Is psychosis toxic to the brain?
- Author:
- Gerald Martone, MS, MSN, PMHNP-BC
Because untreated psychosis can result in irreversible structural brain damage, clinicians must act swiftly to provide assertive treatment.
Can taming inflammation help reduce aggression?
- Author:
- Gerald Martone, MS, MSN, PMHNP-BC
Inducing systemic inflammation has adverse effects on cognition and behavior, whereas suppressing inflammation can improve sensorium and mood.
Vitamin B6 for tardive dyskinesia?
- Author:
- Gerald Martone, MS, MSN, PMHNP-BC
Preliminary evidence suggests that vitamin B6 can help alleviate symptoms of tardive dyskinesia.
Can melatonin alleviate antipsychotic-induced weight gain?
- Author:
- Gerald Martone, MS, MSN, PMHNP-BC
Second-generation antipsychotics have been a remarkably effective innovation in psychotropic therapy. Unfortunately, the metabolic effects of...