Don’t Fear Hormone Therapy, but Prescribe It Correctly

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Tue, 06/25/2024 - 11:18


This transcript has been edited for clarity

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: As a sexual medicine specialist, I treat a lot of menopause. Why? Because menopausal complaints are not just hot flashes and night sweats; we see so many sexual health problems: genital urinary syndrome of menopause (GUSM), low libido, pain with sex, arousal disorders, orgasm disorders. I am joined today with a superstar in the menopause field, Dr. Stephanie Faubion. Introduce yourself to our amazing listeners.

Stephanie S. Faubion, MD, MBA: I am Stephanie Faubion, director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Women’s Health and medical director for the Menopause Society.

Dr. Rubin: That is a very short introduction for a very impressive person who really is an authority, if you’ve ever read an article about menopause. I asked Dr. Faubion if she spends all her time talking to reporters. But it’s very important because menopause is having a moment. We can’t go a day without seeing a headline, an Instagram story, or something; my feed is full of menopause information. Why do you think menopause is having a moment right now?

Dr. Faubion: It’s a well-deserved moment and should have happened a long time ago. It’s having a moment for several reasons. The generation of women experiencing perimenopause and menopause is different now; they are less willing to suffer in silence, which is a great thing. We’ve also created a little bit of a care vacuum. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study came out in 2002, and after that, we really left women with few choices about what to take to manage their symptoms. That created a vacuum. 

After that, clinicians decided they no longer needed to worry about being educated about menopause because there was really nothing to do for menopause if we weren’t going to use hormone therapy. Where we’ve come to now is women are having symptoms; they’re having a problem. It’s affecting all aspects of their lives: their relationships, their quality of life, their ability to work. And they’re saying, “Hey, this isn’t right. We need to do something about this.” There’s still very little research in this area. We have a lot more to do. They’re demanding answers, as they should. 

Dr. Rubin: We have quite a lot of tools in our toolbox that are evidence based, that really work and help people. I always say to my patients, “You have a generation of clinicians who were not taught how to do this well. Hormones are not all good or all bad, all right or all wrong, but they require some understanding of when to use them and how to safely use them.” That way, you can avoid your patients going to the snake oil salesmen down the street selling non–evidence-based treatments. 

One article that came out this year that I thought was really fascinating was about what we are calling NFLM: not feeling like myself. I will tell you, I think it’s brilliant because there is not a woman aged 40 or above who doesn’t deeply connect with the idea of NFLM. Can you speak to the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause beyond hot flashes and night sweats? I named a few sexual symptoms earlier. We’re really learning about all these new areas to understand, what is perimenopause? 

Dr. Faubion: Very rarely does a woman come in and say, “I have hot flashes” and I say, “Well, is that all you have?” “Yep. That’s all I have. I just have a couple of hot flashes.” That almost never happens, as you know. Menopause is not just about hot flashes, although that’s one of the most common symptoms. Hot flashes also occur at night. We call them night sweats when that happens. But there’s the sleep disturbance, which is probably not just related to night sweats but a lot of other things as well. Mood symptoms can be crazy. A lot of women come in with descriptions of irritability, just not feeling right, or feeling anxious. Another common symptom that we’re learning about is joint aches. 

It’s important to remember when we’re talking about these symptoms that estrogen affects every tissue and organ system in the body. And when you lose it, you have effects in pretty much every tissue and organ system in the body. So, it’s not just about hot flashes and night sweats. We’ve also learned recently that women in perimenopause can have the same symptoms that women have after menopause. It’s not just that it starts at menopause. 

Dr. Rubin: This is really important because we are speaking to the primary care world. The way medicine is set up, you’re allowed to have one problem. If you have more than one problem, I don’t know what to do. You go in the crazy bucket of we’re not interested or we don’t have time to take care of you. But menopause is never one problem. So, the disaster here is that these women are getting diagnosed with a mental health condition, with fibromyalgia, with dry eye, with sexual dysfunction, with depression or anxiety. They’re getting 10 diagnoses for what is actually one underlying hypogonadal problem. 

Dr. Faubion: That’s exactly right. I’ve seen a woman at the Mayo Clinic, who came to me as a general internist, not even knowing I did menopause. She traveled across the country to see me. She’s gaining weight, she’s losing her hair, she’s sweating. She thinks there is something horribly wrong with her, like she must have cancer or something. When you put it all together — the palpitations and the rest — it was all menopause. Think of the expense to come to the Mayo Clinic and be evaluated for that. But no one, including her, had put together the fact that all of these symptoms were related to menopause. You’re exactly right. Sometimes women don’t even recognize that it’s all related. 

Dr. Rubin: For the primary care viewers, we were raised on the idea that hormones cause cancer. Can you speak to that? What are the data in 2024? Am I going to die if I take hormone therapy? Am I going to risk blood clots and horrible cancers? 

Dr. Faubion: To be brief, we now know who the best candidates are for hormone therapy, and we can really minimize risk. We also know that there are differences between the formulations that we use, the route of delivery, and the dose. We can really individualize this for the woman. 

When it comes down to cancer risk, the WHI found that if you have a uterus and you’re taking both an estrogen and a progestogen (specifically conjugated equine estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate), the risk for breast cancer was increased slightly. When I say “slightly,” I’m talking the same as the increase in breast cancer risk of drinking one to two glasses of wine a night, or being overweight, or being inactive. We are really talking about less than one case per thousand women per year after about 5 years of hormone therapy. So, it’s a very small increased risk.

In contrast, the data showed that the risk for breast cancer did not appear to be increased in women who did not have a uterus and were using conjugated equine estrogen alone, either during the study or in the 18-year follow-up. The blood clot risk associated with estrogen-containing hormone therapy can be minimized with transdermal preparations of estrogen, particularly with lower doses. Overall, we don’t see that these risks are prohibitive for most women, and if they are having bothersome symptoms, they can use an estrogen-containing product safely. 

Dr. Rubin: We can learn new things, right? For example, the new GLP-1 drugs, which is also very fascinating — using those in perimenopause and menopause. A GLP-1 deficiency may be increased as you go to perimenopause and menopause. By adding back hormones, maybe we can help keep muscle around, keep mental health better, and keep bones stronger, because osteoporosis and fractures kill more people than breast cancer does. 

So, as a primary care clinician, how do we learn to write prescriptions for hormone therapy? How do we learn how to counsel patients properly? Do we have to go back and take a fellowship? How do I learn how to integrate the evidence into my practice? 

Dr. Faubion: An easy thing to do to gain confidence is take a course. The North American Menopause Society has an annual meeting in Chicago in September, and we do a Menopause 101 course for clinicians there. It’s also available online. There are ways to get this information in a digestible way to where you can learn the basics: Here’s where I start; here’s how I need to follow it up. It’s really not that difficult to get into this. 

As to your point about the GLP-1 drugs, we all have to learn new things every day because treatments change, drugs change, etc. Although hormones have been out there for a long time, many clinicians haven’t had the experience of treating menopausal women. I would put a plea out to my primary care colleagues in internal medicine and family medicine that you need to be doing this. Think about it — you already are the expert on brain health and bone health and heart health. You should be the most comfortable in dealing with hormone therapy that has effects throughout the entire body. It’s important for us as primary care providers to really have a handle on this and to be the owners of managing menopause for women in midlife. 

Dr. Rubin: I couldn’t agree more. As a sexual medicine doctor, treating menopausal women is actually what fuels my soul and stops all burnout because they get better. My clinic is full of a fifty-something-year-old people who come back and they say sex is good. “My relationship is good.” “I’m kicking butt at work.” I have a patient who just started law school because she feels good, and she says, “I’m keeping up with the 20-year-olds.” It is incredible to see people who feel terrible and then watch them blossom and get better. There’s nothing that fuels my soul more than these patients. 

What is exciting you in the menopause world? What are you hopeful for down the road with some of these new initiatives coming out? 

Dr. Faubion: The fact that we have a president of the United States and a National Institutes of Health who are more interested in looking at menopause is amazing. It’s an exciting time; there’s more interest, and more research funding seems to be available for the United States. 

In terms of clinical management, we now have so many options available to women. We’ve been talking about hormone therapy, but we now have nonhormonal medications out there as well that are on the market, such as fezolinetant, a neurokinin 3 inhibitor that came out last year. There’s probably another one coming out in the next year or so. So, women have lots of options, and for the first time, we can really individualize treatment for women and look at what symptoms are bothering them, and how best to get them back to where they should be. 

We’re also starting a menopause-in-the-workplace initiative with the Menopause Society and really kind of tackling that one. We know that a lot of women are missing work, not taking a promotion, or avoiding a leadership role because of their menopause symptoms. Women should never be in the position of compromising their work lives because of menopause symptoms. This is something we can help women with. 

Dr. Rubin: Our big takeaway today is: Believe your patients when they come to you, and they’ve driven and parked and arranged childcare, and showed up to your office and waited to see you. When they’re telling you that they have all these symptoms and they’re not feeling like themselves, maybe before you jump straight to the SSRI or just say, “Do some yoga and deep breathing,” maybe really dive into the menopause literature and understand the pros and cons, and the risks and benefits of hormone therapy. We do it with so many other things. We can do it with hormone therapy as well. It is not a one-size-fits-all. We do need to talk to our patients, customize their care, and really figure out what they care about and what they want. Patients are able to understand risks and benefits and can make good decisions for themselves.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, Department of Urology, at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on



This transcript has been edited for clarity

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: As a sexual medicine specialist, I treat a lot of menopause. Why? Because menopausal complaints are not just hot flashes and night sweats; we see so many sexual health problems: genital urinary syndrome of menopause (GUSM), low libido, pain with sex, arousal disorders, orgasm disorders. I am joined today with a superstar in the menopause field, Dr. Stephanie Faubion. Introduce yourself to our amazing listeners.

Stephanie S. Faubion, MD, MBA: I am Stephanie Faubion, director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Women’s Health and medical director for the Menopause Society.

Dr. Rubin: That is a very short introduction for a very impressive person who really is an authority, if you’ve ever read an article about menopause. I asked Dr. Faubion if she spends all her time talking to reporters. But it’s very important because menopause is having a moment. We can’t go a day without seeing a headline, an Instagram story, or something; my feed is full of menopause information. Why do you think menopause is having a moment right now?

Dr. Faubion: It’s a well-deserved moment and should have happened a long time ago. It’s having a moment for several reasons. The generation of women experiencing perimenopause and menopause is different now; they are less willing to suffer in silence, which is a great thing. We’ve also created a little bit of a care vacuum. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study came out in 2002, and after that, we really left women with few choices about what to take to manage their symptoms. That created a vacuum. 

After that, clinicians decided they no longer needed to worry about being educated about menopause because there was really nothing to do for menopause if we weren’t going to use hormone therapy. Where we’ve come to now is women are having symptoms; they’re having a problem. It’s affecting all aspects of their lives: their relationships, their quality of life, their ability to work. And they’re saying, “Hey, this isn’t right. We need to do something about this.” There’s still very little research in this area. We have a lot more to do. They’re demanding answers, as they should. 

Dr. Rubin: We have quite a lot of tools in our toolbox that are evidence based, that really work and help people. I always say to my patients, “You have a generation of clinicians who were not taught how to do this well. Hormones are not all good or all bad, all right or all wrong, but they require some understanding of when to use them and how to safely use them.” That way, you can avoid your patients going to the snake oil salesmen down the street selling non–evidence-based treatments. 

One article that came out this year that I thought was really fascinating was about what we are calling NFLM: not feeling like myself. I will tell you, I think it’s brilliant because there is not a woman aged 40 or above who doesn’t deeply connect with the idea of NFLM. Can you speak to the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause beyond hot flashes and night sweats? I named a few sexual symptoms earlier. We’re really learning about all these new areas to understand, what is perimenopause? 

Dr. Faubion: Very rarely does a woman come in and say, “I have hot flashes” and I say, “Well, is that all you have?” “Yep. That’s all I have. I just have a couple of hot flashes.” That almost never happens, as you know. Menopause is not just about hot flashes, although that’s one of the most common symptoms. Hot flashes also occur at night. We call them night sweats when that happens. But there’s the sleep disturbance, which is probably not just related to night sweats but a lot of other things as well. Mood symptoms can be crazy. A lot of women come in with descriptions of irritability, just not feeling right, or feeling anxious. Another common symptom that we’re learning about is joint aches. 

It’s important to remember when we’re talking about these symptoms that estrogen affects every tissue and organ system in the body. And when you lose it, you have effects in pretty much every tissue and organ system in the body. So, it’s not just about hot flashes and night sweats. We’ve also learned recently that women in perimenopause can have the same symptoms that women have after menopause. It’s not just that it starts at menopause. 

Dr. Rubin: This is really important because we are speaking to the primary care world. The way medicine is set up, you’re allowed to have one problem. If you have more than one problem, I don’t know what to do. You go in the crazy bucket of we’re not interested or we don’t have time to take care of you. But menopause is never one problem. So, the disaster here is that these women are getting diagnosed with a mental health condition, with fibromyalgia, with dry eye, with sexual dysfunction, with depression or anxiety. They’re getting 10 diagnoses for what is actually one underlying hypogonadal problem. 

Dr. Faubion: That’s exactly right. I’ve seen a woman at the Mayo Clinic, who came to me as a general internist, not even knowing I did menopause. She traveled across the country to see me. She’s gaining weight, she’s losing her hair, she’s sweating. She thinks there is something horribly wrong with her, like she must have cancer or something. When you put it all together — the palpitations and the rest — it was all menopause. Think of the expense to come to the Mayo Clinic and be evaluated for that. But no one, including her, had put together the fact that all of these symptoms were related to menopause. You’re exactly right. Sometimes women don’t even recognize that it’s all related. 

Dr. Rubin: For the primary care viewers, we were raised on the idea that hormones cause cancer. Can you speak to that? What are the data in 2024? Am I going to die if I take hormone therapy? Am I going to risk blood clots and horrible cancers? 

Dr. Faubion: To be brief, we now know who the best candidates are for hormone therapy, and we can really minimize risk. We also know that there are differences between the formulations that we use, the route of delivery, and the dose. We can really individualize this for the woman. 

When it comes down to cancer risk, the WHI found that if you have a uterus and you’re taking both an estrogen and a progestogen (specifically conjugated equine estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate), the risk for breast cancer was increased slightly. When I say “slightly,” I’m talking the same as the increase in breast cancer risk of drinking one to two glasses of wine a night, or being overweight, or being inactive. We are really talking about less than one case per thousand women per year after about 5 years of hormone therapy. So, it’s a very small increased risk.

In contrast, the data showed that the risk for breast cancer did not appear to be increased in women who did not have a uterus and were using conjugated equine estrogen alone, either during the study or in the 18-year follow-up. The blood clot risk associated with estrogen-containing hormone therapy can be minimized with transdermal preparations of estrogen, particularly with lower doses. Overall, we don’t see that these risks are prohibitive for most women, and if they are having bothersome symptoms, they can use an estrogen-containing product safely. 

Dr. Rubin: We can learn new things, right? For example, the new GLP-1 drugs, which is also very fascinating — using those in perimenopause and menopause. A GLP-1 deficiency may be increased as you go to perimenopause and menopause. By adding back hormones, maybe we can help keep muscle around, keep mental health better, and keep bones stronger, because osteoporosis and fractures kill more people than breast cancer does. 

So, as a primary care clinician, how do we learn to write prescriptions for hormone therapy? How do we learn how to counsel patients properly? Do we have to go back and take a fellowship? How do I learn how to integrate the evidence into my practice? 

Dr. Faubion: An easy thing to do to gain confidence is take a course. The North American Menopause Society has an annual meeting in Chicago in September, and we do a Menopause 101 course for clinicians there. It’s also available online. There are ways to get this information in a digestible way to where you can learn the basics: Here’s where I start; here’s how I need to follow it up. It’s really not that difficult to get into this. 

As to your point about the GLP-1 drugs, we all have to learn new things every day because treatments change, drugs change, etc. Although hormones have been out there for a long time, many clinicians haven’t had the experience of treating menopausal women. I would put a plea out to my primary care colleagues in internal medicine and family medicine that you need to be doing this. Think about it — you already are the expert on brain health and bone health and heart health. You should be the most comfortable in dealing with hormone therapy that has effects throughout the entire body. It’s important for us as primary care providers to really have a handle on this and to be the owners of managing menopause for women in midlife. 

Dr. Rubin: I couldn’t agree more. As a sexual medicine doctor, treating menopausal women is actually what fuels my soul and stops all burnout because they get better. My clinic is full of a fifty-something-year-old people who come back and they say sex is good. “My relationship is good.” “I’m kicking butt at work.” I have a patient who just started law school because she feels good, and she says, “I’m keeping up with the 20-year-olds.” It is incredible to see people who feel terrible and then watch them blossom and get better. There’s nothing that fuels my soul more than these patients. 

What is exciting you in the menopause world? What are you hopeful for down the road with some of these new initiatives coming out? 

Dr. Faubion: The fact that we have a president of the United States and a National Institutes of Health who are more interested in looking at menopause is amazing. It’s an exciting time; there’s more interest, and more research funding seems to be available for the United States. 

In terms of clinical management, we now have so many options available to women. We’ve been talking about hormone therapy, but we now have nonhormonal medications out there as well that are on the market, such as fezolinetant, a neurokinin 3 inhibitor that came out last year. There’s probably another one coming out in the next year or so. So, women have lots of options, and for the first time, we can really individualize treatment for women and look at what symptoms are bothering them, and how best to get them back to where they should be. 

We’re also starting a menopause-in-the-workplace initiative with the Menopause Society and really kind of tackling that one. We know that a lot of women are missing work, not taking a promotion, or avoiding a leadership role because of their menopause symptoms. Women should never be in the position of compromising their work lives because of menopause symptoms. This is something we can help women with. 

Dr. Rubin: Our big takeaway today is: Believe your patients when they come to you, and they’ve driven and parked and arranged childcare, and showed up to your office and waited to see you. When they’re telling you that they have all these symptoms and they’re not feeling like themselves, maybe before you jump straight to the SSRI or just say, “Do some yoga and deep breathing,” maybe really dive into the menopause literature and understand the pros and cons, and the risks and benefits of hormone therapy. We do it with so many other things. We can do it with hormone therapy as well. It is not a one-size-fits-all. We do need to talk to our patients, customize their care, and really figure out what they care about and what they want. Patients are able to understand risks and benefits and can make good decisions for themselves.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, Department of Urology, at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on


This transcript has been edited for clarity

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: As a sexual medicine specialist, I treat a lot of menopause. Why? Because menopausal complaints are not just hot flashes and night sweats; we see so many sexual health problems: genital urinary syndrome of menopause (GUSM), low libido, pain with sex, arousal disorders, orgasm disorders. I am joined today with a superstar in the menopause field, Dr. Stephanie Faubion. Introduce yourself to our amazing listeners.

Stephanie S. Faubion, MD, MBA: I am Stephanie Faubion, director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Women’s Health and medical director for the Menopause Society.

Dr. Rubin: That is a very short introduction for a very impressive person who really is an authority, if you’ve ever read an article about menopause. I asked Dr. Faubion if she spends all her time talking to reporters. But it’s very important because menopause is having a moment. We can’t go a day without seeing a headline, an Instagram story, or something; my feed is full of menopause information. Why do you think menopause is having a moment right now?

Dr. Faubion: It’s a well-deserved moment and should have happened a long time ago. It’s having a moment for several reasons. The generation of women experiencing perimenopause and menopause is different now; they are less willing to suffer in silence, which is a great thing. We’ve also created a little bit of a care vacuum. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study came out in 2002, and after that, we really left women with few choices about what to take to manage their symptoms. That created a vacuum. 

After that, clinicians decided they no longer needed to worry about being educated about menopause because there was really nothing to do for menopause if we weren’t going to use hormone therapy. Where we’ve come to now is women are having symptoms; they’re having a problem. It’s affecting all aspects of their lives: their relationships, their quality of life, their ability to work. And they’re saying, “Hey, this isn’t right. We need to do something about this.” There’s still very little research in this area. We have a lot more to do. They’re demanding answers, as they should. 

Dr. Rubin: We have quite a lot of tools in our toolbox that are evidence based, that really work and help people. I always say to my patients, “You have a generation of clinicians who were not taught how to do this well. Hormones are not all good or all bad, all right or all wrong, but they require some understanding of when to use them and how to safely use them.” That way, you can avoid your patients going to the snake oil salesmen down the street selling non–evidence-based treatments. 

One article that came out this year that I thought was really fascinating was about what we are calling NFLM: not feeling like myself. I will tell you, I think it’s brilliant because there is not a woman aged 40 or above who doesn’t deeply connect with the idea of NFLM. Can you speak to the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause beyond hot flashes and night sweats? I named a few sexual symptoms earlier. We’re really learning about all these new areas to understand, what is perimenopause? 

Dr. Faubion: Very rarely does a woman come in and say, “I have hot flashes” and I say, “Well, is that all you have?” “Yep. That’s all I have. I just have a couple of hot flashes.” That almost never happens, as you know. Menopause is not just about hot flashes, although that’s one of the most common symptoms. Hot flashes also occur at night. We call them night sweats when that happens. But there’s the sleep disturbance, which is probably not just related to night sweats but a lot of other things as well. Mood symptoms can be crazy. A lot of women come in with descriptions of irritability, just not feeling right, or feeling anxious. Another common symptom that we’re learning about is joint aches. 

It’s important to remember when we’re talking about these symptoms that estrogen affects every tissue and organ system in the body. And when you lose it, you have effects in pretty much every tissue and organ system in the body. So, it’s not just about hot flashes and night sweats. We’ve also learned recently that women in perimenopause can have the same symptoms that women have after menopause. It’s not just that it starts at menopause. 

Dr. Rubin: This is really important because we are speaking to the primary care world. The way medicine is set up, you’re allowed to have one problem. If you have more than one problem, I don’t know what to do. You go in the crazy bucket of we’re not interested or we don’t have time to take care of you. But menopause is never one problem. So, the disaster here is that these women are getting diagnosed with a mental health condition, with fibromyalgia, with dry eye, with sexual dysfunction, with depression or anxiety. They’re getting 10 diagnoses for what is actually one underlying hypogonadal problem. 

Dr. Faubion: That’s exactly right. I’ve seen a woman at the Mayo Clinic, who came to me as a general internist, not even knowing I did menopause. She traveled across the country to see me. She’s gaining weight, she’s losing her hair, she’s sweating. She thinks there is something horribly wrong with her, like she must have cancer or something. When you put it all together — the palpitations and the rest — it was all menopause. Think of the expense to come to the Mayo Clinic and be evaluated for that. But no one, including her, had put together the fact that all of these symptoms were related to menopause. You’re exactly right. Sometimes women don’t even recognize that it’s all related. 

Dr. Rubin: For the primary care viewers, we were raised on the idea that hormones cause cancer. Can you speak to that? What are the data in 2024? Am I going to die if I take hormone therapy? Am I going to risk blood clots and horrible cancers? 

Dr. Faubion: To be brief, we now know who the best candidates are for hormone therapy, and we can really minimize risk. We also know that there are differences between the formulations that we use, the route of delivery, and the dose. We can really individualize this for the woman. 

When it comes down to cancer risk, the WHI found that if you have a uterus and you’re taking both an estrogen and a progestogen (specifically conjugated equine estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate), the risk for breast cancer was increased slightly. When I say “slightly,” I’m talking the same as the increase in breast cancer risk of drinking one to two glasses of wine a night, or being overweight, or being inactive. We are really talking about less than one case per thousand women per year after about 5 years of hormone therapy. So, it’s a very small increased risk.

In contrast, the data showed that the risk for breast cancer did not appear to be increased in women who did not have a uterus and were using conjugated equine estrogen alone, either during the study or in the 18-year follow-up. The blood clot risk associated with estrogen-containing hormone therapy can be minimized with transdermal preparations of estrogen, particularly with lower doses. Overall, we don’t see that these risks are prohibitive for most women, and if they are having bothersome symptoms, they can use an estrogen-containing product safely. 

Dr. Rubin: We can learn new things, right? For example, the new GLP-1 drugs, which is also very fascinating — using those in perimenopause and menopause. A GLP-1 deficiency may be increased as you go to perimenopause and menopause. By adding back hormones, maybe we can help keep muscle around, keep mental health better, and keep bones stronger, because osteoporosis and fractures kill more people than breast cancer does. 

So, as a primary care clinician, how do we learn to write prescriptions for hormone therapy? How do we learn how to counsel patients properly? Do we have to go back and take a fellowship? How do I learn how to integrate the evidence into my practice? 

Dr. Faubion: An easy thing to do to gain confidence is take a course. The North American Menopause Society has an annual meeting in Chicago in September, and we do a Menopause 101 course for clinicians there. It’s also available online. There are ways to get this information in a digestible way to where you can learn the basics: Here’s where I start; here’s how I need to follow it up. It’s really not that difficult to get into this. 

As to your point about the GLP-1 drugs, we all have to learn new things every day because treatments change, drugs change, etc. Although hormones have been out there for a long time, many clinicians haven’t had the experience of treating menopausal women. I would put a plea out to my primary care colleagues in internal medicine and family medicine that you need to be doing this. Think about it — you already are the expert on brain health and bone health and heart health. You should be the most comfortable in dealing with hormone therapy that has effects throughout the entire body. It’s important for us as primary care providers to really have a handle on this and to be the owners of managing menopause for women in midlife. 

Dr. Rubin: I couldn’t agree more. As a sexual medicine doctor, treating menopausal women is actually what fuels my soul and stops all burnout because they get better. My clinic is full of a fifty-something-year-old people who come back and they say sex is good. “My relationship is good.” “I’m kicking butt at work.” I have a patient who just started law school because she feels good, and she says, “I’m keeping up with the 20-year-olds.” It is incredible to see people who feel terrible and then watch them blossom and get better. There’s nothing that fuels my soul more than these patients. 

What is exciting you in the menopause world? What are you hopeful for down the road with some of these new initiatives coming out? 

Dr. Faubion: The fact that we have a president of the United States and a National Institutes of Health who are more interested in looking at menopause is amazing. It’s an exciting time; there’s more interest, and more research funding seems to be available for the United States. 

In terms of clinical management, we now have so many options available to women. We’ve been talking about hormone therapy, but we now have nonhormonal medications out there as well that are on the market, such as fezolinetant, a neurokinin 3 inhibitor that came out last year. There’s probably another one coming out in the next year or so. So, women have lots of options, and for the first time, we can really individualize treatment for women and look at what symptoms are bothering them, and how best to get them back to where they should be. 

We’re also starting a menopause-in-the-workplace initiative with the Menopause Society and really kind of tackling that one. We know that a lot of women are missing work, not taking a promotion, or avoiding a leadership role because of their menopause symptoms. Women should never be in the position of compromising their work lives because of menopause symptoms. This is something we can help women with. 

Dr. Rubin: Our big takeaway today is: Believe your patients when they come to you, and they’ve driven and parked and arranged childcare, and showed up to your office and waited to see you. When they’re telling you that they have all these symptoms and they’re not feeling like themselves, maybe before you jump straight to the SSRI or just say, “Do some yoga and deep breathing,” maybe really dive into the menopause literature and understand the pros and cons, and the risks and benefits of hormone therapy. We do it with so many other things. We can do it with hormone therapy as well. It is not a one-size-fits-all. We do need to talk to our patients, customize their care, and really figure out what they care about and what they want. Patients are able to understand risks and benefits and can make good decisions for themselves.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, Department of Urology, at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on

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Because menopausal complaint</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>Menopause is having a moment because women are less willing to suffer in silence. </teaser> <title>Don’t Fear Hormone Therapy, but Prescribe It Correctly</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>endo</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>ob</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term>34</term> <term>15</term> <term>21</term> <term canonical="true">23</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">52</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">247</term> <term>322</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Don’t Fear Hormone Therapy, but Prescribe It Correctly</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p><em>This transcript has been edited for clarity</em>. <br/><br/><strong>Rachel S. Rubin, MD:</strong> As a sexual medicine specialist, I treat a lot of menopause. Why? Because menopausal complaints are not just hot flashes and night sweats; we see so many sexual health problems: genital urinary syndrome of menopause (GUSM), low libido, pain with sex, arousal disorders, orgasm disorders. I am joined today with a superstar in the menopause field, Dr. Stephanie Faubion. Introduce yourself to our amazing listeners.</p> <p><strong>Stephanie S. Faubion, MD, MBA:</strong> I am Stephanie Faubion, director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Women’s Health and medical director for the Menopause Society.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> That is a very short introduction for a very impressive person who really is an authority, if you’ve ever read an article about menopause. I asked Dr. Faubion if she spends all her time talking to reporters. But it’s very important because menopause is having a moment. We can’t go a day without seeing a headline, an Instagram story, or something; my feed is full of menopause information. Why do you think menopause is having a moment right now?<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Faubion:</strong> It’s a well-deserved moment and should have happened a long time ago. It’s having a moment for several reasons. The generation of women experiencing perimenopause and menopause is different now; they are less willing to suffer in silence, which is a great thing. We’ve also created a little bit of a care vacuum. The <a href="">Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study</a> came out in 2002, and after that, we really left women with few choices about what to take to manage their symptoms. That created a vacuum. <br/><br/>After that, clinicians decided they no longer needed to worry about being educated about menopause because there was really nothing to do for menopause if we weren’t going to use hormone therapy. Where we’ve come to now is women are having symptoms; they’re having a problem. It’s affecting all aspects of their lives: their relationships, their quality of life, their ability to work. And they’re saying, “Hey, this isn’t right. We need to do something about this.” There’s still very little research in this area. We have a lot more to do. They’re demanding answers, as they should. <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> We have quite a lot of tools in our toolbox that are evidence based, that really work and help people. I always say to my patients, “You have a generation of clinicians who were not taught how to do this well. Hormones are not all good or all bad, all right or all wrong, but they require some understanding of when to use them and how to safely use them.” That way, you can avoid your patients going to the snake oil salesmen down the street selling non–evidence-based treatments. <br/><br/>One <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">article</a></span> that came out this year that I thought was really fascinating was about what we are calling NFLM: not feeling like myself. I will tell you, I think it’s brilliant because there is not a woman aged 40 or above who doesn’t deeply connect with the idea of NFLM. Can you speak to the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause beyond hot flashes and night sweats? I named a few sexual symptoms earlier. We’re really learning about all these new areas to understand, what is perimenopause? <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Faubion:</strong> Very rarely does a woman come in and say, “I have hot flashes” and I say, “Well, is that all you have?” “Yep. That’s all I have. I just have a couple of hot flashes.” That almost never happens, as you know. Menopause is not just about hot flashes, although that’s one of the most common symptoms. Hot flashes also occur at night. We call them night sweats when that happens. But there’s the <a href="">sleep disturbance</a>, which is probably not just related to night sweats but a lot of other things as well. Mood symptoms can be crazy. A lot of women come in with descriptions of irritability, just not feeling right, or feeling anxious. Another common symptom that we’re learning about is joint aches. <br/><br/>It’s important to remember when we’re talking about these symptoms that estrogen affects every tissue and organ system in the body. And when you lose it, you have effects in pretty much every tissue and organ system in the body. So, it’s not just about hot flashes and night sweats. We’ve also learned recently that women in perimenopause can have the same symptoms that women have after menopause. It’s not just that it starts at menopause. <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> This is really important because we are speaking to the primary care world. The way medicine is set up, you’re allowed to have one problem. If you have more than one problem, I don’t know what to do. You go in the crazy bucket of we’re not interested or we don’t have time to take care of you. But menopause is never one problem. So, the disaster here is that these women are getting diagnosed with a mental health condition, with fibromyalgia, with dry eye, with sexual dysfunction, with depression or anxiety. They’re getting 10 diagnoses for what is actually one underlying hypogonadal problem. <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Faubion:</strong> That’s exactly right. I’ve seen a woman at the Mayo Clinic, who came to me as a general internist, not even knowing I did menopause. She traveled across the country to see me. She’s gaining weight, she’s losing her hair, she’s sweating. She thinks there is something horribly wrong with her, like she must have cancer or something. When you put it all together — the palpitations and the rest — it was all menopause. Think of the expense to come to the Mayo Clinic and be evaluated for that. But no one, including her, had put together the fact that all of these symptoms were related to menopause. You’re exactly right. Sometimes women don’t even recognize that it’s all related. <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> For the primary care viewers, we were raised on the idea that hormones cause cancer. Can you speak to that? What are the data in 2024? Am I going to die if I take hormone therapy? Am I going to risk blood clots and horrible cancers? <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Faubion:</strong> To be brief, we now know who the best candidates are for hormone therapy, and we can really minimize risk. We also know that there are differences between the formulations that we use, the route of delivery, and the dose. We can really individualize this for the woman. <br/><br/>When it comes down to cancer risk, the WHI found that if you have a uterus and you’re taking both an estrogen and a progestogen (specifically conjugated equine estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate), the risk for breast cancer was increased slightly. When I say “slightly,” I’m talking the same as the increase in breast cancer risk of drinking one to two glasses of wine a night, or being overweight, or being inactive. We are really talking about less than one case per thousand women per year after about 5 years of hormone therapy. So, it’s a very small increased risk.<br/><br/>In contrast, the data showed that the risk for breast cancer did not appear to be increased in women who did not have a uterus and were using conjugated equine estrogen alone, either during the study or in the 18-year follow-up. The blood clot risk associated with estrogen-containing hormone therapy can be minimized with transdermal preparations of estrogen, particularly with lower doses. Overall, we don’t see that these risks are prohibitive for most women, and if they are having bothersome symptoms, they can use an estrogen-containing product safely. <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> We can learn new things, right? For example, the new GLP-1 drugs, which is also very fascinating — using those in perimenopause and menopause. A GLP-1 deficiency may be increased as you go to perimenopause and menopause. By adding back hormones, maybe we can help keep muscle around, keep mental health better, and keep bones stronger, because osteoporosis and fractures kill more people than breast cancer does. <br/><br/>So, as a primary care clinician, how do we learn to write prescriptions for hormone therapy? How do we learn how to counsel patients properly? Do we have to go back and take a fellowship? How do I learn how to integrate the evidence into my practice? <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Faubion:</strong> An easy thing to do to gain confidence is take a course. The North American Menopause Society has an <a href="">annual meeting in Chicago in September</a>, and we do a <a href="">Menopause 101 course</a> for clinicians there. It’s also available online. There are ways to get this information in a digestible way to where you can learn the basics: Here’s where I start; here’s how I need to follow it up. It’s really not that difficult to get into this. <br/><br/>As to your point about the GLP-1 drugs, we all have to learn new things every day because treatments change, drugs change, etc. Although hormones have been out there for a long time, many clinicians haven’t had the experience of treating menopausal women. I would put a plea out to my primary care colleagues in internal medicine and family medicine that you need to be doing this. Think about it — you already are the expert on brain health and bone health and heart health. You should be the most comfortable in dealing with hormone therapy that has effects throughout the entire body. It’s important for us as primary care providers to really have a handle on this and to be the owners of managing menopause for women in midlife. <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> I couldn’t agree more. As a sexual medicine doctor, treating menopausal women is actually what fuels my soul and stops all burnout because they get better. My clinic is full of a fifty-something-year-old people who come back and they say sex is good. “My relationship is good.” “I’m kicking butt at work.” I have a patient who just started law school because she feels good, and she says, “I’m keeping up with the 20-year-olds.” It is incredible to see people who feel terrible and then watch them blossom and get better. There’s nothing that fuels my soul more than these patients. <br/><br/>What is exciting you in the menopause world? What are you hopeful for down the road with some of these new initiatives coming out? <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Faubion:</strong> The fact that we have a president of the United States and a National Institutes of Health who are more interested in looking at menopause is amazing. It’s an exciting time; there’s more interest, and more research funding seems to be available for the United States. <br/><br/>In terms of clinical management, we now have so many options available to women. We’ve been talking about hormone therapy, but we now have nonhormonal medications out there as well that are on the market, such as fezolinetant, a neurokinin 3 inhibitor that came out last year. There’s probably another one coming out in the next year or so. So, women have lots of options, and for the first time, we can really individualize treatment for women and look at what symptoms are bothering them, and how best to get them back to where they should be. <br/><br/>We’re also starting a menopause-in-the-workplace initiative with the Menopause Society and really kind of tackling that one. We know that a lot of women are missing work, not taking a promotion, or avoiding a leadership role because of their menopause symptoms. Women should never be in the position of compromising their work lives because of menopause symptoms. This is something we can help women with. <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> Our big takeaway today is: Believe your patients when they come to you, and they’ve driven and parked and arranged childcare, and showed up to your office and waited to see you. When they’re telling you that they have all these symptoms and they’re not feeling like themselves, maybe before you jump straight to the SSRI or just say, “Do some yoga and deep breathing,” maybe really dive into the menopause literature and understand the pros and cons, and the risks and benefits of hormone therapy. We do it with so many other things. We can do it with hormone therapy as well. It is not a one-size-fits-all. We do need to talk to our patients, customize their care, and really figure out what they care about and what they want. Patients are able to understand risks and benefits and can make good decisions for themselves.</p> <p> <em>Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, Department of Urology, at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.</em> </p> <p> <em>A version of this article first appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a>.</span></em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Meat Linked to Higher Erectile Dysfunction Risk

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Tue, 04/16/2024 - 13:48

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: Welcome to another episode of Sex Matters. I’m Dr. Rachel Rubin. I’m a urologist and sexual medicine specialist based in the Washington, DC area, and I interview amazingly cool people doing research in sexual medicine.

I heard an incredible lecture while I was at the Mayo Clinic urology conference by Dr. Stacy Loeb, who is a wonderful researcher of all things prostate cancer and men’s health, who is now talking more plant-based diets. Her lecture was so good, I begged her to join me for this discussion.

Dr. Loeb, I would love for you to introduce yourself.

Stacy Loeb, MD: I’m Dr. Loeb. I’m a urologist at New York University in the Manhattan VA, and I recently became board certified in lifestyle medicine because it’s so important for sexual health and, really, everything that we do.

Dr. Rubin: You recently became very interested in studying plant-based diets. How did that start, and how has the research evolved over time?

Dr. Loeb: It’s really amazing. For one thing, more of our patients with prostate cancer die of heart disease than of prostate cancer. And erectile dysfunction is really an early warning sign of cardiovascular disease. We felt like it was incumbent upon us, even within urology and sexual medicine, to better understand the basis for lifestyle modification that can help with these issues. We started doing some research on it, looking at men who follow more plant-based diets, and we found that they have a lower risk for fatal prostate cancer and are less likely to have erectile dysfunction.

Dr. Rubin: Tell us more about what you found for erectile dysfunction. How much benefit do people get by switching to a plant-based diet?

Dr. Loeb: First we looked at erectile function in men without prostate cancer in the health professionals follow-up study, a very large cohort study out of Harvard University. We found that among omnivorous people, those who ate more plant-based and less animal-based food were less likely to have incident erectile dysfunction. Then, we published a new paper looking at patients with prostate cancer. These men have extra challenges for sexual function because in addition to the standard cardiovascular changes with aging, prostate cancer treatment can affect the nerves that are involved in erections. But amazingly, even in that population, we found that the men who ate more plant-based and less animal-based food had better scores for erectile function.

That was really good news, and it’s a win-win. There is no reason not to counsel our patients to eat more plant-based foods. Meat is not masculine. Meat is associated with a higher risk for erectile dysfunction and is considered carcinogenic. It’s just something that we should try to stay away from.

Dr. Rubin: How do you counsel patients who might not be ready to go fully plant-based? Is a little better than nothing? How do you even start these conversations with people? Do you have any tips for primary care doctors?

Dr. Loeb: Great question. A little bit is very much better than nothing. In fact, in the health professionals follow-up study, we actually looked at quintiles of people who ate the most meat and animal-based foods and the least plant-based foods all the way up to the most plant-based and the least animal-based diets. Along that spectrum, it really does make a big difference. Anywhere that patients can start from is definitely better than nothing.

Simple things such as Meatless Monday or choosing a few days that they will give up animal-based foods will help. For some people, trying new things is easier than cutting things out, for example, trying a milk substitute such as oat, almond, or soy milk instead of dairy milk. That could be a great first step, or trying some dishes that don’t include meat — maybe a tofu stir fry or a taco or burrito without the meat.

There are many great options out there. In terms of resources for doctors, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has a great website. They have fact sheets for a lot of the common questions that people ask such as how can I get enough protein or calcium on a plant-based diet? This isn’t a problem at all. In fact, Novak Djokovic and many other elite athletes eat plant-based diets, and they get enough protein with a much higher requirement than most of us who are not elite athletes. These fact sheets explain which plant foods are the best

I also like They also have all kinds of great videos and resources. Both of these websites have recipes that were created by doctors and nutritionists.

We can suggest that our patients work with a nutritionist or join a virtual program. For example, Plant Powered here in New York has virtual plant-based jumpstart programs. People around the country can get in on programs that have nutritionists and health coaches — for people who want a boost.

Dr. Rubin: The data are really compelling. When you were speaking, not a person in the room was interested in having a steak that night for dinner, even with a steakhouse in the hotel.

What do you say to men who have prostate cancer or suffer from erectile dysfunction? Do any data show that by going plant-based you may show improvements? We have recent studies that show that regular exercise might be as good as Viagra.

Dr. Loeb: It’s definitely not too late, even if you’ve already been diagnosed with these conditions. In my own practice, I have seen changes in patients. In fact, one of the case scenarios that I submitted for the lifestyle medicine boards was a patient who adopted a whole food, plant-based diet and no longer uses Viagra. This is definitely something that’s possible to do with intensive lifestyle modification.

Dr. Rubin: Maybe vegetables are the new sexual health aide. How can people find out more? I know you have a Sirius XM radio show.

Dr. Loeb: It’s the Men’s Health Show on Sirius XM channel 110. It’s on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 PM ET, or you can listen to it on demand anytime through the Sirius XM app.

Dr. Rubin: You have done an enormous amount of research in prostate cancer and sexual medicine. You are an all-star in the field. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge about plant-based diets. You’ve given us all a lot to think about today.

Dr. Rubin has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: Serve(d) as a speaker for Sprout; received research grant from Maternal Medical; received income in an amount equal to or greater than $250 from Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on


Rachel S. Rubin, MD: Welcome to another episode of Sex Matters. I’m Dr. Rachel Rubin. I’m a urologist and sexual medicine specialist based in the Washington, DC area, and I interview amazingly cool people doing research in sexual medicine.

I heard an incredible lecture while I was at the Mayo Clinic urology conference by Dr. Stacy Loeb, who is a wonderful researcher of all things prostate cancer and men’s health, who is now talking more plant-based diets. Her lecture was so good, I begged her to join me for this discussion.

Dr. Loeb, I would love for you to introduce yourself.

Stacy Loeb, MD: I’m Dr. Loeb. I’m a urologist at New York University in the Manhattan VA, and I recently became board certified in lifestyle medicine because it’s so important for sexual health and, really, everything that we do.

Dr. Rubin: You recently became very interested in studying plant-based diets. How did that start, and how has the research evolved over time?

Dr. Loeb: It’s really amazing. For one thing, more of our patients with prostate cancer die of heart disease than of prostate cancer. And erectile dysfunction is really an early warning sign of cardiovascular disease. We felt like it was incumbent upon us, even within urology and sexual medicine, to better understand the basis for lifestyle modification that can help with these issues. We started doing some research on it, looking at men who follow more plant-based diets, and we found that they have a lower risk for fatal prostate cancer and are less likely to have erectile dysfunction.

Dr. Rubin: Tell us more about what you found for erectile dysfunction. How much benefit do people get by switching to a plant-based diet?

Dr. Loeb: First we looked at erectile function in men without prostate cancer in the health professionals follow-up study, a very large cohort study out of Harvard University. We found that among omnivorous people, those who ate more plant-based and less animal-based food were less likely to have incident erectile dysfunction. Then, we published a new paper looking at patients with prostate cancer. These men have extra challenges for sexual function because in addition to the standard cardiovascular changes with aging, prostate cancer treatment can affect the nerves that are involved in erections. But amazingly, even in that population, we found that the men who ate more plant-based and less animal-based food had better scores for erectile function.

That was really good news, and it’s a win-win. There is no reason not to counsel our patients to eat more plant-based foods. Meat is not masculine. Meat is associated with a higher risk for erectile dysfunction and is considered carcinogenic. It’s just something that we should try to stay away from.

Dr. Rubin: How do you counsel patients who might not be ready to go fully plant-based? Is a little better than nothing? How do you even start these conversations with people? Do you have any tips for primary care doctors?

Dr. Loeb: Great question. A little bit is very much better than nothing. In fact, in the health professionals follow-up study, we actually looked at quintiles of people who ate the most meat and animal-based foods and the least plant-based foods all the way up to the most plant-based and the least animal-based diets. Along that spectrum, it really does make a big difference. Anywhere that patients can start from is definitely better than nothing.

Simple things such as Meatless Monday or choosing a few days that they will give up animal-based foods will help. For some people, trying new things is easier than cutting things out, for example, trying a milk substitute such as oat, almond, or soy milk instead of dairy milk. That could be a great first step, or trying some dishes that don’t include meat — maybe a tofu stir fry or a taco or burrito without the meat.

There are many great options out there. In terms of resources for doctors, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has a great website. They have fact sheets for a lot of the common questions that people ask such as how can I get enough protein or calcium on a plant-based diet? This isn’t a problem at all. In fact, Novak Djokovic and many other elite athletes eat plant-based diets, and they get enough protein with a much higher requirement than most of us who are not elite athletes. These fact sheets explain which plant foods are the best

I also like They also have all kinds of great videos and resources. Both of these websites have recipes that were created by doctors and nutritionists.

We can suggest that our patients work with a nutritionist or join a virtual program. For example, Plant Powered here in New York has virtual plant-based jumpstart programs. People around the country can get in on programs that have nutritionists and health coaches — for people who want a boost.

Dr. Rubin: The data are really compelling. When you were speaking, not a person in the room was interested in having a steak that night for dinner, even with a steakhouse in the hotel.

What do you say to men who have prostate cancer or suffer from erectile dysfunction? Do any data show that by going plant-based you may show improvements? We have recent studies that show that regular exercise might be as good as Viagra.

Dr. Loeb: It’s definitely not too late, even if you’ve already been diagnosed with these conditions. In my own practice, I have seen changes in patients. In fact, one of the case scenarios that I submitted for the lifestyle medicine boards was a patient who adopted a whole food, plant-based diet and no longer uses Viagra. This is definitely something that’s possible to do with intensive lifestyle modification.

Dr. Rubin: Maybe vegetables are the new sexual health aide. How can people find out more? I know you have a Sirius XM radio show.

Dr. Loeb: It’s the Men’s Health Show on Sirius XM channel 110. It’s on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 PM ET, or you can listen to it on demand anytime through the Sirius XM app.

Dr. Rubin: You have done an enormous amount of research in prostate cancer and sexual medicine. You are an all-star in the field. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge about plant-based diets. You’ve given us all a lot to think about today.

Dr. Rubin has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: Serve(d) as a speaker for Sprout; received research grant from Maternal Medical; received income in an amount equal to or greater than $250 from Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: Welcome to another episode of Sex Matters. I’m Dr. Rachel Rubin. I’m a urologist and sexual medicine specialist based in the Washington, DC area, and I interview amazingly cool people doing research in sexual medicine.

I heard an incredible lecture while I was at the Mayo Clinic urology conference by Dr. Stacy Loeb, who is a wonderful researcher of all things prostate cancer and men’s health, who is now talking more plant-based diets. Her lecture was so good, I begged her to join me for this discussion.

Dr. Loeb, I would love for you to introduce yourself.

Stacy Loeb, MD: I’m Dr. Loeb. I’m a urologist at New York University in the Manhattan VA, and I recently became board certified in lifestyle medicine because it’s so important for sexual health and, really, everything that we do.

Dr. Rubin: You recently became very interested in studying plant-based diets. How did that start, and how has the research evolved over time?

Dr. Loeb: It’s really amazing. For one thing, more of our patients with prostate cancer die of heart disease than of prostate cancer. And erectile dysfunction is really an early warning sign of cardiovascular disease. We felt like it was incumbent upon us, even within urology and sexual medicine, to better understand the basis for lifestyle modification that can help with these issues. We started doing some research on it, looking at men who follow more plant-based diets, and we found that they have a lower risk for fatal prostate cancer and are less likely to have erectile dysfunction.

Dr. Rubin: Tell us more about what you found for erectile dysfunction. How much benefit do people get by switching to a plant-based diet?

Dr. Loeb: First we looked at erectile function in men without prostate cancer in the health professionals follow-up study, a very large cohort study out of Harvard University. We found that among omnivorous people, those who ate more plant-based and less animal-based food were less likely to have incident erectile dysfunction. Then, we published a new paper looking at patients with prostate cancer. These men have extra challenges for sexual function because in addition to the standard cardiovascular changes with aging, prostate cancer treatment can affect the nerves that are involved in erections. But amazingly, even in that population, we found that the men who ate more plant-based and less animal-based food had better scores for erectile function.

That was really good news, and it’s a win-win. There is no reason not to counsel our patients to eat more plant-based foods. Meat is not masculine. Meat is associated with a higher risk for erectile dysfunction and is considered carcinogenic. It’s just something that we should try to stay away from.

Dr. Rubin: How do you counsel patients who might not be ready to go fully plant-based? Is a little better than nothing? How do you even start these conversations with people? Do you have any tips for primary care doctors?

Dr. Loeb: Great question. A little bit is very much better than nothing. In fact, in the health professionals follow-up study, we actually looked at quintiles of people who ate the most meat and animal-based foods and the least plant-based foods all the way up to the most plant-based and the least animal-based diets. Along that spectrum, it really does make a big difference. Anywhere that patients can start from is definitely better than nothing.

Simple things such as Meatless Monday or choosing a few days that they will give up animal-based foods will help. For some people, trying new things is easier than cutting things out, for example, trying a milk substitute such as oat, almond, or soy milk instead of dairy milk. That could be a great first step, or trying some dishes that don’t include meat — maybe a tofu stir fry or a taco or burrito without the meat.

There are many great options out there. In terms of resources for doctors, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has a great website. They have fact sheets for a lot of the common questions that people ask such as how can I get enough protein or calcium on a plant-based diet? This isn’t a problem at all. In fact, Novak Djokovic and many other elite athletes eat plant-based diets, and they get enough protein with a much higher requirement than most of us who are not elite athletes. These fact sheets explain which plant foods are the best

I also like They also have all kinds of great videos and resources. Both of these websites have recipes that were created by doctors and nutritionists.

We can suggest that our patients work with a nutritionist or join a virtual program. For example, Plant Powered here in New York has virtual plant-based jumpstart programs. People around the country can get in on programs that have nutritionists and health coaches — for people who want a boost.

Dr. Rubin: The data are really compelling. When you were speaking, not a person in the room was interested in having a steak that night for dinner, even with a steakhouse in the hotel.

What do you say to men who have prostate cancer or suffer from erectile dysfunction? Do any data show that by going plant-based you may show improvements? We have recent studies that show that regular exercise might be as good as Viagra.

Dr. Loeb: It’s definitely not too late, even if you’ve already been diagnosed with these conditions. In my own practice, I have seen changes in patients. In fact, one of the case scenarios that I submitted for the lifestyle medicine boards was a patient who adopted a whole food, plant-based diet and no longer uses Viagra. This is definitely something that’s possible to do with intensive lifestyle modification.

Dr. Rubin: Maybe vegetables are the new sexual health aide. How can people find out more? I know you have a Sirius XM radio show.

Dr. Loeb: It’s the Men’s Health Show on Sirius XM channel 110. It’s on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 PM ET, or you can listen to it on demand anytime through the Sirius XM app.

Dr. Rubin: You have done an enormous amount of research in prostate cancer and sexual medicine. You are an all-star in the field. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge about plant-based diets. You’ve given us all a lot to think about today.

Dr. Rubin has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: Serve(d) as a speaker for Sprout; received research grant from Maternal Medical; received income in an amount equal to or greater than $250 from Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on

Article Type
Teambase XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--$RCSfile: InCopy_agile.xsl,v $ $Revision: 1.35 $-->
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<root generator="drupal.xsl" gversion="1.7"> <header> <fileName>167728</fileName> <TBEID>0C04F982.SIG</TBEID> <TBUniqueIdentifier>MD_0C04F982</TBUniqueIdentifier> <newsOrJournal>News</newsOrJournal> <publisherName>Frontline Medical Communications</publisherName> <storyname/> <articleType>2</articleType> <TBLocation>QC Done-All Pubs</TBLocation> <QCDate>20240416T122227</QCDate> <firstPublished>20240416T124537</firstPublished> <LastPublished>20240416T124537</LastPublished> <pubStatus qcode="stat:"/> <embargoDate/> <killDate/> <CMSDate>20240416T124537</CMSDate> <articleSource/> <facebookInfo/> <meetingNumber/> <byline>Rachel S. Rubin, MD</byline> <bylineText>RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD</bylineText> <bylineFull>RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType>News</newsDocType> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>We started doing some research on it, looking at men who follow more plant-based diets, and we found that they have a lower risk for fatal prostate cancer and a</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>NYU urologist discusses impact of a plant-based diet on heart health, prostate cancer, and sexual health.</teaser> <title>Meat Linked to Higher Erectile Dysfunction Risk</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>card</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>oncr</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">21</term> <term>5</term> <term>15</term> <term>31</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term>263</term> <term canonical="true">246</term> <term>280</term> <term>214</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Meat Linked to Higher Erectile Dysfunction Risk</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p><br/><br/><strong>Rachel S. Rubin, MD:</strong> Welcome to another episode of Sex Matters. I’m Dr. Rachel Rubin. I’m a urologist and sexual medicine specialist based in the Washington, DC area, and I interview amazingly cool people doing research in sexual medicine.<br/><br/>I heard an incredible lecture while I was at the Mayo Clinic urology conference by Dr. Stacy Loeb, who is a wonderful researcher of all things <a href="">prostate cancer</a> and men’s health, who is now talking more plant-based diets. Her lecture was so good, I begged her to join me for this discussion. <br/><br/>Dr. Loeb, I would love for you to introduce yourself.<br/><br/><strong>Stacy Loeb, MD:</strong> I’m Dr. Loeb. I’m a urologist at New York University in the Manhattan VA, and I recently became board certified in lifestyle medicine because it’s so important for sexual health and, really, everything that we do.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> You recently became very interested in studying plant-based diets. How did that start, and how has the research evolved over time?<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Loeb:</strong> It’s really amazing. For one thing, more of our patients with prostate cancer die of heart disease than of prostate cancer. And <a href="">erectile dysfunction</a> is really an early warning sign of cardiovascular disease. We felt like it was incumbent upon us, even within urology and sexual medicine, to better understand the basis for lifestyle modification that can help with these issues. <span class="tag metaDescription">We started doing some research on it, looking at men who follow more plant-based diets, and we found that they have a lower risk for fatal prostate cancer and are less likely to have erectile dysfunction.</span><br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> Tell us more about what you found for erectile dysfunction. How much benefit do people get by switching to a plant-based diet?<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Loeb:</strong> First we looked at <a href="">erectile function in men without prostate cancer</a> in the health professionals follow-up study, a very large cohort study out of Harvard University. We found that among omnivorous people, those who ate more plant-based and less animal-based food were less likely to have incident erectile dysfunction. Then, we published a new paper looking at patients with prostate cancer. These men have extra challenges for sexual function because in addition to the standard cardiovascular changes with aging, prostate cancer treatment can affect the nerves that are involved in erections. But amazingly, even in that population, we found that the men who ate more plant-based and less animal-based food had better scores for erectile function.<br/><br/>That was really good news, and it’s a win-win. There is no reason not to counsel our patients to eat more plant-based foods. Meat is not masculine. Meat is associated with a higher risk for erectile dysfunction and is considered carcinogenic. It’s just something that we should try to stay away from.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> How do you counsel patients who might not be ready to go fully plant-based? Is a little better than nothing? How do you even start these conversations with people? Do you have any tips for primary care doctors?<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Loeb:</strong> Great question. A little bit is very much better than nothing. In fact, in the health professionals follow-up study, we actually looked at quintiles of people who ate the most meat and animal-based foods and the least plant-based foods all the way up to the most plant-based and the least animal-based diets. Along that spectrum, it really does make a big difference. Anywhere that patients can start from is definitely better than nothing.<br/><br/>Simple things such as Meatless Monday or choosing a few days that they will give up animal-based foods will help. For some people, trying new things is easier than cutting things out, for example, trying a milk substitute such as oat, almond, or soy milk instead of dairy milk. That could be a great first step, or trying some dishes that don’t include meat — maybe a tofu stir fry or a taco or burrito without the meat.<br/><br/>There are many great options out there. In terms of resources for doctors, the <a href="">Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine</a> has a great website. They have fact sheets for a lot of the common questions that people ask such as how can I get enough protein or calcium on a plant-based diet? This isn’t a problem at all. In fact, Novak Djokovic and many other elite athletes eat plant-based diets, and they get enough protein with a much higher requirement than most of us who are not elite athletes. These fact sheets explain which plant foods are the best<br/><br/>I also like <a href=""></a>. They also have all kinds of great videos and resources. Both of these websites have recipes that were created by doctors and nutritionists.<br/><br/>We can suggest that our patients work with a nutritionist or join a virtual program. For example, <a href="">Plant Powered</a> here in New York has virtual plant-based jumpstart programs. People around the country can get in on programs that have nutritionists and health coaches — for people who want a boost.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> The data are really compelling. When you were speaking, not a person in the room was interested in having a steak that night for dinner, even with a steakhouse in the hotel.<br/><br/>What do you say to men who have prostate cancer or suffer from erectile dysfunction? Do any data show that by going plant-based you may show improvements? We have recent studies that show that regular <a href="">exercise might be as good as Viagra</a>.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Loeb:</strong> It’s definitely not too late, even if you’ve already been diagnosed with these conditions. In my own practice, I have seen changes in patients. In fact, one of the case scenarios that I submitted for the lifestyle medicine boards was a patient who adopted a whole food, plant-based diet and no longer uses Viagra. This is definitely something that’s possible to do with intensive lifestyle modification.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> Maybe vegetables are the new sexual health aide. How can people find out more? I know you have a Sirius XM radio show.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Loeb:</strong> It’s the Men’s Health Show on <a href="">Sirius XM channel 110</a>. It’s on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 PM ET, or you can listen to it on demand anytime through the Sirius XM app.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> You have done an enormous amount of research in prostate cancer and sexual medicine. You are an all-star in the field. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge about plant-based diets. You’ve given us all a lot to think about today.<br/><br/>Dr. Rubin has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: Serve(d) as a speaker for Sprout; received research grant from Maternal Medical; received income in an amount equal to or greater than $250 from Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.<span class="end"/></p> <p> <em>A version of this article appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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What Do Sex Therapists Do? (Hint: It’s Not What You Think)

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Thu, 03/21/2024 - 15:41

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: We are here at the Harvard Continuing Medical Education Course in Orlando, Florida. It’s all about testosterone therapy and sexual medicine. I have with me today the wonderful Dr. Marianne Brandon, who is an amazing sex therapist. Could you introduce yourself?

Marianne Brandon, PhD: I am a clinical psychologist and sex therapist. I’ve been in practice for more than 25 years. I’m currently located in Sarasota. I have a Psychology Today blog called The Future of Intimacy, which I have a lot of fun with.

Dr. Rubin: It’s very important, when taking care of patients, that we work in a biopsychosocial model. Yes, we can fix erectile dysfunction. We can help with menopause symptoms and that helps sexual function. But what I find makes my patients able to live their best lives is when they have a team, including a mental health professional — often a sex therapist or a couples’ therapist — where they can learn communication skills. Why is it important for primary care doctors to talk to their patients about sex? My primary care doctor has never asked me about sex.  

Dr. Brandon: For most people, sexual intimacy is critical for their experience of life. It correlates with their relationship satisfaction and life satisfaction. It’s much bigger than what’s happening in the bedroom. People have more struggles than you realize. Sexual dysfunction correlates with emotional issues such as depression and anxiety, with medical problems, and with medication use. Chances are that your patients have some kind of sexual concern, even if that’s not to the degree that it would be classified as a sexual dysfunction.

But sexual concerns wreak havoc. Believing they have a sexual problem, they stop touching, they stop relating to their partner. It becomes a really big deal in their lives. If you can open the door for a conversation about sex with your patients, it could do them a great deal of good. It’s also good for the practitioner, because if your patients think they can talk with you about anything, that’s going to establish your relationship with them. Practitioners avoid these conversations because they don’t have the time or the training to offer help.

Dr. Rubin: You don’t have to know all the answers. You just have to show empathy and compassion and say, “I hear you.” That’s the magic in the doctor-patient relationship. We refer patients to specialists when we don’t know what to do. What happens when I send a patient to a sex therapist? Do they watch them have sex? Of course not, but everyone thinks that is what sex therapists do.

Dr. Brandon: Sex therapy is just like any other type of therapy, but we discuss sexual issues. And because just about anything that’s happening in your patient’s life can trickle down into the bedroom, we end up talking about a lot of stuff that’s not directly related to sex but ultimately impacts the patient’s sex life.

Dr. Rubin: It’s true. Most medical conditions that we treat — from diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and obesity to depression and anxiety — are strongly correlated with sexual health. We treat the underlying condition, but our patients don’t care about their A1c levels. They care about the fact that they cannot get aroused; their genitals don’t feel the same way they used to.

Dr. Brandon: I love that point because people make meaning out of their sexual concerns and dysfunction. Suddenly their body isn’t responding the way it used to. They think something’s wrong with them, or maybe they are with the wrong partner. This meaning becomes very powerful in their mind and perpetuates the sexual problem.

Dr. Rubin: First and foremost, we are educators. We can say, “You have pretty out-of-control diabetes,” or, “You’re a smoker, which can affect the health of your genitals. Have you noticed any issues going on there?” If you don’t ask, patients will not bring up their concerns with their doctors.

So how do people find a sex therapist?

Dr. Brandon: There are a few fabulous organizations that provide on their websites ways to find a therapist: the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and Sex Therapy and Research (STAR). Giving patients this information is a huge intervention.

Other places to find a therapist include the International Society for Sexual Medicine, and the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health.

Since COVID, many therapists have gone virtual. Encourage your patients to look within their states to find options for therapists and psychologists. Recent legislation allows psychologists who have signed up for PSYPACT to practice almost throughout the entire United States. We used to think if we didn’t have a therapist in the community, we couldn’t make a referral. That›s not the case anymore.

Dr. Rubin: All doctors are really sexual medicine doctors. We can change the whole world by giving our patients a better quality of life.

Dr. Rubin, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, disclosed ties to Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: We are here at the Harvard Continuing Medical Education Course in Orlando, Florida. It’s all about testosterone therapy and sexual medicine. I have with me today the wonderful Dr. Marianne Brandon, who is an amazing sex therapist. Could you introduce yourself?

Marianne Brandon, PhD: I am a clinical psychologist and sex therapist. I’ve been in practice for more than 25 years. I’m currently located in Sarasota. I have a Psychology Today blog called The Future of Intimacy, which I have a lot of fun with.

Dr. Rubin: It’s very important, when taking care of patients, that we work in a biopsychosocial model. Yes, we can fix erectile dysfunction. We can help with menopause symptoms and that helps sexual function. But what I find makes my patients able to live their best lives is when they have a team, including a mental health professional — often a sex therapist or a couples’ therapist — where they can learn communication skills. Why is it important for primary care doctors to talk to their patients about sex? My primary care doctor has never asked me about sex.  

Dr. Brandon: For most people, sexual intimacy is critical for their experience of life. It correlates with their relationship satisfaction and life satisfaction. It’s much bigger than what’s happening in the bedroom. People have more struggles than you realize. Sexual dysfunction correlates with emotional issues such as depression and anxiety, with medical problems, and with medication use. Chances are that your patients have some kind of sexual concern, even if that’s not to the degree that it would be classified as a sexual dysfunction.

But sexual concerns wreak havoc. Believing they have a sexual problem, they stop touching, they stop relating to their partner. It becomes a really big deal in their lives. If you can open the door for a conversation about sex with your patients, it could do them a great deal of good. It’s also good for the practitioner, because if your patients think they can talk with you about anything, that’s going to establish your relationship with them. Practitioners avoid these conversations because they don’t have the time or the training to offer help.

Dr. Rubin: You don’t have to know all the answers. You just have to show empathy and compassion and say, “I hear you.” That’s the magic in the doctor-patient relationship. We refer patients to specialists when we don’t know what to do. What happens when I send a patient to a sex therapist? Do they watch them have sex? Of course not, but everyone thinks that is what sex therapists do.

Dr. Brandon: Sex therapy is just like any other type of therapy, but we discuss sexual issues. And because just about anything that’s happening in your patient’s life can trickle down into the bedroom, we end up talking about a lot of stuff that’s not directly related to sex but ultimately impacts the patient’s sex life.

Dr. Rubin: It’s true. Most medical conditions that we treat — from diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and obesity to depression and anxiety — are strongly correlated with sexual health. We treat the underlying condition, but our patients don’t care about their A1c levels. They care about the fact that they cannot get aroused; their genitals don’t feel the same way they used to.

Dr. Brandon: I love that point because people make meaning out of their sexual concerns and dysfunction. Suddenly their body isn’t responding the way it used to. They think something’s wrong with them, or maybe they are with the wrong partner. This meaning becomes very powerful in their mind and perpetuates the sexual problem.

Dr. Rubin: First and foremost, we are educators. We can say, “You have pretty out-of-control diabetes,” or, “You’re a smoker, which can affect the health of your genitals. Have you noticed any issues going on there?” If you don’t ask, patients will not bring up their concerns with their doctors.

So how do people find a sex therapist?

Dr. Brandon: There are a few fabulous organizations that provide on their websites ways to find a therapist: the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and Sex Therapy and Research (STAR). Giving patients this information is a huge intervention.

Other places to find a therapist include the International Society for Sexual Medicine, and the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health.

Since COVID, many therapists have gone virtual. Encourage your patients to look within their states to find options for therapists and psychologists. Recent legislation allows psychologists who have signed up for PSYPACT to practice almost throughout the entire United States. We used to think if we didn’t have a therapist in the community, we couldn’t make a referral. That›s not the case anymore.

Dr. Rubin: All doctors are really sexual medicine doctors. We can change the whole world by giving our patients a better quality of life.

Dr. Rubin, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, disclosed ties to Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: We are here at the Harvard Continuing Medical Education Course in Orlando, Florida. It’s all about testosterone therapy and sexual medicine. I have with me today the wonderful Dr. Marianne Brandon, who is an amazing sex therapist. Could you introduce yourself?

Marianne Brandon, PhD: I am a clinical psychologist and sex therapist. I’ve been in practice for more than 25 years. I’m currently located in Sarasota. I have a Psychology Today blog called The Future of Intimacy, which I have a lot of fun with.

Dr. Rubin: It’s very important, when taking care of patients, that we work in a biopsychosocial model. Yes, we can fix erectile dysfunction. We can help with menopause symptoms and that helps sexual function. But what I find makes my patients able to live their best lives is when they have a team, including a mental health professional — often a sex therapist or a couples’ therapist — where they can learn communication skills. Why is it important for primary care doctors to talk to their patients about sex? My primary care doctor has never asked me about sex.  

Dr. Brandon: For most people, sexual intimacy is critical for their experience of life. It correlates with their relationship satisfaction and life satisfaction. It’s much bigger than what’s happening in the bedroom. People have more struggles than you realize. Sexual dysfunction correlates with emotional issues such as depression and anxiety, with medical problems, and with medication use. Chances are that your patients have some kind of sexual concern, even if that’s not to the degree that it would be classified as a sexual dysfunction.

But sexual concerns wreak havoc. Believing they have a sexual problem, they stop touching, they stop relating to their partner. It becomes a really big deal in their lives. If you can open the door for a conversation about sex with your patients, it could do them a great deal of good. It’s also good for the practitioner, because if your patients think they can talk with you about anything, that’s going to establish your relationship with them. Practitioners avoid these conversations because they don’t have the time or the training to offer help.

Dr. Rubin: You don’t have to know all the answers. You just have to show empathy and compassion and say, “I hear you.” That’s the magic in the doctor-patient relationship. We refer patients to specialists when we don’t know what to do. What happens when I send a patient to a sex therapist? Do they watch them have sex? Of course not, but everyone thinks that is what sex therapists do.

Dr. Brandon: Sex therapy is just like any other type of therapy, but we discuss sexual issues. And because just about anything that’s happening in your patient’s life can trickle down into the bedroom, we end up talking about a lot of stuff that’s not directly related to sex but ultimately impacts the patient’s sex life.

Dr. Rubin: It’s true. Most medical conditions that we treat — from diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and obesity to depression and anxiety — are strongly correlated with sexual health. We treat the underlying condition, but our patients don’t care about their A1c levels. They care about the fact that they cannot get aroused; their genitals don’t feel the same way they used to.

Dr. Brandon: I love that point because people make meaning out of their sexual concerns and dysfunction. Suddenly their body isn’t responding the way it used to. They think something’s wrong with them, or maybe they are with the wrong partner. This meaning becomes very powerful in their mind and perpetuates the sexual problem.

Dr. Rubin: First and foremost, we are educators. We can say, “You have pretty out-of-control diabetes,” or, “You’re a smoker, which can affect the health of your genitals. Have you noticed any issues going on there?” If you don’t ask, patients will not bring up their concerns with their doctors.

So how do people find a sex therapist?

Dr. Brandon: There are a few fabulous organizations that provide on their websites ways to find a therapist: the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and Sex Therapy and Research (STAR). Giving patients this information is a huge intervention.

Other places to find a therapist include the International Society for Sexual Medicine, and the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health.

Since COVID, many therapists have gone virtual. Encourage your patients to look within their states to find options for therapists and psychologists. Recent legislation allows psychologists who have signed up for PSYPACT to practice almost throughout the entire United States. We used to think if we didn’t have a therapist in the community, we couldn’t make a referral. That›s not the case anymore.

Dr. Rubin: All doctors are really sexual medicine doctors. We can change the whole world by giving our patients a better quality of life.

Dr. Rubin, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, disclosed ties to Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on

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<root generator="drupal.xsl" gversion="1.7"> <header> <fileName>167387</fileName> <TBEID>0C04F251.SIG</TBEID> <TBUniqueIdentifier>MD_0C04F251</TBUniqueIdentifier> <newsOrJournal>News</newsOrJournal> <publisherName>Frontline Medical Communications</publisherName> <storyname/> <articleType>2</articleType> <TBLocation>QC Done-All Pubs</TBLocation> <QCDate>20240320T153429</QCDate> <firstPublished>20240320T160035</firstPublished> <LastPublished>20240320T160035</LastPublished> <pubStatus qcode="stat:"/> <embargoDate/> <killDate/> <CMSDate>20240320T160035</CMSDate> <articleSource/> <facebookInfo/> <meetingNumber/> <byline>Rachel S. Rubin, MD</byline> <bylineText>RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD</bylineText> <bylineFull>RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType>News</newsDocType> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>For most people, sexual intimacy is critical for their experience of life. It correlates with their relationship satisfaction and life satisfaction. It’s much b</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>Sexual medicine specialist and urologist discusses the importance of healthy sexual function in intimacy and relationships.</teaser> <title>What Do Sex Therapists Do? (Hint: It’s Not What You Think)</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>endo</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>cpn</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>ob</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term>34</term> <term canonical="true">9</term> <term>15</term> <term>21</term> <term>23</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term>246</term> <term canonical="true">202</term> <term>322</term> <term>294</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>What Do Sex Therapists Do? (Hint: It’s Not What You Think)</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p> <em>This transcript has been edited for clarity.</em> </p> <p><strong>Rachel S. Rubin, MD:</strong> We are here at the Harvard Continuing Medical Education Course in Orlando, Florida. It’s all about testosterone therapy and sexual medicine. I have with me today the wonderful Dr. Marianne Brandon, who is an amazing sex therapist. Could you introduce yourself?<br/><br/><strong>Marianne Brandon, PhD:</strong> I am a clinical psychologist and sex therapist. I’ve been in practice for more than 25 years. I’m currently located in Sarasota. I have a <a href="">Psychology Today</a> blog called <a href="">The Future of Intimacy,</a> which I have a lot of fun with.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> It’s very important, when taking care of patients, that we work in a biopsychosocial model. Yes, we can fix erectile dysfunction. We can help with menopause symptoms and that helps sexual function. But what I find makes my patients able to live their best lives is when they have a team, including a mental health professional — often a sex therapist or a couples’ therapist — where they can learn communication skills. Why is it important for primary care doctors to talk to their patients about sex? My primary care doctor has never asked me about sex.  <br/><br/><strong>Dr. Brandon:</strong> <span class="tag metaDescription">For most people, sexual intimacy is critical for their experience of life. It correlates with their relationship satisfaction and life satisfaction. It’s much bigger than what’s happening in the bedroom.</span> People have more struggles than you realize. Sexual dysfunction correlates with emotional issues such as depression and anxiety, with medical problems, and with medication use. Chances are that your patients have some kind of sexual concern, even if that’s not to the degree that it would be classified as a sexual dysfunction.<br/><br/>But sexual concerns wreak havoc. Believing they have a sexual problem, they stop touching, they stop relating to their partner. It becomes a really big deal in their lives. If you can open the door for a conversation about sex with your patients, it could do them a great deal of good. It’s also good for the practitioner, because if your patients think they can talk with you about anything, that’s going to establish your relationship with them. Practitioners avoid these conversations because they don’t have the time or the training to offer help.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> You don’t have to know all the answers. You just have to show empathy and compassion and say, “I hear you.” That’s the magic in the doctor-patient relationship. We refer patients to specialists when we don’t know what to do. What happens when I send a patient to a sex therapist? Do they watch them have sex? Of course not, but everyone thinks that is what sex therapists do.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Brandon:</strong> Sex therapy is just like any other type of therapy, but we discuss sexual issues. And because just about anything that’s happening in your patient’s life can trickle down into the bedroom, we end up talking about a lot of stuff that’s not directly related to sex but ultimately impacts the patient’s sex life.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> It’s true. Most medical conditions that we treat — from diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and obesity to depression and anxiety — are strongly correlated with sexual health. We treat the underlying condition, but our patients don’t care about their A1c levels. They care about the fact that they cannot get aroused; their genitals don’t feel the same way they used to.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Brandon:</strong> I love that point because people make meaning out of their sexual concerns and dysfunction. Suddenly their body isn’t responding the way it used to. They think something’s wrong with them, or maybe they are with the wrong partner. This meaning becomes very powerful in their mind and perpetuates the sexual problem.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> First and foremost, we are educators. We can say, “You have pretty out-of-control diabetes,” or, “You’re a smoker, which can affect the health of your genitals. Have you noticed any issues going on there?” If you don’t ask, patients will not bring up their concerns with their doctors.<br/><br/>So how do people find a sex therapist?<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Brandon:</strong> There are a few fabulous organizations that provide on their websites ways to find a therapist: <a href="">the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT)</a> and <a href="">Sex Therapy and Research (STAR)</a>. Giving patients this information is a huge intervention.<br/><br/>Other places to find a therapist include the <a href="">International Society for Sexual Medicine,</a> and the <a href="">International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health</a>.<br/><br/>Since COVID, many therapists have gone virtual. Encourage your patients to look within their states to find options for therapists and psychologists. Recent legislation allows psychologists who have signed up for <a href="">PSYPACT</a> to practice almost throughout the entire United States. We used to think if we didn’t have a therapist in the community, we couldn’t make a referral. That›s not the case anymore.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> All doctors are really sexual medicine doctors. We can change the whole world by giving our patients a better quality of life.<br/><br/></p> <p> <em>Dr. Rubin, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, disclosed ties to Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.</em> </p> <p> <em>A version of this article appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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The Urethra Is a Sex Organ; Why This Matters in Incontinence

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Tue, 03/19/2024 - 13:43


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: I’m Dr. Rachel Rubin, urologist and sexual medicine specialist in the Washington, DC, area. We are coming to you live from the Mayo Clinic Urology Conference in Maui, Hawaii, with the world’s leading experts in men’s health, sexual health, and quality of life. I’m bringing in Dr. Allen Morey from the North Dallas area, one of the world’s leading experts in reconstructive urology. He deals with all things urinary incontinence, penile curvature, and sexual health.

Dr. Morey said something at this conference that really put my chin on the floor. He said, “The urethra is a sex organ. It is androgen dependent.” This is so important because it’s true for all genders. So, Dr. Morey, tell us more about why you made that comment and about the incontinence in men that you deal with all the time.

Allen F. Morey, MD: For many years, I’ve worked at cancer centers where, through the various treatments for prostate cancer, the men suffered from urinary incontinence and we put a lot of artificial urinary sphincters in those patients. I had one patient who asked, “Why do I keep having this erosion?” Of course, the erosion is where the cuff compresses the tissue surrounding the urethra, and the tissue gives way, leaving a hole in the urethra. I looked at him and noticed that he was pale. And I thought, Let me check his testosterone level. We started checking it on everybody who had this problem, and sure enough, the ones who had the cup erosion — who had the atrophic tissue around the urethra — most of them had low testosterone levels. Some of this was due to the cancer treatment, but in other men, it was just due to old age.

We started thinking that this is a causal relationship. And we tested it. I had a fellow who was a board-certified pathologist before becoming a urologist. He obtained some specimens from the urethra and did very sophisticated, elegant stains on that tissue. We found that it’s just erectile tissue surrounding the urethra. That’s why I call it a sex organ. I tell my patients, “When you are a teenager, this tissue is thin, like on your pinky finger. As you get older, it becomes thicker. And then as you get even older, and you may be having cancer treatment, that tissue is gone.” You can show them your little finger; it’s about that size. All the meat is off the bone. There’s nothing left protecting the urinary mucosa from the device.

That’s why it’s important to maintain the optimal health of those tissues and for them to remain dry. Because let’s face it: Urinary incontinence is a horrible quality of life. These are my happiest patients when we fix it. Before that, when they go on vacation, they have a separate suitcase filled with diapers. They can’t go anywhere. They can’t do anything. When they become incontinent after the prostatectomy, they gain weight. And when you put in the device to treat it, they lose weight and you can track it. The urinary incontinence patients really suffer. And we need to consider the medical optimization of those patients.

Dr. Rubin: It’s so important, and I love how analogous this is to our female patients. We know that incontinence is devastating to our female patients as well, and there’s a lot of hope. As we get older we start to pee every time we cough, laugh, or sneeze. Men are a little more bothered by it when it happens; they don’t expect it. Among women, it’s thought of as normal, but it’s not normal. There is so much we can do to help these patients, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical therapies.

The connection between hormones and urethral health is true on the female side as well. As you go through menopause, the urethral tissue thins out, gets dry, gets irritated, and can cause worsening incontinence, pain with sex, and genital urinary syndrome of menopause. It’s really important.

For our primary care doctors, how should we talk about stress incontinence in men? How do we diagnose it?

Dr. Morey: It’s easy to diagnose. Just do a quick history. Find out how many pads a day they are using. You have to ask the question, and then you have them stand up and look inside their underwear. You’ll see what kind of pad they are wearing. Is it just a shield or are they actually wearing full diapers? Then I have them do a standing cough test. I stand off to the side, holding a couple of towels, and have the patient cough four times. I can tell if it’s a full stream or just a couple of drops. Is it nothing but they are wearing a pad? You match up what you see with their experience, and in an instant it tells you how severe their problem is and it helps you direct them on to further treatment, because many patients have treatment fatigue. They’ve already been through the system. They have really suffered and they don’t know which way to go. They don’t know what’s available.

Dr. Rubin: On the female side, we have pelvic floor physical therapy. We have pads and devices that you can wear, and pessaries. We have surgical options, like bulking agents into the urethra as well as urethral slings, which can be quite helpful for women. So there’s a lot of hope out there for women, and from what I learned from you at this conference, there’s a lot of hope for men as well. So talk us through treatment, from conservative to surgical options.

Dr. Morey: There hasn’t been much innovation in male incontinence treatment over the past few decades, but we’re starting to see signs of new products appearing on the horizon, so I’m very optimistic that in the next 5 or 10 years, we’ll have more. But right now it comes down to slings and artificial sphincters, which are devices with little pumps and hydraulics, and they’re very good. But they’ve been around for 50 years, and they have this other potential risk factor of the erosion of the tissue.

We don’t have a pill that we can give the patient to tighten up those muscles. We can help them with overactive bladder. But maybe the hormonal influence is a way to optimize the health of the tissue so that these surgical treatments can really deliver the best outcomes. And as I always say, and having treated so many of these patients, it’s really a game of millimeters — how much coaptation you get. If you’re off by the slightest amount, that’s an unhappy patient. So it doesn’t take much to make it a lot better.

Dr. Rubin: There’s so much hope for our patients, and this can really have an effect on sexual health. You know the benefits you see in their quality of life and sexual health when you can stop leakage.

Dr. Morey: I always take care of the waterworks first. Many of the men have both urinary problems and erectile problems. Nobody feels sexy when they’re leaking urine all over their partner. So first we take care of that. And then, in the motivated younger patients, we bring them back and talk to them about potentially having a second operation.

Dr. Rubin: And so similarly, in women with urinary incontinence, it can have a major impact on sexual health — how they show up and how they talk to their partner. So, it is really important for our primary care docs to talk to patients about urinary incontinence and not just say, “Oh, well, you’re getting older. There’s nothing that you can do.” There’s actually no age at which there is nothing that we can do. And it’s really important to refer patients to those urologists who have extra training in incontinence and sexual health, because we do care about these quality-of-life measures and there is a lot we can do, ranging from conservative to more invasive treatments. But patients really should have options.

Dr. Morey: I heard during this meeting that urinary incontinence was the number-one source of treatment regret among patients who had their prostate treated for cancer. So, this is a really big deal for our patients. And it impacts wellness, quality of life, and overall well-being.

Dr. Rubin: When we are counseling patients for cancer surgeries or cancer treatments such as radiation therapy, it’s really hard for the patients who have never had urinary incontinence to imagine what that might be like. When you’re telling them they could have a stroke or a heart attack, or they could have erectile dysfunction or urinary incontinence, it all sounds similar to them. It could happen to someone else. It’s very hard to truly counsel patients on these quality-of-life issues that they’ve never encountered before.

Dr. Morey: We have found that it takes a long time for patients to get into our office for treatment, and it’s unbelievable — often 5 years in diapers before they find us.

Dr. Rubin: Hopefully videos like this will teach our docs and our patients that there is hope out there, that you don’t need to wait through years of suffering from incontinence. So, how does somebody find a reconstructive urologist or a sexual medicine urologist?

Dr. Morey: There are a couple of good websites out there, such as and The device manufacturers have pretty good information for patients.

Dr. Rubin: The Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) has a great find-a-provider website, which provides a list of urologists who are trained in both sexual health and urinary incontinence, because they both matter. Our patients deeply care about these issues.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD, has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: Serve(d) as a speaker for Sprout; received research grant from Maternal Medical; received income in an amount equal to or greater than $250 from Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, Endo.

A version of this article appeared on



This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: I’m Dr. Rachel Rubin, urologist and sexual medicine specialist in the Washington, DC, area. We are coming to you live from the Mayo Clinic Urology Conference in Maui, Hawaii, with the world’s leading experts in men’s health, sexual health, and quality of life. I’m bringing in Dr. Allen Morey from the North Dallas area, one of the world’s leading experts in reconstructive urology. He deals with all things urinary incontinence, penile curvature, and sexual health.

Dr. Morey said something at this conference that really put my chin on the floor. He said, “The urethra is a sex organ. It is androgen dependent.” This is so important because it’s true for all genders. So, Dr. Morey, tell us more about why you made that comment and about the incontinence in men that you deal with all the time.

Allen F. Morey, MD: For many years, I’ve worked at cancer centers where, through the various treatments for prostate cancer, the men suffered from urinary incontinence and we put a lot of artificial urinary sphincters in those patients. I had one patient who asked, “Why do I keep having this erosion?” Of course, the erosion is where the cuff compresses the tissue surrounding the urethra, and the tissue gives way, leaving a hole in the urethra. I looked at him and noticed that he was pale. And I thought, Let me check his testosterone level. We started checking it on everybody who had this problem, and sure enough, the ones who had the cup erosion — who had the atrophic tissue around the urethra — most of them had low testosterone levels. Some of this was due to the cancer treatment, but in other men, it was just due to old age.

We started thinking that this is a causal relationship. And we tested it. I had a fellow who was a board-certified pathologist before becoming a urologist. He obtained some specimens from the urethra and did very sophisticated, elegant stains on that tissue. We found that it’s just erectile tissue surrounding the urethra. That’s why I call it a sex organ. I tell my patients, “When you are a teenager, this tissue is thin, like on your pinky finger. As you get older, it becomes thicker. And then as you get even older, and you may be having cancer treatment, that tissue is gone.” You can show them your little finger; it’s about that size. All the meat is off the bone. There’s nothing left protecting the urinary mucosa from the device.

That’s why it’s important to maintain the optimal health of those tissues and for them to remain dry. Because let’s face it: Urinary incontinence is a horrible quality of life. These are my happiest patients when we fix it. Before that, when they go on vacation, they have a separate suitcase filled with diapers. They can’t go anywhere. They can’t do anything. When they become incontinent after the prostatectomy, they gain weight. And when you put in the device to treat it, they lose weight and you can track it. The urinary incontinence patients really suffer. And we need to consider the medical optimization of those patients.

Dr. Rubin: It’s so important, and I love how analogous this is to our female patients. We know that incontinence is devastating to our female patients as well, and there’s a lot of hope. As we get older we start to pee every time we cough, laugh, or sneeze. Men are a little more bothered by it when it happens; they don’t expect it. Among women, it’s thought of as normal, but it’s not normal. There is so much we can do to help these patients, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical therapies.

The connection between hormones and urethral health is true on the female side as well. As you go through menopause, the urethral tissue thins out, gets dry, gets irritated, and can cause worsening incontinence, pain with sex, and genital urinary syndrome of menopause. It’s really important.

For our primary care doctors, how should we talk about stress incontinence in men? How do we diagnose it?

Dr. Morey: It’s easy to diagnose. Just do a quick history. Find out how many pads a day they are using. You have to ask the question, and then you have them stand up and look inside their underwear. You’ll see what kind of pad they are wearing. Is it just a shield or are they actually wearing full diapers? Then I have them do a standing cough test. I stand off to the side, holding a couple of towels, and have the patient cough four times. I can tell if it’s a full stream or just a couple of drops. Is it nothing but they are wearing a pad? You match up what you see with their experience, and in an instant it tells you how severe their problem is and it helps you direct them on to further treatment, because many patients have treatment fatigue. They’ve already been through the system. They have really suffered and they don’t know which way to go. They don’t know what’s available.

Dr. Rubin: On the female side, we have pelvic floor physical therapy. We have pads and devices that you can wear, and pessaries. We have surgical options, like bulking agents into the urethra as well as urethral slings, which can be quite helpful for women. So there’s a lot of hope out there for women, and from what I learned from you at this conference, there’s a lot of hope for men as well. So talk us through treatment, from conservative to surgical options.

Dr. Morey: There hasn’t been much innovation in male incontinence treatment over the past few decades, but we’re starting to see signs of new products appearing on the horizon, so I’m very optimistic that in the next 5 or 10 years, we’ll have more. But right now it comes down to slings and artificial sphincters, which are devices with little pumps and hydraulics, and they’re very good. But they’ve been around for 50 years, and they have this other potential risk factor of the erosion of the tissue.

We don’t have a pill that we can give the patient to tighten up those muscles. We can help them with overactive bladder. But maybe the hormonal influence is a way to optimize the health of the tissue so that these surgical treatments can really deliver the best outcomes. And as I always say, and having treated so many of these patients, it’s really a game of millimeters — how much coaptation you get. If you’re off by the slightest amount, that’s an unhappy patient. So it doesn’t take much to make it a lot better.

Dr. Rubin: There’s so much hope for our patients, and this can really have an effect on sexual health. You know the benefits you see in their quality of life and sexual health when you can stop leakage.

Dr. Morey: I always take care of the waterworks first. Many of the men have both urinary problems and erectile problems. Nobody feels sexy when they’re leaking urine all over their partner. So first we take care of that. And then, in the motivated younger patients, we bring them back and talk to them about potentially having a second operation.

Dr. Rubin: And so similarly, in women with urinary incontinence, it can have a major impact on sexual health — how they show up and how they talk to their partner. So, it is really important for our primary care docs to talk to patients about urinary incontinence and not just say, “Oh, well, you’re getting older. There’s nothing that you can do.” There’s actually no age at which there is nothing that we can do. And it’s really important to refer patients to those urologists who have extra training in incontinence and sexual health, because we do care about these quality-of-life measures and there is a lot we can do, ranging from conservative to more invasive treatments. But patients really should have options.

Dr. Morey: I heard during this meeting that urinary incontinence was the number-one source of treatment regret among patients who had their prostate treated for cancer. So, this is a really big deal for our patients. And it impacts wellness, quality of life, and overall well-being.

Dr. Rubin: When we are counseling patients for cancer surgeries or cancer treatments such as radiation therapy, it’s really hard for the patients who have never had urinary incontinence to imagine what that might be like. When you’re telling them they could have a stroke or a heart attack, or they could have erectile dysfunction or urinary incontinence, it all sounds similar to them. It could happen to someone else. It’s very hard to truly counsel patients on these quality-of-life issues that they’ve never encountered before.

Dr. Morey: We have found that it takes a long time for patients to get into our office for treatment, and it’s unbelievable — often 5 years in diapers before they find us.

Dr. Rubin: Hopefully videos like this will teach our docs and our patients that there is hope out there, that you don’t need to wait through years of suffering from incontinence. So, how does somebody find a reconstructive urologist or a sexual medicine urologist?

Dr. Morey: There are a couple of good websites out there, such as and The device manufacturers have pretty good information for patients.

Dr. Rubin: The Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) has a great find-a-provider website, which provides a list of urologists who are trained in both sexual health and urinary incontinence, because they both matter. Our patients deeply care about these issues.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD, has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: Serve(d) as a speaker for Sprout; received research grant from Maternal Medical; received income in an amount equal to or greater than $250 from Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, Endo.

A version of this article appeared on


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: I’m Dr. Rachel Rubin, urologist and sexual medicine specialist in the Washington, DC, area. We are coming to you live from the Mayo Clinic Urology Conference in Maui, Hawaii, with the world’s leading experts in men’s health, sexual health, and quality of life. I’m bringing in Dr. Allen Morey from the North Dallas area, one of the world’s leading experts in reconstructive urology. He deals with all things urinary incontinence, penile curvature, and sexual health.

Dr. Morey said something at this conference that really put my chin on the floor. He said, “The urethra is a sex organ. It is androgen dependent.” This is so important because it’s true for all genders. So, Dr. Morey, tell us more about why you made that comment and about the incontinence in men that you deal with all the time.

Allen F. Morey, MD: For many years, I’ve worked at cancer centers where, through the various treatments for prostate cancer, the men suffered from urinary incontinence and we put a lot of artificial urinary sphincters in those patients. I had one patient who asked, “Why do I keep having this erosion?” Of course, the erosion is where the cuff compresses the tissue surrounding the urethra, and the tissue gives way, leaving a hole in the urethra. I looked at him and noticed that he was pale. And I thought, Let me check his testosterone level. We started checking it on everybody who had this problem, and sure enough, the ones who had the cup erosion — who had the atrophic tissue around the urethra — most of them had low testosterone levels. Some of this was due to the cancer treatment, but in other men, it was just due to old age.

We started thinking that this is a causal relationship. And we tested it. I had a fellow who was a board-certified pathologist before becoming a urologist. He obtained some specimens from the urethra and did very sophisticated, elegant stains on that tissue. We found that it’s just erectile tissue surrounding the urethra. That’s why I call it a sex organ. I tell my patients, “When you are a teenager, this tissue is thin, like on your pinky finger. As you get older, it becomes thicker. And then as you get even older, and you may be having cancer treatment, that tissue is gone.” You can show them your little finger; it’s about that size. All the meat is off the bone. There’s nothing left protecting the urinary mucosa from the device.

That’s why it’s important to maintain the optimal health of those tissues and for them to remain dry. Because let’s face it: Urinary incontinence is a horrible quality of life. These are my happiest patients when we fix it. Before that, when they go on vacation, they have a separate suitcase filled with diapers. They can’t go anywhere. They can’t do anything. When they become incontinent after the prostatectomy, they gain weight. And when you put in the device to treat it, they lose weight and you can track it. The urinary incontinence patients really suffer. And we need to consider the medical optimization of those patients.

Dr. Rubin: It’s so important, and I love how analogous this is to our female patients. We know that incontinence is devastating to our female patients as well, and there’s a lot of hope. As we get older we start to pee every time we cough, laugh, or sneeze. Men are a little more bothered by it when it happens; they don’t expect it. Among women, it’s thought of as normal, but it’s not normal. There is so much we can do to help these patients, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical therapies.

The connection between hormones and urethral health is true on the female side as well. As you go through menopause, the urethral tissue thins out, gets dry, gets irritated, and can cause worsening incontinence, pain with sex, and genital urinary syndrome of menopause. It’s really important.

For our primary care doctors, how should we talk about stress incontinence in men? How do we diagnose it?

Dr. Morey: It’s easy to diagnose. Just do a quick history. Find out how many pads a day they are using. You have to ask the question, and then you have them stand up and look inside their underwear. You’ll see what kind of pad they are wearing. Is it just a shield or are they actually wearing full diapers? Then I have them do a standing cough test. I stand off to the side, holding a couple of towels, and have the patient cough four times. I can tell if it’s a full stream or just a couple of drops. Is it nothing but they are wearing a pad? You match up what you see with their experience, and in an instant it tells you how severe their problem is and it helps you direct them on to further treatment, because many patients have treatment fatigue. They’ve already been through the system. They have really suffered and they don’t know which way to go. They don’t know what’s available.

Dr. Rubin: On the female side, we have pelvic floor physical therapy. We have pads and devices that you can wear, and pessaries. We have surgical options, like bulking agents into the urethra as well as urethral slings, which can be quite helpful for women. So there’s a lot of hope out there for women, and from what I learned from you at this conference, there’s a lot of hope for men as well. So talk us through treatment, from conservative to surgical options.

Dr. Morey: There hasn’t been much innovation in male incontinence treatment over the past few decades, but we’re starting to see signs of new products appearing on the horizon, so I’m very optimistic that in the next 5 or 10 years, we’ll have more. But right now it comes down to slings and artificial sphincters, which are devices with little pumps and hydraulics, and they’re very good. But they’ve been around for 50 years, and they have this other potential risk factor of the erosion of the tissue.

We don’t have a pill that we can give the patient to tighten up those muscles. We can help them with overactive bladder. But maybe the hormonal influence is a way to optimize the health of the tissue so that these surgical treatments can really deliver the best outcomes. And as I always say, and having treated so many of these patients, it’s really a game of millimeters — how much coaptation you get. If you’re off by the slightest amount, that’s an unhappy patient. So it doesn’t take much to make it a lot better.

Dr. Rubin: There’s so much hope for our patients, and this can really have an effect on sexual health. You know the benefits you see in their quality of life and sexual health when you can stop leakage.

Dr. Morey: I always take care of the waterworks first. Many of the men have both urinary problems and erectile problems. Nobody feels sexy when they’re leaking urine all over their partner. So first we take care of that. And then, in the motivated younger patients, we bring them back and talk to them about potentially having a second operation.

Dr. Rubin: And so similarly, in women with urinary incontinence, it can have a major impact on sexual health — how they show up and how they talk to their partner. So, it is really important for our primary care docs to talk to patients about urinary incontinence and not just say, “Oh, well, you’re getting older. There’s nothing that you can do.” There’s actually no age at which there is nothing that we can do. And it’s really important to refer patients to those urologists who have extra training in incontinence and sexual health, because we do care about these quality-of-life measures and there is a lot we can do, ranging from conservative to more invasive treatments. But patients really should have options.

Dr. Morey: I heard during this meeting that urinary incontinence was the number-one source of treatment regret among patients who had their prostate treated for cancer. So, this is a really big deal for our patients. And it impacts wellness, quality of life, and overall well-being.

Dr. Rubin: When we are counseling patients for cancer surgeries or cancer treatments such as radiation therapy, it’s really hard for the patients who have never had urinary incontinence to imagine what that might be like. When you’re telling them they could have a stroke or a heart attack, or they could have erectile dysfunction or urinary incontinence, it all sounds similar to them. It could happen to someone else. It’s very hard to truly counsel patients on these quality-of-life issues that they’ve never encountered before.

Dr. Morey: We have found that it takes a long time for patients to get into our office for treatment, and it’s unbelievable — often 5 years in diapers before they find us.

Dr. Rubin: Hopefully videos like this will teach our docs and our patients that there is hope out there, that you don’t need to wait through years of suffering from incontinence. So, how does somebody find a reconstructive urologist or a sexual medicine urologist?

Dr. Morey: There are a couple of good websites out there, such as and The device manufacturers have pretty good information for patients.

Dr. Rubin: The Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) has a great find-a-provider website, which provides a list of urologists who are trained in both sexual health and urinary incontinence, because they both matter. Our patients deeply care about these issues.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD, has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: Serve(d) as a speaker for Sprout; received research grant from Maternal Medical; received income in an amount equal to or greater than $250 from Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, Endo.

A version of this article appeared on

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RUBIN, MD</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType>News</newsDocType> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>“The urethra is a sex organ. It is androgen dependent.” This is so important because it’s true for all genders.</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>The urethra is androgen dependent and plays a role in incontinence, explains Dr. Morey.</teaser> <title>The Urethra Is a Sex Organ; Why This Matters in Incontinence</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>oncr</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>mdsurg</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> <journalTitle/> <journalFullTitle/> <copyrightStatement>2018 Frontline Medical Communications Inc.,</copyrightStatement> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term>15</term> <term>21</term> <term canonical="true">31</term> <term>52226</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">52</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">214</term> <term>342</term> <term>263</term> <term>322</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>The Urethra Is a Sex Organ; Why This Matters in Incontinence</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p> <em>This transcript has been edited for clarity.</em> </p> <p>Rachel S. Rubin, MD: I’m Dr. Rachel Rubin, urologist and sexual medicine specialist in the Washington, DC, area. We are coming to you live from the Mayo Clinic Urology Conference in Maui, Hawaii, with the world’s leading experts in men’s health, sexual health, and quality of life. I’m bringing in Dr. Allen Morey from the North Dallas area, one of the world’s leading experts in reconstructive urology. He deals with all things <a href="">urinary incontinence</a>, penile curvature, and sexual health.<br/><br/>Dr. Morey said something at this conference that really put my chin on the floor. He said, <span class="tag metaDescription">“The urethra is a sex organ. It is androgen dependent.” This is so important because it’s true for all genders.</span> So, Dr. Morey, tell us more about why you made that comment and about the incontinence in men that you deal with all the time.<br/><br/><strong>Allen F. Morey, MD:</strong> For many years, I’ve worked at cancer centers where, through the various treatments for <a href="">prostate cancer</a>, the men suffered from urinary incontinence and we put a lot of artificial urinary sphincters in those patients. I had one patient who asked, “Why do I keep having this erosion?” Of course, the erosion is where the cuff compresses the tissue surrounding the urethra, and the tissue gives way, leaving a hole in the urethra. I looked at him and noticed that he was pale. And I thought, Let me check his <a href="">testosterone</a> level. We started checking it on everybody who had this problem, and sure enough, the ones who had the cup erosion — who had the atrophic tissue around the urethra — most of them had low testosterone levels. Some of this was due to the cancer treatment, but in other men, it was just due to old age.<br/><br/>We started thinking that this is a causal relationship. And we tested it. I had a fellow who was a board-certified pathologist before becoming a urologist. He obtained some specimens from the urethra and did very sophisticated, elegant stains on that tissue. We found that it’s just erectile tissue surrounding the urethra. That’s why I call it a sex organ. I tell my patients, “When you are a teenager, this tissue is thin, like on your pinky finger. As you get older, it becomes thicker. And then as you get even older, and you may be having cancer treatment, that tissue is gone.” You can show them your little finger; it’s about that size. All the meat is off the bone. There’s nothing left protecting the urinary mucosa from the device.<br/><br/>That’s why it’s important to maintain the optimal health of those tissues and for them to remain dry. Because let’s face it: Urinary incontinence is a horrible quality of life. These are my happiest patients when we fix it. Before that, when they go on vacation, they have a separate suitcase filled with diapers. They can’t go anywhere. They can’t do anything. When they become incontinent after the <a href="">prostatectomy</a>, they gain weight. And when you put in the device to treat it, they lose weight and you can track it. The urinary incontinence patients really suffer. And we need to consider the medical optimization of those patients.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> It’s so important, and I love how analogous this is to our female patients. We know that incontinence is devastating to our female patients as well, and there’s a lot of hope. As we get older we start to pee every time we cough, laugh, or sneeze. Men are a little more bothered by it when it happens; they don’t expect it. Among women, it’s thought of as normal, but it’s not normal. There is so much we can do to help these patients, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical therapies.<br/><br/>The connection between hormones and urethral health is true on the female side as well. As you go through <a href="">menopause</a>, the urethral tissue thins out, gets dry, gets irritated, and can cause worsening incontinence, pain with sex, and genital urinary syndrome of menopause. It’s really important.<br/><br/>For our primary care doctors, how should we talk about stress incontinence in men? How do we diagnose it?<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Morey:</strong> It’s easy to diagnose. Just do a quick history. Find out how many pads a day they are using. You have to ask the question, and then you have them stand up and look inside their underwear. You’ll see what kind of pad they are wearing. Is it just a shield or are they actually wearing full diapers? Then I have them do a standing cough test. I stand off to the side, holding a couple of towels, and have the patient cough four times. I can tell if it’s a full stream or just a couple of drops. Is it nothing but they are wearing a pad? You match up what you see with their experience, and in an instant it tells you how severe their problem is and it helps you direct them on to further treatment, because many patients have treatment fatigue. They’ve already been through the system. They have really suffered and they don’t know which way to go. They don’t know what’s available.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> On the female side, we have pelvic floor physical therapy. We have pads and devices that you can wear, and pessaries. We have surgical options, like bulking agents into the urethra as well as urethral slings, which can be quite helpful for women. So there’s a lot of hope out there for women, and from what I learned from you at this conference, there’s a lot of hope for men as well. So talk us through treatment, from conservative to surgical options.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Morey</strong>: There hasn’t been much innovation in male incontinence treatment over the past few decades, but we’re starting to see signs of new products appearing on the horizon, so I’m very optimistic that in the next 5 or 10 years, we’ll have more. But right now it comes down to slings and artificial sphincters, which are devices with little pumps and hydraulics, and they’re very good. But they’ve been around for 50 years, and they have this other potential risk factor of the erosion of the tissue.<br/><br/>We don’t have a pill that we can give the patient to tighten up those muscles. We can help them with <a href="">overactive bladder</a>. But maybe the hormonal influence is a way to optimize the health of the tissue so that these surgical treatments can really deliver the best outcomes. And as I always say, and having treated so many of these patients, it’s really a game of millimeters — how much coaptation you get. If you’re off by the slightest amount, that’s an unhappy patient. So it doesn’t take much to make it a lot better.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> There’s so much hope for our patients, and this can really have an effect on sexual health. You know the benefits you see in their quality of life and sexual health when you can stop leakage.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Morey:</strong> I always take care of the waterworks first. Many of the men have both urinary problems and erectile problems. Nobody feels sexy when they’re leaking urine all over their partner. So first we take care of that. And then, in the motivated younger patients, we bring them back and talk to them about potentially having a second operation.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> And so similarly, in women with urinary incontinence, it can have a major impact on sexual health — how they show up and how they talk to their partner. So, it is really important for our primary care docs to talk to patients about urinary incontinence and not just say, “Oh, well, you’re getting older. There’s nothing that you can do.” There’s actually no age at which there is nothing that we can do. And it’s really important to refer patients to those urologists who have extra training in incontinence and sexual health, because we do care about these quality-of-life measures and there is a lot we can do, ranging from conservative to more invasive treatments. But patients really should have options.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Morey:</strong> I heard during this meeting that urinary incontinence was the number-one source of treatment regret among patients who had their prostate treated for cancer. So, this is a really big deal for our patients. And it impacts wellness, quality of life, and overall well-being.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> When we are counseling patients for cancer surgeries or cancer treatments such as <a href="">radiation therapy</a>, it’s really hard for the patients who have never had urinary incontinence to imagine what that might be like. When you’re telling them they could have a <a href="">stroke</a> or a heart attack, or they could have <a href="">erectile dysfunction</a> or urinary incontinence, it all sounds similar to them. It could happen to someone else. It’s very hard to truly counsel patients on these quality-of-life issues that they’ve never encountered before.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Morey:</strong> We have found that it takes a long time for patients to get into our office for treatment, and it’s unbelievable — often 5 years in diapers before they find us.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> Hopefully videos like this will teach our docs and our patients that there is hope out there, that you don’t need to wait through years of suffering from incontinence. So, how does somebody find a reconstructive urologist or a sexual medicine urologist?<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Morey:</strong> There are a couple of good websites out there, such as <a href=";utm_medium=cpc&amp;utm_campaign=uro-pru-us-fixincontinence-dtp&amp;utm_content=nf-cs-incontinencemale_search_en_us_nonbrand_conversion_dtp_uro-symptoms-651995397114-res&amp;gad_source=1&amp;gclid=Cj0KCQiAoeGuBhCBARIsAGfKY7z7MmHGh4UtX0tFiCIvD79kQJPnn-y6SufC8o0uFwWiBsbno7Kixz4aAn5gEALw_wcB"></a> and <a href=""></a>. The device manufacturers have pretty good information for patients.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> The <a href="">Sexual Medicine Society of North America</a> (SMSNA) has a great <a href="">find-a-provider website</a>, which provides a list of urologists who are trained in both sexual health and urinary incontinence, because they both matter. Our patients deeply care about these issues.</p> <p> <em>Rachel S. Rubin, MD, has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: Serve(d) as a speaker for Sprout; received research grant from Maternal Medical; received income in an amount equal to or greater than $250 from Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, Endo.<span class="end"/></em> </p> <p> <em>A version of this article appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Bent but Not Broken: The Truth About Penile Curvature

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Tue, 03/12/2024 - 17:23

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: I’m Dr Rachel Rubin, urologist and sexual medicine specialist in the Washington, DC, area. This is Sex Matters, and I’m here today with my friend and colleague, Dr. Matt Ziegelmann, who is the sexual medicine expert at the Mayo Clinic and who does all things men’s health, including penile curvature, testosterone, and sexual function.

Let’s start with penile curvature. Many men come in very distressed. They felt a lump in their penis and go straight to their primary care physician. What do we do in that situation?

Matthew J. Ziegelmann, MD: Penile curvature (often due to Peyronie’s disease) is actually incredibly common; as many as 10% of men have this condition. We need to normalize it and let men know that this is something we see often, and we have treatments for it. One of the biggest concerns these men have is cancer, but I have yet to see this as an indicator of cancer.

Penile curvature has a significant impact on affected men — their relationships, psychological well-being, sexual functioning, and overall health. We can provide treatment if they are interested. A small subset of men are born with natural penile curvature, which is different from Peyronie’s disease. Natural curvature can still affect their mental health, and we have treatment options.

Rubin: What happens when a patient is referred to urology? We want to tell our patients what to expect. What’s in our toolbox to help patients with penile curvature?

Dr. Ziegelmann: Many patient resources are available. For example, the Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) has a patient-facing website on sexual health with lots of information about Peyronie’s disease and other aspects of sexual health.

Patients who are bothered by their penile curvature can be referred to us to find out about treatment options, or even just to get reassurance. It might be as simple as a conversation and a physical exam — that’s all we need to make the diagnosis. We can provide reassurance and get an idea of how bothered they are by this condition without doing anything invasive.

If they are considering definitive treatment, we would need to do more invasive testing. Sometimes we have the patient bring in photos of their erection to help establish the change they see in the shape of their penis.

Dr. Rubin: What about the patient who asks, “Doc, did I do this to myself? Did I break my penis? What do I do?”

Dr. Ziegelmann: That’s a common question — “How the heck did this happen?” No, you didn’t do this to yourself. We still have much to understand about why this happens to some men. Our approach is to acknowledge what we do and don’t know, and partner with the patient to discuss treatment.

Dr. Rubin: It’s very important to support your patient’s mental health, because this can be really devastating. So, what are the treatment options from conservative to invasive? What do you recommend for patients?

Dr. Ziegelmann: It can be as simple as observation if the patient is just seeking reassurance that it’s not cancer. This is a benign condition, but for men who are more bothered by their curvature, we’ll talk about options. We have oral medications that help improved the rigidity of the penis. Many men are also suffering from inadequate functioning. We can use devices called traction or vacuum to stretch the area of the penis that’s curved. We can use injections of medications, including FDA-approved agents that are injected into the penis in the outpatient setting. For men who are either later in the treatment protocol or want to resolve the problem right away, we can offer surgical intervention. We have a host of options, and a very individualized approach and a shared decision-making model. It’s not a one-size-fits-all problem.

Dr. Rubin: The real takeaway is that there is a lot of hope for this condition. Many doctors care deeply about these issues and are ready to partner with specialists to figure out the right treatment strategy. The SMSNA is a great place to find a provider like Dr Ziegelmann or myself, or any of our incredible colleagues throughout North America and the world. Thank you for joining us today. 

Dr. Rubin is Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; Private practice, North Bethesda, Maryland. She disclosed ties with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: I’m Dr Rachel Rubin, urologist and sexual medicine specialist in the Washington, DC, area. This is Sex Matters, and I’m here today with my friend and colleague, Dr. Matt Ziegelmann, who is the sexual medicine expert at the Mayo Clinic and who does all things men’s health, including penile curvature, testosterone, and sexual function.

Let’s start with penile curvature. Many men come in very distressed. They felt a lump in their penis and go straight to their primary care physician. What do we do in that situation?

Matthew J. Ziegelmann, MD: Penile curvature (often due to Peyronie’s disease) is actually incredibly common; as many as 10% of men have this condition. We need to normalize it and let men know that this is something we see often, and we have treatments for it. One of the biggest concerns these men have is cancer, but I have yet to see this as an indicator of cancer.

Penile curvature has a significant impact on affected men — their relationships, psychological well-being, sexual functioning, and overall health. We can provide treatment if they are interested. A small subset of men are born with natural penile curvature, which is different from Peyronie’s disease. Natural curvature can still affect their mental health, and we have treatment options.

Rubin: What happens when a patient is referred to urology? We want to tell our patients what to expect. What’s in our toolbox to help patients with penile curvature?

Dr. Ziegelmann: Many patient resources are available. For example, the Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) has a patient-facing website on sexual health with lots of information about Peyronie’s disease and other aspects of sexual health.

Patients who are bothered by their penile curvature can be referred to us to find out about treatment options, or even just to get reassurance. It might be as simple as a conversation and a physical exam — that’s all we need to make the diagnosis. We can provide reassurance and get an idea of how bothered they are by this condition without doing anything invasive.

If they are considering definitive treatment, we would need to do more invasive testing. Sometimes we have the patient bring in photos of their erection to help establish the change they see in the shape of their penis.

Dr. Rubin: What about the patient who asks, “Doc, did I do this to myself? Did I break my penis? What do I do?”

Dr. Ziegelmann: That’s a common question — “How the heck did this happen?” No, you didn’t do this to yourself. We still have much to understand about why this happens to some men. Our approach is to acknowledge what we do and don’t know, and partner with the patient to discuss treatment.

Dr. Rubin: It’s very important to support your patient’s mental health, because this can be really devastating. So, what are the treatment options from conservative to invasive? What do you recommend for patients?

Dr. Ziegelmann: It can be as simple as observation if the patient is just seeking reassurance that it’s not cancer. This is a benign condition, but for men who are more bothered by their curvature, we’ll talk about options. We have oral medications that help improved the rigidity of the penis. Many men are also suffering from inadequate functioning. We can use devices called traction or vacuum to stretch the area of the penis that’s curved. We can use injections of medications, including FDA-approved agents that are injected into the penis in the outpatient setting. For men who are either later in the treatment protocol or want to resolve the problem right away, we can offer surgical intervention. We have a host of options, and a very individualized approach and a shared decision-making model. It’s not a one-size-fits-all problem.

Dr. Rubin: The real takeaway is that there is a lot of hope for this condition. Many doctors care deeply about these issues and are ready to partner with specialists to figure out the right treatment strategy. The SMSNA is a great place to find a provider like Dr Ziegelmann or myself, or any of our incredible colleagues throughout North America and the world. Thank you for joining us today. 

Dr. Rubin is Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; Private practice, North Bethesda, Maryland. She disclosed ties with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD: I’m Dr Rachel Rubin, urologist and sexual medicine specialist in the Washington, DC, area. This is Sex Matters, and I’m here today with my friend and colleague, Dr. Matt Ziegelmann, who is the sexual medicine expert at the Mayo Clinic and who does all things men’s health, including penile curvature, testosterone, and sexual function.

Let’s start with penile curvature. Many men come in very distressed. They felt a lump in their penis and go straight to their primary care physician. What do we do in that situation?

Matthew J. Ziegelmann, MD: Penile curvature (often due to Peyronie’s disease) is actually incredibly common; as many as 10% of men have this condition. We need to normalize it and let men know that this is something we see often, and we have treatments for it. One of the biggest concerns these men have is cancer, but I have yet to see this as an indicator of cancer.

Penile curvature has a significant impact on affected men — their relationships, psychological well-being, sexual functioning, and overall health. We can provide treatment if they are interested. A small subset of men are born with natural penile curvature, which is different from Peyronie’s disease. Natural curvature can still affect their mental health, and we have treatment options.

Rubin: What happens when a patient is referred to urology? We want to tell our patients what to expect. What’s in our toolbox to help patients with penile curvature?

Dr. Ziegelmann: Many patient resources are available. For example, the Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) has a patient-facing website on sexual health with lots of information about Peyronie’s disease and other aspects of sexual health.

Patients who are bothered by their penile curvature can be referred to us to find out about treatment options, or even just to get reassurance. It might be as simple as a conversation and a physical exam — that’s all we need to make the diagnosis. We can provide reassurance and get an idea of how bothered they are by this condition without doing anything invasive.

If they are considering definitive treatment, we would need to do more invasive testing. Sometimes we have the patient bring in photos of their erection to help establish the change they see in the shape of their penis.

Dr. Rubin: What about the patient who asks, “Doc, did I do this to myself? Did I break my penis? What do I do?”

Dr. Ziegelmann: That’s a common question — “How the heck did this happen?” No, you didn’t do this to yourself. We still have much to understand about why this happens to some men. Our approach is to acknowledge what we do and don’t know, and partner with the patient to discuss treatment.

Dr. Rubin: It’s very important to support your patient’s mental health, because this can be really devastating. So, what are the treatment options from conservative to invasive? What do you recommend for patients?

Dr. Ziegelmann: It can be as simple as observation if the patient is just seeking reassurance that it’s not cancer. This is a benign condition, but for men who are more bothered by their curvature, we’ll talk about options. We have oral medications that help improved the rigidity of the penis. Many men are also suffering from inadequate functioning. We can use devices called traction or vacuum to stretch the area of the penis that’s curved. We can use injections of medications, including FDA-approved agents that are injected into the penis in the outpatient setting. For men who are either later in the treatment protocol or want to resolve the problem right away, we can offer surgical intervention. We have a host of options, and a very individualized approach and a shared decision-making model. It’s not a one-size-fits-all problem.

Dr. Rubin: The real takeaway is that there is a lot of hope for this condition. Many doctors care deeply about these issues and are ready to partner with specialists to figure out the right treatment strategy. The SMSNA is a great place to find a provider like Dr Ziegelmann or myself, or any of our incredible colleagues throughout North America and the world. Thank you for joining us today. 

Dr. Rubin is Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; Private practice, North Bethesda, Maryland. She disclosed ties with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on

Article Type
Teambase XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--$RCSfile: InCopy_agile.xsl,v $ $Revision: 1.35 $-->
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<root generator="drupal.xsl" gversion="1.7"> <header> <fileName>167042</fileName> <TBEID>0C04EB40.SIG</TBEID> <TBUniqueIdentifier>MD_0C04EB40</TBUniqueIdentifier> <newsOrJournal>News</newsOrJournal> <publisherName>Frontline Medical Communications</publisherName> <storyname/> <articleType>2</articleType> <TBLocation>QC Done-All Pubs</TBLocation> <QCDate>20240223T110529</QCDate> <firstPublished>20240223T112605</firstPublished> <LastPublished>20240223T112605</LastPublished> <pubStatus qcode="stat:"/> <embargoDate/> <killDate/> <CMSDate>20240223T112605</CMSDate> <articleSource/> <facebookInfo/> <meetingNumber/> <byline>Rachel S. Rubin, MD</byline> <bylineText/> <bylineFull/> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType>News</newsDocType> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>Let’s start with penile curvature. Many men come in very distressed. They felt a lump in their penis and go straight to their primary care physician. What do we</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>About 10% of men have Peyronie’s disease, and treatment is available.</teaser> <title>Bent but Not Broken: The Truth About Penile Curvature</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">15</term> <term>21</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">52</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">246</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Bent but Not Broken: The Truth About Penile Curvature</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p>BY RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD<br/><br/><em>This transcript has been edited for clarity</em>.<br/><br/><strong>Rachel S. Rubin, MD:</strong> I’m Dr Rachel Rubin, urologist and sexual medicine specialist in the Washington, DC, area. This is Sex Matters, and I’m here today with my friend and colleague, Dr. Matt Ziegelmann, who is the sexual medicine expert at the Mayo Clinic and who does all things men’s health, including penile curvature, <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">testosterone</a></span>, and sexual function.<br/><br/><span class="tag metaDescription">Let’s start with penile curvature. Many men come in very distressed. They felt a lump in their penis and go straight to their primary care physician. What do we do in that situation?</span><br/><br/><strong>Matthew J. Ziegelmann, MD:</strong> Penile curvature (often due to Peyronie’s disease) is actually incredibly common; as many as 10% of men have this condition. We need to normalize it and let men know that this is something we see often, and we have treatments for it. One of the biggest concerns these men have is cancer, but I have yet to see this as an indicator of cancer.<br/><br/>Penile curvature has a significant impact on affected men — their relationships, psychological well-being, sexual functioning, and overall health. We can provide treatment if they are interested. A small subset of men are born with natural penile curvature, which is different from <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">Peyronie’s disease</a></span>. Natural curvature can still affect their mental health, and we have treatment options.<br/><br/>Rubin: What happens when a patient is referred to urology? We want to tell our patients what to expect. What’s in our toolbox to help patients with penile curvature?<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Ziegelmann:</strong> Many patient resources are available. For example, the <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">Sexual Medicine Society of North America</a></span> (SMSNA) has a <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">patient-facing website on sexual health</a></span> with lots of information about Peyronie’s disease and other aspects of sexual health.<br/><br/>Patients who are bothered by their penile curvature can be referred to us to find out about treatment options, or even just to get reassurance. It might be as simple as a conversation and a physical exam — that’s all we need to make the diagnosis. We can provide reassurance and get an idea of how bothered they are by this condition without doing anything invasive.<br/><br/>If they are considering definitive treatment, we would need to do more invasive testing. Sometimes we have the patient bring in photos of their erection to help establish the change they see in the shape of their penis.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> What about the patient who asks, “Doc, did I do this to myself? Did I break my penis? What do I do?”<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Ziegelmann:</strong> That’s a common question — “How the heck did this happen?” No, you didn’t do this to yourself. We still have much to understand about why this happens to some men. Our approach is to acknowledge what we do and don’t know, and partner with the patient to discuss treatment.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> It’s very important to support your patient’s mental health, because this can be really devastating. So, what are the treatment options from conservative to invasive? What do you recommend for patients?<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Ziegelmann:</strong> It can be as simple as observation if the patient is just seeking reassurance that it’s not cancer. This is a benign condition, but for men who are more bothered by their curvature, we’ll talk about options. We have oral medications that help improved the rigidity of the penis. Many men are also suffering from inadequate functioning. We can use devices called traction or vacuum to stretch the area of the penis that’s curved. We can use injections of medications, including FDA-approved agents that are injected into the penis in the outpatient setting. For men who are either later in the treatment protocol or want to resolve the problem right away, we can offer surgical intervention. We have a host of options, and a very individualized approach and a shared decision-making model. It’s not a one-size-fits-all problem.<br/><br/><strong>Dr. Rubin:</strong> The real takeaway is that there is a lot of hope for this condition. Many doctors care deeply about these issues and are ready to partner with specialists to figure out the right treatment strategy. The SMSNA is a great place to find a provider like Dr Ziegelmann or myself, or any of our incredible colleagues throughout North America and the world. Thank you for joining us today.<span class="end"/> </p> <p> <em>Dr. Rubin is Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; Private practice, North Bethesda, Maryland. She disclosed ties with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.</em> </p> <p> <em>A version of this article appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Erectile Dysfunction Rx: Give It a Shot

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Mon, 12/18/2023 - 06:47

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

I’m Dr Rachel Rubin. I am a urologist with fellowship training in sexual medicine. Today I’m going to explain why I may recommend that your patients put a needle directly into their penises for help with erectile dysfunction (ED).

I know that sounds crazy, but in a recent video when I talked about erection hardness, I acknowledged that it may not be easy to talk with patients about their penises, but it’s important.

ED can be a marker for cardiovascular disease, with 50% of our 50-year-old patients having ED. As physicians, we must do a better job of talking to our patients about ED and letting them know that it’s a marker for overall health.

How do we treat ED? Primary care doctors can do a great deal for patients with ED, and there are other things that urologists can do when you run out of options in your own toolbox.

What’s important for a healthy erection? You need three things: healthy muscle, healthy nerves, and healthy arteries. If anything goes wrong with muscles, nerves, or arteries, this is what leads to ED. Think through the algorithm of your patient’s medical history: Do they have diabetes, which can affect their nerves? Do they have high blood pressure, which can affect their arteries? Do they have problems with testosterone, which can affect the smooth muscles of the penis? Understanding your patient’s history can be really helpful when you figure out what is the best treatment strategy for your patient.

For the penis to work, those smooth muscles have to relax; therefore, your brain has to be relaxed, along with your pelvic floor muscles. The smooth muscle of the penis has to be relaxed so it can fill with blood, increase in girth and size, and hold that erection in place.

To treat ED, we have a biopsychosocial toolbox. Biology refers to the muscles, arteries, and nerves. The psychosocial component is stress: If your brain is stressed, you have a lot of adrenaline around that can tighten those smooth muscles and cause you to lose an erection.

So, what are these treatments? I’ll start with lifestyle. A healthy heart means a healthy penis, so, all of the things you already recommend for lifestyle changes can really help with ED. Sleep is important. Does your patient need a sleep study? Do they have sleep apnea? Are they exercising? Recent data show that exercise may be just as effective, if not more effective, than Viagra. How about a good diet? The Mediterranean diet seems to be the most helpful. So, encourage your patients to make dietary, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle changes if they want to improve erectile function.

What about sex education? Most physicians didn’t get great education about sex in medical school, but it’s very important to our patients who likewise have had inadequate sex education. Ask questions, talk to them, explain what is normal.

I can’t stress enough how important mental health is to a great sex life. Everyone would benefit from sex therapy and becoming better at sex. We need to get better at communicating and educating patients and their partners to maximize their quality of life. If you need to refer to a specialist, we recommend going to or to find a local sex therapist. Call them and use them in your referral networks.

In the “bio” component of the biopsychosocial approach, we can do a lot to treat ED with medications and hormones. Testosterone has been shown to help with low libido and erectile function. Checking the patient’s testosterone level can be very helpful. Pills — we are familiar with Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra. The oral PDE-5 inhibitors have been around since the late 1990s and they work quite well for many people with ED. Viagra and Cialis are generic now and patients can get them fairly inexpensively with discount coupons from GoodRx or Cost Plus Drugs. They may not even have to worry about insurance coverage.

Pills relax the smooth muscle of the penis so that it fills with blood and becomes erect, but they don’t work for everybody. If pills stop working, we often talk about synergistic treatments — combining pills and devices. Devices for ED should be discussed more often, and clinicians should consider prescribing them. We commonly discuss eyeglasses and wheelchairs, but we don’t talk about the sexual health devices that could help patients have more success and fun in the bedroom.

What are the various types of devices for ED? One common device is a vacuum pump, which can be very effective. This is how they work: The penis is lubricated and placed into the pump. A button on the pump creates suction that brings blood into the penis. The patient then applies a constriction band around the base of the penis to hold that erection in place.

“Sex tech” has really expanded to help patients with ED with devices that vibrate and hold the erection in place. Vibrating devices allow for a better orgasm. We even have devices that monitor erectile fitness (like a Fitbit for the penis), gathering data to help patients understand the firmness of their erections.

Devices are helpful adjuncts, but they don’t always do enough to achieve an erect penis that’s hard enough for penetration. In those cases, we can recommend injections that increase smooth muscle relaxation of the penis. I know it sounds crazy. If the muscles, arteries, and nerves of the penis aren’t functioning well, additional smooth muscle relaxation can be achieved by injecting alprostadil (prostaglandin E1) directly into the penis. It’s a tiny needle. It doesn’t hurt. These injections can be quite helpful for our patients, and we often recommend them.

But what happens when your patient doesn’t even respond to injections or any of the synergistic treatments? They’ve tried everything. Urologists may suggest a surgical option, the penile implant. Penile implants contain a pump inside the scrotum that fills with fluid, allowing a rigid erection. Penile implants are wonderful for patients who can no longer get erections. Talking to a urologist about the pros and the cons and the risks and benefits of surgically placed implants is very important.

Finally, ED is a marker for cardiovascular disease. These patients may need a cardiology workup. They need to improve their general health. We have to ask our patients about their goals and what they care about, and find a toolbox that makes sense for each patient and couple to maximize their sexual health and quality of life. Don’t give up. If you have questions, let us know.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD, is Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; Private practice, Rachel Rubin MD PLLC, North Bethesda, Maryland. She disclosed ties with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

I’m Dr Rachel Rubin. I am a urologist with fellowship training in sexual medicine. Today I’m going to explain why I may recommend that your patients put a needle directly into their penises for help with erectile dysfunction (ED).

I know that sounds crazy, but in a recent video when I talked about erection hardness, I acknowledged that it may not be easy to talk with patients about their penises, but it’s important.

ED can be a marker for cardiovascular disease, with 50% of our 50-year-old patients having ED. As physicians, we must do a better job of talking to our patients about ED and letting them know that it’s a marker for overall health.

How do we treat ED? Primary care doctors can do a great deal for patients with ED, and there are other things that urologists can do when you run out of options in your own toolbox.

What’s important for a healthy erection? You need three things: healthy muscle, healthy nerves, and healthy arteries. If anything goes wrong with muscles, nerves, or arteries, this is what leads to ED. Think through the algorithm of your patient’s medical history: Do they have diabetes, which can affect their nerves? Do they have high blood pressure, which can affect their arteries? Do they have problems with testosterone, which can affect the smooth muscles of the penis? Understanding your patient’s history can be really helpful when you figure out what is the best treatment strategy for your patient.

For the penis to work, those smooth muscles have to relax; therefore, your brain has to be relaxed, along with your pelvic floor muscles. The smooth muscle of the penis has to be relaxed so it can fill with blood, increase in girth and size, and hold that erection in place.

To treat ED, we have a biopsychosocial toolbox. Biology refers to the muscles, arteries, and nerves. The psychosocial component is stress: If your brain is stressed, you have a lot of adrenaline around that can tighten those smooth muscles and cause you to lose an erection.

So, what are these treatments? I’ll start with lifestyle. A healthy heart means a healthy penis, so, all of the things you already recommend for lifestyle changes can really help with ED. Sleep is important. Does your patient need a sleep study? Do they have sleep apnea? Are they exercising? Recent data show that exercise may be just as effective, if not more effective, than Viagra. How about a good diet? The Mediterranean diet seems to be the most helpful. So, encourage your patients to make dietary, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle changes if they want to improve erectile function.

What about sex education? Most physicians didn’t get great education about sex in medical school, but it’s very important to our patients who likewise have had inadequate sex education. Ask questions, talk to them, explain what is normal.

I can’t stress enough how important mental health is to a great sex life. Everyone would benefit from sex therapy and becoming better at sex. We need to get better at communicating and educating patients and their partners to maximize their quality of life. If you need to refer to a specialist, we recommend going to or to find a local sex therapist. Call them and use them in your referral networks.

In the “bio” component of the biopsychosocial approach, we can do a lot to treat ED with medications and hormones. Testosterone has been shown to help with low libido and erectile function. Checking the patient’s testosterone level can be very helpful. Pills — we are familiar with Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra. The oral PDE-5 inhibitors have been around since the late 1990s and they work quite well for many people with ED. Viagra and Cialis are generic now and patients can get them fairly inexpensively with discount coupons from GoodRx or Cost Plus Drugs. They may not even have to worry about insurance coverage.

Pills relax the smooth muscle of the penis so that it fills with blood and becomes erect, but they don’t work for everybody. If pills stop working, we often talk about synergistic treatments — combining pills and devices. Devices for ED should be discussed more often, and clinicians should consider prescribing them. We commonly discuss eyeglasses and wheelchairs, but we don’t talk about the sexual health devices that could help patients have more success and fun in the bedroom.

What are the various types of devices for ED? One common device is a vacuum pump, which can be very effective. This is how they work: The penis is lubricated and placed into the pump. A button on the pump creates suction that brings blood into the penis. The patient then applies a constriction band around the base of the penis to hold that erection in place.

“Sex tech” has really expanded to help patients with ED with devices that vibrate and hold the erection in place. Vibrating devices allow for a better orgasm. We even have devices that monitor erectile fitness (like a Fitbit for the penis), gathering data to help patients understand the firmness of their erections.

Devices are helpful adjuncts, but they don’t always do enough to achieve an erect penis that’s hard enough for penetration. In those cases, we can recommend injections that increase smooth muscle relaxation of the penis. I know it sounds crazy. If the muscles, arteries, and nerves of the penis aren’t functioning well, additional smooth muscle relaxation can be achieved by injecting alprostadil (prostaglandin E1) directly into the penis. It’s a tiny needle. It doesn’t hurt. These injections can be quite helpful for our patients, and we often recommend them.

But what happens when your patient doesn’t even respond to injections or any of the synergistic treatments? They’ve tried everything. Urologists may suggest a surgical option, the penile implant. Penile implants contain a pump inside the scrotum that fills with fluid, allowing a rigid erection. Penile implants are wonderful for patients who can no longer get erections. Talking to a urologist about the pros and the cons and the risks and benefits of surgically placed implants is very important.

Finally, ED is a marker for cardiovascular disease. These patients may need a cardiology workup. They need to improve their general health. We have to ask our patients about their goals and what they care about, and find a toolbox that makes sense for each patient and couple to maximize their sexual health and quality of life. Don’t give up. If you have questions, let us know.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD, is Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; Private practice, Rachel Rubin MD PLLC, North Bethesda, Maryland. She disclosed ties with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

I’m Dr Rachel Rubin. I am a urologist with fellowship training in sexual medicine. Today I’m going to explain why I may recommend that your patients put a needle directly into their penises for help with erectile dysfunction (ED).

I know that sounds crazy, but in a recent video when I talked about erection hardness, I acknowledged that it may not be easy to talk with patients about their penises, but it’s important.

ED can be a marker for cardiovascular disease, with 50% of our 50-year-old patients having ED. As physicians, we must do a better job of talking to our patients about ED and letting them know that it’s a marker for overall health.

How do we treat ED? Primary care doctors can do a great deal for patients with ED, and there are other things that urologists can do when you run out of options in your own toolbox.

What’s important for a healthy erection? You need three things: healthy muscle, healthy nerves, and healthy arteries. If anything goes wrong with muscles, nerves, or arteries, this is what leads to ED. Think through the algorithm of your patient’s medical history: Do they have diabetes, which can affect their nerves? Do they have high blood pressure, which can affect their arteries? Do they have problems with testosterone, which can affect the smooth muscles of the penis? Understanding your patient’s history can be really helpful when you figure out what is the best treatment strategy for your patient.

For the penis to work, those smooth muscles have to relax; therefore, your brain has to be relaxed, along with your pelvic floor muscles. The smooth muscle of the penis has to be relaxed so it can fill with blood, increase in girth and size, and hold that erection in place.

To treat ED, we have a biopsychosocial toolbox. Biology refers to the muscles, arteries, and nerves. The psychosocial component is stress: If your brain is stressed, you have a lot of adrenaline around that can tighten those smooth muscles and cause you to lose an erection.

So, what are these treatments? I’ll start with lifestyle. A healthy heart means a healthy penis, so, all of the things you already recommend for lifestyle changes can really help with ED. Sleep is important. Does your patient need a sleep study? Do they have sleep apnea? Are they exercising? Recent data show that exercise may be just as effective, if not more effective, than Viagra. How about a good diet? The Mediterranean diet seems to be the most helpful. So, encourage your patients to make dietary, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle changes if they want to improve erectile function.

What about sex education? Most physicians didn’t get great education about sex in medical school, but it’s very important to our patients who likewise have had inadequate sex education. Ask questions, talk to them, explain what is normal.

I can’t stress enough how important mental health is to a great sex life. Everyone would benefit from sex therapy and becoming better at sex. We need to get better at communicating and educating patients and their partners to maximize their quality of life. If you need to refer to a specialist, we recommend going to or to find a local sex therapist. Call them and use them in your referral networks.

In the “bio” component of the biopsychosocial approach, we can do a lot to treat ED with medications and hormones. Testosterone has been shown to help with low libido and erectile function. Checking the patient’s testosterone level can be very helpful. Pills — we are familiar with Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra. The oral PDE-5 inhibitors have been around since the late 1990s and they work quite well for many people with ED. Viagra and Cialis are generic now and patients can get them fairly inexpensively with discount coupons from GoodRx or Cost Plus Drugs. They may not even have to worry about insurance coverage.

Pills relax the smooth muscle of the penis so that it fills with blood and becomes erect, but they don’t work for everybody. If pills stop working, we often talk about synergistic treatments — combining pills and devices. Devices for ED should be discussed more often, and clinicians should consider prescribing them. We commonly discuss eyeglasses and wheelchairs, but we don’t talk about the sexual health devices that could help patients have more success and fun in the bedroom.

What are the various types of devices for ED? One common device is a vacuum pump, which can be very effective. This is how they work: The penis is lubricated and placed into the pump. A button on the pump creates suction that brings blood into the penis. The patient then applies a constriction band around the base of the penis to hold that erection in place.

“Sex tech” has really expanded to help patients with ED with devices that vibrate and hold the erection in place. Vibrating devices allow for a better orgasm. We even have devices that monitor erectile fitness (like a Fitbit for the penis), gathering data to help patients understand the firmness of their erections.

Devices are helpful adjuncts, but they don’t always do enough to achieve an erect penis that’s hard enough for penetration. In those cases, we can recommend injections that increase smooth muscle relaxation of the penis. I know it sounds crazy. If the muscles, arteries, and nerves of the penis aren’t functioning well, additional smooth muscle relaxation can be achieved by injecting alprostadil (prostaglandin E1) directly into the penis. It’s a tiny needle. It doesn’t hurt. These injections can be quite helpful for our patients, and we often recommend them.

But what happens when your patient doesn’t even respond to injections or any of the synergistic treatments? They’ve tried everything. Urologists may suggest a surgical option, the penile implant. Penile implants contain a pump inside the scrotum that fills with fluid, allowing a rigid erection. Penile implants are wonderful for patients who can no longer get erections. Talking to a urologist about the pros and the cons and the risks and benefits of surgically placed implants is very important.

Finally, ED is a marker for cardiovascular disease. These patients may need a cardiology workup. They need to improve their general health. We have to ask our patients about their goals and what they care about, and find a toolbox that makes sense for each patient and couple to maximize their sexual health and quality of life. Don’t give up. If you have questions, let us know.

Rachel S. Rubin, MD, is Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; Private practice, Rachel Rubin MD PLLC, North Bethesda, Maryland. She disclosed ties with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article appeared on

Article Type
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<root generator="drupal.xsl" gversion="1.7"> <header> <fileName>166331</fileName> <TBEID>0C04DBDE.SIG</TBEID> <TBUniqueIdentifier>MD_0C04DBDE</TBUniqueIdentifier> <newsOrJournal>News</newsOrJournal> <publisherName>Frontline Medical Communications</publisherName> <storyname/> <articleType>353</articleType> <TBLocation>QC Done-All Pubs</TBLocation> <QCDate>20231215T123640</QCDate> <firstPublished>20231215T130106</firstPublished> <LastPublished>20231215T130106</LastPublished> <pubStatus qcode="stat:"/> <embargoDate/> <killDate/> <CMSDate>20231215T130106</CMSDate> <articleSource/> <facebookInfo/> <meetingNumber/> <byline>Rachel S. Rubin, MD</byline> <bylineText>RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD</bylineText> <bylineFull>RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType/> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>I’m Dr Rachel Rubin. I am a urologist with fellowship training in sexual medicine. Today I’m going to explain why I may recommend that your patients put a needl</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>As physicians, we must do a better job of talking to our patients about ED and letting them know that it’s a marker for overall health.</teaser> <title>Erectile Dysfunction Rx: Give It a Shot</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>card</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term>5</term> <term canonical="true">15</term> <term>21</term> </publications> <sections> <term>52</term> <term canonical="true">39313</term> <term>41022</term> </sections> <topics> <term>193</term> <term>205</term> <term canonical="true">246</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Erectile Dysfunction Rx: Give It a Shot</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p> <em><em>This transcript has been edited for clarity</em>.</em> </p> <p>I’m Dr Rachel Rubin. I am a urologist with fellowship training in sexual medicine. Today I’m going to explain why I may recommend that your patients put a needle directly into their penises for help with <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">erectile dysfunction</a></span> (ED).</p> <p>I know that sounds crazy, but in a recent video when <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">I talked about erection hardness</a></span>, I acknowledged that it may not be easy to talk with patients about their penises, but it’s important.<br/><br/>ED can be a marker for cardiovascular disease, with 50% of our 50-year-old patients having ED. As physicians, we must do a better job of talking to our patients about ED and letting them know that it’s a marker for overall health.<br/><br/>How do we treat ED? Primary care doctors can do a great deal for patients with ED, and there are other things that urologists can do when you run out of options in your own toolbox.<br/><br/>What’s important for a healthy erection? You need three things: healthy muscle, healthy nerves, and healthy arteries. If anything goes wrong with muscles, nerves, or arteries, this is what leads to ED. Think through the algorithm of your patient’s medical history: Do they have diabetes, which can affect their nerves? Do they have high blood pressure, which can affect their arteries? Do they have problems with <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">testosterone</a></span>, which can affect the smooth muscles of the penis? Understanding your patient’s history can be really helpful when you figure out what is the best treatment strategy for your patient.<br/><br/>For the penis to work, those smooth muscles have to relax; therefore, your brain has to be relaxed, along with your pelvic floor muscles. The smooth muscle of the penis has to be relaxed so it can fill with blood, increase in girth and size, and hold that erection in place.<br/><br/>To treat ED, we have a biopsychosocial toolbox. Biology refers to the muscles, arteries, and nerves. The psychosocial component is stress: If your brain is stressed, you have a lot of adrenaline around that can tighten those smooth muscles and cause you to lose an erection.<br/><br/>So, what are these treatments? I’ll start with lifestyle. A healthy heart means a healthy penis, so, all of the things you already recommend for lifestyle changes can really help with ED. Sleep is important. Does your patient need a sleep study? Do they have sleep apnea? Are they exercising? <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">Recent data</a></span> show that exercise may be just as effective, if not more effective, than Viagra. How about a good diet? The Mediterranean diet seems to be the most helpful. So, encourage your patients to make dietary, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle changes if they want to improve erectile function.<br/><br/>What about sex education? Most physicians didn’t get great education about sex in medical school, but it’s very important to our patients who likewise have had inadequate sex education. Ask questions, talk to them, explain what is normal.<br/><br/>I can’t stress enough how important mental health is to a great sex life. Everyone would benefit from sex therapy and becoming better at sex. We need to get better at communicating and educating patients and their partners to maximize their quality of life. If you need to refer to a specialist, we recommend going to <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span> or <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span> to find a local sex therapist. Call them and use them in your referral networks.<br/><br/>In the “bio” component of the biopsychosocial approach, we can do a lot to treat ED with medications and hormones. Testosterone has been shown to help with low libido and erectile function. Checking the patient’s testosterone level can be very helpful. Pills — we are familiar with Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra. The oral PDE-5 inhibitors have been around since the late 1990s and they work quite well for many people with ED. Viagra and Cialis are generic now and patients can get them fairly inexpensively with discount coupons from <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">GoodRx</a></span> or <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">Cost Plus Drugs</a></span>. They may not even have to worry about insurance coverage.<br/><br/>Pills relax the smooth muscle of the penis so that it fills with blood and becomes erect, but they don’t work for everybody. If pills stop working, we often talk about synergistic treatments — combining pills and devices. Devices for ED should be discussed more often, and clinicians should consider prescribing them. We commonly discuss eyeglasses and wheelchairs, but we don’t talk about the sexual health devices that could help patients have more success and fun in the bedroom.<br/><br/>What are the various types of devices for ED? One common device is a vacuum pump, which can be very effective. This is how they work: The penis is lubricated and placed into the pump. A button on the pump creates suction that brings blood into the penis. The patient then applies a constriction band around the base of the penis to hold that erection in place.<br/><br/>“Sex tech” has really expanded to help patients with ED with devices that vibrate and hold the erection in place. <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">Vibrating devices</a></span> allow for a better orgasm. We even have <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">devices that monitor erectile fitness</a></span> (like a Fitbit for the penis), gathering data to help patients understand the firmness of their erections.<br/><br/>Devices are helpful adjuncts, but they don’t always do enough to achieve an erect penis that’s hard enough for penetration. In those cases, we can recommend injections that increase smooth muscle relaxation of the penis. I know it sounds crazy. If the muscles, arteries, and nerves of the penis aren’t functioning well, additional smooth muscle relaxation can be achieved by injecting alprostadil (prostaglandin E1) directly into the penis. It’s a tiny needle. It doesn’t hurt. These injections can be quite helpful for our patients, and we often recommend them.<br/><br/>But what happens when your patient doesn’t even respond to injections or any of the synergistic treatments? They’ve tried everything. Urologists may suggest a surgical option, the <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">penile implant</a></span>. Penile implants contain a pump inside the scrotum that fills with fluid, allowing a rigid erection. Penile implants are wonderful for patients who can no longer get erections. Talking to a urologist about the pros and the cons and the risks and benefits of surgically placed implants is very important.<br/><br/>Finally, ED is a marker for cardiovascular disease. These patients may need a cardiology workup. They need to improve their general health. We have to ask our patients about their goals and what they care about, and find a toolbox that makes sense for each patient and couple to maximize their sexual health and quality of life. Don’t give up. If you have questions, let us know.<span class="end"/></p> <p> <em>Rachel S. Rubin, MD, is Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Urology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; Private practice, Rachel Rubin MD PLLC, North Bethesda, Maryland. She disclosed ties with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.</em> </p> <p> <em>A version of this article appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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The easy way to talk about penises

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Thu, 11/16/2023 - 11:09


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

It’s important for doctors to ask about erections. Not only do our patients and their partners care about them, but they are a marker for overall health. I mean it. Penis problems are very common and are an early sign that patients could have a cardiac event. Think about it: Clogging the arteries of the heart is called a heart attack; clogging the arteries to the penis is a penis attack, or as doctors like to call it, erectile dysfunction.

The arteries to the penis are only 1 mm in diameter. They develop plaque and clog the circulation long before the 3-mm cardiac arteries. So, it’s very important for primary care doctors to talk to their patients about erection health. And I’ll be honest: It’s easier to talk to patients about how lifestyle is affecting their penis health than it is to discuss how lifestyle affects longevity or prevents cancer. I get a lot of men to quit smoking because I tell them what it’s doing to their penises.

It can be challenging for doctors and patients to talk about penises. It doesn’t come naturally for many of us. If a 20-year-old comes in to my office with his 85-year-old grandfather and they both say their penises aren’t working, how do you figure out what’s going on? Do they even have the same thing wrong with them?

Here’s a fun and helpful tool that I use in my office. It’s called the Erection Hardness Score. It was developed around the time that Viagra came out, in 1998. It’s been game-changing for me to get patients more comfortable talking about their erection issues.


I tell them it’s a 4-number scale. A “1” is no erection at all. A “2” is when it gets harder and larger, but it’s not going to penetrate. A “3” will penetrate, but it’s pretty wobbly. A “4” is that perfect cucumber–porn star erection that everyone is seeking. I have the patient tell me a story. They may say, “When I wake up in the morning, I’m at a 2. When I stimulate myself, I can get up to a 3. When I’m with my partner, sometimes I can get up to a 4.”

This is really helpful because they can talk in numbers. And after I give them treatments such as lifestyle changes, sex therapy, testosterone, a PDE5 inhibitor such as Viagra or Cialis, or an injection, they can come back and tell me how the story has changed. I have an objective measure that shows me how the treatment is affecting their erections. Not only do I feel more confident having those objective measures, but my patients feel more confident in the care that they’re getting, and they feel more comfortable talking to me about the changes. So, I encourage all of you to bring that EHS tool into your office. Show it to patients and get them more comfortable talking about erections.

Dr. Rubin is assistant clinical professor, department of urology, Georgetown University, Washington. She disclosed financial relationships with Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo Pharmaceuticals; has served as a speaker for Sprout; and has received research grant from Maternal Medical.

A version of this article appeared on



This transcript has been edited for clarity.

It’s important for doctors to ask about erections. Not only do our patients and their partners care about them, but they are a marker for overall health. I mean it. Penis problems are very common and are an early sign that patients could have a cardiac event. Think about it: Clogging the arteries of the heart is called a heart attack; clogging the arteries to the penis is a penis attack, or as doctors like to call it, erectile dysfunction.

The arteries to the penis are only 1 mm in diameter. They develop plaque and clog the circulation long before the 3-mm cardiac arteries. So, it’s very important for primary care doctors to talk to their patients about erection health. And I’ll be honest: It’s easier to talk to patients about how lifestyle is affecting their penis health than it is to discuss how lifestyle affects longevity or prevents cancer. I get a lot of men to quit smoking because I tell them what it’s doing to their penises.

It can be challenging for doctors and patients to talk about penises. It doesn’t come naturally for many of us. If a 20-year-old comes in to my office with his 85-year-old grandfather and they both say their penises aren’t working, how do you figure out what’s going on? Do they even have the same thing wrong with them?

Here’s a fun and helpful tool that I use in my office. It’s called the Erection Hardness Score. It was developed around the time that Viagra came out, in 1998. It’s been game-changing for me to get patients more comfortable talking about their erection issues.


I tell them it’s a 4-number scale. A “1” is no erection at all. A “2” is when it gets harder and larger, but it’s not going to penetrate. A “3” will penetrate, but it’s pretty wobbly. A “4” is that perfect cucumber–porn star erection that everyone is seeking. I have the patient tell me a story. They may say, “When I wake up in the morning, I’m at a 2. When I stimulate myself, I can get up to a 3. When I’m with my partner, sometimes I can get up to a 4.”

This is really helpful because they can talk in numbers. And after I give them treatments such as lifestyle changes, sex therapy, testosterone, a PDE5 inhibitor such as Viagra or Cialis, or an injection, they can come back and tell me how the story has changed. I have an objective measure that shows me how the treatment is affecting their erections. Not only do I feel more confident having those objective measures, but my patients feel more confident in the care that they’re getting, and they feel more comfortable talking to me about the changes. So, I encourage all of you to bring that EHS tool into your office. Show it to patients and get them more comfortable talking about erections.

Dr. Rubin is assistant clinical professor, department of urology, Georgetown University, Washington. She disclosed financial relationships with Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo Pharmaceuticals; has served as a speaker for Sprout; and has received research grant from Maternal Medical.

A version of this article appeared on


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

It’s important for doctors to ask about erections. Not only do our patients and their partners care about them, but they are a marker for overall health. I mean it. Penis problems are very common and are an early sign that patients could have a cardiac event. Think about it: Clogging the arteries of the heart is called a heart attack; clogging the arteries to the penis is a penis attack, or as doctors like to call it, erectile dysfunction.

The arteries to the penis are only 1 mm in diameter. They develop plaque and clog the circulation long before the 3-mm cardiac arteries. So, it’s very important for primary care doctors to talk to their patients about erection health. And I’ll be honest: It’s easier to talk to patients about how lifestyle is affecting their penis health than it is to discuss how lifestyle affects longevity or prevents cancer. I get a lot of men to quit smoking because I tell them what it’s doing to their penises.

It can be challenging for doctors and patients to talk about penises. It doesn’t come naturally for many of us. If a 20-year-old comes in to my office with his 85-year-old grandfather and they both say their penises aren’t working, how do you figure out what’s going on? Do they even have the same thing wrong with them?

Here’s a fun and helpful tool that I use in my office. It’s called the Erection Hardness Score. It was developed around the time that Viagra came out, in 1998. It’s been game-changing for me to get patients more comfortable talking about their erection issues.


I tell them it’s a 4-number scale. A “1” is no erection at all. A “2” is when it gets harder and larger, but it’s not going to penetrate. A “3” will penetrate, but it’s pretty wobbly. A “4” is that perfect cucumber–porn star erection that everyone is seeking. I have the patient tell me a story. They may say, “When I wake up in the morning, I’m at a 2. When I stimulate myself, I can get up to a 3. When I’m with my partner, sometimes I can get up to a 4.”

This is really helpful because they can talk in numbers. And after I give them treatments such as lifestyle changes, sex therapy, testosterone, a PDE5 inhibitor such as Viagra or Cialis, or an injection, they can come back and tell me how the story has changed. I have an objective measure that shows me how the treatment is affecting their erections. Not only do I feel more confident having those objective measures, but my patients feel more confident in the care that they’re getting, and they feel more comfortable talking to me about the changes. So, I encourage all of you to bring that EHS tool into your office. Show it to patients and get them more comfortable talking about erections.

Dr. Rubin is assistant clinical professor, department of urology, Georgetown University, Washington. She disclosed financial relationships with Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo Pharmaceuticals; has served as a speaker for Sprout; and has received research grant from Maternal Medical.

A version of this article appeared on

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<root generator="drupal.xsl" gversion="1.7"> <header> <fileName>165931</fileName> <TBEID>0C04D373.SIG</TBEID> <TBUniqueIdentifier>MD_0C04D373</TBUniqueIdentifier> <newsOrJournal>News</newsOrJournal> <publisherName>Frontline Medical Communications</publisherName> <storyname/> <articleType>353</articleType> <TBLocation>QC Done-All Pubs</TBLocation> <QCDate>20231113T125003</QCDate> <firstPublished>20231113T130201</firstPublished> <LastPublished>20231113T130201</LastPublished> <pubStatus qcode="stat:"/> <embargoDate/> <killDate/> <CMSDate>20231113T130201</CMSDate> <articleSource/> <facebookInfo/> <meetingNumber/> <byline>Rachel S. Rubin, MD</byline> <bylineText>RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD</bylineText> <bylineFull>RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType/> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>It’s important for doctors to ask about erections. Not only do our patients and their partners care about them, but they are a marker for overall health.</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage>299151</teaserImage> <teaser>Clogging the arteries of the heart is called a heart attack; clogging the arteries to the penis is a penis attack, or as doctors like to call it, erectile dysfunction.</teaser> <title>The easy way to talk about penises</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">21</term> <term>15</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">52</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">246</term> </topics> <links> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/24012412.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption"/> <description role="drol:credit">Courtesy Rachel S. Rubin, MD</description> </link> </links> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>The easy way to talk about penises</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p><em>This transcript has been edited for clarity.<br/><br/></em><span class="tag metaDescription">It’s important for doctors to ask about erections. Not only do our patients and their partners care about them, but they are a marker for overall health. </span>I mean it. Penis problems are very common and are an early sign that patients could have a cardiac event. Think about it: Clogging the arteries of the heart is called a heart attack; clogging the arteries to the penis is a penis attack, or as doctors like to call it, erectile dysfunction.</p> <p>The arteries to the penis are only 1 mm in diameter. They develop plaque and clog the circulation long before the 3-mm cardiac arteries. So, it’s very important for primary care doctors to talk to their patients about erection health. And I’ll be honest: It’s easier to talk to patients about how lifestyle is affecting their penis health than it is to discuss how lifestyle affects longevity or prevents cancer. I get a lot of men to quit smoking because I tell them what it’s doing to their penises.<br/><br/>It can be challenging for doctors and patients to talk about penises. It doesn’t come naturally for many of us. If a 20-year-old comes in to my office with his 85-year-old grandfather and they both say their penises aren’t working, how do you figure out what’s going on? Do they even have the same thing wrong with them?<br/><br/>Here’s a fun and helpful tool that I use in my office. It’s called the Erection Hardness Score. It was developed around the time that Viagra came out, in 1998. It’s been game-changing for me to get patients more comfortable talking about their erection issues.<br/><br/>[[{"fid":"299151","view_mode":"medstat_image_full_text","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_full_text","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Erection hardness scale","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"Courtesy Rachel S. Rubin, MD","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":""},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_full_text"}}]]<br/><br/>I tell them it’s a 4-number scale. A “1” is no erection at all. A “2” is when it gets harder and larger, but it’s not going to penetrate. A “3” will penetrate, but it’s pretty wobbly. A “4” is that perfect cucumber–porn star erection that everyone is seeking. I have the patient tell me a story. They may say, “When I wake up in the morning, I’m at a 2. When I stimulate myself, I can get up to a 3. When I’m with my partner, sometimes I can get up to a 4.”<br/><br/>This is really helpful because they can talk in numbers. And after I give them treatments such as lifestyle changes, sex therapy, testosterone, a PDE5 inhibitor such as Viagra or Cialis, or an injection, they can come back and tell me how the story has changed. I have an objective measure that shows me how the treatment is affecting their erections. Not only do I feel more confident having those objective measures, but my patients feel more confident in the care that they’re getting, and they feel more comfortable talking to me about the changes. So, I encourage all of you to bring that EHS tool into your office. Show it to patients and get them more comfortable talking about erections.</p> <p> <em>Dr. Rubin is assistant clinical professor, department of urology, Georgetown University, Washington. She disclosed financial relationships with Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo Pharmaceuticals; has served as a speaker for Sprout; and has received research grant from Maternal Medical.</em> </p> <p> <em>A version of this article appeared on <a href=""></a></em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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‘Vaginal dryness’ can be fatal. No, really.

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Mon, 10/16/2023 - 23:34


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Vaginal dryness is killing women.

I mean it. It’s actually killing women.

What do you mean, Dr. Rubin? How is vaginal dryness killing women? We minimize the term vaginal dryness. When women come to our offices and complain of a little vaginal dryness – or they don’t even come to our office to complain of it because the doctor can’t be bothered with a little vaginal dryness — what they don’t understand is that this “little vaginal dryness” is really something called genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). They don’t know that because they’ve never heard of it, and you may have never heard of it either. In 2014, we changed the terms vaginal dryness and vulvovaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis to GSM to make it short and simple.

GSM – what does it mean? It’s not just a little vaginal dryness. It turns out that all of the genital and urinary symptoms from menopause just get worse over time. The bladder, the urethra, and the vagina have lots of hormone receptors, including estrogen and testosterone. When the body no longer makes those hormones, the system doesn’t work very well, and genital and urinary symptoms occur that just get worse over time without treatment. Unlike hot flashes, which tend to go away, GSM does not.

What are the symptoms of GSM? Some are sexual: a little vaginal dryness, pain with sex, and worsening orgasm. But there are also genital and urinary symptoms that get worse: itching, burning irritation, rawness, an awareness of their genitals that the patient has never had before. And as a urologist, we see frequency, urgency, and leakage.

The thing that kills women is recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Did you know that UTIs account for 7 million visits and hospitalizations annually and 25% of all infections in older people? In fact, apparently one-third of the total Medicare expenditure is around UTIs. Not preventing UTIs is costing our health care system an enormous amount of money and resources.

Did you know we’ve had safe and effective treatment options for GSM since the 1970s? Vaginal hormones have existed since the 1970s, but we’re using them only for pain with sex and not for GSM. In fact, data show that by using vaginal hormones, we can prevent UTIs by more than 50%. We can save lives using safe, effective, local, low-dose vaginal hormone strategies. And they are safe and effective for all of our patients in pre- and post menopause.

There are five different treatment options: vaginal estrogen inserts, vaginal estrogen creams, vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), low-dose vaginal estrogen rings, and an oral pill option called ospemifene (Osphena). All are used to treat GSM and will only work if your patient actually uses them and continues to use them.

These treatments are safe. They are effective. They do not increase the level of systemic hormones in the bloodstream. I have many patients with breast cancer who use these products as well. The only patients you may want to talk to your oncology colleagues about is women on active aromatase inhibitors.

We have to understand that UTIs kill people and having GSM is debilitating, often requiring pain medication because it can hurt to sit or to wear pads and our patients’ quality of life is severely affected. So please consider learning how to treat GSM. It turns out you don’t have to do exams. You don’t have to do follow-up. You can give these therapies, and women can use them for life.

Now, if your patient has vaginal bleeding, of course they need to see their gynecologist. But this is something every primary care doctor can and should do. As a urologist, we prescribe a lot of tamsulosin (Flomax) for our male patients to help with urination. Vaginal estrogen or DHEA is basically like Flomax for women, but it prevents UTIs and actually works like sildenafil (Viagra) because it can help orgasm and reduce pain with sex.

You have access to affordable, safe, effective treatment options to treat GSM. So check them out and hopefully change the world.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor in the department of urology at Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on



This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Vaginal dryness is killing women.

I mean it. It’s actually killing women.

What do you mean, Dr. Rubin? How is vaginal dryness killing women? We minimize the term vaginal dryness. When women come to our offices and complain of a little vaginal dryness – or they don’t even come to our office to complain of it because the doctor can’t be bothered with a little vaginal dryness — what they don’t understand is that this “little vaginal dryness” is really something called genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). They don’t know that because they’ve never heard of it, and you may have never heard of it either. In 2014, we changed the terms vaginal dryness and vulvovaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis to GSM to make it short and simple.

GSM – what does it mean? It’s not just a little vaginal dryness. It turns out that all of the genital and urinary symptoms from menopause just get worse over time. The bladder, the urethra, and the vagina have lots of hormone receptors, including estrogen and testosterone. When the body no longer makes those hormones, the system doesn’t work very well, and genital and urinary symptoms occur that just get worse over time without treatment. Unlike hot flashes, which tend to go away, GSM does not.

What are the symptoms of GSM? Some are sexual: a little vaginal dryness, pain with sex, and worsening orgasm. But there are also genital and urinary symptoms that get worse: itching, burning irritation, rawness, an awareness of their genitals that the patient has never had before. And as a urologist, we see frequency, urgency, and leakage.

The thing that kills women is recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Did you know that UTIs account for 7 million visits and hospitalizations annually and 25% of all infections in older people? In fact, apparently one-third of the total Medicare expenditure is around UTIs. Not preventing UTIs is costing our health care system an enormous amount of money and resources.

Did you know we’ve had safe and effective treatment options for GSM since the 1970s? Vaginal hormones have existed since the 1970s, but we’re using them only for pain with sex and not for GSM. In fact, data show that by using vaginal hormones, we can prevent UTIs by more than 50%. We can save lives using safe, effective, local, low-dose vaginal hormone strategies. And they are safe and effective for all of our patients in pre- and post menopause.

There are five different treatment options: vaginal estrogen inserts, vaginal estrogen creams, vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), low-dose vaginal estrogen rings, and an oral pill option called ospemifene (Osphena). All are used to treat GSM and will only work if your patient actually uses them and continues to use them.

These treatments are safe. They are effective. They do not increase the level of systemic hormones in the bloodstream. I have many patients with breast cancer who use these products as well. The only patients you may want to talk to your oncology colleagues about is women on active aromatase inhibitors.

We have to understand that UTIs kill people and having GSM is debilitating, often requiring pain medication because it can hurt to sit or to wear pads and our patients’ quality of life is severely affected. So please consider learning how to treat GSM. It turns out you don’t have to do exams. You don’t have to do follow-up. You can give these therapies, and women can use them for life.

Now, if your patient has vaginal bleeding, of course they need to see their gynecologist. But this is something every primary care doctor can and should do. As a urologist, we prescribe a lot of tamsulosin (Flomax) for our male patients to help with urination. Vaginal estrogen or DHEA is basically like Flomax for women, but it prevents UTIs and actually works like sildenafil (Viagra) because it can help orgasm and reduce pain with sex.

You have access to affordable, safe, effective treatment options to treat GSM. So check them out and hopefully change the world.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor in the department of urology at Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Vaginal dryness is killing women.

I mean it. It’s actually killing women.

What do you mean, Dr. Rubin? How is vaginal dryness killing women? We minimize the term vaginal dryness. When women come to our offices and complain of a little vaginal dryness – or they don’t even come to our office to complain of it because the doctor can’t be bothered with a little vaginal dryness — what they don’t understand is that this “little vaginal dryness” is really something called genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). They don’t know that because they’ve never heard of it, and you may have never heard of it either. In 2014, we changed the terms vaginal dryness and vulvovaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis to GSM to make it short and simple.

GSM – what does it mean? It’s not just a little vaginal dryness. It turns out that all of the genital and urinary symptoms from menopause just get worse over time. The bladder, the urethra, and the vagina have lots of hormone receptors, including estrogen and testosterone. When the body no longer makes those hormones, the system doesn’t work very well, and genital and urinary symptoms occur that just get worse over time without treatment. Unlike hot flashes, which tend to go away, GSM does not.

What are the symptoms of GSM? Some are sexual: a little vaginal dryness, pain with sex, and worsening orgasm. But there are also genital and urinary symptoms that get worse: itching, burning irritation, rawness, an awareness of their genitals that the patient has never had before. And as a urologist, we see frequency, urgency, and leakage.

The thing that kills women is recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Did you know that UTIs account for 7 million visits and hospitalizations annually and 25% of all infections in older people? In fact, apparently one-third of the total Medicare expenditure is around UTIs. Not preventing UTIs is costing our health care system an enormous amount of money and resources.

Did you know we’ve had safe and effective treatment options for GSM since the 1970s? Vaginal hormones have existed since the 1970s, but we’re using them only for pain with sex and not for GSM. In fact, data show that by using vaginal hormones, we can prevent UTIs by more than 50%. We can save lives using safe, effective, local, low-dose vaginal hormone strategies. And they are safe and effective for all of our patients in pre- and post menopause.

There are five different treatment options: vaginal estrogen inserts, vaginal estrogen creams, vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), low-dose vaginal estrogen rings, and an oral pill option called ospemifene (Osphena). All are used to treat GSM and will only work if your patient actually uses them and continues to use them.

These treatments are safe. They are effective. They do not increase the level of systemic hormones in the bloodstream. I have many patients with breast cancer who use these products as well. The only patients you may want to talk to your oncology colleagues about is women on active aromatase inhibitors.

We have to understand that UTIs kill people and having GSM is debilitating, often requiring pain medication because it can hurt to sit or to wear pads and our patients’ quality of life is severely affected. So please consider learning how to treat GSM. It turns out you don’t have to do exams. You don’t have to do follow-up. You can give these therapies, and women can use them for life.

Now, if your patient has vaginal bleeding, of course they need to see their gynecologist. But this is something every primary care doctor can and should do. As a urologist, we prescribe a lot of tamsulosin (Flomax) for our male patients to help with urination. Vaginal estrogen or DHEA is basically like Flomax for women, but it prevents UTIs and actually works like sildenafil (Viagra) because it can help orgasm and reduce pain with sex.

You have access to affordable, safe, effective treatment options to treat GSM. So check them out and hopefully change the world.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor in the department of urology at Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on

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RUBIN, MD</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType>Opinion</newsDocType> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>Vaginal dryness is killing women. I mean it. It’s actually killing women.</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>The thing that kills women is recurrent urinary tract infections.</teaser> <title>‘Vaginal dryness’ can be fatal. No, really.</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>endo</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">15</term> <term>21</term> <term>34</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">52</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">322</term> <term>247</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>‘Vaginal dryness’ can be fatal. No, really.</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p> <em>This transcript has been edited for clarity. </em> </p> <span class="tag metaDescription"> <p>Vaginal dryness is killing women. </p> <p>I mean it. It’s actually killing women.</p> </span> <p> <br/><br/>What do you mean, Dr. Rubin? How is vaginal dryness killing women? We minimize the term vaginal dryness. When women come to our offices and complain of a little vaginal dryness – or they don’t even come to our office to complain of it because the doctor can’t be bothered with a little vaginal dryness — what they don’t understand is that this “little vaginal dryness” is really something called genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). They don’t know that because they’ve never heard of it, and you may have never heard of it either. <a href="">In 2014, we changed the terms vaginal dryness and vulvovaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis to GSM</a> to make it short and simple.<br/><br/>GSM – what does it mean? It’s not just a little vaginal dryness. It turns out that all of the genital and urinary symptoms from menopause just get worse over time. The bladder, the urethra, and the vagina have lots of hormone receptors, including estrogen and testosterone. When the body no longer makes those hormones, the system doesn’t work very well, and genital and urinary symptoms occur that just get worse over time without treatment. Unlike hot flashes, which tend to go away, GSM does not.<br/><br/>What are the symptoms of GSM? Some are sexual: a little vaginal dryness, pain with sex, and worsening orgasm. But there are also genital and urinary symptoms that get worse: itching, burning irritation, rawness, an awareness of their genitals that the patient has never had before. And as a urologist, we see frequency, urgency, and leakage.<br/><br/>The thing that kills women is recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Did you know that <a href="">UTIs account for 7 million visits</a> and hospitalizations annually and <a href="">25% of all infections in older people</a>? In fact, apparently <a href="">one-third of the total Medicare expenditure is around UTIs</a>. Not preventing UTIs is costing our health care system an enormous amount of money and resources.<br/><br/>Did you know we’ve had safe and effective treatment options for GSM since the 1970s? Vaginal hormones have existed since the 1970s, but we’re using them only for pain with sex and not for GSM. In fact, data show that by using vaginal hormones, we can <a href="">prevent UTIs by more than 50%</a>. We can save lives using safe, effective, local, low-dose vaginal hormone strategies. And they are safe and effective for all of our patients in pre- and post menopause.<br/><br/>There are five different treatment options: vaginal estrogen inserts, vaginal estrogen creams, vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), low-dose vaginal estrogen rings, and an oral pill option called ospemifene (Osphena). All are used to treat GSM and will only work if your patient actually uses them and continues to use them.<br/><br/>These treatments are safe. They are effective. They do not increase the level of systemic hormones in the bloodstream. I have many patients with breast cancer who use these products as well. The only patients you may want to talk to your oncology colleagues about is <a href=";utm_campaign=jnci&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;login=false">women on active aromatase inhibitors</a>. <br/><br/>We have to understand that UTIs kill people and having GSM is debilitating, often requiring pain medication because it can hurt to sit or to wear pads and our patients’ quality of life is severely affected. So please consider learning how to treat GSM. It turns out you don’t have to do exams. You don’t have to do follow-up. You can give these therapies, and women can use them for life.<br/><br/>Now, if your patient has vaginal bleeding, of course they need to see their gynecologist. But this is something every primary care doctor can and should do. As a urologist, we prescribe a lot of tamsulosin (Flomax) for our male patients to help with urination. Vaginal estrogen or DHEA is basically like Flomax for women, but it prevents UTIs and actually works like sildenafil (Viagra) because it can help orgasm and reduce pain with sex.<br/><br/>You have access to affordable, safe, effective treatment options to treat GSM. So check them out and hopefully change the world.</p> <p> <em>Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor in the department of urology at Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.</em> </p> <p> <em>A version of this article first appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Don’t call them ‘private parts’

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Fri, 09/15/2023 - 07:14


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Today, I’d like to talk about private parts. You know: the genitals, down there.

I hate all of that. I really wish that we can get to a place where we can talk about genitals and sexual health the same way we do about high blood pressure and diabetes. In fact, when a new patient comes in and they get a new diagnosis of diabetes, you spend time explaining to them how their pancreas works. I don’t remember all the details because I’m a urologist. But you explain the details of diabetes, how it works, why therapy is important, and how it’s very important for quality of life.

I would like us to take that same understanding of anatomy and physiology and use it to explain to patients how their sexual health works because when they understand it, they then have the tools to make it better. I say to patients, “You have to know what parts you have in order to figure out how they drive, right?” We want them to drive better.

Let me give you an example. Many men come to see me with complaints of erectile dysfunction. They refuse to take sildenafil and tadalafil (Viagra and Cialis), saying, “Oh my gosh, those are magic pills. I won’t be a man if take them.” We all know that doesn’t make any sense. I explain to them how their penis works: “Your penis is a muscle. The muscle does two things. It contracts and it relaxes, just like your bicep. It’s just that your penis muscle is smooth muscle, which means it responds to fight or flight. It’s on the autonomic nervous system.”

I explain that if the muscle of the penis is relaxed, it fills with blood and expands. It gets big and hard, and it traps the blood. But when the muscles of the penis are contracted, when they are tight, it squeezes out all the blood, like squeezing out a sponge. So the important thing to do if you want to have good erections is to get the muscles to relax. Relaxed muscle increases erections. I get them to understand that sildenafil and tadalafil are phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors: smooth-muscle relaxants. Instead of saying, “I need to take Viagra or Cialis because I’m broken,” it’s, “Oh hey honey, I need to take my muscle relaxants because my muscles aren’t working the way that they used to.”

In the future, I’ll go into what happens in erectile dysfunction. We’ll go into what can happen with erectile dysfunction and the many reasons why it happens. It’s getting them to understand that if we get the muscles to relax, you will have better erections. This is how the penis works. It’s why the medicine works. The patients will actually try the therapy and they’ll feel so much better about it. They’ll say, “Oh my gosh, this makes so much sense.” They work on their mental muscles to get the muscles of the penis to relax. Understanding anatomy and physiology helps them understand the treatments, which leads to better outcomes.

How about the female side? If a woman comes to see me reporting that she can’t have an orgasm, part of it is education and understanding the anatomy and physiology. The clitoris and the penis are exactly the same thing. The head of the clitoris and the head of the penis are the same. The clitoris has legs that go all the way down to the butt bone. So everyone is sitting on their genitals right now. The butt bones connect to the bottom of the clitoris or the bottom of the penis. They each have legs called crura. When you get patients to understand where their anatomy is and how it functions, they will then understand how to maximize their quality of life.

The clitoris has smooth muscle just like the penis. When that smooth muscle relaxes, it gorges with blood. When you stimulate it, it can lead to orgasm for most people. But, wait a minute. The clitoris is not inside the vagina. It’s outside. It’s behind the labia majora. If you follow the labia minora up, you get to the head of the clitoris. If patients understand that, they then will understand that penetration is not the way the majority of people orgasm.

I love pictures. I show everyone pictures in my office. They help patients to understand why vibration or outside stimulation on the vulva will allow orgasm to happen. And so instead of patients coming in saying, “I’m broken, I can’t orgasm from penetration,” or, “Dr. Rubin, I’m broken because I can’t get erections,” getting them to understand the anatomy and physiology helps them understand the treatment.

As we go forward, I’ll talk more about anatomy and physiology and how to increase the sexual health of our patients. For now though, please stop calling them private parts. Please use your understanding of anatomy and physiology to educate your patients to have better sexual health and higher quality of life. You may be the only clinician to ever do so, and it will make their life so much better.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, department of urology, at Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on



This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Today, I’d like to talk about private parts. You know: the genitals, down there.

I hate all of that. I really wish that we can get to a place where we can talk about genitals and sexual health the same way we do about high blood pressure and diabetes. In fact, when a new patient comes in and they get a new diagnosis of diabetes, you spend time explaining to them how their pancreas works. I don’t remember all the details because I’m a urologist. But you explain the details of diabetes, how it works, why therapy is important, and how it’s very important for quality of life.

I would like us to take that same understanding of anatomy and physiology and use it to explain to patients how their sexual health works because when they understand it, they then have the tools to make it better. I say to patients, “You have to know what parts you have in order to figure out how they drive, right?” We want them to drive better.

Let me give you an example. Many men come to see me with complaints of erectile dysfunction. They refuse to take sildenafil and tadalafil (Viagra and Cialis), saying, “Oh my gosh, those are magic pills. I won’t be a man if take them.” We all know that doesn’t make any sense. I explain to them how their penis works: “Your penis is a muscle. The muscle does two things. It contracts and it relaxes, just like your bicep. It’s just that your penis muscle is smooth muscle, which means it responds to fight or flight. It’s on the autonomic nervous system.”

I explain that if the muscle of the penis is relaxed, it fills with blood and expands. It gets big and hard, and it traps the blood. But when the muscles of the penis are contracted, when they are tight, it squeezes out all the blood, like squeezing out a sponge. So the important thing to do if you want to have good erections is to get the muscles to relax. Relaxed muscle increases erections. I get them to understand that sildenafil and tadalafil are phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors: smooth-muscle relaxants. Instead of saying, “I need to take Viagra or Cialis because I’m broken,” it’s, “Oh hey honey, I need to take my muscle relaxants because my muscles aren’t working the way that they used to.”

In the future, I’ll go into what happens in erectile dysfunction. We’ll go into what can happen with erectile dysfunction and the many reasons why it happens. It’s getting them to understand that if we get the muscles to relax, you will have better erections. This is how the penis works. It’s why the medicine works. The patients will actually try the therapy and they’ll feel so much better about it. They’ll say, “Oh my gosh, this makes so much sense.” They work on their mental muscles to get the muscles of the penis to relax. Understanding anatomy and physiology helps them understand the treatments, which leads to better outcomes.

How about the female side? If a woman comes to see me reporting that she can’t have an orgasm, part of it is education and understanding the anatomy and physiology. The clitoris and the penis are exactly the same thing. The head of the clitoris and the head of the penis are the same. The clitoris has legs that go all the way down to the butt bone. So everyone is sitting on their genitals right now. The butt bones connect to the bottom of the clitoris or the bottom of the penis. They each have legs called crura. When you get patients to understand where their anatomy is and how it functions, they will then understand how to maximize their quality of life.

The clitoris has smooth muscle just like the penis. When that smooth muscle relaxes, it gorges with blood. When you stimulate it, it can lead to orgasm for most people. But, wait a minute. The clitoris is not inside the vagina. It’s outside. It’s behind the labia majora. If you follow the labia minora up, you get to the head of the clitoris. If patients understand that, they then will understand that penetration is not the way the majority of people orgasm.

I love pictures. I show everyone pictures in my office. They help patients to understand why vibration or outside stimulation on the vulva will allow orgasm to happen. And so instead of patients coming in saying, “I’m broken, I can’t orgasm from penetration,” or, “Dr. Rubin, I’m broken because I can’t get erections,” getting them to understand the anatomy and physiology helps them understand the treatment.

As we go forward, I’ll talk more about anatomy and physiology and how to increase the sexual health of our patients. For now though, please stop calling them private parts. Please use your understanding of anatomy and physiology to educate your patients to have better sexual health and higher quality of life. You may be the only clinician to ever do so, and it will make their life so much better.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, department of urology, at Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Today, I’d like to talk about private parts. You know: the genitals, down there.

I hate all of that. I really wish that we can get to a place where we can talk about genitals and sexual health the same way we do about high blood pressure and diabetes. In fact, when a new patient comes in and they get a new diagnosis of diabetes, you spend time explaining to them how their pancreas works. I don’t remember all the details because I’m a urologist. But you explain the details of diabetes, how it works, why therapy is important, and how it’s very important for quality of life.

I would like us to take that same understanding of anatomy and physiology and use it to explain to patients how their sexual health works because when they understand it, they then have the tools to make it better. I say to patients, “You have to know what parts you have in order to figure out how they drive, right?” We want them to drive better.

Let me give you an example. Many men come to see me with complaints of erectile dysfunction. They refuse to take sildenafil and tadalafil (Viagra and Cialis), saying, “Oh my gosh, those are magic pills. I won’t be a man if take them.” We all know that doesn’t make any sense. I explain to them how their penis works: “Your penis is a muscle. The muscle does two things. It contracts and it relaxes, just like your bicep. It’s just that your penis muscle is smooth muscle, which means it responds to fight or flight. It’s on the autonomic nervous system.”

I explain that if the muscle of the penis is relaxed, it fills with blood and expands. It gets big and hard, and it traps the blood. But when the muscles of the penis are contracted, when they are tight, it squeezes out all the blood, like squeezing out a sponge. So the important thing to do if you want to have good erections is to get the muscles to relax. Relaxed muscle increases erections. I get them to understand that sildenafil and tadalafil are phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors: smooth-muscle relaxants. Instead of saying, “I need to take Viagra or Cialis because I’m broken,” it’s, “Oh hey honey, I need to take my muscle relaxants because my muscles aren’t working the way that they used to.”

In the future, I’ll go into what happens in erectile dysfunction. We’ll go into what can happen with erectile dysfunction and the many reasons why it happens. It’s getting them to understand that if we get the muscles to relax, you will have better erections. This is how the penis works. It’s why the medicine works. The patients will actually try the therapy and they’ll feel so much better about it. They’ll say, “Oh my gosh, this makes so much sense.” They work on their mental muscles to get the muscles of the penis to relax. Understanding anatomy and physiology helps them understand the treatments, which leads to better outcomes.

How about the female side? If a woman comes to see me reporting that she can’t have an orgasm, part of it is education and understanding the anatomy and physiology. The clitoris and the penis are exactly the same thing. The head of the clitoris and the head of the penis are the same. The clitoris has legs that go all the way down to the butt bone. So everyone is sitting on their genitals right now. The butt bones connect to the bottom of the clitoris or the bottom of the penis. They each have legs called crura. When you get patients to understand where their anatomy is and how it functions, they will then understand how to maximize their quality of life.

The clitoris has smooth muscle just like the penis. When that smooth muscle relaxes, it gorges with blood. When you stimulate it, it can lead to orgasm for most people. But, wait a minute. The clitoris is not inside the vagina. It’s outside. It’s behind the labia majora. If you follow the labia minora up, you get to the head of the clitoris. If patients understand that, they then will understand that penetration is not the way the majority of people orgasm.

I love pictures. I show everyone pictures in my office. They help patients to understand why vibration or outside stimulation on the vulva will allow orgasm to happen. And so instead of patients coming in saying, “I’m broken, I can’t orgasm from penetration,” or, “Dr. Rubin, I’m broken because I can’t get erections,” getting them to understand the anatomy and physiology helps them understand the treatment.

As we go forward, I’ll talk more about anatomy and physiology and how to increase the sexual health of our patients. For now though, please stop calling them private parts. Please use your understanding of anatomy and physiology to educate your patients to have better sexual health and higher quality of life. You may be the only clinician to ever do so, and it will make their life so much better.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, department of urology, at Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on

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RUBIN, MD</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType>News</newsDocType> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>I would like us to take that same understanding of anatomy and physiology and use it to explain to patients how their sexual health works because when they unde</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>Please use your understanding of anatomy and physiology to educate your patients to have better sexual health and higher quality of life. You may be the only clinician to ever do so.</teaser> <title>Don’t call them ‘private parts’</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">15</term> <term>21</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">52</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">322</term> <term>246</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Don’t call them ‘private parts’</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p> <em>This transcript has been edited for clarity. </em> </p> <p>Today, I’d like to talk about private parts. You know: the genitals, down there.<br/><br/>I hate all of that. I really wish that we can get to a place where we can talk about genitals and sexual health the same way we do about high blood pressure and diabetes. In fact, when a new patient comes in and they get a new diagnosis of diabetes, you spend time explaining to them how their pancreas works. I don’t remember all the details because I’m a urologist. But you explain the details of diabetes, how it works, why therapy is important, and how it’s very important for quality of life.<br/><br/><span class="tag metaDescription">I would like us to take that same understanding of anatomy and physiology and use it to explain to patients how their sexual health works because when they understand it, they then have the tools to make it better.</span> I say to patients, “You have to know what parts you have in order to figure out how they drive, right?” We want them to drive better.<br/><br/>Let me give you an example. Many men come to see me with complaints of erectile dysfunction. They refuse to take sildenafil and tadalafil (Viagra and Cialis), saying, “Oh my gosh, those are magic pills. I won’t be a man if take them.” We all know that doesn’t make any sense. I explain to them how their penis works: “Your penis is a muscle. The muscle does two things. It contracts and it relaxes, just like your bicep. It’s just that your penis muscle is smooth muscle, which means it responds to fight or flight. It’s on the autonomic nervous system.”<br/><br/>I explain that if the muscle of the penis is relaxed, it fills with blood and expands. It gets big and hard, and it traps the blood. But when the muscles of the penis are contracted, when they are tight, it squeezes out all the blood, like squeezing out a sponge. So the important thing to do if you want to have good erections is to get the muscles to relax. Relaxed muscle increases erections. I get them to understand that sildenafil and tadalafil are phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors: smooth-muscle relaxants. Instead of saying, “I need to take Viagra or Cialis because I’m broken,” it’s, “Oh hey honey, I need to take my muscle relaxants because my muscles aren’t working the way that they used to.”<br/><br/>In the future, I’ll go into what happens in erectile dysfunction. We’ll go into what can happen with erectile dysfunction and the many reasons why it happens. It’s getting them to understand that if we get the muscles to relax, you will have better erections. This is how the penis works. It’s why the medicine works. The patients will actually try the therapy and they’ll feel so much better about it. They’ll say, “Oh my gosh, this makes so much sense.” They work on their mental muscles to get the muscles of the penis to relax. Understanding anatomy and physiology helps them understand the treatments, which leads to better outcomes.<br/><br/>How about the female side? If a woman comes to see me reporting that she can’t have an orgasm, part of it is education and understanding the anatomy and physiology. The clitoris and the penis are exactly the same thing. The head of the clitoris and the head of the penis are the same. The clitoris has legs that go all the way down to the butt bone. So everyone is sitting on their genitals right now. The butt bones connect to the bottom of the clitoris or the bottom of the penis. They each have legs called crura. When you get patients to understand where their anatomy is and how it functions, they will then understand how to maximize their quality of life.<br/><br/>The clitoris has smooth muscle just like the penis. When that smooth muscle relaxes, it gorges with blood. When you stimulate it, it can lead to orgasm for most people. But, wait a minute. The clitoris is not inside the vagina. It’s outside. It’s behind the labia majora. If you follow the labia minora up, you get to the head of the clitoris. If patients understand that, they then will understand that penetration is not the way the majority of people orgasm.<br/><br/>I love pictures. I show everyone pictures in my office. They help patients to understand why vibration or outside stimulation on the vulva will allow orgasm to happen. And so instead of patients coming in saying, “I’m broken, I can’t orgasm from penetration,” or, “Dr. Rubin, I’m broken because I can’t get erections,” getting them to understand the anatomy and physiology helps them understand the treatment.<br/><br/>As we go forward, I’ll talk more about anatomy and physiology and how to increase the sexual health of our patients. For now though, please stop calling them private parts. Please use your understanding of anatomy and physiology to educate your patients to have better sexual health and higher quality of life. You may be the only clinician to ever do so, and it will make their life so much better.</p> <p> <em>Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, department of urology, at Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Endo.<span class="end"/></em> </p> <p> <em>A version of this article first appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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The four questions you should ask about sexual health

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Wed, 08/02/2023 - 10:59

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

When I went to med school, we were taught to take a sexual history. Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you do drugs? Do you have sex? Men, women, or both? And that was it. We’re telling patients that sex is a vice, something that is dangerous and that you should feel bad about. But sex is how we’re all here and how we even continue as a species. We must get comfortable as doctors talking to our patients about sexual medicine.

What if we move away from sex being in the vice category – the part of the social history that’s the bad stuff you shouldn’t be doing? Maybe we should bring it into the review of systems.

As a very basic first step, I like to ask patients four things. As a sexual medicine doctor, I deal with these four things: libido, arousal, orgasm, and pain.

Why are these important? These are the things our patients really care about; 2.3 of every 1,000 people got divorced in 2021.

Libido. Women who have distressing low sexual desire have sex on average two and a half times per month. We call this mercy sex or duty sex. I don’t know what the half time per month looks like, but people genuinely care about desire and their doctors don’t really know that.

We have a biopsychosocial toolbox to help our patients. Let me give you an example: Antidepressants can have sexual side effects. Could there be medications in our toolbox that can help our patients? Of course there can, and there are. What about education or talk therapy? We should be asking our patients what they care about and why they care about it so we can help them achieve their quality-of-life goals.

Arousal. What about arousal? Did you know that erections are a marker of cardiovascular disease in men? We know this to be true for men, and I’m certain the research would be no different for women. We know that there are many biological causes for decrease in arousal, including sleep apnea, diabetes, hypertension, and smoking. I can convince a lot of men to quit smoking because I tell them it’s bad for their penis. We have to understand what our patients care about and then advise them on why we think we can help improve these issues.

Orgasm. How about orgasm? Have you ever been asked whether you can orgasm? Have you ever been asked whether you have questions about orgasm? About 15%-20% of women report having an orgasm disorder, and we rarely talk about this in an exam room. I’ve certainly never been asked, and everybody knows what I do for a living. Not to mention all the men that I and my colleagues see who have really distressing premature ejaculation or delayed orgasm. This is pathophysiology at its finest and most complex. It is so interesting, and we have so much to learn and understand about orgasm in general.

Pain. Finally, ask about pain. It seems obvious that we should be asking our patients about their pain, which includes pelvic pain, but oftentimes we avoid talking about private parts. Pain affects not just our patients, but also their partners and their families, when our patients can’t sit without discomfort, if they can’t go and perform the daily activities that bring them joy and belonging. We have to really work with our toolbox in a biopsychosocial manner to help our patients. I often use the incredible rehabilitation specialists called pelvic floor physical therapists.

Remember, we’re talking about libido, arousal, orgasm, and pain. Sex is important to us as a species. It’s important to our patients. Please consider enhancing your sexual history–taking skills and ask patients about their desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain. Ask nonjudgmental and open-ended questions. You actually may be the only doctor to ever do so.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, department of urology, Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

When I went to med school, we were taught to take a sexual history. Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you do drugs? Do you have sex? Men, women, or both? And that was it. We’re telling patients that sex is a vice, something that is dangerous and that you should feel bad about. But sex is how we’re all here and how we even continue as a species. We must get comfortable as doctors talking to our patients about sexual medicine.

What if we move away from sex being in the vice category – the part of the social history that’s the bad stuff you shouldn’t be doing? Maybe we should bring it into the review of systems.

As a very basic first step, I like to ask patients four things. As a sexual medicine doctor, I deal with these four things: libido, arousal, orgasm, and pain.

Why are these important? These are the things our patients really care about; 2.3 of every 1,000 people got divorced in 2021.

Libido. Women who have distressing low sexual desire have sex on average two and a half times per month. We call this mercy sex or duty sex. I don’t know what the half time per month looks like, but people genuinely care about desire and their doctors don’t really know that.

We have a biopsychosocial toolbox to help our patients. Let me give you an example: Antidepressants can have sexual side effects. Could there be medications in our toolbox that can help our patients? Of course there can, and there are. What about education or talk therapy? We should be asking our patients what they care about and why they care about it so we can help them achieve their quality-of-life goals.

Arousal. What about arousal? Did you know that erections are a marker of cardiovascular disease in men? We know this to be true for men, and I’m certain the research would be no different for women. We know that there are many biological causes for decrease in arousal, including sleep apnea, diabetes, hypertension, and smoking. I can convince a lot of men to quit smoking because I tell them it’s bad for their penis. We have to understand what our patients care about and then advise them on why we think we can help improve these issues.

Orgasm. How about orgasm? Have you ever been asked whether you can orgasm? Have you ever been asked whether you have questions about orgasm? About 15%-20% of women report having an orgasm disorder, and we rarely talk about this in an exam room. I’ve certainly never been asked, and everybody knows what I do for a living. Not to mention all the men that I and my colleagues see who have really distressing premature ejaculation or delayed orgasm. This is pathophysiology at its finest and most complex. It is so interesting, and we have so much to learn and understand about orgasm in general.

Pain. Finally, ask about pain. It seems obvious that we should be asking our patients about their pain, which includes pelvic pain, but oftentimes we avoid talking about private parts. Pain affects not just our patients, but also their partners and their families, when our patients can’t sit without discomfort, if they can’t go and perform the daily activities that bring them joy and belonging. We have to really work with our toolbox in a biopsychosocial manner to help our patients. I often use the incredible rehabilitation specialists called pelvic floor physical therapists.

Remember, we’re talking about libido, arousal, orgasm, and pain. Sex is important to us as a species. It’s important to our patients. Please consider enhancing your sexual history–taking skills and ask patients about their desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain. Ask nonjudgmental and open-ended questions. You actually may be the only doctor to ever do so.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, department of urology, Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

When I went to med school, we were taught to take a sexual history. Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you do drugs? Do you have sex? Men, women, or both? And that was it. We’re telling patients that sex is a vice, something that is dangerous and that you should feel bad about. But sex is how we’re all here and how we even continue as a species. We must get comfortable as doctors talking to our patients about sexual medicine.

What if we move away from sex being in the vice category – the part of the social history that’s the bad stuff you shouldn’t be doing? Maybe we should bring it into the review of systems.

As a very basic first step, I like to ask patients four things. As a sexual medicine doctor, I deal with these four things: libido, arousal, orgasm, and pain.

Why are these important? These are the things our patients really care about; 2.3 of every 1,000 people got divorced in 2021.

Libido. Women who have distressing low sexual desire have sex on average two and a half times per month. We call this mercy sex or duty sex. I don’t know what the half time per month looks like, but people genuinely care about desire and their doctors don’t really know that.

We have a biopsychosocial toolbox to help our patients. Let me give you an example: Antidepressants can have sexual side effects. Could there be medications in our toolbox that can help our patients? Of course there can, and there are. What about education or talk therapy? We should be asking our patients what they care about and why they care about it so we can help them achieve their quality-of-life goals.

Arousal. What about arousal? Did you know that erections are a marker of cardiovascular disease in men? We know this to be true for men, and I’m certain the research would be no different for women. We know that there are many biological causes for decrease in arousal, including sleep apnea, diabetes, hypertension, and smoking. I can convince a lot of men to quit smoking because I tell them it’s bad for their penis. We have to understand what our patients care about and then advise them on why we think we can help improve these issues.

Orgasm. How about orgasm? Have you ever been asked whether you can orgasm? Have you ever been asked whether you have questions about orgasm? About 15%-20% of women report having an orgasm disorder, and we rarely talk about this in an exam room. I’ve certainly never been asked, and everybody knows what I do for a living. Not to mention all the men that I and my colleagues see who have really distressing premature ejaculation or delayed orgasm. This is pathophysiology at its finest and most complex. It is so interesting, and we have so much to learn and understand about orgasm in general.

Pain. Finally, ask about pain. It seems obvious that we should be asking our patients about their pain, which includes pelvic pain, but oftentimes we avoid talking about private parts. Pain affects not just our patients, but also their partners and their families, when our patients can’t sit without discomfort, if they can’t go and perform the daily activities that bring them joy and belonging. We have to really work with our toolbox in a biopsychosocial manner to help our patients. I often use the incredible rehabilitation specialists called pelvic floor physical therapists.

Remember, we’re talking about libido, arousal, orgasm, and pain. Sex is important to us as a species. It’s important to our patients. Please consider enhancing your sexual history–taking skills and ask patients about their desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain. Ask nonjudgmental and open-ended questions. You actually may be the only doctor to ever do so.

Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, department of urology, Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.

A version of this article first appeared on

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<root generator="drupal.xsl" gversion="1.7"> <header> <fileName>164516</fileName> <TBEID>0C04B738.SIG</TBEID> <TBUniqueIdentifier>MD_0C04B738</TBUniqueIdentifier> <newsOrJournal>News</newsOrJournal> <publisherName>Frontline Medical Communications</publisherName> <storyname/> <articleType>353</articleType> <TBLocation>QC Done-All Pubs</TBLocation> <QCDate>20230801T115016</QCDate> <firstPublished>20230801T123648</firstPublished> <LastPublished>20230801T123648</LastPublished> <pubStatus qcode="stat:"/> <embargoDate/> <killDate/> <CMSDate>20230801T123648</CMSDate> <articleSource/> <facebookInfo/> <meetingNumber/> <byline>Rachel Rubin</byline> <bylineText>RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD</bylineText> <bylineFull>RACHEL S. RUBIN, MD</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType>Opinion</newsDocType> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>Please consider enhancing your sexual history–taking skills and ask patients about their desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain.</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>Ask nonjudgmental and open-ended questions. You actually may be the only doctor to ever do so.</teaser> <title>The four questions you should ask about sexual health</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">15</term> <term>21</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">52</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">322</term> <term>246</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>The four questions you should ask about sexual health</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p> <em>This transcript has been edited for clarity. </em> </p> <p>When I went to med school, we were taught to take a sexual history. Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you do drugs? Do you have sex? Men, women, or both? And that was it. We’re telling patients that sex is a vice, something that is dangerous and that you should feel bad about. But sex is how we’re all here and how we even continue as a species. We must get comfortable as doctors talking to our patients about sexual medicine.<br/><br/>What if we move away from sex being in the vice category – the part of the social history that’s the bad stuff you shouldn’t be doing? Maybe we should bring it into the review of systems.<br/><br/>As a very basic first step, I like to ask patients four things. As a sexual medicine doctor, I deal with these four things: libido, arousal, orgasm, and pain.<br/><br/>Why are these important? These are the things our patients really care about; 2.3 of every 1,000 people got divorced in 2021.<br/><br/><strong>Libido</strong>. Women who have distressing low sexual desire have sex on average two and a half times per month. We call this mercy sex or duty sex. I don’t know what the half time per month looks like, but people genuinely care about desire and their doctors don’t really know that.<br/><br/>We have a biopsychosocial toolbox to help our patients. Let me give you an example: Antidepressants can have sexual side effects. Could there be medications in our toolbox that can help our patients? Of course there can, and there are. What about education or talk therapy? We should be asking our patients what they care about and why they care about it so we can help them achieve their quality-of-life goals.<br/><br/><strong>Arousal</strong>. What about arousal? Did you know that erections are a marker of cardiovascular disease in men? We know this to be true for men, and I’m certain the research would be no different for women. We know that there are many biological causes for decrease in arousal, including sleep apnea, diabetes, hypertension, and smoking. I can convince a lot of men to quit smoking because I tell them it’s bad for their penis. We have to understand what our patients care about and then advise them on why we think we can help improve these issues.<br/><br/><strong>Orgasm</strong>. How about orgasm? Have you ever been asked whether you can orgasm? Have you ever been asked whether you have questions about orgasm? About 15%-20% of women report having an orgasm disorder, and we rarely talk about this in an exam room. I’ve certainly never been asked, and everybody knows what I do for a living. Not to mention all the men that I and my colleagues see who have really distressing premature ejaculation or delayed orgasm. This is pathophysiology at its finest and most complex. It is so interesting, and we have so much to learn and understand about orgasm in general.<br/><br/><strong>Pain</strong>. Finally, ask about pain. It seems obvious that we should be asking our patients about their pain, which includes pelvic pain, but oftentimes we avoid talking about private parts. Pain affects not just our patients, but also their partners and their families, when our patients can’t sit without discomfort, if they can’t go and perform the daily activities that bring them joy and belonging. We have to really work with our toolbox in a biopsychosocial manner to help our patients. I often use the incredible rehabilitation specialists called pelvic floor physical therapists.<br/><br/>Remember, we’re talking about libido, arousal, orgasm, and pain. Sex is important to us as a species. It’s important to our patients. <span class="tag metaDescription">Please consider enhancing your sexual history–taking skills and ask patients about their desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain.</span> Ask nonjudgmental and open-ended questions. You actually may be the only doctor to ever do so.</p> <p> <em>Dr. Rubin is an assistant clinical professor, department of urology, Georgetown University, Washington. She reported conflicts of interest with Sprout, Maternal Medical, Absorption Pharmaceuticals, GSK, and Endo.</em> </p> <p> <em>A version of this article first appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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