1. This patient is concerned about the numerous long-standing “moles” on her face. Only occasionally pruritic, they are otherwise asymptomatic. Nevertheless, the patient wants them investigated and removed.
Diagnosis: Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) is a benign condition that presents as multiple brown to dark-brown 1- to 5-mm papules on the face, neck, and trunk. The lesions are a sign of aging in darker skinned patients and do not require treatment. They can, however, be safely, easily, and effectively removed. Both electrodesiccation and KTP (532 nm) laser have comparable efficacy in the removal of DPN, according to a 2009 study published in the American Journal of Dermatologic Surgery. Without use of anesthetics, the KTP laser is preferred for patient comfort.
For more information, see “Skin of Color: Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra Removal.” Dermatology News. February 1, 2012.