Weathering this storm and the next

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Thu, 08/26/2021 - 15:43

Perspectives on disaster preparedness amid COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has tested disaster preparedness in hospitals across the nation. The pandemic brought many unique disaster planning challenges not commonly seen with other emergencies disasters. These included an uncertain and prolonged time frame, the implementation of physical distancing, and the challenges of preserving the health care work force.

Dr. Teena Hadvani, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Dr. Teena Hadvani

But how do we prepare for the next disaster when the health care system and staff are already stretched thin? Here, we discuss the concept of maintaining a state of preparedness through and beyond COVID-19, using a disaster preparedness cycle – including continuous assessments of vulnerabilities, dynamic staffing adjustments to support patient and hospital needs, and broadening of the pandemic response to incorporate planning for the next disaster.

Dr. Uremovich is an assistant professor of pediatrics in the Section of Hospital Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Vicki Uremovich


Disaster preparedness and assessing ongoing needs

Disaster preparedness cycle and Hazard Vulnerability Assessment

The disaster preparedness cycle illustrates that disaster preparedness is continuous. Disaster preparedness is achieved with the non-stop cycle of planning, coordinating, and recognizing vulnerable areas.1-5 Hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA) can play a critical role in recognizing areas in which a hospital system has strengths and weaknesses for different disaster scenarios. There are several tools available, but the overarching goal is to provide an objective and systematic approach to evaluate the potential damage and impact a disaster could have on the health care system and surrounding community.

Dr. Quinonez is an associate professor of pediatrics and chief of pediatric hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital
Dr. Ricardo Quinonez

The HVA can also be utilized to reassess system or personnel vulnerabilities that may have been exposed or highlighted during the pandemic.6,7 These vulnerabilities must be addressed during preparations for the next disaster while concurrently “assuming the incident happens at the worst possible time.”7

Disaster preparedness staffing considerations

Management, communication, and staffing issues are critical to disaster response. Key leadership responses during COVID-19 included providing frequent and transparent communication, down-staffing for physical distancing during low census, and prioritizing staff well-being. These measures serve as a strong foundation moving into preparations for the next disaster.8

Dr. Michelle A. Lopez, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Dr. Michelle A. Lopez

To ensure adequate staffing during an unexpected natural disaster, we recommend creating “ride-out” and “relief teams” as part of disaster staffing preparedness.9,10 The ride-out team provides the initial care and these providers are expected to stay in the hospital during the primary impact of the event. Once the initial threat of disaster is over and it is deemed safe to travel, the relief team is activated and offers reprieve to the ride-out team. Leaders and backup leaders within these teams should be identified in the event teams are activated. These assignments should be made at the start of the year and updated yearly or more frequently, if needed.

Dr. Brent Mothner, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Dr. Brent Mothner

While the COVID-19 pandemic did not significantly affect children, our ride-out and relief teams would have played a significant role in case a surge of pediatric cases had occurred.

Other considerations for disaster staffing include expanding backup coverage and for multisite groups, identifying site leads to help field specific questions or concerns. Lastly, understanding the staffing needs of the hospital during a disaster is vital – bidirectional communication between physicians and hospital leadership optimizes preparedness plans. These measures will help staff feel supported before, during, and after a disaster.



Dynamic disaster response

Supporting patient and hospital needs

The next step in the disaster preparedness cycle is adjusting to changing needs during the disaster. The pediatric inpatient population was less affected initially by COVID-19, allowing hospitalists to support the unpredicted needs of the pandemic. A dynamic and flexible physician response is important to disaster preparedness.

As there has been a continued shift to telehealth during the pandemic, our group has engaged in telehealth calls related to COVID-19. Seizing these new opportunities not only provided additional services to our patients, but also strengthened community support, physician worth, and the hospital’s financial state. This is also an opportunity for higher-risk clinicians or quarantined faculty to offer patient care during the pandemic.

Cram et al. describe the importance of “unspecializing” during the COVID-19 pandemic.11 Starting discussions early with adult and pediatric critical care colleagues is vital. Hospitalists take care of a broad patient population, and therefore, can adapt to where the clinical need may be. Optimizing and expanding our skill sets can bring value to the hospital system during uncertain times.

Hospitalists are also instrumental for patient flow during the pandemic. To address this, our group partnered with hospital leadership from many different areas including administration, nursing, emergency medicine, critical care, and ancillary services. By collaborating as one cohesive hospital unit, we were able to efficiently develop, implement, and update best clinical care guidelines and algorithms for COVID-19–related topics such as testing indications, admission criteria, infection control, and proper personal protective equipment use. Lastly, working with specialists to consolidate teams during a pandemic presents an opportunity for hospitalists to highlight expertise while bringing value to the hospital.

Unique staffing situations related to COVID-19

Different from other disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic affected older or immunocompromised staff in a unique way. Beauhaus et al. note that 20% of the physician workforce in the United Sates is between 55 and 64 years of age, and 9% are 65 years and older.12 Hospitalist groups should focus on how to optimize and preserve their workforce, specifically those that are higher risk due to age or other health conditions.

We used a tiered guide to safely accommodate our physicians that were determined to be at higher-risk for complications of COVID-19; these recommendations included limiting exposure to patients with acute respiratory illnesses and shifting some providers to a different clinical environments with a lower exposure risk, such as telemedicine visits.

Other COVID-19 preparedness considerations that affected our group in particular include the changes in learner staffing. Similar to attending down-staffing to encourage physical distancing during low census, learners (residents, medical students, and physician assistant students) also experienced decreased hours or suspension of rotations. To maintain optimal patient care, adjusting to changing disaster needs may include assessing attendings’ capacity to assume responsibilities typically supported by learners.

Due to the ongoing nature of the pandemic, we have had to maintain a dynamic response while adjusting to changing and ongoing needs during recovery. Creating a measured and staggered approach helps facilitate a smooth transition back to nonemergent activities. The education of learners, academic and scholarly work, and administrative duties will resume, but likely in a different steady state. Also, awareness of physician burnout and fatigue is critical as an institution enters a phase of recovery.



Preparing for the next disaster during the pandemic

This brings us back to the beginning of the disaster preparedness cycle and the need to plan for the next disaster. Current disaster preparedness plans among physician groups and hospitals are likely focused on an individual disaster scenario, but adjusting current disaster plans to account for the uncertain time frame of an event like the COVID-19 pandemic is critical. Several articles in the national news posed similar questions, although these publications focused mainly on the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the governmental response to prepare for the next disaster when resources are already stretched.13-15

How do we adequately plan, maintain a dynamic response, and continue to efficiently move through the disaster staffing cycle during an event like the COVID-19 pandemic? Being aware of current vulnerabilities and addressing gaps at the department and hospital level are vital to disaster preparedness. For example, we reassessed disaster (ride-out/relief) teams and the minimum number of staff needed to maintain safe and quality care, and what in-house arrangements would be needed (food, supplies, sleeping arrangements) while having to maintain physical distance.

Newman et al. explain “in disaster planning, having as many physicians as possible on hand may seem like an advantage, but being overstaffed in tight quarters was almost as bad as being understaffed.”9 This has been particularly true during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is crucial to have backup plans for faculty that are unable to serve ride-out duties from unexpected issues – such as availability, illnesses/quarantines, childcare/dependents. Also, it is important to be aware that some supply chains are already strained because of the pandemic and how this may play a role in the availability of certain supplies. Being aware and proactive about specific constraints allows for a better level of preparedness. Continued collaboration and communication with other services to provide care should be ongoing throughout the disaster preparedness cycle.


Providing and maintaining optimal and safe patient care should be the overarching goal throughout disaster preparedness. Being aware of group and institutional vulnerabilities, collaboration with hospital leadership, and remaining flexible as hospitalists are critical components for successful preparedness amid disasters. A dynamic and responsive disaster plan has been vital amid COVID-19, and for the next disasters we will certainly encounter.

Dr. Hadvani is assistant professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Uremovich is assistant professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Quinonez is associate professor of pediatrics and chief of pediatric hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Lopez is assistant professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Mothner is associate professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital and is the pediatric hospital medicine medical director for the main campus.


1. Malilay J et al. The role of applied epidemiology methods in the disaster management cycle. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):2092-102. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302010.

2. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Developing and maintaining emergency operations plans. 2010 Nov.

3. Federal Emergency Management Agency. National preparedness system. 2020 Jul 31.

4. Federal Emergency Management Agency. National preparedness goal. 2011 Sep.

5. Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: A practical guide. World Health Organization, Geneva. 2002:9-24. Edited by B. Wisner and J. Adams.

6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Topic collection: Hazard vulnerability/risk assessment.

7. Hospital Association of Southern California. Hazard and vulnerability analysis.

8. Meier K et al. Pediatric hospital medicine management, staffing, and well-being in the face of COVID-19. J Hosp Med. 2020 May;15(5):308-10. doi: 10.12788/jhm.3435.

9. Newman B and Gallion C. Hurricane Harvey: Firsthand preparedness in graduate medical education. Acad Med. 2019 Sep;94(9):1267-69. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002696.

10. Brevard S et al. Analysis of disaster response plans and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: Lessons learned from a level I trauma center. J Trauma. 2008 Nov;65(5):1126-32. doi: 10.1097/TA.0b013e318188d6e5.

11. Cram P et al. All hands on deck learning to “un-specialize” in the COVID-19 pandemic. J Hosp Med. 2020 May;15(5):314-5. doi: 10.12788/jhm.3426.

12. Buerhaus P et al. Older clinicians and the surge in novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). JAMA. 2020 May 12;323(18):1777-8. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.4978.

13. VOX Media. Imagine Hurricane Katrina during a pandemic. The US needs to prepare for that – now. 2020 May 27.

14. The Hill. Democratic lawmakers ask how FEMA is planning to balance natural disasters, COVID-19 response. 2020 Apr 20.

15. The Atlantic. What happens if a ‘big one’ strikes during the pandemic? 2020 May 9.


Perspectives on disaster preparedness amid COVID-19

Perspectives on disaster preparedness amid COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has tested disaster preparedness in hospitals across the nation. The pandemic brought many unique disaster planning challenges not commonly seen with other emergencies disasters. These included an uncertain and prolonged time frame, the implementation of physical distancing, and the challenges of preserving the health care work force.

Dr. Teena Hadvani, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Dr. Teena Hadvani

But how do we prepare for the next disaster when the health care system and staff are already stretched thin? Here, we discuss the concept of maintaining a state of preparedness through and beyond COVID-19, using a disaster preparedness cycle – including continuous assessments of vulnerabilities, dynamic staffing adjustments to support patient and hospital needs, and broadening of the pandemic response to incorporate planning for the next disaster.

Dr. Uremovich is an assistant professor of pediatrics in the Section of Hospital Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Vicki Uremovich


Disaster preparedness and assessing ongoing needs

Disaster preparedness cycle and Hazard Vulnerability Assessment

The disaster preparedness cycle illustrates that disaster preparedness is continuous. Disaster preparedness is achieved with the non-stop cycle of planning, coordinating, and recognizing vulnerable areas.1-5 Hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA) can play a critical role in recognizing areas in which a hospital system has strengths and weaknesses for different disaster scenarios. There are several tools available, but the overarching goal is to provide an objective and systematic approach to evaluate the potential damage and impact a disaster could have on the health care system and surrounding community.

Dr. Quinonez is an associate professor of pediatrics and chief of pediatric hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital
Dr. Ricardo Quinonez

The HVA can also be utilized to reassess system or personnel vulnerabilities that may have been exposed or highlighted during the pandemic.6,7 These vulnerabilities must be addressed during preparations for the next disaster while concurrently “assuming the incident happens at the worst possible time.”7

Disaster preparedness staffing considerations

Management, communication, and staffing issues are critical to disaster response. Key leadership responses during COVID-19 included providing frequent and transparent communication, down-staffing for physical distancing during low census, and prioritizing staff well-being. These measures serve as a strong foundation moving into preparations for the next disaster.8

Dr. Michelle A. Lopez, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Dr. Michelle A. Lopez

To ensure adequate staffing during an unexpected natural disaster, we recommend creating “ride-out” and “relief teams” as part of disaster staffing preparedness.9,10 The ride-out team provides the initial care and these providers are expected to stay in the hospital during the primary impact of the event. Once the initial threat of disaster is over and it is deemed safe to travel, the relief team is activated and offers reprieve to the ride-out team. Leaders and backup leaders within these teams should be identified in the event teams are activated. These assignments should be made at the start of the year and updated yearly or more frequently, if needed.

Dr. Brent Mothner, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Dr. Brent Mothner

While the COVID-19 pandemic did not significantly affect children, our ride-out and relief teams would have played a significant role in case a surge of pediatric cases had occurred.

Other considerations for disaster staffing include expanding backup coverage and for multisite groups, identifying site leads to help field specific questions or concerns. Lastly, understanding the staffing needs of the hospital during a disaster is vital – bidirectional communication between physicians and hospital leadership optimizes preparedness plans. These measures will help staff feel supported before, during, and after a disaster.



Dynamic disaster response

Supporting patient and hospital needs

The next step in the disaster preparedness cycle is adjusting to changing needs during the disaster. The pediatric inpatient population was less affected initially by COVID-19, allowing hospitalists to support the unpredicted needs of the pandemic. A dynamic and flexible physician response is important to disaster preparedness.

As there has been a continued shift to telehealth during the pandemic, our group has engaged in telehealth calls related to COVID-19. Seizing these new opportunities not only provided additional services to our patients, but also strengthened community support, physician worth, and the hospital’s financial state. This is also an opportunity for higher-risk clinicians or quarantined faculty to offer patient care during the pandemic.

Cram et al. describe the importance of “unspecializing” during the COVID-19 pandemic.11 Starting discussions early with adult and pediatric critical care colleagues is vital. Hospitalists take care of a broad patient population, and therefore, can adapt to where the clinical need may be. Optimizing and expanding our skill sets can bring value to the hospital system during uncertain times.

Hospitalists are also instrumental for patient flow during the pandemic. To address this, our group partnered with hospital leadership from many different areas including administration, nursing, emergency medicine, critical care, and ancillary services. By collaborating as one cohesive hospital unit, we were able to efficiently develop, implement, and update best clinical care guidelines and algorithms for COVID-19–related topics such as testing indications, admission criteria, infection control, and proper personal protective equipment use. Lastly, working with specialists to consolidate teams during a pandemic presents an opportunity for hospitalists to highlight expertise while bringing value to the hospital.

Unique staffing situations related to COVID-19

Different from other disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic affected older or immunocompromised staff in a unique way. Beauhaus et al. note that 20% of the physician workforce in the United Sates is between 55 and 64 years of age, and 9% are 65 years and older.12 Hospitalist groups should focus on how to optimize and preserve their workforce, specifically those that are higher risk due to age or other health conditions.

We used a tiered guide to safely accommodate our physicians that were determined to be at higher-risk for complications of COVID-19; these recommendations included limiting exposure to patients with acute respiratory illnesses and shifting some providers to a different clinical environments with a lower exposure risk, such as telemedicine visits.

Other COVID-19 preparedness considerations that affected our group in particular include the changes in learner staffing. Similar to attending down-staffing to encourage physical distancing during low census, learners (residents, medical students, and physician assistant students) also experienced decreased hours or suspension of rotations. To maintain optimal patient care, adjusting to changing disaster needs may include assessing attendings’ capacity to assume responsibilities typically supported by learners.

Due to the ongoing nature of the pandemic, we have had to maintain a dynamic response while adjusting to changing and ongoing needs during recovery. Creating a measured and staggered approach helps facilitate a smooth transition back to nonemergent activities. The education of learners, academic and scholarly work, and administrative duties will resume, but likely in a different steady state. Also, awareness of physician burnout and fatigue is critical as an institution enters a phase of recovery.



Preparing for the next disaster during the pandemic

This brings us back to the beginning of the disaster preparedness cycle and the need to plan for the next disaster. Current disaster preparedness plans among physician groups and hospitals are likely focused on an individual disaster scenario, but adjusting current disaster plans to account for the uncertain time frame of an event like the COVID-19 pandemic is critical. Several articles in the national news posed similar questions, although these publications focused mainly on the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the governmental response to prepare for the next disaster when resources are already stretched.13-15

How do we adequately plan, maintain a dynamic response, and continue to efficiently move through the disaster staffing cycle during an event like the COVID-19 pandemic? Being aware of current vulnerabilities and addressing gaps at the department and hospital level are vital to disaster preparedness. For example, we reassessed disaster (ride-out/relief) teams and the minimum number of staff needed to maintain safe and quality care, and what in-house arrangements would be needed (food, supplies, sleeping arrangements) while having to maintain physical distance.

Newman et al. explain “in disaster planning, having as many physicians as possible on hand may seem like an advantage, but being overstaffed in tight quarters was almost as bad as being understaffed.”9 This has been particularly true during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is crucial to have backup plans for faculty that are unable to serve ride-out duties from unexpected issues – such as availability, illnesses/quarantines, childcare/dependents. Also, it is important to be aware that some supply chains are already strained because of the pandemic and how this may play a role in the availability of certain supplies. Being aware and proactive about specific constraints allows for a better level of preparedness. Continued collaboration and communication with other services to provide care should be ongoing throughout the disaster preparedness cycle.


Providing and maintaining optimal and safe patient care should be the overarching goal throughout disaster preparedness. Being aware of group and institutional vulnerabilities, collaboration with hospital leadership, and remaining flexible as hospitalists are critical components for successful preparedness amid disasters. A dynamic and responsive disaster plan has been vital amid COVID-19, and for the next disasters we will certainly encounter.

Dr. Hadvani is assistant professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Uremovich is assistant professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Quinonez is associate professor of pediatrics and chief of pediatric hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Lopez is assistant professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Mothner is associate professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital and is the pediatric hospital medicine medical director for the main campus.


1. Malilay J et al. The role of applied epidemiology methods in the disaster management cycle. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):2092-102. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302010.

2. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Developing and maintaining emergency operations plans. 2010 Nov.

3. Federal Emergency Management Agency. National preparedness system. 2020 Jul 31.

4. Federal Emergency Management Agency. National preparedness goal. 2011 Sep.

5. Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: A practical guide. World Health Organization, Geneva. 2002:9-24. Edited by B. Wisner and J. Adams.

6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Topic collection: Hazard vulnerability/risk assessment.

7. Hospital Association of Southern California. Hazard and vulnerability analysis.

8. Meier K et al. Pediatric hospital medicine management, staffing, and well-being in the face of COVID-19. J Hosp Med. 2020 May;15(5):308-10. doi: 10.12788/jhm.3435.

9. Newman B and Gallion C. Hurricane Harvey: Firsthand preparedness in graduate medical education. Acad Med. 2019 Sep;94(9):1267-69. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002696.

10. Brevard S et al. Analysis of disaster response plans and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: Lessons learned from a level I trauma center. J Trauma. 2008 Nov;65(5):1126-32. doi: 10.1097/TA.0b013e318188d6e5.

11. Cram P et al. All hands on deck learning to “un-specialize” in the COVID-19 pandemic. J Hosp Med. 2020 May;15(5):314-5. doi: 10.12788/jhm.3426.

12. Buerhaus P et al. Older clinicians and the surge in novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). JAMA. 2020 May 12;323(18):1777-8. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.4978.

13. VOX Media. Imagine Hurricane Katrina during a pandemic. The US needs to prepare for that – now. 2020 May 27.

14. The Hill. Democratic lawmakers ask how FEMA is planning to balance natural disasters, COVID-19 response. 2020 Apr 20.

15. The Atlantic. What happens if a ‘big one’ strikes during the pandemic? 2020 May 9.

The COVID-19 pandemic has tested disaster preparedness in hospitals across the nation. The pandemic brought many unique disaster planning challenges not commonly seen with other emergencies disasters. These included an uncertain and prolonged time frame, the implementation of physical distancing, and the challenges of preserving the health care work force.

Dr. Teena Hadvani, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Dr. Teena Hadvani

But how do we prepare for the next disaster when the health care system and staff are already stretched thin? Here, we discuss the concept of maintaining a state of preparedness through and beyond COVID-19, using a disaster preparedness cycle – including continuous assessments of vulnerabilities, dynamic staffing adjustments to support patient and hospital needs, and broadening of the pandemic response to incorporate planning for the next disaster.

Dr. Uremovich is an assistant professor of pediatrics in the Section of Hospital Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Vicki Uremovich


Disaster preparedness and assessing ongoing needs

Disaster preparedness cycle and Hazard Vulnerability Assessment

The disaster preparedness cycle illustrates that disaster preparedness is continuous. Disaster preparedness is achieved with the non-stop cycle of planning, coordinating, and recognizing vulnerable areas.1-5 Hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA) can play a critical role in recognizing areas in which a hospital system has strengths and weaknesses for different disaster scenarios. There are several tools available, but the overarching goal is to provide an objective and systematic approach to evaluate the potential damage and impact a disaster could have on the health care system and surrounding community.

Dr. Quinonez is an associate professor of pediatrics and chief of pediatric hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital
Dr. Ricardo Quinonez

The HVA can also be utilized to reassess system or personnel vulnerabilities that may have been exposed or highlighted during the pandemic.6,7 These vulnerabilities must be addressed during preparations for the next disaster while concurrently “assuming the incident happens at the worst possible time.”7

Disaster preparedness staffing considerations

Management, communication, and staffing issues are critical to disaster response. Key leadership responses during COVID-19 included providing frequent and transparent communication, down-staffing for physical distancing during low census, and prioritizing staff well-being. These measures serve as a strong foundation moving into preparations for the next disaster.8

Dr. Michelle A. Lopez, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Dr. Michelle A. Lopez

To ensure adequate staffing during an unexpected natural disaster, we recommend creating “ride-out” and “relief teams” as part of disaster staffing preparedness.9,10 The ride-out team provides the initial care and these providers are expected to stay in the hospital during the primary impact of the event. Once the initial threat of disaster is over and it is deemed safe to travel, the relief team is activated and offers reprieve to the ride-out team. Leaders and backup leaders within these teams should be identified in the event teams are activated. These assignments should be made at the start of the year and updated yearly or more frequently, if needed.

Dr. Brent Mothner, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Dr. Brent Mothner

While the COVID-19 pandemic did not significantly affect children, our ride-out and relief teams would have played a significant role in case a surge of pediatric cases had occurred.

Other considerations for disaster staffing include expanding backup coverage and for multisite groups, identifying site leads to help field specific questions or concerns. Lastly, understanding the staffing needs of the hospital during a disaster is vital – bidirectional communication between physicians and hospital leadership optimizes preparedness plans. These measures will help staff feel supported before, during, and after a disaster.



Dynamic disaster response

Supporting patient and hospital needs

The next step in the disaster preparedness cycle is adjusting to changing needs during the disaster. The pediatric inpatient population was less affected initially by COVID-19, allowing hospitalists to support the unpredicted needs of the pandemic. A dynamic and flexible physician response is important to disaster preparedness.

As there has been a continued shift to telehealth during the pandemic, our group has engaged in telehealth calls related to COVID-19. Seizing these new opportunities not only provided additional services to our patients, but also strengthened community support, physician worth, and the hospital’s financial state. This is also an opportunity for higher-risk clinicians or quarantined faculty to offer patient care during the pandemic.

Cram et al. describe the importance of “unspecializing” during the COVID-19 pandemic.11 Starting discussions early with adult and pediatric critical care colleagues is vital. Hospitalists take care of a broad patient population, and therefore, can adapt to where the clinical need may be. Optimizing and expanding our skill sets can bring value to the hospital system during uncertain times.

Hospitalists are also instrumental for patient flow during the pandemic. To address this, our group partnered with hospital leadership from many different areas including administration, nursing, emergency medicine, critical care, and ancillary services. By collaborating as one cohesive hospital unit, we were able to efficiently develop, implement, and update best clinical care guidelines and algorithms for COVID-19–related topics such as testing indications, admission criteria, infection control, and proper personal protective equipment use. Lastly, working with specialists to consolidate teams during a pandemic presents an opportunity for hospitalists to highlight expertise while bringing value to the hospital.

Unique staffing situations related to COVID-19

Different from other disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic affected older or immunocompromised staff in a unique way. Beauhaus et al. note that 20% of the physician workforce in the United Sates is between 55 and 64 years of age, and 9% are 65 years and older.12 Hospitalist groups should focus on how to optimize and preserve their workforce, specifically those that are higher risk due to age or other health conditions.

We used a tiered guide to safely accommodate our physicians that were determined to be at higher-risk for complications of COVID-19; these recommendations included limiting exposure to patients with acute respiratory illnesses and shifting some providers to a different clinical environments with a lower exposure risk, such as telemedicine visits.

Other COVID-19 preparedness considerations that affected our group in particular include the changes in learner staffing. Similar to attending down-staffing to encourage physical distancing during low census, learners (residents, medical students, and physician assistant students) also experienced decreased hours or suspension of rotations. To maintain optimal patient care, adjusting to changing disaster needs may include assessing attendings’ capacity to assume responsibilities typically supported by learners.

Due to the ongoing nature of the pandemic, we have had to maintain a dynamic response while adjusting to changing and ongoing needs during recovery. Creating a measured and staggered approach helps facilitate a smooth transition back to nonemergent activities. The education of learners, academic and scholarly work, and administrative duties will resume, but likely in a different steady state. Also, awareness of physician burnout and fatigue is critical as an institution enters a phase of recovery.



Preparing for the next disaster during the pandemic

This brings us back to the beginning of the disaster preparedness cycle and the need to plan for the next disaster. Current disaster preparedness plans among physician groups and hospitals are likely focused on an individual disaster scenario, but adjusting current disaster plans to account for the uncertain time frame of an event like the COVID-19 pandemic is critical. Several articles in the national news posed similar questions, although these publications focused mainly on the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the governmental response to prepare for the next disaster when resources are already stretched.13-15

How do we adequately plan, maintain a dynamic response, and continue to efficiently move through the disaster staffing cycle during an event like the COVID-19 pandemic? Being aware of current vulnerabilities and addressing gaps at the department and hospital level are vital to disaster preparedness. For example, we reassessed disaster (ride-out/relief) teams and the minimum number of staff needed to maintain safe and quality care, and what in-house arrangements would be needed (food, supplies, sleeping arrangements) while having to maintain physical distance.

Newman et al. explain “in disaster planning, having as many physicians as possible on hand may seem like an advantage, but being overstaffed in tight quarters was almost as bad as being understaffed.”9 This has been particularly true during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is crucial to have backup plans for faculty that are unable to serve ride-out duties from unexpected issues – such as availability, illnesses/quarantines, childcare/dependents. Also, it is important to be aware that some supply chains are already strained because of the pandemic and how this may play a role in the availability of certain supplies. Being aware and proactive about specific constraints allows for a better level of preparedness. Continued collaboration and communication with other services to provide care should be ongoing throughout the disaster preparedness cycle.


Providing and maintaining optimal and safe patient care should be the overarching goal throughout disaster preparedness. Being aware of group and institutional vulnerabilities, collaboration with hospital leadership, and remaining flexible as hospitalists are critical components for successful preparedness amid disasters. A dynamic and responsive disaster plan has been vital amid COVID-19, and for the next disasters we will certainly encounter.

Dr. Hadvani is assistant professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Uremovich is assistant professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Quinonez is associate professor of pediatrics and chief of pediatric hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Lopez is assistant professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Mothner is associate professor of pediatrics in the section of hospital medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital and is the pediatric hospital medicine medical director for the main campus.


1. Malilay J et al. The role of applied epidemiology methods in the disaster management cycle. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):2092-102. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302010.

2. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Developing and maintaining emergency operations plans. 2010 Nov.

3. Federal Emergency Management Agency. National preparedness system. 2020 Jul 31.

4. Federal Emergency Management Agency. National preparedness goal. 2011 Sep.

5. Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: A practical guide. World Health Organization, Geneva. 2002:9-24. Edited by B. Wisner and J. Adams.

6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Topic collection: Hazard vulnerability/risk assessment.

7. Hospital Association of Southern California. Hazard and vulnerability analysis.

8. Meier K et al. Pediatric hospital medicine management, staffing, and well-being in the face of COVID-19. J Hosp Med. 2020 May;15(5):308-10. doi: 10.12788/jhm.3435.

9. Newman B and Gallion C. Hurricane Harvey: Firsthand preparedness in graduate medical education. Acad Med. 2019 Sep;94(9):1267-69. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002696.

10. Brevard S et al. Analysis of disaster response plans and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: Lessons learned from a level I trauma center. J Trauma. 2008 Nov;65(5):1126-32. doi: 10.1097/TA.0b013e318188d6e5.

11. Cram P et al. All hands on deck learning to “un-specialize” in the COVID-19 pandemic. J Hosp Med. 2020 May;15(5):314-5. doi: 10.12788/jhm.3426.

12. Buerhaus P et al. Older clinicians and the surge in novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). JAMA. 2020 May 12;323(18):1777-8. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.4978.

13. VOX Media. Imagine Hurricane Katrina during a pandemic. The US needs to prepare for that – now. 2020 May 27.

14. The Hill. Democratic lawmakers ask how FEMA is planning to balance natural disasters, COVID-19 response. 2020 Apr 20.

15. The Atlantic. What happens if a ‘big one’ strikes during the pandemic? 2020 May 9.

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