Low sexual desire: Appropriate use of testosterone in menopausal women

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Wed, 11/07/2018 - 13:17
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Low sexual desire: Appropriate use of testosterone in menopausal women

CASE Midlife woman with low libido causing distress

At her annual gynecologic visit, a 55-year-old woman notes that she has almost no interest in sex. In the past, her libido was good and relations were pleasurable. Since her mid-40s, she has noticed a gradual decline in libido and orgasmic response. Sexual frequency has declined from once or twice weekly to just a few times per month. She has been married for 25 years and describes the relationship as caring and strong. Her husband is healthy with a good libido; his intermittent erectile dysfunction is treated with a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor. The patient’s low libido is distressing, as the decline in sexual frequency is causing some conflict for the couple. She requests that her testosterone level be checked because she heard that treatment with testosterone cream will solve this problem.


Evaluating and treating low libido in menopausal women

Low libido is a very common sexual problem for women. When sexual problems are accompanied by distress, they are classified as sexual dysfunctions. Although ObGyns should discuss sexual concerns at every comprehensive visit, if the patient has no associated distress, treatment is not necessarily indicated. A woman with low libido or anorgasmia who is satisfied with her sex life and is not bothered by these issues does not require any intervention.

Currently, the only indication for testosterone therapy that is supported by clinical trial evidence is low sexual desire with associated distress, known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). Although other sexual problems also commonly occur in menopausal women, such as disorders of orgasm and pain, testosterone is not recommended for these problems. In addition, testosterone is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction.


Routinely inquire about sexual functioning

Ask your patients about sexual concerns at every comprehensive visit. You can easily incorporate into the review of systems a general question, such as, “Do you have any sexual concerns?” If the patient does mention a sexual problem, schedule a separate visit (given appointment time constraints) to address it. History and physical examination information you gather during the comprehensive visit will be helpful in the subsequent problem-focused visit.

Taking a thorough history is key when addressing a patient’s sexual problems, since identifying possible etiologies guides treatment. Often, the cause of female sexual dysfunction is multifactorial and includes physiologic, psychologic, and relationship issues.

Key Points
  • Evidence supports low-dose transdermal testosterone in carefully selected menopausal women with HSDD and no other identifiable reason for the sexual dysfunction
  • Inform women considering testosterone for HSDD of the limited effectiveness and high placebo responses seen in clinical trials
  • Women also must be informed that treatment is off-label (no testosterone formulations are FDA approved for women)
  • Review with patients the limitations of compounded medications, and discuss possible adverse effects of androgens. Long-term safety is unknown and, as androgens are converted to estrogens

Explore potential causes, recommend standard therapies

Common causes of low libido in menopausal women include vasomotor symptoms, insomnia, urinary incontinence, cancer or another major medical problem, weight gain, poor body image, genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) with dyspareunia, fatigue, stress, aging, relationship duration, lack of novelty, relationship conflict, and a partner’s sexual problems. Other common etiologies include depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, as well as medications used to treat these disorders, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Continue to: There are many effective therapies...



There are many effective therapies for low sexual desire to consider prior to initiating a trial of testosterone, which should be considered for HSDD only if the disorder persists after addressing all other possible contributing factors (TABLE 1).

Sex therapy, for example, provides information on sexual functioning and helps improve communication and mutual pleasure and satisfaction. Strongly encourage—if not require—a consultation with a sex therapist before prescribing testosterone for low libido. Any testosterone-derived improvement in sexual functioning will be enhanced by improved communication and additional strategies to achieve mutual pleasure.

Hormone therapy. Vasomotor symptoms, with their associated sleep disruption, fatigue, and reduced quality of life (QOL), often adversely impact sexual desire. Estrogen therapy does not appear to improve libido in otherwise asymptomatic women; however, in women with bothersome vasomotor symptoms treated with estrogen, sexual interest may increase as a result of improved sleep, fatigue, and overall QOL. The benefits of systemic hormone therapy generally outweigh its risks for most healthy women younger than age 60 who have bothersome hot flashes and night sweats.1



Nonhormonal and other therapies. GSM with dyspareunia is a principal cause of sexual dysfunction in older women.2 Many safe and effective treatments are available, including low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy, nonhormonal moisturizers and lubricants, ospemifene, vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone, and pelvic floor physical therapy.3 Urinary incontinence commonly occurs in midlife women and contributes to low libido.4

Lifestyle approaches. Address fatigue and stress by having the patient adjust her work and sleep schedules, obtain help with housework and meals, and engage in mind-body interventions, counseling, or yoga. Sexual function may benefit from yoga practice, likely as a result of the patient experiencing reduced stress and enhanced body image. Improving overall health and body image with regular exercise, optimal diet, and weight management may contribute to a more satisfying sex life after the onset of menopause.

Relationship refresh. Women’s sexual interest often declines with relationship duration, and both men and women who are in new relationships generally have increased libido, affirming the importance of novelty over the long term. Couples will benefit from “date nights,” weekends away from home, and trying novel positions, locations, and times for sex. Couple’s counseling may address relationship conflict.

Expert referral. Depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders are prevalent in menopausal women and contribute to sexual dysfunction. Effective therapy is available, although some pharmacologic treatments (including SSRIs) may be an additional cause of sexual dysfunction. In addition to recommending appropriate counseling and support, referring the patient to a psychopharmacologist with expertise in managing sexual adverse effects of medications may optimize care.

Continue to: Sexual function improves, but patient still wants to try testosterone



CASE Sexual function improves, but patient still wants to try testosterone

The patient returns for follow-up visits scheduled specifically to address her sexual concerns. Sex is more comfortable and pleasurable since initiating low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy. Having been on an SSRI since her mid-40s for mild depression, the patient switched to bupropion and notes improved libido and orgasmic response. She is exercising more regularly and working with a nutritionist to address a 15-lb weight gain after menopause. The couple saw a sex therapist and is communicating better about sex with more novelty in their repertoire. They are enjoying a regular date night. Although the patient’s sex life has improved with these interventions, she is still very interested in trying testosterone.



Testosterone’s effects on HSDD in menopausal women

After addressing the many factors that contribute to sexual disinterest, a trial of testosterone may be appropriate for a menopausal woman who continues to experience low libido with associated distress.

Testosterone levels decrease with aging in both men and women. Although testosterone levels decline by approximately 50% with bilateral oophorectomy, there is no decline in androgen levels with natural menopause.5 Testosterone circulates tightly bound to sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG), so free or active testosterone will be reduced by oral estrogens, which increase SHBG levels.6 As most menopausal women will have a low testosterone level due to aging, measuring the testosterone level does not provide information about the etiology of the sexual problem.

Although some studies have identified an association between endogenous androgen levels and sexual function, the associations are modest and are of uncertain clinical significance.7-9 Not surprisingly, other factors, such as physical and psychologic health and the quality of the relationship, often are reported as more important predictors of sexual satisfaction than androgen levels.10

While endogenous testosterone levels may not correlate with sexual function, clinical trials of carefully selected menopausal women with HSDD have shown that androgen treatment generally results in improved sexual function.11 Studies demonstrate substantial improvements in sexual desire, orgasmic response, and frequency in menopausal women treated with high doses of intramuscular testosterone, which result in supraphysiologic androgen levels.12,13 While it is interesting that women with testosterone levels in the male low range have sizeable increases in sexual desire and response, long-term use of high-dose testosterone would result in unacceptable androgenic adverse effects and risks.

Continue to: Testosterone in low doses...



Testosterone in low doses. It is more relevant to consider the impact on female sexual function of low doses of testosterone, which raise the reduced testosterone levels seen in older women to the higher levels seen in reproductive-aged women.


A series of double-blind, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trials in menopausal women with HSDD examined the impact on sexual function of a transdermal testosterone patch (300 μg) that increased blood testosterone levels to the upper limit of normal for young women.14-17 In these studies, compared with placebo, women using testosterone reported significant improvements in sexual desire, arousal, orgasmic response, frequency, and sexually related distress. Findings were consistent in surgically and naturally menopausal women, with and without the use of concurrent estrogen therapy. Improvements were clinically limited, however. On average, testosterone-treated women experienced 1 to 1.5 additional satisfying sexual events in a 4-week period compared with those treated with placebo. The percentage of women reporting a clinically meaningful benefit from treatment was significantly greater in women treated with testosterone (52%) compared with the placebo-treated women (31%).18 An appreciable placebo response was seen, typical of most studies of therapies for sexual dysfunction.

Safety concerns

Potential risks of testosterone treatment include acne, hirsutism, irreversible deepening of the voice, and adverse changes in lipids and liver function (TABLE 2).19 Adverse effects are dose dependent and are unlikely with physiologically dosed testosterone.


A 1-year study of testosterone patches in approximately 800 menopausal women with HSDD (with a subgroup of women followed for an additional year) provides the most comprehensive safety data available.17 Unwanted hair growth occurred more often in women receiving testosterone, without significant differences in blood biochemistry,hematologic parameters, carbohydrate metabolism, or lipids. Breast cancer was diagnosed in more women receiving testosterone than placebo. Although this finding may have been due to chance, the investigators concluded that long-term effects of testosterone treatment remain uncertain.

The FDA reviewed the data from the testosterone patch studies and determined that testosterone patches were effective for the treatment of HSDD in menopausal women, but more information was needed on long-term safety before approval could be granted. Another company then developed a testosterone gel product that produced similar blood levels as the testosterone patch. It was presumed that there would be similar efficacy; the principal goal of these studies was to examine long-term safety, particularly with respect to breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. Unexpectedly, although it raised testosterone blood levels to the upper limit of normal for young women, the testosterone gel product was no more effective than placebo.20 The clinical trial was ended, with safety data never published.

Continue to: Availability of testosterone formulations



Availability of testosterone formulations

Currently, no androgen therapies are FDA approved for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction. Although the best evidence regarding testosterone efficacy and safety involves the use of testosterone patches (300 μg), appropriately dosed for women, these patches are not currently available. FDA-approved testosterone patches are approved for the treatment of male hypogonadism, but use of these patches in women is not recommended since they would result in very high circulating testosterone levels.

Testosterone subcutaneous implants, pellets, and intramuscular injections also are not recommended for women because of the risk of excessive dosing. Small trials of menopausal women taking oral estrogen with low sexual desire found that oral formulations of testosterone improved libido in this study population.21 The combination of esterified estrogens (0.625 mg) and methyltestosterone (1.25 mg) is available as a compounded, non-FDA approved product. Oral androgen formulations generally are not advised, due to potential adverse effects on lipids and liver function.22

Compounded testosterone products. Ointments and creams may be compounded by prescription (TABLE 3). Product purity, dose, bioavailability, and quality typically are untested, and substantial variability exists between formulations and batches.23 Applying 1% testosterone cream or gel (0.5 g/day) topically to the thigh or lower abdomen should increase the low testosterone levels typically seen in menopausal women to the higher levels seen in younger women.24,25 Application to the vulva or vagina is not advised, as it may cause local irritation and is unpredictably absorbed.

Adapting male testosterone products. High-quality FDA-approved testosterone gel formulations are available for male hypogonadism. However, since women have approximately one-tenth the circulating testosterone levels of men, supraphysiologic dosing is a risk when these products are prescribed for women. Most testosterone products approved for men are provided in pumps or packets, and they are difficult to dose-adjust for women. Applying one-tenth the male dose of 1% testosterone gel (Testim), which comes in a resealable unit-dose tube, is an alternative to compounding. For men, the dose is 1 tube per day, so women should make 1 tube last for 10 days by using 3 to 4 drops of testosterone gel per day. Close physical contact must be avoided immediately after application, as topical hormone creams and gels are easily transferred to others. The safety and efficacy of compounded or dose-adjusted male testosterone products used in women are unknown.

Follow treated women closely. Women who elect to use transdermal testosterone therapy should be seen at 8 to 12 weeks to assess treatment response. Regular follow-up visits are required to assess response, satisfaction, and adverse effects, including acne and hirsutism. Since there may be little correlation between serum testosterone levels and the prescribed dose of a compounded testosterone product, testosterone levels should be measured regularly as a safety measure. The goal is to keep serum testosterone concentrations within the normal range for reproductive-aged women to reduce the likelihood of adverse effects. Testosterone levels should not be tested as an efficacy measure, however, as there is no testosterone level that will assure a satisfactory sex life.



CASE Conclusion

After a thorough discussion of high placebo response rates, potential adverse effects, unknown long-term risks, and off-label nature of testosterone use, the patient elects a trial of compounded 1% testosterone cream. Her clinician informs her of the limitations of compounded formulations and the need for regular testing of testosterone levels to prevent supraphysiologic dosing. At a follow-up visit 8 weeks later, she reports improved sexual desire and elects to continue treatment and monitoring. After using testosterone for 2 years, the patient is uncertain that she still is experiencing a significant benefit, stops testosterone treatment, and remains satisfied with her sex life.


Share your thoughts! Send your Letter to the Editor to rbarbieri@mdedge.com. Please include your name and the city and state in which you practice.

  1. The North American Menopause Society Hormone Therapy Position Statement Advisory Panel. The 2017 hormone therapy position statement of The North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2017;24:728-753.
  2. Simon JA, Nappi RE, Kingsberg SA, et al. Clarifying Vaginal Atrophy's Impact on Sex and Relationships (CLOSER) survey: emotional and physical impact of vaginal discomfort on North American postmenopausal women and their partners. Menopause. 2014;21:137-142.
  3. The North American Menopause Society. Management of symptomatic vulvovaginal atrophy: 2013 position statement of The North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2013;20:888-902.
  4. Shifren J, Monz B, Russo P, et al. Sexual problems and distress in United States women: prevalence and correlates. Obstet Gynecol. 2008;112:970-978.
  5. Davison S, Bell R, Donath S, et al. Androgen levels in adult females: changes with age, menopause, and oophorectomy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:3847-3853.
  6. Shifren JL, Desindes S, McIlwain M, et al. A randomized, open-label, crossover study comparing the effects of oral versus transdermal estrogen therapy on serum androgens, thyroid hormones, and adrenal hormones in naturally menopausal women. Menopause. 2007;14:985-994.
  7. Davis SR, Davison SL, Donath S, et al. Circulating androgen levels and self-reported sexual function in women. JAMA. 2005;294:91-96.
  8. Wahlin-Jacobsen S, Pedersen AT, Kristensen E, et al. Is there a correlation between androgens and sexual desire in women? J Sex Med. 2015;12:358-373.
  9. Randolph JF Jr, Zheng H, Avis NE, et al. Masturbation frequency and sexual function domains are associated with serum reproductive hormone levels across the menopausal transition. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015;100:258-266.
  10. Dennerstein L, Lehert P, Burger H. The relative effects of hormones and relationship factors on sexual function of women through the natural menopausal transition. Fertil Steril. 2005;84:174-180.
  11. Shifren JL, Davis SR. Androgens in postmenopausal women: a review. Menopause. 2017;24:970-979.
  12. Sherwin BB, Gelfand MM, Brender W. Androgen enhances sexual motivation in females: a prospective, crossover study of sex steroid administration in the surgical menopause. Psychosom Med. 1985;47:339-351.
  13. Huang G, Basaria S, Travison TG, et al. Testosterone dose-response relationships in hysterectomized women with or without oophorectomy: effects on sexual function, body composition, muscle performance and physical function in a randomized trial. Menopause. 2014;21:612-623.
  14. Shifren JL, Braunstein GD, Simon JA, et al. Transdermal testosterone treatment in women with impaired sexual function after oophorectomy. N Engl J Med. 2000;343:682-688.
  15. Simon J, Braunstein G, Nachtigall L, et al. Testosterone patch increases sexual activity and desire in surgically menopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:5226-5233.
  16. Shifren JL, Davis SR, Moreau M, et al. Testosterone patch for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in naturally menopausal women: results from the INTIMATE NM1 study. Menopause. 2006;13:770-779.
  17. Davis SR, Moreau M, Kroll R, et al; APHRODITE Study Team. Testosterone for low libido in postmenopausal women not taking estrogen. N Engl J Med. 2008;359:2005-2017.
  18. Kingsberg S, Shifren J, Wekselman K, et al. Evaluation of the clinical relevance of benefits associated with transdermal testosterone treatment in postmenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. J Sex Med. 2007;4:1001-1008.
  19. Wierman ME, Arlt W, Basson R, et al. Androgen therapy in women: a reappraisal: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014;99:3489-3510.
  20. Snabes M, Zborowski J, Simes S. Libigel (testosterone gel) does not differentiate from placebo therapy in the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire in postmenopausal women (abstract). J Sex Med. 2012;9(suppl 3):171.
  21. Lobo RA, Rosen RC, Yang HM, et al. Comparative effects of oral esterified estrogens with and without methyltestosterone on endocrine profiles and dimensions of sexual function in postmenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire. Fertil Steril. 2003;79:1341-1352.
  22. Somboonporn W, Davis S, Seif M, et al. Testsoterone for peri- and postmenopausal women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;19:CD004509.
  23. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Gynecologic Practice and American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Committee opinion 532: compounded bioidentical menopausal hormone therapy. Obstet Gynecol. 2012;(2 pt 1):411-415.
  24. Fooladi E, Reuter SE, Bell RJ, et al. Pharmacokinetics of a transdermal testosterone cream in healthy postmenopausal women. Menopause. 2015;22:44-49.
  25. Shifren JL. Testosterone for midlife women: the hormone of desire? Menopause. 2015;22:1147-1149.
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Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Shifren is Director, Midlife Women’s Health Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Vincent Trustees Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology; Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.

The author reports that she is a consultant for the New England Research Institutes.

OBG Management - 30(11)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Shifren is Director, Midlife Women’s Health Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Vincent Trustees Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology; Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.

The author reports that she is a consultant for the New England Research Institutes.

Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Shifren is Director, Midlife Women’s Health Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Vincent Trustees Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology; Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.

The author reports that she is a consultant for the New England Research Institutes.

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CASE Midlife woman with low libido causing distress

At her annual gynecologic visit, a 55-year-old woman notes that she has almost no interest in sex. In the past, her libido was good and relations were pleasurable. Since her mid-40s, she has noticed a gradual decline in libido and orgasmic response. Sexual frequency has declined from once or twice weekly to just a few times per month. She has been married for 25 years and describes the relationship as caring and strong. Her husband is healthy with a good libido; his intermittent erectile dysfunction is treated with a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor. The patient’s low libido is distressing, as the decline in sexual frequency is causing some conflict for the couple. She requests that her testosterone level be checked because she heard that treatment with testosterone cream will solve this problem.


Evaluating and treating low libido in menopausal women

Low libido is a very common sexual problem for women. When sexual problems are accompanied by distress, they are classified as sexual dysfunctions. Although ObGyns should discuss sexual concerns at every comprehensive visit, if the patient has no associated distress, treatment is not necessarily indicated. A woman with low libido or anorgasmia who is satisfied with her sex life and is not bothered by these issues does not require any intervention.

Currently, the only indication for testosterone therapy that is supported by clinical trial evidence is low sexual desire with associated distress, known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). Although other sexual problems also commonly occur in menopausal women, such as disorders of orgasm and pain, testosterone is not recommended for these problems. In addition, testosterone is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction.


Routinely inquire about sexual functioning

Ask your patients about sexual concerns at every comprehensive visit. You can easily incorporate into the review of systems a general question, such as, “Do you have any sexual concerns?” If the patient does mention a sexual problem, schedule a separate visit (given appointment time constraints) to address it. History and physical examination information you gather during the comprehensive visit will be helpful in the subsequent problem-focused visit.

Taking a thorough history is key when addressing a patient’s sexual problems, since identifying possible etiologies guides treatment. Often, the cause of female sexual dysfunction is multifactorial and includes physiologic, psychologic, and relationship issues.

Key Points
  • Evidence supports low-dose transdermal testosterone in carefully selected menopausal women with HSDD and no other identifiable reason for the sexual dysfunction
  • Inform women considering testosterone for HSDD of the limited effectiveness and high placebo responses seen in clinical trials
  • Women also must be informed that treatment is off-label (no testosterone formulations are FDA approved for women)
  • Review with patients the limitations of compounded medications, and discuss possible adverse effects of androgens. Long-term safety is unknown and, as androgens are converted to estrogens

Explore potential causes, recommend standard therapies

Common causes of low libido in menopausal women include vasomotor symptoms, insomnia, urinary incontinence, cancer or another major medical problem, weight gain, poor body image, genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) with dyspareunia, fatigue, stress, aging, relationship duration, lack of novelty, relationship conflict, and a partner’s sexual problems. Other common etiologies include depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, as well as medications used to treat these disorders, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Continue to: There are many effective therapies...



There are many effective therapies for low sexual desire to consider prior to initiating a trial of testosterone, which should be considered for HSDD only if the disorder persists after addressing all other possible contributing factors (TABLE 1).

Sex therapy, for example, provides information on sexual functioning and helps improve communication and mutual pleasure and satisfaction. Strongly encourage—if not require—a consultation with a sex therapist before prescribing testosterone for low libido. Any testosterone-derived improvement in sexual functioning will be enhanced by improved communication and additional strategies to achieve mutual pleasure.

Hormone therapy. Vasomotor symptoms, with their associated sleep disruption, fatigue, and reduced quality of life (QOL), often adversely impact sexual desire. Estrogen therapy does not appear to improve libido in otherwise asymptomatic women; however, in women with bothersome vasomotor symptoms treated with estrogen, sexual interest may increase as a result of improved sleep, fatigue, and overall QOL. The benefits of systemic hormone therapy generally outweigh its risks for most healthy women younger than age 60 who have bothersome hot flashes and night sweats.1



Nonhormonal and other therapies. GSM with dyspareunia is a principal cause of sexual dysfunction in older women.2 Many safe and effective treatments are available, including low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy, nonhormonal moisturizers and lubricants, ospemifene, vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone, and pelvic floor physical therapy.3 Urinary incontinence commonly occurs in midlife women and contributes to low libido.4

Lifestyle approaches. Address fatigue and stress by having the patient adjust her work and sleep schedules, obtain help with housework and meals, and engage in mind-body interventions, counseling, or yoga. Sexual function may benefit from yoga practice, likely as a result of the patient experiencing reduced stress and enhanced body image. Improving overall health and body image with regular exercise, optimal diet, and weight management may contribute to a more satisfying sex life after the onset of menopause.

Relationship refresh. Women’s sexual interest often declines with relationship duration, and both men and women who are in new relationships generally have increased libido, affirming the importance of novelty over the long term. Couples will benefit from “date nights,” weekends away from home, and trying novel positions, locations, and times for sex. Couple’s counseling may address relationship conflict.

Expert referral. Depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders are prevalent in menopausal women and contribute to sexual dysfunction. Effective therapy is available, although some pharmacologic treatments (including SSRIs) may be an additional cause of sexual dysfunction. In addition to recommending appropriate counseling and support, referring the patient to a psychopharmacologist with expertise in managing sexual adverse effects of medications may optimize care.

Continue to: Sexual function improves, but patient still wants to try testosterone



CASE Sexual function improves, but patient still wants to try testosterone

The patient returns for follow-up visits scheduled specifically to address her sexual concerns. Sex is more comfortable and pleasurable since initiating low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy. Having been on an SSRI since her mid-40s for mild depression, the patient switched to bupropion and notes improved libido and orgasmic response. She is exercising more regularly and working with a nutritionist to address a 15-lb weight gain after menopause. The couple saw a sex therapist and is communicating better about sex with more novelty in their repertoire. They are enjoying a regular date night. Although the patient’s sex life has improved with these interventions, she is still very interested in trying testosterone.



Testosterone’s effects on HSDD in menopausal women

After addressing the many factors that contribute to sexual disinterest, a trial of testosterone may be appropriate for a menopausal woman who continues to experience low libido with associated distress.

Testosterone levels decrease with aging in both men and women. Although testosterone levels decline by approximately 50% with bilateral oophorectomy, there is no decline in androgen levels with natural menopause.5 Testosterone circulates tightly bound to sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG), so free or active testosterone will be reduced by oral estrogens, which increase SHBG levels.6 As most menopausal women will have a low testosterone level due to aging, measuring the testosterone level does not provide information about the etiology of the sexual problem.

Although some studies have identified an association between endogenous androgen levels and sexual function, the associations are modest and are of uncertain clinical significance.7-9 Not surprisingly, other factors, such as physical and psychologic health and the quality of the relationship, often are reported as more important predictors of sexual satisfaction than androgen levels.10

While endogenous testosterone levels may not correlate with sexual function, clinical trials of carefully selected menopausal women with HSDD have shown that androgen treatment generally results in improved sexual function.11 Studies demonstrate substantial improvements in sexual desire, orgasmic response, and frequency in menopausal women treated with high doses of intramuscular testosterone, which result in supraphysiologic androgen levels.12,13 While it is interesting that women with testosterone levels in the male low range have sizeable increases in sexual desire and response, long-term use of high-dose testosterone would result in unacceptable androgenic adverse effects and risks.

Continue to: Testosterone in low doses...



Testosterone in low doses. It is more relevant to consider the impact on female sexual function of low doses of testosterone, which raise the reduced testosterone levels seen in older women to the higher levels seen in reproductive-aged women.


A series of double-blind, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trials in menopausal women with HSDD examined the impact on sexual function of a transdermal testosterone patch (300 μg) that increased blood testosterone levels to the upper limit of normal for young women.14-17 In these studies, compared with placebo, women using testosterone reported significant improvements in sexual desire, arousal, orgasmic response, frequency, and sexually related distress. Findings were consistent in surgically and naturally menopausal women, with and without the use of concurrent estrogen therapy. Improvements were clinically limited, however. On average, testosterone-treated women experienced 1 to 1.5 additional satisfying sexual events in a 4-week period compared with those treated with placebo. The percentage of women reporting a clinically meaningful benefit from treatment was significantly greater in women treated with testosterone (52%) compared with the placebo-treated women (31%).18 An appreciable placebo response was seen, typical of most studies of therapies for sexual dysfunction.

Safety concerns

Potential risks of testosterone treatment include acne, hirsutism, irreversible deepening of the voice, and adverse changes in lipids and liver function (TABLE 2).19 Adverse effects are dose dependent and are unlikely with physiologically dosed testosterone.


A 1-year study of testosterone patches in approximately 800 menopausal women with HSDD (with a subgroup of women followed for an additional year) provides the most comprehensive safety data available.17 Unwanted hair growth occurred more often in women receiving testosterone, without significant differences in blood biochemistry,hematologic parameters, carbohydrate metabolism, or lipids. Breast cancer was diagnosed in more women receiving testosterone than placebo. Although this finding may have been due to chance, the investigators concluded that long-term effects of testosterone treatment remain uncertain.

The FDA reviewed the data from the testosterone patch studies and determined that testosterone patches were effective for the treatment of HSDD in menopausal women, but more information was needed on long-term safety before approval could be granted. Another company then developed a testosterone gel product that produced similar blood levels as the testosterone patch. It was presumed that there would be similar efficacy; the principal goal of these studies was to examine long-term safety, particularly with respect to breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. Unexpectedly, although it raised testosterone blood levels to the upper limit of normal for young women, the testosterone gel product was no more effective than placebo.20 The clinical trial was ended, with safety data never published.

Continue to: Availability of testosterone formulations



Availability of testosterone formulations

Currently, no androgen therapies are FDA approved for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction. Although the best evidence regarding testosterone efficacy and safety involves the use of testosterone patches (300 μg), appropriately dosed for women, these patches are not currently available. FDA-approved testosterone patches are approved for the treatment of male hypogonadism, but use of these patches in women is not recommended since they would result in very high circulating testosterone levels.

Testosterone subcutaneous implants, pellets, and intramuscular injections also are not recommended for women because of the risk of excessive dosing. Small trials of menopausal women taking oral estrogen with low sexual desire found that oral formulations of testosterone improved libido in this study population.21 The combination of esterified estrogens (0.625 mg) and methyltestosterone (1.25 mg) is available as a compounded, non-FDA approved product. Oral androgen formulations generally are not advised, due to potential adverse effects on lipids and liver function.22

Compounded testosterone products. Ointments and creams may be compounded by prescription (TABLE 3). Product purity, dose, bioavailability, and quality typically are untested, and substantial variability exists between formulations and batches.23 Applying 1% testosterone cream or gel (0.5 g/day) topically to the thigh or lower abdomen should increase the low testosterone levels typically seen in menopausal women to the higher levels seen in younger women.24,25 Application to the vulva or vagina is not advised, as it may cause local irritation and is unpredictably absorbed.

Adapting male testosterone products. High-quality FDA-approved testosterone gel formulations are available for male hypogonadism. However, since women have approximately one-tenth the circulating testosterone levels of men, supraphysiologic dosing is a risk when these products are prescribed for women. Most testosterone products approved for men are provided in pumps or packets, and they are difficult to dose-adjust for women. Applying one-tenth the male dose of 1% testosterone gel (Testim), which comes in a resealable unit-dose tube, is an alternative to compounding. For men, the dose is 1 tube per day, so women should make 1 tube last for 10 days by using 3 to 4 drops of testosterone gel per day. Close physical contact must be avoided immediately after application, as topical hormone creams and gels are easily transferred to others. The safety and efficacy of compounded or dose-adjusted male testosterone products used in women are unknown.

Follow treated women closely. Women who elect to use transdermal testosterone therapy should be seen at 8 to 12 weeks to assess treatment response. Regular follow-up visits are required to assess response, satisfaction, and adverse effects, including acne and hirsutism. Since there may be little correlation between serum testosterone levels and the prescribed dose of a compounded testosterone product, testosterone levels should be measured regularly as a safety measure. The goal is to keep serum testosterone concentrations within the normal range for reproductive-aged women to reduce the likelihood of adverse effects. Testosterone levels should not be tested as an efficacy measure, however, as there is no testosterone level that will assure a satisfactory sex life.



CASE Conclusion

After a thorough discussion of high placebo response rates, potential adverse effects, unknown long-term risks, and off-label nature of testosterone use, the patient elects a trial of compounded 1% testosterone cream. Her clinician informs her of the limitations of compounded formulations and the need for regular testing of testosterone levels to prevent supraphysiologic dosing. At a follow-up visit 8 weeks later, she reports improved sexual desire and elects to continue treatment and monitoring. After using testosterone for 2 years, the patient is uncertain that she still is experiencing a significant benefit, stops testosterone treatment, and remains satisfied with her sex life.


Share your thoughts! Send your Letter to the Editor to rbarbieri@mdedge.com. Please include your name and the city and state in which you practice.

CASE Midlife woman with low libido causing distress

At her annual gynecologic visit, a 55-year-old woman notes that she has almost no interest in sex. In the past, her libido was good and relations were pleasurable. Since her mid-40s, she has noticed a gradual decline in libido and orgasmic response. Sexual frequency has declined from once or twice weekly to just a few times per month. She has been married for 25 years and describes the relationship as caring and strong. Her husband is healthy with a good libido; his intermittent erectile dysfunction is treated with a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor. The patient’s low libido is distressing, as the decline in sexual frequency is causing some conflict for the couple. She requests that her testosterone level be checked because she heard that treatment with testosterone cream will solve this problem.


Evaluating and treating low libido in menopausal women

Low libido is a very common sexual problem for women. When sexual problems are accompanied by distress, they are classified as sexual dysfunctions. Although ObGyns should discuss sexual concerns at every comprehensive visit, if the patient has no associated distress, treatment is not necessarily indicated. A woman with low libido or anorgasmia who is satisfied with her sex life and is not bothered by these issues does not require any intervention.

Currently, the only indication for testosterone therapy that is supported by clinical trial evidence is low sexual desire with associated distress, known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). Although other sexual problems also commonly occur in menopausal women, such as disorders of orgasm and pain, testosterone is not recommended for these problems. In addition, testosterone is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction.


Routinely inquire about sexual functioning

Ask your patients about sexual concerns at every comprehensive visit. You can easily incorporate into the review of systems a general question, such as, “Do you have any sexual concerns?” If the patient does mention a sexual problem, schedule a separate visit (given appointment time constraints) to address it. History and physical examination information you gather during the comprehensive visit will be helpful in the subsequent problem-focused visit.

Taking a thorough history is key when addressing a patient’s sexual problems, since identifying possible etiologies guides treatment. Often, the cause of female sexual dysfunction is multifactorial and includes physiologic, psychologic, and relationship issues.

Key Points
  • Evidence supports low-dose transdermal testosterone in carefully selected menopausal women with HSDD and no other identifiable reason for the sexual dysfunction
  • Inform women considering testosterone for HSDD of the limited effectiveness and high placebo responses seen in clinical trials
  • Women also must be informed that treatment is off-label (no testosterone formulations are FDA approved for women)
  • Review with patients the limitations of compounded medications, and discuss possible adverse effects of androgens. Long-term safety is unknown and, as androgens are converted to estrogens

Explore potential causes, recommend standard therapies

Common causes of low libido in menopausal women include vasomotor symptoms, insomnia, urinary incontinence, cancer or another major medical problem, weight gain, poor body image, genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) with dyspareunia, fatigue, stress, aging, relationship duration, lack of novelty, relationship conflict, and a partner’s sexual problems. Other common etiologies include depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, as well as medications used to treat these disorders, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Continue to: There are many effective therapies...



There are many effective therapies for low sexual desire to consider prior to initiating a trial of testosterone, which should be considered for HSDD only if the disorder persists after addressing all other possible contributing factors (TABLE 1).

Sex therapy, for example, provides information on sexual functioning and helps improve communication and mutual pleasure and satisfaction. Strongly encourage—if not require—a consultation with a sex therapist before prescribing testosterone for low libido. Any testosterone-derived improvement in sexual functioning will be enhanced by improved communication and additional strategies to achieve mutual pleasure.

Hormone therapy. Vasomotor symptoms, with their associated sleep disruption, fatigue, and reduced quality of life (QOL), often adversely impact sexual desire. Estrogen therapy does not appear to improve libido in otherwise asymptomatic women; however, in women with bothersome vasomotor symptoms treated with estrogen, sexual interest may increase as a result of improved sleep, fatigue, and overall QOL. The benefits of systemic hormone therapy generally outweigh its risks for most healthy women younger than age 60 who have bothersome hot flashes and night sweats.1



Nonhormonal and other therapies. GSM with dyspareunia is a principal cause of sexual dysfunction in older women.2 Many safe and effective treatments are available, including low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy, nonhormonal moisturizers and lubricants, ospemifene, vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone, and pelvic floor physical therapy.3 Urinary incontinence commonly occurs in midlife women and contributes to low libido.4

Lifestyle approaches. Address fatigue and stress by having the patient adjust her work and sleep schedules, obtain help with housework and meals, and engage in mind-body interventions, counseling, or yoga. Sexual function may benefit from yoga practice, likely as a result of the patient experiencing reduced stress and enhanced body image. Improving overall health and body image with regular exercise, optimal diet, and weight management may contribute to a more satisfying sex life after the onset of menopause.

Relationship refresh. Women’s sexual interest often declines with relationship duration, and both men and women who are in new relationships generally have increased libido, affirming the importance of novelty over the long term. Couples will benefit from “date nights,” weekends away from home, and trying novel positions, locations, and times for sex. Couple’s counseling may address relationship conflict.

Expert referral. Depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders are prevalent in menopausal women and contribute to sexual dysfunction. Effective therapy is available, although some pharmacologic treatments (including SSRIs) may be an additional cause of sexual dysfunction. In addition to recommending appropriate counseling and support, referring the patient to a psychopharmacologist with expertise in managing sexual adverse effects of medications may optimize care.

Continue to: Sexual function improves, but patient still wants to try testosterone



CASE Sexual function improves, but patient still wants to try testosterone

The patient returns for follow-up visits scheduled specifically to address her sexual concerns. Sex is more comfortable and pleasurable since initiating low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy. Having been on an SSRI since her mid-40s for mild depression, the patient switched to bupropion and notes improved libido and orgasmic response. She is exercising more regularly and working with a nutritionist to address a 15-lb weight gain after menopause. The couple saw a sex therapist and is communicating better about sex with more novelty in their repertoire. They are enjoying a regular date night. Although the patient’s sex life has improved with these interventions, she is still very interested in trying testosterone.



Testosterone’s effects on HSDD in menopausal women

After addressing the many factors that contribute to sexual disinterest, a trial of testosterone may be appropriate for a menopausal woman who continues to experience low libido with associated distress.

Testosterone levels decrease with aging in both men and women. Although testosterone levels decline by approximately 50% with bilateral oophorectomy, there is no decline in androgen levels with natural menopause.5 Testosterone circulates tightly bound to sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG), so free or active testosterone will be reduced by oral estrogens, which increase SHBG levels.6 As most menopausal women will have a low testosterone level due to aging, measuring the testosterone level does not provide information about the etiology of the sexual problem.

Although some studies have identified an association between endogenous androgen levels and sexual function, the associations are modest and are of uncertain clinical significance.7-9 Not surprisingly, other factors, such as physical and psychologic health and the quality of the relationship, often are reported as more important predictors of sexual satisfaction than androgen levels.10

While endogenous testosterone levels may not correlate with sexual function, clinical trials of carefully selected menopausal women with HSDD have shown that androgen treatment generally results in improved sexual function.11 Studies demonstrate substantial improvements in sexual desire, orgasmic response, and frequency in menopausal women treated with high doses of intramuscular testosterone, which result in supraphysiologic androgen levels.12,13 While it is interesting that women with testosterone levels in the male low range have sizeable increases in sexual desire and response, long-term use of high-dose testosterone would result in unacceptable androgenic adverse effects and risks.

Continue to: Testosterone in low doses...



Testosterone in low doses. It is more relevant to consider the impact on female sexual function of low doses of testosterone, which raise the reduced testosterone levels seen in older women to the higher levels seen in reproductive-aged women.


A series of double-blind, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trials in menopausal women with HSDD examined the impact on sexual function of a transdermal testosterone patch (300 μg) that increased blood testosterone levels to the upper limit of normal for young women.14-17 In these studies, compared with placebo, women using testosterone reported significant improvements in sexual desire, arousal, orgasmic response, frequency, and sexually related distress. Findings were consistent in surgically and naturally menopausal women, with and without the use of concurrent estrogen therapy. Improvements were clinically limited, however. On average, testosterone-treated women experienced 1 to 1.5 additional satisfying sexual events in a 4-week period compared with those treated with placebo. The percentage of women reporting a clinically meaningful benefit from treatment was significantly greater in women treated with testosterone (52%) compared with the placebo-treated women (31%).18 An appreciable placebo response was seen, typical of most studies of therapies for sexual dysfunction.

Safety concerns

Potential risks of testosterone treatment include acne, hirsutism, irreversible deepening of the voice, and adverse changes in lipids and liver function (TABLE 2).19 Adverse effects are dose dependent and are unlikely with physiologically dosed testosterone.


A 1-year study of testosterone patches in approximately 800 menopausal women with HSDD (with a subgroup of women followed for an additional year) provides the most comprehensive safety data available.17 Unwanted hair growth occurred more often in women receiving testosterone, without significant differences in blood biochemistry,hematologic parameters, carbohydrate metabolism, or lipids. Breast cancer was diagnosed in more women receiving testosterone than placebo. Although this finding may have been due to chance, the investigators concluded that long-term effects of testosterone treatment remain uncertain.

The FDA reviewed the data from the testosterone patch studies and determined that testosterone patches were effective for the treatment of HSDD in menopausal women, but more information was needed on long-term safety before approval could be granted. Another company then developed a testosterone gel product that produced similar blood levels as the testosterone patch. It was presumed that there would be similar efficacy; the principal goal of these studies was to examine long-term safety, particularly with respect to breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. Unexpectedly, although it raised testosterone blood levels to the upper limit of normal for young women, the testosterone gel product was no more effective than placebo.20 The clinical trial was ended, with safety data never published.

Continue to: Availability of testosterone formulations



Availability of testosterone formulations

Currently, no androgen therapies are FDA approved for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction. Although the best evidence regarding testosterone efficacy and safety involves the use of testosterone patches (300 μg), appropriately dosed for women, these patches are not currently available. FDA-approved testosterone patches are approved for the treatment of male hypogonadism, but use of these patches in women is not recommended since they would result in very high circulating testosterone levels.

Testosterone subcutaneous implants, pellets, and intramuscular injections also are not recommended for women because of the risk of excessive dosing. Small trials of menopausal women taking oral estrogen with low sexual desire found that oral formulations of testosterone improved libido in this study population.21 The combination of esterified estrogens (0.625 mg) and methyltestosterone (1.25 mg) is available as a compounded, non-FDA approved product. Oral androgen formulations generally are not advised, due to potential adverse effects on lipids and liver function.22

Compounded testosterone products. Ointments and creams may be compounded by prescription (TABLE 3). Product purity, dose, bioavailability, and quality typically are untested, and substantial variability exists between formulations and batches.23 Applying 1% testosterone cream or gel (0.5 g/day) topically to the thigh or lower abdomen should increase the low testosterone levels typically seen in menopausal women to the higher levels seen in younger women.24,25 Application to the vulva or vagina is not advised, as it may cause local irritation and is unpredictably absorbed.

Adapting male testosterone products. High-quality FDA-approved testosterone gel formulations are available for male hypogonadism. However, since women have approximately one-tenth the circulating testosterone levels of men, supraphysiologic dosing is a risk when these products are prescribed for women. Most testosterone products approved for men are provided in pumps or packets, and they are difficult to dose-adjust for women. Applying one-tenth the male dose of 1% testosterone gel (Testim), which comes in a resealable unit-dose tube, is an alternative to compounding. For men, the dose is 1 tube per day, so women should make 1 tube last for 10 days by using 3 to 4 drops of testosterone gel per day. Close physical contact must be avoided immediately after application, as topical hormone creams and gels are easily transferred to others. The safety and efficacy of compounded or dose-adjusted male testosterone products used in women are unknown.

Follow treated women closely. Women who elect to use transdermal testosterone therapy should be seen at 8 to 12 weeks to assess treatment response. Regular follow-up visits are required to assess response, satisfaction, and adverse effects, including acne and hirsutism. Since there may be little correlation between serum testosterone levels and the prescribed dose of a compounded testosterone product, testosterone levels should be measured regularly as a safety measure. The goal is to keep serum testosterone concentrations within the normal range for reproductive-aged women to reduce the likelihood of adverse effects. Testosterone levels should not be tested as an efficacy measure, however, as there is no testosterone level that will assure a satisfactory sex life.



CASE Conclusion

After a thorough discussion of high placebo response rates, potential adverse effects, unknown long-term risks, and off-label nature of testosterone use, the patient elects a trial of compounded 1% testosterone cream. Her clinician informs her of the limitations of compounded formulations and the need for regular testing of testosterone levels to prevent supraphysiologic dosing. At a follow-up visit 8 weeks later, she reports improved sexual desire and elects to continue treatment and monitoring. After using testosterone for 2 years, the patient is uncertain that she still is experiencing a significant benefit, stops testosterone treatment, and remains satisfied with her sex life.


Share your thoughts! Send your Letter to the Editor to rbarbieri@mdedge.com. Please include your name and the city and state in which you practice.

  1. The North American Menopause Society Hormone Therapy Position Statement Advisory Panel. The 2017 hormone therapy position statement of The North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2017;24:728-753.
  2. Simon JA, Nappi RE, Kingsberg SA, et al. Clarifying Vaginal Atrophy's Impact on Sex and Relationships (CLOSER) survey: emotional and physical impact of vaginal discomfort on North American postmenopausal women and their partners. Menopause. 2014;21:137-142.
  3. The North American Menopause Society. Management of symptomatic vulvovaginal atrophy: 2013 position statement of The North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2013;20:888-902.
  4. Shifren J, Monz B, Russo P, et al. Sexual problems and distress in United States women: prevalence and correlates. Obstet Gynecol. 2008;112:970-978.
  5. Davison S, Bell R, Donath S, et al. Androgen levels in adult females: changes with age, menopause, and oophorectomy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:3847-3853.
  6. Shifren JL, Desindes S, McIlwain M, et al. A randomized, open-label, crossover study comparing the effects of oral versus transdermal estrogen therapy on serum androgens, thyroid hormones, and adrenal hormones in naturally menopausal women. Menopause. 2007;14:985-994.
  7. Davis SR, Davison SL, Donath S, et al. Circulating androgen levels and self-reported sexual function in women. JAMA. 2005;294:91-96.
  8. Wahlin-Jacobsen S, Pedersen AT, Kristensen E, et al. Is there a correlation between androgens and sexual desire in women? J Sex Med. 2015;12:358-373.
  9. Randolph JF Jr, Zheng H, Avis NE, et al. Masturbation frequency and sexual function domains are associated with serum reproductive hormone levels across the menopausal transition. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015;100:258-266.
  10. Dennerstein L, Lehert P, Burger H. The relative effects of hormones and relationship factors on sexual function of women through the natural menopausal transition. Fertil Steril. 2005;84:174-180.
  11. Shifren JL, Davis SR. Androgens in postmenopausal women: a review. Menopause. 2017;24:970-979.
  12. Sherwin BB, Gelfand MM, Brender W. Androgen enhances sexual motivation in females: a prospective, crossover study of sex steroid administration in the surgical menopause. Psychosom Med. 1985;47:339-351.
  13. Huang G, Basaria S, Travison TG, et al. Testosterone dose-response relationships in hysterectomized women with or without oophorectomy: effects on sexual function, body composition, muscle performance and physical function in a randomized trial. Menopause. 2014;21:612-623.
  14. Shifren JL, Braunstein GD, Simon JA, et al. Transdermal testosterone treatment in women with impaired sexual function after oophorectomy. N Engl J Med. 2000;343:682-688.
  15. Simon J, Braunstein G, Nachtigall L, et al. Testosterone patch increases sexual activity and desire in surgically menopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:5226-5233.
  16. Shifren JL, Davis SR, Moreau M, et al. Testosterone patch for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in naturally menopausal women: results from the INTIMATE NM1 study. Menopause. 2006;13:770-779.
  17. Davis SR, Moreau M, Kroll R, et al; APHRODITE Study Team. Testosterone for low libido in postmenopausal women not taking estrogen. N Engl J Med. 2008;359:2005-2017.
  18. Kingsberg S, Shifren J, Wekselman K, et al. Evaluation of the clinical relevance of benefits associated with transdermal testosterone treatment in postmenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. J Sex Med. 2007;4:1001-1008.
  19. Wierman ME, Arlt W, Basson R, et al. Androgen therapy in women: a reappraisal: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014;99:3489-3510.
  20. Snabes M, Zborowski J, Simes S. Libigel (testosterone gel) does not differentiate from placebo therapy in the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire in postmenopausal women (abstract). J Sex Med. 2012;9(suppl 3):171.
  21. Lobo RA, Rosen RC, Yang HM, et al. Comparative effects of oral esterified estrogens with and without methyltestosterone on endocrine profiles and dimensions of sexual function in postmenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire. Fertil Steril. 2003;79:1341-1352.
  22. Somboonporn W, Davis S, Seif M, et al. Testsoterone for peri- and postmenopausal women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;19:CD004509.
  23. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Gynecologic Practice and American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Committee opinion 532: compounded bioidentical menopausal hormone therapy. Obstet Gynecol. 2012;(2 pt 1):411-415.
  24. Fooladi E, Reuter SE, Bell RJ, et al. Pharmacokinetics of a transdermal testosterone cream in healthy postmenopausal women. Menopause. 2015;22:44-49.
  25. Shifren JL. Testosterone for midlife women: the hormone of desire? Menopause. 2015;22:1147-1149.
  1. The North American Menopause Society Hormone Therapy Position Statement Advisory Panel. The 2017 hormone therapy position statement of The North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2017;24:728-753.
  2. Simon JA, Nappi RE, Kingsberg SA, et al. Clarifying Vaginal Atrophy's Impact on Sex and Relationships (CLOSER) survey: emotional and physical impact of vaginal discomfort on North American postmenopausal women and their partners. Menopause. 2014;21:137-142.
  3. The North American Menopause Society. Management of symptomatic vulvovaginal atrophy: 2013 position statement of The North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2013;20:888-902.
  4. Shifren J, Monz B, Russo P, et al. Sexual problems and distress in United States women: prevalence and correlates. Obstet Gynecol. 2008;112:970-978.
  5. Davison S, Bell R, Donath S, et al. Androgen levels in adult females: changes with age, menopause, and oophorectomy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:3847-3853.
  6. Shifren JL, Desindes S, McIlwain M, et al. A randomized, open-label, crossover study comparing the effects of oral versus transdermal estrogen therapy on serum androgens, thyroid hormones, and adrenal hormones in naturally menopausal women. Menopause. 2007;14:985-994.
  7. Davis SR, Davison SL, Donath S, et al. Circulating androgen levels and self-reported sexual function in women. JAMA. 2005;294:91-96.
  8. Wahlin-Jacobsen S, Pedersen AT, Kristensen E, et al. Is there a correlation between androgens and sexual desire in women? J Sex Med. 2015;12:358-373.
  9. Randolph JF Jr, Zheng H, Avis NE, et al. Masturbation frequency and sexual function domains are associated with serum reproductive hormone levels across the menopausal transition. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015;100:258-266.
  10. Dennerstein L, Lehert P, Burger H. The relative effects of hormones and relationship factors on sexual function of women through the natural menopausal transition. Fertil Steril. 2005;84:174-180.
  11. Shifren JL, Davis SR. Androgens in postmenopausal women: a review. Menopause. 2017;24:970-979.
  12. Sherwin BB, Gelfand MM, Brender W. Androgen enhances sexual motivation in females: a prospective, crossover study of sex steroid administration in the surgical menopause. Psychosom Med. 1985;47:339-351.
  13. Huang G, Basaria S, Travison TG, et al. Testosterone dose-response relationships in hysterectomized women with or without oophorectomy: effects on sexual function, body composition, muscle performance and physical function in a randomized trial. Menopause. 2014;21:612-623.
  14. Shifren JL, Braunstein GD, Simon JA, et al. Transdermal testosterone treatment in women with impaired sexual function after oophorectomy. N Engl J Med. 2000;343:682-688.
  15. Simon J, Braunstein G, Nachtigall L, et al. Testosterone patch increases sexual activity and desire in surgically menopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:5226-5233.
  16. Shifren JL, Davis SR, Moreau M, et al. Testosterone patch for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in naturally menopausal women: results from the INTIMATE NM1 study. Menopause. 2006;13:770-779.
  17. Davis SR, Moreau M, Kroll R, et al; APHRODITE Study Team. Testosterone for low libido in postmenopausal women not taking estrogen. N Engl J Med. 2008;359:2005-2017.
  18. Kingsberg S, Shifren J, Wekselman K, et al. Evaluation of the clinical relevance of benefits associated with transdermal testosterone treatment in postmenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. J Sex Med. 2007;4:1001-1008.
  19. Wierman ME, Arlt W, Basson R, et al. Androgen therapy in women: a reappraisal: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014;99:3489-3510.
  20. Snabes M, Zborowski J, Simes S. Libigel (testosterone gel) does not differentiate from placebo therapy in the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire in postmenopausal women (abstract). J Sex Med. 2012;9(suppl 3):171.
  21. Lobo RA, Rosen RC, Yang HM, et al. Comparative effects of oral esterified estrogens with and without methyltestosterone on endocrine profiles and dimensions of sexual function in postmenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire. Fertil Steril. 2003;79:1341-1352.
  22. Somboonporn W, Davis S, Seif M, et al. Testsoterone for peri- and postmenopausal women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;19:CD004509.
  23. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Gynecologic Practice and American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Committee opinion 532: compounded bioidentical menopausal hormone therapy. Obstet Gynecol. 2012;(2 pt 1):411-415.
  24. Fooladi E, Reuter SE, Bell RJ, et al. Pharmacokinetics of a transdermal testosterone cream in healthy postmenopausal women. Menopause. 2015;22:44-49.
  25. Shifren JL. Testosterone for midlife women: the hormone of desire? Menopause. 2015;22:1147-1149.
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The NAMS recommendations for care of midlife women

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Tue, 08/28/2018 - 09:50
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The NAMS recommendations for care of midlife women

A quarter century ago, the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) started a revolution in the care of women at menopause and beyond, giving menopause care the focus it deserves in clinical practice and putting the standards of care for midlife and older women on solid scientific ground.

The care of midlife women has changed dramatically over the past 25 years, with a greatly expanded array of treatment options, accompanied by extensive research. After the publication of the Women’s Health Initiative and with every significant publication and advancement in the field, NAMS has been available to help clinicians and women make the best possible evidence-based care decisions.

Dr. Jan Leslie Shifren
Dr. Jan Leslie Shifren

As the Society marks its 25th anniversary, NAMS continues this tradition by publishing the first comprehensive set of evidence-based recommendations for the care of midlife women in the Society’s journal (Menopause 2014;21:1038-62). This valuable resource is now freely available to clinicians and women on the NAMS website. The North American Menopause Society Recommendations for Clinical Care of Midlife Women will help health care providers and women navigate the controversy regarding hormone therapy and other treatments to incorporate the latest scientifically sound findings into care. These key points and recommendations on more than 50 topics cover the management of everything related to midlife women’s health, from hot flashes, genitourinary syndrome of menopause, and osteoporosis to depression, cardiovascular disease, and thyroid dysfunction.

Dr. Margery L.S. Gass
Dr. Margery L.S. Gass

For each topic, the key points and recommendations were written by an expert in the field. Contributors were drawn from a broad range of specialties, including gynecology, internal medicine, medical and reproductive endocrinology, cardiology, neurology, psychiatry, psychology, dermatology, and oncology.

Graded for level of evidence, each topic was carefully reviewed for accuracy and relevance, edited, and approved by an editorial panel of experts in midlife women’s health. The 2013-2014 NAMS Board of Trustees provided final review and approval of the key points and clinical recommendations.

The mission of NAMS is to promote the health and quality of life of all women during midlife and beyond. To further this goal, we offer a succinct and evidence-based guide to all who wish to understand and manage women’s health at this critical stage of life.

Dr. Jan L. Shifren is the president of NAMS and director of the Massachusetts General Midlife Women’s Health Center in Boston, and Dr. Margery L.S .Gass is the executive director of NAMS. Dr. Shifren also is an editorial advisory board member for Ob.Gyn. News. Dr. Shifren and Dr. Gass said they had no relevant financial disclosures.


Author and Disclosure Information

Legacy Keywords
North American Menopause Society, menopause, hormone, midlife, hot flashes, women
Author and Disclosure Information

Author and Disclosure Information

A quarter century ago, the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) started a revolution in the care of women at menopause and beyond, giving menopause care the focus it deserves in clinical practice and putting the standards of care for midlife and older women on solid scientific ground.

The care of midlife women has changed dramatically over the past 25 years, with a greatly expanded array of treatment options, accompanied by extensive research. After the publication of the Women’s Health Initiative and with every significant publication and advancement in the field, NAMS has been available to help clinicians and women make the best possible evidence-based care decisions.

Dr. Jan Leslie Shifren
Dr. Jan Leslie Shifren

As the Society marks its 25th anniversary, NAMS continues this tradition by publishing the first comprehensive set of evidence-based recommendations for the care of midlife women in the Society’s journal (Menopause 2014;21:1038-62). This valuable resource is now freely available to clinicians and women on the NAMS website. The North American Menopause Society Recommendations for Clinical Care of Midlife Women will help health care providers and women navigate the controversy regarding hormone therapy and other treatments to incorporate the latest scientifically sound findings into care. These key points and recommendations on more than 50 topics cover the management of everything related to midlife women’s health, from hot flashes, genitourinary syndrome of menopause, and osteoporosis to depression, cardiovascular disease, and thyroid dysfunction.

Dr. Margery L.S. Gass
Dr. Margery L.S. Gass

For each topic, the key points and recommendations were written by an expert in the field. Contributors were drawn from a broad range of specialties, including gynecology, internal medicine, medical and reproductive endocrinology, cardiology, neurology, psychiatry, psychology, dermatology, and oncology.

Graded for level of evidence, each topic was carefully reviewed for accuracy and relevance, edited, and approved by an editorial panel of experts in midlife women’s health. The 2013-2014 NAMS Board of Trustees provided final review and approval of the key points and clinical recommendations.

The mission of NAMS is to promote the health and quality of life of all women during midlife and beyond. To further this goal, we offer a succinct and evidence-based guide to all who wish to understand and manage women’s health at this critical stage of life.

Dr. Jan L. Shifren is the president of NAMS and director of the Massachusetts General Midlife Women’s Health Center in Boston, and Dr. Margery L.S .Gass is the executive director of NAMS. Dr. Shifren also is an editorial advisory board member for Ob.Gyn. News. Dr. Shifren and Dr. Gass said they had no relevant financial disclosures.

A quarter century ago, the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) started a revolution in the care of women at menopause and beyond, giving menopause care the focus it deserves in clinical practice and putting the standards of care for midlife and older women on solid scientific ground.

The care of midlife women has changed dramatically over the past 25 years, with a greatly expanded array of treatment options, accompanied by extensive research. After the publication of the Women’s Health Initiative and with every significant publication and advancement in the field, NAMS has been available to help clinicians and women make the best possible evidence-based care decisions.

Dr. Jan Leslie Shifren
Dr. Jan Leslie Shifren

As the Society marks its 25th anniversary, NAMS continues this tradition by publishing the first comprehensive set of evidence-based recommendations for the care of midlife women in the Society’s journal (Menopause 2014;21:1038-62). This valuable resource is now freely available to clinicians and women on the NAMS website. The North American Menopause Society Recommendations for Clinical Care of Midlife Women will help health care providers and women navigate the controversy regarding hormone therapy and other treatments to incorporate the latest scientifically sound findings into care. These key points and recommendations on more than 50 topics cover the management of everything related to midlife women’s health, from hot flashes, genitourinary syndrome of menopause, and osteoporosis to depression, cardiovascular disease, and thyroid dysfunction.

Dr. Margery L.S. Gass
Dr. Margery L.S. Gass

For each topic, the key points and recommendations were written by an expert in the field. Contributors were drawn from a broad range of specialties, including gynecology, internal medicine, medical and reproductive endocrinology, cardiology, neurology, psychiatry, psychology, dermatology, and oncology.

Graded for level of evidence, each topic was carefully reviewed for accuracy and relevance, edited, and approved by an editorial panel of experts in midlife women’s health. The 2013-2014 NAMS Board of Trustees provided final review and approval of the key points and clinical recommendations.

The mission of NAMS is to promote the health and quality of life of all women during midlife and beyond. To further this goal, we offer a succinct and evidence-based guide to all who wish to understand and manage women’s health at this critical stage of life.

Dr. Jan L. Shifren is the president of NAMS and director of the Massachusetts General Midlife Women’s Health Center in Boston, and Dr. Margery L.S .Gass is the executive director of NAMS. Dr. Shifren also is an editorial advisory board member for Ob.Gyn. News. Dr. Shifren and Dr. Gass said they had no relevant financial disclosures.



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The NAMS recommendations for care of midlife women
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The NAMS recommendations for care of midlife women
Legacy Keywords
North American Menopause Society, menopause, hormone, midlife, hot flashes, women
Legacy Keywords
North American Menopause Society, menopause, hormone, midlife, hot flashes, women
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