.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          12) Generally, family caregivers want me to tell them the patient's life expectancy.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          13) Telling the patient and family members that the patient's illness is incurable is difficult for me.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          14) I think it is essential to discuss the prognosis with a patient, even if it is very poor.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          15) Most patients' physical symptoms (eg, pain, shortness of breath, and nausea) are controlled better with hospice than with the care they would receive in the hospital.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          16) Most patients' emotional symptoms (eg, depression, anxiety) are controlled better with hospice than with the care they would receive in the hospital.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          17) Hospice care generally meets the needs of the family better than conventional care does.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          18) Many terminally ill patients who should receive hospice care do not receive hospice care.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          19) Many patients would benefit if hospice care were initiated earlier in the course of their illness.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          20) I feel knowledgeable enough to discuss palliative and hospice care with patients and families.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          21) What do you see as the primary ways to facilitate earlier initiation of hospice care for patients who are eligible? _____________________________________________________________________________________

Shortcomings in the quality of care of hospitalized patients at the end of life, especially in the final days, are well documented.1, 2 Recent studies have highlighted inadequate pain and symptom control for hospitalized terminally ill patients,24 poor communication about treatment preferences,57 and limited or delayed referral for hospice care.810 Efforts to improve the quality of end‐of‐life care have been diverse, including increased educational programs,1113 development of palliative care units in hospitals,14, 15 and greater exposure to palliative care for physicians during residency training.16 Despite these efforts, studies assessing the attitudes and knowledge of physicians about hospice and palliative care continue to show deficits in knowledge about managing pain17, 18 as well as hospice policies and services.9

Among the interventions aimed at improving hospital care, the hospitalist movement has emerged as a model of care for improving the quality and cost efficiency of hospital care.1922 Because hospitalists spend substantial time on inpatient services,23 they are often involved in the care of patients with terminal illness, with potential to improve the quality of care that these patients receive while hospitalized. However, little is known about what specific knowledge and perspectives hospitalists and residents have about the care of patients with terminal illness. Although many studies have been conducted among physicians in private practice,9, 10, 2426 they have not focused on the knowledge, reported practices, and attitudes of hospitalists and residents concerning key aspects of end‐of‐life care and hospice. Such information can help to identify potential areas for improving knowledge and addressing common barriers highlighted in linking hospital and posthospital hospice care.


Study Design and Sample

During 2006 we surveyed hospitalists and medical residents who were on their oncology rotation at a large academic medical center that did not have a hospital‐based palliative care unit in order to examine their knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding terminally ill patients and hospice referrals. Hospitalists (n = 23) and medical residents (n = 29) made up a convenience sample of 52 physicians. The medical residents were completing their oncology rotation during the spring of 2006. The Institutional Review Board at Yale University School of Medicine approved the research protocol and verbal consent procedures.


The brief survey instrument (see Appendix) assessed physicians' knowledge and attitudes about and practices in caring for patients with terminal illness. The survey was adapted from previously published instruments8, 24 that have been shown24 to have good test‐retest reliability and construct validity. The survey contained 5 items pertaining to clinical knowledge about palliative care practices, including common symptoms and drug indications, doses, and side effects.27 An additional 2 items pertained to respondents' knowledge about nonclinical issues concerning eligibility rules for hospice,8 such as how a patient becomes eligible for hospice and whether Medicare benefits can be revoked or reinstated after hospice is elected. The survey also included 10 statements24 assessing physician attitudes about caring for patients with terminal illness. Responses, provided using a 5‐point Likert scale, were collapsed for reporting into a 3‐point scale of agree, neutral, and disagree. The instrument also included an open‐ended question asking physicians to specify what from their perspective was needed to ensure timely referral for hospice and palliative care.

Data Analysis

We used standard frequency analysis to describe the distribution of responses to the survey items. Based on an analysis of common erroneous answers to clinical knowledge questions, we identified several common myths prevalent among hospitalists and medicine residents. We also examined whether knowledge, reported practices, and attitudes differed significantly between the hospitalist and the resident samples using ANOVA or chi‐square statistics as appropriate. We used content analysis to summarize the open‐ended responses about potential ways to overcome what respondents perceived was underutilization of hospice.



The response rate for the survey was 85.2%. Almost half of the respondents (44.2%) were hospitalists (Table 1). The remaining respondents included first‐year (n = 9) and second‐ or third‐year (n = 16) residents or fellows (n = 4). Approximately 54% of the 52 respondents were female, and the majority (83%) had graduated from medical school between 2000 and 2005. Several common myths were apparent and pertained to essential areas of treating patients with terminal illness: pain control, symptom control, and eligibility for hospice (Table 2). Respondents generally had strong beliefs about caring for patients with terminal illness, and most agreed that many patients who would benefit from hospice either do not receive hospice or receive it only late in the course of their illness (Table 3).

Demographic Characteristics of Respondents (n = 52)
Years since graduation from medical school  
1‐2 Years2656.5%
3‐5 Years1226.1%
>5 Years817.4%
Physician type  
First‐year resident917.3%
Second‐ or third‐year resident1630.8%
Knowledge about Hospice and Palliative Care Practices and Eligibility for Hospice Care (n = 52)*
Questions about hospice and palliative care practicesResponse (%)
  • Correct answers, that is, facts, are in bold.

The incidence of psychological dependence (addiction) to opioids and analgesics when treating pain from cancer or other medical conditions is: 
Common (1 in 10 patients)17.3
Uncommon (1 in 100 patients)48.1
Very rare (fewer than 1 in 1000 patients)34.6
When a patient with cancer who is receiving opioids for pain complains of increasing pain, it most likely indicates: 
Opioid tolerance69.2
Increasing pathology of the cancer26.9
Patient noncompliance0.0
New onset of a different opioid‐resisting pain3.9
In the pain patient receiving opioids, 30 mg of oral morphine is equipotent to of IV morphine 
1 mg4.0
5 mg40.0
10 mg56.0
20 mg0.0
The 2 classes of drugs most commonly recommended for treating terminal dyspnea are: 
Beta‐blockers and Lasix7.7
Opioids and benzodiazepines82.7
Beta‐blockers and corticosteroids9.6
Beta‐blockers and Singulair (montelukast)0.0
A hospice patient whose agitation is primarily from anxiety should be treated with: 
Chlorpromazine (thorazine)0.0
Lorazepam (Ativan)76.4
Questions about eligibility for hospice careResponse (%)
Under the Medicare program, a physician must certify that the patient is expected to die within a specified time for the patients to be eligible for hospice services. To the best of your knowledge, patients become eligible for inpatient hospice care when they are expected to die in: 
2 Weeks5.8
6 Weeks9.6
2 Months9.6
6 Months69.2
Don't know3.8
To the best of your knowledge, patients become eligible for home hospice care when they are expected to die in: 
2 Weeks0.0
6 Weeks5.8
2 Months7.7
6 Months73.1
Don't know13.4
Physicians' Beliefs about Caring for Patients with Terminal Illness (n = 52)
BeliefsDisagree (%)Neutral (%)Agree (%)
Most patients want me to tell them their life‐expectancy.0.017.482.6
Generally, family caregivers want me to tell them the patient's life expectancy.4.48.786.9
Telling the patient and family members that the patient's illness is incurable is difficult for me.23.013.563.5
I think it is essential to discuss the prognosis with a patient, even if it is very poor.0.04.495.6
Most patients' physical symptoms (eg, pain, shortness of breath, and nausea) are controlled better with hospice than with the care that they would receive in the hospital.0.021.778.3
Most patients' emotional symptoms (eg, depression, anxiety) are controlled better with hospice than with the care they would receive in the hospital.0.08.791.3
Hospice meets the needs of the family better than conventional care does.0.08.791.3
Many patients who should receive hospice care do not receive hospice care.21.813.065.2
Many patients would benefit if hospice care were initiated earlier in the course of their illness.
I feel knowledgeable enough to discuss palliative and hospice care with patients and families.19.238.542.3

Common Myths in Treating Patients with Terminal Illness

Myth 1. Treating cancer pain with opioids or analgesics causes addiction in 1 in 100 patients. Most physicians thought that addiction in patients treated for cancer pain with opioids or analgesics was much more common than it is. Almost half the respondents (48.1%) thought addiction occurred in 1 in 100 patients, and an additional 17.3% of respondents thought addiction occurred in 1 in 10 patients treated for cancer pain with opioids or analgesics. In contrast, the incidence of addiction in patients treated with opioids or analgesics for cancer pain is fewer than 1 in 1000 patients.28

Myth 2. When patients with cancer already receiving opioids for pain control complain of increasing pain, it most likely indicates opioid tolerance. Nearly 70% of respondents reported that the most likely reason for complaints of increased pain was tolerance to the opioid. However, the most likely reason for increased pain is increasing pathology of the cancer.27

Myth 3. The equipotent to 30 mg of oral morphine is 5 mg intravenous. More than half of respondents were inaccurate in their conversion of oral to intravenous (IV) morphine dosing, a common task of physicians caring for terminally ill patients. Almost half the physicians (44%) erroneously reported that 30 mg of oral morphine was equipotent to 5 mg or less morphine IV. However, in fact, 30 mg of oral morphine is equipotent to 10 mg of morphine IV.27

Myth 4. The most highly recommended drug for treating terminal dyspnea is a beta‐blocker, and the most appropriate drug for agitation due to anxiety is Haldol or morphine. Most respondents were able to identify the correct drugs; however, a sizable proportion of respondents (17.3%) erroneously responded that beta‐blockers and Lasix or beta‐blockers and corticosteroids were the best drugs for treating terminal dyspnea. About one‐fifth of respondents (21.6%) responded that Haldol or morphine was the recommended medication for treating agitation. In fact, opioids and benzodiazepines are the recommended drugs for treating terminal dyspnea,27 and the proper drug for treating agitation is lorazepam (Ativan).27

Myth 5. Patient life expectancy must be 2 months or less to be eligible for hospice. One‐quarter of respondents believed this to be true for inpatient hospice, and nearly 13.5% of respondents believe this to be true for home hospice. In fact, patients are eligible for hospice benefits earlier in the course of their illness. Under Medicare and most insurance policies, patients are eligible for hospice benefits as soon as their life expectancy is 6 months or less, not 2 months or less.27

Physician Beliefs about Caring for Patients with Terminal Illness

The physicians' beliefs about hospice were generally positive; the vast majority of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that physical and emotional symptoms of patients and family needs are better addressed with hospice than with the hospital care (Table 3). Most respondents also agreed that many patients do not receive hospice as they should and that hospice should be initiated earlier in the course of the illness. In addition, more than 80% of respondents believed patients and their families want their doctors to tell them the patient's life expectancy, and 95.6% of respondents thought it was essential to discuss prognosis, even a poor one, with the patient. Nevertheless, many respondents (65.3%) reported it was difficult to tell patients and their families that an illness was incurable. Furthermore, fewer than half the respondents (42.3%) believed they were knowledgeable enough to discuss hospice and palliative care with patients and their families.

In subgroup analyses comparing responses to knowledge and attitude items reported in Tables 2 and 3, we found no significant differences between hospitalists and any subgroup of residents by year of training or fellows, or between hospitalists and the full sample of residents and fellows. Because of the sample size, the statistical power for evaluating significance was limited in these exploratory subgroup analyses.

Among physicians who provided responses to the open‐ended question (n = 42) about how to enhance hospice referral rates and improve their timeliness, the most commonly reported suggestions were: (1) involve family members, not only patients, in discussions of hospice (38.1%), (2) have discussions about hospice earlier in the course of care with patients (26.2%), and (3) be clear with patients and families about the patient's prognosis (19.0%). Table 4 has a list of all responses provided to this question.

Physicians' Suggestions for Improving the Process of Hospice Referral (n = 42)
  • Percentages add up to more than 100% because some respondents made more than 1 suggestion.

Involving family members as well as patients in discussions of hospice1638.1
Having earlier discussion with patients1126.2
Being clear with patients and families about patient prognosis819.0
Providing education about hospice to patients and families614.3
Discussions of goals of care with patients and families614.3
Involving social worker in discussions49.5
Providing literature to patients and families about hospice37.1
Having hospice representative available to provide education to patient and families24.8


This study demonstrated that, among hospitalists and residents, there are several misconceptions about fundamental aspects of caring for terminally ill patients. Given the potential importance of the role hospitalists play in improving the quality of inpatient care,1922 it is critical to identify and address these misconceptions. Additionally, physicians in this study indicated that more and earlier communication with patients and families about prognosis and about the option of hospice would be beneficial, but they themselves did not feel knowledgeable enough to discuss hospice and palliative care with patients and their families.

The nature of the misconceptions identified in this study shed light on the well‐documented phenomena of inadequate pain control24, 29 and poor symptom management2, 4 at the end of life. Having many of the erroneous beliefs apparent in this study may be consistent with providing less pain medication than needed and appropriate. For instance, many physicians believed that developing addiction to opioids used for cancer pain is more likely to occur than it really is, according to research evidence. It is extremely rare for these patients to become addicted to opioids or other analgesics (fewer than 1 in 1000 patients).28 In addition, most physicians believed that complaints of increased pain among patients receiving opioid therapy for pain control meant tolerance to the medication, a belief consistent with physician reluctance to prescribe more medication because it would lead to tolerance.28 In reality, the increased pain experienced in these situations is typically not a result of tolerance to the pain medication but to the cancer getting worse.27 Additionally, many physicians mistakenly decreased the dose of morphine in converting the route of administration from PO to IV, as is often done in hospitals. Such an error may be a contributing factor to the unintended undertreatment of pain in hospitals. Given the variability of cancer pain4 and the difference in time to peak effect depending on the route of administration,5 it is critical for physicians to understand proper dosing in order to effectively treat cancer pain. Furthermore, many physicians were incorrect about the recommended medications for dyspnea and for agitation, 2 symptoms that are prevalent among patients at the end of life.

The hospitalists and residents reported having very positive views about hospice, as is consistent with the literature.10, 30 However, many respondents indicated that patients who would have benefited from hospice did not receive it at all or only late in their illness. Physicians indicated that better communication with patients and families about hospice, prognosis, and goals of care would enhance appropriate use of hospice. While hospitalists and residents are in a position to initiate such discussions, they reported that these discussions were difficult for them. The challenge is how to promote what is necessary and valuable conversation with patients and families despite their difficulty, so that a realistic plan of care can be designed for all involved. Providing hospitalists and residents with evidence about what approaches are most effective in such discussions would be helpful to better prepare them for their roles in caring for hospitalized patients with terminal illness.

The results of this study have substantiated the need to enhance the education of hospitalists and resident physicians, who can play a vital role in improving the transition from hospital to hospice. Such education could take place as part of the residency experience or be embedded in various continuing medical education requirements that most states now have. The results of a recent national survey of hospitalists31 indicates they consider their palliative care training inadequate and feel ill prepared to care for patients with terminal illness. Our findings are consistent with those of that survey, highlighting information that is poorly understood by both residents and hospitalists. As hospitalists continue to play key roles in linking hospital to posthospital care,21 including hospice, there is greater opportunity to improve end‐of‐life care by expanding hospitalists' understanding of these issues.

Our findings should be interpreted in light of the study's limitations. First, this was an exploratory study, and the sample was modest in size. Nevertheless, the response rate was high: 85.2%. Second, we conducted the study in a single location; results may differ in other geographical areas. Last, we were unable to link reported knowledge and attitudes to patient experiences including quality of care or adequacy of pain control. Inadequate knowledge likely limits the quality of clinical practices, but the magnitude of this effect remains unknown and worthy of future study.

Despite these limitations, this study has contributed to the literature by identifying a set of misunderstandings or myths that may be common among hospitalists and residents who frequently care for hospitalized patients with terminal illness. Many of these misunderstandings were related to pain and symptom management, although some misunderstandings related to logistical issues such as hospice eligibility rules. Previous studies have described interventions to improve physicians' knowledge about palliative and end‐of‐life care practices at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels.13 Our findings identified specific gaps in physicians' knowledge. Interventions aimed at closing these gaps might emphasize both specific clinical information about pain management and medication recommendations, and more general information about eligibility for hospice and best practices for communicating early with patients and family is needed to promote more effective care for patients with terminal illness being cared for in acute care settings.

As the use of hospitalists has become a widely accepted model of hospital care,32 ensuring their increased training and education in the care of patients with terminal illness is an important step in improving end‐of‐life care. Larger comparison studies are needed to identify differences in the practices and perspectives of hospitalists and residents and to target educational interventions to meet their particular needs. Further, conducting these studies at additional sites including those with established palliative care programs would be useful for identifying needs among a more diverse set of physicians involved in delivering end‐of‐life care.


Survey on Hospice and End‐of‐Life Care

Survey ID _________________

Date ______________



    • What is your gender?


      • □ Male

      • □ Female

      • What year did you graduate from medical school? ___________

      • What is your primary specialty or area of practice?


        • □ Hospitalist

        • □ Oncology fellow

        • □ Oncology resident

        • □ Physician assistant

        • □ Other: _____________



          • The incidence of psychological dependence (addiction) to opioids and analgesics when treating pain from cancer or other medical conditions is:


            • Common (1 in 10 patients)

            • Uncommon (1 in 100 patients)

            • Very rare (fewer than 1 in 1000 patients)

            • When a patient with cancer who is receiving opioids for pain complains of increasing pain, it most likely indicates:


              • Opioid tolerance

              • Increasing pathology of the cancer

              • Patient noncompliance

              • New onset of a different opioid‐resisting pain

              • In the pain patient receiving opioids, 30 mg of oral morphine is equipotent to _______________ of IV.


                • 1mg

                • 5 mg

                • 10 mg

                • 20 mg

                • The 2 classes of drugs most commonly recommended for treating terminal dyspnea are:


                  • Beta‐blockers and Lasix

                  • Opioids and benzodiazepines

                  • Beta‐blockers and corticosteroids

                  • Beta‐blockers and Singulair (montelukast)

                  • A hospice patient whose agitation is due primarily to anxiety should be treated with:


                    • Chlorpromazine

                    • Haloperidol

                    • Lorazepam

                    • Morphine

                    • ELIGIBILITY FOR HOSPICE CARE


                      • Under the Medicare program, a physician must certify that the patient is expected to die within a specified time for the patients to be eligible for hospice services. To the best of your knowledge, patients become eligible for inpatient hospice care when they are expected to die in:


                        • □ 2 Weeks

                        • □ 6 Weeks

                        • □ 2 Months

                        • □ 6 Months

                        • □ Other: ________________________

                        • □ Don't know

                        • To the best of your knowledge, patients are eligible for home hospice care when they are expected to die in:


                          • □ 2 Weeks

                          • □ 6 Weeks

                          • □ 2 Months

                          • □ 6 Months

                          • □ Other: __________________________

                          • □ Don't know

                          • ATTITUDES ABOUT HOSPICE CARE 0


                          Following is a series of statements. Please state whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement.
                           Strongly agreeStrongly disagree
                          11) Most patients want me to tell them their life expectancy.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          12) Generally, family caregivers want me to tell them the patient's life expectancy.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          13) Telling the patient and family members that the patient's illness is incurable is difficult for me.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          14) I think it is essential to discuss the prognosis with a patient, even if it is very poor.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          15) Most patients' physical symptoms (eg, pain, shortness of breath, and nausea) are controlled better with hospice than with the care they would receive in the hospital.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          16) Most patients' emotional symptoms (eg, depression, anxiety) are controlled better with hospice than with the care they would receive in the hospital.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          17) Hospice care generally meets the needs of the family better than conventional care does.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          18) Many terminally ill patients who should receive hospice care do not receive hospice care.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          19) Many patients would benefit if hospice care were initiated earlier in the course of their illness.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          20) I feel knowledgeable enough to discuss palliative and hospice care with patients and families.1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □
                          21) What do you see as the primary ways to facilitate earlier initiation of hospice care for patients who are eligible? _____________________________________________________________________________________
  1. Institute of Medicine.Approaching Death.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;1997.
  2. SUPPORT Principle Investigators.A controlled trial to improve care for seriously ill hospitalized patients.JAMA.1995;274:15911598.
  3. Morrison RS,Meier DE,Fischberg D, et al.Improving the management of pain in hospitalized adults.Arch Intern Med.2006;166:10331039.
  4. von Gunten CF.Interventions to manage symptoms at the end of life.J Palliat Med.2005;8(suppl 1):S88S94.
  5. Bradley EH,Hallemeier AG,Fried TR, et al.Documentation of discussions about prognosis with terminally ill patients.Am J Med.2001;111:218223.
  6. Chittenden EH,Clark ST,Pantilat SZ.Discussing resuscitation preferences with patients: challenges and rewards.J Hosp Med.2006;1:231249.
  7. Schulman‐Green D,McCorkle R,Curry L,Cherlin E,Johnson‐Hurzeler R,Bradley E.At the crossroads: making the transition to hospice.Palliat Support Care.2004;2:351360.
  8. Bradley EH,Fried TR,Kasl SV,Cicchetti DV,Johnson‐Hurzeler R,Horwitz SM.Referral of terminally ill patients for hospice: frequency and correlates.J Palliat Care.2000;16(4):2026.
  9. Ogle K,Mavis B,Wang T.Hospice and primary care physicians: attitudes, knowledge, and barriers.Am J Hosp Palliat Care.2003;20(1):4151.
  10. Ogle KS,Mavis B,Wyatt GK.Physicians and hospice care: attitudes, knowledge, and referrals.J Palliat Med.2002;5(1):8592.
  11. Block SD.Medical education in end‐of‐life care: the status of reform.J Palliat Med.2002;5(2):243248.
  12. Meier DE,Morrison RS,Cassel CK.Improving palliative care.Ann Intern Med.1997;127(3):225230.
  13. Weissman DE,Mullan P,Ambuel B,von Gunten CF,Hallenbeck J,Warm E.Improving end‐of‐life care: internal medicine curriculum project—abstracts/progress reports.J Palliat Med.2001;4(1):75102.
  14. Bailey FA,Burgio KL,Woodby LL, et al.Improving processes of hospital care during the last hours of life.Arch Intern Med.2005;165:17221727.
  15. Pan CX,Morrison RS,Meier DE, et al.How prevalent are hospital‐based palliative care programs? Status report and future directions.J Palliat Med.2001;4:315324.
  16. von Gunten CF,Twaddle M,Preodor M,Neely KJ,Martinez J,Lyons J.Evidence of improved knowledge and skills after an elective rotation in a hospice and palliative care program for internal medicine residents.Am J Hosp Palliat Care.2005;22(3):195203.
  17. Clark JM,Lurie JD,Claessens MT,Reed VA,Jernstedt GC,Goodlin SG.Factors associated with palliative care knowledge among internal medicine house staff.J Palliat Care.2003;19:253257.
  18. Fineberg IC,Wenger NS,Brown‐Saltzman K.Unrestricted opiate administration for pain and suffering at the end of life: knowledge and attitudes as barriers to care.J Palliat Med.2006;9:873883.
  19. Coffman J,Rundall TG.The impact of hospitalists on the cost and quality of inpatient care in the United States: a research synthesis.Med Care Res Rev.2005;62:379406.
  20. Meltzer D,Manning WG,Morrison J, et al.Effects of physician experience on costs and outcomes on an academic general medicine service: results of a trial of hospitalists.Ann Intern Med.2002;137:866874.
  21. Muir JC,Arnold RM.Palliative care and the hospitalist: an opportunity for cross‐fertilization.Am J Med.2001;111 (9B):10S14S.
  22. Wachter RM.The evolution of the hospitalist model in the United States.Med Clin North Am.2002;86:687706.
  23. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The emerging role of “hospitalists” in the American health care system.N Engl J Med.1996;335:514517.
  24. Bradley EH,Cicchetti DV,Fried TR, et al.Attitudes about care at the end of life among clinicians: a quick, reliable, and valid assessment instrument.J Palliat Care.2000;16(1):614.
  25. Bradley EH,Cramer LD,Bogardus ST,Kasl SV,Johnson‐Hurzeler R,Horwitz SM.Physicians' ratings of their knowledge, attitudes, and end‐of‐life‐care practices.Acad Med.2002;77:305311.
  26. Weggel JM.Barriers to the physician decision to offer hospice as an option for terminal care.WMJ.1999;98(3):4953.
  27. Doyle D,Hanks G,Cherny N,Calman K, eds.Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine.3rd ed.Oxford, UK:Oxford University Press;2004.
  28. Portenoy RK,Coyle N.Controversies in the long‐term management of analgesic therapy in patients with advanced cancer.J Pain Symptom Manage.1990;5:307319.
  29. Moynihan TJ.Use of opioids in the treatment of severe pain in terminally ill patients—dying should not be painful.Mayo Clin Proc.2003;78:13971401.
  30. Iwashyna TJ,Christakis NA.Attitude and self‐reported practice regarding hospice referral in a national sample of internists.J Palliat Med.1998;1:241248.
  31. Plauth WH,Pantilat SZ,Wachter RM,Fenton CL.Hospitalists' perceptions of their residency training needs: results of a national survey.Am J Med.2001;111:247254.
  32. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The hospitalist movement 5 years later.JAMA.2002;287:487494.
  1. Institute of Medicine.Approaching Death.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;1997.
  2. SUPPORT Principle Investigators.A controlled trial to improve care for seriously ill hospitalized patients.JAMA.1995;274:15911598.
  3. Morrison RS,Meier DE,Fischberg D, et al.Improving the management of pain in hospitalized adults.Arch Intern Med.2006;166:10331039.
  4. von Gunten CF.Interventions to manage symptoms at the end of life.J Palliat Med.2005;8(suppl 1):S88S94.
  5. Bradley EH,Hallemeier AG,Fried TR, et al.Documentation of discussions about prognosis with terminally ill patients.Am J Med.2001;111:218223.
  6. Chittenden EH,Clark ST,Pantilat SZ.Discussing resuscitation preferences with patients: challenges and rewards.J Hosp Med.2006;1:231249.
  7. Schulman‐Green D,McCorkle R,Curry L,Cherlin E,Johnson‐Hurzeler R,Bradley E.At the crossroads: making the transition to hospice.Palliat Support Care.2004;2:351360.
  8. Bradley EH,Fried TR,Kasl SV,Cicchetti DV,Johnson‐Hurzeler R,Horwitz SM.Referral of terminally ill patients for hospice: frequency and correlates.J Palliat Care.2000;16(4):2026.
  9. Ogle K,Mavis B,Wang T.Hospice and primary care physicians: attitudes, knowledge, and barriers.Am J Hosp Palliat Care.2003;20(1):4151.
  10. Ogle KS,Mavis B,Wyatt GK.Physicians and hospice care: attitudes, knowledge, and referrals.J Palliat Med.2002;5(1):8592.
  11. Block SD.Medical education in end‐of‐life care: the status of reform.J Palliat Med.2002;5(2):243248.
  12. Meier DE,Morrison RS,Cassel CK.Improving palliative care.Ann Intern Med.1997;127(3):225230.
  13. Weissman DE,Mullan P,Ambuel B,von Gunten CF,Hallenbeck J,Warm E.Improving end‐of‐life care: internal medicine curriculum project—abstracts/progress reports.J Palliat Med.2001;4(1):75102.
  14. Bailey FA,Burgio KL,Woodby LL, et al.Improving processes of hospital care during the last hours of life.Arch Intern Med.2005;165:17221727.
  15. Pan CX,Morrison RS,Meier DE, et al.How prevalent are hospital‐based palliative care programs? Status report and future directions.J Palliat Med.2001;4:315324.
  16. von Gunten CF,Twaddle M,Preodor M,Neely KJ,Martinez J,Lyons J.Evidence of improved knowledge and skills after an elective rotation in a hospice and palliative care program for internal medicine residents.Am J Hosp Palliat Care.2005;22(3):195203.
  17. Clark JM,Lurie JD,Claessens MT,Reed VA,Jernstedt GC,Goodlin SG.Factors associated with palliative care knowledge among internal medicine house staff.J Palliat Care.2003;19:253257.
  18. Fineberg IC,Wenger NS,Brown‐Saltzman K.Unrestricted opiate administration for pain and suffering at the end of life: knowledge and attitudes as barriers to care.J Palliat Med.2006;9:873883.
  19. Coffman J,Rundall TG.The impact of hospitalists on the cost and quality of inpatient care in the United States: a research synthesis.Med Care Res Rev.2005;62:379406.
  20. Meltzer D,Manning WG,Morrison J, et al.Effects of physician experience on costs and outcomes on an academic general medicine service: results of a trial of hospitalists.Ann Intern Med.2002;137:866874.
  21. Muir JC,Arnold RM.Palliative care and the hospitalist: an opportunity for cross‐fertilization.Am J Med.2001;111 (9B):10S14S.
  22. Wachter RM.The evolution of the hospitalist model in the United States.Med Clin North Am.2002;86:687706.
  23. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The emerging role of “hospitalists” in the American health care system.N Engl J Med.1996;335:514517.
  24. Bradley EH,Cicchetti DV,Fried TR, et al.Attitudes about care at the end of life among clinicians: a quick, reliable, and valid assessment instrument.J Palliat Care.2000;16(1):614.
  25. Bradley EH,Cramer LD,Bogardus ST,Kasl SV,Johnson‐Hurzeler R,Horwitz SM.Physicians' ratings of their knowledge, attitudes, and end‐of‐life‐care practices.Acad Med.2002;77:305311.
  26. Weggel JM.Barriers to the physician decision to offer hospice as an option for terminal care.WMJ.1999;98(3):4953.
  27. Doyle D,Hanks G,Cherny N,Calman K, eds.Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine.3rd ed.Oxford, UK:Oxford University Press;2004.
  28. Portenoy RK,Coyle N.Controversies in the long‐term management of analgesic therapy in patients with advanced cancer.J Pain Symptom Manage.1990;5:307319.
  29. Moynihan TJ.Use of opioids in the treatment of severe pain in terminally ill patients—dying should not be painful.Mayo Clin Proc.2003;78:13971401.
  30. Iwashyna TJ,Christakis NA.Attitude and self‐reported practice regarding hospice referral in a national sample of internists.J Palliat Med.1998;1:241248.
  31. Plauth WH,Pantilat SZ,Wachter RM,Fenton CL.Hospitalists' perceptions of their residency training needs: results of a national survey.Am J Med.2001;111:247254.
  32. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The hospitalist movement 5 years later.JAMA.2002;287:487494.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(6)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(6)
Page Number
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Article Type
Display Headline
Common myths about caring for patients with terminal illness: Opportunities to improve care in the hospital setting
Display Headline
Common myths about caring for patients with terminal illness: Opportunities to improve care in the hospital setting
Legacy Keywords
hospice, hospitalist, end‐of‐life
Legacy Keywords
hospice, hospitalist, end‐of‐life
Article Source

Copyright © 2007 Society of Hospital Medicine

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