What to do when adolescents with ADHD self-medicate with bath salts

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Thu, 06/18/2020 - 11:10
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What to do when adolescents with ADHD self-medicate with bath salts

Designer drugs are rapidly making inroads with young people, primar­ily because of easier access, lower overall cost, and nebulous legality. These drugs are made as variants of illicit drugs or new formulations and sold as “research chemicals” and labeled as “not for human consumption,” which allows them to fall outside existing laws. The ingredients typi­cally are not detected in a urine drug screen.

Notoriously addictive, these designer drugs, such as bath salts, are known to incorporate synthetic cathinones—namely, methylone, mephedrone or methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). The stimu­lant, amphetamine-like effects of bath salts make the drug attractive to adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Why do teens gravitate toward bath salts?
Adolescents with undiagnosed ADHD might self-medicate with drugs that are suited for addressing restlessness, intra­psychic turmoil, and other symptoms of ADHD. In 2 case studies, using the self-medication hypothesis, people with ADHD were more likely to seek cocaine by means of “self-selection.”1 These drug-seeking behaviors often led to cocaine dependence, even when other substances, such as alco­hol or Cannabis, were available.

Methylphenidate and other ADHD phar­macotherapies influence the nucleus accum­bens in a manner similar to that of cocaine. These findings suggest that adolescents with ADHD and cocaine dependence might respond to therapeutic interventions that substitute cocaine with psychostimulants.1

Bath salts fall within the same spectrum of psychostimulant agents as methylpheni­date and cocaine. MDPV approximates the effect of methylphenidate at low doses, and cocaine at higher doses. It often is marketed under the name “Ivory Wave” and could be confused with cocaine. Self-administration of MDPV can induce psychoactive effects that help alleviate ADHD symptoms; adolescents might continue to experience enhanced concentration and overall per­formance.2 Also, because of the low cost of “legal” bath salts, they are an appealing alternative to cocaine for self-medication.

Managing the sequelae of bath salt intoxication
Bath salts may produce sympathomimetic effects greater than cocaine, which require a proactive approach to symptom manage­ment. A medley of unknown ingredients in bath salt preparations makes it difficult for clinicians to gauge the pharmacological impact on individual patients; therefore, therapeutic interventions are on a case-by-case basis. However, emergencies con­cerning amphetamines and amphetamine analogues and derivatives often have simi­lar presentations.

Cardiovascular effects. MDPV-specific urine and blood tests conducted on patients admitted to the emergency room showed a 10-fold increase in overall dopamine levels compared with those who took cocaine. As a sympathomimetic, high doses of dopamine are responsible for raising blood pressure and could lead to the development of pro­nounced cardiovascular effects.3,4

Agitation. Clinicians generally are advised to treat agitation before providing a more comprehensive assessment of symptoms. Endotracheal intubation often is a required for adequate control of agitation. Bath salt-induced agitation often is treated with IV benzodiazepines.4,5 Monitor patients for excessive sedation or new-onset “paradoxi­cal agitation” as a function of ongoing benzo-diazepine therapy. Clinicians also may choose to co-administer an antipsychotic with benzodiazepines, although the practice is not uni­versally encouraged for agitation control.

Mephedrone produces a delirious state in conjunction with psychotic symptoms. Antipsychotic therapy has been suggested for addressing ongoing agitation.6 

Tachycardia. Symptomatic treatment of tachycardia involves beta blockers, such as labetalol. Nitroglycerine has evidence of effi­cacy for chest pain associated with cocaine intoxication; however, it is unclear whether it is effective for similar drugs of abuse.4

Multi-organ collapse caused by MDPV necessitates aggressive intervention, includ­ing prompt dialysis. Carefully evaluate the patient for the presence of organ-specific insults and initiate supportive measures accordingly. Pronounced agitation with hyperthermia might portend severely com­promised renal, hepatic, and/or cardiac function in MDPV users.7 Those who present with MDPV intoxication and concomitant renal injury seem to benefit from hemodi­alysis.8 Repeat intoxication events may yield a presentation of acute renal injury replete with metabolic derangements, including metabolic acidosis, hyperuricemia, and rhab­domyolysis.9 Thorough patient assessments and interventions are useful in determining long-term outcomes, including issues per­taining to mortality.

Confronting an epidemic
Adolescents are quickly adopting designer drugs as a readily accessible form of recre­ational “legal highs.”10 Public awareness and educational initiatives can bring to light the dangers of these substances that exert pow­erful and, sometimes, unpredictable psycho­active effects on the user.

Self-mutilation and suicidal ideation also have been documented among those who ingested bath salts. These reports appear to be escalating across Europe and the United States. On a national level, U.S. poison cen­ters have reported an almost 20-fold increase in calls regarding bath salts between 2010 and 2011.5 It is of utmost importance for clini­cians and emergency personnel to familiar­ize themselves with the sympathomimetic toxidrome and management for bath salt consumption.



1. Mariani JJ, Khantzian EJ, Levin FR. The self-medication hypothesis and psychostimulant treatment of cocaine dependence: an update. Am J Addict. 2014;23(2):189-193.
2. Deluca P, Schifano F, Davey Z, et al. MDPV Report: Psychonaut Web Mapping Research Project. https://catbull.com/alamut/Bibliothek/PsychonautMDPVreport. pdf. Updated June 8, 2010. Accessed October 27, 2015.
3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. What are bath salts? http://teens.drugabuse.gov/drug-facts/bath-salts. Updated October 23, 2015. Accessed October 27, 2015.
4. Richards JR, Derlet RW, Albertson TE, et al. Methamphetamine, “bath salts,” and other amphetamine-related derivatives. Enliven: Toxicology and Allied Clinical Pharmacology. 2014;1(1):1-15.
5. Olives TD, Orozco BS, Stellpflug SJ. Bath salts: the ivory wave of trouble. West J Emerg Med. 2012;13(1):58-62.
6. Kasick DP, McKnight CA, Klisovic E. “Bath salt” ingestion leading to severe intoxication delirium: two cases and a brief review of the emergence of mephedrone use. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2012;38(2):176-180.
7. Borek HA, Holstege CP. Hyperthermia and multiorgan failure after abuse of “bath salts” containing 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone. Ann Emerg Med. 2012;60(1):103-105.
8. Regunath H, Ariyamuthu VK, Dalal P, et al. Bath salt intoxication causing acute kidney injury requiring hemodialysis. Hemodial Int. 2012;16(suppl 1):S47-S49.
9. Adebamiro A, Perazella MA. Recurrent acute kidney injury following bath salts intoxication. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012;59(2):273-275.
10. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. New designer drug, ‘bath salts,’ may confer additional risk for adolescents. EurekAlert. http://www.eurekalert.org/ pub_releases/2013-04/foas-ndd041813.php. Published April 23, 2013. Accessed November 10, 2015.

Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Faisal A. Islam, MD, MBA
Postdoctoral fellow

Zia Choudhry, MD, PhD, MBA
Research mentor

. . .

Nebraska Neuropsychiatric Institute, NPO
Lincoln, Nebraska

Walter Duffy, MD
Premier Psychiatric Research Institute, LLC
Premier Psychiatric Group, LLC
Lincoln, Nebraska

The authors report no financial relationships with any company whose products are mentioned in this article or with manufacturers of competing products.

Current Psychiatry - 14(12)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
ADHD, bath salts, designer drugs, self medicate, self-medicate, synthetic cathinones, methylone, mephedrone or methylenedioxypyrovalerone, MDPV, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, undiagnosed ADHD
Author and Disclosure Information

Faisal A. Islam, MD, MBA
Postdoctoral fellow

Zia Choudhry, MD, PhD, MBA
Research mentor

. . .

Nebraska Neuropsychiatric Institute, NPO
Lincoln, Nebraska

Walter Duffy, MD
Premier Psychiatric Research Institute, LLC
Premier Psychiatric Group, LLC
Lincoln, Nebraska

The authors report no financial relationships with any company whose products are mentioned in this article or with manufacturers of competing products.

Author and Disclosure Information

Faisal A. Islam, MD, MBA
Postdoctoral fellow

Zia Choudhry, MD, PhD, MBA
Research mentor

. . .

Nebraska Neuropsychiatric Institute, NPO
Lincoln, Nebraska

Walter Duffy, MD
Premier Psychiatric Research Institute, LLC
Premier Psychiatric Group, LLC
Lincoln, Nebraska

The authors report no financial relationships with any company whose products are mentioned in this article or with manufacturers of competing products.

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Article PDF

Designer drugs are rapidly making inroads with young people, primar­ily because of easier access, lower overall cost, and nebulous legality. These drugs are made as variants of illicit drugs or new formulations and sold as “research chemicals” and labeled as “not for human consumption,” which allows them to fall outside existing laws. The ingredients typi­cally are not detected in a urine drug screen.

Notoriously addictive, these designer drugs, such as bath salts, are known to incorporate synthetic cathinones—namely, methylone, mephedrone or methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). The stimu­lant, amphetamine-like effects of bath salts make the drug attractive to adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Why do teens gravitate toward bath salts?
Adolescents with undiagnosed ADHD might self-medicate with drugs that are suited for addressing restlessness, intra­psychic turmoil, and other symptoms of ADHD. In 2 case studies, using the self-medication hypothesis, people with ADHD were more likely to seek cocaine by means of “self-selection.”1 These drug-seeking behaviors often led to cocaine dependence, even when other substances, such as alco­hol or Cannabis, were available.

Methylphenidate and other ADHD phar­macotherapies influence the nucleus accum­bens in a manner similar to that of cocaine. These findings suggest that adolescents with ADHD and cocaine dependence might respond to therapeutic interventions that substitute cocaine with psychostimulants.1

Bath salts fall within the same spectrum of psychostimulant agents as methylpheni­date and cocaine. MDPV approximates the effect of methylphenidate at low doses, and cocaine at higher doses. It often is marketed under the name “Ivory Wave” and could be confused with cocaine. Self-administration of MDPV can induce psychoactive effects that help alleviate ADHD symptoms; adolescents might continue to experience enhanced concentration and overall per­formance.2 Also, because of the low cost of “legal” bath salts, they are an appealing alternative to cocaine for self-medication.

Managing the sequelae of bath salt intoxication
Bath salts may produce sympathomimetic effects greater than cocaine, which require a proactive approach to symptom manage­ment. A medley of unknown ingredients in bath salt preparations makes it difficult for clinicians to gauge the pharmacological impact on individual patients; therefore, therapeutic interventions are on a case-by-case basis. However, emergencies con­cerning amphetamines and amphetamine analogues and derivatives often have simi­lar presentations.

Cardiovascular effects. MDPV-specific urine and blood tests conducted on patients admitted to the emergency room showed a 10-fold increase in overall dopamine levels compared with those who took cocaine. As a sympathomimetic, high doses of dopamine are responsible for raising blood pressure and could lead to the development of pro­nounced cardiovascular effects.3,4

Agitation. Clinicians generally are advised to treat agitation before providing a more comprehensive assessment of symptoms. Endotracheal intubation often is a required for adequate control of agitation. Bath salt-induced agitation often is treated with IV benzodiazepines.4,5 Monitor patients for excessive sedation or new-onset “paradoxi­cal agitation” as a function of ongoing benzo-diazepine therapy. Clinicians also may choose to co-administer an antipsychotic with benzodiazepines, although the practice is not uni­versally encouraged for agitation control.

Mephedrone produces a delirious state in conjunction with psychotic symptoms. Antipsychotic therapy has been suggested for addressing ongoing agitation.6 

Tachycardia. Symptomatic treatment of tachycardia involves beta blockers, such as labetalol. Nitroglycerine has evidence of effi­cacy for chest pain associated with cocaine intoxication; however, it is unclear whether it is effective for similar drugs of abuse.4

Multi-organ collapse caused by MDPV necessitates aggressive intervention, includ­ing prompt dialysis. Carefully evaluate the patient for the presence of organ-specific insults and initiate supportive measures accordingly. Pronounced agitation with hyperthermia might portend severely com­promised renal, hepatic, and/or cardiac function in MDPV users.7 Those who present with MDPV intoxication and concomitant renal injury seem to benefit from hemodi­alysis.8 Repeat intoxication events may yield a presentation of acute renal injury replete with metabolic derangements, including metabolic acidosis, hyperuricemia, and rhab­domyolysis.9 Thorough patient assessments and interventions are useful in determining long-term outcomes, including issues per­taining to mortality.

Confronting an epidemic
Adolescents are quickly adopting designer drugs as a readily accessible form of recre­ational “legal highs.”10 Public awareness and educational initiatives can bring to light the dangers of these substances that exert pow­erful and, sometimes, unpredictable psycho­active effects on the user.

Self-mutilation and suicidal ideation also have been documented among those who ingested bath salts. These reports appear to be escalating across Europe and the United States. On a national level, U.S. poison cen­ters have reported an almost 20-fold increase in calls regarding bath salts between 2010 and 2011.5 It is of utmost importance for clini­cians and emergency personnel to familiar­ize themselves with the sympathomimetic toxidrome and management for bath salt consumption.


Designer drugs are rapidly making inroads with young people, primar­ily because of easier access, lower overall cost, and nebulous legality. These drugs are made as variants of illicit drugs or new formulations and sold as “research chemicals” and labeled as “not for human consumption,” which allows them to fall outside existing laws. The ingredients typi­cally are not detected in a urine drug screen.

Notoriously addictive, these designer drugs, such as bath salts, are known to incorporate synthetic cathinones—namely, methylone, mephedrone or methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). The stimu­lant, amphetamine-like effects of bath salts make the drug attractive to adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Why do teens gravitate toward bath salts?
Adolescents with undiagnosed ADHD might self-medicate with drugs that are suited for addressing restlessness, intra­psychic turmoil, and other symptoms of ADHD. In 2 case studies, using the self-medication hypothesis, people with ADHD were more likely to seek cocaine by means of “self-selection.”1 These drug-seeking behaviors often led to cocaine dependence, even when other substances, such as alco­hol or Cannabis, were available.

Methylphenidate and other ADHD phar­macotherapies influence the nucleus accum­bens in a manner similar to that of cocaine. These findings suggest that adolescents with ADHD and cocaine dependence might respond to therapeutic interventions that substitute cocaine with psychostimulants.1

Bath salts fall within the same spectrum of psychostimulant agents as methylpheni­date and cocaine. MDPV approximates the effect of methylphenidate at low doses, and cocaine at higher doses. It often is marketed under the name “Ivory Wave” and could be confused with cocaine. Self-administration of MDPV can induce psychoactive effects that help alleviate ADHD symptoms; adolescents might continue to experience enhanced concentration and overall per­formance.2 Also, because of the low cost of “legal” bath salts, they are an appealing alternative to cocaine for self-medication.

Managing the sequelae of bath salt intoxication
Bath salts may produce sympathomimetic effects greater than cocaine, which require a proactive approach to symptom manage­ment. A medley of unknown ingredients in bath salt preparations makes it difficult for clinicians to gauge the pharmacological impact on individual patients; therefore, therapeutic interventions are on a case-by-case basis. However, emergencies con­cerning amphetamines and amphetamine analogues and derivatives often have simi­lar presentations.

Cardiovascular effects. MDPV-specific urine and blood tests conducted on patients admitted to the emergency room showed a 10-fold increase in overall dopamine levels compared with those who took cocaine. As a sympathomimetic, high doses of dopamine are responsible for raising blood pressure and could lead to the development of pro­nounced cardiovascular effects.3,4

Agitation. Clinicians generally are advised to treat agitation before providing a more comprehensive assessment of symptoms. Endotracheal intubation often is a required for adequate control of agitation. Bath salt-induced agitation often is treated with IV benzodiazepines.4,5 Monitor patients for excessive sedation or new-onset “paradoxi­cal agitation” as a function of ongoing benzo-diazepine therapy. Clinicians also may choose to co-administer an antipsychotic with benzodiazepines, although the practice is not uni­versally encouraged for agitation control.

Mephedrone produces a delirious state in conjunction with psychotic symptoms. Antipsychotic therapy has been suggested for addressing ongoing agitation.6 

Tachycardia. Symptomatic treatment of tachycardia involves beta blockers, such as labetalol. Nitroglycerine has evidence of effi­cacy for chest pain associated with cocaine intoxication; however, it is unclear whether it is effective for similar drugs of abuse.4

Multi-organ collapse caused by MDPV necessitates aggressive intervention, includ­ing prompt dialysis. Carefully evaluate the patient for the presence of organ-specific insults and initiate supportive measures accordingly. Pronounced agitation with hyperthermia might portend severely com­promised renal, hepatic, and/or cardiac function in MDPV users.7 Those who present with MDPV intoxication and concomitant renal injury seem to benefit from hemodi­alysis.8 Repeat intoxication events may yield a presentation of acute renal injury replete with metabolic derangements, including metabolic acidosis, hyperuricemia, and rhab­domyolysis.9 Thorough patient assessments and interventions are useful in determining long-term outcomes, including issues per­taining to mortality.

Confronting an epidemic
Adolescents are quickly adopting designer drugs as a readily accessible form of recre­ational “legal highs.”10 Public awareness and educational initiatives can bring to light the dangers of these substances that exert pow­erful and, sometimes, unpredictable psycho­active effects on the user.

Self-mutilation and suicidal ideation also have been documented among those who ingested bath salts. These reports appear to be escalating across Europe and the United States. On a national level, U.S. poison cen­ters have reported an almost 20-fold increase in calls regarding bath salts between 2010 and 2011.5 It is of utmost importance for clini­cians and emergency personnel to familiar­ize themselves with the sympathomimetic toxidrome and management for bath salt consumption.



1. Mariani JJ, Khantzian EJ, Levin FR. The self-medication hypothesis and psychostimulant treatment of cocaine dependence: an update. Am J Addict. 2014;23(2):189-193.
2. Deluca P, Schifano F, Davey Z, et al. MDPV Report: Psychonaut Web Mapping Research Project. https://catbull.com/alamut/Bibliothek/PsychonautMDPVreport. pdf. Updated June 8, 2010. Accessed October 27, 2015.
3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. What are bath salts? http://teens.drugabuse.gov/drug-facts/bath-salts. Updated October 23, 2015. Accessed October 27, 2015.
4. Richards JR, Derlet RW, Albertson TE, et al. Methamphetamine, “bath salts,” and other amphetamine-related derivatives. Enliven: Toxicology and Allied Clinical Pharmacology. 2014;1(1):1-15.
5. Olives TD, Orozco BS, Stellpflug SJ. Bath salts: the ivory wave of trouble. West J Emerg Med. 2012;13(1):58-62.
6. Kasick DP, McKnight CA, Klisovic E. “Bath salt” ingestion leading to severe intoxication delirium: two cases and a brief review of the emergence of mephedrone use. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2012;38(2):176-180.
7. Borek HA, Holstege CP. Hyperthermia and multiorgan failure after abuse of “bath salts” containing 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone. Ann Emerg Med. 2012;60(1):103-105.
8. Regunath H, Ariyamuthu VK, Dalal P, et al. Bath salt intoxication causing acute kidney injury requiring hemodialysis. Hemodial Int. 2012;16(suppl 1):S47-S49.
9. Adebamiro A, Perazella MA. Recurrent acute kidney injury following bath salts intoxication. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012;59(2):273-275.
10. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. New designer drug, ‘bath salts,’ may confer additional risk for adolescents. EurekAlert. http://www.eurekalert.org/ pub_releases/2013-04/foas-ndd041813.php. Published April 23, 2013. Accessed November 10, 2015.


1. Mariani JJ, Khantzian EJ, Levin FR. The self-medication hypothesis and psychostimulant treatment of cocaine dependence: an update. Am J Addict. 2014;23(2):189-193.
2. Deluca P, Schifano F, Davey Z, et al. MDPV Report: Psychonaut Web Mapping Research Project. https://catbull.com/alamut/Bibliothek/PsychonautMDPVreport. pdf. Updated June 8, 2010. Accessed October 27, 2015.
3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. What are bath salts? http://teens.drugabuse.gov/drug-facts/bath-salts. Updated October 23, 2015. Accessed October 27, 2015.
4. Richards JR, Derlet RW, Albertson TE, et al. Methamphetamine, “bath salts,” and other amphetamine-related derivatives. Enliven: Toxicology and Allied Clinical Pharmacology. 2014;1(1):1-15.
5. Olives TD, Orozco BS, Stellpflug SJ. Bath salts: the ivory wave of trouble. West J Emerg Med. 2012;13(1):58-62.
6. Kasick DP, McKnight CA, Klisovic E. “Bath salt” ingestion leading to severe intoxication delirium: two cases and a brief review of the emergence of mephedrone use. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2012;38(2):176-180.
7. Borek HA, Holstege CP. Hyperthermia and multiorgan failure after abuse of “bath salts” containing 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone. Ann Emerg Med. 2012;60(1):103-105.
8. Regunath H, Ariyamuthu VK, Dalal P, et al. Bath salt intoxication causing acute kidney injury requiring hemodialysis. Hemodial Int. 2012;16(suppl 1):S47-S49.
9. Adebamiro A, Perazella MA. Recurrent acute kidney injury following bath salts intoxication. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012;59(2):273-275.
10. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. New designer drug, ‘bath salts,’ may confer additional risk for adolescents. EurekAlert. http://www.eurekalert.org/ pub_releases/2013-04/foas-ndd041813.php. Published April 23, 2013. Accessed November 10, 2015.

Current Psychiatry - 14(12)
Current Psychiatry - 14(12)
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Article Type
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What to do when adolescents with ADHD self-medicate with bath salts
Display Headline
What to do when adolescents with ADHD self-medicate with bath salts
Legacy Keywords
ADHD, bath salts, designer drugs, self medicate, self-medicate, synthetic cathinones, methylone, mephedrone or methylenedioxypyrovalerone, MDPV, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, undiagnosed ADHD
Legacy Keywords
ADHD, bath salts, designer drugs, self medicate, self-medicate, synthetic cathinones, methylone, mephedrone or methylenedioxypyrovalerone, MDPV, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, undiagnosed ADHD
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