Linear Porokeratosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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Thu, 01/10/2019 - 12:14
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Linear Porokeratosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Linear porokeratosis refers to 1 of 5 variants of porokeratosis. Porokeratosis is a keratinization disorder of multiple etiologies including genetic aberrancy, trauma, and infection. We review a case of a 35-year-old man with a chronic history of linear porokeratosis and conduct a review of porokeratosis subtypes, etiology, histology, pathology, differential diagnosis, and treatment.

Case Report
A 35-year-old man presented to the dermatology clinic for medical clearance to receive smallpox vaccination. The patient was diagnosed with eczema that first appeared on the left lower leg at 6 months of age. The rash was asymptomatic and unresponsive to antifungal creams and topical steroids. Over the course of 20 years, there was an increase in the number of lesions that developed up his calf, upper leg, scrotum, and penis. He denied trauma to any of the lesion sites, immunosuppression, viral exposure, or sunburn that may have led to new lesions. He admitted that the lesions were more sensitive to sunburn and mosquito bites. More recently, the patient noticed a similar lesion on his right lower leg. There was no family history of similar rash or hepatic or internal malignancy. His only medication was atenolol for hypertension. Results of a physical examination revealed a linear, deep red, atrophic plaque on the left leg with single lesions coalescing into a larger plaque on the lower leg (Figure 1A). The lesions had a prominent peripheral hyperkeratotic ridge (Figure 1B). The plaque appeared to follow the Blaschko lines with extension onto the foot and terminating with pterygium of the proximal nail folds of the second and third toes. Linear porokeratosis was suspected and a biopsy specimen of the peripheral ridge and the central atrophic areas revealed cornoid lamellae with loss of the granular layer with focal lymphocytic infiltrate (Figure 2). The patient was given a trial of fluorouracil cream 5% applied topically to a test spot for 2 weeks. There was no response and the medication was discontinued. He elected not to pursue alternative treatments.

Classically described by Mibelli1 and Respighi2 in 1893, porokeratosis is a keratinization disorder involving a sharply demarcated annular lesion, peripheral hyperkeratotic ridge with a longitudinal furrow, and central atrophic crater. The following 5 clinical variants are currently recognized: classic porokeratosis of Mibelli, disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata, linear porokeratosis, and punctate porokeratosis (Table).3 Linear porokeratosis is the unilateral linear variant with identical Mibelli morphology; however, these lesions are found grouped along the distal portion of the extremities in a linear distribution. Linear porokeratosis is strictly unilateral and may involve the entire side of the body (ie, arm, leg, trunk, face). Lesions vary in size (0.5–1.0 cm), height (≥1 mm), and number (few to many). The lesions are characterized by small, brownish, keratotic papules that slowly enlarge from childhood to form irregular annular plaques with well-demarcated 1-mm raised borders. The center generally is atrophic with anhidrosis and alopecia.3

Classic porokeratosis of Mibelli, disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata, and punctate porokeratosis are characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance. Some reports suggest mosaicism may give rise to aberrant hyperkeratotic events for linear porokeratosis.4,5 Because coexistent observations have been made regarding the disseminated superficial actinic and linear variants of porokeratosis, a conclusion of a common genetic aberration at chromosome 12, 15, or 18 may be postulated.6-10 There seems to be multiple etiologies. Porokeratosis has been observed in skin tissue that has been burned11 or damaged by UVA/UVB radiation from artificial light12,13 and irradiation sources.14 Herpes simplex virus type 115,16 and hepatitis C virus infections also have been observed in patients with porokeratosis.17,18 Transplants and concurrent immunosuppression have led to disseminated and fatal malignant degeneration.19-24 The cornoid lamella, a thick column of parakeratotic cells extending outward from a notch in the malpighian layer of the epidermis, is the basis for the ridgelike border in all variants. This classic finding is believed to be a peripheral clonal expansion of aberrant keratinocytes,25 which is supported by the presence of helper T cells, suppressor T cells, and Langerhans cells approximating the cornoid lamella, perhaps providing a stimulatory signal.26 The cornoid lamella arises in the interfollicular epidermis and consists of a tightly packed column extending through the entire stratum corneum. The granular layer is missing below the cornoid lamella and vacuolated keratinocytes are found at its base. The center of the lesion is atrophic, with possible liquefaction or colloid body formation and flattening of the rete ridges. The dermis may be edematous with telangiectasia. Both classic porokeratosis of Mibelli and the linear variant share histologic features. Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis lesions are small and uniformly distributed. They tend to present as discrete keratotic papules with a less than prominent ridge (1–3 mm in diameter) that spreads over sun-exposed skin or extensor surfaces of the extremities.3 Porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata begins on the palms and soles and disseminates across the body. The keratotic ridge is more pronounced and these lesions tend to be pruritic.3 Punctate porokeratosis lesions are discrete, punctate, hyperkeratotic, and seedlike, and are surrounded by a thin peripheral ridge.27 Diagnosis of all variants usually is confirmed clinically with visualization of a continuous ridge and furrow and histopathologically with demonstration of cornoid lamellae. Based on presentation, the differential diagnosis would include entities of similar location and morphologic features or those expressing linearity. The differential diagnosis for a plaque of the extremity of similar description may include elastosis perforans serpiginosa, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, lichen planus, plaque stage of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, or punctate keratoderma.28,29 Treatment includes destruction using cryotherapy, electrodesiccation, dermabrasion, or CO2 laser.30,31 Successful treatment also has been observed by inducing a cell-mediated/cytotoxic response using 5-fluorouracil and imiquimod cream 5%.32,33 Retinoid therapy has yielded inconsistent results.34,35 All porokeratosis variants tend to increase in size and number with accelerated growth with UV exposure or decreased immune status.12 To date, no study has determined the frequency of porokeratosis that degenerates to malignancy, yet squamous cell carcinoma has been observed in linear porokeratosis as well as other variants.36-38 Interestingly, the protein p53 has been considered as a possible marker of malignant degeneration in patients with confirmed porokeratosis.39-41 Aside from malignant degeneration, it has been observed that porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata and linear porokeratosis may rarely cause bone and nail dystrophy.42-45




  1. Mibelli V. Contributo allo studio della ipercheratosi dei canali sudoriferi. G Ital Mal Veneree Pelle. 1893;28:313-355.
  2. Respighi E. Di una ipercheratosi non ancora descritta. G Ital Mal Veneree Pelle. 1893;28:356-386.
  3. Wolff-Schreiner EC. Porokeratosis. In: Fitzpatrick T, Eisen A, Wolff K, et al, eds. Dermatology in General Medicine. Vol 1. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1999:624-630.
  4. Ousager LB, Brandrup F, Brasch-Andersen C, et al. Skin manifestations in a case of trisomy 16 mosaicism. Br J Dermatol. 2006;154:172-176.
  5. Happle R. Dohi Memorial Lecture. new aspects of cutaneous mosaicism. J Dermatol. 2002;29:681-692.
  6. Dover JS, Phillips TJ, Burns DA, et al. Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis. coexistence with other porokeratotic variants. Arch Dermatol. 1986;122:887-889.
  7. Kaur S, Thami GP, Mohan H, et al. Co-existence of variants of porokeratosis: a case report and a review of the literature. J Dermatol. 2002;29:305-309.
  8. Xia K, Deng H, Xia JH, et al. A novel locus (DSAP2) for disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis maps to chromosome 15q25.1-26.1. Br J Dermatol. 2002;147:650-654.
  9. Wu LQ, Yang YF, Zheng D, et al. Confirmation and refinement of a genetic locus for disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP1) at 12q23.2-24.1. Br J Dermatol. 2004;150:999-1004.
  10. Wei SC, Yang S, Li M, et al. Identification of a locus for porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata to a 6.9-cM region at chromosome 12q24.1-24.2. Br J Dermatol. 2003;149:261-267.
  11. Nova MP, Goldberg LJ, Mattison T, et al. Porokeratosis arising in a burn scar. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1991;25:354-356.
  12. Katugampola RP, Finlay AY. Fake sun tan diagnosis of porokeratosis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2006;20:224-226.
  13. Fleischer AB Jr, Donahue MJ, Feldman SR. Tanning salon porokeratosis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1993;29(5, pt 1):787-788.
  14. Romani J, Pujol RM, Casanova JM, et al. Disseminated superficial porokeratosis developing after electron-beam total skin irradiation for mycosis fungoides. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1996;21:310-312.
  15. Jang YH, Chun SJ, Kang WH, et al. Eruptive disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis in an immunocompetent host: is this associated with herpes simplex virus or bacterial infection? J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004;51:1018-1019.
  16. Webster GF. Are porokeratoses an infection [letter]? Arch Dermatol. 2001;137:665.
  17. Mizukawa Y, Shiohara T. Porokeratosis in patients with hepatitis C virus infection: does hepatitis C virus infection provide a link between porokeratosis and immunosuppression? Br J Dermatol. 1999;141:163-164.
  18. Kono T, Kobayashi H, Ishii M, et al. Synchronous development of disseminated superficial porokeratosis and hepatitis C virus–related hepatocellular carcinoma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2000;43:966-968.
  19. Silver SG, Crawford RI. Fatal squamous cell carcinoma arising from transplant-associated porokeratosis. J Am Acad
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Author and Disclosure Information


Drs. Lorenz and Ritter report no conflict of interest. The authors report no discussion of off-label use. Dr. Lorenz is a medical student, Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Vallejo, California. Dr. Ritter was a staff dermatologist, Department of Dermatology, Wright-Patterson Medical Center, Dayton, Ohio.

Giovanni E. Lorenz, DO; Steven E. Ritter, MD

Cutis - 81(6)
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Author and Disclosure Information


Drs. Lorenz and Ritter report no conflict of interest. The authors report no discussion of off-label use. Dr. Lorenz is a medical student, Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Vallejo, California. Dr. Ritter was a staff dermatologist, Department of Dermatology, Wright-Patterson Medical Center, Dayton, Ohio.

Giovanni E. Lorenz, DO; Steven E. Ritter, MD

Author and Disclosure Information


Drs. Lorenz and Ritter report no conflict of interest. The authors report no discussion of off-label use. Dr. Lorenz is a medical student, Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Vallejo, California. Dr. Ritter was a staff dermatologist, Department of Dermatology, Wright-Patterson Medical Center, Dayton, Ohio.

Giovanni E. Lorenz, DO; Steven E. Ritter, MD

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Linear porokeratosis refers to 1 of 5 variants of porokeratosis. Porokeratosis is a keratinization disorder of multiple etiologies including genetic aberrancy, trauma, and infection. We review a case of a 35-year-old man with a chronic history of linear porokeratosis and conduct a review of porokeratosis subtypes, etiology, histology, pathology, differential diagnosis, and treatment.

Case Report
A 35-year-old man presented to the dermatology clinic for medical clearance to receive smallpox vaccination. The patient was diagnosed with eczema that first appeared on the left lower leg at 6 months of age. The rash was asymptomatic and unresponsive to antifungal creams and topical steroids. Over the course of 20 years, there was an increase in the number of lesions that developed up his calf, upper leg, scrotum, and penis. He denied trauma to any of the lesion sites, immunosuppression, viral exposure, or sunburn that may have led to new lesions. He admitted that the lesions were more sensitive to sunburn and mosquito bites. More recently, the patient noticed a similar lesion on his right lower leg. There was no family history of similar rash or hepatic or internal malignancy. His only medication was atenolol for hypertension. Results of a physical examination revealed a linear, deep red, atrophic plaque on the left leg with single lesions coalescing into a larger plaque on the lower leg (Figure 1A). The lesions had a prominent peripheral hyperkeratotic ridge (Figure 1B). The plaque appeared to follow the Blaschko lines with extension onto the foot and terminating with pterygium of the proximal nail folds of the second and third toes. Linear porokeratosis was suspected and a biopsy specimen of the peripheral ridge and the central atrophic areas revealed cornoid lamellae with loss of the granular layer with focal lymphocytic infiltrate (Figure 2). The patient was given a trial of fluorouracil cream 5% applied topically to a test spot for 2 weeks. There was no response and the medication was discontinued. He elected not to pursue alternative treatments.

Classically described by Mibelli1 and Respighi2 in 1893, porokeratosis is a keratinization disorder involving a sharply demarcated annular lesion, peripheral hyperkeratotic ridge with a longitudinal furrow, and central atrophic crater. The following 5 clinical variants are currently recognized: classic porokeratosis of Mibelli, disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata, linear porokeratosis, and punctate porokeratosis (Table).3 Linear porokeratosis is the unilateral linear variant with identical Mibelli morphology; however, these lesions are found grouped along the distal portion of the extremities in a linear distribution. Linear porokeratosis is strictly unilateral and may involve the entire side of the body (ie, arm, leg, trunk, face). Lesions vary in size (0.5–1.0 cm), height (≥1 mm), and number (few to many). The lesions are characterized by small, brownish, keratotic papules that slowly enlarge from childhood to form irregular annular plaques with well-demarcated 1-mm raised borders. The center generally is atrophic with anhidrosis and alopecia.3

Classic porokeratosis of Mibelli, disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata, and punctate porokeratosis are characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance. Some reports suggest mosaicism may give rise to aberrant hyperkeratotic events for linear porokeratosis.4,5 Because coexistent observations have been made regarding the disseminated superficial actinic and linear variants of porokeratosis, a conclusion of a common genetic aberration at chromosome 12, 15, or 18 may be postulated.6-10 There seems to be multiple etiologies. Porokeratosis has been observed in skin tissue that has been burned11 or damaged by UVA/UVB radiation from artificial light12,13 and irradiation sources.14 Herpes simplex virus type 115,16 and hepatitis C virus infections also have been observed in patients with porokeratosis.17,18 Transplants and concurrent immunosuppression have led to disseminated and fatal malignant degeneration.19-24 The cornoid lamella, a thick column of parakeratotic cells extending outward from a notch in the malpighian layer of the epidermis, is the basis for the ridgelike border in all variants. This classic finding is believed to be a peripheral clonal expansion of aberrant keratinocytes,25 which is supported by the presence of helper T cells, suppressor T cells, and Langerhans cells approximating the cornoid lamella, perhaps providing a stimulatory signal.26 The cornoid lamella arises in the interfollicular epidermis and consists of a tightly packed column extending through the entire stratum corneum. The granular layer is missing below the cornoid lamella and vacuolated keratinocytes are found at its base. The center of the lesion is atrophic, with possible liquefaction or colloid body formation and flattening of the rete ridges. The dermis may be edematous with telangiectasia. Both classic porokeratosis of Mibelli and the linear variant share histologic features. Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis lesions are small and uniformly distributed. They tend to present as discrete keratotic papules with a less than prominent ridge (1–3 mm in diameter) that spreads over sun-exposed skin or extensor surfaces of the extremities.3 Porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata begins on the palms and soles and disseminates across the body. The keratotic ridge is more pronounced and these lesions tend to be pruritic.3 Punctate porokeratosis lesions are discrete, punctate, hyperkeratotic, and seedlike, and are surrounded by a thin peripheral ridge.27 Diagnosis of all variants usually is confirmed clinically with visualization of a continuous ridge and furrow and histopathologically with demonstration of cornoid lamellae. Based on presentation, the differential diagnosis would include entities of similar location and morphologic features or those expressing linearity. The differential diagnosis for a plaque of the extremity of similar description may include elastosis perforans serpiginosa, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, lichen planus, plaque stage of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, or punctate keratoderma.28,29 Treatment includes destruction using cryotherapy, electrodesiccation, dermabrasion, or CO2 laser.30,31 Successful treatment also has been observed by inducing a cell-mediated/cytotoxic response using 5-fluorouracil and imiquimod cream 5%.32,33 Retinoid therapy has yielded inconsistent results.34,35 All porokeratosis variants tend to increase in size and number with accelerated growth with UV exposure or decreased immune status.12 To date, no study has determined the frequency of porokeratosis that degenerates to malignancy, yet squamous cell carcinoma has been observed in linear porokeratosis as well as other variants.36-38 Interestingly, the protein p53 has been considered as a possible marker of malignant degeneration in patients with confirmed porokeratosis.39-41 Aside from malignant degeneration, it has been observed that porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata and linear porokeratosis may rarely cause bone and nail dystrophy.42-45


Linear porokeratosis refers to 1 of 5 variants of porokeratosis. Porokeratosis is a keratinization disorder of multiple etiologies including genetic aberrancy, trauma, and infection. We review a case of a 35-year-old man with a chronic history of linear porokeratosis and conduct a review of porokeratosis subtypes, etiology, histology, pathology, differential diagnosis, and treatment.

Case Report
A 35-year-old man presented to the dermatology clinic for medical clearance to receive smallpox vaccination. The patient was diagnosed with eczema that first appeared on the left lower leg at 6 months of age. The rash was asymptomatic and unresponsive to antifungal creams and topical steroids. Over the course of 20 years, there was an increase in the number of lesions that developed up his calf, upper leg, scrotum, and penis. He denied trauma to any of the lesion sites, immunosuppression, viral exposure, or sunburn that may have led to new lesions. He admitted that the lesions were more sensitive to sunburn and mosquito bites. More recently, the patient noticed a similar lesion on his right lower leg. There was no family history of similar rash or hepatic or internal malignancy. His only medication was atenolol for hypertension. Results of a physical examination revealed a linear, deep red, atrophic plaque on the left leg with single lesions coalescing into a larger plaque on the lower leg (Figure 1A). The lesions had a prominent peripheral hyperkeratotic ridge (Figure 1B). The plaque appeared to follow the Blaschko lines with extension onto the foot and terminating with pterygium of the proximal nail folds of the second and third toes. Linear porokeratosis was suspected and a biopsy specimen of the peripheral ridge and the central atrophic areas revealed cornoid lamellae with loss of the granular layer with focal lymphocytic infiltrate (Figure 2). The patient was given a trial of fluorouracil cream 5% applied topically to a test spot for 2 weeks. There was no response and the medication was discontinued. He elected not to pursue alternative treatments.

Classically described by Mibelli1 and Respighi2 in 1893, porokeratosis is a keratinization disorder involving a sharply demarcated annular lesion, peripheral hyperkeratotic ridge with a longitudinal furrow, and central atrophic crater. The following 5 clinical variants are currently recognized: classic porokeratosis of Mibelli, disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata, linear porokeratosis, and punctate porokeratosis (Table).3 Linear porokeratosis is the unilateral linear variant with identical Mibelli morphology; however, these lesions are found grouped along the distal portion of the extremities in a linear distribution. Linear porokeratosis is strictly unilateral and may involve the entire side of the body (ie, arm, leg, trunk, face). Lesions vary in size (0.5–1.0 cm), height (≥1 mm), and number (few to many). The lesions are characterized by small, brownish, keratotic papules that slowly enlarge from childhood to form irregular annular plaques with well-demarcated 1-mm raised borders. The center generally is atrophic with anhidrosis and alopecia.3

Classic porokeratosis of Mibelli, disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata, and punctate porokeratosis are characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance. Some reports suggest mosaicism may give rise to aberrant hyperkeratotic events for linear porokeratosis.4,5 Because coexistent observations have been made regarding the disseminated superficial actinic and linear variants of porokeratosis, a conclusion of a common genetic aberration at chromosome 12, 15, or 18 may be postulated.6-10 There seems to be multiple etiologies. Porokeratosis has been observed in skin tissue that has been burned11 or damaged by UVA/UVB radiation from artificial light12,13 and irradiation sources.14 Herpes simplex virus type 115,16 and hepatitis C virus infections also have been observed in patients with porokeratosis.17,18 Transplants and concurrent immunosuppression have led to disseminated and fatal malignant degeneration.19-24 The cornoid lamella, a thick column of parakeratotic cells extending outward from a notch in the malpighian layer of the epidermis, is the basis for the ridgelike border in all variants. This classic finding is believed to be a peripheral clonal expansion of aberrant keratinocytes,25 which is supported by the presence of helper T cells, suppressor T cells, and Langerhans cells approximating the cornoid lamella, perhaps providing a stimulatory signal.26 The cornoid lamella arises in the interfollicular epidermis and consists of a tightly packed column extending through the entire stratum corneum. The granular layer is missing below the cornoid lamella and vacuolated keratinocytes are found at its base. The center of the lesion is atrophic, with possible liquefaction or colloid body formation and flattening of the rete ridges. The dermis may be edematous with telangiectasia. Both classic porokeratosis of Mibelli and the linear variant share histologic features. Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis lesions are small and uniformly distributed. They tend to present as discrete keratotic papules with a less than prominent ridge (1–3 mm in diameter) that spreads over sun-exposed skin or extensor surfaces of the extremities.3 Porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata begins on the palms and soles and disseminates across the body. The keratotic ridge is more pronounced and these lesions tend to be pruritic.3 Punctate porokeratosis lesions are discrete, punctate, hyperkeratotic, and seedlike, and are surrounded by a thin peripheral ridge.27 Diagnosis of all variants usually is confirmed clinically with visualization of a continuous ridge and furrow and histopathologically with demonstration of cornoid lamellae. Based on presentation, the differential diagnosis would include entities of similar location and morphologic features or those expressing linearity. The differential diagnosis for a plaque of the extremity of similar description may include elastosis perforans serpiginosa, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, lichen planus, plaque stage of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, or punctate keratoderma.28,29 Treatment includes destruction using cryotherapy, electrodesiccation, dermabrasion, or CO2 laser.30,31 Successful treatment also has been observed by inducing a cell-mediated/cytotoxic response using 5-fluorouracil and imiquimod cream 5%.32,33 Retinoid therapy has yielded inconsistent results.34,35 All porokeratosis variants tend to increase in size and number with accelerated growth with UV exposure or decreased immune status.12 To date, no study has determined the frequency of porokeratosis that degenerates to malignancy, yet squamous cell carcinoma has been observed in linear porokeratosis as well as other variants.36-38 Interestingly, the protein p53 has been considered as a possible marker of malignant degeneration in patients with confirmed porokeratosis.39-41 Aside from malignant degeneration, it has been observed that porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata and linear porokeratosis may rarely cause bone and nail dystrophy.42-45




  1. Mibelli V. Contributo allo studio della ipercheratosi dei canali sudoriferi. G Ital Mal Veneree Pelle. 1893;28:313-355.
  2. Respighi E. Di una ipercheratosi non ancora descritta. G Ital Mal Veneree Pelle. 1893;28:356-386.
  3. Wolff-Schreiner EC. Porokeratosis. In: Fitzpatrick T, Eisen A, Wolff K, et al, eds. Dermatology in General Medicine. Vol 1. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1999:624-630.
  4. Ousager LB, Brandrup F, Brasch-Andersen C, et al. Skin manifestations in a case of trisomy 16 mosaicism. Br J Dermatol. 2006;154:172-176.
  5. Happle R. Dohi Memorial Lecture. new aspects of cutaneous mosaicism. J Dermatol. 2002;29:681-692.
  6. Dover JS, Phillips TJ, Burns DA, et al. Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis. coexistence with other porokeratotic variants. Arch Dermatol. 1986;122:887-889.
  7. Kaur S, Thami GP, Mohan H, et al. Co-existence of variants of porokeratosis: a case report and a review of the literature. J Dermatol. 2002;29:305-309.
  8. Xia K, Deng H, Xia JH, et al. A novel locus (DSAP2) for disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis maps to chromosome 15q25.1-26.1. Br J Dermatol. 2002;147:650-654.
  9. Wu LQ, Yang YF, Zheng D, et al. Confirmation and refinement of a genetic locus for disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP1) at 12q23.2-24.1. Br J Dermatol. 2004;150:999-1004.
  10. Wei SC, Yang S, Li M, et al. Identification of a locus for porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata to a 6.9-cM region at chromosome 12q24.1-24.2. Br J Dermatol. 2003;149:261-267.
  11. Nova MP, Goldberg LJ, Mattison T, et al. Porokeratosis arising in a burn scar. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1991;25:354-356.
  12. Katugampola RP, Finlay AY. Fake sun tan diagnosis of porokeratosis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2006;20:224-226.
  13. Fleischer AB Jr, Donahue MJ, Feldman SR. Tanning salon porokeratosis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1993;29(5, pt 1):787-788.
  14. Romani J, Pujol RM, Casanova JM, et al. Disseminated superficial porokeratosis developing after electron-beam total skin irradiation for mycosis fungoides. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1996;21:310-312.
  15. Jang YH, Chun SJ, Kang WH, et al. Eruptive disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis in an immunocompetent host: is this associated with herpes simplex virus or bacterial infection? J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004;51:1018-1019.
  16. Webster GF. Are porokeratoses an infection [letter]? Arch Dermatol. 2001;137:665.
  17. Mizukawa Y, Shiohara T. Porokeratosis in patients with hepatitis C virus infection: does hepatitis C virus infection provide a link between porokeratosis and immunosuppression? Br J Dermatol. 1999;141:163-164.
  18. Kono T, Kobayashi H, Ishii M, et al. Synchronous development of disseminated superficial porokeratosis and hepatitis C virus–related hepatocellular carcinoma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2000;43:966-968.
  19. Silver SG, Crawford RI. Fatal squamous cell carcinoma arising from transplant-associated porokeratosis. J Am Acad


  1. Mibelli V. Contributo allo studio della ipercheratosi dei canali sudoriferi. G Ital Mal Veneree Pelle. 1893;28:313-355.
  2. Respighi E. Di una ipercheratosi non ancora descritta. G Ital Mal Veneree Pelle. 1893;28:356-386.
  3. Wolff-Schreiner EC. Porokeratosis. In: Fitzpatrick T, Eisen A, Wolff K, et al, eds. Dermatology in General Medicine. Vol 1. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1999:624-630.
  4. Ousager LB, Brandrup F, Brasch-Andersen C, et al. Skin manifestations in a case of trisomy 16 mosaicism. Br J Dermatol. 2006;154:172-176.
  5. Happle R. Dohi Memorial Lecture. new aspects of cutaneous mosaicism. J Dermatol. 2002;29:681-692.
  6. Dover JS, Phillips TJ, Burns DA, et al. Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis. coexistence with other porokeratotic variants. Arch Dermatol. 1986;122:887-889.
  7. Kaur S, Thami GP, Mohan H, et al. Co-existence of variants of porokeratosis: a case report and a review of the literature. J Dermatol. 2002;29:305-309.
  8. Xia K, Deng H, Xia JH, et al. A novel locus (DSAP2) for disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis maps to chromosome 15q25.1-26.1. Br J Dermatol. 2002;147:650-654.
  9. Wu LQ, Yang YF, Zheng D, et al. Confirmation and refinement of a genetic locus for disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP1) at 12q23.2-24.1. Br J Dermatol. 2004;150:999-1004.
  10. Wei SC, Yang S, Li M, et al. Identification of a locus for porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata to a 6.9-cM region at chromosome 12q24.1-24.2. Br J Dermatol. 2003;149:261-267.
  11. Nova MP, Goldberg LJ, Mattison T, et al. Porokeratosis arising in a burn scar. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1991;25:354-356.
  12. Katugampola RP, Finlay AY. Fake sun tan diagnosis of porokeratosis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2006;20:224-226.
  13. Fleischer AB Jr, Donahue MJ, Feldman SR. Tanning salon porokeratosis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1993;29(5, pt 1):787-788.
  14. Romani J, Pujol RM, Casanova JM, et al. Disseminated superficial porokeratosis developing after electron-beam total skin irradiation for mycosis fungoides. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1996;21:310-312.
  15. Jang YH, Chun SJ, Kang WH, et al. Eruptive disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis in an immunocompetent host: is this associated with herpes simplex virus or bacterial infection? J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004;51:1018-1019.
  16. Webster GF. Are porokeratoses an infection [letter]? Arch Dermatol. 2001;137:665.
  17. Mizukawa Y, Shiohara T. Porokeratosis in patients with hepatitis C virus infection: does hepatitis C virus infection provide a link between porokeratosis and immunosuppression? Br J Dermatol. 1999;141:163-164.
  18. Kono T, Kobayashi H, Ishii M, et al. Synchronous development of disseminated superficial porokeratosis and hepatitis C virus–related hepatocellular carcinoma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2000;43:966-968.
  19. Silver SG, Crawford RI. Fatal squamous cell carcinoma arising from transplant-associated porokeratosis. J Am Acad
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Linear Porokeratosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
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Linear Porokeratosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
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Wisco OJ, Ritter SE, Murchland MR

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Wisco OJ, Ritter SE, Murchland MR

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Cutis - 75(4)
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What Is Your Diagnosis? Benign Familial Chronic Pemphigus
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What Is Your Diagnosis? Benign Familial Chronic Pemphigus
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A Refractory Fixed Drug Reaction to a Dye Used in an Oral Contraceptive

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Thu, 01/10/2019 - 12:03
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A Refractory Fixed Drug Reaction to a Dye Used in an Oral Contraceptive

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Ritter SE, Meffert J

Cutis - 74(4)
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Ritter SE, Meffert J

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Ritter SE, Meffert J

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Article PDF

Cutis - 74(4)
Cutis - 74(4)
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A Refractory Fixed Drug Reaction to a Dye Used in an Oral Contraceptive
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A Refractory Fixed Drug Reaction to a Dye Used in an Oral Contraceptive
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What Is Your Diagnosis? Nevus Lipomatosus Cutaneous Superficialis

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Thu, 01/10/2019 - 11:59
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What Is Your Diagnosis? Nevus Lipomatosus Cutaneous Superficialis

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Conologue TA, Ritter SE, Libow LF

Cutis - 72(3)
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Conologue TA, Ritter SE, Libow LF

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Conologue TA, Ritter SE, Libow LF

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Cutis - 72(3)
Cutis - 72(3)
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What Is Your Diagnosis? Nevus Lipomatosus Cutaneous Superficialis
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What Is Your Diagnosis? Nevus Lipomatosus Cutaneous Superficialis
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What Is Your Diagnosis? Trichrome Tinea Versicolor

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Thu, 01/10/2019 - 11:56
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What Is Your Diagnosis? Trichrome Tinea Versicolor

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Ritter SE, Bryan MG, Elston DM

Cutis - 70(2)
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Ritter SE, Bryan MG, Elston DM

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Ritter SE, Bryan MG, Elston DM

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Cutis - 70(2)
Cutis - 70(2)
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What Is Your Diagnosis? Trichrome Tinea Versicolor
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What Is Your Diagnosis? Trichrome Tinea Versicolor
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Papular Pityriasis Rosea

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Thu, 01/10/2019 - 11:55
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Papular Pityriasis Rosea
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Bernardin RM, Ritter SE, Murchland MR

Cutis - 70(1)
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Bernardin RM, Ritter SE, Murchland MR

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Bernardin RM, Ritter SE, Murchland MR

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Cutis - 70(1)
Cutis - 70(1)
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Papular Pityriasis Rosea
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Papular Pityriasis Rosea
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Cutaneous Schwannoma of the Foot

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Thu, 01/10/2019 - 11:50
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Cutaneous Schwannoma of the Foot
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Ritter SE, Elston DM

Cutis - 67(2)
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Ritter SE, Elston DM

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Ritter SE, Elston DM

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Cutis - 67(2)
Cutis - 67(2)
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Cutaneous Schwannoma of the Foot
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Cutaneous Schwannoma of the Foot
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