Dismantling the sports-betting ban: A mental health gamble

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Fri, 01/18/2019 - 17:44


The Supreme Court decision to overturn the federal law that prohibited state-sanctioned college and professional sports betting is bad news for clinicians who treat patients with addictions.

On May 14, the high court ruled 7-2 that the 1992 law, called the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), was unconstitutional. Now every state is free to operate, sponsor, promote, license, advertise, or authorize gambling for any college or professional sport–based event.

Optimistic outlooks on the death of PASPA include the foreseen opportunity by the states to tax and generate revenue on such gambling. Proponents of the ruling also argue that illegal activity that thrived on sports betting will now end.

But to what extent will either of those scenarios benefit the public?

If passage of various state marijuana laws is any example, assumptions that legal avenues will usurp illegal enterprises are flawed. Also, taxation likely will generate a large sum of revenue for each state. But those revenues might be offset by subsequent changes that will be needed in mental health, addiction, and wellness programs – a difficult proposition given the opioid epidemic already overburdening the country. Remember the tobacco cases and promise of state support for education, treatment, and other noble activities? Addiction medicine specialists worry that taxes collected by the states, and promises to prevent and treat gambling problems – and prevent addiction – will not end up in those coffers.

As clinicians, perhaps our most important contribution to the debates on this ruling lies in raising awareness of pathological gambling as an addiction disorder.

Redefining the act of gambling

Breaking down previous barriers to access and increasing convenience to gambling undoubtedly will be associated with increased pathological engagement in gambling. This conclusion is clear, based on past national experiments with substances of addiction (such as alcohol prohibition).

Since the cocaine epidemic of the 1980s, and our increased understanding that addictions need not have prominent withdrawal syndromes, we have focused on addiction as a fatal attraction. Psychiatrists and other clinicians made the case – in some quarters, at least – for sugar, sex, and Internet compulsivity as addictions. Compared with those addictions, the evidence was clearest and most compelling for pathological gambling as an addiction disorder. Indeed, gambling disorder was introduced in 2013 to the DSM-5 as the very first non–substance-based addictive disorder. This was a decisive change, as it recognizes that gambling is more than an environmental hazard for those suffering from dopamine-driven obsessive-compulsive-like dysfunction (the DSM section where it had lived previously). Instead, gambling acts as an agent that can initiate a usurpation of the brain’s reward circuitry. (In addition, this change has reopened the door for other increasingly recognized non–substance-based disorder categories such as video game and pornography addiction, and others.)

Gambling disorder certainly fits well into what many experts view as the essential phenotype of any addiction: Continued use despite harm, waning self-control over engagement, a craving state, and compulsive use. Current research is expanding rapidly and filling in the theoretical framework, strongly supporting gambling disorder based on biological evidence. Much of what we now know about the biology of addiction has been through the efforts of the Yale University–based research group, led by psychiatrist Marc N. Potenza. Dr. Potenza and his colleagues have been investigating gambling disorder in a thorough manner (Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2015 Mar-Apr;23[2]:134-46) and (Curr Treat Options Psychiatry. 2014 Jun 1;1[2]:189-203). Indeed, gambling disorder is much like the other substance-use disorders in which it is grouped, in that it has been found to share some similarities/pathways common to all addictions while also carrying its own specific nuances.

Twin studies have unearthed a wealth of information, such as knowledge that environmental factors seem to be the predominant source of the comorbid development of gambling disorder with the more socially acceptable substances as associated use disorders (alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana) through mechanisms such as peer association and place preference conditioning. Similarly, genetic influences also might be meaningful to treatment. For example, one finding showed that patients with gambling disorder and a family history of alcoholism were found to more preferentially respond to opioid-receptor antagonists as treatment for gambling disorder, compared with individuals without such family history (Psychopharmacology [Berl]. 2008;200[4]:521-7).

Explorations of neurotransmitter involvement and brain connectivity also have been conducted for gambling behaviors. Dopaminergic underpinnings of addiction have been particularly indicated in imaging studies focused on the ventral striatum and other components of reward circuitry. In addition, functional MRI studies have identified both overlapping and discordant brain imaging findings between gambling and many other substance use disorders such as cocaine. All these indicate that gambling seems, like its use-disorder counterparts, to follow a similar but distinct course of hijacking reward systems and priming the brain to seek out further gambling in a pathological manner.



Vulnerable populations

Another key finding of recent research exploring the biological foundations of gambling disorder is gender dimorphism. In numerous studies, women have been found to experience a “telescoping effect” from gambling, compared with their male counterparts, where they seem to more quickly advance from first exposure to problematic use. This phenomenon also is seen in women who use cocaine. Also, functional MRI studies also have found that women appear to have alternative signal changes in regions germane to addiction, compared with their male counterparts. One such example was greater activity in the hippocampus and middle temporal gyrus in women, suggestive of stronger activation of regions key for memory retrieval used in craving/urge-related emotions. These data highlight the need for not only understanding how gambling and other addictions diverge between men and women, but also for how prevention and treatment of these disorders might differ based on sex.

Adolescents also get special consideration: How will they be affected by this expected growth in gambling avenues? Adolescence and young adulthood are periods of development defined by increased impulsivity and risk taking, making this population particularly vulnerable to addiction that can then persist into adulthood. It is expected that age laws will persist and prevent the legal access adults might enjoy, but shifts in opinions of harm and ease of access are likely to contribute to increased gambling exposure. To use another addictive phenomena as an example, data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration show a clear correlation between marijuana use, marijuana legal status, and perceptions of risk. Specifically, areas with unfettered/loosened marijuana regulation have much lower levels of perceived risk among youth and much higher levels of use. Gambling could follow a similar course.

Perhaps the most crucial observation is that the most severe pathological gamblers began gambling before adulthood. Many factors have been identified that seem to increase rates of gambling in youth: Receiving scratch-off lotto cards as gifts, gambling on school grounds, and even smoking status (quite significant given the advent of e-cigarettes now common to many high school students). All of these essentially boil down to the common pathway of proximity and social referencing. As such, the notion that an increased social presence of (what will likely be) large scale, polished, mass televised sports gambling events will be associated with increased gambling behavior (and other mental health comorbidities) among youth is not far-fetched. What also is known for gambling, as well as for other addictive disorders, is that earlier age of onset is correlated to a worse prognosis of gambling disorder in adulthood. In other words, the earlier an addiction strikes, the deeper and more severe it is in the individual – further highlighting the impetus to focus concerns about the PASPA ruling toward the impact on youth.

Prevention and treatment

Lastly, it is important to consider the ground gained in preventing and treating gambling addiction. Many groups focused on treating and preventing gambling already are well established, such as Gamblers Anonymous, and these groups have produced favorable results. More targeted interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy adjusted for addiction disorders also have proved effective, as they often not only tackle the gambling disorder but also the collection of conditions it is so often comorbid with (affective illnesses, anxiety disorders).

Pharmacotherapy also has a role, further justifying the view of gambling disorder, and indeed all addiction disorders, as biological processes with biological solutions. Examinations into opiate antagonism and glutamatergic modulation (N-acetylcysteine) also have shown some promise. Prevention programs offer perhaps the best cost-effective ratio in reducing the societal burden of gambling, which is about $7 billion annually, according to 2013 estimates by the National Council on Problem Gambling). These programs have been conducted in schools through parent-teacher groups as well as publicly through distribution of informative psychoeducation via TV and advertising channels.

All available research conducted on treatment shows that further research and validation are needed. We should not pretend that increasing access to sports betting and normalizing the activity will not have an effect on gambling prevalence and problems. Prevention, even simple cautionary public warnings, requires time, money, and planning for effective execution.

Dr. Michael L. Wenzinger, a clinical fellow, PGY-4, in the department of child and adolescent psychiatry at St. Louis Children's Hospital.
Dr. Michael Wenzinger
Can opportunities spring from the increased power the states will gain in their ability to tax the proceeds of sports-based gambling? The capital generated from the events can, and perhaps from an ethical perspective should, be used to support prevention efforts (particularly for adolescents), and to fund further trials into not only treating but studying the biological basis of gambling disorder.

Dr. Mark S. Gold, 7th Distinguished Alumni Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and professor of psychiatry (adjunct) at Washington University, St. Louis. He is chairman of the scientific advisory boards for RiverMend Health.
Dr. Mark S. Gold
The overturning of PASPA should be on the mind of any clinician who treats patients at risk for developing gambling disorder. Protecting children and teens from gambling – like we did for lottery gaming – is a good first step. Appreciating gambling disorder as a behavioral addiction and being able to impart that concern, either for the purpose of treatment or advocacy, is another preliminary step any provider can take.



Dr. Wenzinger is a clinical fellow, PGY-4, in the department of child and adolescent psychiatry at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Dr. Gold is the 17th Distinguished Alumni Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and professor of psychiatry (adjunct) at Washington University in St. Louis. He also serves as chairman of the scientific advisory boards for RiverMend Health.



The Supreme Court decision to overturn the federal law that prohibited state-sanctioned college and professional sports betting is bad news for clinicians who treat patients with addictions.

On May 14, the high court ruled 7-2 that the 1992 law, called the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), was unconstitutional. Now every state is free to operate, sponsor, promote, license, advertise, or authorize gambling for any college or professional sport–based event.

Optimistic outlooks on the death of PASPA include the foreseen opportunity by the states to tax and generate revenue on such gambling. Proponents of the ruling also argue that illegal activity that thrived on sports betting will now end.

But to what extent will either of those scenarios benefit the public?

If passage of various state marijuana laws is any example, assumptions that legal avenues will usurp illegal enterprises are flawed. Also, taxation likely will generate a large sum of revenue for each state. But those revenues might be offset by subsequent changes that will be needed in mental health, addiction, and wellness programs – a difficult proposition given the opioid epidemic already overburdening the country. Remember the tobacco cases and promise of state support for education, treatment, and other noble activities? Addiction medicine specialists worry that taxes collected by the states, and promises to prevent and treat gambling problems – and prevent addiction – will not end up in those coffers.

As clinicians, perhaps our most important contribution to the debates on this ruling lies in raising awareness of pathological gambling as an addiction disorder.

Redefining the act of gambling

Breaking down previous barriers to access and increasing convenience to gambling undoubtedly will be associated with increased pathological engagement in gambling. This conclusion is clear, based on past national experiments with substances of addiction (such as alcohol prohibition).

Since the cocaine epidemic of the 1980s, and our increased understanding that addictions need not have prominent withdrawal syndromes, we have focused on addiction as a fatal attraction. Psychiatrists and other clinicians made the case – in some quarters, at least – for sugar, sex, and Internet compulsivity as addictions. Compared with those addictions, the evidence was clearest and most compelling for pathological gambling as an addiction disorder. Indeed, gambling disorder was introduced in 2013 to the DSM-5 as the very first non–substance-based addictive disorder. This was a decisive change, as it recognizes that gambling is more than an environmental hazard for those suffering from dopamine-driven obsessive-compulsive-like dysfunction (the DSM section where it had lived previously). Instead, gambling acts as an agent that can initiate a usurpation of the brain’s reward circuitry. (In addition, this change has reopened the door for other increasingly recognized non–substance-based disorder categories such as video game and pornography addiction, and others.)

Gambling disorder certainly fits well into what many experts view as the essential phenotype of any addiction: Continued use despite harm, waning self-control over engagement, a craving state, and compulsive use. Current research is expanding rapidly and filling in the theoretical framework, strongly supporting gambling disorder based on biological evidence. Much of what we now know about the biology of addiction has been through the efforts of the Yale University–based research group, led by psychiatrist Marc N. Potenza. Dr. Potenza and his colleagues have been investigating gambling disorder in a thorough manner (Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2015 Mar-Apr;23[2]:134-46) and (Curr Treat Options Psychiatry. 2014 Jun 1;1[2]:189-203). Indeed, gambling disorder is much like the other substance-use disorders in which it is grouped, in that it has been found to share some similarities/pathways common to all addictions while also carrying its own specific nuances.

Twin studies have unearthed a wealth of information, such as knowledge that environmental factors seem to be the predominant source of the comorbid development of gambling disorder with the more socially acceptable substances as associated use disorders (alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana) through mechanisms such as peer association and place preference conditioning. Similarly, genetic influences also might be meaningful to treatment. For example, one finding showed that patients with gambling disorder and a family history of alcoholism were found to more preferentially respond to opioid-receptor antagonists as treatment for gambling disorder, compared with individuals without such family history (Psychopharmacology [Berl]. 2008;200[4]:521-7).

Explorations of neurotransmitter involvement and brain connectivity also have been conducted for gambling behaviors. Dopaminergic underpinnings of addiction have been particularly indicated in imaging studies focused on the ventral striatum and other components of reward circuitry. In addition, functional MRI studies have identified both overlapping and discordant brain imaging findings between gambling and many other substance use disorders such as cocaine. All these indicate that gambling seems, like its use-disorder counterparts, to follow a similar but distinct course of hijacking reward systems and priming the brain to seek out further gambling in a pathological manner.



Vulnerable populations

Another key finding of recent research exploring the biological foundations of gambling disorder is gender dimorphism. In numerous studies, women have been found to experience a “telescoping effect” from gambling, compared with their male counterparts, where they seem to more quickly advance from first exposure to problematic use. This phenomenon also is seen in women who use cocaine. Also, functional MRI studies also have found that women appear to have alternative signal changes in regions germane to addiction, compared with their male counterparts. One such example was greater activity in the hippocampus and middle temporal gyrus in women, suggestive of stronger activation of regions key for memory retrieval used in craving/urge-related emotions. These data highlight the need for not only understanding how gambling and other addictions diverge between men and women, but also for how prevention and treatment of these disorders might differ based on sex.

Adolescents also get special consideration: How will they be affected by this expected growth in gambling avenues? Adolescence and young adulthood are periods of development defined by increased impulsivity and risk taking, making this population particularly vulnerable to addiction that can then persist into adulthood. It is expected that age laws will persist and prevent the legal access adults might enjoy, but shifts in opinions of harm and ease of access are likely to contribute to increased gambling exposure. To use another addictive phenomena as an example, data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration show a clear correlation between marijuana use, marijuana legal status, and perceptions of risk. Specifically, areas with unfettered/loosened marijuana regulation have much lower levels of perceived risk among youth and much higher levels of use. Gambling could follow a similar course.

Perhaps the most crucial observation is that the most severe pathological gamblers began gambling before adulthood. Many factors have been identified that seem to increase rates of gambling in youth: Receiving scratch-off lotto cards as gifts, gambling on school grounds, and even smoking status (quite significant given the advent of e-cigarettes now common to many high school students). All of these essentially boil down to the common pathway of proximity and social referencing. As such, the notion that an increased social presence of (what will likely be) large scale, polished, mass televised sports gambling events will be associated with increased gambling behavior (and other mental health comorbidities) among youth is not far-fetched. What also is known for gambling, as well as for other addictive disorders, is that earlier age of onset is correlated to a worse prognosis of gambling disorder in adulthood. In other words, the earlier an addiction strikes, the deeper and more severe it is in the individual – further highlighting the impetus to focus concerns about the PASPA ruling toward the impact on youth.

Prevention and treatment

Lastly, it is important to consider the ground gained in preventing and treating gambling addiction. Many groups focused on treating and preventing gambling already are well established, such as Gamblers Anonymous, and these groups have produced favorable results. More targeted interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy adjusted for addiction disorders also have proved effective, as they often not only tackle the gambling disorder but also the collection of conditions it is so often comorbid with (affective illnesses, anxiety disorders).

Pharmacotherapy also has a role, further justifying the view of gambling disorder, and indeed all addiction disorders, as biological processes with biological solutions. Examinations into opiate antagonism and glutamatergic modulation (N-acetylcysteine) also have shown some promise. Prevention programs offer perhaps the best cost-effective ratio in reducing the societal burden of gambling, which is about $7 billion annually, according to 2013 estimates by the National Council on Problem Gambling). These programs have been conducted in schools through parent-teacher groups as well as publicly through distribution of informative psychoeducation via TV and advertising channels.

All available research conducted on treatment shows that further research and validation are needed. We should not pretend that increasing access to sports betting and normalizing the activity will not have an effect on gambling prevalence and problems. Prevention, even simple cautionary public warnings, requires time, money, and planning for effective execution.

Dr. Michael L. Wenzinger, a clinical fellow, PGY-4, in the department of child and adolescent psychiatry at St. Louis Children's Hospital.
Dr. Michael Wenzinger
Can opportunities spring from the increased power the states will gain in their ability to tax the proceeds of sports-based gambling? The capital generated from the events can, and perhaps from an ethical perspective should, be used to support prevention efforts (particularly for adolescents), and to fund further trials into not only treating but studying the biological basis of gambling disorder.

Dr. Mark S. Gold, 7th Distinguished Alumni Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and professor of psychiatry (adjunct) at Washington University, St. Louis. He is chairman of the scientific advisory boards for RiverMend Health.
Dr. Mark S. Gold
The overturning of PASPA should be on the mind of any clinician who treats patients at risk for developing gambling disorder. Protecting children and teens from gambling – like we did for lottery gaming – is a good first step. Appreciating gambling disorder as a behavioral addiction and being able to impart that concern, either for the purpose of treatment or advocacy, is another preliminary step any provider can take.



Dr. Wenzinger is a clinical fellow, PGY-4, in the department of child and adolescent psychiatry at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Dr. Gold is the 17th Distinguished Alumni Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and professor of psychiatry (adjunct) at Washington University in St. Louis. He also serves as chairman of the scientific advisory boards for RiverMend Health.


The Supreme Court decision to overturn the federal law that prohibited state-sanctioned college and professional sports betting is bad news for clinicians who treat patients with addictions.

On May 14, the high court ruled 7-2 that the 1992 law, called the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), was unconstitutional. Now every state is free to operate, sponsor, promote, license, advertise, or authorize gambling for any college or professional sport–based event.

Optimistic outlooks on the death of PASPA include the foreseen opportunity by the states to tax and generate revenue on such gambling. Proponents of the ruling also argue that illegal activity that thrived on sports betting will now end.

But to what extent will either of those scenarios benefit the public?

If passage of various state marijuana laws is any example, assumptions that legal avenues will usurp illegal enterprises are flawed. Also, taxation likely will generate a large sum of revenue for each state. But those revenues might be offset by subsequent changes that will be needed in mental health, addiction, and wellness programs – a difficult proposition given the opioid epidemic already overburdening the country. Remember the tobacco cases and promise of state support for education, treatment, and other noble activities? Addiction medicine specialists worry that taxes collected by the states, and promises to prevent and treat gambling problems – and prevent addiction – will not end up in those coffers.

As clinicians, perhaps our most important contribution to the debates on this ruling lies in raising awareness of pathological gambling as an addiction disorder.

Redefining the act of gambling

Breaking down previous barriers to access and increasing convenience to gambling undoubtedly will be associated with increased pathological engagement in gambling. This conclusion is clear, based on past national experiments with substances of addiction (such as alcohol prohibition).

Since the cocaine epidemic of the 1980s, and our increased understanding that addictions need not have prominent withdrawal syndromes, we have focused on addiction as a fatal attraction. Psychiatrists and other clinicians made the case – in some quarters, at least – for sugar, sex, and Internet compulsivity as addictions. Compared with those addictions, the evidence was clearest and most compelling for pathological gambling as an addiction disorder. Indeed, gambling disorder was introduced in 2013 to the DSM-5 as the very first non–substance-based addictive disorder. This was a decisive change, as it recognizes that gambling is more than an environmental hazard for those suffering from dopamine-driven obsessive-compulsive-like dysfunction (the DSM section where it had lived previously). Instead, gambling acts as an agent that can initiate a usurpation of the brain’s reward circuitry. (In addition, this change has reopened the door for other increasingly recognized non–substance-based disorder categories such as video game and pornography addiction, and others.)

Gambling disorder certainly fits well into what many experts view as the essential phenotype of any addiction: Continued use despite harm, waning self-control over engagement, a craving state, and compulsive use. Current research is expanding rapidly and filling in the theoretical framework, strongly supporting gambling disorder based on biological evidence. Much of what we now know about the biology of addiction has been through the efforts of the Yale University–based research group, led by psychiatrist Marc N. Potenza. Dr. Potenza and his colleagues have been investigating gambling disorder in a thorough manner (Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2015 Mar-Apr;23[2]:134-46) and (Curr Treat Options Psychiatry. 2014 Jun 1;1[2]:189-203). Indeed, gambling disorder is much like the other substance-use disorders in which it is grouped, in that it has been found to share some similarities/pathways common to all addictions while also carrying its own specific nuances.

Twin studies have unearthed a wealth of information, such as knowledge that environmental factors seem to be the predominant source of the comorbid development of gambling disorder with the more socially acceptable substances as associated use disorders (alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana) through mechanisms such as peer association and place preference conditioning. Similarly, genetic influences also might be meaningful to treatment. For example, one finding showed that patients with gambling disorder and a family history of alcoholism were found to more preferentially respond to opioid-receptor antagonists as treatment for gambling disorder, compared with individuals without such family history (Psychopharmacology [Berl]. 2008;200[4]:521-7).

Explorations of neurotransmitter involvement and brain connectivity also have been conducted for gambling behaviors. Dopaminergic underpinnings of addiction have been particularly indicated in imaging studies focused on the ventral striatum and other components of reward circuitry. In addition, functional MRI studies have identified both overlapping and discordant brain imaging findings between gambling and many other substance use disorders such as cocaine. All these indicate that gambling seems, like its use-disorder counterparts, to follow a similar but distinct course of hijacking reward systems and priming the brain to seek out further gambling in a pathological manner.



Vulnerable populations

Another key finding of recent research exploring the biological foundations of gambling disorder is gender dimorphism. In numerous studies, women have been found to experience a “telescoping effect” from gambling, compared with their male counterparts, where they seem to more quickly advance from first exposure to problematic use. This phenomenon also is seen in women who use cocaine. Also, functional MRI studies also have found that women appear to have alternative signal changes in regions germane to addiction, compared with their male counterparts. One such example was greater activity in the hippocampus and middle temporal gyrus in women, suggestive of stronger activation of regions key for memory retrieval used in craving/urge-related emotions. These data highlight the need for not only understanding how gambling and other addictions diverge between men and women, but also for how prevention and treatment of these disorders might differ based on sex.

Adolescents also get special consideration: How will they be affected by this expected growth in gambling avenues? Adolescence and young adulthood are periods of development defined by increased impulsivity and risk taking, making this population particularly vulnerable to addiction that can then persist into adulthood. It is expected that age laws will persist and prevent the legal access adults might enjoy, but shifts in opinions of harm and ease of access are likely to contribute to increased gambling exposure. To use another addictive phenomena as an example, data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration show a clear correlation between marijuana use, marijuana legal status, and perceptions of risk. Specifically, areas with unfettered/loosened marijuana regulation have much lower levels of perceived risk among youth and much higher levels of use. Gambling could follow a similar course.

Perhaps the most crucial observation is that the most severe pathological gamblers began gambling before adulthood. Many factors have been identified that seem to increase rates of gambling in youth: Receiving scratch-off lotto cards as gifts, gambling on school grounds, and even smoking status (quite significant given the advent of e-cigarettes now common to many high school students). All of these essentially boil down to the common pathway of proximity and social referencing. As such, the notion that an increased social presence of (what will likely be) large scale, polished, mass televised sports gambling events will be associated with increased gambling behavior (and other mental health comorbidities) among youth is not far-fetched. What also is known for gambling, as well as for other addictive disorders, is that earlier age of onset is correlated to a worse prognosis of gambling disorder in adulthood. In other words, the earlier an addiction strikes, the deeper and more severe it is in the individual – further highlighting the impetus to focus concerns about the PASPA ruling toward the impact on youth.

Prevention and treatment

Lastly, it is important to consider the ground gained in preventing and treating gambling addiction. Many groups focused on treating and preventing gambling already are well established, such as Gamblers Anonymous, and these groups have produced favorable results. More targeted interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy adjusted for addiction disorders also have proved effective, as they often not only tackle the gambling disorder but also the collection of conditions it is so often comorbid with (affective illnesses, anxiety disorders).

Pharmacotherapy also has a role, further justifying the view of gambling disorder, and indeed all addiction disorders, as biological processes with biological solutions. Examinations into opiate antagonism and glutamatergic modulation (N-acetylcysteine) also have shown some promise. Prevention programs offer perhaps the best cost-effective ratio in reducing the societal burden of gambling, which is about $7 billion annually, according to 2013 estimates by the National Council on Problem Gambling). These programs have been conducted in schools through parent-teacher groups as well as publicly through distribution of informative psychoeducation via TV and advertising channels.

All available research conducted on treatment shows that further research and validation are needed. We should not pretend that increasing access to sports betting and normalizing the activity will not have an effect on gambling prevalence and problems. Prevention, even simple cautionary public warnings, requires time, money, and planning for effective execution.

Dr. Michael L. Wenzinger, a clinical fellow, PGY-4, in the department of child and adolescent psychiatry at St. Louis Children's Hospital.
Dr. Michael Wenzinger
Can opportunities spring from the increased power the states will gain in their ability to tax the proceeds of sports-based gambling? The capital generated from the events can, and perhaps from an ethical perspective should, be used to support prevention efforts (particularly for adolescents), and to fund further trials into not only treating but studying the biological basis of gambling disorder.

Dr. Mark S. Gold, 7th Distinguished Alumni Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and professor of psychiatry (adjunct) at Washington University, St. Louis. He is chairman of the scientific advisory boards for RiverMend Health.
Dr. Mark S. Gold
The overturning of PASPA should be on the mind of any clinician who treats patients at risk for developing gambling disorder. Protecting children and teens from gambling – like we did for lottery gaming – is a good first step. Appreciating gambling disorder as a behavioral addiction and being able to impart that concern, either for the purpose of treatment or advocacy, is another preliminary step any provider can take.



Dr. Wenzinger is a clinical fellow, PGY-4, in the department of child and adolescent psychiatry at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Dr. Gold is the 17th Distinguished Alumni Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and professor of psychiatry (adjunct) at Washington University in St. Louis. He also serves as chairman of the scientific advisory boards for RiverMend Health.

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